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1.Many cell phones now have the same ………. as personal computers. A) functionality B) ambition C) care D) worry E) attentiveness Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
1.Many cell phones now have the same ………. as personal computers. A) functionality  (işlevsellik) B) ambition  (hırs) C) care  (bakım) D) worry  (endişe) E) attentiveness  (bağlı olmak, çabalamak) Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],gelişmek Zenginlik, refah Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
3. ………. poor after World War II, Crete is now thriving from tourism. A) Necessarily B) Adequately C) Accurately D) Tentatively E) Desperately Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
3. ………. poor after World War II,  Crete  is now thriving from tourism. A) Necessarily  (zorunlu olarak, ister istemez) B) Adequately  (yeterli) C) Accurately  (doğru, tam, kesin bir şekilde) D) Tentatively  (1.geçici 2.tereddütlü) E) Desperately  (ümitsizce) Girit adası Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
4. Cities in China are growing fast as millions of people ………. to urban areas. A) gather B) migrate C) occupy D) issue E) increase Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
4. Cities in China are growing fast as millions of people ………. to  urban  areas. A) gather  (toplamak) B) migrate  (göç etmek) C) occupy  (işgal etmek) D) issue  (yayınlamak) E) increase  (arttırmak) şehir  x  rural(kırsal) Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Orta Avrupa’da yerleşik olan Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
6. Recent excavations in Algeria ………. that  Homo erectus  ………. there between 500,000 and 750,000 years ago. A) have indicated / resided B) had indicated / has resided C) indicated / would reside D) could have indicated / had been residing E) indicate / had resided Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
6. Recent  excavations in Algeria ………. that  Homo erectus  ………. there between  500,000 and 750,000 years ago . A) have indicated  /  resided B) had indicated / has resided C) indicated / would reside D) could have indicated / had been residing E) indicate / had resided Recently, lately gibi  Present Perfect T.  ister. Geçmiş ile ilgili kesin zaman ifadesi var.  Bir de When? sorusuna cevap alabiliyoruz. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Bu şıklarda ne “Tense Uyumu” ne de  “ Type Uyumu” görünmüyor. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Bu şıklarda “Tense Uyumu” yok. Bu kullanımlar If Clause’larda olur. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
9. To protect whales and dolphins ………. the coast of Hawaii, a court in California has temporarily banned the US navy from using powerful sonar equipment ………. a military exercise in the area. A) at / over B) in / on C) before / through D) off / during E) within / with Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
9. To protect whales and dolphins ……….  the coast of Hawaii,  a court in California has temporarily banned the US navy from using powerful sonar equipment ………. a military exercise in the area. A) at / over B) in / on C) before / through D) off / during E) within / with Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından “ Açıkta”   anlamına gelen   “off shore”   ifadesi ile eş anlamı olarak   “off the coast of   Hawaii…”   ifadesi kullanılmış.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],declare war on …  “savaş ilan etmek” anlamına gelen kalıp kullanılmış. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
11. During the wars ………. followed the French Revolution, Belgium was occupied by France and later annexed. A) whether B) who C) when D) that E) as Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
11. During the wars ………. followed the French Revolution, Belgium was  occupied  by France and later  annexed . A) whether B) who C) when D) that E) as İlhak, bir toprak parçasının ülke topraklarına katılması  işgal Rel. Clause= that, “which” yerine kullanılmış. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
12. The private sector in the Gulf states employs mostly expatriate workers, ……… the majority of nationals are employed in the public sector with higher wages and job protection. A) so that B) just as C) while D) unless E) in case Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
12. The private sector in the Gulf states  employs  mostly  expatriate  workers, ……… the majority of  nationals  are employed in the public sector with higher wages and job protection. A) so that B) just as C) while D) unless E) in case istihdam etmek Gurbetçi, kendi vatanı  dışında yerleşen kimse  ülke vatandaşları Körfez ülkelerindeki  özel sektör  çoğunlukla gurbetçileri istihdam  ederken  ülke vatandaşlarının çoğu daha yüksek ücretli ve daha iş güvenliği olan  kamuda  istihdam edilir.  Zıtlık var. “while”, “whereas”  Anlamında kullanılmış.  Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
13. A series of gas discoveries in recent years in the Western Desert of Egypt means that a range of new export projects must be developed ……… the country is to make full use of its new reserves. A) lest B) although C) after D) as if E) if Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
13. A series of  gas discoveries  in recent years in the Western Desert of Egypt means that a range of new export projects must be developed ……… the country is to make full use of its new reserves. A) lest B) although C) after D) as if E) if Gaz keşifleri Eğer  ülke yeni rezervlerini tam kapasite ile kullanacaksa bir dizi yeni ihracat projeleri geliştirilmeli.  Anlamdan bu şık çıkıyor. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
14. Hundreds of deep fjords that cut into the coastline give Norway an overall oceanfront of ……… 12,000 miles. A) more than B) just as C) the same as D) so far as E) as well as Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
14. Hundreds of deep fjords that cut into the coastline give Norway an overall oceanfront of ……… 12,000 miles. A) more than   (den fazla) B) just as   (tıpkı, gibi) C) the same as   (aynı) D) so far as   (e kadar) E) as well as   (nın yanı sıra) Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
15. Made out of metal so that it conducts the charge, the lightning rod is usually located ……… high ……… possible because of lightning’s tendency to strike the nearest object to it. A) so / as B) as / as C) more / than D) both / and E) not only / but also Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
15. Made out of metal  so that  it conducts the charge, the lightning rod is usually located  ……… high ……… possible  because of lightning’s  tendency  to strike the nearest object to it. A) so / as  (bu kalıpta önceki cümlenin negatif olması gerekiyor.) B) as / as  (mümkün olduğu  kadar  yüksek) C) more / than D) both / and E) not only / but also -sın diye eğilim Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
Ever since Lord Curzon, a member of Britain’s World War I cabinet,  (16)  ……….  that the Allies “had floated to victory on a sea of oil,” major industrialized powers have sought oil security.  For instance, an imperialist surge by Japan to secure oil supplies in East Asia resulted  (17)  ………….  the fateful attack on Pearl Harbour. The desire to control Middle East oil pushed the Soviet Union into Afghanistan, and led to Saddam Hussein’s  (18)  …………  of Kuwait. And in his 1980 State of the Union speech, US President Jimmy Carter made clear America’s own oil-security policy  (19)  …………  he described what would become known as the Carter Doctrine: “Any attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the  (20)  …………  interests of the United States of America.” 16. A) declares B) declared C) has declared D) would have declared E) would declare Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
Ever since Lord Curzon,  a member of Britain’s World War I cabinet,   (16)  ……….  that  the Allies “had floated to victory on a sea of oil,”  major industrialized powers have sought  oil security.   For instance, an imperialist surge by Japan to secure oil supplies in East Asia resulted  (17)  ………….  the fateful attack on Pearl Harbour. The desire to control Middle East oil pushed the Soviet Union into Afghanistan, and led to Saddam Hussein’s  (18)  …………  of Kuwait. And in his 1980 State of the Union speech, US President Jimmy Carter made clear America’s own oil-security policy  (19)  …………  he described what would become known as the Carter Doctrine: “Any attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the  (20)  …………  interests of the United States of America.” 16. A) declares B) declared C) has declared D) would have declared E) would declare Since(-den beri)    Since   V2   +   Present Perfect Tense   Pr e s ent  Perfect Cont .  T . Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
Madde 4 : Since (-den beri)  ve  for (-dır, -dir)  zaman zarflarıyla  Present Perfect Tense’in  yanı sıra  Present Perfect Continuous Tense  de kullanılabilir. Çünkü hem  since  hem  for   geçmişte başlayıp günümüze kadar devam eden eylemleri ifade etmek için kullanılabilir. Şimdi  since   ve  for ’u daha ayrıntılı görelim. Since(-den beri)    Since   V2   +   Present Perfect Tense   Pr e s ent  Perfect Cont inuous  T ense Since’in önüne  “ever” (ever since)  gelebilir. Bu, since’in kullanımında herhangi bir değişiklik yapmaz.  Since ;  anlamca birbirine bağlı olan herhangi iki cümlenin  başında, ortasında   ya da   sonunda   kullanılabilir. Her üç durumda da  since ;  yanına  “V 2 ” ,  temel cümleye ise  “have/has been (Ving)”  alır.  1. (Ever) since  they  came   here, they  have been arguing   with each other. 2. They  have been arguing  with each other  (ever) since  they  came   here. 3. They  came  here, they  have been arguing  with each other  since .( Since en sonda kullanıdığından yan cümlesi ilk cümledir.) Kaynak: Yes Grammar
Ever since Lord Curzon, a member of Britain’s World War I cabinet,  (16)  ……….  that the Allies “had floated to victory on a sea of oil,” major industrialized powers have sought oil security.  For instance, an imperialist surge by Japan to secure oil supplies in East Asia resulted  (17)  ………….  the fateful attack on Pearl Harbour.  The desire to control Middle East oil pushed the Soviet Union into Afghanistan, and led to Saddam Hussein’s  (18)  …………  of Kuwait. And in his 1980 State of the Union speech, US President Jimmy Carter made clear America’s own oil-security policy  (19)  …………  he described what would become known as the Carter Doctrine: “Any attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the  (20)  …………  interests of the United States of America.” 17. A) in B) within C) on D) below E) of Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
Ever since Lord Curzon, a member of Britain’s World War I cabinet,  (16)  ……….  that the Allies “had floated to victory on a sea of oil,” major industrialized powers have sought oil security.  For instance, an imperialist  surge  by Japan to secure oil supplies in East Asia  resulted  (17)  ………….  the fateful attack on Pearl Harbour.  The desire to control Middle East oil pushed the Soviet Union into Afghanistan, and led to Saddam Hussein’s  (18)  …………  of Kuwait. And in his 1980 State of the Union speech, US President Jimmy Carter made clear America’s own oil-security policy  (19)  …………  he described what would become known as the Carter Doctrine: “Any attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the  (20)  …………  interests of the United States of America.” 17. A) in B) within C) on D) below E) of kabarmak, taşmak result in = -ile sonuçlanmak Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
Ever since Lord Curzon, a member of Britain’s World War I cabinet,  (16)  ……….  that the Allies “had floated to victory on a sea of oil,” major industrialized powers have sought oil security. For instance, an imperialist surge by Japan to secure oil supplies in East Asia resulted  (17)  ………….  the fateful attack on Pearl Harbour. The desire to control Middle East oil pushed the Soviet Union into Afghanistan , and led to Saddam Hussein’s  (18)  …………  of Kuwait.  And in his 1980 State of the Union speech, US President Jimmy Carter made clear America’s own oil-security policy  (19)  …………  he described what would become known as the Carter Doctrine: “Any attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the  (20)  …………  interests of the United States of America.” 18. A) purchase B) exclusion C) invasion D) negotiation E) illusion Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
Ever since Lord Curzon, a member of Britain’s World War I cabinet,  (16)  ……….  that the Allies “had floated to victory on a sea of oil,” major industrialized powers have sought oil security. For instance, an imperialist surge by Japan to secure oil supplies in East Asia resulted  (17)  ………….  the fateful attack on Pearl Harbour. The desire to control Middle East oil pushed the Soviet Union into Afghanistan , and led to Saddam Hussein’s  (18)  …………  of Kuwait.  And in his 1980 State of the Union speech, US President Jimmy Carter made clear America’s own oil-security policy  (19)  …………  he described what would become known as the Carter Doctrine: “Any attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the  (20)  …………  interests of the United States of America.” 18. A) p urchase   (satın almak) B) e xclusion   (ihraç) C) i nvasion   (istila) D) n egotiation   (müzakere) E) i llusion   (hayal, kuruntu) … Saddam Hüseyin’in Kuveyt’i  istila etmesine  sebep oldu. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
Ever since Lord Curzon, a member of Britain’s World War I cabinet,  (16)  ……….  that the Allies “had floated to victory on a sea of oil,” major industrialized powers have sought oil security. For instance, an imperialist surge by Japan to secure oil supplies in East Asia resulted  (17)  ………….  the fateful attack on Pearl Harbour. The desire to control Middle East oil pushed the Soviet Union into Afghanistan, and led to Saddam Hussein’s  (18)  …………  of Kuwait. And in his 1980 State of the Union speech,  US President Jimmy Carter made clear America’s own oil-security policy  (19)  …………  he described what would become known as the Carter Doctrine:  “Any attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the  (20)  …………  interests of the United States of America.” 19. A) in case B) although C) even if D) when E) so far as Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
Ever since Lord Curzon, a member of Britain’s World War I cabinet,  (16)  ……….  that the Allies “had floated to victory on a sea of oil,” major industrialized powers have sought oil security. For instance, an imperialist surge by Japan to secure oil supplies in East Asia resulted  (17)  ………….  the fateful attack on Pearl Harbour. The desire to control Middle East oil pushed the Soviet Union into Afghanistan, and led to Saddam Hussein’s  (18)  …………  of Kuwait. And in his 1980 State of the Union speech,  US President Jimmy Carter made clear America’s own oil-security policy  (19)  …………  he described what would become known as the Carter Doctrine:  “Any attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the  (20)  …………  interests of the United States of America.” 19. A) in case B) although C) even if D) when E) so far as … daha sonra Carter Doktrin’i olarak bilinecek olan şeyi açıkla dığı zaman  Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
Ever since Lord Curzon, a member of Britain’s World War I cabinet,  (16)  ……….  that the Allies “had floated to victory on a sea of oil,” major industrialized powers have sought oil security. For instance, an imperialist surge by Japan to secure oil supplies in East Asia resulted  (17)  ………….  the fateful attack on Pearl Harbour. The desire to control Middle East oil pushed the Soviet Union into Afghanistan, and led to Saddam Hussein’s  (18)  …………  of Kuwait. And in his 1980 State of the Union speech, US President Jimmy Carter made clear America’s own oil-security policy  (19)  …………  he described what would become known as the Carter Doctrine:  “Any attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the  (20)  …………  interests of the United States of America.” 20. A) tedious B) irrelevant C) redundant D) vague E) vital Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
Ever since Lord Curzon, a member of Britain’s World War I cabinet,  (16)  ……….  that the Allies “had floated to victory on a sea of oil,” major industrialized powers have sought oil security. For instance, an imperialist surge by Japan to secure oil supplies in East Asia resulted  (17)  ………….  the fateful attack on Pearl Harbour. The desire to control Middle East oil pushed the Soviet Union into Afghanistan, and led to Saddam Hussein’s  (18)  …………  of Kuwait. And in his 1980 State of the Union speech, US President Jimmy Carter made clear America’s own oil-security policy  (19)  …………  he described what would become known as the Carter Doctrine:  “Any attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the  (20)  …………  interests of the United States of America.” 20. A) t edious   (can sıkıcı, usandırıcı) B) i rrelevant   (konu dışı, ilgisiz) C) r edundant   (gereksiz) D) v ague   (belirsiz, muğlak) E) v ital   (önemli, hayati) … Amerika’nın  hayati çıkarları …   Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
Saturn and its 47 diverse moons have been  (21)  ………… the close watch of the Cassini probe since 2004.  The probe’s main  (22)  ………… in its planned 74 orbits is to gather detailed images of the second largest planet in our solar system, its icy moons and spectacular rings,  (23)  …………   span  (24)  …………   272,000 kilometres. So far, the probe  (25)  …………   some of the best images we have of Saturn, and provided astronomers with a wealth of new data. 21. A) under B) in C) with D) through E) over Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
21. A) under B) in C) with D) through E) over Saturn and its 47 diverse moons have been  (21)  ………… the close watch  of the Cassini probe since 2004.  The probe’s main  (22)  ………… in its planned 74 orbits is to gather detailed images of the second largest planet in our solar system, its icy moons and spectacular rings,  (23)  …………   span  (24)  …………   272,000 kilometres. So far, the probe  (25)  …………   some of the best images we have of Saturn, and provided astronomers with a wealth of new data. … gözetimi altında   Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
Saturn and its 47 diverse moons have been  (21)  ………… the close watch of the Cassini probe since 2004.  The probe’s main  (22)  ………… in its planned 74 orbits is to gather detailed images of the second largest planet in our solar system,  its icy moons and spectacular rings,  (23)  …………   span  (24)  …………   272,000 kilometres. So far, the probe  (25)  …………   some of the best images we have of Saturn, and provided astronomers with a wealth of new data. 22. A) stage B) objection C) assumption D) controversy E) aim Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
Saturn and its 47 diverse moons have been  (21)  ………… the close watch of the Cassini probe since 2004.   The probe’s main  (22)  …………  in its planned 74 orbits is to gather detailed images of the second largest planet in our solar system,  its icy moons and spectacular rings,  (23)  …………   span  (24)  …………   272,000 kilometres. So far, the probe  (25)  …………   some of the best images we have of Saturn, and provided astronomers with a wealth of new data. 22. A) s tage  (aşama, seviye) B) o bjection  (itiraz) C) a ssumption  (varsayım) D) c ontroversy  (tartışmalı) E) a im  (amaç) … uydunun ana amacı Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
Saturn and its 47 diverse moons have been  (21)  ………… the close watch of the Cassini probe since 2004. The probe’s main  (22)  ………… in its planned 74 orbits is to gather detailed images of the second largest planet in our solar system,  its icy moons and spectacular rings,  (23)  …………   span  (24)  …………   272,000 kilometres. So far, the probe  (25)  …………   some of the best images we have of Saturn, and provided astronomers with a wealth of new data. 23. A) whatever B) where C) who D) which E) whereas Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
Saturn and its 47 diverse moons have been  (21)  ………… the close watch of the Cassini probe since 2004. The probe’s main  (22)  ………… in its planned 74 orbits is to gather detailed images of the second largest planet in our solar system,  its icy moons and spectacular rings,  (23)  …………   span  (24)  …………   272,000 kilometres. So far, the probe  (25)  …………   some of the best images we have of Saturn, and provided astronomers with a wealth of new data. 23. A) whatever B) where C) who D) which E) whereas Relative Clause - “which” çünkü boşluğun solunda bulunan isim niteleniyor. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
Saturn and its 47 diverse moons have been  (21)  ………… the close watch of the Cassini probe since 2004. The probe’s main  (22)  ………… in its planned 74 orbits is to gather detailed images of the second largest planet in our solar system, its icy moons and spectacular rings,  (23)  …………   span   (24)  …………   272,000 kilometres.  So far, the probe  (25)  …………   some of the best images we have of Saturn, and provided astronomers with a wealth of new data. 24. A) completely B) almost C) largely D) adversely E) slightly Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
Saturn and its 47 diverse moons have been  (21)  ………… the close watch of the Cassini probe since 2004. The probe’s main  (22)  ………… in its planned 74 orbits is to gather detailed images of the second largest planet in our solar system, its icy moons and spectacular rings,  (23)  …………   span  (24)  …………   272,000 kilometres.  So far, the probe  (25)  …………   some of the best images we have of Saturn, and provided astronomers with a wealth of new data. 24. A) completely (tamamıyla) B) almost (neredeyse) C) largely (geniş ölçüde) D) adversely (karşı olarak, muhalefet ederek) E) slightly (azıcık) … neredeyse  272,000 kilometre uzanan Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
Saturn and its 47 diverse moons have been  (21)  ………… the close watch of the Cassini probe since 2004. The probe’s main  (22)  ………… in its planned 74 orbits is to gather detailed images of the second largest planet in our solar system, its icy moons and spectacular rings,  (23)  …………   span  (24)  …………   272,000 kilometres.  So far, the probe  (25)  …………   some of the best images we have of Saturn, and provided astronomers with a wealth of new data. 25. A) is capturing B) captures C) has captured D) had captured E) will capture Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
Saturn and its 47 diverse moons have been  (21)  ………… the close watch of the Cassini probe since 2004. The probe’s main  (22)  ………… in its planned 74 orbits is to gather detailed images of the second largest planet in our solar system, its icy moons and spectacular rings,  (23)  …………   span  (24)  …………   272,000 kilometres.  So far,  the probe  (25)  …………   some of the best images we have of Saturn, and provided astronomers with a wealth of new data. 25. A) is capturing B) captures C) has captured D) had captured E) will capture “ so far” Present Perfect Tense   ile kullanılır. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
Madde 3 : Son zamanlarda  anlamına gelen  recently, lately  ve  şimdiye kadar  anlamına gelen  so far, up to now, (up)until now  ifadeleri  geçmişten günümüze bir süreç  belirttikleri için hem  Present Perfect Tense  hem de  Present Perfect Continuous Tense   ile kullanılabilir.  - Linda graduated from university last year, but she  has  worked  for three different firms  so far . - Charles  has been waiting   for us in the café  up to now .   - “What  have  you  been doing   lately ?” “ I' ve been  really busy  lately ,  so I  haven't been  out much.” Kaynak: Yes Grammar
26. If the cost of health benefits for working people in a country rises, …………  . A)   soaring health costs are one of the big factors that have crippled the    economy B)   usually employers cut wages or pass on the costs as higher prices to   customers C)   firms should, in fact, be indifferent to whether they pay employees cash   wages or benefits D)   those costs have nearly doubled this decade alone in many industrialized  countries E)   the current economic difficulties have forced politicians to focus on health  reform Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
26. If  the cost of health benefits for working people in a country  rises , …………  . A)   soaring health costs are one of the big factors that have crippled the    economy B)   usually employers  cut  wages or  pass on  the costs as higher prices to   customers C)   firms should, in fact, be indifferent to whether they pay employees cash   wages or benefits D)   those costs have nearly doubled this decade alone in many industrialized  countries E)   the current economic difficulties have forced politicians to focus on health  reform Type 1 IF TYPE I kalıbı var. Anlamca da uygun duruyor.  Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
27. ………… that bats use ultrasonic beams to follow insects through the dark. A) A group of students are experimenting B) Scientists had wondered C) A great deal of evidence needs to be gathered D) It’s long been known E) Over the years, no scientist has questioned Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
27. …………  that  bats use ultrasonic beams to follow insects through the dark. A) A group of students are experimenting B) Scientists had wondered C) A great deal of evidence needs to be gathered D) It ’s long been known E) Over the years, no scientist has questioned It It…that kalıbı kullanılmış. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
It + Verb + A Noun Clause It  cümle başına alınarak aslında  subject  konumunda olan  Noun Clause ’lar  fiilin sağ tarafına  aktarılabilir. Bu durumda  it ’in tek başına bir  anlamı olmayıp  sadece sağ tarafta bulunan  Noun Clause  cümlesinin yerine kullanılır. Ayrıca  it ’le başlayan cümlelerde  that ’in yerine  the fact that  kullanılamaz. It  is a miracle  that  he survived that fatal accident.  It  is disappointing  that  the pop singer has cancelled his concert.  Not : It + verb + a noun clause  kalıbında  That Clause ’ un yanı sıra biraz sonra göreceğimiz  Question Words (what, where, which, when, etc.)  ve  whether / if  ile başlayan Noun Clause’lar da kullanılabilir. It   is certain  who  will take the floor. It  is unclear  where  we’ll stay.  Kaynak: Yes Grammar
28. ………… , while just 1.7 tonnes of corn yields the same result. A) A team of scientists has claimed that the traditional methods of  production in plastics are extremely costly and have an adverse  impact   on the environment B) It has been announced that a company in China, sponsored by the  government, is planning to harvest plastics from crops of corn C) Eight tonnes of crude oil are currently needed to create one tonne of  polyol, which is an alcoholic substance used in a number of plastics D) Scientists are now using a new type of microscope that lets them view  internal structures of materials in greater detail than ever before E) The device the company’s scientists use utilizes X-ray analysis  “ technology and reveals chemical compositions of objects being  studied Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
28. ………… ,  while  just  1.7 tonnes  of  corn  yields the same result. A) A team of scientists has claimed that the traditional methods of  production in plastics are extremely costly and have an adverse  impact   on the environment B) It has been announced that a company in China, sponsored by the  government, is planning to harvest plastics from crops of corn C) Eight tonnes  of  crude oil  are currently needed to create  one tonne  of  polyol, which is an alcoholic substance used in a number of plastics D) Scientists are now using a new type of microscope that lets them view  internal structures of materials in greater detail than ever before E) The device the company’s scientists use utilizes X-ray analysis  “ technology and reveals chemical compositions of objects being  studied Zıtlık ister. Zıtlık isteyen ifadeler eşleşmiş. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Anlam bütünlüğü var. durdurmayı başaramamıştır Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Zıtlık ister. Zıtlık ifade eden sözcükler Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],gerçeklerden kaçmak Taban tabana zıtlık ister. Zıtlık var. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Relative Clause – Anlam Bütünlüğü var. Diğer seçeneklerde Anlam Bütünlüğü yok. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],“ suggest” that alan fiillerden. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
That Alan Fiiller That  ile yaygın olarak kullanılan fiiller vardır. Şimdi bunların bir listesini görelim. Yaygın olarak  That Clause   alan fiiller şunlardır a cknowledge   fear   realize(wh)   add   feel   reckon   admit   find out(wh)   recognize   advise   forget(wh)   recommend   allege   guess   remark   announce   grumble   remember(wh)   answer   guarantee   remind   appear   happen   reply   argue   hear (wh)   report   arrange(wh)   hope   request   assume   imagine(wh)   resolve   assure   imply   reveal(wh)   beg   indicate   say(wh)   believe(wh)   inform   see(wh)   claim   insist   seem   command   know(wh)   sense (be aware of)   complain   learn(wh)   show(wh)   confess   maintain   state(wh)   confirm   mean   stipulate   consider (wh)   notice(wh)   suggest(wh)   declare   object   suppose   decide(wh)   observe   suspect   demand   occur to  +  object   teach   demonstrate   order   tell(wh)   deny   perceive   think(wh)   determine   point out   threaten   discover   predict   turn out   doubt(wh)   presume   understand(wh)   estimate(wh)   pretend   urge   expect   promise   warn   explain(wh)   propose   wish   prove (wh)   wonder(wh)   Not : Yanında (wh) bulunan fiiller, bir  soru sözcüğü (who, which, where, when, etc.)  ya da  whether  ile başlayan bir  Noun Clause  ile de kullanılabilir. Soruda “suggest” fiili sorulmuş.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],If Clause Type II kalıbı sorulmuş. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Tense Uyumu yok. Preposition’lardan sonra “that” gelmez. Anlam Bütünlüğü var. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Giriş cümleleri aynı. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Yüklemler uyumlu. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Yüklemler uyumlu. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Soru cümlemizde bu  ifadenin karşılığı yok. Soru cümlemizle her açıdan uyumlu. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Yüklemler uyumlu. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],“ her bir” anlamına gelen bu  ifadenin soru cümlesinde  karşılığı bulunmamaktadır. Although =  rağmen Tüm=  all   Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Bu ifadenin soru cümlesinde  karşılığı bulunmamaktadır. Uyumlu ifadeler Uyumlu ifadeler Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
43. Mevcut küresel kriz nedeniyle uluslararası ticaretin çökmesi, kalkınma iktisatçılarını, ticareti, bir büyüme motoru olarak görme konusunda kuşkulandırmıştır. A) The fact that trade is an engine of growth has been dismissed by  development economists, since the current global crisis has caused the  collapse of international trade. B) The current global crisis has undermined international trade, and this has led  development economists to scepticism about trade as a means of growth. C) In view of the current global crisis and its adverse impact on international  trade, many development economists have come to disregard trade as an  engine of growth. D) Due to the current global crisis and the decline of international trade,  development economists doubt whether trade can be regarded as an  effective means of growth. E) The collapse of international trade due to the current global crisis has made  development economists sceptical about regarding trade as an engine of  growth. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
43. Mevcut küresel kriz nedeniyle uluslararası ticaretin çökmesi ,  kalkınma iktisatçılarını, ticareti, bir büyüme motoru olarak görme konusunda kuşkulandırmıştır. A) The fact that trade is an engine of growth has been dismissed by  development economists, since the current global crisis has caused the  collapse of international trade. B) The current global crisis has undermined international trade, and this has led  development economists to scepticism about trade as a means of growth. C) In view of the current global crisis and its adverse impact on international  trade, many development economists have come to disregard trade as an  engine of growth. D) Due to the current global crisis and the decline of international trade,  development economists doubt whether trade can be regarded as an  effective means of growth. E) The collapse of international trade due to the current global crisis  has made  development economists sceptical about regarding trade as an engine of  growth. Cümle girişleri aynı. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Her=every ifadesi  sadece burada var. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],as olarak=as ifadesi  sadece burada var. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],para havalesi mali destek sağlamak yolsuzluk para yardımı Bu destek olmadan=önceki  cümlede destek ifadesini aramamız gerekiyor.   Destek ifadesini bu şıkta görüyoruz. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],isyancı ayaklanma geri çekilme çıkış stratejisi Çıkış stratejisine bakan ifade sadece burada var. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Nükleer reaktör kurmayı düşünen ülkeler sayılıyor. Önceki cümleyle bağlantılı Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Devlet kontrolünü sağlamak Devlet kontrolüne burada örnek verilmiş. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],kederli, kasvetli aksilik, terslik Anlamsal bütünlük var. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],kolay bulunmaz Önceki cümlede bitkilerden söz edilmesi gerektiğini anlıyoruz. Bitkilerle ilgili ifadeler var. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Kendine güvenmesi için cesaretlendirecek sözler söylememiz isteniyor. Cesaretin kırılmasın. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Yapı ve stilde kusurları fark ettiğimizi dile getirmemiz isteniyor. Kusurlar çok net verilmiş. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Programda olmayan acil toplantı Özür dilememiz isteniyor. Normal programda olmadığı ifade edilmiş. Özür ifadesi var.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],İç siyasi tartışmalar İç siyasi tartışmalara girmek istemediğiniz için daveti reddedeceğiz. İç siyasi tartışmalardan dolayı toplantıya katılmayacağımızı  belirtmişiz.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Arkadaşımızın acilen ihtiyaç duyduğumuz kitabımızı getirmediği için üzgün olduğumuzu ifade etmemiz isteniyor. Bu ifadelerden hem kızgın olduğumuz hem de kitaba acilen ihtiyaç duyduğumuz belirtilmiş.
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],Sonuç cümlesi isteniyor. Konuşmayı bitirmek gerekirse…
58. (I)  Although about 1,400 seed banks exist worldwide, Norway’s massive Svalbard Global Seed Vault dwarfs them all and aims to safeguard duplicates of the seeds.  (II)  Stored seeds are frequently lost because of natural disasters, war, and warm temperatures.  (III)  However, the United Nations predicts that 70% of the world’s population will live in urban areas by 2050.  (IV)  So, Svalbard was built to withstand these challenges.  (V)  The facility is remote, located 1,000 kilometres beyond mainland Norway’s northernmost tip. A) I    B) II  C) III D) IV  E) V Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
58. (I)  Although about  1,400 seed banks exist worldwide,  Norway’s massive Svalbard Global Seed Vault dwarfs them all and aims to safeguard duplicates of the seeds.  (II)  Stored seeds  are frequently lost because of  natural disasters, war, and warm temperatures.   (III)  However, the United Nations predicts that 70% of the world’s population will live in urban areas by 2050.   (IV)  So, Svalbard was built to withstand  these challenges.   (V)  Th
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CLAT 2019 UG Question Paper
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CLAT 2019 UG Question PaperVidhiWise
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الصف الاول الثانوي 2Ahmed Abdullah Loay
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موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة كتاب Hello للصف الأول الثانوي
موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة كتاب Hello للصف الأول الثانويموقع ملزمتي - مراجعة كتاب Hello للصف الأول الثانوي
موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة كتاب Hello للصف الأول الثانويملزمتي

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CLAT 2019 UG Question Paper
CLAT 2019 UG Question PaperCLAT 2019 UG Question Paper
CLAT 2019 UG Question Paper
الصف الاول الثانوي 2
الصف الاول الثانوي 2الصف الاول الثانوي 2
الصف الاول الثانوي 2
Quiz 2nd Half
Quiz 2nd HalfQuiz 2nd Half
Quiz 2nd Half
موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة كتاب Hello للصف الأول الثانوي
موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة كتاب Hello للصف الأول الثانويموقع ملزمتي - مراجعة كتاب Hello للصف الأول الثانوي
موقع ملزمتي - مراجعة كتاب Hello للصف الأول الثانوي

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Örnek - Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Soru Çözümleri

  • 1. 1.Many cell phones now have the same ………. as personal computers. A) functionality B) ambition C) care D) worry E) attentiveness Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 2. 1.Many cell phones now have the same ………. as personal computers. A) functionality (işlevsellik) B) ambition (hırs) C) care (bakım) D) worry (endişe) E) attentiveness (bağlı olmak, çabalamak) Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 3.
  • 4.
  • 5. 3. ………. poor after World War II, Crete is now thriving from tourism. A) Necessarily B) Adequately C) Accurately D) Tentatively E) Desperately Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 6. 3. ………. poor after World War II, Crete is now thriving from tourism. A) Necessarily (zorunlu olarak, ister istemez) B) Adequately (yeterli) C) Accurately (doğru, tam, kesin bir şekilde) D) Tentatively (1.geçici 2.tereddütlü) E) Desperately (ümitsizce) Girit adası Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 7. 4. Cities in China are growing fast as millions of people ………. to urban areas. A) gather B) migrate C) occupy D) issue E) increase Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 8. 4. Cities in China are growing fast as millions of people ………. to urban areas. A) gather (toplamak) B) migrate (göç etmek) C) occupy (işgal etmek) D) issue (yayınlamak) E) increase (arttırmak) şehir x rural(kırsal) Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. 6. Recent excavations in Algeria ………. that Homo erectus ………. there between 500,000 and 750,000 years ago. A) have indicated / resided B) had indicated / has resided C) indicated / would reside D) could have indicated / had been residing E) indicate / had resided Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 12. 6. Recent excavations in Algeria ………. that Homo erectus ………. there between 500,000 and 750,000 years ago . A) have indicated / resided B) had indicated / has resided C) indicated / would reside D) could have indicated / had been residing E) indicate / had resided Recently, lately gibi Present Perfect T. ister. Geçmiş ile ilgili kesin zaman ifadesi var. Bir de When? sorusuna cevap alabiliyoruz. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 13.
  • 14.
  • 15.
  • 16.
  • 17. 9. To protect whales and dolphins ………. the coast of Hawaii, a court in California has temporarily banned the US navy from using powerful sonar equipment ………. a military exercise in the area. A) at / over B) in / on C) before / through D) off / during E) within / with Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 18. 9. To protect whales and dolphins ………. the coast of Hawaii, a court in California has temporarily banned the US navy from using powerful sonar equipment ………. a military exercise in the area. A) at / over B) in / on C) before / through D) off / during E) within / with Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından “ Açıkta” anlamına gelen “off shore” ifadesi ile eş anlamı olarak “off the coast of Hawaii…” ifadesi kullanılmış.
  • 19.
  • 20.
  • 21. 11. During the wars ………. followed the French Revolution, Belgium was occupied by France and later annexed. A) whether B) who C) when D) that E) as Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 22. 11. During the wars ………. followed the French Revolution, Belgium was occupied by France and later annexed . A) whether B) who C) when D) that E) as İlhak, bir toprak parçasının ülke topraklarına katılması işgal Rel. Clause= that, “which” yerine kullanılmış. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 23. 12. The private sector in the Gulf states employs mostly expatriate workers, ……… the majority of nationals are employed in the public sector with higher wages and job protection. A) so that B) just as C) while D) unless E) in case Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 24. 12. The private sector in the Gulf states employs mostly expatriate workers, ……… the majority of nationals are employed in the public sector with higher wages and job protection. A) so that B) just as C) while D) unless E) in case istihdam etmek Gurbetçi, kendi vatanı dışında yerleşen kimse ülke vatandaşları Körfez ülkelerindeki özel sektör çoğunlukla gurbetçileri istihdam ederken ülke vatandaşlarının çoğu daha yüksek ücretli ve daha iş güvenliği olan kamuda istihdam edilir. Zıtlık var. “while”, “whereas” Anlamında kullanılmış. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 25. 13. A series of gas discoveries in recent years in the Western Desert of Egypt means that a range of new export projects must be developed ……… the country is to make full use of its new reserves. A) lest B) although C) after D) as if E) if Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 26. 13. A series of gas discoveries in recent years in the Western Desert of Egypt means that a range of new export projects must be developed ……… the country is to make full use of its new reserves. A) lest B) although C) after D) as if E) if Gaz keşifleri Eğer ülke yeni rezervlerini tam kapasite ile kullanacaksa bir dizi yeni ihracat projeleri geliştirilmeli. Anlamdan bu şık çıkıyor. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 27. 14. Hundreds of deep fjords that cut into the coastline give Norway an overall oceanfront of ……… 12,000 miles. A) more than B) just as C) the same as D) so far as E) as well as Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 28. 14. Hundreds of deep fjords that cut into the coastline give Norway an overall oceanfront of ……… 12,000 miles. A) more than (den fazla) B) just as (tıpkı, gibi) C) the same as (aynı) D) so far as (e kadar) E) as well as (nın yanı sıra) Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 29. 15. Made out of metal so that it conducts the charge, the lightning rod is usually located ……… high ……… possible because of lightning’s tendency to strike the nearest object to it. A) so / as B) as / as C) more / than D) both / and E) not only / but also Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 30. 15. Made out of metal so that it conducts the charge, the lightning rod is usually located ……… high ……… possible because of lightning’s tendency to strike the nearest object to it. A) so / as (bu kalıpta önceki cümlenin negatif olması gerekiyor.) B) as / as (mümkün olduğu kadar yüksek) C) more / than D) both / and E) not only / but also -sın diye eğilim Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 31. Ever since Lord Curzon, a member of Britain’s World War I cabinet, (16) ………. that the Allies “had floated to victory on a sea of oil,” major industrialized powers have sought oil security. For instance, an imperialist surge by Japan to secure oil supplies in East Asia resulted (17) …………. the fateful attack on Pearl Harbour. The desire to control Middle East oil pushed the Soviet Union into Afghanistan, and led to Saddam Hussein’s (18) ………… of Kuwait. And in his 1980 State of the Union speech, US President Jimmy Carter made clear America’s own oil-security policy (19) ………… he described what would become known as the Carter Doctrine: “Any attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the (20) ………… interests of the United States of America.” 16. A) declares B) declared C) has declared D) would have declared E) would declare Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 32. Ever since Lord Curzon, a member of Britain’s World War I cabinet, (16) ………. that the Allies “had floated to victory on a sea of oil,” major industrialized powers have sought oil security. For instance, an imperialist surge by Japan to secure oil supplies in East Asia resulted (17) …………. the fateful attack on Pearl Harbour. The desire to control Middle East oil pushed the Soviet Union into Afghanistan, and led to Saddam Hussein’s (18) ………… of Kuwait. And in his 1980 State of the Union speech, US President Jimmy Carter made clear America’s own oil-security policy (19) ………… he described what would become known as the Carter Doctrine: “Any attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the (20) ………… interests of the United States of America.” 16. A) declares B) declared C) has declared D) would have declared E) would declare Since(-den beri)  Since V2 + Present Perfect Tense Pr e s ent Perfect Cont . T . Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 33. Madde 4 : Since (-den beri) ve for (-dır, -dir) zaman zarflarıyla Present Perfect Tense’in yanı sıra Present Perfect Continuous Tense de kullanılabilir. Çünkü hem since hem for geçmişte başlayıp günümüze kadar devam eden eylemleri ifade etmek için kullanılabilir. Şimdi since ve for ’u daha ayrıntılı görelim. Since(-den beri)  Since V2 + Present Perfect Tense Pr e s ent Perfect Cont inuous T ense Since’in önüne “ever” (ever since) gelebilir. Bu, since’in kullanımında herhangi bir değişiklik yapmaz. Since ; anlamca birbirine bağlı olan herhangi iki cümlenin başında, ortasında ya da sonunda kullanılabilir. Her üç durumda da since ; yanına “V 2 ” , temel cümleye ise “have/has been (Ving)” alır. 1. (Ever) since they came here, they have been arguing with each other. 2. They have been arguing with each other (ever) since they came here. 3. They came here, they have been arguing with each other since .( Since en sonda kullanıdığından yan cümlesi ilk cümledir.) Kaynak: Yes Grammar
  • 34. Ever since Lord Curzon, a member of Britain’s World War I cabinet, (16) ………. that the Allies “had floated to victory on a sea of oil,” major industrialized powers have sought oil security. For instance, an imperialist surge by Japan to secure oil supplies in East Asia resulted (17) …………. the fateful attack on Pearl Harbour. The desire to control Middle East oil pushed the Soviet Union into Afghanistan, and led to Saddam Hussein’s (18) ………… of Kuwait. And in his 1980 State of the Union speech, US President Jimmy Carter made clear America’s own oil-security policy (19) ………… he described what would become known as the Carter Doctrine: “Any attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the (20) ………… interests of the United States of America.” 17. A) in B) within C) on D) below E) of Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 35. Ever since Lord Curzon, a member of Britain’s World War I cabinet, (16) ………. that the Allies “had floated to victory on a sea of oil,” major industrialized powers have sought oil security. For instance, an imperialist surge by Japan to secure oil supplies in East Asia resulted (17) …………. the fateful attack on Pearl Harbour. The desire to control Middle East oil pushed the Soviet Union into Afghanistan, and led to Saddam Hussein’s (18) ………… of Kuwait. And in his 1980 State of the Union speech, US President Jimmy Carter made clear America’s own oil-security policy (19) ………… he described what would become known as the Carter Doctrine: “Any attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the (20) ………… interests of the United States of America.” 17. A) in B) within C) on D) below E) of kabarmak, taşmak result in = -ile sonuçlanmak Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 36. Ever since Lord Curzon, a member of Britain’s World War I cabinet, (16) ………. that the Allies “had floated to victory on a sea of oil,” major industrialized powers have sought oil security. For instance, an imperialist surge by Japan to secure oil supplies in East Asia resulted (17) …………. the fateful attack on Pearl Harbour. The desire to control Middle East oil pushed the Soviet Union into Afghanistan , and led to Saddam Hussein’s (18) ………… of Kuwait. And in his 1980 State of the Union speech, US President Jimmy Carter made clear America’s own oil-security policy (19) ………… he described what would become known as the Carter Doctrine: “Any attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the (20) ………… interests of the United States of America.” 18. A) purchase B) exclusion C) invasion D) negotiation E) illusion Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 37. Ever since Lord Curzon, a member of Britain’s World War I cabinet, (16) ………. that the Allies “had floated to victory on a sea of oil,” major industrialized powers have sought oil security. For instance, an imperialist surge by Japan to secure oil supplies in East Asia resulted (17) …………. the fateful attack on Pearl Harbour. The desire to control Middle East oil pushed the Soviet Union into Afghanistan , and led to Saddam Hussein’s (18) ………… of Kuwait. And in his 1980 State of the Union speech, US President Jimmy Carter made clear America’s own oil-security policy (19) ………… he described what would become known as the Carter Doctrine: “Any attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the (20) ………… interests of the United States of America.” 18. A) p urchase (satın almak) B) e xclusion (ihraç) C) i nvasion (istila) D) n egotiation (müzakere) E) i llusion (hayal, kuruntu) … Saddam Hüseyin’in Kuveyt’i istila etmesine sebep oldu. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 38. Ever since Lord Curzon, a member of Britain’s World War I cabinet, (16) ………. that the Allies “had floated to victory on a sea of oil,” major industrialized powers have sought oil security. For instance, an imperialist surge by Japan to secure oil supplies in East Asia resulted (17) …………. the fateful attack on Pearl Harbour. The desire to control Middle East oil pushed the Soviet Union into Afghanistan, and led to Saddam Hussein’s (18) ………… of Kuwait. And in his 1980 State of the Union speech, US President Jimmy Carter made clear America’s own oil-security policy (19) ………… he described what would become known as the Carter Doctrine: “Any attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the (20) ………… interests of the United States of America.” 19. A) in case B) although C) even if D) when E) so far as Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 39. Ever since Lord Curzon, a member of Britain’s World War I cabinet, (16) ………. that the Allies “had floated to victory on a sea of oil,” major industrialized powers have sought oil security. For instance, an imperialist surge by Japan to secure oil supplies in East Asia resulted (17) …………. the fateful attack on Pearl Harbour. The desire to control Middle East oil pushed the Soviet Union into Afghanistan, and led to Saddam Hussein’s (18) ………… of Kuwait. And in his 1980 State of the Union speech, US President Jimmy Carter made clear America’s own oil-security policy (19) ………… he described what would become known as the Carter Doctrine: “Any attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the (20) ………… interests of the United States of America.” 19. A) in case B) although C) even if D) when E) so far as … daha sonra Carter Doktrin’i olarak bilinecek olan şeyi açıkla dığı zaman Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 40. Ever since Lord Curzon, a member of Britain’s World War I cabinet, (16) ………. that the Allies “had floated to victory on a sea of oil,” major industrialized powers have sought oil security. For instance, an imperialist surge by Japan to secure oil supplies in East Asia resulted (17) …………. the fateful attack on Pearl Harbour. The desire to control Middle East oil pushed the Soviet Union into Afghanistan, and led to Saddam Hussein’s (18) ………… of Kuwait. And in his 1980 State of the Union speech, US President Jimmy Carter made clear America’s own oil-security policy (19) ………… he described what would become known as the Carter Doctrine: “Any attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the (20) ………… interests of the United States of America.” 20. A) tedious B) irrelevant C) redundant D) vague E) vital Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 41. Ever since Lord Curzon, a member of Britain’s World War I cabinet, (16) ………. that the Allies “had floated to victory on a sea of oil,” major industrialized powers have sought oil security. For instance, an imperialist surge by Japan to secure oil supplies in East Asia resulted (17) …………. the fateful attack on Pearl Harbour. The desire to control Middle East oil pushed the Soviet Union into Afghanistan, and led to Saddam Hussein’s (18) ………… of Kuwait. And in his 1980 State of the Union speech, US President Jimmy Carter made clear America’s own oil-security policy (19) ………… he described what would become known as the Carter Doctrine: “Any attempt by an outside force to gain control of the Persian Gulf region will be regarded as an assault on the (20) ………… interests of the United States of America.” 20. A) t edious (can sıkıcı, usandırıcı) B) i rrelevant (konu dışı, ilgisiz) C) r edundant (gereksiz) D) v ague (belirsiz, muğlak) E) v ital (önemli, hayati) … Amerika’nın hayati çıkarları … Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 42. Saturn and its 47 diverse moons have been (21) ………… the close watch of the Cassini probe since 2004. The probe’s main (22) ………… in its planned 74 orbits is to gather detailed images of the second largest planet in our solar system, its icy moons and spectacular rings, (23) ………… span (24) ………… 272,000 kilometres. So far, the probe (25) ………… some of the best images we have of Saturn, and provided astronomers with a wealth of new data. 21. A) under B) in C) with D) through E) over Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 43. 21. A) under B) in C) with D) through E) over Saturn and its 47 diverse moons have been (21) ………… the close watch of the Cassini probe since 2004. The probe’s main (22) ………… in its planned 74 orbits is to gather detailed images of the second largest planet in our solar system, its icy moons and spectacular rings, (23) ………… span (24) ………… 272,000 kilometres. So far, the probe (25) ………… some of the best images we have of Saturn, and provided astronomers with a wealth of new data. … gözetimi altında Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 44. Saturn and its 47 diverse moons have been (21) ………… the close watch of the Cassini probe since 2004. The probe’s main (22) ………… in its planned 74 orbits is to gather detailed images of the second largest planet in our solar system, its icy moons and spectacular rings, (23) ………… span (24) ………… 272,000 kilometres. So far, the probe (25) ………… some of the best images we have of Saturn, and provided astronomers with a wealth of new data. 22. A) stage B) objection C) assumption D) controversy E) aim Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 45. Saturn and its 47 diverse moons have been (21) ………… the close watch of the Cassini probe since 2004. The probe’s main (22) ………… in its planned 74 orbits is to gather detailed images of the second largest planet in our solar system, its icy moons and spectacular rings, (23) ………… span (24) ………… 272,000 kilometres. So far, the probe (25) ………… some of the best images we have of Saturn, and provided astronomers with a wealth of new data. 22. A) s tage (aşama, seviye) B) o bjection (itiraz) C) a ssumption (varsayım) D) c ontroversy (tartışmalı) E) a im (amaç) … uydunun ana amacı Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 46. Saturn and its 47 diverse moons have been (21) ………… the close watch of the Cassini probe since 2004. The probe’s main (22) ………… in its planned 74 orbits is to gather detailed images of the second largest planet in our solar system, its icy moons and spectacular rings, (23) ………… span (24) ………… 272,000 kilometres. So far, the probe (25) ………… some of the best images we have of Saturn, and provided astronomers with a wealth of new data. 23. A) whatever B) where C) who D) which E) whereas Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 47. Saturn and its 47 diverse moons have been (21) ………… the close watch of the Cassini probe since 2004. The probe’s main (22) ………… in its planned 74 orbits is to gather detailed images of the second largest planet in our solar system, its icy moons and spectacular rings, (23) ………… span (24) ………… 272,000 kilometres. So far, the probe (25) ………… some of the best images we have of Saturn, and provided astronomers with a wealth of new data. 23. A) whatever B) where C) who D) which E) whereas Relative Clause - “which” çünkü boşluğun solunda bulunan isim niteleniyor. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 48. Saturn and its 47 diverse moons have been (21) ………… the close watch of the Cassini probe since 2004. The probe’s main (22) ………… in its planned 74 orbits is to gather detailed images of the second largest planet in our solar system, its icy moons and spectacular rings, (23) ………… span (24) ………… 272,000 kilometres. So far, the probe (25) ………… some of the best images we have of Saturn, and provided astronomers with a wealth of new data. 24. A) completely B) almost C) largely D) adversely E) slightly Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 49. Saturn and its 47 diverse moons have been (21) ………… the close watch of the Cassini probe since 2004. The probe’s main (22) ………… in its planned 74 orbits is to gather detailed images of the second largest planet in our solar system, its icy moons and spectacular rings, (23) ………… span (24) ………… 272,000 kilometres. So far, the probe (25) ………… some of the best images we have of Saturn, and provided astronomers with a wealth of new data. 24. A) completely (tamamıyla) B) almost (neredeyse) C) largely (geniş ölçüde) D) adversely (karşı olarak, muhalefet ederek) E) slightly (azıcık) … neredeyse 272,000 kilometre uzanan Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 50. Saturn and its 47 diverse moons have been (21) ………… the close watch of the Cassini probe since 2004. The probe’s main (22) ………… in its planned 74 orbits is to gather detailed images of the second largest planet in our solar system, its icy moons and spectacular rings, (23) ………… span (24) ………… 272,000 kilometres. So far, the probe (25) ………… some of the best images we have of Saturn, and provided astronomers with a wealth of new data. 25. A) is capturing B) captures C) has captured D) had captured E) will capture Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 51. Saturn and its 47 diverse moons have been (21) ………… the close watch of the Cassini probe since 2004. The probe’s main (22) ………… in its planned 74 orbits is to gather detailed images of the second largest planet in our solar system, its icy moons and spectacular rings, (23) ………… span (24) ………… 272,000 kilometres. So far, the probe (25) ………… some of the best images we have of Saturn, and provided astronomers with a wealth of new data. 25. A) is capturing B) captures C) has captured D) had captured E) will capture “ so far” Present Perfect Tense ile kullanılır. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 52. Madde 3 : Son zamanlarda anlamına gelen recently, lately ve şimdiye kadar anlamına gelen so far, up to now, (up)until now ifadeleri geçmişten günümüze bir süreç belirttikleri için hem Present Perfect Tense hem de Present Perfect Continuous Tense ile kullanılabilir. - Linda graduated from university last year, but she has worked for three different firms so far . - Charles has been waiting for us in the café up to now . - “What have you been doing lately ?” “ I' ve been really busy lately , so I haven't been out much.” Kaynak: Yes Grammar
  • 53. 26. If the cost of health benefits for working people in a country rises, ………… . A) soaring health costs are one of the big factors that have crippled the economy B) usually employers cut wages or pass on the costs as higher prices to customers C) firms should, in fact, be indifferent to whether they pay employees cash wages or benefits D) those costs have nearly doubled this decade alone in many industrialized countries E) the current economic difficulties have forced politicians to focus on health reform Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 54. 26. If the cost of health benefits for working people in a country rises , ………… . A) soaring health costs are one of the big factors that have crippled the economy B) usually employers cut wages or pass on the costs as higher prices to customers C) firms should, in fact, be indifferent to whether they pay employees cash wages or benefits D) those costs have nearly doubled this decade alone in many industrialized countries E) the current economic difficulties have forced politicians to focus on health reform Type 1 IF TYPE I kalıbı var. Anlamca da uygun duruyor. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 55. 27. ………… that bats use ultrasonic beams to follow insects through the dark. A) A group of students are experimenting B) Scientists had wondered C) A great deal of evidence needs to be gathered D) It’s long been known E) Over the years, no scientist has questioned Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 56. 27. ………… that bats use ultrasonic beams to follow insects through the dark. A) A group of students are experimenting B) Scientists had wondered C) A great deal of evidence needs to be gathered D) It ’s long been known E) Over the years, no scientist has questioned It It…that kalıbı kullanılmış. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 57. It + Verb + A Noun Clause It cümle başına alınarak aslında subject konumunda olan Noun Clause ’lar fiilin sağ tarafına aktarılabilir. Bu durumda it ’in tek başına bir anlamı olmayıp sadece sağ tarafta bulunan Noun Clause cümlesinin yerine kullanılır. Ayrıca it ’le başlayan cümlelerde that ’in yerine the fact that kullanılamaz. It is a miracle that he survived that fatal accident. It is disappointing that the pop singer has cancelled his concert. Not : It + verb + a noun clause kalıbında That Clause ’ un yanı sıra biraz sonra göreceğimiz Question Words (what, where, which, when, etc.) ve whether / if ile başlayan Noun Clause’lar da kullanılabilir. It is certain who will take the floor. It is unclear where we’ll stay. Kaynak: Yes Grammar
  • 58. 28. ………… , while just 1.7 tonnes of corn yields the same result. A) A team of scientists has claimed that the traditional methods of production in plastics are extremely costly and have an adverse impact on the environment B) It has been announced that a company in China, sponsored by the government, is planning to harvest plastics from crops of corn C) Eight tonnes of crude oil are currently needed to create one tonne of polyol, which is an alcoholic substance used in a number of plastics D) Scientists are now using a new type of microscope that lets them view internal structures of materials in greater detail than ever before E) The device the company’s scientists use utilizes X-ray analysis “ technology and reveals chemical compositions of objects being studied Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 59. 28. ………… , while just 1.7 tonnes of corn yields the same result. A) A team of scientists has claimed that the traditional methods of production in plastics are extremely costly and have an adverse impact on the environment B) It has been announced that a company in China, sponsored by the government, is planning to harvest plastics from crops of corn C) Eight tonnes of crude oil are currently needed to create one tonne of polyol, which is an alcoholic substance used in a number of plastics D) Scientists are now using a new type of microscope that lets them view internal structures of materials in greater detail than ever before E) The device the company’s scientists use utilizes X-ray analysis “ technology and reveals chemical compositions of objects being studied Zıtlık ister. Zıtlık isteyen ifadeler eşleşmiş. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 60.
  • 61.
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  • 70. That Alan Fiiller That ile yaygın olarak kullanılan fiiller vardır. Şimdi bunların bir listesini görelim. Yaygın olarak That Clause alan fiiller şunlardır a cknowledge fear realize(wh) add feel reckon admit find out(wh) recognize advise forget(wh) recommend allege guess remark announce grumble remember(wh) answer guarantee remind appear happen reply argue hear (wh) report arrange(wh) hope request assume imagine(wh) resolve assure imply reveal(wh) beg indicate say(wh) believe(wh) inform see(wh) claim insist seem command know(wh) sense (be aware of) complain learn(wh) show(wh) confess maintain state(wh) confirm mean stipulate consider (wh) notice(wh) suggest(wh) declare object suppose decide(wh) observe suspect demand occur to + object teach demonstrate order tell(wh) deny perceive think(wh) determine point out threaten discover predict turn out doubt(wh) presume understand(wh) estimate(wh) pretend urge expect promise warn explain(wh) propose wish prove (wh) wonder(wh)   Not : Yanında (wh) bulunan fiiller, bir soru sözcüğü (who, which, where, when, etc.) ya da whether ile başlayan bir Noun Clause ile de kullanılabilir. Soruda “suggest” fiili sorulmuş.
  • 71.
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  • 91. 43. Mevcut küresel kriz nedeniyle uluslararası ticaretin çökmesi, kalkınma iktisatçılarını, ticareti, bir büyüme motoru olarak görme konusunda kuşkulandırmıştır. A) The fact that trade is an engine of growth has been dismissed by development economists, since the current global crisis has caused the collapse of international trade. B) The current global crisis has undermined international trade, and this has led development economists to scepticism about trade as a means of growth. C) In view of the current global crisis and its adverse impact on international trade, many development economists have come to disregard trade as an engine of growth. D) Due to the current global crisis and the decline of international trade, development economists doubt whether trade can be regarded as an effective means of growth. E) The collapse of international trade due to the current global crisis has made development economists sceptical about regarding trade as an engine of growth. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 92. 43. Mevcut küresel kriz nedeniyle uluslararası ticaretin çökmesi , kalkınma iktisatçılarını, ticareti, bir büyüme motoru olarak görme konusunda kuşkulandırmıştır. A) The fact that trade is an engine of growth has been dismissed by development economists, since the current global crisis has caused the collapse of international trade. B) The current global crisis has undermined international trade, and this has led development economists to scepticism about trade as a means of growth. C) In view of the current global crisis and its adverse impact on international trade, many development economists have come to disregard trade as an engine of growth. D) Due to the current global crisis and the decline of international trade, development economists doubt whether trade can be regarded as an effective means of growth. E) The collapse of international trade due to the current global crisis has made development economists sceptical about regarding trade as an engine of growth. Cümle girişleri aynı. Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
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  • 121. 58. (I) Although about 1,400 seed banks exist worldwide, Norway’s massive Svalbard Global Seed Vault dwarfs them all and aims to safeguard duplicates of the seeds. (II) Stored seeds are frequently lost because of natural disasters, war, and warm temperatures. (III) However, the United Nations predicts that 70% of the world’s population will live in urban areas by 2050. (IV) So, Svalbard was built to withstand these challenges. (V) The facility is remote, located 1,000 kilometres beyond mainland Norway’s northernmost tip. A) I B) II C) III D) IV E) V Çıkmış ÜDS & KPDS Sorularından
  • 122. 58. (I) Although about 1,400 seed banks exist worldwide, Norway’s massive Svalbard Global Seed Vault dwarfs them all and aims to safeguard duplicates of the seeds. (II) Stored seeds are frequently lost because of natural disasters, war, and warm temperatures. (III) However, the United Nations predicts that 70% of the world’s population will live in urban areas by 2050. (IV) So, Svalbard was built to withstand these challenges. (V) Th