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Fasilitator: Muhamad Bustaman Abdul Manaf
Pensyarah Cemerlang (DG54) (Pengurusan)
Institut Aminuddin Baki, KPM
HP: 60199890524/ email: 1
Pemimpin Strategik
Di akhir sesi latihan ini peserta akan dapat:
Menghurai tentang konsep kepemimpinan strategik
Mengenal pasti kompetensi kepemimpinan strategik
yang meliputi aspek berfikir secara strategik, bertindak
strategik strategik dan mempengaruhi secara strategik.
Menyediakan pelan tindakan perubahan kendiri bagi
memantapkan amalan kepemimpinan strategik
• Di akhir kursus ini, peserta akan:
• 1. memahami tentang konsep kepimpinan strategik
dan keperluannya untuk meningkatkan prestasi
kepimpinan kendiri dan organisasi.
• 2. meningkatkan kompetensi kepemimpian strategik:
berfikir strategik (strategic thinking), bertindak
strategik (strategic acting) dan pengaruh strategik
(strategic influence).
3 hakmilik@MBAM.IAB
Kerangka latihan:
❑1. Memahami konsep kepimpinan strategik dan peranannya
dalam peningkatan prestasi organisasi
❑2. Membuat penilaian kendiri dalam amalan pengurusan
seharian berkaitan amalan berfikir strategik (BS), bertindak
strategik (BS) dan mempengaruhi strategik (MS) untuk membuat
keputusan dan menyelesaikan masalah.
❑3. Mengenal pasti aspek amalan BS, BS dan MS yang perlu
❑4. Menyediakan pelan tindakan perubahan untuk meningkatkan
lagi keberkesanan amalan di tempat kerja
❑Aktiviti: Bengkel, pembincangan dan pembentangan kumpulan,
Kajian Kes, inventori dan mini kuliah.
•Willingness to act
H.O.W to get the most from this
Apa yang telah saya pelajari Tindakan saya
Tempat kerja
M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 6
Rekod Pembelajaran
Fasa 1
Pengenalan Konsep
Kepimpinan Strategik
Apakah perkataan untuk menerangkan maksud
kepimpinan strategik?
Activiti 1:
Apakah perkataan yang terkeluar dari minda anda apabila menjelaskan
kepimpinan strategik?
Activiti 2:
Adakah ilmu kepimpinan itu sains atau seni?
Ability to
Clearly and
Ability to
Ability to
Trustworthiness +
Ability to gather
Knowing the
current position
and its distance
from the M&V
Having a clear
image of
Ability to see
the ‘big
Having multiple
strategies to
achieve M&V
M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16
Ability to
Being Strategic in
thinking, acting,
influence in
strategic way
M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16
Strategic Leadership is a basically the combination of a leader
having all the basic leadership elements + being able to be
strategic in thinking and action
M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16
Pemadanan Ciri Pemimpin Strategik
(Characteristics of Strategic Thinkers)
Pilih seorang tokoh atau pemimpin yang anda ingin jadikan dia
sebagai model minda kepimpinan strategik anda, sila beri bukti beliau adalah pemimpin strategik?
Bengkel 1
Sejauhmanakah anda memiliki ciri-ciri tersebut?
Slide rumusan ciri-ciri kepimpinan
Mengapa pemimpin yang memiliki ciri-ciri
tersebut dikatakan seorang pemimpin strategik?
1.2 Mengapa anda perlu menjadi
seorang pemimpin yang strategik?
A study of 6,000 senior
executives revealed that only 8
percent turned out to be
strategic leaders. (2015, Rooke)
31 hakmilik@MBAM.IAB
Bengkel 2
1. Bincangkan peranan anda dalam mewujudkan amalan
pengurusan strategik di organisasi anda (rujuk nota: The
Leader’s Role in Strategy oleh Fuller & Green (2005)
2. Bincangkan isu-isu dalam pembinaan pelan strategik dan
hubungannya dengan kepimpinan strategik, ’hard skills’ dan
’soft skills’.
3. Hubungan antara hala tuju (direction), Penjajaran
(Alignment) dan Komitmen
M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16
Bengkel 2: Penilaian Amalan Pemimpin Strategik
Critical Thinking
Communication Collaboration & Creativity
Strategic plan Tactical Plan Operational Plan
All principals believe that setting clear direction and developing staff lead to
success, but high-performers focus even more on setting clear direction
SOURCE: International Survey of School Leaders 2010
15% 14%
10% 9%
compliance with
Working with
students and
their parents
Developing the
systems and
Supporting the
of individual
Most important factors to the success of the school, global responses1
% of respondents in each group
Random group
1 All regions weighted equally in responses; regions included are Alberta, Ontario, Victoria, New York, Singapore, New Zealand, Netherlands, England; total
no. of high performers = 388; total no. of randomly-selected principals = 1,412
Setting a clear
Vision &
Model Kepimpinan Strategik
The Strategic Leaders Habits- Pisapia (2013)
Apakah yang sedang
berlaku sekarang?
Apakah yang perlu
Bagaimanakah cara untuk
membuat ianya berlaku?
Bagaimanakah cara untuk
mempastikan ianya kekal
berlaku? Model J. Pisapia. Strategic Leaders, 2013
Model Kepimpinan Strategik
Apakah yang sedang berlaku
Bagaimanakah cara untuk
membuat ianya berlaku?
Apakah yang perlu berlaku?
Bagaimanakah cara untuk
mempastikan ianya kekal
Tiga kemahiran utama kepimpinan strategik
• 1. Strategic Thinking Skills
• Strategic thinking is grounded in a strong
understanding of the complex relationship between the
organization and its environment. It requires taking a
broad view, involving the right people, with important
information and perspectives, asking probing questions
and facilitating conversations. Strategic thinkers then
identify connections, patterns and key issues
2. Strategic Acting Skills
• Strategic acting involves taking decisive action that is
consistent with the strategic direction of the
organization--despite all ambiguity, complexity and
chaos. A strategic plan is only a plan; an organization's
actual strategies lie in the decisions and choices
people make.
3. Strategic Influencing Skills
• Strategic influencing is about building commitment to
the organization's strategic direction by inviting others
into the strategic process, forging relationships inside
and outside the organization, and navigating the
political landscape.
Berfikir Strategik
‘Reframing' ‘Relecting'
Bertindak Strategik
Set Direction Alignment Commitment
Kepercayaan Fasilitator Coaching
Kajian tinjauan amalan kepimpinan strategik
semasa (Strategic Leadership practices
survey)- rujuk inventori 1
(kekuatan & bidang untuk penambahbaikan)
Copyright ©2016 MBustamanAM IAB MOE 46
Fasa 2 :
Peningkatkan kemahiran kepimpinan strategik
M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 47
Bengkel: Inventori 2
1. Analisis kendiri kompetensi dalam kemahiran berfikir,
bertindak dan mempengaruhi secara strategik
2. Bina pelan tindakan penambahbaikan
Strategic Thinking
Generating Options
What might happen?
Strategic Decision Making
Making choices
What will we do?
Strategic Planning
Taking Action
How will we do it?
Apakah itu Pemikiran Strategik (PS)
51 hakmilik@MBAM.IAB.KPM
52 hakmilik@MBAM.IAB
•Pemikiran strategik adalah keupayaan untuk
melepaskan isu-isu hari ini dan meletakkan diri sendiri
didalam masa depan.
•Keupayaan melukis rupa bentuk sasaran masa depan
yang inginkan melangkaui pengalaman hari ini
•Tempoh masa 5 tahun adalah minima (Nolan et.el,
Definisi Pemikiran Strategik
53 hakmilik@MBAM.IAB
Mengintegrasikan masa depan ke dalam proses
membuat keputusan hari ini (berdasarkan
masalah hari ini) dengan berfikir secara
besar/luas, mendalam dan jauh/masa panjang.
Definisi Pemikiran Strategik (w)
54 hakmilik@MBAM.IAB
The strategic thinkers mindset we need!
• 1. Learn – be curious, up to date, ask Q, seek others opinion
• 2. Change - be flexible, analyze situations
• 3. Sense – be wise, fact- linear or non linear
• 4. Future focus and present – opp& risk, conditions
• 5. Positive outlook- challenges as opportunities and believe that success is
• 6. Openness- welcome new ideas & criticism
• 7. Breadth - continually work to broaden knowledge & network (cause & effect
linkages- system)
• 8. Soft side/heart and head - aspirasi
Copyright ©2016 MBustamanAM IAB MOE 55
Words for thought processes
• Observe
• Compare
• Test
• Data
• Plan
• Define
• Outline
• Manage
• evaluate
• Reflect
• Connect
• Create
• Pattern
• Illustrate
• Imagine
• Demonstrate
• Integrate
• simulate
The Strategic Thinking Skills
Linear Non LinearM.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 57
Bengkel 3: Pentaksiran Kendiri Amalan Berfikir
Strategik (umum)
Copyright ©2016 MBustamanAM IAB MOE 58
The Strategic Thinking Skills 1: Systems Thinking
• refers to leaders’ ability to see systems
holistically by understanding the
properties, forces, patterns, and
interrelationships that shape the
behaviors of the systems which provide
options for actions.
M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 59
Pemikiran sistem
60 hakmilik@MBAM.IAB.KPM
Thinking Big (seeing the Big
Picture): Thinking in Systems
61 hakmilik@MBAM.IAB.KPM
M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 62
Systems Thinking…
Helps us understand results of our decisions…
Systems Thinking…
Webecoist.comMax Barret
Helps us explore interdependencies and looking for patterns.
Systems Thinking…
River Fractal - Héctor Garrido
Helps us understand feedback structures that
change systems over time.
• i) Pemikiran sistem ialah satu bentuk pemikiran yang
mengajak seseorang tersebut melihat sesuatu
permasalahan dalam konteks yang lebih
menyeluruh/holistik. (paradigma yang lebih luas)
• ii) Setiap permasalahan yang timbul dalam sesuatu
entiti mempunyai hubung-kait dengan entiti-entiti yang
lain dalam sesebuah sistem.
• iii) Setiap permasalahan memerlukan penglibatan
semua entiti dalam mengenalpasti punca serta
tindakan penyelesaian yang diperlukan.
Kelebihan Berfikir Secara Sistemik
• iv) Seseorang individu mampu mengenalpasti
penyebab utama kepada sesuatu permasalahan dan
kesan-kesan masalah tersebut kepada entiti yang
berkaitan dengannya.
• v) Pemikiran sistem bukan hanya melihat kepada
kesan dan punca permasalahan keseluruhan sistem
tetapi juga kepada tindakan penyelesaian dan kesan
daripada tindakan tersebut dalam sistem.
67 hakmilik@MBAM.IAB
•Refer to Worksheet: Systems Thinking
•Time: 10 minutes
•Discussion: Example of your actual behavior
in real workplace situations
•For each question, list 2 actions that would
improve your systems thinking capabilities.
M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 68
Know Yourself –
Strategic Thinking: Systems Thinking
• Tabiat Baik
• Cuba untuk memahami peraturan atau corak aliran dari maklumat yang ada
• Mendapati bahawa dalam kebanyakan kes, perubahan luaran memerlukan perubahan
dalaman terlebih dahulu
• Melihat kepada punca masalah sebelum mengambil/merangka tindakan.
• Mengenalpasti perkara yang memberi kesan secara tidak langsung kepada yang lain
• Cuba untuk memahami bagaimana fakta-fakta yang dibentangkan dalam masalah
berkaitan antara satu sama lain
• Cuba untuk mengenal pasti faktor luaran yang boleh menjejaskan kerja
• Cuba untuk memahami bagaimana orang-orang dalam sistem/organisasi berkaitan
antara satu sama lain
• Menyiasat tindakan yang perlu diambil untuk membetulkan percanggahan antara apa
yang dikehendaki dan apa yang wujud
• Mencari langkah-langkah penambaikan berterusan dalam jangka panjang
• Melihat perubahan dalam struktur organisasi yang boleh membawa kepada
peningkatan yang ketara dan berkekalan
Tabiat Individu Berfikiran Sistemik
69 hakmilik@MBAM.IAB
• Melihat ' Gambar Besar' dalam maklumat yang disediakan
sebelum memeriksa butir-butir dan membuat keputusan
• Mendapatkan maklum balas yang khusus kepada prestasi
organisasi anda
• Fikirkan tentang bagaimana bahagian yang berlainan dalam
organisasi mempengaruhi satu sama lain dalam tindakan mereka.
• Tabiat Buruk
• Lihat hubungan secara individu/silo berbanding dengan menjadi
sebahagian daripada jalinan rangkaian.
• Memecahkan masalah ke dalam bahagian-bahagian kecil
sebelum menentukan masalah keseluruhan, ini melambatkan
untuk membuat keputusan.
• Kemungkinan mengabai kuasa kepakaran, pengalaman dan kos
70 hakmilik@MBAM.IAB
M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 71
72Mbustaman IAB KPM
73Mbustaman IAB KPM
The Strategic Thinking Skills 3 : Reframing
The ability to look at your reality using
multiple perspectives,
frameworks, mental models, and
paradigms in order to generate new
insights and options for action.
1. Suspending judgment while appropriate information
is gathered.
2. Identifying and understanding the mental models
being used to frame a problem, situation or issue.
1. Reviewing and reframing your own and others’
understanding of situations
74 74M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16
•Refer to Worksheet: Reframing
Thinking Self-Assessment
•Time: 10 minutes
•Discussion: Example of your actual
behavior in real workplace situations
•For each question, list 2 actions that
would improve your reframing
thinking capabilities.
M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 75
3. : Know Yourself –
Strategic Thinking Self-Assessment
Examples – Reframing Habits
Good Habits
• Seek different perceptions
• Track trends by asking everyone if they notice
changes in the organization's context.
• Ask those around you what they think is changing
• Engage in discussions with those whose values differ
from yours
• Use different viewpoints to map out strategies
• Recognize when information is being presented from
only one perspective
76Mbustaman IAB KPM
• Listen to everyone’s version of what happened
before making a decision
• Engage in discussions with those who have different
beliefs or assumptions about a situation
• Find only MULTIPLE explanation for the way things
• Decide upon different views before seeking a
solution to a problem
• Do not create a plan to solve a problem, before
considering other viewpoints
• Discuss the situation with people who share your
beliefs or not.
77Mbustaman IAB KPM
M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 78
The Strategic Thinking Skills
2. Reflecting
M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16
The ability to use perceptions, experience and
information to make judgments as to what has
happened in the past and is happening in the
present in order to guide your future actions.
1. Recognizing why certain choices worked and
others did not.
2. Questioning your assumptions and mentally
testing consequences of actions.
3. Using your own and other people’s perceptions,
experience and knowledge to understand how to
think about situations and inform action.
•Refer to Worksheet: Reflecting
Thinking Self-Assessment
•Time: 10 minutes
•Discussion: Example of your actual
behavior in real workplace situations
•For each question, list 2 actions that
would improve your reflecting
thinking capabilities.
M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 80
2 : Know Yourself –
Strategic Thinking Self-Assessment
Assessment– Reflecting Habits
• Review the outcomes of past decisions
• Reconstruct an experience in your mind
• Consider how you could have handled the situation after it was
• Accept that your assumptions could be wrong
• Acknowledge the limitations of your own perspective
• Ask “WHY” questions when trying to solve a problem
• Set aside specific periods of time to think about why you
succeeded or failed
81Mbustaman IAB KPM
• Frame problems from different perspectives
• Connect current problems to your own personal experience and previous
• Stop and think about why you succeeded or failed
• Reconstruct an experience in your mind to understand your feelings
about it
• Take into account the effects of decisions others have made in similar
• Use past decisions when considering current similar situations
• USE your past experiences when trying to understand present situations
Mbustaman IAB KPM 82
Semak Keputusan:
•Semak amalan yang perlu di tambahbaik
•Bina pelan tindakan untuk perubahan tabiat
M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 84
The Concept of Futures Thinking
“Futures Thinking or Futurism (as it is called by
certain circle), doesn't try to predict the future,
but rather to illuminate unexpected implications
of present-day issues; the emphasis isn't on what
will happen, but on what could happen, given
various observed drivers
It's a way of getting new perspectives and context
for present-day decisions, as well as for dealing
with the dilemma at the heart of all strategic
thinking: the future can't be predicted, yet we
have to make choices based on what is to come”
Explaining ‘What is
Futures Thinking?’ by
Jamais Cascio, one
of the more prominent
writers regarding
Futures Thinking
Why Scenario Planning?
“Scenarios are internally
coherent pictures of possible futures.
They are among the most useful tools and
have a
wide range of uses.
They can dramatize trends and alternatives,
explore the impacts and implications of
decisions, choices, strategies, and provide
insights into
cause-and-effect sequences”
Slaughter, R. (2000) Futures: Tools and Techniques,
Futures Study Centre, Indooroopilly, Qld
The Concept of Scenario Planning
“A discipline for developing multiple imagined futures in which decisions
about the future can be played out.”
[Dr. Thomas Chermack (2011), Scenario Planning Institute, Colorado State University]
“Scenario Planning is sometime called Scenario Thinking or Scenario Analysis”
“A systemic method of thinking creatively about possible complex and
uncertain futures.”
[Gary Peterson et al (2003), University of Wisconsin]
“A tool for improving decision making against a background of possible future
[Dana Mietzner and Guido Reger (2005), University Potsdam, Germany]
Probable, Plausible, Possible and Preferred Futures
[basic range
Preferred – University where all its
graduates ends up being extremely
useful and beneficial for the whole
Disowned – Profit Oriented University
(too the extend of sacrificing their actual
purpose of
being a U)
Integrated – University where values
and profitability are given due attention
Outlier – Exceptional Individual as the
University (Undergraduates learn from
certain Sifu in the field they want to
Example of
Timeline: 5 years in the future
Issue: University
of the Future
Remind U of its real purpose of
Empower U so that everyone who enters
the U become the best human being ever
Advice U to try to combine the preferred and
the disowned for the best result possible
Even though it is relatively
improbable, it could be a viable
No. 1 Tertiary
Aplikasi pemikiran sistem:
sistem pengurusan kualiti
Mengapa pendekatan sistem ini penting dalam peningkatan prestasi organisasi
ISO9001:2000Aware©smy.utm 91
Model Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti MS ISO 9001:2015
(misi, visi &
8. OPERASI Produk
Aktiviti tambah-nilai
Aliran maklumat
IUM 2015 Strategic Direction: Towards becoming a Research-Intensified University
Produce well-
personalities and
Research & Academic Excellence
Achieve status as a
leading international
academic & research
institution imbued with
Islamic values
Strengthen staff
development and
sufficiency and
Increase income
contribution from
Become centre of
reference in niche areas
of research
Secure bigger
research grant
Have a significant pool
of distinguished scholars
Intensify quality research
output and publication
Increase academic staff who are
engaged in high impact research
Ensure quality of research
facilities through key
Enhance quality service
Improve library facilities to
support research
Enhance morality within
the university community
IIUM Strategy Map 2007-2015
93Copyright ©2016 MBustamanAM IAB MOE
Ability to
•1. Think holistically
•2. Recognize patterns and
•3. Recognize and act upon the basic,
underlying properties and patterns of a
system’s behaviour.
Conclusion: 3 abilities used in systems
94 copyright M.Bustaman.IAB.MOE
Tetapkan matlamat
peribadi &
bayangkan kejayaan
hakmilik@MBAM.IAB 95
Primary Questions That Are Central to Your Personal Mission and Vision
Personal Mission Personal Vision
• Who am I?
• What is my philosophy of life?
• Why am I on this earth?
• What are my overall life objectives?
• What do I live for?
• What are my deepest aspirations?
• Why do I do what I do?
• What are my unique talents?
• Where do I stand now?
• What are my core beliefs?
• Where am I going?
• Which values and principles guide my way?
• What do I want to help realize?
• What do I want to achieve?
• What are my long-term intentions?
• What is my ideal?
• What do I stand for?
• What do I believe in?
• Which contribution to society do I strive to
• How do I see myself? (What is my self-
image and my sense of self-worth?)
The Personal Ambition of Muhd. Bustaman
*Personal Mission :To live with ‘TAQWA’ and mean something to others.
*Personal Vision: To be a leader in strategic management studies
especially in educational management.
I want to fulfill my mission in the following way.
• Be honest with others.
• Work with others harmoniously, help each other, inspire others, and share
• Do things that make a difference in the lives of others.
• Take initiative, learn from mistakes, continuously improve and develop myself.
• Strive for physical, mental,soul and financial health.
• Have respect and appreciation for others, as well as be appreciated by my family,
friends, employer, and associates.
• Deliver high-quality work so that my organisatitor is continuously satisfied.
hakmilik@MBAM.IAB 98
hakmilik@MBAM.IAB.KPM 99
”Hard skills: Tetapkan Hala Tuju Organisasi
Bahagian 2.2:
Bertindak Strategik (Strategic Acting)
(put ideas into action)
M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 100
Set Minda Bertindak Strategik
• 1. Hanya beberapa tindakan sahaja yang strategik
• 2. Melibatkan tindakan jangka pendek dan jangka
• 3. Melihat sebagai peluang untuk belajar
• 4. Keputusan yang strategik sentiasa melibatkan
sesuatu perkara yang tidak pasti
Penilaian kendiri tahap kemahiran bertindak
(rujuk senarai semak pembinaan pelan strategik
yang berkualiti oleh MBAM)
Perkembangan Dasar/Hala tuju kepada operasi
& Misi
KRA/Tema Strategik
Peta Strategi (Alignment)
Petunjuk Prestasi (KPI) & Sasaran
Inisiatif Strategik
Program/Projek/Pelan Tindakan/taktikal
Pelan Operasi & Bajet
Apakah Arahan/Tujuan Utama?
Apakah gambaran pencapaian
masa depan?
Apakah perspektif strategik?
Apakah Bidang Kritikal
(keberhasilan utama)?
Hasil terakhir
(Outcomes) yang
ingin dicapai?
Adakah sejajar?
Apakah cara nak
ukur prestasi?
103Mbustaman IAB KPM
Copyright ©2016 MBustamanAM IAB MOE 104
Thinking Long/future and present :
Environmental Scanning
@ mbam IAB 2013 106
Aware of own worldview…
It’s irrelevant/ priorities
@ mbam IAB 2013 107
Collect right information? How?
@ mbam IAB 2013 108
Explore, learn, reflect
Copyright ©2016 MBustamanAM IAB MOE 109
Copyright ©2016 MBustamanAM IAB MOE 110
The individual
needs of each
student are met
Our students enjoy
a positive and
enjoyable learning
Our students
exemplary behaviour
Providing quality &
varied extra curricula
Effective teaching
methods that instil
the joy of learning
Knowledgeable, efficient,
competent, nurturing & highly
motivated staff who display our
core values
Transparency &
Financial viability
Our students strive
towards academic
Safe welcoming, efficient,
comfortable facilities and
working environment
Ongoing maintenance &
upgrading of facilities
Ample supply of resources –
teaching aids, technology,
Consistent discipline
Providing opportunity
for Learning religion
Responsive curriculum that
encompasses the motto
“work, play and learn
Our students are well
rounded & excel in all
Our students enjoy a safe,
welcoming, efficient,
comfortable and family
oriented environment
Misi Sekolah:…
Visi Sekolah:…..
Isu Strategik: Peningkatan prestasi belum mencapai tahap yang diinginkan.
KRA/Matlamat Strategik: Peningkatan Prestasi Akademik
2012 2013 2014 Inisiatif / Strategi Akauntibiliti
% Lulus
% 5As
1. Meningkatkan keupayaan
guru dalam P&P
2. Meningkatkan Kemahiran
Belajar pelajar
3. Meningkatkan sokongan
GPK 1 (P)
GPK Koku
112Mbustaman IAB KPM
Contoh Pelan Tindakan
Strategi/Inisiatif: Memupuk semangat kekeluargaan staf
Sumber KPI Sasaran
1. Program
GPK 1 2 hari
3000.00 % penglibatan
•100% staf
2. Program
GPK Ko Minggu 3 Jun 500.00 % penglibatan
•100% staf
an di-
113Mbustaman IAB KPM
@ mbam IAB 2013 114
Managing Risk
Bahagian 2.3:
Pengaruh Strategik (Strategic Influence)
M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 115
Bengkel: Inventori PS
1. Analisis kendiri kompetensi dalam kemahiran berfikir,
bertindak dan mempengaruhi secara strategik
2. Bina pelan tindakan penambahbaikan
117Source: Palladium GroupCopyright ©2016 MBustamanAM IAB MOE
Set minda Pengaruh strategik
• 1. pengaruh strategik memerlukan lebih dari
memujuk- (beli hati)
• 2. pengaruh strategik luas jangkauannya
• 3. It’s as important to be open to influence as it to
influence others
• 4. Strategic influence starts with a hard look at
Penilaian kendiri kemahiran pengaruh strategik
Bagaimana untuk membangun keupayaan
kemahiran pengaruh strategik
• Bina kepercayaan
• Mengurus persekitaran politik organisasi
• Spanning boundaries
• Libatkan pihak lain
• Berhubung sampai pada tahap emosi
• Building and sustaining momentum
Enable Other to Act
• Foster collaboration by building trust, facilitating and coaching
• Strengthen others by increasing self-determination and developing
• Identify the six LPI items that reference this practice.
• Examine potential questions and activities a coach could use.
• Plus:
• 1. Building Trust
• 2. Managing political landscape
SI skills: Building Trust
• Trusting isn’t just a way for leaders to foster
collaboration; it is healthy for the leader, too.
• People who are trusting are more likely to be happy
and well-adjusted.
• Trusting leaders nurture openness, involvement,
personal satisfaction, and high levels of commitment
to excellence.
• What is the best way to nurture a trusting climate?
Enable Others to Act
• Check your habit:
• 1. Develops cooperative relationships among the people he/she works
• 2. Actively listens to diverse points of view
• 3. Treats people with dignity and respect
• 4. Involves people in the decisions that directly impact their job
• 5. Gives people a great deal of freedom and choice in deciding how to
do their work
• 6. Ensures that people grow in their jobs by learning new skills and
developing themselves
Encourage the Heart
•Recognize contributions by showing appreciation
for individual excellence.
•Celebrate the values and victories by creating a
spirit of community.
Encourage the Heart
• Check this habits:
• .1. Praises people for a job well done
• 2. Makes it a point to let people know about his/her confidence in
their abilities
• 3. Makes sure that people are creatively recognized for their
contributions to the success of our projects
• 4. Publicly recognizes people who exemplify commitment to shared
• 5. Tells stories of encouragement about the good work of others
• 6. Gets personally involved in recognizing people and celebrating
Bincangkan cara untuk mengamalkan
pendekatan kepimpinan strategik dalam
memimpin instruktional di tempat anda?
Developing the Strategic Thinking of Instructional
Philip Hallinger and C. E. McCary
The Elementary School Journal
Vol. 91, No. 2 (Nov., 1990), pp. 89-108
Published by: The University of Chicago Press
Mbustaman IAB KPM 126
138M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16
Main References
139M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16
M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 140
M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 141
Selected Books and Articles
• Strategic Leadership
Pisapia, J. (2009). The strategic leader. Charlotte: Information Age Publishers.
Pisapia, J. (2006). A new direction for leadership. (Education Policy Studies Series No. 61). Hong Kong: The Faculty of Education and the Hong Kong
Institute of Educational Research. (Monograph) – cited in Scopus
Pisapia, J. (2006). Mastering change in a globalized world. In P. Singh, J. Bhatnagar, & A. Bhandarker (Eds). Future of work: Mastering change. Chapter 19,
pp. 303-327. New Delhi: Excel Books. IBSN: 81-7446-302-2.
Strategic Thinking
Pisapia, J., Pang, N.S.K., Hee, T. H. Lin, Ying, & Morris, J.D. (2009). A comparison of the use of strategic thinking skills of aspiring school leaders in Hong
Kong, Malaysia, Shanghai, and the United States: An exploratory study. International Journal of Educational Studies. 2(2), 48-
Zsiga, P. (2008). Leader effectiveness from self-directed learning and strategic thinking International Journal of Human Resources Development and
Management 2008 - Vol. 8, No.4 pp. 306 - 317
Pang, S. K. & Pisapia, J. (2007). The Strategic thinking capabilities of school leaders in Hong Kong. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American
Education Research Association, Chicago, Il.
Pisapia, J., Reyes-Guerra, D. & Yasin, M. (2006) Strategic Thinking and Leader Success Presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Conference
on Advances in Management, Lisbon Portugal, July 19-22, 2006.
Pisapia, J., Reyes-Guerra, D., & Coukos-Semmel, E. (2005). Developing a Strategic Mindset: Constructing the Measures. Leadership Review, Spring 2005,
Vol. 5, pp. 41-68 - cited in Scopus
Pisapia, J., Coukos-Semmel, E., and Reyes-Guerra, D. (2004). Assessing the cognitive processes of leaders: Do effective leaders think differently than less
effective leaders? In A. Lazaridou (Ed.), Contemporary issues on educational administration and policy (Chapter 9, pp 147-170). Athens, Greece: Athens
Institute for Education and Research. ISBN: 960-88331-2-4.
Strategic Execution
Ugurluglu, U., (2009). The use of strategic leader actions by hospital managers in Turkey. Unpublished dissertation. Hacettepe University,
• Ugurluglu, U., Celik, Y. , & Pisapia, J. (under review). Assessment of strategic leader actions of hospital managers in Turkey. Journal of Health
Reyes-Guerra, D. (2009). The relationship of strategic leader actions and normative structures. Unpublished dissertation. Florida Atlantic University.
Yasin, M. (2006). The use of strategic leadership actions by Deans in Malaysian and American public universities. Unpublished dissertation. Florida Atlantic
142M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16
M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 143
Muhd Bustaman Abdul Manaf
Institute Aminuddin Baki
Ministry of Education

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Kepimpinan Strategik (Strategic Leader)

  • 1. Fasilitator: Muhamad Bustaman Abdul Manaf Pensyarah Cemerlang (DG54) (Pengurusan) Institut Aminuddin Baki, KPM HP: 60199890524/ email: 1 Pemimpin Strategik
  • 2. Di akhir sesi latihan ini peserta akan dapat: Menghurai tentang konsep kepemimpinan strategik Mengenal pasti kompetensi kepemimpinan strategik yang meliputi aspek berfikir secara strategik, bertindak strategik strategik dan mempengaruhi secara strategik. Menyediakan pelan tindakan perubahan kendiri bagi memantapkan amalan kepemimpinan strategik 1 2 3
  • 3. • Di akhir kursus ini, peserta akan: • 1. memahami tentang konsep kepimpinan strategik dan keperluannya untuk meningkatkan prestasi kepimpinan kendiri dan organisasi. • 2. meningkatkan kompetensi kepemimpian strategik: berfikir strategik (strategic thinking), bertindak strategik (strategic acting) dan pengaruh strategik (strategic influence). Objektif 3 hakmilik@MBAM.IAB
  • 4. Kerangka latihan: ❑1. Memahami konsep kepimpinan strategik dan peranannya dalam peningkatan prestasi organisasi ❑2. Membuat penilaian kendiri dalam amalan pengurusan seharian berkaitan amalan berfikir strategik (BS), bertindak strategik (BS) dan mempengaruhi strategik (MS) untuk membuat keputusan dan menyelesaikan masalah. ❑3. Mengenal pasti aspek amalan BS, BS dan MS yang perlu diperkasakan ❑4. Menyediakan pelan tindakan perubahan untuk meningkatkan lagi keberkesanan amalan di tempat kerja ❑Aktiviti: Bengkel, pembincangan dan pembentangan kumpulan, Kajian Kes, inventori dan mini kuliah. 4
  • 6. Apa yang telah saya pelajari Tindakan saya Diri Tempat kerja M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 6 Rekod Pembelajaran
  • 8. Apakah perkataan untuk menerangkan maksud kepimpinan strategik? Activiti 1: Apakah perkataan yang terkeluar dari minda anda apabila menjelaskan kepimpinan strategik? Activiti 2: Adakah ilmu kepimpinan itu sains atau seni? 8
  • 9. ELEMENTS OF BASIC LEADERSHIP 9 BASIC LEADERSHIP Ability to Communicate Clearly and Convincingly M&V Ability to Inspire Ability to Influence Trustworthiness + Ability to gather support
  • 10. ELEMENTS OF BEING STRATEGIC 10 BEING STRATEGIC Knowing the current position and its distance from the M&V Having a clear image of organisation’s M&V Ability to see the ‘big picture’ Having multiple strategies to achieve M&V M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16
  • 11. ELEMENTS OF STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP 11 STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP Ability to generate ‘buy-in’ Being Strategic in thinking, acting, influence in strategic way Basic Leadership Elements M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16
  • 12. STRATEGIC LEADERSHIP DEFINITION 12 Strategic Leadership is a basically the combination of a leader having all the basic leadership elements + being able to be strategic in thinking and action M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16
  • 13. Pemadanan Ciri Pemimpin Strategik (Characteristics of Strategic Thinkers) Pilih seorang tokoh atau pemimpin yang anda ingin jadikan dia sebagai model minda kepimpinan strategik anda, sila beri bukti beliau adalah pemimpin strategik?
  • 14. Bengkel 1 Sejauhmanakah anda memiliki ciri-ciri tersebut?
  • 15. Slide rumusan ciri-ciri kepimpinan strategik Mengapa pemimpin yang memiliki ciri-ciri tersebut dikatakan seorang pemimpin strategik?
  • 16. 1.2 Mengapa anda perlu menjadi seorang pemimpin yang strategik?
  • 17. A study of 6,000 senior executives revealed that only 8 percent turned out to be strategic leaders. (2015, Rooke)
  • 18.
  • 20. Bengkel 2 1. Bincangkan peranan anda dalam mewujudkan amalan pengurusan strategik di organisasi anda (rujuk nota: The Leader’s Role in Strategy oleh Fuller & Green (2005) 2. Bincangkan isu-isu dalam pembinaan pelan strategik dan hubungannya dengan kepimpinan strategik, ’hard skills’ dan ’soft skills’. 3. Hubungan antara hala tuju (direction), Penjajaran (Alignment) dan Komitmen
  • 21. M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 33 Bengkel 2: Penilaian Amalan Pemimpin Strategik Critical Thinking Communication Collaboration & Creativity Strategic plan Tactical Plan Operational Plan
  • 22. 3 4 All principals believe that setting clear direction and developing staff lead to success, but high-performers focus even more on setting clear direction SOURCE: International Survey of School Leaders 2010 25% 15% 14% 23% 19% 10% 9% 43% 4% 35% Ensuring compliance with accountability requirements 1% Working with individual students and their parents 2% Developing the curriculum Ensuring effective management systems and processes Supporting the development of individual staff Most important factors to the success of the school, global responses1 % of respondents in each group High-performing group Random group 1 All regions weighted equally in responses; regions included are Alberta, Ontario, Victoria, New York, Singapore, New Zealand, Netherlands, England; total no. of high performers = 388; total no. of randomly-selected principals = 1,412 Setting a clear direction: Mission, Vision & Goals
  • 24. The Strategic Leaders Habits- Pisapia (2013) Apakah yang sedang berlaku sekarang? Apakah yang perlu berlaku? Bagaimanakah cara untuk membuat ianya berlaku? Bagaimanakah cara untuk mempastikan ianya kekal berlaku? Model J. Pisapia. Strategic Leaders, 2013 36
  • 25. Model Kepimpinan Strategik Apakah yang sedang berlaku sekarang? Bagaimanakah cara untuk membuat ianya berlaku? Apakah yang perlu berlaku? Bagaimanakah cara untuk mempastikan ianya kekal berlaku? Kepimpinan strategik
  • 27. Tiga kemahiran utama kepimpinan strategik • 1. Strategic Thinking Skills • Strategic thinking is grounded in a strong understanding of the complex relationship between the organization and its environment. It requires taking a broad view, involving the right people, with important information and perspectives, asking probing questions and facilitating conversations. Strategic thinkers then identify connections, patterns and key issues
  • 28. 2. Strategic Acting Skills • Strategic acting involves taking decisive action that is consistent with the strategic direction of the organization--despite all ambiguity, complexity and chaos. A strategic plan is only a plan; an organization's actual strategies lie in the decisions and choices people make.
  • 29. 3. Strategic Influencing Skills • Strategic influencing is about building commitment to the organization's strategic direction by inviting others into the strategic process, forging relationships inside and outside the organization, and navigating the political landscape.
  • 31. Bertindak Strategik Set Direction Alignment Commitment
  • 33. Kajian tinjauan amalan kepimpinan strategik semasa (Strategic Leadership practices survey)- rujuk inventori 1 (kekuatan & bidang untuk penambahbaikan)
  • 35. Fasa 2 : Peningkatkan kemahiran kepimpinan strategik M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 47
  • 36. Bengkel: Inventori 2 1. Analisis kendiri kompetensi dalam kemahiran berfikir, bertindak dan mempengaruhi secara strategik 2. Bina pelan tindakan penambahbaikan
  • 37. Strategic Thinking Generating Options What might happen? Strategic Decision Making Making choices What will we do? Strategic Planning Taking Action How will we do it? Options Decisions Actions
  • 38. Apakah itu Pemikiran Strategik (PS) 51 hakmilik@MBAM.IAB.KPM
  • 40. •Pemikiran strategik adalah keupayaan untuk melepaskan isu-isu hari ini dan meletakkan diri sendiri didalam masa depan. •Keupayaan melukis rupa bentuk sasaran masa depan yang inginkan melangkaui pengalaman hari ini •Tempoh masa 5 tahun adalah minima (Nolan et.el, 2008) Definisi Pemikiran Strategik 53 hakmilik@MBAM.IAB
  • 41. Mengintegrasikan masa depan ke dalam proses membuat keputusan hari ini (berdasarkan masalah hari ini) dengan berfikir secara besar/luas, mendalam dan jauh/masa panjang. Definisi Pemikiran Strategik (w) 54 hakmilik@MBAM.IAB
  • 42. The strategic thinkers mindset we need! • 1. Learn – be curious, up to date, ask Q, seek others opinion • 2. Change - be flexible, analyze situations • 3. Sense – be wise, fact- linear or non linear • 4. Future focus and present – opp& risk, conditions • 5. Positive outlook- challenges as opportunities and believe that success is possible • 6. Openness- welcome new ideas & criticism • 7. Breadth - continually work to broaden knowledge & network (cause & effect linkages- system) • 8. Soft side/heart and head - aspirasi Copyright ©2016 MBustamanAM IAB MOE 55
  • 43. Words for thought processes • TRADITIONAL ST WORDS • Observe • Compare • Test • Data • Plan • Define • Outline • Manage • evaluate • COMPLEMENTARY ST WORDS • Reflect • Connect • Create • Pattern • Illustrate • Imagine • Demonstrate • Integrate • simulate
  • 44. The Strategic Thinking Skills Analytical Creative Divergent Synthesis Intuitive Critical Evaluative Integrative Pragmatic Tactical Reasoning Practical Strategic Solutions Future Forward Convergent Deductive Inductive Holistic Linear Non LinearM.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 57
  • 45. Bengkel 3: Pentaksiran Kendiri Amalan Berfikir Strategik (umum) Copyright ©2016 MBustamanAM IAB MOE 58
  • 46. The Strategic Thinking Skills 1: Systems Thinking • refers to leaders’ ability to see systems holistically by understanding the properties, forces, patterns, and interrelationships that shape the behaviors of the systems which provide options for actions. M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 59
  • 48. Thinking Big (seeing the Big Picture): Thinking in Systems 61 hakmilik@MBAM.IAB.KPM
  • 51. Systems Thinking… Webecoist.comMax Barret Helps us explore interdependencies and looking for patterns.
  • 52. Systems Thinking… River Fractal - Héctor Garrido Helps us understand feedback structures that change systems over time.
  • 53. • i) Pemikiran sistem ialah satu bentuk pemikiran yang mengajak seseorang tersebut melihat sesuatu permasalahan dalam konteks yang lebih menyeluruh/holistik. (paradigma yang lebih luas) • ii) Setiap permasalahan yang timbul dalam sesuatu entiti mempunyai hubung-kait dengan entiti-entiti yang lain dalam sesebuah sistem. • iii) Setiap permasalahan memerlukan penglibatan semua entiti dalam mengenalpasti punca serta tindakan penyelesaian yang diperlukan. Kelebihan Berfikir Secara Sistemik
  • 54. • iv) Seseorang individu mampu mengenalpasti penyebab utama kepada sesuatu permasalahan dan kesan-kesan masalah tersebut kepada entiti yang berkaitan dengannya. • v) Pemikiran sistem bukan hanya melihat kepada kesan dan punca permasalahan keseluruhan sistem tetapi juga kepada tindakan penyelesaian dan kesan daripada tindakan tersebut dalam sistem. 67 hakmilik@MBAM.IAB
  • 55. •Refer to Worksheet: Systems Thinking Self-Assessment •Time: 10 minutes •Discussion: Example of your actual behavior in real workplace situations •For each question, list 2 actions that would improve your systems thinking capabilities. M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 68 Know Yourself – Strategic Thinking: Systems Thinking
  • 56. • Tabiat Baik • Cuba untuk memahami peraturan atau corak aliran dari maklumat yang ada • Mendapati bahawa dalam kebanyakan kes, perubahan luaran memerlukan perubahan dalaman terlebih dahulu • Melihat kepada punca masalah sebelum mengambil/merangka tindakan. • Mengenalpasti perkara yang memberi kesan secara tidak langsung kepada yang lain • Cuba untuk memahami bagaimana fakta-fakta yang dibentangkan dalam masalah berkaitan antara satu sama lain • Cuba untuk mengenal pasti faktor luaran yang boleh menjejaskan kerja • Cuba untuk memahami bagaimana orang-orang dalam sistem/organisasi berkaitan antara satu sama lain • Menyiasat tindakan yang perlu diambil untuk membetulkan percanggahan antara apa yang dikehendaki dan apa yang wujud • Mencari langkah-langkah penambaikan berterusan dalam jangka panjang • Melihat perubahan dalam struktur organisasi yang boleh membawa kepada peningkatan yang ketara dan berkekalan Tabiat Individu Berfikiran Sistemik 69 hakmilik@MBAM.IAB
  • 57. • Melihat ' Gambar Besar' dalam maklumat yang disediakan sebelum memeriksa butir-butir dan membuat keputusan • Mendapatkan maklum balas yang khusus kepada prestasi organisasi anda • Fikirkan tentang bagaimana bahagian yang berlainan dalam organisasi mempengaruhi satu sama lain dalam tindakan mereka. • Tabiat Buruk • Lihat hubungan secara individu/silo berbanding dengan menjadi sebahagian daripada jalinan rangkaian. • Memecahkan masalah ke dalam bahagian-bahagian kecil sebelum menentukan masalah keseluruhan, ini melambatkan untuk membuat keputusan. • Kemungkinan mengabai kuasa kepakaran, pengalaman dan kos 70 hakmilik@MBAM.IAB
  • 61. The Strategic Thinking Skills 3 : Reframing The ability to look at your reality using multiple perspectives, frameworks, mental models, and paradigms in order to generate new insights and options for action. 1. Suspending judgment while appropriate information is gathered. 2. Identifying and understanding the mental models being used to frame a problem, situation or issue. 1. Reviewing and reframing your own and others’ understanding of situations 74 74M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16
  • 62. •Refer to Worksheet: Reframing Thinking Self-Assessment •Time: 10 minutes •Discussion: Example of your actual behavior in real workplace situations •For each question, list 2 actions that would improve your reframing thinking capabilities. M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 75 3. : Know Yourself – Strategic Thinking Self-Assessment
  • 63. Examples – Reframing Habits Good Habits • Seek different perceptions • Track trends by asking everyone if they notice changes in the organization's context. • Ask those around you what they think is changing • Engage in discussions with those whose values differ from yours • Use different viewpoints to map out strategies • Recognize when information is being presented from only one perspective 76Mbustaman IAB KPM
  • 64. SAMBUNG….. • Listen to everyone’s version of what happened before making a decision • Engage in discussions with those who have different beliefs or assumptions about a situation • Find only MULTIPLE explanation for the way things work • Decide upon different views before seeking a solution to a problem • Do not create a plan to solve a problem, before considering other viewpoints • Discuss the situation with people who share your beliefs or not. 77Mbustaman IAB KPM
  • 66. 79 The Strategic Thinking Skills 2. Reflecting M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 The ability to use perceptions, experience and information to make judgments as to what has happened in the past and is happening in the present in order to guide your future actions. 1. Recognizing why certain choices worked and others did not. 2. Questioning your assumptions and mentally testing consequences of actions. 3. Using your own and other people’s perceptions, experience and knowledge to understand how to think about situations and inform action.
  • 67. •Refer to Worksheet: Reflecting Thinking Self-Assessment •Time: 10 minutes •Discussion: Example of your actual behavior in real workplace situations •For each question, list 2 actions that would improve your reflecting thinking capabilities. M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 80 2 : Know Yourself – Strategic Thinking Self-Assessment
  • 68. Assessment– Reflecting Habits Habits • Review the outcomes of past decisions • Reconstruct an experience in your mind • Consider how you could have handled the situation after it was resolved • Accept that your assumptions could be wrong • Acknowledge the limitations of your own perspective • Ask “WHY” questions when trying to solve a problem • Set aside specific periods of time to think about why you succeeded or failed 81Mbustaman IAB KPM
  • 69. sambungan • Frame problems from different perspectives • Connect current problems to your own personal experience and previous successes • Stop and think about why you succeeded or failed • Reconstruct an experience in your mind to understand your feelings about it • Take into account the effects of decisions others have made in similar situations • Use past decisions when considering current similar situations • USE your past experiences when trying to understand present situations Mbustaman IAB KPM 82
  • 70. Semak Keputusan: •Semak amalan yang perlu di tambahbaik •Bina pelan tindakan untuk perubahan tabiat tersebut M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 84
  • 71. The Concept of Futures Thinking “Futures Thinking or Futurism (as it is called by certain circle), doesn't try to predict the future, but rather to illuminate unexpected implications of present-day issues; the emphasis isn't on what will happen, but on what could happen, given various observed drivers It's a way of getting new perspectives and context for present-day decisions, as well as for dealing with the dilemma at the heart of all strategic thinking: the future can't be predicted, yet we have to make choices based on what is to come” Explaining ‘What is Futures Thinking?’ by Jamais Cascio, one of the more prominent writers regarding Futures Thinking
  • 72. Why Scenario Planning? “Scenarios are internally coherent pictures of possible futures. They are among the most useful tools and have a wide range of uses. They can dramatize trends and alternatives, explore the impacts and implications of decisions, choices, strategies, and provide insights into cause-and-effect sequences” Slaughter, R. (2000) Futures: Tools and Techniques, Futures Study Centre, Indooroopilly, Qld
  • 73. The Concept of Scenario Planning “A discipline for developing multiple imagined futures in which decisions about the future can be played out.” [Dr. Thomas Chermack (2011), Scenario Planning Institute, Colorado State University] “Scenario Planning is sometime called Scenario Thinking or Scenario Analysis” “A systemic method of thinking creatively about possible complex and uncertain futures.” [Gary Peterson et al (2003), University of Wisconsin] “A tool for improving decision making against a background of possible future environments” [Dana Mietzner and Guido Reger (2005), University Potsdam, Germany]
  • 74. Probable, Plausible, Possible and Preferred Futures Possible 'might' happen [basic range of alternatives] Futures
  • 75. Preferred – University where all its graduates ends up being extremely useful and beneficial for the whole world Disowned – Profit Oriented University (too the extend of sacrificing their actual purpose of being a U) Integrated – University where values and profitability are given due attention Outlier – Exceptional Individual as the University (Undergraduates learn from certain Sifu in the field they want to master) Integrated Example of Timeline: 5 years in the future POSSIBLE STRATEGIES FOR MOE Issue: University of the Future Remind U of its real purpose of existence Empower U so that everyone who enters the U become the best human being ever Advice U to try to combine the preferred and the disowned for the best result possible Even though it is relatively improbable, it could be a viable wildcard No. 1 Tertiary Education Profit
  • 76. Aplikasi pemikiran sistem: sistem pengurusan kualiti organisasi Mengapa pendekatan sistem ini penting dalam peningkatan prestasi organisasi anda?
  • 77. 11-12/10/02- ISO9001:2000Aware©smy.utm 91 Model Sistem Pengurusan Kualiti MS ISO 9001:2015 4.0 KONTAK ORGANISASI (misi, visi & Persekitaran) Pelanggan 5. KEPIMPINAN 6. PERANCANGAN 9. PENTAKSIRAN PRESTASI 10. PENAMBAHBAIKAN 7. SOKONGAN 8. OPERASI Produk Pelanggan KEPERLUAN PIHAK BERKEPENTINGAN Kepuasan OutputInput Aktiviti tambah-nilai Aliran maklumat
  • 79. IUM 2015 Strategic Direction: Towards becoming a Research-Intensified University S1. Produce well- rounded personalities and employable graduates Customer Stakeholder Financial Learning &Growth InternalProcess Research & Academic Excellence C1. Achieve status as a leading international academic & research institution imbued with Islamic values L1. Strengthen staff development and competency F1. Achieve budgetary sufficiency and efficiency P1. Strengthen quality integrated curriculum P8. Increase income contribution from SBUs/RMC/IHSB S2. Become centre of reference in niche areas of research P6. Secure bigger research grant P5. Have a significant pool of distinguished scholars P2. Intensify quality research output and publication P4. Increase academic staff who are engaged in high impact research L2. Ensure quality of research facilities through key compliance P3. Strengthen postgraduate studies P7. Enhance quality service L3. Improve library facilities to support research L4. Enhance morality within the university community IIUM Strategy Map 2007-2015 93Copyright ©2016 MBustamanAM IAB MOE
  • 80. Ability to •1. Think holistically •2. Recognize patterns and interrelationships •3. Recognize and act upon the basic, underlying properties and patterns of a system’s behaviour. Conclusion: 3 abilities used in systems thinking 94 copyright M.Bustaman.IAB.MOE
  • 81. Tetapkan matlamat peribadi & bayangkan kejayaan hakmilik@MBAM.IAB 95
  • 82. 96
  • 83. Primary Questions That Are Central to Your Personal Mission and Vision Personal Mission Personal Vision • Who am I? • What is my philosophy of life? • Why am I on this earth? • What are my overall life objectives? • What do I live for? • What are my deepest aspirations? • Why do I do what I do? • What are my unique talents? • Where do I stand now? • What are my core beliefs? • Where am I going? • Which values and principles guide my way? • What do I want to help realize? • What do I want to achieve? • What are my long-term intentions? • What is my ideal? • What do I stand for? • What do I believe in? • Which contribution to society do I strive to make? • How do I see myself? (What is my self- image and my sense of self-worth?) 97mbustaman/IAB/KPM/12
  • 84. The Personal Ambition of Muhd. Bustaman *Personal Mission :To live with ‘TAQWA’ and mean something to others. *Personal Vision: To be a leader in strategic management studies especially in educational management. I want to fulfill my mission in the following way. • Be honest with others. • Work with others harmoniously, help each other, inspire others, and share knowledge. • Do things that make a difference in the lives of others. • Take initiative, learn from mistakes, continuously improve and develop myself. • Strive for physical, mental,soul and financial health. • Have respect and appreciation for others, as well as be appreciated by my family, friends, employer, and associates. • Deliver high-quality work so that my organisatitor is continuously satisfied. hakmilik@MBAM.IAB 98
  • 85. hakmilik@MBAM.IAB.KPM 99 ”Hard skills: Tetapkan Hala Tuju Organisasi NILAI MISI Mandat VISI HALATUJU
  • 86. Bahagian 2.2: Bertindak Strategik (Strategic Acting) (put ideas into action) M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 100
  • 87. Set Minda Bertindak Strategik • 1. Hanya beberapa tindakan sahaja yang strategik • 2. Melibatkan tindakan jangka pendek dan jangka panjang • 3. Melihat sebagai peluang untuk belajar • 4. Keputusan yang strategik sentiasa melibatkan sesuatu perkara yang tidak pasti
  • 88. Bengkel Penilaian kendiri tahap kemahiran bertindak strategik (rujuk senarai semak pembinaan pelan strategik yang berkualiti oleh MBAM)
  • 89. Perkembangan Dasar/Hala tuju kepada operasi Mandat & Misi Visi Perspektif Strategik KRA/Tema Strategik Objektif Peta Strategi (Alignment) Petunjuk Prestasi (KPI) & Sasaran Prestasi Inisiatif Strategik Program/Projek/Pelan Tindakan/taktikal Pelan Operasi & Bajet Apakah Arahan/Tujuan Utama? Apakah gambaran pencapaian masa depan? Apakah perspektif strategik? Apakah Bidang Kritikal (keberhasilan utama)? Hasil terakhir (Outcomes) yang ingin dicapai? Adakah sejajar? Apakah cara nak ukur prestasi? Bagaimanakah caranya? 103Mbustaman IAB KPM
  • 91. Thinking Long/future and present : Environmental Scanning
  • 92. @ mbam IAB 2013 106 Aware of own worldview… 27/10/2018 It’s irrelevant/ priorities
  • 93. @ mbam IAB 2013 107 Collect right information? How? 27/10/2018
  • 94. @ mbam IAB 2013 108 Curious… Explore, learn, reflect 27/10/2018
  • 97. The individual needs of each student are met Our students enjoy a positive and enjoyable learning experience Our students demonstrate exemplary behaviour Providing quality & varied extra curricula activities Effective teaching methods that instil the joy of learning Knowledgeable, efficient, competent, nurturing & highly motivated staff who display our core values Transparency & Accountability Financial viability FIDUCIARYLEARNINGINTERNALCUSTOMER SCHOOL MISSION & VISION Our students strive towards academic excellence Safe welcoming, efficient, comfortable facilities and working environment Ongoing maintenance & upgrading of facilities Ample supply of resources – teaching aids, technology, equipment Consistent discipline Providing opportunity for Learning religion Principles Responsive curriculum that encompasses the motto “work, play and learn together” Our students are well rounded & excel in all fields Our students enjoy a safe, welcoming, efficient, comfortable and family oriented environment
  • 98. Misi Sekolah:… Visi Sekolah:….. Isu Strategik: Peningkatan prestasi belum mencapai tahap yang diinginkan. KRA/Matlamat Strategik: Peningkatan Prestasi Akademik Objektif KPI Tov (base) 2012 2013 2014 Inisiatif / Strategi Akauntibiliti Peningkatkan prestasi UPSR GPS % Lulus % 5As 2.0 93 10%.1 1.8 94.5 12% 1.7 97.0 16% 1.50 100 20% 1. Meningkatkan keupayaan guru dalam P&P 2. Meningkatkan Kemahiran Belajar pelajar 3. Meningkatkan sokongan komuniti GPK 1 (P) GPK HEM GPK Koku 112Mbustaman IAB KPM
  • 99. Contoh Pelan Tindakan Strategi/Inisiatif: Memupuk semangat kekeluargaan staf Tindakan Tanggung jawab Tarikh Perlaksanaan (Masa) Sumber KPI Sasaran Prestasi Output 1. Program Hari Keluarga GPK 1 2 hari (Nov) 3000.00 % penglibatan staf •100% staf terlibat Semangat Kerja sepasukan 2. Program Sukan Pemuafakata n GPK Ko Minggu 3 Jun 500.00 % penglibatan staf •100% staf terlibat Semangat kekeluarga an di- perkukuhk an 113Mbustaman IAB KPM
  • 100. @ mbam IAB 2013 114 Managing Risk 27/10/2018
  • 101. Bahagian 2.3: Pengaruh Strategik (Strategic Influence) M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 115
  • 102. Bengkel: Inventori PS 1. Analisis kendiri kompetensi dalam kemahiran berfikir, bertindak dan mempengaruhi secara strategik 2. Bina pelan tindakan penambahbaikan
  • 103. 117Source: Palladium GroupCopyright ©2016 MBustamanAM IAB MOE
  • 104. Set minda Pengaruh strategik • 1. pengaruh strategik memerlukan lebih dari memujuk- (beli hati) • 2. pengaruh strategik luas jangkauannya • 3. It’s as important to be open to influence as it to influence others • 4. Strategic influence starts with a hard look at yourself
  • 105. Bengkel Penilaian kendiri kemahiran pengaruh strategik
  • 106. Bagaimana untuk membangun keupayaan kemahiran pengaruh strategik • Bina kepercayaan • Mengurus persekitaran politik organisasi • Spanning boundaries • Libatkan pihak lain • Berhubung sampai pada tahap emosi • Building and sustaining momentum
  • 107. Enable Other to Act • Foster collaboration by building trust, facilitating and coaching relationships. • Strengthen others by increasing self-determination and developing competence. • • Identify the six LPI items that reference this practice. • Examine potential questions and activities a coach could use. • Plus: • 1. Building Trust • 2. Managing political landscape
  • 108. SI skills: Building Trust • Trusting isn’t just a way for leaders to foster collaboration; it is healthy for the leader, too. • People who are trusting are more likely to be happy and well-adjusted. • Trusting leaders nurture openness, involvement, personal satisfaction, and high levels of commitment to excellence. • What is the best way to nurture a trusting climate?
  • 109. Enable Others to Act • Check your habit: • 1. Develops cooperative relationships among the people he/she works with • 2. Actively listens to diverse points of view • 3. Treats people with dignity and respect • 4. Involves people in the decisions that directly impact their job performance • 5. Gives people a great deal of freedom and choice in deciding how to do their work • 6. Ensures that people grow in their jobs by learning new skills and developing themselves
  • 110. Encourage the Heart •Recognize contributions by showing appreciation for individual excellence. •Celebrate the values and victories by creating a spirit of community.
  • 111. Encourage the Heart • Check this habits: • .1. Praises people for a job well done • 2. Makes it a point to let people know about his/her confidence in their abilities • 3. Makes sure that people are creatively recognized for their contributions to the success of our projects • 4. Publicly recognizes people who exemplify commitment to shared values • 5. Tells stories of encouragement about the good work of others • 6. Gets personally involved in recognizing people and celebrating accomplishments
  • 112. Bincangkan cara untuk mengamalkan pendekatan kepimpinan strategik dalam memimpin instruktional di tempat anda? Rujuk: JOURNAL ARTICLE Developing the Strategic Thinking of Instructional Leaders Philip Hallinger and C. E. McCary The Elementary School Journal Vol. 91, No. 2 (Nov., 1990), pp. 89-108 Published by: The University of Chicago Press Mbustaman IAB KPM 126
  • 117. Selected Books and Articles • Strategic Leadership Pisapia, J. (2009). The strategic leader. Charlotte: Information Age Publishers. Pisapia, J. (2006). A new direction for leadership. (Education Policy Studies Series No. 61). Hong Kong: The Faculty of Education and the Hong Kong Institute of Educational Research. (Monograph) – cited in Scopus Pisapia, J. (2006). Mastering change in a globalized world. In P. Singh, J. Bhatnagar, & A. Bhandarker (Eds). Future of work: Mastering change. Chapter 19, pp. 303-327. New Delhi: Excel Books. IBSN: 81-7446-302-2. Strategic Thinking Pisapia, J., Pang, N.S.K., Hee, T. H. Lin, Ying, & Morris, J.D. (2009). A comparison of the use of strategic thinking skills of aspiring school leaders in Hong Kong, Malaysia, Shanghai, and the United States: An exploratory study. International Journal of Educational Studies. 2(2), 48- 58. Zsiga, P. (2008). Leader effectiveness from self-directed learning and strategic thinking International Journal of Human Resources Development and Management 2008 - Vol. 8, No.4 pp. 306 - 317 Pang, S. K. & Pisapia, J. (2007). The Strategic thinking capabilities of school leaders in Hong Kong. Presented at the Annual Conference of the American Education Research Association, Chicago, Il. Pisapia, J., Reyes-Guerra, D. & Yasin, M. (2006) Strategic Thinking and Leader Success Presented at the Annual Meeting of the International Conference on Advances in Management, Lisbon Portugal, July 19-22, 2006. Pisapia, J., Reyes-Guerra, D., & Coukos-Semmel, E. (2005). Developing a Strategic Mindset: Constructing the Measures. Leadership Review, Spring 2005, Vol. 5, pp. 41-68 - cited in Scopus Pisapia, J., Coukos-Semmel, E., and Reyes-Guerra, D. (2004). Assessing the cognitive processes of leaders: Do effective leaders think differently than less effective leaders? In A. Lazaridou (Ed.), Contemporary issues on educational administration and policy (Chapter 9, pp 147-170). Athens, Greece: Athens Institute for Education and Research. ISBN: 960-88331-2-4. Strategic Execution Ugurluglu, U., (2009). The use of strategic leader actions by hospital managers in Turkey. Unpublished dissertation. Hacettepe University, • Ugurluglu, U., Celik, Y. , & Pisapia, J. (under review). Assessment of strategic leader actions of hospital managers in Turkey. Journal of Health Management. Reyes-Guerra, D. (2009). The relationship of strategic leader actions and normative structures. Unpublished dissertation. Florida Atlantic University. Yasin, M. (2006). The use of strategic leadership actions by Deans in Malaysian and American public universities. Unpublished dissertation. Florida Atlantic University. 142M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16
  • 118. M.Bustaman.Strategic Leadership16 143 THANK YOU From Muhd Bustaman Abdul Manaf Institute Aminuddin Baki Ministry of Education bustaman@ 0199890524