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Nestle Kitkat
Today Neslte is the world leading Food Company. Their headquarter is still in Switzerland where it
was founded by Henri Nestle in 1866. At the moment, Neslte has almost 500 factories in 86
countries and they employ around 328.000 people. The factories are operating in: Africa, America,
Europe, Asia and Oceana. So it's a real multinational. Last year it was even listed no.1 in the fortune
global 500 as the world's most profitable corporation . Nestle has a wide range of product across a
number of markets. Like coffee and healthcare nutrition. But also pet food. It's very various. Here
you can see some famous brands of Nestle, including Nespresso Nescafe Pellegrino and so on. And
of course KitKat! ... Show more content on ...
These commercials were very popular and typical KitKat. But KitKats image is not flawless. In
2010 Greenpeace accused Nestle for using palm oil from companies that are destroying Indonesian
rainforests and the live hoods of Orang Utans. Greenpeace released a video commercial in that same
typical KitKat style, in order to raise awareness among the KitKat consumers and to ask them to
give the Orang Utan his well deserved break. It is a pretty in–your–face video in which the
chocolate fingers of KitKat turn out to be the fingers of an Orang Utan and the crème–filling is its
blood. I will show you the video. As response, Neslte insisted on removing the video from YouTube.
But this gave the Greenpeace campaign only more publicity. It even went more wrong when Nestle
deleted the angry comments on its own Facebook–page and ignored angry Twitter reactions. This
was causing a big commotion. The outrage was great and the image of Nestle – and especially for
KitKat was damaged. It even cause a degrease on the value of the shares. Eventually Nestle
recovered itself by making a statement on their website where they announced that they only will
work with sustainable palm oil suppliers from now on. This was a huge victory for Greenpeace and
the social Networkers. And Neslte has learned from this; They are much more active on social media
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Human Impact On Humans And Chimpanzees
The chimpanzee is one of the most interesting mammals on this earth. These animals are the cousins
of humans. According to the National Geographic chimpanzees share "98% of our DNA". This in
relative terms make humans and chimpanzees very alike, we are them and they are us. The
chimpanzee population inhabitants Africa. Although many believe that chimpanzees are monkeys,
they are great apes. ( The chimpanzee population in the last few years has
diminished drastically and this has cause them to become endangered species. Like humans the
chimpanzees lives in "communities" they also have a hierarchy, and they consume a diet of
vegetables, meats and fruits. (
Although humans and chimpanzee are considered relatives, humans are one of the biggest threats to
the great ape. Humans are one of the biggest reasons the chimpanzee are endangered. According to
World Wildlife poaching is one of the biggest threats. Poaching means to hunt, kill and then
consume the chimpanzees. This gruesome act is usually done by "wealthy urban residents" who
desire to eat bushmeat. This is an expensive luxury that is costing the chimpanzee their lives and is
significantly decreasing their population. Another unlawful act happening to these great apes, their
young babies are being captured and sold for recreational pets.
The Scientific American discuss the illegal acts of the criminals who hurt these beautiful animals.
Even though many chimpanzees are captured to be
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Is Squirrel Monkeys And Bornean Orangutans?
Over the past two months, I had the pleasure of visiting the Los Angeles Zoo on two occasions to
observe primates for this project. Why two visits? Well, my initial observation notes were
inadvertently thrown away in an unintentional fit of neatness. These observations, therefore, were
taken on a warm afternoon in November 2014. Having carefully reread the paper requirements and
suggestions before my second visit, I made a more conscious choice of the primates I was about to
observe so there would be a more obvious contrast between their behaviors (on my first visit I had
observed two different monkey species.) In this document, I will share my observations of the
behaviors of Squirrel Monkeys and Bornean orangutans. My observations began at what appeared to
be one of the smaller primate enclosures at the Los Angeles Zoo. I believe this was a nonpermanent
enclosure for the primates contained within since the temporary signage identified the primates only
as "squirrel monkeys". Further research about the primates at the Los Angeles Zoo led me to believe
that these were the "common squirrel monkey" also known as saimiri sciureus. ( Within
the enclosure, I observed no more than three squirrel monkeys. There may have been more as there
were several hutches in the back of the enclosure, but no more than three were observed at any one
point of time. Three is a drastically smaller group than typically found in the wild where squirrel
monkeys are often live in
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Analysis of the Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus Essay
Analysis of the Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus
The orangutan, Pongo pygmaeus, is an ape that is found in the moist, coastal rainforests of Sumatra
and Borneo which consists of Indonesia's Kalimantan provinces, Malaysia's Sabath and Sarawak,
and the kingdom of Brunei Darussalam. Orangutans live in tropical rainforests and are arboreal
primates meaning that they are tree dwelling. Orangutans construct nests in the tree branches for the
night in which they will curl up and sleep. These nests are made out of leaves and branches and they
will sometimes use a leaf as a roof to protect themselves from the rain. Orangutans are omnivores,
which means they eat a variety of meat and plants. They primarily eat fruit, leaves and small
animals. ... Show more content on ...
The hierarchy among orangutans is the Noayu, which is where there is a solitary male. There is
marked sexual dimorphism among the orangutans. Females weigh only half as much as the males.
Being lighter, females and juveniles often stay in the trees. Not only is there a noticeable difference
in size, but males also possess quite a few different characteristics than female orangutans do. For
example, males have big cheek pads and facial hair that resembles a man's moustache and beard.
The numbers or orangutans have recently dropped tremendously owing to loss of habitat to
deforestation and the killing of females for their young, to be sold as pets or zoo animals. Fewer
than 30,000 individuals are believed to remain in the wild, and the species is listed as endangered
(Galdkias, 1987) In relation to my observation, the orangutans acted very similar in captivity as if
they were in the wild. The space was limited, but for what they had to work with, they displayed
many of the behaviors they would have given they were in the wild. I noticed that the males
remained solitary, as proven in my research. In one instance, Kiko approached his sister and they
groomed for a short amount of time, and Kiko went into a different section of the enclosure and
remained by himself until the end of my observation. Junior, the dominating male, and father of
Kiko, also stayed confined to himself. There was absolutely no interaction between Junior
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Bornean Orangutan Research Paper
Orangutans are amongst the most iconic species in wildlife conservation (Meijaard, E., Wich, S.,
Ancrenaz, M., & Marshall, A J., 2012) Their behaviours and facial expressions give them an
uncannily human like personality. Their genetic comparisons, cognitive and behavioural similarities
indicate a close evolutionary relationship between humans and themselves. [REF] There are two
species of the Orangutan, the Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii) and the Bornean Orangautan
(Pongo pygmaeus). The Sumatran orangutan belongs exclusively to the island of Sumatra,
Indonesia. This species is rarer than its Bornean equivalent. The Sumatran orangutan lives mainly
amongst the trees of tropical rainforests, and rely heavily on these forests for survival.
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Comparing Apes And Orangutans
Gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans are all types of apes. Apes are fascinating because of the way
they act, look, and live. However, some think the most interesting thing about apes is how similar
they are to people.
Apes and humans are remarkably alike. In fact, apes are humansÕ closest living relatives. Humans
share about 98 percent of their genetic material with chimps. Humans and apes also share some of
the same blood types. Humans can have types A, B, and O. Gorillas have type B and chimps have
types A or O.
Apes and humans are built similarly, too. The bones in their chests and shoulders are very close to a
humanÕs. They also have human–shaped hands, fingers, and brains. In fact, one part of the ape
brainÑcalled the cortexÑis a lot like a humanÕs. Scientists think this is why apes have good
reasoning skills. It is also why they can use objects like sticks as tools or weapons. ... Show more
content on ...
For example, it takes both apes and humans about 8Ð9 months to give birth to a baby. Like humans,
apes tend to have just one baby at a time. Once their babies are born, apes are caring parents. Their
babies stay with them for a long time. For example, baby orangutans stay with their mother until
they are about 6 or 7 years
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How Can The Orangutan Survive
Can the Orangutan Survive? A highly endangered species, the orangutan is the oldest known
primate1, dating back 60 million years. The word "orangutan" in the Malayasian language means
"man of the forest." The wild orangutan once roamed throughout Southeast Asia. Today, however,
this beautiful animal is only found in small parts of Malaysia and Indonesia (on the island of
Borneo), and in northern Sumatra. Orangutan Characteristics
Physical – The adult male of the species, at about 210 pounds, weighs almost twice as much as the
adult female and may reach a height of about 4.5 feet while the female measures between 3 – 3.5
feet. Their bodies are covered with a coarse, long, reddish–brown hair. They not only have senses
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The Impact Of Palm Oil Plantations And Carbon Emissions
Accounting for 11% of Indonesia's export earnings, palm oil is the most valuable agricultural export.
Creating many environmental problems, including globally, cultivating large quantities of palm
involves clearing substantial areas of virgin tropical rain forest. Additionally, local communities,
indigenous people, and small landowners are driven from their own land. Leading to more than 700
land conflicts, human rights violations are increasingly breached, even on 'sustainable' plantations.
Palm oil companies are regulated by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), however,
corruption and illegal practice are widely identified. What is Palm Oil? What Are the Effects of
Palm Oil Plantations? Peat and Carbon Emissions Establishing a palm oil plantation often involves
planting on peatland; encompassing carbon–rich, partly decomposed organic matter. In order for
agriculture to be successful, peatlands must be drained or burned, to dry the land. Consequences of
burning or draining, means large amounts of carbon are released into the atmosphere. Analysing
carbon emissions, the World Resources Institute (WRI), state that draining a single hectare is
equivalent to burning more than 6,000 gallons of gasoline. Subsequently, Indonesia, in 2015
exceeded the average daily emissions by the U.S. economy. Bulldozing Rainforests Due to peatland
being difficult and expensive to make into fertile soil, palm oil companies prefer to clear rain
forests. Not needing to use chemical
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Orangutans Research Paper
In the last twenty years orangutans have lost about eighty percent of their homes, and one third of
the orangutans have died during the forest fires according to the Orangutan Conservancy. Everyday
the homes of orangutans are chopped down and destroyed leaving the orangutan homeless. The
orangutan makes its home in palms trees mainly in Indonesia and Malaysia. In an effort to harvest
palm oil, which is used mainly in toiletries and baked goods, we are causing damage to the
orangutan's natural habitat. The process by which we gather palm oil destroys the environment,
hurts the orangutans health, and ultimately puts the orangutan into extinction. When will we stop
these horrible actions and protect the orangutans in the twenty first century? ... Show more content
on ...
It can be produced in a responsible manner that respects the environment and the communities
where it is grown. Governments have made it illegal to clear new forests. There are new planting
methods on older plantations that can double the amount of palm oil produced.In addition,
governments are using degraded lands found suitable to grow palm trees. These areas are the size of
Ohio! Seven African countries have shown their commitment by pledging to shift to sustainable
palm oil production which will protect 70 percent of Africa's tropical forests. Using environmentally
friendly production we can continue to see increased demand and use of palm
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Orangutans Research Paper
The orangutans are the two exclusively Asian species of extant great apes. Native to Indonesia and
Malaysia, orangutans are currently found in only the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra. Classified
in the genus Pongo, orangutans were considered to be one species. However, since 1996, they have
been divided into two species: the Bornean orangutan and the Sumatran orangutan . In addition, the
Bornean species is divided into three subspecies. Based on genome sequencing, the two extant
orangutan species evidently diverged around 400,000 years ago. The orangutans are also the only
surviving species of the subfamily Ponginae, which also included several other species, such as the
three extinct species of the genus Gigantopithecus, including the largest ... Show more content on ...
They even sleep aloft in nests of leafy branches. They use large leaves as umbrellas and shelters to
protect themselves from the common rains.
These cerebral primates forage for food during daylight hours. Most of their diet consists of fruit
and leaves gathered from rain forest trees. They also eat bark, insects and, on rare occasions,
meat.Orangutans are more solitary than other apes. Males are loners. As they move through the
forest they make plenty of rumbling, howling calls to ensure that they stay out of each other's way.
The "long call" can be heard 1.2 miles (2 kilometers) away.
Mothers and their young, however, share a strong bond. Infants will stay with their mothers for
some six or seven years until they develop the skills to survive on their own. Female orangutans
give birth only once every eight years the longest time period of any animal. The animals are long–
lived and have survived as long as 60 years in captivity.
Because orangutans live in only a few places, and because they are so dependent upon trees, they
are particularly susceptible to logging in these areas. Unfortunately, deforestation and other human
activities, such as hunting, have placed the orangutan in danger of
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Essay Nature
"What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, men would die from great loneliness of
spirit, for whatever happens to the beasts, also happens to man. All things are connected. Whatever
befalls the earth befalls the children of the earth."
– Chief Seattle
The love I have for orangutans comes from an early age. Like most little sisters, my older brother
ruthlessly teased me. When I was a baby he would make me mimic funny faces and stick my hair up
on end. He said I looked like an orangutan. His teasing continued, but instead of getting mad, I
became interested. I began taking a look at these creatures and soon discovered that being compared
to one wasn't completely wrong. Actually, ... Show more content on ...
Unfortunately, this is no longer the case, and natives are stripping away these creatures' habitats for
commercial business. If things don't change, it is believed that orangutans will be extinct in the wild
in as few as ten years. This is something that can only be changed with human intervention.
Two major causes of orangutan endangerment are the illegal selling of baby orangutans and the
unlawful logging of the rainforest in which they live. The bond between a mother orangutan and her
baby is the longest childhood dependence of any animal in the world. Orangutans will only have one
child about every eight years. Baby orangutans nurse until they are about six years old and then they
still stay close to their mothers for a few more years. Female orangutans will sometimes stay with
their mother until their adolescents, in order to learn how to take care of their own babies by
watching their mothers take care of a younger sibling.
The already low natural population increase makes any killing a major threat to the survival of the
species. Because babies stay with their mother for so many years, the only way to capture one is to
kill the mother. Although highly illegal, baby orangutans are being sold as family pets as a high
commodity on the black market. When the babies
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Behavioral Comparisons Between Modern Humans and Primates
Scientists have been studying primates for many year. Primatology helps anthropologists make
inferences about the early social organization of hominids. (Kottak, 96) The three primates I
recently observed at the Lowry Park Zoo are the Collared Lemurs, Mandrills, and the Bornean
Orangutans. Each primate are categorized differently. The Collared Lemur (Eulemur collaris) is part
of the prosimians. They are inhabited in one small protected area in Madagascar. The Mandrill
(Mandrillus sphinx) belongs to the Old World monkeys whom are native in Malaysia. Lastly the
Bornean Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) is categorized with apes and they are native to the island of
Borneo. Based on my observations, you can definitely recognize the difference between ... Show
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They track each other by sounds as well as by scents. It is easier for them to identify family
members by the scent they release. The Mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) were the second primates that
I examined. These primates were a lot more active than the Collared Lemurs. You can definitely
determine if the Mandrill is female or male. The male's face has a bright blue muzzle and a bright
red nose, you can also find these colors on it's butt. In my opinion, the males look more fierce than
the females (Kottak, 104). At one point during my observation, I saw a male mandrill aggressively
charge towards a female and as he was charging at her, he gave a low growl and you could visibly
see his canine teeth. As the male became more angry, the colors on his face brightened. On the other
hand, the female mandrills have duller colors. I noticed that mandrills spend most of their time on
the ground, so we can determine that these primates are terrestrial. They spend most of their time on
the ground foraging. The size of the mandrills vary depending on gender. The females tend to be
smaller and the males are usually twice the females size (Kottak, 104). Mandrills have a relatively
short tail, which does not have much use to them. Based on my observations, I would have to say
that the length of the arms are a bit more extended than the length of the legs. Therefore, they travel
by walking on all fours. When they walk, it's arms and legs
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My Mother's Three-Month-Old Orangutan
On the Malaysian island of Sumatra, a veterinary paramedic enters a rescue center with a small
bundle in his arms. Swaddled in bloodstained cloth is a three–month–old orangutan, whose left arm
ends not at the tips of her fingers, but at a mangled stub that was once recognizable as her wrist. The
infant was maimed on an oil palm plantation, where she and her mother were attacked by cultivators
whose crops are threatened by scavenging animals. The young orangutan´s natural reaction to
danger was to cling tightly to her mother´s back, even after her mother was mortally wounded. In
order to pry her off, the humans amputated her left hand. Her hardships earn her the name Kesi at
the rescue center, a Swahili name meaning ¨child born in difficult
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Orangutan Research Paper
In Asia, the largest tree–dwelling mammal and only great ape continues to die out. What is it? The
orangutan. Humans destroy entire populations of orangutan, advertently and inadvertently, so people
need to stop and save this amazing primate before it becomes too late. The orangutan's appearance
makes it extremely unique among animals. First off, these apes are especially large in size, as the
male usually weighs 130 to 220 pounds and the female 85 to 120 pounds. Clearly, since the
orangutan weighs so much, it must also be large in dimensions. A large male can grow to a height of
4.5 feet! This creature seems even more impressive in length, as a female can be 4 feet long and a
male 6 feet. While the orangutan is a hefty animal, its features are the characteristics that really set it
apart. Uniquely, this ape grows reddish fur that becomes darker with age and slate–gray flesh with
patches of pebbly skin on its chest. If the orangutan's looks seem impressive, then one must ready
themselves for the surprising intelligence of this primate. The orangutan shares 96.4% of our genes,
and proves smart enough to craft tools out of sticks, such as probes, sponges, and umbrellas. ...
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They have long arms for tree travel and long curved fingers for hanging from trees. The male
develops large cheek pads called flanges for intimidation and large laryngeal sacks for howling. To
support their unique bodies, the orangutan has a very specialized diet. They eat plants such as
flowers, berries, seeds, shoots, and fruit. The fruits this ape eats include lychees, mangosteens, and
figs. In addition to being a herbivore, the orangutan can be an opportunistic feeder and may eat bird
eggs it finds. To get water, the orangutan slurps from holes in trees. When retrieving this food, the
orangutan uses its hands and
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Why Orangutans Are Called Red Apes
Orangutan Orangutans are a kind of ape. They are a big and red–colored ape. Orangutans are called
"Red Apes" because of the color of their furs. Orangutans are closely related to humans. Orangutans
have 32 teeth just like humans. An orangutan is common, 3.5 to 4.5 feet tall. Orangutans usually eat
fruits, but sometimes they also eat insects. Orangutans are only active during day–time. Orangutans
have strong arms and it helps them to move from branches quickly. The arms of the orangutans are
very long. The distance of its left hand to its right hand is 7–8 feet. To avoid predators the
orangutans live and stay on trees so the predators won't reach them. The orangutans are very smart
because their brain is almost the same as humans. Orangutans
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Bornean Orangutan
Scientists have recently discovered a new species of the orangutan in northern Sumatra in Indonesia,
but these new orangutan species are already considered endangered.
Currently, there are two recognized orangutan species: the Bornean (Pongo pygmaeus) and
Sumatran (Pongo abelii) orangutans. The third one, a new species called the Tapanuli (Pongo
tapanuliensis) orangutan, are said to have less than 800 individuals remaining in an area near Lake
Toba in northern Sumatra.
Dr. Marina Davila–Ross from the University of Portsmouth in England said she was "surprised
about the extent to which the Tapanuli orangutans differed genetically, morphologically, as well as
behaviorally from the Sumatran and Bornean orangutans."
Using the remains of an adult
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Primate Behavior a Study of Orangutans and Mandrills Essay
During my research of Orangutans and Mandrills I observed them in captivity at the San Diego Zoo.
My observations included a 20 minute observation of each primate as it cohabitated with other
Primates and with other members of its own species. My findings will support the research of
Orangutans and Mandrills through firsthand observations. My observation of the orangutan habitat
was on a sunny and hot day with the average temperature being between 65–70F. The Enclosure for
the orangutans was a grassy and dirt area that was approximately 35ft+ in width and about 75ft+ in
length with a long glass barrier for observation. The habitat featured three 15ft tall fake trees which
were fashioned after a tree but bare of leaves. The trees were ... Show more content on ...
The other adult female that would be my focal point did emerge but remained less social and more
timid than the other orangutans but was also younger. The orangutans as supported by San Diego
Zoo Orangutan website would use all four limbs to move about the trees and would occasionally
walk on the ground bipedally and using its long arms for support. One of the more curious
observations was the interaction between the non–human primates and the humans which seemed to
stem of curiosity on both sides. For instance at one point before the focal observation an adult
human female with her infant were tapping on the glass of the enclosure and the adult human female
began to pull things from her purse and show it to the orangutan who was leaning on the glass
barrier; among many of the items was a bag of chocolate candies which the orangutan did not
particularly respond to. The eldest adult female orangutan however seemed to respond very
curiously and attentively to any infant or child that approached the enclosure. The focal orangutan
that I observed for a period of twenty minutes appeared to not be very active and choosing to remain
behind the trunk of one of the fake trees. During the observation at no point did I witness it forage
for food or look for any food but this would be mostly
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Project Orangutan Dolphins
Unconsciously us humans take a breath 12–20 times a minute, we go about our days not necessarily
thinking about when we will take our next breathe. Dolphins on the other hand make the choice to
take each and every breath, and when they become too stressed or overwhelmed, they will choose
not to take that next breathe. Ongoing stress and the loss of space to swim in dolphinariums is
demeaning to the incredible creatures and leads to many taking their lives or becoming something
they were never designed to be. Dolphins which are placed in dolphinariums and forced to perform
or swim with humans for excitement are enslaved and not living the life intended. Living quarters
for these animals is unimaginable small and places a great burden on their ... Show more content on ...
From the capturing process, to the living and training spaces, to the continuously forced
performances they are required to do daily, these animals face an uncounted for amount of stress.
The capturing process allows men to heard groups of dolphins together and trap them into small
coves with nets and boats, then hand picking the wanted ones and dragging them away to never see
open waters again. Project Orangutan talks about the capturing and the stress it inflicts on these
animals, ".. during the capturing process itself as they get entangled in nets and suffocate, others
may die from stress." Not only do these animals recognize the loss of movement but the death of
their friends around them. If the stress of being taken away from their home wasn't enough, they are
then forced to live in concrete cells with no sound reflection. To us that seems fine but when your
strongest sense is hearing and string enough to detect the difference between a ping pong ball and
golf ball, the constant screaming and splashing of water around you begins to take a toll. Dolphins
use a type of sound detection called echolocation, which can be damaged through time by the living
conditions of dolphinariums. talks about the lessening of sounds and
vocalization of these animals in captivity, "This reduction in vocalizations is due in part to the effect
of the echo caused by the walls of the pools where dolphins are defined." The high noise frequency
surround them for hours a day accompanied by the loss of socialization through their echolocation
causes then even more stress and sadness. This alone can lead to one of these animals dying
involuntarily, or even at their doing. Those who may think dolphins are only animals who will later
forget about the process of being captured or that don't recognize the sounds
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Mandrill Morphology
Mandrills, or also known by their scientific name Mandrillus sphinx, live in the rain forests of
equatorial Africa, (San Diego Balboa Zoo, Mandrill exhibit/plaques, 2018). The Mandrill
Morphology: The mandrill has a distinct dental formula of 2:1:2:3, located on the maxilla and
mandible, which categorizes this primate to be in the catarrhine parvorder. All Old World monkeys,
apes, and humans share this very same dental formula. They are well known for their
enormous canine teeth, which can be over 2 inches, roughly 5 centimeters long. Each tooth is vital
for the madrills survival, "the pointed canines are used to pierce and tear at fruits or nuts meanwhile
the premolars (or bicuspids) and molars, with their multiple cusps, are used to grind and smash
food" (The Primates: Monkeys, 2013). There are very distinct differences between the male and
female Mandrills, especially in this exhibit. "An adult male mandrill that has the brightest and most
distinctive colors on his face seems to be most attractive to females...They have thick ridges along
the nose that are purple and blue, red lips and nose, and a golden beard....[while the] adult females
have duller colors and longer muzzles. They are ... Show more content on ...
"Bonobos are more comfortable walking upright than chimpanzees are. They also keep their white
rump patch for life, while the patch darkens with age on chimpanzees, (San Diego Zoo, 2018). They
can move quadrupedally by knuckle–walking just like gorillas but on the ground but a bonobo can
walk bipedally just as humans can. "Bonobos and chimpanzees look very similar and both share
98.7% of their DNA with humans–making the two species our closest living relatives. Bonobos are
usually a bit smaller, leaner and darker than [the common] chimpanzees," (World Wildlife Fund,
2018). An easy way to distinguish one is by their hairless black faces, red lips, and parted long hair,
all features that are almost human
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How Does Orangutans Affect Human Behavior
Orangutans are the world's largest arboreal mammal. The adults can get very big in size; some of
them can get up to between 120 pounds all the way to a close 200. They also can stand up very tall
and get up to between four to five feet, which is literally my grandma's height. Orangutan's hair
colors are slightly different than one another. Some have dark orange, brown orange and sometimes
even pale orange. Those are some of the rare colors you will see in orangutans; the most common
hair color for an orangutan is reddish orange. Their physical appearance is almost looking at a
human being who is very hairy. They have almost everything we have and look just like them for
example. Orangutans have hands and feet just like us with opposable thumbs so ... Show more
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I kid you not my sister and mom gave us the "that's gross" face while my dad, brother and I just
started laughing and actually thought to ourselves, that we do the same thing with our fingers and
Q–tips. I enjoyed watching them move around and eat and think how much alike we really are, and I
always wonder if they think the same thing. From what I can remember I honestly think the local
ecology behavior doesn't really affect anything. To me I think it's normal, I mean they have been
living like this for thousands of years and have adapted to it. I do think that humans and orangutans
can relate to the ecology behavior. For example our human ecology is basically a short term of
having an interrelationship between humans and our social, economic and political organizations.
The development of tool use amongst the apes is truly an amazing thing seeing as for us that is
probably how we once started out as. Slowly making and building new tools for our survival and
comfort needs is really a remarkable thing. Orangutans are beautiful creatures and we must learn as
much as we can by them and other apes as well because they teach us so much about humans and
where we all fall from the tree of
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Similarities Between Orangutans And The Great Apes
Within the world of primates, the family Hominidae includes the primates known as the great apes.
These primates, are then broken down into two subfamilies. One subfamily contains the primates
chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and humans, while the other subfamily, Ponginae, only contains the
species Pongo, commonly known as the orangutan. Orangutans, although closely related to the other
great apes, represent a lot of extremes in biological parameters (Campbell, C. J., 2011). One of the
most drastic extremes is that orangutans are the largest primary arboreal mammal in the world. This
is a result of special evolutionary adaptations that allow these primates to mechanically function in
an arboreal lifestyle. Unlike the other great apes, ... Show more content on ...
This book included a large section of information on orangutans with observations about basic traits
as well as mechanical and social behaviors. It is interesting to note that the section also notes the
various methods these orangutans were being hunted, killed or used by its enemies. It concludes
describing an old misconception of how an orangutan's "great strength and ferocity render them
dangerous." We now know that these animals are actually very rarely aggressive, but rather solitary
social creatures. The common theme of primates being dangerous and monsters can be across
various historical writings. Orangutans, endemic now only in the southeast rainforests of Asia, were
once found throughout Asia (Campbell, C. J., 2011). Since 2001, there have only been two species
of orangutan identified, the Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abeli) and the Bornean Orangutan (Pongo
pygmaeus) (Nater, A., et al. 2017). However, recent research, to be published later this month, has
identified a new third species of orangutan, Pongo tapanuliensis. This species of orangutans, found
south of Lake Toba, was once grouped with the Sumatran Orangutans, however, recent genetic
testing has identified them as a completely different species from those orangutans found north of
Lake Toba. Orangutans all face major issues in terms of numbers with all species marked as either
endangered or critically endangered due to hunting pressure and habitat destruction. The palm oil
industry has greatly
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Seasonal And Anthropogenic Changes In Edonesia Case Study
Wendy Erb has been completing her research since 2005. Her research project had the aim of
looking at flexible responses to seasonal and anthropomorphic changes in primates. She focuses on
the environment of the Southeast Asian rainforests. This is due to the presence of dramatic supra–
annual masting cycles with peaks in fruit 2–5 times the normal abundance. The forest experiences
severe El niño effects meaning irregular global climates. The impact is also due to the severe
drought resulting in widespread forest fires and haze. In Indonesia rainfall decreases up to 60%
compared to normal recordings. Wendy's key research questions were 'How ecology and physiology
shape behaviour' and 'How these relationships are affected by seasonal and ... Show more content on ...
The research objective was to analyze how seasonal they are with predictions of low birth
seasonality. Simakobu's are medium sized colobines with a 6.6 month estimated gestation time. The
typical living groups are one male, three females, two juveniles and one to two infants. Data was
collected from 2006 to 2008, 373 census days with 11 births and 1787 feeding points. Infant groups
were measured for size, motor skills and colour against a three–point scale.
Siberut ecology displays no distinct annual variation, the climate is warm and wet with an absence
of dry season. Fruit is available nine months out of the whole year. Simokubu feeding is
characterized by strong annual variation with fruit intake peaking in June and September. Simokobu
reproduction exhibits moderate annual variation and a moderate peak in October. The conceptions
coincided with peaks in unripe fruit as there is high costs in lactation due to costs of the physical
environment. The seasonal effects are because of the environmental seasonality due to the
preference of fruit. Giving birth occurs approximately six months after fruit availability peaks. This
happens due to conceiving occurring at good condition which supports the idea of Simakobu's being
capital breeders.
The Pongo pygmaeus Orangutans were studied in Bornea at the Tuanan research
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Orangutan Primate Observation
Analyzing the Behavior of Orangutan– L.A. Zoo Orangutan was the primate I decided to select for
this primate observation. The monkey was enclosed in a large cage with two other monkeys (same
species). It seem to be comfortable and unbothered of its surroundings. The monkey was just sitting
observing everything around them, for example us the visitors. These primates are known to be
unique thinkers. They are very quiet than other primates, patient, and problem solvers. The staff
from the Los Angeles Zoo, provides a variety of enrichment through diet, I noticed a staff giving the
monkeys vegetables: carrots, lettuce, and other that I didn't quite notice. Being able to observe the
lives of the Orangutans enclosed in the zoo, are very different ... Show more content on ...
Their lives are declining due to lodging, farming, etc. Their population has declined more than 50
percent during the last decade. Orangutans have great physical characteristics, they are the largest
tree–dwelling mammal, their also known to have similar characteristics of us, humans and they're
highly intelligent in general. These primates also have great color vision, have opposable thumbs,
big toes, and grasping hands. What caught my attention a lot is their hair color, it's a brownish
reddish color making it look a bit orange, and that is when I stood focus on this certain primate.
Also, what caught my attention was how I was looking at one of them sitting down minding her own
business and then other one come and sits right beside her and begins bugging her, for example
touching her, pushing her a bit in the shoulder. Kind of when you tell someone that is feeling down,
hey cheer up and push them a bit in their shoulder. The monkey would not do anything back,
basically letting herself which I though was pretty cool because if someone were to be bugging me
like that I would probably get a bit ticked off or react and say something. A reaction completely
different then this Orangutan, I would say she's really humbled, but that is just my perspective at
that moment I would not actually know, unless I were staff. Although at the moment I seen another
monkeys go and sit next to her does not mean they are always together.
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3 Orangutan Observation
I primarily observed three orangutans, one male, one female, and one juvenile, of Sumatran and
Bornean descent, scientifically known as Pongo abelli and Pongo pygmaeus, respectively, and to a
lesser extent, two gibbons known as siamangs, or Symphalangus syndactylus. These primates share
the same enclosure in the San Diego Zoo in California. I observed the orangutans from 12:58 P.M.
to 2:00 P.M. CST on September 19th. During this time frame, the three orangutans mainly stayed
high up in their man–made structures, consisting of multiple metal bars covered with nets, ropes,
and hammocks. The female and juvenile orangutans stayed above ground from 12:58 P.M. to 1:31
P.M., and again from 1:48 P.M. until 2:00 P.M, approximately 45 minutes. During
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Life of Pi Essay
The Aura of Orange
Human, animal, plants, and all the Earth's content is survivor. They are fighting for their rights in
order to live in this beautiful world. The novel Life of Pi written by Yann Martel, has employed a lot
of symbols that is related to the life. One of the most significant symbols is the color orange. The
author uses orange as a symbol of maintenance of the spirit to survive in survival. This can be
proved as most of the objects that are in the color orange in the novel generate feelings of hope, can
develop courage in survivors, and last but not least can keep them continuously energetic; in order to
strengthen their hearts and spirits to face all the possibilities in life.
With the presence hope, the ... Show more content on ...
Although Orange Juice is just a weak animal that never haunt any animal and just love to eat fruits,
however, her courage overpowers her ability. As Pi monologue, "an adult female orang utan cannot
defeat an adult male spotted hyena... What does fruit eater know about killing? Where would it learn
where to bite, how hard, for how long?" (Martel 130). This is something amazeing as the orang utan
is very brave to face the hyena. One of the reasons why Pi called the female orang utan as Orange
Juice is because the orange animals do represent the courage in an animal. On top of that, Richard
Parker the Bengal tiger also represent courage in an orange animal as he is being scared by the
hyena. "The flame–colored carnivore emerged from beneath the tarpaulin and made for the hyena.
The hyena was leaning against the stern bench, behind the zebra's carcass, transfixed. It did not pull
a fight. Instead it shrank to the floor, lifting a forepaw in a futile gesture of defense," shows that the
hyena was afraid of the orange Bengal tiger that look fierce on him (Martel 150). This is how the
Bengal tiger stay to survive in the lifeboat on the spooky ocean. Therefore, it is true that orange is
the color of courage; and this can spread up the spirit of survival to promote the important of life.
In order to maintain the spirit of survival, energy is very important both physically and emotionally,
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Howler Monkey Research Paper
Did you know that there are currently 264 monkey species? Monkeys are the closest animals to
man. There are a lot of facts about monkeys people don't know. Monkeys can be divided into two
groups: old world monkeys that live in Africa and Asia and new world monkeys that live in South
America. A Baboon is classified as an old world monkey. A Howler Monkey is classified as a new
world monkey. Most monkeys don't swing with their tails because not all monkeys have tails. Apes
don't have tails. Monkeys are omnivores. This means that most plants, nuts, seeds, and flowers are
all eaten. Howler monkeys can be heard from up to 3 miles away. They live in the savannas and
forests in South America. They eat birds, fruits, maggots, tree bark, and
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Raya And Orangutan
Raya, a male orangutan, died in 2013, under the watchful eye of veterinarians, following a cruel
showdown with neighborhood villagers on an Indonesian island named Sumatra. Until then,
scientists believed there were only two types of orangutan, one that dwells on Sumatra, and one on
Borneo Island. They realized that their populations, as with the other primates on Earth –
chimpanzees, gorillas, and bonobos – are waning. An estimated 60,000 orangutans in total are left.
Raya, however, was apart of a gathering of 800 people, in the Batang Toru woods of Sumatra. Also,
scientists speculated that gathering may be somewhat different from the other orangutans on the
remainder of the island. The organgutans associated with Raya tend to have thicker
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Palm Oil Case Study
When talking about the external stakeholders of the company, it is important to highlight a case
where P&G's unethical practices seem to be more prevalent and well known. That is the palm oil
case of Sumatra, Indonesia. Palm oil is a substance found in beauty and household care products of
P&G's. P&G bought the majority of their palm oil from a company called BW Plantation which
operates in Kalimatan, Indonesia and other parts of Southeast Asia. However, BW Plantation is
regarded among the top companies in the world notorious for their unethical exercises of
deforestation in the business world. Between 2010 and 2014, BW Plantation converted over 7,000
hectares of land to palm oil plantation and destroyed over 6,000 hectares of forests. Their unethical
practice of deforestation in the Sumatra Jungle have also caused endangered species such as the
Sumatran Orangutan, Rhino and Tiger be on the verge of extinction. In 2014, an environmental
friendly organization, GreenPeace, reported that, "The palm oil sector is currently the greatest single
driver of deforestation in Indonesia, accounting for about a quarter of all forest loss." The report also
stated that as few as 400 Sumatran Tigers and 7,500 Sumatran Orangutans are thought to remain in
the jungle.
P&G not only has unethical relations with their internal stakeholders, but also with their external
relationships. When looking at P&G's relationship with their customers, suppliers and partners,
community, and the
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The Evolution Of The Orangutans
The Orangutans which are also known as Pongo abelii, are the second largest apes after the gorillas.
The male Orangutans can grow up to five feet and weigh around ninety one kilograms while the
female Orangutans can reach an average height of three feet while weighing around forty five
kilograms (Shank, C., 2012). The Orangutans are well known for their ability to swing from tree to
tree easily with their long arms while their legs act as a second pair of arms when needed.
Orangutans in general live up to the age of forty. The female Orangutans are able to produce one
infant at a time with a gestation period of nine months. Female Orangutans are able to produce mere
three off springs during their short child bearing years, thus, making their population growth
vulnerable. The Orangutans play an important role in the ecosystem. They consume fruits and
scatter the seeds through their digestive system all around the forests. This process of scattering
seeds around the forests ensures the growth of fruit bearing trees and plants.
The Sumatran Orangutan population has depleted drastically in the last twenty to thirty years due to
their habitat loss through the clearing of forests to pave way for oil palm plantations and other
agricultural developments (Gursky–Doyen, S., & Supriatna, J., 2010). With palm oil being
extremely versatile, its demand has resulted in having 48 million tonnes of palm oil being produced
each year for the world export market (Oil World Trade Journal, 2008),
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The Orangutans: The Sustainable Palm Oil Industry
The orangutan, one of the world's great apes, resides on the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and
Borneo. The forests of these islands are being destroyed in order to create palm oil plantations. Palm
oil is in high demand due to its uses as a biofuel and as a vegetable oil. The palm oil industry is a
major threat to the survival of the critically endangered orangutans, due to loss of habitat. This leads
to illegal poaching since the orangutans are viewed as pests, leaving many young infants orphaned
and alone. There are rescue groups that rehabilitate these great apes, but more must be done in order
to prevent the extinction of this rapidly declining species. Sustainable palm oil options need to be
researched and utilized and there should ... Show more content on ...
Orangutans have long lifespans (30–40 years) with long interbirth intervals and low reproductive
rates. In fact, females have eight year intervals between births and will only give birth to one or two
offspring in her lifetime. The reason why this poses a problem is that when an enormous amount of
orangutans are killed, it's tough to recover because they are not producing large numbers of children
nor do they have short interbirth intervals. Consequently, there will be extremely high death rates
and very few births (UNEP, 2007). Their population numbers will continue to fall because they
won't be able to compensate for the great loss. A study completed by Michael Bruford and Benoit
Goossens at Cardiff University showed that in 1900, there were approximately 315,000 orangutans
in Indonesia. Currently, there are about 60,000 orangutans living in the forests of Indonesia, which
is a massive population decline (Kaye, 2016).When orangutans are driven out of their habitat due to
deforestation and illegal logging it forces them to roam a great distance in search of food.
Orangutans are solitary creatures, spending the majority of their time in the trees. Their diet relies
mainly on fruit, with a preference for fruit with soft pulp. They also eat buds, flowers, leaves, soil
tree bark, and some insects. Due to their largely frugivorous diet, they have to monitor the seasonal
availability of resources. When fruit is abundant, they will increase their food intake and store the
food as fat for energy. This enables them to eat low quality food items in habitats where fruit may be
scarce (Delgado & Van Schaik, 2000). The dipterocarp forests of Borneo and Sumatra have trees
that fruit simultaneously, so there is an abundance of fruit once every 2 to 5 years which are known
as the "mast years". During the other years there is not as much fruit, so orangutans have to maintain
large home ranges in
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Odd Relationship: Orangutan And A Dog
Have you ever seen an odd relationship/friendship in animals? If you do not know what I am talking
about when I say Odd Relationships it means that it is like an odd pair of friends. One example of a
strange relationship/relationship is an orangutan and a dog, how odd is that? The class which has
read a passage about a strange relationship/friendship and in the passage, it had an orangutan and a
dog, and it was saying how the orangutan would not communicate with anyone and the very first
time the orangutan saw the dog the orangutan ran up to the dog and gave it a big hug around the
neck. Every since then they had been nest friends. Well yea it is so sweet but we are going to be
talking about a dog that just had puppies that might be willing ... Show more content on ...
Cats and dogs do have their differences. Cats do not for any reason like water and dogs love water.
Cats i would say are very shy and dogs are not because most dogs run up to people and make them
pet them, but on the other hand cats will not they will run away and eventually they will come up to
you but shyly. There is something that grabs my attention, have you ever noticed, because I have,
that when cats want your attention they will come close to you. Basically saying pet him/her. When
a dog wants attention he/she will come up to you and rest his/her head in your lap or on you. Cats
and dogs do have differences. Although they may seem to be friends, they may can be mean. Dogs
and cats do have their differences in some ways. I named all of cats and dogs similarities and
differences. They will get along most times, but sometimes they can be hateful. In other hands if
they grow up with each other they would all get along just fine with each other. In my opinion dogs
should be free to run around and have fun running around they need energy just like humans do. Do
not lock your dog in a room where they can be free and run around to get some energy. If dogs do
not get enough energy they will get weak and
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Orangutan Research Paper
There are many examples of iconic animals that we take for granted when it comes to thoughts of
sharing our earth with them in the far future, but it is becoming more evident throughout the passing
of time that this will no longer be true with current conditions. When it comes to animals becoming
extinct not many people think that many recognized animals, besides the most talked about ones like
Polar bears and Giant pandas, are at risk. One of these incredibly recognized endangered animals is
the Orangutan. One of the most distinguished of the great apes, both of the subspecies of Orangutan
are endangered; The Bornean and the Sumatran, with the Sumatran being declared as a critical
The Orangutan, scientific name being Pongo pygmaeus, genus pongo, is one of the Great Apes. It
comes from the phylum Chordata. They are classified as Mammalia, in the Animalia kingdom. They
belong to the Hominidae family, of the Primate order . During my search I could not find a concise
source that stated the closest living relative to the Orangutan, though many stated that it was
Humans due to the 97% similarity between our DNA . ... Show more content on ...
The Bornean Orangutan lives on the island of Borneo, a part of Malaysia and an Indonesian
province. The Sumatran Orangutan lives on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. They can be found
in the heavily canopied rain forests, low elevation forests, and sometimes in grasslands . Due to their
surroundings, the diet of the Orangutan consists of over 500 plant species, with fruits being the
primary staple food but they also eat leaves, bark, insects and flowers. The results of this diet mean
that they are one of the main distributors of seeds throughout the forest, creating the cycle of growth
to maintain their food source. In their environments orangutans are not known to form large
communities, but small groups with specific
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Primate Paper : Primate Life On Earth
Carlos Lopez
Biological Anthropology
March 18, 2016
Primate Paper Primate life on earth began about 50–55 million years ago during the Eocene Epoch,
although it is unknown how many different living species of primates there on earth. One likely fact
is that the major groups of primates have been discovered, two of who are the Pongo Orangutan and
the Pan Paniscus Bonobo. The word Orangutan translated from Malay means "Person of the forest"
this is so because there are only two places you can find an Orangutan's: Malaysia and Indonesia.
The orangutan is an official state animal of Sabah in Malaysia. There are two different types of
Orangutan's; the Bornean Orangutan, which found on the island of Borneo and the Sumatran
Orangutan, which is found on the Sumatra Island. Orangutans are known as the world's largest tree
climbing mammals, unlike other primates they spend the majority of their lives on trees. Orangutan
habitat consists of primary tropical rain forest and old secondary forest at low elevations.
Orangutans prefer high–density climate due to their diet, which consists 65% of fruit. Bonobos have
been considered humankind's closest relative and share 98% of our DNA. Bonobos can only be
found in one country: the Democratic Republic of the Congo also known as DRC. Bonobos inhabit
the second largest rainforest on earth, the Congo Basin. Bonobos prefer swampy rainforests and
similar to the Orangutans, Bonobos are arboreal which are adapted to living on
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Characteristics Of Orangutans And Chimpanzees
[Nonhuman] Primates are some of the most interesting animals to observe whether in captivity, in
their natural habitat or in documentaries/ films. One good reason is their similarities they share with
humans like, walking on two legs, use of tools, and social life amongst others. After observing two
different species through a live camera located at the San Diego and Houston Zoo, I gained a little
insight into a human behavior and their heritages. I will be discussing the behavior and interaction
observed of orangutans and chimpanzees and how these species share some similarities with
humans, but first I will like to start by defining primate, listing the characteristics, then I will share
some facts about the two–species observed. One can define primates as a group of mammals like
monkeys, apes, bushbabies, lorises, lemurs and humans. Primates possesses certain set of traits that
set them apart from the rest of the species, these traits include the following (Stanford, Allen and
Anton 2013): a. Grasping hands b. Flattened Nails c. Forward– facing eyes with stereoscopic vision
d. Generalized teeth The main observations made for this paper were with orangutans and
chimpanzees which are classified as apes. There are four kinds of apes; gorillas, chimpanzees,
bonobos and orangutans. Of all four species, orangutans are the only apes that comes from Asia, all
other apes come from Africa. Orangutans live in the rain forest of the tropical islands of Sumatra
and Borneo, both
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What Is The Orangutans
The film was made in 1968, a time when social factors, racism, and discrimination affected the lives
of everyone. In the film, they incorporate the social factors that reflected the 1960's by having the
three great ape species face similar tasks to those of the audience: Chimpanzees are the scientists
and the intellects, Gorillas serve as the police force and the manual labor and are grumpy and
uneducated and orangutans are the chieftains, deep–thinkers, and keepers of the religion. This
relates to the audience of the films during the 1960's because similarly to reality, in the film the
orangutans who make the law are also the ones who create the religion. By the orangutans being the
small elite group that has power, they allowed the chimpanzees
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The Disadvantages Of Zoos: Help Endangereded And...
Zoos are not effective in helping endangered or threatened animals, because regardless of the
circumstances, confinement cannot reproduce wild animals' habitats. In this essay I will look at the
disadvantages of zoos based on economics, education and the effect it has on threatened and
endangered animals.
In order for zoos to retain popularity, they have to generate more income with rising ticket fees, and
spending most of their earnings on expensive elephant rides, safari–treks, costly sky rides over
exhibits and feeding stations. Pacing bears and sleeping lions bore visitors and make for small
crowds, therefore animals are encouraged to dig, play, forage and roll around at astronomical costs.
Baby animals are one of the biggest attractions for zoos, and therefore they squeeze as many
fascinating species as possible into restricted spaces, reducing the actual percentage of endangered
species in their care. For zoos, attracting visitors and making money comes before the interests of
animals. According to Hancock (2017:7), a former zoo director "[l]ess than 3% of a zoo's budget
goes to conservation, while the majority goes toward hi–tech exhibits and marketing efforts to lure
visitors. Zoos exist primarily to put animals ... Show more content on ...
I support the ideas and evidence stated above. However, there are always two sides to a
controversial topic such as this one. The principles that zoos live by contradict my own beliefs, yet
according to Tidiére et al, (2016:2) "[i]t is typically believed that zoo animals live longer than their
free–ranging conspecifics due to the consistent provision of food, water, and shelter from harsh
climates, the absence of predation and management to minimise violent intraspecific encounters and
accidents, as well as veterinary prophylactic and therapeutic intervention", one must accept that
there are some favourable factors
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Tim Sanderson
Anth 111
In Malay orang means "person" and utan is defined as "forest'. Thus
Orangutan literally means "Person of the Forest". Orangutans are found in the tropical forests of
Sumatra and Borneo. They are the most arboreal of the great apes and move amongst the safety of
the trees from one feeding site to the next.
They are so well adapted to arboreal life that they cannot place their feet on the ground, instead they
walk on the outside of their curved foot. There is a scattered population of orangutan in Indonesian
Malaysia Borneo and northern Sumatra. The different habitats have isolated the orangutan
reproductively and geographically from one another creating a "degree of difference" or two ...
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The long call of the Borneo male is long and drawn out where as the Sumatran is much shorter and
has a faster tempo. The difference may be attributed to the larger throat pouch the
Borneo has. The reason for the different calls is unclear. They may be related to the terrain each
subspecies inhabits. The faster call of the Sumatran may be more effective in the rugged,
mountainous terrain. The longer call of the
Borneo may be due to the wide distribution of this race. A large portion of an orangutans day is
spent looking for and consuming food. Their diet primarily consists of fruit but they also eat leaves,
bark, flowers, insects, and birds eggs. One of their preferred foods is the fruit off of the durian tree,
it is supposed to taste like sweet garlic. After they have finished eating and bedtime comes around
the orangutans build themselves a new nest forty to fifty feet up in a tree made of boughs. Like the
other great apes (chimpanzees and gorillas), orangutans are highly intelligent. Tests have indicated
that their intelligence is relatively similar. Wild orangutans use their intelligence to solve problems
usually related to arboreal living and food gathering. In captivity, however, they have been trained to
perform tricks and to use sign language. They have also made tools to throw at humans, get food,
and gain leverage.
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The Key Features Of The Orangutans
Orangutans are hairy primates with long arms and creative minds. Orangutans live in rainforests but
are critically endangered, and we can help by fighting against deforestation. If you were wondering,
do males stay with their family, what do orangutans eat, then you should read this book to find out
the answers. Orangutan Features Orangutans have many features. Features such as long arms and
reddish hair. Another feature of the orangutan is they are usually 4 to 5 feet long. In addition to that
male orangutans have big pads around their faces. A Sumatran orangutan has more of a red color to
them than a Bornean orangutan does. Another feature orangutans have is their arms are seven feet
long ... Show more content on ...
Orangutans eat up to 100 different kinds of fruit, I didn't even know there were 100 different kinds
of fruit. Another thing orangutans eat is meat, but that is only on rare occasions. The main things
orangutans eat are fruit, leaves, and shoots. Some other things orangutans eat are flowers and bark,
but that is only about 10% of their diet. Finally, orangutans eat insects such as ants, termites, pupae,
and crickets, but that is only 5% of their diet. How Orangutans Live and Where They Live
Orangutans are only found in rainforests. In addition to that orangutans spend 90% of their time in
the trees of the tropical rainforest. One rainforest orangutans live in is the Borneo rainforest.
Another rainforest orangutans live in is the Sumatra rainforest. Orangutans are smart enough to use
large leaves as umbrellas and shelter to protect themselves from the common rain. Did you know
orangutans are the only great apes native to Africa. Finally, orangutans are very creative and build
nests out of branches. Interesting Facts About
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Sumatran Orangut Endangered Primate Research
Known for being arboreal and endemic to the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, these primates is
considered to be regenerators of Rainforests and contributes to biodiversity. Enlisted critically
endangered by the National Primate Research Center, Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii) and its
Bornean relative (pongo pygmaeus) are nearing closely to being extinct. Looking closely at the
evidence provided on Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii), and on Willie Smits motivation to help
these creatures, I would attempt to identify 5 extinction prone factors that lead to the small
population of Orangutan and the effectiveness of the interventions done by Mr. Smits.
The most crucial extinction prone factor faced by most Sumatran Orangutan was the destruction ...
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Forest growth became evident at Samboja Lestari, in 2001 when Smits began buying land around
the Dayak village, which was devastated by Palm Oil Plantations. Determined to protect the land
from Government interference, Smits paid villagers generously from money raised through a private
foundation. Smits also "made sure each individual purchased complied with all regulations and that
BOS would be guaranteed ownership 'forever'" (Little, 2009. p. 3). The destructed forest showed
little signs of nourishment, as the soil was infertile. Using his degree in microbiology, Smits began
building an enormous compost of different qualities which included organic waste, sawdust, fruit
remnants from Orangutan cages, manure from cattle and chicken and his special ingredient, "a
microbiological agent made from sugar and cow urine" (Little, 2009. p. 3). With the combination of
humid climate, each batch was ready in three
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Nestle Kitkat

  • 1. Nestle Kitkat Today Neslte is the world leading Food Company. Their headquarter is still in Switzerland where it was founded by Henri Nestle in 1866. At the moment, Neslte has almost 500 factories in 86 countries and they employ around 328.000 people. The factories are operating in: Africa, America, Europe, Asia and Oceana. So it's a real multinational. Last year it was even listed no.1 in the fortune global 500 as the world's most profitable corporation . Nestle has a wide range of product across a number of markets. Like coffee and healthcare nutrition. But also pet food. It's very various. Here you can see some famous brands of Nestle, including Nespresso Nescafe Pellegrino and so on. And of course KitKat! ... Show more content on ... These commercials were very popular and typical KitKat. But KitKats image is not flawless. In 2010 Greenpeace accused Nestle for using palm oil from companies that are destroying Indonesian rainforests and the live hoods of Orang Utans. Greenpeace released a video commercial in that same typical KitKat style, in order to raise awareness among the KitKat consumers and to ask them to give the Orang Utan his well deserved break. It is a pretty in–your–face video in which the chocolate fingers of KitKat turn out to be the fingers of an Orang Utan and the crème–filling is its blood. I will show you the video. As response, Neslte insisted on removing the video from YouTube. But this gave the Greenpeace campaign only more publicity. It even went more wrong when Nestle deleted the angry comments on its own Facebook–page and ignored angry Twitter reactions. This was causing a big commotion. The outrage was great and the image of Nestle – and especially for KitKat was damaged. It even cause a degrease on the value of the shares. Eventually Nestle recovered itself by making a statement on their website where they announced that they only will work with sustainable palm oil suppliers from now on. This was a huge victory for Greenpeace and the social Networkers. And Neslte has learned from this; They are much more active on social media ... Get more on ...
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  • 3. Human Impact On Humans And Chimpanzees The chimpanzee is one of the most interesting mammals on this earth. These animals are the cousins of humans. According to the National Geographic chimpanzees share "98% of our DNA". This in relative terms make humans and chimpanzees very alike, we are them and they are us. The chimpanzee population inhabitants Africa. Although many believe that chimpanzees are monkeys, they are great apes. ( The chimpanzee population in the last few years has diminished drastically and this has cause them to become endangered species. Like humans the chimpanzees lives in "communities" they also have a hierarchy, and they consume a diet of vegetables, meats and fruits. ( Although humans and chimpanzee are considered relatives, humans are one of the biggest threats to the great ape. Humans are one of the biggest reasons the chimpanzee are endangered. According to World Wildlife poaching is one of the biggest threats. Poaching means to hunt, kill and then consume the chimpanzees. This gruesome act is usually done by "wealthy urban residents" who desire to eat bushmeat. This is an expensive luxury that is costing the chimpanzee their lives and is significantly decreasing their population. Another unlawful act happening to these great apes, their young babies are being captured and sold for recreational pets. The Scientific American discuss the illegal acts of the criminals who hurt these beautiful animals. Even though many chimpanzees are captured to be ... Get more on ...
  • 4.
  • 5. Is Squirrel Monkeys And Bornean Orangutans? Over the past two months, I had the pleasure of visiting the Los Angeles Zoo on two occasions to observe primates for this project. Why two visits? Well, my initial observation notes were inadvertently thrown away in an unintentional fit of neatness. These observations, therefore, were taken on a warm afternoon in November 2014. Having carefully reread the paper requirements and suggestions before my second visit, I made a more conscious choice of the primates I was about to observe so there would be a more obvious contrast between their behaviors (on my first visit I had observed two different monkey species.) In this document, I will share my observations of the behaviors of Squirrel Monkeys and Bornean orangutans. My observations began at what appeared to be one of the smaller primate enclosures at the Los Angeles Zoo. I believe this was a nonpermanent enclosure for the primates contained within since the temporary signage identified the primates only as "squirrel monkeys". Further research about the primates at the Los Angeles Zoo led me to believe that these were the "common squirrel monkey" also known as saimiri sciureus. ( Within the enclosure, I observed no more than three squirrel monkeys. There may have been more as there were several hutches in the back of the enclosure, but no more than three were observed at any one point of time. Three is a drastically smaller group than typically found in the wild where squirrel monkeys are often live in ... Get more on ...
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  • 7. Analysis of the Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus Essay Analysis of the Orangutan Pongo Pygmaeus The orangutan, Pongo pygmaeus, is an ape that is found in the moist, coastal rainforests of Sumatra and Borneo which consists of Indonesia's Kalimantan provinces, Malaysia's Sabath and Sarawak, and the kingdom of Brunei Darussalam. Orangutans live in tropical rainforests and are arboreal primates meaning that they are tree dwelling. Orangutans construct nests in the tree branches for the night in which they will curl up and sleep. These nests are made out of leaves and branches and they will sometimes use a leaf as a roof to protect themselves from the rain. Orangutans are omnivores, which means they eat a variety of meat and plants. They primarily eat fruit, leaves and small animals. ... Show more content on ... The hierarchy among orangutans is the Noayu, which is where there is a solitary male. There is marked sexual dimorphism among the orangutans. Females weigh only half as much as the males. Being lighter, females and juveniles often stay in the trees. Not only is there a noticeable difference in size, but males also possess quite a few different characteristics than female orangutans do. For example, males have big cheek pads and facial hair that resembles a man's moustache and beard. The numbers or orangutans have recently dropped tremendously owing to loss of habitat to deforestation and the killing of females for their young, to be sold as pets or zoo animals. Fewer than 30,000 individuals are believed to remain in the wild, and the species is listed as endangered (Galdkias, 1987) In relation to my observation, the orangutans acted very similar in captivity as if they were in the wild. The space was limited, but for what they had to work with, they displayed many of the behaviors they would have given they were in the wild. I noticed that the males remained solitary, as proven in my research. In one instance, Kiko approached his sister and they groomed for a short amount of time, and Kiko went into a different section of the enclosure and remained by himself until the end of my observation. Junior, the dominating male, and father of Kiko, also stayed confined to himself. There was absolutely no interaction between Junior ... Get more on ...
  • 8.
  • 9. Bornean Orangutan Research Paper Orangutans are amongst the most iconic species in wildlife conservation (Meijaard, E., Wich, S., Ancrenaz, M., & Marshall, A J., 2012) Their behaviours and facial expressions give them an uncannily human like personality. Their genetic comparisons, cognitive and behavioural similarities indicate a close evolutionary relationship between humans and themselves. [REF] There are two species of the Orangutan, the Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii) and the Bornean Orangautan (Pongo pygmaeus). The Sumatran orangutan belongs exclusively to the island of Sumatra, Indonesia. This species is rarer than its Bornean equivalent. The Sumatran orangutan lives mainly amongst the trees of tropical rainforests, and rely heavily on these forests for survival. ... Get more on ...
  • 10.
  • 11. Comparing Apes And Orangutans Gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans are all types of apes. Apes are fascinating because of the way they act, look, and live. However, some think the most interesting thing about apes is how similar they are to people. Apes and humans are remarkably alike. In fact, apes are humansÕ closest living relatives. Humans share about 98 percent of their genetic material with chimps. Humans and apes also share some of the same blood types. Humans can have types A, B, and O. Gorillas have type B and chimps have types A or O. Apes and humans are built similarly, too. The bones in their chests and shoulders are very close to a humanÕs. They also have human–shaped hands, fingers, and brains. In fact, one part of the ape brainÑcalled the cortexÑis a lot like a humanÕs. Scientists think this is why apes have good reasoning skills. It is also why they can use objects like sticks as tools or weapons. ... Show more content on ... For example, it takes both apes and humans about 8Ð9 months to give birth to a baby. Like humans, apes tend to have just one baby at a time. Once their babies are born, apes are caring parents. Their babies stay with them for a long time. For example, baby orangutans stay with their mother until they are about 6 or 7 years ... Get more on ...
  • 12.
  • 13. How Can The Orangutan Survive Can the Orangutan Survive? A highly endangered species, the orangutan is the oldest known primate1, dating back 60 million years. The word "orangutan" in the Malayasian language means "man of the forest." The wild orangutan once roamed throughout Southeast Asia. Today, however, this beautiful animal is only found in small parts of Malaysia and Indonesia (on the island of Borneo), and in northern Sumatra. Orangutan Characteristics Physical – The adult male of the species, at about 210 pounds, weighs almost twice as much as the adult female and may reach a height of about 4.5 feet while the female measures between 3 – 3.5 feet. Their bodies are covered with a coarse, long, reddish–brown hair. They not only have senses ... Get more on ...
  • 14.
  • 15. The Impact Of Palm Oil Plantations And Carbon Emissions Accounting for 11% of Indonesia's export earnings, palm oil is the most valuable agricultural export. Creating many environmental problems, including globally, cultivating large quantities of palm involves clearing substantial areas of virgin tropical rain forest. Additionally, local communities, indigenous people, and small landowners are driven from their own land. Leading to more than 700 land conflicts, human rights violations are increasingly breached, even on 'sustainable' plantations. Palm oil companies are regulated by the Roundtable on Sustainable Palm Oil (RSPO), however, corruption and illegal practice are widely identified. What is Palm Oil? What Are the Effects of Palm Oil Plantations? Peat and Carbon Emissions Establishing a palm oil plantation often involves planting on peatland; encompassing carbon–rich, partly decomposed organic matter. In order for agriculture to be successful, peatlands must be drained or burned, to dry the land. Consequences of burning or draining, means large amounts of carbon are released into the atmosphere. Analysing carbon emissions, the World Resources Institute (WRI), state that draining a single hectare is equivalent to burning more than 6,000 gallons of gasoline. Subsequently, Indonesia, in 2015 exceeded the average daily emissions by the U.S. economy. Bulldozing Rainforests Due to peatland being difficult and expensive to make into fertile soil, palm oil companies prefer to clear rain forests. Not needing to use chemical ... Get more on ...
  • 16.
  • 17. Orangutans Research Paper In the last twenty years orangutans have lost about eighty percent of their homes, and one third of the orangutans have died during the forest fires according to the Orangutan Conservancy. Everyday the homes of orangutans are chopped down and destroyed leaving the orangutan homeless. The orangutan makes its home in palms trees mainly in Indonesia and Malaysia. In an effort to harvest palm oil, which is used mainly in toiletries and baked goods, we are causing damage to the orangutan's natural habitat. The process by which we gather palm oil destroys the environment, hurts the orangutans health, and ultimately puts the orangutan into extinction. When will we stop these horrible actions and protect the orangutans in the twenty first century? ... Show more content on ... It can be produced in a responsible manner that respects the environment and the communities where it is grown. Governments have made it illegal to clear new forests. There are new planting methods on older plantations that can double the amount of palm oil produced.In addition, governments are using degraded lands found suitable to grow palm trees. These areas are the size of Ohio! Seven African countries have shown their commitment by pledging to shift to sustainable palm oil production which will protect 70 percent of Africa's tropical forests. Using environmentally friendly production we can continue to see increased demand and use of palm ... Get more on ...
  • 18.
  • 19. Orangutans Research Paper The orangutans are the two exclusively Asian species of extant great apes. Native to Indonesia and Malaysia, orangutans are currently found in only the rainforests of Borneo and Sumatra. Classified in the genus Pongo, orangutans were considered to be one species. However, since 1996, they have been divided into two species: the Bornean orangutan and the Sumatran orangutan . In addition, the Bornean species is divided into three subspecies. Based on genome sequencing, the two extant orangutan species evidently diverged around 400,000 years ago. The orangutans are also the only surviving species of the subfamily Ponginae, which also included several other species, such as the three extinct species of the genus Gigantopithecus, including the largest ... Show more content on ... They even sleep aloft in nests of leafy branches. They use large leaves as umbrellas and shelters to protect themselves from the common rains. These cerebral primates forage for food during daylight hours. Most of their diet consists of fruit and leaves gathered from rain forest trees. They also eat bark, insects and, on rare occasions, meat.Orangutans are more solitary than other apes. Males are loners. As they move through the forest they make plenty of rumbling, howling calls to ensure that they stay out of each other's way. The "long call" can be heard 1.2 miles (2 kilometers) away. Mothers and their young, however, share a strong bond. Infants will stay with their mothers for some six or seven years until they develop the skills to survive on their own. Female orangutans give birth only once every eight years the longest time period of any animal. The animals are long– lived and have survived as long as 60 years in captivity. Because orangutans live in only a few places, and because they are so dependent upon trees, they are particularly susceptible to logging in these areas. Unfortunately, deforestation and other human activities, such as hunting, have placed the orangutan in danger of ... Get more on ...
  • 20.
  • 21. Essay Nature Nature "What is man without the beasts? If all the beasts were gone, men would die from great loneliness of spirit, for whatever happens to the beasts, also happens to man. All things are connected. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the children of the earth." – Chief Seattle The love I have for orangutans comes from an early age. Like most little sisters, my older brother ruthlessly teased me. When I was a baby he would make me mimic funny faces and stick my hair up on end. He said I looked like an orangutan. His teasing continued, but instead of getting mad, I became interested. I began taking a look at these creatures and soon discovered that being compared to one wasn't completely wrong. Actually, ... Show more content on ... Unfortunately, this is no longer the case, and natives are stripping away these creatures' habitats for commercial business. If things don't change, it is believed that orangutans will be extinct in the wild in as few as ten years. This is something that can only be changed with human intervention. Two major causes of orangutan endangerment are the illegal selling of baby orangutans and the unlawful logging of the rainforest in which they live. The bond between a mother orangutan and her baby is the longest childhood dependence of any animal in the world. Orangutans will only have one child about every eight years. Baby orangutans nurse until they are about six years old and then they still stay close to their mothers for a few more years. Female orangutans will sometimes stay with their mother until their adolescents, in order to learn how to take care of their own babies by watching their mothers take care of a younger sibling. The already low natural population increase makes any killing a major threat to the survival of the species. Because babies stay with their mother for so many years, the only way to capture one is to kill the mother. Although highly illegal, baby orangutans are being sold as family pets as a high commodity on the black market. When the babies ... Get more on ...
  • 22.
  • 23. Behavioral Comparisons Between Modern Humans and Primates Scientists have been studying primates for many year. Primatology helps anthropologists make inferences about the early social organization of hominids. (Kottak, 96) The three primates I recently observed at the Lowry Park Zoo are the Collared Lemurs, Mandrills, and the Bornean Orangutans. Each primate are categorized differently. The Collared Lemur (Eulemur collaris) is part of the prosimians. They are inhabited in one small protected area in Madagascar. The Mandrill (Mandrillus sphinx) belongs to the Old World monkeys whom are native in Malaysia. Lastly the Bornean Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) is categorized with apes and they are native to the island of Borneo. Based on my observations, you can definitely recognize the difference between ... Show more content on ... They track each other by sounds as well as by scents. It is easier for them to identify family members by the scent they release. The Mandrills (Mandrillus sphinx) were the second primates that I examined. These primates were a lot more active than the Collared Lemurs. You can definitely determine if the Mandrill is female or male. The male's face has a bright blue muzzle and a bright red nose, you can also find these colors on it's butt. In my opinion, the males look more fierce than the females (Kottak, 104). At one point during my observation, I saw a male mandrill aggressively charge towards a female and as he was charging at her, he gave a low growl and you could visibly see his canine teeth. As the male became more angry, the colors on his face brightened. On the other hand, the female mandrills have duller colors. I noticed that mandrills spend most of their time on the ground, so we can determine that these primates are terrestrial. They spend most of their time on the ground foraging. The size of the mandrills vary depending on gender. The females tend to be smaller and the males are usually twice the females size (Kottak, 104). Mandrills have a relatively short tail, which does not have much use to them. Based on my observations, I would have to say that the length of the arms are a bit more extended than the length of the legs. Therefore, they travel by walking on all fours. When they walk, it's arms and legs ... Get more on ...
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  • 25. My Mother's Three-Month-Old Orangutan On the Malaysian island of Sumatra, a veterinary paramedic enters a rescue center with a small bundle in his arms. Swaddled in bloodstained cloth is a three–month–old orangutan, whose left arm ends not at the tips of her fingers, but at a mangled stub that was once recognizable as her wrist. The infant was maimed on an oil palm plantation, where she and her mother were attacked by cultivators whose crops are threatened by scavenging animals. The young orangutan´s natural reaction to danger was to cling tightly to her mother´s back, even after her mother was mortally wounded. In order to pry her off, the humans amputated her left hand. Her hardships earn her the name Kesi at the rescue center, a Swahili name meaning ¨child born in difficult ... Get more on ...
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  • 27. Orangutan Research Paper In Asia, the largest tree–dwelling mammal and only great ape continues to die out. What is it? The orangutan. Humans destroy entire populations of orangutan, advertently and inadvertently, so people need to stop and save this amazing primate before it becomes too late. The orangutan's appearance makes it extremely unique among animals. First off, these apes are especially large in size, as the male usually weighs 130 to 220 pounds and the female 85 to 120 pounds. Clearly, since the orangutan weighs so much, it must also be large in dimensions. A large male can grow to a height of 4.5 feet! This creature seems even more impressive in length, as a female can be 4 feet long and a male 6 feet. While the orangutan is a hefty animal, its features are the characteristics that really set it apart. Uniquely, this ape grows reddish fur that becomes darker with age and slate–gray flesh with patches of pebbly skin on its chest. If the orangutan's looks seem impressive, then one must ready themselves for the surprising intelligence of this primate. The orangutan shares 96.4% of our genes, and proves smart enough to craft tools out of sticks, such as probes, sponges, and umbrellas. ... Show more content on ... They have long arms for tree travel and long curved fingers for hanging from trees. The male develops large cheek pads called flanges for intimidation and large laryngeal sacks for howling. To support their unique bodies, the orangutan has a very specialized diet. They eat plants such as flowers, berries, seeds, shoots, and fruit. The fruits this ape eats include lychees, mangosteens, and figs. In addition to being a herbivore, the orangutan can be an opportunistic feeder and may eat bird eggs it finds. To get water, the orangutan slurps from holes in trees. When retrieving this food, the orangutan uses its hands and ... Get more on ...
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  • 29. Why Orangutans Are Called Red Apes Orangutan Orangutans are a kind of ape. They are a big and red–colored ape. Orangutans are called "Red Apes" because of the color of their furs. Orangutans are closely related to humans. Orangutans have 32 teeth just like humans. An orangutan is common, 3.5 to 4.5 feet tall. Orangutans usually eat fruits, but sometimes they also eat insects. Orangutans are only active during day–time. Orangutans have strong arms and it helps them to move from branches quickly. The arms of the orangutans are very long. The distance of its left hand to its right hand is 7–8 feet. To avoid predators the orangutans live and stay on trees so the predators won't reach them. The orangutans are very smart because their brain is almost the same as humans. Orangutans ... Get more on ...
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  • 31. Bornean Orangutan Scientists have recently discovered a new species of the orangutan in northern Sumatra in Indonesia, but these new orangutan species are already considered endangered. Currently, there are two recognized orangutan species: the Bornean (Pongo pygmaeus) and Sumatran (Pongo abelii) orangutans. The third one, a new species called the Tapanuli (Pongo tapanuliensis) orangutan, are said to have less than 800 individuals remaining in an area near Lake Toba in northern Sumatra. Dr. Marina Davila–Ross from the University of Portsmouth in England said she was "surprised about the extent to which the Tapanuli orangutans differed genetically, morphologically, as well as behaviorally from the Sumatran and Bornean orangutans." Using the remains of an adult ... Get more on ...
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  • 33. Primate Behavior a Study of Orangutans and Mandrills Essay During my research of Orangutans and Mandrills I observed them in captivity at the San Diego Zoo. My observations included a 20 minute observation of each primate as it cohabitated with other Primates and with other members of its own species. My findings will support the research of Orangutans and Mandrills through firsthand observations. My observation of the orangutan habitat was on a sunny and hot day with the average temperature being between 65–70F. The Enclosure for the orangutans was a grassy and dirt area that was approximately 35ft+ in width and about 75ft+ in length with a long glass barrier for observation. The habitat featured three 15ft tall fake trees which were fashioned after a tree but bare of leaves. The trees were ... Show more content on ... The other adult female that would be my focal point did emerge but remained less social and more timid than the other orangutans but was also younger. The orangutans as supported by San Diego Zoo Orangutan website would use all four limbs to move about the trees and would occasionally walk on the ground bipedally and using its long arms for support. One of the more curious observations was the interaction between the non–human primates and the humans which seemed to stem of curiosity on both sides. For instance at one point before the focal observation an adult human female with her infant were tapping on the glass of the enclosure and the adult human female began to pull things from her purse and show it to the orangutan who was leaning on the glass barrier; among many of the items was a bag of chocolate candies which the orangutan did not particularly respond to. The eldest adult female orangutan however seemed to respond very curiously and attentively to any infant or child that approached the enclosure. The focal orangutan that I observed for a period of twenty minutes appeared to not be very active and choosing to remain behind the trunk of one of the fake trees. During the observation at no point did I witness it forage for food or look for any food but this would be mostly ... Get more on ...
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  • 35. Project Orangutan Dolphins Unconsciously us humans take a breath 12–20 times a minute, we go about our days not necessarily thinking about when we will take our next breathe. Dolphins on the other hand make the choice to take each and every breath, and when they become too stressed or overwhelmed, they will choose not to take that next breathe. Ongoing stress and the loss of space to swim in dolphinariums is demeaning to the incredible creatures and leads to many taking their lives or becoming something they were never designed to be. Dolphins which are placed in dolphinariums and forced to perform or swim with humans for excitement are enslaved and not living the life intended. Living quarters for these animals is unimaginable small and places a great burden on their ... Show more content on ... From the capturing process, to the living and training spaces, to the continuously forced performances they are required to do daily, these animals face an uncounted for amount of stress. The capturing process allows men to heard groups of dolphins together and trap them into small coves with nets and boats, then hand picking the wanted ones and dragging them away to never see open waters again. Project Orangutan talks about the capturing and the stress it inflicts on these animals, ".. during the capturing process itself as they get entangled in nets and suffocate, others may die from stress." Not only do these animals recognize the loss of movement but the death of their friends around them. If the stress of being taken away from their home wasn't enough, they are then forced to live in concrete cells with no sound reflection. To us that seems fine but when your strongest sense is hearing and string enough to detect the difference between a ping pong ball and golf ball, the constant screaming and splashing of water around you begins to take a toll. Dolphins use a type of sound detection called echolocation, which can be damaged through time by the living conditions of dolphinariums. talks about the lessening of sounds and vocalization of these animals in captivity, "This reduction in vocalizations is due in part to the effect of the echo caused by the walls of the pools where dolphins are defined." The high noise frequency surround them for hours a day accompanied by the loss of socialization through their echolocation causes then even more stress and sadness. This alone can lead to one of these animals dying involuntarily, or even at their doing. Those who may think dolphins are only animals who will later forget about the process of being captured or that don't recognize the sounds ... Get more on ...
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  • 37. Mandrill Morphology Mandrills, or also known by their scientific name Mandrillus sphinx, live in the rain forests of equatorial Africa, (San Diego Balboa Zoo, Mandrill exhibit/plaques, 2018). The Mandrill Morphology: The mandrill has a distinct dental formula of 2:1:2:3, located on the maxilla and mandible, which categorizes this primate to be in the catarrhine parvorder. All Old World monkeys, apes, and humans share this very same dental formula. They are well known for their enormous canine teeth, which can be over 2 inches, roughly 5 centimeters long. Each tooth is vital for the madrills survival, "the pointed canines are used to pierce and tear at fruits or nuts meanwhile the premolars (or bicuspids) and molars, with their multiple cusps, are used to grind and smash food" (The Primates: Monkeys, 2013). There are very distinct differences between the male and female Mandrills, especially in this exhibit. "An adult male mandrill that has the brightest and most distinctive colors on his face seems to be most attractive to females...They have thick ridges along the nose that are purple and blue, red lips and nose, and a golden beard....[while the] adult females have duller colors and longer muzzles. They are ... Show more content on ... "Bonobos are more comfortable walking upright than chimpanzees are. They also keep their white rump patch for life, while the patch darkens with age on chimpanzees, (San Diego Zoo, 2018). They can move quadrupedally by knuckle–walking just like gorillas but on the ground but a bonobo can walk bipedally just as humans can. "Bonobos and chimpanzees look very similar and both share 98.7% of their DNA with humans–making the two species our closest living relatives. Bonobos are usually a bit smaller, leaner and darker than [the common] chimpanzees," (World Wildlife Fund, 2018). An easy way to distinguish one is by their hairless black faces, red lips, and parted long hair, all features that are almost human ... Get more on ...
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  • 39. How Does Orangutans Affect Human Behavior Orangutans are the world's largest arboreal mammal. The adults can get very big in size; some of them can get up to between 120 pounds all the way to a close 200. They also can stand up very tall and get up to between four to five feet, which is literally my grandma's height. Orangutan's hair colors are slightly different than one another. Some have dark orange, brown orange and sometimes even pale orange. Those are some of the rare colors you will see in orangutans; the most common hair color for an orangutan is reddish orange. Their physical appearance is almost looking at a human being who is very hairy. They have almost everything we have and look just like them for example. Orangutans have hands and feet just like us with opposable thumbs so ... Show more content on ... I kid you not my sister and mom gave us the "that's gross" face while my dad, brother and I just started laughing and actually thought to ourselves, that we do the same thing with our fingers and Q–tips. I enjoyed watching them move around and eat and think how much alike we really are, and I always wonder if they think the same thing. From what I can remember I honestly think the local ecology behavior doesn't really affect anything. To me I think it's normal, I mean they have been living like this for thousands of years and have adapted to it. I do think that humans and orangutans can relate to the ecology behavior. For example our human ecology is basically a short term of having an interrelationship between humans and our social, economic and political organizations. The development of tool use amongst the apes is truly an amazing thing seeing as for us that is probably how we once started out as. Slowly making and building new tools for our survival and comfort needs is really a remarkable thing. Orangutans are beautiful creatures and we must learn as much as we can by them and other apes as well because they teach us so much about humans and where we all fall from the tree of ... Get more on ...
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  • 41. Similarities Between Orangutans And The Great Apes Within the world of primates, the family Hominidae includes the primates known as the great apes. These primates, are then broken down into two subfamilies. One subfamily contains the primates chimpanzees, bonobos, gorillas and humans, while the other subfamily, Ponginae, only contains the species Pongo, commonly known as the orangutan. Orangutans, although closely related to the other great apes, represent a lot of extremes in biological parameters (Campbell, C. J., 2011). One of the most drastic extremes is that orangutans are the largest primary arboreal mammal in the world. This is a result of special evolutionary adaptations that allow these primates to mechanically function in an arboreal lifestyle. Unlike the other great apes, ... Show more content on ... This book included a large section of information on orangutans with observations about basic traits as well as mechanical and social behaviors. It is interesting to note that the section also notes the various methods these orangutans were being hunted, killed or used by its enemies. It concludes describing an old misconception of how an orangutan's "great strength and ferocity render them dangerous." We now know that these animals are actually very rarely aggressive, but rather solitary social creatures. The common theme of primates being dangerous and monsters can be across various historical writings. Orangutans, endemic now only in the southeast rainforests of Asia, were once found throughout Asia (Campbell, C. J., 2011). Since 2001, there have only been two species of orangutan identified, the Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abeli) and the Bornean Orangutan (Pongo pygmaeus) (Nater, A., et al. 2017). However, recent research, to be published later this month, has identified a new third species of orangutan, Pongo tapanuliensis. This species of orangutans, found south of Lake Toba, was once grouped with the Sumatran Orangutans, however, recent genetic testing has identified them as a completely different species from those orangutans found north of Lake Toba. Orangutans all face major issues in terms of numbers with all species marked as either endangered or critically endangered due to hunting pressure and habitat destruction. The palm oil industry has greatly ... Get more on ...
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  • 43. Seasonal And Anthropogenic Changes In Edonesia Case Study Wendy Erb has been completing her research since 2005. Her research project had the aim of looking at flexible responses to seasonal and anthropomorphic changes in primates. She focuses on the environment of the Southeast Asian rainforests. This is due to the presence of dramatic supra– annual masting cycles with peaks in fruit 2–5 times the normal abundance. The forest experiences severe El niño effects meaning irregular global climates. The impact is also due to the severe drought resulting in widespread forest fires and haze. In Indonesia rainfall decreases up to 60% compared to normal recordings. Wendy's key research questions were 'How ecology and physiology shape behaviour' and 'How these relationships are affected by seasonal and ... Show more content on ... The research objective was to analyze how seasonal they are with predictions of low birth seasonality. Simakobu's are medium sized colobines with a 6.6 month estimated gestation time. The typical living groups are one male, three females, two juveniles and one to two infants. Data was collected from 2006 to 2008, 373 census days with 11 births and 1787 feeding points. Infant groups were measured for size, motor skills and colour against a three–point scale. Siberut ecology displays no distinct annual variation, the climate is warm and wet with an absence of dry season. Fruit is available nine months out of the whole year. Simokubu feeding is characterized by strong annual variation with fruit intake peaking in June and September. Simokobu reproduction exhibits moderate annual variation and a moderate peak in October. The conceptions coincided with peaks in unripe fruit as there is high costs in lactation due to costs of the physical environment. The seasonal effects are because of the environmental seasonality due to the preference of fruit. Giving birth occurs approximately six months after fruit availability peaks. This happens due to conceiving occurring at good condition which supports the idea of Simakobu's being capital breeders. The Pongo pygmaeus Orangutans were studied in Bornea at the Tuanan research ... Get more on ...
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  • 45. Orangutan Primate Observation Analyzing the Behavior of Orangutan– L.A. Zoo Orangutan was the primate I decided to select for this primate observation. The monkey was enclosed in a large cage with two other monkeys (same species). It seem to be comfortable and unbothered of its surroundings. The monkey was just sitting observing everything around them, for example us the visitors. These primates are known to be unique thinkers. They are very quiet than other primates, patient, and problem solvers. The staff from the Los Angeles Zoo, provides a variety of enrichment through diet, I noticed a staff giving the monkeys vegetables: carrots, lettuce, and other that I didn't quite notice. Being able to observe the lives of the Orangutans enclosed in the zoo, are very different ... Show more content on ... Their lives are declining due to lodging, farming, etc. Their population has declined more than 50 percent during the last decade. Orangutans have great physical characteristics, they are the largest tree–dwelling mammal, their also known to have similar characteristics of us, humans and they're highly intelligent in general. These primates also have great color vision, have opposable thumbs, big toes, and grasping hands. What caught my attention a lot is their hair color, it's a brownish reddish color making it look a bit orange, and that is when I stood focus on this certain primate. Also, what caught my attention was how I was looking at one of them sitting down minding her own business and then other one come and sits right beside her and begins bugging her, for example touching her, pushing her a bit in the shoulder. Kind of when you tell someone that is feeling down, hey cheer up and push them a bit in their shoulder. The monkey would not do anything back, basically letting herself which I though was pretty cool because if someone were to be bugging me like that I would probably get a bit ticked off or react and say something. A reaction completely different then this Orangutan, I would say she's really humbled, but that is just my perspective at that moment I would not actually know, unless I were staff. Although at the moment I seen another monkeys go and sit next to her does not mean they are always together. ... Get more on ...
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  • 47. 3 Orangutan Observation I primarily observed three orangutans, one male, one female, and one juvenile, of Sumatran and Bornean descent, scientifically known as Pongo abelli and Pongo pygmaeus, respectively, and to a lesser extent, two gibbons known as siamangs, or Symphalangus syndactylus. These primates share the same enclosure in the San Diego Zoo in California. I observed the orangutans from 12:58 P.M. to 2:00 P.M. CST on September 19th. During this time frame, the three orangutans mainly stayed high up in their man–made structures, consisting of multiple metal bars covered with nets, ropes, and hammocks. The female and juvenile orangutans stayed above ground from 12:58 P.M. to 1:31 P.M., and again from 1:48 P.M. until 2:00 P.M, approximately 45 minutes. During ... Get more on ...
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  • 49. Life of Pi Essay The Aura of Orange Human, animal, plants, and all the Earth's content is survivor. They are fighting for their rights in order to live in this beautiful world. The novel Life of Pi written by Yann Martel, has employed a lot of symbols that is related to the life. One of the most significant symbols is the color orange. The author uses orange as a symbol of maintenance of the spirit to survive in survival. This can be proved as most of the objects that are in the color orange in the novel generate feelings of hope, can develop courage in survivors, and last but not least can keep them continuously energetic; in order to strengthen their hearts and spirits to face all the possibilities in life. With the presence hope, the ... Show more content on ... Although Orange Juice is just a weak animal that never haunt any animal and just love to eat fruits, however, her courage overpowers her ability. As Pi monologue, "an adult female orang utan cannot defeat an adult male spotted hyena... What does fruit eater know about killing? Where would it learn where to bite, how hard, for how long?" (Martel 130). This is something amazeing as the orang utan is very brave to face the hyena. One of the reasons why Pi called the female orang utan as Orange Juice is because the orange animals do represent the courage in an animal. On top of that, Richard Parker the Bengal tiger also represent courage in an orange animal as he is being scared by the hyena. "The flame–colored carnivore emerged from beneath the tarpaulin and made for the hyena. The hyena was leaning against the stern bench, behind the zebra's carcass, transfixed. It did not pull a fight. Instead it shrank to the floor, lifting a forepaw in a futile gesture of defense," shows that the hyena was afraid of the orange Bengal tiger that look fierce on him (Martel 150). This is how the Bengal tiger stay to survive in the lifeboat on the spooky ocean. Therefore, it is true that orange is the color of courage; and this can spread up the spirit of survival to promote the important of life. In order to maintain the spirit of survival, energy is very important both physically and emotionally, ... Get more on ...
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  • 51. Howler Monkey Research Paper Did you know that there are currently 264 monkey species? Monkeys are the closest animals to man. There are a lot of facts about monkeys people don't know. Monkeys can be divided into two groups: old world monkeys that live in Africa and Asia and new world monkeys that live in South America. A Baboon is classified as an old world monkey. A Howler Monkey is classified as a new world monkey. Most monkeys don't swing with their tails because not all monkeys have tails. Apes don't have tails. Monkeys are omnivores. This means that most plants, nuts, seeds, and flowers are all eaten. Howler monkeys can be heard from up to 3 miles away. They live in the savannas and forests in South America. They eat birds, fruits, maggots, tree bark, and ... Get more on ...
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  • 53. Raya And Orangutan Raya, a male orangutan, died in 2013, under the watchful eye of veterinarians, following a cruel showdown with neighborhood villagers on an Indonesian island named Sumatra. Until then, scientists believed there were only two types of orangutan, one that dwells on Sumatra, and one on Borneo Island. They realized that their populations, as with the other primates on Earth – chimpanzees, gorillas, and bonobos – are waning. An estimated 60,000 orangutans in total are left. Raya, however, was apart of a gathering of 800 people, in the Batang Toru woods of Sumatra. Also, scientists speculated that gathering may be somewhat different from the other orangutans on the remainder of the island. The organgutans associated with Raya tend to have thicker ... Get more on ...
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  • 55. Palm Oil Case Study When talking about the external stakeholders of the company, it is important to highlight a case where P&G's unethical practices seem to be more prevalent and well known. That is the palm oil case of Sumatra, Indonesia. Palm oil is a substance found in beauty and household care products of P&G's. P&G bought the majority of their palm oil from a company called BW Plantation which operates in Kalimatan, Indonesia and other parts of Southeast Asia. However, BW Plantation is regarded among the top companies in the world notorious for their unethical exercises of deforestation in the business world. Between 2010 and 2014, BW Plantation converted over 7,000 hectares of land to palm oil plantation and destroyed over 6,000 hectares of forests. Their unethical practice of deforestation in the Sumatra Jungle have also caused endangered species such as the Sumatran Orangutan, Rhino and Tiger be on the verge of extinction. In 2014, an environmental friendly organization, GreenPeace, reported that, "The palm oil sector is currently the greatest single driver of deforestation in Indonesia, accounting for about a quarter of all forest loss." The report also stated that as few as 400 Sumatran Tigers and 7,500 Sumatran Orangutans are thought to remain in the jungle. P&G not only has unethical relations with their internal stakeholders, but also with their external relationships. When looking at P&G's relationship with their customers, suppliers and partners, community, and the ... Get more on ...
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  • 57. The Evolution Of The Orangutans The Orangutans which are also known as Pongo abelii, are the second largest apes after the gorillas. The male Orangutans can grow up to five feet and weigh around ninety one kilograms while the female Orangutans can reach an average height of three feet while weighing around forty five kilograms (Shank, C., 2012). The Orangutans are well known for their ability to swing from tree to tree easily with their long arms while their legs act as a second pair of arms when needed. Orangutans in general live up to the age of forty. The female Orangutans are able to produce one infant at a time with a gestation period of nine months. Female Orangutans are able to produce mere three off springs during their short child bearing years, thus, making their population growth vulnerable. The Orangutans play an important role in the ecosystem. They consume fruits and scatter the seeds through their digestive system all around the forests. This process of scattering seeds around the forests ensures the growth of fruit bearing trees and plants. The Sumatran Orangutan population has depleted drastically in the last twenty to thirty years due to their habitat loss through the clearing of forests to pave way for oil palm plantations and other agricultural developments (Gursky–Doyen, S., & Supriatna, J., 2010). With palm oil being extremely versatile, its demand has resulted in having 48 million tonnes of palm oil being produced each year for the world export market (Oil World Trade Journal, 2008), ... Get more on ...
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  • 59. The Orangutans: The Sustainable Palm Oil Industry The orangutan, one of the world's great apes, resides on the Indonesian islands of Sumatra and Borneo. The forests of these islands are being destroyed in order to create palm oil plantations. Palm oil is in high demand due to its uses as a biofuel and as a vegetable oil. The palm oil industry is a major threat to the survival of the critically endangered orangutans, due to loss of habitat. This leads to illegal poaching since the orangutans are viewed as pests, leaving many young infants orphaned and alone. There are rescue groups that rehabilitate these great apes, but more must be done in order to prevent the extinction of this rapidly declining species. Sustainable palm oil options need to be researched and utilized and there should ... Show more content on ... Orangutans have long lifespans (30–40 years) with long interbirth intervals and low reproductive rates. In fact, females have eight year intervals between births and will only give birth to one or two offspring in her lifetime. The reason why this poses a problem is that when an enormous amount of orangutans are killed, it's tough to recover because they are not producing large numbers of children nor do they have short interbirth intervals. Consequently, there will be extremely high death rates and very few births (UNEP, 2007). Their population numbers will continue to fall because they won't be able to compensate for the great loss. A study completed by Michael Bruford and Benoit Goossens at Cardiff University showed that in 1900, there were approximately 315,000 orangutans in Indonesia. Currently, there are about 60,000 orangutans living in the forests of Indonesia, which is a massive population decline (Kaye, 2016).When orangutans are driven out of their habitat due to deforestation and illegal logging it forces them to roam a great distance in search of food. Orangutans are solitary creatures, spending the majority of their time in the trees. Their diet relies mainly on fruit, with a preference for fruit with soft pulp. They also eat buds, flowers, leaves, soil tree bark, and some insects. Due to their largely frugivorous diet, they have to monitor the seasonal availability of resources. When fruit is abundant, they will increase their food intake and store the food as fat for energy. This enables them to eat low quality food items in habitats where fruit may be scarce (Delgado & Van Schaik, 2000). The dipterocarp forests of Borneo and Sumatra have trees that fruit simultaneously, so there is an abundance of fruit once every 2 to 5 years which are known as the "mast years". During the other years there is not as much fruit, so orangutans have to maintain large home ranges in ... Get more on ...
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  • 61. Odd Relationship: Orangutan And A Dog Have you ever seen an odd relationship/friendship in animals? If you do not know what I am talking about when I say Odd Relationships it means that it is like an odd pair of friends. One example of a strange relationship/relationship is an orangutan and a dog, how odd is that? The class which has read a passage about a strange relationship/friendship and in the passage, it had an orangutan and a dog, and it was saying how the orangutan would not communicate with anyone and the very first time the orangutan saw the dog the orangutan ran up to the dog and gave it a big hug around the neck. Every since then they had been nest friends. Well yea it is so sweet but we are going to be talking about a dog that just had puppies that might be willing ... Show more content on ... Cats and dogs do have their differences. Cats do not for any reason like water and dogs love water. Cats i would say are very shy and dogs are not because most dogs run up to people and make them pet them, but on the other hand cats will not they will run away and eventually they will come up to you but shyly. There is something that grabs my attention, have you ever noticed, because I have, that when cats want your attention they will come close to you. Basically saying pet him/her. When a dog wants attention he/she will come up to you and rest his/her head in your lap or on you. Cats and dogs do have differences. Although they may seem to be friends, they may can be mean. Dogs and cats do have their differences in some ways. I named all of cats and dogs similarities and differences. They will get along most times, but sometimes they can be hateful. In other hands if they grow up with each other they would all get along just fine with each other. In my opinion dogs should be free to run around and have fun running around they need energy just like humans do. Do not lock your dog in a room where they can be free and run around to get some energy. If dogs do not get enough energy they will get weak and ... Get more on ...
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  • 63. Orangutan Research Paper There are many examples of iconic animals that we take for granted when it comes to thoughts of sharing our earth with them in the far future, but it is becoming more evident throughout the passing of time that this will no longer be true with current conditions. When it comes to animals becoming extinct not many people think that many recognized animals, besides the most talked about ones like Polar bears and Giant pandas, are at risk. One of these incredibly recognized endangered animals is the Orangutan. One of the most distinguished of the great apes, both of the subspecies of Orangutan are endangered; The Bornean and the Sumatran, with the Sumatran being declared as a critical species. The Orangutan, scientific name being Pongo pygmaeus, genus pongo, is one of the Great Apes. It comes from the phylum Chordata. They are classified as Mammalia, in the Animalia kingdom. They belong to the Hominidae family, of the Primate order . During my search I could not find a concise source that stated the closest living relative to the Orangutan, though many stated that it was Humans due to the 97% similarity between our DNA . ... Show more content on ... The Bornean Orangutan lives on the island of Borneo, a part of Malaysia and an Indonesian province. The Sumatran Orangutan lives on the island of Sumatra in Indonesia. They can be found in the heavily canopied rain forests, low elevation forests, and sometimes in grasslands . Due to their surroundings, the diet of the Orangutan consists of over 500 plant species, with fruits being the primary staple food but they also eat leaves, bark, insects and flowers. The results of this diet mean that they are one of the main distributors of seeds throughout the forest, creating the cycle of growth to maintain their food source. In their environments orangutans are not known to form large communities, but small groups with specific ... Get more on ...
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  • 65. Primate Paper : Primate Life On Earth Carlos Lopez Henninger–Sashur Biological Anthropology March 18, 2016 Primate Paper Primate life on earth began about 50–55 million years ago during the Eocene Epoch, although it is unknown how many different living species of primates there on earth. One likely fact is that the major groups of primates have been discovered, two of who are the Pongo Orangutan and the Pan Paniscus Bonobo. The word Orangutan translated from Malay means "Person of the forest" this is so because there are only two places you can find an Orangutan's: Malaysia and Indonesia. The orangutan is an official state animal of Sabah in Malaysia. There are two different types of Orangutan's; the Bornean Orangutan, which found on the island of Borneo and the Sumatran Orangutan, which is found on the Sumatra Island. Orangutans are known as the world's largest tree climbing mammals, unlike other primates they spend the majority of their lives on trees. Orangutan habitat consists of primary tropical rain forest and old secondary forest at low elevations. Orangutans prefer high–density climate due to their diet, which consists 65% of fruit. Bonobos have been considered humankind's closest relative and share 98% of our DNA. Bonobos can only be found in one country: the Democratic Republic of the Congo also known as DRC. Bonobos inhabit the second largest rainforest on earth, the Congo Basin. Bonobos prefer swampy rainforests and similar to the Orangutans, Bonobos are arboreal which are adapted to living on ... Get more on ...
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  • 67. Characteristics Of Orangutans And Chimpanzees [Nonhuman] Primates are some of the most interesting animals to observe whether in captivity, in their natural habitat or in documentaries/ films. One good reason is their similarities they share with humans like, walking on two legs, use of tools, and social life amongst others. After observing two different species through a live camera located at the San Diego and Houston Zoo, I gained a little insight into a human behavior and their heritages. I will be discussing the behavior and interaction observed of orangutans and chimpanzees and how these species share some similarities with humans, but first I will like to start by defining primate, listing the characteristics, then I will share some facts about the two–species observed. One can define primates as a group of mammals like monkeys, apes, bushbabies, lorises, lemurs and humans. Primates possesses certain set of traits that set them apart from the rest of the species, these traits include the following (Stanford, Allen and Anton 2013): a. Grasping hands b. Flattened Nails c. Forward– facing eyes with stereoscopic vision d. Generalized teeth The main observations made for this paper were with orangutans and chimpanzees which are classified as apes. There are four kinds of apes; gorillas, chimpanzees, bonobos and orangutans. Of all four species, orangutans are the only apes that comes from Asia, all other apes come from Africa. Orangutans live in the rain forest of the tropical islands of Sumatra and Borneo, both ... Get more on ...
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  • 69. What Is The Orangutans The film was made in 1968, a time when social factors, racism, and discrimination affected the lives of everyone. In the film, they incorporate the social factors that reflected the 1960's by having the three great ape species face similar tasks to those of the audience: Chimpanzees are the scientists and the intellects, Gorillas serve as the police force and the manual labor and are grumpy and uneducated and orangutans are the chieftains, deep–thinkers, and keepers of the religion. This relates to the audience of the films during the 1960's because similarly to reality, in the film the orangutans who make the law are also the ones who create the religion. By the orangutans being the small elite group that has power, they allowed the chimpanzees ... Get more on ...
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  • 71. The Disadvantages Of Zoos: Help Endangereded And... Zoos are not effective in helping endangered or threatened animals, because regardless of the circumstances, confinement cannot reproduce wild animals' habitats. In this essay I will look at the disadvantages of zoos based on economics, education and the effect it has on threatened and endangered animals. In order for zoos to retain popularity, they have to generate more income with rising ticket fees, and spending most of their earnings on expensive elephant rides, safari–treks, costly sky rides over exhibits and feeding stations. Pacing bears and sleeping lions bore visitors and make for small crowds, therefore animals are encouraged to dig, play, forage and roll around at astronomical costs. Baby animals are one of the biggest attractions for zoos, and therefore they squeeze as many fascinating species as possible into restricted spaces, reducing the actual percentage of endangered species in their care. For zoos, attracting visitors and making money comes before the interests of animals. According to Hancock (2017:7), a former zoo director "[l]ess than 3% of a zoo's budget goes to conservation, while the majority goes toward hi–tech exhibits and marketing efforts to lure visitors. Zoos exist primarily to put animals ... Show more content on ... I support the ideas and evidence stated above. However, there are always two sides to a controversial topic such as this one. The principles that zoos live by contradict my own beliefs, yet according to Tidiére et al, (2016:2) "[i]t is typically believed that zoo animals live longer than their free–ranging conspecifics due to the consistent provision of food, water, and shelter from harsh climates, the absence of predation and management to minimise violent intraspecific encounters and accidents, as well as veterinary prophylactic and therapeutic intervention", one must accept that there are some favourable factors ... Get more on ...
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  • 73. Orangutans Orangutans Tim Sanderson Anth 111 In Malay orang means "person" and utan is defined as "forest'. Thus Orangutan literally means "Person of the Forest". Orangutans are found in the tropical forests of Sumatra and Borneo. They are the most arboreal of the great apes and move amongst the safety of the trees from one feeding site to the next. They are so well adapted to arboreal life that they cannot place their feet on the ground, instead they walk on the outside of their curved foot. There is a scattered population of orangutan in Indonesian Borneo, Malaysia Borneo and northern Sumatra. The different habitats have isolated the orangutan reproductively and geographically from one another creating a "degree of difference" or two ... Show more content on ... The long call of the Borneo male is long and drawn out where as the Sumatran is much shorter and has a faster tempo. The difference may be attributed to the larger throat pouch the Borneo has. The reason for the different calls is unclear. They may be related to the terrain each subspecies inhabits. The faster call of the Sumatran may be more effective in the rugged, mountainous terrain. The longer call of the Borneo may be due to the wide distribution of this race. A large portion of an orangutans day is spent looking for and consuming food. Their diet primarily consists of fruit but they also eat leaves, bark, flowers, insects, and birds eggs. One of their preferred foods is the fruit off of the durian tree, it is supposed to taste like sweet garlic. After they have finished eating and bedtime comes around the orangutans build themselves a new nest forty to fifty feet up in a tree made of boughs. Like the other great apes (chimpanzees and gorillas), orangutans are highly intelligent. Tests have indicated that their intelligence is relatively similar. Wild orangutans use their intelligence to solve problems usually related to arboreal living and food gathering. In captivity, however, they have been trained to perform tricks and to use sign language. They have also made tools to throw at humans, get food, and gain leverage. ... Get more on ...
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  • 75. The Key Features Of The Orangutans Orangutans are hairy primates with long arms and creative minds. Orangutans live in rainforests but are critically endangered, and we can help by fighting against deforestation. If you were wondering, do males stay with their family, what do orangutans eat, then you should read this book to find out the answers. Orangutan Features Orangutans have many features. Features such as long arms and reddish hair. Another feature of the orangutan is they are usually 4 to 5 feet long. In addition to that male orangutans have big pads around their faces. A Sumatran orangutan has more of a red color to them than a Bornean orangutan does. Another feature orangutans have is their arms are seven feet long ... Show more content on ... Orangutans eat up to 100 different kinds of fruit, I didn't even know there were 100 different kinds of fruit. Another thing orangutans eat is meat, but that is only on rare occasions. The main things orangutans eat are fruit, leaves, and shoots. Some other things orangutans eat are flowers and bark, but that is only about 10% of their diet. Finally, orangutans eat insects such as ants, termites, pupae, and crickets, but that is only 5% of their diet. How Orangutans Live and Where They Live Orangutans are only found in rainforests. In addition to that orangutans spend 90% of their time in the trees of the tropical rainforest. One rainforest orangutans live in is the Borneo rainforest. Another rainforest orangutans live in is the Sumatra rainforest. Orangutans are smart enough to use large leaves as umbrellas and shelter to protect themselves from the common rain. Did you know orangutans are the only great apes native to Africa. Finally, orangutans are very creative and build nests out of branches. Interesting Facts About ... Get more on ...
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  • 77. Sumatran Orangut Endangered Primate Research Known for being arboreal and endemic to the island of Sumatra, Indonesia, these primates is considered to be regenerators of Rainforests and contributes to biodiversity. Enlisted critically endangered by the National Primate Research Center, Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii) and its Bornean relative (pongo pygmaeus) are nearing closely to being extinct. Looking closely at the evidence provided on Sumatran Orangutan (Pongo abelii), and on Willie Smits motivation to help these creatures, I would attempt to identify 5 extinction prone factors that lead to the small population of Orangutan and the effectiveness of the interventions done by Mr. Smits. The most crucial extinction prone factor faced by most Sumatran Orangutan was the destruction ... Show more content on ... Forest growth became evident at Samboja Lestari, in 2001 when Smits began buying land around the Dayak village, which was devastated by Palm Oil Plantations. Determined to protect the land from Government interference, Smits paid villagers generously from money raised through a private foundation. Smits also "made sure each individual purchased complied with all regulations and that BOS would be guaranteed ownership 'forever'" (Little, 2009. p. 3). The destructed forest showed little signs of nourishment, as the soil was infertile. Using his degree in microbiology, Smits began building an enormous compost of different qualities which included organic waste, sawdust, fruit remnants from Orangutan cages, manure from cattle and chicken and his special ingredient, "a microbiological agent made from sugar and cow urine" (Little, 2009. p. 3). With the combination of humid climate, each batch was ready in three ... Get more on ...