social media social media pedagogy public relations social media strategy social media class public relations education crisis communications social media crisis social media marketing google glass teaching linkedin snapchat snapchat assignment google glass education personal branding influencer marketing influencers adobe spark adobe social media professor reputation reputation management profcon20 stukent social media trends social media 2020 applegate steakumm cinnabon aviation gin researchers video pr breeders cup social media project fake influencers teaching digital analytics digital analytics influencer assignment social media monitoring sysomos social media measurement social media listening uoflsocialmedia uofl #freberg17 linkedin for students networking professional development live streaming blogging hootsuite social media curriculum snapchat and strategic communication snapchat storytelling snapchat strategy measurement higher education managing online reputation blogging rubric social media etiquette social media and email crisis planning crisis simulation #prprofs google gla wearable technologies mobile phone spokesperson visual storytelling social media command centers online reputation management integrate freberg imc wvu weather and risk online personality
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