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Men’s Health:
Natural Health
Approaches For
Better Prostate Health
Men’s Health:
Natural Health
Approaches For
Better Prostate Health
Dr. martha susana trujillo
Copyright ©2016 Martha Susana Trujillo
Cover and internal design by Ashley Matarama
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or
by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and re-
trieval systems – except in the case of brief quotations in articles or reviews
– without permission in writing from its publisher, Martha Susana Trujillo.
All brand names and product names used in this book are trademarks, re-
gistered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders. We are not
associated with any product or vendor in this book. If you have any concerns
about your health and would like advice about any of the medical conditions
covered within, please do seek professional medical assistance. This book is
designed for educational purposes only. This information is provided and sold
with the knowledge that the publisher and author do not offer legal or other
professional advice. In the case of a need for any such expertise, consult with
the appropriate professional. This book does not contain all information avai-
lable on all subjects it addresses. This book has not been created to be spe-
cific to any individuals’ or organizations’ situation or needs. Every effort has
been made to make this book as accurate as possible. However, there may be
typographical and/or content errors. Therefore, this book should serve only
as a general guide and not as the ultimate source of subject information. This
book contains information that might be dated and is intended to educate
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ISBN: 978-1-5323-3494-8
introduction 1
chapter one
chapter two
chapter three
chapter four
chapter five
chapter seven
about the author
chapter six
What is astragalus and how does it work?
The health benefits of astragalus
What are soybeans and how do they work?
The health benefits of soybeans
Men’s Health: Understanding prostate changes
and BPH
Synergistic effects of astragalus and soybean:
Research on UMOOZE®
as an add-on therapy in
males with BPH
Natural TREATMENTS and ongoing clinical research
to treat BPH and other common prostate problems
I. Urinary health
I. Different natural treatment options for BPH
Table of contents
II. benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
II. Ongoing clinical research
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
You do not have to be a doctor or health professional to understand
the importance of taking responsibility for your health. It is absolutely
essential in this stress-filled world. No one else will invest in your
health as much as you do and so, the more you can understand your
body and be prepared to take a proactive approach to health and
wellbeing, the more you will be ready to act if problems arise. This
book’s main focus is on the benefits of using astragalus and soy-
bean to help promote the prevention or healing of health conditions
related to prostate and hormonal health. However, to know why they
work, you need to understand the intricacies of these remedies and
understand the findings of the medical studies. Knowledge is all-im-
portant and there is much that you can do to help yourself combat
these types of conditions.
Although there has long been a divide between the complemen-
tary health sector and conventional medicine, medical research is
exploring the benefits of using both herbal and conventional med-
icine to help heal specific conditions. This means that science is
calculating the key components within natural medicine so as to un-
derstand how herbs, for example, and natural ingredients work and
provide targeted treatments for these vital health conditions. This is
good news for those who like the idea of using more natural solutions
but would prefer the endorsement of tried and tested research.
Many people have heard of soybeans and perhaps have tried at
least one product containing them. Soybeans (Glycine max) possess
great health benefits. For example, they have been shown to be ben-
eficial for prostate health, hormonal health, cancer and osteoporosis
as well as being packed with vital nutrients i.e. proteins, healthy fats
and carbohydrates. In recent years, soy foods and specific soybean
constituents, especially isoflavones, have been the subject of an im-
pressive amount of research. There is particular interest in the role
that soy foods have in reducing heart disease, osteoporosis and
certain prostate problems, which include prostate cancer, benign
prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostatitis. This book addresses
questions related to soy and chronic disease risk, provides healthy
recommendations for optimal health and discusses potential contra-
indications. As reviewed, the evidence indicates that, with the ex-
ception of individuals allergic to soy protein, soy foods are beneficial
and can help maintain a healthy lifestyle.
The root of the astragalus plant (Astragalus membranaceus) is
well-known for its ability to fight against fatigue and to promote im-
mune health; it has been used successfully in this way all around the
world. However, recent research indicates that astragalus can also in-
crease the strength of the immune system that is paramount for pa-
tients with cancer who are undergoing chemotherapy. Research has
shown that astragalus can also help to improve prostate health, benign
prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), urinary issues, male pattern baldness (an-
drogenic alopecia), acne, hormone balance, aid those with diabetes,
prevent osteoporosis and of course, improve Quality of Life.
In fact, elements of this herb along with the soybean offer incred-
ible healing properties and so, supported by in-depth medical re-
search, this book provides as much accurate and up-to-date research
as possible regarding the synergistic health benefits obtained by the
unique combination of Astragalus and Soybean extracts. These two
immune-enhancing ingredients offer a solution to health concerns re-
lated to prostate health. This book is intended to provide you with
information and other natural, alternative methods to encourage a
healthier lifestyle.
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
What Is Astragalus and
How Does It Work?
For those interested in herbal medicine, there has long been an in-
terest in the healing benefits of astragalus, and as an antipathogen
and tonic it has been used successfully for over 4,000 years.
Astragalus is a thorny shrub that can grow to approximately three
feet in height. It is native to Northern China and to the provinces of
Yunnan and Sichuan and is grown throughout Mongolia, Japan and
Korea. It grows in open wooded areas, alongside forest edges or
grasslands. Each branch has between 8-12 pairs of leaves, although
it is the root that is mainly used in a medicinal capacity. The plant is
usually four or five years old when harvested, and it is thought that
harvesting at the wrong times can be detrimental to the concentra-
tions of active ingredients within. It is a member of the pea family.
Among over 1750 species within the genus, Astragalus membrana-
ceus is mainly used, but A. trigonus and A. gummifera may be used
on occasion.
A staple component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it is
a sweet and warming herb with specialized beneficial properties for
the lung, spleen and heart meridians. In addition, it has been proven
useful for those who are susceptible to viral infections, for wounds
that are slow to heal, decreased appetite, fever, uterine prolapse/
bleeding, edema, muscle pain, diabetes, and uterine, ovarian, or
even colon cancer. This herb is a popular component of many TCM
tonics and is often utilized with ginseng, angelica or licorice. In mo-
dern day health, it is often recommended for those suffering from
impaired immunity, fatigue or those who need a general health tonic.
Astragalus is an adaptogen that is a natural element known to
help your body adapt to stressful situations. It strengthens the meta-
bolism, increases the metabolic rate, improves the immune system
and can be used to help heal wounds. Believed to boost stamina
and energy levels, it promotes the metabolism of liver and serum
proteins, generates antibody growth and promotes the production of
white blood cells which leads naturally to greater immune resistance
against viruses. It also helps digestion, reducing gastric acid and
promoting the healing process for stomach ulcers while inhibiting
gastric secretions. Astragalus has antioxidant effects that limit free
radical production which damages cells. The benefits of this herb
are far-reaching and so it makes sense to understand all its benefits
and to add this to your home first-aid kit.
Astragalus contains three components that allow the plant to
have such a positive impact on human health:
a. Saponins,
b. Flavonoids and
c. Polysaccharides, which are all active compounds contained
in certain plants, including some fruits and vegetables.
The astragalus root is the part that contains the important saponin
constituents. These saponins have diuretic, anti-inflammatory and
antihypertensive effects. Due to the various elements contained in
the plant (amino acids, coumarins, flavonoids, isoflavonoids, poly-
saccharides and trace minerals), it is still unclear which agents are
involved in which effects. Saponins are also well-known for their abi-
lity to lower cholesterol and enhance the immune system.
Many different subclasses of flavonoids have been described from
chapter one
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
the genus Astragalus including flavones, flavonols, flavanones, fla-
vanonols, chalcones, aurones, isoflavones, and pterocarpans. The
number of flavones from the genus according to our literature sur-
vey is 22. Flavonols are the most frequently isolated compounds.
Among them, quercetin, kaempferol and their glycosides were found
in a higher number of Astragalus species. Flavonoids provide health
benefits through cell signaling. They demonstrate antioxidative qua-
lities, control and scavenge free radicals and can help prevent heart
disease, cancer and immunodeficiency viruses.
Recently, a great deal of interest has been developed to isolate and
investigate novel bioactive components with beneficial health effects
from natural resources. The dried root of Astragalus membranaceus,
one of the most popular health-promoting herbal medicines, has
been used historically as an immune-modulating agent for the treat-
ment of the common cold, diarrhea, fatigue and anorexia for more
than 2000 years. Modern phytochemistry and pharmacological ex-
periments have proven that polysaccharide is one of the major active
ingredients in the root of A. membranaceus with various important
bioactivities, such as immunomodulation, antioxidant, antitumor, an-
ti-diabetes, antiviral, hepatoprotection, anti-inflammation, anti-athe-
rosclerosis, hematopoiesis and neuroprotection.
Summary of The Health Benefits of Astragalus
Some of the health benefits of Astragalus include:
1. Extraordinary qualities to support the prostate and relieve 	
	 prostate symptoms in conjunction with soybeans
2. Enhance the immune system and offer protection against a 	
	 cold and the flu
3. Excellent anti-inflammatory properties
4. Excellent antioxidant action
5. May provide kidney support
6. May provide anti-aging effects
7. Provide wound healing and reduce scarring
8. May alleviate symptoms associated with chemotherapy
the health benefits of
C H A P T E R t w o
Prostate Health
Prostate health and prevention are extremely important for men and
the statistics are alarming. Up to 85% of men are likely to develop
some type of prostate-related health issue before they turn 60 years
of age. Prostate health, or the discussion of it, is taboo for many men,
but it is a vital part of a man’s sex life, and symptoms can be unplea-
sant and painful if the prostate becomes enlarged or where there
is an infection. Cancer of the prostate is also very common. The
prostate is a walnut-sized gland situated beneath the bladder and in
front of the rectum. The gland surrounds the tube carrying urine from
the bladder. Soy has been found to be highly beneficial for prostate
health as it contains isoflavones that prevent damage to DNA by free
radicals. It has powerful antioxidants. Taken alongside astragalus, it
also provides a two-fold defense strengthening the immune system.
Heart Health
We all know the importance of caring for our hearts and research
chapter two
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
into astragalus indicates that the saponins within will help prevent
fatty plaques forming in the arteries; it may help to reduce high cho-
lesterol levels and even reduce blood pressure. It will relieve stress
and the symptoms of a weakened heart, i.e. breathlessness and dis-
tress, reducing the potential for blood clots while also reducing the
retention of salt and water. For stroke sufferers, astragalus can help
preserve the function of the nerves and strengthen the artery walls.
It may also help those who have chronic heart failure, reducing the
potential for frequent episodes.
Adrenal Health
Adrenal health is constantly under pressure in these stressful times, and
astragalus has been proven to stimulate the adrenal glands that can help
those with adrenal stress. This would be especially important for cancer
patients as the adrenal glands are suppressed during their treatment.
In the 1970’s, research into this herb confirmed that it aided the
body’s ability to fight against inflammation, viruses and bacteria; it
can also protect liver functions. Cancer patients receiving chemo-
therapy were given astragalus along with their treatment and bone
marrow growth was encouraged so that extra white blood cells were
produced to combat any invading organisms. This naturally increa-
sed survival rates.
The Aging Process
The aging process begins in the cells, and due to a chemical com-
pound within this herb, the enzyme telomerase (hTERT) is turned
on. This enzyme helps maintain and lengthen telomeres that are the
protectors at the end of the DNA strands. This helps to prevent them
from being damaged or from shortening due to wear and tear. In
adults, telomerase is usually switched off and so by protecting DNA
for longer, this can help slow down the aging process. Research in-
dicates that there is a direct connection between the length of these
telomeres and age-related diseases including cardiovascular disea-
ses. In addition to protecting chromosomes from degradation, this
herb contains unique and active polysaccharides and increases the
rate of immune system replication known as macrophages.
Healing Wounds
Containing important compounds such as formonetin, calycosin and
astragaloside 1V, it activates different and specific immune cells,
shuts down relevant genes and metabolic pathways to prevent blood
and chemicals flowing toward the wounds, and reduces the quantity
of nitric oxide, reducing inflammation. It is used to help reduce the
potential for hemorrhaging and for the treatment of ulcers.
Health Properties
The main constituents of Astragalus membranaceus include sapo-
nins, polysaccharides, amino acids, organic compounds, and mi-
neral and trace elements such as zinc, magnesium, manganese,
calcium, potassium, iron, copper, sodium, cobalt, chromium, molyb-
denum and more. The organic compounds within the astragalus root
include choline, betaine, sitosterols, essential oils, aromatic com-
pounds, linoleic acid, bitter compounds, aminobutyric acid and as-
Side Effects
Although generally deemed safe, it’s important to always consider
the potential for contraindications. Astragalus should not be taken by
anyone allergic to the Leguminosae family (pea). In addition, it could
interfere with the effectiveness of beta-blockers, anticoagulants,
phenobarbitals and diuretics. It may counteract the effectiveness of
immune suppressing cyclophosphamide that is prescribed for those
having organ transplants, and it could increase the effectiveness of
some antiviral medications. It should not be used during a fever, and
it could increase growth hormone levels.
chapter two
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
what are soybeans and
how do they work?
C H A P T E R t h r e e
The soybean (Glycine max) is an extremely important plant native to
East Asia and it is grown for its edible bean. Classed as an oilseed
as opposed to a pulse, it contains significant levels of B vitamins,
dietary minerals and phytic acid. Grown annually, it produces more
oil and protein per acre of land than most other crops. It provides
a protein packed alternative to meat, supplies a high number of nu-
trients when consumed and is a versatile food plant. A hot weather
crop, soybean grows year-round in the tropics but they need soil
moisture for the germination process and dry weather for the pro-
duction of dry seeds.
Soybean contains many beneficial nutrients including protein,
carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. It is one of the least expen-
sive sources of protein in a diet. Soybean also contains most of the
essential amino acids for human nutrition:
• Molybdenum – an essential trace element
• Vitamin K1 – plays a vital role in blood clotting
• Folate – also known as Vitamin B9, performs various func-
tions within the human body and is especially important during
• Copper – a rare mineral in the Western world and deficiency 	
could impact heart health
• Manganese – a trace element found in food and drinking wa-
ter. It can be difficult to absorb from the soya bean due to 		
high phytic acid levels.
• Phosphorous – this is an essential mineral for the use of
carbohydrates and fats. Needed for growth, maintenance, re-
paration of cells, etc.
• Thiamin – also known as Vitamin B1, plays an important role 	
in metabolic functions
Soy Isoflavones
The three soybean isoflavones, genistein, daidzein and glycitein, are
the main isoflavones, which are a subclass of flavonoids, present in
soybeans. These three isoflavones and their various glycoside forms
account for roughly 50, 40 and 10 percent of total isoflavone content
Soy isoflavones have been identified as dietary components ha-
ving an important role in combating the occurrence rate of of pros-
tate cancer in Asian countries. Asian soy consumption can serve
as one guide for Western vegetarian soy intake recommendations.
However, there is confusion among health professionals about the
amount of soy consumed in Asia. Popular sources have suggested
that among Asians, soyfoods are used primarily only as condiments
and consumed almost exclusively in fermented forms. Both of these
statements are without merit. Not surprisingly, there is a wide range
of soy intake among Asian countries and even among regions within
the same country.
In Japan, the average isoflavone intake (by older Japanese men)
equates to 40 mg daily and this is provided by 10-12 g of soy protein.
A single serving – ½ cup of edamame or tofu or 1 cup of soymilk- is
equivalent to 25 mg of isoflavones or 3.5 mg of isoflavones per gram
of protein respectively. Soya products that have been processed
have lower levels of isoflavone concentrations.
Isoflavones have a chemical structure similar to the female hor-
mone estrogen, and they bind to estrogen receptors. Isoflavones are
most commonly referred to as phytoestrogens. It is worth noting that
chapter three
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
isoflavones and estrogen exert different physiologic effects and the
molecules are different, too. Isoflavones can affect selective tissue
due to the binding and transactivation of the estrogen receptor beta.
Soy foods are extremely useful in helping men meet their protein
requirements while providing low levels of saturated fat. In fact, soy
foods can be provided as protein-rich options. Evidence indicates
that there is reduced stress on the kidneys and they may be more
beneficial over other proteins by reducing exercise-induced oxida-
tion and inflammation. This means that soy protein can be useful for
those who wish to increase muscle mass.
The oil of the Soybean contains approximately 300 to 400 mg of plant
sterols per 100 g. The major components of soy sterols are sitosterol
(53 to 56%), campesterol (20 to 23%) and stigmasterol (17 to 21%).
These phytosterols differ from cholesterol in the side chain structu-
re. Sterols are different from stanols in terms of being unsaturated
versus saturated at the C5-C6 double bond in their B-ring. They are
proven to have cholesterol-lowering activity, although there is still
some confusion as to why.
The oil of the Soybean contains 1-3% phospholipids among which
35% is phosphatidyl choline, 25% is phosphatidyl ethanolamine,
~15% is phosphatidyl inositol and ~5-10% is phosphatidic acid. Du-
ring the degumming process, phospholipids are removed from the
oil and then used as a natural food emulsifier. These are polar lipids,
contributing to the structure of the cell membrane.
There is currently much scientific interest in saponins as they have
unique chemical structures and physiological functions. Soybeans
contain 2% saponins (triterpene glycosides). Soy saponins are found
to have various biological effects, including anti-cancer, anti-oxidati-
ve, hepatoprotective, anti-hyperlipidemic, etc.
Soybean contains ferritin, a multimeric iron storage protein. It is re-
commended for those who suffer from anemia.
Summary of the Health Benefits of Soybean
The many health benefits of soybean include the following:
1. Soybeans, in conjunction with Astragalus, improve		
	 prostate health and may relieve the symptoms of an 		
	 enlarged prostate, including:
a. A weak or slow urinary stream
b. A feeling of incomplete bladder emptying
c. Difficulty starting urination
d. Frequent urination
e. Urgency to urinate
f. Getting up frequently at night to urinate
2. Soybeans may relieve the symptoms of menopause
3. Soybeans may increase metabolic activity
4. Soybeans may support a healthy weight gain
5. Soybeans maybe help prevent osteoporosis
6. Soybeans improve digestive and bone health
7. Soybeans help lower cholesterol levels
8. Soybeans may help prevent heart attacks and strokes
9. Soybeans may help reduce the risk of insomnia and 		
	 sleeping disorders
chapter three
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
the health benefits of
C H A P T E R f o u r
Helps Prevent Prostate Cancer
Studies continue to show that soybeans can help promote heal-
thy prostate function. Soybeans are rich in isoflavones. These are
powerful antioxidants that help inhibit the enzymes which stimulate
prostate cell growth. Men in Asia have low cancer rates that have
been attributed to eating soybeans.
Prostate Cancer
Prostate cancer is feared by many men because the changes to the
prostate, from around the age of 40, can be unpleasant or even pain-
ful, although sometimes those suffering from prostate cancer have
experienced little to no symptoms at all.
There is evidence to suggest that a healthier diet along with key nu-
trients and phytochemicals may reduce the risk of prostate cancer.
Diagnosis tends to occur at an older age and tumors tend to be slow
growing. It is possible that changes in diet and exercise could lead
to the delay or slow-growth of the tumor, which could lead to a signi-
ficant reduction of deaths. It has been suggested by the International
Prostate Health Council that due to soy foods having Isoflavones,
this may be a contributing factor to the low mortality rate of prostate
cancer in Japan. Certainly, there is evidence that soy isoflavones
regulate cancer-related cellular processes.
Heart Disease
Soy foods can be highly beneficial in the fight against heart disease.
Firstly, they are low in saturated fats but high in polyunsaturated fats;
they can also help reduce cholesterol. Soy foods provide a benefi-
cial change in fatty acid content within a diet and this is due to being
a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, specifically alpha-linolenic
acid (ALA). In addition, soy may reduce CHD risks and may lower
triglyceride levels.
Bone Health
Soy isoflavones may help prevent bone loss and thus reduce the risk
of osteoporosis. The isoflavone genistein inhibits the breakdown of
bones and may mimic the effect estrogen has in maintaining bone
tissue. Soy is not high in calcium levels but by replacing animal pro-
teins and incorporating soy protein, it may serve to prevent calcium
loss. Consuming soybeans has been shown to help prevent mineral
loss and as a result leads to the decreased pain of arthritis.
Lowers Cholesterol
In addition to having a complete protein profile, soybeans do not
have any artery-clogging cholesterol and whatever fat they do have,
it is unsaturated – another added benefit. In fact, substituting animal
protein with soybeans can help reduce cholesterol levels. It turns out
just 25 grams of soy protein lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol and helps
elevate HDL (good) cholesterol. Soybeans are definitely a part of a
heart-healthy eating plan.
Healthy Colon
One of the most common causes of death is colon cancer and that
involves the digestive tract. Soybeans play an important role in kee-
chapter four
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
ping the digestive tract healthy, including the colon. Studies have
shown that survivors of colon cancer benefit from consuming soy-
beans because they help prevent the proliferation of cancer cells.
Boosts The Immune System
Soybeans are rich in natural detergents known as “saponins.” These
are excellent cleaners that bind to cholesterol in the intestine and
prevent absorption. In addition to its cholesterol-lowering properties,
saponins defend against microbes, making them outstanding hel-
pers to the immune system.
Lowers Blood Glucose Levels
Those with diabetes have high blood glucose levels in the blood.
This is because their cells do not recognize insulin, the hormone that
tells the body to pick up and absorb glucose. People with diabe-
tes find that when they eat soybeans, blood glucose levels become
lower than normal due to the high fiber content of soybeans. Dia-
betics typically have kidney problems due to having diabetes, but
soybeans are gentle on the kidneys.
Good Soybean Food Choices
Soybeans can be found in a variety of forms. Like anything else,
there are good and bad soybean choices. Here is a list of soybean
foods that will help you reap the health benefits from this nutrition
Soybeans – cook them just like any other bean.
Soy Flour – roasted soybeans are ground to become flour that
can be used for making great tasting baked goods.
Soy Milk – is made from ground soybeans, water and sweet-
ener. It has a nutty flavor and is a great substitute for regular
milk, especially if you are lactose intolerant. Look for low-sugar
Soy Paste (Miso) – contains a high concentration of protein
with great flavor. It is popular in Japanese soups offering a salty
Tofu – is the cheese of soymilk and is a common meat substi-
tute with a mild flavor. It absorbs any spice or flavorings of other
ingredients for a heart-healthy main dish.
Tempeh – are fermented soy cakes that can be cut up and
added to any main dish.
Soybean Sprouts – are just like alfalfa sprouts that give an
added crunch to salads or sandwiches.
Soy Nuts – make an excellent snack with much less fat.
Soy Protein – whipping up a soy protein smoothie is an excel-
lent way to get some powerful nutrients on the run. Add some
fresh berries, kefir and ice for a delicious smoothie any time of
day. All you need is 25 grams of soy protein per day. Like any-
thing else, soybeans should be consumed with plenty of fresh
fruits and vegetables and other healthy foods.
chapter four
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
men´s health:
prostate changes
C H A P T E R f i v e
Prostate Health
Awareness of prostate health is extremely important. There are a
number of conditions that could affect the health of the prostate and
care and maintenance should be the norm for all men. Unfortunately,
many men avoid regular checkups or are reluctant to seek medical
advice due to fear.
Globally, up to 85% of men will develop some type of prostate-related
health issue before they turn 60 years of age; this is a significant and wo-
rrying statistic which highlights the need for awareness. Certainly, cancer
of the prostate is increasingly common. In the United States alone,
there are over 200,000 new cases reported each year and in the UK,
nearly 47,000 new cases are reported annually.
The aim of this chapter is to make men further understand prosta-
te health and to eradicate common fears, replacing them with sound
knowledge, including an awareness of testing and potential treatment.
What is the Prostate Gland?
A small gland, approximately walnut-sized, it is an important part of
the reproductive system, providing up to 30% of seminal fluid. The
gland typically weights between 20-40 grams and is made up of
glandular tissue and fibromuscular or stromal tissue. Located below
the bladder and in front of the rectum, it surrounds the tube in the
penis (urethra) that carries urine from the bladder. It is connected to
the pubic bone and the posterior surface anterior to the rectum. The
rectovesical fascia separates it from the rectum and this is discerna-
ble through a rectal exam.
The prostate is comprised of three distinct zones and has diffe-
rent embryologic origins:
• Peripheral zone
• Central zone
• Transition zone
It’s true to say that many men will experience an enlarged prostate
as they age, but when this occurs, the gland can press upon the
tube transporting urine from the bladder. This is known as Benign
Prostate Enlargement.
There are many other conditions including swelling of the gland
known as Prostatitis, and this can make urination quite painful. It may
also be caused by an infection. A solitary cell may also multiply out
of control, potentially leading to the development of cancer.
Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Problems
Some men suffer very little in the way of symptoms, although this
does not mean that changes are not occurring in the prostate. If any
of the following is experienced, it is best to seek medical advice:
• Problems starting urination
• Increased frequency to urinate
• Urinating more at night
• Bladder failing to empty following urination
• Sudden urge to urinate without warning
• Starting and stopping urination
• Straining to urinate
chapter five
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
Seeking medical advice if any of these symptoms are present is im-
portant as it could indicate an enlarged prostate. Failure to seek
medical advice could even lead towards kidney or bladder damage.
It is important to understand that the prostate gland can grow. In
fact, this could be deemed as a normal part of the aging process.
By 40 years of age, the prostate may have grown from its original
walnut size to the size of an apricot. At 60 years of age, it could be
as large as a lemon. From this, it’s easy to determine that this may
lead to problems being experienced during urination. Usually, these
problems do not start to manifest until the age of 50 or over, but they
may commence earlier.
If diagnosed with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), note that
this is not cancerous and is fairly common. Unfortunately, it is impos-
sible to prevent it and age, plus a family history of this condition, will
certainly increase the potential to experience BPH.
• 8 out of 10 men develop an enlarged prostate at some point
• 90% of men who are 85 or over will have BPH
Prostatitis can occur in men of any age and symptoms experienced
may be painful or manifest as considerable discomfort in the pelvic
region. There may also be a burning sensation during urination. This
is different than BPH, although symptoms may be described simi-
larly. Prostatitis is an inflammation or infection of the prostate, and
usually antibiotics are prescribed following its diagnosis.
• Difficulty urinating
• Sexual problems
• Chills
• Fevers
If a catheter has been placed into the urethra, there is a higher chan-
ce of bacterial prostatitis occurring. In addition, chlamydia or other
sexually transmitted diseases may also cause repetitive infections or
Prostate Cancer
Notably the most common cancer in the UK, there are more than
47,000 men who are diagnosed with this condition on an annual ba-
sis. Although 11,000 men out of the 47,000 will die from prostate
cancer each year, early diagnosis shows that survival chances are
good. In fact, 90% of men who have received an early diagnosis will
live between 5 and 10 more years on average. Unfortunately, some
men will experience little to no symptoms when it comes to prostate
cancer and this can delay diagnosis.
• Increased difficulty during urination
• Increased urination at night
• Difficulty commencing urination
• Straining to urinate
• Urinating for an increased time frame
• Pain during urination
• Pain during sex
As you can see, many symptoms overlap and so it is always impor-
tant to get tested. Of course, experiencing these symptoms does
not automatically equate to cancer and may be connected to other
prostate conditions. Many men who are 70 years or over will often
have prostate cancer. However, this is a slow-growing cancer and
may never be diagnosed. Sometimes, cancer cells will grow quickly
and move outside of the prostate, affecting other parts of the body
including the bones.
The risk of prostate cancer increases with age. Most men who have
been diagnosed with this condition are 50 years of age or over. Whe-
re there is a history of prostate cancer in the family, such as a father
or a brother, the risk is increased by 2.5 or 4.3 times as much if the
relative received the diagnosis prior to the age of 60.
Black men also have an increased risk and are 3 times more likely
to develop prostate cancer than a Caucasian male. This is believed
to be associated with genetics, but research continues.
chapter five
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
Diets high in saturated animal fats or red meat could be linked to
high levels of this disease in Western countries. It is advisable to
reduce the intake of saturated animal fats and to eat fresh fruit and
vegetables as this may lower the risk of prostate cancer.
Lifestyle Changes
Taking a preventative stance against poor prostate health is sensi-
ble. Certainly, decreasing the amount of fast food, alcohol, and se-
xual partners would be beneficial for prostate health and can make
the prostate a little more resilient to disease or to infections.
Salted foods and alcohol build toxins in the body that can impact
the immune system and lymphatic tissues that cleanse the blood.
Where there is unhealthy blood in the sexual and urinary parts of the
body, this can lead to dysfunction in these areas.
Increase Exercise
Exercise increases the flow of oxygen and blood throughout the
body. Increased exercise equates to less fat tissue which has un-
healthy toxins that can be excreted from the body. It will help balan-
ce glucose levels in the bloodstream; this is important as this can
prevent the growth of cancerous cells in the prostate.
Diet has been found to affect or relieve problems impacting the pros-
tate. Zinc has been found to be a very useful mineral and can be
found in the following:
• Pumpkin seeds
• Sunflower seeds
• Sesame seeds
• Peanuts
• Chocolate
• Omega 3 fatty acids (excellent for controlling bad 	
• Linseed oil
• Wheat germ
• Fish oil
Soya should also be added into the diet.
It is wise to avoid alcohol, greasy food, black tea, or coffee. Whe-
never possible, eat organic foods as they will contain fewer chemi-
cals responsible for excessive male hormones, which in turn lead to
hypertrophy of the prostate.
Keep Warm
It is important to stay warm as chilled conditions can aggravate pros-
tate conditions. This means dressing appropriately, avoiding sitting
on cold surfaces and wearing warm underwear. Having a warm bath
will also aid prostate health.
Regular Check-Ups
Although most men are reluctant to undergo a prostate examination,
a regular check-up could be a life-saving tool. It’s worth noting that
a prostate examination provides a few minutes of discomfort but is
not painful.
Avoid Alcohol
Staying hydrated is very important, so avoiding or reducing alcohol
levels is highly beneficial when it comes to the health of the prostate.
Alcohol places high demands on the liver and also depletes vital
nutrients. Beer is not a good choice of drink for prostate health as
the live yeast within can reside in the prostate and may multiply. Red
wine is the preferred choice, but only in moderation. If prostatitis is
diagnosed, red wine should also be avoided.
It’s important to have a varied but balanced diet, although these
days it can be difficult to obtain all required nutrients on a daily ba-
chapter five
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
sis. Supplements can be an effective way to keep the body healthy.
Suggestion: try dietary supplements containing Astragalus and soy-
bean extracts.
Natural Ingredients to Support Prostate Health
i. Astragalus
We have discussed astragalus and its many benefits in the opening
chapter, but as it provides a wonderful boost to the body’s immune
system, it should be included again here. Research indicates that
not only does it improve immunity, it can also throw a spotlight
onto any rogue cells in the body; this means the immune system’s
defenses can see them and attack them. Astragalus may stimulate
the immune system sufficiently enough to overcome cancer and
typically, it is a two-fold process because of the immune response
capacity. To put it simply, this means that the invading cancer cells
are more visible and thus more vulnerable. Medical herbalists state
that there are two requirements for treating cancer: Adaptogenic
action and Immuno-modulating action. These must work in a syner-
gistic manner.
Astragalus can do both. It increases B-lymphocyte and T-lympho-
cyte levels, interleukin and antibody production. It increases various
white cells (including T cells) and it aids with recognition of bacteria,
viruses and rogue cells. Astragalus contains choline, bioflavonoids
and a polysaccharide called astragalin B. This controls bacteria,
viruses and rogue cells by binding to the outer membranes. This
process helps the T-cells to identify rogue cells and weaken them
Research indicates that it may help prevent the spread of malig-
nant cancer cells that will impact secondary healthy tissue.
ii. Soy
Although we have discussed the health benefits of soya in the pre-
vious chapter, let’s mention some of the benefits with respect to
prostate conditions here. There is solid evidence that soy can redu-
ce the size of the prostate. This is good news and during scientific
studies, it seems that Asian men who consume higher levels of soy
naturally in their diet will have a lower risk of prostate cancer than
those living in the Western world. It is likely that this is a direct result
of soy being a staple part of the Asian diet. It is deemed that soy
products including tofu, tempeh and soymilk may reduce the risk of
prostate cancer by up to 70%.
Men who eat soy will have increased levels of Isoflavones; those
Isoflavones that are obtained from soy products will be found in the
fluids within the prostate. This is natural absorption and accumula-
tion. It is believed that soy phytochemicals are far more likely to aid
prostate health than to exacerbate the potential risks that have been
associated with soy in recent years. It is worth noting that Isoflavones
are phytoestrogens, so they contain estrogenic properties. They may
cause hormonal imbalance, but the impact is likely to be extremely
limited. Isoflavones are considered to be good for reducing the risk
of hormone-dependent cancers including cancer of the prostate,
breast and uterine.
Soya Isoflavones are beneficial for the following reasons:
• They influence sex hormones’ metabolism and counteract 	
	 androgens with estrogen-type activities
• Influence cell growth that contributes to the guidelines of 	
	 enzymes within the cells, contributing to protein
	 synthesis and growth factors.
• They are powerful antioxidants
• They inhibit the swift increase of any malignant cells and 	
	 the rapid growth of new blood vessels that would only 	
	 feed tumors.
chapter five
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
Tips to Keep in Mind
Sedentary lifestyles with limited movement or muscle stimulation may
be a potential cause of prostate problems. Modern day lifestyles go
against the natural way of life of being active, of walking and run-
ning. Typically, disease occurs when the natural way is bypassed.
Certainly, it appears that the majority of prostate problems are linked
to unhealthy blood or poor blood flow. Once healthy blood flows to
the prostate gland, many sufferers state that their problems decrease.
There are a variety of tests which can be utilized to check the pros-
tate condition including:
• Digital rectal exam – one finger is inserted into the rectum to 	
	 establish the shape, size and firmness of the prostate and 	
	 the doctor will also be able to determine if there are any 		
• Prostate-specific antigen test – a blood sample is taken and 	
	 checked for proteins called PSA that are produced by the 	
	 cells of the prostate. If there are high levels, it may be
	 indicative of cancer. It is worth noting that this alone is not 	
	 confirmation of prostate cancer.
I. Urinary Health
The health of the urinary tract is extremely important because it filters
waste or excess fluid from the bloodstream and removes it. It pro-
motes the health of the kidneys, aiding their functions and ensuring
stable levels of electrolytes including potassium and phosphate.
In addition:
• It produces hormones for the regulation of blood pressure
• It produces red blood cells
• It maintains strong bones
The bladder, ureters and the urethra transport urine away from the
kidneys and stores it in the bladder until released through urination.
The amount of urine produced will vary from person to person and
will be dependent on any number of factors including liquids and
foods consumed, as well as any fluids lost as a result of sweating or
respiration. Some medications, food types and medical conditions
can also affect the amount of urine and it is worth noting that children
will produce less urine than adults.
The bladder is situated between the pelvic bones and is a balloon
shaped organ that expands as it is filled with urine. Urine empties
through the urethra at the bottom of the bladder. The kidneys are
small, bean-shaped organs and each equates to the size of a fist,
filtering approximately 120-150 quarts of blood each day and produ-
cing 1-2 quarts of urine.
The health of the urinary tract is vital and it is important to ensure
the regular flow of urine. Too often, people allow themselves to be-
come dehydrated and often drink far less than they should. Ideally,
at the first sign of a dry mouth, water should be taken. Although
many guidelines are given for water consumption, there is no actual
specified quantity. It is just important to keep fluid levels topped up.
In addition to dehydration, too much salt in a diet can also lead to
an imbalance of salt/mineral and water in the body that is not good
for the kidneys. In addition, a diet high in salt may lead to the eleva-
tion of blood pressure and this could lead to kidney stones or even
kidney damage eventually. Sodium within salt leads to additional salt
being excreted. To help reduce the risk of calcium-based kidney sto-
nes, it is wise to reduce any processed foods within the diet as these
contain salt. Always check labels before purchase.
Caffeine may irritate the bladder and will lead to urinating more
frequently. Additional water is lost through perspiration, exercise,
and on hot days so extra water should be taken during these times.
Many urinary tract infections are caused by sexual activity, where
bacteria can travel into the urinary tract. To reduce the potential for
this, urinating prior to and after sex should help. Men are less likely
to contract infections in this way simply because their urethra is lon-
ger, but it is still possible. Good personal hygiene is essential, i.e.
wiping from front to back will help limit the risk of infections as the
anus and rectum have a lot of bacteria.
Frequent Urination
Frequent urination during the nighttime hours indicates a reduced
ability to hold the urine. This is referred to as nocturia. There are in
chapter five
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
fact numerous reasons for this (i.e. food or drink consumed at night).
However, where this is not the case, frequent urination should be
brought to the doctor’s attention.
Most men do not like to talk about incontinence, but it is very com-
mon and millions of men suffer the symptoms of incontinence daily.
In simple terms, the definition of incontinence relates to bladder or
bowel control and the loss of urine or stools on an involuntary basis.
Incontinence is actually a symptom of a condition that could mean
that there is an infection, the result of a pelvic injury, a birth defect,
or even degenerative changes as a result of aging.
In relation to prostate cancer or prostatectomy, up to 63% of pa-
tients experience urinary incontinence for up to a 12-month period
following surgery. The more informed an individual is about urinary
incontinence, the greater the confidence with respect to decision
making. This can help with the management of incontinence.
Incontinence often occurs following surgery due to changes in
the shape or size of the urethra and this is due to the proximity of
the urethra to the prostate gland. With respect to prostate cancer
treatments, radiation therapy or surgical removal are common and
those who opt for surgery are more likely to experience stress-rela-
ted urinary incontinence.
Pelvic Floor Muscles
Using the pelvic floor muscles will help with bladder control. They
need to be used regularly as with any muscle and this will aid their
ability to function. If surgery has taken place because of prostate
cancer, there may be damage to the mechanisms that hold urine
within the bladder. Thus, incontinence can happen through simply
coughing or sneezing. If surgery is required, it is best to practice
pelvic floor muscle exercises prior to commencing treatment as this
may reduce the impact of surgery or the risk of incontinence later.
Exercising can help to increase or rebuild the strength of the blad-
der, something that is particularly important for any man suffering
from stress or urinary incontinence.
There is often a tendency to reduce fluid intake when incontinence is
experienced. However, it is important to remain hydrated. By limiting
fluid, urine becomes thicker and acts as an irritant to the bladder.
This leads to more frequent urination bouts. Drink little and often
throughout the day instead.
Avoid alcohol and caffeine, as they are both diuretics that can
create irritation in the bladder. Some spicy or acidic foods may also
exaggerate symptoms. Tobacco may also aggravate the urinary
tract and if you’re overweight, reducing weight can be advantageous
as it naturally reduces pressure on the bladder.
II. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is an enlarged prostate. The
prostate gland endures two growth periods as man ages and can
double in size during puberty. The second phase begins around the
age of 25 years and BPH may follow this second phase. Discomfort
or pain may also be experienced as the prostate begins to enlarge
and this occurs as the urethra is squeezed due to the prostate enlar-
ging. The walls of the bladder may become gradually thicker and as
a result, one may be unable to empty completely, resulting in urine
being left within the bladder. These are just some of the problems
commonly associated with BPH.
It is important to note that BPH is benign and this means that it
is not cancerous and it does not lead to cancer. It is important to
note that cancer may be present at the same time, but it is not due
to BPH. This is a very common condition and approximately half the
male population of those aged between 51 and 60 years will develop
BPH while approximately 90% of those men aged over 80 years of
age will develop BPH.
Common symptoms of BPH are as follows:
• Discomfort or pain
• Weak flow of urine
• Feeling that urination is not possible
chapter five
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
• Consistent need to urinate
• Feeling that the bladder is still full even after urination
• A need to stop or start urinating
• Problems starting to urinate or the need to strain
Lower urinary tract symptoms tend to be common in association with
BPH, including:
• An urgency to urinate
• A tendency to urinate more at night
• Weak urinary stream
• Increased frequency of urination
It is worth noting that BPH may lead to infections, urinary retention,
obstruction, stones or even acute renal failure. It is also associated
with erectile dysfunction and may cause problems with ejaculation.
In fact, up to 70% of men experience these symptoms while 20% of
males also admit to experiencing depression. 5% of men who requi-
re surgery for BPH will experience long-term impotence as a result.
Medications prescribed for BPH may also cause:
• Erectile dysfunction
• Ejaculatory dysfunction
• Decreased libido
Some men receive a diagnosis of BPH once they have had a PSA
blood test which is designed to ascertain if prostate cancer is pre-
sent. There is often a great deal of fear experienced when the pros-
tate enlarges, in cases where cancer is present.
It is worth noting that BPH does not appear to occur in men who-
se testicles were removed prior to puberty. Research indicates that
aging and the presence of testicles may cause BPH.
Men produce testosterone throughout their lives. This is known as
the male hormone but they also produce small amounts of the female
hormone, estrogen. Testosterone levels decrease as the man ages
and this naturally leaves a higher level of estrogen. Scientific research
indicates that BPH may occur due to higher estrogen levels being
present within the prostate and this may increase prostate cell growth.
There is another theory too which focuses on dihydrotestosterone
(DHT), a male hormone that plays a role in the development of the
prostate gland and its subsequent growth. It may be that older men
produce and accumulate high levels of DHT, encouraging the grow-
th of prostate cells. Scientific research indicates that those who do
not produce DHT will not develop BPH.
Currently, there is no proven way of definitively preventing BPH. Ex-
cess body fat could impact hormone levels and cell growth. Diet
may also play a significant role. Staying as active as possible will aid
weight and hormone levels and eating a healthier diet with plenty of
fruit and vegetables is recommended. Studies indicate that obesity
or diabetes may increase the potential for an enlarged prostate.
When seeking medical advice, there is a BPH score index which
ascertains the regularity of urinary symptoms; this rates the symp-
toms from mild to severe. This, along with discussion regarding
medical history and a physical exam such as a digital rectal exam
(DRE) will provide an accurate diagnosis.
In addition, the following tests may be required to confirm BPH or
other conditions:
• Urinalysis
• PSA blood test – to determine prostate cancer
• Urinary blood test – to determine bladder cancer
• Uroflowmetry – to identify the speed in which urine flows
• Post-void residual volume (PVR) to determine urine present 	
	 in the bladder after urination
• Cystoscopy – to view the urethra or bladder
• Urodynamic pressure – determines pressure within the
bladder during urination
• Ultrasound of the prostate gland
PSA test
The PSA test (prostate specific antigen) blood test determines the
level of PSA in the blood. This is important because PSA is a protein
only made by the prostate gland. Ejaculation should not occur for
two days prior to the test as this can raise the levels of PSA for 24-48
hours. Where little PSA is found, this indicates a good sign of pros-
tate health. A rapid increase in PSA could indicate problems that are
benign (non-cancerous) or an enlargement of the prostate known as
chapter five
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
Phytotherapy is the use of herbs or plants and herbal therapies are
popular methods of self-treatment. Several have been researched
in pre-clinical and clinical studies so as to relieve lower urinary tract
symptoms in connection with BPH. As an example, Saw Palmetto
along with selenium and lycopene may be useful when treating an
enlarged prostate. Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) may also provide
some assistance with prostate health.
Natural Support: Astragalus and Soybean
Astragalus and soybean together may support prostate health while
relieving symptoms. In addition, Astragalus provides an exceptional
boost to the immune system and provides support to the kidneys. As
a remedy, this may aid the following symptoms:
• A weak or slow urinary stream
• A feeling of incomplete bladder emptying
• Difficulty starting urination
• Frequent urination
• Urgency to urinate
• Getting up frequently at night to urinate
Treatment options for BPH are likely to be a mixture of lifestyle chan-
ges, medication, minor invasive procedures or possibly surgery.
Complementary health approaches are becoming more popular for
the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms interconnected with
BPH. Trials into the success of phytotherapy (natural products) and
the prostate are ongoing and are often beneficial alongside medical
diagnosis and medication in a whole-body approach to health.
Prescription Medications
BPH medication falls into two main classes:
• Alpha-adrenergic blockers (alpha blockers) which include: 	
	 alfuzosin, silodosin, tamsulosin, terazosin, prazosin and 		
• 5-Alpha-reductase inhibitors (5-ARIs) that include finaste-ride
and dutasteride.
Note: Alpha-blockers and 5-ARIs may be used in combination.
The aim of any treatment is to reduce the size of the prostate and it
• Ablation with a needle
• Microwave thermotherapy – deliverable via a catheter to re	
	 move tissue
• Surgery – in cases where medication does not relieve
chapter five
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
Natural Treatments
and Ongoing Clinical
Research to Treat BPH
and Other Common
Prostate Problems
C H A P T E R s i x
As we have mentioned in Chapter 5, benign prostatic hyperplasia
(BPH) is another name for an enlarged prostate due to the prolife-
ration of tissue in the prostate. BPH leads to an obstruction of the
bladder and lower urinary tract symptoms. A pathologist bases a
definitive diagnosis of BPH on histology or review of a specimen of
the prostate. A histological confirmation of BPH is required for diag-
nosis because men can experience lower urinary tract symptoms
independently of BPH. Symptoms include increased frequency of
urination, the need to urinate at night, hesitancy, urgency and weak
urinary stream. Treatments are selected based on the severity of the
lower urinary tract symptoms. Some men are treated for BPH based
on symptoms without histological confirmation, prompting some ex-
perts to differentiate histologically confirmed BPH versus symptoms
associated with BPH including lower urinary tract symptoms, benign
prostatic enlargement and bladder outlet obstruction.
Recommended lifestyle changes include increasing physical ac-
tivity, modifying one’s diet to avoid excessive alcohol consumption,
avoiding highly seasoned and irritative foods, regulating fluid intake
(especially in the evenings) and examining if other prescribed medi-
cations are contributing to the symptoms.
Treatment options for BPH include watchful waiting, lifestyle changes
including diet and behavioral interventions, prescription medications and
surgical procedures. Individuals who are not at risk of acute urinary reten-
tion are often offered watchful waiting, lifestyle changes and phytothera-
py as first-line treatments to relieve their urinary symptoms.
Prescription medications and surgical procedures are recommen-
ded for individuals with moderate to severe BPH. Nonetheless, many
men seek natural alternative treatments to support their health needs.
Phytotherapy is the use of herbs or plants to treat disease. Several
phytotherapies have been examined in preclinical and clinical studies
to relieve lower urinary tract symptoms associated with BPH. The most
widely available and commonly used natural alternative treatment
for BPH is saw palmetto or Serenoa repens. Saw palmetto extract is
available at drug and grocery stores without a prescription. There is
variation in the quality of the products available. The American Uro-
logical Association guidelines specifically mention that saw palmetto
and stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) are not recommended, but that on-
going trials at the time may provide evidence that could change these
recommendations. Prescription medications to treat BPH include two
main classes: alpha-adrenergic blockers (alpha blockers) including
alfuzosin, doxazosin, prazosin, silodosin, tamsulosin and terazosin,
and 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors (5-ARIs) including finasteride and
dutasteride. Alpha-blockers and 5-ARIs can be used in combination.
I. Different Natural Treatment Options for BPH
A. Serenoa repens for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
1. What is Serenoa repens? Serenoa repens, commonly known
as saw palmetto, is the sole species currently classified in the
chapter six
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
genus Serenoa. It is a small palm, growing to a maximum hei-
ght of around 7–10 ft (2–3 m). It is endemic to the lowlands and
savanna scrubs of the subtropical Southeastern United States,
most commonly along the south Atlantic and Gulf Coastal plains
and sand hills.
2.	 Current study on Saw Palmetto: Review to assess the effects
and harms of Serenoa repens in the treatment of men with LUTS
consistent with BPH.
3.	 Conclusions: This review included 32 randomized, controlled
trials involving 5666 men. Serenoa repens is widely used in Eu-
rope and the US to treat lower urinary tract symptoms associated
with BPH. Saw palmetto, even at escalating doses, is not supe-
rior to placebos, based on two high qualities according to clini-
cal trials, one with a follow-up of six years. Non-standardization
is a long-recognized problem of phytotherapeutic products and
that includes Serenoa repens.
B. Lycopene for The Prevention of Prostate Cancer
1. What is lycopene? Lycopene, from the neo-Latin lycopersi-
cum, the tomato species, is a bright red carotene and carote-
noid pigment and phytochemical found in tomatoes and other
red fruits and vegetables, such as red carrots, watermelons, gac
and papayas, although not in strawberries or cherries.
2. Current studies on Lycopene: Research to assess whether ly-
copene reduces the incidence of prostate cancer and prostate
cancer-specific mortality. Secondary objectives include chan-
ges in PSA levels, prostate symptoms and the nature of adverse
events associated with lycopene use. The primary factor obser-
ved was prostate cancer and the secondary factors observed
included common symptoms of BPH.
3. Conclusions: It was concluded that there is insufficient evi-
dence to either support or refute the use of lycopene for the pre-
vention of prostate cancer. Similarly, there is no robust evidence
from RCTs to identify the impact of lycopene consumption upon
the incidence of prostate cancer, prostate symptoms, PSA levels
or adverse events. It is also worth noting that the RCTs included
in this systematic review relied on lycopene to be administered
to men as supplements. Previous research has suggested that
any beneficial effects of lycopene may be related to the antioxi-
dants in the diet rather than as supplements. Similarly, it may be
the overall effect of a range of micronutrients rather than one that
produces the benefit. Best estimates have suggested that the
average daily intake ranges from 3.7 to 6.5 mg per day. It should
be noted that the men who participated in the included studies
received between 15 to 30 mg supplements of lycopene without
demonstrable improvement in the primary and secondary factors
C. Cernilton for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
1. What is Cernilton? Rye grass is a plant. The rye grass pollen
is used to make medicine. Rye grass pollen extract (Cernilton) is
a registered pharmaceutical product in Western Europe, Japan,
Korea and Argentina.
2. Current studies on Cernilton: The effects of Cernilton, a rye-
grass pollen extract, were evaluated alongside placebos and an
active control group on urinary symptoms in men with BPH. The
main factor observed was an improvement in urologic symptom
scale scores. Secondary factors observed included changes in
peak and mean urine flow, residual urine volume, prostate size
and side effects associated with the use of Cernilton.
3. Conclusions: Four low-quality trials were included. The avai-
lable evidence suggests that Cernilton is well tolerated and
modestly improves subjective urologic symptoms for up to 24
weeks. Cernilton was not demonstrated to improve urinary flow
measures compared to placebos. The long-term effectiveness
and safety of Cernilton and its ability to prevent complications
from BPH are not known.
chapter six
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
D. Beta-Sitosterols for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
1. What are Beta-sitosterols? Beta-sitosterol is a substance found
in plants. Chemists call it a “plant sterol ester.” It is found in fruits,
vegetables, nuts and seeds. It is used to make medicine.
2. Current studies on Beta-sitosterols: Research to assess the
effects of beta-sitosterols (B-sitosterol) on urinary symptoms and
flow measures in men with of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH).
3. Conclusions: 519 men from four randomized, placebo-con-
trolled, double-blind trials (lasting 4 to 26 weeks) were asses-
sed. The available evidence suggests that B-sitosterols are well
tolerated and improve urologic symptoms and flow measures.
B-sitosterols may be a useful pharmacologic treatment option for
men with mild to moderate BPH, particularly for those who would
like to avoid or are at increased risk for adverse effects from
alpha-blockers or surgical intervention. The long-term effective-
ness and safety of B-sitosterols and their ability to prevent com-
plications from BPH are not known.
E. Pygeum africanum for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
1.	 What is Pygeum africanum? The African cherry tree, Pygeum
africanum, is an evergreen found at higher elevations across
Africa. Its medicinal use dates to the 1700s, when tribes in sou-
thern Africa taught early explorers how to use the tree’s bark to
treat bladder discomfort. Pygeum extract has been used in Eu-
rope to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia since the 1960s and is
currently the most commonly used therapeutic for this condition
in France.
2.	 Current studies on Pygeum africanum: Some research inves-
tigated the evidence of whether extracts of Pygeum africanum
are more effective than placebos in the treatment of benign
prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and whether they are as effective
as standard pharmacologic BPH treatments and have fewer side
effects compared to standard BPH drugs.
3.	 Conclusions: A total of 18 randomized controlled trials invol-
ving 1562 men met inclusion criteria and were analyzed. “The
overall standardized effect size and the summary improvement
in global symptoms, nocturia, peak urine flow and residual uri-
ne volume suggests that Pygeum africanum is effective in men
with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia. This benefit is
of modest size and appears to be clinically significant. Pygeum
africanum is well tolerated and costs less than most prescription
medications. A standardized preparation of Pygeum africanum
may be a useful treatment option, at least in the short term, for
men with lower urinary symptoms consistent with benign prosta-
tic hyperplasia.”
II. Ongoing Clinical Research
Different databases were used to identify the ongoing research stu-
dies related to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). A total of 353 stu-
dies were found when the condition “benign prostatic hyperplasia”
was searched and below is a summary of the findings:
1. Research on Saw Palmetto Extract in Benign Prostatic Hyper-
The study compared 160 mg twice a day of the herbal extract versus an
identical placebo among men who had discontinued all other medica-
tions to treat BPH. The participants were seen in a clinic every 3 months
for 1 year. The primary factor observed was a change in the American
Urological Association Symptom Index score. The study results were
reported in the New England Journal of Medicine in February 2006.
The authors concluded that in this study saw palmetto did not improve
symptoms or objective measures of benign prostatic hyperplasia.
2. Research Study on Serenoa repens on Inflammation Biomar-
kers in Urinary Symptoms Related to BPH (Benign Prostatic
The study compared a lipidosterolic extract of Serenoa repens (saw
palmetto) with a prescription medication for 90 days. The primary
factors observed were changes from the baseline in urine and serum
inflammation biomarkers. No study results were posted and no links
to publications were provided.
3. Research on the Efficacy of a Natural Extract Combined with
Saw Palmetto in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Patients Compared
to Saw Palmetto
The study compared the oral administration of one capsule containing
a combination of 250 mg of a natural extract and 160 mg of saw pal-
metto lipidic extract plus inactive fillers twice a day between meals to
chapter six
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
oral administration of one capsule containing 160 mg of saw palmetto
lipidic extract plus inactive fillers twice a day between meals. Primary
factor observed: Absolute and relative (%) change in International
Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) between the baseline and end of
study at 90 days. No results or links to the publications are available.
4. Research on Lycopene in Treating Patients with Prostate Can-
cer or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia
The study compared a once daily oral lycopene supplement with a
placebo for three weeks. There were six primary factors observed fo-
cused on the uptake of lycopene from prostate biopsy samples and
serum samples. A published study reported that lycopene concentra-
tions in the prostate biopsy and serum were greater (p<0.05) in the
lycopene group than in the placebo group. No precise study results
were posted.
5. Research Study in Patients with Functional Benign Prostatic
Hyperplasia Symptoms Who Switched from Phytotherapy to a
Common Pill
The aim of this observational prospective study was to evaluate the
effects of switching from phytotherapy to a pill containing 0.4 mg of
the active ingredient once daily (o.d.) on efficacy, sexual function and
tolerability in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms/benign pros-
tatic hyperplasia (LUTS/BPH) who have a poor response to at least
4 weeks of phytotherapy. The switch to this pill containing 0.4 mg
o.d. improves LUTS and related quality of life. Sexual function is also
slightly improved. The pill is as well tolerated as phytotherapy and
abnormal ejaculation appears to be no problem. Both patients and
urologists perceive the pill to be superior to preceding phytotherapy.
Please keep in mind that this pill is an alpha-blocker that relaxes
the muscles in the prostate and bladder neck, making it easier to
urinate. It may cause dizziness or fainting, especially when you first
start taking it or when you start taking it again. Be careful if you drive
or do anything that requires you to be alert. Avoid standing for long
periods of time or becoming overheated during exercise and in hot
weather. Avoid getting up too fast from a sitting or lying position, or
you may feel dizzy.
6. Research On Benefit of UMOOZE®
(A Combination of Astra-
galus and Soybean Natural Extracts) As Add-On Therapy in Be-
nign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH)
The study compared UMOOZE®
with a cornstarch placebo. UMOOZE®
is composed of Astragalus radix extracts and soybean extracts. The
original primary factor observed was the International Prostate Symp-
tom Score (IPSS) measured at 56 days. The protocol was amended to
include four primary factors observed, including the IPSS measured at
56 days and at 12 months, as well as the quality of life measured at the
same time points. The UMOOZE®
group had a decrease in IPSS of 3.39
points at day 56 compared with a 5.94 decrease in the placebo group,
indicating that the placebo group had a lower IPSS and a greater risk
value, although no p-value was provided. There were no serious adver-
se events in either group. The interesting and promising results of this
study will be provided to you in detail in the following chapter.
chapter six
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
Synergistic Effects of
Astragalus and Soybean:
Research On UMOOZE®
an Add-On Therapy in
Males with BPH
C H A P T E R s e v e n
Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is a common condition in men
that tends to increase with age. BPH can cause urinary tract symp-
toms that affect the quality of life caused by the growth of the pros-
tate gland that occurs in most men after the age of forty. Incidence
increases with age in almost all men by the time they reach their
eighties. However, the condition does not require treatment unless
the symptoms require treatment. Enlargement of the prostate is as-
sociated with smooth muscle hyperplasia and can lead to obstruc-
tion of the bladder making it difficult to urinate. The most common
symptoms include urinary incontinence, hesitation, frequency, weak
flow, decreased void volume, dysuria, nocturia, straining, prolonged
flow and complete or partial urinary retention.
It is important to diagnose BPH properly and rule out other conditions
such as bladder cancer, prostate cancer, prostatitis, overactive bla-
dder, bladder stones, urinary tract infections and interstitial cystitis.
While BPH is often not life threatening, it can affect a man’s quality of
life. It is important to diagnose BPH correctly and follow an effective
treatment plan. The goal of the treatment is to slow the progression
of BPH while improving a man’s quality of life. Active observation is
recommended for all men who experience any symptoms related to
BPH. Treatment options should be discussed with your physician
based on symptoms and condition.
Quality of Life
Lifestyle modifications can go a long way in dealing with symptoms
initially. Common recommendations include timed bladder voiding,
double-voiding techniques, fluid restriction at night, regular exerci-
se, treatments for constipation, and avoiding spicy foods, alcohol
and caffeine. All of these recommendations can help improve symp-
toms and prevent the progression of BPH.
is an add-on therapy taken twice daily to help improve
symptoms of BPH according to the International Prostate Symptom
Score (IPSS) and Quality of Life (QoL) index. UMOOZE®
contains As-
tragalus radix extracts and soy isoflavones. Astragalus radix (AR) is a
dried root commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. According
to the National Cancer Institute of America, people who consume soy-
bean products can reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer.
Add-On Therapy
was invented to support the symptoms of benign pros-
tatic hyperplasia (BPH). In one particular study, it was given as an
add-on therapy to men with a history of this medical condition. Do-
sages were two tablets that were to be taken with water in the mor-
ning and again in the evening for 56 consecutive days. In the study,
cornstarch was used as the placebo. Subjects who were diagnosed
with BPH received the placebo in the morning and evening for 56
consecutive days, taken with water.
chapter seven
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
Astragalus radix extracts and Soybean extracts were combined
into one 500 mg UMOOZE®
tablet and it is considered a food su-
pplement. The objective of this study was to evaluate the benefits
as an add-on therapy for BPH by evaluating the im-
provements in symptoms of BPH, which were assessed according
to the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) and Quality of
Life (QoL) index. The IPSS is a validated 7-item urinary symptoms
severity scale.
Each subject received UMOOZE®
or a placebo. In this add-on
study, the product was administered twice daily for 56 days. The
benefits were evaluated at the baseline and subsequently on Day
28, Day 42 and Day 56, including the IPSS Index, QoL index, Qmax,
PVR, prostate volume and Prostate-Specific antigen (PSA) test.
The study included the following inclusion criteria:
• Male – 40 years of age or older
• Screened by inquiry and diagnosed with BPH based on the
result of a digital rectal examination (DRE) or transrectal ultra-
sonography (TRUS)
• Prostate volume ≥ 20 cm3
• Has complained of voiding symptoms related to BPH
• Has an IPSS ≥ 13 or a UFR measure of Qmax <= 15 ml/sec
together with a voided volume ≥ 150 ml
• Serum PSA < 6.5 ng/ml
• Has been treated with medication for BPH
• Informed consent form signed
Men that were excluded from the study had the following criteria:
• Sensitivity to study product
• Had received prostatic surgery for BPH during the past 24 weeks
• Hard nodule found by DRE
• Ongoing neurogenic bladder, urinary tract infection, bladder
stone, urethral stricture, bladder cancer, prostate cancer, severe
liver dysfunction, severe renal dysfunction or severe cardiovas-
cular disease
• Patient has clinically significant physical disability or abnormal
findings in physical examination or laboratory testing judged by
the investigator or co-investigator
• Participation in any clinical investigation during the last 30 days
• Individuals are judged by the investigators or co-investigator
to be undesirable as subjects
Below is a detailed chart showing when the testing and safety mea-
surements were taken beginning with Day 1 that includes IPSS, URF,
Prostate Volume and PSA. After taking UMOOZE®
twice daily, IPSS
and URF tests were done as a safety measurement. Day 42 involved
an IPSS followed by a complete lab test for vital signs that included
the same tests from Day 1: IPSS, URF, Prostate Volume and PSA.
The results of the study were recorded as follows:
• Improved the mean change from baseline in IPSS at Day 28
(visit 4, all patients).
• Improved the mean change from baseline in IPSS at Day 28
(visit 4, patients who fit Qmax≤15mL/sec criteria).
• Improved the mean change from baseline in IPSS at Day 28
(visit 4, patients took BPH drug less than 6 months, p≤0.05).
• Improved the mean change from baseline in IPSS at Day 28
(visit 4, patients took Harnalidge 0.4mg once daily for up to 6
months, p≤0.05).
• Improved the mean change from baseline in IPSS at Day 28
(visit 4, patients with non-Harnalidge 0.4mg treatment).
• Improved nocturia in patients with Qmax≤15mL/sec at any
stages of the study.
• Improved the mean change from baseline in QoL at Day 56
(visit 6, patients who fit IPSS criteria).
• Improved the mean change from baseline in QoL at Day 56
(visit 6, patients took Harnalidge 0.4mg once daily, p≤0.05).
• Improved the mean change from baseline in QoL at Day 56
(visit 6, patients took Harnalidge 0.4mg once daily and fit IPSS
criteria, p≤0.05).
• Improved the mean change from baseline in QoL at Day 56
(visit 6, patients took Harnalidge 0.4mg once daily and fit Qmax
• Improved the mean change from baseline in QoL at Day 42
(visit 5, patients took Harnalidge 0.4mg once daily).
• Improved the mean change from baseline in QoL at Day 42
(visit 6, patients took Harnalidge 0.4mg once daily and fit both
Qmax≤15mL/sec and IPSS criteria).
• Improved the mean change from baseline in PVR at Day 56
(visit 6, all patients, p≤0.05).
• Improved the mean change from baseline in PVR at Day 56
chapter seven
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
(visit 6, patients who fit IPSS criteria).
• Improved the mean change from baseline in PVR at Day 56
(visit 6, patients who fit Qmax≤15mL/sec criteria, p≤0.001).
• Reduced prostate volume at Day 56 (visit 6, all patients).
• Reduced prostate volume at Day 56 (visit 6, patients who fit
IPSS criteria).
• Reduced prostate volume at Day 56 (visit 6, patients who fit
Qmax≤15mL/sec criteria, p≤0.05)
In conclusion, UMOOZE®
improved the overall IPSS for nocturia and
LUTS (Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms) while improving the patient’s
quality of life (QoL). The Post-Void Residual (PVR) urine volume was
decreased and the prostate volume in patients with BPH was redu-
ced. UMOOZE®
has proven to be well tolerated and helpful as an
add-on therapy and offers many health benefits in managing BPH
Clinical Outcomes of UMOOZE®
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rement properties of the benign prostatic hyperplasia impact index
in tadalafil studies. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2010 Nov 12; 8:131.
doi: 10.1186/1477-7525-8-131.
Li NC, Chen S, Yang XH, Du LD, Wang JY, Na YQ; Beijing Tam-
sulosin Study Group - Efficacy of low-dose tamsulosin in Chinese
patients with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia Clin Drug
Investig 2003; 23(12): 781-7.
Upadhyay L, Tripathi K, Kulkarni KS. A study of prostane in the treat-
ment of benign prostatic hyperplasia - Phytother Res. 2001 Aug; 15
(5): 411-5.
Gaynor ML. Isoflavones and the prevention and treatment of prostate
disease: is there a role? Cleve Clin J Med. 2003 Mar; 70 (3): 203-4,
206, 208-9 passim. Review.
Kurashige S, Akuzawa Y, Endo F. Effects of astragali radix extract
on carcinogenesis, cytokine production, and cytotoxicity in mice
treated with a carcinogen, N-butyl-N’-butanolnitrosoamine. Cancer
Invest. 1999; 17 (1):30-5.
Lin J, Dong HF, Oppenheim JJ, Howard OM. Effects of astragali ra-
dix on the growth of different cancer cell lines. World J Gastroenterol
2003 Apr;9(4):670-3.
Messina M, Redmond G. Effects of soy protein and soybean isofla-
vones on thyroid function in healthy adults and hypothyroid patients:
a review of the relevant literature. Thyroid. 2006 Mar; 16 (3): 249-58.
Safety, efficacy and impact on Patients’ quality of life of a long-term
treatment with the alpha (1) blocker alfuzosin in symptomatic pa-
tients with BPH - The Italian Alfuzosin Co-Operative Group Eur Urol.
2000 Jun; 37 (6): 680-6.
chapter seven
Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health
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Men's Health: Natural approaches for better prostate health!

  • 1.
  • 2. Men’s Health: Natural Health Approaches For Better Prostate Health
  • 3. Men’s Health: Natural Health Approaches For Better Prostate Health by: Dr. martha susana trujillo
  • 4. Copyright ©2016 Martha Susana Trujillo Cover and internal design by Ashley Matarama All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means including information storage and re- trieval systems – except in the case of brief quotations in articles or reviews – without permission in writing from its publisher, Martha Susana Trujillo. All brand names and product names used in this book are trademarks, re- gistered trademarks, or trade names of their respective holders. We are not associated with any product or vendor in this book. If you have any concerns about your health and would like advice about any of the medical conditions covered within, please do seek professional medical assistance. This book is designed for educational purposes only. This information is provided and sold with the knowledge that the publisher and author do not offer legal or other professional advice. In the case of a need for any such expertise, consult with the appropriate professional. This book does not contain all information avai- lable on all subjects it addresses. This book has not been created to be spe- cific to any individuals’ or organizations’ situation or needs. Every effort has been made to make this book as accurate as possible. However, there may be typographical and/or content errors. Therefore, this book should serve only as a general guide and not as the ultimate source of subject information. This book contains information that might be dated and is intended to educate and entertain. The author and publisher shall have no liability or responsibility to any person or entity regarding any loss or damage incurred, or alleged to have incurred, directly or indirectly, by the information contained in this book. You hereby agree to be bound by this disclaimer. For permission requests, contact us via email at ISBN: 978-1-5323-3494-8
  • 5. introduction 1 chapter one chapter two chapter three chapter four chapter five chapter seven REFERENCES about the author chapter six 3 6 9 13 17 41 47 73 33 25 34 28 38 What is astragalus and how does it work? The health benefits of astragalus What are soybeans and how do they work? The health benefits of soybeans Men’s Health: Understanding prostate changes and BPH Synergistic effects of astragalus and soybean: Research on UMOOZE® as an add-on therapy in males with BPH Natural TREATMENTS and ongoing clinical research to treat BPH and other common prostate problems I. Urinary health I. Different natural treatment options for BPH Table of contents II. benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) II. Ongoing clinical research
  • 6. 1 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health introduction You do not have to be a doctor or health professional to understand the importance of taking responsibility for your health. It is absolutely essential in this stress-filled world. No one else will invest in your health as much as you do and so, the more you can understand your body and be prepared to take a proactive approach to health and wellbeing, the more you will be ready to act if problems arise. This book’s main focus is on the benefits of using astragalus and soy- bean to help promote the prevention or healing of health conditions related to prostate and hormonal health. However, to know why they work, you need to understand the intricacies of these remedies and understand the findings of the medical studies. Knowledge is all-im- portant and there is much that you can do to help yourself combat these types of conditions. Although there has long been a divide between the complemen- tary health sector and conventional medicine, medical research is exploring the benefits of using both herbal and conventional med- icine to help heal specific conditions. This means that science is calculating the key components within natural medicine so as to un- derstand how herbs, for example, and natural ingredients work and
  • 7. 2 provide targeted treatments for these vital health conditions. This is good news for those who like the idea of using more natural solutions but would prefer the endorsement of tried and tested research. Many people have heard of soybeans and perhaps have tried at least one product containing them. Soybeans (Glycine max) possess great health benefits. For example, they have been shown to be ben- eficial for prostate health, hormonal health, cancer and osteoporosis as well as being packed with vital nutrients i.e. proteins, healthy fats and carbohydrates. In recent years, soy foods and specific soybean constituents, especially isoflavones, have been the subject of an im- pressive amount of research. There is particular interest in the role that soy foods have in reducing heart disease, osteoporosis and certain prostate problems, which include prostate cancer, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and prostatitis. This book addresses questions related to soy and chronic disease risk, provides healthy recommendations for optimal health and discusses potential contra- indications. As reviewed, the evidence indicates that, with the ex- ception of individuals allergic to soy protein, soy foods are beneficial and can help maintain a healthy lifestyle. The root of the astragalus plant (Astragalus membranaceus) is well-known for its ability to fight against fatigue and to promote im- mune health; it has been used successfully in this way all around the world. However, recent research indicates that astragalus can also in- crease the strength of the immune system that is paramount for pa- tients with cancer who are undergoing chemotherapy. Research has shown that astragalus can also help to improve prostate health, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), urinary issues, male pattern baldness (an- drogenic alopecia), acne, hormone balance, aid those with diabetes, prevent osteoporosis and of course, improve Quality of Life. In fact, elements of this herb along with the soybean offer incred- ible healing properties and so, supported by in-depth medical re- search, this book provides as much accurate and up-to-date research as possible regarding the synergistic health benefits obtained by the unique combination of Astragalus and Soybean extracts. These two immune-enhancing ingredients offer a solution to health concerns re- lated to prostate health. This book is intended to provide you with information and other natural, alternative methods to encourage a healthier lifestyle. introduction
  • 8. 3 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health What Is Astragalus and How Does It Work? C H A P T E R ONE For those interested in herbal medicine, there has long been an in- terest in the healing benefits of astragalus, and as an antipathogen and tonic it has been used successfully for over 4,000 years. Astragalus is a thorny shrub that can grow to approximately three feet in height. It is native to Northern China and to the provinces of Yunnan and Sichuan and is grown throughout Mongolia, Japan and Korea. It grows in open wooded areas, alongside forest edges or grasslands. Each branch has between 8-12 pairs of leaves, although it is the root that is mainly used in a medicinal capacity. The plant is usually four or five years old when harvested, and it is thought that harvesting at the wrong times can be detrimental to the concentra- tions of active ingredients within. It is a member of the pea family. Among over 1750 species within the genus, Astragalus membrana- ceus is mainly used, but A. trigonus and A. gummifera may be used on occasion. A staple component of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), it is a sweet and warming herb with specialized beneficial properties for the lung, spleen and heart meridians. In addition, it has been proven
  • 9. 4 useful for those who are susceptible to viral infections, for wounds that are slow to heal, decreased appetite, fever, uterine prolapse/ bleeding, edema, muscle pain, diabetes, and uterine, ovarian, or even colon cancer. This herb is a popular component of many TCM tonics and is often utilized with ginseng, angelica or licorice. In mo- dern day health, it is often recommended for those suffering from impaired immunity, fatigue or those who need a general health tonic. Astragalus is an adaptogen that is a natural element known to help your body adapt to stressful situations. It strengthens the meta- bolism, increases the metabolic rate, improves the immune system and can be used to help heal wounds. Believed to boost stamina and energy levels, it promotes the metabolism of liver and serum proteins, generates antibody growth and promotes the production of white blood cells which leads naturally to greater immune resistance against viruses. It also helps digestion, reducing gastric acid and promoting the healing process for stomach ulcers while inhibiting gastric secretions. Astragalus has antioxidant effects that limit free radical production which damages cells. The benefits of this herb are far-reaching and so it makes sense to understand all its benefits and to add this to your home first-aid kit. Astragalus contains three components that allow the plant to have such a positive impact on human health: a. Saponins, b. Flavonoids and c. Polysaccharides, which are all active compounds contained in certain plants, including some fruits and vegetables. Saponins The astragalus root is the part that contains the important saponin constituents. These saponins have diuretic, anti-inflammatory and antihypertensive effects. Due to the various elements contained in the plant (amino acids, coumarins, flavonoids, isoflavonoids, poly- saccharides and trace minerals), it is still unclear which agents are involved in which effects. Saponins are also well-known for their abi- lity to lower cholesterol and enhance the immune system. Flavonoids Many different subclasses of flavonoids have been described from chapter one
  • 10. 5 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health the genus Astragalus including flavones, flavonols, flavanones, fla- vanonols, chalcones, aurones, isoflavones, and pterocarpans. The number of flavones from the genus according to our literature sur- vey is 22. Flavonols are the most frequently isolated compounds. Among them, quercetin, kaempferol and their glycosides were found in a higher number of Astragalus species. Flavonoids provide health benefits through cell signaling. They demonstrate antioxidative qua- lities, control and scavenge free radicals and can help prevent heart disease, cancer and immunodeficiency viruses. Polysaccharides Recently, a great deal of interest has been developed to isolate and investigate novel bioactive components with beneficial health effects from natural resources. The dried root of Astragalus membranaceus, one of the most popular health-promoting herbal medicines, has been used historically as an immune-modulating agent for the treat- ment of the common cold, diarrhea, fatigue and anorexia for more than 2000 years. Modern phytochemistry and pharmacological ex- periments have proven that polysaccharide is one of the major active ingredients in the root of A. membranaceus with various important bioactivities, such as immunomodulation, antioxidant, antitumor, an- ti-diabetes, antiviral, hepatoprotection, anti-inflammation, anti-athe- rosclerosis, hematopoiesis and neuroprotection. Summary of The Health Benefits of Astragalus Some of the health benefits of Astragalus include: 1. Extraordinary qualities to support the prostate and relieve prostate symptoms in conjunction with soybeans 2. Enhance the immune system and offer protection against a cold and the flu 3. Excellent anti-inflammatory properties 4. Excellent antioxidant action 5. May provide kidney support 6. May provide anti-aging effects 7. Provide wound healing and reduce scarring 8. May alleviate symptoms associated with chemotherapy
  • 11. 6 the health benefits of astragalus C H A P T E R t w o Prostate Health Prostate health and prevention are extremely important for men and the statistics are alarming. Up to 85% of men are likely to develop some type of prostate-related health issue before they turn 60 years of age. Prostate health, or the discussion of it, is taboo for many men, but it is a vital part of a man’s sex life, and symptoms can be unplea- sant and painful if the prostate becomes enlarged or where there is an infection. Cancer of the prostate is also very common. The prostate is a walnut-sized gland situated beneath the bladder and in front of the rectum. The gland surrounds the tube carrying urine from the bladder. Soy has been found to be highly beneficial for prostate health as it contains isoflavones that prevent damage to DNA by free radicals. It has powerful antioxidants. Taken alongside astragalus, it also provides a two-fold defense strengthening the immune system. Heart Health We all know the importance of caring for our hearts and research chapter two
  • 12. 7 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health into astragalus indicates that the saponins within will help prevent fatty plaques forming in the arteries; it may help to reduce high cho- lesterol levels and even reduce blood pressure. It will relieve stress and the symptoms of a weakened heart, i.e. breathlessness and dis- tress, reducing the potential for blood clots while also reducing the retention of salt and water. For stroke sufferers, astragalus can help preserve the function of the nerves and strengthen the artery walls. It may also help those who have chronic heart failure, reducing the potential for frequent episodes. Adrenal Health Adrenal health is constantly under pressure in these stressful times, and astragalus has been proven to stimulate the adrenal glands that can help those with adrenal stress. This would be especially important for cancer patients as the adrenal glands are suppressed during their treatment. Cancer In the 1970’s, research into this herb confirmed that it aided the body’s ability to fight against inflammation, viruses and bacteria; it can also protect liver functions. Cancer patients receiving chemo- therapy were given astragalus along with their treatment and bone marrow growth was encouraged so that extra white blood cells were produced to combat any invading organisms. This naturally increa- sed survival rates. The Aging Process The aging process begins in the cells, and due to a chemical com- pound within this herb, the enzyme telomerase (hTERT) is turned on. This enzyme helps maintain and lengthen telomeres that are the protectors at the end of the DNA strands. This helps to prevent them from being damaged or from shortening due to wear and tear. In adults, telomerase is usually switched off and so by protecting DNA for longer, this can help slow down the aging process. Research in- dicates that there is a direct connection between the length of these telomeres and age-related diseases including cardiovascular disea- ses. In addition to protecting chromosomes from degradation, this herb contains unique and active polysaccharides and increases the rate of immune system replication known as macrophages.
  • 13. 8 Healing Wounds Containing important compounds such as formonetin, calycosin and astragaloside 1V, it activates different and specific immune cells, shuts down relevant genes and metabolic pathways to prevent blood and chemicals flowing toward the wounds, and reduces the quantity of nitric oxide, reducing inflammation. It is used to help reduce the potential for hemorrhaging and for the treatment of ulcers. Health Properties The main constituents of Astragalus membranaceus include sapo- nins, polysaccharides, amino acids, organic compounds, and mi- neral and trace elements such as zinc, magnesium, manganese, calcium, potassium, iron, copper, sodium, cobalt, chromium, molyb- denum and more. The organic compounds within the astragalus root include choline, betaine, sitosterols, essential oils, aromatic com- pounds, linoleic acid, bitter compounds, aminobutyric acid and as- paragine. Side Effects Although generally deemed safe, it’s important to always consider the potential for contraindications. Astragalus should not be taken by anyone allergic to the Leguminosae family (pea). In addition, it could interfere with the effectiveness of beta-blockers, anticoagulants, phenobarbitals and diuretics. It may counteract the effectiveness of immune suppressing cyclophosphamide that is prescribed for those having organ transplants, and it could increase the effectiveness of some antiviral medications. It should not be used during a fever, and it could increase growth hormone levels. chapter two
  • 14. 9 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health what are soybeans and how do they work? C H A P T E R t h r e e The soybean (Glycine max) is an extremely important plant native to East Asia and it is grown for its edible bean. Classed as an oilseed as opposed to a pulse, it contains significant levels of B vitamins, dietary minerals and phytic acid. Grown annually, it produces more oil and protein per acre of land than most other crops. It provides a protein packed alternative to meat, supplies a high number of nu- trients when consumed and is a versatile food plant. A hot weather crop, soybean grows year-round in the tropics but they need soil moisture for the germination process and dry weather for the pro- duction of dry seeds. Soybean contains many beneficial nutrients including protein, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals. It is one of the least expen- sive sources of protein in a diet. Soybean also contains most of the essential amino acids for human nutrition: • Molybdenum – an essential trace element • Vitamin K1 – plays a vital role in blood clotting
  • 15. 10 • Folate – also known as Vitamin B9, performs various func- tions within the human body and is especially important during pregnancy • Copper – a rare mineral in the Western world and deficiency could impact heart health • Manganese – a trace element found in food and drinking wa- ter. It can be difficult to absorb from the soya bean due to high phytic acid levels. • Phosphorous – this is an essential mineral for the use of carbohydrates and fats. Needed for growth, maintenance, re- paration of cells, etc. • Thiamin – also known as Vitamin B1, plays an important role in metabolic functions Soy Isoflavones The three soybean isoflavones, genistein, daidzein and glycitein, are the main isoflavones, which are a subclass of flavonoids, present in soybeans. These three isoflavones and their various glycoside forms account for roughly 50, 40 and 10 percent of total isoflavone content respectively. Soy isoflavones have been identified as dietary components ha- ving an important role in combating the occurrence rate of of pros- tate cancer in Asian countries. Asian soy consumption can serve as one guide for Western vegetarian soy intake recommendations. However, there is confusion among health professionals about the amount of soy consumed in Asia. Popular sources have suggested that among Asians, soyfoods are used primarily only as condiments and consumed almost exclusively in fermented forms. Both of these statements are without merit. Not surprisingly, there is a wide range of soy intake among Asian countries and even among regions within the same country. In Japan, the average isoflavone intake (by older Japanese men) equates to 40 mg daily and this is provided by 10-12 g of soy protein. A single serving – ½ cup of edamame or tofu or 1 cup of soymilk- is equivalent to 25 mg of isoflavones or 3.5 mg of isoflavones per gram of protein respectively. Soya products that have been processed have lower levels of isoflavone concentrations. Isoflavones have a chemical structure similar to the female hor- mone estrogen, and they bind to estrogen receptors. Isoflavones are most commonly referred to as phytoestrogens. It is worth noting that chapter three
  • 16. 11 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health isoflavones and estrogen exert different physiologic effects and the molecules are different, too. Isoflavones can affect selective tissue due to the binding and transactivation of the estrogen receptor beta. Soy foods are extremely useful in helping men meet their protein requirements while providing low levels of saturated fat. In fact, soy foods can be provided as protein-rich options. Evidence indicates that there is reduced stress on the kidneys and they may be more beneficial over other proteins by reducing exercise-induced oxida- tion and inflammation. This means that soy protein can be useful for those who wish to increase muscle mass. Phytosterols The oil of the Soybean contains approximately 300 to 400 mg of plant sterols per 100 g. The major components of soy sterols are sitosterol (53 to 56%), campesterol (20 to 23%) and stigmasterol (17 to 21%). These phytosterols differ from cholesterol in the side chain structu- re. Sterols are different from stanols in terms of being unsaturated versus saturated at the C5-C6 double bond in their B-ring. They are proven to have cholesterol-lowering activity, although there is still some confusion as to why. Phospholipids The oil of the Soybean contains 1-3% phospholipids among which 35% is phosphatidyl choline, 25% is phosphatidyl ethanolamine, ~15% is phosphatidyl inositol and ~5-10% is phosphatidic acid. Du- ring the degumming process, phospholipids are removed from the oil and then used as a natural food emulsifier. These are polar lipids, contributing to the structure of the cell membrane. Saponins There is currently much scientific interest in saponins as they have unique chemical structures and physiological functions. Soybeans contain 2% saponins (triterpene glycosides). Soy saponins are found to have various biological effects, including anti-cancer, anti-oxidati- ve, hepatoprotective, anti-hyperlipidemic, etc.
  • 17. 12 Ferritins Soybean contains ferritin, a multimeric iron storage protein. It is re- commended for those who suffer from anemia. Summary of the Health Benefits of Soybean The many health benefits of soybean include the following: 1. Soybeans, in conjunction with Astragalus, improve prostate health and may relieve the symptoms of an enlarged prostate, including: a. A weak or slow urinary stream b. A feeling of incomplete bladder emptying c. Difficulty starting urination d. Frequent urination e. Urgency to urinate f. Getting up frequently at night to urinate 2. Soybeans may relieve the symptoms of menopause 3. Soybeans may increase metabolic activity 4. Soybeans may support a healthy weight gain 5. Soybeans maybe help prevent osteoporosis 6. Soybeans improve digestive and bone health 7. Soybeans help lower cholesterol levels 8. Soybeans may help prevent heart attacks and strokes 9. Soybeans may help reduce the risk of insomnia and sleeping disorders chapter three
  • 18. 13 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health the health benefits of soybeans C H A P T E R f o u r Helps Prevent Prostate Cancer Studies continue to show that soybeans can help promote heal- thy prostate function. Soybeans are rich in isoflavones. These are powerful antioxidants that help inhibit the enzymes which stimulate prostate cell growth. Men in Asia have low cancer rates that have been attributed to eating soybeans. Prostate Cancer Prostate cancer is feared by many men because the changes to the prostate, from around the age of 40, can be unpleasant or even pain- ful, although sometimes those suffering from prostate cancer have experienced little to no symptoms at all. There is evidence to suggest that a healthier diet along with key nu- trients and phytochemicals may reduce the risk of prostate cancer. Diagnosis tends to occur at an older age and tumors tend to be slow growing. It is possible that changes in diet and exercise could lead
  • 19. 14 to the delay or slow-growth of the tumor, which could lead to a signi- ficant reduction of deaths. It has been suggested by the International Prostate Health Council that due to soy foods having Isoflavones, this may be a contributing factor to the low mortality rate of prostate cancer in Japan. Certainly, there is evidence that soy isoflavones regulate cancer-related cellular processes. Heart Disease Soy foods can be highly beneficial in the fight against heart disease. Firstly, they are low in saturated fats but high in polyunsaturated fats; they can also help reduce cholesterol. Soy foods provide a benefi- cial change in fatty acid content within a diet and this is due to being a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, specifically alpha-linolenic acid (ALA). In addition, soy may reduce CHD risks and may lower triglyceride levels. Bone Health Soy isoflavones may help prevent bone loss and thus reduce the risk of osteoporosis. The isoflavone genistein inhibits the breakdown of bones and may mimic the effect estrogen has in maintaining bone tissue. Soy is not high in calcium levels but by replacing animal pro- teins and incorporating soy protein, it may serve to prevent calcium loss. Consuming soybeans has been shown to help prevent mineral loss and as a result leads to the decreased pain of arthritis. Lowers Cholesterol In addition to having a complete protein profile, soybeans do not have any artery-clogging cholesterol and whatever fat they do have, it is unsaturated – another added benefit. In fact, substituting animal protein with soybeans can help reduce cholesterol levels. It turns out just 25 grams of soy protein lowers LDL (bad) cholesterol and helps elevate HDL (good) cholesterol. Soybeans are definitely a part of a heart-healthy eating plan. Healthy Colon One of the most common causes of death is colon cancer and that involves the digestive tract. Soybeans play an important role in kee- chapter four
  • 20. 15 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health ping the digestive tract healthy, including the colon. Studies have shown that survivors of colon cancer benefit from consuming soy- beans because they help prevent the proliferation of cancer cells. Boosts The Immune System Soybeans are rich in natural detergents known as “saponins.” These are excellent cleaners that bind to cholesterol in the intestine and prevent absorption. In addition to its cholesterol-lowering properties, saponins defend against microbes, making them outstanding hel- pers to the immune system. Lowers Blood Glucose Levels Those with diabetes have high blood glucose levels in the blood. This is because their cells do not recognize insulin, the hormone that tells the body to pick up and absorb glucose. People with diabe- tes find that when they eat soybeans, blood glucose levels become lower than normal due to the high fiber content of soybeans. Dia- betics typically have kidney problems due to having diabetes, but soybeans are gentle on the kidneys. Good Soybean Food Choices Soybeans can be found in a variety of forms. Like anything else, there are good and bad soybean choices. Here is a list of soybean foods that will help you reap the health benefits from this nutrition powerhouse: Soybeans – cook them just like any other bean. Soy Flour – roasted soybeans are ground to become flour that can be used for making great tasting baked goods. Soy Milk – is made from ground soybeans, water and sweet- ener. It has a nutty flavor and is a great substitute for regular milk, especially if you are lactose intolerant. Look for low-sugar varieties. Soy Paste (Miso) – contains a high concentration of protein with great flavor. It is popular in Japanese soups offering a salty flavor. Tofu – is the cheese of soymilk and is a common meat substi-
  • 21. 16 tute with a mild flavor. It absorbs any spice or flavorings of other ingredients for a heart-healthy main dish. Tempeh – are fermented soy cakes that can be cut up and added to any main dish. Soybean Sprouts – are just like alfalfa sprouts that give an added crunch to salads or sandwiches. Soy Nuts – make an excellent snack with much less fat. Soy Protein – whipping up a soy protein smoothie is an excel- lent way to get some powerful nutrients on the run. Add some fresh berries, kefir and ice for a delicious smoothie any time of day. All you need is 25 grams of soy protein per day. Like any- thing else, soybeans should be consumed with plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables and other healthy foods. chapter four
  • 22. 17 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health men´s health: understanding prostate changes C H A P T E R f i v e Prostate Health Awareness of prostate health is extremely important. There are a number of conditions that could affect the health of the prostate and care and maintenance should be the norm for all men. Unfortunately, many men avoid regular checkups or are reluctant to seek medical advice due to fear. Globally, up to 85% of men will develop some type of prostate-related health issue before they turn 60 years of age; this is a significant and wo- rrying statistic which highlights the need for awareness. Certainly, cancer of the prostate is increasingly common. In the United States alone, there are over 200,000 new cases reported each year and in the UK, nearly 47,000 new cases are reported annually. The aim of this chapter is to make men further understand prosta- te health and to eradicate common fears, replacing them with sound knowledge, including an awareness of testing and potential treatment.
  • 23. 18 What is the Prostate Gland? A small gland, approximately walnut-sized, it is an important part of the reproductive system, providing up to 30% of seminal fluid. The gland typically weights between 20-40 grams and is made up of glandular tissue and fibromuscular or stromal tissue. Located below the bladder and in front of the rectum, it surrounds the tube in the penis (urethra) that carries urine from the bladder. It is connected to the pubic bone and the posterior surface anterior to the rectum. The rectovesical fascia separates it from the rectum and this is discerna- ble through a rectal exam. The prostate is comprised of three distinct zones and has diffe- rent embryologic origins: • Peripheral zone • Central zone • Transition zone It’s true to say that many men will experience an enlarged prostate as they age, but when this occurs, the gland can press upon the tube transporting urine from the bladder. This is known as Benign Prostate Enlargement. There are many other conditions including swelling of the gland known as Prostatitis, and this can make urination quite painful. It may also be caused by an infection. A solitary cell may also multiply out of control, potentially leading to the development of cancer. Signs and Symptoms of Prostate Problems Some men suffer very little in the way of symptoms, although this does not mean that changes are not occurring in the prostate. If any of the following is experienced, it is best to seek medical advice: • Problems starting urination • Increased frequency to urinate • Urinating more at night • Bladder failing to empty following urination • Sudden urge to urinate without warning • Starting and stopping urination • Straining to urinate chapter five
  • 24. 19 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health Seeking medical advice if any of these symptoms are present is im- portant as it could indicate an enlarged prostate. Failure to seek medical advice could even lead towards kidney or bladder damage. It is important to understand that the prostate gland can grow. In fact, this could be deemed as a normal part of the aging process. By 40 years of age, the prostate may have grown from its original walnut size to the size of an apricot. At 60 years of age, it could be as large as a lemon. From this, it’s easy to determine that this may lead to problems being experienced during urination. Usually, these problems do not start to manifest until the age of 50 or over, but they may commence earlier. If diagnosed with Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH), note that this is not cancerous and is fairly common. Unfortunately, it is impos- sible to prevent it and age, plus a family history of this condition, will certainly increase the potential to experience BPH. • 8 out of 10 men develop an enlarged prostate at some point • 90% of men who are 85 or over will have BPH Prostatitis Prostatitis can occur in men of any age and symptoms experienced may be painful or manifest as considerable discomfort in the pelvic region. There may also be a burning sensation during urination. This is different than BPH, although symptoms may be described simi- larly. Prostatitis is an inflammation or infection of the prostate, and usually antibiotics are prescribed following its diagnosis. Symptoms • Difficulty urinating • Sexual problems • Chills • Fevers If a catheter has been placed into the urethra, there is a higher chan- ce of bacterial prostatitis occurring. In addition, chlamydia or other sexually transmitted diseases may also cause repetitive infections or inflammation.
  • 25. 20 Prostate Cancer Notably the most common cancer in the UK, there are more than 47,000 men who are diagnosed with this condition on an annual ba- sis. Although 11,000 men out of the 47,000 will die from prostate cancer each year, early diagnosis shows that survival chances are good. In fact, 90% of men who have received an early diagnosis will live between 5 and 10 more years on average. Unfortunately, some men will experience little to no symptoms when it comes to prostate cancer and this can delay diagnosis. Symptoms • Increased difficulty during urination • Increased urination at night • Difficulty commencing urination • Straining to urinate • Urinating for an increased time frame • Pain during urination • Pain during sex As you can see, many symptoms overlap and so it is always impor- tant to get tested. Of course, experiencing these symptoms does not automatically equate to cancer and may be connected to other prostate conditions. Many men who are 70 years or over will often have prostate cancer. However, this is a slow-growing cancer and may never be diagnosed. Sometimes, cancer cells will grow quickly and move outside of the prostate, affecting other parts of the body including the bones. Risks The risk of prostate cancer increases with age. Most men who have been diagnosed with this condition are 50 years of age or over. Whe- re there is a history of prostate cancer in the family, such as a father or a brother, the risk is increased by 2.5 or 4.3 times as much if the relative received the diagnosis prior to the age of 60. Black men also have an increased risk and are 3 times more likely to develop prostate cancer than a Caucasian male. This is believed to be associated with genetics, but research continues. chapter five
  • 26. 21 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health Diets high in saturated animal fats or red meat could be linked to high levels of this disease in Western countries. It is advisable to reduce the intake of saturated animal fats and to eat fresh fruit and vegetables as this may lower the risk of prostate cancer. Lifestyle Changes Taking a preventative stance against poor prostate health is sensi- ble. Certainly, decreasing the amount of fast food, alcohol, and se- xual partners would be beneficial for prostate health and can make the prostate a little more resilient to disease or to infections. Salted foods and alcohol build toxins in the body that can impact the immune system and lymphatic tissues that cleanse the blood. Where there is unhealthy blood in the sexual and urinary parts of the body, this can lead to dysfunction in these areas. Increase Exercise Exercise increases the flow of oxygen and blood throughout the body. Increased exercise equates to less fat tissue which has un- healthy toxins that can be excreted from the body. It will help balan- ce glucose levels in the bloodstream; this is important as this can prevent the growth of cancerous cells in the prostate. Diet Diet has been found to affect or relieve problems impacting the pros- tate. Zinc has been found to be a very useful mineral and can be found in the following: • Pumpkin seeds • Sunflower seeds • Sesame seeds • Peanuts • Chocolate • Omega 3 fatty acids (excellent for controlling bad cholesterol)
  • 27. 22 Consume: • Linseed oil • Wheat germ • Fish oil Soya should also be added into the diet. It is wise to avoid alcohol, greasy food, black tea, or coffee. Whe- never possible, eat organic foods as they will contain fewer chemi- cals responsible for excessive male hormones, which in turn lead to hypertrophy of the prostate. Keep Warm It is important to stay warm as chilled conditions can aggravate pros- tate conditions. This means dressing appropriately, avoiding sitting on cold surfaces and wearing warm underwear. Having a warm bath will also aid prostate health. Regular Check-Ups Although most men are reluctant to undergo a prostate examination, a regular check-up could be a life-saving tool. It’s worth noting that a prostate examination provides a few minutes of discomfort but is not painful. Avoid Alcohol Staying hydrated is very important, so avoiding or reducing alcohol levels is highly beneficial when it comes to the health of the prostate. Alcohol places high demands on the liver and also depletes vital nutrients. Beer is not a good choice of drink for prostate health as the live yeast within can reside in the prostate and may multiply. Red wine is the preferred choice, but only in moderation. If prostatitis is diagnosed, red wine should also be avoided. Supplements It’s important to have a varied but balanced diet, although these days it can be difficult to obtain all required nutrients on a daily ba- chapter five
  • 28. 23 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health sis. Supplements can be an effective way to keep the body healthy. Suggestion: try dietary supplements containing Astragalus and soy- bean extracts. Natural Ingredients to Support Prostate Health i. Astragalus We have discussed astragalus and its many benefits in the opening chapter, but as it provides a wonderful boost to the body’s immune system, it should be included again here. Research indicates that not only does it improve immunity, it can also throw a spotlight onto any rogue cells in the body; this means the immune system’s defenses can see them and attack them. Astragalus may stimulate the immune system sufficiently enough to overcome cancer and typically, it is a two-fold process because of the immune response capacity. To put it simply, this means that the invading cancer cells are more visible and thus more vulnerable. Medical herbalists state that there are two requirements for treating cancer: Adaptogenic action and Immuno-modulating action. These must work in a syner- gistic manner. Astragalus can do both. It increases B-lymphocyte and T-lympho- cyte levels, interleukin and antibody production. It increases various white cells (including T cells) and it aids with recognition of bacteria, viruses and rogue cells. Astragalus contains choline, bioflavonoids
  • 29. 24 and a polysaccharide called astragalin B. This controls bacteria, viruses and rogue cells by binding to the outer membranes. This process helps the T-cells to identify rogue cells and weaken them internally. Research indicates that it may help prevent the spread of malig- nant cancer cells that will impact secondary healthy tissue. ii. Soy Although we have discussed the health benefits of soya in the pre- vious chapter, let’s mention some of the benefits with respect to prostate conditions here. There is solid evidence that soy can redu- ce the size of the prostate. This is good news and during scientific studies, it seems that Asian men who consume higher levels of soy naturally in their diet will have a lower risk of prostate cancer than those living in the Western world. It is likely that this is a direct result of soy being a staple part of the Asian diet. It is deemed that soy products including tofu, tempeh and soymilk may reduce the risk of prostate cancer by up to 70%. Men who eat soy will have increased levels of Isoflavones; those Isoflavones that are obtained from soy products will be found in the fluids within the prostate. This is natural absorption and accumula- tion. It is believed that soy phytochemicals are far more likely to aid prostate health than to exacerbate the potential risks that have been associated with soy in recent years. It is worth noting that Isoflavones are phytoestrogens, so they contain estrogenic properties. They may cause hormonal imbalance, but the impact is likely to be extremely limited. Isoflavones are considered to be good for reducing the risk of hormone-dependent cancers including cancer of the prostate, breast and uterine. Soya Isoflavones are beneficial for the following reasons: • They influence sex hormones’ metabolism and counteract androgens with estrogen-type activities • Influence cell growth that contributes to the guidelines of enzymes within the cells, contributing to protein synthesis and growth factors. • They are powerful antioxidants • They inhibit the swift increase of any malignant cells and the rapid growth of new blood vessels that would only feed tumors. chapter five
  • 30. 25 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health Tips to Keep in Mind Sedentary lifestyles with limited movement or muscle stimulation may be a potential cause of prostate problems. Modern day lifestyles go against the natural way of life of being active, of walking and run- ning. Typically, disease occurs when the natural way is bypassed. Certainly, it appears that the majority of prostate problems are linked to unhealthy blood or poor blood flow. Once healthy blood flows to the prostate gland, many sufferers state that their problems decrease. Tests There are a variety of tests which can be utilized to check the pros- tate condition including: • Digital rectal exam – one finger is inserted into the rectum to establish the shape, size and firmness of the prostate and the doctor will also be able to determine if there are any lumps. • Prostate-specific antigen test – a blood sample is taken and checked for proteins called PSA that are produced by the cells of the prostate. If there are high levels, it may be indicative of cancer. It is worth noting that this alone is not confirmation of prostate cancer. I. Urinary Health The health of the urinary tract is extremely important because it filters waste or excess fluid from the bloodstream and removes it. It pro- motes the health of the kidneys, aiding their functions and ensuring stable levels of electrolytes including potassium and phosphate. In addition: • It produces hormones for the regulation of blood pressure • It produces red blood cells • It maintains strong bones The bladder, ureters and the urethra transport urine away from the kidneys and stores it in the bladder until released through urination.
  • 31. 26 The amount of urine produced will vary from person to person and will be dependent on any number of factors including liquids and foods consumed, as well as any fluids lost as a result of sweating or respiration. Some medications, food types and medical conditions can also affect the amount of urine and it is worth noting that children will produce less urine than adults. The bladder is situated between the pelvic bones and is a balloon shaped organ that expands as it is filled with urine. Urine empties through the urethra at the bottom of the bladder. The kidneys are small, bean-shaped organs and each equates to the size of a fist, filtering approximately 120-150 quarts of blood each day and produ- cing 1-2 quarts of urine. The health of the urinary tract is vital and it is important to ensure the regular flow of urine. Too often, people allow themselves to be- come dehydrated and often drink far less than they should. Ideally, at the first sign of a dry mouth, water should be taken. Although many guidelines are given for water consumption, there is no actual specified quantity. It is just important to keep fluid levels topped up. In addition to dehydration, too much salt in a diet can also lead to an imbalance of salt/mineral and water in the body that is not good for the kidneys. In addition, a diet high in salt may lead to the eleva- tion of blood pressure and this could lead to kidney stones or even kidney damage eventually. Sodium within salt leads to additional salt being excreted. To help reduce the risk of calcium-based kidney sto- nes, it is wise to reduce any processed foods within the diet as these contain salt. Always check labels before purchase. Caffeine may irritate the bladder and will lead to urinating more frequently. Additional water is lost through perspiration, exercise, and on hot days so extra water should be taken during these times. Many urinary tract infections are caused by sexual activity, where bacteria can travel into the urinary tract. To reduce the potential for this, urinating prior to and after sex should help. Men are less likely to contract infections in this way simply because their urethra is lon- ger, but it is still possible. Good personal hygiene is essential, i.e. wiping from front to back will help limit the risk of infections as the anus and rectum have a lot of bacteria. Frequent Urination Frequent urination during the nighttime hours indicates a reduced ability to hold the urine. This is referred to as nocturia. There are in chapter five
  • 32. 27 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health fact numerous reasons for this (i.e. food or drink consumed at night). However, where this is not the case, frequent urination should be brought to the doctor’s attention. Incontinence Most men do not like to talk about incontinence, but it is very com- mon and millions of men suffer the symptoms of incontinence daily. In simple terms, the definition of incontinence relates to bladder or bowel control and the loss of urine or stools on an involuntary basis. Incontinence is actually a symptom of a condition that could mean that there is an infection, the result of a pelvic injury, a birth defect, or even degenerative changes as a result of aging. In relation to prostate cancer or prostatectomy, up to 63% of pa- tients experience urinary incontinence for up to a 12-month period following surgery. The more informed an individual is about urinary incontinence, the greater the confidence with respect to decision making. This can help with the management of incontinence. Incontinence often occurs following surgery due to changes in the shape or size of the urethra and this is due to the proximity of the urethra to the prostate gland. With respect to prostate cancer treatments, radiation therapy or surgical removal are common and those who opt for surgery are more likely to experience stress-rela- ted urinary incontinence. Pelvic Floor Muscles Using the pelvic floor muscles will help with bladder control. They need to be used regularly as with any muscle and this will aid their ability to function. If surgery has taken place because of prostate cancer, there may be damage to the mechanisms that hold urine within the bladder. Thus, incontinence can happen through simply coughing or sneezing. If surgery is required, it is best to practice pelvic floor muscle exercises prior to commencing treatment as this may reduce the impact of surgery or the risk of incontinence later. Exercising can help to increase or rebuild the strength of the blad- der, something that is particularly important for any man suffering from stress or urinary incontinence.
  • 33. 28 Tips: There is often a tendency to reduce fluid intake when incontinence is experienced. However, it is important to remain hydrated. By limiting fluid, urine becomes thicker and acts as an irritant to the bladder. This leads to more frequent urination bouts. Drink little and often throughout the day instead. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, as they are both diuretics that can create irritation in the bladder. Some spicy or acidic foods may also exaggerate symptoms. Tobacco may also aggravate the urinary tract and if you’re overweight, reducing weight can be advantageous as it naturally reduces pressure on the bladder. II. Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is an enlarged prostate. The prostate gland endures two growth periods as man ages and can double in size during puberty. The second phase begins around the age of 25 years and BPH may follow this second phase. Discomfort or pain may also be experienced as the prostate begins to enlarge and this occurs as the urethra is squeezed due to the prostate enlar- ging. The walls of the bladder may become gradually thicker and as a result, one may be unable to empty completely, resulting in urine being left within the bladder. These are just some of the problems commonly associated with BPH. It is important to note that BPH is benign and this means that it is not cancerous and it does not lead to cancer. It is important to note that cancer may be present at the same time, but it is not due to BPH. This is a very common condition and approximately half the male population of those aged between 51 and 60 years will develop BPH while approximately 90% of those men aged over 80 years of age will develop BPH. Common symptoms of BPH are as follows: • Discomfort or pain • Weak flow of urine • Feeling that urination is not possible chapter five
  • 34. 29 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health • Consistent need to urinate • Feeling that the bladder is still full even after urination • A need to stop or start urinating • Problems starting to urinate or the need to strain Lower urinary tract symptoms tend to be common in association with BPH, including: • An urgency to urinate • A tendency to urinate more at night • Weak urinary stream • Increased frequency of urination It is worth noting that BPH may lead to infections, urinary retention, obstruction, stones or even acute renal failure. It is also associated with erectile dysfunction and may cause problems with ejaculation. In fact, up to 70% of men experience these symptoms while 20% of males also admit to experiencing depression. 5% of men who requi- re surgery for BPH will experience long-term impotence as a result. Medications prescribed for BPH may also cause: • Erectile dysfunction • Ejaculatory dysfunction • Decreased libido Some men receive a diagnosis of BPH once they have had a PSA blood test which is designed to ascertain if prostate cancer is pre- sent. There is often a great deal of fear experienced when the pros- tate enlarges, in cases where cancer is present. It is worth noting that BPH does not appear to occur in men who- se testicles were removed prior to puberty. Research indicates that aging and the presence of testicles may cause BPH. Men produce testosterone throughout their lives. This is known as the male hormone but they also produce small amounts of the female hormone, estrogen. Testosterone levels decrease as the man ages and this naturally leaves a higher level of estrogen. Scientific research indicates that BPH may occur due to higher estrogen levels being present within the prostate and this may increase prostate cell growth. There is another theory too which focuses on dihydrotestosterone (DHT), a male hormone that plays a role in the development of the prostate gland and its subsequent growth. It may be that older men
  • 35. 30 produce and accumulate high levels of DHT, encouraging the grow- th of prostate cells. Scientific research indicates that those who do not produce DHT will not develop BPH. Prevention Currently, there is no proven way of definitively preventing BPH. Ex- cess body fat could impact hormone levels and cell growth. Diet may also play a significant role. Staying as active as possible will aid weight and hormone levels and eating a healthier diet with plenty of fruit and vegetables is recommended. Studies indicate that obesity or diabetes may increase the potential for an enlarged prostate. When seeking medical advice, there is a BPH score index which ascertains the regularity of urinary symptoms; this rates the symp- toms from mild to severe. This, along with discussion regarding medical history and a physical exam such as a digital rectal exam (DRE) will provide an accurate diagnosis. In addition, the following tests may be required to confirm BPH or other conditions: • Urinalysis • PSA blood test – to determine prostate cancer • Urinary blood test – to determine bladder cancer • Uroflowmetry – to identify the speed in which urine flows • Post-void residual volume (PVR) to determine urine present in the bladder after urination • Cystoscopy – to view the urethra or bladder • Urodynamic pressure – determines pressure within the bladder during urination • Ultrasound of the prostate gland PSA test The PSA test (prostate specific antigen) blood test determines the level of PSA in the blood. This is important because PSA is a protein only made by the prostate gland. Ejaculation should not occur for two days prior to the test as this can raise the levels of PSA for 24-48 hours. Where little PSA is found, this indicates a good sign of pros- tate health. A rapid increase in PSA could indicate problems that are benign (non-cancerous) or an enlargement of the prostate known as prostatitis. chapter five
  • 36. 31 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health Phytotherapy Phytotherapy is the use of herbs or plants and herbal therapies are popular methods of self-treatment. Several have been researched in pre-clinical and clinical studies so as to relieve lower urinary tract symptoms in connection with BPH. As an example, Saw Palmetto along with selenium and lycopene may be useful when treating an enlarged prostate. Stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) may also provide some assistance with prostate health. Natural Support: Astragalus and Soybean Astragalus and soybean together may support prostate health while relieving symptoms. In addition, Astragalus provides an exceptional boost to the immune system and provides support to the kidneys. As a remedy, this may aid the following symptoms: • A weak or slow urinary stream • A feeling of incomplete bladder emptying • Difficulty starting urination • Frequent urination • Urgency to urinate • Getting up frequently at night to urinate Treatment Treatment options for BPH are likely to be a mixture of lifestyle chan- ges, medication, minor invasive procedures or possibly surgery. Complementary health approaches are becoming more popular for the treatment of lower urinary tract symptoms interconnected with BPH. Trials into the success of phytotherapy (natural products) and the prostate are ongoing and are often beneficial alongside medical diagnosis and medication in a whole-body approach to health. Prescription Medications BPH medication falls into two main classes: • Alpha-adrenergic blockers (alpha blockers) which include: alfuzosin, silodosin, tamsulosin, terazosin, prazosin and doxazosin.
  • 37. 32 • 5-Alpha-reductase inhibitors (5-ARIs) that include finaste-ride and dutasteride. Note: Alpha-blockers and 5-ARIs may be used in combination. The aim of any treatment is to reduce the size of the prostate and it includes: • Ablation with a needle • Microwave thermotherapy – deliverable via a catheter to re move tissue • Surgery – in cases where medication does not relieve symptoms. chapter five
  • 38. 33 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health Natural Treatments and Ongoing Clinical Research to Treat BPH and Other Common Prostate Problems C H A P T E R s i x As we have mentioned in Chapter 5, benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) is another name for an enlarged prostate due to the prolife- ration of tissue in the prostate. BPH leads to an obstruction of the bladder and lower urinary tract symptoms. A pathologist bases a definitive diagnosis of BPH on histology or review of a specimen of the prostate. A histological confirmation of BPH is required for diag- nosis because men can experience lower urinary tract symptoms independently of BPH. Symptoms include increased frequency of urination, the need to urinate at night, hesitancy, urgency and weak urinary stream. Treatments are selected based on the severity of the
  • 39. 34 lower urinary tract symptoms. Some men are treated for BPH based on symptoms without histological confirmation, prompting some ex- perts to differentiate histologically confirmed BPH versus symptoms associated with BPH including lower urinary tract symptoms, benign prostatic enlargement and bladder outlet obstruction. Recommended lifestyle changes include increasing physical ac- tivity, modifying one’s diet to avoid excessive alcohol consumption, avoiding highly seasoned and irritative foods, regulating fluid intake (especially in the evenings) and examining if other prescribed medi- cations are contributing to the symptoms. Treatment options for BPH include watchful waiting, lifestyle changes including diet and behavioral interventions, prescription medications and surgical procedures. Individuals who are not at risk of acute urinary reten- tion are often offered watchful waiting, lifestyle changes and phytothera- py as first-line treatments to relieve their urinary symptoms. Prescription medications and surgical procedures are recommen- ded for individuals with moderate to severe BPH. Nonetheless, many men seek natural alternative treatments to support their health needs. Phytotherapy is the use of herbs or plants to treat disease. Several phytotherapies have been examined in preclinical and clinical studies to relieve lower urinary tract symptoms associated with BPH. The most widely available and commonly used natural alternative treatment for BPH is saw palmetto or Serenoa repens. Saw palmetto extract is available at drug and grocery stores without a prescription. There is variation in the quality of the products available. The American Uro- logical Association guidelines specifically mention that saw palmetto and stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) are not recommended, but that on- going trials at the time may provide evidence that could change these recommendations. Prescription medications to treat BPH include two main classes: alpha-adrenergic blockers (alpha blockers) including alfuzosin, doxazosin, prazosin, silodosin, tamsulosin and terazosin, and 5-alpha-reductase inhibitors (5-ARIs) including finasteride and dutasteride. Alpha-blockers and 5-ARIs can be used in combination. I. Different Natural Treatment Options for BPH A. Serenoa repens for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 1. What is Serenoa repens? Serenoa repens, commonly known as saw palmetto, is the sole species currently classified in the chapter six
  • 40. 35 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health genus Serenoa. It is a small palm, growing to a maximum hei- ght of around 7–10 ft (2–3 m). It is endemic to the lowlands and savanna scrubs of the subtropical Southeastern United States, most commonly along the south Atlantic and Gulf Coastal plains and sand hills. 2. Current study on Saw Palmetto: Review to assess the effects and harms of Serenoa repens in the treatment of men with LUTS consistent with BPH. 3. Conclusions: This review included 32 randomized, controlled trials involving 5666 men. Serenoa repens is widely used in Eu- rope and the US to treat lower urinary tract symptoms associated with BPH. Saw palmetto, even at escalating doses, is not supe- rior to placebos, based on two high qualities according to clini- cal trials, one with a follow-up of six years. Non-standardization is a long-recognized problem of phytotherapeutic products and that includes Serenoa repens. B. Lycopene for The Prevention of Prostate Cancer 1. What is lycopene? Lycopene, from the neo-Latin lycopersi- cum, the tomato species, is a bright red carotene and carote- noid pigment and phytochemical found in tomatoes and other red fruits and vegetables, such as red carrots, watermelons, gac and papayas, although not in strawberries or cherries. 2. Current studies on Lycopene: Research to assess whether ly- copene reduces the incidence of prostate cancer and prostate cancer-specific mortality. Secondary objectives include chan- ges in PSA levels, prostate symptoms and the nature of adverse events associated with lycopene use. The primary factor obser- ved was prostate cancer and the secondary factors observed included common symptoms of BPH. 3. Conclusions: It was concluded that there is insufficient evi- dence to either support or refute the use of lycopene for the pre- vention of prostate cancer. Similarly, there is no robust evidence from RCTs to identify the impact of lycopene consumption upon the incidence of prostate cancer, prostate symptoms, PSA levels or adverse events. It is also worth noting that the RCTs included in this systematic review relied on lycopene to be administered to men as supplements. Previous research has suggested that any beneficial effects of lycopene may be related to the antioxi- dants in the diet rather than as supplements. Similarly, it may be the overall effect of a range of micronutrients rather than one that
  • 41. 36 produces the benefit. Best estimates have suggested that the average daily intake ranges from 3.7 to 6.5 mg per day. It should be noted that the men who participated in the included studies received between 15 to 30 mg supplements of lycopene without demonstrable improvement in the primary and secondary factors observed. C. Cernilton for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 1. What is Cernilton? Rye grass is a plant. The rye grass pollen is used to make medicine. Rye grass pollen extract (Cernilton) is a registered pharmaceutical product in Western Europe, Japan, Korea and Argentina. 2. Current studies on Cernilton: The effects of Cernilton, a rye- grass pollen extract, were evaluated alongside placebos and an active control group on urinary symptoms in men with BPH. The main factor observed was an improvement in urologic symptom scale scores. Secondary factors observed included changes in peak and mean urine flow, residual urine volume, prostate size and side effects associated with the use of Cernilton. 3. Conclusions: Four low-quality trials were included. The avai- lable evidence suggests that Cernilton is well tolerated and modestly improves subjective urologic symptoms for up to 24 weeks. Cernilton was not demonstrated to improve urinary flow measures compared to placebos. The long-term effectiveness and safety of Cernilton and its ability to prevent complications from BPH are not known. chapter six
  • 42. 37 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health D. Beta-Sitosterols for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 1. What are Beta-sitosterols? Beta-sitosterol is a substance found in plants. Chemists call it a “plant sterol ester.” It is found in fruits, vegetables, nuts and seeds. It is used to make medicine. 2. Current studies on Beta-sitosterols: Research to assess the effects of beta-sitosterols (B-sitosterol) on urinary symptoms and flow measures in men with of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). 3. Conclusions: 519 men from four randomized, placebo-con- trolled, double-blind trials (lasting 4 to 26 weeks) were asses- sed. The available evidence suggests that B-sitosterols are well tolerated and improve urologic symptoms and flow measures. B-sitosterols may be a useful pharmacologic treatment option for men with mild to moderate BPH, particularly for those who would like to avoid or are at increased risk for adverse effects from alpha-blockers or surgical intervention. The long-term effective- ness and safety of B-sitosterols and their ability to prevent com- plications from BPH are not known. E. Pygeum africanum for Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia 1. What is Pygeum africanum? The African cherry tree, Pygeum africanum, is an evergreen found at higher elevations across Africa. Its medicinal use dates to the 1700s, when tribes in sou- thern Africa taught early explorers how to use the tree’s bark to treat bladder discomfort. Pygeum extract has been used in Eu- rope to treat benign prostatic hyperplasia since the 1960s and is currently the most commonly used therapeutic for this condition in France. 2. Current studies on Pygeum africanum: Some research inves- tigated the evidence of whether extracts of Pygeum africanum are more effective than placebos in the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) and whether they are as effective as standard pharmacologic BPH treatments and have fewer side effects compared to standard BPH drugs. 3. Conclusions: A total of 18 randomized controlled trials invol- ving 1562 men met inclusion criteria and were analyzed. “The overall standardized effect size and the summary improvement in global symptoms, nocturia, peak urine flow and residual uri- ne volume suggests that Pygeum africanum is effective in men with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia. This benefit is of modest size and appears to be clinically significant. Pygeum africanum is well tolerated and costs less than most prescription
  • 43. 38 medications. A standardized preparation of Pygeum africanum may be a useful treatment option, at least in the short term, for men with lower urinary symptoms consistent with benign prosta- tic hyperplasia.” II. Ongoing Clinical Research Different databases were used to identify the ongoing research stu- dies related to benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH). A total of 353 stu- dies were found when the condition “benign prostatic hyperplasia” was searched and below is a summary of the findings: 1. Research on Saw Palmetto Extract in Benign Prostatic Hyper- plasia The study compared 160 mg twice a day of the herbal extract versus an identical placebo among men who had discontinued all other medica- tions to treat BPH. The participants were seen in a clinic every 3 months for 1 year. The primary factor observed was a change in the American Urological Association Symptom Index score. The study results were reported in the New England Journal of Medicine in February 2006. The authors concluded that in this study saw palmetto did not improve symptoms or objective measures of benign prostatic hyperplasia. 2. Research Study on Serenoa repens on Inflammation Biomar- kers in Urinary Symptoms Related to BPH (Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia) The study compared a lipidosterolic extract of Serenoa repens (saw palmetto) with a prescription medication for 90 days. The primary factors observed were changes from the baseline in urine and serum inflammation biomarkers. No study results were posted and no links to publications were provided. 3. Research on the Efficacy of a Natural Extract Combined with Saw Palmetto in Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Patients Compared to Saw Palmetto The study compared the oral administration of one capsule containing a combination of 250 mg of a natural extract and 160 mg of saw pal- metto lipidic extract plus inactive fillers twice a day between meals to chapter six
  • 44. 39 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health oral administration of one capsule containing 160 mg of saw palmetto lipidic extract plus inactive fillers twice a day between meals. Primary factor observed: Absolute and relative (%) change in International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) between the baseline and end of study at 90 days. No results or links to the publications are available. 4. Research on Lycopene in Treating Patients with Prostate Can- cer or Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia The study compared a once daily oral lycopene supplement with a placebo for three weeks. There were six primary factors observed fo- cused on the uptake of lycopene from prostate biopsy samples and serum samples. A published study reported that lycopene concentra- tions in the prostate biopsy and serum were greater (p<0.05) in the lycopene group than in the placebo group. No precise study results were posted. 5. Research Study in Patients with Functional Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia Symptoms Who Switched from Phytotherapy to a Common Pill The aim of this observational prospective study was to evaluate the effects of switching from phytotherapy to a pill containing 0.4 mg of the active ingredient once daily (o.d.) on efficacy, sexual function and tolerability in patients with lower urinary tract symptoms/benign pros- tatic hyperplasia (LUTS/BPH) who have a poor response to at least 4 weeks of phytotherapy. The switch to this pill containing 0.4 mg o.d. improves LUTS and related quality of life. Sexual function is also slightly improved. The pill is as well tolerated as phytotherapy and abnormal ejaculation appears to be no problem. Both patients and urologists perceive the pill to be superior to preceding phytotherapy.
  • 45. 40 Please keep in mind that this pill is an alpha-blocker that relaxes the muscles in the prostate and bladder neck, making it easier to urinate. It may cause dizziness or fainting, especially when you first start taking it or when you start taking it again. Be careful if you drive or do anything that requires you to be alert. Avoid standing for long periods of time or becoming overheated during exercise and in hot weather. Avoid getting up too fast from a sitting or lying position, or you may feel dizzy. 6. Research On Benefit of UMOOZE® (A Combination of Astra- galus and Soybean Natural Extracts) As Add-On Therapy in Be- nign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) The study compared UMOOZE® with a cornstarch placebo. UMOOZE® is composed of Astragalus radix extracts and soybean extracts. The original primary factor observed was the International Prostate Symp- tom Score (IPSS) measured at 56 days. The protocol was amended to include four primary factors observed, including the IPSS measured at 56 days and at 12 months, as well as the quality of life measured at the same time points. The UMOOZE® group had a decrease in IPSS of 3.39 points at day 56 compared with a 5.94 decrease in the placebo group, indicating that the placebo group had a lower IPSS and a greater risk value, although no p-value was provided. There were no serious adver- se events in either group. The interesting and promising results of this study will be provided to you in detail in the following chapter. chapter six
  • 46. 41 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health Synergistic Effects of Astragalus and Soybean: Research On UMOOZE® As an Add-On Therapy in Males with BPH C H A P T E R s e v e n Benign Prostatic Hyperplasia (BPH) is a common condition in men that tends to increase with age. BPH can cause urinary tract symp- toms that affect the quality of life caused by the growth of the pros- tate gland that occurs in most men after the age of forty. Incidence increases with age in almost all men by the time they reach their eighties. However, the condition does not require treatment unless the symptoms require treatment. Enlargement of the prostate is as- sociated with smooth muscle hyperplasia and can lead to obstruc- tion of the bladder making it difficult to urinate. The most common symptoms include urinary incontinence, hesitation, frequency, weak flow, decreased void volume, dysuria, nocturia, straining, prolonged flow and complete or partial urinary retention.
  • 47. 42 Diagnosing It is important to diagnose BPH properly and rule out other conditions such as bladder cancer, prostate cancer, prostatitis, overactive bla- dder, bladder stones, urinary tract infections and interstitial cystitis. While BPH is often not life threatening, it can affect a man’s quality of life. It is important to diagnose BPH correctly and follow an effective treatment plan. The goal of the treatment is to slow the progression of BPH while improving a man’s quality of life. Active observation is recommended for all men who experience any symptoms related to BPH. Treatment options should be discussed with your physician based on symptoms and condition. Quality of Life Lifestyle modifications can go a long way in dealing with symptoms initially. Common recommendations include timed bladder voiding, double-voiding techniques, fluid restriction at night, regular exerci- se, treatments for constipation, and avoiding spicy foods, alcohol and caffeine. All of these recommendations can help improve symp- toms and prevent the progression of BPH. UMOOZE® UMOOZE® is an add-on therapy taken twice daily to help improve symptoms of BPH according to the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) and Quality of Life (QoL) index. UMOOZE® contains As- tragalus radix extracts and soy isoflavones. Astragalus radix (AR) is a dried root commonly used in traditional Chinese medicine. According to the National Cancer Institute of America, people who consume soy- bean products can reduce their risk of developing prostate cancer. Add-On Therapy UMOOZE® was invented to support the symptoms of benign pros- tatic hyperplasia (BPH). In one particular study, it was given as an add-on therapy to men with a history of this medical condition. Do- sages were two tablets that were to be taken with water in the mor- ning and again in the evening for 56 consecutive days. In the study, cornstarch was used as the placebo. Subjects who were diagnosed with BPH received the placebo in the morning and evening for 56 consecutive days, taken with water. chapter seven
  • 48. 43 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health Astragalus radix extracts and Soybean extracts were combined into one 500 mg UMOOZE® tablet and it is considered a food su- pplement. The objective of this study was to evaluate the benefits of UMOOZE® as an add-on therapy for BPH by evaluating the im- provements in symptoms of BPH, which were assessed according to the International Prostate Symptom Score (IPSS) and Quality of Life (QoL) index. The IPSS is a validated 7-item urinary symptoms severity scale. Each subject received UMOOZE® or a placebo. In this add-on study, the product was administered twice daily for 56 days. The benefits were evaluated at the baseline and subsequently on Day 28, Day 42 and Day 56, including the IPSS Index, QoL index, Qmax, PVR, prostate volume and Prostate-Specific antigen (PSA) test. The study included the following inclusion criteria: • Male – 40 years of age or older • Screened by inquiry and diagnosed with BPH based on the result of a digital rectal examination (DRE) or transrectal ultra- sonography (TRUS) • Prostate volume ≥ 20 cm3 • Has complained of voiding symptoms related to BPH • Has an IPSS ≥ 13 or a UFR measure of Qmax <= 15 ml/sec together with a voided volume ≥ 150 ml • Serum PSA < 6.5 ng/ml • Has been treated with medication for BPH • Informed consent form signed Men that were excluded from the study had the following criteria: • Sensitivity to study product • Had received prostatic surgery for BPH during the past 24 weeks • Hard nodule found by DRE • Ongoing neurogenic bladder, urinary tract infection, bladder stone, urethral stricture, bladder cancer, prostate cancer, severe liver dysfunction, severe renal dysfunction or severe cardiovas- cular disease • Patient has clinically significant physical disability or abnormal findings in physical examination or laboratory testing judged by the investigator or co-investigator • Participation in any clinical investigation during the last 30 days • Individuals are judged by the investigators or co-investigator to be undesirable as subjects
  • 49. 44 Below is a detailed chart showing when the testing and safety mea- surements were taken beginning with Day 1 that includes IPSS, URF, Prostate Volume and PSA. After taking UMOOZE® twice daily, IPSS and URF tests were done as a safety measurement. Day 42 involved an IPSS followed by a complete lab test for vital signs that included the same tests from Day 1: IPSS, URF, Prostate Volume and PSA. Results The results of the study were recorded as follows: • Improved the mean change from baseline in IPSS at Day 28 (visit 4, all patients). • Improved the mean change from baseline in IPSS at Day 28 (visit 4, patients who fit Qmax≤15mL/sec criteria). • Improved the mean change from baseline in IPSS at Day 28 (visit 4, patients took BPH drug less than 6 months, p≤0.05). • Improved the mean change from baseline in IPSS at Day 28 (visit 4, patients took Harnalidge 0.4mg once daily for up to 6 months, p≤0.05). • Improved the mean change from baseline in IPSS at Day 28 (visit 4, patients with non-Harnalidge 0.4mg treatment). • Improved nocturia in patients with Qmax≤15mL/sec at any stages of the study. • Improved the mean change from baseline in QoL at Day 56 (visit 6, patients who fit IPSS criteria). • Improved the mean change from baseline in QoL at Day 56 (visit 6, patients took Harnalidge 0.4mg once daily, p≤0.05). • Improved the mean change from baseline in QoL at Day 56 (visit 6, patients took Harnalidge 0.4mg once daily and fit IPSS criteria, p≤0.05). • Improved the mean change from baseline in QoL at Day 56 (visit 6, patients took Harnalidge 0.4mg once daily and fit Qmax criteria). • Improved the mean change from baseline in QoL at Day 42 (visit 5, patients took Harnalidge 0.4mg once daily). • Improved the mean change from baseline in QoL at Day 42 (visit 6, patients took Harnalidge 0.4mg once daily and fit both Qmax≤15mL/sec and IPSS criteria). • Improved the mean change from baseline in PVR at Day 56 (visit 6, all patients, p≤0.05). • Improved the mean change from baseline in PVR at Day 56 chapter seven
  • 50. 45 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health (visit 6, patients who fit IPSS criteria). • Improved the mean change from baseline in PVR at Day 56 (visit 6, patients who fit Qmax≤15mL/sec criteria, p≤0.001). • Reduced prostate volume at Day 56 (visit 6, all patients). • Reduced prostate volume at Day 56 (visit 6, patients who fit IPSS criteria). • Reduced prostate volume at Day 56 (visit 6, patients who fit Qmax≤15mL/sec criteria, p≤0.05) Difference (relativechangefrombaseline) 10 5 0 -5 -10 -15 UMOOZE® Placebo Conclusion In conclusion, UMOOZE® improved the overall IPSS for nocturia and LUTS (Lower Urinary Tract Symptoms) while improving the patient’s quality of life (QoL). The Post-Void Residual (PVR) urine volume was decreased and the prostate volume in patients with BPH was redu- ced. UMOOZE® has proven to be well tolerated and helpful as an add-on therapy and offers many health benefits in managing BPH successfully. Clinical Outcomes of UMOOZE®
  • 51. 46 Publications Angalakuditi M, Seifert RF, Hayes RP, O’Leary MP, Viktrup L. Measu- rement properties of the benign prostatic hyperplasia impact index in tadalafil studies. Health Qual Life Outcomes 2010 Nov 12; 8:131. doi: 10.1186/1477-7525-8-131. Li NC, Chen S, Yang XH, Du LD, Wang JY, Na YQ; Beijing Tam- sulosin Study Group - Efficacy of low-dose tamsulosin in Chinese patients with symptomatic benign prostatic hyperplasia Clin Drug Investig 2003; 23(12): 781-7. Upadhyay L, Tripathi K, Kulkarni KS. A study of prostane in the treat- ment of benign prostatic hyperplasia - Phytother Res. 2001 Aug; 15 (5): 411-5. Gaynor ML. Isoflavones and the prevention and treatment of prostate disease: is there a role? Cleve Clin J Med. 2003 Mar; 70 (3): 203-4, 206, 208-9 passim. Review. Kurashige S, Akuzawa Y, Endo F. Effects of astragali radix extract on carcinogenesis, cytokine production, and cytotoxicity in mice treated with a carcinogen, N-butyl-N’-butanolnitrosoamine. Cancer Invest. 1999; 17 (1):30-5. Lin J, Dong HF, Oppenheim JJ, Howard OM. Effects of astragali ra- dix on the growth of different cancer cell lines. World J Gastroenterol 2003 Apr;9(4):670-3. Messina M, Redmond G. Effects of soy protein and soybean isofla- vones on thyroid function in healthy adults and hypothyroid patients: a review of the relevant literature. Thyroid. 2006 Mar; 16 (3): 249-58. Review. Safety, efficacy and impact on Patients’ quality of life of a long-term treatment with the alpha (1) blocker alfuzosin in symptomatic pa- tients with BPH - The Italian Alfuzosin Co-Operative Group Eur Urol. 2000 Jun; 37 (6): 680-6. chapter seven
  • 52. 47 Men’s Health: Natural health approaches for better prostate health Astragalus References 1. Chen KT, Su CH, Hsin LH, et al. Reducing Fatigue of Athletes Fo- llowing Oral Administration of Huangqi Jianzhong Tang. Acta Pharmacol Sin. 2002;23(8):757-761. 2. Cheng Y, Tang K, Wu S, et al. Astragalus Polysaccharides Lowers Plasma Cholesterol Through Mechanisms Distinct from Statins. Plos One. 2011;6(11): E27437. 3. Duan P, Wang ZM. [Clinical Study on Effect of Astragalus in Efficacy Enhancing and Toxicity Reducing of Chemotherapy in Patients of Malig- nant Tumor]. Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi. 2002;22(7):515-517. 4. Hao Y, Qiu QY, Wu J. Effect of Astragalus Polysaccharides in Pro- moting Neutrophil-Vascular Endothelial Cell Adhesion and Expression of Related Adhesive Molecules. Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi. 2004;24(5):427-430. 5. Hei ZQ, Zhang JJ, Lin SQ, et al. [Effects of Astragalus Membranaceus Injection on Nitric Oxide and Endothelin Concentration of Intestinal Mu- cosa After Hemorrhage Shock-Reperfusion in Rats]. Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi. 2004;29(5):444-447. 6. Huang XY, Zhang SZ, Wang WX. Enhanced Antitumor Efficacy with Combined Administration of Astagalus and Pterostilbene for Melanoma. Asian Pac J Cancer Prev. 2014;15(3):1163-9. 7. Jia XH, Yin BH, Li JC. [Effect of Astragalus Injection on U937 Leuke- mia Cells Proliferation and Apoptosis and Relevant Molecular Mechanis- ms]. Zhongguo Dang Dai Er Ke Za Zhi. 2013;15(12):1128-33. 8. Kim SH, Lee SE, Oh H, et al. The Radioprotective Effects of Bu-Zhong- Yi-Qi-Tang: A Prescription of Traditional Chinesemedicine Astragalus. J Chin Med. 2002;30(1):127-137. 9. Li M, Wang W, Xue J, Gu Y, Lin S. Meta-Analysis of the Clinical Value of Astragalus Membranaceus in Diabetic Nephropathy. J Ethnopharma- col. 2011;133(2):412-9. 10. Mao SP, Cheng KL, Zhou YF. [Modulatory Effect of Astragalus Mem- branaceus on Th1/Th2 Cytokine in Patients with Herpes Simplex Kerati- tis]. Zhongguo Zhong Xi Yi Jie He Za Zhi. 2004;24(2):121-123. 11. Matkovic Z, Zivkovic V, Korica M, et al. Efficacy and Safety of Astra- galus Membranaceus in the Treatment of Patients with Seasonal Allergic Rhinitis. Phytother Res. 2010; 24:175-81. references
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