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                                Irish Educational Studies
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                                Learning in communities of practice: Rethinking teaching and learning in
                                disadvantaged contexts
                                Paul F. Conway a
                                  College Lecturer in the Education Department, University College, Cork

                                Online Publication Date: 01 December 2002

To cite this Article Conway, Paul F.(2002)'Learning in communities of practice: Rethinking teaching and learning in disadvantaged
contexts',Irish Educational Studies,21:3,61 — 91
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Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter, 2002      61

                                                                          LEARNING IN COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE:
                                                                          RETHINKING TEACHING AND LEARNING IN
                                                                                DISADVANTAGED CONTEXTS

                                                                                              Paul F. Conway


                                                                    A well-documented finding across many educational cultures is that
                                                                    students in disadvantaged communities have less challenging
                                                                    pedagogical and curricular experiences than their counterparts in more
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                                                                    advantaged contexts. This paper makes a case for the relevance of
                                                                    new ideas about cognition and learning for rethinking teaching and
                                                                    learning in disadvantaged contexts in the light of efforts to promote
                                                                    more active learning by students in primary and secondary education.
                                                                    Even though there has been an emphasis on the promotion of active
                                                                    student engagement in the learning process at primary level since the
                                                                    advent of the "New Curriculum" (Ireland, 1971) and more recently, in
                                                                    the last decade, at second-level, research suggests that teaching
                                                                    focuses predominantly on lower order thinking (Shiel, Forde and
                                                                    Morgan, 1996).

                                                                            This paper has four sections. First, I note the persistence of
                                                                    educational disadvantage despite impressive advances in the education
                                                                    system as a whole, and then discuss what some commentators see as
                                                                    the relative dominance of technical and transmission oriented
                                                                    discourse in relation to pedagogy in Irish education. Second, I outline
                                                                    some of the findings internationally and in Ireland on the school
                                                                    experiences of disadvantaged students and argue that their
                                                                    pedagogical experiences in Ireland are characterised by an emphasis
                                                                    on low-order thinking and a persistent assumption of the solo or
                                                                    individual learner - like their more advantaged counterparts.
                                                                    Furthermore, there is some evidence that students labeled
                                                                    disadvantaged may experience diminished curricular and pedagogical
                                                                    experiences - unlike their advantaged counterparts. In the third
                                                                    section of the paper, I outline the assumptions underpinning
                                                                    behavioural and cognitive perspectives on learning and cognition.
                                                                    Drawing on the work of Brown (Brown, 1994; Brown, 1997a), Rogoff
                                                                    et al. (1996), and Lave and Wenger (1991) and others, I compare the
                                                                    behavioural and cognitive positions with the fundamental assumptions
                                                                    of emergent socio-cultural perspectives on cognition and learning with
                                                                    a focus on the socio-cultural position as a powerful model on which to
                                                                    base initiatives to address educational disadvantage. Ideas such as
62    Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter 2002

                                                                    "situated cognition", "distributed cognition", and "communities of
                                                                    practice" may present an even more fundamental shift than that
                                                                    between the behaviourist and cognitive views of learning. The final
                                                                    section of the paper addresses the implications of these new views of
                                                                    learning and cognition for students in educationally disadvantaged

                                                                            The many notable and impressive achievements of the Irish
                                                                    education system over the last forty years are an important preface to
                                                                    the critique of Irish educational discourse and practice in this paper.
                                                                    Among these notable achievements are: "the epoch making" impact of
                                                                    the Investment in Education report (Lynch, 1998), the overall increase
                                                                    in the capacity of the education system as well as the rise in overall
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                                                                    attainment rates (Fitzgerald, 1998), the improvement in curricular
                                                                    opportunities for both girls and boys, the significant increases in
                                                                    public expenditure on primary, secondary and third level education as
                                                                    well as the overall increase in expenditure on education as a
                                                                    percentage of Exchequer expenditure (Thomhill, 1998), the vast
                                                                    increase in the range of areas of study at third level, developments in
                                                                    both pre- and in-service teacher education, and the provision of well
                                                                    qualified graduates to foster social and economic well-being
                                                                    (Coolahan, 1994; Hyland, 1998).             Despite these watershed
                                                                    developments, educational disadvantage persists (Hyland, 1998;
                                                                    McCormack, 1998) and Irish society is becoming more rather than
                                                                    less inequitable (Breen and Whelan, 1996; Lynch and Lodge, 2002).
                                                                    Thus, while the education system has in many respects been an
                                                                    effective agent of social and economic change in Irish society it has
                                                                    been considerably less effective in combating long standing societal
                                                                    inequalities. In addressing these persistent problems, I make a case
                                                                    for a greater interrogation of the assumptions about learning
                                                                    underpinning various pedagogical practices, aware that neither
                                                                    classroom practices nor the education system writ large are wholly
                                                                    responsible for educational disadvantage. However, the education
                                                                    system does play an important, albeit contested, role in reinforcing or
                                                                    challenging long-standing patterns of social reproduction. The
                                                                    potential influence of some system features and how they contribute to
                                                                    educational disadvantage and social inequality has received some
                                                                    attention while others have not. It is to this imbalance in attention I
                                                                    now turn.

                                                                    Debate on pedagogy in Irish education?

                                                                    Various commentators have highlighted how Irish educational
                                                                    discourse has been notable in its inattention to and resistance to
Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter, 2002      63

                                                                    problematize curricular concerns regardless as to whether students are
                                                                    viewed as advantaged or disadvantaged. What I mean by curriculum
                                                                    here, in a similar fashion to the use of curriculum in the White Paper
                                                                    on Education, is not only what subject matter is taught, but also how
                                                                    and why, and its impact on students (Gleeson, 1998). Drawing on
                                                                    Habermas' framework for understanding knowledge-constitutive
                                                                    activities in society, Gleeson (1998) has critiqued the dominance of
                                                                    technical discourse in Irish education to the relative exclusion of
                                                                    practical or emancipatory dialogue.          Similarly, Callan (1997),
                                                                    commenting in the context of second-level curriculum initiatives, has
                                                                    pointed out the technical nature of concerns with the dominance of
                                                                    class size (1998) and access to resources as issues, to the relative
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                                                                    exclusion of more reflexive discourses examining the ideological
                                                                    bases of preferred beliefs and classroom teaching practices. Similarly,
                                                                    Gleeson (1998) laments the dominance of power and control issues in
                                                                    the 1990s post National Education Convention (Coolahan,1994),
                                                                    Green (Ireland, 1992), and White paper (Ireland, 1995) debates to the
                                                                    relative exclusion of curricular issues. Despite the dominance of a
                                                                    technical discourse, a considerable body of critiques and position
                                                                    papers on Irish education emerged in the 1990s both in anticipation of
                                                                    and response to changes in the education system (e.g. (Hogan, 1995;
                                                                    Gleeson, 1998; McCormack, 1998) and CMRS/CORI publications
                                                                    (CORI, 1992; CORI, 1998). While the range of issues addressed in
                                                                    this body of literature is beyond the scope of this paper, the focus was
                                                                    primarily on the system-level issues such as certification, selection,
                                                                    assessment (examinations mainly) rather than classroom practices.
                                                                    While these debates clearly recognize the education system as a site
                                                                    for the partial perpetuation or redress of inequality, they nevertheless
                                                                    veil pedagogical practices as a site in the brokerage of
                                                                    inequality/equality. As such, the moment-to-moment transactions
                                                                    between students, teachers and curriculum have received insufficient
                                                                    attention in various efforts to address educational disadvantage. In
                                                                    sum, conflict and debate about pedagogical and curricular concerns
                                                                    (i.e. what is taught, how and why it is taught and its impact) remains
                                                                    marginal in both educational research and debates on educational
                                                                    disadvantage. While there has been some debate, as noted by Gleeson
                                                                    (1998), about history and health and personal education, these are
                                                                    exceptions. Conspicuously missing from the 1990s, in contrast to the
                                                                    power and control discourse, was rigorous critical engagement and
                                                                    reflection on the nature of whose knowledge is taught, how and why it
                                                                    is taught and its impact on disadvantaged students. Consequently, the
                                                                    classroom in Irish education remains largely a secret garden.
64    Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter 2002

                                                                           The OECD (OECD, 1991) review of Irish education raised
                                                                    serious concern about the dominance and widespread prevalence of a
                                                                    transmission model of teaching, low level cognitive demands in
                                                                    classroom teaching, and low levels of pupil involvement in the
                                                                    learning process in Irish schools. What is unclear from the OECD
                                                                    report is the extent to which transmission oriented teaching was or is
                                                                    more prevalent in educationally disadvantaged schools. Without
                                                                    leaving much doubt as to impressions of the examiners the report
                                                                    (OECD 1991, p. 55) concluded that:

                                                                           The face...Irish schools present to the world is quite
                                                                           recognisably that of previous generations. There is a
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                                                                           growing dissonance between it and the development of
                                                                           the learning sciences and modern teaching technologies
                                                                           that require a very different approach ... Co-operative
                                                                           (team) teaching and non-instructional forms of learning
                                                                           have not been conspicuous elements in determining
                                                                           design and layout in the past.

                                                                    Drawing upon this OECD report Callan (1997) noted that "the reality
                                                                    of school-learning can be profiled with such descriptors as "primarily
                                                                    didactic in nature, the teacher is the primary initiator, students work
                                                                    alone; lessons are structured around content with a focus on factual
                                                                    content; little or no small group problem solving approaches; little use
                                                                    of computer/video technology". Subsequently, the goal of active
                                                                    learning has become a more central feature of educational documents
                                                                    in Ireland over the last decade as reflected in both the National
                                                                    Education Convention Report (Coolahan, 1994) and in various
                                                                    curriculum and assessment reform initiatives e.g. (Callan, 1997;
                                                                    Gleeson and Granville, 1996; Gleeson, 1998; Hanafin, 1997; Hyland,
                                                                    2000). While child-centered teaching was espoused in the New
                                                                    Primary Curriculum in 1971 transmission models of teaching
                                                                    nevertheless remained dominant particularly at second level (OECD,
                                                                    1991; Coolahan, 1994). In the 1991 OECD report, the authors
                                                                    recommended that attention be turned towards cognitive theories of
                                                                    learning that might inform pedagogical practices in an effort to
                                                                    displace transmission oriented teaching (which they implied was
                                                                    based implicitly on common sense behavioural psychology). In
                                                                    rethinking practice in disadvantaged contexts, I want to take the focus
                                                                    on theories of learning one step further and turn to socio-cultural,
                                                                    situative-pragmatic, cultural or socio-genetic theories of learning,
                                                                    which have turned the spotlight away from the capacities of the solo
                                                                    learner to the creation of classrooms as communities of learners
Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter, 2002         65

                                                                    (Brown, 1994) or communities of practice (Lave and Wenger, 1991;
                                                                    Wenger, 1998).

                                                                    Research in other educational cultures on classroom practices for
                                                                    educationally disadvantaged students

                                                                    Considerable evidence internationally points to the diminished
                                                                    classroom pedagogical and organisational experiences of students in
                                                                    low income, high poverty and/or minority communities (Anyon, 1981;
                                                                    Oakes, 1986; Oakes and Lipton, 1999). Organisationally, teachers
                                                                    typically tend to adopt stricter discipline procedures, more classroom
                                                                    structure, and incorporate less social interaction. In terms of
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                                                                    curriculum and teaching, teachers tend to provide less challenging
                                                                    content knowledge, engage in more repetitive curricular experiences,
                                                                    break down tasks into smaller pieces, provide fewer opportunities to
                                                                    engage in higher-order thinking or problem solving, and provide fewer
                                                                    open ended divergent tasks (Means, Chelemer, and Knapp, 1991). In
                                                                    sum, teachers tend to rely on drill and practice of basic skills in efforts
                                                                    to compensate for the perceived deficits that students bring to school.
                                                                    The result of such compensatory efforts, often based on deficit models
                                                                    of students,, is the exacerbation of differences in instruction between
                                                                    the "haves" and "have nots" (Means, Chelemer, and Knapp, 1991).

                                                                            In the next section, I attempt to paint a composite picture of
                                                                    classroom practice in Irish classrooms, attentive to the limitations of
                                                                    this endeavor given the paucity of observational and/or ethnographic
                                                                    research on classroom practices in Irish schools. Notable exceptions,
                                                                    which shed a critical light on classroom practice, include Sugrue's
                                                                    (1997) interpretive interview and case study of primary teachers'
                                                                    views of child centered teaching and Drudy and Ui Chatham's (1998)
                                                                    gender focused action research using an interaction analysis frame.
                                                                    Furthermore, at present, there is an emerging and long overdue focus
                                                                    on classroom practice in Irish educational research. Two recent
                                                                    significant studies have provided insights on classroom teaching and
                                                                    are beginning to redress the relative neglect of classroom practice in
                                                                    Irish educational research. Lynch and Lodge's (Lynch and Lodge,
                                                                    2002) multi-method (i.e. classroom observations, questionnaires and
                                                                    essays, one-to-one and focus group interviews, classroom
                                                                    observations) study of twelve single-sex and co-educational second-
                                                                    level schools provides many insights on the dynamics of equality,
                                                                    power and exclusion as they play out in a range of classroom and
                                                                    school contexts. Lyons, Lynch, Close, Sheerin and Boland's (2003,
                                                                    forthcoming) video study, of Mathematics (mainly) and English
                                                                    teaching in ten different second-level schools, is the first such video
66    Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter 2002

                                                                    study in Irish classrooms and promises to shed light on the
                                                                    relationships between teacher beliefs and practices, common trends
                                                                    and diverse practices inside mathematics classrooms, and the impact
                                                                    of social class and gender on the mediation of subject learning.

                                                                             In the next section, with a view to understanding the largely
                                                                    implicit assumptions about learning, I argue that an individualist
                                                                    epistemology informs classroom practice in Irish education. Second,
                                                                    based on an individualist epistemology, I argue that classroom
                                                                    practice may be qualitatively different in disadvantaged settings, that
                                                                    is, a differential pedagogy hypothesis.
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                                                                    Research in Ireland on classroom organisational and pedagogical

                                                                    My concern, in this paper, is with how and why teaching is enacted as
                                                                    it is in disadvantaged settings. Educational research in Ireland has,
                                                                    almost overwhelmingly stayed at arm's length from classroom
                                                                    teaching practices. Maybe this is, in part due to, what the OECD
                                                                    examiners termed, the "legendary autonomy" of Irish teachers as well
                                                                    as the assumption that generic good teaching is readily identifiable
                                                                    and universal in its efficacy. What teachers do in terms of best
                                                                    practice in advantaged or disadvantaged settings in Irish schools
                                                                    remains, in large part, a "black box".

                                                                           An important point to note, is that considerable attention has
                                                                    been paid in Ireland to reducing the pupil teacher ratio. The
                                                                    presumption, whether in advantaged or disadvantaged communities,
                                                                    seems to be that merely ensuring change at the level of inputs (a
                                                                    greater number of teachers) will be sufficient to improve both
                                                                    pedagogical and organisational processes leading to enhanced
                                                                    academic outcomes (e.g. the reduction of pupil-teacher ratio to 15:1 in
                                                                    Breaking the Cycle). The underlying assumption here appears to be
                                                                    that there are little or no differences in the pedagogical and
                                                                    organisational, practices between disadvantaged and advantaged
                                                                    communities. In other words, what remains relatively unquestioned,
                                                                    uncontested, and unexamined is the nature of the pedagogical
                                                                    practices themselves.

                                                                           Individualist epistemology

                                                                    Both in academic and folk psychology individualist epistemologies
                                                                    are dominant in Irish education. In teacher education a generic
                                                                    constructivist theory dominates the discourse but is implicitly
Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3. Winter, 2002      67

                                                                    individualist in assumptions (i.e. Piagetian assumptions of the 1971
                                                                    New Primary Curriculum). Furthermore, for example, reviewing
                                                                    recent volumes of Irish Educational Studies, the Irish Journal of
                                                                    Education or Oideas: Journal of the Department Education and
                                                                    Science there has been no debate about the meta-theoretical bases of
                                                                    learning and cognition. When learning and cognition are addressed
                                                                    the focus is on educational applications of individualist epistemologies
                                                                    (e.g. Gardners' Multiple Intelligences Theory, Piagetian-inspired
                                                                    active learning initiatives). In using the term, meta-theoretical I want
                                                                    to draw attention to the underlying assumptions of dominant schools
                                                                    of thought or paradigms in the learning sciences over the last one
                                                                    hundred years. Attention to meta-theoretical issues provides an
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                                                                    opportunity to examine definitions, tease out assumptions, illuminate
                                                                    guiding metaphors and categorise the pedagogical implications of
                                                                    various learning theories. The conspicuous lack of a meta-theoretical
                                                                    debate in Irish educational debates is problematic given the upsurge of
                                                                    discussion and research internationally on cognition and learning, and
                                                                    emergence in the last twenty years of socio-cultural approaches to
                                                                    learning that have challenged the dominance of behavioural and
                                                                    cognitive perspectives.

                                                                           Attempting to characterize the epistemological beliefs held
                                                                    more broadly among teachers and students is more difficult.
                                                                    However, Rath's interview study of second-level teacher candidates is
                                                                    illuminating (Rath, 2000). She noted deeply entrenched cultural
                                                                    beliefs and practices about learning among student teachers. In
                                                                    particular, she documented, a focus on (a) learning as something done
                                                                    in isolation, and (b) a pervasive focus on the memorization of
                                                                    information at a superficial level for the purposes of individual
                                                                    performance in examinations. Furthermore, Lynch, (1999) building
                                                                    on her earlier work, has pointed to the pervasive competitive
                                                                    individualism of Irish secondary schooling. In addition, Fontes,
                                                                    Kellaghan, Madaus, and Airasian's (1983) study, of a nationally
                                                                    representative sample of Irish people's conceptions of intelligence,
                                                                    presented evidence that they believed strongly in innate and
                                                                    immutable conceptions of cognitive capacity (e.g. "...71% agreed that
                                                                    education cannot make up for a lack of natural ability", p. 55). As
                                                                    such, their views were consistent with psychometric notions of
                                                                    singular intelligence and therefore deeply rooted in an individualist

                                                                          What is the connection between individualist epistemologies
                                                                    and differential pedagogy hypothesis? An important logical
                                                                    connection between the individualist epistemologies and subsequent
68    Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter 2002

                                                                    differential pedagogical hypothesis can be understood in terms of the
                                                                    psychology of individual differences or differential psychology.
                                                                    Thorndike (Thorndike, 1903; Thorndike, 1931), among others,
                                                                    advocated in the early part of the 20th century that educators should
                                                                    devote their energy to understanding the individual student.
                                                                    Subsequently, various measures of individual difference were
                                                                    developed including intelligence tests used to sort students into ability
                                                                    groups, streams, and special education categories. While the large-
                                                                    scale intelligence testing movement to a great extent bypassed Ireland,
                                                                    the focus on the sorting of students into ability groups and streaming
                                                                    did not, and these have become central to school organisation in
                                                                    Ireland at both primary (Devine, 1993) and secondary level (Smyth,
                                                                    1999; Smyth, 2000). Indeed, Smyth's (1999) work provides strong
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                                                                    evidence of the negative impact of such streaming practices on both
                                                                    social and academic outcomes.

                                                                             Differential pedagogy hypothesis

                                                                    What evidence is there about organisational, curriculum, and teaching
                                                                    practices in Irish primary and secondary schools? Relatively little
                                                                    attention has been paid to understanding the school and classroom
                                                                    experiences of students in Ireland, although Lynch and Lodge (Lynch
                                                                    and Lodge, 1999; Lynch and Lodge, 2002) have cogently unveiled
                                                                    secondary school students' experiences of power and authority in
                                                                    school. In particular, the pedagogical experiences of students at
                                                                    primary or secondary level remain relatively hidden, be they portrayed
                                                                    through the voice of researchers and/or students themselves. A study
                                                                    (O'Sullivan, 1980a; O'Sullivan, 1980b), based on teacher self report,
                                                                    compared teachers' beliefs in working- and middle class schools about
                                                                    their own teaching styles in the light of the 1971 New Primary
                                                                    Curriculum but did not provide observational or ethnographic
                                                                    evidence of teaching practices. O'Sullivan (1980a) assessed the
                                                                    degree to which Bowles and Gintis' (1976) differential socialization
                                                                    hypothesis might be acting as a crucial mechanism in the reproduction
                                                                    of social inequalities between middle and working class students. His
                                                                    survey study, of one hundred and fifty three Cork primary teachers in
                                                                    six middle- and fifteen working-class schools, concluded that "there is
                                                                    little evidence in the findings on school and classroom organization
                                                                    and teaching style in my study to support this view of differential
                                                                    socialization" (O'Sullivan, 1980a, p. 84).

                                                                           However, there is some evidence to support the differential
                                                                    pedagogical hypothesis from research on the school organisational
                                                                    practices such as ability grouping and streaming as well as research on
Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter, 2002        69

                                                                    the extent that secondary schools contribute differentially to student
                                                                    achievement. Lynch has documented the widespread use of streaming
                                                                    and ability grouping in Irish primary and secondary schools and has
                                                                    criticised the continued reliance on ability grouping in primary schools
                                                                    and the continued existence of streaming, grouping or banding at
                                                                    second level (Lynch, 1999; Lynch and Lodge, 2002). The impact on
                                                                    students designated as low ability invariably confines that student to a
                                                                    school career in the low group or stream exacerbating educational
                                                                    disadvantage. However, the pedagogical experiences of students
                                                                    designated as disadvantaged remains relatively unexamined despite
                                                                    the fact that research in other countries has pointed out the differential
                                                                    pedagogical and classroom organisational experiences of students
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                                                                    labeled as disadvantaged. Smyth's multi-level or hierarchical linear
                                                                    modeling analysis of a nationally representative sample of second-
                                                                    level schools provides clear support for differential pedagogy
                                                                    hypothesis with schools' differential contribution to student
                                                                    achievement evident even after controlling for students' background
                                                                    characteristics (Smyth, 1999). In summary, considerable evidence
                                                                    points to a system-wide emphasis on lower order skills. There is also
                                                                    considerable evidence to support the differential pedagogy hypothesis
                                                                    and both can be seen as underpinned by individualist epistemologies.
                                                                    The strongest evidence to support the differential pedagogy hypothesis
                                                                    is from Lynch and Lodge's research (2002) on the widespread
                                                                    prevalence of ability grouping and Smyth's (Smyth, 1999)
                                                                    documentation of differences between secondary schools in their
                                                                    contribution to student achievement after controlling for background
                                                                    factors. However, the extent to which differential pedagogy plays out
                                                                    according to advantaged/disadvantaged groups is not clear.

                                                                           In the next section I note the emphasis on an individualist
                                                                    epistemology in both the behavioural and cognitive perspectives and
                                                                    present the socio-cultural perspective as a generative alternative.

                                                                    Three theories of cognition and learning

                                                                           Broadly speaking, over the last one hundred years the learning
                                                                    sciences have provided three distinct camps of learning theories: the
                                                                    behaviourist-empiricist, the cognitive-rationalist, and situative-
                                                                    pragmatic1 (Greeno, Collins, and Resnick, 1996). The notion of
                                                                    communities of practice emanates from this last cluster of learning
                                                                    theories. While a detailed exposition of the differences between these
                                                                    three traditions is beyond the scope of this paper, it is worth
                                                                    addressing how each defines learning, knowing, intelligence, and the
                                                                    design of learning environments (Table 1). In the behaviourist
70    Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter 2002

                                                                    tradition learning is change in behaviour, in the cognitive tradition
                                                                    learning is change in thinking, and in the socio-cultural tradition
                                                                    learning is change in participation. These widely diverging definitions
                                                                    of learning draw the attention of teachers and researchers to different
                                                                    sets of questions in pondering and planning learning, teaching, and
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Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter, 2002                                                                         71

                                                                    Table 1. Three perspectives on learning and their implications for
                                                                    teaching and assessment2
                                                                    Camp             Behaviourism            Cognitive                                                         •-.•••!   Socio-cultural
                                                                    Learning         Change in               Change in thinking                                                          Change in practices of
                                                                    as...            behaviour                                                                                           communities. & ability of
                                                                                                                                                                                         individuals to participate
                                                                    Intelligence                         How smart are you?                                                              In what contexts are you
                                                                                                         In what ways are                                                                smart?
                                                                                                         you smart?
                                                                    Knowing        ...organised          ...Structures of                                                                ...distributed in the
                                                                    as...          collection of         knowledge and                                                                   world among
                                                                                   collections           processes that                                                                  individuals, tools,
                                                                                   between elements      construct patterns of .                                                         artifacts, texts people
                                                                                   or behavioural      ';• symbols in order to:                                                          use and fostering
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                                                                                   units.                1. Understand                                                                   communities of learners
                                                                                                             concepts &                                                                  in which they participate
                                                                                                         2. Engage in general
                                                                                                             skills such as
                                                                                 <                           reasoning and
                                                                                                           problem solving
                                                                    Examples       • Precision           • General schemata                                                              • Fostering communities
                                                                                   teaching              (Jean Piaget)                                                                   of learners (Ann Brown)
                                                                       j           • Computer            •General and             :                                                      • Cognitive
                                                                       *           Assisted              specific                                                                        apprenticeship (Collins,
                                                                                   Instruction           competencies e.g.                                                               etal)
                                                                                   (CAI)... i.e.         Multiple
                                                                                   mastery learning      Intelligences &TfU
                                                                                                         (Howard Gardner), '
                                                                    Designing      TEACHING:             TEACHING               ..;                                                      TEACHING
                                                                    [earning .     Simplify and          • Interactive                                                                   • Communities of
                                                                    environments sequence tasks          environments for        :                                                       learning for active
                                                                                   into discrete steps   knowledge                                                                       participation in the
                                                                                   • Routines of         construction and        -                                                       formulation and
                                                                    How can we     activity              understanding        : ]                                                        resolution of realistic
                                                                    design         • Clear goals,        •Sequences of           •'                                                      problems/inquiry
                                                                    teaching for" feedback, and          conceptual               .                                                      • Development of
                                                                    learning?      reinforcement         development              '                                                      disciplinary practices of
                                                                                   • Individualization • Explicit attention                                                              discourse, i.e. "ways of
                                                                                   with technologies     to generality ' • J ;                                                           talking"
                                                                                   e.g. CAI               •• • / • ^ . • • ^
                                                                                                                                           v V ^   ••• -   . ^ : . '   '.•   ••'••?

                                                                                   • A sequence of     ::ASSESSMENT.. J:.:                                                               ASSESSMENT
                                                                                   component to          •Extended                                                                       • Extended performance
                                                                                   composite skills • performance:               •                                                       assessment and assess
                                                                                   ASSESSMENT:           assessments and ; ,                                                             change in participation
                                                                                   Assessments that      crediting varieties of .)
                                                                                   tap into              excellence            ;i
                                                                                   components '

                                                                           To the extent that there has been explicit attention to and
                                                                    preference for assumptions about learning in Irish educational
                                                                    discourse over the last thirty years, the focus has been on cognitive
                                                                    theories particularly the work of Piaget, as evidenced by the 1971
72    Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter 2002

                                                                    New Primary School curriculum, and more recently the cognitive
                                                                    symbol systems focus of Gardner's Multiple Intelligences theory
                                                                    which has been used as the basis for widely publicized curriculum
                                                                    initiatives (Hanafin, 1997; Hyland, 2000). Common in both Piaget's
                                                                    and Gardner's vision, given their shared cognitive assumptions, is that
                                                                    the learner is primarily viewed as an individual cognizer or solo
                                                                    learner (Phillips and Soltis, 1998). In contrast, socio-cultural, cultural
                                                                    or socio-genetic theories assume the learning itself is socially and
                                                                    culturally rooted in communities of practice, encompassing the
                                                                    artifacts and relationships of a particular time and place. An important
                                                                    point here is that social is not just another variable, nor is it only the
                                                                    interpersonal, rather it encompasses both artifacts and relationships as
                                                                    they are situated historically (Vygotsky, 1978; Cole, 1996; Daniels,
Downloaded By: [University College Cork] At: 18:00 7 October 2008

                                                                    2001). Thus, one can speak of what Valsiner and van der Veer call, in
                                                                    their recent germinal work, the social mind (Valsiner and Van der
                                                                    Veer, 2000). They trace the long tradition of scholarship underpinning
                                                                    the idea of the social mind drawing a portrait of its lineage by tracing
                                                                    the intellectual interdependency of the work of Lev Vygotsky, George
                                                                    Herbert Mead, James Mark Baldwin, and Pierre Janet. More recently,
                                                                    the work of cultural psychologist Arm Brown, who is credited with
                                                                    creating the socio-cultural-based "community of learners" (COL)
                                                                    model, has drawn attention to the rich pedagogical implications of the
                                                                    socio-genetic tradition (Brown, 1994; Brown, 1997a; Brown, 1997b).
                                                                    Drawing on Vygotsky's notion of the zone of proximal development
                                                                    (ZPD) she highlights how reciprocal teaching, jigsaw co-operative
                                                                    learning, and majoring (in-depth study of content focusing on
                                                                    understanding)3 embody her conception of a community of learners
                                                                    (Brown, 1993; Brown, 1994).

                                                                           The distinctive pedagogical practices emanating from these
                                                                    three camps of learning theories can be seen by examining the section
                                                                    "Designing teaching: How can we design teaching for learning?" (see
                                                                    Table 1). In the next section, I briefly describe the assumptions and
                                                                    implications of the three camps.

                                                                           The behavioural approach: clarity and targeted direct teaching
                                                                          followed by controlled practice

                                                                    Teaching approaches based on either common sense, what Olson and
                                                                    Bruner (1996) call "folk psychology", or theoretically-inspired
                                                                    behaviourism put a premium on three basic pedagogical strategies:
                                                                    breaking down tasks into small and manageable pieces, teaching the
                                                                    basics firsthand incrementally reinforcing or rewarding observable
                                                                    progress. It is my contention, that these strategies have particular
Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter, 2002       73

                                                                    appeal in educationally disadvantaged contexts. What are some of the
                                                                    assumptions underpinning these hallmark strategies?

                                                                           Based on empiricist philosophy, typified by Locke, Hume and
                                                                    Thorndike, behaviourism's key assumptions are that learning occurs
                                                                    though the detection of stimuli in the world by the sensory organs, the
                                                                    detection of patterns in these stimuli, and the means through which
                                                                    these "new associations" are transferred to different contexts. A
                                                                    corollary of these assumptions is that knowledge is consistent with or
                                                                    a reflection of experience (Greeno, Collins and Resnick, 1996). In
                                                                    sum, these assumptions amount to viewing learning as the collection
                                                                    and organisation of elements, associations, or behavioural units.
Downloaded By: [University College Cork] At: 18:00 7 October 2008

                                                                           What are the implications of these assumptions for our views
                                                                    of knowledge, intelligence, and pedagogy? From this perspective,
                                                                    knowledge can be seen as a hierarchical assembly or collection of
                                                                    associations or behavioural units. Intelligence is viewed as an
                                                                    individual trait and a fixed commodity that puts a limit on the pace or
                                                                    rate of learning. Perhaps the most widely recognised and intuitively
                                                                    appealing implications of the behavioural perspective are its
                                                                    recommendations for designing teaching. These are the simplification
                                                                    and sequencing of tasks into discrete hierarchical steps and reinforcing
                                                                    successful approximations of desired activity. In sum, the hallmarks
                                                                    of behaviourism are presenting learning in small steps, in the simplest
                                                                    possible form, sequencing tasks in a hierarchy from the simple to the
                                                                    complex, and rewarding successful observed behaviours.

                                                                            Two problems associated with this approach to teaching, are
                                                                    the assumption of "vertical transfer" and the decomposition of
                                                                    activities such as reading, writing, problem solving, resulting in a lack
                                                                    of task wholeness and authenticity. Vertical transfer assumes that
                                                                    learners will assemble the various associations or connections lower
                                                                    down on the learning hierarchy, and integrate these in order to
                                                                    eventually engage in higher order tasks.          This vertical transfer
                                                                    problem is interwoven with, what critics view as, the lack of task
                                                                    authenticity when teaching is designed from a behavioural
                                                                    perspective.     Thus, rather than involving learners in the full
                                                                    authenticity of say reading, a behavioural perspective focuses on
                                                                    teaching the fundamental elements (e.g. in the case of reading,
                                                                    perception of print, that is, single letters or words) prior to the more
                                                                    complex elements (reading sentences and extended text). Using the
                                                                    analogy of soccer, it is like teaching novice soccer players (novice
                                                                    readers) via repetitive practice how to head, kick, and dribble the ball
                                                                    (identify and sound out letters and words), that is the basics, for
74    Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter 2002

                                                                    prolonged periods before they ever get to play the game. Furthermore,
                                                                    the "slow" soccer learners get to head, kick and dribble the ball for
                                                                    even longer, before having the opportunity to engage in and make
                                                                    sense of the whole game (read extended text for meaning) until "the
                                                                    basics" have been thoroughly mastered. Despite these, and other
                                                                    problems, behaviourism has had a powerful influence on views of
                                                                    learning, approaches to teaching, and classroom management
                                                                    strategies in education systems across the world. Furthermore,
                                                                    formally and/or informally, many compensatory (targeted initiatives to
                                                                    overcome disadvantage) and remedial (with a high concentration of
                                                                    educationally disadvantaged students) interventions have been
                                                                    profoundly influenced by behavioural assumptions about learning.
Downloaded By: [University College Cork] At: 18:00 7 October 2008

                                                                    Writing in an Irish context, although not addressing educational
                                                                    disadvantage per se, Dunne (1995, pp. 74-75) comments on the
                                                                    importance of engaging students in the fullness of human social
                                                                    practices such as reading and writing, claiming that

                                                                           It seems likely many people have been greatly
                                                                           shortchanged in their education, precisely because they
                                                                           were introduced to these activities not as practices, but
                                                                           rather as sites where decomposed drills, exercises and
                                                                           micro-skills were rehearsed as means, while a taste of
                                                                           the whole activity as an end was continually deferred or

                                                                    The apparently concrete, "practical" and observable nature of drills
                                                                    and micro-skills, allied to the assumption of vertical transfer, gives a
                                                                    compelling validity to these pedagogical strategies, and resonates with
                                                                    Anyon (1981) and Oakes (1986) research that educationally
                                                                    disadvantaged students (read lower working class) typically
                                                                    experience diluted curricular experiences, involving task
                                                                    decomposition and infrequent opportunities to engage in higher order

                                                                           The cognitive-rationalist perspective: creating contexts for
                                                                           making meaning through guided discovery

                                                                    Drawing upon continental rationalism, typified by Descartes and Kant,
                                                                    cognitive theory's key assumption is that learning occurs as the mind
                                                                    imposes order on the world through its own particular structures such
                                                                    as the order-imposing structures inherent in information processing
                                                                    schema theory, Piaget's schema-based stage theory of cognitive
                                                                    development, or the modular structures of the mind underpinning
                                                                    Gardner's multiple intelligences, MI, theory. Kant, responding to the
Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter, 2002       75

                                                                    British Empiricists, argued that the mind imposes, rather than detects,
                                                                    order in the world (Case, 1996). A corollary of these assumptions is
                                                                    that knowledge is not a copy of reality. Resnick (1989, p. 2) conveys
                                                                    this position well commenting that "Learning occurs not by recording
                                                                    information but by interpreting it". In sum, these assumptions amount
                                                                    to viewing learning as the active construction of knowledge by the
                                                                    individual learner.

                                                                            What are the implications of these assumptions for our views
                                                                    of knowledge, intelligence, and pedagogy? From this perspective,
                                                                    knowing involves the structures of knowledge and processes that
                                                                    construct patterns of symbols to understand concepts and deploy
Downloaded By: [University College Cork] At: 18:00 7 October 2008

                                                                    general problem solving and reasoning strategies (e.g. Piagetian
                                                                    position that learners deploy general logico-mathematical thinking
                                                                    across contexts). Thus, knowledge rather than being "out there", the
                                                                    basic assumption from behaviourist-empiricist stance, is constructed
                                                                    by our actions on the world. As such, knowledge is made as we
                                                                    engage with and experience the world. Intelligence is viewed as an
                                                                    individual trait and portrayed as either a unitary (lumper position, e.g.
                                                                    dominant "g" based views of IQ) or a multifaceted (splitter position,
                                                                    e.g. Multiple Intelligences theory) commodity.           The cognitive
                                                                    perspective has provided many important insights with which <to plan
                                                                    classroom teaching. Among the most important of these are the that
                                                                    learning is active, learning is about the construction of meaning,
                                                                    learning is both helped and hindered by our prior knowledge and
                                                                    experience, learning reorganises our minds, the mind develops in
                                                                    stages, and learning is more often than not unsettling. Based on these
                                                                    insights, a diverse range of strategies has been developed for
                                                                    classroom practice many of which are evident in various textbooks,
                                                                    teacher handbooks, and curricular documents in Irish education over
                                                                    the last thirty years. Much of the appeal of cognitive theories, in the
                                                                    Irish context, grew out of the desire to move away from didactic and
                                                                    transmission oriented teaching. Many advocates of active learning
                                                                    would echo Dewey (1933/1993, p. 201), who in his book How We
                                                                    Think, in opposition to the didactic nature of classroom teaching at
                                                                    that time, spoke out against "the complete domination of instruction
                                                                    by rehearsing second-hand information, by memorizing for the sake of
                                                                    producing correct replies at the proper time". Anticipating some of
                                                                    the arguments and claims made by cognitive and educational
                                                                    psychologists over the last forty years, Dewey argued for the
                                                                    importance of students' active involvement in the learning process and
                                                                    problem solving as the context within which to learn information.
76    Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter 2002

                                                                            In sum, implications flowing from behavioural and cognitive
                                                                    epistemologies are familiar to most educators and embedded in
                                                                    policies and practices of teaching and learning in classrooms. For
                                                                    example, it is my contention that pedagogy in educationally
                                                                    disadvantaged settings is heavily influenced by behavioural principles
                                                                    of learning in particular, and many remedial teaching strategies
                                                                    borrow heavily from both behavioural and to a lesser extent cognitive
                                                                    principles. Furthermore, various forms of programmed instruction or
                                                                    mastery learning (Skinner, 1954) emanate directly from behavioural
                                                                    assumptions about learning. While behavioural and cognitive theories
                                                                    are based on very different assumptions about learning, knowing and
                                                                    intelligence and have very different implications for classroom
Downloaded By: [University College Cork] At: 18:00 7 October 2008

                                                                    practice, they share one defining feature, namely their focus on the
                                                                    solo learner. Rather than viewing the learner as part of family,
                                                                    community and social group embedded in a particular time and place,
                                                                    both the behavioural and cognitive perspectives portray learning as
                                                                    primarily a solo undertaking. Thus, what is neglected, in this focus on
                                                                    the solo learner, is how the learner is situated amidst levels of
                                                                    guidance by more knowledgeable others, nurtured via social support,
                                                                    influenced by peer norms, and shapes and is shaped through engaging
                                                                    in communication with other humans and various media within
                                                                    evolving cultural and historical circumstances. As such, from a
                                                                    learning perspective, attempting to understand and ameliorate
                                                                    educational disadvantage, based on the assumption of the solo learner,
                                                                    forecloses on opportunities to interrogate the extent to which
                                                                    educational disadvantage is culturally and socially constructed in
                                                                    classrooms, schools, and communities.

                                                                           The socio-cultural perspective: promoting a community. of

                                                                    Rooted in the socio-genetic philosophies of Hegel and Marx, socio-
                                                                    cultural theories assert that the mind originates dialectically through
                                                                    the social and material history of a culture in which a person inhabits.
                                                                    This position is in marked contrast to the view that the mind has its
                                                                    primary origin in the structures of the objective world (behaviourist
                                                                    position), has its origin in the order-imposing structures of the mind
                                                                    (cognitive/Information processing position), or has its origins in the
                                                                    interaction of the individual learner and the objective world
                                                                    (cognitive/Piagetian position) (Case, 1996).

                                                                           What are the implications of these assumptions for our views
                                                                    of knowledge, intelligence and pedagogy? Knowledge, from a socio-
                                                                    cultural perspective, is viewed as a construction of groups and as such
Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter, 2002       77

                                                                    is distributed as individuals and groups shape and are shaped through
                                                                    various social practices. Learning occurs, not through order-imposing
                                                                    structures of the mind, but through initiation and participation in out
                                                                    of or in school social practices. In marked contrast to conventional
                                                                    views of intelligence rooted in a cognitive perspective (here I include
                                                                    traditional notions of singular intelligence and multiple intelligences),
                                                                    intelligence is seen as distributed across a group and is not necessarily
                                                                    the property of individuals but refracted through the lens of "learners-
                                                                    in-context" as they use culturally valued tools, symbols and other
                                                                    artifacts that assist social and cognitive performance.

                                                                           In terms of pedagogy, socio-culrural theories put a heavy
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                                                                    emphasis on fostering communities of learners (FCL), which provide
                                                                    not only opportunities for cognitive development but also the
                                                                    development of students' identities as literate and numerate members
                                                                    of knowledge-building communities.         In her classic article, "The
                                                                    Advancement of Learning" (Brown, 1994), first delivered as the
                                                                    Presidential address at the American Educational Research
                                                                    Association (AERA) annual meeting in 1994, the late English born
                                                                    and US based educator, Ann Brown outlined a coherent set of
                                                                    principles underpinning the notion of a "community of learners" as
                                                                    well key strategies for its implementation. These principles are:

                                                                    •      Academic learning as active, strategic, self-motivated and
                                                                    •      Classrooms as settings for multiple zones of proximal
                                                                    •      Legitimization of differences
                                                                    •      Developing communities of discourse and practice, and
                                                                    •      Teaching deep conceptual content that is sensitive to
                                                                           developmental nature of students' knowledge in particular
                                                                           subject areas

                                                                    The integrated implementation of these five principles forms the
                                                                    support for the emergence of communities of learners in classroom
                                                                    settings. First, based upon the insight that much academic learning is
                                                                    active, strategic, self-motivated and purposeful, Brown emphasized
                                                                    how FCLs ought to focus on the development of students' capacity to
                                                                    think about thinking, that is engage in meta-cognition. As such, a key
                                                                    feature of FCLs is the promotion of a culture of meta-cognition,
                                                                    directed toward the development of learning to learn strategies.
                                                                    Second, drawing upon Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development
                                                                    (ZPD), that is the difference between what a learner can do by
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Conway learning cop-ies02

  • 1. This article was downloaded by: [University College Cork] On: 7 October 2008 Access details: Access Details: [subscription number 785045793] Publisher Routledge Informa Ltd Registered in England and Wales Registered Number: 1072954 Registered office: Mortimer House, 37-41 Mortimer Street, London W1T 3JH, UK Irish Educational Studies Publication details, including instructions for authors and subscription information: Learning in communities of practice: Rethinking teaching and learning in disadvantaged contexts Paul F. Conway a a College Lecturer in the Education Department, University College, Cork Online Publication Date: 01 December 2002 To cite this Article Conway, Paul F.(2002)'Learning in communities of practice: Rethinking teaching and learning in disadvantaged contexts',Irish Educational Studies,21:3,61 — 91 To link to this Article: DOI: 10.1080/0332331020210308 URL: PLEASE SCROLL DOWN FOR ARTICLE Full terms and conditions of use: This article may be used for research, teaching and private study purposes. Any substantial or systematic reproduction, re-distribution, re-selling, loan or sub-licensing, systematic supply or distribution in any form to anyone is expressly forbidden. The publisher does not give any warranty express or implied or make any representation that the contents will be complete or accurate or up to date. The accuracy of any instructions, formulae and drug doses should be independently verified with primary sources. The publisher shall not be liable for any loss, actions, claims, proceedings, demand or costs or damages whatsoever or howsoever caused arising directly or indirectly in connection with or arising out of the use of this material.
  • 2. Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter, 2002 61 LEARNING IN COMMUNITIES OF PRACTICE: RETHINKING TEACHING AND LEARNING IN DISADVANTAGED CONTEXTS Paul F. Conway Introduction A well-documented finding across many educational cultures is that students in disadvantaged communities have less challenging pedagogical and curricular experiences than their counterparts in more Downloaded By: [University College Cork] At: 18:00 7 October 2008 advantaged contexts. This paper makes a case for the relevance of new ideas about cognition and learning for rethinking teaching and learning in disadvantaged contexts in the light of efforts to promote more active learning by students in primary and secondary education. Even though there has been an emphasis on the promotion of active student engagement in the learning process at primary level since the advent of the "New Curriculum" (Ireland, 1971) and more recently, in the last decade, at second-level, research suggests that teaching focuses predominantly on lower order thinking (Shiel, Forde and Morgan, 1996). This paper has four sections. First, I note the persistence of educational disadvantage despite impressive advances in the education system as a whole, and then discuss what some commentators see as the relative dominance of technical and transmission oriented discourse in relation to pedagogy in Irish education. Second, I outline some of the findings internationally and in Ireland on the school experiences of disadvantaged students and argue that their pedagogical experiences in Ireland are characterised by an emphasis on low-order thinking and a persistent assumption of the solo or individual learner - like their more advantaged counterparts. Furthermore, there is some evidence that students labeled disadvantaged may experience diminished curricular and pedagogical experiences - unlike their advantaged counterparts. In the third section of the paper, I outline the assumptions underpinning behavioural and cognitive perspectives on learning and cognition. Drawing on the work of Brown (Brown, 1994; Brown, 1997a), Rogoff et al. (1996), and Lave and Wenger (1991) and others, I compare the behavioural and cognitive positions with the fundamental assumptions of emergent socio-cultural perspectives on cognition and learning with a focus on the socio-cultural position as a powerful model on which to base initiatives to address educational disadvantage. Ideas such as
  • 3. 62 Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter 2002 "situated cognition", "distributed cognition", and "communities of practice" may present an even more fundamental shift than that between the behaviourist and cognitive views of learning. The final section of the paper addresses the implications of these new views of learning and cognition for students in educationally disadvantaged settings. The many notable and impressive achievements of the Irish education system over the last forty years are an important preface to the critique of Irish educational discourse and practice in this paper. Among these notable achievements are: "the epoch making" impact of the Investment in Education report (Lynch, 1998), the overall increase in the capacity of the education system as well as the rise in overall Downloaded By: [University College Cork] At: 18:00 7 October 2008 attainment rates (Fitzgerald, 1998), the improvement in curricular opportunities for both girls and boys, the significant increases in public expenditure on primary, secondary and third level education as well as the overall increase in expenditure on education as a percentage of Exchequer expenditure (Thomhill, 1998), the vast increase in the range of areas of study at third level, developments in both pre- and in-service teacher education, and the provision of well qualified graduates to foster social and economic well-being (Coolahan, 1994; Hyland, 1998). Despite these watershed developments, educational disadvantage persists (Hyland, 1998; McCormack, 1998) and Irish society is becoming more rather than less inequitable (Breen and Whelan, 1996; Lynch and Lodge, 2002). Thus, while the education system has in many respects been an effective agent of social and economic change in Irish society it has been considerably less effective in combating long standing societal inequalities. In addressing these persistent problems, I make a case for a greater interrogation of the assumptions about learning underpinning various pedagogical practices, aware that neither classroom practices nor the education system writ large are wholly responsible for educational disadvantage. However, the education system does play an important, albeit contested, role in reinforcing or challenging long-standing patterns of social reproduction. The potential influence of some system features and how they contribute to educational disadvantage and social inequality has received some attention while others have not. It is to this imbalance in attention I now turn. Debate on pedagogy in Irish education? Various commentators have highlighted how Irish educational discourse has been notable in its inattention to and resistance to
  • 4. Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter, 2002 63 problematize curricular concerns regardless as to whether students are viewed as advantaged or disadvantaged. What I mean by curriculum here, in a similar fashion to the use of curriculum in the White Paper on Education, is not only what subject matter is taught, but also how and why, and its impact on students (Gleeson, 1998). Drawing on Habermas' framework for understanding knowledge-constitutive activities in society, Gleeson (1998) has critiqued the dominance of technical discourse in Irish education to the relative exclusion of practical or emancipatory dialogue. Similarly, Callan (1997), commenting in the context of second-level curriculum initiatives, has pointed out the technical nature of concerns with the dominance of class size (1998) and access to resources as issues, to the relative Downloaded By: [University College Cork] At: 18:00 7 October 2008 exclusion of more reflexive discourses examining the ideological bases of preferred beliefs and classroom teaching practices. Similarly, Gleeson (1998) laments the dominance of power and control issues in the 1990s post National Education Convention (Coolahan,1994), Green (Ireland, 1992), and White paper (Ireland, 1995) debates to the relative exclusion of curricular issues. Despite the dominance of a technical discourse, a considerable body of critiques and position papers on Irish education emerged in the 1990s both in anticipation of and response to changes in the education system (e.g. (Hogan, 1995; Gleeson, 1998; McCormack, 1998) and CMRS/CORI publications (CORI, 1992; CORI, 1998). While the range of issues addressed in this body of literature is beyond the scope of this paper, the focus was primarily on the system-level issues such as certification, selection, assessment (examinations mainly) rather than classroom practices. While these debates clearly recognize the education system as a site for the partial perpetuation or redress of inequality, they nevertheless veil pedagogical practices as a site in the brokerage of inequality/equality. As such, the moment-to-moment transactions between students, teachers and curriculum have received insufficient attention in various efforts to address educational disadvantage. In sum, conflict and debate about pedagogical and curricular concerns (i.e. what is taught, how and why it is taught and its impact) remains marginal in both educational research and debates on educational disadvantage. While there has been some debate, as noted by Gleeson (1998), about history and health and personal education, these are exceptions. Conspicuously missing from the 1990s, in contrast to the power and control discourse, was rigorous critical engagement and reflection on the nature of whose knowledge is taught, how and why it is taught and its impact on disadvantaged students. Consequently, the classroom in Irish education remains largely a secret garden.
  • 5. 64 Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter 2002 The OECD (OECD, 1991) review of Irish education raised serious concern about the dominance and widespread prevalence of a transmission model of teaching, low level cognitive demands in classroom teaching, and low levels of pupil involvement in the learning process in Irish schools. What is unclear from the OECD report is the extent to which transmission oriented teaching was or is more prevalent in educationally disadvantaged schools. Without leaving much doubt as to impressions of the examiners the report (OECD 1991, p. 55) concluded that: The face...Irish schools present to the world is quite recognisably that of previous generations. There is a Downloaded By: [University College Cork] At: 18:00 7 October 2008 growing dissonance between it and the development of the learning sciences and modern teaching technologies that require a very different approach ... Co-operative (team) teaching and non-instructional forms of learning have not been conspicuous elements in determining design and layout in the past. Drawing upon this OECD report Callan (1997) noted that "the reality of school-learning can be profiled with such descriptors as "primarily didactic in nature, the teacher is the primary initiator, students work alone; lessons are structured around content with a focus on factual content; little or no small group problem solving approaches; little use of computer/video technology". Subsequently, the goal of active learning has become a more central feature of educational documents in Ireland over the last decade as reflected in both the National Education Convention Report (Coolahan, 1994) and in various curriculum and assessment reform initiatives e.g. (Callan, 1997; Gleeson and Granville, 1996; Gleeson, 1998; Hanafin, 1997; Hyland, 2000). While child-centered teaching was espoused in the New Primary Curriculum in 1971 transmission models of teaching nevertheless remained dominant particularly at second level (OECD, 1991; Coolahan, 1994). In the 1991 OECD report, the authors recommended that attention be turned towards cognitive theories of learning that might inform pedagogical practices in an effort to displace transmission oriented teaching (which they implied was based implicitly on common sense behavioural psychology). In rethinking practice in disadvantaged contexts, I want to take the focus on theories of learning one step further and turn to socio-cultural, situative-pragmatic, cultural or socio-genetic theories of learning, which have turned the spotlight away from the capacities of the solo learner to the creation of classrooms as communities of learners
  • 6. Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter, 2002 65 (Brown, 1994) or communities of practice (Lave and Wenger, 1991; Wenger, 1998). Research in other educational cultures on classroom practices for educationally disadvantaged students Considerable evidence internationally points to the diminished classroom pedagogical and organisational experiences of students in low income, high poverty and/or minority communities (Anyon, 1981; Oakes, 1986; Oakes and Lipton, 1999). Organisationally, teachers typically tend to adopt stricter discipline procedures, more classroom structure, and incorporate less social interaction. In terms of Downloaded By: [University College Cork] At: 18:00 7 October 2008 curriculum and teaching, teachers tend to provide less challenging content knowledge, engage in more repetitive curricular experiences, break down tasks into smaller pieces, provide fewer opportunities to engage in higher-order thinking or problem solving, and provide fewer open ended divergent tasks (Means, Chelemer, and Knapp, 1991). In sum, teachers tend to rely on drill and practice of basic skills in efforts to compensate for the perceived deficits that students bring to school. The result of such compensatory efforts, often based on deficit models of students,, is the exacerbation of differences in instruction between the "haves" and "have nots" (Means, Chelemer, and Knapp, 1991). In the next section, I attempt to paint a composite picture of classroom practice in Irish classrooms, attentive to the limitations of this endeavor given the paucity of observational and/or ethnographic research on classroom practices in Irish schools. Notable exceptions, which shed a critical light on classroom practice, include Sugrue's (1997) interpretive interview and case study of primary teachers' views of child centered teaching and Drudy and Ui Chatham's (1998) gender focused action research using an interaction analysis frame. Furthermore, at present, there is an emerging and long overdue focus on classroom practice in Irish educational research. Two recent significant studies have provided insights on classroom teaching and are beginning to redress the relative neglect of classroom practice in Irish educational research. Lynch and Lodge's (Lynch and Lodge, 2002) multi-method (i.e. classroom observations, questionnaires and essays, one-to-one and focus group interviews, classroom observations) study of twelve single-sex and co-educational second- level schools provides many insights on the dynamics of equality, power and exclusion as they play out in a range of classroom and school contexts. Lyons, Lynch, Close, Sheerin and Boland's (2003, forthcoming) video study, of Mathematics (mainly) and English teaching in ten different second-level schools, is the first such video
  • 7. 66 Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter 2002 study in Irish classrooms and promises to shed light on the relationships between teacher beliefs and practices, common trends and diverse practices inside mathematics classrooms, and the impact of social class and gender on the mediation of subject learning. In the next section, with a view to understanding the largely implicit assumptions about learning, I argue that an individualist epistemology informs classroom practice in Irish education. Second, based on an individualist epistemology, I argue that classroom practice may be qualitatively different in disadvantaged settings, that is, a differential pedagogy hypothesis. Downloaded By: [University College Cork] At: 18:00 7 October 2008 Research in Ireland on classroom organisational and pedagogical practices My concern, in this paper, is with how and why teaching is enacted as it is in disadvantaged settings. Educational research in Ireland has, almost overwhelmingly stayed at arm's length from classroom teaching practices. Maybe this is, in part due to, what the OECD examiners termed, the "legendary autonomy" of Irish teachers as well as the assumption that generic good teaching is readily identifiable and universal in its efficacy. What teachers do in terms of best practice in advantaged or disadvantaged settings in Irish schools remains, in large part, a "black box". An important point to note, is that considerable attention has been paid in Ireland to reducing the pupil teacher ratio. The presumption, whether in advantaged or disadvantaged communities, seems to be that merely ensuring change at the level of inputs (a greater number of teachers) will be sufficient to improve both pedagogical and organisational processes leading to enhanced academic outcomes (e.g. the reduction of pupil-teacher ratio to 15:1 in Breaking the Cycle). The underlying assumption here appears to be that there are little or no differences in the pedagogical and organisational, practices between disadvantaged and advantaged communities. In other words, what remains relatively unquestioned, uncontested, and unexamined is the nature of the pedagogical practices themselves. Individualist epistemology Both in academic and folk psychology individualist epistemologies are dominant in Irish education. In teacher education a generic constructivist theory dominates the discourse but is implicitly
  • 8. Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3. Winter, 2002 67 individualist in assumptions (i.e. Piagetian assumptions of the 1971 New Primary Curriculum). Furthermore, for example, reviewing recent volumes of Irish Educational Studies, the Irish Journal of Education or Oideas: Journal of the Department Education and Science there has been no debate about the meta-theoretical bases of learning and cognition. When learning and cognition are addressed the focus is on educational applications of individualist epistemologies (e.g. Gardners' Multiple Intelligences Theory, Piagetian-inspired active learning initiatives). In using the term, meta-theoretical I want to draw attention to the underlying assumptions of dominant schools of thought or paradigms in the learning sciences over the last one hundred years. Attention to meta-theoretical issues provides an Downloaded By: [University College Cork] At: 18:00 7 October 2008 opportunity to examine definitions, tease out assumptions, illuminate guiding metaphors and categorise the pedagogical implications of various learning theories. The conspicuous lack of a meta-theoretical debate in Irish educational debates is problematic given the upsurge of discussion and research internationally on cognition and learning, and emergence in the last twenty years of socio-cultural approaches to learning that have challenged the dominance of behavioural and cognitive perspectives. Attempting to characterize the epistemological beliefs held more broadly among teachers and students is more difficult. However, Rath's interview study of second-level teacher candidates is illuminating (Rath, 2000). She noted deeply entrenched cultural beliefs and practices about learning among student teachers. In particular, she documented, a focus on (a) learning as something done in isolation, and (b) a pervasive focus on the memorization of information at a superficial level for the purposes of individual performance in examinations. Furthermore, Lynch, (1999) building on her earlier work, has pointed to the pervasive competitive individualism of Irish secondary schooling. In addition, Fontes, Kellaghan, Madaus, and Airasian's (1983) study, of a nationally representative sample of Irish people's conceptions of intelligence, presented evidence that they believed strongly in innate and immutable conceptions of cognitive capacity (e.g. "...71% agreed that education cannot make up for a lack of natural ability", p. 55). As such, their views were consistent with psychometric notions of singular intelligence and therefore deeply rooted in an individualist epistemology. What is the connection between individualist epistemologies and differential pedagogy hypothesis? An important logical connection between the individualist epistemologies and subsequent
  • 9. 68 Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter 2002 differential pedagogical hypothesis can be understood in terms of the psychology of individual differences or differential psychology. Thorndike (Thorndike, 1903; Thorndike, 1931), among others, advocated in the early part of the 20th century that educators should devote their energy to understanding the individual student. Subsequently, various measures of individual difference were developed including intelligence tests used to sort students into ability groups, streams, and special education categories. While the large- scale intelligence testing movement to a great extent bypassed Ireland, the focus on the sorting of students into ability groups and streaming did not, and these have become central to school organisation in Ireland at both primary (Devine, 1993) and secondary level (Smyth, 1999; Smyth, 2000). Indeed, Smyth's (1999) work provides strong Downloaded By: [University College Cork] At: 18:00 7 October 2008 evidence of the negative impact of such streaming practices on both social and academic outcomes. Differential pedagogy hypothesis What evidence is there about organisational, curriculum, and teaching practices in Irish primary and secondary schools? Relatively little attention has been paid to understanding the school and classroom experiences of students in Ireland, although Lynch and Lodge (Lynch and Lodge, 1999; Lynch and Lodge, 2002) have cogently unveiled secondary school students' experiences of power and authority in school. In particular, the pedagogical experiences of students at primary or secondary level remain relatively hidden, be they portrayed through the voice of researchers and/or students themselves. A study (O'Sullivan, 1980a; O'Sullivan, 1980b), based on teacher self report, compared teachers' beliefs in working- and middle class schools about their own teaching styles in the light of the 1971 New Primary Curriculum but did not provide observational or ethnographic evidence of teaching practices. O'Sullivan (1980a) assessed the degree to which Bowles and Gintis' (1976) differential socialization hypothesis might be acting as a crucial mechanism in the reproduction of social inequalities between middle and working class students. His survey study, of one hundred and fifty three Cork primary teachers in six middle- and fifteen working-class schools, concluded that "there is little evidence in the findings on school and classroom organization and teaching style in my study to support this view of differential socialization" (O'Sullivan, 1980a, p. 84). However, there is some evidence to support the differential pedagogical hypothesis from research on the school organisational practices such as ability grouping and streaming as well as research on
  • 10. Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter, 2002 69 the extent that secondary schools contribute differentially to student achievement. Lynch has documented the widespread use of streaming and ability grouping in Irish primary and secondary schools and has criticised the continued reliance on ability grouping in primary schools and the continued existence of streaming, grouping or banding at second level (Lynch, 1999; Lynch and Lodge, 2002). The impact on students designated as low ability invariably confines that student to a school career in the low group or stream exacerbating educational disadvantage. However, the pedagogical experiences of students designated as disadvantaged remains relatively unexamined despite the fact that research in other countries has pointed out the differential pedagogical and classroom organisational experiences of students Downloaded By: [University College Cork] At: 18:00 7 October 2008 labeled as disadvantaged. Smyth's multi-level or hierarchical linear modeling analysis of a nationally representative sample of second- level schools provides clear support for differential pedagogy hypothesis with schools' differential contribution to student achievement evident even after controlling for students' background characteristics (Smyth, 1999). In summary, considerable evidence points to a system-wide emphasis on lower order skills. There is also considerable evidence to support the differential pedagogy hypothesis and both can be seen as underpinned by individualist epistemologies. The strongest evidence to support the differential pedagogy hypothesis is from Lynch and Lodge's research (2002) on the widespread prevalence of ability grouping and Smyth's (Smyth, 1999) documentation of differences between secondary schools in their contribution to student achievement after controlling for background factors. However, the extent to which differential pedagogy plays out according to advantaged/disadvantaged groups is not clear. In the next section I note the emphasis on an individualist epistemology in both the behavioural and cognitive perspectives and present the socio-cultural perspective as a generative alternative. Three theories of cognition and learning Broadly speaking, over the last one hundred years the learning sciences have provided three distinct camps of learning theories: the behaviourist-empiricist, the cognitive-rationalist, and situative- pragmatic1 (Greeno, Collins, and Resnick, 1996). The notion of communities of practice emanates from this last cluster of learning theories. While a detailed exposition of the differences between these three traditions is beyond the scope of this paper, it is worth addressing how each defines learning, knowing, intelligence, and the design of learning environments (Table 1). In the behaviourist
  • 11. 70 Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter 2002 tradition learning is change in behaviour, in the cognitive tradition learning is change in thinking, and in the socio-cultural tradition learning is change in participation. These widely diverging definitions of learning draw the attention of teachers and researchers to different sets of questions in pondering and planning learning, teaching, and assessment. Downloaded By: [University College Cork] At: 18:00 7 October 2008
  • 12. Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter, 2002 71 Table 1. Three perspectives on learning and their implications for teaching and assessment2 Camp Behaviourism Cognitive •-.•••! Socio-cultural Learning Change in Change in thinking Change in practices of as... behaviour communities. & ability of individuals to participate Intelligence How smart are you? In what contexts are you In what ways are smart? you smart? Knowing ...organised ...Structures of ...distributed in the as... collection of knowledge and world among collections processes that individuals, tools, between elements construct patterns of . artifacts, texts people or behavioural ';• symbols in order to: use and fostering Downloaded By: [University College Cork] At: 18:00 7 October 2008 units. 1. Understand communities of learners concepts & in which they participate 2. Engage in general skills such as < reasoning and problem solving Examples • Precision • General schemata • Fostering communities teaching (Jean Piaget) of learners (Ann Brown) j • Computer •General and : • Cognitive * Assisted specific apprenticeship (Collins, Instruction competencies e.g. etal) (CAI)... i.e. Multiple mastery learning Intelligences &TfU (Howard Gardner), ' Designing TEACHING: TEACHING ..; TEACHING ; [earning . Simplify and • Interactive • Communities of environments sequence tasks environments for : learning for active into discrete steps knowledge participation in the • Routines of construction and - formulation and How can we activity understanding : ] resolution of realistic design • Clear goals, •Sequences of •' problems/inquiry teaching for" feedback, and conceptual . • Development of learning? reinforcement development ' disciplinary practices of • Individualization • Explicit attention discourse, i.e. "ways of with technologies to generality ' • J ; talking" e.g. CAI •• • / • ^ . • • ^ 1 : 1 v V ^ ••• - . ^ : . ' '.• ••'••? • A sequence of ::ASSESSMENT.. J:.: ASSESSMENT component to •Extended • Extended performance composite skills • performance: • assessment and assess ASSESSMENT: assessments and ; , change in participation Assessments that crediting varieties of .) tap into excellence ;i components ' To the extent that there has been explicit attention to and preference for assumptions about learning in Irish educational discourse over the last thirty years, the focus has been on cognitive theories particularly the work of Piaget, as evidenced by the 1971
  • 13. 72 Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter 2002 New Primary School curriculum, and more recently the cognitive symbol systems focus of Gardner's Multiple Intelligences theory which has been used as the basis for widely publicized curriculum initiatives (Hanafin, 1997; Hyland, 2000). Common in both Piaget's and Gardner's vision, given their shared cognitive assumptions, is that the learner is primarily viewed as an individual cognizer or solo learner (Phillips and Soltis, 1998). In contrast, socio-cultural, cultural or socio-genetic theories assume the learning itself is socially and culturally rooted in communities of practice, encompassing the artifacts and relationships of a particular time and place. An important point here is that social is not just another variable, nor is it only the interpersonal, rather it encompasses both artifacts and relationships as they are situated historically (Vygotsky, 1978; Cole, 1996; Daniels, Downloaded By: [University College Cork] At: 18:00 7 October 2008 2001). Thus, one can speak of what Valsiner and van der Veer call, in their recent germinal work, the social mind (Valsiner and Van der Veer, 2000). They trace the long tradition of scholarship underpinning the idea of the social mind drawing a portrait of its lineage by tracing the intellectual interdependency of the work of Lev Vygotsky, George Herbert Mead, James Mark Baldwin, and Pierre Janet. More recently, the work of cultural psychologist Arm Brown, who is credited with creating the socio-cultural-based "community of learners" (COL) model, has drawn attention to the rich pedagogical implications of the socio-genetic tradition (Brown, 1994; Brown, 1997a; Brown, 1997b). Drawing on Vygotsky's notion of the zone of proximal development (ZPD) she highlights how reciprocal teaching, jigsaw co-operative learning, and majoring (in-depth study of content focusing on understanding)3 embody her conception of a community of learners (Brown, 1993; Brown, 1994). The distinctive pedagogical practices emanating from these three camps of learning theories can be seen by examining the section "Designing teaching: How can we design teaching for learning?" (see Table 1). In the next section, I briefly describe the assumptions and implications of the three camps. The behavioural approach: clarity and targeted direct teaching followed by controlled practice Teaching approaches based on either common sense, what Olson and Bruner (1996) call "folk psychology", or theoretically-inspired behaviourism put a premium on three basic pedagogical strategies: breaking down tasks into small and manageable pieces, teaching the basics firsthand incrementally reinforcing or rewarding observable progress. It is my contention, that these strategies have particular
  • 14. Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter, 2002 73 appeal in educationally disadvantaged contexts. What are some of the assumptions underpinning these hallmark strategies? Based on empiricist philosophy, typified by Locke, Hume and Thorndike, behaviourism's key assumptions are that learning occurs though the detection of stimuli in the world by the sensory organs, the detection of patterns in these stimuli, and the means through which these "new associations" are transferred to different contexts. A corollary of these assumptions is that knowledge is consistent with or a reflection of experience (Greeno, Collins and Resnick, 1996). In sum, these assumptions amount to viewing learning as the collection and organisation of elements, associations, or behavioural units. Downloaded By: [University College Cork] At: 18:00 7 October 2008 What are the implications of these assumptions for our views of knowledge, intelligence, and pedagogy? From this perspective, knowledge can be seen as a hierarchical assembly or collection of associations or behavioural units. Intelligence is viewed as an individual trait and a fixed commodity that puts a limit on the pace or rate of learning. Perhaps the most widely recognised and intuitively appealing implications of the behavioural perspective are its recommendations for designing teaching. These are the simplification and sequencing of tasks into discrete hierarchical steps and reinforcing successful approximations of desired activity. In sum, the hallmarks of behaviourism are presenting learning in small steps, in the simplest possible form, sequencing tasks in a hierarchy from the simple to the complex, and rewarding successful observed behaviours. Two problems associated with this approach to teaching, are the assumption of "vertical transfer" and the decomposition of activities such as reading, writing, problem solving, resulting in a lack of task wholeness and authenticity. Vertical transfer assumes that learners will assemble the various associations or connections lower down on the learning hierarchy, and integrate these in order to eventually engage in higher order tasks. This vertical transfer problem is interwoven with, what critics view as, the lack of task authenticity when teaching is designed from a behavioural perspective. Thus, rather than involving learners in the full authenticity of say reading, a behavioural perspective focuses on teaching the fundamental elements (e.g. in the case of reading, perception of print, that is, single letters or words) prior to the more complex elements (reading sentences and extended text). Using the analogy of soccer, it is like teaching novice soccer players (novice readers) via repetitive practice how to head, kick, and dribble the ball (identify and sound out letters and words), that is the basics, for
  • 15. 74 Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter 2002 prolonged periods before they ever get to play the game. Furthermore, the "slow" soccer learners get to head, kick and dribble the ball for even longer, before having the opportunity to engage in and make sense of the whole game (read extended text for meaning) until "the basics" have been thoroughly mastered. Despite these, and other problems, behaviourism has had a powerful influence on views of learning, approaches to teaching, and classroom management strategies in education systems across the world. Furthermore, formally and/or informally, many compensatory (targeted initiatives to overcome disadvantage) and remedial (with a high concentration of educationally disadvantaged students) interventions have been profoundly influenced by behavioural assumptions about learning. Downloaded By: [University College Cork] At: 18:00 7 October 2008 Writing in an Irish context, although not addressing educational disadvantage per se, Dunne (1995, pp. 74-75) comments on the importance of engaging students in the fullness of human social practices such as reading and writing, claiming that It seems likely many people have been greatly shortchanged in their education, precisely because they were introduced to these activities not as practices, but rather as sites where decomposed drills, exercises and micro-skills were rehearsed as means, while a taste of the whole activity as an end was continually deferred or displaced. The apparently concrete, "practical" and observable nature of drills and micro-skills, allied to the assumption of vertical transfer, gives a compelling validity to these pedagogical strategies, and resonates with Anyon (1981) and Oakes (1986) research that educationally disadvantaged students (read lower working class) typically experience diluted curricular experiences, involving task decomposition and infrequent opportunities to engage in higher order thinking. The cognitive-rationalist perspective: creating contexts for making meaning through guided discovery Drawing upon continental rationalism, typified by Descartes and Kant, cognitive theory's key assumption is that learning occurs as the mind imposes order on the world through its own particular structures such as the order-imposing structures inherent in information processing schema theory, Piaget's schema-based stage theory of cognitive development, or the modular structures of the mind underpinning Gardner's multiple intelligences, MI, theory. Kant, responding to the
  • 16. Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter, 2002 75 British Empiricists, argued that the mind imposes, rather than detects, order in the world (Case, 1996). A corollary of these assumptions is that knowledge is not a copy of reality. Resnick (1989, p. 2) conveys this position well commenting that "Learning occurs not by recording information but by interpreting it". In sum, these assumptions amount to viewing learning as the active construction of knowledge by the individual learner. What are the implications of these assumptions for our views of knowledge, intelligence, and pedagogy? From this perspective, knowing involves the structures of knowledge and processes that construct patterns of symbols to understand concepts and deploy Downloaded By: [University College Cork] At: 18:00 7 October 2008 general problem solving and reasoning strategies (e.g. Piagetian position that learners deploy general logico-mathematical thinking across contexts). Thus, knowledge rather than being "out there", the basic assumption from behaviourist-empiricist stance, is constructed by our actions on the world. As such, knowledge is made as we engage with and experience the world. Intelligence is viewed as an individual trait and portrayed as either a unitary (lumper position, e.g. dominant "g" based views of IQ) or a multifaceted (splitter position, e.g. Multiple Intelligences theory) commodity. The cognitive perspective has provided many important insights with which <to plan classroom teaching. Among the most important of these are the that learning is active, learning is about the construction of meaning, learning is both helped and hindered by our prior knowledge and experience, learning reorganises our minds, the mind develops in stages, and learning is more often than not unsettling. Based on these insights, a diverse range of strategies has been developed for classroom practice many of which are evident in various textbooks, teacher handbooks, and curricular documents in Irish education over the last thirty years. Much of the appeal of cognitive theories, in the Irish context, grew out of the desire to move away from didactic and transmission oriented teaching. Many advocates of active learning would echo Dewey (1933/1993, p. 201), who in his book How We Think, in opposition to the didactic nature of classroom teaching at that time, spoke out against "the complete domination of instruction by rehearsing second-hand information, by memorizing for the sake of producing correct replies at the proper time". Anticipating some of the arguments and claims made by cognitive and educational psychologists over the last forty years, Dewey argued for the importance of students' active involvement in the learning process and problem solving as the context within which to learn information.
  • 17. 76 Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter 2002 In sum, implications flowing from behavioural and cognitive epistemologies are familiar to most educators and embedded in policies and practices of teaching and learning in classrooms. For example, it is my contention that pedagogy in educationally disadvantaged settings is heavily influenced by behavioural principles of learning in particular, and many remedial teaching strategies borrow heavily from both behavioural and to a lesser extent cognitive principles. Furthermore, various forms of programmed instruction or mastery learning (Skinner, 1954) emanate directly from behavioural assumptions about learning. While behavioural and cognitive theories are based on very different assumptions about learning, knowing and intelligence and have very different implications for classroom Downloaded By: [University College Cork] At: 18:00 7 October 2008 practice, they share one defining feature, namely their focus on the solo learner. Rather than viewing the learner as part of family, community and social group embedded in a particular time and place, both the behavioural and cognitive perspectives portray learning as primarily a solo undertaking. Thus, what is neglected, in this focus on the solo learner, is how the learner is situated amidst levels of guidance by more knowledgeable others, nurtured via social support, influenced by peer norms, and shapes and is shaped through engaging in communication with other humans and various media within evolving cultural and historical circumstances. As such, from a learning perspective, attempting to understand and ameliorate educational disadvantage, based on the assumption of the solo learner, forecloses on opportunities to interrogate the extent to which educational disadvantage is culturally and socially constructed in classrooms, schools, and communities. The socio-cultural perspective: promoting a community. of learners Rooted in the socio-genetic philosophies of Hegel and Marx, socio- cultural theories assert that the mind originates dialectically through the social and material history of a culture in which a person inhabits. This position is in marked contrast to the view that the mind has its primary origin in the structures of the objective world (behaviourist position), has its origin in the order-imposing structures of the mind (cognitive/Information processing position), or has its origins in the interaction of the individual learner and the objective world (cognitive/Piagetian position) (Case, 1996). What are the implications of these assumptions for our views of knowledge, intelligence and pedagogy? Knowledge, from a socio- cultural perspective, is viewed as a construction of groups and as such
  • 18. Irish Educational Studies, Vol. 21, No. 3, Winter, 2002 77 is distributed as individuals and groups shape and are shaped through various social practices. Learning occurs, not through order-imposing structures of the mind, but through initiation and participation in out of or in school social practices. In marked contrast to conventional views of intelligence rooted in a cognitive perspective (here I include traditional notions of singular intelligence and multiple intelligences), intelligence is seen as distributed across a group and is not necessarily the property of individuals but refracted through the lens of "learners- in-context" as they use culturally valued tools, symbols and other artifacts that assist social and cognitive performance. In terms of pedagogy, socio-culrural theories put a heavy Downloaded By: [University College Cork] At: 18:00 7 October 2008 emphasis on fostering communities of learners (FCL), which provide not only opportunities for cognitive development but also the development of students' identities as literate and numerate members of knowledge-building communities. In her classic article, "The Advancement of Learning" (Brown, 1994), first delivered as the Presidential address at the American Educational Research Association (AERA) annual meeting in 1994, the late English born and US based educator, Ann Brown outlined a coherent set of principles underpinning the notion of a "community of learners" as well key strategies for its implementation. These principles are: • Academic learning as active, strategic, self-motivated and purposeful • Classrooms as settings for multiple zones of proximal development • Legitimization of differences • Developing communities of discourse and practice, and • Teaching deep conceptual content that is sensitive to developmental nature of students' knowledge in particular subject areas The integrated implementation of these five principles forms the support for the emergence of communities of learners in classroom settings. First, based upon the insight that much academic learning is active, strategic, self-motivated and purposeful, Brown emphasized how FCLs ought to focus on the development of students' capacity to think about thinking, that is engage in meta-cognition. As such, a key feature of FCLs is the promotion of a culture of meta-cognition, directed toward the development of learning to learn strategies. Second, drawing upon Vygotsky's Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD), that is the difference between what a learner can do by