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Understanding Color:
An Introduction for Designers
An Introduction for Designers

    Chapter 3: The Human Element
More than 80% of our
sensory experiences are
The instrument used in solving color problems in the
 design studio is the normal, unaided human eye.
For artists and designers, even when aided by
 the tools of color technology, final decisions
about color are made by the human eye alone.
The experience of
color begins with a

A sensation is an
actual, physical
A sensation is the body’s response to a stimulus,
something that is encountered from the outside
Light, which is visible energy, is the stimulus for the
                  sensation of sight.
A stimulus is measurable; the color and quantity of
 light emitted by a light source can be measured.
Sensations are also measurable.
An individual’s ability to detect light is measured as visual acuity,
                        or sharpness of vision.
Visual acuity is the
      ability to sense
 patterns of light and
  dark and to resolve

It is a measure of the
          weakest light
       stimulus that an
individual can detect.
However, the ability to see differences between dark and
    light is not the same as visual acuity for color.
Visual acuity for color is the ability to detect differences
         between wavelengths (colors) of light.
The strength and wavelength of each color of light can be
separately measured using scientific instruments, but human
    beings do not see the spectrum as a progression of
                     individual colors.
The spectrum of light is sensed as a flowing and unbroken
continuum, with each color blending into the next like a rainbow.
The threshold
of vision is the
point at which an
individual can no
longer detect a
between two
close samples.
The threshold
of color vision is
the point at
which a
between two
similar hues can
no longer be
Each person’s
 individual color
         acuity is
   influenced by
health, and age.
Infants are believed to be able to detect
   differences between dark and light
         before they can see hue.
Many older people
            experience a
 progressive loss of the
  ability to discriminate
between blues, greens,
and violets - thought to
be caused by a gradual
yellowing of the lens of
     the eye over time.
An interval is a step of
change between visual
An individual’s threshold establishes the
 single interval; the point at which a detectable middle
step can no longer be inserted between two close colors.

Parent                                             Parent

 They are illustrated as three colors arranged in a linear
series, with a parent at each end and the descendant, a
               middle step between the two.
mixtures can be
set up between
colors having only
hue difference, like
red and blue; only
value difference,
like black and
white; or only
difference in
saturation, like
brilliant blue and
Intervals can also be set up between color samples
        that contrast in more than one quality.

A brilliant red-violet and a tint of gray green have hue,
value, and saturation contrast, but a middle step can
               still be found between them.
Even intervals occur when the middle step is visually
         equidistant between the two parents.

 The important thing about even intervals is that the
midpoint be just that; no more like one parent than the
Intervals are not limited to the three steps of parent-
              descendant color mixtures.

In a series of even intervals, each step is the visual
 midpoint between the samples on either side of it.
Parent-descendant color mixtures occur so frequently
  in color study that the word “interval” alone is often
 taken to mean an equidistant step, but intervals can
                    also be uneven.
Creating order out of random information is a
fundamental function of human intelligence.
Images composed of even intervals are more quickly and easily
understood than images in which intervals are uneven or random.
Intervals are visually logical mixes. They are
judged by eye alone and no two people may
  agree on the exact midpoint between two
A gradient is a series of progressive, even intervals so close
       that individual steps cannot be distinguished.
It is a seamless transition between differences.
Gradients can be from light to dark,
     from one hue to another,
or from one saturation to another.
A sensation alone–a touch, taste, smell, sight or sound–is
 an incomplete event. The occurrence of a sensation is
          immediately followed by perception.
Perception is the critical connection between human beings
    and their environment. It is the understanding and
          awareness of what has been sensed.
Perception decides what has been sensed. It recognizes
and identifies the sensation. It acts as a filter, separating
useful and important information from competing stimuli in
                    the environment.
When the brain receives a light stimulus it first interprets
form as distinct from background by sensing patterns of
                      light and dark.
separation, or
recognition, is the
first cognitive step in
the process of
perception. It
identifies situations
by forms and their
Color plays an important, but secondary, role in recognition.

A red file folder and a blue file folder seem at first to be identified
 by color, but both red and blue folders are identified first as file
                folders, and only secondly by color.
The initial recognition in vision is of form, not color.
Recognition is based on
learned information from a
multitude of sources:
individual experience,
social and cultural traditions,
environmental surroundings,
and formal teaching.
Everything seen is understood because its identity has been
learned and the experience of it held in memory. Something new
  is recognized, correctly or incorrectly, because it is associated
      with some familiar thing that has similar characteristics.
Most perceptions occur unconsciously and at such high speed
        that they seem simultaneous with sensation.
What we think of as the sensory experience of color is always a
    fusion of sensation and perception. Unlike a sensation,
a perception cannot be measured. It can only be described.
Understanding how we see, and how we process and respond to
what we see, translates directly into design applications. That is
     why designers study the fundamentals of perception.
Physiology studies
the body and its
functioning. It is a
measurable science
that can quantify
the body’s physical
responses to a
stimulus of color.
Psychology studies
behavior; or how
organisms perceive and
react to situations when
they are stimulated in
different ways.
Psychology can
describe–but not
precisely measure–the
ways in which human
beings recognize,
interpret, and respond
to the stimulus of color.
Psychology deals with
Responding to Light
Responding to Light
The nervous
    system is an
pathway from the
 outside world to
        the brain.
The nervous system is made up
    of three kinds of cells:

‣   receptor cells
‣   transmitter cells
‣   brain cells
Receptor cells
receive information
from the outside
world (stimuli) and
change it into a
form of electrical
energy that the
brain can use.
Transmitter cells
carry these signals
to the brain.
The brain decodes each sensory event first by identifying
  which sense has been stimulated, then discriminates
           specific qualities within that sense.
Processing the information and generating a
      response to it is the final step.
The eye is a sense organ that detects light.
Light enters the eye through the pupil and falls
   on the retina–the inside back of the eye.
The retina is made up of two kinds of light-
sensitive receptor cells, rods and cones.
Both rods and cones
connect to the optic
nerve, which transmits
the sensory message to
the brain.
Rods and cones respond selectively
         to available light
Cones dominate vision when a great deal of light is present.
Cones are responsible for color vision and the ability to see
appear more
colorful and
fine detail, like
small print, is
clearer when
cones are
Rods dominate vision in low light
Rods are responsible for peripheral (surrounding, less
                  focused) vision.
Colors appear muted, and fine detail is more difficult to
             see, when rods dominate.
The visual field is the extent of area that can be seen by
   the two eyes of a viewer standing in one position.
The fovea is a tiny area at the back of the eye that is the
                 center of the visual field.
The fovea contains only cones. It is the most sensitive
area of the retina, detecting patterns of light and dark and
               color with the greatest clarity.
Images and colors are seen less clearly when the light
       stimulus moves away from the fovea.
Both rods and
cones are always
at work. It is
almost as if there
are two separate
systems, one for
day and one for
Adaptation is the
   response of the
eye to the quantity
  of available light.
The retina moves back and forth (adapts) quickly between rod
and cone dominance as the amount of available light increases
                       or decreases.
Color perception lessens in dim light when rods dominate:
       perception in low light is in shades of gray.
Adaptation takes
place under any
lighting conditions:
incandescent, or
any other type of
Lateral inhibition is an aspect of vision that
increases the eye’s ability to distinguish edges.
Lateral Inhibition

  When a pattern of light and dark contrast reaches the
 retina, the cells that receive the light part of the image
inhibit the ability of the ones next to them to detect light.
As a result, areas next to bright spots appear darker.
    The greater the quantity of light, the more lateral
inhibition takes place: light areas appear lighter and dark
                   areas appear darker.
The sensation of light is received in
      two areas of the brain:

‣   the cerebral cortex
‣   hypothalamus (or midbrain)
The cerebral cortex is the center of cognitive activity.
   It receives information and processes it; recognizing,
interpreting, and structuring a response to each stimulus.
   It receives information and processes it; recognizing,
interpreting, and structuring a response to each stimulus.
The midbrain, or
controls the internal
 environment of the
  body. Sensations
 of light transmitted
 to the midbrain act
       as a biological
      stimulus to the
     central nervous
The midbrain controls blood pressure and body
It also stimulates glands that control the production and
 release of hormones. When the brain is stimulated by a
thought, mental image, or outside stimulus (like light), the
         midbrain triggers the release of hormones.
A color stimulus has an effect on the strongest human needs and
            emotions–stress, hunger, thirst, and sex.
Sunlight, which contains all colors, is essential to human life. The
human body is genetically adapted to function at a normal level in
       response to the sun’s pattern of energy emission.
Changing the strength of a color stimulus
   causes an actual change in the body.
    Exposure to an elevated level of red
stimulates hormone production and raises
            blood pressure...
    Exposure to an elevated level of red
stimulates hormone production and raises
            blood pressure...
...while exposure to an elevated level of blue has been shown
   to lower blood pressure and depress hormonal secretions.
The immediate biologic response of the body to a stimulus is
  phasic arousal. Phasic arousal is abrupt and lasts very
 briefly, like the surge of adrenalin that is experienced in a
                sudden and frightening situation.
Phasic arousal requires a stimulus.
Tonic arousal is the body’s response over a prolonged period.
The body has a norm for tonic arousal, and the brain continually
directs the adjustment of hormone levels to keep it at that norm.
Stimulation by a strong color causes phasic arousal–an
immediate reaction–that can be physiologically measured, but the
 arousal is short term: the duration of the effect is not continuous.
Because exposure to color changes the body’s hormonal
 balance, it can also cause changes in behavior. Colors can be
   chosen to stimulate, depress, or otherwise alter mood. In
environmental design,both overstimulation and understimulation
                  have equally negative effects.
Human beings respond best to living spaces that have color, but
         not an overload of highly stimulating color.
A graphic designer may choose a brilliant
   color to arouse short-term attention.
Restaurant designers use red to stimulate
The muted colors of funeral homes are
meant to minimize emotional response.
An extreme example of color used to modify
  behavior occurs with a color known as
            Baker-Miller pink.
It has been hypothesized that exposure to
   Baker-Miller pink reduces aggressive
The effects of phasic arousal begin after a short period
     of exposure and last for about half an hour.
Colors can also be experienced without a stimulus of
light. The brain alone, without a light stimulus, allows us
 to dream in color, or to imagine color with closed eyes.
A headache or a
blow on the
head can trigger
vivid images of
blue stars.
Color can be
seen in the
mind’s eye.
Color can be
seen in the
mind’s eye.
The eye is not the only organ that responds to
light. Light is also absorbed through the skin.
The use of colored light to act on the body through the skin
 is a routine medical practice. The treatment of jaundiced
    infants with light is a standard and effective therapy.
Color therapy
    remains an active
     field, although no
 clinical studies have
  shown any efficacy,
   and the practice of
    medicine by color
therapists is illegal in
Synaesthesia is a long-recognized but largely unexplained
phenomenon in which one sense responds to the stimulation
                        of another.
There are reports of persons who are able to determine the
colors of objects through touch only, people that hear a sound
 when they see a certain color, and people having particular
            tastes when hearing a piece of music.
All of the types of visual responses talked about so far are
involuntary, biologic responses of the body to a stimulus of
The perception of color also includes involuntary
          psychological responses.
The cerebral cortex,
                                  the reasoning part of
                                  the brain, identifies and
                                  organizes a response
        QuickTime™ and a          to each color stimulus
        GIF decompressor
are needed to see this picture.   that is unconscious,
                                  but based on past
                                  learning. Stored
                                  information has a
                                  profound influence on
                                  color perception.
One of these
responses is a kind of
    expectation called
      memory color.
Memory color means
that the viewer makes
       an unconscious
 assumption about the
   color of something -
     the “orange” of an
  orange, for example.
Color constancy is a second and equally powerful form of
 expectation. It means that the colors of familiar objects
 retain their identity no matter what the general lighting.
Color constancy is a second and equally powerful form of
 expectation. It means that the colors of familiar objects
 retain their identity no matter what the general lighting.
An image stored in memory overrides what is actually seen.
A second kind of color constancy occurs when close colors
            are perceived as being identical.
In an all-white kitchen, the white of the refrigerator, the counters, the
    floor, the cabinets and the paint may all be different, but the
       immediate cumulative effect is that they are the same.
Color constancy is also called “chromatic adaptation.”
Designers need not
always be
concerned with
differences between
colors because
memory color and
color constancy
screen out
important color
differences from
ones that do not
Naming Colors
Color is universally
recognized as a
particular kind of
visual experience.
When the brain
information, it
identifies it by
name. In a widely-
accepted study,
Berlin and Kay
determined that 98
languages had
names for eleven
basic colors.
These are the eleven colors in
order of recognition.
We believe that most
 people experience the
 same sensation when
they look at something
  that is red. They may
    disagree about the
exact name for the red
     - crimson, ruby, or
         scarlet - but the
sensation is the same.
Color study requires
     only six names for
    red, orange, yellow
green, blue, and violet.
Design and marketing professionals use romantic names for
 colors, like Venetian Red, Bermuda Blue, or Aztec Gold.
Both ways of naming colors are important in design as long as
    the critical difference between the two is recognized:
    the six hues of color study deal with eye training, color
   recognition and color use; the countless color names of
        marketing are about product image and sales.
Color as Language:
From Name to Meaning
From Name to Meaning
Color is a living language. The meanings of colors can change
                            over time.
The norm used to be
pink for boys and blue
 for girls because light
  blue was associated
   with the Virgin Mary
           and pink was
    considered a more
  “aggressive” color at
               the time.
For every individual the
   meaning of a color or
      group of colors, is
  shaped by a hierarchy
       of outside forces:
         culture, spoken
language, social status,
       setting, time, and
            individual life
For instance, in some
Amish communities,
you never see the color
yellow in their beautiful
quilts because it is
considered the color of
Colors and color groups can be used as symbols. Symbols for
 major societal concerns like nationhood tend to maintain their
meaning over time and can be thought of as permanent for each
Semantics is the study of meaning of words,
passage of words, or other form of language–
      including the language of color.
Awareness of cultural differences in the semantics of color is critical
  to the marketing of any product intended for the global market.
Even with the same audience and with the same time period no
              color is limited to a single meaning.
Some symbolic
   colors are so
    important in
 ideas that their
meanings have
been legislated.
Red Blue
     When colors are seen with simultaneous and conflicting
information, the area of the brain that responds to color competes
      with other parts of the brain in structuring a response.
The resulting
delay and
confusion in
perception is
called the
“Fashion” colors, the
color trends of consumer
marketing, are transitory
and cyclical.

(These are the color
forecasts for 2013.)
But the experiences and
associations buried in
our memory have more
effect on our emotional
responses to colors than
any passing trend.

You might get a great
deal of satisfaction from
viewing a particular
shade of blue because it
reminds you of your
Grandmother’s garden -
a happy memory for you.
Impressional or associative colors evoke imagery without
                   symbolic meaning.

For instance, grayed blue-greens may call to mind the icy cold
                       of a winter sea.
Color as Words Alone

Written and spoken words for colors communicate
the same symbolic ideas as actual colors but they
    are understood more indirectly. Words are
  processed as thought rather than as a sensory
The immediacy of a color symbol diminishes when
           it is presented as words.
      However, its meaning is unchanged.
Reading the words “red, white, and blue” takes
longer to process than the sight of a flag in full

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Chapter 3

  • 1. Understanding Color: An Introduction for Designers An Introduction for Designers Chapter 3: The Human Element
  • 2. More than 80% of our sensory experiences are visual.
  • 3. The instrument used in solving color problems in the design studio is the normal, unaided human eye.
  • 4. For artists and designers, even when aided by the tools of color technology, final decisions about color are made by the human eye alone.
  • 5. The experience of color begins with a sensation. A sensation is an actual, physical event.
  • 6. A sensation is the body’s response to a stimulus, something that is encountered from the outside world.
  • 7. Light, which is visible energy, is the stimulus for the sensation of sight.
  • 8. A stimulus is measurable; the color and quantity of light emitted by a light source can be measured.
  • 9. Sensations are also measurable. An individual’s ability to detect light is measured as visual acuity, or sharpness of vision.
  • 10. Visual acuity is the ability to sense patterns of light and dark and to resolve detail. It is a measure of the weakest light stimulus that an individual can detect.
  • 11. However, the ability to see differences between dark and light is not the same as visual acuity for color.
  • 12. Visual acuity for color is the ability to detect differences between wavelengths (colors) of light.
  • 13. The strength and wavelength of each color of light can be separately measured using scientific instruments, but human beings do not see the spectrum as a progression of individual colors.
  • 14. The spectrum of light is sensed as a flowing and unbroken continuum, with each color blending into the next like a rainbow.
  • 15. The threshold of vision is the point at which an individual can no longer detect a difference between two close samples.
  • 16. The threshold of color vision is the point at which a difference between two similar hues can no longer be discriminated.
  • 17. Each person’s individual color acuity is influenced by physiology, health, and age.
  • 18. Infants are believed to be able to detect differences between dark and light before they can see hue.
  • 19. Many older people experience a progressive loss of the ability to discriminate between blues, greens, and violets - thought to be caused by a gradual yellowing of the lens of the eye over time.
  • 20. An interval is a step of change between visual sensations.
  • 21. An individual’s threshold establishes the single interval; the point at which a detectable middle step can no longer be inserted between two close colors.
  • 22. Descendant Parent Parent They are illustrated as three colors arranged in a linear series, with a parent at each end and the descendant, a middle step between the two.
  • 23. Parent- descendant mixtures can be set up between colors having only hue difference, like red and blue; only value difference, like black and white; or only difference in saturation, like brilliant blue and gray-blue.
  • 24. Intervals can also be set up between color samples that contrast in more than one quality. A brilliant red-violet and a tint of gray green have hue, value, and saturation contrast, but a middle step can still be found between them.
  • 25. Even intervals occur when the middle step is visually equidistant between the two parents. The important thing about even intervals is that the midpoint be just that; no more like one parent than the other.
  • 26. Intervals are not limited to the three steps of parent- descendant color mixtures. In a series of even intervals, each step is the visual midpoint between the samples on either side of it.
  • 27. Parent-descendant color mixtures occur so frequently in color study that the word “interval” alone is often taken to mean an equidistant step, but intervals can also be uneven.
  • 28. Creating order out of random information is a fundamental function of human intelligence.
  • 29. Images composed of even intervals are more quickly and easily understood than images in which intervals are uneven or random.
  • 30. Intervals are visually logical mixes. They are judged by eye alone and no two people may agree on the exact midpoint between two samples.
  • 31. A gradient is a series of progressive, even intervals so close that individual steps cannot be distinguished.
  • 32. It is a seamless transition between differences.
  • 33. Gradients can be from light to dark, from one hue to another, or from one saturation to another.
  • 34. A sensation alone–a touch, taste, smell, sight or sound–is an incomplete event. The occurrence of a sensation is immediately followed by perception.
  • 35. Perception is the critical connection between human beings and their environment. It is the understanding and awareness of what has been sensed.
  • 36. Perception decides what has been sensed. It recognizes and identifies the sensation. It acts as a filter, separating useful and important information from competing stimuli in the environment.
  • 37. When the brain receives a light stimulus it first interprets form as distinct from background by sensing patterns of light and dark.
  • 38. Figure-ground separation, or pattern recognition, is the first cognitive step in the process of perception. It identifies situations by forms and their arrangement
  • 39. Color plays an important, but secondary, role in recognition. A red file folder and a blue file folder seem at first to be identified by color, but both red and blue folders are identified first as file folders, and only secondly by color.
  • 40. The initial recognition in vision is of form, not color.
  • 41. Recognition is based on learned information from a multitude of sources: individual experience, social and cultural traditions, environmental surroundings, and formal teaching.
  • 42. Everything seen is understood because its identity has been learned and the experience of it held in memory. Something new is recognized, correctly or incorrectly, because it is associated with some familiar thing that has similar characteristics.
  • 43. Most perceptions occur unconsciously and at such high speed that they seem simultaneous with sensation.
  • 44. What we think of as the sensory experience of color is always a fusion of sensation and perception. Unlike a sensation, a perception cannot be measured. It can only be described.
  • 45. Understanding how we see, and how we process and respond to what we see, translates directly into design applications. That is why designers study the fundamentals of perception.
  • 46. Physiology studies the body and its functioning. It is a measurable science that can quantify the body’s physical responses to a stimulus of color.
  • 47. Psychology studies behavior; or how organisms perceive and react to situations when they are stimulated in different ways. Psychology can describe–but not precisely measure–the ways in which human beings recognize, interpret, and respond to the stimulus of color. Psychology deals with perception.
  • 49. The nervous system is an information pathway from the outside world to the brain.
  • 50. The nervous system is made up of three kinds of cells: ‣ receptor cells ‣ transmitter cells ‣ brain cells
  • 51. Receptor cells receive information from the outside world (stimuli) and change it into a form of electrical energy that the brain can use. Transmitter cells carry these signals to the brain.
  • 52. The brain decodes each sensory event first by identifying which sense has been stimulated, then discriminates specific qualities within that sense.
  • 53. Processing the information and generating a response to it is the final step.
  • 54. The eye is a sense organ that detects light.
  • 55. Light enters the eye through the pupil and falls on the retina–the inside back of the eye.
  • 56. The retina is made up of two kinds of light- sensitive receptor cells, rods and cones.
  • 57. Both rods and cones connect to the optic nerve, which transmits the sensory message to the brain.
  • 58. Rods and cones respond selectively to available light
  • 59. Cones dominate vision when a great deal of light is present. Cones are responsible for color vision and the ability to see detail.
  • 60. Objects appear more colorful and fine detail, like small print, is clearer when cones are dominant.
  • 61. Rods dominate vision in low light
  • 62. Rods are responsible for peripheral (surrounding, less focused) vision.
  • 63. Colors appear muted, and fine detail is more difficult to see, when rods dominate.
  • 64. The visual field is the extent of area that can be seen by the two eyes of a viewer standing in one position.
  • 65. The fovea is a tiny area at the back of the eye that is the center of the visual field.
  • 66. The fovea contains only cones. It is the most sensitive area of the retina, detecting patterns of light and dark and color with the greatest clarity.
  • 67. Images and colors are seen less clearly when the light stimulus moves away from the fovea.
  • 68. Both rods and cones are always at work. It is almost as if there are two separate systems, one for day and one for night.
  • 69. Adaptation is the involuntary response of the eye to the quantity of available light.
  • 70. The retina moves back and forth (adapts) quickly between rod and cone dominance as the amount of available light increases or decreases.
  • 71. Color perception lessens in dim light when rods dominate: perception in low light is in shades of gray.
  • 72. Adaptation takes place under any lighting conditions: lamplight, fluorescent, incandescent, or any other type of light.
  • 73. Lateral inhibition is an aspect of vision that increases the eye’s ability to distinguish edges.
  • 74. Lateral Inhibition When a pattern of light and dark contrast reaches the retina, the cells that receive the light part of the image inhibit the ability of the ones next to them to detect light.
  • 75. As a result, areas next to bright spots appear darker. The greater the quantity of light, the more lateral inhibition takes place: light areas appear lighter and dark areas appear darker.
  • 76. The sensation of light is received in two areas of the brain: ‣ the cerebral cortex ‣ hypothalamus (or midbrain)
  • 77. The cerebral cortex is the center of cognitive activity. It receives information and processes it; recognizing, interpreting, and structuring a response to each stimulus. It receives information and processes it; recognizing, interpreting, and structuring a response to each stimulus.
  • 78. The midbrain, or hypothalamus, controls the internal environment of the body. Sensations of light transmitted to the midbrain act as a biological stimulus to the central nervous system.
  • 79. The midbrain controls blood pressure and body temperature.
  • 80. It also stimulates glands that control the production and release of hormones. When the brain is stimulated by a thought, mental image, or outside stimulus (like light), the midbrain triggers the release of hormones.
  • 81. A color stimulus has an effect on the strongest human needs and emotions–stress, hunger, thirst, and sex.
  • 82. Sunlight, which contains all colors, is essential to human life. The human body is genetically adapted to function at a normal level in response to the sun’s pattern of energy emission.
  • 83. Changing the strength of a color stimulus causes an actual change in the body. Exposure to an elevated level of red stimulates hormone production and raises blood pressure... Exposure to an elevated level of red stimulates hormone production and raises blood pressure...
  • 84. ...while exposure to an elevated level of blue has been shown to lower blood pressure and depress hormonal secretions.
  • 85. The immediate biologic response of the body to a stimulus is phasic arousal. Phasic arousal is abrupt and lasts very briefly, like the surge of adrenalin that is experienced in a sudden and frightening situation.
  • 86. Phasic arousal requires a stimulus.
  • 87. Tonic arousal is the body’s response over a prolonged period. The body has a norm for tonic arousal, and the brain continually directs the adjustment of hormone levels to keep it at that norm.
  • 88. Stimulation by a strong color causes phasic arousal–an immediate reaction–that can be physiologically measured, but the arousal is short term: the duration of the effect is not continuous.
  • 89. Because exposure to color changes the body’s hormonal balance, it can also cause changes in behavior. Colors can be chosen to stimulate, depress, or otherwise alter mood. In environmental design,both overstimulation and understimulation have equally negative effects.
  • 90. Human beings respond best to living spaces that have color, but not an overload of highly stimulating color.
  • 91. A graphic designer may choose a brilliant color to arouse short-term attention.
  • 92. Restaurant designers use red to stimulate appetite.
  • 93. The muted colors of funeral homes are meant to minimize emotional response.
  • 94. An extreme example of color used to modify behavior occurs with a color known as Baker-Miller pink.
  • 95. It has been hypothesized that exposure to Baker-Miller pink reduces aggressive behavior.
  • 96. The effects of phasic arousal begin after a short period of exposure and last for about half an hour.
  • 97. Colors can also be experienced without a stimulus of light. The brain alone, without a light stimulus, allows us to dream in color, or to imagine color with closed eyes.
  • 98. A headache or a blow on the head can trigger vivid images of blue stars. Color can be seen in the mind’s eye. Color can be seen in the mind’s eye.
  • 99. The eye is not the only organ that responds to light. Light is also absorbed through the skin.
  • 100. The use of colored light to act on the body through the skin is a routine medical practice. The treatment of jaundiced infants with light is a standard and effective therapy.
  • 101. Color therapy remains an active field, although no clinical studies have shown any efficacy, and the practice of medicine by color therapists is illegal in America.
  • 102. Synaesthesia is a long-recognized but largely unexplained phenomenon in which one sense responds to the stimulation of another.
  • 103. There are reports of persons who are able to determine the colors of objects through touch only, people that hear a sound when they see a certain color, and people having particular tastes when hearing a piece of music.
  • 104. All of the types of visual responses talked about so far are involuntary, biologic responses of the body to a stimulus of light.
  • 105. The perception of color also includes involuntary psychological responses.
  • 106. The cerebral cortex, the reasoning part of the brain, identifies and organizes a response QuickTime™ and a to each color stimulus GIF decompressor are needed to see this picture. that is unconscious, but based on past learning. Stored information has a profound influence on color perception.
  • 107. One of these responses is a kind of expectation called memory color.
  • 108. Memory color means that the viewer makes an unconscious assumption about the color of something - the “orange” of an orange, for example.
  • 109.
  • 110. Color constancy is a second and equally powerful form of expectation. It means that the colors of familiar objects retain their identity no matter what the general lighting.
  • 111. Color constancy is a second and equally powerful form of expectation. It means that the colors of familiar objects retain their identity no matter what the general lighting.
  • 112. An image stored in memory overrides what is actually seen.
  • 113. A second kind of color constancy occurs when close colors are perceived as being identical.
  • 114. In an all-white kitchen, the white of the refrigerator, the counters, the floor, the cabinets and the paint may all be different, but the immediate cumulative effect is that they are the same.
  • 115. Color constancy is also called “chromatic adaptation.”
  • 116. Designers need not always be concerned with fractional differences between colors because memory color and color constancy screen out important color differences from ones that do not matter.
  • 118. Color is universally recognized as a particular kind of visual experience.
  • 119. When the brain receives information, it identifies it by name. In a widely- accepted study, Berlin and Kay determined that 98 languages had names for eleven basic colors.
  • 120. These are the eleven colors in order of recognition.
  • 121. We believe that most people experience the same sensation when they look at something that is red. They may disagree about the exact name for the red - crimson, ruby, or scarlet - but the sensation is the same.
  • 122. Color study requires only six names for colors; red, orange, yellow green, blue, and violet.
  • 123. Design and marketing professionals use romantic names for colors, like Venetian Red, Bermuda Blue, or Aztec Gold.
  • 124. Both ways of naming colors are important in design as long as the critical difference between the two is recognized: the six hues of color study deal with eye training, color recognition and color use; the countless color names of marketing are about product image and sales.
  • 125. Color as Language: From Name to Meaning From Name to Meaning
  • 126. Color is a living language. The meanings of colors can change over time.
  • 127. The norm used to be pink for boys and blue for girls because light blue was associated with the Virgin Mary and pink was considered a more “aggressive” color at the time.
  • 128. For every individual the meaning of a color or group of colors, is shaped by a hierarchy of outside forces: culture, spoken language, social status, setting, time, and individual life experience.
  • 129. For instance, in some Amish communities, you never see the color yellow in their beautiful quilts because it is considered the color of cowardice.
  • 130. Colors and color groups can be used as symbols. Symbols for major societal concerns like nationhood tend to maintain their meaning over time and can be thought of as permanent for each population.
  • 131. Semantics is the study of meaning of words, passage of words, or other form of language– including the language of color.
  • 132. Awareness of cultural differences in the semantics of color is critical to the marketing of any product intended for the global market.
  • 133. Even with the same audience and with the same time period no color is limited to a single meaning.
  • 134. Some symbolic colors are so important in communicating ideas that their meanings have been legislated.
  • 135. Red Blue When colors are seen with simultaneous and conflicting information, the area of the brain that responds to color competes with other parts of the brain in structuring a response.
  • 136. The resulting delay and confusion in perception is called the Stroop Interaction.
  • 137. “Fashion” colors, the color trends of consumer marketing, are transitory and cyclical. (These are the color forecasts for 2013.)
  • 138. But the experiences and associations buried in our memory have more effect on our emotional responses to colors than any passing trend. You might get a great deal of satisfaction from viewing a particular shade of blue because it reminds you of your Grandmother’s garden - a happy memory for you.
  • 139. Impressional or associative colors evoke imagery without symbolic meaning. For instance, grayed blue-greens may call to mind the icy cold of a winter sea.
  • 140. Color as Words Alone
  • 141. Yellow Written and spoken words for colors communicate the same symbolic ideas as actual colors but they are understood more indirectly. Words are processed as thought rather than as a sensory experience.
  • 142. The immediacy of a color symbol diminishes when it is presented as words. However, its meaning is unchanged.
  • 143. Reading the words “red, white, and blue” takes longer to process than the sight of a flag in full color.