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Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh
Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai
Department of mathematics
February 25, 2014
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Main textbook:
M. L. Lial, R. N. Greenwell, N. P. Ritchey Calculus
with Applications, 10ed. Pearson, Boston, 2012.
Other textbooks:
L. D. Hoffmann, G. L. Bradley, Calculus, Brief 10ed.
McGraw-Hill, Boston, 2010.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Chapter 1 . Mathematics of Finance
1. Compound Interest
2. Continuous Money Flow: Total money flow,
present value, accumulated amount of money,
continuous deposits.
3. Annuities
4. Amortizations and Sinking Funds
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Simple and compound interest
• If you borrow money you have to pay interest on
it. If you invest money in a deposit account you
expect to earn interest on it.
Interest can be interpreted as money paid for the
use of money.
• The original amount borrowed or invested is called
the principal, denoted by P.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Simple and compound interest
The rate of interest r is the amount charged for
the use of the principal for a given length of time,
usually on a yearly (or per annum, abbreviated
p.a.) basis, given either as a percentage (p per
cent) or as a decimal r, i.e.
r =
The total amount received after (investing) a period
of time is called accumulated value. The
accumulated value after t year is A(t).
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Simple and compound interest
Simple interest.
Simple interest is interest computed on the
principal for the entire period it is borrowed (or
invested). It is assumed that this interest is not
reinvested together with the original capital.
The principal P with the rate r and time t gives the
simple interest
I(t) = Prt,
and hence,
A(t) = P + Prt = P(1 + rt).
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Simple and compound interest
Example 1.1 How much interest will be earned
on $ 4, 000 invested for a year at 0.5%?
Solution We write
0.5% =
= 0.005
and get
0.5% of $ 4, 000 = 0.005 × $ 4, 000 = $ 20.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Compound interest
Compound interest.
Compound interest is interest which is added to
the original investment every time it accrues. The
interest added in one time period will itself earn
interest in the following time period. The total
value of an investment will therefore grow over time.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Compound interest
Suppose that we invest P dollars at interest rate r,
expressed as a decimal and compounded annually.
The amount A1 in the account at the end of the
first year is
A1 = P + Pr = P(1 + r).
Going into the second year, we have A1 dollars, so
by the end of the second year, we will have the
amount A2 given by
A2 = A1 + A1r = A1(1 + r) = P(1 + r)2
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Compound interest
Going into the third year, we have A2 dollars, so by
the end of the third year, we will have the amount
A3 = A2 + A2r = A2(1 + r) = P(1 + r)3
and so on.
Theorem 1.1 If an amount P is invested at
interest rate r, expressed as a decimal and
compounded annually, in t years it will grow to the
amount A given by
A = P(1 + r)t
A is called the compound amount.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Compound interest
Example 1.2 You estimate that you will need
$8, 000 in 3 years’ time to buy a new car. You have
$7, 000 which you can put into a fixed interest
building society account earning 4.5%. Will you
have enough to buy the car?
Solution You need to work out the final value of
your savings to see whether it will be greater than $
8, 000. Using Equation 1 with P = 7, 000,
r = 0.045, and t = 3,
A = 7, 000(1+0.045)3
= 7, 000(1.141166) = $7, 988.16.
So the answer is “almost”.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Compound interest
Example 1.3 What principal is required now so
that after 6 years at a rate of interest of 5 per cent
p.a. the final amount is 20, 000 EUR?
Solution It follows from Equation 1 that
P =
(1 + i)t
Substituting t = 6, i = 0.05 and A = 20, 000, we
P =
(1 + i)6
20, 000
(1 + 0.05)6
= 14, 924.31 EUR
i.e., the principal required now is equal to 14, 924.31
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Compound interest
Part year investment
Often, we do not have an annual period for interest
payments, i.e. compounding takes place several
times per year, e.g.,
• semi-annually–there are 2 interest payments
per year, namely after every six months;
• quarterly–there are 4 payments per year,
namely one after every three months;
• monthly–there are 12 payments, namely one
per month;
• daily–compounding takes place 360 times per
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Compound interest
If the annual interest rate is r and there are n
interest payments per year, the rate of interest per
payment period is equal to j = r/n, and the number
of interest payments within a period of t years is
equal to tn.
Denoting by A(t) the amount at the end of t years
with n interest payments per year, formula (1)
changes into
A(t) = P (1 + j)nt
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Compound interest
Theorem 1.2 If a principal P is invested at
interest rate r, expressed as a decimal and
compounded n times a year, in t years it will grow
to an amount A(t) given by
A(t) = P 1 +
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Compound interest
Example 1.4 An amount of money of $ 9000 is
invested at a rate 6% annual interest compounded
semi-annually for 4 years. How much interest will be
Solution In this case r = 0.06, n = 2, and t = 4,
so the compound amount is
A(t) = P 1 +
= 9000 1 +
= 11, 400.93.
The interest amount is: $ 11,400.93 - $ 9,000 =
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Compound interest
Remark The compound amount increases with
the increasing of the number of times paid in a year.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Continuous compounding
As the frequency n with which interest is
compounded increases, the corresponding amount
A(t) also increases. Hence, a bank that compounds
interest frequently may attract more customers than
one that offers the same interest rate but
compounds interest less often.
Question: What happens to the amount at the end
of t years as the compounding frequency n increases
without bound?
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
In mathematical terms, this question is equivalent
to asking what happens to the expression
A(t) = P 1 +
as n → ∞?
1 +
= e ≈ 2.718281828.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Continuous compounding
Theorem 1.3 Suppose a principal P is invested at
interest rate r and the accumulated value in the
account after t years is A(t). If interest is
compounded continuously, then
A(t) = Pert
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Continuous compounding
Example 1.5 Suppose $ 1, 000 is invested at an
annual interest rate of 6%. Compute the final
amount after 10 years if the interest is compounded
(a) Quarterly (b) Monthly (c) Daily
(d) Continuously.
Solution (a) To compute the balance after 10
years if the interest is compounded quarterly, use
the formula (2) with t = 10, P = 1000, r = 0.06,
and n = 4:
A(10) = 1, 000 1 +
≈ $ 1, 814.02.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Continuous compounding
(b) This time, take t = 10, P = 1, 000, r = 0.06,
and n = 12 to get
A(10) = 1, 000 1 +
≈ $ 1, 819.40.
(c) Take t = 10, P = 1, 000, r = 0.06, and n = 365
to obtain
A(10) = 1, 000 1 +
≈ $ 1, 822.03.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Continuous compounding
(d) For continuously compounded interest use the
formula (3) with t = 10, P = 1000, r = 0.06:
A(10) = 1, 000e0.6
= $ 1, 822.12.
This value, $ 1, 822.12, is an upper bound for the
possible balance. No matter how often interest is
compounded, $ 1, 000 invested at an annual interest
rate of 6% cannot grow to more than $ 1, 822.12 in
10 years.
When interest is compounded quarterly in (a), the
value of the investment after ten years is
$ 1, 822.12 − $ 1, 814.02 = $8.1 less compared to
continuous compounding.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
2. Present Value
In many situations, it is useful to know how much
money P must be invested at a fixed compound
interest rate in order to obtain a desired
accumulated (future) value A over a given period of
time t.
This investment P is called the present value of
the amount A to be received in t years.
It is the amount of money needed now so that after
depositing this amount for a period of t years at a
per annum rate of interest of r, the amount of an
annuity A results.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
2. Present Value
The present value of A in t years invested at the
annual rate r compounded n times per year is
given by
P = A 1 +
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
2. Present Value
If interest is compounded continuously at the
same rate, the present value in t years is given
P = Ae−rt
This means that after t units of time, with the rate
of interest r compounded continuously, if you want
to get a compound amount A, the present value you
must deposit is P = Ae−rt
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
2. Present Value
Example 2.1 How much money needs to be
invested now in order to accumulate a final sum of
$ 5, 000 in 4 years’ time at an annual rate of
interest of 7% if interest is compounded:
(a) Quarterly (b) Continuously.
Solution The required future value is
A = $ 5, 000 in t = 4 years with r = 0.07.
(a) If the compounding is quarterly, then n = 4 and
the present value is
P = 5, 000 1 +
= $ 3, 788.08.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
2. Present Value
(b) For continuous compounding, the present value
P = 5, 000e−(0.07)(4)
= $ 3, 778.92.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
3. Money flow
Total money flow (total income)
Definition 3.1 If f (t) is the rate of money flow,
then the total money flow over the time interval
from t = 0 to t = T is given by
f (t)dt
This total money flow does not take into account
the interest the money could earn after it is
received. It is simply the total income.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
3. Money flow
An amount of money that can be deposited today
at a specified interest rate to yield a given sum in
the future is called the present value of this future
sum. The future sum may be called the future value
or final amount.
To find the present value of a continuous money
flow with interest compounded continuously, let
f (t) represent the rate of the continuous flow.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
3. Money flow
The time axis from 0 to T is divided into n
subintervals, each of width ∆t = T/n. The amount
of money that flows during any interval of time is
approximated by f (ti)∆t, which (approximately)
gives the amount of money flow over that
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
3. Money flow
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
3. Money flow
Earlier, we saw that the present value P of an
amount A compounded continuously for t years at a
rate of interest r is P = Ae−rt
Question: Given a continuous money flow with
interest compounded continuously and with f (t) is
its rate (of change) for T years [t is time variable,
t ∈ [0, T]]. How can we find the present value of
the mentioned continuous money flow?
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
3. Money flow
Present value of money flow
Letting ti represent the time and replacing A with
f (ti)∆t, the present value of the money flow over
the rth subinterval is approximately equal to
f (ti)∆te−rt
The total present value is approximately equal to
the sum n
f (ti)∆te−rt
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Present value of money flow
Pi = [f (ti)∆t]e−rti
, P ≈
[f (ti)∆t]e−rti
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Present value of money flow
Theorem 3.1
If f (t) is the rate of a continuous money flow at an
interest rate r (at time t) for T years, then the
present value is
P(T) =
f (t)e−rtdt.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Accumulate amount of money flow at time t
Theorem 3.2 (Accumulate amount of
money flow at time t)
If f (t) is the rate of a continuous money flow at an
interest rate r at time t, the amount of the flow at
time T is
A(T) = erT
f (t)e−rt dt.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Continuous money flow
Example 3.1 If money flowing continuously at a
constant rate of $ 2000 per year over 5 years at
12% interest compounded continuously, find the
(a) The total amount of the flow over 5-year period.
(b) The accumulate amount compounded
continuously at T = 5.
(c) The total interest earned
(d) The present value with interest.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Solution (sketch)
By assumption: f (t) = 2000, T = 5, and r = 0.12.
(a) The total amount of the flow over 5-year period
2000dt = 10, 000 (dollars).
(b) The accumulate amount compounded
continuously at t = 5 is:
A = erT
f (x)e−rt
dt = e5(0.12)
= 13, 701.98 (dollars).
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Solution (sketch)
(c) The total interest earned is:
13, 701.98 − 10, 000 = 3, 701.98 (dollars).
(d) The present value with interest is:
P =
f (t)e−rt
dt =
= 7, 519.81 (dollars).
Answer to the last question: (note P = Ae−rT
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Comments (on the previous example)
• If f (t) (dollars per unit of time) is the rate of a
continuous money flow at an interest rate r (at time
t) from the time t = a to t = b. Then the present
value of the flow at time t = a is
P =
f (t)er(a−t)
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Comments (on money flow)
Imagine: A company with a high volume of sales
receives money almost continuously. For purpose of
calculation, it is convenient to assume that the
company literally does receive money continuously.
In such a case, we have a function f (t) that
represents the rate at which money is being received
by the company at the time t.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Capital value
The capital value of an asset (property) is
sometimes defined as the present value of all future
net earning of the asset. If f (t) give the annual rate
at which earnings are produced by an asset at time
t, then the present value formula gives the capital
value as ∞
f (t)e−rt
where r is the annual rate of interest.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Capital value
Example 3.2 Suppose income from a rental
property is generated at the annual rate of $ 4000
per year. Find the capital value of this property at
an interest rate 10% computed continuously.
This is a continuous income stream with a
(constant) rate of flow of $4000 per year, that is,
f (t) = 4000. Also, r = 0.1.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
4. Continuous Deposits
The capital value is given by
dx = lim
= lim
= lim
−40, 000e−0.1b
+ 40, 000
= 40, 000.
The capital value is $40,000.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
4. Continuous Deposits
The accumulate amount A(t) of some amount
money, say P, invested at an annual interest rate r,
compounded continuously, grows according to the
differential equation
= rA
where t is time (in years).
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
4. Continuous Deposits
Suppose regular deposits are made to the account
at frequent intervals at a rate of D dollars per year.
For simplicity, assume these deposits to be
continuous. The differential equation for the growth
of the account then becomes
= rA + D
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
4. Continuous Deposits
Example 4.1 When Michel was born, his
grandfather arranged to deposit $ 5000 in an
account for him at 8% annual interest compounded
continuously. Grandfather plans to add to the
account“continuously” at the rate of $ 1000 a year.
How much will be in the account when Michel is 18?
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
4. Continuous Deposits
Since r = 0.08 and D = 1000, the differential
equation is
= 0.08A + 1000.
Separating the variables and integrating both sides
of the above equation, we get
0.08A + 1000
dA = dt,
ln(0.08A + 1000) = t + C,
A = −12500 +
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Continuous Deposits
By the assumption, A(0) = 5000, we get
A(0) = 5000 = −12500 +
which gives M = 1400, and hence,
A = −12500 + 17500e0.08t
When Michel is 18, the amount in the account is
A = ... = 61, 362.18.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
5. Annuity
Think about it.
Suppose that $ 1500 is deposit at the end of each
year for the next of the six years in an account
paying 8% per year, compounded annually. How
much is in the count after 6 year?
Such a sequence of equal payments made at equal
period of time is called an annuity
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
To find the amount of this annuity, look at each of
the $ 1500 payments separately.
• The first payment will produce a compound
amount of
1500(1 + 0.08)5
= 1500(1.08)5
at the end of 6 years (note that the money is
deposit at the end of the first year).
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
• The total amount of the annuity is:
+ 1500(1.08)4
+ 1500(1.08)3
+ 1500(1.08)1
+ 1500
= 1500
− 1
1.08 − 1
≈ 11, 003.89($).
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Amount of annuity
The amount S of an annuity of payments of R
dollars each, made at the end of each period for n
consecutive interest periods at a rate of interest i
per period, is given by
S = R
(i + 1)n
− 1
How can we get this formula?
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Recall: Sum of first n terms of geometric sequence
A geometric sequence is a sequence of numbers:
a1, a2, · · · , an, ...., where a, r ∈ R are given, and
an = arn−1
, for all n.
Sn = a1 + a2 + · · · + an
= a + ar + ar2
+ · · · + arn−1
− 1)
r − 1
(How to prove this formula?)
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Example 5.1 Suppose 1000 dollars is deposited
at the end of each 6-month period for 5 years in an
account paying 6 (percent) per year compounded
semi-annually. Find the amount of the annuity.
• Interest for semi-annually: 0.06/2 = 0.03.
• In 5 years, there are 5 × 2 = 10 semiannual
• By the formula of the amount of annuity, we get
S = 1000
− 1
= 11, 463.88,
i.e., S = 11, 463.88 dollars.
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Present value of annuity
The amount S of an annuity of payments of R
dollars each, made at the end of each period for n
consecutive interest periods at a rate of interest i
per period, is given by
S = R
(i + 1)n
− 1
We now suppose that we want to find the lump sum
P that must be deposit today at a rate of interest i
per period in order to produce the same amount S
after n periods. The sum P is then called the
present value of the mentioned annuity.
How can we find P?Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Present value of annuity
With the assumption, P dollars deposited today will
amount to P(1 + i)n
after n periods and this is
equal to S. We get
P(1 + i)n
= S = R
(i + 1)n
− 1
This gives (how?)
P = R
1 − (1 + i)−n
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
Present value of annuity
The present value P of an annuity of payments of R
dollars each, made at the end of each period for n
consecutive interest periods at a rate of interest i
per period is given by:
P = R
1 − (1 + i)−n
Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)

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  • 1. CALCULUS 2 (BA) Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai Department of mathematics INTERNATIONAL UNIVERSITY, VNU-HCM February 25, 2014 Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 2. References Main textbook: M. L. Lial, R. N. Greenwell, N. P. Ritchey Calculus with Applications, 10ed. Pearson, Boston, 2012. Other textbooks: L. D. Hoffmann, G. L. Bradley, Calculus, Brief 10ed. McGraw-Hill, Boston, 2010. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 3. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 4. Chapter 1 . Mathematics of Finance Contents 1. Compound Interest 2. Continuous Money Flow: Total money flow, present value, accumulated amount of money, continuous deposits. 3. Annuities 4. Amortizations and Sinking Funds Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 5. Simple and compound interest • If you borrow money you have to pay interest on it. If you invest money in a deposit account you expect to earn interest on it. Interest can be interpreted as money paid for the use of money. • The original amount borrowed or invested is called the principal, denoted by P. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 6. Simple and compound interest The rate of interest r is the amount charged for the use of the principal for a given length of time, usually on a yearly (or per annum, abbreviated p.a.) basis, given either as a percentage (p per cent) or as a decimal r, i.e. r = p 100 . The total amount received after (investing) a period of time is called accumulated value. The accumulated value after t year is A(t). Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 7. Simple and compound interest Simple interest. Simple interest is interest computed on the principal for the entire period it is borrowed (or invested). It is assumed that this interest is not reinvested together with the original capital. The principal P with the rate r and time t gives the simple interest I(t) = Prt, and hence, A(t) = P + Prt = P(1 + rt). Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 8. Simple and compound interest Example 1.1 How much interest will be earned on $ 4, 000 invested for a year at 0.5%? Solution We write 0.5% = 0.5 100 = 0.005 and get 0.5% of $ 4, 000 = 0.005 × $ 4, 000 = $ 20. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 9. Compound interest Compound interest. Compound interest is interest which is added to the original investment every time it accrues. The interest added in one time period will itself earn interest in the following time period. The total value of an investment will therefore grow over time. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 10. Compound interest Suppose that we invest P dollars at interest rate r, expressed as a decimal and compounded annually. The amount A1 in the account at the end of the first year is A1 = P + Pr = P(1 + r). Going into the second year, we have A1 dollars, so by the end of the second year, we will have the amount A2 given by A2 = A1 + A1r = A1(1 + r) = P(1 + r)2 . Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 11. Compound interest Going into the third year, we have A2 dollars, so by the end of the third year, we will have the amount A3 = A2 + A2r = A2(1 + r) = P(1 + r)3 , and so on. Theorem 1.1 If an amount P is invested at interest rate r, expressed as a decimal and compounded annually, in t years it will grow to the amount A given by A = P(1 + r)t (1) A is called the compound amount. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 12. Compound interest Example 1.2 You estimate that you will need $8, 000 in 3 years’ time to buy a new car. You have $7, 000 which you can put into a fixed interest building society account earning 4.5%. Will you have enough to buy the car? Solution You need to work out the final value of your savings to see whether it will be greater than $ 8, 000. Using Equation 1 with P = 7, 000, r = 0.045, and t = 3, A = 7, 000(1+0.045)3 = 7, 000(1.141166) = $7, 988.16. So the answer is “almost”. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 13. Compound interest Example 1.3 What principal is required now so that after 6 years at a rate of interest of 5 per cent p.a. the final amount is 20, 000 EUR? Solution It follows from Equation 1 that P = A (1 + i)t . Substituting t = 6, i = 0.05 and A = 20, 000, we obtain P = A (1 + i)6 = 20, 000 (1 + 0.05)6 = 14, 924.31 EUR i.e., the principal required now is equal to 14, 924.31 EUR. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 14. Compound interest Part year investment Often, we do not have an annual period for interest payments, i.e. compounding takes place several times per year, e.g., • semi-annually–there are 2 interest payments per year, namely after every six months; • quarterly–there are 4 payments per year, namely one after every three months; • monthly–there are 12 payments, namely one per month; • daily–compounding takes place 360 times per year. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 15. Compound interest If the annual interest rate is r and there are n interest payments per year, the rate of interest per payment period is equal to j = r/n, and the number of interest payments within a period of t years is equal to tn. Denoting by A(t) the amount at the end of t years with n interest payments per year, formula (1) changes into A(t) = P (1 + j)nt Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 16. Compound interest Theorem 1.2 If a principal P is invested at interest rate r, expressed as a decimal and compounded n times a year, in t years it will grow to an amount A(t) given by A(t) = P 1 + r n nt (2) Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 17. Compound interest Example 1.4 An amount of money of $ 9000 is invested at a rate 6% annual interest compounded semi-annually for 4 years. How much interest will be earned? Solution In this case r = 0.06, n = 2, and t = 4, so the compound amount is A(t) = P 1 + r n tn = 9000 1 + 0.06 2 (2)(4) = 11, 400.93. The interest amount is: $ 11,400.93 - $ 9,000 = $2,400.93. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 18. Compound interest Remark The compound amount increases with the increasing of the number of times paid in a year. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 19. Continuous compounding As the frequency n with which interest is compounded increases, the corresponding amount A(t) also increases. Hence, a bank that compounds interest frequently may attract more customers than one that offers the same interest rate but compounds interest less often. Question: What happens to the amount at the end of t years as the compounding frequency n increases without bound? Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 20. In mathematical terms, this question is equivalent to asking what happens to the expression A(t) = P 1 + r n nt as n → ∞? Note. lim x→∞ 1 + 1 x x = e ≈ 2.718281828. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 21. Continuous compounding Theorem 1.3 Suppose a principal P is invested at interest rate r and the accumulated value in the account after t years is A(t). If interest is compounded continuously, then A(t) = Pert (3) Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 22. Continuous compounding Example 1.5 Suppose $ 1, 000 is invested at an annual interest rate of 6%. Compute the final amount after 10 years if the interest is compounded (a) Quarterly (b) Monthly (c) Daily (d) Continuously. Solution (a) To compute the balance after 10 years if the interest is compounded quarterly, use the formula (2) with t = 10, P = 1000, r = 0.06, and n = 4: A(10) = 1, 000 1 + 0.06 4 4·10 ≈ $ 1, 814.02. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 23. Continuous compounding (b) This time, take t = 10, P = 1, 000, r = 0.06, and n = 12 to get A(10) = 1, 000 1 + 0.06 12 120 ≈ $ 1, 819.40. (c) Take t = 10, P = 1, 000, r = 0.06, and n = 365 to obtain A(10) = 1, 000 1 + 0.06 365 3,650 ≈ $ 1, 822.03. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 24. Continuous compounding (d) For continuously compounded interest use the formula (3) with t = 10, P = 1000, r = 0.06: A(10) = 1, 000e0.6 = $ 1, 822.12. This value, $ 1, 822.12, is an upper bound for the possible balance. No matter how often interest is compounded, $ 1, 000 invested at an annual interest rate of 6% cannot grow to more than $ 1, 822.12 in 10 years. When interest is compounded quarterly in (a), the value of the investment after ten years is $ 1, 822.12 − $ 1, 814.02 = $8.1 less compared to continuous compounding. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 25. 2. Present Value In many situations, it is useful to know how much money P must be invested at a fixed compound interest rate in order to obtain a desired accumulated (future) value A over a given period of time t. This investment P is called the present value of the amount A to be received in t years. It is the amount of money needed now so that after depositing this amount for a period of t years at a per annum rate of interest of r, the amount of an annuity A results. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 26. 2. Present Value The present value of A in t years invested at the annual rate r compounded n times per year is given by P = A 1 + r n −nt Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 27. 2. Present Value If interest is compounded continuously at the same rate, the present value in t years is given by P = Ae−rt This means that after t units of time, with the rate of interest r compounded continuously, if you want to get a compound amount A, the present value you must deposit is P = Ae−rt . Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 28. 2. Present Value Example 2.1 How much money needs to be invested now in order to accumulate a final sum of $ 5, 000 in 4 years’ time at an annual rate of interest of 7% if interest is compounded: (a) Quarterly (b) Continuously. Solution The required future value is A = $ 5, 000 in t = 4 years with r = 0.07. (a) If the compounding is quarterly, then n = 4 and the present value is P = 5, 000 1 + 0.07 4 −(4)(4) = $ 3, 788.08. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 29. 2. Present Value (b) For continuous compounding, the present value is P = 5, 000e−(0.07)(4) = $ 3, 778.92. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 30. 3. Money flow Total money flow (total income) Definition 3.1 If f (t) is the rate of money flow, then the total money flow over the time interval from t = 0 to t = T is given by T 0 f (t)dt This total money flow does not take into account the interest the money could earn after it is received. It is simply the total income. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 31. 3. Money flow An amount of money that can be deposited today at a specified interest rate to yield a given sum in the future is called the present value of this future sum. The future sum may be called the future value or final amount. To find the present value of a continuous money flow with interest compounded continuously, let f (t) represent the rate of the continuous flow. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 32. 3. Money flow The time axis from 0 to T is divided into n subintervals, each of width ∆t = T/n. The amount of money that flows during any interval of time is approximated by f (ti)∆t, which (approximately) gives the amount of money flow over that subinterval. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 33. 3. Money flow Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 34. 3. Money flow Earlier, we saw that the present value P of an amount A compounded continuously for t years at a rate of interest r is P = Ae−rt . Question: Given a continuous money flow with interest compounded continuously and with f (t) is its rate (of change) for T years [t is time variable, t ∈ [0, T]]. How can we find the present value of the mentioned continuous money flow? Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 35. 3. Money flow Present value of money flow Letting ti represent the time and replacing A with f (ti)∆t, the present value of the money flow over the rth subinterval is approximately equal to f (ti)∆te−rt . The total present value is approximately equal to the sum n i=1 f (ti)∆te−rt . Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 36. Present value of money flow Pi = [f (ti)∆t]e−rti , P ≈ n−1 i=0 [f (ti)∆t]e−rti . Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 37. Present value of money flow Theorem 3.1 If f (t) is the rate of a continuous money flow at an interest rate r (at time t) for T years, then the present value is P(T) = T 0 f (t)e−rtdt. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 38. Accumulate amount of money flow at time t Theorem 3.2 (Accumulate amount of money flow at time t) If f (t) is the rate of a continuous money flow at an interest rate r at time t, the amount of the flow at time T is A(T) = erT T 0 f (t)e−rt dt. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 39. Continuous money flow Example 3.1 If money flowing continuously at a constant rate of $ 2000 per year over 5 years at 12% interest compounded continuously, find the following: (a) The total amount of the flow over 5-year period. (b) The accumulate amount compounded continuously at T = 5. (c) The total interest earned (d) The present value with interest. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 40. Solution (sketch) By assumption: f (t) = 2000, T = 5, and r = 0.12. (a) The total amount of the flow over 5-year period is: 5 0 2000dt = 10, 000 (dollars). (b) The accumulate amount compounded continuously at t = 5 is: A = erT T 0 f (x)e−rt dt = e5(0.12) 5 0 (2000)e(−0.12)t dt = 13, 701.98 (dollars). Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 41. Solution (sketch) (c) The total interest earned is: 13, 701.98 − 10, 000 = 3, 701.98 (dollars). (d) The present value with interest is: P = 5 0 f (t)e−rt dt = 5 0 2000e−0.12t dt = 7, 519.81 (dollars). Answer to the last question: (note P = Ae−rT ). Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 42. Comments (on the previous example) • If f (t) (dollars per unit of time) is the rate of a continuous money flow at an interest rate r (at time t) from the time t = a to t = b. Then the present value of the flow at time t = a is P = b a f (t)er(a−t) dt. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 43. Comments (on money flow) Imagine: A company with a high volume of sales receives money almost continuously. For purpose of calculation, it is convenient to assume that the company literally does receive money continuously. In such a case, we have a function f (t) that represents the rate at which money is being received by the company at the time t. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 44. Capital value The capital value of an asset (property) is sometimes defined as the present value of all future net earning of the asset. If f (t) give the annual rate at which earnings are produced by an asset at time t, then the present value formula gives the capital value as ∞ 0 f (t)e−rt dt where r is the annual rate of interest. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 45. Capital value Example 3.2 Suppose income from a rental property is generated at the annual rate of $ 4000 per year. Find the capital value of this property at an interest rate 10% computed continuously. This is a continuous income stream with a (constant) rate of flow of $4000 per year, that is, f (t) = 4000. Also, r = 0.1. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 46. 4. Continuous Deposits The capital value is given by ∞ 0 4000e−rx dx = lim b→∞ b 0 4000e−0.1t dt = lim b→∞ 4000 −0.1 e−0.1t b 0 = lim b→∞ −40, 000e−0.1b + 40, 000 = 40, 000. The capital value is $40,000. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 47. 4. Continuous Deposits The accumulate amount A(t) of some amount money, say P, invested at an annual interest rate r, compounded continuously, grows according to the differential equation dA dt = rA where t is time (in years). Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 48. 4. Continuous Deposits Suppose regular deposits are made to the account at frequent intervals at a rate of D dollars per year. For simplicity, assume these deposits to be continuous. The differential equation for the growth of the account then becomes dA dt = rA + D Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 49. 4. Continuous Deposits Example 4.1 When Michel was born, his grandfather arranged to deposit $ 5000 in an account for him at 8% annual interest compounded continuously. Grandfather plans to add to the account“continuously” at the rate of $ 1000 a year. How much will be in the account when Michel is 18? Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 50. 4. Continuous Deposits Since r = 0.08 and D = 1000, the differential equation is dA dt = 0.08A + 1000. Separating the variables and integrating both sides of the above equation, we get 1 0.08A + 1000 dA = dt, 1 0.08 ln(0.08A + 1000) = t + C, A = −12500 + M 0.08 e0.08t . Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 51. Continuous Deposits By the assumption, A(0) = 5000, we get A(0) = 5000 = −12500 + M 0.08 e(0.08)(0) , which gives M = 1400, and hence, A = −12500 + 17500e0.08t . When Michel is 18, the amount in the account is A = ... = 61, 362.18. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 52. 5. Annuity Think about it. Suppose that $ 1500 is deposit at the end of each year for the next of the six years in an account paying 8% per year, compounded annually. How much is in the count after 6 year? Such a sequence of equal payments made at equal period of time is called an annuity Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 53. Annuity To find the amount of this annuity, look at each of the $ 1500 payments separately. • The first payment will produce a compound amount of 1500(1 + 0.08)5 = 1500(1.08)5 at the end of 6 years (note that the money is deposit at the end of the first year). Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 54. Annuity • The total amount of the annuity is: 1500(1.08)5 + 1500(1.08)4 + 1500(1.08)3 + 1500(1.08)2 + 1500(1.08)1 + 1500 = 1500 1.086 − 1 1.08 − 1 ≈ 11, 003.89($). Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 55. Annuity Amount of annuity The amount S of an annuity of payments of R dollars each, made at the end of each period for n consecutive interest periods at a rate of interest i per period, is given by S = R (i + 1)n − 1 i . How can we get this formula? Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 56. Recall: Sum of first n terms of geometric sequence A geometric sequence is a sequence of numbers: a1, a2, · · · , an, ...., where a, r ∈ R are given, and an = arn−1 , for all n. Sn = a1 + a2 + · · · + an = a + ar + ar2 + · · · + arn−1 = a(rn − 1) r − 1 . (How to prove this formula?) Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 57. Annuity Example 5.1 Suppose 1000 dollars is deposited at the end of each 6-month period for 5 years in an account paying 6 (percent) per year compounded semi-annually. Find the amount of the annuity. • Interest for semi-annually: 0.06/2 = 0.03. • In 5 years, there are 5 × 2 = 10 semiannual periods. • By the formula of the amount of annuity, we get S = 1000 (1.03)10 − 1 0.03 = 11, 463.88, i.e., S = 11, 463.88 dollars. Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 58. Present value of annuity Recall The amount S of an annuity of payments of R dollars each, made at the end of each period for n consecutive interest periods at a rate of interest i per period, is given by S = R (i + 1)n − 1 i . We now suppose that we want to find the lump sum P that must be deposit today at a rate of interest i per period in order to produce the same amount S after n periods. The sum P is then called the present value of the mentioned annuity. How can we find P?Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 59. Present value of annuity With the assumption, P dollars deposited today will amount to P(1 + i)n after n periods and this is equal to S. We get P(1 + i)n = S = R (i + 1)n − 1 i . This gives (how?) P = R 1 − (1 + i)−n i . Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)
  • 60. Present value of annuity The present value P of an annuity of payments of R dollars each, made at the end of each period for n consecutive interest periods at a rate of interest i per period is given by: P = R 1 − (1 + i)−n i . Assoc. Prof. Nguyen Dinh Dr. Nguyen Ngoc Hai CALCULUS 2 (BA)