internet measurement voip online games traffic classification mos network games pesq user satisfaction e-model traffic analysis online gaming qoe quality of experience voice activity detection survival analysis quality of service skype user study gaminganywhere qoe world of warcraft cloud gaming; testbed; open source cloud gaming; quality of experience; emg; physiolo online game; addiction; emg; physiological measure qos peer-to-peer systems qos provisioning user behavior supervised classification quake security cheating detection fraud detection bad mouthing web 20 social moderation collusion detection piggyback qos quality of service human factors overlay networks mmorpg design recommendations social interaction proxy cryptography key composition elgamal cryptosystem secure multicast svm classification cheating trajectory isomap knn image annotation esp game games with a purpose amazon mechanical turk human computation quality of experience bradley-terry-luce model crowdsourcing mean opinion traffic identification traffic burstiness game bot user perception poisson regression human satisfaction markov model human speech transport protocols performance analysis mmog wavelet denoising human perception support vector machine application identification bittorrent biometrical signatures account hijacking kullback-leibler
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