learning design icoper technology enhanced learning telmap tel social network analysis openglm imsld metis learning analytics sna ims ld scientific communities workshops publishing journals conferences scientific work paper writing jtel2014 jtel summer school workshop learning layers topic models european qualification framework learning outcomes eqf projects web design and development online educa oeb visual analytics econtentplus fp7 fp6 query visualization telroadmaps icalt interoperability design conference jtelss15 publications layers box system architecture infrastructure big data analytics guide phd students phd tips tricks paper structure research hourglass model king model papers gamification galanoe istar conceptual modeling real-time realtime metamodeling latent dirichlet allocation themeriver topic mining lak data challenge dvita dynamic topic mining probabilistic topic mining lak2013 teaching method outcome based education webinar european union european commission funding eten social networks data mining knowledge management technology-enhanced learning web 2.0 information system data visualization dashboard runtime sled player education learning berlin open source opensource spread the love standards lom rcd bologna oics lod palo dbis advtel ectel2011 advtel2011 rwth ectel europe cordis icalt2011 learningfrontiers instructional design id lms patterns telss10 social tagging software inclusive universal access knowledge society athens instructional visual languages modeling
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