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Top magic consultant reveals insider short- cut secrets to becoming a master mentalist and

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The law of attraction is a very popular topic these days. More people are beginning to realize that
there is a strong connection between what thoughts and feelings they have and what actually
manifests in their day to day life and experiences. To my delight more people are realizing and
coming to the understanding that prosperity and abundance begin in the mind first. The thoughts
and what we hold in our minds do make their way into the realm of physical manifestation. This is
why it is so vitally important to be aware of our thoughts. Our thoughts determine our feelings and
what we 'feel' determines what experiences and circumstances life brings to us. Life will bring us
positive situations or negative ones based on what we think and feel. It is as simple as that and
can be no other way.

Most of us fluctuate like the tides upon the shores. Sometimes we drift in the positive flow and find
that what we desire and need have a way of coming to us. Other times we seem to be filled with
thoughts and feelings of a negative nature and so-called 'bad' or 'negative' things happen to us.
Nothing really happens to us. Everything is attracted to us based on whether our thoughts and
feelings be positive or negative. I know I may sound a bit redundant and repetitive here, but it is so
vital that we comprehend this concept if we want to attract happiness and prosperity in our lives.

We are learning that we are not puppets to some grand being or force who dictates our lives. We
are the puppet masters and we pull our own strings. What this means is that we can control our
thoughts and feelings to a great degree. This might sound like very radical thinking to those who
believe that we are pawns on some big cosmic chess board and we are moved wherever destiny
wants us to be moved. Such people often easily fall into the 'victim poor me' mode and mentality
when so-called bad things happen. They blame God, life, or destiny for their sad unhappy lots and
these will be the first people to say something like "if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all."

I have nothing but compassion and sympathy for such people for I have been where they are. I
know what it is like to live a miserable life where frustrations and struggle and lack are the norm. I
know what it is like to be broke most of the time and to barely get by. I very well remember when a
lucky day would be if I could afford a taco-bell bean burrito for less than a buck and maybe I could
buy two if I were really lucky. And when life was really good I could even afford a coke. I use the
word 'afford' because I figured out if I was ever going to have anything decent I had to stop my
constant use of negative expressions like, I can't afford. I don't have. Maybe some day. I will. I
would like to go to Europe etc. They are all negative statements which guarantee that we can want
to go to Europe until the cows come home and still never go. Maybe is one of the worst words we
can use when it comes to attracting prosperity and abundance.

For years I constantly used such negative phrases which only reinforced my negative thoughts
which reinforced my basic belief that the universe did not consider me worthy of prosperity and
abundance. After doing some soul searching and much inner work, I discovered that my basic
outlook on life was a combination of negative beliefs as well as some very positive ones. It almost
felt as if I were two completely different people at times. At a young age I would constantly read
the Bible and memorize the positive thinking verses in the New Testament. Some of my favorites
were " ask and ye shall receive," "I have come that you have life and have life abundantly." And
the verses go on.

I was reading Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill, The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman
Vincent peale, As A Man Thinketh by James Allen and How To Win Friends And Influence People
by Dale Carnegie along with my academic studies while in college. When I was thirteen I prayed to
God everyday to find me a nice foster home and a college to attend. These prayers were positive
thoughts that were backed up by positive expectations. I would also give gratitude for my wishes
being granted and visualize them as being granted. It never occurred to me that I would not get
away from a horrible home and that I would not go to college. That was the faith that Jesus said
causes the mountain to fall into the sea if we have enough faith.

Then as though a completely different person took over, I'd drift into a negative spiral and it seems
that all I could do would be to dwell on what I did not have. The more I dwelled on the 'have nots'
the more lack infiltrated my life. So yes, I have been there and still deal with the positive and
negative feelings and thoughts that I have at different times. I am by no means a saint or an expert
when it comes to manifesting hopes and dreams. But like anything we can achieve results with
practice and I have gotten better at it with much practice.

With many magical positive experiences and many depressing negative thoughts and feelings
under my belt so to speak, in time I began to realize that I could choose to have positive or
negative thoughts and feelings. I found that the more emphasis I gave on the one versus the
other, the more experiences I would have, be they positive or negative.

Becoming accustomed to the see saw ride of the positive and negative, I decided that I needed to
tilt the see saw so that it moved more in the positive direction on a constant consistent basis.
There is nothing that we cannot achieve and accomplish if we set our minds strongly on the task
and goal. This includes evaluating our mind sets and beliefs and becoming willing to challenge
and then dismiss and toss those beliefs which do not serve us. Old habits may not die overnight
but die they do if we are determined and work diligently on cultivating new thoughts of a positive
nature. These new thoughts and beliefs can become reinforced through creative visualizations and
positive affirmations which we can write down, speak out loud, chant or even sing. Repetition
creates momentum which stirs and moves the creative energies of the universe to direct the wind
currents of positive change in our direction.

I am not engaging in theoretical hypothetical speculation here. I am expressing ancient timeless
concepts of truth that stand the test of time. They are universal, impersonal and they work for
anyone who believes in and invokes them. To illustrate what I am endeavoring to convey here I
would like to share some recent experiences. I am a professional psychic, spiritual advisor,
motivational counselor, life coach, poet, author and singer by profession. One of the things I enjoy
about doing so many different things is that I am hired to work as a psychic reader at parties for all
occasions. There I can offer spiritual counseling and advice, psychic impressions and
entertainment all in one.
In mid September I received an email from one of my clients that said, "Michael, I met you at a
psychic party a few years ago. I had my first reading and I was surprised at how emotional it was
for me. I'd like to have you over for a party in mid October. There will be at least ten of us, maybe
more." I booked the party and we were set to go. As the days passed, this little gnawing feeling
came upon me that something wasn't quite right. I could not pinpoint it but something was up. On
Friday the day before the party I received an email from my client. "Michael, my list is dwindling.
People have been canceling. We are down to four definites and maybe two more. One may bring
a friend so at best I'll have seven. At worst four. If you don't think that will be worth your time,
please let me know. I'll understand and we can cancel."

Well that email confirmed the nagging feeling I had been having. My first reaction was a 'negative
one.' "Of course that is not enough people to make the trip worthwhile," I said out loud as though
talking to Cindy in person. I felt anger surging through me and I wondered why I had not insisted
on the deposit I usually get to hold the space for parties. I also usually stick to my policy of a
minimum of ten people. I could feel a big tug and knot forming in my solar plexus as my mood
continued to dampen and my spirits drop. I began to sink lower until I could feel a depression
coming over me. Depression was followed by self-pity and more anger. I continued to rant and
rave. "I was counting on that $400.00 from that party to make my car payment which is due in a
couple of weeks. Darn it."

Then out of the blue I heard this little voice in my head say. "This does not have to be a negative
experience." Easy for you to say I almost blurted out, but the words just would not come out. Then
it was like a big light bulb lit up in my head. I felt guilty for being so negative as it's not ordinarily
my nature to get so emotional, upset and negative so easily and quickly. I thought some more and
then said, "I am not going to let one little situation depress and drag me down. So what if nobody
shows up and the party cancels. It's not the end of the world. There is plenty more where that
came from. I can choose not to get caught up in the negativity. "Yes, I choose not to get caught up
in the negative," I said several times.

Next I started imagining money coming from other sources and directions to reinforce my saying
that there is more where that comes from. I visualized dollar bills all over the place. The energy
began to shift. My mood lightened. Then I knew that I would go on with the party. I would do
readings for whoever was there and be grateful for the business and the lives that I would touch. I
felt much better and I was even happier that I had chosen to shift my thinking and feelings to a
positive one. Then I received a hunch that I would have closer to ten people than four. I even sent
my client good thoughts and in the email I said, "Cindy, I am looking forward to the party. I will be
there no matter how many show up." I also imagined her making a few more phone calls. Eight
people showed up at the party. I earned enough to make my car payment with some money left.
My heart rejoiced and I thanked my guides for the prosperity and abundance.

I think that part of the reason the attendance increased was that not only did I shift my attitude and
thinking, but also that I actively engaged in what is called the 'act as if' step in creating abundance.
I visualized and proceeded to act and feel as if I were blessed with abundance. The good feelings
stayed with me the rest of the day. When I got home from the party I had an email from a regular
client who wanted to schedule a reading. "Thanks, spirit," I said, joyfully. "Bring on the magic and

We must be careful of the words we speak. Once I shifted my attitude I reinforced it by speaking
the words "there is plenty where that comes from." I did not say there might be or it would be nice
if, or maybe there could be; all of which are negative affirmations guaranteed to neutralize our
affirmations and render them useless. The other 'little nasty' one as I call it is "I can't and I don't
have." In saying there is plenty more where that came from I was affirming that reality. In essence
I was creating it. For that which we name and give voice and expression to truly does manifest.
The next day another client booked a session. On Monday I had three calls within an hour for
three more readings.

Sometimes the universe and our guides are very specific in blessing us in small and detailed ways
to remind us that they are constantly nearby and helping us. For example, I had a nurses party
booked for the following Tuesday. There would be some one hundred nurses there. The director
hired me and two other psychics for two hours. I wanted to pay the psychics their percentage in
cash. I had enough from the other party to pay the first psychic and I was $20 short for the second
one, as some of the clients from the first party had written me a check.

To show you how synchronicity and our guides work, on Monday, the day before the nurse party,
one of my clients handed me a $20 bill and said, "can I write you a check for the other $20 as this
is all the cash that I have on me." Clients never pay me partly in cash and partly with a check. This
simply does not happen. But it did happen and the cash portion she paid for her reading was the
very exact amount I needed. Was that a mere coincidence? I do not think so. I believe that my
guides were in on this. I had aligned my thoughts in a positive flow and the result is that the law of
attraction was set into motion and was manifesting positive experiences and abundance because I
had chosen to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. The nurse party was a hit and my
psychics and I were grateful to be of service and for the prosperity we were blessed with. As I
indulged in a beer over lunch with the girls, I remember thinking. This is Tuesday. I am leaving on
Friday for three days to visit my friend in Eaton, Oh then next Friday I'll be gone for a week to visit
my family in Ky and then I'll head to Mammoth Cave for my four day annual retreat.

I cranked up my imagination and visualized more money coming in as I touched the checks and
cash waiting to be deposited into my credit union bank account. A couple hours later I received an
email from a client saying, "Michael, when can I come over for a reading? I'm miserable." I did the
reading on Thursday evening. The next day was Friday and I was packed and set to go. I wasn't
leaving until noon and would spend the morning working on my new book. While driving to my
credit union I said, "I could even do a reading before I leave for Eaton. Again, we need to watch
what we ask for.

When I got back home I had an email from another regular client, Rhonda. "Michael, can you do
an email reading for me today?" I did the reading and a half hour later a little voice told me to sign
onto my live person psychic on-line business. Minutes later a request for a reading came from one
of my regular clients. I had been so busy and not been signed on much for several weeks. But he
found me at that precise time when I had put 'out to the universe' I'd like some more prosperity
before I left for my trip. Was this a coincidence? No. Tears fell down my face and I was truly

I do not claim to always be in the flow. I think that after all these years of working with the law of
attraction, that I have a pretty good idea and understanding of how it works. I have seen this
universal law of attraction in action many times in my life and in the lives of many others. Still there
are times when I get out of synch and my abundance slows down or even totally comes to a
screeching halt. I allow myself to indulge in a 'poor me pity party' for a little while. I cry and moan
and the whole nine yards. I think that this is okay. Perhaps such relapses occur to humble us and
keep us on our toes.

So called bad things can also happen to good people for other reasons such as soul contracts
agreed upon before we were born and soul choices to experience particular challenges, not
necessarily for karmic reasons, but for desired growth. Being born into abject misery and poverty
does not always mean that the soul stole from others or created misery for them in other lives,
although it often does. Sometimes the soul will simply choose a more challenging lifetime for the
mere experience of learning about polarity and duality. It may have experienced many lifetimes
with relatively few, if any, challenges and then decide to see what it is like to be faced with struggle
and conflict. I think of one of my teachers who used to say that growth comes from irritation. An
old gospel song says "If I never had a problem I'd never know that God could solve them."

Sometimes we will choose such lives for the mere learning opportunities that are offered from
adversity. I do believe that every adversity has an equal or greater benefit. I have learned this the
hard way you could say. I would not change my horrible childhood for anything. It made me
stronger and made me seek spiritual help within and outside myself. The challenges led me to
discover my soul's own resources as well as strengthened my resolve and faith in God, my angels,
my guides, and my resolve and fierce determination to heal and become a beacon of hope for

By the same token, there are many soul contracts and agreements which result from karma we
have incurred from our previous lives with different individuals or groups. Such lessons are pre-
planned and are a part of our growth, destiny, and soul evolution. Yet, even taking our karma into
account does not mean we are doomed to live a life of misery; that is unless we were very bad in
some past lives and have soul contracted to pay off many bad past life deeds in the current
lifetime. Fortunately, such scenarios are unusual and rare. There is also the element of 'grace'
where our guides are sometimes permitted to assist us. I believe with the ascension process that
is currently raising the entire planetary vibrations and the energies so heightened now, that most
of us are able to work off or even transcend our bad karma through service and love to

Another factor to be aware of if our dreams are 'not' manifesting is how in touch are we with our
true self; our inner self and our subconscious mind? The subconscious mind is very powerful and
affects us far more than we are usually conscious of. We can talk about the book The Secret until
the cows come home, do our creative visualization exercises and state our positive affirmations
and still not get results if our subconscious mind does not believe this. We can talk about
abundance and prosperity all we want but if the subconscious has incorporated the belief system
that 'money is the root of all evil' and a bad thing, we will sabotage our prosperity and abundance.
The same goes for relationships.

I have a dear friend who constantly talks about wanting to find a good man to marry. Let us recall
that often the subconscious mind will try to get our attention in many ways to show us what we
really believe instead of what we claim to believe. This sometimes occurs in those proverbial
'Freudian Slips' that we make or even things we say where it becomes obvious that we don't
'really' believe what we claim to believe and say.
Back to my dear friend. She will go on and on about wanting a husband and marriage then in the
next sentence she will say that men are stupid, selfish, ignorant jerks. I have called her upon it
more than once, reminding her that not 'all' men are stupid, ignorant jerks even though there are a
lot of them as there are women as well. My friend wonders why she does not attract men. The
answer is that her subconscious has incorporated her belief that men are jerks and sabotages
every potential relationship. Her subconscious belief is so ingrained that she does not even attract
men. I think she could very well be an emotional lesbian and might do better with a woman,
though she claims she loves men. I also believe that she has not come to terms with her father.
He put her down as a child, constantly calling her 'fattie' and such, and I sense that such
experiences help create her distrust or liking of men. Yet she claims that she has forgiven him and
all is well. Then why does she not attract men? As the saying goes denile, denial, ain't just a river
in Egypt. If we are deluded from ourselves how can we attract the relationship and love or
prosperity we crave? It is when we are daring enough to meet and confront our fears, and inner
demons that we can become free.

The truth is that human beings are really very complex. I personally know about the strength of the
subconscious mind as I am a writer. I've struggled as a tortured artist most of this lifetime and in
my last life as well, from the past life regressions I've had. Consciously, I have known for years
how I love to write and I even gave up a career as a college professor to pursue my writing dream.
So why has it been a struggle for over twenty years and why have I stopped and started so many
times? The answer is that my subconscious mind has not believed in my worth as an artist. Why is
this? It is because as a child my father constantly berated and criticized me, putting me down by
saying things like I would never amount to anything. That I was a loser etc. The inner child
accepted that and those words were so strong from an abusive father that my subconscious mind
adopted them as truth. So even though I'd claim how badly I ached to receive recognition, money,
status etc. for my hard work and tons of hours writing and editing, my subconscious had accepted
that I was basically worthless.

I recall going into a major depression several years back when my first story was published. I
looked at the cover design, read the story, and was filled with joy. But the next morning I woke up
extremely depressed. It made no sense. My friends thought I was acting crazy. After all this time
and so many rejections I finally got published. I should be in seventh heaven. The only person who
understood me was my friend who was also a psychotherapist. She knew right away what was up.
I called her and told her I was depressed when I should be jubilant. "I know why you are
depressed," she said softly. "Your inner child does not believe he is worth success because his
daddy always put him down. This breakthrough you have made with your hard work and efforts
has upset the apple cart as the saying goes. Your inner child still hears those mean things his
daddie used to say, and he still believes them. The only way you are going to get over this and
learn to love your art and embrace success is to face, confront and deal with the 'part' of you that
thinks you are piece of s...t. It is your inner child who is depressed. It always is the inner child who
gets depressed." That was a lot to swallow but I listened and we had a few sessions. I realized
that my dear friend was totally right. Once I started facing the part of me that thought I was
worthless, I was able to see 'that part' for what it was and how it had been sabotaging my dreams
for most of my life.

So if your dreams are not manifesting, you may have some subconscious blocks that can be
sabotaging your prosperity. If this is the case than you have some inner soul work to do. The good
news is that you are not alone. Your guides and perhaps counselors and therapists can help you
find out what is really going on at a subconscious level. Once we get to the roots of our fears and
beliefs that sabotage our dreams, we are in a position to choose to release them. But it takes work
and willingness which can be very challenging and difficult.

The Greeks said "KNOW THYSELF!" It is in knowing and becoming acquainted with our
subconscious self. It can be our dearest most treasured friend guide and mentor, for it has access
to all of our memories and even the collective unconscious and all the knowledge therein as Swiss
Psychologist Carl G. Jung speaks so much about.

The examples in this article remind me that we can choose to turn a negative situation into a
positive one. When our thoughts begin to change to a more positive nature and frame of mind, our
feelings naturally follow suit. Our energy shifts and our very auras begin to brighten and to glow.
The universal law of attraction senses this glow and shift of our frequency and vibration. Then the
tides of destiny begin to move in our direction and good fortune and good things start showing up.

Success and happiness are our birthrights! Let us stand tall and proud and claim it. And let us
remember that it is by changing our thoughts that our feelings change and then we can create
magic and miracles.

Michael Dennis- Psychic/Spiritual Medium/Author/Poet/Singer as seen on CBS, FOX TV, Jerry
Springer. Q-102, MIX, MOJO RADIO. Michael offers a variety of Psychic Readings to meet your
needs. He offers In-Person, Telephone and Email Readings. Michael is the author of a
spiritual/self help book, Halfway To Heaven and a book of love poetry-Dawn's Kiss. He has written
numerous articles for magazines. His book Morning Coffee With God comes out in 2010 by Ozark
Mountain Publishing. To learn more about Michael, set up a Reading or order books please
contact Michael directly: or

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Top magic consultant reveals insider short- cut secrets to becoming a master mentalist and

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We Can Create Magic and Miracles

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We Can Create Magic and Miracles

  • 1. ==== ==== Top magic consultant reveals insider short- cut secrets to becoming a master mentalist and magician ==== ==== The law of attraction is a very popular topic these days. More people are beginning to realize that there is a strong connection between what thoughts and feelings they have and what actually manifests in their day to day life and experiences. To my delight more people are realizing and coming to the understanding that prosperity and abundance begin in the mind first. The thoughts and what we hold in our minds do make their way into the realm of physical manifestation. This is why it is so vitally important to be aware of our thoughts. Our thoughts determine our feelings and what we 'feel' determines what experiences and circumstances life brings to us. Life will bring us positive situations or negative ones based on what we think and feel. It is as simple as that and can be no other way. Most of us fluctuate like the tides upon the shores. Sometimes we drift in the positive flow and find that what we desire and need have a way of coming to us. Other times we seem to be filled with thoughts and feelings of a negative nature and so-called 'bad' or 'negative' things happen to us. Nothing really happens to us. Everything is attracted to us based on whether our thoughts and feelings be positive or negative. I know I may sound a bit redundant and repetitive here, but it is so vital that we comprehend this concept if we want to attract happiness and prosperity in our lives. We are learning that we are not puppets to some grand being or force who dictates our lives. We are the puppet masters and we pull our own strings. What this means is that we can control our thoughts and feelings to a great degree. This might sound like very radical thinking to those who believe that we are pawns on some big cosmic chess board and we are moved wherever destiny wants us to be moved. Such people often easily fall into the 'victim poor me' mode and mentality when so-called bad things happen. They blame God, life, or destiny for their sad unhappy lots and these will be the first people to say something like "if it weren't for bad luck I'd have no luck at all." I have nothing but compassion and sympathy for such people for I have been where they are. I know what it is like to live a miserable life where frustrations and struggle and lack are the norm. I know what it is like to be broke most of the time and to barely get by. I very well remember when a lucky day would be if I could afford a taco-bell bean burrito for less than a buck and maybe I could buy two if I were really lucky. And when life was really good I could even afford a coke. I use the word 'afford' because I figured out if I was ever going to have anything decent I had to stop my constant use of negative expressions like, I can't afford. I don't have. Maybe some day. I will. I would like to go to Europe etc. They are all negative statements which guarantee that we can want to go to Europe until the cows come home and still never go. Maybe is one of the worst words we can use when it comes to attracting prosperity and abundance. For years I constantly used such negative phrases which only reinforced my negative thoughts which reinforced my basic belief that the universe did not consider me worthy of prosperity and
  • 2. abundance. After doing some soul searching and much inner work, I discovered that my basic outlook on life was a combination of negative beliefs as well as some very positive ones. It almost felt as if I were two completely different people at times. At a young age I would constantly read the Bible and memorize the positive thinking verses in the New Testament. Some of my favorites were " ask and ye shall receive," "I have come that you have life and have life abundantly." And the verses go on. I was reading Think and Grow Rich by Napolean Hill, The Power of Positive Thinking by Norman Vincent peale, As A Man Thinketh by James Allen and How To Win Friends And Influence People by Dale Carnegie along with my academic studies while in college. When I was thirteen I prayed to God everyday to find me a nice foster home and a college to attend. These prayers were positive thoughts that were backed up by positive expectations. I would also give gratitude for my wishes being granted and visualize them as being granted. It never occurred to me that I would not get away from a horrible home and that I would not go to college. That was the faith that Jesus said causes the mountain to fall into the sea if we have enough faith. Then as though a completely different person took over, I'd drift into a negative spiral and it seems that all I could do would be to dwell on what I did not have. The more I dwelled on the 'have nots' the more lack infiltrated my life. So yes, I have been there and still deal with the positive and negative feelings and thoughts that I have at different times. I am by no means a saint or an expert when it comes to manifesting hopes and dreams. But like anything we can achieve results with practice and I have gotten better at it with much practice. With many magical positive experiences and many depressing negative thoughts and feelings under my belt so to speak, in time I began to realize that I could choose to have positive or negative thoughts and feelings. I found that the more emphasis I gave on the one versus the other, the more experiences I would have, be they positive or negative. Becoming accustomed to the see saw ride of the positive and negative, I decided that I needed to tilt the see saw so that it moved more in the positive direction on a constant consistent basis. There is nothing that we cannot achieve and accomplish if we set our minds strongly on the task and goal. This includes evaluating our mind sets and beliefs and becoming willing to challenge and then dismiss and toss those beliefs which do not serve us. Old habits may not die overnight but die they do if we are determined and work diligently on cultivating new thoughts of a positive nature. These new thoughts and beliefs can become reinforced through creative visualizations and positive affirmations which we can write down, speak out loud, chant or even sing. Repetition creates momentum which stirs and moves the creative energies of the universe to direct the wind currents of positive change in our direction. I am not engaging in theoretical hypothetical speculation here. I am expressing ancient timeless concepts of truth that stand the test of time. They are universal, impersonal and they work for anyone who believes in and invokes them. To illustrate what I am endeavoring to convey here I would like to share some recent experiences. I am a professional psychic, spiritual advisor, motivational counselor, life coach, poet, author and singer by profession. One of the things I enjoy about doing so many different things is that I am hired to work as a psychic reader at parties for all occasions. There I can offer spiritual counseling and advice, psychic impressions and entertainment all in one.
  • 3. In mid September I received an email from one of my clients that said, "Michael, I met you at a psychic party a few years ago. I had my first reading and I was surprised at how emotional it was for me. I'd like to have you over for a party in mid October. There will be at least ten of us, maybe more." I booked the party and we were set to go. As the days passed, this little gnawing feeling came upon me that something wasn't quite right. I could not pinpoint it but something was up. On Friday the day before the party I received an email from my client. "Michael, my list is dwindling. People have been canceling. We are down to four definites and maybe two more. One may bring a friend so at best I'll have seven. At worst four. If you don't think that will be worth your time, please let me know. I'll understand and we can cancel." Well that email confirmed the nagging feeling I had been having. My first reaction was a 'negative one.' "Of course that is not enough people to make the trip worthwhile," I said out loud as though talking to Cindy in person. I felt anger surging through me and I wondered why I had not insisted on the deposit I usually get to hold the space for parties. I also usually stick to my policy of a minimum of ten people. I could feel a big tug and knot forming in my solar plexus as my mood continued to dampen and my spirits drop. I began to sink lower until I could feel a depression coming over me. Depression was followed by self-pity and more anger. I continued to rant and rave. "I was counting on that $400.00 from that party to make my car payment which is due in a couple of weeks. Darn it." Then out of the blue I heard this little voice in my head say. "This does not have to be a negative experience." Easy for you to say I almost blurted out, but the words just would not come out. Then it was like a big light bulb lit up in my head. I felt guilty for being so negative as it's not ordinarily my nature to get so emotional, upset and negative so easily and quickly. I thought some more and then said, "I am not going to let one little situation depress and drag me down. So what if nobody shows up and the party cancels. It's not the end of the world. There is plenty more where that came from. I can choose not to get caught up in the negativity. "Yes, I choose not to get caught up in the negative," I said several times. Next I started imagining money coming from other sources and directions to reinforce my saying that there is more where that comes from. I visualized dollar bills all over the place. The energy began to shift. My mood lightened. Then I knew that I would go on with the party. I would do readings for whoever was there and be grateful for the business and the lives that I would touch. I felt much better and I was even happier that I had chosen to shift my thinking and feelings to a positive one. Then I received a hunch that I would have closer to ten people than four. I even sent my client good thoughts and in the email I said, "Cindy, I am looking forward to the party. I will be there no matter how many show up." I also imagined her making a few more phone calls. Eight people showed up at the party. I earned enough to make my car payment with some money left. My heart rejoiced and I thanked my guides for the prosperity and abundance. I think that part of the reason the attendance increased was that not only did I shift my attitude and thinking, but also that I actively engaged in what is called the 'act as if' step in creating abundance. I visualized and proceeded to act and feel as if I were blessed with abundance. The good feelings stayed with me the rest of the day. When I got home from the party I had an email from a regular client who wanted to schedule a reading. "Thanks, spirit," I said, joyfully. "Bring on the magic and miracles!" We must be careful of the words we speak. Once I shifted my attitude I reinforced it by speaking
  • 4. the words "there is plenty where that comes from." I did not say there might be or it would be nice if, or maybe there could be; all of which are negative affirmations guaranteed to neutralize our affirmations and render them useless. The other 'little nasty' one as I call it is "I can't and I don't have." In saying there is plenty more where that came from I was affirming that reality. In essence I was creating it. For that which we name and give voice and expression to truly does manifest. The next day another client booked a session. On Monday I had three calls within an hour for three more readings. Sometimes the universe and our guides are very specific in blessing us in small and detailed ways to remind us that they are constantly nearby and helping us. For example, I had a nurses party booked for the following Tuesday. There would be some one hundred nurses there. The director hired me and two other psychics for two hours. I wanted to pay the psychics their percentage in cash. I had enough from the other party to pay the first psychic and I was $20 short for the second one, as some of the clients from the first party had written me a check. To show you how synchronicity and our guides work, on Monday, the day before the nurse party, one of my clients handed me a $20 bill and said, "can I write you a check for the other $20 as this is all the cash that I have on me." Clients never pay me partly in cash and partly with a check. This simply does not happen. But it did happen and the cash portion she paid for her reading was the very exact amount I needed. Was that a mere coincidence? I do not think so. I believe that my guides were in on this. I had aligned my thoughts in a positive flow and the result is that the law of attraction was set into motion and was manifesting positive experiences and abundance because I had chosen to replace negative thoughts with positive ones. The nurse party was a hit and my psychics and I were grateful to be of service and for the prosperity we were blessed with. As I indulged in a beer over lunch with the girls, I remember thinking. This is Tuesday. I am leaving on Friday for three days to visit my friend in Eaton, Oh then next Friday I'll be gone for a week to visit my family in Ky and then I'll head to Mammoth Cave for my four day annual retreat. I cranked up my imagination and visualized more money coming in as I touched the checks and cash waiting to be deposited into my credit union bank account. A couple hours later I received an email from a client saying, "Michael, when can I come over for a reading? I'm miserable." I did the reading on Thursday evening. The next day was Friday and I was packed and set to go. I wasn't leaving until noon and would spend the morning working on my new book. While driving to my credit union I said, "I could even do a reading before I leave for Eaton. Again, we need to watch what we ask for. When I got back home I had an email from another regular client, Rhonda. "Michael, can you do an email reading for me today?" I did the reading and a half hour later a little voice told me to sign onto my live person psychic on-line business. Minutes later a request for a reading came from one of my regular clients. I had been so busy and not been signed on much for several weeks. But he found me at that precise time when I had put 'out to the universe' I'd like some more prosperity before I left for my trip. Was this a coincidence? No. Tears fell down my face and I was truly humbled. I do not claim to always be in the flow. I think that after all these years of working with the law of attraction, that I have a pretty good idea and understanding of how it works. I have seen this universal law of attraction in action many times in my life and in the lives of many others. Still there are times when I get out of synch and my abundance slows down or even totally comes to a
  • 5. screeching halt. I allow myself to indulge in a 'poor me pity party' for a little while. I cry and moan and the whole nine yards. I think that this is okay. Perhaps such relapses occur to humble us and keep us on our toes. So called bad things can also happen to good people for other reasons such as soul contracts agreed upon before we were born and soul choices to experience particular challenges, not necessarily for karmic reasons, but for desired growth. Being born into abject misery and poverty does not always mean that the soul stole from others or created misery for them in other lives, although it often does. Sometimes the soul will simply choose a more challenging lifetime for the mere experience of learning about polarity and duality. It may have experienced many lifetimes with relatively few, if any, challenges and then decide to see what it is like to be faced with struggle and conflict. I think of one of my teachers who used to say that growth comes from irritation. An old gospel song says "If I never had a problem I'd never know that God could solve them." Sometimes we will choose such lives for the mere learning opportunities that are offered from adversity. I do believe that every adversity has an equal or greater benefit. I have learned this the hard way you could say. I would not change my horrible childhood for anything. It made me stronger and made me seek spiritual help within and outside myself. The challenges led me to discover my soul's own resources as well as strengthened my resolve and faith in God, my angels, my guides, and my resolve and fierce determination to heal and become a beacon of hope for others. By the same token, there are many soul contracts and agreements which result from karma we have incurred from our previous lives with different individuals or groups. Such lessons are pre- planned and are a part of our growth, destiny, and soul evolution. Yet, even taking our karma into account does not mean we are doomed to live a life of misery; that is unless we were very bad in some past lives and have soul contracted to pay off many bad past life deeds in the current lifetime. Fortunately, such scenarios are unusual and rare. There is also the element of 'grace' where our guides are sometimes permitted to assist us. I believe with the ascension process that is currently raising the entire planetary vibrations and the energies so heightened now, that most of us are able to work off or even transcend our bad karma through service and love to humankind. Another factor to be aware of if our dreams are 'not' manifesting is how in touch are we with our true self; our inner self and our subconscious mind? The subconscious mind is very powerful and affects us far more than we are usually conscious of. We can talk about the book The Secret until the cows come home, do our creative visualization exercises and state our positive affirmations and still not get results if our subconscious mind does not believe this. We can talk about abundance and prosperity all we want but if the subconscious has incorporated the belief system that 'money is the root of all evil' and a bad thing, we will sabotage our prosperity and abundance. The same goes for relationships. I have a dear friend who constantly talks about wanting to find a good man to marry. Let us recall that often the subconscious mind will try to get our attention in many ways to show us what we really believe instead of what we claim to believe. This sometimes occurs in those proverbial 'Freudian Slips' that we make or even things we say where it becomes obvious that we don't 'really' believe what we claim to believe and say.
  • 6. Back to my dear friend. She will go on and on about wanting a husband and marriage then in the next sentence she will say that men are stupid, selfish, ignorant jerks. I have called her upon it more than once, reminding her that not 'all' men are stupid, ignorant jerks even though there are a lot of them as there are women as well. My friend wonders why she does not attract men. The answer is that her subconscious has incorporated her belief that men are jerks and sabotages every potential relationship. Her subconscious belief is so ingrained that she does not even attract men. I think she could very well be an emotional lesbian and might do better with a woman, though she claims she loves men. I also believe that she has not come to terms with her father. He put her down as a child, constantly calling her 'fattie' and such, and I sense that such experiences help create her distrust or liking of men. Yet she claims that she has forgiven him and all is well. Then why does she not attract men? As the saying goes denile, denial, ain't just a river in Egypt. If we are deluded from ourselves how can we attract the relationship and love or prosperity we crave? It is when we are daring enough to meet and confront our fears, and inner demons that we can become free. The truth is that human beings are really very complex. I personally know about the strength of the subconscious mind as I am a writer. I've struggled as a tortured artist most of this lifetime and in my last life as well, from the past life regressions I've had. Consciously, I have known for years how I love to write and I even gave up a career as a college professor to pursue my writing dream. So why has it been a struggle for over twenty years and why have I stopped and started so many times? The answer is that my subconscious mind has not believed in my worth as an artist. Why is this? It is because as a child my father constantly berated and criticized me, putting me down by saying things like I would never amount to anything. That I was a loser etc. The inner child accepted that and those words were so strong from an abusive father that my subconscious mind adopted them as truth. So even though I'd claim how badly I ached to receive recognition, money, status etc. for my hard work and tons of hours writing and editing, my subconscious had accepted that I was basically worthless. I recall going into a major depression several years back when my first story was published. I looked at the cover design, read the story, and was filled with joy. But the next morning I woke up extremely depressed. It made no sense. My friends thought I was acting crazy. After all this time and so many rejections I finally got published. I should be in seventh heaven. The only person who understood me was my friend who was also a psychotherapist. She knew right away what was up. I called her and told her I was depressed when I should be jubilant. "I know why you are depressed," she said softly. "Your inner child does not believe he is worth success because his daddy always put him down. This breakthrough you have made with your hard work and efforts has upset the apple cart as the saying goes. Your inner child still hears those mean things his daddie used to say, and he still believes them. The only way you are going to get over this and learn to love your art and embrace success is to face, confront and deal with the 'part' of you that thinks you are piece of s...t. It is your inner child who is depressed. It always is the inner child who gets depressed." That was a lot to swallow but I listened and we had a few sessions. I realized that my dear friend was totally right. Once I started facing the part of me that thought I was worthless, I was able to see 'that part' for what it was and how it had been sabotaging my dreams for most of my life. So if your dreams are not manifesting, you may have some subconscious blocks that can be sabotaging your prosperity. If this is the case than you have some inner soul work to do. The good news is that you are not alone. Your guides and perhaps counselors and therapists can help you
  • 7. find out what is really going on at a subconscious level. Once we get to the roots of our fears and beliefs that sabotage our dreams, we are in a position to choose to release them. But it takes work and willingness which can be very challenging and difficult. The Greeks said "KNOW THYSELF!" It is in knowing and becoming acquainted with our subconscious self. It can be our dearest most treasured friend guide and mentor, for it has access to all of our memories and even the collective unconscious and all the knowledge therein as Swiss Psychologist Carl G. Jung speaks so much about. The examples in this article remind me that we can choose to turn a negative situation into a positive one. When our thoughts begin to change to a more positive nature and frame of mind, our feelings naturally follow suit. Our energy shifts and our very auras begin to brighten and to glow. The universal law of attraction senses this glow and shift of our frequency and vibration. Then the tides of destiny begin to move in our direction and good fortune and good things start showing up. Success and happiness are our birthrights! Let us stand tall and proud and claim it. And let us remember that it is by changing our thoughts that our feelings change and then we can create magic and miracles. Michael Dennis- Psychic/Spiritual Medium/Author/Poet/Singer as seen on CBS, FOX TV, Jerry Springer. Q-102, MIX, MOJO RADIO. Michael offers a variety of Psychic Readings to meet your needs. He offers In-Person, Telephone and Email Readings. Michael is the author of a spiritual/self help book, Halfway To Heaven and a book of love poetry-Dawn's Kiss. He has written numerous articles for magazines. His book Morning Coffee With God comes out in 2010 by Ozark Mountain Publishing. To learn more about Michael, set up a Reading or order books please contact Michael directly: or Article Source: ==== ==== Top magic consultant reveals insider short- cut secrets to becoming a master mentalist and magician ==== ====