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for Doing it
detox your WHOLE
magazine presents
When do you feel the most beautiful—after a bubble bath, a long run,
an internal cleanse? If you haven’t considered the last thought, consider this:
restored vitality, more mental clarity, a stronger immune system, looking and
feeling better than ever.* Whole Body Cleanse™ internal cleansing system was
designed to bring you a truly natural,
gentle and effective way to reach
complete rejuvenation.*
Feel extraordinary from head to toe!
magazine presents
Copyright © 2008 by Gaetano Morello, ND, and Active Interest Media, Inc.
All rights reserved. No part of this booklet may be reproduced, stored in an electronic
retrieval system, or transcribed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical,
including photocopying and recording, without the prior written permission of the pub-
lisher, except for the inclusion of quotations in a review.
Published by:
Active Interest Media, Inc.
300 N. Continental Blvd., Suite 650
El Segundo, CA 90245
This booklet is part of the Better Nutrition Healthy Living Guide series. For more informa-
tion, visit Better Nutrition magazine is available at fine natural
health stores throughout the United States. Design by Aline Design: Bellingham, Wash.
The information in this booklet is for educational purposes only and is not recommended
as a means of diagnosing or treating an illness. All health matters should be supervised by
a qualified healthcare professional. The publisher and the author(s) are not responsible for
individuals who choose to self-diagnose and/or self-treat.
Chapter One: The Cleansing Concept......................4
Chapter Two: Our Toxic World......................................6
Chapter Three: Toxic Health Effects...........................11
Chapter Four: Mechanisms of Detoxification.......15
Chapter Five: Scientific Detoxification....................20
Selected References.............................................................30
4 C L E A N S E
Chapter 1:
The Cleansing
quarter of a century ago, detoxification wasn’t regarded as a nec-
essary step to optimal health by the majority of health care prac-
titioners. Even I viewed it as people looking for solutions to their
problems in the wrong place. This came from observing how unhealthy
people on fasts and detoxification programs appeared. I would look at
these people and wonder what they were actually accomplishing.
However, with the advancements in environmental medicine, there was
no denying that toxins were everywhere. Science also began supporting
the fact that these toxins were contributing to the ever-expanding domain
of chronic diseases. Even governments began acknowledging that some
synthetic chemicals were harming human physiology.
But this still didn’t explain why people on alternative detoxification
programs looked terrible. What was going on with these people that made
them look so unhealthy?
The answer to this question is really what this booklet is about. Its pur-
pose is to lay out the science of proper detoxification. In the past, too
many claims have been made that had absolutely no scientific relevance. I
have spent countless hours searching for scientific information that could
support the fact that certain herbs benefit the lymphatic system, yet found
nothing. I spent hours looking for how an herb purified blood and found
nothing. I spent countless hours sifting through information to find pa-
thologies showing funny, long, tortuous things coming out of intestines
and found nothing. The reason I found nothing was because there was
really nothing to find, just assertions with little scientific support.
One of the primary objectives of this booklet is to dispel the myths
of detoxification and bring about a scientific understanding of what this
process actually entails. This brings us back to the original question as to
why some people on detoxification programs looked so sickly. The simple
answer is that they were not doing proper, scientific detoxification. They
were instead moving toxins in the body from one place to another, creat-
ing something we call oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is like sending out
a bunch of little bombs to different parts of the body. When the bombs
reach those areas, serious damage can result if they go off.
C L E A N S E 5
Detoxification has been around since the beginning of human history.
For thousands of years, body detoxification has been a part of our rituals
for health and well-being. The Egyptians and Greeks practiced all sorts of
modalities to remove toxins from the body. In the 19th century, propo-
nents of detoxification claimed the large intestine was a sewage reservoir,
and that stagnation caused toxins to eventually be absorbed into the body,
causing illness. The solution to this problem was using laxatives, purges,
and enemas to move stool out of the body, thus, eliminating the toxins.
Today, a number of programs employ physical treatments, like colon
hydrotherapy, and dietary restrictions, including fasting, dietary supple-
mentation, intravenous chelation therapy, and every possible detoxifica-
tion kit you can imagine. The claims are that these products and modali-
ties target various organs and systems, enhancing their ability to rid the
body of built-up toxins. Some detoxification kits target parasites, yeast,
and myriad other critters that inhabit our gastrointestinal tract.
Detoxification critics argue that cleansing is often unnecessary and is
based on questionable or disproved scientific claims. Some people view
detoxification as an elaborate hoax used by con artists to cure nonexistent
illnesses. To be fair, I can understand how some of these criticisms come
to pass. A lot of detoxification programs are confusing, have little science
behind them and, in some cases, cause harm.
We’ve Come a Long Way
In the last quarter century, scientists have developed an understanding
of how the body actually gets rid of chemical impurities. Through this
knowledge, we are now better equipped to make recommendations for
choosing the right detoxification products. This wasn’t the case 20 years
ago, when some fasting techniques were actually detrimental.
Even today people working in the detoxification field use enemas, co-
lonics, and other invasive systems to clean the gastrointestinal tract. In
some circles, this is the preferred system of cleansing, even though very
little research supports such methodologies. But even if science one day
proves that colonics are beneficial and free of side effects, this is far from
the complete picture of proper toxin elimination.
To understand what proper detoxification is we need to look at how the
body naturally expels toxic chemicals. For example, how does the body
get rid of alcohol, over-the-counter and prescription drugs, contaminated
food, and so forth? If we have an understanding of how all this works
than we can begin to effectively enhance detoxification mechanisms and
thus minimize the detrimental effects of exposure.
6 C L E A N S E
rom the moment we wake up in the morning till the moment
we go to bed, our body is constantly exposed to toxic chemicals.
Difficult to believe, it might be, but if you take a closer look, you
will be alarmed at what you find. Chemical toxins are everywhere, from
body soaps and moisturizers, to shaving creams, shampoos, and even the
toothpaste we use. Women’s lipsticks have been found to contain lead,
while many of the plastic containers they come in contain phthalates (a
harmful plastic softener).
When you have your morning cereal, be aware that you may be expos-
ing yourself to pesticides, and the milk is probably laced with hormones
and toxins. If this sounds overwhelming, it’s because it is. When you ex-
plore this area more closely, you find that the human body is bombarded
with toxins every minute of every day. It is an ongoing onslaught causing
more health problems than we ever realized.
To better appreciate how serious this problem is, we need to first look at
what our world has become. According to the Environmental Protection
Chapter 2:
Our Toxic World
C L E A N S E 7
Agency (EPA), more than 85,000 synthetic chemicals are registered world-
wide. Less than half of these chemicals have been tested for potential tox-
icity in humans. This is the reason why, after decades of use, bisphenol A
(a chemical used to stabilize plastics) has suddenly been classified as dan-
gerous and banned from use in infant milk bottles in Canada. Just think
about this fact for a moment: Bisphenol A was discovered in 1891. So for
decades, its use in plastics and its negative effects on human physiology
have gone unnoticed until now! What does this tell us about our screen-
ing methodologies for registered chemicals?
To have some perspective, look at the fact that more than 4 billion
pounds of pesticides are used annually in the United States. That equates
to just over 10 pounds of pesticides for every man, woman, and child.
The EPA estimates that nearly 90 percent of all U.S. foods contain pesti-
cides. These pesticides have been linked to hormone imbalances, cancer,
neurological diseases, and autoimmune diseases. How culpable are these
pesticides for the many diseases that now plague us?
There was a time in my life when I thought farming communities were
the healthiest of places. After all, aren’t farms isolated from the big cities,
free of polluting industrial buildings, and just full of wide open spaces?
My wife comes from a great farming community with families who have
lived in the area for generations. They farm over 5,000 acres of land where
they grow barley, lentils, wheat, and durum and use thousands of pounds
of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers yearly.
The consequences of such practices is sad, to say the least: my wife’s fa-
ther died of bladder cancer at the age of 42, her mother has fibromyalgia,
her sister has asthma, and her brother, who is only 27, has rheumatoid
arthritis. My wife has been able to control her autoimmune condition
since she moved away from the farm more than 13 years ago.
This is an unscientific peek into the world of chemicals and their effects
on the body. We have no evidence proving that, in my family’s case, this
was the cause of their conditions, but I can assure you, this is what science
has shown pesticides to do. These chemicals, over years of use, leach into
the soils and into the water supply and become part of the physiology of
the people around these communities.
When we think about pollution, we always seem to think it’s in the
outdoor air. But there are far more toxic chemicals indoors than there are
outside our homes. The average home contains an estimated 100 pounds
of hazardous material. That’s 3 to 10 gallons of chemical waste. This may
include paints, paint thinners, air fresheners, carpet deodorizers, moth-
balls, oven cleaners, drain-opener chemicals, pesticides, and a whole array
of other products. In the past, our mind-set has been that these products
8 C L E A N S E
are hazardous to the environment, but in reality, they are even more haz-
ardous to our vulnerable human physiology.
Carpeting inside our homes emits more than 200 volatile chemicals
making there way into our bodies. Some of these chemicals include form-
aldehyde, toluene, benzene, acetaldehyde, xylene, phenol, benzaldehyde,
chlorobenzenes, styrene, and many more. Styrene alone has been shown
to produce neurotoxicity and respiratory illnesses, including asthma,
while formaldehyde is a known carcinogen.
A study of carpet workers revealed an increased risk of cancers and leuke-
mia because of their higher exposure levels to these chemicals. This means
that researchers linked cancer to the production of carpets—something
most of us consider safe.
One of the major problems with our past view of toxins is that we pic-
tured ourselves as impermeable to them—that the only way they could
cause damage is if we ingested them. But the toxin can be taken in not
only by swallowing, but also through the skin or through inhalation. In
other words, the stuff you smell when you walk down the detergent and
cleaning-agent aisle at your neighbourhood grocery store is being absorbed
into your body. You are breathing and incorporating those chemicals into
your bloodstream. The things you touch are also getting inside your body
through the skin. When you apply moisturizer to your skin, notice the way
it disappears during application; where exactly is it disappearing to?
Some Definitions
Chemical toxins are divided into two groups, exogenous and endoge-
nous. Exogenous toxins are present in the outside environment. These are
found in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we consume, and
the things we apply to our skin. Endogenous toxins are those produced
within the body from various metabolic activities, including the activity
of microorganisms found in the gastrointestinal tract. The body has de-
toxification mechanisms to deal with these kinds of toxic substances, but
when high levels of toxins overwhelm physiological tolerance, problems
arise (see chapter four).
To describe how much toxicity is in the body at any given time, you’ll
often hear the term toxic burden used. The problem with this term is
that we really don’t know exactly how many chemicals (and how much
of them) are present. So even though the term serves a purpose, it has its
limitations. Yet, it can be useful, especially when talking about how to
reduce overall toxic accumulation. The following equation clearly demon-
strates that the key to reducing overall body burden is to first reduce total
exposure and then enhance the body’s ability to detoxify.
C L E A N S E 9
Toxic Burden	=	Total amount of toxins consumed
	 – 	Ability of the body to detoxify
One of the most important questions is whether these exogenous tox-
ins are making their way into our body. Is the chemical being emitted
from your newly installed carpet actually getting inside your body? Are
the odors in the cleaning aisle at your local grocery store getting into your
bloodstream? As we’ll see, they are not only getting in, but they are stay-
ing there for long periods of time (10 to 20 years). Sometimes they even
interact with each other, causing even more damage.
So the question of the 21st
century is not whether these toxins are getting
inside our body, but rather how many of these toxins are inside our body?
In other words, how toxic are we? The science supporting this statement is
overwhelming. From the moment of conception till death, every human
being on the planet is toxic. Our exposure to chemical toxins begins in the
womb and doesn’t leave us until the last days of our life.
The journal Environmental Health Perspectives featured a report by sci-
entists who analyzed the umbilical cords of newborn infants, testing for
400 toxic chemicals. They found 280 different toxic chemicals in these
newborn infants; 187 were cancer causing and over 200 toxic to the brain.
Alarming, yes, but surprising, no, when you realize that 85,000 differ-
ent chemicals circulate in our environment and over half of them haven’t
been studied for toxic effects on human health.
Another study, appearing in the American Journal of Public Health in
1989, found that 70 percent of 285 4-year-old children in Michigan car-
ried DDT in their blood, while more than 50 percent had PCB’s. DDT
is a well known pesticide that was banned in the United States in 1972
because of its cancer-causing properties. Yet even after decades, DDT is
regularly found in the fatty tissue of animals, birds, fish, and children. In
this particular study, the researchers found that nursing was the primary
source of exposure. Think about that: a pesticide banned decades ago is
still persistent not only in the environment, but in our bodies.
Urine analysis of American women found that 95 percent of those
studied had bisphenol A, the plastic stabilizer linked to cancer.
The National Adipose Survey carried out by the EPA has existed since
1976. Through it, researchers analyze adipose (fat) tissue from autopsies
and patients receiving elective surgeries. In the individuals tested, research-
ers have found styrene, 1,4 dichlorobenzene, PCBs, xylene, ethylphenol,
and dioxins in 100 percent of the cases, while 50 other chemicals were
found in the majority of the subjects studied.
10 C L E A N S E
We’ve just skimmed the surface of a long list of scientific articles con-
firming that toxic chemicals are finding their way into our body. The the-
ory by some that our body is more than capable of handling these toxins
is just not true. The ability of the body to detoxify is overwhelmed by the
sheer volume of toxic intake.
We now live in a world where the air we breathe, the water we drink,
the food we consume, and the things that come in contact with our skin
contain toxic chemicals. In the end, these chemicals find their way into
our tissues and become permanent residents with the ability to, one day,
cause harm.
But doesn’t the body get rid of these chemicals through the liver? The
body does expel chemicals mostly through the liver, but also with the
help of a number of other organ systems. The body was created to do
these things, but it was made to perform these functions in a natural en-
vironment, against natural toxins— not synthetic ones that now infiltrate
every walk of life.
Many toxic substances are created through normal metabolic functions.
For example, when we breathe in oxygen, one of the by-products of res-
piration (which actually takes place in every cell of the body) is carbon
dioxide. Carbon dioxide is what we breathe out through the lungs, so
the lungs also detoxify the body from this potentially toxic compound.
Numerous other examples exist, such as protein metabolism and sugar
metabolism, all of which are easily processed by the body.
But when we put things into our body that don’t occur in nature, the
body has to use more complex mechanisms to get rid of them. It does
this, but an overabundance of chemicals can create levels so high that
problems result. An example of this is alcohol consumption. If you have
one drink, let’s say 1 ounce of vodka, in most cases you will tolerate this
and feel fine. Your liver will detoxify the alcohol in time, and your blood
levels will be under the limit. But if you drink an entire bottle of vodka,
it’s a whole different story. You will become intoxicated, giving you symp-
toms like dizziness, slurred speech, imbalance, upset stomach, and next-
day hangover. What happened with the detoxification system? Your toxic
load (the amount of alcohol consumed) was higher than your body’s abil-
ity to detoxify.
How many toxins are out there? Tens of thousands of toxic chemicals
wiggle their way into our life one way or another. They come from the wa-
ter, food, air, prescription drugs, toiletries, household cleaning supplies,
and just about everything produced. Toxins are everywhere, and the faster
we accept that, the quicker we can take the necessary steps to minimize
our exposure and support our body’s attempts to eliminate them.
C L E A N S E 11
ou have probably heard it said that we are what we drink, eat,
breathe, touch and can’t eliminate. Forty years ago, many would
have ignored this, but today an impressive body of scientific evi-
dence supports this very notion. Research points to the fact that envi-
ronmental toxins, including the food we eat and the water we drink, are
having serious negative impacts on our health. We have discovered that
pesticides are causing cancer and that various types of plastic additives are
changing our hormone levels.
Evidence now suggests there may be a link between autism and the mer-
cury in vaccinations. It’s also been proposed that the toxins found in food
may cause cancer in children. When we look at the statistics, we have to
wonder what’s going on, since the rates of cancer, autism, and attention
deficit disorders seem to be forever rising. Is there a relationship between
toxic burden and these diseases?
Genetic Destiny?
To shed light onto what’s going on, a fascinating article in Discover
magazine (November 2006) indirectly outlined the impact the environ-
ment can have on the human body. In the beginning of the article, a
scientific picture of two distinctly different individuals is presented. One
individual is taller and larger than the other, and both have different
facial features. At first glance, that’s basically all the observational analy-
Chapter 3:
Health Effects
Environment can
affect the body’s
ability to read DNA.
12 C L E A N S E
sis one can do, but further digging reveals something shocking: the two
individuals are, in fact, IDENTICAL TWINS. When scientists studied this
anomaly, they found that these individuals had been separated at birth
and grew up in two very different environments. The foods they con-
sumed, the water they drank, the air they breathed, and the nurturing
they received was different, and it was that difference that changed the
behavior of their DNA.
Titled “DNA is not A Destiny,” the article discussed how the environ-
ment can affect the body’s ability to read DNA. What this may eventually
prove is that the reason we develop cancer, get heart disease, and so forth,
is not because we inherited these diseases from our parents, but rather
because we do exactly what our parents did. The moral of the story is that
the things we’re exposed to, will, in the end, be responsible for not only
the diseases we may acquire, but also the way we look.
Chemical toxins have
a far-reaching effect
on our health.
To better grasp how the differences between these identical twins devel-
oped, we need to look closer at the genome. The human genome refers
to the 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 chromosomes total) found in every
single cell of your body. You can think of the genome as the textbook on
how to make you. Each pair of chromosomes is a chapter in that textbook,
and within each chapter are sections; each section is a gene. Now think
about a section in a chapter. It could be one or two pages long, and it talks
about a specific topic. Imagine spilling so much black ink on a page that it
interferes with your ability to read the section. You would miss so much in-
formation that you couldn’t get a complete picture of what the section was
about. You would have to guess what the ink-stained section contained.
This same thing can happen in our body. Chemicals and toxins can im-
pact our genes (ink stains can spill on the sections) by interfering with our
body’s ability to read the gene. The end result is a confused gene (a section
full of ink stains) that has its own interpretation about what it’s supposed
to do. Sometimes it gets lucky and does what it’s supposed to do, while
other times it messes up badly, leading to serious problems.
From this model, we can surmise the far-reaching effects chemical tox-
ins can have on our health.
C L E A N S E 13
Some Background
Although this is fascinating to think about, it’s really nothing new. Hip-
pocrates, the father of medicine, stated that with diseases, one only had
to look at the environment to find the cause. Thousands of years ago,
doctors looked for disease in the environment. They had the insights that
modern science is only now beginning to understand.
In the 1960s, Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring created awareness about
toxic chemicals and their negative effects on human health and wildlife
populations. The book brought about new understanding about what was
happening to the environment because of the enormous amount of toxic
substances dumped in every corner of the globe. An area of health that
scientists began focusing on was the endocrine system.
Scientists began suspecting that human-made chemicals interfered
with hormones in the 1960s. Since then, much documentation has
revealed abnormalities in animals living in areas of high industrial chem-
ical output.
For example, in Florida lakes contaminated with pesticides, male al-
ligators produced female levels of testosterone, made abnormal sperm,
and had stunted sex organs. In ponds across the Midwest, male frogs were
making eggs. Lab studies showed it was an herbicide (atrazine) causing
these problems.
According to an article in the Dallas News (May 2007) more than 200
scientists, in an unprecedented move, signed a declaration warning that
babies exposed to chemicals in the womb are more likely to develop dia-
betes, obesity, attention deficit disorder, and infertility.
What can these chemicals do? Chemicals can enter the body through
the skin, the digestive system, and the respiratory tract. Once in, these
toxins can cause a lot of damage. They can interfere with the synthesis
of important molecules like hormones, neurotransmitters, and immune-
communicating cells. These chemicals can even affects cellular structures
like the mitochondria, critical in energy production.
In general, it is safe to assume that toxins in no way benefit health. Logic
alone tells us these synthetic chemicals are detrimental to the body. Just
look at how researchers induce cancer in laboratory animals: they give
them the chemical toxin DMBA (dimethylbenzanthracene). This induces
biochemical changes that create cancer.
We can draw similar parallels with environmental toxins and human
health. If chemical toxins induce cancer in animal models, can’t they do
the same thing in humans? Scientists are now buying into this concept and
are thus contributing to the renewed interest in environmental medicine.
14 C L E A N S E
Dr. Ana Soto (Tufts School of Medicine) states that in the 1940s a
woman’s risk of breast cancer was 1 in 22. Today the risk has risen to
1 in 8. Genetics can’t be the sole cause, yet this is where most research
is focused. According to Soto, it is time to focus our efforts on environ-
mental toxins, since the increasing risk of breast cancer and other cancers
has paralleled the proliferation of synthetic chemicals introduced since
World War II. This, again, brings us back to the story of the identical
twins; these individuals had the exact same genes, yet they became physi-
ologically different. Their genetics didn’t cause their differences—their
environment did.
In a medical review in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (April
1996), the author states that cancer incidence could be reduced by as
much as 80 percent to 90 percent just by eliminating environmental tox-
ins. A British Medical Journal (February 2004) review claims that nearly 75
percent of most cancers are environmentally induced. Toxins have been
linked to cancers, autoimmune disease, neurological disorders, and endo-
crine disorders involving the thyroid, adrenal, and reproductive glands.
Environmental toxins can also have wide-ranging effects on the immune
system. They can weaken the immune system, causing increased suscep-
tibility to infections and cancer. On the other hand, toxins can make the
immune system overly sensitive, giving rise to allergies and autoimmune
disease. Research has shown that chlorinated pesticides, polycyclic hydro-
carbons (PAHs), and organophosphate pesticides all have toxic effects on
the immune system.
An area of environmental toxicity that always gets lots of press is heavy
metals and their effects on the nervous system. Since the nervous system
requires the action of a complex integrated network (like a circuit board),
damage to even a small section can have serious consequences. For exam-
ple, research shows that exposure to lead in children and animals living
around industrial environments produces behavioral impairment.
People with a high concentration of aluminum in the nerve tissue have
a higher incidence of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. The aluminum
seems to come from the water supply, food, antacids, and deodorants.
Aluminum is used in deodorants and antiperspirants because after ap-
plication, it makes its way into the sensory nerves and anesthetises them
(puts them to sleep). This inhibits the nerves’ ability to sense heat, and
consequently, the body doesn’t sweat. The end result is that aluminum acts
as a neurotoxin basically interfering with the nerves’ normal functioning.
Toxins can have all sorts of detrimental effects on the human body. The
identical-twin story offers a glimpse into the fact that the environment,
and not so much the genes, controls your physiological destiny. In other
words, your health is in your hands and really not in your genes.
C L E A N S E 15
he human body has four main excretory pathways that remove
environmental toxins (exogenous toxins), as well as toxic prod-
ucts produced by the body (endogenous toxins). These include
the feces, urine, sweat, and breath. Although some toxins get eliminated
directly by some of these pathways, many toxins need to be transformed
into water-soluble compounds, while still others have to be changed into
complex molecules. These transformations occur in the body’s most im-
portant detoxification organ, the liver. Other organ systems involved in
detoxification include the kidneys, gastrointestinal system, and the skin.
The Liver (Phase I And Phase II)
The human liver carries out more than 500 metabolic functions, includ-
ing the detoxification of harmful substances in the body. Over 2 quarts of
blood pass through this important organ every minute of every day, filter-
ing and transforming chemicals to keep the body clean. The liver also pro-
duces bile into which fat-soluble toxins are attached and then discharged
into the gastrointestinal tract.
The Liver: Bile
Bile contains a majority of the body’s metabolic
wastes, including deceased blood cells and toxic
chemicals like pesticides. Once formed, bile—
along with its waste products and processed
toxins—moves from the liver to the gallbladder
and then is secreted into the intestine, where it
helps with the absorption of fats and stool
movement. The bile and its toxic load
are picked up by dietary fiber and
excreted out the body in the feces. A
lack of dietary fiber results in inad-
equate binding of the bile, allowing
toxins to be reabsorbed. Therefore,
one of the most important ways
to improve detoxification is to eat
plenty of dietary fiber.
Chapter 4:
of Detoxification
16 C L E A N S E
The liver’s primary goal when confronted with toxic chemicals is to neu-
tralize them (making them water-soluble). Most toxins are fat-soluble,
which means they’re difficult to get rid of, just like that ink stain on your
shirt. This is when the problems begin. If you have elevated toxin lev-
els because of poor detoxification, a majority of them will be stored in
adipose tissue (fat) and cell membranes (which are composed of fats)
throughout the body. Sometimes they can stay dormant in tissues for de-
cades, but other times because of various activities, they can be released.
For example, during periods of weight loss, exercise, stress, and fasting,
these chemicals are released into the blood stream, eventually leading to
physiological problems.
A recent study showed that when a group of overweight people dieted,
their reduction in body fat correlated with an increase in circulating pesti-
cides (pesticides are stored in fat tissue). The pesticides then reduced cir-
culating active thyroid hormone (T3), thus, reducing the metabolic rate.
Could this be the reason why people on weight-loss programs plateau?
Inside the liver cells is a complex network of detoxification mechanisms
capable of processing drugs, hormones, steroids, chemicals, pesticides,
and almost every possible toxin imaginable. The first step in the liver is
carried out by Phase I enzymes, transforming these toxins into either (1)
water-soluble molecules, so they can be easily excreted by the kidneys or
(2) reactive forms for phase II enzymes, which conjugate these chemicals.
The reactive forms are actually free radicals, which are, at times, more
dangerous than the original toxin. Therefore, it’s critical that these phases,
especially Phase II, function optimally.
The Liver: Phase I
The Phase I detoxification pathway involves more than 100 enzymes
known collectively as the cytochrome P450. This pathway is a two-edged
sword because it converts toxic chemicals into less harmful ones, yet if
the cytochrome P450 system becomes overactive, it can produce extreme-
ly toxic free radicals (little ticking time bombs). Antioxidants like gluta-
thione can disengage the little bombs, making them harmless. However,
if these antioxidants are lacking and toxin exposure is high, toxic chemi-
cals become even more dangerous than at the start of the process, and
miniature explosions begin occurring in different parts of the liver and
body. In fact, some of these substances can do so much harm they can
even cause cancer.
Additionally, if you ingest an excessive amount of toxic chemicals, the
cytochrome p450 system can become too stimulated and overactive. This
is known as induction of Phase I, and it leads to high levels of damaging
free radicals. Substances that can trigger this include caffeine, alcohol, di-
C L E A N S E 17
oxins, saturated fats, pesticides, barbiturates, paint fumes, sulfonamides,
and exhaust fumes. If Phase II can’t keep up with this bombardment, seri-
ous consequences can result.
The Liver: Phase II
Phase II is known as the conjugation pathway, and as its name suggests,
it basically adds another substance to the toxic chemical or drug to make
it less harmful. This makes the toxin water soluble, so it can easily be ex-
creted out of the body, either through the urine or bile. Through conjuga-
tion reactions, the liver turns hormones, drugs, and toxins into substances
that can be eliminated from the body. Phase II acts like the bomb squad
that arrives to disengage the bombs.
The six main forms of Phase II detoxification include acetylation, ami-
no acid conjugation, glucuronidation, methylation, glutathione conjuga-
tion, and sulfation. Each of these pathways removes specific types of tox-
ins and requires specific nutrients for their optimal functioning. Think of
each pathway as a specialized bomb squad, trained to disengage specific
types of bombs. Phase II can also be activated by certain compounds and
slowed down by others. This becomes important when discussing scien-
tific detoxification methods in the next chapter.
Phase I pathway can lead to an output of
dangerous free radical byproducts.
Phase II pathway involves binding reactions (conjugation)
resulting in neutralization of toxins.
18 C L E A N S E
The Intestines
The gastrointestinal tract plays a big role in detoxification, mainly be-
cause it receives toxins bound to bile acids for excretion. What happens
to this bile is directly related to what’s in the intestinal tract. As we men-
tioned earlier, bile needs to bind to dietary fiber for a quick exit out the
body in the feces. If there’s insufficient dietary fiber in the intestines, most
of this bile will be reabsorbed back into the bloodstream, along with the
toxins it’s trying to dump.
This is why fasting may not be beneficial during detoxification. Fasting
usually involves abstinence from food for two to sometimes 14 days. This
releases toxins stored in fat, which will eventually make their way into the
intestinal tract via bile acids. But unfortunately, the bus to take them out
the body won’t be there. Fasting usually means no fiber in the intestine,
and no fiber means the toxins will get reabsorbed back into the blood-
stream where they will continuously build up and either get incorporated
into fatty tissues or cause direct damage to tissues themselves.
The Kidneys
The kidneys are other important organs in detoxification. They elimi-
nate a number of toxic substances after Phase II reactions, including caf-
feine, some drugs, and steroids. This is why athletes tested for steroid use
always have their urine analyzed.
Probably the best way to ensure optimal kidney function is something
we call dilution. This means drinking plenty of purified water, which is
Overview of body’s detoxification process
Modifies toxins
through a series of
chemical reactions
Binds modified toxins,
making them less
harmful and preparing
for removal
Bound toxins are
ready for excretion
from body
*Binding Agents
soluble and
C L E A N S E 19
the easiest and best way to keep kidneys functioning well. Our recom-
mendation is at least 8 cups of purified water daily as a starting point.
Make sure you keep track until it becomes habit.
The Skin
The skin is the largest organ in the body and does have some detoxi-
fication properties. In the past, we assumed that saunas released toxins
through your sweat. But research has shown that while saunas do mobi-
lize toxins from fat cells, the toxins don’t escape into the sweat, but rather
into the bloodstream. If you embark on sauna treatments, make sure you
are on the scientific detoxification program laid out in the next chapter in
order to bind released toxins.
Another way of mobilizing toxins is exercise. Exercise not only releases
toxins through sweating but, like sauna treatments, it also mobilizes the
release of toxins from adipose tissue. Again, this type of toxin mobiliza-
tion needs be part of the scientific detoxification program.
Optimally functioning detoxification symptoms are key to overall well-
being. The most important and complex pathways are the Phase I and II
systems, located in the liver. If Phase I and II detoxification pathways be-
come overloaded, toxins build up in the body. The fat solubility of these
toxins allows them to incorporate themselves into cell membranes and
fatty tissues throughout the body, where they can remain for years.
Common areas of accumulation include the endocrine glands (hor-
monal) and the brain, which may result in hormonal imbalances, brain
dysfunction, PMS, early menopause, and autoimmune diseases, just to
name a few. The key in avoiding these serious consequences is to mini-
mize toxic exposure and ensure optimal functioning of these pathways.
is another
way of
20 C L E A N S E
cientific detoxification takes into account all we know about toxic
chemicals and our body’s natural detoxification system and cre-
ates a plan that actually reduces overall body toxic burden. An
important aspect of this plan is that it comes from a scientific point of
view—one that understands how toxins build up and provides the av-
enues necessary for reducing overall exposure and enhancing your body’s
own ability to detoxify.
By now, you should have a pretty good idea about why you need to de-
toxify. A good visual of this is the windshield on your vehicle. When clear,
it represents a toxin-free body. Now imagine driving your vehicle when
Chapter 5:
Minimize toxic exposure by
choosing organic produce free
of pesticides and herbicides.
C L E A N S E 21
it’s snowing; obviously you’ll turn on your windshield wipers to remove
the falling snow. The snow represents toxins entering your body, and the
windshield wipers represent your body’s detoxification mechanisms. As
the snowfall gets heavier, you increase the speed of your wipers.
But suppose you park your vehicle outside your house, and a huge snow
fall overnight dumps 3 feet of snow on your windshield. In the morning
when you start your vehicle, your wipers won’t work because the load
of snow is just too heavy. To clear the snow and get the wipers working
again, you need to take a broom and sweep the snow off.
Now think of the human body carrying between 400 to 800 toxic chem-
ical and metal residues. Much like the windshield, the body becomes
overburdened, creating sluggish detoxification systems. What we need to
do to lessen this load is twofold:
•	 Two or three times a year, we need to take a broom and sweep away
the excess snow on our windshield. This is equivalent to doing a
whole-body detoxification program for a 14-day cycle to get things
working again.
•	 We need to take a daily nutrient combination to ensure that Phase I
and II detoxification mechanisms are functioning optimally and can
deal with the daily toxin onslaught.
The Steps
For most people, detoxification means the use of colonics, fasting, lem-
on juice and honey, sweating, and laxatives. Although some of these prac-
tices may have some benefits, they fall short of what needs to be done to
achieve an overall whole-body cleanse.
The goal of scientific detoxification is to reduce overall body burden by
minimizing toxic exposure and increasing the body’s ability to detoxify.
To accomplish this, we need to make sure the gastrointestinal tract is in
good health, antioxidant reserves are sufficient for the increased demands,
and phase I and II detoxification pathways are working well. Once these
steps are followed, then and only then can we successfully detoxify.
The steps to scientific detoxification:
A.	 Minimize toxic exposure.
B.	 Optimize bowel health.
C.	 Strengthen antioxidant reserves.
D.	 Improve overall energy production.
E.	 Enhance Phase I and Phase II mechanisms.
F.	 Support heavy-metal detoxification.
22 C L E A N S E
Minimizing our exposure to toxic chemicals is an important component
in any detoxification program. We reviewed the three entry points in the
last chapter (skin, mouth, and air passages), and our first step is to mini-
mize this exposure by dealing with the entry points.
Steps in minimizing toxic exposure:
•	 Reduce the use of toxic household cleaning products. A number of
biodegradable, nontoxic cleaning agents exist that are not only bet-
ter for the external environment outside, but also for the internal
environment (inside your house).
•	 Reduce the use of toxic beauty products. Start using soaps free of
chemical additives, deodorants free of aluminium, and toothpastes
and moisturizers with natural additives (your local health-food store
carries a nice selection).
•	 Become aware of the foods you eat. Choose organic produce free
of pesticides and herbicides—the cost is not much different. If you
just can’t get organic, make sure you clean all your vegetables with
natural cleaning solutions and peel your fruit.
•	 If you eat meat, shift to organic meats free of hormones and chemi-
cal additives. Be aware of the fish you consume, and stay away from
farm-raised salmon, which have high PCB counts.
•	 Get a good air filter for your house to reduce circulating toxic chemi-
cals. Remember, the air in your home is full of toxic chemicals. Get-
ting rid of them will reduce your overall exposure.
•	 Make sure all water you drink is purified. Add a filter system to your
showerhead to make sure bathing water is clean and toxin-free. Re-
member, your skin is an organ and a highly absorbent one at that.
These steps are important in your quest for optimal health. It’s not easy
to change old habits, but if you do, you’ll find yourself feeling better,
looking better, and living better.
Healing really begins in the digestive tract, so it is very important to
ensure good digestive health. After all, the gastrointestinal tract plays a
pivotal role in detoxification and also in maintaining a healthy immune
system. Whole-body healing really can’t progress until the digestive tract
itself is healed.
C L E A N S E 23
Key steps in creating a healthy gastrointestinal tract:
1.	 Remove pathogenic organisms.
2.	 Support the digestive process by supplementing with pancreatic
3.	 Replenish good bacteria in the intestinal tract with true-delivery
4.	 Support mucin production with DGL.
5.	 Ensure sufficient fiber consumption to normalize bowel health.
On the surface, this sounds like a lot, but it’s not, and the benefits are
too great to pass up. Let’s take a closer look at each step.
1. If you’ve been diagnosed with yeast or other invasive organisms, the
first step is to remove these pathogenic organisms. The best-researched
ingredients for this job are oregano oil (Origanum vulgare) and thyme
(Thymus vulgaris), both of which contain carvacrol and thymol, two in-
gredients that have powerful antimicrobial effects and discourage the
growth of yeast. Along with these ingredients, consider using a quality
soluble-insoluble fiber combination to bind the toxins released from
the destruction of these micro-organisms and a probiotic product to
replace the bad bugs with good bacteria (more about probiotics in
point 3).
2. Supporting digestive processes with pancreatic enzymes is a very effec-
tive way to improve digestion. With the over processing of foods, the
high amount of chemicals in foods, and everyday stress, which can
shut down digestion, you may need digestive enzymes. Pancreatic en-
zymes closely resemble human enzymes and can greatly facilitate the
digestive process. If you have a feeling of fullness, bloating and gas, or
occasional acid moving up the throat, you are a candidate for pancre-
atic enzymes. These are very fast-acting enzymes, so take two tablets
immediately before meals for quick results.
3. An area that has recently received a lot of attention is the world of pro-
biotics (friendly intestinal bacteria). Probiotics, meaning “promoting
life” in Greek, have now been shown to collectively perform functions
essential for our health. Research is revealing that the populations of
friendly bacteria in our gastrointestinal tracts aren’t large enough for
optimal health. This often results in other bacteria growing and causing
an imbalance, which ultimately negatively affects overall digestion.
	 Supplementing with probiotics is an essential step in optimizing bow-
el health. When you look for probiotics, keep a number of things in
mind. Make sure the product can guarantee that a certain number of
bugs get to the intestine.
24 C L E A N S E
	 Also, look for a room temperature–stable culture that doesn’t need
refrigeration. This helps ensure that the label claim is what you’ll get
delivered. Lastly, the most common bugs are Lactobacillus acidophilus
and Bifidobacterium longum; take about 2 billion of these daily to en-
sure a healthy digestive tract.
4. One component in the stomach and gastrointestinal tract plays a big
role in protecting the intestinal lining. Mucin, produced by mucous
cells, is a viscous liquid that not only protects the integrity of the in-
testinal cells, but also protects them from the acidic environment of
the stomach.
	 The stomach pH during digestion is around 1.2, which is enough
to dissolve metal, yet it doesn’t burn a hole in our stomachs. Mu-
cin is the substance that allows the lining to withstand such acidity.
Eliminate the mucin, and you’ll be susceptible to ulcers and other
nasty conditions.
	 To improve the quality and quantity of mucin, deglycyrrhizinated lico-
rice (DGL) is probably the best natural ingredient available. In clinical
studies, this amazing product has helped people with ulcers and gas-
troesophageal reflux by not only improving the quality and quantity
of mucin, but also by increasing the life span of intestinal cells and
improving mucosal blood flow. To make DGL work for you, chew two
tablets 15 minutes before meals and when needed.
5. 	The last, but definitely not least thing you need to do to optimize bow-
el health is to get enough dietary fiber in your diet. Dietary fiber is es-
sential to normalize bowel transit time, blood sugar levels, and blood
cholesterol levels and to support detoxification mechanisms. When
looking for a detoxification kit, make sure it contains a high-quality
combination of both soluble and insoluble fiber.
	 Psyllium, pectin, oat bran, guar gum, and marshmallow root are the
combinations I often recommend. This gives you a great blend of both
soluble and insoluble fibers, each of which have specific functions for
detoxification benefits.
	 Soluble fiber is important because it binds bile entering the intestine
from the liver and gallbladder. Remember, bile carries all the toxic
compounds from detoxification, so binding it to something that can
dump it out the body is critical if detoxification is to work. The insolu-
ble fiber gently scrubs the intestinal walls, carrying with it pathogenic
microorganisms and debris.
C L E A N S E 25
As we learned in the last chapter, an active Phase I pathway neutralizes
a lot of toxins but also creates free radicals that are worse than the origi-
nal toxin. These free radicals are usually handled by Phase II, but when
Phase II isn’t working up to par, free radicals accumulate and deplete your
body’s natural antioxidant called glutathione. Using up glutathione re-
serves is very serious and creates a vulnerable situation in the body.
For a better picture of this, let’s look closer at free radicals and antioxi-
dants. The actions of free radicals are similar to slicing an apple in half
and watching the nice, white exposed flesh turn brown. This is caused by
free radicals reacting with the exposed white flesh, causing cell death. If
you take another apple and slice it in half but, this time, squeeze lemon
juice on it, it doesn’t brown because the lemon juice acts as an antioxi-
dant, preventing the apple from browning.
An absence of glutathione in the body causes lots of this browning, re-
sulting in cell damage. We don’t want cellular damage, so we need to have
plenty of antioxidants to help combat the growing levels of free radicals
created during Phase I. A number of antioxidants can help; these include
milk thistle (see below), vitamins C and E, and selenium. I would also
recommend N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), which helps build new glutathione,
and resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant from red grapes.
Antioxidants supply electrons
that neutralize free radicals.
Lemon juice does the same
thing on an apple.
Free Radical
26 C L E A N S E
An important aspect of detoxification is that it is energy-dependent and
always active. It is the biggest user of energy outside the brain. The detoxi-
fication pathways need a continuous supply of energy called ATP, which
is the fuel that runs everything in the human body. Without it, we could
not exist.
This fuel is produced through a process known as cellular respiration in
the energy factories of the cells, called mitochondria. The process involves
the mitochondria taking oxygen and sugar and, through a complex net-
work of reactions, creating ATP. But for this reaction to run smoothly, an
important cofactor called coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is essential. CoQ10 is
naturally produced in the body, but age, medications, and dietary habits
may interfere with CoQ10 production, so supplementing the diet with
100 to200 mg of CoQ10 per day is beneficial because it enhances overall
energy production.
But here is the catch: Very little CoQ10 on the market has actually been
proven to get absorbed inside cells, where it can do its work. So when you
look for a supplement, look for a high-quality, well–studied, absorbable
CoQ10. To date, only one CoQ10 has been proven to get inside cells,
inside mitochondria, and across the cell-brain barrier, improving cellular
energy production, and found to be safe at high doses. That product is
Vitaline CoQ10.
As previously mentioned, the liver is the most important organ for de-
toxification. Improving antioxidant status, energy production, and even
bowel function supports the liver in its daily detoxification work. Enhanc-
ing its Phase I and Phase II mechanisms lies at the center of any scientific
detoxification program. We do this with specific herbs and nutrients.
1. Herbs: A number of liver herbs must be considered: milk thistle
(Silybum marianum), artichoke extract (Cynara scolymus), and dandelion
root (Taraxacum officinale). Milk thistle is the most thoroughly studied
liver herb. Silymarin, the active component of milk thistle, contains four
compounds called flavolignans. The most researched is silybin, and it has
powerful antioxidant properties specific for the liver and effectively con-
trols the free radicals produced during Phase I detoxification. Silymarin
can also help regenerate new liver cells, enhance the liver’s ability to de-
stroy foreign organisms, and increase glutathione levels.
One problem with most milk thistle in detoxification kits is that it’s
poorly absorbed. When looking at whole-body detoxification kits, make
C L E A N S E 27
sure the milk thistle is bound to phosphatidylcholine, forming a new
complex that increases milk thistle absorption seven-fold. Studies support
that bound milk thistle is absorbed far better than regular milk thistle.
Artichoke and dandelion are also helpful in not only enhancing bile
production, but also moving the bile more efficiently from the gallblad-
der into the intestinal tract.
2. Nutraceuticals: One of the most important things to remember is
that we are exposed to chemical toxins 24 hours a day and 365 days a year.
What this illustrates is that even though it is important to cleanse two
to three times per year, we should also be taking nutritional support as
part of a daily regimen. This includes a number of nutritional ingredients
that support the ever-active Phase I and Phase II detoxification pathways.
Tables A and B summarize these nutritional ingredients and their role in
detoxification activities. When looking for a supplement to support daily
detoxification requirements, make sure it has some of the ingredients list-
ed in the following tables.
Table A:	 Nutritional ingredients supporting
	 the Phase I detoxification pathway
Phase I Nutritional Support
Antioxidant	 Detoxification Activities
Reduced Glutathione	 Highest concentration is in liver, also in white blood cells.
(GSH)	 Prevents formation of free-radical chain reactions and is vital for
	 regeneration of other antioxidants. Levels decline with age and
	 with excess free-radical formation.
N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine	 Precursor of glutathione, promotes healthy detoxification and
(NAC)	 elimination of intestinal endotoxins.
CoQ10	 Important component of energy production.
Vitamin C	 Plays role in the liver’s detoxification activities, especially the
	 detoxification of mercury.
Vitamin E	 Protects cell membranes from free-radical damage.
Selenium	 Important in the liver’s ability to eliminate arsenic. Along with
	 vitamin C, supports glutathione production.
Quercetin	 Bioflavonoid found in green tea, red cabbage, tomatoes,
	 cherries, grapes, etc. Excellent antioxidant, but also enhancer
	 of liver enzyme detoxification mechanisms.
28 C L E A N S E
Heavy metals are present in almost every human being on the planet. Ex-
posure comes from burning of fossil fuels, fish consumption, dental amal-
gam fillings, vaccines, paint, and a number of other sources (see table C).
Table B:	 Nutritional ingredients supporting the Phase II
	 detoxification pathways
Phase II Nutritional Support
Conjugating Agents	 Detoxification Activities
Calcium D-glucarate	 Precursor of glucarolactone (GL), which inhibits B-glucuronidase. 	
(CDG)	 CDG supplementation increases net elimination of toxins and 	
	 steroid hormones via Phase II.
Glutathione (GSH)	 Adequate amounts of GSH result in increased elimination of
	 toxins and steroid hormones.
N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine	 Supports glutathione production, which enhances the
(NAC)	 elimination of drugs, neurotransmitters, steroids,
	 intestinal toxins, and heavy metals.
Vitamin B6	 Used in reducing the levels of homocysteine, a very toxic
	 free radical linked to heart disease.
Vitamin B12/	 Important cofactor in methylation reactions (both exogenous and 	
Folic Acid	 endogenous compounds). Methylation is an important
	 conjugation reaction in phase II that can neutralize nasty
	 compounds like homocysteine by attaching a methyl molecule.
Glycine, Taurine,	 Utilized in amino acid conjugation reactions such as
Glutamine	 detoxification of ammonia.
Table C:	 Heavy metals and their toxic effects
Heavy Metal	 Toxicities/Accumulation	 Sources
Cadmium	 Peripheral disease Endothelium damage (atherosclerosis end result)	 Shellfish, Bottom fish,	
	 Accumulates in kidneys	 Fossil fuels
Mercury (Hg)	 Neurological: reduces nerve conduction, inhibits serotonin and 	 Predatory fish/Tuna	
	 dopamine levels (which can lead to depression and Parkinson’s)	 Inhalation, Amalgams	
	 Renal, Cardiovascular, Immunological: increases antibiotic resistance	
	 Elemental Hg forms methyl-mercury (95 percent absorbable)
Lead	 Hematological: interferes with heme production (heme carries oxygen)	 Paint, Gasoline	
	 Neurological: crosses blood-brain barrier, Renal effects	
	 GI effects: spasms around smooth muscle
C L E A N S E 29
The best way of reducing heavy-metal levels is to ensure optimal glu-
tathione levels in the body. This can be accomplished by following my
protocol for enhancing Phase I and Phase II detoxification pathways.
Putting it All Together
Familiarizing yourself with what needs to be done to support detoxi-
fication mechanisms is just the first step in the science of detoxification.
The next step is knowing when and how to take the recommended nutri-
ents. In the past, detoxification programs involved taking a bag of prod-
ucts for seven to 14 days and repeating the process two to three times a
year. The new paradigm is to do a scientifically formulated detoxification
program three times a year, but to also take a daily detoxification supple-
ment that can help with your daily exposure by supporting Phase I and
II mechanisms.
Part I (to be done every four months):
What you want to look for in a detoxification program is a whole–body
approach that contains nutrients to support both the gastrointestinal tract
and the liver. The gastrointestinal fiber formula should contain a mix-
ture of both soluble and insoluble fibers, as described in the “Optimizing
bowel health” section. These fiber capsules should be taken in the morn-
ing and evening for 14 days to help bind bile, as well as the toxins the bile
carries and then eliminates out the body.
The 14-day program should also include a gentle laxative that helps
move stool out the body. Most herbal laxatives are addictive and can
cause dependency. Using magnesium hydroxide is part of the scientific
detoxification modality. Magnesium hydroxide draws water into the in-
testinal lumen, thus, increasing stool volume and the number of bowel
The last part of the 14-day program is a liver formula discussed in sec-
tion D-1 of this chapter. This formula has as its main ingredient phos-
phatidylcholine-bound milk thistle to support overall liver function,
along with a combination of other herbs like artichoke extract, dandelion
root, and licorice root.
Part II (to be taken daily)
This part of the scientific detoxification program involves taking a daily
supplement that contains many of the ingredients mentioned in tables A
and B. It is important that we support whole-body detoxification mecha-
nisms on an ongoing basis by supplying our bodies with ingredients that
enhance Phase I and II detoxification pathways.
30 C L E A N S E
In Summary
The journey to health has changed dramatically in the last quarter cen-
tury. The primary goal today is to reduce our exposure to the 85,000
registered chemical found in everything we do. Some of these chemicals
have been a health hazard for decades, yet only now, after years of ig-
norance, has the scientific community begun to look at how they affect
human physiology.
There is little doubt we need to minimize our exposure to environmen-
tal toxins and, at the same time, enhance the body’s ability to detoxify.
You can accomplish this by following the simple plan laid out in this
book. It is a scientific, safe, and effective way to reduce overall toxic bur-
den and begin your journey to well-being.
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Wallace LA, Pellizzari ED, Hartwell TD, Sparacino C, Whitmore R, Sheldon L, Zelon H,
Perritt R. The TEAM (Total Exposure Assessment Methodology) Study: personal exposures
to toxic substances in air, drinking water, and breath of 400 residents of New Jersey, North
Carolina, and North Dakota. Environ Res. 143(2):290–307, 1987.
Witschi A, Reddy S, Stofer B, Lauterburg BH. The systemic availability of oral glutathione.
European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 43:667-9, 1992.
e live in a toxic world. We are bombarded by a whole host
of toxins in the air, water, food, and even the products we
use on a daily basis. These toxins weaken the immune
system and disrupt healthy digestion, elimination, and detoxification.
Cleansing the body is the only way to rid our system of these toxins.
Naturopathic clinician Gaetano Morello, ND, teaches readers how to
cleanse properly. Morello’s scientific detoxification program features
advice on how to do a quarterly cleanse, as well as daily cleansing.
His inside-out approach to cleansing helps the whole body detoxify
safely and effectively. Rather than using harsh colonics and exten-
sive fasting, Morello teaches readers how to minimize exposure to
toxins while shoring up the body’s innate ability to detoxify.
Gaetano Morello, ND, is a board-certified naturopathic
doctor practicing at the West Vancouver Wellness
Centre in Vancouver, British Columbia. He received his
bachelor of science degree from the University of British
Columbia and his doctor of naturopathic medicine from
Bastyr University of Natural Health Sciences in Seattle.
In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Morello educates
physicians, pharmacists and health food store personnel
about the scientific use of natural products.
magazine presents

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  • 1. CLEANSEULTIMATE INSIDE-OUT APPROACH DOCTOR'S GUIDE for Doing it RIGHT detox your WHOLE BODY $4.95 magazine presents
  • 2. 09-ETR-0480 When do you feel the most beautiful—after a bubble bath, a long run, an internal cleanse? If you haven’t considered the last thought, consider this: restored vitality, more mental clarity, a stronger immune system, looking and feeling better than ever.* Whole Body Cleanse™ internal cleansing system was designed to bring you a truly natural, gentle and effective way to reach complete rejuvenation.* Feel extraordinary from head to toe!
  • 3. CLEANSEby GAETANO MORELLO, ND magazine presents
  • 4. Copyright © 2008 by Gaetano Morello, ND, and Active Interest Media, Inc. All rights reserved. No part of this booklet may be reproduced, stored in an electronic retrieval system, or transcribed in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, without the prior written permission of the pub- lisher, except for the inclusion of quotations in a review. Published by: Active Interest Media, Inc. 300 N. Continental Blvd., Suite 650 El Segundo, CA 90245 This booklet is part of the Better Nutrition Healthy Living Guide series. For more informa- tion, visit Better Nutrition magazine is available at fine natural health stores throughout the United States. Design by Aline Design: Bellingham, Wash. The information in this booklet is for educational purposes only and is not recommended as a means of diagnosing or treating an illness. All health matters should be supervised by a qualified healthcare professional. The publisher and the author(s) are not responsible for individuals who choose to self-diagnose and/or self-treat.
  • 5. CLEANSE CONTENTS Chapter One: The Cleansing Concept......................4 Chapter Two: Our Toxic World......................................6 Chapter Three: Toxic Health Effects...........................11 Chapter Four: Mechanisms of Detoxification.......15 Chapter Five: Scientific Detoxification....................20 Selected References.............................................................30
  • 6. 4 C L E A N S E Chapter 1: The Cleansing Concept A quarter of a century ago, detoxification wasn’t regarded as a nec- essary step to optimal health by the majority of health care prac- titioners. Even I viewed it as people looking for solutions to their problems in the wrong place. This came from observing how unhealthy people on fasts and detoxification programs appeared. I would look at these people and wonder what they were actually accomplishing. However, with the advancements in environmental medicine, there was no denying that toxins were everywhere. Science also began supporting the fact that these toxins were contributing to the ever-expanding domain of chronic diseases. Even governments began acknowledging that some synthetic chemicals were harming human physiology. But this still didn’t explain why people on alternative detoxification programs looked terrible. What was going on with these people that made them look so unhealthy? The answer to this question is really what this booklet is about. Its pur- pose is to lay out the science of proper detoxification. In the past, too many claims have been made that had absolutely no scientific relevance. I have spent countless hours searching for scientific information that could support the fact that certain herbs benefit the lymphatic system, yet found nothing. I spent hours looking for how an herb purified blood and found nothing. I spent countless hours sifting through information to find pa- thologies showing funny, long, tortuous things coming out of intestines and found nothing. The reason I found nothing was because there was really nothing to find, just assertions with little scientific support. One of the primary objectives of this booklet is to dispel the myths of detoxification and bring about a scientific understanding of what this process actually entails. This brings us back to the original question as to why some people on detoxification programs looked so sickly. The simple answer is that they were not doing proper, scientific detoxification. They were instead moving toxins in the body from one place to another, creat- ing something we call oxidative stress. Oxidative stress is like sending out a bunch of little bombs to different parts of the body. When the bombs reach those areas, serious damage can result if they go off.
  • 7. C L E A N S E 5 History Detoxification has been around since the beginning of human history. For thousands of years, body detoxification has been a part of our rituals for health and well-being. The Egyptians and Greeks practiced all sorts of modalities to remove toxins from the body. In the 19th century, propo- nents of detoxification claimed the large intestine was a sewage reservoir, and that stagnation caused toxins to eventually be absorbed into the body, causing illness. The solution to this problem was using laxatives, purges, and enemas to move stool out of the body, thus, eliminating the toxins. Today, a number of programs employ physical treatments, like colon hydrotherapy, and dietary restrictions, including fasting, dietary supple- mentation, intravenous chelation therapy, and every possible detoxifica- tion kit you can imagine. The claims are that these products and modali- ties target various organs and systems, enhancing their ability to rid the body of built-up toxins. Some detoxification kits target parasites, yeast, and myriad other critters that inhabit our gastrointestinal tract. Detoxification critics argue that cleansing is often unnecessary and is based on questionable or disproved scientific claims. Some people view detoxification as an elaborate hoax used by con artists to cure nonexistent illnesses. To be fair, I can understand how some of these criticisms come to pass. A lot of detoxification programs are confusing, have little science behind them and, in some cases, cause harm. We’ve Come a Long Way In the last quarter century, scientists have developed an understanding of how the body actually gets rid of chemical impurities. Through this knowledge, we are now better equipped to make recommendations for choosing the right detoxification products. This wasn’t the case 20 years ago, when some fasting techniques were actually detrimental. Even today people working in the detoxification field use enemas, co- lonics, and other invasive systems to clean the gastrointestinal tract. In some circles, this is the preferred system of cleansing, even though very little research supports such methodologies. But even if science one day proves that colonics are beneficial and free of side effects, this is far from the complete picture of proper toxin elimination. To understand what proper detoxification is we need to look at how the body naturally expels toxic chemicals. For example, how does the body get rid of alcohol, over-the-counter and prescription drugs, contaminated food, and so forth? If we have an understanding of how all this works than we can begin to effectively enhance detoxification mechanisms and thus minimize the detrimental effects of exposure.
  • 8. 6 C L E A N S E F rom the moment we wake up in the morning till the moment we go to bed, our body is constantly exposed to toxic chemicals. Difficult to believe, it might be, but if you take a closer look, you will be alarmed at what you find. Chemical toxins are everywhere, from body soaps and moisturizers, to shaving creams, shampoos, and even the toothpaste we use. Women’s lipsticks have been found to contain lead, while many of the plastic containers they come in contain phthalates (a harmful plastic softener). When you have your morning cereal, be aware that you may be expos- ing yourself to pesticides, and the milk is probably laced with hormones and toxins. If this sounds overwhelming, it’s because it is. When you ex- plore this area more closely, you find that the human body is bombarded with toxins every minute of every day. It is an ongoing onslaught causing more health problems than we ever realized. To better appreciate how serious this problem is, we need to first look at what our world has become. According to the Environmental Protection Chapter 2: Our Toxic World
  • 9. C L E A N S E 7 Agency (EPA), more than 85,000 synthetic chemicals are registered world- wide. Less than half of these chemicals have been tested for potential tox- icity in humans. This is the reason why, after decades of use, bisphenol A (a chemical used to stabilize plastics) has suddenly been classified as dan- gerous and banned from use in infant milk bottles in Canada. Just think about this fact for a moment: Bisphenol A was discovered in 1891. So for decades, its use in plastics and its negative effects on human physiology have gone unnoticed until now! What does this tell us about our screen- ing methodologies for registered chemicals? To have some perspective, look at the fact that more than 4 billion pounds of pesticides are used annually in the United States. That equates to just over 10 pounds of pesticides for every man, woman, and child. The EPA estimates that nearly 90 percent of all U.S. foods contain pesti- cides. These pesticides have been linked to hormone imbalances, cancer, neurological diseases, and autoimmune diseases. How culpable are these pesticides for the many diseases that now plague us? There was a time in my life when I thought farming communities were the healthiest of places. After all, aren’t farms isolated from the big cities, free of polluting industrial buildings, and just full of wide open spaces? My wife comes from a great farming community with families who have lived in the area for generations. They farm over 5,000 acres of land where they grow barley, lentils, wheat, and durum and use thousands of pounds of pesticides, herbicides, and fertilizers yearly. The consequences of such practices is sad, to say the least: my wife’s fa- ther died of bladder cancer at the age of 42, her mother has fibromyalgia, her sister has asthma, and her brother, who is only 27, has rheumatoid arthritis. My wife has been able to control her autoimmune condition since she moved away from the farm more than 13 years ago. This is an unscientific peek into the world of chemicals and their effects on the body. We have no evidence proving that, in my family’s case, this was the cause of their conditions, but I can assure you, this is what science has shown pesticides to do. These chemicals, over years of use, leach into the soils and into the water supply and become part of the physiology of the people around these communities. When we think about pollution, we always seem to think it’s in the outdoor air. But there are far more toxic chemicals indoors than there are outside our homes. The average home contains an estimated 100 pounds of hazardous material. That’s 3 to 10 gallons of chemical waste. This may include paints, paint thinners, air fresheners, carpet deodorizers, moth- balls, oven cleaners, drain-opener chemicals, pesticides, and a whole array of other products. In the past, our mind-set has been that these products
  • 10. 8 C L E A N S E are hazardous to the environment, but in reality, they are even more haz- ardous to our vulnerable human physiology. Carpeting inside our homes emits more than 200 volatile chemicals making there way into our bodies. Some of these chemicals include form- aldehyde, toluene, benzene, acetaldehyde, xylene, phenol, benzaldehyde, chlorobenzenes, styrene, and many more. Styrene alone has been shown to produce neurotoxicity and respiratory illnesses, including asthma, while formaldehyde is a known carcinogen. A study of carpet workers revealed an increased risk of cancers and leuke- mia because of their higher exposure levels to these chemicals. This means that researchers linked cancer to the production of carpets—something most of us consider safe. One of the major problems with our past view of toxins is that we pic- tured ourselves as impermeable to them—that the only way they could cause damage is if we ingested them. But the toxin can be taken in not only by swallowing, but also through the skin or through inhalation. In other words, the stuff you smell when you walk down the detergent and cleaning-agent aisle at your neighbourhood grocery store is being absorbed into your body. You are breathing and incorporating those chemicals into your bloodstream. The things you touch are also getting inside your body through the skin. When you apply moisturizer to your skin, notice the way it disappears during application; where exactly is it disappearing to? Some Definitions Chemical toxins are divided into two groups, exogenous and endoge- nous. Exogenous toxins are present in the outside environment. These are found in the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we consume, and the things we apply to our skin. Endogenous toxins are those produced within the body from various metabolic activities, including the activity of microorganisms found in the gastrointestinal tract. The body has de- toxification mechanisms to deal with these kinds of toxic substances, but when high levels of toxins overwhelm physiological tolerance, problems arise (see chapter four). To describe how much toxicity is in the body at any given time, you’ll often hear the term toxic burden used. The problem with this term is that we really don’t know exactly how many chemicals (and how much of them) are present. So even though the term serves a purpose, it has its limitations. Yet, it can be useful, especially when talking about how to reduce overall toxic accumulation. The following equation clearly demon- strates that the key to reducing overall body burden is to first reduce total exposure and then enhance the body’s ability to detoxify.
  • 11. C L E A N S E 9 Toxic Burden = Total amount of toxins consumed – Ability of the body to detoxify One of the most important questions is whether these exogenous tox- ins are making their way into our body. Is the chemical being emitted from your newly installed carpet actually getting inside your body? Are the odors in the cleaning aisle at your local grocery store getting into your bloodstream? As we’ll see, they are not only getting in, but they are stay- ing there for long periods of time (10 to 20 years). Sometimes they even interact with each other, causing even more damage. So the question of the 21st century is not whether these toxins are getting inside our body, but rather how many of these toxins are inside our body? In other words, how toxic are we? The science supporting this statement is overwhelming. From the moment of conception till death, every human being on the planet is toxic. Our exposure to chemical toxins begins in the womb and doesn’t leave us until the last days of our life. The journal Environmental Health Perspectives featured a report by sci- entists who analyzed the umbilical cords of newborn infants, testing for 400 toxic chemicals. They found 280 different toxic chemicals in these newborn infants; 187 were cancer causing and over 200 toxic to the brain. Alarming, yes, but surprising, no, when you realize that 85,000 differ- ent chemicals circulate in our environment and over half of them haven’t been studied for toxic effects on human health. Another study, appearing in the American Journal of Public Health in 1989, found that 70 percent of 285 4-year-old children in Michigan car- ried DDT in their blood, while more than 50 percent had PCB’s. DDT is a well known pesticide that was banned in the United States in 1972 because of its cancer-causing properties. Yet even after decades, DDT is regularly found in the fatty tissue of animals, birds, fish, and children. In this particular study, the researchers found that nursing was the primary source of exposure. Think about that: a pesticide banned decades ago is still persistent not only in the environment, but in our bodies. Urine analysis of American women found that 95 percent of those studied had bisphenol A, the plastic stabilizer linked to cancer. The National Adipose Survey carried out by the EPA has existed since 1976. Through it, researchers analyze adipose (fat) tissue from autopsies and patients receiving elective surgeries. In the individuals tested, research- ers have found styrene, 1,4 dichlorobenzene, PCBs, xylene, ethylphenol, and dioxins in 100 percent of the cases, while 50 other chemicals were found in the majority of the subjects studied.
  • 12. 10 C L E A N S E We’ve just skimmed the surface of a long list of scientific articles con- firming that toxic chemicals are finding their way into our body. The the- ory by some that our body is more than capable of handling these toxins is just not true. The ability of the body to detoxify is overwhelmed by the sheer volume of toxic intake. We now live in a world where the air we breathe, the water we drink, the food we consume, and the things that come in contact with our skin contain toxic chemicals. In the end, these chemicals find their way into our tissues and become permanent residents with the ability to, one day, cause harm. But doesn’t the body get rid of these chemicals through the liver? The body does expel chemicals mostly through the liver, but also with the help of a number of other organ systems. The body was created to do these things, but it was made to perform these functions in a natural en- vironment, against natural toxins— not synthetic ones that now infiltrate every walk of life. Many toxic substances are created through normal metabolic functions. For example, when we breathe in oxygen, one of the by-products of res- piration (which actually takes place in every cell of the body) is carbon dioxide. Carbon dioxide is what we breathe out through the lungs, so the lungs also detoxify the body from this potentially toxic compound. Numerous other examples exist, such as protein metabolism and sugar metabolism, all of which are easily processed by the body. But when we put things into our body that don’t occur in nature, the body has to use more complex mechanisms to get rid of them. It does this, but an overabundance of chemicals can create levels so high that problems result. An example of this is alcohol consumption. If you have one drink, let’s say 1 ounce of vodka, in most cases you will tolerate this and feel fine. Your liver will detoxify the alcohol in time, and your blood levels will be under the limit. But if you drink an entire bottle of vodka, it’s a whole different story. You will become intoxicated, giving you symp- toms like dizziness, slurred speech, imbalance, upset stomach, and next- day hangover. What happened with the detoxification system? Your toxic load (the amount of alcohol consumed) was higher than your body’s abil- ity to detoxify. How many toxins are out there? Tens of thousands of toxic chemicals wiggle their way into our life one way or another. They come from the wa- ter, food, air, prescription drugs, toiletries, household cleaning supplies, and just about everything produced. Toxins are everywhere, and the faster we accept that, the quicker we can take the necessary steps to minimize our exposure and support our body’s attempts to eliminate them.
  • 13. C L E A N S E 11 Y ou have probably heard it said that we are what we drink, eat, breathe, touch and can’t eliminate. Forty years ago, many would have ignored this, but today an impressive body of scientific evi- dence supports this very notion. Research points to the fact that envi- ronmental toxins, including the food we eat and the water we drink, are having serious negative impacts on our health. We have discovered that pesticides are causing cancer and that various types of plastic additives are changing our hormone levels. Evidence now suggests there may be a link between autism and the mer- cury in vaccinations. It’s also been proposed that the toxins found in food may cause cancer in children. When we look at the statistics, we have to wonder what’s going on, since the rates of cancer, autism, and attention deficit disorders seem to be forever rising. Is there a relationship between toxic burden and these diseases? Genetic Destiny? To shed light onto what’s going on, a fascinating article in Discover magazine (November 2006) indirectly outlined the impact the environ- ment can have on the human body. In the beginning of the article, a scientific picture of two distinctly different individuals is presented. One individual is taller and larger than the other, and both have different facial features. At first glance, that’s basically all the observational analy- Chapter 3: Toxic Health Effects Environment can affect the body’s ability to read DNA.
  • 14. 12 C L E A N S E sis one can do, but further digging reveals something shocking: the two individuals are, in fact, IDENTICAL TWINS. When scientists studied this anomaly, they found that these individuals had been separated at birth and grew up in two very different environments. The foods they con- sumed, the water they drank, the air they breathed, and the nurturing they received was different, and it was that difference that changed the behavior of their DNA. Titled “DNA is not A Destiny,” the article discussed how the environ- ment can affect the body’s ability to read DNA. What this may eventually prove is that the reason we develop cancer, get heart disease, and so forth, is not because we inherited these diseases from our parents, but rather because we do exactly what our parents did. The moral of the story is that the things we’re exposed to, will, in the end, be responsible for not only the diseases we may acquire, but also the way we look. Chemical toxins have a far-reaching effect on our health. To better grasp how the differences between these identical twins devel- oped, we need to look closer at the genome. The human genome refers to the 23 pairs of chromosomes (46 chromosomes total) found in every single cell of your body. You can think of the genome as the textbook on how to make you. Each pair of chromosomes is a chapter in that textbook, and within each chapter are sections; each section is a gene. Now think about a section in a chapter. It could be one or two pages long, and it talks about a specific topic. Imagine spilling so much black ink on a page that it interferes with your ability to read the section. You would miss so much in- formation that you couldn’t get a complete picture of what the section was about. You would have to guess what the ink-stained section contained. This same thing can happen in our body. Chemicals and toxins can im- pact our genes (ink stains can spill on the sections) by interfering with our body’s ability to read the gene. The end result is a confused gene (a section full of ink stains) that has its own interpretation about what it’s supposed to do. Sometimes it gets lucky and does what it’s supposed to do, while other times it messes up badly, leading to serious problems. From this model, we can surmise the far-reaching effects chemical tox- ins can have on our health.
  • 15. C L E A N S E 13 Some Background Although this is fascinating to think about, it’s really nothing new. Hip- pocrates, the father of medicine, stated that with diseases, one only had to look at the environment to find the cause. Thousands of years ago, doctors looked for disease in the environment. They had the insights that modern science is only now beginning to understand. In the 1960s, Rachel Carson’s book Silent Spring created awareness about toxic chemicals and their negative effects on human health and wildlife populations. The book brought about new understanding about what was happening to the environment because of the enormous amount of toxic substances dumped in every corner of the globe. An area of health that scientists began focusing on was the endocrine system. Scientists began suspecting that human-made chemicals interfered with hormones in the 1960s. Since then, much documentation has revealed abnormalities in animals living in areas of high industrial chem- ical output. For example, in Florida lakes contaminated with pesticides, male al- ligators produced female levels of testosterone, made abnormal sperm, and had stunted sex organs. In ponds across the Midwest, male frogs were making eggs. Lab studies showed it was an herbicide (atrazine) causing these problems. According to an article in the Dallas News (May 2007) more than 200 scientists, in an unprecedented move, signed a declaration warning that babies exposed to chemicals in the womb are more likely to develop dia- betes, obesity, attention deficit disorder, and infertility. What can these chemicals do? Chemicals can enter the body through the skin, the digestive system, and the respiratory tract. Once in, these toxins can cause a lot of damage. They can interfere with the synthesis of important molecules like hormones, neurotransmitters, and immune- communicating cells. These chemicals can even affects cellular structures like the mitochondria, critical in energy production. In general, it is safe to assume that toxins in no way benefit health. Logic alone tells us these synthetic chemicals are detrimental to the body. Just look at how researchers induce cancer in laboratory animals: they give them the chemical toxin DMBA (dimethylbenzanthracene). This induces biochemical changes that create cancer. We can draw similar parallels with environmental toxins and human health. If chemical toxins induce cancer in animal models, can’t they do the same thing in humans? Scientists are now buying into this concept and are thus contributing to the renewed interest in environmental medicine.
  • 16. 14 C L E A N S E Dr. Ana Soto (Tufts School of Medicine) states that in the 1940s a woman’s risk of breast cancer was 1 in 22. Today the risk has risen to 1 in 8. Genetics can’t be the sole cause, yet this is where most research is focused. According to Soto, it is time to focus our efforts on environ- mental toxins, since the increasing risk of breast cancer and other cancers has paralleled the proliferation of synthetic chemicals introduced since World War II. This, again, brings us back to the story of the identical twins; these individuals had the exact same genes, yet they became physi- ologically different. Their genetics didn’t cause their differences—their environment did. In a medical review in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute (April 1996), the author states that cancer incidence could be reduced by as much as 80 percent to 90 percent just by eliminating environmental tox- ins. A British Medical Journal (February 2004) review claims that nearly 75 percent of most cancers are environmentally induced. Toxins have been linked to cancers, autoimmune disease, neurological disorders, and endo- crine disorders involving the thyroid, adrenal, and reproductive glands. Environmental toxins can also have wide-ranging effects on the immune system. They can weaken the immune system, causing increased suscep- tibility to infections and cancer. On the other hand, toxins can make the immune system overly sensitive, giving rise to allergies and autoimmune disease. Research has shown that chlorinated pesticides, polycyclic hydro- carbons (PAHs), and organophosphate pesticides all have toxic effects on the immune system. An area of environmental toxicity that always gets lots of press is heavy metals and their effects on the nervous system. Since the nervous system requires the action of a complex integrated network (like a circuit board), damage to even a small section can have serious consequences. For exam- ple, research shows that exposure to lead in children and animals living around industrial environments produces behavioral impairment. People with a high concentration of aluminum in the nerve tissue have a higher incidence of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. The aluminum seems to come from the water supply, food, antacids, and deodorants. Aluminum is used in deodorants and antiperspirants because after ap- plication, it makes its way into the sensory nerves and anesthetises them (puts them to sleep). This inhibits the nerves’ ability to sense heat, and consequently, the body doesn’t sweat. The end result is that aluminum acts as a neurotoxin basically interfering with the nerves’ normal functioning. Toxins can have all sorts of detrimental effects on the human body. The identical-twin story offers a glimpse into the fact that the environment, and not so much the genes, controls your physiological destiny. In other words, your health is in your hands and really not in your genes.
  • 17. C L E A N S E 15 T he human body has four main excretory pathways that remove environmental toxins (exogenous toxins), as well as toxic prod- ucts produced by the body (endogenous toxins). These include the feces, urine, sweat, and breath. Although some toxins get eliminated directly by some of these pathways, many toxins need to be transformed into water-soluble compounds, while still others have to be changed into complex molecules. These transformations occur in the body’s most im- portant detoxification organ, the liver. Other organ systems involved in detoxification include the kidneys, gastrointestinal system, and the skin. The Liver (Phase I And Phase II) The human liver carries out more than 500 metabolic functions, includ- ing the detoxification of harmful substances in the body. Over 2 quarts of blood pass through this important organ every minute of every day, filter- ing and transforming chemicals to keep the body clean. The liver also pro- duces bile into which fat-soluble toxins are attached and then discharged into the gastrointestinal tract. The Liver: Bile Bile contains a majority of the body’s metabolic wastes, including deceased blood cells and toxic chemicals like pesticides. Once formed, bile— along with its waste products and processed toxins—moves from the liver to the gallbladder and then is secreted into the intestine, where it helps with the absorption of fats and stool movement. The bile and its toxic load are picked up by dietary fiber and excreted out the body in the feces. A lack of dietary fiber results in inad- equate binding of the bile, allowing toxins to be reabsorbed. Therefore, one of the most important ways to improve detoxification is to eat plenty of dietary fiber. Chapter 4: Mechanisms of Detoxification Liver Large Intestines Small Intestines
  • 18. 16 C L E A N S E The liver’s primary goal when confronted with toxic chemicals is to neu- tralize them (making them water-soluble). Most toxins are fat-soluble, which means they’re difficult to get rid of, just like that ink stain on your shirt. This is when the problems begin. If you have elevated toxin lev- els because of poor detoxification, a majority of them will be stored in adipose tissue (fat) and cell membranes (which are composed of fats) throughout the body. Sometimes they can stay dormant in tissues for de- cades, but other times because of various activities, they can be released. For example, during periods of weight loss, exercise, stress, and fasting, these chemicals are released into the blood stream, eventually leading to physiological problems. A recent study showed that when a group of overweight people dieted, their reduction in body fat correlated with an increase in circulating pesti- cides (pesticides are stored in fat tissue). The pesticides then reduced cir- culating active thyroid hormone (T3), thus, reducing the metabolic rate. Could this be the reason why people on weight-loss programs plateau? Inside the liver cells is a complex network of detoxification mechanisms capable of processing drugs, hormones, steroids, chemicals, pesticides, and almost every possible toxin imaginable. The first step in the liver is carried out by Phase I enzymes, transforming these toxins into either (1) water-soluble molecules, so they can be easily excreted by the kidneys or (2) reactive forms for phase II enzymes, which conjugate these chemicals. The reactive forms are actually free radicals, which are, at times, more dangerous than the original toxin. Therefore, it’s critical that these phases, especially Phase II, function optimally. The Liver: Phase I The Phase I detoxification pathway involves more than 100 enzymes known collectively as the cytochrome P450. This pathway is a two-edged sword because it converts toxic chemicals into less harmful ones, yet if the cytochrome P450 system becomes overactive, it can produce extreme- ly toxic free radicals (little ticking time bombs). Antioxidants like gluta- thione can disengage the little bombs, making them harmless. However, if these antioxidants are lacking and toxin exposure is high, toxic chemi- cals become even more dangerous than at the start of the process, and miniature explosions begin occurring in different parts of the liver and body. In fact, some of these substances can do so much harm they can even cause cancer. Additionally, if you ingest an excessive amount of toxic chemicals, the cytochrome p450 system can become too stimulated and overactive. This is known as induction of Phase I, and it leads to high levels of damaging free radicals. Substances that can trigger this include caffeine, alcohol, di-
  • 19. C L E A N S E 17 oxins, saturated fats, pesticides, barbiturates, paint fumes, sulfonamides, and exhaust fumes. If Phase II can’t keep up with this bombardment, seri- ous consequences can result. The Liver: Phase II Phase II is known as the conjugation pathway, and as its name suggests, it basically adds another substance to the toxic chemical or drug to make it less harmful. This makes the toxin water soluble, so it can easily be ex- creted out of the body, either through the urine or bile. Through conjuga- tion reactions, the liver turns hormones, drugs, and toxins into substances that can be eliminated from the body. Phase II acts like the bomb squad that arrives to disengage the bombs. The six main forms of Phase II detoxification include acetylation, ami- no acid conjugation, glucuronidation, methylation, glutathione conjuga- tion, and sulfation. Each of these pathways removes specific types of tox- ins and requires specific nutrients for their optimal functioning. Think of each pathway as a specialized bomb squad, trained to disengage specific types of bombs. Phase II can also be activated by certain compounds and slowed down by others. This becomes important when discussing scien- tific detoxification methods in the next chapter. Phase I pathway can lead to an output of dangerous free radical byproducts. Phase II pathway involves binding reactions (conjugation) resulting in neutralization of toxins.
  • 20. 18 C L E A N S E The Intestines The gastrointestinal tract plays a big role in detoxification, mainly be- cause it receives toxins bound to bile acids for excretion. What happens to this bile is directly related to what’s in the intestinal tract. As we men- tioned earlier, bile needs to bind to dietary fiber for a quick exit out the body in the feces. If there’s insufficient dietary fiber in the intestines, most of this bile will be reabsorbed back into the bloodstream, along with the toxins it’s trying to dump. This is why fasting may not be beneficial during detoxification. Fasting usually involves abstinence from food for two to sometimes 14 days. This releases toxins stored in fat, which will eventually make their way into the intestinal tract via bile acids. But unfortunately, the bus to take them out the body won’t be there. Fasting usually means no fiber in the intestine, and no fiber means the toxins will get reabsorbed back into the blood- stream where they will continuously build up and either get incorporated into fatty tissues or cause direct damage to tissues themselves. The Kidneys The kidneys are other important organs in detoxification. They elimi- nate a number of toxic substances after Phase II reactions, including caf- feine, some drugs, and steroids. This is why athletes tested for steroid use always have their urine analyzed. Probably the best way to ensure optimal kidney function is something we call dilution. This means drinking plenty of purified water, which is Overview of body’s detoxification process Modifies toxins through a series of chemical reactions Binds modified toxins, making them less harmful and preparing for removal Bound toxins are ready for excretion from body *Liver-support *Antioxidants *Liver-support *Binding Agents Insoluble, soluble and dispersible
  • 21. C L E A N S E 19 the easiest and best way to keep kidneys functioning well. Our recom- mendation is at least 8 cups of purified water daily as a starting point. Make sure you keep track until it becomes habit. The Skin The skin is the largest organ in the body and does have some detoxi- fication properties. In the past, we assumed that saunas released toxins through your sweat. But research has shown that while saunas do mobi- lize toxins from fat cells, the toxins don’t escape into the sweat, but rather into the bloodstream. If you embark on sauna treatments, make sure you are on the scientific detoxification program laid out in the next chapter in order to bind released toxins. Another way of mobilizing toxins is exercise. Exercise not only releases toxins through sweating but, like sauna treatments, it also mobilizes the release of toxins from adipose tissue. Again, this type of toxin mobiliza- tion needs be part of the scientific detoxification program. Optimally functioning detoxification symptoms are key to overall well- being. The most important and complex pathways are the Phase I and II systems, located in the liver. If Phase I and II detoxification pathways be- come overloaded, toxins build up in the body. The fat solubility of these toxins allows them to incorporate themselves into cell membranes and fatty tissues throughout the body, where they can remain for years. Common areas of accumulation include the endocrine glands (hor- monal) and the brain, which may result in hormonal imbalances, brain dysfunction, PMS, early menopause, and autoimmune diseases, just to name a few. The key in avoiding these serious consequences is to mini- mize toxic exposure and ensure optimal functioning of these pathways. Exercising is another way of mobilizing toxins.
  • 22. 20 C L E A N S E S cientific detoxification takes into account all we know about toxic chemicals and our body’s natural detoxification system and cre- ates a plan that actually reduces overall body toxic burden. An important aspect of this plan is that it comes from a scientific point of view—one that understands how toxins build up and provides the av- enues necessary for reducing overall exposure and enhancing your body’s own ability to detoxify. By now, you should have a pretty good idea about why you need to de- toxify. A good visual of this is the windshield on your vehicle. When clear, it represents a toxin-free body. Now imagine driving your vehicle when Chapter 5: Scientific Detoxification Minimize toxic exposure by choosing organic produce free of pesticides and herbicides.
  • 23. C L E A N S E 21 it’s snowing; obviously you’ll turn on your windshield wipers to remove the falling snow. The snow represents toxins entering your body, and the windshield wipers represent your body’s detoxification mechanisms. As the snowfall gets heavier, you increase the speed of your wipers. But suppose you park your vehicle outside your house, and a huge snow fall overnight dumps 3 feet of snow on your windshield. In the morning when you start your vehicle, your wipers won’t work because the load of snow is just too heavy. To clear the snow and get the wipers working again, you need to take a broom and sweep the snow off. Now think of the human body carrying between 400 to 800 toxic chem- ical and metal residues. Much like the windshield, the body becomes overburdened, creating sluggish detoxification systems. What we need to do to lessen this load is twofold: • Two or three times a year, we need to take a broom and sweep away the excess snow on our windshield. This is equivalent to doing a whole-body detoxification program for a 14-day cycle to get things working again. • We need to take a daily nutrient combination to ensure that Phase I and II detoxification mechanisms are functioning optimally and can deal with the daily toxin onslaught. The Steps For most people, detoxification means the use of colonics, fasting, lem- on juice and honey, sweating, and laxatives. Although some of these prac- tices may have some benefits, they fall short of what needs to be done to achieve an overall whole-body cleanse. The goal of scientific detoxification is to reduce overall body burden by minimizing toxic exposure and increasing the body’s ability to detoxify. To accomplish this, we need to make sure the gastrointestinal tract is in good health, antioxidant reserves are sufficient for the increased demands, and phase I and II detoxification pathways are working well. Once these steps are followed, then and only then can we successfully detoxify. The steps to scientific detoxification: A. Minimize toxic exposure. B. Optimize bowel health. C. Strengthen antioxidant reserves. D. Improve overall energy production. E. Enhance Phase I and Phase II mechanisms. F. Support heavy-metal detoxification.
  • 24. 22 C L E A N S E A. MINIMIZE TOXIC EXPOSURE Minimizing our exposure to toxic chemicals is an important component in any detoxification program. We reviewed the three entry points in the last chapter (skin, mouth, and air passages), and our first step is to mini- mize this exposure by dealing with the entry points. Steps in minimizing toxic exposure: • Reduce the use of toxic household cleaning products. A number of biodegradable, nontoxic cleaning agents exist that are not only bet- ter for the external environment outside, but also for the internal environment (inside your house). • Reduce the use of toxic beauty products. Start using soaps free of chemical additives, deodorants free of aluminium, and toothpastes and moisturizers with natural additives (your local health-food store carries a nice selection). • Become aware of the foods you eat. Choose organic produce free of pesticides and herbicides—the cost is not much different. If you just can’t get organic, make sure you clean all your vegetables with natural cleaning solutions and peel your fruit. • If you eat meat, shift to organic meats free of hormones and chemi- cal additives. Be aware of the fish you consume, and stay away from farm-raised salmon, which have high PCB counts. • Get a good air filter for your house to reduce circulating toxic chemi- cals. Remember, the air in your home is full of toxic chemicals. Get- ting rid of them will reduce your overall exposure. • Make sure all water you drink is purified. Add a filter system to your showerhead to make sure bathing water is clean and toxin-free. Re- member, your skin is an organ and a highly absorbent one at that. These steps are important in your quest for optimal health. It’s not easy to change old habits, but if you do, you’ll find yourself feeling better, looking better, and living better. B. OPTIMIZE BOWEL HEALTH Healing really begins in the digestive tract, so it is very important to ensure good digestive health. After all, the gastrointestinal tract plays a pivotal role in detoxification and also in maintaining a healthy immune system. Whole-body healing really can’t progress until the digestive tract itself is healed.
  • 25. C L E A N S E 23 Key steps in creating a healthy gastrointestinal tract: 1. Remove pathogenic organisms. 2. Support the digestive process by supplementing with pancreatic enzymes. 3. Replenish good bacteria in the intestinal tract with true-delivery probiotics. 4. Support mucin production with DGL. 5. Ensure sufficient fiber consumption to normalize bowel health. On the surface, this sounds like a lot, but it’s not, and the benefits are too great to pass up. Let’s take a closer look at each step. 1. If you’ve been diagnosed with yeast or other invasive organisms, the first step is to remove these pathogenic organisms. The best-researched ingredients for this job are oregano oil (Origanum vulgare) and thyme (Thymus vulgaris), both of which contain carvacrol and thymol, two in- gredients that have powerful antimicrobial effects and discourage the growth of yeast. Along with these ingredients, consider using a quality soluble-insoluble fiber combination to bind the toxins released from the destruction of these micro-organisms and a probiotic product to replace the bad bugs with good bacteria (more about probiotics in point 3). 2. Supporting digestive processes with pancreatic enzymes is a very effec- tive way to improve digestion. With the over processing of foods, the high amount of chemicals in foods, and everyday stress, which can shut down digestion, you may need digestive enzymes. Pancreatic en- zymes closely resemble human enzymes and can greatly facilitate the digestive process. If you have a feeling of fullness, bloating and gas, or occasional acid moving up the throat, you are a candidate for pancre- atic enzymes. These are very fast-acting enzymes, so take two tablets immediately before meals for quick results. 3. An area that has recently received a lot of attention is the world of pro- biotics (friendly intestinal bacteria). Probiotics, meaning “promoting life” in Greek, have now been shown to collectively perform functions essential for our health. Research is revealing that the populations of friendly bacteria in our gastrointestinal tracts aren’t large enough for optimal health. This often results in other bacteria growing and causing an imbalance, which ultimately negatively affects overall digestion. Supplementing with probiotics is an essential step in optimizing bow- el health. When you look for probiotics, keep a number of things in mind. Make sure the product can guarantee that a certain number of bugs get to the intestine.
  • 26. 24 C L E A N S E Also, look for a room temperature–stable culture that doesn’t need refrigeration. This helps ensure that the label claim is what you’ll get delivered. Lastly, the most common bugs are Lactobacillus acidophilus and Bifidobacterium longum; take about 2 billion of these daily to en- sure a healthy digestive tract. 4. One component in the stomach and gastrointestinal tract plays a big role in protecting the intestinal lining. Mucin, produced by mucous cells, is a viscous liquid that not only protects the integrity of the in- testinal cells, but also protects them from the acidic environment of the stomach. The stomach pH during digestion is around 1.2, which is enough to dissolve metal, yet it doesn’t burn a hole in our stomachs. Mu- cin is the substance that allows the lining to withstand such acidity. Eliminate the mucin, and you’ll be susceptible to ulcers and other nasty conditions. To improve the quality and quantity of mucin, deglycyrrhizinated lico- rice (DGL) is probably the best natural ingredient available. In clinical studies, this amazing product has helped people with ulcers and gas- troesophageal reflux by not only improving the quality and quantity of mucin, but also by increasing the life span of intestinal cells and improving mucosal blood flow. To make DGL work for you, chew two tablets 15 minutes before meals and when needed. 5. The last, but definitely not least thing you need to do to optimize bow- el health is to get enough dietary fiber in your diet. Dietary fiber is es- sential to normalize bowel transit time, blood sugar levels, and blood cholesterol levels and to support detoxification mechanisms. When looking for a detoxification kit, make sure it contains a high-quality combination of both soluble and insoluble fiber. Psyllium, pectin, oat bran, guar gum, and marshmallow root are the combinations I often recommend. This gives you a great blend of both soluble and insoluble fibers, each of which have specific functions for detoxification benefits. Soluble fiber is important because it binds bile entering the intestine from the liver and gallbladder. Remember, bile carries all the toxic compounds from detoxification, so binding it to something that can dump it out the body is critical if detoxification is to work. The insolu- ble fiber gently scrubs the intestinal walls, carrying with it pathogenic microorganisms and debris.
  • 27. C L E A N S E 25 C. STRENGTHEN ANTIOXIDANT RESERVES As we learned in the last chapter, an active Phase I pathway neutralizes a lot of toxins but also creates free radicals that are worse than the origi- nal toxin. These free radicals are usually handled by Phase II, but when Phase II isn’t working up to par, free radicals accumulate and deplete your body’s natural antioxidant called glutathione. Using up glutathione re- serves is very serious and creates a vulnerable situation in the body. For a better picture of this, let’s look closer at free radicals and antioxi- dants. The actions of free radicals are similar to slicing an apple in half and watching the nice, white exposed flesh turn brown. This is caused by free radicals reacting with the exposed white flesh, causing cell death. If you take another apple and slice it in half but, this time, squeeze lemon juice on it, it doesn’t brown because the lemon juice acts as an antioxi- dant, preventing the apple from browning. An absence of glutathione in the body causes lots of this browning, re- sulting in cell damage. We don’t want cellular damage, so we need to have plenty of antioxidants to help combat the growing levels of free radicals created during Phase I. A number of antioxidants can help; these include milk thistle (see below), vitamins C and E, and selenium. I would also recommend N-acetyl-cysteine (NAC), which helps build new glutathione, and resveratrol, a powerful antioxidant from red grapes. Antioxidants supply electrons that neutralize free radicals. Lemon juice does the same thing on an apple. Antioxidant Electron Free Radical
  • 28. 26 C L E A N S E D. ENHANCE OVERALL ENERGY PRODUCTION An important aspect of detoxification is that it is energy-dependent and always active. It is the biggest user of energy outside the brain. The detoxi- fication pathways need a continuous supply of energy called ATP, which is the fuel that runs everything in the human body. Without it, we could not exist. This fuel is produced through a process known as cellular respiration in the energy factories of the cells, called mitochondria. The process involves the mitochondria taking oxygen and sugar and, through a complex net- work of reactions, creating ATP. But for this reaction to run smoothly, an important cofactor called coenzyme Q10 (CoQ10) is essential. CoQ10 is naturally produced in the body, but age, medications, and dietary habits may interfere with CoQ10 production, so supplementing the diet with 100 to200 mg of CoQ10 per day is beneficial because it enhances overall energy production. But here is the catch: Very little CoQ10 on the market has actually been proven to get absorbed inside cells, where it can do its work. So when you look for a supplement, look for a high-quality, well–studied, absorbable CoQ10. To date, only one CoQ10 has been proven to get inside cells, inside mitochondria, and across the cell-brain barrier, improving cellular energy production, and found to be safe at high doses. That product is Vitaline CoQ10. E. ENHANCE PHASE I AND PHASE II MECHANISMS IN THE LIVER As previously mentioned, the liver is the most important organ for de- toxification. Improving antioxidant status, energy production, and even bowel function supports the liver in its daily detoxification work. Enhanc- ing its Phase I and Phase II mechanisms lies at the center of any scientific detoxification program. We do this with specific herbs and nutrients. 1. Herbs: A number of liver herbs must be considered: milk thistle (Silybum marianum), artichoke extract (Cynara scolymus), and dandelion root (Taraxacum officinale). Milk thistle is the most thoroughly studied liver herb. Silymarin, the active component of milk thistle, contains four compounds called flavolignans. The most researched is silybin, and it has powerful antioxidant properties specific for the liver and effectively con- trols the free radicals produced during Phase I detoxification. Silymarin can also help regenerate new liver cells, enhance the liver’s ability to de- stroy foreign organisms, and increase glutathione levels. One problem with most milk thistle in detoxification kits is that it’s poorly absorbed. When looking at whole-body detoxification kits, make
  • 29. C L E A N S E 27 sure the milk thistle is bound to phosphatidylcholine, forming a new complex that increases milk thistle absorption seven-fold. Studies support that bound milk thistle is absorbed far better than regular milk thistle. Artichoke and dandelion are also helpful in not only enhancing bile production, but also moving the bile more efficiently from the gallblad- der into the intestinal tract. 2. Nutraceuticals: One of the most important things to remember is that we are exposed to chemical toxins 24 hours a day and 365 days a year. What this illustrates is that even though it is important to cleanse two to three times per year, we should also be taking nutritional support as part of a daily regimen. This includes a number of nutritional ingredients that support the ever-active Phase I and Phase II detoxification pathways. Tables A and B summarize these nutritional ingredients and their role in detoxification activities. When looking for a supplement to support daily detoxification requirements, make sure it has some of the ingredients list- ed in the following tables. Table A: Nutritional ingredients supporting the Phase I detoxification pathway Phase I Nutritional Support Antioxidant Detoxification Activities Reduced Glutathione Highest concentration is in liver, also in white blood cells. (GSH) Prevents formation of free-radical chain reactions and is vital for regeneration of other antioxidants. Levels decline with age and with excess free-radical formation. N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine Precursor of glutathione, promotes healthy detoxification and (NAC) elimination of intestinal endotoxins. CoQ10 Important component of energy production. Vitamin C Plays role in the liver’s detoxification activities, especially the detoxification of mercury. Vitamin E Protects cell membranes from free-radical damage. Selenium Important in the liver’s ability to eliminate arsenic. Along with vitamin C, supports glutathione production. Quercetin Bioflavonoid found in green tea, red cabbage, tomatoes, cherries, grapes, etc. Excellent antioxidant, but also enhancer of liver enzyme detoxification mechanisms.
  • 30. 28 C L E A N S E F. ENHANCE HEAVY-METAL DETOXIFICATION Heavy metals are present in almost every human being on the planet. Ex- posure comes from burning of fossil fuels, fish consumption, dental amal- gam fillings, vaccines, paint, and a number of other sources (see table C). Table B: Nutritional ingredients supporting the Phase II detoxification pathways Phase II Nutritional Support Conjugating Agents Detoxification Activities Calcium D-glucarate Precursor of glucarolactone (GL), which inhibits B-glucuronidase. (CDG) CDG supplementation increases net elimination of toxins and steroid hormones via Phase II. Glutathione (GSH) Adequate amounts of GSH result in increased elimination of toxins and steroid hormones. N-Acetyl-L-Cysteine Supports glutathione production, which enhances the (NAC) elimination of drugs, neurotransmitters, steroids, intestinal toxins, and heavy metals. Vitamin B6 Used in reducing the levels of homocysteine, a very toxic free radical linked to heart disease. Vitamin B12/ Important cofactor in methylation reactions (both exogenous and Folic Acid endogenous compounds). Methylation is an important conjugation reaction in phase II that can neutralize nasty compounds like homocysteine by attaching a methyl molecule. Glycine, Taurine, Utilized in amino acid conjugation reactions such as Glutamine detoxification of ammonia. Table C: Heavy metals and their toxic effects Heavy Metal Toxicities/Accumulation Sources Cadmium Peripheral disease Endothelium damage (atherosclerosis end result) Shellfish, Bottom fish, Accumulates in kidneys Fossil fuels Mercury (Hg) Neurological: reduces nerve conduction, inhibits serotonin and Predatory fish/Tuna dopamine levels (which can lead to depression and Parkinson’s) Inhalation, Amalgams Renal, Cardiovascular, Immunological: increases antibiotic resistance Elemental Hg forms methyl-mercury (95 percent absorbable) Lead Hematological: interferes with heme production (heme carries oxygen) Paint, Gasoline Neurological: crosses blood-brain barrier, Renal effects GI effects: spasms around smooth muscle
  • 31. C L E A N S E 29 The best way of reducing heavy-metal levels is to ensure optimal glu- tathione levels in the body. This can be accomplished by following my protocol for enhancing Phase I and Phase II detoxification pathways. Putting it All Together Familiarizing yourself with what needs to be done to support detoxi- fication mechanisms is just the first step in the science of detoxification. The next step is knowing when and how to take the recommended nutri- ents. In the past, detoxification programs involved taking a bag of prod- ucts for seven to 14 days and repeating the process two to three times a year. The new paradigm is to do a scientifically formulated detoxification program three times a year, but to also take a daily detoxification supple- ment that can help with your daily exposure by supporting Phase I and II mechanisms. Part I (to be done every four months): What you want to look for in a detoxification program is a whole–body approach that contains nutrients to support both the gastrointestinal tract and the liver. The gastrointestinal fiber formula should contain a mix- ture of both soluble and insoluble fibers, as described in the “Optimizing bowel health” section. These fiber capsules should be taken in the morn- ing and evening for 14 days to help bind bile, as well as the toxins the bile carries and then eliminates out the body. The 14-day program should also include a gentle laxative that helps move stool out the body. Most herbal laxatives are addictive and can cause dependency. Using magnesium hydroxide is part of the scientific detoxification modality. Magnesium hydroxide draws water into the in- testinal lumen, thus, increasing stool volume and the number of bowel movements. The last part of the 14-day program is a liver formula discussed in sec- tion D-1 of this chapter. This formula has as its main ingredient phos- phatidylcholine-bound milk thistle to support overall liver function, along with a combination of other herbs like artichoke extract, dandelion root, and licorice root. Part II (to be taken daily) This part of the scientific detoxification program involves taking a daily supplement that contains many of the ingredients mentioned in tables A and B. It is important that we support whole-body detoxification mecha- nisms on an ongoing basis by supplying our bodies with ingredients that enhance Phase I and II detoxification pathways.
  • 32. 30 C L E A N S E In Summary The journey to health has changed dramatically in the last quarter cen- tury. The primary goal today is to reduce our exposure to the 85,000 registered chemical found in everything we do. Some of these chemicals have been a health hazard for decades, yet only now, after years of ig- norance, has the scientific community begun to look at how they affect human physiology. There is little doubt we need to minimize our exposure to environmen- tal toxins and, at the same time, enhance the body’s ability to detoxify. You can accomplish this by following the simple plan laid out in this book. It is a scientific, safe, and effective way to reduce overall toxic bur- den and begin your journey to well-being. Selected References: Allain P, Mauras Y, Premel-Cabic A, et al. Effects of an EDTA infusion on the urinary elimination of several elements in healthy subjects. British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 31:347-9, 1991. Boogaard PJ, Houtsma AJ, Journee HL, Van Sittert NJ. Effects of exposure to elemental mercury on nervous system and the kidneys in workers producing natural gas. Archives of Environmental Health 5(2):108-15, 1996. Buzzelli G, Moscarella S, Giusti A, et al. A pilot study on the liver protective effect of silybin-phosphatidylcholine complex in chronic active hepatitis. International Journal of Clinical Pharmacology, Therapy and Toxicology 31:456-60, 1993. Currie RA, Bombail V, Oliver JD, et al. Gene ontology mapping as an unbiased method for identifying molecular pathways and processes affected by toxicant exposure. Toxicological Scienes 86:453-69, 2005. Elinder CG, Gerhardsson L, Oberdaester G. Biological monitoring of toxic metals: over- view. Biological Monitoring of Toxic Metals (Clarkson TW, Friberg L, Nordberg GF, Sager PR, eds). Rochester Series on Environmental Toxicity. New York: Plenum Press, 1988. We need to minimize our exposure to environmental toxins and, at the same time, enhance the body’s ability to detoxify.
  • 33. C L E A N S E 31 EPA, Office of Toxic Substances (EPA), Broad Scan Analysis of the FY82 National Hu- man Adipose Tissue Survey Specimens. cfm?deid=55204. Hannuksela ML, Ellahham S: Benefits and risks of sauna bathing. American Journal of Medi- cine 110:118-26, 2001. Jacobson JL, Humphrey HE, Jacobson SW, Schantz SL, Mullin MD, Welch R. Determinants of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs), polybrominated biphenyls (PBBs), and dichlorodi- phenyl trichloroethane (DDT) levels in the sera of young children. Am J Public Health 79: 1401-1404, 1989. Jarup L, Rogenfelt A, Elinder CG, Nogawa K, Kjellstrom T. Biological half-time of cadmium in the blood of workers after cessation of exposure. Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environ- ment and Health 9:327–31, 1983. Jin T, Wu X, Tang Y, Nordberg M, Bernard A, Ye T, et al. Environmental epidemiological study and estimation of benchmark dose for renal dysfunction in a cadmium-polluted area in China. Biometals 17:525–30, 2004. Kagamimori S, Watanabe M, Nakagawa H, Okumura Y, Kawano S. Case-control study on cardiovascular function in females with a history of heavy exposure to cadmium. Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology 36:484–90, 1986. Keifer, MC, Ed., Human Health Effects of Pesticides, Hanley and Belfus Inc., Philadelphia, 1997. Kinnunen O, Salokannel J. Comparison of the effects of magnesium hydroxide and bulk laxative on lipids, carbohydrates, vitamin A and E, and minerals in geriatric hospital patients in the treatment of constipation. Journal of Internation Medical Research 17:442-54, 1989. Kolstad H, Bonde JP, Spano M, Giwercman A, Zschiesche W, Kaae D, Larsen SB, Roeleveld N. Change in semen quality and sperm chromatin structure following occupational styrene exposure. International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health 72:135-41, 1999. Luderer U, Morgan MS, Brodkin CA, Kalman DA, Faustman EM. Reproductive endocrine effects of acute exposure to toluene in men and women. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 56:657-666, 1999. Marakis G, Walker AF, Middleton RW, Booth JC, Wright J, Pike DJ. Artichoke leaf extract reduces mild dyspepsia in an open study. Phytomedicine 9:694-9, 2002. Murray TJ. Induction of mammary gland ductal hyperplasias and carcinoma in situ follow- ing fetal bisphenol A exposure. Reproductive Toxicology 23(3):383-90 April/May 2007. Navas-Acien A, Silbergeld EK, Sharrett R, Calderon-Aranda E, Selvin E, Guallar E. Metals in urine and peripheral arterial disease. Environmental Health Perspectives 113:164–9, 2005. Pepping J. Milk Thistle: Silybum marianum. American Journal of Health-System Pharmarcy 56:1195-7, 1999. Perera FP. Molecular Epidemiology: Insights into Cancer Susceptibility, Risk Assessment, and Prevention. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 88, No. 8, April 17, 1996.
  • 34. 32 C L E A N S E Perera FP, Rauh V, Tsai WY, Kinney PL, Camann DE, Barr DB, Garfinkel R, Tu Y-H, Diaz D, Dietrich J, Whyatt RM. Effects of transplacental exposure to environmental pollutants on birth outcomes in a multi-ethnic population. Environmental Health Perspectives 111(2):201- 6, 2003. Perera, FP. Environment and cancer: who are susceptible? Science 278:1068-73,1997. Press E. The health hazard of saunas and spas and how to minimize them. American Journal of Public Health 81:1034-7,1991. Raggi MA, Bugamelli F, Nobile L, et al. The choleretic effects of licorice; identification and determination of the pharmacologically active components of Glycyrrhiza glabra. Bollettino Chimico Farmaceutico 134:634-8, 1995. Sharpe RM, Irvine DS. How strong is the evidence of a link between environmental chemi- cals and adverse effects on human reproductive health? British Medical Journal; 328:447- 451, 2004. Soto AM, Vandenberg LN, Maffini MV, Sonnenschein C. Does breast cancer start in the womb? Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology 102(2):125-33, 2008. Swan, SH et al. Potential disruption of human genital development; Environmental Health Perspectives 113(8), Aug 2005. Toppari J, Virtanen H, Skakkebaek NE, Main KM. Environmental effects on hormonal regulation of testicular descent. The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology 102(1-5):184-6, 2006. Vojdani A, Ghoneum M, Brautbar N. Immune Alteration Associated with Exposure to Toxic Chemicals. Toxicology and Industrial Health 8(5):239-53, 1992. Wallace LA, Pellizzari ED, Hartwell TD, Sparacino C, Whitmore R, Sheldon L, Zelon H, Perritt R. The TEAM (Total Exposure Assessment Methodology) Study: personal exposures to toxic substances in air, drinking water, and breath of 400 residents of New Jersey, North Carolina, and North Dakota. Environ Res. 143(2):290–307, 1987. Witschi A, Reddy S, Stofer B, Lauterburg BH. The systemic availability of oral glutathione. European Journal of Clinical Pharmacology 43:667-9, 1992.
  • 35.
  • 36. DETOXIFY THE RIGHT WAY! ABOUT THE AUTHOR OF THIS BOOKLET: CLEANSE W e live in a toxic world. We are bombarded by a whole host of toxins in the air, water, food, and even the products we use on a daily basis. These toxins weaken the immune system and disrupt healthy digestion, elimination, and detoxification. Cleansing the body is the only way to rid our system of these toxins. Naturopathic clinician Gaetano Morello, ND, teaches readers how to cleanse properly. Morello’s scientific detoxification program features advice on how to do a quarterly cleanse, as well as daily cleansing. His inside-out approach to cleansing helps the whole body detoxify safely and effectively. Rather than using harsh colonics and exten- sive fasting, Morello teaches readers how to minimize exposure to toxins while shoring up the body’s innate ability to detoxify. Gaetano Morello, ND, is a board-certified naturopathic doctor practicing at the West Vancouver Wellness Centre in Vancouver, British Columbia. He received his bachelor of science degree from the University of British Columbia and his doctor of naturopathic medicine from Bastyr University of Natural Health Sciences in Seattle. In addition to his clinical practice, Dr. Morello educates physicians, pharmacists and health food store personnel about the scientific use of natural products. magazine presents