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The Best IoT Analytics with
Jake Angerman
Sr. Solutions Architect
1. Building an IoT Application that Will Work
Next Year
2. Building IoT Applications the Right Way
3. The Best IoT Analytics with MongoDB
Track Overview
Morpheus: time series data is everywhere
Morpheus picture
Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B)
Primary radar
Secondary Surveillance Radar
Software defined radio
1090 MHz
1030 MHz
1090 MHz
Tin Can Reveal
homemade antenna
(6.9mm quarter-wave whip)
NooElec	NESDR	Mini	2	SDR	 $23.00	
USB	extension	cable	 $10.00	
RF	cable	RG316	female	to	MCX	male	 $5.50	
?n	can	 $2.87	
Total:	 $41.37	
6.9cm antenna
Antenna Range approximately 250 miles (400km)
> db.tincan.aggregate( [{ $geoNear: { near: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ center_y, center_x ] }, distanceField:
"meters", minDistance: 394289, limit: 100, spherical: true }}, {$sort: { "meters": -1}}, {$limit: 1} ])
Antenna Range approximately 250 miles (400km)
> db.tincan.aggregate( [{ $geoNear: { near: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ center_y, center_x ] }, distanceField:
"meters", minDistance: 394289, limit: 100, spherical: true }}, {$sort: { "meters": -1}}, {$limit: 1} ])
ADS-B BaseStation data format
altitudeICAO hex
date & time
"timestamp" : ISODate("2016-01-31T20:54:35.000+0000"),
"icao" : "AC4144",
"callsign" : "N889WM",
"altitude" : 9350,
"bearing" : 150,
"position" : [-98.62762, 30.03657],
"ground_speed" : 152,
"vertical_rate" : 192
dump1090 data flow
Linked List in
[{"hex":"ac741c", "squawk":"6234", "flight":"AAL2417 ",
"lat": 30.619176, "lon":-97.755963, "validposition":1,
"altitude":35975, "vert_rate":0,"track":202, "validtrack":1,
"speed":438, "messages":557, "seen":0}]
dump1090 data flow
Linked List in
[{"hex":"ac741c", "squawk":"6234", "flight":"AAL2417 ",
"lat": 30.619176, "lon":-97.755963, "validposition":1,
"altitude":35975, "vert_rate":0,"track":202, "validtrack":1,
"speed":438, "messages":557, "seen":0}]
What Types of Analytics Can We Do?
•  Real-time dashboards (<1 second latency) = Aggregation framework
•  Ad-hoc queries = Aggregation framework
•  Historical Reports = Aggregation framework or BI Connector
•  Batch processing = Hadoop
•  Machine Learning = Spark
Analytics without Data Migration
Analytics without Data Migration
Analytics without Data Migration
•  No bulk or incremental ETL required
•  One language for both real-time and ad-hoc queries
replica set
Workload Isolation
Aggregation Framework
Aggregation framework
dump1090 dashboard
Linked List in
[{"hex":"ac741c", "squawk":"6234", "flight":"AAL2417 ",
"lat":30.619176, "lon":-97.755963, "validposition":1,
"altitude":35975, "vert_rate":0,"track":202, "validtrack":1,
"speed":438, "messages":557, "seen":0}]
WT cache
Real-time Dashboards
•  Current Radar, last 5 minutes' worth of aircraft data
•  pipeline = [
{"$match": {"t": {"$gte": datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=5) }}},
{"$sort": { "icao":1, "t":1 }},
{"$group": {"_id" : {"icao": "$icao"},
"events": {"$push": {"flight":"$callsign", "altitude":"$a", "track":"$b",
"speed":"$s", "lon": { "$arrayElemAt":["$p", 0] },
"lat": { "$arrayElemAt":["$p", 1] }, "vert_rate":"$v" }},
"sum": {"$sum":1}}},
{"$project" :{ "_id":0, "icao":"$_id.icao", "events":"$events", "sum":"$sum"  }}  ]
$match first uses index
pre-built array avoids
clumsy looping in
Ad hoc aggregations
Which aircraft has the most observations?
> db.tincan.aggregate([
{ $group: {
_id: "$icao",
"sum": {$sum: 1},
"callsigns": {"$addToSet": "$callsign"} }},
{ $sort: { "sum": -1 }},
{$limit: 1}
"_id": ObjectId("5755..."),
"icao": "ADE201",
"callsign": "N994FE",
"a": 8600,
"b": 104,
"p": [-98.99888, 30.93031],
"s": 164,
"t": ISODate("2016-02-09T02:33:01Z"),
Which aircraft has the most observations?
"result": [
"_id": "ADE201",
"sum": 14373,
"callsigns": [
"_id": ObjectId("5755..."),
"icao": "ADE201",
"callsign": "N994FE",
"a": 8600,
"b": 104,
"p": [-98.99888, 30.93031],
"s": 164,
"t": ISODate("2016-02-09T02:33:01Z"),
ICAO aircraft collection
$ mongoimport -d adsb -c aircraft --type csv --headerline aircraft_db.csv
002008,LV-S004,P208,TECNAM P-2008,PRIVATE OWNER
$lookup to find aircraft model
> db.tincan.aggregate([
{ $group: {
_id: "$icao",
"sum": {$sum: 1},
"callsigns": {"$addToSet": "$callsign"} }},
{ $sort: { "sum": -1 }},
{ $limit: 1 },
{ $lookup: {
as:"description" }}
$lookup to find aircraft model
"result": [
"_id": "ADE201",
"sum": 14373,
"callsigns": [
"description": [
"_id": ObjectId("575074300cf625050f2e730e"),
"icao": "ADE201",
"regid": "N994FE",
"mdl": "C208",
Which aircraft is seen the most number of days?
> db.tincan.aggregate([
{ $group: {
_id: {icao: "$icao", dayOfYear: {$dateToString: { format: "%Y%m%d",
date: "$t"}}}}},
_id: "$_id.icao",
sum: { $sum: 1 }}},
{ $sort:{ "sum": -1 }},
{ $limit: 1 },
{ $lookup: {
as:"description" }}
Which aircraft is seen the most number of days?
  "result": [
      "_id": "A35969",
      "sum": 63,
      "description": [
          "_id": ObjectId("5762e9cf6ecfc147a0503894"),
          "icao": "A35969",
          "regid": "N315AE",
          "mdl": "B06",
          "type": "BELL 206L-1 LONGRANGER II",
          "operator": "AIR EVAC EMS"
Business Intelligence Connector
BI Connector
•  New in MongoDB 3.2 Enterprise Advanced
•  Mapping and transformation layer
•  Projects smaller parts of large data sets for reporting
MongoDB Query LanguageSQL
BI Connector Data flow
ApplicaAon	data	

Document	Table	AnalyAcs	&	visualizaAon
FedEx N994FE Flight Paths
Observations per Operator
Altitude vs Speed
•  Two predictable clusters:
•  turbine aircraft at cruising
•  piston aircraft at lower
Altitude vs Speed
•  Two predictable clusters:
•  turbine aircraft at cruising
•  piston aircraft at lower
Altitude vs Speed
•  Two predictable clusters:
•  turbine aircraft at cruising
•  piston aircraft at lower
•  Outliers are Cessnas
reporting 51,000+ ft
Spark Overview
•  fast, general data processing engine
•  interactive shell
•  Scala, Java, Python
•  machine learning libraries (mllib)
•  supports streaming
•  HDFS not required
Spark Connector
BSON Files
MapReduce & HDFS
Spark Connector Diagram
•  diagram
MongoDB Connector for Hadoop (with Spark Plug-in)
MongoDB Connector for Spark
Supervised Unsupervised
•  Naive Bayes
•  Support Vector
•  Random Decision
•  K-means
•  Linear
•  Logistic
•  Principal Component
•  Singular Value
Spark Machine Learning
K-Means Clustering
The K-Means algorithm aims to
minimize the sum of squares of the
distance between the points and the
centroid of each cluster.
source: Lovro Iliassich,
K-Means Clustering
>>> mongo_rdd = sc.mongoRDD('mongodb://localhost:27017/adsb.tincan')
OR specify a filter:
>>> input_conf = {"mongo.job.input.format":
"com.mongodb.hadoop.MongoInputFormat", "mongo.input.uri": "mongodb://
localhost:27017/adsb.tincan", "mongo.input.query": '{"t":{"$lte":{"$date":
1455494400000}}}' }
>>> mongo_rdd = sc.newAPIHadoopRDD(inputFormatClassName,
keyClassName, valueClassName, None, None, input_conf)
K-Means Clustering
>>> mongo_rdd = sc.mongoRDD('mongodb://localhost:27017/adsb.tincan')
>>> mongo_rdd.first()
{u'icao': u'A06690', u'a': 11975, u'b': 150, u'_id':
ObjectId('5755bb862355da56d87895cf'), u't': datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 8, 5,
25, 4), u'p': [-98.41437, 30.29066], u's': 285, u'v': -1152}
K-Means Clustering
>>> mongo_rdd = sc.mongoRDD('mongodb://localhost:27017/adsb.tincan')
>>> mongo_rdd.first()
{u'icao': u'A06690', u'a': 11975, u'b': 150, u'_id':
ObjectId('5755bb862355da56d87895cf'), u't': datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 8, 5,
25, 4), u'p': [-98.41437, 30.29066], u's': 285, u'v': -1152}
>>> parsed_rdd =
>>> parsed_rdd.first()
[5, 25, 4, 1, 11975, 150, 285, -1152, -98.14857, 30.92651]
Choosing K
! = ! − !!
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200
Within Set Sum of Squared Error
Standard Scaling
! =
! − !
>>> parsed_rdd.first()
[5, 25, 4, 1, 11975, 150, 285, -1152, -98.14857, 30.92651]
>>> scaled_features.first()
[-1.036, -1.1089, -0.2617, 0.6821, -0.8202, 0.4057, 0.8537, -1.6502, -0.6559, 0.6876]
K-Means Clustering
>>> k = 10
>>> clusters = KMeans.train(parsed_rdd, k, maxIterations=10, runs=1,
>>> cluster_sizes = e:
>>> cluster_sizes
defaultdict(<type 'int'>, {0: 70122, 1: 350890, 2: 118596, 3: 104609, 4:
254759, 5: 175840, 6: 166789, 7: 68309, 8: 147826, 9: 495102})
Save Results Back to MongoDB def labelData(array):
     result = {}
     result['cluster'] = clusters.predict(array)
     result['daystamp'] = str(array[0])
     result['dayofweek'] = array[1]
     result['hour'] = array[2]
     result['minute'] = array[3]
     result['second'] = array[4]
     result['a'] = array[5]
     result['b'] = array[6]
     result['s'] = array[7]
     result['v'] = array[8]
     result['p'] = [ array[9], array[10] ]
     return result
>>> labeled_rdd =
>>> labeled_rdd.saveToMongoDB('mongodb://
K-Means Clustering
>>> cluster_sizes
defaultdict(<type 'int'>, {0: 70122, 1: 350890, 2:
118596, 3: 104609, 4: 254759, 5: 175840, 6: 166789,
7: 68309, 8: 147826, 9: 495102})
Hypothesis: largest cluster #9 is cruising altitude
Hypothesis: largest cluster #9 is cruising altitude
adsb> db.labeled.aggregate([
{$match: {cluster:9}},
{$group: {_id: "summary",
"avg_alt": {$avg:"$a"},
"min_alt": {$min:"$a"},
"max_alt": {$max:"$a"} }}])
Hypothesis: largest cluster #9 is cruising altitude
  "result": [
      "_id": "summary",
      "avg_alt": 33630,
      "min_alt": 30675,
      "max_alt": 35825
Anomaly Detection
•  Plane appears 12,000ft out of
#MDBW16 video
Don't Worry, He's OK
•  4 days later…
Market Size
$36 Billion
International Offices
Global Employees
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Make a GIANT Impact

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MongoDB World 2016: The Best IoT Analytics with MongoDB

  • 1. The Best IoT Analytics with MongoDB Jake Angerman Sr. Solutions Architect MongoDB
  • 2. Sessions: 1. Building an IoT Application that Will Work Next Year 2. Building IoT Applications the Right Way 3. The Best IoT Analytics with MongoDB Track Overview ✔ ✔
  • 4. #MDBW16 Morpheus: time series data is everywhere Morpheus picture
  • 5. #MDBW16 Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast (ADS-B) Primary radar Secondary Surveillance Radar Software defined radio 1090 MHz 1030 MHz 1090 MHz
  • 6. #MDBW16 Tin Can Reveal homemade antenna (6.9mm quarter-wave whip) NooElec NESDR Mini 2 SDR $23.00 USB extension cable $10.00 RF cable RG316 female to MCX male $5.50 ?n can $2.87 Total: $41.37 6.9cm antenna USB SDR dump1090
  • 8. #MDBW16 Antenna Range approximately 250 miles (400km) > db.tincan.aggregate( [{ $geoNear: { near: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ center_y, center_x ] }, distanceField: "meters", minDistance: 394289, limit: 100, spherical: true }}, {$sort: { "meters": -1}}, {$limit: 1} ])
  • 9. #MDBW16 Antenna Range approximately 250 miles (400km) > db.tincan.aggregate( [{ $geoNear: { near: { type: "Point", coordinates: [ center_y, center_x ] }, distanceField: "meters", minDistance: 394289, limit: 100, spherical: true }}, {$sort: { "meters": -1}}, {$limit: 1} ])
  • 10. #MDBW16 ADS-B BaseStation data format MSG,7,111,11111,A3DC34,111111,2016/03/28,21:42:25.875,2016/03/28,21:42:25.865,,36975,,,,,,,,,,0 MSG,7,111,11111,A3DC34,111111,2016/03/28,21:42:25.884,2016/03/28,21:42:25.865,,36975,,,,,,,,,,0 MSG,8,111,11111,A33AA7,111111,2016/03/28,21:42:25.898,2016/03/28,21:42:25.865,,,,,,,,,,,,0 MSG,5,111,11111,A33AA7,111111,2016/03/28,21:42:25.961,2016/03/28,21:42:25.931,,28225,,,,,,,0,,0,0 MSG,3,111,11111,A678EF,111111,2016/03/28,21:42:26.013,2016/03/28,21:42:25.996,,34000,,,30.58369,-98.75438,,,,,,0 MSG,4,111,11111,A678EF,111111,2016/03/28,21:42:26.013,2016/03/28,21:42:25.996,,,417,283,,,0,,,,,0 MSG,3,111,11111,0D081C,111111,2016/03/28,21:42:26.280,2016/03/28,21:42:26.258,,35975,,,29.86456,-98.24018,,,,,,0 MSG,4,111,11111,0D081C,111111,2016/03/28,21:42:26.280,2016/03/28,21:42:26.258,,,429,206,,,0,,,,,0 MSG,8,111,11111,0D0648,111111,2016/03/28,21:42:26.358,2016/03/28,21:42:26.324,,,,,,,,,,,,0 MSG,3,111,11111,A678EF,111111,2016/03/28,21:42:26.454,2016/03/28,21:42:26.390,,34000,,,30.58389,-98.75544,,,,,,0 MSG,8,111,11111,A33AA7,111111,2016/03/28,21:42:26.478,2016/03/28,21:42:26.455,,,,,,,,,,,,0 MSG,7,111,11111,A678EF,111111,2016/03/28,21:42:26.679,2016/03/28,21:42:26.651,,34000,,,,,,,,,,0 MSG,7,111,11111,0D081C,111111,2016/03/28,21:42:26.759,2016/03/28,21:42:26.717,,35975,,,,,,,,,,0 altitudeICAO hex lat/long date & time stamp message type speed
  • 11. #MDBW16 ADS-B in JSON { "timestamp" : ISODate("2016-01-31T20:54:35.000+0000"), "icao" : "AC4144", "callsign" : "N889WM", "altitude" : 9350, "bearing" : 150, "position" : [-98.62762, 30.03657], "ground_speed" : 152, "vertical_rate" : 192 }
  • 12. #MDBW16 dump1090 dump1090 data flow Linked List in RAM HTTP :8080 BaseStation TCP :30003 [{"hex":"ac741c", "squawk":"6234", "flight":"AAL2417 ", "lat": 30.619176, "lon":-97.755963, "validposition":1, "altitude":35975, "vert_rate":0,"track":202, "validtrack":1, "speed":438, "messages":557, "seen":0}] AJAX JSON
  • 13. #MDBW16 dump1090 dump1090 data flow Linked List in RAM HTTP :8080 BaseStation TCP :30003 [{"hex":"ac741c", "squawk":"6234", "flight":"AAL2417 ", "lat": 30.619176, "lon":-97.755963, "validposition":1, "altitude":35975, "vert_rate":0,"track":202, "validtrack":1, "speed":438, "messages":557, "seen":0}] AJAX JSON MSG,7,111,11111,A3DC34,111111,2016/03/28, 21:42:25.875,2016/03/28,21:42:25.865,,36975 MongoDB TCP
  • 14. #MDBW16 What Types of Analytics Can We Do? •  Real-time dashboards (<1 second latency) = Aggregation framework •  Ad-hoc queries = Aggregation framework •  Historical Reports = Aggregation framework or BI Connector •  Batch processing = Hadoop •  Machine Learning = Spark
  • 15. #MDBW16 Analytics without Data Migration Database Historical Analysis Devices Dashboards DB DB ETL ETL
  • 16. #MDBW16 Analytics without Data Migration Database Historical Analysis Devices DB DB ETL ETL Dashboards
  • 17. #MDBW16 Analytics without Data Migration Database Historical Analysis Devices Dashboards •  No bulk or incremental ETL required •  One language for both real-time and ad-hoc queries
  • 21. #MDBW16 dump1090 dump1090 dashboard Linked List in RAM HTTP :8080 BaseStation TCP :30003 [{"hex":"ac741c", "squawk":"6234", "flight":"AAL2417 ", "lat":30.619176, "lon":-97.755963, "validposition":1, "altitude":35975, "vert_rate":0,"track":202, "validtrack":1, "speed":438, "messages":557, "seen":0}] AJAX JSON MSG,7,111,11111,A3DC34,111111,2016/03/28, 21:42:25.875,2016/03/28,21:42:25.865,,36975 MongoDB TCP WT cache
  • 22. #MDBW16 Real-time Dashboards •  Current Radar, last 5 minutes' worth of aircraft data •  pipeline = [ {"$match": {"t": {"$gte": datetime.datetime.utcnow() - datetime.timedelta(minutes=5) }}}, {"$sort": { "icao":1, "t":1 }}, {"$group": {"_id" : {"icao": "$icao"}, "events": {"$push": {"flight":"$callsign", "altitude":"$a", "track":"$b", "speed":"$s", "lon": { "$arrayElemAt":["$p", 0] }, "lat": { "$arrayElemAt":["$p", 1] }, "vert_rate":"$v" }}, "sum": {"$sum":1}}}, {"$project" :{ "_id":0, "icao":"$_id.icao", "events":"$events", "sum":"$sum"  }}  ] $match first uses index pre-built array avoids clumsy looping in application
  • 23. #MDBW16 Ad hoc aggregations Which aircraft has the most observations? > db.tincan.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: "$icao", "sum": {$sum: 1}, "callsigns": {"$addToSet": "$callsign"} }}, { $sort: { "sum": -1 }}, {$limit: 1} ]) { "_id": ObjectId("5755..."), "icao": "ADE201", "callsign": "N994FE", "a": 8600, "b": 104, "p": [-98.99888, 30.93031], "s": 164, "t": ISODate("2016-02-09T02:33:01Z"), }
  • 24. #MDBW16 Which aircraft has the most observations? "result": [ { "_id": "ADE201", "sum": 14373, "callsigns": [ "N994FE" ] } { "_id": ObjectId("5755..."), "icao": "ADE201", "callsign": "N994FE", "a": 8600, "b": 104, "p": [-98.99888, 30.93031], "s": 164, "t": ISODate("2016-02-09T02:33:01Z"), }
  • 25. #MDBW16 ICAO aircraft collection $ mongoimport -d adsb -c aircraft --type csv --headerline aircraft_db.csv icao,regid,mdl,type,operator 000334,PU-PLS,ULAC,EDRA SUPER PETREL LS,PRIVATE OWNER 000D77,PU-VGA,WT9,WT-9 DYNAMIC,PRIVATE OWNER 000D82,PU-DCT,WT9,AEROSPOOL WT9 DYNAMIC,PRIVATE OWNER 001100,-,320,UNKNOWN / VARIOUS,CODE USED BY SEVERAL AIRCRAFT 001108,EJC-1108,AC90,GULFSTREAM 690D,EJERCITO DE COLOMBIA 001411,PU-BGC,RV9,AMATEUR VANS RV-9A,PRIVATE OWNER 002008,LV-S004,P208,TECNAM P-2008,PRIVATE OWNER 003106,PU-FUA,ULAC,AMATEUR GFLY,PRIVATE OWNER 004003,Z-WPB,B732,BOEING 737-2N0,AIR ZIMBABWE ...
  • 26. #MDBW16 $lookup to find aircraft model > db.tincan.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: "$icao", "sum": {$sum: 1}, "callsigns": {"$addToSet": "$callsign"} }}, { $sort: { "sum": -1 }}, { $limit: 1 }, { $lookup: { from:"aircraft", localField:"_id", foreignField:"icao", as:"description" }} ])
  • 27. #MDBW16 $lookup to find aircraft model "result": [ { "_id": "ADE201", "sum": 14373, "callsigns": [ "N994FE" ], "description": [ { "_id": ObjectId("575074300cf625050f2e730e"), "icao": "ADE201", "regid": "N994FE", "mdl": "C208", "type": "CESSNA 208B GRAND CARAVAN" } ]
  • 29. #MDBW16 Which aircraft is seen the most number of days? > db.tincan.aggregate([ { $group: { _id: {icao: "$icao", dayOfYear: {$dateToString: { format: "%Y%m%d", date: "$t"}}}}}, {$group:{ _id: "$_id.icao", sum: { $sum: 1 }}}, { $sort:{ "sum": -1 }}, { $limit: 1 }, { $lookup: { from:"aircraft", localField:"_id", foreignField:"icao", as:"description" }} ])
  • 30. #MDBW16 Which aircraft is seen the most number of days?   "result": [     {       "_id": "A35969",       "sum": 63,       "description": [         {           "_id": ObjectId("5762e9cf6ecfc147a0503894"),           "icao": "A35969",           "regid": "N315AE",           "mdl": "B06",           "type": "BELL 206L-1 LONGRANGER II",           "operator": "AIR EVAC EMS"         }       ]
  • 33. #MDBW16 BI Connector •  New in MongoDB 3.2 Enterprise Advanced •  Mapping and transformation layer •  Projects smaller parts of large data sets for reporting
  • 34. #MDBW16 MongoDB Query LanguageSQL BI Connector Data flow MongoDB BI Connector Mapping metadata ApplicaAon data {name:
 “Andrew”, address: {street: …}} Document Table AnalyAcs & visualizaAon
  • 37. #MDBW16 Altitude vs Speed •  Two predictable clusters: •  turbine aircraft at cruising altitude •  piston aircraft at lower altitude
  • 38. #MDBW16 Altitude vs Speed •  Two predictable clusters: •  turbine aircraft at cruising altitude •  piston aircraft at lower altitude
  • 39. #MDBW16 Altitude vs Speed •  Two predictable clusters: •  turbine aircraft at cruising altitude •  piston aircraft at lower altitude •  Outliers are Cessnas reporting 51,000+ ft
  • 40. Spark
  • 41. #MDBW16 Spark Overview •  fast, general data processing engine •  interactive shell •  Scala, Java, Python •  machine learning libraries (mllib) •  supports streaming •  HDFS not required
  • 43. #MDBW16 Spark Connector Diagram •  diagram MongoDB Connector for Hadoop (with Spark Plug-in) MongoDB Connector for Spark
  • 44. #MDBW16 Supervised Unsupervised Classification •  Naive Bayes •  Support Vector Machines •  Random Decision Forests Clustering •  K-means Regression •  Linear •  Logistic Dimensionality Reduction •  Principal Component Analysis •  Singular Value Decomposition Spark Machine Learning
  • 45. #MDBW16 K-Means Clustering The K-Means algorithm aims to minimize the sum of squares of the distance between the points and the centroid of each cluster. source: Lovro Iliassich,
  • 46. #MDBW16 K-Means Clustering >>> mongo_rdd = sc.mongoRDD('mongodb://localhost:27017/adsb.tincan') OR specify a filter: >>> input_conf = {"mongo.job.input.format": "com.mongodb.hadoop.MongoInputFormat", "mongo.input.uri": "mongodb:// localhost:27017/adsb.tincan", "mongo.input.query": '{"t":{"$lte":{"$date": 1455494400000}}}' } >>> mongo_rdd = sc.newAPIHadoopRDD(inputFormatClassName, keyClassName, valueClassName, None, None, input_conf)
  • 47. #MDBW16 K-Means Clustering >>> mongo_rdd = sc.mongoRDD('mongodb://localhost:27017/adsb.tincan') >>> mongo_rdd.first() {u'icao': u'A06690', u'a': 11975, u'b': 150, u'_id': ObjectId('5755bb862355da56d87895cf'), u't': datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 8, 5, 25, 4), u'p': [-98.41437, 30.29066], u's': 285, u'v': -1152}
  • 48. #MDBW16 K-Means Clustering >>> mongo_rdd = sc.mongoRDD('mongodb://localhost:27017/adsb.tincan') >>> mongo_rdd.first() {u'icao': u'A06690', u'a': 11975, u'b': 150, u'_id': ObjectId('5755bb862355da56d87895cf'), u't': datetime.datetime(2016, 2, 8, 5, 25, 4), u'p': [-98.41437, 30.29066], u's': 285, u'v': -1152} >>> parsed_rdd = >>> parsed_rdd.first() [5, 25, 4, 1, 11975, 150, 285, -1152, -98.14857, 30.92651]
  • 49. #MDBW16 Choosing K ! = ! − !! ! !∈!! ! !!! 0 2,000,000 4,000,000 6,000,000 8,000,000 10,000,000 12,000,000 14,000,000 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 200 k Within Set Sum of Squared Error WSSSE
  • 50. #MDBW16 Standard Scaling ! = ! − ! ! >>> parsed_rdd.first() [5, 25, 4, 1, 11975, 150, 285, -1152, -98.14857, 30.92651] >>> scaled_features.first() [-1.036, -1.1089, -0.2617, 0.6821, -0.8202, 0.4057, 0.8537, -1.6502, -0.6559, 0.6876]
  • 51. #MDBW16 K-Means Clustering >>> k = 10 >>> clusters = KMeans.train(parsed_rdd, k, maxIterations=10, runs=1, initializationMode="random") >>> cluster_sizes = e: clusters.predict(e)).countByValue() >>> cluster_sizes defaultdict(<type 'int'>, {0: 70122, 1: 350890, 2: 118596, 3: 104609, 4: 254759, 5: 175840, 6: 166789, 7: 68309, 8: 147826, 9: 495102})
  • 52. #MDBW16 Save Results Back to MongoDB def labelData(array):      result = {}      result['cluster'] = clusters.predict(array)      result['daystamp'] = str(array[0])      result['dayofweek'] = array[1]      result['hour'] = array[2]      result['minute'] = array[3]      result['second'] = array[4]      result['a'] = array[5]      result['b'] = array[6]      result['s'] = array[7]      result['v'] = array[8]      result['p'] = [ array[9], array[10] ]      return result >>> labeled_rdd = >>> labeled_rdd.saveToMongoDB('mongodb:// localhost:27017/adsb.labeled')
  • 53. #MDBW16 K-Means Clustering >>> cluster_sizes defaultdict(<type 'int'>, {0: 70122, 1: 350890, 2: 118596, 3: 104609, 4: 254759, 5: 175840, 6: 166789, 7: 68309, 8: 147826, 9: 495102}) Hypothesis: largest cluster #9 is cruising altitude
  • 54. #MDBW16 Hypothesis: largest cluster #9 is cruising altitude adsb> db.labeled.aggregate([ {$match: {cluster:9}}, {$group: {_id: "summary", "avg_alt": {$avg:"$a"}, "min_alt": {$min:"$a"}, "max_alt": {$max:"$a"} }}])
  • 55. #MDBW16 Hypothesis: largest cluster #9 is cruising altitude   "result": [     {       "_id": "summary",       "avg_alt": 33630,       "min_alt": 30675,       "max_alt": 35825     }
  • 57. #MDBW16 Anomaly! •  Plane appears 12,000ft out of nowhere
  • 59. #MDBW16 Don't Worry, He's OK •  4 days later…
  • 62. #MDBW16 Market Size $36 Billion Partners 1,000+ International Offices 15 Global Employees 575+ Downloads Worldwide 15,000,000+ Make a GIANT Impact