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lnformation from Ftirsiikringskassan 0i.0i.201 0

     Activity compensation
    tA kt i v i tefsersd tt n i n g J
    - in the form of guarantee benefit fgaranitersilttning]
    [- i form av garantiersdttningJ

    Activity compensation in the form of guarantee benefit provides you with basic
    financial protection, regardless of your previous income from work. The amount of
.   benefit depends on your age and how long you have lived in Sweden.

    Who is eligible for guarantee benefit?

    tVem kan fd garantiersdttningil
    If you have not had any income, you can receive activity compensation in the form of guarantee
    benefit. You can also receive guarantee benefit if you have low income-related activity
    compensation. In this case, the guarantee benefit will be as large as the difference between your
    income-related compensation and your guarantee level fgarantinivd ].

    To put   it simply, you are entitled to guarantee benefit if:
        .    You lived in Sweden at the time of the claim. The claim is when you comply with the
             conditions for entitlement to activity compensation.
        .    You have at least three years' insurance period in Sweden. Your insurance period is
             calculated on the basis of how long you have lived in Sweden. See the section The guarantee
             level depends on your insurance period.

    How much guarantee benefit will you receive?

    [Hur stor blir din garantiersilttning?J
    F<irsdkringskassan [The Swedish Socia] Insurance Agency] calculates your guarantee benefit on the
    basis of your guarantee level. The size of the guarantee level depends on how long you have lived in

    You can receive full, three-quarter, half or a quarter activity compensation. If you have a foreign
    disability pension [invaliditetspensionJor other foreign disability benefits, these may reduce your
    guarantee benefit.
Guarantee level at different ages
t6arantinivdn vid olika 6tdrarl
This table shows how high the guarantee level is at different ages, and how large a part of the price
base amountL fprisbasbeloppet]wltich the compensation is based on. The amount is thus what you
receive in kronor per year if you have full compensation at guarantee level.

 Yourage                              Guarantee level

 Until and including the month        sEKa9040
 before your attain the age of 2-1.   (2.1   times the price
                                      base amount)

 From and including the month         sEK 91 160 (2.1s
 that you attain the age of 21        times the price base
 untiland including the month         amount)
 before you attain the age of 23.

 From and including the month         sEK 93 2BO (2.2
 you attain the age of 23, until      times the price base
 and including the month before       amount)
 you attain the age of 25.

 From and including the month         sEK 954OO (?,25
 you attain the age of 25, until      timesthe price base
 and including the month before       amount)
 you attain the age ot 27.

 From and including the month         sEK 97 s2O (2.3
 you attain the age of 27, until      times the price base
 and including the month before       amount)
 you attain the age of 29.

 From and including the month         sEK 99 640 (2,35
 you attain the age of29, until       times the price base
 and including the month before       amount)
 you attain the age of 30.

The guarantee level depends on your insurance period
[Garantinivfln beror pd din fiirsiikringstidl
If you have lived in Sweden for the whole of your life, you will receive compensation at the highest
level. If you have not always lived in Sweden, the compensation can be reduced. This depends on
how long an insurance period you have. If you have an insurance period of less than 40 years, your
compensation will be reduced by 1/40 for every missing year. However, this does not mean that you

t   The price base amount is based on the cost of living. In 2010, the price base amount is SEK 42 400.
must have lived in Sweden for 40 years to receive benefit at the highest level. You can have an
insurance period of 40 years without having lived in Sweden for 40 years.

What is insurance Period?

Nad dr fdrsdkringstidfi
yog a.e credited with insurance period for the time that you have lived in Sweden. This is referred
to as actual insurance period tfaktisk fcirsdkringstid].However, you may also count insurance period
for the time you are expected to live in Sweden. This is called future insurance period fframtida
fcirsiikringstidt Activity compensation in the form of guarantee benefit is based on both actual and
future insurance periods.
you receive actual insurance period for the period that you have lived in Sweden from and including
the year you attained the age of 16 until and including the year before the claim. You receive future
insurance period for the time from and including the year when the claim was made until and
including th" y""t that you attain the age of 6lr. However, your future insurance period also depends
on how long yoo have lived in Sweden. In order for you to be credited with future insurance period
for all yuuti but*"en the claim and the year you attain the age of 64, you must have been resident in
Sweden for at least 80 per cent av of time from and including the year you attained the age of 16
until and including the year before the claim.
Special rules apply to refugees and others in need of protection who have beea granted a residence
permit, which enable them to count the time they have lived in their previous home country as
actual insurance period.

If the claim occurred before you attained the age of 18, the insurance period is calculated according
to special rules. You do not need to have been insured at the time of the claim and you can count the
whole time from and including the year that you attained the age of 16 until and including the year
you attain the age of 64 as insurance period. However, you may not count time that you did not live
in Sweden as insurance Period.
If you are a citizen of a country outside the EU/EEA, you must have been resident in Sweden for at
least five years for your insurance period to be calculated according to these rules.

    Example    1:
    Sergej is 28 years old at the time of the claim and has been living in Sweden for 10 years- Sergei will be able to
                                                                                             (inclusive) as future
    .onirt'u11 3Z years from the year of the claim and to the year he attai:rs the age of 64
    insurance p"tiod. thi. is because he has been living in Sweden for at least 80 per cent of the period from and
    il6ysrting the age of 1O until and including the year before the claim (0.80 x 12 years = 9.6 years)' Sergei has a
    total of 47 years insurance period in Sweden $7 + 1o = 47.
    Claes receives full activity compensation in 2009 when he is 2l years old. The date of the claim is also 2009.
    Claes has never had any i:rcome from work and is therefore not eotitled to any income-related compensation.
    However, he is entitled to guarantee benefit.
    Claes has lived in Sweden since he attained the age of 16. Claes's future iasurance period is calculated
    2009, when the claim occurred, until and including the year that he attatrs the age of 64. Claes is therefore
    entitled to full guarantee benefit, since the threshold for obtaining full guarantee benefit is a 40-year insurance
    Since Claes is 21 years old, he receives 2.15 times the price base amount in guarantee benefit- The
                                                                                                        price base
    amount for 2009 is SEK 42 800- Claes's benefit is therefore calculated as follows: 2.15 x SEK 42 800 = SEK 92 020'
    Claes's anrrual guarantee benefit will be SEK 92 020.

    Dareka receives full activity compensation in 2009 when she is 27 years old. Dareka has lived in Sweden since
    she attained the age of fO and is therefore entitled to full insurance period for
                                                                                      guarantee benefit- Since Dareka
    is 27 years old she receives 2.30 times the price base amount il guarantee level. The
                                                                                           price base amount for 2009
    is SEK 42 800. Dareka's guarantee level is therefore calculated as follows: 2.30 x SEK 42 8O0 = SEK 98 440.
                                                                        (Read more about the time frame in the fact
    Dareka has had income from work during her time frame tramtidl-
    sheet Sickness compensation.) F<irsiikringskassal calculates her income-related activity compensation at SEK
    63 0oO per year.
This meaas that Dareka will also receive guarantee benefit to reach the guarantee level of SEK 94 300 per year.
   Darekas's compensation will be as follows:
   Income-related compensation per year SEK 63 000
   Guarantee benefit per   year           + SEK 31 300

   Total activity compensation per year = SEK 94 300
   The SEK 31 3o0 wbich Dareka receives in guarantee benefit supplements her income-related compensation to
   bring her up to her guarantee level.

Notify changes
[Anm6l fcirdndringarg
You must notify all changes which may affect your entitlement to, or the amount of your
compensation. This is the case, for instance,            if
    o lou start working or studying
    r ]ou start to work to a greater extent   thanbefore, for example, ifyou receive half
        compensation but start to work full time
    o   Jou continue to work after a decision on dormant activity compensation has ceased
    r   lour work capacity is improved, even though you are not working
    r   ]on receive a new, or changed, foreign pension, annuity []iwdnta|or similar
    o   ]OUmOve abroad.

If you do not notify changes, your compensation may be withdrawn. You may be obliged to
reimburse if you have received too much money or received money to which you were not actually
lnformation from Fdrsdkringskassan                          01   .01.2010

Activity co m pe nsati on fAktiv itetsersd tt n i n g] it
you have reduced work capacity

[Aktivitetsersd ttn i ng vid n edsatt

Activity compensation is intended to support young people who cannot work due to illness or
some other disability. Activity compensation may be income-related or in the form of
guarantee benetil [garantiercFittning]. You can receive activity compensation for at most three
years at a time.

As from 1 July 2008, new rules apply to activity compensation. lf you already receive activity
compensation, you may be covered by transitional regulations, according to which the older rules
can still apply until the end ot 2A12.lf your activity compensation terminates because you have
attained the age of 30, you will be covered by transitional regulations for time-limited sickness
compensation fsjukersdttn i ngl.

Who is eligible for activity compensation?
Uem kan fd aktivitetsersdffn                         ingl
You can receive activity compensation if you are aged between 19 and 29 and your work capacity is
reduced due to illness or another reduction of your physical or mental capacity. Your work capacity must
be reduced by at least a quarter for at least a year. This reduction ofwork capacity shalt apply to all work
available in the whole labour market. This also includes employment arranged for people with disabilities,
for example, wage subsidy employment.

How much activity compensation do you receive?
[Hur mycket            ftr man i aktivitetsersdffn ing?]
You can receive full, three-quarter, half or a quarter activity compensation. The amount you receive
depends on how much your work capacity is reduced and your ability to eam your living.

Full income-related activity compensation provides you with 64 per cent of your assumed income
[antagandeinkomstJ, the income that F0rsiikringskassan [the Swedish Sociql Insurance AgencyJ calculates
that you would probably have earned if you had continued to work.

If you have had low income or no income at all, you will receive guarantee benefit. The size of guarantee
benefit depends on your age and how long you have lived in Sweden. In 2010, you can receive between
SEK 89 040 and SEK 99 640 per year in full guarantee benefit.

Income-related activity compensation and guarantee benefit are both re-calculated in January every year
when the price base amount [prisbasbelopperl* is adjusted.
* The price base amount is based on the cost ofliving. In 2010, the price base arnount is SEK 42 400.

How to apply for activity compensation
[Hur gdr det tiil aft fe aktivitetsersdttn                                     ingil
You can apply yourself

[Du kan ansiika sietu]
you can apply for activity compensation yourself, You do this on a special form which you can obtain from
F6rsiikringskassan or download from You must also include a doctor's

Forsdkringskassan may replace sickness benefit [siukpenningl by activity
[Fiirsflkringskassan kan byta ut siukpenning mot aktivitetsersiittningJ
If Ftirsiikringskassan considers that you are eligible for activity compensation' we may decide to replace
your sickness benefit by activity compensation. To be able to do this, Fdrstkringskassan will need to
request a doctor's certificate from the doctor who has given you sick leave.

How is your entitlement to activity compensation
[Hur bedtims din reft fill aktivitetsersdftningfl
You need a doctor's certificate

[Du behiiver ett ldkarutlttande]
When you apply for activrty compensation, you must have a doctor's certificate. In the first placeo the
doctor you normally consult should describe your state of health in a medical certificate. However,
Fiirsiikringskassan may also ask another doctor or expert to examine you and make an assessment ofyour
abilrty to work.

 F6rsdkringskassan will investigate your circumstances
lFiirsiikringskassan utreder dina fiirhhllanden]
 We investigate both your work situation and social circumstances. We will accordingly ask you questions
 about your family circumstances, childcare, household work, leisure activities, education, secondary
 employment or other commissions that may affect your entitlement to benefit.

 Fiirsiikringskassan will monitor your work capacity
 [Fistsiikringskassan ffllier upp din atbetsftirmdga]
 During the period you receive activity compensation, Fdrsiikringskassan may carry out a follow-up to
 check that you are still eligible for the same level of activity compensation. This follow-up means that we
 investigate whether your work capacfy or your possibilities of rehabilitation have improved.
How is the money paid out?
[Hur betalas pengarna ut?]
Activity compensation is paid into the account you have notified to Fdrs?ikringskassan. It is paid out on the
18th or lfth of each month. If the payment date is a Saturday, you will receive activity compensation on
the Friday. If the payment date is a Sunday, a public holiday or Midsummer Eve [midsommaraftonJ,you
will receive payment on the following weekday. If you are resident abroad, your activity compensation will
be sent from Sweden on the payment date.

If activity compensation is at most SEK
                                     2 400 per year, you will receive it in arrears in June and December
each year. Amounts exceeding SEK 2 400 per year may also be paid out twice per year if you ask
Fiirs2ikringskassan to do this.

What may I do during the period with activity
Nad kan jag giira under tiden med aktivitetsersdffningl

Vocational rehabilitation
[Arbetslivsi n ri ktad reh abiliteri ng]
During the period you have activity compensation, you must take part in vocational rehabilitation measures
as soon as possible. Vocational rehabilitation consists of measures you need to restore your work capacity.
This might, for example, be work training or other training to enable you to retum to your old job or other
suitable work. F0rsiikringskassan is responsible for attending to your needs and taking the initiative to
provide you with rehabilitation. If you do not take part in a measure without valid reasons, your benefit
may be withdrawn or reduced.

You can participate in activities

[Du kan delta i aktiviteter]
During the period you have activify compensation, you can also take part in various activities. These
activities are to assist you in your development and have a positive effect on your illness or disability. They
shall also contribute to giving you better prerequisites to improve your work capaclty.

Participating in activities is voluntary. You retain your compensation even if you decide not to take part in
any activities.

You can try working or studying with dormant compensation
[Du kan prtiva att arbeta eller studera med vilande ersdltningfi
During the period you have activity compensatiorL you may work or study without losing your entitlement
to compensation. This is called dormant activrty compensation. You must apply for dormant compensation
before you start working or studying. If you start to work, you can also apply for a test period of up to three
months with a wage and sickness compensation at the same time.
You can work a bit with full activity compensation

[Du kan arbeta lite med hel affiivitetsersdttningJ
If you receive full activity compensation, you can still
                                                      use a small remaining work capacif in, for example,
voluntary or political work. This means that you may work for an hour a day and eam at most an eighth of
the normal full-time income in the employment you carryr out and still be entitled to full compensation.
Contact Fdrsiikringskassan and discuss what is possible for you before you start working.

With three-quarter activity compensation, you receive assistance in finding
[Med tre fidrdedels aktivitetsersdltning fdr du hjiilp aft hilta ett arbete]
Ifyou receive three-quarter activity compensation, F6rsiikringskassan is responsible for you being able to
find employment corresponding to your remaining work capacity. The Employment Service
[ArbetsJbrmedlingenJ shall find you a place on the ordinary labour market within six months, possibly with
the aid of a wage subsidy. Ifthis is not possible, you will be offered employment at samhall AB.

What happens to sickness benefit?
Uad hdnder med sjukpenningen?l
When you are granted fuIl activity compensation, you are no longer entitled to sickness benefit. If you have
been granted a quarter, half or three-quarter activrty compensation and have an income from employment
of at least SEK 10 176 per year Q4 7o of the price base amount), you may, however, have a sickness
benefit qualifying income established and thus be able to receive sickness benefit if you are unable to work
due to illness.

Activity compensation may be reduced if you have other benefits
[Aktivitetsercettningen kan minskas om du har andra ercSttningar]
Your activity compensation may be reduced if you also have a foreign disability pension
finvaliditetspensionJ or other foreign disability benefits at the same time.

Activity compensation and tax
[AktivitefsersSffn ing och skatt]
You pay tax on activity compensation. Fdrsiikringskassan deducts the tax. The amount of tax deducted may
be affected by other income you have. You should therefore notifu us if you have taxable income from any
other source than Fdrsiikringskassan, for example, income from employment.

You do not need to send your tax certificate to Fiirsiikringskassan. Fdrstikringskassan receives this
information directly from the Tax Agency fSkatteverketl.

If you would like Ftirsnkringskassan to deduct less tax (for example, if you have large interest expenditure),
you can apply to your tax office for tax adjustrnent. You should then send the decision you receive to
Ftirs?ikringskassan. Contact Fdrs?ikringkassan if you would like the amount deducted in tax increased. The
higher tax deduction from your activity compensation will continue to be made until you request otherwise.

In January every year, you will receive a statement of tax paid and eamings from Fdrsiikringskassan. This
states how much activity compensation you have received and the amount of tax deducted. If you have the
compensation paid into an account, you will receive the statement of tax paid and earnings together with
the deposit statement for January. Contact Fiirsiikringskassan   if you do not receive a statement of tax paid
and earnings.

More information about activity compensation and tax is available from your tax office or at

lf you live or move abroad
[Om du bor eller flyttar utomlands]
Income-related activity compensation is paid to you regardless of the country you live in. However, you
can only continue to receive guarantee benefit within the EU/EEA, Switzerland and Canada To be able to
continue to receive guarantee benefit, you must also be a citizen of one of these countries. Consult
Fdrsiikringskassan for more information about when you are entitled to continue to receive guarantee
benefit after moving to another country.

You must notifr Fd,rs?ikringskassan if you move abroad permanently. It is important that you state the
address, bank and account number to which the activity compensation is to be sent.

To continue to be entitled to receive activity compensation, you must send Fri'rsiikringskassan a   "life
certificate" once a year, if you live abroad. This is done as follows:

You will automatically receive a form from Fdrs?ikringskassan. Fill in the forrq take a valid passport with
you and go to any of the authorities or similar listed on the form. They must certify that your information is
correct. You should then return the form to Fiirsiikringskassan.

ln certain cases, you may not receive a form for certification. At presen! this applies to people living in
Finland, Norway or Germany. Information about you is instead collected through exchange of data between
Sweden and your counfiy ofresidence.

When you live abroad, you rnay receive "Special income tax for non-residents (SINK)"       ['Stirskild
inktmstskatt jbr utomlands bosatta" (SINK)I.

Other benefits
fAndra ersefiningar]
Contractual insurance
[Avt a I sf ti rs 6 k ri n g a r]
When you receive activity compensation, you may also receive benefits through contractual insurance. You
should therefore ask your most recent employer or trade union organisation whetlrer there is any insurance
and what applies in your case. If you had other employers previously, you should ask thern as well.
Ftirsikringskassan is not responsible for contractual insurance and cannot answer questions abors this

Housing supplement

If you receive activity compensatiorL you may be eligible for housing supplement. You apply for housing
supplement at Ftirsfikringskassan. See the Swedish fact sheet "Bostadstilltigg till dig som har
akfivitetsersiittning eller sjukersiittning" ["Housing supplementfor those with activity compensation or
sickness compensation"J,wtichyou can obtain &om Ftirsiikringskassan or download from
Notify changes!
[An mdl        fiirdndringar!]
You must notiff all changes that may afGct your entitlement to or the amount of your compensation. This
is the case, for example, if
    e    /ou start to work or study
    .    you start to work to a greater extent than before, for example, ifyou have been granted half
         compensation but start to work full-time
    r    /ou continue working after a decision on dormant activity compensation has        ceased to apply
    .    your work capacity improves even if you are not working
    .    you receive a new or changed foreign pension, annuity flivrrintal or similar
    r    lou move abroad.

If you do not noti$r changes, your compensation may be reduced or withdrawn. You may also be liable to
reimburse if you receive too much money or have received money that you should not really have had.

Please call our customer centre at 0771-524 524 for more information.

The fact sheet is not a legal text on this topic.

  F6rsfr kringskassan     checks
 [Fd rsd kri n gskassa n kontrcl lerar]
  Forsdkringskassan checks the information you provide such as income, absence from work, civil status or
  where you live. We exchange information with other authorities and match data with, among others, the
  National Board of Student Aid {CSN/, the unemployment funds and the Tax Agency.
  It may be a criminal offence to deliberately provide inconect information or fail to notify changes which may
  affect your entitlement to compensation. Forsikringskassan reports all suspected cases of benefit fraud to
  the police.
lnformation from Ftirsikringskassan {.1.201 0

Activity corn pensation
tA kt i v i tefsersd tt n i n g J
- for extended schooling
t- vid f6rl6ngd skolgdngJ

lf you have to extend your schooling due to a disability, you can receive activity
compensation during the period of schooling.

Who is eligible for activity compensation for extended schooling?
tVem kan fd aktivitefsersfffn ing vid feirHngd skolgdng?l
You can receive activity compensation for extended schooling if you are aged between 19 and 29 and
have a disability which means that you need a longer time than normal to complete compulsory or
upper secondary school. In certain cases, Fcjrsdkringskassan [The Swedish Socia] Insurance Agency]
can request a certificate from the school or a medical certificate that shows that your extended
schooling is because of a disability.

How much activity compensation do you receive?

tHur mycket fdr man i aktivitefsersdftn ingl
In general, you receive activity compensation for extended schooling in the form of guarantee
benefit [garantierszittning] The amount of guarantee benefit depends on your age and how long you
have lived in Sweden. In 2010, you can receive between SEK 89 040 and SEK 99 640 per year in full
guarantee benefit.

Activity compensation for extended schooling is only paid as full compensation. If your disability
only enables you to study half-time, you still receive activity compensation at the same level.
If you have had income from work for at least a year, you can also receive income-related
compensation. Income-related activity compensation and guarantee benefit are recalculated in
Ianuary every year when the price base amountr fprisbasbeloppeflchanges,

'The price base amount is based on the cost of living.   Ir   2010, the price base amount is SEK 42 400.
How long can you receive activity compensation for extended
[Hur l6nge kan man f;6 aktivitefsersdttn ing compensation vid
ffirliingd skolgdnsil
You can receive activity compensation for extended schooling for at most three years. you ca-n apply
if you need a further period of activity compensation to complete your schooling.

How to apply

[Hur ansdker manl
Fill in and send the Swedish form "Ansrikan om aktivitetsersdttning pA grund av f<irldngd skolgAng"
f'Application for actiuity compensation for extended sc]tooling"]which is available at
Forsiikringskassan and at

How is the money paid out?

[Hur betalas pengarna               util
Activity compensation is paid into the account you have notified to Fcirsrikringskassan. It is paid out
on the 18th or 19th of each month. If the payment date is a Saturday, you will receive activity
compensation on the Friday. If the payment date is a Sunday, a public holiday or Midsummer Eve
[midsommaraftonl, you will receive payment on the following weekday.

More about activity compensation

[Mer om aktivitefsersdffn ing]
Which schoolforms is it available for?
[Vilka skolformer kan man studera i?J
You can study at compulsory and upper secondary school or in adult education and at folk high
school. You can study at compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities, adult education for
adults with learning disabilities, at the national upper secondary schools for the deaf and hearing-
impaired and on a course especially adapted for young people with impaired mobility, known as
education for those with impaired mobility {RH-anpassad utbildaing}.

When is schooling considered to have been completed?
[Ndr rdknas skolgdngen som avslutad?]
Extended schooling at compulsory school or upper secondary school is considered to have been
completed when you:
    .    have acquired basic knowledge up to and including upper secondary school with entitlement
         to final grades
    .    definitively discontinue your studies.

You can partacipate in activities
[Du kan delta i aktiviteterl
During the time that you have activity compensation, you can also participate in various activities.
These activities are intended to support you in your development and to have a positive effect on
your illness or disability. They should also contribute to improving your work capacity.
Participation in activities is voluntary. You retain your compensation even if you decide not to
participate in activities.

Activity compensation and tax
t A kt i v i t etsercfltt n i n g oc h s katt J
You pay tax on activity compensation. Forsdkrhgskassan makes a deduction for tax. Other income
you have may also affect the tax deduction. You should therefore notify if you have taxable income
from any other sources than Forsiikringskassan, for example, work income.

You do not need to send your tax card to Forsdkringskassan. Ftirsdkringskassan receives this
information directly from the Swedish Tax Agency fSkatteverketJ.
if you would like Frirsiikringskassan to deduct less tax (for example, if you have high interest costs),
you can apply to your local tax office for an adjustment. You should then send the decision you
receive to F<irsdkringskassan. If you would like more tax to be deducted from your activity
compensation, you should contact Frirshkringskassan to have the deduction increased. The higher
deduction will be made on the activity compensation until you tell us otherwise.

In lanuary every year, you will receive a statement of earnings and tax deductions from
Fcirsdkringskassan. This states how much activity compensation you have received and how much
tax has been deducted. If your compensation has been deposited in an account, you will receive the
statement of earnings and tax deductions together with ]anuary's deposit statement. Contact
Frjrsiikringskassan if you do not receive any statement of earnings and tax deductions.

Call your local tax office or visit to obtain more information about activity
compensation and tax.

Other benefits

[Andra ersflttningarl
Contractual insurance
When you receive activity compensation, you may also receive benefit from a contractual insurance
scheme. If you have worked, you should therefore ask your last employer or trade union
organisation whether there is any insurance ald what applies for you in this case. If you have had
other employers before, you should ask them as well. Forsiikringskassan is not responsible for
contractual insurance schemes and cannot answer questions about them.

Housing supplement
If you have activity compensation, you can obtain housing supplement. You apply to
Forsiikringskassan for housing supplement. See the Swedish fact sheet "Bostadstilliigg till dig som
har aktivitetsersdttning eller sjukersiittning" ["l{ousing Supp}ement for those with Actiuity
Compensation or Sickness Compensation'Twhich you can obtain at Frirsdkringskassan or download
from www.f orsakringskassan.s e.
You must notify all changes that may affect your entitlement to activity g6mpensation. This is the
case, for example, if
       r   ]olr start working
       r   ]ollleave school
       r   ]ou receive a new or changed foreign pension, annurty [Ewdntal or the ]ike
       r   ]oll move abroad.
If you do not notify changes your activid compensation may be withdrawn. You may be liable to
reimburse if you have received too much money or received money that you should not actually have
lnformation from Fdrsikringskassan 01.01.20{ 0

Activity compensation
tA kt i v i tefsers# tt n i n g J
- income-related compensation
[-   in   komstrelatera d e rsdttn i n gJ

lf you are aged between 19 and 29 and have had income from work in Sweden, you
can receive activity compensation based on the size of your previous income.

Who is eligible for income-related activity compensation?

tVem       kan   fd inkomst-relaterad aktivitefsers$tfn                    ingl
Income-related activity compensation is based on your previous income from work, but also on
previous benefits from Forsiikringskassan [The Swedish Soeia] Insurance Agency] such as sickness
benefit [siufuenning]and parental benefit [fdrdldrapenntng]. Put simply, you can receive income-
related activity compensation if:

     o    You worked in Sweden at the time of the claim. The claim is when you complied with the
          conditions for being entitled to activity compensation.
     .    You have had a pensionable income - or a pensionable amount of activity compensation * at
          least one year during the "time frame" [ramtidJ If you have a pensionable income, you will
          receive an annual statement every year (the orange envelope).

How much will compensation be?

tHur stor blir ersdttningenil
Full income-related activity compensation will give you 64 per cent of your assumed income
fantagandeinkomsfl the income that F6rsiikringskassan calculates that you probably would have
had if you had continued to work. You can have full, three-quarter, half or a quarter activity
compensation. The amount you receive depends on how much your work capacity is reduced and
your ability to earn a living through work.

Activity compensation may be reduced if you receive a for6ign disability pension
finvaliditetspensionJ or other foreign disability benefits at the same time.
This is how your compensation is calculated

tS6 riiknas din ersdttning utJ
Assumed income - onlythe best years count

tAntagandeinkomst             - det dr de bdsta iren         som rdknasJ
When we calculate your compensation, we start by calculating your assumed income. Assumed
income may be calculated according to the main rule or the alternative rule. We always calculate                      it
in both ways and then use the method of calculation that is most favourable for you.

Assumed income according to the main rule

tA ntag a nd ei n ko mst      en I igt h uvud   regel n J
The main rule means that we calculate the average of your three best annual incomes during a
period of eight years immediately before the claim. If, for example, we establish the time of the
claim to 2O09, the eight-year period consists of the years 2OOO-2OO7.

Assumed income according tothe alternative rule
fAnta g a nd e i n ko mst e n I i gt a lte rn ati vreg el n J
The alternative rule means that we calculate the average of your two best annual incomes during
the three years before the year of the claim.

We can also use the sickness benefit qualifying annual income [sjukpenninggrandande inkomstJ
which you had at the time of the claim. We do this if the sickness benefit qualifying annual income is
greater. In order for you to have your activity compensation calculated according to your sickness
benefit qualifying annual income, you must have had a sickness benefit qualifying income the year
before the claim as well.

Which income is used in the calculation?
[Vilken inkomst anvflnds vid berfikningen?J
When calculating the assumed income, we use your gross annual income as a basis which we then
recalculate according to the current price level. The gross annual income is your pensionable income,
plus the pension contributions that the Swedish Tax Agency fskatteverkeflhas deducted. The
pensionable income is the income you receive a statement on in the orange envelope every year. You
obtain your gross annual income by dividing the pensionable income by 0.93. However, there is a
ceiling to the income you can count. If you have income above 318 000 (7.5 price base amountsl
fprisbasbeloppl, it will not be counted.
    Siri is 26 years old when she receives full activity compensation for 2009. The time of the claim is also 2009.
    Siri's income from work (recalculated to the current price level) in the eight year before the claim was:

 Year                          lncorne

 2007                          sEK r85   000

 2006                          SEK 198 OOO

 2005                          sEK 186 200

' The price base amount is based on the cost of livirg. In 2010, the price base amount is SEK 42 400.
Year                              lncome

2oo4                              sEK228 000

 2003                             sEK 205 200

 2042                             sEK',t86000

 200.1                            sEK 75   000

2000                              sEK90000

   Siri's three best gross annual incomes were in 2006 (SEK 198 000), in 2004 (SEK 228 000), and in 2003 (SEK 205

   The average income of these three years will be Siri's assumed income. This is how assumed income is

   228 000 + 205 200 + 198 000

   = 631 200   I   3 -- 2LO 40O

   Siri's assumed income is thus SEK 210 400. The annual income-related compensation is 64 per cent of the
   assumed income and is calculated as follows:
   2r0 400 x 0.64 = 134 656
   Siri's annual income-related compensation will be SEK 134 656.

Notify changes
tAn md I feirdndri ngarlJ
You must notify all changes which may affect your entitlement to, or the amount of your
compensation. This is the case, for instance,      if
    r      lou start working or studying
    r      ]oll start to work to a greater extent thanbefore, for example, ifyou receive half
           compensation but start to work full time
    e      ]ou continue to work after a decision on dormant activity compensation has ceased
    r      ]our work capacity is improved, even though you are not working
    o      1rou receive a new, or changed, foreign pension, annuity f]ivrdntal ar similar
    o      ]ou move abroad.
If you do not notify changes, your compensation may be withdrawn. You may be obliged to
reimburse if you have received too much money or received money to which you were not actually
lnformation from Fdrsikringskassan              19.1 0.2008

Activity compensation
IA ktiv i tefsers dttn i n g]
- activities when receiving activity compensation
[- aktiviteter vi d affiivitetsersdttn i n g]

When you receive activity compensation, you have the opportunity of participating in
various activities. These are voluntary and do not affect your compensation. These
activities are intended to assist and support you in your development and to have a
positive effect on your illness or disability. They shall also contribute to increasing
your ability to improve your work capacity.

We  at FOrsdkringskassan [The Swedish SociaJ- Insurance Agency] assist you to
plan these actlvities, We can also help you if you need to contact other
authorities and organisations. The activities chosen are always based on your
wi-shes. needs and ability.

You can choose between a large number of different activities

[Du kan vdlja mellan mdnga olika aktiviteter]
Activities you can parti-cipate in include
   r cert.din courses through an adult education association or folk high
   . socj-ety actlvj-ties
   . sporting activities
   o medical habilitation
   . an activity where you learn more about your illness or disability
   . practical placement,
We plan the activities together

[Vi pl anera r affiivitetema ti I I sam m an s]
We meet before you start your activities        to plan them together. We agree on an
activity plan, which we then follow up and use in further planning. The idea is
that you shoul-d have an influence and participate in full.
We keep in contact when the activity is in process in order to find out what
you think about 1t and how it is workj-ng. At the end of the activity, we
evafuate it and make plans for any new activities.
It may be a good idea lf other people whom you've been in contact with take
part in thls planning, for instance, a contact pelson in heafth care'
psychiatry or habilitalion, a special representative or a relative.
You can obtain compensation for expenses in connection with activities

[Du kan fl ersdttning fiSr egna utlegg i samband med aktiviteter]
you can receive compensation for certain costs which you have in connection
with activities which we have planned togiether. This is called special
compensation. This might be. for instance, course or membership fees (although
not food and accommodation), a trai-ning card, study and work material- or travel
between your home and the activity. An j-ndi-vidual assessment is made of lhe
actlvity in connection with every application. You wil] then receive
compensation for the cheapest alternative. You can recelve compensation for
another afternat.ive if you are unable, due to your illness or disability, to
use the cheapest comparable alternatlve.
 Since speCial compensation is paid in arrears' j-t ls important to save
 receipts! However, in certaj-n cases, compensation can be paid in advance.
You apply for compensati-on on a special form.

Own responsibility
[Eget ansvar]
you must contact Forsiikrlngskassan 1f there is a change in the circumstances
relating to your activities or your work capacity.
This fact sheet is not a legal text on the subject-
Disability allowance
I H a n d i ka p pe rs dttn i n g]

lf you are 19 or over, you can receive disability allowance if you need
additional assistance or have additional costs due to permanent illness
or disability. lt is not the extent of disability that is important when you
apply for this allowance but your need of assistance due to the disability.

Who can receive disability allowance?
[Vem kan fd handikaPPerseftning?]
If you are ill or disabled, you can receive disability allowance from and including the
month of July in the year that you attain the age of I 9 (when entitlement to childcare
allowance [vdrdbidragJ ceases). In order to receive disability allowance, you must
need assistance in your daily life, assistance to work or study or have additional costs
due to your illness or disability. Your need of assistance must be directly linked to
your disability, and it must be assistance with things that you cannot manage by your-
self due to your disability.

you do not have to have any particular illness or disability to receive disability allow-
ance. However, you must have a doctor's certificate that shows that you have a dis-
ability that affecL your ability to cope with your daily life, your work or your studies.
you must have had your disability before the age of 65, and you must need assistance
for at least ayear. You may keep your disability allowance after the age of 65 if you
still need assistance.

You can receive disability allowance if you work in Sweden. If you do not work' you
must live in Sweden to be eligible for disability allowance.

The amount of the allowance
[Hur mycket fdr man i handikappersefining?]
Disability allowance is 36, 53 or 69 per cent of the price base amount [prisbasbelop-
petJl depending on your need ofassistance and how large your additional costs are
due to your disability.

The amount of disability allowance in 2010:

t   The price base amount is based on changes   in the generai price level' In 2010, the price base
    amount is 42,400 Swedish kronor (SEK    42,4OO).

 1 (7)

 Faktablad: FK Handikappersattning/Disability Allowance-Fa (engelska)

 Updated: 2010-01-18
                                                                                         i*      Farsfrltringskassan
36 per cent                  sEK 15,264

53 per cent                  sEK22.472

69 per cent                  sEK 29,256

Disability allowance is tax-free.

If you only have high additional costs due to your disability, these expenses must
amount to at least SEK 12,084 per year (28.5 per cent of the price base amount) for
you to receive disability allowance.
  * The price base amount is based on changes in the general price ievei. In 2010, the price base
  amount is 42,400 Swedish kronor (SEK 42,1100)'

lf you are blind
[Om du iir blind]
If you are blind or lack locomotor vision, you receive disability allowance at SEK
29,256 per year  (69 per cent of the price base amount). [f you also have full sickness
compensation [sjukerstittningJ or activity compensation [aktivitetsersrittningJ, or full
old age pension [dlderspensionJ, disabilily allowance will be reduced to SEK 75,264
per year (36 per cent of the price base amount). You can receive a higher allowance                 if
you have a particularly great need ofassistance or high costs'

Being blind or lacking locomotor vision means that a person cannot safely be in or get
their bearings in an untnown environment v/ithout assistance.

lf you are deaf or have seriously impaired hearing
[Om du dr ddv eller gravt hiSrselskadad]
If you are deaf or have seriously impaired hearing, you can receive disability allow-
ance at SEK 15,264 per year (36 per cent of the price base amount). You can receive a
higher allowance if you have a particularly great need of assistance or high costs.

Being deaf or having seriously impaired hearing means that a person with a hearing
aid cannot hear or can only hear with great diffrculty what other people say-

Assisfa nce requirement and additional cosfs
[Hjelpbehov och mer kostnader]
lfyou only need assistance but do not have any additional costs, you must need assis-
tance for at least two hours a day to receive disability allowance. The need of special
care and continuous supervision can also be taken into account in the assessment.

Ifyou need both assistance and have additional costs, the Swedish Social Insurance
Agency [FArsrikringskassan] will make an overall assessment of your combined

2 (7)

Faktablad: FK Handikappersattning/Disability Allowance-Fa (engelska)

Updated: 2010-01-18
                                                                                      iF Ffir*Skringskassan
Asslstance wlth dally llte
fijelp med den dagliga livsfi5ringenl
Assistance in daily life means, for example, assistance with personal care, dressing
and undressing, purchases, cooking, medication and carrying out household chores
such as laundry, ironing, looking after clothes and cleaning the home. Assistance with
daily life also includes favelling to work or studies. It may also consist of practical
assiitance at the workplace, for example, collecting files and other working material or
going to and from a staffrestaurant.

Costs for assistance requirement in daily life
[Kostnader f6r hjiilpbehov i den dagliga livsfi5ringen]
If you need municipal cleaning   assistance, you can receive disability allowance for the
charges made by the municipality. In some cases, you can also receive allowance for
private cleaning assistance up to the amount that corresponds to the municipal charge.
However, if a relative receives allowance for assisting you in your daily life, this is not
considered as a cost but as assistance time.

Additional costs
[Extra kostnader]
To be able to receive disability allowance due to additional costs, there must be a di-
rect link between the costs and your disability. There must not be any other form of
support that covers the costs which central govemment, the municipality or the county
council is responsible for. It shall not either be a cost that most people have.

Costs for aids
fKostn ader fO r hi dl Pm edel]
You can receive disability allowance, for example, for costs that you have for addi-
tional space in your home that is needed for care equipment, technical aids or as
treatment rooms. You can also obtain allowance for costs for renting or purchasing
aids. This also covers adaptation of computers or special computer software that you
need due to your disabilitY.

Health care
[Hiilse och siulrvdril
you can receive disability allowance for treatments within out-patient health care that
are covered by the high-cost protection scheme fthgkostnadsskyddetl.High-cost pro-
tection means that you do not have to pay more than a set amount in patient charges
during a year. Thisapplies when you visit a doctor and when you receive other health
car", ior example treatment provided by a district nurse or a physiotherapist.

you can receive disability allowance for medicines subsidised by the state which are
covered by the high-cost protection scheme. High-cost protection applies to the great
majority of medicines on prescription.

 3 {7)

 Faktablad: FK Handikappersething/Disability Allowance-Fa (engelska)

 Updated: 201G.01-18
                                                                             ffi niogkring*ltas*an
Single-use items
[F 6rb ru kn i n g sarti kl a r]
Compensation may be obtained from the health service in many cases for single-use
items. If you have to pay for these single-use items, you can obtain compensation for
the cost in certain cases.

Special diet
If you have additional costs for special diet which you need due to a disability, you
can receive allowance forthese costs. The Swedish Consumer Agency [Konsument-
verketJ calculates the costs of different types of special diet. To receive allowance for
a special diet, it must have been prescribed for you by a doctoE dietician or the

Dental care
You can obtain some allowance for dental care which is due to your disability.

Travel costs
[KostnaderfiSr resor]
Public transport
[Al I m 6n na kom m u nikation er]
Ifyou are unable to use public transport due to your disabilif and therefore have addi-
tional costs for travelo you can receive some allowance. This is the case, for example,
if you have to use the mobility service ffirdtjrinstJ and pay for it. You can receive
allowance for the whole charge. A deduction is made for what the joumeys would
have cost ifyou had travelled on public transport.

Own car
[Egen bil]
Ifyou travel in your own car because you cannot    use public transport, you can receive
disability allowance for travel for medical purposes and treatment and for travel to and
from work and studies. In the case of travel to and from studies, the allowance is re-
duced by an amount corresponding to what the journeys would have cost if you had
used public transport. For other journeys in daily life, you can receive allowance at
SEK 2,120 per year (5 per cent of the price base amount). You can receive a higher
allowance ifyou can show that you have had higher costs.

Other costs
[6vriga kostnaderl
Purchase of special household equipment
[Kdp av sdtskild hushlllsutrustning]
If you need to buy, for example, a washing machine, dishwasher or special vacuum
cleaner because of your disability, you can receive allowance for this purpose. When
allowance is calculated for this kind of purchase, the cost is spread over a certain num-
ber ofyears.

Wear and tear etc.
[Slitage med mera]
You can receive disability allowance if your disability leads to increased wear and tear
of clothes, additional costs for washing, decoration, or equipment in the home.

4 (7)

Faktablad: FK Handikappersdttning/Disability Allowance-Fa (engelska)

Updated: 2010-01-18
                                                                            H *i"*ikringshas*an
Different forms of housing
 [Olika boendeformerJ
 Care in hospital and other institutions
 Ndrd rt s1'ulrhus och andra instittttionerl
 If you are cared for at a hospital or another institution, you may retain your disability
 allowance if the expected duration of care is at most six monttrs. Ifthe case continues
 for longer than six months, you may only receive disability allowance for the days that
 you are not cared for at the institution. You cannot receive allowance for chargei that
 you have to pay for care.

 An institution is a foster home ffamiljehemJ,haspital or a care facility which is either
 owned or paid for by the state municipality or a county council.

 Service housing and group housing
 fServiceDosfa d o c h g rup p bo s/.radl
 If you live in seryice housing [servicebostadJ or group housing [gruppbostadJ, you
 will often receive  service that corresponds to the need of help that you would hJve
 othenvise received disability allowance for. However, you may also need assistance
 which is not covered by the service available at the housing. Residence may also entail
 costs that can be counted as additional costs when calculating disability allowance.
 Contact Fdrsiikringskassan to find out what applies in your case.

 Student homes or special schools
IEI ev hem el I   *
              spec ialskol a]
 lf you live in a student
                        home felevhemJ, yoa can receive disability allowance if you
have costs for personal assistance and service. This applies to student homes at
        o   state special school
        o   national upper secondary school for deafor hearing-impaired young people
        o   national upper secondary school for young people with impaired mobility.

Other benefits
[Andra ersettningar]
Lump sum payments
If you have received compensation with a lump-sum payment from private insurance,
this will not affect your entitlement to disability allowance. If you have received a
lump sum payment from the state, a municipality or a county council, you cannot re-
ceive disability allowance for the same reason.

Benefits from the state, municipality or county council
fErsdttning frin stat, kommun eller landsting]
If you receive other benefits from the state, a municipality or a county council as sup
port for assistance needed or t}te costs you have had due to your disability, you can
receive disability allowance only for assistance or costs that you have not already re-
ceived compensation for. F<irs?ikringskassan may also consider that you should be able
to obtain compensation for your assistance needs or your costs through some other
form of support than disability allowance.

5 (7)

Faktablad: FK Handikappersaftning/Disability Altowance_Fa (engelska)

                                                                           ffi nioakringskassan
How to apply for disability allowance
[Hur ans6ker man om handikappersdttning?]
Application for disability allowance is to be made on a special form which is available
from Ftirsiikringskassan and at our website You can obtain
assistance in completing the application form at Fdrs?ikringskassan. You must also
submit a doctor's certificate on your illness or disability. If you have recently submit-
ted a doctor's certificate, you may not need to submit a new certificate.

You can appeal against decision that you are not satisfied with
[Du kan bverklaga ett beslut som du inte dr niijd med]
Ifyou are dissatisfied with the decision, you can appeal against it to the county admin-
istrative court flrinsrattenJ.You must appeal within two months. Information about
how to appeal is shown in the decision. Contact Fdrsiikringskassan if you need assis-
tance in appealing.

Disability allowance is paid out every month. Ifyou would like your disability allow-
ance to be paid to another person, you must provide F<irstikringskassan with a written
power of attorney statrng who the money is to be paid to.

Living abroad
[Bo utomlands]
If you are going to live abroad in an EUiEEA country, you can retain your disability
allowance for up to 12 months. If you live in a country outside the EU/EEA, the limit
to retain the allowance is six months. If you retum to Sweden, you can apply for dis-
ability allowance again.

l/lforking abroad
[Arbeta utomlands]
You can receive disability allowance if you live in Sweden and work abroad. How-
ever, you must not work abroad for more than 12 months if you are to retain your dis-
ability allowance. If you work in an EU/EEA country, you are entitled to support from
the country where you work.

Always notify changes
[Anmiil alltid fdrdndri ngar|
You must notifu all changes in your need for assistance or your costs or other circum-
stances that may affect your entitlement to disability allowance. If you have received
too much money, you may be liable to reimburse it to Fdrsakringskassan.

6 (7)

Faktablad: FK Handikappers€lttning/Disability Allowance_Fa (engelska)

lnformation from Fdrsikringskassan 01.01.20{0

Attendance allowance
lAssr.s tan sers F)tt n i n gl
You can obtain attendance allowance if you have a substantial and durable disability and need
personal assistance to cope with your daily life. To obtain the allowance from
F6rsdkringskassan [the Swedish Social Insurance Ageney], you must need assistance with
your basic needs for more than 20 hours a week. tf you can manage with less time, you should
contact your municipality for assistance.

Who is eligible for attendance allowan ce?
Nem       ka n fd assr,stansers€i                ttn i ng?l
If you need assistance for more than 20 hours
                                          a week with basic needs such as washing, dressing, eating,
communicating and moving about, you can obtain attendance allowance. You must also belong to one of
the following groups:

Persons with a development disorder, autism or related disability.
Persons with a considerable and durable impaired intelligence after brain damage in adult years caused by
  violence from an extemal source or physical illness.
Persons with other durable physical or mental disabilities, which are evidently not caused by normal

The disability must be substantial and cause considerable difficulty in your daily life.

There is no lower age limit for obtaining attendance allowance. You can receive attendance allowance after
the age of65 provided that you have been granted it before that age.

You cannot obtain attendance allowance if you live in group housing or are cared for in an institution.   If
there are special reasons, you can, however, receive attendance allowance when you are cared for at a
hospital for a shorter period or attend childcare, school or another daily activity.

How much is the allowance?
[Hur stor dr ercdttningenfl
The govemment sets a standard amount for attendance allowance every year. In 2010, the amount is SEK
252 per hour. You can apply for a higher amount if you have special reasons. The highest amount in 2010
is SEK 282.

Special reasons may, for example, be that you need a specially trained attendant who demands a higher
payment than the standard amount.

What does personal assistance mean?
Nad in nebiir pensonlrg assistans?l
Personal assistance means personally designed assistance provided in different situations by a limited
number of people. Personal assistance for basic needs means assistance in washing and dressing, eating,
communicating with others and moving about, or other assistance that requires detailed knowledge of your

You may be eligible to personal assistance for other needs
[Du kan ha rdtt till personlig assista ns even fiSr andra
lf you need assistance with basic needs for an average of more tlvn2D hours a week, you may also be
eligible for personal assistance for other help in your daily life, for example, cooking, shopping, taking part
in leisure activities or working.

The decision is yours
[Du bestdmmer sielv]
You decide how the assistance is to be arranged. You can
     r    be an employer and employ one or more assistants
     .    form an association or a co-operative with other people with disabilities, which ernploys several
     .    use acompany   oran organisation
There is nothing to prevent you from employing an assistant at the same time as you receive assistance
through the municipality or another organisation.

You can also obtain attendance allowance if you use amember of your household as an assistant. The
member of your household shall then be employed by the municipality or another assistance provider.

Application and decision
[Ansiikan och beslut]
Forms to apply for attendance allowance can be obtained at You can also order
forms on 020-524 524. ContactFdrsiikringskassan if you need assistance with your application.

When your application has been received, Fdrs?ikringskassan will consult you about your need of help.
F6rsiikringskassan will then decide on the number of hours for which you will receive the allowance.

The mrmicipality can also notifu Fdrsiikringskassan that you need attendance allowance. You will not have
to make any application then but FdrsZikringskassan will contact you to consult you about the help you

 lf you are dissatisfied with the decision
[Om du inte Fir ntiid med beslutet]
 Ifyou consider that this decision is incorrect, Fdrsiikringskassan can reconsider the   case. In this case, you
 should write to F<irsiikringskassan and request reconsideration. Information about how to do this is
 contained in the decision letter.

 IfF6rs?ikringskassan decides not to change the decision after reconsideration, you can appeal against it to
 the county administrative court flrinsrcittenJ.Information about how to appeal is contained in the
 reconsideration decision.
Payment and reporting
[Utbetal n i n g och redovisn ing]
If you want the attendance allowance to be paid to the assistance provider, the latter musg unless it is a
municipality, have a corporate tax certificate [F-skattsedelJ andbe registered as an employer by the Tax
Agency [Skaneverket].

Even when attendance allowance is paid to you, it is preferable if the person you purchase assistance from
has a corporate tax certificate, since you must otherwise deduct tax. This is the case if you purchase
assistance from a legal entity, i.e. a limited company, a partnership, an economic association or a not-for-
profit association.

Attendance allowance is paid around the 2fth every month. If you have purchased personal assistance, you
must report the number of hours of assistance you have received and certify that the attendance allowance
has been used to purchase assistance. This reporting is made on a special form on the last day of the month
in each reporting period. Fdrsiikringskassan will decide the reporting period that applies for you. The
longest reporting period is six months. If the whole of the allowance has not been used for purchasing
assistance, you must repay the part that you have not used.

Ifyou purchase your assistance from a sole trader (a natural person), you must certify that he or she has a
corporate tax certificate. Ifthe person does not have a corporate tax certificate, you must pay employer's
social security contribution and deduct tax as ifyou were the assistant's employer.

Ifyou have ernployed assistants yourselfor been granted a higher hourly amount than the standard, you
must report the number ofhours ofassistance you have received and all costs you have had for the
assistance. After every reporting period, Fdrsiikringskassan will make a final settlement and compare the
allowance you have received with the actual costs. If the allowance is higher than your costs, you must
repay the difference.

Notify changes!
[Anmdl fiirdndringarl
Attendance allowance is reconsidered every other year until you attain the age of 65. However, if your
condition has changed significantly, the allowance shall be reconsidered earlier. It is therefore important
that you notift all changes that may affect your entitlement to attendance allowance. If you have received
too much money, you may be liable to reimburse.

Other benefits may be affected
[Andra ercdttningar kan ptverkas]
The amount you receive in attendance allowance may affect your entitlement to disability allowance
[handikappers cittningJ and childcare allowance [vdrdbidragJ.

You can obtain more information from our oustomer centre at 0771-524 524.

The fact sheet is not a legal text on the topic.

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Activity compensation

  • 1. lnformation from Ftirsiikringskassan 0i.0i.201 0 Activity compensation tA kt i v i tefsersd tt n i n g J - in the form of guarantee benefit fgaranitersilttning] [- i form av garantiersdttningJ Activity compensation in the form of guarantee benefit provides you with basic financial protection, regardless of your previous income from work. The amount of . benefit depends on your age and how long you have lived in Sweden. Who is eligible for guarantee benefit? tVem kan fd garantiersdttningil If you have not had any income, you can receive activity compensation in the form of guarantee benefit. You can also receive guarantee benefit if you have low income-related activity compensation. In this case, the guarantee benefit will be as large as the difference between your income-related compensation and your guarantee level fgarantinivd ]. To put it simply, you are entitled to guarantee benefit if: . You lived in Sweden at the time of the claim. The claim is when you comply with the conditions for entitlement to activity compensation. . You have at least three years' insurance period in Sweden. Your insurance period is calculated on the basis of how long you have lived in Sweden. See the section The guarantee level depends on your insurance period. How much guarantee benefit will you receive? [Hur stor blir din garantiersilttning?J F<irsdkringskassan [The Swedish Socia] Insurance Agency] calculates your guarantee benefit on the basis of your guarantee level. The size of the guarantee level depends on how long you have lived in Sweden. You can receive full, three-quarter, half or a quarter activity compensation. If you have a foreign disability pension [invaliditetspensionJor other foreign disability benefits, these may reduce your guarantee benefit.
  • 2. Guarantee level at different ages t6arantinivdn vid olika 6tdrarl This table shows how high the guarantee level is at different ages, and how large a part of the price base amountL fprisbasbeloppet]wltich the compensation is based on. The amount is thus what you receive in kronor per year if you have full compensation at guarantee level. Yourage Guarantee level Until and including the month sEKa9040 before your attain the age of 2-1. (2.1 times the price base amount) From and including the month sEK 91 160 (2.1s that you attain the age of 21 times the price base untiland including the month amount) before you attain the age of 23. From and including the month sEK 93 2BO (2.2 you attain the age of 23, until times the price base and including the month before amount) you attain the age of 25. From and including the month sEK 954OO (?,25 you attain the age of 25, until timesthe price base and including the month before amount) you attain the age ot 27. From and including the month sEK 97 s2O (2.3 you attain the age of 27, until times the price base and including the month before amount) you attain the age of 29. From and including the month sEK 99 640 (2,35 you attain the age of29, until times the price base and including the month before amount) you attain the age of 30. The guarantee level depends on your insurance period [Garantinivfln beror pd din fiirsiikringstidl If you have lived in Sweden for the whole of your life, you will receive compensation at the highest level. If you have not always lived in Sweden, the compensation can be reduced. This depends on how long an insurance period you have. If you have an insurance period of less than 40 years, your compensation will be reduced by 1/40 for every missing year. However, this does not mean that you t The price base amount is based on the cost of living. In 2010, the price base amount is SEK 42 400.
  • 3. must have lived in Sweden for 40 years to receive benefit at the highest level. You can have an insurance period of 40 years without having lived in Sweden for 40 years. What is insurance Period? Nad dr fdrsdkringstidfi yog a.e credited with insurance period for the time that you have lived in Sweden. This is referred to as actual insurance period tfaktisk fcirsdkringstid].However, you may also count insurance period for the time you are expected to live in Sweden. This is called future insurance period fframtida fcirsiikringstidt Activity compensation in the form of guarantee benefit is based on both actual and future insurance periods. you receive actual insurance period for the period that you have lived in Sweden from and including the year you attained the age of 16 until and including the year before the claim. You receive future insurance period for the time from and including the year when the claim was made until and including th" y""t that you attain the age of 6lr. However, your future insurance period also depends on how long yoo have lived in Sweden. In order for you to be credited with future insurance period for all yuuti but*"en the claim and the year you attain the age of 64, you must have been resident in Sweden for at least 80 per cent av of time from and including the year you attained the age of 16 until and including the year before the claim. Special rules apply to refugees and others in need of protection who have beea granted a residence permit, which enable them to count the time they have lived in their previous home country as actual insurance period. If the claim occurred before you attained the age of 18, the insurance period is calculated according to special rules. You do not need to have been insured at the time of the claim and you can count the whole time from and including the year that you attained the age of 16 until and including the year you attain the age of 64 as insurance period. However, you may not count time that you did not live in Sweden as insurance Period. If you are a citizen of a country outside the EU/EEA, you must have been resident in Sweden for at least five years for your insurance period to be calculated according to these rules. Example 1: Sergej is 28 years old at the time of the claim and has been living in Sweden for 10 years- Sergei will be able to (inclusive) as future .onirt'u11 3Z years from the year of the claim and to the year he attai:rs the age of 64 insurance p"tiod. thi. is because he has been living in Sweden for at least 80 per cent of the period from and il6ysrting the age of 1O until and including the year before the claim (0.80 x 12 years = 9.6 years)' Sergei has a total of 47 years insurance period in Sweden $7 + 1o = 47. Example2 Claes receives full activity compensation in 2009 when he is 2l years old. The date of the claim is also 2009. Claes has never had any i:rcome from work and is therefore not eotitled to any income-related compensation. However, he is entitled to guarantee benefit. Claes has lived in Sweden since he attained the age of 16. Claes's future iasurance period is calculated from 2009, when the claim occurred, until and including the year that he attatrs the age of 64. Claes is therefore entitled to full guarantee benefit, since the threshold for obtaining full guarantee benefit is a 40-year insurance period. Since Claes is 21 years old, he receives 2.15 times the price base amount in guarantee benefit- The price base amount for 2009 is SEK 42 800- Claes's benefit is therefore calculated as follows: 2.15 x SEK 42 800 = SEK 92 020' Claes's anrrual guarantee benefit will be SEK 92 020. Exampleg Dareka receives full activity compensation in 2009 when she is 27 years old. Dareka has lived in Sweden since she attained the age of fO and is therefore entitled to full insurance period for guarantee benefit- Since Dareka is 27 years old she receives 2.30 times the price base amount il guarantee level. The price base amount for 2009 is SEK 42 800. Dareka's guarantee level is therefore calculated as follows: 2.30 x SEK 42 8O0 = SEK 98 440. (Read more about the time frame in the fact Dareka has had income from work during her time frame tramtidl- sheet Sickness compensation.) F<irsiikringskassal calculates her income-related activity compensation at SEK 63 0oO per year.
  • 4. This meaas that Dareka will also receive guarantee benefit to reach the guarantee level of SEK 94 300 per year. Darekas's compensation will be as follows: Income-related compensation per year SEK 63 000 Guarantee benefit per year + SEK 31 300 Total activity compensation per year = SEK 94 300 The SEK 31 3o0 wbich Dareka receives in guarantee benefit supplements her income-related compensation to bring her up to her guarantee level. Notify changes [Anm6l fcirdndringarg You must notify all changes which may affect your entitlement to, or the amount of your compensation. This is the case, for instance, if o lou start working or studying r ]ou start to work to a greater extent thanbefore, for example, ifyou receive half compensation but start to work full time o Jou continue to work after a decision on dormant activity compensation has ceased r lour work capacity is improved, even though you are not working r ]on receive a new, or changed, foreign pension, annuity []iwdnta|or similar o ]OUmOve abroad. If you do not notify changes, your compensation may be withdrawn. You may be obliged to reimburse if you have received too much money or received money to which you were not actually entitled.
  • 5. lnformation from Fdrsdkringskassan 01 .01.2010 Activity co m pe nsati on fAktiv itetsersd tt n i n g] it you have reduced work capacity [Aktivitetsersd ttn i ng vid n edsatt arbetsfiSrmdgal Activity compensation is intended to support young people who cannot work due to illness or some other disability. Activity compensation may be income-related or in the form of guarantee benetil [garantiercFittning]. You can receive activity compensation for at most three years at a time. As from 1 July 2008, new rules apply to activity compensation. lf you already receive activity compensation, you may be covered by transitional regulations, according to which the older rules can still apply until the end ot 2A12.lf your activity compensation terminates because you have attained the age of 30, you will be covered by transitional regulations for time-limited sickness compensation fsjukersdttn i ngl. Who is eligible for activity compensation? Uem kan fd aktivitetsersdffn ingl You can receive activity compensation if you are aged between 19 and 29 and your work capacity is reduced due to illness or another reduction of your physical or mental capacity. Your work capacity must be reduced by at least a quarter for at least a year. This reduction ofwork capacity shalt apply to all work available in the whole labour market. This also includes employment arranged for people with disabilities, for example, wage subsidy employment. How much activity compensation do you receive? [Hur mycket ftr man i aktivitetsersdffn ing?] You can receive full, three-quarter, half or a quarter activity compensation. The amount you receive depends on how much your work capacity is reduced and your ability to eam your living. Full income-related activity compensation provides you with 64 per cent of your assumed income [antagandeinkomstJ, the income that F0rsiikringskassan [the Swedish Sociql Insurance AgencyJ calculates that you would probably have earned if you had continued to work. If you have had low income or no income at all, you will receive guarantee benefit. The size of guarantee benefit depends on your age and how long you have lived in Sweden. In 2010, you can receive between SEK 89 040 and SEK 99 640 per year in full guarantee benefit. Income-related activity compensation and guarantee benefit are both re-calculated in January every year when the price base amount [prisbasbelopperl* is adjusted.
  • 6. * The price base amount is based on the cost ofliving. In 2010, the price base arnount is SEK 42 400. How to apply for activity compensation [Hur gdr det tiil aft fe aktivitetsersdttn ingil You can apply yourself [Du kan ansiika sietu] you can apply for activity compensation yourself, You do this on a special form which you can obtain from F6rsiikringskassan or download from You must also include a doctor's certificate. Forsdkringskassan may replace sickness benefit [siukpenningl by activity compensation [Fiirsflkringskassan kan byta ut siukpenning mot aktivitetsersiittningJ If Ftirsiikringskassan considers that you are eligible for activity compensation' we may decide to replace your sickness benefit by activity compensation. To be able to do this, Fdrstkringskassan will need to request a doctor's certificate from the doctor who has given you sick leave. How is your entitlement to activity compensation assessed? [Hur bedtims din reft fill aktivitetsersdftningfl You need a doctor's certificate [Du behiiver ett ldkarutlttande] When you apply for activrty compensation, you must have a doctor's certificate. In the first placeo the doctor you normally consult should describe your state of health in a medical certificate. However, Fiirsiikringskassan may also ask another doctor or expert to examine you and make an assessment ofyour abilrty to work. F6rsdkringskassan will investigate your circumstances lFiirsiikringskassan utreder dina fiirhhllanden] We investigate both your work situation and social circumstances. We will accordingly ask you questions about your family circumstances, childcare, household work, leisure activities, education, secondary employment or other commissions that may affect your entitlement to benefit. Fiirsiikringskassan will monitor your work capacity [Fistsiikringskassan ffllier upp din atbetsftirmdga] During the period you receive activity compensation, Fdrsiikringskassan may carry out a follow-up to check that you are still eligible for the same level of activity compensation. This follow-up means that we investigate whether your work capacfy or your possibilities of rehabilitation have improved.
  • 7. How is the money paid out? [Hur betalas pengarna ut?] Activity compensation is paid into the account you have notified to Fdrs?ikringskassan. It is paid out on the 18th or lfth of each month. If the payment date is a Saturday, you will receive activity compensation on the Friday. If the payment date is a Sunday, a public holiday or Midsummer Eve [midsommaraftonJ,you will receive payment on the following weekday. If you are resident abroad, your activity compensation will be sent from Sweden on the payment date. If activity compensation is at most SEK 2 400 per year, you will receive it in arrears in June and December each year. Amounts exceeding SEK 2 400 per year may also be paid out twice per year if you ask Fiirs2ikringskassan to do this. What may I do during the period with activity compensation? Nad kan jag giira under tiden med aktivitetsersdffningl Vocational rehabilitation [Arbetslivsi n ri ktad reh abiliteri ng] During the period you have activity compensation, you must take part in vocational rehabilitation measures as soon as possible. Vocational rehabilitation consists of measures you need to restore your work capacity. This might, for example, be work training or other training to enable you to retum to your old job or other suitable work. F0rsiikringskassan is responsible for attending to your needs and taking the initiative to provide you with rehabilitation. If you do not take part in a measure without valid reasons, your benefit may be withdrawn or reduced. You can participate in activities [Du kan delta i aktiviteter] During the period you have activify compensation, you can also take part in various activities. These activities are to assist you in your development and have a positive effect on your illness or disability. They shall also contribute to giving you better prerequisites to improve your work capaclty. Participating in activities is voluntary. You retain your compensation even if you decide not to take part in any activities. You can try working or studying with dormant compensation [Du kan prtiva att arbeta eller studera med vilande ersdltningfi During the period you have activity compensatiorL you may work or study without losing your entitlement to compensation. This is called dormant activrty compensation. You must apply for dormant compensation before you start working or studying. If you start to work, you can also apply for a test period of up to three months with a wage and sickness compensation at the same time.
  • 8. You can work a bit with full activity compensation [Du kan arbeta lite med hel affiivitetsersdttningJ If you receive full activity compensation, you can still use a small remaining work capacif in, for example, voluntary or political work. This means that you may work for an hour a day and eam at most an eighth of the normal full-time income in the employment you carryr out and still be entitled to full compensation. Contact Fdrsiikringskassan and discuss what is possible for you before you start working. With three-quarter activity compensation, you receive assistance in finding work [Med tre fidrdedels aktivitetsersdltning fdr du hjiilp aft hilta ett arbete] Ifyou receive three-quarter activity compensation, F6rsiikringskassan is responsible for you being able to find employment corresponding to your remaining work capacity. The Employment Service [ArbetsJbrmedlingenJ shall find you a place on the ordinary labour market within six months, possibly with the aid of a wage subsidy. Ifthis is not possible, you will be offered employment at samhall AB. What happens to sickness benefit? Uad hdnder med sjukpenningen?l When you are granted fuIl activity compensation, you are no longer entitled to sickness benefit. If you have been granted a quarter, half or three-quarter activrty compensation and have an income from employment of at least SEK 10 176 per year Q4 7o of the price base amount), you may, however, have a sickness benefit qualifying income established and thus be able to receive sickness benefit if you are unable to work due to illness. Activity compensation may be reduced if you have other benefits [Aktivitetsercettningen kan minskas om du har andra ercSttningar] Your activity compensation may be reduced if you also have a foreign disability pension finvaliditetspensionJ or other foreign disability benefits at the same time. Activity compensation and tax [AktivitefsersSffn ing och skatt] You pay tax on activity compensation. Fdrsiikringskassan deducts the tax. The amount of tax deducted may be affected by other income you have. You should therefore notifu us if you have taxable income from any other source than Fdrsiikringskassan, for example, income from employment. You do not need to send your tax certificate to Fiirsiikringskassan. Fdrstikringskassan receives this information directly from the Tax Agency fSkatteverketl. If you would like Ftirsnkringskassan to deduct less tax (for example, if you have large interest expenditure), you can apply to your tax office for tax adjustrnent. You should then send the decision you receive to Ftirs?ikringskassan. Contact Fdrs?ikringkassan if you would like the amount deducted in tax increased. The higher tax deduction from your activity compensation will continue to be made until you request otherwise. In January every year, you will receive a statement of tax paid and eamings from Fdrsiikringskassan. This states how much activity compensation you have received and the amount of tax deducted. If you have the compensation paid into an account, you will receive the statement of tax paid and earnings together with
  • 9. the deposit statement for January. Contact Fiirsiikringskassan if you do not receive a statement of tax paid and earnings. More information about activity compensation and tax is available from your tax office or at lf you live or move abroad [Om du bor eller flyttar utomlands] Income-related activity compensation is paid to you regardless of the country you live in. However, you can only continue to receive guarantee benefit within the EU/EEA, Switzerland and Canada To be able to continue to receive guarantee benefit, you must also be a citizen of one of these countries. Consult Fdrsiikringskassan for more information about when you are entitled to continue to receive guarantee benefit after moving to another country. You must notifr Fd,rs?ikringskassan if you move abroad permanently. It is important that you state the address, bank and account number to which the activity compensation is to be sent. To continue to be entitled to receive activity compensation, you must send Fri'rsiikringskassan a "life certificate" once a year, if you live abroad. This is done as follows: You will automatically receive a form from Fdrs?ikringskassan. Fill in the forrq take a valid passport with you and go to any of the authorities or similar listed on the form. They must certify that your information is correct. You should then return the form to Fiirsiikringskassan. ln certain cases, you may not receive a form for certification. At presen! this applies to people living in Finland, Norway or Germany. Information about you is instead collected through exchange of data between Sweden and your counfiy ofresidence. When you live abroad, you rnay receive "Special income tax for non-residents (SINK)" ['Stirskild inktmstskatt jbr utomlands bosatta" (SINK)I. Other benefits fAndra ersefiningar] Contractual insurance [Avt a I sf ti rs 6 k ri n g a r] When you receive activity compensation, you may also receive benefits through contractual insurance. You should therefore ask your most recent employer or trade union organisation whetlrer there is any insurance and what applies in your case. If you had other employers previously, you should ask thern as well. Ftirsikringskassan is not responsible for contractual insurance and cannot answer questions abors this insurance. Housing supplement IBostadstilldgg] If you receive activity compensatiorL you may be eligible for housing supplement. You apply for housing supplement at Ftirsfikringskassan. See the Swedish fact sheet "Bostadstilltigg till dig som har akfivitetsersiittning eller sjukersiittning" ["Housing supplementfor those with activity compensation or sickness compensation"J,wtichyou can obtain &om Ftirsiikringskassan or download from www.
  • 10. Notify changes! [An mdl fiirdndringar!] You must notiff all changes that may afGct your entitlement to or the amount of your compensation. This is the case, for example, if e /ou start to work or study . you start to work to a greater extent than before, for example, ifyou have been granted half compensation but start to work full-time r /ou continue working after a decision on dormant activity compensation has ceased to apply . your work capacity improves even if you are not working . you receive a new or changed foreign pension, annuity flivrrintal or similar r lou move abroad. If you do not noti$r changes, your compensation may be reduced or withdrawn. You may also be liable to reimburse if you receive too much money or have received money that you should not really have had. Please call our customer centre at 0771-524 524 for more information. The fact sheet is not a legal text on this topic. F6rsfr kringskassan checks [Fd rsd kri n gskassa n kontrcl lerar] Forsdkringskassan checks the information you provide such as income, absence from work, civil status or where you live. We exchange information with other authorities and match data with, among others, the National Board of Student Aid {CSN/, the unemployment funds and the Tax Agency. It may be a criminal offence to deliberately provide inconect information or fail to notify changes which may affect your entitlement to compensation. Forsikringskassan reports all suspected cases of benefit fraud to the police.
  • 11. lnformation from Ftirsikringskassan {.1.201 0 Activity corn pensation tA kt i v i tefsersd tt n i n g J - for extended schooling t- vid f6rl6ngd skolgdngJ lf you have to extend your schooling due to a disability, you can receive activity compensation during the period of schooling. Who is eligible for activity compensation for extended schooling? tVem kan fd aktivitefsersfffn ing vid feirHngd skolgdng?l You can receive activity compensation for extended schooling if you are aged between 19 and 29 and have a disability which means that you need a longer time than normal to complete compulsory or upper secondary school. In certain cases, Fcjrsdkringskassan [The Swedish Socia] Insurance Agency] can request a certificate from the school or a medical certificate that shows that your extended schooling is because of a disability. How much activity compensation do you receive? tHur mycket fdr man i aktivitefsersdftn ingl In general, you receive activity compensation for extended schooling in the form of guarantee benefit [garantierszittning] The amount of guarantee benefit depends on your age and how long you have lived in Sweden. In 2010, you can receive between SEK 89 040 and SEK 99 640 per year in full guarantee benefit. Activity compensation for extended schooling is only paid as full compensation. If your disability only enables you to study half-time, you still receive activity compensation at the same level. If you have had income from work for at least a year, you can also receive income-related compensation. Income-related activity compensation and guarantee benefit are recalculated in Ianuary every year when the price base amountr fprisbasbeloppeflchanges, 'The price base amount is based on the cost of living. Ir 2010, the price base amount is SEK 42 400.
  • 12. How long can you receive activity compensation for extended schooling? [Hur l6nge kan man f;6 aktivitefsersdttn ing compensation vid ffirliingd skolgdnsil You can receive activity compensation for extended schooling for at most three years. you ca-n apply if you need a further period of activity compensation to complete your schooling. How to apply [Hur ansdker manl Fill in and send the Swedish form "Ansrikan om aktivitetsersdttning pA grund av f<irldngd skolgAng" f'Application for actiuity compensation for extended sc]tooling"]which is available at Forsiikringskassan and at How is the money paid out? [Hur betalas pengarna util Activity compensation is paid into the account you have notified to Fcirsrikringskassan. It is paid out on the 18th or 19th of each month. If the payment date is a Saturday, you will receive activity compensation on the Friday. If the payment date is a Sunday, a public holiday or Midsummer Eve [midsommaraftonl, you will receive payment on the following weekday. More about activity compensation [Mer om aktivitefsersdffn ing] Which schoolforms is it available for? [Vilka skolformer kan man studera i?J You can study at compulsory and upper secondary school or in adult education and at folk high school. You can study at compulsory school for pupils with learning disabilities, adult education for adults with learning disabilities, at the national upper secondary schools for the deaf and hearing- impaired and on a course especially adapted for young people with impaired mobility, known as education for those with impaired mobility {RH-anpassad utbildaing}. When is schooling considered to have been completed? [Ndr rdknas skolgdngen som avslutad?] Extended schooling at compulsory school or upper secondary school is considered to have been completed when you: . have acquired basic knowledge up to and including upper secondary school with entitlement to final grades or . definitively discontinue your studies. You can partacipate in activities [Du kan delta i aktiviteterl During the time that you have activity compensation, you can also participate in various activities. These activities are intended to support you in your development and to have a positive effect on your illness or disability. They should also contribute to improving your work capacity.
  • 13. Participation in activities is voluntary. You retain your compensation even if you decide not to participate in activities. Activity compensation and tax t A kt i v i t etsercfltt n i n g oc h s katt J You pay tax on activity compensation. Forsdkrhgskassan makes a deduction for tax. Other income you have may also affect the tax deduction. You should therefore notify if you have taxable income from any other sources than Forsiikringskassan, for example, work income. You do not need to send your tax card to Forsdkringskassan. Ftirsdkringskassan receives this information directly from the Swedish Tax Agency fSkatteverketJ. if you would like Frirsiikringskassan to deduct less tax (for example, if you have high interest costs), you can apply to your local tax office for an adjustment. You should then send the decision you receive to F<irsdkringskassan. If you would like more tax to be deducted from your activity compensation, you should contact Frirshkringskassan to have the deduction increased. The higher deduction will be made on the activity compensation until you tell us otherwise. In lanuary every year, you will receive a statement of earnings and tax deductions from Fcirsdkringskassan. This states how much activity compensation you have received and how much tax has been deducted. If your compensation has been deposited in an account, you will receive the statement of earnings and tax deductions together with ]anuary's deposit statement. Contact Frjrsiikringskassan if you do not receive any statement of earnings and tax deductions. Call your local tax office or visit to obtain more information about activity compensation and tax. Other benefits [Andra ersflttningarl Contractual insurance tAvtalsfdrcilkringarl When you receive activity compensation, you may also receive benefit from a contractual insurance scheme. If you have worked, you should therefore ask your last employer or trade union organisation whether there is any insurance ald what applies for you in this case. If you have had other employers before, you should ask them as well. Forsiikringskassan is not responsible for contractual insurance schemes and cannot answer questions about them. Housing supplement IBostadstil16gg] If you have activity compensation, you can obtain housing supplement. You apply to Forsiikringskassan for housing supplement. See the Swedish fact sheet "Bostadstilliigg till dig som har aktivitetsersdttning eller sjukersiittning" ["l{ousing Supp}ement for those with Actiuity Compensation or Sickness Compensation'Twhich you can obtain at Frirsdkringskassan or download from www.f orsakringskassan.s e.
  • 14. Notifychanges tAnmiilfdrilndringar$ You must notify all changes that may affect your entitlement to activity g6mpensation. This is the case, for example, if r ]olr start working r ]ollleave school r ]ou receive a new or changed foreign pension, annurty [Ewdntal or the ]ike r ]oll move abroad. If you do not notify changes your activid compensation may be withdrawn. You may be liable to reimburse if you have received too much money or received money that you should not actually have had.
  • 15. lnformation from Fdrsikringskassan 01.01.20{ 0 Activity compensation tA kt i v i tefsers# tt n i n g J - income-related compensation [- in komstrelatera d e rsdttn i n gJ lf you are aged between 19 and 29 and have had income from work in Sweden, you can receive activity compensation based on the size of your previous income. Who is eligible for income-related activity compensation? tVem kan fd inkomst-relaterad aktivitefsers$tfn ingl Income-related activity compensation is based on your previous income from work, but also on previous benefits from Forsiikringskassan [The Swedish Soeia] Insurance Agency] such as sickness benefit [siufuenning]and parental benefit [fdrdldrapenntng]. Put simply, you can receive income- related activity compensation if: o You worked in Sweden at the time of the claim. The claim is when you complied with the conditions for being entitled to activity compensation. . You have had a pensionable income - or a pensionable amount of activity compensation * at least one year during the "time frame" [ramtidJ If you have a pensionable income, you will receive an annual statement every year (the orange envelope). How much will compensation be? tHur stor blir ersdttningenil Full income-related activity compensation will give you 64 per cent of your assumed income fantagandeinkomsfl the income that F6rsiikringskassan calculates that you probably would have had if you had continued to work. You can have full, three-quarter, half or a quarter activity compensation. The amount you receive depends on how much your work capacity is reduced and your ability to earn a living through work. Activity compensation may be reduced if you receive a for6ign disability pension finvaliditetspensionJ or other foreign disability benefits at the same time.
  • 16. This is how your compensation is calculated tS6 riiknas din ersdttning utJ Assumed income - onlythe best years count tAntagandeinkomst - det dr de bdsta iren som rdknasJ When we calculate your compensation, we start by calculating your assumed income. Assumed income may be calculated according to the main rule or the alternative rule. We always calculate it in both ways and then use the method of calculation that is most favourable for you. Assumed income according to the main rule tA ntag a nd ei n ko mst en I igt h uvud regel n J The main rule means that we calculate the average of your three best annual incomes during a period of eight years immediately before the claim. If, for example, we establish the time of the claim to 2O09, the eight-year period consists of the years 2OOO-2OO7. Assumed income according tothe alternative rule fAnta g a nd e i n ko mst e n I i gt a lte rn ati vreg el n J The alternative rule means that we calculate the average of your two best annual incomes during the three years before the year of the claim. We can also use the sickness benefit qualifying annual income [sjukpenninggrandande inkomstJ which you had at the time of the claim. We do this if the sickness benefit qualifying annual income is greater. In order for you to have your activity compensation calculated according to your sickness benefit qualifying annual income, you must have had a sickness benefit qualifying income the year before the claim as well. Which income is used in the calculation? [Vilken inkomst anvflnds vid berfikningen?J When calculating the assumed income, we use your gross annual income as a basis which we then recalculate according to the current price level. The gross annual income is your pensionable income, plus the pension contributions that the Swedish Tax Agency fskatteverkeflhas deducted. The pensionable income is the income you receive a statement on in the orange envelope every year. You obtain your gross annual income by dividing the pensionable income by 0.93. However, there is a ceiling to the income you can count. If you have income above 318 000 (7.5 price base amountsl fprisbasbeloppl, it will not be counted. Example Siri is 26 years old when she receives full activity compensation for 2009. The time of the claim is also 2009. Siri's income from work (recalculated to the current price level) in the eight year before the claim was: Year lncorne 2007 sEK r85 000 2006 SEK 198 OOO 2005 sEK 186 200 ' The price base amount is based on the cost of livirg. In 2010, the price base amount is SEK 42 400.
  • 17. Year lncome 2oo4 sEK228 000 2003 sEK 205 200 2042 sEK',t86000 200.1 sEK 75 000 2000 sEK90000 Siri's three best gross annual incomes were in 2006 (SEK 198 000), in 2004 (SEK 228 000), and in 2003 (SEK 205 200). The average income of these three years will be Siri's assumed income. This is how assumed income is calcr:lated: 228 000 + 205 200 + 198 000 = 631 200 I 3 -- 2LO 40O Siri's assumed income is thus SEK 210 400. The annual income-related compensation is 64 per cent of the assumed income and is calculated as follows: 2r0 400 x 0.64 = 134 656 Siri's annual income-related compensation will be SEK 134 656. Notify changes tAn md I feirdndri ngarlJ You must notify all changes which may affect your entitlement to, or the amount of your compensation. This is the case, for instance, if r lou start working or studying r ]oll start to work to a greater extent thanbefore, for example, ifyou receive half compensation but start to work full time e ]ou continue to work after a decision on dormant activity compensation has ceased r ]our work capacity is improved, even though you are not working o 1rou receive a new, or changed, foreign pension, annuity f]ivrdntal ar similar o ]ou move abroad. If you do not notify changes, your compensation may be withdrawn. You may be obliged to reimburse if you have received too much money or received money to which you were not actually entitled.
  • 18. lnformation from Fdrsikringskassan 19.1 0.2008 Activity compensation IA ktiv i tefsers dttn i n g] - activities when receiving activity compensation [- aktiviteter vi d affiivitetsersdttn i n g] When you receive activity compensation, you have the opportunity of participating in various activities. These are voluntary and do not affect your compensation. These activities are intended to assist and support you in your development and to have a positive effect on your illness or disability. They shall also contribute to increasing your ability to improve your work capacity. We at FOrsdkringskassan [The Swedish SociaJ- Insurance Agency] assist you to plan these actlvities, We can also help you if you need to contact other authorities and organisations. The activities chosen are always based on your wi-shes. needs and ability. You can choose between a large number of different activities [Du kan vdlja mellan mdnga olika aktiviteter] Activities you can parti-cipate in include r cert.din courses through an adult education association or folk high school . socj-ety actlvj-ties . sporting activities o medical habilitation . an activity where you learn more about your illness or disability . practical placement, We plan the activities together [Vi pl anera r affiivitetema ti I I sam m an s] We meet before you start your activities to plan them together. We agree on an activity plan, which we then follow up and use in further planning. The idea is that you shoul-d have an influence and participate in full.
  • 19. We keep in contact when the activity is in process in order to find out what you think about 1t and how it is workj-ng. At the end of the activity, we evafuate it and make plans for any new activities. It may be a good idea lf other people whom you've been in contact with take part in thls planning, for instance, a contact pelson in heafth care' psychiatry or habilitalion, a special representative or a relative. You can obtain compensation for expenses in connection with activities [Du kan fl ersdttning fiSr egna utlegg i samband med aktiviteter] you can receive compensation for certain costs which you have in connection with activities which we have planned togiether. This is called special compensation. This might be. for instance, course or membership fees (although not food and accommodation), a trai-ning card, study and work material- or travel between your home and the activity. An j-ndi-vidual assessment is made of lhe actlvity in connection with every application. You wil] then receive compensation for the cheapest alternative. You can recelve compensation for another afternat.ive if you are unable, due to your illness or disability, to use the cheapest comparable alternatlve. Since speCial compensation is paid in arrears' j-t ls important to save receipts! However, in certaj-n cases, compensation can be paid in advance. You apply for compensati-on on a special form. Own responsibility [Eget ansvar] you must contact Forsiikrlngskassan 1f there is a change in the circumstances relating to your activities or your work capacity. This fact sheet is not a legal text on the subject-
  • 20. Disability allowance I H a n d i ka p pe rs dttn i n g] lf you are 19 or over, you can receive disability allowance if you need additional assistance or have additional costs due to permanent illness or disability. lt is not the extent of disability that is important when you apply for this allowance but your need of assistance due to the disability. Who can receive disability allowance? [Vem kan fd handikaPPerseftning?] If you are ill or disabled, you can receive disability allowance from and including the month of July in the year that you attain the age of I 9 (when entitlement to childcare allowance [vdrdbidragJ ceases). In order to receive disability allowance, you must need assistance in your daily life, assistance to work or study or have additional costs due to your illness or disability. Your need of assistance must be directly linked to your disability, and it must be assistance with things that you cannot manage by your- self due to your disability. you do not have to have any particular illness or disability to receive disability allow- ance. However, you must have a doctor's certificate that shows that you have a dis- ability that affecL your ability to cope with your daily life, your work or your studies. you must have had your disability before the age of 65, and you must need assistance for at least ayear. You may keep your disability allowance after the age of 65 if you still need assistance. You can receive disability allowance if you work in Sweden. If you do not work' you must live in Sweden to be eligible for disability allowance. The amount of the allowance [Hur mycket fdr man i handikappersefining?] Disability allowance is 36, 53 or 69 per cent of the price base amount [prisbasbelop- petJl depending on your need ofassistance and how large your additional costs are due to your disability. The amount of disability allowance in 2010: t The price base amount is based on changes in the generai price level' In 2010, the price base amount is 42,400 Swedish kronor (SEK 42,4OO). 1 (7) Faktablad: FK Handikappersattning/Disability Allowance-Fa (engelska) Updated: 2010-01-18 i* Farsfrltringskassan
  • 21. 36 per cent sEK 15,264 53 per cent sEK22.472 69 per cent sEK 29,256 Disability allowance is tax-free. If you only have high additional costs due to your disability, these expenses must amount to at least SEK 12,084 per year (28.5 per cent of the price base amount) for you to receive disability allowance. * The price base amount is based on changes in the general price ievei. In 2010, the price base amount is 42,400 Swedish kronor (SEK 42,1100)' lf you are blind [Om du iir blind] If you are blind or lack locomotor vision, you receive disability allowance at SEK 29,256 per year (69 per cent of the price base amount). [f you also have full sickness compensation [sjukerstittningJ or activity compensation [aktivitetsersrittningJ, or full old age pension [dlderspensionJ, disabilily allowance will be reduced to SEK 75,264 per year (36 per cent of the price base amount). You can receive a higher allowance if you have a particularly great need ofassistance or high costs' Being blind or lacking locomotor vision means that a person cannot safely be in or get their bearings in an untnown environment v/ithout assistance. lf you are deaf or have seriously impaired hearing [Om du dr ddv eller gravt hiSrselskadad] If you are deaf or have seriously impaired hearing, you can receive disability allow- ance at SEK 15,264 per year (36 per cent of the price base amount). You can receive a higher allowance if you have a particularly great need of assistance or high costs. Being deaf or having seriously impaired hearing means that a person with a hearing aid cannot hear or can only hear with great diffrculty what other people say- Assisfa nce requirement and additional cosfs [Hjelpbehov och mer kostnader] lfyou only need assistance but do not have any additional costs, you must need assis- tance for at least two hours a day to receive disability allowance. The need of special care and continuous supervision can also be taken into account in the assessment. Ifyou need both assistance and have additional costs, the Swedish Social Insurance Agency [FArsrikringskassan] will make an overall assessment of your combined needs. 2 (7) Faktablad: FK Handikappersattning/Disability Allowance-Fa (engelska) Updated: 2010-01-18 iF Ffir*Skringskassan
  • 22. Asslstance wlth dally llte fijelp med den dagliga livsfi5ringenl Assistance in daily life means, for example, assistance with personal care, dressing and undressing, purchases, cooking, medication and carrying out household chores such as laundry, ironing, looking after clothes and cleaning the home. Assistance with daily life also includes favelling to work or studies. It may also consist of practical assiitance at the workplace, for example, collecting files and other working material or going to and from a staffrestaurant. Costs for assistance requirement in daily life [Kostnader f6r hjiilpbehov i den dagliga livsfi5ringen] If you need municipal cleaning assistance, you can receive disability allowance for the charges made by the municipality. In some cases, you can also receive allowance for private cleaning assistance up to the amount that corresponds to the municipal charge. However, if a relative receives allowance for assisting you in your daily life, this is not considered as a cost but as assistance time. Additional costs [Extra kostnader] To be able to receive disability allowance due to additional costs, there must be a di- rect link between the costs and your disability. There must not be any other form of support that covers the costs which central govemment, the municipality or the county council is responsible for. It shall not either be a cost that most people have. Costs for aids fKostn ader fO r hi dl Pm edel] You can receive disability allowance, for example, for costs that you have for addi- tional space in your home that is needed for care equipment, technical aids or as treatment rooms. You can also obtain allowance for costs for renting or purchasing aids. This also covers adaptation of computers or special computer software that you need due to your disabilitY. Health care [Hiilse och siulrvdril you can receive disability allowance for treatments within out-patient health care that are covered by the high-cost protection scheme fthgkostnadsskyddetl.High-cost pro- tection means that you do not have to pay more than a set amount in patient charges during a year. Thisapplies when you visit a doctor and when you receive other health car", ior example treatment provided by a district nurse or a physiotherapist. Medicines [Uikemedell you can receive disability allowance for medicines subsidised by the state which are covered by the high-cost protection scheme. High-cost protection applies to the great majority of medicines on prescription. 3 {7) Faktablad: FK Handikappersething/Disability Allowance-Fa (engelska) Updated: 201G.01-18 ffi niogkring*ltas*an
  • 23. Single-use items [F 6rb ru kn i n g sarti kl a r] Compensation may be obtained from the health service in many cases for single-use items. If you have to pay for these single-use items, you can obtain compensation for the cost in certain cases. Special diet [SpecriallrostJ If you have additional costs for special diet which you need due to a disability, you can receive allowance forthese costs. The Swedish Consumer Agency [Konsument- verketJ calculates the costs of different types of special diet. To receive allowance for a special diet, it must have been prescribed for you by a doctoE dietician or the equivalent. Dental care ffandvird] You can obtain some allowance for dental care which is due to your disability. Travel costs [KostnaderfiSr resor] Public transport [Al I m 6n na kom m u nikation er] Ifyou are unable to use public transport due to your disabilif and therefore have addi- tional costs for travelo you can receive some allowance. This is the case, for example, if you have to use the mobility service ffirdtjrinstJ and pay for it. You can receive allowance for the whole charge. A deduction is made for what the joumeys would have cost ifyou had travelled on public transport. Own car [Egen bil] Ifyou travel in your own car because you cannot use public transport, you can receive disability allowance for travel for medical purposes and treatment and for travel to and from work and studies. In the case of travel to and from studies, the allowance is re- duced by an amount corresponding to what the journeys would have cost if you had used public transport. For other journeys in daily life, you can receive allowance at SEK 2,120 per year (5 per cent of the price base amount). You can receive a higher allowance ifyou can show that you have had higher costs. Other costs [6vriga kostnaderl Purchase of special household equipment [Kdp av sdtskild hushlllsutrustning] If you need to buy, for example, a washing machine, dishwasher or special vacuum cleaner because of your disability, you can receive allowance for this purpose. When allowance is calculated for this kind of purchase, the cost is spread over a certain num- ber ofyears. Wear and tear etc. [Slitage med mera] You can receive disability allowance if your disability leads to increased wear and tear of clothes, additional costs for washing, decoration, or equipment in the home. 4 (7) Faktablad: FK Handikappersdttning/Disability Allowance-Fa (engelska) Updated: 2010-01-18 H *i"*ikringshas*an
  • 24. Different forms of housing [Olika boendeformerJ Care in hospital and other institutions Ndrd rt s1'ulrhus och andra instittttionerl If you are cared for at a hospital or another institution, you may retain your disability allowance if the expected duration of care is at most six monttrs. Ifthe case continues for longer than six months, you may only receive disability allowance for the days that you are not cared for at the institution. You cannot receive allowance for chargei that you have to pay for care. An institution is a foster home ffamiljehemJ,haspital or a care facility which is either owned or paid for by the state municipality or a county council. Service housing and group housing fServiceDosfa d o c h g rup p bo s/.radl If you live in seryice housing [servicebostadJ or group housing [gruppbostadJ, you will often receive service that corresponds to the need of help that you would hJve othenvise received disability allowance for. However, you may also need assistance which is not covered by the service available at the housing. Residence may also entail costs that can be counted as additional costs when calculating disability allowance. Contact Fdrsiikringskassan to find out what applies in your case. Student homes or special schools IEI ev hem el I * spec ialskol a] lf you live in a student home felevhemJ, yoa can receive disability allowance if you have costs for personal assistance and service. This applies to student homes at o state special school o national upper secondary school for deafor hearing-impaired young people o national upper secondary school for young people with impaired mobility. Other benefits [Andra ersettningar] Lump sum payments [Engdngsbelopp] If you have received compensation with a lump-sum payment from private insurance, this will not affect your entitlement to disability allowance. If you have received a lump sum payment from the state, a municipality or a county council, you cannot re- ceive disability allowance for the same reason. Benefits from the state, municipality or county council fErsdttning frin stat, kommun eller landsting] If you receive other benefits from the state, a municipality or a county council as sup port for assistance needed or t}te costs you have had due to your disability, you can receive disability allowance only for assistance or costs that you have not already re- ceived compensation for. F<irs?ikringskassan may also consider that you should be able to obtain compensation for your assistance needs or your costs through some other form of support than disability allowance. 5 (7) Faktablad: FK Handikappersaftning/Disability Altowance_Fa (engelska) Updated:2010-01-18 ffi nioakringskassan
  • 25. How to apply for disability allowance [Hur ans6ker man om handikappersdttning?] Application for disability allowance is to be made on a special form which is available from Ftirsiikringskassan and at our website You can obtain assistance in completing the application form at Fdrs?ikringskassan. You must also submit a doctor's certificate on your illness or disability. If you have recently submit- ted a doctor's certificate, you may not need to submit a new certificate. You can appeal against decision that you are not satisfied with [Du kan bverklaga ett beslut som du inte dr niijd med] Ifyou are dissatisfied with the decision, you can appeal against it to the county admin- istrative court flrinsrattenJ.You must appeal within two months. Information about how to appeal is shown in the decision. Contact Fdrsiikringskassan if you need assis- tance in appealing. Payment fUtbetalning] Disability allowance is paid out every month. Ifyou would like your disability allow- ance to be paid to another person, you must provide F<irstikringskassan with a written power of attorney statrng who the money is to be paid to. Living abroad [Bo utomlands] If you are going to live abroad in an EUiEEA country, you can retain your disability allowance for up to 12 months. If you live in a country outside the EU/EEA, the limit to retain the allowance is six months. If you retum to Sweden, you can apply for dis- ability allowance again. l/lforking abroad [Arbeta utomlands] You can receive disability allowance if you live in Sweden and work abroad. How- ever, you must not work abroad for more than 12 months if you are to retain your dis- ability allowance. If you work in an EU/EEA country, you are entitled to support from the country where you work. Always notify changes [Anmiil alltid fdrdndri ngar| You must notifu all changes in your need for assistance or your costs or other circum- stances that may affect your entitlement to disability allowance. If you have received too much money, you may be liable to reimburse it to Fdrsakringskassan. 6 (7) Faktablad: FK Handikappers€lttning/Disability Allowance_Fa (engelska) Updated:2010-01-18
  • 26. lnformation from Fdrsikringskassan 01.01.20{0 Attendance allowance lAssr.s tan sers F)tt n i n gl You can obtain attendance allowance if you have a substantial and durable disability and need personal assistance to cope with your daily life. To obtain the allowance from F6rsdkringskassan [the Swedish Social Insurance Ageney], you must need assistance with your basic needs for more than 20 hours a week. tf you can manage with less time, you should contact your municipality for assistance. Who is eligible for attendance allowan ce? Nem ka n fd assr,stansers€i ttn i ng?l If you need assistance for more than 20 hours a week with basic needs such as washing, dressing, eating, communicating and moving about, you can obtain attendance allowance. You must also belong to one of the following groups: Persons with a development disorder, autism or related disability. Persons with a considerable and durable impaired intelligence after brain damage in adult years caused by violence from an extemal source or physical illness. Persons with other durable physical or mental disabilities, which are evidently not caused by normal ageing. The disability must be substantial and cause considerable difficulty in your daily life. There is no lower age limit for obtaining attendance allowance. You can receive attendance allowance after the age of65 provided that you have been granted it before that age. You cannot obtain attendance allowance if you live in group housing or are cared for in an institution. If there are special reasons, you can, however, receive attendance allowance when you are cared for at a hospital for a shorter period or attend childcare, school or another daily activity. How much is the allowance? [Hur stor dr ercdttningenfl The govemment sets a standard amount for attendance allowance every year. In 2010, the amount is SEK 252 per hour. You can apply for a higher amount if you have special reasons. The highest amount in 2010 is SEK 282. Special reasons may, for example, be that you need a specially trained attendant who demands a higher payment than the standard amount. What does personal assistance mean? Nad in nebiir pensonlrg assistans?l Personal assistance means personally designed assistance provided in different situations by a limited number of people. Personal assistance for basic needs means assistance in washing and dressing, eating,
  • 27. communicating with others and moving about, or other assistance that requires detailed knowledge of your disability. You may be eligible to personal assistance for other needs [Du kan ha rdtt till personlig assista ns even fiSr andra behovl lf you need assistance with basic needs for an average of more tlvn2D hours a week, you may also be eligible for personal assistance for other help in your daily life, for example, cooking, shopping, taking part in leisure activities or working. The decision is yours [Du bestdmmer sielv] You decide how the assistance is to be arranged. You can r be an employer and employ one or more assistants . form an association or a co-operative with other people with disabilities, which ernploys several assistants . use acompany oran organisation There is nothing to prevent you from employing an assistant at the same time as you receive assistance through the municipality or another organisation. You can also obtain attendance allowance if you use amember of your household as an assistant. The member of your household shall then be employed by the municipality or another assistance provider. Application and decision [Ansiikan och beslut] Forms to apply for attendance allowance can be obtained at You can also order forms on 020-524 524. ContactFdrsiikringskassan if you need assistance with your application. When your application has been received, Fdrs?ikringskassan will consult you about your need of help. F6rsiikringskassan will then decide on the number of hours for which you will receive the allowance. The mrmicipality can also notifu Fdrsiikringskassan that you need attendance allowance. You will not have to make any application then but FdrsZikringskassan will contact you to consult you about the help you need. lf you are dissatisfied with the decision [Om du inte Fir ntiid med beslutet] Ifyou consider that this decision is incorrect, Fdrsiikringskassan can reconsider the case. In this case, you should write to F<irsiikringskassan and request reconsideration. Information about how to do this is contained in the decision letter. IfF6rs?ikringskassan decides not to change the decision after reconsideration, you can appeal against it to the county administrative court flrinsrcittenJ.Information about how to appeal is contained in the reconsideration decision.
  • 28. Payment and reporting [Utbetal n i n g och redovisn ing] If you want the attendance allowance to be paid to the assistance provider, the latter musg unless it is a municipality, have a corporate tax certificate [F-skattsedelJ andbe registered as an employer by the Tax Agency [Skaneverket]. Even when attendance allowance is paid to you, it is preferable if the person you purchase assistance from has a corporate tax certificate, since you must otherwise deduct tax. This is the case if you purchase assistance from a legal entity, i.e. a limited company, a partnership, an economic association or a not-for- profit association. Attendance allowance is paid around the 2fth every month. If you have purchased personal assistance, you must report the number of hours of assistance you have received and certify that the attendance allowance has been used to purchase assistance. This reporting is made on a special form on the last day of the month in each reporting period. Fdrsiikringskassan will decide the reporting period that applies for you. The longest reporting period is six months. If the whole of the allowance has not been used for purchasing assistance, you must repay the part that you have not used. Ifyou purchase your assistance from a sole trader (a natural person), you must certify that he or she has a corporate tax certificate. Ifthe person does not have a corporate tax certificate, you must pay employer's social security contribution and deduct tax as ifyou were the assistant's employer. Ifyou have ernployed assistants yourselfor been granted a higher hourly amount than the standard, you must report the number ofhours ofassistance you have received and all costs you have had for the assistance. After every reporting period, Fdrsiikringskassan will make a final settlement and compare the allowance you have received with the actual costs. If the allowance is higher than your costs, you must repay the difference. Notify changes! [Anmdl fiirdndringarl Attendance allowance is reconsidered every other year until you attain the age of 65. However, if your condition has changed significantly, the allowance shall be reconsidered earlier. It is therefore important that you notift all changes that may affect your entitlement to attendance allowance. If you have received too much money, you may be liable to reimburse. Other benefits may be affected [Andra ercdttningar kan ptverkas] The amount you receive in attendance allowance may affect your entitlement to disability allowance [handikappers cittningJ and childcare allowance [vdrdbidragJ. You can obtain more information from our oustomer centre at 0771-524 524. The fact sheet is not a legal text on the topic.