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Does it ever occur to women that maybe
a guy might like to have a plan…He’s
not sure that he could just walk up to
you and you’d respond if he said: “I like
- Hitch
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By downloading this book, you hereby agree that you are
of a legal age to view material of a sexual nature and
some use of profanity.
By Sean Adams
Change how you see male-to-female relationships.
A full definition of attraction and what attracts a woman.
If women have not wanted you so far, here is why.
Break away from normal conversation and learn how to seduce.
Seduction is never straight forward. How to overcome obstacles.
Avoid being selfish and find a mutual agreement for you both.
How to use seduction.
i | I N T R O D U C T I O N
I am no seduction guru. And I don‟t go around picking up hot women and
models. All I can really say is- I do have the knowledge and the
understanding to apply these seduction principles to my life whenever I need
to. I‟m not wasting my time on all of the wrong arguments, or feeling
insecure when a girl tests me, or even being hurt when I get rejected.
I see seduction as an ordinary part of life. All of our lives can be fitted into
categories- and seduction is a tool which clears up your relationship
category. You don‟t have to be confused by it all. You can just get on with it.
And a lot of guys play by the wrong rules. Also, they have their own inner
issues which prevent them from taking on seduction. But one day- they will
need these skills. Otherwise they will just get trapped into a relationship they
do not want, with a woman who only wants them because she feels safe with
a weaker male figure- she feels secure knowing she can control him.
But you want to be in control of what you want and what you can get.
Some guys can have these techniques naturally. If you ask them how they do
it, they‟ll just say, “It‟s easy”. Well, it‟s not easy if you play with the wrong
rules. It‟ll be like playing tennis with a basketball.
And you are not a loser for wanting to learn seduction. Your mum would
never tell you the right rules. She will tell you to be polite with women, show
respect, buy her drinks, look after her. And yes, they are all valid- but they
come AFTER you have sparked attraction and you are seen as a high value
I never used to believe that. I thought it was coercive to have a “plan”. I believed all
you needed was to be yourself and just have a conversation.
Fortunately, after a lot of confusion, I learned otherwise. Some guys out there are
not so lucky.
ii | I N T R O D U C T I O N
The „Hitch‟ quote was spot on. A man can no longer go up to a woman and say, “I
like you”. He will only get a “Thank you” with a hidden thought of, “I bet he says that
to all of the girls”.
And anyway, why should that be enough? Her knickers do not fall off simply
through saying you like her.
And the “Be yourself” thing…How do must guys achieve the “Be yourself” attitude
with women?
Usually it is the DEFAULT way of doing things…
- They give without asking for anything in return.
- They compliment without reason.
- They offer everything.
- They want to chase after a girl without her even attracting him.
What we do not realise is we are working backwards. We are showing all of our
protector and provider traits. But we don‟t realise women are independent
nowadays, and we are part of a 6.7 BILLION race where there are an abundance of
men out there for her to choose from.
It‟s ridiculous when you think about it like that. Even women feel it is ridiculous to
believe his compliments are enough reason for her to go with him. And unless they
learn how attraction works- they have no clue where they are going wrong. This
leads to them getting frustrated with women for all the wrong reasons.
As you read this book, you will know we respond to evolutionary wiring, but we are
living in a modern world with new rules. It is bound to create conflict.
Many of the men who believe the above method are feeding off of what women tell
them to be true, when really- the real ways to seduce her are a secret.
Society wants to keep it a secret. It could be a feminine influence, but you will see
why it has been kept a secret. Women have so many consequences they have to
consider- and as a man, we have to understand them.
There are so many consequences for a woman by letting you seduce her. We cannot
truly believe that going up to a girl and saying to her you find her attractive
works….Reason? Because so many other guys living on the old rules keep trying it.
iii | I N T R O D U C T I O N
And when they have said she is attractive and she “fell for it”, she ended up going
through the worst consequences- being used, or being pregnant, or he fed her lies
and she latched onto them etc.
My belief is always about living as a man in a modern world. We need to catch up to
how things work. If you are still living on old rules- then you won‟t get anywhere.
So in this guide, you will learn how seduction should REALLY work. The method has
been working for generations, yet today- our challenges are different.
This is not a guide on how to get a woman into bed. There is clearly a separation
between the sexes- each must fit like ying and yang into their roles. But women are
not your play toy for sex. Their emotions and desires are things you should take
into consideration.
Use it to your own gain whilst neglecting hers will only breed more insecurity in
If you have a strong sense of your own reality- yes, women will follow you, but she
will ENJOY following you.
Forget what society tells you, and do not feel guilty for seduction.
Bee‟s dance. Lions Roar. Peacocks spread. Men compete.
Seduction is always happening, so learn how to do it effectively.
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1 | S E E I N G T H E M A T R I X
Seduction has a very negative connotation. I mean, even the dictionary definition is
„to entice someone astray‟. But when seducing the opposite sex, we have to
understand that seduction MUST be used in order to make things happen. It plays
an important role in human culture. Well, in any
culture I should imagine.
If we never tried to seduce and “entice the
opposite sex astray”, then both men and women
would be at a stand off. Women would be
thinking, “Why hasn‟t he swept me off my feet
yet?”, and men would be thinking, “Month
subscription of porn. Very nice. How much?”
Seduction is bad! Seduction is naughty! …Ugh,
what poppycock.
How would any race continue without somebody
being seduced?
Obviously when two people first meet it is hard to know whether they are
compatible or not. So if either want to have sex- it requires action…it requires
seduction. Typically, it should be the man who takes the lead to make something
happen. The women will be merely suggestive to encourage his actions in a subtle
Who is gaining from seduction? The reason why there has been such a clash about
the subject is because women seem to get the bad end of the deal. Women want
more than just sex. They want a long term partner who will love them. The man is
simply out for sex (initially).
So if he manages to seduce her to do the bad thing, the man can easily leave while
the woman feels used as he goes his separate way.
2 | S E E I N G T H E M A T R I X
This is why women had to flip the script. They were constantly getting the bad end
of the deal. And as pregnancy and babies can often be the result of some nookie- it
leaves the women in quite a predicament.
And thus, society encouraged women not to give in so easily to men‟s
Nobody can blame women for that ideology. There have been many seducers
throughout history who have fed women a web of lies just to satisfy their lust. But if
women held on to the ideology, then there would be a stale mate. The struggle to
seduce would become more and more difficult.
There had to become a balance.
Fortunately, women don‟t latch on to the notion so tightly. It wasn‟t so long ago
when a new wave of female sexual expression came. Women were allowed to say
they like sex, and they were allowed to enjoy it. They have more play things upstairs
than Toys „R‟ Us. And because of
the pill and contraception‟s-
they can have sex without any
And that is a position we live in
today- women enjoy sex (I‟ll
explain later). However, the
emotional aftermath has still not
reached a clear cut point.
Men have tried to compensate
for it by being more affectionate with women. They would respect a woman and
become „the nice guy‟. He would do whatever he could to prove that he is a man
worthy of making her happy and be there for her.
3 | S E E I N G T H E M A T R I X
But once again, men began to realise that being the nice guy did not work. In the
same way that women once felt used and worthless- men began to feel the same
way. He would do all that he could for her, only to find that his feelings were not
Guys created a community to learn seduction- Pick Up Artists. They were the
frustrated ones who had the balls to admit defeat and learn attraction from scratch.
They wanted to understand it.
There are so many conflicting messages about how a guy should be.
Some wires were clearly being crossed.
And these crossed wires go on all the damn time. So you can see why seduction is
so difficult. We are seeing the world through the wrong lens.
So the first part of learning seduction is to….
It would drive you crazy to try and understand all the back n‟ forth fiasco and
conflicts. So to understand how to spark intimacy with a woman you have to:
It‟s a generalisation for you to do that, but you can‟t risk being polluted with all the
naff ideas out there. So forget what your mum told you. Forget what your girl friend
told you in your teens before she left you. Forget what you see in romance films.
You should probably forget what your dad told you too if he ever took the time out
for it.
4 | S E E I N G T H E M A T R I X
Forget it all- because 90% of the beliefs about seduction are fiction. You are always
encouraged to be the nice and respectful guy. But as you have probably learned
throughout your short but colourful life- that is not the case.
What you want to achieve in the beginning is to SEE WOMEN DIFFERENTLY.
This does not mean hating on women. This is simply UNDERSTANDING NATURE-
The evolutionary nature that has kept it all going.
So here are a few things you need to come to grips with. And as you progress
through this mini course, you will put together the pieces that confirm these
beginning perceptions.
A few suggestions that you might want to read and check out:
„The Red Queen‟ by Matt Ridley
„The Mating Mind‟ by Geoffrey Miller
„Sperm Wars‟ by Robin Baker
„My Secret Garden‟ by Nancy Friday
They are books about sexual evolution, our biological and animal instincts, and
female fantasy.
You have to go to the core to understand male-to-female relationships because
society has messed it all up for us. You‟re being lured into the nice guy fallacy
where you are communicating ALL of the wrong things.
And you can‟t ask women what really works for them because they too have been
led to confusion. You will only get a reel of manufactured responses. “A guy who
respects me…who will look after me…who makes me laugh” All plausible, but still-
a man would not be able to get what he wants by following those rules.
So here are some new beliefs you should follow as you read through this book:
5 | S E E I N G T H E M A T R I X
I mean a flirtatious tension. We are all constantly checking others out to assess their
value and attractiveness. It doesn‟t mean we pursue anything, but it does mean we
subconsciously seek it out.
It‟s especially true when a guy and a girl are left alone in a room. Sometimes it is
automatically assumed they will find something in common and become closer.
There is a tension as to whether you should keep things safe and respectful, or
whether you want to flirt as you check out each others signals.
This tension is just there for us. And you have to ask yourself, why is it there? Why
do we all subconsciously feel we have to check out other people‟s attractiveness
and value? And why can it sometimes feel uncomfortable being left alone with the
opposite sex?
Some people are obviously more receptive to these feelings than others- but it‟s
difficult to ignore the feelings.
We are a species, and every species has a mating ritual. It‟s not learnt at a seduction
school. It is not altered by “What will they think? Will I get rejected?” thoughts. It is
purely down to NATURAL INSTINCT.
We have this innate instinct in our own species, which is probably why we have the
tension mentioned in #1. But we
do have a consciousness, so we
cannot always act on our own
primal instincts. Doing so would
cause all kinds of crap. You‟d
probably be spreading your
seed in every female going- not
So we do have to harness our
instinctive nature for the sake
6 | S E E I N G T H E M A T R I X
of society and emotions. That‟s okay, as long as you respect the boundaries of
other peoples personal freedom.
Everybody wants more of a good thing. And every women mentions she wants to be
swept off of her feet.
Yes, women want to be seduced- but only by the ones who do it right
The selective few are the ones who UNDERSTAND how it all works. She probably has
guys in abundance checking her out and constantly trying it on with her, so she can
afford to be very selective.
But once the attractive guy who gets it comes along- she will do everything she can
to align with him. Why? Because, yes, there are many guys out there…but a high
percentage of them seduce in the wrong way…if you can even call it „seduce‟.
If you read Nancy Friday, you will read about female fantasies from genuine women.
It unearths the libido many women feel they have to suppress. All women feel a
social pressure to uphold to a pristine and pure image. No girl wants to be known
as a slut by her social peers. And these are often the fantasies women want to play
out in the bedroom. They want to take on the forbidden as a role in the bedroom-
like the helpless rape victim, or the shy girl wanting to be really slutty etc.
Her libido is like the wind- just because you cannot see it, doesn‟t mean it isn‟t
In PART TWO, you will understand how attraction works. As for this part, you have
to understand that men are not the only ones who seduce.
Why does every girl LOVE to dance? Why does every girl LOVE to take pictures? Why
does every girl LOVE to go shopping?
7 | S E E I N G T H E M A T R I X
They are all unconscious habits of women who want to display themselves the best
they can, so that potential suitors will spot them and want to seduce them.
It‟s a catch-22 for women. They want potential suitors to find them appealing and
attractive, but as they are doing it, all the wrong guys might show up. But is that
enough to stop a woman from doing it? Hell no!
It‟s their way of seduction. The way she moves on the dance floor…the way she
chooses the right dress to show off the right curves or push up her boobs etc. I‟ve
had the unfortunate experience of trying on a pair of high heels. Why anybody
would want to wear them more than once baffles me, unless there is something
deeper going on.
Pay attention to the detail a woman goes through to look good. Whether she is
competing with other females to stand out more, or maybe just to feel good…it
doesn‟t matter. It all comes down to an unconscious strategy to attract, which then
leads to seduction.
So do not apologise for trying to seduce a woman. If you seduce her in the right
way, she will feel absolutely amazing that she has been noticed. It‟ll be like Johnny
Depp has literally come up to her and said, “I like your dress”.
Men want sex, women want relationships…and women also want sex. But because
of social status, a woman does not want to be perceived as a slut. She has to appear
to have high moral standards, even though she may be craving for it inside.
Her social appeal far outweighs her desire to have sex (in most cases). Women may
even want a cheeky flirt with a guy, as long as her boyfriend doesn‟t see it
But you do not want to be the guy who can manipulate her feelings about these,
just so long as YOU get what you want. You have to respect what she wants.
After all, girls will constantly tell you, “Just because I‟m going into your bedroom, it
doesn‟t mean we are going to have sex”. She will always try to defend her
8 | S E E I N G T H E M A T R I X
reputation and social image. She will say no in many ways, but this is the art of a
seducer- you gain the ability to gauge when she genuinely doesn‟t want anything.
Also, as you learn the techniques, yes you will be able to manipulate the situation-
But it doesn‟t mean that you should. If you are telling her you love her and adore
her, just to make her melt in your arms as you carry her to the bedroom, but in the
back of your mind you know you will be gone in the morning- that is unfair
Be honest from the get go. Integrity goes a long way for somebody who learns the
natural way of seduction.
Ross Jeffries said it best, “Always leave a woman better than when you found her”.
She is not your conquest.
My granddad once offered me this advice:
He didn‟t have much tact. But he also means- if you do not make the move to
seduce her, no doubt some other guy will. It is a continual thing that will always go
She wants to be seduced. She seduces you by her external appearance. It‟s natural,
and seduction HAS to happen otherwise nobody will go with anybody. No naughty
All the above make you realise that YOU ARE allowed to seduce women. You should
not apologise for it or feel bad. She asks for it, and you want it. Our nature would
not have gotten this far if we all stood at the far ends of the dance floor.
The only lines to stay in between are using these techniques with respect and
maintain your honesty and integrity. At least that way seduction can be a pleasure,
both for you AND for her.
The flirting, the teasing, the tension, and the unpredictability- they are all actions
and feelings which feel good when you are having them done to you by somebody
9 | S E E I N G T H E M A T R I X
you are attracted to. You can make her feel good by giving her attention in all of the
right ways.
Saying, “You‟re beautiful” by itself doesn‟t cut it anymore. You have to have an
overall sexual and attractive attitude about you. Without it, it just doesn‟t work.
Look at how far logic would get you if you took the idea of, „If she says she wants
that in a guy, then being it means she will want me‟- you will get nowhere.
You can‟t define how to seduce the opposite sex by logic alone. You have to read
between the lines. As I said earlier, a woman will never tell you directly what she
wants from you.
With that in mind- the seduction path is never really defined for you. You will not
get exact answers. But as you practice the techniques with these new perceptions in
mind- your instinct and awareness will improve, giving you much more confidence
in knowing when she is receptive and when to pull away.
10 | S E E I N G T H E M A T R I X
It took a while for women to be able to admit they enjoy sex. With contraception,
women were allowed to be a bit more aloof because it prevented the consequence
of being tied down with children. They can be as promiscuous as men, Or can they?
Women have a lot of consequences with sex- she has her reputation to worry about,
and the aftermath. Men only want sex, so it requires a man to work towards a
Men seduce to get sex, but women do not want to be easy to give it because of
social perceptions and morals.
There are too many mixed messages about what women find attractive- so forget
everything you have been told. Start from the beginning...
To understand how attraction works- forget logic. Nobody like the mass media or
women will tell you how it really should be.
11 | U N D E R S T A N D I N G A T T R A C T I O N
We need to understand how attraction works. We can‟t turn to society or women for
the genuine answers. It‟s filled with confusion and red herrings. The best way to
understand attraction is to first look at our own responses, and then apply it to
evolution to see how it all fits together.
We know the obvious answers. Every magazine and media publication knows the
answers too. But also, forget your own personal preferences for a moment. It
doesn‟t matter if you prefer blondes over brunettes; bitches with attitude or cute
and shy girls- we are looking at our core, the one that has been able to make our
ancestors mate each other even when we had no such thing as language.
For evolutionary attraction- Imagine a world without language.
And the things we are immediately drawn to are:
- Youth
- Beauty
- Curves and Slenderness
- Breasts
Beauty is a category that includes her smile, her facial features and her overall
appearance including skin and hair. Put it all together and you have nothing but
external switches that attract us.
This is not to say personality plays a big part. But we would not know about a
person‟s personality without language.
And what do all of these add up to?
- She is healthy and vibrant
- Ability to have children
- She has a higher success rate of raising the child
12 | U N D E R S T A N D I N G A T T R A C T I O N
It‟s true, we don‟t look at a beautiful women and think, “Damn! Oh she is going to
be SO good at having my baby. I want her”.
It‟s instinctive and out of our control.
Think about it. A guys first thoughts when noticing a woman are all about her
appearance and how „sexy‟ she looks. He hardly ever thinks, “I wonder if she can
make me laugh”.
Put your hand flat out on the table. Look down at your index finger, and tell it to
move. Just internally say, “Move”. Can you do it?
I‟m assuming you won‟t be able to do it. With our body and our psychology we can‟t
WILL things to happen. You can‟t choose what or when you get an erection. People
may joke about our manhood is independent of us- but it does feel like that at
This little test proves to you there is something deeper going on. You can‟t move
your finger by giving it a command. You don‟t even have to think about it. It is just
done naturally.
Apply this principle to attraction. You cannot control it- it just happens naturally
and we respond to it.
This is at the deepest level of us, and there have been many layer additions as we
have progressed and evolved- But the core still remains the same. Unless there is
going to be a HUGE genetic mutation, like the small ones which have already
happened to introduce homosexuality to humans as it changes their internal
chemistry, then this is how it‟s going to be.
13 | U N D E R S T A N D I N G A T T R A C T I O N
You can‟t argue with instinct. We were never shown what to feel attracted to. We
never went to attraction school which
said, “You will be attracted to X, Y and
And we shouldn‟t be so naïve and
closed minded to think it only applies
to men. Women have these responses
too which they cannot control. And the
mistakes men typically make are down
to social influence.
A lot of us also go on the same rational
thinking- if I show I‟m attracted to her, then she will be attracted to me.
That‟s stupid. That is like thinking if I say I love somebody, they will automatically
love me back.
Attraction is a feeling, and it needs to be triggered.
So we need to trim away the social influence (talked more about in Resistance and
Interrupts) and notice what goes on at a woman‟s core.
Remember- women do not consciously think about this, just as you don‟t think
about liking her because she is healthy enough to have children. It just happens for
her. She will get turned on or she will get urges to act on her impulses.
So what are they? Put simply, they are:
Keep on thinking back to a world without words and a social structure. It was all
down to survival, and a woman could not survive on her own…
(Note how women still have a big fear of being alone. Even in a big world with a
huge population, that fear can still overwhelm her. And the older she gets, the more
14 | U N D E R S T A N D I N G A T T R A C T I O N
she feels it. Because she too instinctively knows youth and health plays a big part in
raising a child.)
She had to be with a man who was capable of surviving. As women naturally fell
into the roles of being at home to care for the children, men were out hunting and
being go-getters.
Women today complain about men not being real men. And what they mean by that
is- he is appearing to be weaker than her. He doesn‟t have the emotional strength
or the mental attitude to survive in this world. He would rather go out with the lads
and drink (and we wonder why women get frustrated by this one too) rather than
improve or have success.
When you look around you, you see the core attraction points still in play in today‟s
world. They often lead to misunderstanding and confusion, but you cannot argue
that they still play an important part in maintaining male-to-female relationships.
We can only know a woman is healthy by her appearance. We look at her hips, her
legs, her facial features, her hair, her skin…everything- just to get a perception
about her.
How do you think women notice if a man has value and status? I.e. - the main
factors which attract her to a man.
She too has to observe. However, the unfortunate thing is it cannot all be down to
external factors. Just because I have big muscles and I can move a house, doesn‟t
mean I have emotional value. Sure I can defend and protect her- but what about
being strong emotionally and mentally? No woman would want a man to hide under
the bed if somebody broke into the house. He has to be man enough to step up.
Once again, remember she is not conscious of this screening process. It is
instinctive. And these value traits are:
15 | U N D E R S T A N D I N G A T T R A C T I O N
What woman wants a man shorter than her? This is evolution assuring that the man
has a powerful dominance, and a woman feels comfort in seeing he is taller than
her. He may be a skinny runt with gangly legs, but height is a sure sign of having
Also as part of evolution are the traits for survival, Ask yourself: Are you willing to
do whatever it takes to get what you want?..Because if you are, then that is a sign of
No woman would want a man who plays it safe all of his life. How could he venture
off to new ground if he is fearful of the dark in that cave they just found? This could
be the reason for the „Bad Boy‟ image. The bad boy takes risks and tries the
unknown, and he is not tamed by inferior thoughts. He goes out and does what he
So do you have survival traits? Or are you tamed by shyness and fear? This is why
women put confidence at the top of their list. Confidence proves you are not weaker
than her- you are confident enough to do what needs to be done.
How many women LOVE their friends and family? How many say, “they have helped
me through so much. Without them, I wouldn‟t be who I am today”?
Women NEED a social peer group. It‟s a form of security for her. It goes back to the
not wanting to be left alone thing. Women absolutely need their friends, and you
have to respect it as her way of feeling secure. Women are by no means incapable
16 | U N D E R S T A N D I N G A T T R A C T I O N
of being independent and surviving alone, but their friends are always there for
them (or at least they should be)
So a woman would not want to align with a man who lacks social intelligence. If her
friends do not like you, then that will make her question whether she wants to
cause rifts and lose her social circle. That is why girls always look to their friends
for confirmation about you. Hey, you‟re in front of a judge and jury, but don‟t take
it personally.
To see if you have social value- it will be things like how your personality shines
through as you talk to her. Are you great with people? Are you surrounded by
friends and people liking you? It‟s a contest you have to win before you even enter.
Women are more in tune with their feelings than a man. They have to be. They are
designed to one day raise a baby inside of them. They are in tune with how their
body works and the sensations they feel. So comforting things like soft kisses,
cuddles, relaxing picnics on a warm day-
they sound romantic by nature, but they are
feelings and sensations.
Another feeling is laughter. If you can
stimulate her to make her laugh- then you
make her feel good.
This is how desirable you are sexually. It does not relate to length, girth and
I believe this to be very important. It is what separates you from the rest of the
chumps. Why? It is because it encourages you to put your interaction with her in a
sexual and intimate frame. Most guys do not do that. They can have everything else
in place, but if you do not communicate that you are sexually attracted to her, then
you will simply be seen as a friend- even if you are overall attractive to her.
17 | U N D E R S T A N D I N G A T T R A C T I O N
The way she observes this is by noticing how other women react to you. Ever heard
the line, “I bet you say that to all the girls”.
If you show that women are comfortable around you and they want you, other
women see this as you being highly sexual, but in a confident and comfortable way
for other women to respond to.
Women are all about security, so what gives her that? They are Things like money
(financial security); a man who makes it a priority to look after her (providing
security); a man who is confident and emotionally strong (protector security); a
healthy man (offspring and long-term security)….and so on.
So those are what women need to observe in a man to make her purr.
It‟s quite a big list to consider just to get her wanting you. And the biggest question
always asked is, “What is a woman attracted to the most?”
I believe that to be a preference for the woman which is
determined by her past and her upbringing. Some women see
a man who loves sex- and it turns her on. Some women want
a weak man she can control because she is fed up of being
hurt. Some women see money and think, “I‟m made for life!”.
The underlying factor is- she will usually go for the man who
has a lot to offer her. It‟s a selfish game, but we all do it. All
relationships are based on value.
There is no definite winner. For example, if women like financial security- then why
not have Bill Gates or Roman Abramovich up on their walls? No, they have people
like Hollywood hunks and superstars.
18 | U N D E R S T A N D I N G A T T R A C T I O N
It‟s not down to looks. It‟s down to sex appeal. Being seen (or
perceived) as a popular guy- with plenty of pre-selection and
social status.
This is why you cannot view attraction in a logical sense. All
you can really say is- women want the whole package (I
know- Greedy)
You know what a woman instinctively finds attractive. And if you look around you,
you will see it is carrying on today.
Women are already in tune with what men want, so they align with their instincts-
they are drawn to fashion, shopping and looking young and healthy.
Those are methods to give the green light for seduction. So a man must consciously
take on methods to COMMUNICATE his value to a woman.
It is all about communication. However, it is easy to manipulate factors to make her
assume you have them. Example, turn up in a posh sporty jag you borrowed off of
your friend (she doesn‟t have to know that) and you are communicating wealth.
But you don‟t want to be the guy who is manipulative just to compensate your lack
of value. You need to go get it and achieve it. And that comes from your attitude.
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We know how we react when we see a beautiful woman. We cannot turn it on and
off- it just happens to us. We subconsciously see her beauty as her being young
and healthy.
Women have the same automatic responses but to different things
Women respond to VALUE AND STATUS in a man. Things like power, dominance and
These responses are natural and evolutionary.
She cannot afford to be with a man who is weaker than her. But women cannot
admit they want men to "overpower" them.
Value women respond to:
There is no magic bullet for attraction. It is an overall perception of high status.
Otherwise women would have rich men on walls. But instead, they have musicians
and Hollywood stars- the ones with sex appeal.
Look around you and observe evolutionary attraction happening. When you do, you
will understand you should follow the law of evolutionary attraction, and not what
society tells you.
20 | T H E I M P O R T A N C E O F V A L U E
There are many schools of seduction out there, all creating techniques and
strategies for seduction. The truth is, all these methods are simply tools to do one
thing, and that is:
As long as you accomplish that in a way you are above her in value, then she will
feel attracted to you. This DOES NOT mean put her down or belittle her. You will see
what it means as we push along.
The goal for seduction is simple- create a connection that is open to intimacy and
escalation. This means you are able to touch, kiss, hold hands, have sex, spend
time with each other, connect with emotions etc.
You cannot achieve that goal through conversation alone. Conversation by itself
does not communicate value. And if you are both strangers- how is she expected to
know you even have any value?
So what you have to do is learn the basic principles to communicating your value in
a positive way. One where she understands that you possess all of the valuable
traits defined in part two.
Sparking attraction creates a space where you are both in your little world together.
It involves teasing, flirting and connecting. But you cannot do this ALL of the time.
I was once the guy who searched for the magic bullet to sweep her off her feet
within 5 words or less (slight exaggeration).
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But I soon learned that attraction is a continual thing. You can be attracted to
somebody, but then when they lack value- the attraction soon wears off. Isn‟t this
the case with most relationships? Some relationships end because they can‟t invest
time in each other so they drift apart. Some end because the sex life isn‟t as good
as it once was. Some end because they don‟t stimulate each others emotions
anymore- so people search for these “gaps” elsewhere. It‟s all related to value.
With attraction being continual, you have to work on your inner game so that these
tools to communicate become innate. That means you are NATURALLY attractive
without thinking up the perfect thing to say or how to handle a situation. You just
understand how attraction works, and your reactions unconsciously communicate
Attraction cannot be switched on 24/7. It would be pointless learning the perfect
lines and methods because they are short in length. For example, flirtatious banter-
You cannot keep that up ALL of the time. It will be a short 10 minute dialogue- but
the effects of it are amazing!
Look at the bigger picture and see how women respond to you when you apply
seduction techniques. They work by changing how she responds to you.
When you see the matrix- it will just click into place for you.
With friendly conversation, you get friendly responses back. But with ATTRACTIVE
conversation- you get attraction responses back. She will flirt with you, she will
tease you more, she will re-initiate if you pull away.
These are the responses you want to have happen. You want to create a scenario
where you are both seducing each other.
And you create this scenario through the techniques I‟m about to tell you. If you
DON‟T apply these techniques- then she will:
- Assume you are not interested
- Carry on normal conversation with you
- Only see you as a friend with no possible romantic interest
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Suffice to say- we don‟t want that to happen. But those are the consequences if you
do not set up a seduction scenario through flirting, teasing, banter etc.
So we know the drill- switch the conversation to seduction mode. And you must do
it AT THE BEGINNING. You won‟t be able to establish yourself as a trustworthy
friend and then start on seduction. Seduction always comes first.
Communicating value is easy when you remember the rule:
Imagine if you did appear weaker than her. Her evolutionary wiring will be telling
her, “How can I be with a guy who I am better than?” It‟s not a competition of the
sexes; it is simply knowing your role as
a man. Women nowadays are more than
welcome to be better than men in
sports, in careers…all kinds of things.
But there is still a desire in a woman to
find a man who is capable of being a
real man- a man who doesn‟t leave
everything up to her, who finds his own
level of success, and keeps on improving.
We need to communicate we have those traits for success and survival. But some
guys can struggle with this concept. They believe they have to be similar to a
dominant bully and control her. I think doing that is a HUGE sign of insecurity.
Let‟s get some perspective on how this works. Imagine you are with a girl, and you
do some of the following things:
- You put yourself down a lot.
- You compliment her and show too much interest.
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- When she leaves, you always reinitiate back with her.
- Her little put downs and lack of interest upset you.
Those are just a few examples of a how a man lowers his value with a woman. If you
look at the bigger picture, you will notice that they are all due to a man being
REACTIVE to a woman. Whatever she does- he reacts to it in an, “I‟m lower than
you” fashion.
Why put yourself down?
You: Oh I am so useless at this.
You: Seriously, a pit bull with a screwdriver could do this better.
You: You don‟t want me. I‟m too ___________.
Are you fishing for compliments? It‟s an IMMEDIATE turn off for a woman. It shows
you have a very low opinion of yourself. So already she is thinking, “This guy can‟t
even big up himself. Will I have to always pick him back up?”
Complimenting her too much and showing your interest can be very sincere, and
women do love compliments. But they would much prefer compliments from a guy
who uses them sparingly.
You: I think you are so beautiful. Wow. You are amazing!
Those are just fluff compliments. She has probably had hundreds of men tell her
that already.
And showing your interest saying things such as, “I really like you” too soon makes
her wonder, “What have I done to make him like me?”.
Too much of a good thing, is still too much. Even if you are her dream guy- by
constantly reinitiating with her and not giving her a chance to miss you, then you
subliminally cause her to lose interest in you.
When we know something is there all the time, it can become invisible to us. It‟s
like that jacket you wanted so bad a few months ago. Now you have it, it‟s in the
back of the closet somewhere.
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And when you are emotionally reactive- you show low control in your emotions
(emotional value and evolutionary value). If you get upset or go into your cave
because she hit a nerve, then how can you honestly be a man who survives?
I was wrestling with the idea of putting this section into Part Four: Resistance and
Interrupts- but I believe her tests are a natural part of the seduction process.
A woman has to discover your
value. It‟s like in an interview-
you could spin off a web of lies
about yourself, “I‟m committed.
I‟m self-motivated”, but the
person hiring you will never
know if you really are until they
hire you.
Women need to figure this out
A.S.A.P, and they do it naturally.
Tests are ways for her to see if you have the balls (value) to not be a little puppy
Her: I have a big thing for dark haired guys.
You look up- you have blonde hair. …Shit. How would you react to this? It is not her
consciously testing you. However, it is a statement when she damn well knows you
are not a dark haired guy.
Do you take it personally? She knows you are investing in her, and yet she is putting
up hurdles like this!
The key is to NOT be reactive and focus on what she says. Bad responses will be
you trying to put down dark haired guys, or ask, “Don‟t you like my hair?”
That makes your reactions PERSONAL.
Your best response could be, in a mocking way:
25 | T H E I M P O R T A N C E O F V A L U E
You: haha. What‟s wrong with blonde haired guys?
This is questioning her preference and it puts her on the back foot. Women have
this method of questioning a guy all the time.
You: I‟m here with my friends.
Girl: Where are they?
You: They‟re around somewhere. I lost them.
Girl: What do you mean you lost them?
You constantly have to come up to her level and feed her curiosity.
So the blonde hair response prevents it from turning personal and emotionally
It is only a statement- but it communicates a LOT, and it makes her feel like you
have the authority (value) to question her without fear.
To me, tests can be like a wrestle for status. If you are always on the back foot to
her questions or requests, without even being quizzical about her at times- then
you are lowering your value in her eyes.
Sometimes they will be genuine and not tests. How do you know the difference? I
think of it this way- Why ask you to buy a drink when she can obviously buy one
herself? Why ask you to stay in one spot while she goes away for ten minutes when
she can easily just find you later? Why throw out I prefer _______ (the opposite of
you) when she can clearly see you are not it?
Anything that makes you into a little puppy dog is a test- so don‟t be her little
A woman gets a general idea of you before you even talk to her. She will see how
you dress and how you interact with everybody around you. Subtle signs of your
body language and smile all suggest a lot about you.
This is why seduction is really an art in communication. If she looks at you stood in
a corner glancing around and then putting your head down- you are showing no
26 | T H E I M P O R T A N C E O F V A L U E
value. In the same respect, you could be with a group of guys all looking at the
women and you stand at the side. A woman will look at this and know to be
cautious of you- you‟re just a group on the prowl. Her defences will be much higher
than normal with you.
All of your external value will be easy if you have your inner game sorted. You will
naturally be talking to others, and you will be friendly to all the girls and they will
be responding to you in kind. Your body language will be confident and heading
out taking on the world.
So here are a few pointers for value at a distance:
Sorry to say, but looks are important. Well, not looks- but presentation. It doesn‟t
matter about your build or features. All that matters is if you have the capability to
present your best self.
If you haven‟t groomed and you throw on just any rags, what does that
communicate? It communicates laziness and lack of pride. Both of which are
undesirable qualities.
Body language is a consequence of your inner game. It is a reflection of your state
of mind at any one time. Depressed people often have their head down. Energetic
people usually move fast and in an alert way. Calm and collected people move slow
making the world come to them.
Try to notice and think about what is perceived as LOW VALUE and HIGH VALUE. All
top CEO‟s and heads of companies sit at the head of the table- so be in the centre.
The leaders own territory. The one who holds the most shares has control of a
company- so spread yourself out a bit and take up some space. You‟re not eager,
you are relaxed- so lean back.
27 | T H E I M P O R T A N C E O F V A L U E
Don‟t be resigned to only the pretty girls. Seduction is about conveying an overall
attitude of value. By showing you talk to others and they respond to you, then you
are communicating extremely high social value.
A big indicator of value is for you to be PRE-SELECTED by other girls. If other
women are reacting to you in an „attraction mode‟ way, then other women will feel
secure in the knowledge that women are comfortable with you.
These traits should be part of you in your everyday life. You don‟t manipulate them
for the sake of looking high value- you do them to BE of high value.
Nobody likes a guy who brags, and everybody wants to put down those who come
across as too high and almighty.
But we do want to be creating and giving value. Otherwise you will be stood there
like a lemon and asking all of the questions and only speaking when spoken to.
When you have value, expect to be questioned (tests) at times. It‟s normal.
The methods to communicate your value during interactions are simple if you
follow a few rules:
- Don‟t brag
- Tell stories rather than directly say something about yourself
- Emotional stimulation is key.
Bragging is a big no no. You are only putting yourself in the line of fire. Instead, use
point number two and communicate your value through stories.
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If you tell a story about how you recently helped a friend out financially- you are
communicating you take care of your friends (protector), and you are wealthy
enough to help out a friend (provider).
If you talk about an experience with your ex-girlfriend and how you planned a
weekend away for sex, but her parents invited themselves along- it‟s a funny
situation (you have a good sense of humour), you have had a girlfriend before
(social value by being pre-selected), and you are not shy about having sexy time
(sexual value).
All the qualities are sub-communicated through your stories. Women pick up on
these little things- it‟s incredible how astute they can be.
Other means of providing value through interactions are BEING FUNNY AND MAKING
Your stories, when done right, can stimulate a lot of emotions. And that‟s what
seduction is often all about
The more you stimulate her emotionally, the more she will attach those feelings to
you. Laughter is always welcomed by women. It feels good and it eases the mood.
But it has to be the right type of humour. Men can have genuine laughs at toilet
humour and silly stuff. What can I say- we‟re open minded.
If you use self-deprecating humour with a woman, you will get “hehe, aww”. But if
you say something like:
You: Hell yeah. I‟m so cool I piss ice cubes.
That will get a better reaction. The comedy balances out the arrogance. You are
able to get away with it whilst still showing an air of confidence about yourself.
29 | T H E I M P O R T A N C E O F V A L U E
FROM A DISTANCE Style and Grooming
Body Language and Presence
Social Value and talking to everybody
Already pre-selected by other women
DURING INTERACTIONS Tell stories to indirectly communicate value.
Stimulate emotions.
Make her laugh and use confident humour.
Social intelligence and Great Conversation
(Note: If you want to improve your conversation skills, then go check out my
ebook- Improvise Interactions – How to be social and think on your feet)
So you know the basics of value and how to communicate it. You remember the
simple rule: When you appear weak
30 | T H E I M P O R T A N C E O F V A L U E
All seduction techniques do is accomplish two things:
1) Communicate your value and status
2) Create a sexual tension and spike attraction
Inner game should always come first. If you are naturally a man of value-
you will act as a man of value.
You must initiate attraction with every girl and always from the beginning. It
is always harder to be a lover after a friend.
Always allow the potential of romance to happen with any girl
Lower value = reacting to her and entering her frame of reality. If you are the
one chasing and apologising, then you are lower value.
Seduction is a two way thing. She has to feel invested into seducing you too.
If not, she will wonder, "What the hell did I do to make him like me? I bet he
does this to all the girls."
Her tests are to appear to be a challenge. If she let you seduce her with no
resistance- she will appear too easy. She wants to see if you are a confident
man who gets what he wants.
Value from a distance - body language, appearance, social value, pre-
Value during interactions - personality, attitude, confidence, emotional
stimulation, social skills
Use stories to communicate your value indirectly.
31 | H A V E A S E D U C T I V E I N T E R A C T I O N
I‟ve established that normal conversation doesn‟t cut it when trying to seduce a girl.
There has to be a different level of communication and banter between the two of
And you can‟t just walk up to a girl and say to her, “I like you. Let‟s go back to my
bedroom” and expect it to work. (Although after 6 JD and cokes, anything is
Seduction is about time, and your biggest virtue will be patience. If a beautiful
woman came up to a man and said “let‟s have sex”- he probably will. We are driven
by different desires and needs.
Women have it a bit more difficult.
To move interactions into sparking attraction- there has to be certain amounts of
tension and interest, which result in feeling chemistry and connection.
What happens is, you carry on being your loveable charming self- but you create
spikes during the interaction where her attraction for you escalates.
And here are the techniques to create attraction…
A girl you do not find attractive can hug you- and it means nothing. But when a
beautiful girl you find attractive hugs you- it has all kinds of different meanings and
This principle applies to every woman out there. If she does not find you attractive-
then a hug is just a hug.
But if she is attracted to you through your communication of higher value- then the
hug will have a different meaning. Why did he hug me like that? Why was it a bit
longer this time? He‟s holding me lower down, why did he do that?”
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So as soon as she finds you attractive, and you use these techniques to increase her
attraction for you- then you will impact her differently by what you say and do.
A compliment always holds more weight from somebody you respect and admire.
The moment you chase, you appear weaker and give up all of your attraction. This
is where the importance of balance comes in. A
guy can try too hard to be in charge ALL of the
time. But at times she will be genuinely upset or
genuinely in need of you to go comfort her and
help her. This is you showing you have
Other than those times- she has to feel like she is
coming to you and winning YOU over. You have
to be the larger than life attractive guy who she
DECIDES to seduce. It isn‟t very rewarding for her
if she gets you straight away.
How do you know she is attracted to you? Well, if
you have laid the groundwork of establishing high value and held firm through her
tests- she will be intrigued and attracted to you.
You will notice her reciprocating more and pulling you back in with questions and
When you notice these indicators of her interest, then you are allowed to be free to
express your interest in her. BUT don‟t go overboard. You don‟t want to turn into
the puppy dog even when you feel she is attracted to you.
Right now I‟ll go into detail about what each method is, and then I will put it into a
scenario on how you would use it with a girl.
With these techniques you are communicating certain qualities about yourself.
Things like:
33 | H A V E A S E D U C T I V E I N T E R A C T I O N
- You are a challenge and challenging. She has to work to get you.
- Her appearance is not enough. You need to know more.
- You are fun, playful, and sexual.
- You are high enough in value to tease her and question her.
- You can get her aroused. You are not afraid to touch.
- You take the lead and she can feel safe in trusting you.
It‟s a lot to ask for, but they are communicated subtly throughout the interaction
with these techniques.
Women have an automatic frame that you are after them for one thing. So by
disqualifying yourself as a potential suitor, you make her question your motives.
Let‟s face it, as soon as you approach a girl- they have questions about what it is
you are wanting. Strangers do not walk up to strangers for nothing. It helps if you
are first of all observed as a social person, but some of us are not that fortunate.
Also, with extremely beautiful women, they will have heard all of the lines and all of
the excuses. They know how guys work because they have experienced them in
their dozens. So it is expected she will not even tolerate what you say because you
could be like every other guy out there.
So you can disqualify yourself in two ways:
1. Active Disinterest. Show little attention to her
2. Put her down like she is not the centre of attention.
In short, it comes down to attention. The more you give her, the more she will lap it
up- but reward you with nothing.
The best way is to completely ignore her while you interact with other people.
Display your high value and show others appreciating your personality. It will
intrigue her to be the one to approach you. She will be wondering why you are not
like every other guy out there trying to hit on her. You must obviously be very
stable and a challenge.
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Make sure you do eventually interact with her though, or she may rationalise it as
her beauty being too much for you (No seriously, some girls do. But who can blame
Putting her down has been questioned by a few people as a legitimate method. It‟s
called Negs and devised by mystery. I believe the guys who do not take advantage
of them simply don‟t understand the psychology behind it.
You have to lower her value, so if you notice something IMPERFECT about her- then
it brings her back down off of her pedestal and she is seen as an actual human
being. An example is as you talk to her:
You: Ew! You just spit on me.
You: Are those nails real?
Be playful as you deliver them. They are not extreme put downs. They are a means
to disqualify yourself because she will expect a guy to compliment her about her
beauty. By doing this, you show you are not phased by it.
Although use them sparingly. Once you have said one or two, your value can then
speak for itself.
Flirting is an indicator of your interest in her. Unless she is attracted to you, it won‟t
hold much weight. So only flirt when you have established at least SOME value.
Flirting is just simply being suggestive. You are not directly offering your interest
out on a plate. You are hinting creating a space for her to jump in- like dangling a
hook for a fish, and waiting for her to bite on it.
You: Oh my God. I can tell you are going to be trouble already.
Her: Hehe and why is that? (notice the quizzical nature)
You: (she is hugging you) If you are going to hold me, I suggest you
do it on my ass.
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You: (noticing her looking at you across the room. You walk up to her)
…I know what you were doing then. You were trying to imagine me
naked weren‟t you…
When you flirt, it‟s best that you do not wait for her responses. Cast the
conversation or your attention elsewhere immediately after. Why? Because it gives
her the opportunity to answer back to the flirting, which will lead down a dead end
By snapping away from it, you remain in control.
So be suggestive at times, and look for any innuendos with her. Try and take on the
mindset that SHE is trying to seduce you, and you are having none of it.
Teasing is great because it is such a big communicator of you having higher value.
You are like the guy who pulls on the girls pigtails in the playground, and then they
come and chase you.
Teasing is closely related to flirting, but it is more about making her jump through
hoops for you.
You: We are not going to get along at all. We are too similar!
- or -
You: Are you flirting with me? C‟mon girl, keep up…
It is done in a playful and jest manner. If you do it with a straight face, expect some
negative responses. Teasing is a playful act, and she will enjoy it when it is done
But use it sparingly. Teasing is like you are pushing her back and saying, “Try
harder”. You can‟t always keep her at arms length or you will never develop
intimacy. Only use it when the energy is high and you are having a fun time.
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You use both flirting and teasing to create a push-pull affect. Push her away with
disqualifying her as being potential for you, and then pull her back by rewarding
her for what she just did.
You: You don‟t like rock music? Boy are you going to hate coming
back to my place then…
Her: Well I don‟t hate it. I just…I prefer different stuff.
You: Okay. At least you have an open mind about it…
You could of left it at her not liking your type of music. But, because you had her
attracted to you, she wanted to qualify herself and not close any doors between you
After you have attracted her, you need to let her know that you find her attractive
too. But you have to do it in a way where she doesn‟t feel like you she has already
one you over. As soon as she feels that, and you are no longer challenging- then
the fun stops.
To qualify her, you ask her a question, and then if it is a desirable enough for you-
then you can tell her subtly that you find her interesting.
You: So what do you do for a living?
Her: I‟m a veterinary nurse
You: That‟s great! I don‟t think I could ever be with somebody who
doesn‟t like animals. I can imagine you have a really sympathetic
nature about you…
You: So what do you do for fun when you‟re not chatting up handsome
Her: I like to _________________.
(find something you like or dislike about it and comment on it)
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You do not qualify JUST to have her answering questions so you can say you like
her. They have to be genuine and aligned with the kind of things you actually like in
a girl.
What qualifying does is level you both out so you are on mutual levels of attraction.
This gives her comfort in feeling like you are not just going with any girl. It is very
specific to her qualities and her lifestyle.
6. TOUCH HER (kino)
Feeling touch can be immensely arousing, especially for a woman. Her body is so
sensitive to touch. If you do not touch her, you will
not be able to create a physical rapport with her.
Being too shy to jump into her personal space
always keeps you behind a barrier, which then
results in you being seen only as a friend.
She will not let a friend touch her in arousing ways.
She will feel uncomfortable and edgy. Only the
attractive guy who is seducing her has the luxury of
touching her in intimate ways.
And touching is a progression. You have to start
small. Going straight for her lady bits will only get
you a slap in the face and a restraining order.
This is typically the progression model of where you can touch a girl:
1. Handshake. Your hand on the top of her arm as you talk. High fives.
2. Playful games like thumb wrestling. Quick hugs.
3. Hand games like pretending to palm read or any other.
4. Hand on her lower back.
5. Smelling her neck. Feeling her hair.
6. Hand on her knee.
7. Holding her hand for a prolonged amount of time. Longer hugs.
8. Touching her tummy.
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9. Stroking her neck with your fingers.
10. Pecks on the lip. Kissing.
11. Hand inside her leg. Hand on her bum.
It‟s just a rough guide. Some women feel more personal than others. And it doesn‟t
necessarily have to be in any order.
You can be playful with your touching. Like, you can pretend to brush an eyelash
away from her cheek, play a game where you get to run your fingers up and down
her back, take a closer look at her necklace, smell her perfume- little things like
Don‟t worry, she will try and do the same excuses to you. “Oh my god is that a
tattoo? Oh wow, let me see your belly button. Do you really have a penis? Let me
Touch is the main key to make your interaction personal and intimate. In the next
part you will learn how to overcome resistance you can anticipate with touch, such
as her brushing you away.
Trust is an important factor to seduction. If she doesn‟t trust you or feel
comfortable, then chances are she will have a lot more barriers to put up against
But comfort is more than that. Comfort is about finding a bond- something that can
continue past your couple of hours flirting session. You need something to be able
to relate to. The next morning, she may wake up with the feelings of attraction
completely gone. It is the feelings of connection and investment that keep her
interested in you.
What is investment? Investment can e something simple like time. Think about
taking her off to a private location and spending an hour just getting to know each
other. Investment can also mean emotional investment, like sharing memories and
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To have her invest in you, you may have to invest in her first. Take the bullet and
ask to be alone with her somewhere- being in public or still in sight of her friends
is clearly the better choice. When you‟re alone, you get to ask her personal
questions about her. You cut off Mr. Seducer and you create a connection. You find
commonalities and share things about each other.
Without this, you are just the two hour fling who was fun for a while, but would
never be worthy of keeping around. Remember, being attracted to somebody comes
and goes. It is comfort and investment which certifies a long friendship and
Having investment and connection is easy- but it is IMPORTANT you have built the
foundation of value and attraction first. Why? It is because you could just be the
girlfriend who she turns to whenever things go bad. In other words- you become a
friend she feels comfortable with.
When you are attractive in her eyes, the comfort building and investment will be
much more valuable to her.
So when you built bridges in attraction- take her some where more private where
you can talk properly and get to know each other. Ask her to hold your drink when
you go because you‟ll be two minutes, so she has invested her time waiting for you.
Ask her to go the bar with you and help get in drinks. Ask her to go over to the
coffee place for 15 minutes for a quick chat.
All you have to do is ask something of her (but not too much). And then she will
feel you both have more to gain than just a quick flirt.
You know how to communicate your value, and you know seduction techniques to
turn the interaction into something sexual. In the last part I‟ll show you how it all
fits together into a generic model. But
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A seduction interaction is using techniques to spark attraction. Normal
conversations without these techniques will only leave you as a friend.
If you do not make your moves, she will assume you are not interested.
She has a lot of consequences to allowing you to seduce her, so take them into
When she is attracted to you- your actions will be seen in a different light. A hug
will no longer JUST be a hug- but it will have tension and chemistry.
Qualities to communicate:
- You are a challenge and challenging. She has to work to get you.
- Her appearance is not enough. You need to know more.
- You are fun, playful, and sexual.
- You are high enough in value to tease her and question her.
- You can get her aroused. You are not afraid to touch.
- You take the lead and she can feel safe in trusting you.
Disqualify yourself in a subtle way. "I would never get along with you" This way you
set it up that you are not chasing. Disqualify by:
1. Active Disinterest. Show little attention to her.
2. Put her down like she is not the centre of attention.
Flirting is playful suggestiveness. You are encouraging her to bite on the hook and
play along with you.
Push and Pull- never constantly keep teasing or flirting. Pull away to leave her
wanting more.
Qualify her with questions about what she is like or what she does. This way she
feels invested in the attraction.
Touching is crucial. Always find a reason to touch, even if it is the top of her arm or
a hug.
Comfort and connection is what it all leads to. If you don't build comfort- you are a
fart in the wind. She can easily forget you.
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Seduction should primarily be straight forward. You attract her; she attracts you;
you take the lead and escalate- game, set, match. There would be the odd occasion
of playing hard to get, but overall it would be simple. You never see animals writing
into magazines, “I have issues with my relationship. I screwed the neighbourhood
dog and the bitch on my patch is a bit upset about it”- Nature just gets on with it.
Unfortunately for us, society has sunk its teeth into how things should be done, and
it is usually geared towards women, causing them to be more resistant to a guys
advances. Men often think with their nuts and
face the consequences later.
Even though a woman‟s deepest desire may
be to let loose and enjoy sexual freedom as
men do- she still has to face social
consequences. She faces labels like “slut” and
“easy”. The jealousy in the women around her
rises because she gets all the attention and
they don‟t.
As I said in the first part, men would be quite
happy having promiscuous sex. His ego would
be fulfilled having gorgeous women after him,
and he has the freedom to come and go as he
pleases. Yet women have to take all of these
consequences into consideration- and now, through finding a mutual balance, so
do men.
Sex has always been a difficult thing because somebody always “loses”. One often
gets more attached than the other. It requires an understanding and emotional
control from the get-go.
And I may be giving the wrong impression here by talking about sex. Sex is often
the transition point where you know if something else will develop.
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But seduction is not all about sex. It is there to develop possible long-term
relationships and connections. You can become awfully close to a girl emotionally
as well as intimately, rather than being the guy she only has when she needs a
shoulder to cry on.
With seduction not being so straight forward and just letting us all get on with it-
we have to understand RESISTANCE and INTERRUPTS- what prevents seduction from
going where you want it to go?
Women are diverse individuals. They are not carbon copies of the other. They all
have their own individual preferences and standards. Some may stop you after you
say “hello” because she is not looking for anything. Others may stop you as you get
into the bedroom because she “isn‟t that kind of girl”. Another girl may stop seeing
you after sex. “I‟m sorry, I feel so embarrassed. I didn‟t want that to happen. I can‟t
see you again”.
Resistance is due to her personal issues, standards and beliefs.
If they are not to do with that, it could just be her attitude. She could just be a girl
who likes to push-pull with a guy to see how many hoops she can make him go
through- it‟s fun for her. Or she may be a very shy girl and having a guy trying it on
is alien to her.
You should always be the one who takes the lead and initiates.
A woman does not want to take any responsibility for initiating anything intimate. If
she did, she would feel like a slut and too easy. At the end, you want her to think to
herself, “…It just happened!”
How do you do that?
The best method is often being indirect while still escalating.
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If you said to a woman, “Let‟s go back to my place and get naked”. If she says
“okay”, then she is responsible for making it happen.
However, if you were to say, “Come over to my place before we go to the bar, I have
something to show you”. She may in the back of her mind think, “Ey up, this is him
hinting at sex” but she will still go along with it- she is not directly initiating
anything except seeing what happens.
This is not manipulation, this is playing by the rules. She may in fact want
something to happen- but her brain kicks in telling her not to be too easy. It is up
to you to create the scenario.
Even in a relationship, the boyfriend often has the habit of keeping her level of
responsibility low. Instead of asking for a wild night, he will say “Let‟s have a quiet
night in on Saturday. You, Me, Wine- it‟ll be great”.
To lower her resistance to responsibility- Be the one who takes the lead, and
initiate a scenario indirectly.
Touching is very intimate and personal. Obviously every girl will have a strong
resistance to having her body touched by just ANY guy. She will only allow the ones
who she feels comfortable with to escalate touch. Otherwise you will get the “what
are you doing?” or a brush off.
And no guy wants a brush off. It‟s so uncomfortable trying to hold a girls hand only
to have her pull it away.
So rather than going straight for the prize, escalation should be taken slowly- and it
can be tested.
Let‟s say you are sat down with her, as you are talking you can put your hand on her
knee for a few seconds. DON‟T make it a focus like during a silence. Do it as you
talk, like it is a natural passive thing- and then pull it away after 2-3 seconds.
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This does two things. One, she gets accustomed to you touching her on her knee.
And two, if she then leans her knee away from you, you know she is too
uncomfortable for that kind of touching right now. It helps you gauge just how
comfortable she feels with you. From there, you know to ease off a bit and relax her
more till she feels comfortable. Then later on, you try it again.
If you go back to the TOUCH for attraction page, you will see the list of what is
comfortable as you progress.
One key point initially is to only touch her for a few seconds, and then pull away
before she has the chance to brush you off. If that is comfortable for her, you can
prolong the length of time.
Another point will be to NEVER ASK TO TOUCH HER. This comes back to her
RESISTANCE TO RESPONSIBILITY. If she says “yes it is okay to touch me”, then she is
being responsible to you escalating.
If you do get the inevitable brush off, don‟t take it personally. Carry on talking and
being normal with her. A freeze out has been a suggested method, but I think a lot
of women can see this as you being petty and sulking.
Just reinitiate the touch again later, and continue to touch her where she feels
Use little excuses like games to be able to touch her. As long as you do not latch on
to it afterwards, it will become comfortable for her feeling your touch in those
Isolation is vital when you reach intimate points of the escalation such as kissing
and being a bit raunchy. No way would she like to do this in a public venue (unless
she is totally tanked up) especially in front of her friends. It‟s a social status thing.
She would look very sleazy throwing her legs over you on a couch in a bar or at a
coffee place in the comfy seat area.
Be respectful of this fact. If she says something like “Not here”, take that as a signal
to isolate her somewhere a bit more private- out of sight and consequences from
her peers.
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Touch is very personal, so don‟t dive in. Take it slow and be passive with your
touch. It should not be a focus, nor should it be asked for. Use small compliance
tests (such as 2-3 seconds touch then pull away) to gauge her comfort levels. If you
get a brush off, continue on as normal. And don‟t forget to isolate her when you
reach intimate and raunchy touching. Be respectful of her need to keep social
Before you even open your mouth you can be hit with resistance. And it can come in
all kinds of ways:
Her: Do you mind, we are having a conversation
Her: Sorry, we are not out for that tonight.
Her: Could you just go away please
More often than not, this is a consequence to you not observing the situation. A
blow out straight away is often down to you not assessing the situation. You should
look and see if they are in deep conversation or whether they are fully occupied.
If you do, then you can approach at the right time in the right way. It will not be a
full on rejection aimed at you. After all, she won‟t even know you- so how can she
make a snap judgement with such conviction? You don‟t know the situation prior to
that either. Many guys may have tried their luck before you and now she is just
pissed off.
That is situation resistance which is misconstrued as her rejecting you…
Another is beautiful women. The types you should see on magazines. If you
approach these directly, you are just another guy doing the same old thing. She is
tired of it. She may have fun with you for a bit and be suggestive- but other than
that, you are just her little play thing. Then she can cast you out by saying, “I‟m
going now”.
Her shields are automatically up to any guy wanting her. Fortunately, she is often
not alone. So you can demonstrate your value by working through the group and
not giving her any attention. If she butts in with a cat call, make playful fun of her
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with her friend. Then you can win her over later with your charms, when she feels
you are not after her just for her looks.
Manipulative? Once again, No…It‟s the rules.
Many girls will have their shields up to guys wanting them or trying it on. HOWEVER,
direct honesty can win her over.
When you say, “Hi, I saw you from across the room and I find you really attractive.
What‟s your name?”
It is a direct opener, but you have to back it up with a lot of confidence and value. If
not, you will get the line, “I bet you say that to all the girls” or “How many girls have
you used that on?”
Don‟t take this resistance personally. You are getting the backlash of all the
previous guys who have tried and failed miserably. If you show you are not shaken
by it, it shows you have a lot of emotional value to remain secure. That is much
more admirable than calling her a bitch.
No woman wants to be one of your notches on your bed post. If she perceives you
as being a player, then her resistance will undoubtedly be higher. But this can be
seen as a contradiction- because if you are a guy who gets a lot of girls, then you
are pre-selected, right? That‟s value and status.
This is why celebrities are such good examples of the value ideology. I don‟t think
many women will care how many girls Brad Pitt has had, if he comes up to her- she
will probably go off with him.
What most players do is they draw their attention to the girl without backing it up
with a lot of value. They‟re all full of empty compliments and saying whatever
works. This is chasing her before you are even seen as attractive- it just doesn‟t
work like that.
Most girls will throw out lines at you such as, “You say that to all of the girls. …how
many girls have you said that to? …How many girls have you been with?” She does
this because she doesn‟t want to look and appear easy. The more girls you say you
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have been with, the more she will resist you because she doesn‟t want you to think
she is easy “like all the other girls”.
To overcome the perception of being a player, make sure she is attracted to you
first before you try on your moves. You will only come across as sleazy and “playing
the numbers” game.
Boyfriends, Marriage, three kids and a little house on the prairie- Who knows what a
girl‟s life story is.
You could be chatting away with her and suddenly:
Her: I think I better tell you, I have a boyfriend.
It‟s a commitment she cannot exactly ignore, even though she did enjoy your
company and a cheeky flirt with you.
How do you react? Some guys may assume this to be a conquest. Get the fair
maiden who is to marry the king. But we do not want to be home-wreckers. Even
though there is a lot of chaos in relationships nowadays, some are genuinely happy
with their status and who they are with.
However, this should not prevent you from having her as part of your social circle
and contacts. It would be selfish to turn away from her only because you cannot do
the whole seduction thing.
Who knows, it may end up in a possible romance down the line. But right now, your
best option is to call her up on the fact she thinks you want her, or that the
boyfriend should be an obstacle:
Her: I think I better tell you, I have a boyfriend.
You: That‟s nice. And you can still have a boyfriend while we become
- or -
You: It‟s okay, I have 4 mistresses and an angry wife at home. Doesn‟t
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mean we can‟t get to know each other…
- or -
You: Is that a problem because you don‟t trust me? Or because you
don‟t trust yourself?
Notice how this is another means of escalating indirectly. It is usually how many
seductions go. Nothing can be straight forward nowadays. It demands tact.
Plus, it‟s not always a boyfriend. It could be a marriage, or she has just come out of
a relationship, or she is not looking for anything at all.
And this is the automatic frame you get when you approach a girl, so just grin and
bear it.
To avoid her resistance by any commitment or situation she is in, accuse her of
jumping the gun and thinking you are after her. You are simply a social guy
building up his social circle. How can she argue with that?
Some girls can be really blunt with you and just say to your face, “ugh. Go away.
You‟re not my type”. It‟s the harshest rejection, but oh well, take it on the chin
But other than that, women do have preferences in the type of man they want- just
like men.
You may not be her type, however this most of the time this is a test for your
persistence to stick up for yourself. I‟ve known many girls who are not with the
dream guy they always fantasised about. Do they just settle? I‟m not at liberty to
say. But I do know that girls will ignore the fact a guy is not her exact type. Beggars
can‟t be choosers- so if you are incredibly attractive to her in a lot of other ways- it
overrides the fact you are not her perfect type.
When she puts up blocks like this, persist with her- and don‟t make it personal. You
should believe you are of high value and have a lot to offer in different ways. Stick
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to your guns and keep riding the wave. Ignore her comments about type and how
you are not it.
You can do everything right and still get resistance to sex when you get into that
situation. Sex seems to be the ultimate point because it is where the transition
begins. A lot of things will be running through her mind- are you just using her?
Does she feel used? What will happen after you do it? Is it going to go anywhere?
Did I leave the gas on? (kidding) Will we be okay afterwards?
It‟s a nervous moment for her. She gets a lot of anxiety, the same kind of anxiety
you probably felt when you approached her in the beginning. Trying to escalate
past resistance while she is in this state of anxiety can be difficult.
And the way to handle LAST MINUTE RESISTANCE is by using the principle of pulling
away, but pulling away completely. You want to intensify the feeling of her wanting
it even more.
If she get‟s too much of a good thing, her emotions will kick into overdrive and it
will worry her- so her only reaction will be to pull away, “Wait, we can‟t do this”.
She probably does want to do it, but she needs to know she can trust you. So pull
away completely. Use the same principles as with kino escalation, and carry on
chatting away, or diverting to something else.
As you do, she will be thinking to herself, “Is that it? But I…”. By pulling away you
are encouraging her to give in to her desires, and not feel guilty about it.
Then after a few minutes, the kissing will be sure to start again, and the heavy
petting will follow from that. This time she may let you go a bit further.
Even if she says to you, “I better go” and she grabs her bag- you have to show you
are un-phased and not upset by it. She will be in two minds- she will want to be
with you because she has invested so much time with you and she does find you
attractive, but the feeling of being easy and the consequences afterwards.
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Pulling away is not forcing her. You are genuinely respectful of what she wants. But
you have to trigger her fight or flight response so she can make a true decision-
and it is up to you to still keep up the escalation.
She would not have let herself be in that position if she did not want to have sex.
Although she didn‟t take responsibility to start it, she will still be a smart girl and
probably been in that position before- she knows how it goes.
Never force or back her in a corner when she resists for sex. Pull away completely.
Cut off all touching and divert to something else. After a few minutes, you can try
again. If it gets too much for her, she may want to leave. You have to respect her
decision and allow her to do so. She will be in two minds, but you are helping her
make a decision by not forcing her. She will still not open up and say, “Okay, lets do
it!” but she may say, “I can stay for five more minutes though cant i? Just until my
taxi comes.”
Even if you do all of the right things, you can still get resistance from her. It is to be
expected. You don‟t know her situation, you don‟t know her history- you know
nothing about her.
But a lot of the resistance is similar with every girl. It could be evolutionary, it could
social influence, or it could be personal comfort.
The method is to not take it personal, and realise a woman will never let the
seduction go straight forward. Doing so would be too easy.
It is up to you to remain persistent and not take what she says literally. Many girls
can say they have boyfriends, or you are not their type, or they don‟t like you
touching her- but through the right kind of persistence, their minds may change.
Don‟t throw in the towel straight away. A girl wants to see how far you are willing to
go for her, just to show you are invested in her- and not after an easy lay.
Russell Brand calls it “The Knobstacle Course”. He‟s not far wrong.
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Interrupts are blocks which happen during the interaction due to the dynamics or
because of other people. You could be in the middle of spiking her attraction for
you by telling an emotional story and demonstrating your value- then out of the
blue her friend comes along and pulls her away “for five minutes”.
Your frame is your reality. If a woman says to you, “I prefer ________ type of guy”
and you say to her, “Oh. I‟m nothing like your type at all. Do you still like me
though?”- You are entering HER reality. You are aligning with her frame and
Controlling your frame in that situation would mean to not jump into her reality.
Saying, “Well I‟m hoping you are an open minded girl, otherwise we are in trouble”.
You didn‟t cave in and feel insecure.
Stepping into somebody else‟s reality means you are being reactive to what they say
and do to you. Bullies are exceptionally great at this. You walk in trying out your
new shirt when some dick comes over, “haha. What the hell are you wearing that
for? That really does not suit you at all!”. From that day on, you never wear it again.
Instead you could have kept your frame and just said you like it and felt
So when interrupts come along, it is crucial to be non-reactive and to control your
frame…your reality.
And interrupts are pretty much just distractions and excuses for the girl to leave.
This is obvious for meeting a girl during the day and on the move. She will have
places to go and people to see. The same applies for trying to meet a girl while she
is doing her job like catering or bartending.
When somebody is being busy, either offer to go with them, or just say, “We‟ll only
be two minutes.”
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This is known as a FALSE TIME CONSTRAINT. Sales people do it all the time, “Hi can
I just talk to you for a few seconds?”. It‟s a speedy process, but in this situation-
your confidence and frame control display a lot of value anyway. You may feel like
you are imposing, but as long as you do not stop them in their tracks fully, then it
should be okay.
Things can be going tremendously smooth. You could be in your own little bubble
with her, until………
- Her phone rings and she has to go.
- She bumps into another friend.
- She pre-warned you she has to go somewhere, and that time has
All kinds of distractions could happen. These are often unavoidable, and they can
take her out of the interaction all together.
One method for ensuring she will come back to you or you can keep in touch is
Something simple like giving her a bracelet and saying to her, “I‟ll see you later
because I want it back”. Or you could achieve the ultimate goal of many guys, which
is to get her phone number or e-mail. Just mention you want to keep in touch. If
you have played it cool, she will happily oblige.
Be creative and try think of ways to make her invest in you so you can meet again.
Distractions during the interaction like a phone call, or her chatting with her friend
for five to ten minutes can also happen. You know you are going to still be in each
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others company afterwards and continue your conversation. And you can‟t exactly
be an asshole and keep cutting in with her.
Before you do anything, make sure she introduces you to her friend. Don‟t wait
around for five minutes and then ask, do it within the first 10 seconds.
The reason is because in these situations, you have to get up and go do something
else until she is finished. You do not want to be the tool who sits there looking at
his clock waiting around.
You are not ignoring her. You are keeping your frame by being busy, and hanging
around just puts pressure on her to hurry the hell up anyway, which isn‟t very nice.
So in these instances, go up and order another coffee or a bun; or talk to the group
next to you; or go to the bar. Do something active. Sitting there and reading or
checking your messages on your mobile doesn‟t cut it.
Then, when you see she is finished, go back to her and continue your interaction
with her- still being your warm and pleasant self. She will apologise for it no doubt,
you ask how things are etc- and you carry on conversation.
If she asks why you went away, say something like:
You: There is nothing worse than being on the phone and somebody
sat there waiting and probably listening in.
- or -
You: I wanted to let you catch up with your friend without feeling like
you had to rush.
These keep your frame by it being a decision to be busy. It is just your way of
doing things.
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Women have a tight knit social circle. It includes their friends, family and sometimes
partner. On top of that, you have other guys in proximity who want her. They are
more than likely to come and put a block in your advances.
During the day, having a wingman is not so important. You can easily have one on
ones with a girl without many people blocking you. However, girls are very rarely
out on there own, unless they are rushing from A to B or doing something.
Controlling your frame can quite a challenge if you are interacting with groups in a
populated and active environment. If her friend sat next to her is getting bored,
they will do the “girl stare” and the one you are interested in will pull away for the
benefit of her friend.
90% of these blocks can be prevented by having a wingman- somebody who will
keep everybody else talking and not becoming restless.
Women can also be very competitive. If you are talking to a girl, her friend may butt
in and answer for her.
You: So what do you do for fun?
Friend: She comes out with me, haha.
And the girl you are talking to becomes distracted yet again. Your wingman friend
will distract this other girl with conversation and banter. He might even be seducing
her too- you never know.
Truth is, people have a lot more confidence when they are in groups, so it is a lot
easier for them to blow you out and overpower your frame. You are nothing but a
stranger to them.
So have a respectable friend by your side so you can help each other out. If he
notices a girl he likes- you reciprocate and do the same for him. You go and
prevent any potential blocks so they can have a pleasant and decent conversation.
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This is another valid reason to have girls within your social circle. Who cares if they
are taken or just want to be friends- they are VALUABLE and a huge asset to have
them within your life.
Once you know where you both stand, girls are quite happy to help you attract
other girls. Why wouldn‟t they be? You are not using her. You are doing what
friends do- help each other out. I‟m sure you would do the same for her if she told
you she likes a guy across the room.
It is mutual respect, and it is fun.
The same rules apply for her as a wingman. She helps you within a social circle to
distract any blocks from other people. Women (and guys) will notice you with her. It
instantly establishes you as valuable because you are pre-selected. It also has the
hidden advantage of making you appear less threatening. You already have girls in
your life, so why would you be out “on the prowl” for others?
The principle of her doing this is only to let others see you pre-selected. As soon
as she has been noticed with you then she can leave you to it.
Both a wingman and a female friend counteract a lot of blocks. The girl will have
around her a protective shield. You could see her with her sister or a brother; a
family friend; a protective male friend who looks out for her. By coming along
showing you have social value gives you a none-threatening vibe.
If you don‟t have the luxury of having a female friend or a wingman, then your job
at controlling possible interrupts will be a bit harder- but this is why you learn
seduction. You learn it to become valuable and improve your social skills. You will
soon find yourself with an abundance of people around you as you create value.
Men have an ulterior motive to blow you out of the girl‟s radar and put himself in
your place. He can be as brutal as just telling you to get the hell out of his way, or
as subtle as mocking you indirectly to lower your value.
It is something you have to face as a man. It can be a very competitive world and
“dog eat dog” mentality can always happen.
A modern man living guide to seduction PDF EBook Download-FREE
A modern man living guide to seduction PDF EBook Download-FREE
A modern man living guide to seduction PDF EBook Download-FREE
A modern man living guide to seduction PDF EBook Download-FREE
A modern man living guide to seduction PDF EBook Download-FREE
A modern man living guide to seduction PDF EBook Download-FREE
A modern man living guide to seduction PDF EBook Download-FREE
A modern man living guide to seduction PDF EBook Download-FREE
A modern man living guide to seduction PDF EBook Download-FREE
A modern man living guide to seduction PDF EBook Download-FREE
A modern man living guide to seduction PDF EBook Download-FREE
A modern man living guide to seduction PDF EBook Download-FREE
A modern man living guide to seduction PDF EBook Download-FREE
A modern man living guide to seduction PDF EBook Download-FREE
A modern man living guide to seduction PDF EBook Download-FREE
A modern man living guide to seduction PDF EBook Download-FREE

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A modern man living guide to seduction PDF EBook Download-FREE

  • 1.
  • 2. Does it ever occur to women that maybe a guy might like to have a plan…He’s not sure that he could just walk up to you and you’d respond if he said: “I like you”. - Hitch This book is copyright 2009 with all rights reserved. It is illegal to copy, distribute, or create derivative works from this book in whole or in part, or to contribute to the copying, distribution, or creating of derivative works of this book. By downloading this book, you hereby agree that you are of a legal age to view material of a sexual nature and some use of profanity. By Sean Adams
  • 3. CONTENTS INTRODUCTION PART ONE: SEE THE MATRIX 1 Change how you see male-to-female relationships. PART TWO: UNDERSTANDING ATTRACTION 11 A full definition of attraction and what attracts a woman. PART THREE: THE IMPORTANCE OF VALUE 20 If women have not wanted you so far, here is why. PART FOUR: HAVE A SEDUCTIVE INTERACTION 31 Break away from normal conversation and learn how to seduce. PART FIVE: HANDLING INTERRUPTS AND RESISTANCE 41 Seduction is never straight forward. How to overcome obstacles. PART SIX: DECIDING WHERE TO TAKE IT 60 Avoid being selfish and find a mutual agreement for you both. PART SEVEN: HOW IT ALL WORKS TOGETHER 65 How to use seduction.
  • 4. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION i | I N T R O D U C T I O N INTRODUCTION I am no seduction guru. And I don‟t go around picking up hot women and models. All I can really say is- I do have the knowledge and the understanding to apply these seduction principles to my life whenever I need to. I‟m not wasting my time on all of the wrong arguments, or feeling insecure when a girl tests me, or even being hurt when I get rejected. I see seduction as an ordinary part of life. All of our lives can be fitted into categories- and seduction is a tool which clears up your relationship category. You don‟t have to be confused by it all. You can just get on with it. And a lot of guys play by the wrong rules. Also, they have their own inner issues which prevent them from taking on seduction. But one day- they will need these skills. Otherwise they will just get trapped into a relationship they do not want, with a woman who only wants them because she feels safe with a weaker male figure- she feels secure knowing she can control him. But you want to be in control of what you want and what you can get. Some guys can have these techniques naturally. If you ask them how they do it, they‟ll just say, “It‟s easy”. Well, it‟s not easy if you play with the wrong rules. It‟ll be like playing tennis with a basketball. And you are not a loser for wanting to learn seduction. Your mum would never tell you the right rules. She will tell you to be polite with women, show respect, buy her drinks, look after her. And yes, they are all valid- but they come AFTER you have sparked attraction and you are seen as a high value man. A GUY NEEDS A PLAN TO GET THE GIRL HE WANTS I never used to believe that. I thought it was coercive to have a “plan”. I believed all you needed was to be yourself and just have a conversation. Fortunately, after a lot of confusion, I learned otherwise. Some guys out there are not so lucky.
  • 5. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION ii | I N T R O D U C T I O N The „Hitch‟ quote was spot on. A man can no longer go up to a woman and say, “I like you”. He will only get a “Thank you” with a hidden thought of, “I bet he says that to all of the girls”. And anyway, why should that be enough? Her knickers do not fall off simply through saying you like her. And the “Be yourself” thing…How do must guys achieve the “Be yourself” attitude with women? Usually it is the DEFAULT way of doing things… - They give without asking for anything in return. - They compliment without reason. - They offer everything. - They want to chase after a girl without her even attracting him. What we do not realise is we are working backwards. We are showing all of our protector and provider traits. But we don‟t realise women are independent nowadays, and we are part of a 6.7 BILLION race where there are an abundance of men out there for her to choose from. It‟s ridiculous when you think about it like that. Even women feel it is ridiculous to believe his compliments are enough reason for her to go with him. And unless they learn how attraction works- they have no clue where they are going wrong. This leads to them getting frustrated with women for all the wrong reasons. As you read this book, you will know we respond to evolutionary wiring, but we are living in a modern world with new rules. It is bound to create conflict. Many of the men who believe the above method are feeding off of what women tell them to be true, when really- the real ways to seduce her are a secret. Society wants to keep it a secret. It could be a feminine influence, but you will see why it has been kept a secret. Women have so many consequences they have to consider- and as a man, we have to understand them. There are so many consequences for a woman by letting you seduce her. We cannot truly believe that going up to a girl and saying to her you find her attractive works….Reason? Because so many other guys living on the old rules keep trying it.
  • 6. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION iii | I N T R O D U C T I O N And when they have said she is attractive and she “fell for it”, she ended up going through the worst consequences- being used, or being pregnant, or he fed her lies and she latched onto them etc. My belief is always about living as a man in a modern world. We need to catch up to how things work. If you are still living on old rules- then you won‟t get anywhere. So in this guide, you will learn how seduction should REALLY work. The method has been working for generations, yet today- our challenges are different. This is not a guide on how to get a woman into bed. There is clearly a separation between the sexes- each must fit like ying and yang into their roles. But women are not your play toy for sex. Their emotions and desires are things you should take into consideration. SEDUCTION IS A BALANCE Use it to your own gain whilst neglecting hers will only breed more insecurity in women. If you have a strong sense of your own reality- yes, women will follow you, but she will ENJOY following you. Forget what society tells you, and do not feel guilty for seduction. Bee‟s dance. Lions Roar. Peacocks spread. Men compete. Seduction is always happening, so learn how to do it effectively.
  • 7. RECOMMENDED BOOKS click image(s) to read / download
  • 8. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 1 | S E E I N G T H E M A T R I X PART ONE: SEE THE MATRIX Seduction has a very negative connotation. I mean, even the dictionary definition is „to entice someone astray‟. But when seducing the opposite sex, we have to understand that seduction MUST be used in order to make things happen. It plays an important role in human culture. Well, in any culture I should imagine. If we never tried to seduce and “entice the opposite sex astray”, then both men and women would be at a stand off. Women would be thinking, “Why hasn‟t he swept me off my feet yet?”, and men would be thinking, “Month subscription of porn. Very nice. How much?” Seduction is bad! Seduction is naughty! …Ugh, what poppycock. How would any race continue without somebody being seduced? Obviously when two people first meet it is hard to know whether they are compatible or not. So if either want to have sex- it requires action…it requires seduction. Typically, it should be the man who takes the lead to make something happen. The women will be merely suggestive to encourage his actions in a subtle way. THE MAIN CONFLICT WITH SEDUCTION Who is gaining from seduction? The reason why there has been such a clash about the subject is because women seem to get the bad end of the deal. Women want more than just sex. They want a long term partner who will love them. The man is simply out for sex (initially). So if he manages to seduce her to do the bad thing, the man can easily leave while the woman feels used as he goes his separate way.
  • 9. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 2 | S E E I N G T H E M A T R I X This is why women had to flip the script. They were constantly getting the bad end of the deal. And as pregnancy and babies can often be the result of some nookie- it leaves the women in quite a predicament. And thus, society encouraged women not to give in so easily to men‟s manipulation. “HE‟S ONLY OUT FOR ONE THING” Nobody can blame women for that ideology. There have been many seducers throughout history who have fed women a web of lies just to satisfy their lust. But if women held on to the ideology, then there would be a stale mate. The struggle to seduce would become more and more difficult. There had to become a balance. THE CHANGE OVER Fortunately, women don‟t latch on to the notion so tightly. It wasn‟t so long ago when a new wave of female sexual expression came. Women were allowed to say they like sex, and they were allowed to enjoy it. They have more play things upstairs than Toys „R‟ Us. And because of the pill and contraception‟s- they can have sex without any repercussions. And that is a position we live in today- women enjoy sex (I‟ll explain later). However, the emotional aftermath has still not reached a clear cut point. Men have tried to compensate for it by being more affectionate with women. They would respect a woman and become „the nice guy‟. He would do whatever he could to prove that he is a man worthy of making her happy and be there for her.
  • 10. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 3 | S E E I N G T H E M A T R I X But once again, men began to realise that being the nice guy did not work. In the same way that women once felt used and worthless- men began to feel the same way. He would do all that he could for her, only to find that his feelings were not matched. Guys created a community to learn seduction- Pick Up Artists. They were the frustrated ones who had the balls to admit defeat and learn attraction from scratch. They wanted to understand it. There are so many conflicting messages about how a guy should be. WOMEN SAY THEY WANT ONE THING, BUT THEY RESPOND TO ANOTHER Some wires were clearly being crossed. And these crossed wires go on all the damn time. So you can see why seduction is so difficult. We are seeing the world through the wrong lens. So the first part of learning seduction is to…. UNDERSTAND WHAT IS REALLY GOING ON WITH MEN AND WOMEN It would drive you crazy to try and understand all the back n‟ forth fiasco and conflicts. So to understand how to spark intimacy with a woman you have to: FORGET EVERYTHING YOU HAVE BEEN TOLD It‟s a generalisation for you to do that, but you can‟t risk being polluted with all the naff ideas out there. So forget what your mum told you. Forget what your girl friend told you in your teens before she left you. Forget what you see in romance films. You should probably forget what your dad told you too if he ever took the time out for it.
  • 11. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 4 | S E E I N G T H E M A T R I X Forget it all- because 90% of the beliefs about seduction are fiction. You are always encouraged to be the nice and respectful guy. But as you have probably learned throughout your short but colourful life- that is not the case. CHANGE YOUR PERCEPTION OF WOMEN What you want to achieve in the beginning is to SEE WOMEN DIFFERENTLY. This does not mean hating on women. This is simply UNDERSTANDING NATURE- The evolutionary nature that has kept it all going. So here are a few things you need to come to grips with. And as you progress through this mini course, you will put together the pieces that confirm these beginning perceptions. A few suggestions that you might want to read and check out: „The Red Queen‟ by Matt Ridley „The Mating Mind‟ by Geoffrey Miller „Sperm Wars‟ by Robin Baker „My Secret Garden‟ by Nancy Friday They are books about sexual evolution, our biological and animal instincts, and female fantasy. You have to go to the core to understand male-to-female relationships because society has messed it all up for us. You‟re being lured into the nice guy fallacy where you are communicating ALL of the wrong things. And you can‟t ask women what really works for them because they too have been led to confusion. You will only get a reel of manufactured responses. “A guy who respects me…who will look after me…who makes me laugh” All plausible, but still- a man would not be able to get what he wants by following those rules. So here are some new beliefs you should follow as you read through this book:
  • 12. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 5 | S E E I N G T H E M A T R I X 1. THERE IS USUALLY AUTOMATIC TENSION BETWEEN THE SEXES I mean a flirtatious tension. We are all constantly checking others out to assess their value and attractiveness. It doesn‟t mean we pursue anything, but it does mean we subconsciously seek it out. It‟s especially true when a guy and a girl are left alone in a room. Sometimes it is automatically assumed they will find something in common and become closer. There is a tension as to whether you should keep things safe and respectful, or whether you want to flirt as you check out each others signals. This tension is just there for us. And you have to ask yourself, why is it there? Why do we all subconsciously feel we have to check out other people‟s attractiveness and value? And why can it sometimes feel uncomfortable being left alone with the opposite sex? Some people are obviously more receptive to these feelings than others- but it‟s difficult to ignore the feelings. 2. SEDUCTION IS A NATURAL PROCESS. We are a species, and every species has a mating ritual. It‟s not learnt at a seduction school. It is not altered by “What will they think? Will I get rejected?” thoughts. It is purely down to NATURAL INSTINCT. We have this innate instinct in our own species, which is probably why we have the tension mentioned in #1. But we do have a consciousness, so we cannot always act on our own primal instincts. Doing so would cause all kinds of crap. You‟d probably be spreading your seed in every female going- not wise. So we do have to harness our instinctive nature for the sake
  • 13. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 6 | S E E I N G T H E M A T R I X of society and emotions. That‟s okay, as long as you respect the boundaries of other peoples personal freedom. 3. WOMEN WANT (AND EXPECT) TO BE SEDUCED, AND THEY ENJOY SEX Everybody wants more of a good thing. And every women mentions she wants to be swept off of her feet. Yes, women want to be seduced- but only by the ones who do it right The selective few are the ones who UNDERSTAND how it all works. She probably has guys in abundance checking her out and constantly trying it on with her, so she can afford to be very selective. But once the attractive guy who gets it comes along- she will do everything she can to align with him. Why? Because, yes, there are many guys out there…but a high percentage of them seduce in the wrong way…if you can even call it „seduce‟. If you read Nancy Friday, you will read about female fantasies from genuine women. It unearths the libido many women feel they have to suppress. All women feel a social pressure to uphold to a pristine and pure image. No girl wants to be known as a slut by her social peers. And these are often the fantasies women want to play out in the bedroom. They want to take on the forbidden as a role in the bedroom- like the helpless rape victim, or the shy girl wanting to be really slutty etc. Her libido is like the wind- just because you cannot see it, doesn‟t mean it isn‟t there. 4. WOMEN SEDUCE US WITH THEIR ATTENTION TO APPEARANCE In PART TWO, you will understand how attraction works. As for this part, you have to understand that men are not the only ones who seduce. Why does every girl LOVE to dance? Why does every girl LOVE to take pictures? Why does every girl LOVE to go shopping?
  • 14. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 7 | S E E I N G T H E M A T R I X They are all unconscious habits of women who want to display themselves the best they can, so that potential suitors will spot them and want to seduce them. It‟s a catch-22 for women. They want potential suitors to find them appealing and attractive, but as they are doing it, all the wrong guys might show up. But is that enough to stop a woman from doing it? Hell no! It‟s their way of seduction. The way she moves on the dance floor…the way she chooses the right dress to show off the right curves or push up her boobs etc. I‟ve had the unfortunate experience of trying on a pair of high heels. Why anybody would want to wear them more than once baffles me, unless there is something deeper going on. Pay attention to the detail a woman goes through to look good. Whether she is competing with other females to stand out more, or maybe just to feel good…it doesn‟t matter. It all comes down to an unconscious strategy to attract, which then leads to seduction. So do not apologise for trying to seduce a woman. If you seduce her in the right way, she will feel absolutely amazing that she has been noticed. It‟ll be like Johnny Depp has literally come up to her and said, “I like your dress”. 5. ALWAYS REACH A MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING Men want sex, women want relationships…and women also want sex. But because of social status, a woman does not want to be perceived as a slut. She has to appear to have high moral standards, even though she may be craving for it inside. Her social appeal far outweighs her desire to have sex (in most cases). Women may even want a cheeky flirt with a guy, as long as her boyfriend doesn‟t see it happening. But you do not want to be the guy who can manipulate her feelings about these, just so long as YOU get what you want. You have to respect what she wants. After all, girls will constantly tell you, “Just because I‟m going into your bedroom, it doesn‟t mean we are going to have sex”. She will always try to defend her
  • 15. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 8 | S E E I N G T H E M A T R I X reputation and social image. She will say no in many ways, but this is the art of a seducer- you gain the ability to gauge when she genuinely doesn‟t want anything. Also, as you learn the techniques, yes you will be able to manipulate the situation- But it doesn‟t mean that you should. If you are telling her you love her and adore her, just to make her melt in your arms as you carry her to the bedroom, but in the back of your mind you know you will be gone in the morning- that is unfair manipulation. Be honest from the get go. Integrity goes a long way for somebody who learns the natural way of seduction. Ross Jeffries said it best, “Always leave a woman better than when you found her”. She is not your conquest. 6. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO SEDUCE My granddad once offered me this advice: IF YOU DON‟T FUCK HER, SOMEBODY ELSE WILL He didn‟t have much tact. But he also means- if you do not make the move to seduce her, no doubt some other guy will. It is a continual thing that will always go on. She wants to be seduced. She seduces you by her external appearance. It‟s natural, and seduction HAS to happen otherwise nobody will go with anybody. No naughty time. All the above make you realise that YOU ARE allowed to seduce women. You should not apologise for it or feel bad. She asks for it, and you want it. Our nature would not have gotten this far if we all stood at the far ends of the dance floor. The only lines to stay in between are using these techniques with respect and maintain your honesty and integrity. At least that way seduction can be a pleasure, both for you AND for her. The flirting, the teasing, the tension, and the unpredictability- they are all actions and feelings which feel good when you are having them done to you by somebody
  • 16. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 9 | S E E I N G T H E M A T R I X you are attracted to. You can make her feel good by giving her attention in all of the right ways. Saying, “You‟re beautiful” by itself doesn‟t cut it anymore. You have to have an overall sexual and attractive attitude about you. Without it, it just doesn‟t work. ONE MORE THING FORGET LOGIC Look at how far logic would get you if you took the idea of, „If she says she wants that in a guy, then being it means she will want me‟- you will get nowhere. You can‟t define how to seduce the opposite sex by logic alone. You have to read between the lines. As I said earlier, a woman will never tell you directly what she wants from you. With that in mind- the seduction path is never really defined for you. You will not get exact answers. But as you practice the techniques with these new perceptions in mind- your instinct and awareness will improve, giving you much more confidence in knowing when she is receptive and when to pull away. Next… ATTRACTION- UNDERSTAND WHAT WOMEN WANT IN A MAN.
  • 17. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 10 | S E E I N G T H E M A T R I X SUMMARY It took a while for women to be able to admit they enjoy sex. With contraception, women were allowed to be a bit more aloof because it prevented the consequence of being tied down with children. They can be as promiscuous as men, Or can they? Women have a lot of consequences with sex- she has her reputation to worry about, and the aftermath. Men only want sex, so it requires a man to work towards a balance. Men seduce to get sex, but women do not want to be easy to give it because of social perceptions and morals. There are too many mixed messages about what women find attractive- so forget everything you have been told. Start from the beginning... 1. THERE IS USUALLY AUTOMATIC TENSION BETWEEN THE SEXES 2. SEDUCTION IS A NATURAL PROCESS 3. WOMEN WANT (AND EXPECT) TO BE SEDUCED, AND THEY ENJOY SEX. 4. WOMEN SEDUCE US WITH THEIR ATTENTION TO APPEARANCE 5. ALWAYS REACH A MUTUAL UNDERSTANDING 6. YOU ARE ALLOWED TO SEDUCE To understand how attraction works- forget logic. Nobody like the mass media or women will tell you how it really should be.
  • 18. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 11 | U N D E R S T A N D I N G A T T R A C T I O N PART TWO: UNDERSTANDING ATTRACTION We need to understand how attraction works. We can‟t turn to society or women for the genuine answers. It‟s filled with confusion and red herrings. The best way to understand attraction is to first look at our own responses, and then apply it to evolution to see how it all fits together. WHAT ATTRACTS A MAN TO A WOMAN? We know the obvious answers. Every magazine and media publication knows the answers too. But also, forget your own personal preferences for a moment. It doesn‟t matter if you prefer blondes over brunettes; bitches with attitude or cute and shy girls- we are looking at our core, the one that has been able to make our ancestors mate each other even when we had no such thing as language. For evolutionary attraction- Imagine a world without language. And the things we are immediately drawn to are: - Youth - Beauty - Curves and Slenderness - Breasts Beauty is a category that includes her smile, her facial features and her overall appearance including skin and hair. Put it all together and you have nothing but external switches that attract us. This is not to say personality plays a big part. But we would not know about a person‟s personality without language. And what do all of these add up to? - She is healthy and vibrant - Ability to have children - She has a higher success rate of raising the child
  • 19. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 12 | U N D E R S T A N D I N G A T T R A C T I O N It‟s true, we don‟t look at a beautiful women and think, “Damn! Oh she is going to be SO good at having my baby. I want her”. It‟s instinctive and out of our control. Think about it. A guys first thoughts when noticing a woman are all about her appearance and how „sexy‟ she looks. He hardly ever thinks, “I wonder if she can make me laugh”. TRY THIS… Put your hand flat out on the table. Look down at your index finger, and tell it to move. Just internally say, “Move”. Can you do it? I‟m assuming you won‟t be able to do it. With our body and our psychology we can‟t WILL things to happen. You can‟t choose what or when you get an erection. People may joke about our manhood is independent of us- but it does feel like that at times. This little test proves to you there is something deeper going on. You can‟t move your finger by giving it a command. You don‟t even have to think about it. It is just done naturally. NATURAL ATTRACTION Apply this principle to attraction. You cannot control it- it just happens naturally and we respond to it. This is at the deepest level of us, and there have been many layer additions as we have progressed and evolved- But the core still remains the same. Unless there is going to be a HUGE genetic mutation, like the small ones which have already happened to introduce homosexuality to humans as it changes their internal chemistry, then this is how it‟s going to be.
  • 20. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 13 | U N D E R S T A N D I N G A T T R A C T I O N You can‟t argue with instinct. We were never shown what to feel attracted to. We never went to attraction school which said, “You will be attracted to X, Y and Z”. And we shouldn‟t be so naïve and closed minded to think it only applies to men. Women have these responses too which they cannot control. And the mistakes men typically make are down to social influence. A lot of us also go on the same rational thinking- if I show I‟m attracted to her, then she will be attracted to me. That‟s stupid. That is like thinking if I say I love somebody, they will automatically love me back. Attraction is a feeling, and it needs to be triggered. So we need to trim away the social influence (talked more about in Resistance and Interrupts) and notice what goes on at a woman‟s core. WHAT WOMEN RESPOND TO Remember- women do not consciously think about this, just as you don‟t think about liking her because she is healthy enough to have children. It just happens for her. She will get turned on or she will get urges to act on her impulses. So what are they? Put simply, they are: VALUE AND STATUS Keep on thinking back to a world without words and a social structure. It was all down to survival, and a woman could not survive on her own… (Note how women still have a big fear of being alone. Even in a big world with a huge population, that fear can still overwhelm her. And the older she gets, the more
  • 21. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 14 | U N D E R S T A N D I N G A T T R A C T I O N she feels it. Because she too instinctively knows youth and health plays a big part in raising a child.) She had to be with a man who was capable of surviving. As women naturally fell into the roles of being at home to care for the children, men were out hunting and being go-getters. SHE COULD NOT AFFORD TO BE WITH A MAN WEAKER THAN HER Women today complain about men not being real men. And what they mean by that is- he is appearing to be weaker than her. He doesn‟t have the emotional strength or the mental attitude to survive in this world. He would rather go out with the lads and drink (and we wonder why women get frustrated by this one too) rather than improve or have success. When you look around you, you see the core attraction points still in play in today‟s world. They often lead to misunderstanding and confusion, but you cannot argue that they still play an important part in maintaining male-to-female relationships. NOTICING VALUE AND STATUS We can only know a woman is healthy by her appearance. We look at her hips, her legs, her facial features, her hair, her skin…everything- just to get a perception about her. How do you think women notice if a man has value and status? I.e. - the main factors which attract her to a man. She too has to observe. However, the unfortunate thing is it cannot all be down to external factors. Just because I have big muscles and I can move a house, doesn‟t mean I have emotional value. Sure I can defend and protect her- but what about being strong emotionally and mentally? No woman would want a man to hide under the bed if somebody broke into the house. He has to be man enough to step up. Once again, remember she is not conscious of this screening process. It is instinctive. And these value traits are:
  • 22. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 15 | U N D E R S T A N D I N G A T T R A C T I O N - EVOLUTIONARY VALUE - SOCIAL VALUE - EMOTIONAL VALUE - SEXUAL VALUE - PROTECTOR AND PROVIDER VALUE 1. EVOLUTIONARY VALUE What woman wants a man shorter than her? This is evolution assuring that the man has a powerful dominance, and a woman feels comfort in seeing he is taller than her. He may be a skinny runt with gangly legs, but height is a sure sign of having dominance. Also as part of evolution are the traits for survival, Ask yourself: Are you willing to do whatever it takes to get what you want?..Because if you are, then that is a sign of AMBITION and CONFIDENCE. No woman would want a man who plays it safe all of his life. How could he venture off to new ground if he is fearful of the dark in that cave they just found? This could be the reason for the „Bad Boy‟ image. The bad boy takes risks and tries the unknown, and he is not tamed by inferior thoughts. He goes out and does what he wants. So do you have survival traits? Or are you tamed by shyness and fear? This is why women put confidence at the top of their list. Confidence proves you are not weaker than her- you are confident enough to do what needs to be done. 2. SOCIAL VALUE How many women LOVE their friends and family? How many say, “they have helped me through so much. Without them, I wouldn‟t be who I am today”? Women NEED a social peer group. It‟s a form of security for her. It goes back to the not wanting to be left alone thing. Women absolutely need their friends, and you have to respect it as her way of feeling secure. Women are by no means incapable
  • 23. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 16 | U N D E R S T A N D I N G A T T R A C T I O N of being independent and surviving alone, but their friends are always there for them (or at least they should be) So a woman would not want to align with a man who lacks social intelligence. If her friends do not like you, then that will make her question whether she wants to cause rifts and lose her social circle. That is why girls always look to their friends for confirmation about you. Hey, you‟re in front of a judge and jury, but don‟t take it personally. To see if you have social value- it will be things like how your personality shines through as you talk to her. Are you great with people? Are you surrounded by friends and people liking you? It‟s a contest you have to win before you even enter. 3. EMOTIONAL VALUE Women are more in tune with their feelings than a man. They have to be. They are designed to one day raise a baby inside of them. They are in tune with how their body works and the sensations they feel. So comforting things like soft kisses, cuddles, relaxing picnics on a warm day- they sound romantic by nature, but they are feelings and sensations. Another feeling is laughter. If you can stimulate her to make her laugh- then you make her feel good. 4. SEXUAL VALUE This is how desirable you are sexually. It does not relate to length, girth and stamina. I believe this to be very important. It is what separates you from the rest of the chumps. Why? It is because it encourages you to put your interaction with her in a sexual and intimate frame. Most guys do not do that. They can have everything else in place, but if you do not communicate that you are sexually attracted to her, then you will simply be seen as a friend- even if you are overall attractive to her.
  • 24. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 17 | U N D E R S T A N D I N G A T T R A C T I O N The way she observes this is by noticing how other women react to you. Ever heard the line, “I bet you say that to all the girls”. If you show that women are comfortable around you and they want you, other women see this as you being highly sexual, but in a confident and comfortable way for other women to respond to. 5. PROTECTOR AND PROVIDER VALUE Women are all about security, so what gives her that? They are Things like money (financial security); a man who makes it a priority to look after her (providing security); a man who is confident and emotionally strong (protector security); a healthy man (offspring and long-term security)….and so on. So those are what women need to observe in a man to make her purr. THE CONFUSING PART It‟s quite a big list to consider just to get her wanting you. And the biggest question always asked is, “What is a woman attracted to the most?” I believe that to be a preference for the woman which is determined by her past and her upbringing. Some women see a man who loves sex- and it turns her on. Some women want a weak man she can control because she is fed up of being hurt. Some women see money and think, “I‟m made for life!”. The underlying factor is- she will usually go for the man who has a lot to offer her. It‟s a selfish game, but we all do it. All relationships are based on value. There is no definite winner. For example, if women like financial security- then why not have Bill Gates or Roman Abramovich up on their walls? No, they have people like Hollywood hunks and superstars.
  • 25. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 18 | U N D E R S T A N D I N G A T T R A C T I O N It‟s not down to looks. It‟s down to sex appeal. Being seen (or perceived) as a popular guy- with plenty of pre-selection and social status. This is why you cannot view attraction in a logical sense. All you can really say is- women want the whole package (I know- Greedy) SO WHAT NOW? You know what a woman instinctively finds attractive. And if you look around you, you will see it is carrying on today. Women are already in tune with what men want, so they align with their instincts- they are drawn to fashion, shopping and looking young and healthy. Those are methods to give the green light for seduction. So a man must consciously take on methods to COMMUNICATE his value to a woman. It is all about communication. However, it is easy to manipulate factors to make her assume you have them. Example, turn up in a posh sporty jag you borrowed off of your friend (she doesn‟t have to know that) and you are communicating wealth. But you don‟t want to be the guy who is manipulative just to compensate your lack of value. You need to go get it and achieve it. And that comes from your attitude. Next… LEARN HOW TO SHOW YOUR VALUE, IN A SIMILAR WAY SHE DOES WITH HER APPEARANCE.
  • 26. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 19 | U N D E R S T A N D I N G A T T R A C T I O N SUMMARY We know how we react when we see a beautiful woman. We cannot turn it on and off- it just happens to us. We subconsciously see her beauty as her being young and healthy. Women have the same automatic responses but to different things Women respond to VALUE AND STATUS in a man. Things like power, dominance and authority. These responses are natural and evolutionary. She cannot afford to be with a man who is weaker than her. But women cannot admit they want men to "overpower" them. Value women respond to: - EVOLUTIONARY VALUE - SOCIAL VALUE - EMOTIONAL VALUE - SEXUAL VALUE - PROTECTOR AND PROVIDER VALUE There is no magic bullet for attraction. It is an overall perception of high status. Otherwise women would have rich men on walls. But instead, they have musicians and Hollywood stars- the ones with sex appeal. Look around you and observe evolutionary attraction happening. When you do, you will understand you should follow the law of evolutionary attraction, and not what society tells you.
  • 27. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 20 | T H E I M P O R T A N C E O F V A L U E PART THREE: THE IMPORTANCE OF VALUE There are many schools of seduction out there, all creating techniques and strategies for seduction. The truth is, all these methods are simply tools to do one thing, and that is: COMMUNICATE VALUE AND STATUS As long as you accomplish that in a way you are above her in value, then she will feel attracted to you. This DOES NOT mean put her down or belittle her. You will see what it means as we push along. GOAL FOR SEDUCTION The goal for seduction is simple- create a connection that is open to intimacy and escalation. This means you are able to touch, kiss, hold hands, have sex, spend time with each other, connect with emotions etc. You cannot achieve that goal through conversation alone. Conversation by itself does not communicate value. And if you are both strangers- how is she expected to know you even have any value? So what you have to do is learn the basic principles to communicating your value in a positive way. One where she understands that you possess all of the valuable traits defined in part two. FOCUS ON INNER GAME- LOOK AT THE BIGGER PICTURE Sparking attraction creates a space where you are both in your little world together. It involves teasing, flirting and connecting. But you cannot do this ALL of the time. I was once the guy who searched for the magic bullet to sweep her off her feet within 5 words or less (slight exaggeration).
  • 28. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 21 | T H E I M P O R T A N C E O F V A L U E But I soon learned that attraction is a continual thing. You can be attracted to somebody, but then when they lack value- the attraction soon wears off. Isn‟t this the case with most relationships? Some relationships end because they can‟t invest time in each other so they drift apart. Some end because the sex life isn‟t as good as it once was. Some end because they don‟t stimulate each others emotions anymore- so people search for these “gaps” elsewhere. It‟s all related to value. With attraction being continual, you have to work on your inner game so that these tools to communicate become innate. That means you are NATURALLY attractive without thinking up the perfect thing to say or how to handle a situation. You just understand how attraction works, and your reactions unconsciously communicate value. Attraction cannot be switched on 24/7. It would be pointless learning the perfect lines and methods because they are short in length. For example, flirtatious banter- You cannot keep that up ALL of the time. It will be a short 10 minute dialogue- but the effects of it are amazing! Look at the bigger picture and see how women respond to you when you apply seduction techniques. They work by changing how she responds to you. When you see the matrix- it will just click into place for you. ALLOWING ATTRACTION TO SPARK With friendly conversation, you get friendly responses back. But with ATTRACTIVE conversation- you get attraction responses back. She will flirt with you, she will tease you more, she will re-initiate if you pull away. These are the responses you want to have happen. You want to create a scenario where you are both seducing each other. And you create this scenario through the techniques I‟m about to tell you. If you DON‟T apply these techniques- then she will: - Assume you are not interested - Carry on normal conversation with you - Only see you as a friend with no possible romantic interest
  • 29. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 22 | T H E I M P O R T A N C E O F V A L U E Suffice to say- we don‟t want that to happen. But those are the consequences if you do not set up a seduction scenario through flirting, teasing, banter etc. LEARNING HOW TO COMMUNICATE YOUR VALUE So we know the drill- switch the conversation to seduction mode. And you must do it AT THE BEGINNING. You won‟t be able to establish yourself as a trustworthy friend and then start on seduction. Seduction always comes first. Communicating value is easy when you remember the rule: IF SHE SEE‟S YOU WEAKER THAN HER, SHE WILL LOSE INTEREST Imagine if you did appear weaker than her. Her evolutionary wiring will be telling her, “How can I be with a guy who I am better than?” It‟s not a competition of the sexes; it is simply knowing your role as a man. Women nowadays are more than welcome to be better than men in sports, in careers…all kinds of things. But there is still a desire in a woman to find a man who is capable of being a real man- a man who doesn‟t leave everything up to her, who finds his own level of success, and keeps on improving. We need to communicate we have those traits for success and survival. But some guys can struggle with this concept. They believe they have to be similar to a dominant bully and control her. I think doing that is a HUGE sign of insecurity. HOW YOU COMMUNICATE LOWER VALUE Let‟s get some perspective on how this works. Imagine you are with a girl, and you do some of the following things: - You put yourself down a lot. - You compliment her and show too much interest.
  • 30. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 23 | T H E I M P O R T A N C E O F V A L U E - When she leaves, you always reinitiate back with her. - Her little put downs and lack of interest upset you. Those are just a few examples of a how a man lowers his value with a woman. If you look at the bigger picture, you will notice that they are all due to a man being REACTIVE to a woman. Whatever she does- he reacts to it in an, “I‟m lower than you” fashion. Why put yourself down? You: Oh I am so useless at this. You: Seriously, a pit bull with a screwdriver could do this better. You: You don‟t want me. I‟m too ___________. Are you fishing for compliments? It‟s an IMMEDIATE turn off for a woman. It shows you have a very low opinion of yourself. So already she is thinking, “This guy can‟t even big up himself. Will I have to always pick him back up?” Complimenting her too much and showing your interest can be very sincere, and women do love compliments. But they would much prefer compliments from a guy who uses them sparingly. You: I think you are so beautiful. Wow. You are amazing! Those are just fluff compliments. She has probably had hundreds of men tell her that already. And showing your interest saying things such as, “I really like you” too soon makes her wonder, “What have I done to make him like me?”. YOU HAVE TO MAKE HER FEEL SHE IS SEDUCING YOU Too much of a good thing, is still too much. Even if you are her dream guy- by constantly reinitiating with her and not giving her a chance to miss you, then you subliminally cause her to lose interest in you. When we know something is there all the time, it can become invisible to us. It‟s like that jacket you wanted so bad a few months ago. Now you have it, it‟s in the back of the closet somewhere.
  • 31. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 24 | T H E I M P O R T A N C E O F V A L U E And when you are emotionally reactive- you show low control in your emotions (emotional value and evolutionary value). If you get upset or go into your cave because she hit a nerve, then how can you honestly be a man who survives? HANDLING HER TESTS I was wrestling with the idea of putting this section into Part Four: Resistance and Interrupts- but I believe her tests are a natural part of the seduction process. A woman has to discover your value. It‟s like in an interview- you could spin off a web of lies about yourself, “I‟m committed. I‟m self-motivated”, but the person hiring you will never know if you really are until they hire you. Women need to figure this out A.S.A.P, and they do it naturally. Tests are ways for her to see if you have the balls (value) to not be a little puppy dog. Her: I have a big thing for dark haired guys. You look up- you have blonde hair. …Shit. How would you react to this? It is not her consciously testing you. However, it is a statement when she damn well knows you are not a dark haired guy. Do you take it personally? She knows you are investing in her, and yet she is putting up hurdles like this! The key is to NOT be reactive and focus on what she says. Bad responses will be you trying to put down dark haired guys, or ask, “Don‟t you like my hair?” That makes your reactions PERSONAL. Your best response could be, in a mocking way:
  • 32. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 25 | T H E I M P O R T A N C E O F V A L U E You: haha. What‟s wrong with blonde haired guys? This is questioning her preference and it puts her on the back foot. Women have this method of questioning a guy all the time. You: I‟m here with my friends. Girl: Where are they? You: They‟re around somewhere. I lost them. Girl: What do you mean you lost them? You constantly have to come up to her level and feed her curiosity. So the blonde hair response prevents it from turning personal and emotionally reactive. It is only a statement- but it communicates a LOT, and it makes her feel like you have the authority (value) to question her without fear. To me, tests can be like a wrestle for status. If you are always on the back foot to her questions or requests, without even being quizzical about her at times- then you are lowering your value in her eyes. Sometimes they will be genuine and not tests. How do you know the difference? I think of it this way- Why ask you to buy a drink when she can obviously buy one herself? Why ask you to stay in one spot while she goes away for ten minutes when she can easily just find you later? Why throw out I prefer _______ (the opposite of you) when she can clearly see you are not it? Anything that makes you into a little puppy dog is a test- so don‟t be her little puppy. COMMUNICATE VALUE FROM A DISTANCE A woman gets a general idea of you before you even talk to her. She will see how you dress and how you interact with everybody around you. Subtle signs of your body language and smile all suggest a lot about you. This is why seduction is really an art in communication. If she looks at you stood in a corner glancing around and then putting your head down- you are showing no
  • 33. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 26 | T H E I M P O R T A N C E O F V A L U E value. In the same respect, you could be with a group of guys all looking at the women and you stand at the side. A woman will look at this and know to be cautious of you- you‟re just a group on the prowl. Her defences will be much higher than normal with you. All of your external value will be easy if you have your inner game sorted. You will naturally be talking to others, and you will be friendly to all the girls and they will be responding to you in kind. Your body language will be confident and heading out taking on the world. So here are a few pointers for value at a distance: 1. STYLE UP AND GROOM YOURSELF Sorry to say, but looks are important. Well, not looks- but presentation. It doesn‟t matter about your build or features. All that matters is if you have the capability to present your best self. If you haven‟t groomed and you throw on just any rags, what does that communicate? It communicates laziness and lack of pride. Both of which are undesirable qualities. 2. BODY LANGUAGE AND PRESENCE Body language is a consequence of your inner game. It is a reflection of your state of mind at any one time. Depressed people often have their head down. Energetic people usually move fast and in an alert way. Calm and collected people move slow making the world come to them. Try to notice and think about what is perceived as LOW VALUE and HIGH VALUE. All top CEO‟s and heads of companies sit at the head of the table- so be in the centre. The leaders own territory. The one who holds the most shares has control of a company- so spread yourself out a bit and take up some space. You‟re not eager, you are relaxed- so lean back.
  • 34. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 27 | T H E I M P O R T A N C E O F V A L U E 3. BE SOCIAL AND TALK TO AS MANY PEOPLE AS YOU CAN. Don‟t be resigned to only the pretty girls. Seduction is about conveying an overall attitude of value. By showing you talk to others and they respond to you, then you are communicating extremely high social value. 4. USE THE SEDUCTION TECHNIQUES WITH EVERY GIRL YOU MEET. A big indicator of value is for you to be PRE-SELECTED by other girls. If other women are reacting to you in an „attraction mode‟ way, then other women will feel secure in the knowledge that women are comfortable with you. These traits should be part of you in your everyday life. You don‟t manipulate them for the sake of looking high value- you do them to BE of high value. COMMUNICATE VALUE DURING YOUR INTERACTION Nobody likes a guy who brags, and everybody wants to put down those who come across as too high and almighty. But we do want to be creating and giving value. Otherwise you will be stood there like a lemon and asking all of the questions and only speaking when spoken to. When you have value, expect to be questioned (tests) at times. It‟s normal. The methods to communicate your value during interactions are simple if you follow a few rules: - Don‟t brag - Tell stories rather than directly say something about yourself - Emotional stimulation is key. Bragging is a big no no. You are only putting yourself in the line of fire. Instead, use point number two and communicate your value through stories.
  • 35. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 28 | T H E I M P O R T A N C E O F V A L U E If you tell a story about how you recently helped a friend out financially- you are communicating you take care of your friends (protector), and you are wealthy enough to help out a friend (provider). If you talk about an experience with your ex-girlfriend and how you planned a weekend away for sex, but her parents invited themselves along- it‟s a funny situation (you have a good sense of humour), you have had a girlfriend before (social value by being pre-selected), and you are not shy about having sexy time (sexual value). All the qualities are sub-communicated through your stories. Women pick up on these little things- it‟s incredible how astute they can be. Other means of providing value through interactions are BEING FUNNY AND MAKING HER LAUGH. Your stories, when done right, can stimulate a lot of emotions. And that‟s what seduction is often all about SEDUCTION IS HOW YOU MAKE HER FEEL The more you stimulate her emotionally, the more she will attach those feelings to you. Laughter is always welcomed by women. It feels good and it eases the mood. But it has to be the right type of humour. Men can have genuine laughs at toilet humour and silly stuff. What can I say- we‟re open minded. If you use self-deprecating humour with a woman, you will get “hehe, aww”. But if you say something like: You: Hell yeah. I‟m so cool I piss ice cubes. That will get a better reaction. The comedy balances out the arrogance. You are able to get away with it whilst still showing an air of confidence about yourself.
  • 36. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 29 | T H E I M P O R T A N C E O F V A L U E VALUE SUMMARY FROM A DISTANCE Style and Grooming Body Language and Presence Social Value and talking to everybody Already pre-selected by other women DURING INTERACTIONS Tell stories to indirectly communicate value. Stimulate emotions. Make her laugh and use confident humour. Social intelligence and Great Conversation (Note: If you want to improve your conversation skills, then go check out my ebook- Improvise Interactions – How to be social and think on your feet) So you know the basics of value and how to communicate it. You remember the simple rule: When you appear weak Next… NOW YOU HAVE VALUE, KNOW HOW TO USE IT FOR SEDUCTION.
  • 37. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 30 | T H E I M P O R T A N C E O F V A L U E SUMMARY All seduction techniques do is accomplish two things: 1) Communicate your value and status 2) Create a sexual tension and spike attraction Inner game should always come first. If you are naturally a man of value- you will act as a man of value. You must initiate attraction with every girl and always from the beginning. It is always harder to be a lover after a friend. Always allow the potential of romance to happen with any girl Lower value = reacting to her and entering her frame of reality. If you are the one chasing and apologising, then you are lower value. Seduction is a two way thing. She has to feel invested into seducing you too. If not, she will wonder, "What the hell did I do to make him like me? I bet he does this to all the girls." Her tests are to appear to be a challenge. If she let you seduce her with no resistance- she will appear too easy. She wants to see if you are a confident man who gets what he wants. Value from a distance - body language, appearance, social value, pre- selection Value during interactions - personality, attitude, confidence, emotional stimulation, social skills Use stories to communicate your value indirectly.
  • 38. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 31 | H A V E A S E D U C T I V E I N T E R A C T I O N PART FOUR: HAVE A SEDUCTIVE INTERACTION I‟ve established that normal conversation doesn‟t cut it when trying to seduce a girl. There has to be a different level of communication and banter between the two of you. And you can‟t just walk up to a girl and say to her, “I like you. Let‟s go back to my bedroom” and expect it to work. (Although after 6 JD and cokes, anything is possible) Seduction is about time, and your biggest virtue will be patience. If a beautiful woman came up to a man and said “let‟s have sex”- he probably will. We are driven by different desires and needs. Women have it a bit more difficult. To move interactions into sparking attraction- there has to be certain amounts of tension and interest, which result in feeling chemistry and connection. What happens is, you carry on being your loveable charming self- but you create spikes during the interaction where her attraction for you escalates. And here are the techniques to create attraction… REMEMBER TO ATTRACT HER TO YOU FIRST BEFORE YOU SHOW INTEREST A girl you do not find attractive can hug you- and it means nothing. But when a beautiful girl you find attractive hugs you- it has all kinds of different meanings and feelings. This principle applies to every woman out there. If she does not find you attractive- then a hug is just a hug. But if she is attracted to you through your communication of higher value- then the hug will have a different meaning. Why did he hug me like that? Why was it a bit longer this time? He‟s holding me lower down, why did he do that?”
  • 39. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 32 | H A V E A S E D U C T I V E I N T E R A C T I O N So as soon as she finds you attractive, and you use these techniques to increase her attraction for you- then you will impact her differently by what you say and do. A compliment always holds more weight from somebody you respect and admire. The moment you chase, you appear weaker and give up all of your attraction. This is where the importance of balance comes in. A guy can try too hard to be in charge ALL of the time. But at times she will be genuinely upset or genuinely in need of you to go comfort her and help her. This is you showing you have PROTECTOR value. Other than those times- she has to feel like she is coming to you and winning YOU over. You have to be the larger than life attractive guy who she DECIDES to seduce. It isn‟t very rewarding for her if she gets you straight away. How do you know she is attracted to you? Well, if you have laid the groundwork of establishing high value and held firm through her tests- she will be intrigued and attracted to you. You will notice her reciprocating more and pulling you back in with questions and conversation. When you notice these indicators of her interest, then you are allowed to be free to express your interest in her. BUT don‟t go overboard. You don‟t want to turn into the puppy dog even when you feel she is attracted to you. METHODS FOR SEDUCTION Right now I‟ll go into detail about what each method is, and then I will put it into a scenario on how you would use it with a girl. With these techniques you are communicating certain qualities about yourself. Things like:
  • 40. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 33 | H A V E A S E D U C T I V E I N T E R A C T I O N - You are a challenge and challenging. She has to work to get you. - Her appearance is not enough. You need to know more. - You are fun, playful, and sexual. - You are high enough in value to tease her and question her. - You can get her aroused. You are not afraid to touch. - You take the lead and she can feel safe in trusting you. It‟s a lot to ask for, but they are communicated subtly throughout the interaction with these techniques. 1. DISQUALIFY YOURSELF Women have an automatic frame that you are after them for one thing. So by disqualifying yourself as a potential suitor, you make her question your motives. Let‟s face it, as soon as you approach a girl- they have questions about what it is you are wanting. Strangers do not walk up to strangers for nothing. It helps if you are first of all observed as a social person, but some of us are not that fortunate. Also, with extremely beautiful women, they will have heard all of the lines and all of the excuses. They know how guys work because they have experienced them in their dozens. So it is expected she will not even tolerate what you say because you could be like every other guy out there. So you can disqualify yourself in two ways: 1. Active Disinterest. Show little attention to her 2. Put her down like she is not the centre of attention. In short, it comes down to attention. The more you give her, the more she will lap it up- but reward you with nothing. The best way is to completely ignore her while you interact with other people. Display your high value and show others appreciating your personality. It will intrigue her to be the one to approach you. She will be wondering why you are not like every other guy out there trying to hit on her. You must obviously be very stable and a challenge.
  • 41. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 34 | H A V E A S E D U C T I V E I N T E R A C T I O N Make sure you do eventually interact with her though, or she may rationalise it as her beauty being too much for you (No seriously, some girls do. But who can blame them). Putting her down has been questioned by a few people as a legitimate method. It‟s called Negs and devised by mystery. I believe the guys who do not take advantage of them simply don‟t understand the psychology behind it. You have to lower her value, so if you notice something IMPERFECT about her- then it brings her back down off of her pedestal and she is seen as an actual human being. An example is as you talk to her: You: Ew! You just spit on me. You: Are those nails real? Be playful as you deliver them. They are not extreme put downs. They are a means to disqualify yourself because she will expect a guy to compliment her about her beauty. By doing this, you show you are not phased by it. Although use them sparingly. Once you have said one or two, your value can then speak for itself. 2. FLIRTING Flirting is an indicator of your interest in her. Unless she is attracted to you, it won‟t hold much weight. So only flirt when you have established at least SOME value. Flirting is just simply being suggestive. You are not directly offering your interest out on a plate. You are hinting creating a space for her to jump in- like dangling a hook for a fish, and waiting for her to bite on it. You: Oh my God. I can tell you are going to be trouble already. Her: Hehe and why is that? (notice the quizzical nature) You: (she is hugging you) If you are going to hold me, I suggest you do it on my ass.
  • 42. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 35 | H A V E A S E D U C T I V E I N T E R A C T I O N You: (noticing her looking at you across the room. You walk up to her) …I know what you were doing then. You were trying to imagine me naked weren‟t you… When you flirt, it‟s best that you do not wait for her responses. Cast the conversation or your attention elsewhere immediately after. Why? Because it gives her the opportunity to answer back to the flirting, which will lead down a dead end path. By snapping away from it, you remain in control. So be suggestive at times, and look for any innuendos with her. Try and take on the mindset that SHE is trying to seduce you, and you are having none of it. 3. TEASING Teasing is great because it is such a big communicator of you having higher value. You are like the guy who pulls on the girls pigtails in the playground, and then they come and chase you. Teasing is closely related to flirting, but it is more about making her jump through hoops for you. You: We are not going to get along at all. We are too similar! - or - You: Are you flirting with me? C‟mon girl, keep up… It is done in a playful and jest manner. If you do it with a straight face, expect some negative responses. Teasing is a playful act, and she will enjoy it when it is done right. But use it sparingly. Teasing is like you are pushing her back and saying, “Try harder”. You can‟t always keep her at arms length or you will never develop intimacy. Only use it when the energy is high and you are having a fun time.
  • 43. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 36 | H A V E A S E D U C T I V E I N T E R A C T I O N 4. PUSH AND PULL You use both flirting and teasing to create a push-pull affect. Push her away with disqualifying her as being potential for you, and then pull her back by rewarding her for what she just did. You: You don‟t like rock music? Boy are you going to hate coming back to my place then… Her: Well I don‟t hate it. I just…I prefer different stuff. You: Okay. At least you have an open mind about it… You could of left it at her not liking your type of music. But, because you had her attracted to you, she wanted to qualify herself and not close any doors between you too. 5. QUALIFY AND SCREEN HER After you have attracted her, you need to let her know that you find her attractive too. But you have to do it in a way where she doesn‟t feel like you she has already one you over. As soon as she feels that, and you are no longer challenging- then the fun stops. To qualify her, you ask her a question, and then if it is a desirable enough for you- then you can tell her subtly that you find her interesting. You: So what do you do for a living? Her: I‟m a veterinary nurse You: That‟s great! I don‟t think I could ever be with somebody who doesn‟t like animals. I can imagine you have a really sympathetic nature about you… You: So what do you do for fun when you‟re not chatting up handsome strangers? Her: I like to _________________. (find something you like or dislike about it and comment on it)
  • 44. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 37 | H A V E A S E D U C T I V E I N T E R A C T I O N You do not qualify JUST to have her answering questions so you can say you like her. They have to be genuine and aligned with the kind of things you actually like in a girl. What qualifying does is level you both out so you are on mutual levels of attraction. This gives her comfort in feeling like you are not just going with any girl. It is very specific to her qualities and her lifestyle. 6. TOUCH HER (kino) Feeling touch can be immensely arousing, especially for a woman. Her body is so sensitive to touch. If you do not touch her, you will not be able to create a physical rapport with her. Being too shy to jump into her personal space always keeps you behind a barrier, which then results in you being seen only as a friend. She will not let a friend touch her in arousing ways. She will feel uncomfortable and edgy. Only the attractive guy who is seducing her has the luxury of touching her in intimate ways. And touching is a progression. You have to start small. Going straight for her lady bits will only get you a slap in the face and a restraining order. This is typically the progression model of where you can touch a girl: 1. Handshake. Your hand on the top of her arm as you talk. High fives. 2. Playful games like thumb wrestling. Quick hugs. 3. Hand games like pretending to palm read or any other. 4. Hand on her lower back. 5. Smelling her neck. Feeling her hair. 6. Hand on her knee. 7. Holding her hand for a prolonged amount of time. Longer hugs. 8. Touching her tummy.
  • 45. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 38 | H A V E A S E D U C T I V E I N T E R A C T I O N 9. Stroking her neck with your fingers. 10. Pecks on the lip. Kissing. 11. Hand inside her leg. Hand on her bum. It‟s just a rough guide. Some women feel more personal than others. And it doesn‟t necessarily have to be in any order. You can be playful with your touching. Like, you can pretend to brush an eyelash away from her cheek, play a game where you get to run your fingers up and down her back, take a closer look at her necklace, smell her perfume- little things like that. Don‟t worry, she will try and do the same excuses to you. “Oh my god is that a tattoo? Oh wow, let me see your belly button. Do you really have a penis? Let me see” Touch is the main key to make your interaction personal and intimate. In the next part you will learn how to overcome resistance you can anticipate with touch, such as her brushing you away. 7. COMFORT, CONNECTION AND INVESTMENT Trust is an important factor to seduction. If she doesn‟t trust you or feel comfortable, then chances are she will have a lot more barriers to put up against you. But comfort is more than that. Comfort is about finding a bond- something that can continue past your couple of hours flirting session. You need something to be able to relate to. The next morning, she may wake up with the feelings of attraction completely gone. It is the feelings of connection and investment that keep her interested in you. What is investment? Investment can e something simple like time. Think about taking her off to a private location and spending an hour just getting to know each other. Investment can also mean emotional investment, like sharing memories and experiences.
  • 46. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 39 | H A V E A S E D U C T I V E I N T E R A C T I O N To have her invest in you, you may have to invest in her first. Take the bullet and ask to be alone with her somewhere- being in public or still in sight of her friends is clearly the better choice. When you‟re alone, you get to ask her personal questions about her. You cut off Mr. Seducer and you create a connection. You find commonalities and share things about each other. Without this, you are just the two hour fling who was fun for a while, but would never be worthy of keeping around. Remember, being attracted to somebody comes and goes. It is comfort and investment which certifies a long friendship and relationship. Having investment and connection is easy- but it is IMPORTANT you have built the foundation of value and attraction first. Why? It is because you could just be the girlfriend who she turns to whenever things go bad. In other words- you become a friend she feels comfortable with. When you are attractive in her eyes, the comfort building and investment will be much more valuable to her. So when you built bridges in attraction- take her some where more private where you can talk properly and get to know each other. Ask her to hold your drink when you go because you‟ll be two minutes, so she has invested her time waiting for you. Ask her to go the bar with you and help get in drinks. Ask her to go over to the coffee place for 15 minutes for a quick chat. All you have to do is ask something of her (but not too much). And then she will feel you both have more to gain than just a quick flirt. SO FAR… You know how to communicate your value, and you know seduction techniques to turn the interaction into something sexual. In the last part I‟ll show you how it all fits together into a generic model. But Next… HOW TO HANDLE RESISTANCE AND INTERRUPTS
  • 47. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 40 | H A V E A S E D U C T I V E I N T E R A C T I O N SUMMARY A seduction interaction is using techniques to spark attraction. Normal conversations without these techniques will only leave you as a friend. If you do not make your moves, she will assume you are not interested. She has a lot of consequences to allowing you to seduce her, so take them into consideration. When she is attracted to you- your actions will be seen in a different light. A hug will no longer JUST be a hug- but it will have tension and chemistry. Qualities to communicate: - You are a challenge and challenging. She has to work to get you. - Her appearance is not enough. You need to know more. - You are fun, playful, and sexual. - You are high enough in value to tease her and question her. - You can get her aroused. You are not afraid to touch. - You take the lead and she can feel safe in trusting you. Disqualify yourself in a subtle way. "I would never get along with you" This way you set it up that you are not chasing. Disqualify by: 1. Active Disinterest. Show little attention to her. 2. Put her down like she is not the centre of attention. Flirting is playful suggestiveness. You are encouraging her to bite on the hook and play along with you. Push and Pull- never constantly keep teasing or flirting. Pull away to leave her wanting more. Qualify her with questions about what she is like or what she does. This way she feels invested in the attraction. Touching is crucial. Always find a reason to touch, even if it is the top of her arm or a hug. Comfort and connection is what it all leads to. If you don't build comfort- you are a fart in the wind. She can easily forget you.
  • 48. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 41 | H A N D L I N G I N T E R R U P T S A N D R E S I S T A N C E PART FIVE: HANDLING INTERRUPTS AND RESISTANCE Seduction should primarily be straight forward. You attract her; she attracts you; you take the lead and escalate- game, set, match. There would be the odd occasion of playing hard to get, but overall it would be simple. You never see animals writing into magazines, “I have issues with my relationship. I screwed the neighbourhood dog and the bitch on my patch is a bit upset about it”- Nature just gets on with it. Unfortunately for us, society has sunk its teeth into how things should be done, and it is usually geared towards women, causing them to be more resistant to a guys advances. Men often think with their nuts and face the consequences later. Even though a woman‟s deepest desire may be to let loose and enjoy sexual freedom as men do- she still has to face social consequences. She faces labels like “slut” and “easy”. The jealousy in the women around her rises because she gets all the attention and they don‟t. As I said in the first part, men would be quite happy having promiscuous sex. His ego would be fulfilled having gorgeous women after him, and he has the freedom to come and go as he pleases. Yet women have to take all of these consequences into consideration- and now, through finding a mutual balance, so do men. Sex has always been a difficult thing because somebody always “loses”. One often gets more attached than the other. It requires an understanding and emotional control from the get-go. And I may be giving the wrong impression here by talking about sex. Sex is often the transition point where you know if something else will develop.
  • 49. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 42 | H A N D L I N G I N T E R R U P T S A N D R E S I S T A N C E But seduction is not all about sex. It is there to develop possible long-term relationships and connections. You can become awfully close to a girl emotionally as well as intimately, rather than being the guy she only has when she needs a shoulder to cry on. With seduction not being so straight forward and just letting us all get on with it- we have to understand RESISTANCE and INTERRUPTS- what prevents seduction from going where you want it to go? PERSONAL RESISTANCE Women are diverse individuals. They are not carbon copies of the other. They all have their own individual preferences and standards. Some may stop you after you say “hello” because she is not looking for anything. Others may stop you as you get into the bedroom because she “isn‟t that kind of girl”. Another girl may stop seeing you after sex. “I‟m sorry, I feel so embarrassed. I didn‟t want that to happen. I can‟t see you again”. Resistance is due to her personal issues, standards and beliefs. If they are not to do with that, it could just be her attitude. She could just be a girl who likes to push-pull with a guy to see how many hoops she can make him go through- it‟s fun for her. Or she may be a very shy girl and having a guy trying it on is alien to her. 1. HER RESISTANCE TO RESPONSIBILITY ALWAYS TAKE RESPONSIBILITY WITH A GIRL You should always be the one who takes the lead and initiates. A woman does not want to take any responsibility for initiating anything intimate. If she did, she would feel like a slut and too easy. At the end, you want her to think to herself, “…It just happened!” How do you do that? The best method is often being indirect while still escalating.
  • 50. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 43 | H A N D L I N G I N T E R R U P T S A N D R E S I S T A N C E If you said to a woman, “Let‟s go back to my place and get naked”. If she says “okay”, then she is responsible for making it happen. However, if you were to say, “Come over to my place before we go to the bar, I have something to show you”. She may in the back of her mind think, “Ey up, this is him hinting at sex” but she will still go along with it- she is not directly initiating anything except seeing what happens. This is not manipulation, this is playing by the rules. She may in fact want something to happen- but her brain kicks in telling her not to be too easy. It is up to you to create the scenario. Even in a relationship, the boyfriend often has the habit of keeping her level of responsibility low. Instead of asking for a wild night, he will say “Let‟s have a quiet night in on Saturday. You, Me, Wine- it‟ll be great”. To lower her resistance to responsibility- Be the one who takes the lead, and initiate a scenario indirectly. 2. HER RESISTANCE TO KINO ESCALATION USING COMPLIANCE AND PUSH-PULL TO TEST COMFORT Touching is very intimate and personal. Obviously every girl will have a strong resistance to having her body touched by just ANY guy. She will only allow the ones who she feels comfortable with to escalate touch. Otherwise you will get the “what are you doing?” or a brush off. And no guy wants a brush off. It‟s so uncomfortable trying to hold a girls hand only to have her pull it away. So rather than going straight for the prize, escalation should be taken slowly- and it can be tested. Let‟s say you are sat down with her, as you are talking you can put your hand on her knee for a few seconds. DON‟T make it a focus like during a silence. Do it as you talk, like it is a natural passive thing- and then pull it away after 2-3 seconds.
  • 51. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 44 | H A N D L I N G I N T E R R U P T S A N D R E S I S T A N C E This does two things. One, she gets accustomed to you touching her on her knee. And two, if she then leans her knee away from you, you know she is too uncomfortable for that kind of touching right now. It helps you gauge just how comfortable she feels with you. From there, you know to ease off a bit and relax her more till she feels comfortable. Then later on, you try it again. If you go back to the TOUCH for attraction page, you will see the list of what is comfortable as you progress. One key point initially is to only touch her for a few seconds, and then pull away before she has the chance to brush you off. If that is comfortable for her, you can prolong the length of time. Another point will be to NEVER ASK TO TOUCH HER. This comes back to her RESISTANCE TO RESPONSIBILITY. If she says “yes it is okay to touch me”, then she is being responsible to you escalating. JUST DO IT If you do get the inevitable brush off, don‟t take it personally. Carry on talking and being normal with her. A freeze out has been a suggested method, but I think a lot of women can see this as you being petty and sulking. Just reinitiate the touch again later, and continue to touch her where she feels comfortable. Use little excuses like games to be able to touch her. As long as you do not latch on to it afterwards, it will become comfortable for her feeling your touch in those areas. Isolation is vital when you reach intimate points of the escalation such as kissing and being a bit raunchy. No way would she like to do this in a public venue (unless she is totally tanked up) especially in front of her friends. It‟s a social status thing. She would look very sleazy throwing her legs over you on a couch in a bar or at a coffee place in the comfy seat area. Be respectful of this fact. If she says something like “Not here”, take that as a signal to isolate her somewhere a bit more private- out of sight and consequences from her peers.
  • 52. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 45 | H A N D L I N G I N T E R R U P T S A N D R E S I S T A N C E Touch is very personal, so don‟t dive in. Take it slow and be passive with your touch. It should not be a focus, nor should it be asked for. Use small compliance tests (such as 2-3 seconds touch then pull away) to gauge her comfort levels. If you get a brush off, continue on as normal. And don‟t forget to isolate her when you reach intimate and raunchy touching. Be respectful of her need to keep social status. 3. HER RESISTANCE TO YOU WANTING HER Before you even open your mouth you can be hit with resistance. And it can come in all kinds of ways: Her: Do you mind, we are having a conversation Her: Sorry, we are not out for that tonight. Her: Could you just go away please More often than not, this is a consequence to you not observing the situation. A blow out straight away is often down to you not assessing the situation. You should look and see if they are in deep conversation or whether they are fully occupied. If you do, then you can approach at the right time in the right way. It will not be a full on rejection aimed at you. After all, she won‟t even know you- so how can she make a snap judgement with such conviction? You don‟t know the situation prior to that either. Many guys may have tried their luck before you and now she is just pissed off. That is situation resistance which is misconstrued as her rejecting you… Another is beautiful women. The types you should see on magazines. If you approach these directly, you are just another guy doing the same old thing. She is tired of it. She may have fun with you for a bit and be suggestive- but other than that, you are just her little play thing. Then she can cast you out by saying, “I‟m going now”. Her shields are automatically up to any guy wanting her. Fortunately, she is often not alone. So you can demonstrate your value by working through the group and not giving her any attention. If she butts in with a cat call, make playful fun of her
  • 53. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 46 | H A N D L I N G I N T E R R U P T S A N D R E S I S T A N C E with her friend. Then you can win her over later with your charms, when she feels you are not after her just for her looks. Manipulative? Once again, No…It‟s the rules. Many girls will have their shields up to guys wanting them or trying it on. HOWEVER, direct honesty can win her over. When you say, “Hi, I saw you from across the room and I find you really attractive. What‟s your name?” It is a direct opener, but you have to back it up with a lot of confidence and value. If not, you will get the line, “I bet you say that to all the girls” or “How many girls have you used that on?” Don‟t take this resistance personally. You are getting the backlash of all the previous guys who have tried and failed miserably. If you show you are not shaken by it, it shows you have a lot of emotional value to remain secure. That is much more admirable than calling her a bitch. 4. HER RESISTANCE TO YOU BEING A PLAYER No woman wants to be one of your notches on your bed post. If she perceives you as being a player, then her resistance will undoubtedly be higher. But this can be seen as a contradiction- because if you are a guy who gets a lot of girls, then you are pre-selected, right? That‟s value and status. This is why celebrities are such good examples of the value ideology. I don‟t think many women will care how many girls Brad Pitt has had, if he comes up to her- she will probably go off with him. What most players do is they draw their attention to the girl without backing it up with a lot of value. They‟re all full of empty compliments and saying whatever works. This is chasing her before you are even seen as attractive- it just doesn‟t work like that. Most girls will throw out lines at you such as, “You say that to all of the girls. …how many girls have you said that to? …How many girls have you been with?” She does this because she doesn‟t want to look and appear easy. The more girls you say you
  • 54. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 47 | H A N D L I N G I N T E R R U P T S A N D R E S I S T A N C E have been with, the more she will resist you because she doesn‟t want you to think she is easy “like all the other girls”. To overcome the perception of being a player, make sure she is attracted to you first before you try on your moves. You will only come across as sleazy and “playing the numbers” game. 5. HER RESISTANCE BECAUSE OF COMMITMENTS Boyfriends, Marriage, three kids and a little house on the prairie- Who knows what a girl‟s life story is. You could be chatting away with her and suddenly: Her: I think I better tell you, I have a boyfriend. It‟s a commitment she cannot exactly ignore, even though she did enjoy your company and a cheeky flirt with you. How do you react? Some guys may assume this to be a conquest. Get the fair maiden who is to marry the king. But we do not want to be home-wreckers. Even though there is a lot of chaos in relationships nowadays, some are genuinely happy with their status and who they are with. However, this should not prevent you from having her as part of your social circle and contacts. It would be selfish to turn away from her only because you cannot do the whole seduction thing. Who knows, it may end up in a possible romance down the line. But right now, your best option is to call her up on the fact she thinks you want her, or that the boyfriend should be an obstacle: Her: I think I better tell you, I have a boyfriend. You: That‟s nice. And you can still have a boyfriend while we become friends. - or - You: It‟s okay, I have 4 mistresses and an angry wife at home. Doesn‟t
  • 55. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 48 | H A N D L I N G I N T E R R U P T S A N D R E S I S T A N C E mean we can‟t get to know each other… - or - You: Is that a problem because you don‟t trust me? Or because you don‟t trust yourself? Notice how this is another means of escalating indirectly. It is usually how many seductions go. Nothing can be straight forward nowadays. It demands tact. Plus, it‟s not always a boyfriend. It could be a marriage, or she has just come out of a relationship, or she is not looking for anything at all. And this is the automatic frame you get when you approach a girl, so just grin and bear it. To avoid her resistance by any commitment or situation she is in, accuse her of jumping the gun and thinking you are after her. You are simply a social guy building up his social circle. How can she argue with that? 6. HER RESISTANCE TO YOU NOT BEING HER TYPE Some girls can be really blunt with you and just say to your face, “ugh. Go away. You‟re not my type”. It‟s the harshest rejection, but oh well, take it on the chin anyway. But other than that, women do have preferences in the type of man they want- just like men. You may not be her type, however this most of the time this is a test for your persistence to stick up for yourself. I‟ve known many girls who are not with the dream guy they always fantasised about. Do they just settle? I‟m not at liberty to say. But I do know that girls will ignore the fact a guy is not her exact type. Beggars can‟t be choosers- so if you are incredibly attractive to her in a lot of other ways- it overrides the fact you are not her perfect type. When she puts up blocks like this, persist with her- and don‟t make it personal. You should believe you are of high value and have a lot to offer in different ways. Stick
  • 56. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 49 | H A N D L I N G I N T E R R U P T S A N D R E S I S T A N C E to your guns and keep riding the wave. Ignore her comments about type and how you are not it. 7. HER RESISTANCE TO SEX You can do everything right and still get resistance to sex when you get into that situation. Sex seems to be the ultimate point because it is where the transition begins. A lot of things will be running through her mind- are you just using her? Does she feel used? What will happen after you do it? Is it going to go anywhere? Did I leave the gas on? (kidding) Will we be okay afterwards? It‟s a nervous moment for her. She gets a lot of anxiety, the same kind of anxiety you probably felt when you approached her in the beginning. Trying to escalate past resistance while she is in this state of anxiety can be difficult. And the way to handle LAST MINUTE RESISTANCE is by using the principle of pulling away, but pulling away completely. You want to intensify the feeling of her wanting it even more. If she get‟s too much of a good thing, her emotions will kick into overdrive and it will worry her- so her only reaction will be to pull away, “Wait, we can‟t do this”. She probably does want to do it, but she needs to know she can trust you. So pull away completely. Use the same principles as with kino escalation, and carry on chatting away, or diverting to something else. As you do, she will be thinking to herself, “Is that it? But I…”. By pulling away you are encouraging her to give in to her desires, and not feel guilty about it. Then after a few minutes, the kissing will be sure to start again, and the heavy petting will follow from that. This time she may let you go a bit further. Even if she says to you, “I better go” and she grabs her bag- you have to show you are un-phased and not upset by it. She will be in two minds- she will want to be with you because she has invested so much time with you and she does find you attractive, but the feeling of being easy and the consequences afterwards.
  • 57. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 50 | H A N D L I N G I N T E R R U P T S A N D R E S I S T A N C E Pulling away is not forcing her. You are genuinely respectful of what she wants. But you have to trigger her fight or flight response so she can make a true decision- and it is up to you to still keep up the escalation. She would not have let herself be in that position if she did not want to have sex. Although she didn‟t take responsibility to start it, she will still be a smart girl and probably been in that position before- she knows how it goes. Never force or back her in a corner when she resists for sex. Pull away completely. Cut off all touching and divert to something else. After a few minutes, you can try again. If it gets too much for her, she may want to leave. You have to respect her decision and allow her to do so. She will be in two minds, but you are helping her make a decision by not forcing her. She will still not open up and say, “Okay, lets do it!” but she may say, “I can stay for five more minutes though cant i? Just until my taxi comes.” CONCLUSION TO RESISTANCE Even if you do all of the right things, you can still get resistance from her. It is to be expected. You don‟t know her situation, you don‟t know her history- you know nothing about her. But a lot of the resistance is similar with every girl. It could be evolutionary, it could social influence, or it could be personal comfort. The method is to not take it personal, and realise a woman will never let the seduction go straight forward. Doing so would be too easy. It is up to you to remain persistent and not take what she says literally. Many girls can say they have boyfriends, or you are not their type, or they don‟t like you touching her- but through the right kind of persistence, their minds may change. Don‟t throw in the towel straight away. A girl wants to see how far you are willing to go for her, just to show you are invested in her- and not after an easy lay. Russell Brand calls it “The Knobstacle Course”. He‟s not far wrong.
  • 58. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 51 | H A N D L I N G I N T E R R U P T S A N D R E S I S T A N C E INTERRUPTS Interrupts are blocks which happen during the interaction due to the dynamics or because of other people. You could be in the middle of spiking her attraction for you by telling an emotional story and demonstrating your value- then out of the blue her friend comes along and pulls her away “for five minutes”. HANDLING INTERRUPTS REQUIRES FRAME CONTROL Your frame is your reality. If a woman says to you, “I prefer ________ type of guy” and you say to her, “Oh. I‟m nothing like your type at all. Do you still like me though?”- You are entering HER reality. You are aligning with her frame and standards. Controlling your frame in that situation would mean to not jump into her reality. Saying, “Well I‟m hoping you are an open minded girl, otherwise we are in trouble”. You didn‟t cave in and feel insecure. Stepping into somebody else‟s reality means you are being reactive to what they say and do to you. Bullies are exceptionally great at this. You walk in trying out your new shirt when some dick comes over, “haha. What the hell are you wearing that for? That really does not suit you at all!”. From that day on, you never wear it again. Instead you could have kept your frame and just said you like it and felt adventurous. So when interrupts come along, it is crucial to be non-reactive and to control your frame…your reality. And interrupts are pretty much just distractions and excuses for the girl to leave. 1. INTERRUPTED BECAUSE SHE IS BUSY This is obvious for meeting a girl during the day and on the move. She will have places to go and people to see. The same applies for trying to meet a girl while she is doing her job like catering or bartending. When somebody is being busy, either offer to go with them, or just say, “We‟ll only be two minutes.”
  • 59. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 52 | H A N D L I N G I N T E R R U P T S A N D R E S I S T A N C E This is known as a FALSE TIME CONSTRAINT. Sales people do it all the time, “Hi can I just talk to you for a few seconds?”. It‟s a speedy process, but in this situation- your confidence and frame control display a lot of value anyway. You may feel like you are imposing, but as long as you do not stop them in their tracks fully, then it should be okay. 2. INTERRUPTED BECAUSE OF DISTRACTIONS Things can be going tremendously smooth. You could be in your own little bubble with her, until……… - Her phone rings and she has to go. - She bumps into another friend. - She pre-warned you she has to go somewhere, and that time has come. ENSURING YOU MEET AGAIN All kinds of distractions could happen. These are often unavoidable, and they can take her out of the interaction all together. One method for ensuring she will come back to you or you can keep in touch is INVESTMENT Something simple like giving her a bracelet and saying to her, “I‟ll see you later because I want it back”. Or you could achieve the ultimate goal of many guys, which is to get her phone number or e-mail. Just mention you want to keep in touch. If you have played it cool, she will happily oblige. Be creative and try think of ways to make her invest in you so you can meet again. 3. CONTROLLING YOUR FRAME DURING INTERNAL DISTRACTION Distractions during the interaction like a phone call, or her chatting with her friend for five to ten minutes can also happen. You know you are going to still be in each
  • 60. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 53 | H A N D L I N G I N T E R R U P T S A N D R E S I S T A N C E others company afterwards and continue your conversation. And you can‟t exactly be an asshole and keep cutting in with her. Before you do anything, make sure she introduces you to her friend. Don‟t wait around for five minutes and then ask, do it within the first 10 seconds. The reason is because in these situations, you have to get up and go do something else until she is finished. You do not want to be the tool who sits there looking at his clock waiting around. You are not ignoring her. You are keeping your frame by being busy, and hanging around just puts pressure on her to hurry the hell up anyway, which isn‟t very nice. So in these instances, go up and order another coffee or a bun; or talk to the group next to you; or go to the bar. Do something active. Sitting there and reading or checking your messages on your mobile doesn‟t cut it. GET BUSY AND ACTIVE Then, when you see she is finished, go back to her and continue your interaction with her- still being your warm and pleasant self. She will apologise for it no doubt, you ask how things are etc- and you carry on conversation. If she asks why you went away, say something like: You: There is nothing worse than being on the phone and somebody sat there waiting and probably listening in. - or - You: I wanted to let you catch up with your friend without feeling like you had to rush. These keep your frame by it being a decision to be busy. It is just your way of doing things. 4. INTERRUPTED BECAUSE OF PEOPLE
  • 61. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 54 | H A N D L I N G I N T E R R U P T S A N D R E S I S T A N C E Women have a tight knit social circle. It includes their friends, family and sometimes partner. On top of that, you have other guys in proximity who want her. They are more than likely to come and put a block in your advances. GET A WINGMAN During the day, having a wingman is not so important. You can easily have one on ones with a girl without many people blocking you. However, girls are very rarely out on there own, unless they are rushing from A to B or doing something. Controlling your frame can quite a challenge if you are interacting with groups in a populated and active environment. If her friend sat next to her is getting bored, they will do the “girl stare” and the one you are interested in will pull away for the benefit of her friend. 90% of these blocks can be prevented by having a wingman- somebody who will keep everybody else talking and not becoming restless. Women can also be very competitive. If you are talking to a girl, her friend may butt in and answer for her. You: So what do you do for fun? Friend: She comes out with me, haha. And the girl you are talking to becomes distracted yet again. Your wingman friend will distract this other girl with conversation and banter. He might even be seducing her too- you never know. Truth is, people have a lot more confidence when they are in groups, so it is a lot easier for them to blow you out and overpower your frame. You are nothing but a stranger to them. So have a respectable friend by your side so you can help each other out. If he notices a girl he likes- you reciprocate and do the same for him. You go and prevent any potential blocks so they can have a pleasant and decent conversation. HAVING A WOMAN FRIEND HELP YOU OUT
  • 62. A „MODERN MAN LIVING‟ GUIDE TO SEDUCTION 55 | H A N D L I N G I N T E R R U P T S A N D R E S I S T A N C E This is another valid reason to have girls within your social circle. Who cares if they are taken or just want to be friends- they are VALUABLE and a huge asset to have them within your life. Once you know where you both stand, girls are quite happy to help you attract other girls. Why wouldn‟t they be? You are not using her. You are doing what friends do- help each other out. I‟m sure you would do the same for her if she told you she likes a guy across the room. It is mutual respect, and it is fun. The same rules apply for her as a wingman. She helps you within a social circle to distract any blocks from other people. Women (and guys) will notice you with her. It instantly establishes you as valuable because you are pre-selected. It also has the hidden advantage of making you appear less threatening. You already have girls in your life, so why would you be out “on the prowl” for others? The principle of her doing this is only to let others see you pre-selected. As soon as she has been noticed with you then she can leave you to it. Both a wingman and a female friend counteract a lot of blocks. The girl will have around her a protective shield. You could see her with her sister or a brother; a family friend; a protective male friend who looks out for her. By coming along showing you have social value gives you a none-threatening vibe. If you don‟t have the luxury of having a female friend or a wingman, then your job at controlling possible interrupts will be a bit harder- but this is why you learn seduction. You learn it to become valuable and improve your social skills. You will soon find yourself with an abundance of people around you as you create value. 5. HANDLING PROWLING MEN WHO BLOCK YOU Men have an ulterior motive to blow you out of the girl‟s radar and put himself in your place. He can be as brutal as just telling you to get the hell out of his way, or as subtle as mocking you indirectly to lower your value. It is something you have to face as a man. It can be a very competitive world and “dog eat dog” mentality can always happen.