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The Unified Software Development Process Framework
Reflections of chapter 1, 2 and 3:
Chapter 1: Computer Technology: Your Need to Know
Unified Process:
The Unified Software Development Process is a popular iterative and incremental software
development process framework.
Fig.1.1 – Disciplines and phases in the Unified Process
Phases under Unified process:
1) The Inception phase:
It basically focuses on establishing the project 's scope and vision.
2) The Elaboration phase:
It focuses on establishing the system 's requirements and architecture.
3) The Construction phase:
It focuses on completing construction or building of the system.
4) The Transition phase:
It focuses on completing transitioning or deployment of the system to the user community.
Disciplines under Unified Process: ... Show more content on ...
The testing discipline includes activities that verify correct functioning of infrastructure and
application software components.
4) Deployment Disciplines:
The deployment discipline contains set of activities for installing and configuring infrastructure and
application software components and bringing them into operation.
Technical knowledge of computer hardware and system software is needed to perform deployment
Chapter 2: Introduction to System architecture
Computer system classes:
Computer systems are classified on the basis of CPU, storage capacity, I/O capacity, and number of
users simultaneously using a system, and an application software.
Classes of computer systems:
Midrange computer
1) Microcomputer:
It is a small sized relatively cheap computer with a microprocessor and a CPU.
It can also be known as a Personal computer or a workstation.
It is a computer with less capacity and capability less than a minicomputer.
Specially in the 1970s and 80s with the advent microcomputers became popular in the 1970s and
Computer memory is in the form RAM.
Workstation is more powerful than a personal computer which can be specifically used for scientific
2) Portable:
Portable computer is cheaper than a microcontroller as the components used are reduced in size and
also a technology of a battery is improved.
Again there are different types of
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Team Process And Team Development
Team Process and Team Development Submitted by Your name Course title Instructor name Date of
submission University name Team Development Process in Selected Organization A team can be
defined as two or more freely interacting individuals who share collective norms and have a
common identity (Kreitner, Kinicki, & Cole, 2007). The team process is an important factor which
helps the team to attain success. The team process plays three critical roles which are: converts the
team's charter and work plan into actions, influences individuals and team behaviors and helps to
reveal the intent behind behaviors (Wong, 2010). Therefore team process is an activity when team is
performing tasks to attain the team goals. For example in ... Show more content on
The team process happens in all the stages of team development and helps the team members to
complete their tasks in an effective way (Engleberg & Wynn, 2012) Five Stages of Team
Development The team development takes place in five stages. Bruce Tuckman had conducted
research on various teams and given the five stages of team development. The team process can be
observed in all the five stages of team development. The five stages of Tuckman are: 1. Forming:
The forming stage of development is a period of orientation and getting acquainted. Members break
the ice and test one another for friendship possibilities and task orientation. Uncertainty is high
during this stage, and members usually accept whatever power or authority is offered by either
formal or informal leaders. During this initial stage, members are concerned about such things as
"What is expected of me?" "What behavior is acceptable?" "Will I fit in?" During the forming stage,
the team leader should provide time for members to get acquainted with one another and encourage
them to engage in informal social discussions (Engleberg & Wynn, 2012). 2. Storming: During the
storming stage, individual personalities emerge. People become more assertive in clarifying their
roles and what is expected of them. This stage is marked by conflict and disagreement. People may
disagree over their perceptions of the team's goals or how to achieve them. Members may jockey for
position, and
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Is Children’s Development a Universal Staged Process or a...
Is Children's development a universal staged process or a social and cultural process?
There are three main approaches to child development, the scientific, the social constructionist and
the applied approach. Each of these approaches look at children's development from a different
stand point. I will go on to explore each approach in turn and how they can help us answer the above
The scientific approach to child development seeks to explain the facts about child development. It
does this by devising theories which are then tested through observations and experiments. A classic
example of this is Jean Piaget (1896–1890) who was one of the most influential theorists in child
development. Piaget built up a theory about how ... Show more content on ...
Different cultures, religions and social economic conditions have different expectations and beliefs
around childhood. These have also been different throughout history. For example in Victorian
Britain, children were expected to work in the home, field, streets or in factories. However in
modern Britain we expect our children to spend much of their childhood learning at school. Another
example is, Maya's (U212 Video 1, band 1) experiences of childhood in the poor area Chittagong
being different to the twins Yasir and Yamin's experiences in middle class Chittagong. Each have
different expectations of their roles within society according to their social boundaries, gender,
family and beliefs.
Central to the social constructionist approach is the concept of competing discourses of childhood. A
discourse is a particular way of thinking or a particular view point that is influenced by our gender,
language, history, beliefs, experiences and social boundaries. There are numerous discourses but a
romantic discourse sees children as inherently good; a child would only do terrible things if
damaged in some way. Contrary to this is the puritanical discourse which sees the child as inherently
evil, doing evil things because they are wicked and need punishing. Using the social constructionist
view allows us to recognise that a child who is a killer can be seen through these two very
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Implementation Of Incremental Development Process
incremental development process makes it the opposite to the rigid requirement needs of the
Waterfall method. Agile methodologies are open to change as the project starts and progresses. The
contrasting requirements need of the two methodologies, is one of the main contrast points in
today's project life cycle processes. There is a constant struggle between the two processes even in
today's business landscape. I have worked at Google as a program manager – mobile and after
Google, I worked at a satellite manufacturing company called Space Systems Loral. The former is a
software company and latter is a hardware company. At Google, they have embraced agile
methodologies for software development, as the company is very progressive in nature. They are
also very open to feedback from their users, and therefore agile allows them to take in product
suggestions and address users' needs with no predetermined rigid requirements from clients or users
for initial requirements. Work is done in mini project or sprints format and when there is a need to
shift directions, everything already worked on is scrapped if not necessary, and then a complete reset
occurs. Since the project's initial framework is not known at the time the project starts, the final
product can deviate drastically from what was initially envisioned. At Space Systems Loral, being
that it is a hardware satellite manufacturing company, they inherently have to adopt the waterfall
methodology for their needs.
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Changes And Development Of The Aging Process
Epigenetic changes are currently recognized as part of the aging process and have been implicated
in many age–related chronic diseases such as AD (1–3). The term epigenetics includes a variety of
processes known to regulate gene expression in a stable and potentially reversible way, without
altering the primary DNA sequence (4). Since epigenetics allow for the integration of long–lasting
non–genetic inputs in the genome, research on age–related disorders have recently focused in
epigenetic mechanisms, and a growing number of epigenetic alterations in AD have been described
recently (5). The best characterized epigenetic mechanisms include DNA methylation, histone
posttranslational modifications, and non–coding RNAs such as microRNAs (miRNAs). It is
becoming increasingly evident the interplay between these mechanisms to establish the epigenetic
states and expression patterns of many mammalian genes (1–3). For instance, it has been described
that trimethylation of histone 3 at lysine 9 (H3K9me3) by the histone methyl transferase SUV39H1
is required for recruiting the DNA methyl transferase DNMT3b to pericentromeric repeats in order
to allow heterochromatin structure (both H3–K9 methylation and DNA methylation are considered
hallmarks of mammalian heterochromatin) (4). In turn, miRNAs can also control other epigenetic
mechanisms; for example, miR–204 can target histone deacetylase 4 (HDAC4) (5), while miR–148
and miR–152 are reported to influence DNA methylation
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Software Development Methodologies For A Rehabilitation...
Content 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose of Project 2. Project Aim, Objectives and Scope 2.1 Project Aim
2.2 Project Objectives 2.3 Scope 3.0 Software Development Methodologies 3.1 Waterfall
Methodology 3.2 Rapid Application Development 3.3 Agile Software Development Methodology
3.4 Methodology Evaluation 4.0 Resources 4.1 Hardware Resources 4.2 Software Resources 5.0
Requirements and Risks 5.1 Core and Desirable Requirements 5.2 Risks 6.0 Activity Plan 7.0
Conclusion 1.0 Introduction Each year in Northern Ireland an average of four thousand people have
strokes[1], minor and major, which affects each individual and their families. A stroke can take away
an individual's confidence and self–independence meaning the individual will need care from
medical professionals and will have to undergo rehabilitation. The rehabilitation process for stroke
patients requires the patients to attend different specialists within a hospital depending on the
severity of the stroke and the damage it has caused to the patients. The patients may need to attend
appointments with Occupational Therapists, Counsellors, Eye Specialists and Physiotherapists. 1.1
Purpose of Project A stroke patient's rehabilitation requires the patient to attend different units
within a hospital and it is difficult with the current system to monitor the movement and attendance
of a stroke patient to their appointments. This project will monitor and record the
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The Agile Software Development Process Essay
Motivation Over the last several years, agile software development processes have become
increasingly popular. According to Fowler (2003), the agile software engineering processes attempt
to enable more flexible and adaptive software development than the traditional software engineering
processes offer. Agile practitioners consider documentation as an important aspect for their projects
but there is too little internal documentation available in their projects (Stettina and Heijstek, 2011).
Although the documentation is mentioned, it is not anchored in the original process that relies on
verbal communication (Schwaber and Beedle, 2001). Verbal communication is susceptible to lapses
of memory and after some time it gets progressively harder to recall design rationale. This problem
is compounded by team turnaround (Stettina and Heijstek, 2011). The main objective of
documenting a project is to instruct consumers about the structure of the system, its functionality,
operability and the design structure in case there is need to redesign the system. The primary
consumers of the design documentation are those who maintain or upgrade the system. Other
stakeholders, such as users, testers, and project managers may also need to know about the system
(Selic, B., 2009). However, according to Bran Selic, (2009) software developers do not like to
document, as it has no value for them. Even the agile manifesto, issued by the software industry's
avant–garde, proclaims "Working software
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The Process of Adolescent Development Essay
Adolescence is a transition which has no fixed time limits. However, the changes that occur at this
time are so significant that it is useful to talk about adolescence as a distinct period of human life
cycle. This period ranges from biological changes to changes in behavior and social status, thus
making it difficult to specify its limits exactly (Damon, 2008). Adolescence begins with puberty, i.e.
a series of physiological changes that lead to full development of the sexual organs and the ability to
breed and sex. The time interval that elapses begins at 11 to 12 years and extends to 18 to 20.
However we cannot associate to a 13 with one 18 years. Let us talk about early adolescence between
11 to 14 years, which coincides ... Show more content on ...
It is hypothesized that the overgrowth of synapses prepares young children to adapt to their
environments. Once it is determined which synapses are used and which are unnecessary, the excess
connections disappear, allowing the brain to work more efficiently. A process known as myelination
also begins early in a child's development. In this process an insulating layer of fat covers nerve
cells. The insulating layer increases the speed at which neurochemical information moves along the
axon, facilitating more rapid and efficient information processing
At the earliest ages, those nerves that involve sensory development become myelinated, followed by
those neurons responsible for motor development. The final area of the brain in which myelination
occurs is in the cortex with the neurons associated with complex thinking skills. This pattern of
brain growth continues through late adolescence (Swanson, 2010). Attention span has also been
linked to myelination. Therefore, children's ability to concentrate and attend to novel stimuli
increases with age and brain development. Because of these important development differences, the
school–based practitioner needs to be aware that younger children may need shorter sessions and
more "think time" to respond than an adolescent.
As noted, children also experience relatively rapid growth in their bodies. By the time a girl reaches
12, she will likely have entered a period of rapid physical development, including the onset
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Team Development Process
Effective Team Management and Performance Table of Contents Abstract
.................................................................................... 3 Introduction
............................................................................... 3 Types of Teams
........................................................................... 3 Team Formation
.......................................................................... 5 Belbin's Theory
........................................................................... 7 Analysis & Experience in Teams
................................................... 8 Reflection in the Organization ......................................................
9 Conclusion 10 Reference list .............................................................................. 11 Abstract
"Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." Henry
Ford. The following pages focus on presenting the team development process. The Introduction
describes the different types of teams developed by most companies and the characteristics of these
teams. The Teams in the Workplace section addresses the formation, performance, and interpersonal
relationships of the group work. The Conclusions section discusses the most important issues
addressed by the paper. Introduction Teams are represented by groups of people that are
characterized by common goals and objectives, similar approaches, and that are working together
towards reaching the established goals. In the case of companies, teams in the workplace are
represented by groups of employees selected by their managers with the purpose of solving certain
problems, developing the business of the company, developing several activities, and others. The
theory developed by Bruce Tuckman (1965) reveals the fact that
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The Process Of Human Development
The process of human development is assessed to multiple phases which carry its own distinct set of
expectations in terms of emotional growth, psychological development, physical maturation, and
social awareness. When breaking down the lifespan into stages such as, childhood, adulthood, and
late adulthood; the breakdown seeks to bring unity to the life of human being, and ultimately help us
to understand the development of a person. Some people argue that developmental process
undergoes gradual changes based on gathering experiences and skills, while others are convinced
that it processed by influences by certain turnaround points. Everyone have a different life– span
development. One's personal emotional and physical development is cumulative. The nature of
experience and development during each stage of the life– span will have an impact on how
following stages are experienced for better or for worst. Early adulthood is the period of greatest
energy and abundance. Even through some people have not reach early adulthood yet, they will.
Early adulthood is considered to be between the ages of eighteen and twenty– five. Development
occurs from adolescence to early adulthood. Adolescence is considered a time of confusion, uproar,
and problems. While this occurs, most people emerge from adolescence without any problems and
successfully guide the changes that attend adolescence. There are a lot of changes that take place
during adolescence, but it does not mean it is an
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The Development Process In Human Development
The development process in Human Development begins in before conception with heredity. The
next important stage in development is prenatal development. The is the stage of growth after
conception and before birth. In this stage, there are many risk factors to consider that can affect the
development of an embryo either during the pregnancy or after the pregnancy. A very well known
risk factor during this time is smoking, drink and the use of drugs. Teratogen is the different agents
such as, drug, alcohol, and tobacco that can cause different development problems at birth. I
conducted a research experiment to see how women felt about these activities they partake in, and if
they know the danger it producing toward the normal development of a fetus. In the following
paragraphs, I will discuss how I conducted this experiment, and what my finding produced about the
matter. Process:
The first and hardest part of this experiment was finding women friend of mine that did not have
children already and used drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. I don't have many women friends that don't
have kids or are into drugs/alcohol/tobacco. After going down my phone list I could not easily find 4
female friends who meet the qualification to participate in this research assignment. For the privacy
of my friends, I will name each participant after the first four letter of the alphabet (A, B, C, &D).
When formulating the questions to gain the information needed upon this topic, I came up with 8
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The Drug Development And Approval Process
As mentioned in class, as well as in the Krishna (2008) article, the drug development and approval
process is an extensive and costly endeavor. The goal of experimental medicine is to increase the
efficiency of drug development by providing a better understanding of the drug's mechanism(s) of
action, dose response, efficacy, and safety, allowing the process to be accelerated for the most
promising and efficacious candidates (Krishna, Herman, & Wagner, 2008). Preclinical testing begins
with identifying the ideal drug target. The target should be disease–modifying and/or have a proven
function in the pathophysiology of the disease. Target expression should not be uniformly
distributed throughout the body. There should also be a favorable IP ... Show more content on ...
The main goal in Phase I is to find out if the investigational new drug is safe. In this first phase of
human testing, testing determines the correct dosing and exposes the most common side effects. If
the investigational new drug is found to be safe, Phase II of human testing can begin. The main goal
of Phase II is to find out if the investigational new drug is effective. Unlike in Phase I, the patients
tested in Phase II are not healthy. In this phase, testing determines whether the drug works on
patients it was designed to help. Results are obtained by comparing the group of test patients to
other groups taking a different drug or taking a placebo. Phase III is the first large–scale trial of
human testing. This phase can only begin if the new drug shows to be effective in Phase II. Phase III
seeks to further determine the effectiveness of the drug. This is done by testing the drug on different
populations, meaning that testing will be done on more people, testing will be done with different
drug doses, and the drug will be tested on patients who are also taking other drugs. If Phases I
through III show the investigational new drug to be safe and effective, then the pharmaceutical
company will file a New Drug Application (NDA). The NDA includes both the results of the first
three trial phases and data on how the drug is manufactured (Frank & Hargreaves, 2003; Lipsky &
Sharp, 2001; Krishna,
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New Product Development Process At Onity
New Product Development Process at Onity Background Onity, one of the pioneers of electronic
door lock systems formerly known as TESA Entry Systems was founded in 1941. Onity is a part of
United Technologies Corp.'s (UTC, NYSE:UTX) Building & Industrial Systems division. Onity has
set the standards for electronic door locking systems with installations of more than 4 million
throughout the world and was second to none in the Hospitality, Corporate, Education, Government
and Marine markets since 1984. With the flagship products such as Advance RFID, Advance, HT24,
HT28, Front Desk Systems, etc., Onity had its electronic locking systems installed on 22,000
properties in 115 countries. However, fierce competitive products launched by the rivals like Salto
and Ingersoll Rand had forced Onity to dive into the market for a narrow styling locking system.
The sleek designed locks from Salto in particular were eating into the luxury hotels' market of Onity.
To keep up with its number one position in the industry, Onity management decided to develop a
narrow style lock. However, they failed to follow best practices in the industry, which ultimately led
them to stop a very ambitious product development. Onity had the greatest industrial technological
advantage in the market, yet in the chaos of a very iterative process of design and validation, Onity
lost the battle. The various process involved in the New Product Development (NPD) of any
mechanical product will be covered in
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Agile Development Process Paper
Redesign the IT department to conform to Agile Development Standards within the span of six
months. Upgrade the code language of Nationals over the next year to remove hard coded rules and
provide business case rules by account, to allow for collective code ownership.
Over the next year create cross department testing teams to review the entire design queue to reduce
the number of projects and to being testing the sprints for business–critical projects.
Integrate all EFS on one software platform. (Consider bullets or list)
3.1 OBJECTIVES o Reduce time of business–critical software design changes from a year or more
to six months o Reduce time of moderate software development changes to less than six months o
Fully recode National Accounts into a ... Show more content on ...
The first phase is assessing the personal resources needed for the project; a project manager who
will be spending the bulk of his or her time overseeing this project. This will involve IT determining
the contract employees that will be needed for the second phase of the project as well as Operations
determining who will be members of the process team. Once all of this is determined, the
contractors should be brought in and work immediately begun on upgrading the programming
language of Nationals to a modern language. As soon as the testing teams are established, the
development queue will need to be assessed. This step will likely require three to four contractor
coders and their rates. Testing teams will require 22 staff members from through the organization,
with a suggested break–down of two team members from Finance, three team members from
validation, one team member from billing, six team members from interior operations, six team
members from exterior operations, two team members from procurement, and two team members
from IT. This reorganization may require some head count changes in departments to account for the
new permanent nature of the testing
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The Software Development Process : Execution Strategy
Sotera's Software Development Process – Execution Strategy Sotera has attempted to evolve with
emerging development technologies in times past, however, majority of the specialized service
offerings that we provide have become progressively focused toward the intelligence market and or
Cyber and Data Solutions and not so much strictly software development efforts anymore.
Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the traditional waterfall methodology and some elements of
agile are utilized in support of client requirements; typically specific to what he client desires. On
the occasions where we are requested to propose the best solution to client requirements, we often
propose a modified agile methodology which blends traditional elements of software
implementation methodology with agile. Sotera proposes the use of a general Enterprise Application
Implementation Methodology (EAIM) for each development project that we pursue. Within our
proposal our focus is detailing our EAIM, which most closely resembles the Waterfall Methodology.
However, we always make it a point to thoroughly review the customer's requirements in order to
determine if a more agile approach is warranted and then we typically plan our implementation
efforts accordingly. Sotera's Project Management Office (PMO), is responsible for ensuring that a
common body of knowledge for different software development approaches are developed and
maintained such that our client–facing Program/Project Managers have all
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Professional Development Process Analysis
According to Robertson & Dressler (2010), it is important to "develop this tool from the start
because this will ensure that you comprehend what you currently meet and need" (p. 212). I will use
the Self–Study Planning and Progress Checklist along with the Evidence Collection. Based on the
suggestion from the Document or Evidence Collection resource I also plan to use a file box with file
folders labeled to organize the documents. These tools contribute to my examination of quality by
allowing me to organize, the evidence I gather regarding children's assessments and social–
emotional development. For instance, I will review the programs behavior incident report, staff
development file, DRDP group report, and ASQ–SE. Also, I will gather ... Show more content on ...
What tool do you use to evaluate your program? This question will help me learn about the tool
being used and the benefits of this tool. What do you do with the information gathered? I want to
find out if they create an action plan that will assist them to strengthen their program.
Also, I plan to observe the classroom using the Pre–Set assessment tool to observe teacher child–
interaction. Additionally, I will use the tool called ASQ–SE completed by the parents. These tools
will help to assess the program's current practices. The time required to gather the data will be two
months. We will set up the interview and assessment dates within that time frame. After, gathering
the data we will need time to assess and discuss the information gathered. After, gathering the
information we will collaborate and generate a plan. This will ensure that we are working towards
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A Description Of The Core Activities Within The Software...
A description of the core activities in the software development process 1. Requirements 2. Design
3. Implementation 4. Testing / verification 5. Documentation 6. Maintenance An explanation of the
distinction between systems analysis and systems design and a description of the activities involved
in each System development can generally be thought of having two major components: systems
analysis and systems design. In System Analysis more emphasis is given to understanding the
details of an existing system or a proposed one and then deciding whether the proposed system is
desirable or not and whether the existing system needs improvements. Thus, system analysis is the
process of investigating a system, identifying problems, and using the information to recommend
improvements to the system. System design is the process of planning a new business system or one
to replace or complement an existing system. Analysis specifies what the system should do. Design
states how to accomplish the objective. After the proposed system is analyzed and designed, the
actual implementation of the system occurs. After implementation, working system is available and
it requires timely maintenance. An explanation of the benefits of information systems Information
systems changed forever the way accounting tasks are processed. The days of green paper pads are
gone, and instead businesses have a centralized place where all accounting transactions are entered
and saved. No more looking for paper
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The Drug Development And Approval Process
As mentioned in class, as well as in the required Krishna (2008) article, the drug development and
approval process is an extensive and costly endeavor. The goal of experimental medicine is to
increase the efficiency of drug development by providing a better understanding of the drug's
mechanism(s) of action, dose response, efficacy, and safety, allowing the process to be accelerated
for the most promising and efficacious candidates (Krishna, Herman, & Wagner, 2008). Preclinical
testing begins with identifying the ideal drug target. The target should be disease–modifying and/or
have a proven function in the pathophysiology of the disease. Target expression should not be
uniformly distributed throughout the body. There should also be a ... Show more content on ...
The main goal in Phase I is to find out if the investigational new drug is safe. In this first phase of
human testing, testing determines the correct dosing and exposes the most common side effects. If
the investigational new drug is found to be safe, Phase II of human testing can begin. The main goal
of Phase II is to find out if the investigational new drug is effective. Unlike in Phase I, the patients
tested in Phase II are not healthy. In this phase, testing determines whether the drug works on
patients it was designed to help. Results are obtained by comparing the group of test patients to
other groups taking a different drug or taking a placebo. Phase III is the first large–scale trial of
human testing. This phase can only begin if the new drug shows to be effective in the phase II.
Phase III seeks to further determine the effectiveness of the drug. This is done by testing the drug on
different populations, meaning that testing will be done on more people, testing will be done on
different drug doses, and the drug will be tested on patients who are also taking other drugs. If
Phases I through III show the investigational new drug to be safe and effective, then the
pharmaceutical company will file a New Drug Application (NDA). The NDA includes both the
results of the first three trial phases and data on how the drug is manufactured (Frank & Hargreaves,
2003; Lipsky & Sharp, 2001;
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The Current Product Development Process
Secondly, the current product development process needs a timely interaction among different
departments in order to detect problems in a relatively early period of the process; the traditional
approach would not meet this needs (Yelkur et al., 1996). Thus, the new product development team
is required to be made up of members from different background, such as engineering, marketing,
and management, so that they may work closely in introducing new products. As a result, the
democratic atmosphere of the work place is crucial for the process. Amabile (1998) and Amabile et
al. (1999) argue that freedom in processes promotes their motivation and helps employees make the
most of their expertise.
In certain corporations, product development ... Show more content on ...
Then, the ideas from brainstorming may experience the Deep Dive Approach, by which discarded
ideas are archived and top solutions are selected to client meeting. After communicate with client,
feedback may be given for further prototyping or contribute directly for manufacturing.
Three kinds of unique features contribute to the IDEO's philosophy of "fail often to succeed sooner".
Firstly, the quick prototyping enables the project team to make mistakes to find the appropriate
solutions. In other words, it is similar to the method of trial and error, and follows the principles of
the three "R's": Rough, Rapid and Right. This is supported by some experience of IDEO. During the
early stages of the design process, IDEO generate as many ideas as possible. Team members' task is
to dump ideas, and they have no responsibilities to the unsuccessful ideas in this period. They
prepare to fail a lot so that the early prototypes are crude, which would not waste the precious time.
In addition, instant interaction among project team members and clients ensure that the products are
consumer–centered and members in the project are actively participated. The playroom atmosphere
in IDEO ensures the instant communication between members to exchange latest insights and ideas,
which would enhance their understanding of the ongoing project, because democratic environment
boosts the effectiveness of interaction. Moreover, project teams
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Team Development Process And Steps
Effective Team and Performance Management Table of Contents Abstract
.................................................................................... 3 Introduction
............................................................................... 3 Task 1
....................................................................................... 4 Task 2
....................................................................................... 5 Task 3
....................................................................................... 6 Task 4
....................................................................................... 8 Conclusions
................................................................................ 8 Reference list
........................................................................... 9 Abstract The following pages focus on presenting
the performance of teams and some of the factors that influence them. The Introduction describes
important issues about teams and their development. The Task 1 section describes the relationship
between different steps of this process and performance, and the relationship between different roles
played by team members and the performance of the team. The Task 2 section describes the
importance of emotional intelligence on team performance. The Task 3 section addresses the issue
of interpersonal skills and their influence on teams. The Conclusions section presents some of the
most important issues addressed by this paper. Introduction Teams are represented by groups of
people that are characterized by common goals and objectives, similar approaches, and that are
working together towards reaching the established goals. In the case of companies, teams in the
workplace are represented by groups of employees selected by their managers with the purpose of
solving certain problems, developing the business of the
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Social Process Theory : Lawrence Kohlberg's Theory Of...
Social Process Theory
Lawrence Kohlberg was a psychologist known mostly for his research of moral psychology and
development. He became popular in the late 1950's when he published his theory of moral
development. Moral development represent an important role in our social interactions.
Understanding why and how individuals make decisions regarding moral dilemmas can be very
useful in many situations. Kohlberg's theory focuses on the thinking process that occurs when one
decides whether a behaviour is right or wrong. He believed that social relationships and culture were
central to understanding children's moral development, and he believed moral development occurred
in six stages. Erik Erikson is another psychologist who proposed a psychosocial theory of human
development. Unlike Kohlberg, Erikson's theory stretches the entire lifecycle and making the
developmental process an ongoing lifelong process. According to Erikson's theory, people must
make it through eight sequential developmental stages, during which they either develop the
mandatory skills needed to become successful, happy members of society, or they will fail to
successfully pass the stage and remain at that current developmental stage. Both psychologist
focused on specific characteristics of human development, but their theories helped me realize the
various dimensions of adolescent development which include: physical, cognitive, emotional, social,
moral, and sexual development. Growing up, I was
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Change Of Software Development Process
There was a need to change our software development process to something that was more
transparent, collaborative and iterative. There were few options available that suited our needs
however it wasn't an over night change in methodology. We tried few options like Feature Driven
Development methodology and also for Rapid Development methodology for some user experience
focused applications. However the neither of those were successfully able to resolve effective work
partition and collaboration between teams physically located in different geographical locations.
This led us to try some other agile methodologies like Scrum and Extreme Programming. We were
successful in resolving a lot of management issues with scrum. Extreme programming ... Show more
content on ...
Under Extreme programming developers would pair and only the code that is deemed best by both
the developers gets submitted to central repository. We also experimented with Test Driven
Development in Extreme programming methodology and found it very useful.
Solution Implementation
Since past two years we have been using, under the umbrella of Agile, Scrum with Extreme
programming for new application layer teams and Kanban for service layer as well as production
support teams. The implementation started with lot of training for Scrum. Not only we hired trained
scrum masters, we sponsored a lot of technical as well as business leaders to take Scrum Master or
Product Owner certification. There was task force setup to form move Agile Transformation
initiative with well–defined goals. It also took lot of real estate restructuring within our office space.
Since all the technical teams were transformed into scrum there was not need to have office
cubicles. Hence the whole floor was transformed into multi group tables where each team sat on one
table. All the developers were also provided laptops to be flexible in moving across teams if there
was need to stand up or tear down a team. Training was the key aspect to make Agile transformation
successful. There was multiple mandatory training sessions setup for all employees. Also each teams
were assigned an agile coach to ensure the concepts were clear
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Military Force Development Process
In the third phase of the Army force development process, Develop organizational models, the Army
moves from an approved general design to a more specific model. The target of the phase is to meet
the gap between the general design and the identified capability requirements, identified in the
second phase of the process. In the AUSA Winter Symposium, Gen Odierno illustrates the concept
and the process of developing organizational models by discussing the need for restructuring and
reorganization the Brigade Combat Teams. The discussed process of restructuring the Brigade
Combat Teams (BCT) illustrates the third phase, the development of organizational models. In his
speech, Gen Odierno says that significant flexibility and capability
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Development Of Marketing And The Marketing Process
The Development of Marketing and the Marketing Process
Derek A Johnson
Herzing University
Dr. Mark Ellis
October 4, 2015
The Development of Marketing and the Marketing Process
Having a well–planned out strategy created by your marketing team is essential to your
organization's success. IT will help you to achieve that goals that you set for the organization and
help in attaining the profitability that every business person wants to achieve.
But before we get into how marketing came about and how it evolved we have to understand what
marketing is and what marketing has made marketing as we know it today. According to the
American Marketing Association, marketing is "the activity, set of institutions, and processes for
creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers,
clients, partners, and society at large (American Marketing Association, 2013, para. 1)" With that
being said marketing really started to show up in the early 1900's when people started to realize that
there was a correlation between buying power and demand. In addition to the correlation it was
realized that buying power and demand could be manipulated in favor of the seller with the help of
advertising. The sellers were realizing that they could take their products and pare it with a
perceived value and more people would be attracted to it and purchase the products or services.
Well now that we know that sellers could add value to their products
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Design Process And Development Lifecycle
User centred (UCD) is an approach that supports the entire development process in which a product
is developed for the end users needs, not a product that is going to force the end user to change he's
actions to use the product. The users needs, wants and limitations are a focus at all stages within the
design process and development lifecycle. Using the UCD methodology optimizes the final product
for the end user. Typical UCD activities are broken down into four phases in the development
lifecycle: analysis, design, implementation and launch. Four UCD principles: Focus on real end–
users Validate requirements and designs Design, prototype, and develop iteratively Understand and
design for the holistic user experience Benefits of ... Show more content on ...
When a product is in its design stage any problems that occur to the user will be easily changed.
Also when a product goes live there shouldn't be many amendments, this will save the
user/company money. Reducing user stress The product is designed for the user, so the user
wants/needs the product to be easy to used. If the product was complicated to use the user would get
stressed causing the quality of work or customer service to be hindered, but if the product is easier
to use then it would be less stressful for the user. Business benefits (For the Airport) Cheaper –
decreases costs of design/development Faster – shortens development time Lower Risk – decreases
the risk of project slippage, and radically improved chances of user adoption. Higher Satisfaction –
Users are more satisfied with the system and understand key system capabilities QUESTION TWO
With reference to an airport check–in desk, how might different definitions of anthropometry and
RULA analyses be used to identify risk factors associated with the workplace? In your answer
please make reference to various design strategies could you implement for a range of workers in
this workplace. RULAAnalysis Rapid upper limb assessment is a process where an individual
workers exposure to ergonomic risk factors that come from upper extremity is evaluated. The RULA
assessment tool considers biomechanical and postural load requirements of job tasks/demands on
the neck, trunk and upper
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Understanding The Development Process Of A Child
After carefully observing a 7–year–old elementary school student, I was able to analyze and
understand the development process of a child in a detailed manner. The individual observed was a
seven–year–old Caucasian male, who is currently enrolled at a local elementary school. The
participant is the oldest child of the family who comes from a well–balanced family background.
Mother and the father are healthy individuals who are actively engaged in the upbringing of the
young participant. Father of the participant is a full–time graduate student at Midwestern University.
The participant spends the majority of his free time outside of his living space actively playing with
his younger siblings or just by himself. The participant is in second grade and rides to school every
day on his bicycle under the supervision of his mother. The participant spends the majority of the
day with his mother than father, this is primarily due to father's full–time status as a graduate
student. Observation of this participant was divided in two locations on Midwestern University's
campus. The first 40 minutes of the observation took place outside in front of the participant's living
space. Participant spent time playing with two sticks, trying to attach one stick with another.
Although the participant was preoccupied with the sticks, he was aware of his surroundings. On
multiple occasion participant made a direct eye contact with a stranger walking by or a something
similar. Participant also
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Essay Development Process & Risk Analysis
MET CS 682 – Module 2 Assignment 2 Development Process & Risk Analysis Date of
Submission: January 29, 2014 Table of Contents Introduction 3 Scenario 4 Part I. Selection of a
Suitable Development Process 5 Waterfall Approach 5 Iterative Approach 5 Agile Approach 6
Development Process for MallKiosk Development 6 Part II. Risk Analysis 8 Identification of Risk 8
Risk Analysis 9 Risk Management 10 Appendices 12 Appendix 1: Waterfall Approach 12 Appendix
2: Agile Approach 12 Appendix 3: Risk Management 13 References 14 Introduction This week's
assignment focus on the processes of system development and risk involved. For someone like me
who never was part of the full design phase of the ... Show more content on ...
For example: "Shoes at Macy's: 20% discount for 3 or more" based on the last time this customer
bought items. The following characteristics apply: * It is anticipated that MallKiosk features will
change as often as every month after its release. * For example, new applications will be added and
others removed. This may be reflected in their positions on menus. * For this reason, its
functionality should be as easy as possible to modify by IT * MallKiosk may be extended in the
future to interface with customer–service communication, including chat and telephone. * It has not
yet been determined if MallKiosk will be served by several internally managed servers or if it will
be cloud hosted. * A website is to be established that describes MallKiosk and its usage. * Your team
has only four programmers experienced with programming of this type of system: ten are needed. *
A third of the development team will be co–located; a third will reside in a second domestic
location; another third in another offshore location. * Initial delivery is to be in six months. Part I.
Selection of a Suitable Development Process Waterfall Approach For the past years, waterfall
process had been used by small and big companies as an approach to development process. This
approach looks like a waterfall where it shows a steady downwards flow. This approach of
development is the most mature and disciplined. The
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Designing A Traditional Stage Gate Development Process
1. Design thinking refers to creative and systematic problem solving. For example, at the beginning
of the semester we were instructed to create a tower made only out of the materials provided to us,
that would not only support the weight of a single marshmallow, but also be the tallest in the class
and it had to be able to stand entirely on its own. In order to create the contraption, our groups had
to use design thinking. The design thinking process goes through several stages: discover, define,
create and evaluate. The process is unique and differs from a traditional stage gate development
process because it is not restricted by a definitive order and can be accomplished using the four
stages in different orders. Additionally, since the ... Show more content on ...
Additionally, marketers may use an unstable product spec and scope creep. This means that the
marketers might begin research and then start to make assumptions about what the consumer wants,
so they will rush into developing the product when there are still several unknowns, or the "scope"
or function of the product keeps changing. This, in turn, will lead to failure down the road because
once the product is on the market there may be reasons to backtrack and fix things that were hastily
decided upon. Next, a company may have dysfunctional product teams which essentially means that
the company is not working together effectively to ensure the success of the new product.
Oftentimes, a company will pass the product along to different sections without collaborating
together which ends up creating inconsistencies and dysfunctionality within the product launch.
Another reason products fail is because they have too many projects in the pipeline and lack focus.
For example, if a company is working on launching several new products and dedicates time to
both, they will lose focus on each idea and those products will suffer. Workers are stretched too thin
and there ends up being flaws or issues with the final product. Lastly, companies may not have the
proper skills, competencies or knowledge needed to create the product. The process might begin
with a great idea, but if the right
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The Process Of Human Development
Introduction The process of human development as well as all the achievements that are made by
men are closely linked to the aspect of creativity. In the past, a number of scholars have carried out
research on creativity from a number of aspects like that of studying the 4P model. In most of there
researches, a number of measures were used in differentiating those abilities that were termed as
high and low (Lin, et al., 2012). Additionally, in finding the potential that people have regarding
their creativity, most of the scholars have applied the psychometric approach while applying the
cognitive approach in the process of developing solutions to a number of creative problems that are
identified in the society. In their previous studies, scholars have found that there are a total of two
creativity measures that tends to involve two different processes that are usually correlated with
varied cognitive factors. Additionally, the performance of individuals based on the two developed
measures have found not to be correlated in anyway (Lin, et al., 2012). As such, the hypothesis of
this study will be to find out how personality traits and gender correlate differently with the
divergent type of thinking and creative problem–solving abilities in accordance with the dual–
process theory account creativity. Description of the participants To get the results of the study, a
total of 320 undergraduate students was chosen from five different universities in the republic of
Taiwan. Of
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The New Product Development Process
Introduction New products are introduced to the market in order to fill a gap a consumer believes to
exist. Therefore new products satisfy the needs and wants of the market. Firms benefit greatly from
the successful introduction of these new products into the market. As a result, firms spend a
considerable amount of time, money and resources on new product development. This report is
going analyze the new product development process. The report is also going to examine eight steps
needed to complete a new product development process. Summary of the New Product
Development process New product development is used by firms in order to create and introduce
new products to the market. According to Casselman & Nadeau (2008), the new product
development process is part of the strategic process used by firms in order remain competitive.
Firms ensure that any innovation is protected by patents or legal barriers in order to introduce the
new product in the market before any competitors as well as limit any possible competition. The
concept of new product development begins with perception of a market gap. Once the opportunity
has been identified, senior management creates an environment where by idea generation and
screening is encouraged. In fact, Kachouie & Sedighadeli (2013) state that managers must not only
be committed to innovation, they should also show their support by creating cross–functional teams
in charge of innovation. Also senior management must be involved in
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The Process Of Ordinary Cognitive Development
The process of ordinary cognitive development has often been viewed as an independent, isolated
progress due to inherent, individual, and identically produced growth. However, in current literature,
there has been a growing consensus that socioeconomic status, and its subsequent resources, cannot
be abstracted from the process or success of cognitive development.
In one study, through the investigation of relationships between socioeconomic status and brain
morphometry, socioeconomic disparities were clearly associated with differences in cognitive
development, in other words, "income was logarithmically associated with brain surface area"
(Noble, 2015). In another study, brain development was exemplified through language development,
and again, it was clear that language ability/development, and therefore cognitive development
could be predicted through socioeconomic status. In the study, it was found that by 3 years of age,
there is a 30 million–word gap between children in poverty, and those in the upper socioeconomic
bracket (Hart& Risley, 2003). In another study, investigating number sense, it was revealed that as
greater vocabulary led to more number language, children with higher SES had a better sense of
number concepts and greater math achievement (Jordan, 2007). However, this study focused on
general vocabulary and its relationship to number concepts, and specifically called for further
research that would control for number language in the
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New Product Development Process
[Πληκτρολογήστε το όνομα της εταιρείας]
Sweet Balance Restaurant
New Service Development
Table of Contests: 1) New Service Development Process 1.1) Company Description
2) Industry Analysis
2.1) Market Trends & the Future
2.2) Competition
2.3) Healthy Food Alternative
3) Screening
4) Swot Analysis
5) Concept Testing
6) Business Analysis
6.1) Costs
6.2) Sales & Profits
7) Market Testing 7.1) Test Market (Questionnaire)
8) Commercialisation ... Show more content on ...
Our slogan reflects our difference because while most establishments offer healthy choices on their
menu, our entire menu is researched to be a healthy choice. There are three ways a customer can
purchase food. They may sit down at one of the 68 seats in the dining room and get full service from
a waitperson. A separate take–out counter services those who wish to pick up their food. Most take–
out food is prepared to order with orders coming from the telephone. Delivery (an indirect form of
take–out) is available at certain times and to a limited area.
Market Trends & the Future
The population and demographics of Nea Smirni have increased in the last years. Local businesses
are increasing at a rate of 6% yearly.
The idea of a health consciousness through nutritional awareness and dietary change has been
slowly building for the last years. The extensive studies and new Food Guide Pyramid have given
everyone a new definition of a balanced, healthy diet. This is not a fad but a true dietary trend
backed by the scientific and medical community, the media, the government, and endorsed by the
big food manufacturers.
As people want to stay home more and cook less our strategy of delivering prepared quality meals
on a weekly or monthly arrangement may be a widespread accepted new way of eating.
The restaurant industry is highly competitive as there is a large
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Database Development Process
Database Development Process
1. Define business processes Many database development efforts begin by defining the key business
and/or operational processes within the organization Developers first create high–level models
showing the major activity steps associated with marketing, sales, production, human resource
management, public relations, research and development, and so on Taken together, these process
maps represent an enterprise–wide model of the organization and its core
2. Determine scope of database development effort The next step in the database development effort
is to select one process or a set of related processes for further analysis and improvement
3. Define the information needs
Once a business process ... Show more content on ...
In DBMS, a repository is consists of database tables that store metadata which by default consists of
247 objects (183 tables and 64 views). It saves the mapping information and notations.
In Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000, there is a Repository Component, and this Repository
Component has a Repository Engine, a service that provides basic functions for storing and
retrieving objects and maintaining the relationships among them,
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A New Drug Development Process
Introduction: A new drug development process starts with animal testing, before it is been tested in
humans. These animal studies are designed to ensure that the drug is effective and safe in animals.
Moreover, the results obtained should be reproducible. But even the reproducible results on animal
studies cannot provide relevant prediction of the safe and effectiveness of a new drug. Scientists
often stipulate the structural and physiological similarities between human and animals as a reason
for performing animal testing and then relating or extrapolating the results for the first in human
clinical testing, also known as Phase I clinical trials. Although, it is very clear that the human life
expectancy is much higher compared to animals, because of the way things metabolize in human
body, or to the environment a human body is exposed to or due to the minute genetic difference
between human species and some other species. Also, diseases which are imposed by genetic
engineering into the animals during animal studies differ significantly than the natural occurrence of
a disease. Scientists are aware of these flaws that come with the use of animal model testing, like
drugs that may be safe and effective in animals might not necessarily be safe and effective in
humans. One such example is "Thalidomide", which was used in 1950's as a sedative product and
was used to treat morning sickness of pregnant women. This drug was totally safe and effective in
animals, but when used
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How Software Development Process Is Important For...
Software development process is key to obtaining a competitive advantage over competitors.
PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is working on ways to leverage data analytics technology with its
audit practice. Business analytics is a new way for companies to separate themselves from their
competitors. I recently completed an internship at PwC and will work there full–time upon
completion of this program. PwC uses analytics to help solve complex business issues and to
identify opportunities across different industries. PwC is the largest professional service company in
the world and is part of the Big Four accounting firms. PwC operates in over 157 countries with
more than 750 offices throughout the world. (2) PwC is structured into three service lines, which are
Assurance, Advisory and Tax. The assurance practice audits almost 30% of the global fortune 500
companies. (2) The advisory practice consists mainly of consulting activities that cover strategy,
cyber security and privacy, human resources, deals and forensics. (2) These three practices
generated $35.4 billion in revenue in 2015. (2) PwC's Software Development Efforts PwC is
constantly searching for ways to develop software since data is a growing asset that various
businesses are having difficulty converting into a powerful strategic tool. PwC can "apply data
driven insights across the enterprise, including financial assurance, tax, technology, operations,
customers, human capital, risk, regulatory and deals."
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Curriculum Development: Process
MODULE 5 Models in Curriculum Development INTRODUCTION Curriculum development is
concerned with the drawing up of plans for teaching and learning activities in classroom situations
that will bring about positive changes in the lives of the learners. It is based on the school's mission
and goals and identifies ways of translating these into a coherent and coordinated program of
meaningful experiences and conditions eliciting responses that will lead to the transformation of the
learners into authentic, warm and sensitive human beings (Palma, 1992). Moreover, the all–
important process of curriculum development has only one function, and that is, the formation of the
"Ideal Graduate." This becomes the ultimate measure of the success ... Show more content on ...
Consultant and supervisory services are needed to help solve general problem and problems related
to areas of instruction, other needed services include those related to instructional medial, special
education programs the diagnosis and correction of learning difficulties, evaluation, and the in–
service education and the instructional staff. (f) Teaching strategies A variety of teaching strategies
should be selected or designed for us in the instructional program. There is a need for inductive
strategies that include moves from the particular to the general and deductive strategies that include
moves from general to the particular. Discovery strategies in which the students themselves find out
on their own and teacher–directed strategies in which the students are guided systematically to in
stated objectives are needed, along with strategies the call for varying degrees of teacher guidance,
combinations of the preceding strategies may be used to be develop and apply concepts, clarify
values, and attain other objectives as various media are used in different areas of the curriculum. In
additions, construction should be given to the guidelines or principles of instruction for each area of
the curriculum. (g) Evaluation and accountability Diagnostic, formative and summative evaluations
are needed to determine the needs of students assess
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The Effect Of Cloud Computing On Software Development Process
Effect of Cloud Computing on
Software Development Process
Name of the Student
This research paper is about discussing the effects of cloud–computing on the software development
process. Cloud computing is very popular these days. The concept of cloud computing is quite
different from other existing computing techniques. Cloud computing is a modern concept evolving
as a multidisciplinary field based on web–services and service oriented architecture; this is
supported by Alter (2008). So it is affecting the software development process to a great extent
which has its own pros and cons. These will be discussed in this research paper. There is a lot of
research work going on this topic and few ... Show more content on ...
This concept is not entirely new as most of us are using this from past many years in one form or
another using emails and WWW. But now days the concept has revised too much. Users can access
the resources directly through the internet; there is absolutely no need of having the direct physical
access to the resources within the organization's premises. The concept is based on service
provisioning where the services can be easily provisioned and de–provisioned as per the user's
request and demand. This is very beneficial for the users as they do not have to pay for the entire
service, they will pay as per its use, which reduces the total cost. This concept ahs in turn invented
some new concepts like mesh computing, pay–per–use service, cloud platforms, etc.
This is very important to investigate this area as it reduces a lot of development cost and the
development time too. It makes the access to the services as very easy and comfortable job. A lot of
research is going on this topic to further improve its efficiency and effectiveness.
The concept of cloud computing is very popular these days. So let us try to understand its
architecture and the concept on which cloud computing is based on:
Conceptualization of Cloud Computing
The conceptualization of cloud computing can be explained from the below drawn figure. There are
mainly two types of
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The Drug Development And Approval Process
As mentioned in class, as well as in the Krishna (2008) article, the drug development and approval
process is an extensive and costly endeavor. The goal of experimental medicine is to increase the
efficiency of drug development by providing a better understanding of the drug's mechanism(s) of
action, dose response, efficacy, and safety, allowing the process to be accelerated for the most
promising and efficacious candidates (Krishna, Herman, & Wagner, 2008). Preclinical testing begins
with identifying the ideal drug target. The target should be disease–modifying and/or have a proven
function in the pathophysiology of the disease. Target expression should not be uniformly
distributed throughout the body. There should also be a favorable IP condition allowing the drug
freedom to operate without competition. If the druggability is not obvious, a 3D–structure for the
target protein or a close homologue should be available for assessment. The target should also have
favorable 'assayability' enabling high throughput screening. To identify these targets there are many
strategies that can be utilized such as: genomic analysis (phenotype analysis, genetic association,
gene expression profiling, etc.), pathway analysis, and activity–based proteomic profiling (Frank &
Hargreaves, 2003; Lipsky & Sharp, 2001; Krishna, Herman, & Wagner, 2008). After conducting
extensive animal studies in the laboratory and assessing the safety and biological activity of the drug
compound, the
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Essay on Establishing a Formal Systems Development Process
Establishing a Formal Systems Development Process Sara Reed Strayer University Professor
Matthew Anyanwu CIS 510 Advanced Systems Analysis and Design 20 July 13 Jane has been
recently hired as the company's first–ever process manager. She has been reviewing the company's
best practices of system development with the intent of establishing a formal systems development
process for the company. She has two employees, Carrie and Brian, both who will work under her as
system developers. Carrie and Brian bring years of experience at a large firm to the table. Carrie is
described as someone who is a big proponent of iterative/incremental development approaches,
whereas Brian is a long time proponent of the waterfall approach. ... Show more content on ...
Every company has a mission and every team should have a goal to meet that mission. Ideas for
creating a common goal are: create and/or review the team's mission, discuss why they exist in the
first place, allow each team member to express their commitment, create a theme (i.e., poster,
symbol, motto) that portrays the team as a unit, and use the common purpose to prioritize the teams
actions ("Building a Collaborative Team Environment"). Jane needs to emphasize the advantages of
teamwork in the workplace. Advantages such as increasing the likelihood of success, each team
member brings there strengths to the table, increasing the success of the project, it will provide
motivation and sense of security, as allowing each person a hand in the cookie jar, avoiding personal
responsibility for a mistake. Teams motivate each other to work together in achieving their common
goal, success. Another advantage is it helps divide the work that needs to be done, not one person
can or should do all the work for the project, and it should be broken down into sub–tasks to the
most qualified person. Working as a team also allows each member to learn from one another, we
can never learn enough, and networking is the best way to further your knowledge and experience in
any area ("Advantages of Fostering Teamwork in the Workplace"). Jane will need to really work on
keeping a positive attitude in the workplace so
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The Unified Software Development Process Framework

  • 1. The Unified Software Development Process Framework Reflections of chapter 1, 2 and 3: Chapter 1: Computer Technology: Your Need to Know Unified Process: The Unified Software Development Process is a popular iterative and incremental software development process framework. Fig.1.1 – Disciplines and phases in the Unified Process Phases under Unified process: 1) The Inception phase: It basically focuses on establishing the project 's scope and vision. 2) The Elaboration phase: It focuses on establishing the system 's requirements and architecture. 3) The Construction phase: It focuses on completing construction or building of the system. 4) The Transition phase: It focuses on completing transitioning or deployment of the system to the user community. Disciplines under Unified Process: ... Show more content on ... The testing discipline includes activities that verify correct functioning of infrastructure and application software components. 4) Deployment Disciplines: The deployment discipline contains set of activities for installing and configuring infrastructure and application software components and bringing them into operation. Technical knowledge of computer hardware and system software is needed to perform deployment tasks. Chapter 2: Introduction to System architecture Computer system classes: Computer systems are classified on the basis of CPU, storage capacity, I/O capacity, and number of users simultaneously using a system, and an application software. Classes of computer systems: Microcomputer Portable Midrange computer Mainframe Supercomputer
  • 2. 1) Microcomputer: It is a small sized relatively cheap computer with a microprocessor and a CPU. It can also be known as a Personal computer or a workstation. It is a computer with less capacity and capability less than a minicomputer. Specially in the 1970s and 80s with the advent microcomputers became popular in the 1970s and 80s Computer memory is in the form RAM. Workstation is more powerful than a personal computer which can be specifically used for scientific purpose. 2) Portable: Portable computer is cheaper than a microcontroller as the components used are reduced in size and also a technology of a battery is improved. Again there are different types of ... Get more on ...
  • 3.
  • 4. Team Process And Team Development Team Process and Team Development Submitted by Your name Course title Instructor name Date of submission University name Team Development Process in Selected Organization A team can be defined as two or more freely interacting individuals who share collective norms and have a common identity (Kreitner, Kinicki, & Cole, 2007). The team process is an important factor which helps the team to attain success. The team process plays three critical roles which are: converts the team's charter and work plan into actions, influences individuals and team behaviors and helps to reveal the intent behind behaviors (Wong, 2010). Therefore team process is an activity when team is performing tasks to attain the team goals. For example in ... Show more content on ... The team process happens in all the stages of team development and helps the team members to complete their tasks in an effective way (Engleberg & Wynn, 2012) Five Stages of Team Development The team development takes place in five stages. Bruce Tuckman had conducted research on various teams and given the five stages of team development. The team process can be observed in all the five stages of team development. The five stages of Tuckman are: 1. Forming: The forming stage of development is a period of orientation and getting acquainted. Members break the ice and test one another for friendship possibilities and task orientation. Uncertainty is high during this stage, and members usually accept whatever power or authority is offered by either formal or informal leaders. During this initial stage, members are concerned about such things as "What is expected of me?" "What behavior is acceptable?" "Will I fit in?" During the forming stage, the team leader should provide time for members to get acquainted with one another and encourage them to engage in informal social discussions (Engleberg & Wynn, 2012). 2. Storming: During the storming stage, individual personalities emerge. People become more assertive in clarifying their roles and what is expected of them. This stage is marked by conflict and disagreement. People may disagree over their perceptions of the team's goals or how to achieve them. Members may jockey for position, and ... Get more on ...
  • 5.
  • 6. Is Children’s Development a Universal Staged Process or a... Is Children's development a universal staged process or a social and cultural process? There are three main approaches to child development, the scientific, the social constructionist and the applied approach. Each of these approaches look at children's development from a different stand point. I will go on to explore each approach in turn and how they can help us answer the above question. The scientific approach to child development seeks to explain the facts about child development. It does this by devising theories which are then tested through observations and experiments. A classic example of this is Jean Piaget (1896–1890) who was one of the most influential theorists in child development. Piaget built up a theory about how ... Show more content on ... Different cultures, religions and social economic conditions have different expectations and beliefs around childhood. These have also been different throughout history. For example in Victorian Britain, children were expected to work in the home, field, streets or in factories. However in modern Britain we expect our children to spend much of their childhood learning at school. Another example is, Maya's (U212 Video 1, band 1) experiences of childhood in the poor area Chittagong being different to the twins Yasir and Yamin's experiences in middle class Chittagong. Each have different expectations of their roles within society according to their social boundaries, gender, family and beliefs. Central to the social constructionist approach is the concept of competing discourses of childhood. A discourse is a particular way of thinking or a particular view point that is influenced by our gender, language, history, beliefs, experiences and social boundaries. There are numerous discourses but a romantic discourse sees children as inherently good; a child would only do terrible things if damaged in some way. Contrary to this is the puritanical discourse which sees the child as inherently evil, doing evil things because they are wicked and need punishing. Using the social constructionist view allows us to recognise that a child who is a killer can be seen through these two very ... Get more on ...
  • 7.
  • 8. Implementation Of Incremental Development Process incremental development process makes it the opposite to the rigid requirement needs of the Waterfall method. Agile methodologies are open to change as the project starts and progresses. The contrasting requirements need of the two methodologies, is one of the main contrast points in today's project life cycle processes. There is a constant struggle between the two processes even in today's business landscape. I have worked at Google as a program manager – mobile and after Google, I worked at a satellite manufacturing company called Space Systems Loral. The former is a software company and latter is a hardware company. At Google, they have embraced agile methodologies for software development, as the company is very progressive in nature. They are also very open to feedback from their users, and therefore agile allows them to take in product suggestions and address users' needs with no predetermined rigid requirements from clients or users for initial requirements. Work is done in mini project or sprints format and when there is a need to shift directions, everything already worked on is scrapped if not necessary, and then a complete reset occurs. Since the project's initial framework is not known at the time the project starts, the final product can deviate drastically from what was initially envisioned. At Space Systems Loral, being that it is a hardware satellite manufacturing company, they inherently have to adopt the waterfall methodology for their needs. ... Get more on ...
  • 9.
  • 10. Changes And Development Of The Aging Process Epigenetic changes are currently recognized as part of the aging process and have been implicated in many age–related chronic diseases such as AD (1–3). The term epigenetics includes a variety of processes known to regulate gene expression in a stable and potentially reversible way, without altering the primary DNA sequence (4). Since epigenetics allow for the integration of long–lasting non–genetic inputs in the genome, research on age–related disorders have recently focused in epigenetic mechanisms, and a growing number of epigenetic alterations in AD have been described recently (5). The best characterized epigenetic mechanisms include DNA methylation, histone posttranslational modifications, and non–coding RNAs such as microRNAs (miRNAs). It is becoming increasingly evident the interplay between these mechanisms to establish the epigenetic states and expression patterns of many mammalian genes (1–3). For instance, it has been described that trimethylation of histone 3 at lysine 9 (H3K9me3) by the histone methyl transferase SUV39H1 is required for recruiting the DNA methyl transferase DNMT3b to pericentromeric repeats in order to allow heterochromatin structure (both H3–K9 methylation and DNA methylation are considered hallmarks of mammalian heterochromatin) (4). In turn, miRNAs can also control other epigenetic mechanisms; for example, miR–204 can target histone deacetylase 4 (HDAC4) (5), while miR–148 and miR–152 are reported to influence DNA methylation ... Get more on ...
  • 11.
  • 12. Software Development Methodologies For A Rehabilitation... Content 1. Introduction 1.1 Purpose of Project 2. Project Aim, Objectives and Scope 2.1 Project Aim 2.2 Project Objectives 2.3 Scope 3.0 Software Development Methodologies 3.1 Waterfall Methodology 3.2 Rapid Application Development 3.3 Agile Software Development Methodology 3.4 Methodology Evaluation 4.0 Resources 4.1 Hardware Resources 4.2 Software Resources 5.0 Requirements and Risks 5.1 Core and Desirable Requirements 5.2 Risks 6.0 Activity Plan 7.0 Conclusion 1.0 Introduction Each year in Northern Ireland an average of four thousand people have strokes[1], minor and major, which affects each individual and their families. A stroke can take away an individual's confidence and self–independence meaning the individual will need care from medical professionals and will have to undergo rehabilitation. The rehabilitation process for stroke patients requires the patients to attend different specialists within a hospital depending on the severity of the stroke and the damage it has caused to the patients. The patients may need to attend appointments with Occupational Therapists, Counsellors, Eye Specialists and Physiotherapists. 1.1 Purpose of Project A stroke patient's rehabilitation requires the patient to attend different units within a hospital and it is difficult with the current system to monitor the movement and attendance of a stroke patient to their appointments. This project will monitor and record the ... Get more on ...
  • 13.
  • 14. The Agile Software Development Process Essay Motivation Over the last several years, agile software development processes have become increasingly popular. According to Fowler (2003), the agile software engineering processes attempt to enable more flexible and adaptive software development than the traditional software engineering processes offer. Agile practitioners consider documentation as an important aspect for their projects but there is too little internal documentation available in their projects (Stettina and Heijstek, 2011). Although the documentation is mentioned, it is not anchored in the original process that relies on verbal communication (Schwaber and Beedle, 2001). Verbal communication is susceptible to lapses of memory and after some time it gets progressively harder to recall design rationale. This problem is compounded by team turnaround (Stettina and Heijstek, 2011). The main objective of documenting a project is to instruct consumers about the structure of the system, its functionality, operability and the design structure in case there is need to redesign the system. The primary consumers of the design documentation are those who maintain or upgrade the system. Other stakeholders, such as users, testers, and project managers may also need to know about the system (Selic, B., 2009). However, according to Bran Selic, (2009) software developers do not like to document, as it has no value for them. Even the agile manifesto, issued by the software industry's avant–garde, proclaims "Working software ... Get more on ...
  • 15.
  • 16. The Process of Adolescent Development Essay Introduction Adolescence is a transition which has no fixed time limits. However, the changes that occur at this time are so significant that it is useful to talk about adolescence as a distinct period of human life cycle. This period ranges from biological changes to changes in behavior and social status, thus making it difficult to specify its limits exactly (Damon, 2008). Adolescence begins with puberty, i.e. a series of physiological changes that lead to full development of the sexual organs and the ability to breed and sex. The time interval that elapses begins at 11 to 12 years and extends to 18 to 20. However we cannot associate to a 13 with one 18 years. Let us talk about early adolescence between 11 to 14 years, which coincides ... Show more content on ... It is hypothesized that the overgrowth of synapses prepares young children to adapt to their environments. Once it is determined which synapses are used and which are unnecessary, the excess connections disappear, allowing the brain to work more efficiently. A process known as myelination also begins early in a child's development. In this process an insulating layer of fat covers nerve cells. The insulating layer increases the speed at which neurochemical information moves along the axon, facilitating more rapid and efficient information processing At the earliest ages, those nerves that involve sensory development become myelinated, followed by those neurons responsible for motor development. The final area of the brain in which myelination occurs is in the cortex with the neurons associated with complex thinking skills. This pattern of brain growth continues through late adolescence (Swanson, 2010). Attention span has also been linked to myelination. Therefore, children's ability to concentrate and attend to novel stimuli increases with age and brain development. Because of these important development differences, the school–based practitioner needs to be aware that younger children may need shorter sessions and more "think time" to respond than an adolescent. As noted, children also experience relatively rapid growth in their bodies. By the time a girl reaches 12, she will likely have entered a period of rapid physical development, including the onset ... Get more on ...
  • 17.
  • 18. Team Development Process Effective Team Management and Performance Table of Contents Abstract .................................................................................... 3 Introduction ............................................................................... 3 Types of Teams ........................................................................... 3 Team Formation .......................................................................... 5 Belbin's Theory ........................................................................... 7 Analysis & Experience in Teams ................................................... 8 Reflection in the Organization ...................................................... 9 Conclusion 10 Reference list .............................................................................. 11 Abstract "Coming together is a beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success." Henry Ford. The following pages focus on presenting the team development process. The Introduction describes the different types of teams developed by most companies and the characteristics of these teams. The Teams in the Workplace section addresses the formation, performance, and interpersonal relationships of the group work. The Conclusions section discusses the most important issues addressed by the paper. Introduction Teams are represented by groups of people that are characterized by common goals and objectives, similar approaches, and that are working together towards reaching the established goals. In the case of companies, teams in the workplace are represented by groups of employees selected by their managers with the purpose of solving certain problems, developing the business of the company, developing several activities, and others. The theory developed by Bruce Tuckman (1965) reveals the fact that ... Get more on ...
  • 19.
  • 20. The Process Of Human Development The process of human development is assessed to multiple phases which carry its own distinct set of expectations in terms of emotional growth, psychological development, physical maturation, and social awareness. When breaking down the lifespan into stages such as, childhood, adulthood, and late adulthood; the breakdown seeks to bring unity to the life of human being, and ultimately help us to understand the development of a person. Some people argue that developmental process undergoes gradual changes based on gathering experiences and skills, while others are convinced that it processed by influences by certain turnaround points. Everyone have a different life– span development. One's personal emotional and physical development is cumulative. The nature of experience and development during each stage of the life– span will have an impact on how following stages are experienced for better or for worst. Early adulthood is the period of greatest energy and abundance. Even through some people have not reach early adulthood yet, they will. Early adulthood is considered to be between the ages of eighteen and twenty– five. Development occurs from adolescence to early adulthood. Adolescence is considered a time of confusion, uproar, and problems. While this occurs, most people emerge from adolescence without any problems and successfully guide the changes that attend adolescence. There are a lot of changes that take place during adolescence, but it does not mean it is an ... Get more on ...
  • 21.
  • 22. The Development Process In Human Development The development process in Human Development begins in before conception with heredity. The next important stage in development is prenatal development. The is the stage of growth after conception and before birth. In this stage, there are many risk factors to consider that can affect the development of an embryo either during the pregnancy or after the pregnancy. A very well known risk factor during this time is smoking, drink and the use of drugs. Teratogen is the different agents such as, drug, alcohol, and tobacco that can cause different development problems at birth. I conducted a research experiment to see how women felt about these activities they partake in, and if they know the danger it producing toward the normal development of a fetus. In the following paragraphs, I will discuss how I conducted this experiment, and what my finding produced about the matter. Process: The first and hardest part of this experiment was finding women friend of mine that did not have children already and used drugs, alcohol, or tobacco. I don't have many women friends that don't have kids or are into drugs/alcohol/tobacco. After going down my phone list I could not easily find 4 female friends who meet the qualification to participate in this research assignment. For the privacy of my friends, I will name each participant after the first four letter of the alphabet (A, B, C, &D). When formulating the questions to gain the information needed upon this topic, I came up with 8 different ... Get more on ...
  • 23.
  • 24. The Drug Development And Approval Process As mentioned in class, as well as in the Krishna (2008) article, the drug development and approval process is an extensive and costly endeavor. The goal of experimental medicine is to increase the efficiency of drug development by providing a better understanding of the drug's mechanism(s) of action, dose response, efficacy, and safety, allowing the process to be accelerated for the most promising and efficacious candidates (Krishna, Herman, & Wagner, 2008). Preclinical testing begins with identifying the ideal drug target. The target should be disease–modifying and/or have a proven function in the pathophysiology of the disease. Target expression should not be uniformly distributed throughout the body. There should also be a favorable IP ... Show more content on ... The main goal in Phase I is to find out if the investigational new drug is safe. In this first phase of human testing, testing determines the correct dosing and exposes the most common side effects. If the investigational new drug is found to be safe, Phase II of human testing can begin. The main goal of Phase II is to find out if the investigational new drug is effective. Unlike in Phase I, the patients tested in Phase II are not healthy. In this phase, testing determines whether the drug works on patients it was designed to help. Results are obtained by comparing the group of test patients to other groups taking a different drug or taking a placebo. Phase III is the first large–scale trial of human testing. This phase can only begin if the new drug shows to be effective in Phase II. Phase III seeks to further determine the effectiveness of the drug. This is done by testing the drug on different populations, meaning that testing will be done on more people, testing will be done with different drug doses, and the drug will be tested on patients who are also taking other drugs. If Phases I through III show the investigational new drug to be safe and effective, then the pharmaceutical company will file a New Drug Application (NDA). The NDA includes both the results of the first three trial phases and data on how the drug is manufactured (Frank & Hargreaves, 2003; Lipsky & Sharp, 2001; Krishna, ... Get more on ...
  • 25.
  • 26. New Product Development Process At Onity New Product Development Process at Onity Background Onity, one of the pioneers of electronic door lock systems formerly known as TESA Entry Systems was founded in 1941. Onity is a part of United Technologies Corp.'s (UTC, NYSE:UTX) Building & Industrial Systems division. Onity has set the standards for electronic door locking systems with installations of more than 4 million throughout the world and was second to none in the Hospitality, Corporate, Education, Government and Marine markets since 1984. With the flagship products such as Advance RFID, Advance, HT24, HT28, Front Desk Systems, etc., Onity had its electronic locking systems installed on 22,000 properties in 115 countries. However, fierce competitive products launched by the rivals like Salto and Ingersoll Rand had forced Onity to dive into the market for a narrow styling locking system. The sleek designed locks from Salto in particular were eating into the luxury hotels' market of Onity. To keep up with its number one position in the industry, Onity management decided to develop a narrow style lock. However, they failed to follow best practices in the industry, which ultimately led them to stop a very ambitious product development. Onity had the greatest industrial technological advantage in the market, yet in the chaos of a very iterative process of design and validation, Onity lost the battle. The various process involved in the New Product Development (NPD) of any mechanical product will be covered in ... Get more on ...
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  • 28. Agile Development Process Paper Redesign the IT department to conform to Agile Development Standards within the span of six months. Upgrade the code language of Nationals over the next year to remove hard coded rules and provide business case rules by account, to allow for collective code ownership. Over the next year create cross department testing teams to review the entire design queue to reduce the number of projects and to being testing the sprints for business–critical projects. Integrate all EFS on one software platform. (Consider bullets or list) 3.1 OBJECTIVES o Reduce time of business–critical software design changes from a year or more to six months o Reduce time of moderate software development changes to less than six months o Fully recode National Accounts into a ... Show more content on ... The first phase is assessing the personal resources needed for the project; a project manager who will be spending the bulk of his or her time overseeing this project. This will involve IT determining the contract employees that will be needed for the second phase of the project as well as Operations determining who will be members of the process team. Once all of this is determined, the contractors should be brought in and work immediately begun on upgrading the programming language of Nationals to a modern language. As soon as the testing teams are established, the development queue will need to be assessed. This step will likely require three to four contractor coders and their rates. Testing teams will require 22 staff members from through the organization, with a suggested break–down of two team members from Finance, three team members from validation, one team member from billing, six team members from interior operations, six team members from exterior operations, two team members from procurement, and two team members from IT. This reorganization may require some head count changes in departments to account for the new permanent nature of the testing ... Get more on ...
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  • 30. The Software Development Process : Execution Strategy Sotera's Software Development Process – Execution Strategy Sotera has attempted to evolve with emerging development technologies in times past, however, majority of the specialized service offerings that we provide have become progressively focused toward the intelligence market and or Cyber and Data Solutions and not so much strictly software development efforts anymore. Notwithstanding the aforementioned, the traditional waterfall methodology and some elements of agile are utilized in support of client requirements; typically specific to what he client desires. On the occasions where we are requested to propose the best solution to client requirements, we often propose a modified agile methodology which blends traditional elements of software implementation methodology with agile. Sotera proposes the use of a general Enterprise Application Implementation Methodology (EAIM) for each development project that we pursue. Within our proposal our focus is detailing our EAIM, which most closely resembles the Waterfall Methodology. However, we always make it a point to thoroughly review the customer's requirements in order to determine if a more agile approach is warranted and then we typically plan our implementation efforts accordingly. Sotera's Project Management Office (PMO), is responsible for ensuring that a common body of knowledge for different software development approaches are developed and maintained such that our client–facing Program/Project Managers have all ... Get more on ...
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  • 32. Professional Development Process Analysis According to Robertson & Dressler (2010), it is important to "develop this tool from the start because this will ensure that you comprehend what you currently meet and need" (p. 212). I will use the Self–Study Planning and Progress Checklist along with the Evidence Collection. Based on the suggestion from the Document or Evidence Collection resource I also plan to use a file box with file folders labeled to organize the documents. These tools contribute to my examination of quality by allowing me to organize, the evidence I gather regarding children's assessments and social– emotional development. For instance, I will review the programs behavior incident report, staff development file, DRDP group report, and ASQ–SE. Also, I will gather ... Show more content on ... What tool do you use to evaluate your program? This question will help me learn about the tool being used and the benefits of this tool. What do you do with the information gathered? I want to find out if they create an action plan that will assist them to strengthen their program. Also, I plan to observe the classroom using the Pre–Set assessment tool to observe teacher child– interaction. Additionally, I will use the tool called ASQ–SE completed by the parents. These tools will help to assess the program's current practices. The time required to gather the data will be two months. We will set up the interview and assessment dates within that time frame. After, gathering the data we will need time to assess and discuss the information gathered. After, gathering the information we will collaborate and generate a plan. This will ensure that we are working towards one ... Get more on ...
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  • 34. A Description Of The Core Activities Within The Software... A description of the core activities in the software development process 1. Requirements 2. Design 3. Implementation 4. Testing / verification 5. Documentation 6. Maintenance An explanation of the distinction between systems analysis and systems design and a description of the activities involved in each System development can generally be thought of having two major components: systems analysis and systems design. In System Analysis more emphasis is given to understanding the details of an existing system or a proposed one and then deciding whether the proposed system is desirable or not and whether the existing system needs improvements. Thus, system analysis is the process of investigating a system, identifying problems, and using the information to recommend improvements to the system. System design is the process of planning a new business system or one to replace or complement an existing system. Analysis specifies what the system should do. Design states how to accomplish the objective. After the proposed system is analyzed and designed, the actual implementation of the system occurs. After implementation, working system is available and it requires timely maintenance. An explanation of the benefits of information systems Information systems changed forever the way accounting tasks are processed. The days of green paper pads are gone, and instead businesses have a centralized place where all accounting transactions are entered and saved. No more looking for paper ... Get more on ...
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  • 36. The Drug Development And Approval Process As mentioned in class, as well as in the required Krishna (2008) article, the drug development and approval process is an extensive and costly endeavor. The goal of experimental medicine is to increase the efficiency of drug development by providing a better understanding of the drug's mechanism(s) of action, dose response, efficacy, and safety, allowing the process to be accelerated for the most promising and efficacious candidates (Krishna, Herman, & Wagner, 2008). Preclinical testing begins with identifying the ideal drug target. The target should be disease–modifying and/or have a proven function in the pathophysiology of the disease. Target expression should not be uniformly distributed throughout the body. There should also be a ... Show more content on ... The main goal in Phase I is to find out if the investigational new drug is safe. In this first phase of human testing, testing determines the correct dosing and exposes the most common side effects. If the investigational new drug is found to be safe, Phase II of human testing can begin. The main goal of Phase II is to find out if the investigational new drug is effective. Unlike in Phase I, the patients tested in Phase II are not healthy. In this phase, testing determines whether the drug works on patients it was designed to help. Results are obtained by comparing the group of test patients to other groups taking a different drug or taking a placebo. Phase III is the first large–scale trial of human testing. This phase can only begin if the new drug shows to be effective in the phase II. Phase III seeks to further determine the effectiveness of the drug. This is done by testing the drug on different populations, meaning that testing will be done on more people, testing will be done on different drug doses, and the drug will be tested on patients who are also taking other drugs. If Phases I through III show the investigational new drug to be safe and effective, then the pharmaceutical company will file a New Drug Application (NDA). The NDA includes both the results of the first three trial phases and data on how the drug is manufactured (Frank & Hargreaves, 2003; Lipsky & Sharp, 2001; ... Get more on ...
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  • 38. The Current Product Development Process Secondly, the current product development process needs a timely interaction among different departments in order to detect problems in a relatively early period of the process; the traditional approach would not meet this needs (Yelkur et al., 1996). Thus, the new product development team is required to be made up of members from different background, such as engineering, marketing, and management, so that they may work closely in introducing new products. As a result, the democratic atmosphere of the work place is crucial for the process. Amabile (1998) and Amabile et al. (1999) argue that freedom in processes promotes their motivation and helps employees make the most of their expertise. In certain corporations, product development ... Show more content on ... Then, the ideas from brainstorming may experience the Deep Dive Approach, by which discarded ideas are archived and top solutions are selected to client meeting. After communicate with client, feedback may be given for further prototyping or contribute directly for manufacturing. Three kinds of unique features contribute to the IDEO's philosophy of "fail often to succeed sooner". Firstly, the quick prototyping enables the project team to make mistakes to find the appropriate solutions. In other words, it is similar to the method of trial and error, and follows the principles of the three "R's": Rough, Rapid and Right. This is supported by some experience of IDEO. During the early stages of the design process, IDEO generate as many ideas as possible. Team members' task is to dump ideas, and they have no responsibilities to the unsuccessful ideas in this period. They prepare to fail a lot so that the early prototypes are crude, which would not waste the precious time. In addition, instant interaction among project team members and clients ensure that the products are consumer–centered and members in the project are actively participated. The playroom atmosphere in IDEO ensures the instant communication between members to exchange latest insights and ideas, which would enhance their understanding of the ongoing project, because democratic environment boosts the effectiveness of interaction. Moreover, project teams ... Get more on ...
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  • 40. Team Development Process And Steps Effective Team and Performance Management Table of Contents Abstract .................................................................................... 3 Introduction ............................................................................... 3 Task 1 ....................................................................................... 4 Task 2 ....................................................................................... 5 Task 3 ....................................................................................... 6 Task 4 ....................................................................................... 8 Conclusions ................................................................................ 8 Reference list ........................................................................... 9 Abstract The following pages focus on presenting the performance of teams and some of the factors that influence them. The Introduction describes important issues about teams and their development. The Task 1 section describes the relationship between different steps of this process and performance, and the relationship between different roles played by team members and the performance of the team. The Task 2 section describes the importance of emotional intelligence on team performance. The Task 3 section addresses the issue of interpersonal skills and their influence on teams. The Conclusions section presents some of the most important issues addressed by this paper. Introduction Teams are represented by groups of people that are characterized by common goals and objectives, similar approaches, and that are working together towards reaching the established goals. In the case of companies, teams in the workplace are represented by groups of employees selected by their managers with the purpose of solving certain problems, developing the business of the ... Get more on ...
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  • 42. Social Process Theory : Lawrence Kohlberg's Theory Of... Social Process Theory Lawrence Kohlberg was a psychologist known mostly for his research of moral psychology and development. He became popular in the late 1950's when he published his theory of moral development. Moral development represent an important role in our social interactions. Understanding why and how individuals make decisions regarding moral dilemmas can be very useful in many situations. Kohlberg's theory focuses on the thinking process that occurs when one decides whether a behaviour is right or wrong. He believed that social relationships and culture were central to understanding children's moral development, and he believed moral development occurred in six stages. Erik Erikson is another psychologist who proposed a psychosocial theory of human development. Unlike Kohlberg, Erikson's theory stretches the entire lifecycle and making the developmental process an ongoing lifelong process. According to Erikson's theory, people must make it through eight sequential developmental stages, during which they either develop the mandatory skills needed to become successful, happy members of society, or they will fail to successfully pass the stage and remain at that current developmental stage. Both psychologist focused on specific characteristics of human development, but their theories helped me realize the various dimensions of adolescent development which include: physical, cognitive, emotional, social, moral, and sexual development. Growing up, I was ... Get more on ...
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  • 44. Change Of Software Development Process There was a need to change our software development process to something that was more transparent, collaborative and iterative. There were few options available that suited our needs however it wasn't an over night change in methodology. We tried few options like Feature Driven Development methodology and also for Rapid Development methodology for some user experience focused applications. However the neither of those were successfully able to resolve effective work partition and collaboration between teams physically located in different geographical locations. This led us to try some other agile methodologies like Scrum and Extreme Programming. We were successful in resolving a lot of management issues with scrum. Extreme programming ... Show more content on ... Under Extreme programming developers would pair and only the code that is deemed best by both the developers gets submitted to central repository. We also experimented with Test Driven Development in Extreme programming methodology and found it very useful. Solution Implementation Since past two years we have been using, under the umbrella of Agile, Scrum with Extreme programming for new application layer teams and Kanban for service layer as well as production support teams. The implementation started with lot of training for Scrum. Not only we hired trained scrum masters, we sponsored a lot of technical as well as business leaders to take Scrum Master or Product Owner certification. There was task force setup to form move Agile Transformation initiative with well–defined goals. It also took lot of real estate restructuring within our office space. Since all the technical teams were transformed into scrum there was not need to have office cubicles. Hence the whole floor was transformed into multi group tables where each team sat on one table. All the developers were also provided laptops to be flexible in moving across teams if there was need to stand up or tear down a team. Training was the key aspect to make Agile transformation successful. There was multiple mandatory training sessions setup for all employees. Also each teams were assigned an agile coach to ensure the concepts were clear ... Get more on ...
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  • 46. Military Force Development Process In the third phase of the Army force development process, Develop organizational models, the Army moves from an approved general design to a more specific model. The target of the phase is to meet the gap between the general design and the identified capability requirements, identified in the second phase of the process. In the AUSA Winter Symposium, Gen Odierno illustrates the concept and the process of developing organizational models by discussing the need for restructuring and reorganization the Brigade Combat Teams. The discussed process of restructuring the Brigade Combat Teams (BCT) illustrates the third phase, the development of organizational models. In his speech, Gen Odierno says that significant flexibility and capability ... Get more on ...
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  • 48. Development Of Marketing And The Marketing Process The Development of Marketing and the Marketing Process Derek A Johnson Herzing University Dr. Mark Ellis October 4, 2015 The Development of Marketing and the Marketing Process Having a well–planned out strategy created by your marketing team is essential to your organization's success. IT will help you to achieve that goals that you set for the organization and help in attaining the profitability that every business person wants to achieve. But before we get into how marketing came about and how it evolved we have to understand what marketing is and what marketing has made marketing as we know it today. According to the American Marketing Association, marketing is "the activity, set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, delivering, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers, clients, partners, and society at large (American Marketing Association, 2013, para. 1)" With that being said marketing really started to show up in the early 1900's when people started to realize that there was a correlation between buying power and demand. In addition to the correlation it was realized that buying power and demand could be manipulated in favor of the seller with the help of advertising. The sellers were realizing that they could take their products and pare it with a perceived value and more people would be attracted to it and purchase the products or services. Well now that we know that sellers could add value to their products ... Get more on ...
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  • 50. Design Process And Development Lifecycle User centred (UCD) is an approach that supports the entire development process in which a product is developed for the end users needs, not a product that is going to force the end user to change he's actions to use the product. The users needs, wants and limitations are a focus at all stages within the design process and development lifecycle. Using the UCD methodology optimizes the final product for the end user. Typical UCD activities are broken down into four phases in the development lifecycle: analysis, design, implementation and launch. Four UCD principles: Focus on real end– users Validate requirements and designs Design, prototype, and develop iteratively Understand and design for the holistic user experience Benefits of ... Show more content on ... When a product is in its design stage any problems that occur to the user will be easily changed. Also when a product goes live there shouldn't be many amendments, this will save the user/company money. Reducing user stress The product is designed for the user, so the user wants/needs the product to be easy to used. If the product was complicated to use the user would get stressed causing the quality of work or customer service to be hindered, but if the product is easier to use then it would be less stressful for the user. Business benefits (For the Airport) Cheaper – decreases costs of design/development Faster – shortens development time Lower Risk – decreases the risk of project slippage, and radically improved chances of user adoption. Higher Satisfaction – Users are more satisfied with the system and understand key system capabilities QUESTION TWO With reference to an airport check–in desk, how might different definitions of anthropometry and RULA analyses be used to identify risk factors associated with the workplace? In your answer please make reference to various design strategies could you implement for a range of workers in this workplace. RULAAnalysis Rapid upper limb assessment is a process where an individual workers exposure to ergonomic risk factors that come from upper extremity is evaluated. The RULA assessment tool considers biomechanical and postural load requirements of job tasks/demands on the neck, trunk and upper ... Get more on ...
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  • 52. Understanding The Development Process Of A Child After carefully observing a 7–year–old elementary school student, I was able to analyze and understand the development process of a child in a detailed manner. The individual observed was a seven–year–old Caucasian male, who is currently enrolled at a local elementary school. The participant is the oldest child of the family who comes from a well–balanced family background. Mother and the father are healthy individuals who are actively engaged in the upbringing of the young participant. Father of the participant is a full–time graduate student at Midwestern University. The participant spends the majority of his free time outside of his living space actively playing with his younger siblings or just by himself. The participant is in second grade and rides to school every day on his bicycle under the supervision of his mother. The participant spends the majority of the day with his mother than father, this is primarily due to father's full–time status as a graduate student. Observation of this participant was divided in two locations on Midwestern University's campus. The first 40 minutes of the observation took place outside in front of the participant's living space. Participant spent time playing with two sticks, trying to attach one stick with another. Although the participant was preoccupied with the sticks, he was aware of his surroundings. On multiple occasion participant made a direct eye contact with a stranger walking by or a something similar. Participant also ... Get more on ...
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  • 54. Essay Development Process & Risk Analysis MET CS 682 – Module 2 Assignment 2 Development Process & Risk Analysis Date of Submission: January 29, 2014 Table of Contents Introduction 3 Scenario 4 Part I. Selection of a Suitable Development Process 5 Waterfall Approach 5 Iterative Approach 5 Agile Approach 6 Development Process for MallKiosk Development 6 Part II. Risk Analysis 8 Identification of Risk 8 Risk Analysis 9 Risk Management 10 Appendices 12 Appendix 1: Waterfall Approach 12 Appendix 2: Agile Approach 12 Appendix 3: Risk Management 13 References 14 Introduction This week's assignment focus on the processes of system development and risk involved. For someone like me who never was part of the full design phase of the ... Show more content on ... For example: "Shoes at Macy's: 20% discount for 3 or more" based on the last time this customer bought items. The following characteristics apply: * It is anticipated that MallKiosk features will change as often as every month after its release. * For example, new applications will be added and others removed. This may be reflected in their positions on menus. * For this reason, its functionality should be as easy as possible to modify by IT * MallKiosk may be extended in the future to interface with customer–service communication, including chat and telephone. * It has not yet been determined if MallKiosk will be served by several internally managed servers or if it will be cloud hosted. * A website is to be established that describes MallKiosk and its usage. * Your team has only four programmers experienced with programming of this type of system: ten are needed. * A third of the development team will be co–located; a third will reside in a second domestic location; another third in another offshore location. * Initial delivery is to be in six months. Part I. Selection of a Suitable Development Process Waterfall Approach For the past years, waterfall process had been used by small and big companies as an approach to development process. This approach looks like a waterfall where it shows a steady downwards flow. This approach of development is the most mature and disciplined. The ... Get more on ...
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  • 56. Designing A Traditional Stage Gate Development Process 1. Design thinking refers to creative and systematic problem solving. For example, at the beginning of the semester we were instructed to create a tower made only out of the materials provided to us, that would not only support the weight of a single marshmallow, but also be the tallest in the class and it had to be able to stand entirely on its own. In order to create the contraption, our groups had to use design thinking. The design thinking process goes through several stages: discover, define, create and evaluate. The process is unique and differs from a traditional stage gate development process because it is not restricted by a definitive order and can be accomplished using the four stages in different orders. Additionally, since the ... Show more content on ... Additionally, marketers may use an unstable product spec and scope creep. This means that the marketers might begin research and then start to make assumptions about what the consumer wants, so they will rush into developing the product when there are still several unknowns, or the "scope" or function of the product keeps changing. This, in turn, will lead to failure down the road because once the product is on the market there may be reasons to backtrack and fix things that were hastily decided upon. Next, a company may have dysfunctional product teams which essentially means that the company is not working together effectively to ensure the success of the new product. Oftentimes, a company will pass the product along to different sections without collaborating together which ends up creating inconsistencies and dysfunctionality within the product launch. Another reason products fail is because they have too many projects in the pipeline and lack focus. For example, if a company is working on launching several new products and dedicates time to both, they will lose focus on each idea and those products will suffer. Workers are stretched too thin and there ends up being flaws or issues with the final product. Lastly, companies may not have the proper skills, competencies or knowledge needed to create the product. The process might begin with a great idea, but if the right ... Get more on ...
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  • 58. The Process Of Human Development Introduction The process of human development as well as all the achievements that are made by men are closely linked to the aspect of creativity. In the past, a number of scholars have carried out research on creativity from a number of aspects like that of studying the 4P model. In most of there researches, a number of measures were used in differentiating those abilities that were termed as high and low (Lin, et al., 2012). Additionally, in finding the potential that people have regarding their creativity, most of the scholars have applied the psychometric approach while applying the cognitive approach in the process of developing solutions to a number of creative problems that are identified in the society. In their previous studies, scholars have found that there are a total of two creativity measures that tends to involve two different processes that are usually correlated with varied cognitive factors. Additionally, the performance of individuals based on the two developed measures have found not to be correlated in anyway (Lin, et al., 2012). As such, the hypothesis of this study will be to find out how personality traits and gender correlate differently with the divergent type of thinking and creative problem–solving abilities in accordance with the dual– process theory account creativity. Description of the participants To get the results of the study, a total of 320 undergraduate students was chosen from five different universities in the republic of Taiwan. Of ... Get more on ...
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  • 60. The New Product Development Process Introduction New products are introduced to the market in order to fill a gap a consumer believes to exist. Therefore new products satisfy the needs and wants of the market. Firms benefit greatly from the successful introduction of these new products into the market. As a result, firms spend a considerable amount of time, money and resources on new product development. This report is going analyze the new product development process. The report is also going to examine eight steps needed to complete a new product development process. Summary of the New Product Development process New product development is used by firms in order to create and introduce new products to the market. According to Casselman & Nadeau (2008), the new product development process is part of the strategic process used by firms in order remain competitive. Firms ensure that any innovation is protected by patents or legal barriers in order to introduce the new product in the market before any competitors as well as limit any possible competition. The concept of new product development begins with perception of a market gap. Once the opportunity has been identified, senior management creates an environment where by idea generation and screening is encouraged. In fact, Kachouie & Sedighadeli (2013) state that managers must not only be committed to innovation, they should also show their support by creating cross–functional teams in charge of innovation. Also senior management must be involved in ... Get more on ...
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  • 62. The Process Of Ordinary Cognitive Development Introduction The process of ordinary cognitive development has often been viewed as an independent, isolated progress due to inherent, individual, and identically produced growth. However, in current literature, there has been a growing consensus that socioeconomic status, and its subsequent resources, cannot be abstracted from the process or success of cognitive development. In one study, through the investigation of relationships between socioeconomic status and brain morphometry, socioeconomic disparities were clearly associated with differences in cognitive development, in other words, "income was logarithmically associated with brain surface area" (Noble, 2015). In another study, brain development was exemplified through language development, and again, it was clear that language ability/development, and therefore cognitive development could be predicted through socioeconomic status. In the study, it was found that by 3 years of age, there is a 30 million–word gap between children in poverty, and those in the upper socioeconomic bracket (Hart& Risley, 2003). In another study, investigating number sense, it was revealed that as greater vocabulary led to more number language, children with higher SES had a better sense of number concepts and greater math achievement (Jordan, 2007). However, this study focused on general vocabulary and its relationship to number concepts, and specifically called for further research that would control for number language in the ... Get more on ...
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  • 64. New Product Development Process 2011 [Πληκτρολογήστε το όνομα της εταιρείας] 1/11/2011 UNIVERSITY OF WALES–BRITISH HELLENIC COLLEGE ASSIGNMENT FOR EBA 314 MARKETING TUTOR: GEORGE PAPADOPOULOS PROJECT MAKERS: MATINA SKLAVOU, ALEXIS ZAGORAS, GEORGE MICHAEL Sweet Balance Restaurant New Service Development Table of Contests: 1) New Service Development Process 1.1) Company Description 2) Industry Analysis 2.1) Market Trends & the Future 2.2) Competition 2.3) Healthy Food Alternative 3) Screening 4) Swot Analysis 5) Concept Testing 6) Business Analysis 6.1) Costs 6.2) Sales & Profits 7) Market Testing 7.1) Test Market (Questionnaire) 8) Commercialisation ... Show more content on ... Our slogan reflects our difference because while most establishments offer healthy choices on their menu, our entire menu is researched to be a healthy choice. There are three ways a customer can purchase food. They may sit down at one of the 68 seats in the dining room and get full service from
  • 65. a waitperson. A separate take–out counter services those who wish to pick up their food. Most take– out food is prepared to order with orders coming from the telephone. Delivery (an indirect form of take–out) is available at certain times and to a limited area. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS Market Trends & the Future The population and demographics of Nea Smirni have increased in the last years. Local businesses are increasing at a rate of 6% yearly. The idea of a health consciousness through nutritional awareness and dietary change has been slowly building for the last years. The extensive studies and new Food Guide Pyramid have given everyone a new definition of a balanced, healthy diet. This is not a fad but a true dietary trend backed by the scientific and medical community, the media, the government, and endorsed by the big food manufacturers. As people want to stay home more and cook less our strategy of delivering prepared quality meals on a weekly or monthly arrangement may be a widespread accepted new way of eating. The restaurant industry is highly competitive as there is a large ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Database Development Process Database Development Process 1. Define business processes Many database development efforts begin by defining the key business and/or operational processes within the organization Developers first create high–level models showing the major activity steps associated with marketing, sales, production, human resource management, public relations, research and development, and so on Taken together, these process maps represent an enterprise–wide model of the organization and its core 2. Determine scope of database development effort The next step in the database development effort is to select one process or a set of related processes for further analysis and improvement 3. Define the information needs Once a business process ... Show more content on ... In DBMS, a repository is consists of database tables that store metadata which by default consists of 247 objects (183 tables and 64 views). It saves the mapping information and notations. In Microsoft® SQL Server™ 2000, there is a Repository Component, and this Repository Component has a Repository Engine, a service that provides basic functions for storing and retrieving objects and maintaining the relationships among them, ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. A New Drug Development Process Introduction: A new drug development process starts with animal testing, before it is been tested in humans. These animal studies are designed to ensure that the drug is effective and safe in animals. Moreover, the results obtained should be reproducible. But even the reproducible results on animal studies cannot provide relevant prediction of the safe and effectiveness of a new drug. Scientists often stipulate the structural and physiological similarities between human and animals as a reason for performing animal testing and then relating or extrapolating the results for the first in human clinical testing, also known as Phase I clinical trials. Although, it is very clear that the human life expectancy is much higher compared to animals, because of the way things metabolize in human body, or to the environment a human body is exposed to or due to the minute genetic difference between human species and some other species. Also, diseases which are imposed by genetic engineering into the animals during animal studies differ significantly than the natural occurrence of a disease. Scientists are aware of these flaws that come with the use of animal model testing, like drugs that may be safe and effective in animals might not necessarily be safe and effective in humans. One such example is "Thalidomide", which was used in 1950's as a sedative product and was used to treat morning sickness of pregnant women. This drug was totally safe and effective in animals, but when used ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. How Software Development Process Is Important For... Software development process is key to obtaining a competitive advantage over competitors. PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) is working on ways to leverage data analytics technology with its audit practice. Business analytics is a new way for companies to separate themselves from their competitors. I recently completed an internship at PwC and will work there full–time upon completion of this program. PwC uses analytics to help solve complex business issues and to identify opportunities across different industries. PwC is the largest professional service company in the world and is part of the Big Four accounting firms. PwC operates in over 157 countries with more than 750 offices throughout the world. (2) PwC is structured into three service lines, which are Assurance, Advisory and Tax. The assurance practice audits almost 30% of the global fortune 500 companies. (2) The advisory practice consists mainly of consulting activities that cover strategy, cyber security and privacy, human resources, deals and forensics. (2) These three practices generated $35.4 billion in revenue in 2015. (2) PwC's Software Development Efforts PwC is constantly searching for ways to develop software since data is a growing asset that various businesses are having difficulty converting into a powerful strategic tool. PwC can "apply data driven insights across the enterprise, including financial assurance, tax, technology, operations, customers, human capital, risk, regulatory and deals." ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Curriculum Development: Process MODULE 5 Models in Curriculum Development INTRODUCTION Curriculum development is concerned with the drawing up of plans for teaching and learning activities in classroom situations that will bring about positive changes in the lives of the learners. It is based on the school's mission and goals and identifies ways of translating these into a coherent and coordinated program of meaningful experiences and conditions eliciting responses that will lead to the transformation of the learners into authentic, warm and sensitive human beings (Palma, 1992). Moreover, the all– important process of curriculum development has only one function, and that is, the formation of the "Ideal Graduate." This becomes the ultimate measure of the success ... Show more content on ... Consultant and supervisory services are needed to help solve general problem and problems related to areas of instruction, other needed services include those related to instructional medial, special education programs the diagnosis and correction of learning difficulties, evaluation, and the in– service education and the instructional staff. (f) Teaching strategies A variety of teaching strategies should be selected or designed for us in the instructional program. There is a need for inductive strategies that include moves from the particular to the general and deductive strategies that include moves from general to the particular. Discovery strategies in which the students themselves find out on their own and teacher–directed strategies in which the students are guided systematically to in stated objectives are needed, along with strategies the call for varying degrees of teacher guidance, combinations of the preceding strategies may be used to be develop and apply concepts, clarify values, and attain other objectives as various media are used in different areas of the curriculum. In additions, construction should be given to the guidelines or principles of instruction for each area of the curriculum. (g) Evaluation and accountability Diagnostic, formative and summative evaluations are needed to determine the needs of students assess ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. The Effect Of Cloud Computing On Software Development Process NAME OF THE UNIVERSITY Effect of Cloud Computing on Software Development Process Name of the Student 3/7/2013 Abstract This research paper is about discussing the effects of cloud–computing on the software development process. Cloud computing is very popular these days. The concept of cloud computing is quite different from other existing computing techniques. Cloud computing is a modern concept evolving as a multidisciplinary field based on web–services and service oriented architecture; this is supported by Alter (2008). So it is affecting the software development process to a great extent which has its own pros and cons. These will be discussed in this research paper. There is a lot of research work going on this topic and few ... Show more content on ... This concept is not entirely new as most of us are using this from past many years in one form or another using emails and WWW. But now days the concept has revised too much. Users can access the resources directly through the internet; there is absolutely no need of having the direct physical access to the resources within the organization's premises. The concept is based on service provisioning where the services can be easily provisioned and de–provisioned as per the user's request and demand. This is very beneficial for the users as they do not have to pay for the entire service, they will pay as per its use, which reduces the total cost. This concept ahs in turn invented some new concepts like mesh computing, pay–per–use service, cloud platforms, etc. This is very important to investigate this area as it reduces a lot of development cost and the development time too. It makes the access to the services as very easy and comfortable job. A lot of research is going on this topic to further improve its efficiency and effectiveness. Discussion The concept of cloud computing is very popular these days. So let us try to understand its architecture and the concept on which cloud computing is based on: Conceptualization of Cloud Computing The conceptualization of cloud computing can be explained from the below drawn figure. There are mainly two types of ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. The Drug Development And Approval Process As mentioned in class, as well as in the Krishna (2008) article, the drug development and approval process is an extensive and costly endeavor. The goal of experimental medicine is to increase the efficiency of drug development by providing a better understanding of the drug's mechanism(s) of action, dose response, efficacy, and safety, allowing the process to be accelerated for the most promising and efficacious candidates (Krishna, Herman, & Wagner, 2008). Preclinical testing begins with identifying the ideal drug target. The target should be disease–modifying and/or have a proven function in the pathophysiology of the disease. Target expression should not be uniformly distributed throughout the body. There should also be a favorable IP condition allowing the drug freedom to operate without competition. If the druggability is not obvious, a 3D–structure for the target protein or a close homologue should be available for assessment. The target should also have favorable 'assayability' enabling high throughput screening. To identify these targets there are many strategies that can be utilized such as: genomic analysis (phenotype analysis, genetic association, gene expression profiling, etc.), pathway analysis, and activity–based proteomic profiling (Frank & Hargreaves, 2003; Lipsky & Sharp, 2001; Krishna, Herman, & Wagner, 2008). After conducting extensive animal studies in the laboratory and assessing the safety and biological activity of the drug compound, the ... Get more on ...
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  • 79. Essay on Establishing a Formal Systems Development Process Establishing a Formal Systems Development Process Sara Reed Strayer University Professor Matthew Anyanwu CIS 510 Advanced Systems Analysis and Design 20 July 13 Jane has been recently hired as the company's first–ever process manager. She has been reviewing the company's best practices of system development with the intent of establishing a formal systems development process for the company. She has two employees, Carrie and Brian, both who will work under her as system developers. Carrie and Brian bring years of experience at a large firm to the table. Carrie is described as someone who is a big proponent of iterative/incremental development approaches, whereas Brian is a long time proponent of the waterfall approach. ... Show more content on ... Every company has a mission and every team should have a goal to meet that mission. Ideas for creating a common goal are: create and/or review the team's mission, discuss why they exist in the first place, allow each team member to express their commitment, create a theme (i.e., poster, symbol, motto) that portrays the team as a unit, and use the common purpose to prioritize the teams actions ("Building a Collaborative Team Environment"). Jane needs to emphasize the advantages of teamwork in the workplace. Advantages such as increasing the likelihood of success, each team member brings there strengths to the table, increasing the success of the project, it will provide motivation and sense of security, as allowing each person a hand in the cookie jar, avoiding personal responsibility for a mistake. Teams motivate each other to work together in achieving their common goal, success. Another advantage is it helps divide the work that needs to be done, not one person can or should do all the work for the project, and it should be broken down into sub–tasks to the most qualified person. Working as a team also allows each member to learn from one another, we can never learn enough, and networking is the best way to further your knowledge and experience in any area ("Advantages of Fostering Teamwork in the Workplace"). Jane will need to really work on keeping a positive attitude in the workplace so ... Get more on ...