developer microsoft windows 8 techdays 2013 developer tools apps windows phone html5 developer languages windows azure web sharepoint 2013 metro c# software development visual studio 2012 javascript msdnbelux; msdn; belux; visual studio; developer visual basic bart de smet xaml lieven iliano windows store nick harris windows runtime winrt cloud crm ben riga silverlight jeff prosise web dev future peter himschoot brian keller visual studio online marcel de vries techdays2013 windows phone 8 ios laurent bugnion windows phone 7.5 scott guthrie gill cleeren alex turner line of business applications microsoft dynamics crm onlne data and applications linking windows azure service bus crm implementations matt milner architecture mvvm html jurgen postelmans wp7 mobile windows phone 7 web applications api dynamics internet of things internet of things; big data codeinthecloud development windows 8; windows azure; windows phone; web windows phone; security .net; entity framework xaml; windows 8 html5; javascript; windows 8 entety framework diego vega heff prosise c++; windows 8 windows phone; windows 8; xaml; blend; signalr c#; mobile windows 8; team foundation service; cloud; alm; vi nfc; windows phone; windows 8; winrt; visual studio 2012 windows azure; sql server; windows azure windows 8; winrt windows 8; visual studio 2012 cloud; windows azure; windows server; visual studio 2012; windows azure pieter gheysens dan holme serge luca wams android app day sdk ux user experience modern ui wp8 windows mobile mobile services custom controls apple facebook mine internet explorer contre jour web application windows web app microsoft windows belgium rest api sharepoint microsoft sharepoint visual studio 11 alm application lifecycle management immersive applications apps katrien de graeve metro ui windows 8 developer preview metro application plat "metro application development birth of metro metro design principles metro experience metro principles bryan agnetta metro style apps windows push notification service push notifications winjs windows library for javascript metro user interface mvvm light toolkit model-view-viewmodel rob miles marketplace game scottgu q&a multitasking mango tomstoning switch running applications fast app switching web api support mvc 4 web sockets geolocation web storage web workers html5 canvas api browsers duplex bindings data binding concepts security and authetication advanced printing scenarios unit testing mef advanced sockets data-link jquery templates async scalable and responsive apps project roslyn c# and vb compliers visual basic 11 scalability c# 5.0 asynchronous programming async and await keywords future windows 8 runtime api mc4 single page applications spa cross-device steve sanderson c++ programming model native development tarek madkour visual c++ c++ sam vanhoutte demo integration richard griffin data intensive application microsoft dynamics crm 2011 wim coorevits sharepoint platform expert insight .net framework sharepoint 2010 black belt solution patterns launchers and choosers 3d party app integration windows workflow 4.5 wcf ria services kevin dockx wcf signair html5 websockets ajax maarten balliauw code page inspector css razor syntrax visual studio http 4.5 web forms nuget mcv 4 visual studio 2011 phonegap 1.3 cross-platform 4.5 websockets wcf4.5 visual studio application lifecycle management lab manager microsoft test manager 11 software testing next-gen tools end-user mobile capabilities travel and expense module data management ms office add-ins information access business application reach extension microsoft dynamics ax self-service bi solutions sql server 2012 powerpivot for sharepoint jeroen doens power view bism microsoft dynamics ax application
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