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Social Media and Networking Presentation
Scenario: Imagine that you have been hired as a consultant for a
university that wants to leverage social media and networking
technologies to encourage the collaboration of students, and
improve their overall sense of community.
Analyze how the university might integrate at least two social
media and networking technologies to accomplish their goals.
Your analysis must cover the advantages and disadvantages of
social networking. The president of the university also needs to
know what the system development life cycle is, and how you
intend on bringing social networking tools to life within this
Translate the critical details of your proposal into a 10- to 15-
slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that you will
present to the university president.
Include the process of acquiring the correct information systems
and applications needed to effectively run these new pursuits.
Include speaker notes describing the details of the proposal on
each slide.
Include the following in your presentation using the features of
Microsoft® PowerPoint®:
· A slide template
· Slide layouts
· Themes
· At least one example of animation
· At least one example of a media object
Title of Paper in Title Case
First and Last Name
University Name
Comment [KRK1]: Running head
Comment [KRK2]: Type your title, name, and
the university where you conducted your research
and center it between the left and right margins in
the upper half of the page.
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Quisque metus felis, aliquet mattis
faucibus at, placerat eu est. Sed consequat urna in tellus dapibus
a consequat ligula aliquam.
Proin vitae justo et magna tincidunt viverra. Sed aliquam leo a
sem pharetra tristique. Donec
semper luctus consequat. Nullam rhoncus nibh eget nisl fringilla
id eleifend metus luctus. Integer
venenatis, diam nec euismod hendrerit, mauris lorem tincidunt
turpis, sit amet cursus ligula urna
tempus magna. Ut vulputate sapien vel dui fringilla viverra ac
eu leo. Fusce scelerisque dui at
justo ultrices malesuada. Phasellus imperdiet felis in magna
vehicula aliquet. Morbi sodales
porttitor sapien at dictum. Nam vel eros erat. Integer nisi nisl,
convallis non interdum a, varius ut
odio. Proin varius venenatis nisi sit amet malesuada. Lorem
ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur
adipiscing elit. Quisque metus felis, aliquet mattis faucibus at,
placerat eu est. Sed consequat
urna in tellus dapibus a consequat ligula aliquam. Proin vitae
justo et magna tincidunt viverra.
Sed aliquam leo a sem pharetra tristique.
Keywords: addiction, recidivism, triggers
Comment [KRK3]: An abstract is a 150-250
word summary of your research findings. Your
abstract should be size 12, in Times New Roman
font, and double-spaced. The first line of your
abstract will not be indented. Because titles are no
longer considered level one headings, the word
“Abstract” should not be bolded. Your block of text
will begin underneath the word “Abstract”. Given
the nature of an abstract, it is best to write your
abstract last, as you will want to include details from
your paper in the text.
Comment [KRK4]: A good abstract has several
characteristics: First, a good abstract contains key
words. Key words are words or phrases relevant to
your report. Sometimes these key words are also
included in a list beneath your abstract paragraph.
Format your keywords as so.
Title of Paper in Title Case
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit.
Quisque metus felis, aliquet
mattis faucibus at, placerat eu est. Sed consequat urna in tellus
dapibus a consequat ligula
aliquam. Proin vitae justo et magna tincidunt viverra. Sed
aliquam leo a sem pharetra tristique.
Donec semper luctus consequat (Robinson & Berridge, 2003).
Nullam rhoncus nibh eget nisl
fringilla id eleifend metus luctus. Integer venenatis, diam nec
euismod hendrerit, mauris lorem
tincidunt turpis, sit amet cursus ligula urna tempus magna.
Header Number One
Ut vulputate sapien vel dui fringilla viverra ac eu leo. Fusce
scelerisque dui at justo
ultrices malesuada. Phasellus imperdiet felis in magna vehicula
aliquot (Robinson & Berridge,
2003). Morbi sodales porttitor sapien at dictum. Nam vel eros
erat. Integer nisi nisl, convallis
non interdum a, varius ut odio. Proin varius venenatis nisi sit
amet malesuada. Suspendisse
ultricies lacus a nulla placerat ornare. Sed egestas est sed mi
porta adipiscing. In nibh arcu,
placerat a pulvinar eu, sodales pretium nibh. Maecenas
pellentesque fermentum luctus. Duis
tincidunt magna in nisi accumsan feugiat tempor augue tempor.
Nam gravida quam faucibus
ligula dignissim elementum.
Heading Number Two
Quisque risus felis, ultricies vitae egestas ut, pellentesque sit
amet orci. Cras gravida
mollis libero, sit amet elementum mauris consectetur eu. Nunc
fringilla adipiscing nisl, et
elementum lorem vehicula non. Peck found the following:
Duis pellentesque, lacus ut interdum laoreet, quam mi volutpat
felis, sit amet fermentum
sem metus euismod risus. Fusce convallis laoreet lacus, eu
malesuada turpis laoreet id.
Pellentesque ac turpis quis massa euismod ultricies. Nunc nec
enim nec nisl venenatis
Comment [KRK5]: Parenthetical citation for a
pellentesque quis sed odio. Aliquam tincidunt, urna vel
convallis sodales, tortor lectus
tempor est, et faucibus nulla tellus in enim. Nunc eu tincidunt
arcu. Vivamus quis sem at
ante interdum placerat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in
faucibus orci luctus et ultrices
posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur tincidunt, justo egestas
pharetra euismod, orci urna
cursus mauris, id molestie quam diam a mauris. Quisque arcu
orci, dapibus nec lacinia ut,
vestibulum cursus libero. (p. 40)
Proin scelerisque libero eros, sit amet cursus ligula. Aenean
consectetur lorem in orci varius vitae
pellentesque justo porttitor.
Heading number three. Aenean risus mauris, placerat sed
imperdiet sed, tristique ut
purus. In non arcu lorem, et porta lorem. “Vivamus vulputate
interdum fermentum” (Peck, 1978,
p. 17). Donec eu eros nisl. Sed id diam dolor. Mauris vel quam
ligula. Vivamus felis tellus,
elementum eu ornare quis, consectetur vitae dui. Aliquam
luctus, arcu elementum lobortis
sollicitudin, elit sapien elementum ligula, eget luctus tellus nisl
eget erat. Aenean arcu enim,
iaculis vitae tincidunt eget, adipiscing in justo. Suspendisse
vehicula libero id tortor
condimentum rutrum.
Heading number four. Vestibulum vulputate, augue in luctus
dapibus, felis mauris
placerat libero, vel fringilla tellus arcu sed lacus. Donec non
arcu in odio adipiscing suscipit.
Praesent cursus ullamcorper tincidunt. Nam blandit aliquet erat
ac scelerisque. Cras id posuere
erat. Sed scelerisque dolor a ante semper non bibendum quam
ornare. “Then he believed in the
LORD; and He counted it to him as righteousness” (Gen. 15:6,
English Standard Version). Duis
eu tortor quis lorem pretium pretium. Curabitur id leo elit. Nam
vitae nisl quis magna lacinia
semper non at erat. Etiam nisi eros, fermentum nec dapibus non,
fermentum vitae nunc.
Curabitur diam magna, molestie eu vulputate id, mollis sed
Comment [KRK6]: Any quotation 40 words or
longer is considered a block quote. Block quotes are
formatted as so, without quotation marks. Note the
period at the end of the actual quote, before the
page number in parentheses.
Comment [KRK7]: When citing a direct quote,
include the page number, along with the author(s)
last name(s) and year of publication.
Comment [KRK8]: In APA, classical works are
only cited parenthetically. The Bible is considered a
classical work.
Heading number five. Donec aliquet purus arcu. Quisque purus
libero, mattis adipiscing
suscipit non, imperdiet sed elit. Nam id neque vitae odio
euismod tempus. Vivamus hendrerit
orci vel leo blandit consequat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et
magnis dis parturient montes,
nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean est magna, scelerisque ac iaculis
in, volutpat eget turpis. Morbi
consequat dui eu urna suscipit dignissim. Suspendisse varius,
turpis ac tempor fringilla, felis arcu
malesuada massa, eget feugiat magna nisl quis lectus. Sed ac
neque a erat mattis euismod et nec
metus. Duis aliquet, erat vitae dignissim ultices, ligula dui
laoreet tortor, ut molestie erat lorem
nec diam. Nam convallis purus eget quam rhoncus malesuada.
Integer ipsum turpis, ultricies nec
mollis consectetur, tempus sed mi.
Heppner, P. P., Kivlighan, D. M., Jr., & Wampold, B. E. (1999).
Research design in counseling
(2nd ed.) . USA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
Marlatt, G. A., & Witkiewitz, K. (2005). Relapse prevention for
alcohol and drug problems. In
G. A. Marlatt & D. M. Donovan (Eds.), Relapse prevention (2nd
ed., pp. 1-44). New
York, NY: The Guilford Press.
MediLexicon International. (2004-2013). All about addiction:
What is addiction? Retrieved
Peck, M. S. (1978). The road less traveled. NY: Simon &
Robinson, T. E., & Berridge, K. C. (2003). Addiction. Annual
Review of Psychology, 54, 25-53.
Retrieved from
Roy, S. (2009). The psychology of addiction. Retrieved from
Sakai, J. T. (2013). Neuroimaging in addiction. American
Journal of Psychiatry, 170(3), 344-
345. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2013.13010009
Sell, L., Finch, E., Farrell, M., & Strang, J. (1996). Addiction.
British Journal of Hospital
Medicine, 56, 136-140.
Comment [KRK9]: Your reference list should be
alphabetized and double spaced. The first line of
each entry will be flush left and all subsequent lines
indented (hanging indent).
Comment [KRK10]: Book with multiple authors
Comment [KRK11]: Book with more than one
Comment [KRK12]: Chapter in a book
Comment [KRK13]: Website with no author
Comment [KRK14]: Book with one author
Comment [KRK15]: Journal article with no DOI
Comment [KRK16]: Website with an author
Comment [KRK17]: Journal article with DOI
Comment [KRK18]: Journal article in print
Institution Affiliation
· Bersoff, D. (2003). Ethical conflicts in psychology.
Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.
· Corey, G., Corey, M. &Callanan, P. (2011). Issues and ethics
in the helping professions. Belmont, Calif: Brooks/Cole.
· Day, D. (2014). The Oxford handbook of leadership and
organizations. New York: Oxford University Press.
· Dewey, J., Hickman, L. & Alexander, T. (1998). The essential
Dewey. Bloomington: Indiana University Press.
· Francis, R. (2009). Ethics for psychologists. Chichester: BPS
· Forsyth, D. (2010). Group dynamics. Belmont, Calif:
Wadsworth Cengage Learning.
· Helms, J. & Rogers, D. (2010). Majoring in psychology
achieving your educational and career goals. Malden, MA:
· Knapp, S. &VandeCreek, L. (2006). Practical ethics for
psychologists: a positive approach. Washington, DC: American
Psychological Association.
· Nagy, T. (2011). Essential ethics for psychologists: a primer
for understanding and mastering core issues. Washington, DC:
American Psychological Association.
· Pope, K. & Vasquez, M. (2010). Ethics in Psychotherapy and
Counseling a Practical Guide. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons.
· Sekerka, L. (2014). Ethics training in action: an examination
of issues, techniques, and development. Charlotte, NC:
Information Age Publishing, Inc.
· Sharf, R. (2012). Theories of psychotherapy and counseling:
concepts and cases. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole.
Institution Affiliation
Social Media and Networking PresentationScenario Imagine that y.docx

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  • 1. Social Media and Networking Presentation Scenario: Imagine that you have been hired as a consultant for a university that wants to leverage social media and networking technologies to encourage the collaboration of students, and improve their overall sense of community. Analyze how the university might integrate at least two social media and networking technologies to accomplish their goals. Your analysis must cover the advantages and disadvantages of social networking. The president of the university also needs to know what the system development life cycle is, and how you intend on bringing social networking tools to life within this cycle. Translate the critical details of your proposal into a 10- to 15- slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation that you will present to the university president. Include the process of acquiring the correct information systems and applications needed to effectively run these new pursuits. Include speaker notes describing the details of the proposal on each slide. Include the following in your presentation using the features of Microsoft® PowerPoint®: · A slide template · Slide layouts · Themes · At least one example of animation · At least one example of a media object Running head: TITLE OR SHORTENED TITLE IN CAPS 1
  • 2. Title of Paper in Title Case First and Last Name University Name Comment [KRK1]: Running head Comment [KRK2]: Type your title, name, and the university where you conducted your research and center it between the left and right margins in the upper half of the page.
  • 3. TITLE OR SHORTENED TITLE IN CAPS 2 Abstract Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque metus felis, aliquet mattis faucibus at, placerat eu est. Sed consequat urna in tellus dapibus a consequat ligula aliquam. Proin vitae justo et magna tincidunt viverra. Sed aliquam leo a sem pharetra tristique. Donec semper luctus consequat. Nullam rhoncus nibh eget nisl fringilla id eleifend metus luctus. Integer venenatis, diam nec euismod hendrerit, mauris lorem tincidunt turpis, sit amet cursus ligula urna tempus magna. Ut vulputate sapien vel dui fringilla viverra ac eu leo. Fusce scelerisque dui at justo ultrices malesuada. Phasellus imperdiet felis in magna vehicula aliquet. Morbi sodales porttitor sapien at dictum. Nam vel eros erat. Integer nisi nisl, convallis non interdum a, varius ut odio. Proin varius venenatis nisi sit amet malesuada. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque metus felis, aliquet mattis faucibus at, placerat eu est. Sed consequat
  • 4. urna in tellus dapibus a consequat ligula aliquam. Proin vitae justo et magna tincidunt viverra. Sed aliquam leo a sem pharetra tristique. Keywords: addiction, recidivism, triggers Comment [KRK3]: An abstract is a 150-250 word summary of your research findings. Your abstract should be size 12, in Times New Roman font, and double-spaced. The first line of your abstract will not be indented. Because titles are no longer considered level one headings, the word “Abstract” should not be bolded. Your block of text will begin underneath the word “Abstract”. Given the nature of an abstract, it is best to write your abstract last, as you will want to include details from your paper in the text. Comment [KRK4]: A good abstract has several characteristics: First, a good abstract contains key words. Key words are words or phrases relevant to your report. Sometimes these key words are also included in a list beneath your abstract paragraph.
  • 5. Format your keywords as so. TITLE OR SHORTENED TITLE IN CAPS 3 Title of Paper in Title Case Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Quisque metus felis, aliquet mattis faucibus at, placerat eu est. Sed consequat urna in tellus dapibus a consequat ligula aliquam. Proin vitae justo et magna tincidunt viverra. Sed aliquam leo a sem pharetra tristique. Donec semper luctus consequat (Robinson & Berridge, 2003). Nullam rhoncus nibh eget nisl fringilla id eleifend metus luctus. Integer venenatis, diam nec euismod hendrerit, mauris lorem tincidunt turpis, sit amet cursus ligula urna tempus magna. Header Number One Ut vulputate sapien vel dui fringilla viverra ac eu leo. Fusce scelerisque dui at justo ultrices malesuada. Phasellus imperdiet felis in magna vehicula aliquot (Robinson & Berridge, 2003). Morbi sodales porttitor sapien at dictum. Nam vel eros
  • 6. erat. Integer nisi nisl, convallis non interdum a, varius ut odio. Proin varius venenatis nisi sit amet malesuada. Suspendisse ultricies lacus a nulla placerat ornare. Sed egestas est sed mi porta adipiscing. In nibh arcu, placerat a pulvinar eu, sodales pretium nibh. Maecenas pellentesque fermentum luctus. Duis tincidunt magna in nisi accumsan feugiat tempor augue tempor. Nam gravida quam faucibus ligula dignissim elementum. Heading Number Two Quisque risus felis, ultricies vitae egestas ut, pellentesque sit amet orci. Cras gravida mollis libero, sit amet elementum mauris consectetur eu. Nunc fringilla adipiscing nisl, et elementum lorem vehicula non. Peck found the following: Duis pellentesque, lacus ut interdum laoreet, quam mi volutpat felis, sit amet fermentum sem metus euismod risus. Fusce convallis laoreet lacus, eu malesuada turpis laoreet id. Pellentesque ac turpis quis massa euismod ultricies. Nunc nec enim nec nisl venenatis Comment [KRK5]: Parenthetical citation for a
  • 7. paraphrase TITLE OR SHORTENED TITLE IN CAPS 4 pellentesque quis sed odio. Aliquam tincidunt, urna vel convallis sodales, tortor lectus tempor est, et faucibus nulla tellus in enim. Nunc eu tincidunt arcu. Vivamus quis sem at ante interdum placerat. Vestibulum ante ipsum primis in faucibus orci luctus et ultrices posuere cubilia Curae; Curabitur tincidunt, justo egestas pharetra euismod, orci urna cursus mauris, id molestie quam diam a mauris. Quisque arcu orci, dapibus nec lacinia ut, vestibulum cursus libero. (p. 40) Proin scelerisque libero eros, sit amet cursus ligula. Aenean consectetur lorem in orci varius vitae pellentesque justo porttitor. Heading number three. Aenean risus mauris, placerat sed imperdiet sed, tristique ut purus. In non arcu lorem, et porta lorem. “Vivamus vulputate interdum fermentum” (Peck, 1978, p. 17). Donec eu eros nisl. Sed id diam dolor. Mauris vel quam
  • 8. ligula. Vivamus felis tellus, elementum eu ornare quis, consectetur vitae dui. Aliquam luctus, arcu elementum lobortis sollicitudin, elit sapien elementum ligula, eget luctus tellus nisl eget erat. Aenean arcu enim, iaculis vitae tincidunt eget, adipiscing in justo. Suspendisse vehicula libero id tortor condimentum rutrum. Heading number four. Vestibulum vulputate, augue in luctus dapibus, felis mauris placerat libero, vel fringilla tellus arcu sed lacus. Donec non arcu in odio adipiscing suscipit. Praesent cursus ullamcorper tincidunt. Nam blandit aliquet erat ac scelerisque. Cras id posuere erat. Sed scelerisque dolor a ante semper non bibendum quam ornare. “Then he believed in the LORD; and He counted it to him as righteousness” (Gen. 15:6, English Standard Version). Duis eu tortor quis lorem pretium pretium. Curabitur id leo elit. Nam vitae nisl quis magna lacinia semper non at erat. Etiam nisi eros, fermentum nec dapibus non, fermentum vitae nunc. Curabitur diam magna, molestie eu vulputate id, mollis sed turpis.
  • 9. Comment [KRK6]: Any quotation 40 words or longer is considered a block quote. Block quotes are formatted as so, without quotation marks. Note the period at the end of the actual quote, before the page number in parentheses. Comment [KRK7]: When citing a direct quote, include the page number, along with the author(s) last name(s) and year of publication. Comment [KRK8]: In APA, classical works are only cited parenthetically. The Bible is considered a classical work. TITLE OR SHORTENED TITLE IN CAPS 5 Heading number five. Donec aliquet purus arcu. Quisque purus libero, mattis adipiscing suscipit non, imperdiet sed elit. Nam id neque vitae odio euismod tempus. Vivamus hendrerit orci vel leo blandit consequat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Aenean est magna, scelerisque ac iaculis in, volutpat eget turpis. Morbi consequat dui eu urna suscipit dignissim. Suspendisse varius, turpis ac tempor fringilla, felis arcu malesuada massa, eget feugiat magna nisl quis lectus. Sed ac
  • 10. neque a erat mattis euismod et nec metus. Duis aliquet, erat vitae dignissim ultices, ligula dui laoreet tortor, ut molestie erat lorem nec diam. Nam convallis purus eget quam rhoncus malesuada. Integer ipsum turpis, ultricies nec mollis consectetur, tempus sed mi. TITLE OR SHORTENED TITLE IN CAPS 6 References Heppner, P. P., Kivlighan, D. M., Jr., & Wampold, B. E. (1999). Research design in counseling (2nd ed.) . USA: Wadsworth Publishing Company.
  • 11. Marlatt, G. A., & Witkiewitz, K. (2005). Relapse prevention for alcohol and drug problems. In G. A. Marlatt & D. M. Donovan (Eds.), Relapse prevention (2nd ed., pp. 1-44). New York, NY: The Guilford Press. MediLexicon International. (2004-2013). All about addiction: What is addiction? Retrieved from Peck, M. S. (1978). The road less traveled. NY: Simon & Schuster. Robinson, T. E., & Berridge, K. C. (2003). Addiction. Annual Review of Psychology, 54, 25-53. Retrieved from Roy, S. (2009). The psychology of addiction. Retrieved from Psychology-of-Addiction&id=1393598 Sakai, J. T. (2013). Neuroimaging in addiction. American Journal of Psychiatry, 170(3), 344- 345. doi:10.1176/appi.ajp.2013.13010009 Sell, L., Finch, E., Farrell, M., & Strang, J. (1996). Addiction. British Journal of Hospital Medicine, 56, 136-140.
  • 12. Comment [KRK9]: Your reference list should be alphabetized and double spaced. The first line of each entry will be flush left and all subsequent lines indented (hanging indent). Comment [KRK10]: Book with multiple authors Comment [KRK11]: Book with more than one edition Comment [KRK12]: Chapter in a book Comment [KRK13]: Website with no author Comment [KRK14]: Book with one author Comment [KRK15]: Journal article with no DOI Comment [KRK16]: Website with an author Comment [KRK17]: Journal article with DOI Comment [KRK18]: Journal article in print RUNNING HEAD: ETHICS RESEARCH PAPER
  • 13. Title Institution Affiliation Name References · Bersoff, D. (2003). Ethical conflicts in psychology. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. · Corey, G., Corey, M. &Callanan, P. (2011). Issues and ethics in the helping professions. Belmont, Calif: Brooks/Cole. · Day, D. (2014). The Oxford handbook of leadership and organizations. New York: Oxford University Press. · Dewey, J., Hickman, L. & Alexander, T. (1998). The essential Dewey. Bloomington: Indiana University Press. · Francis, R. (2009). Ethics for psychologists. Chichester: BPS Blackwell. · Forsyth, D. (2010). Group dynamics. Belmont, Calif: Wadsworth Cengage Learning. · Helms, J. & Rogers, D. (2010). Majoring in psychology achieving your educational and career goals. Malden, MA: Wiley-Blackwell. · Knapp, S. &VandeCreek, L. (2006). Practical ethics for psychologists: a positive approach. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. · Nagy, T. (2011). Essential ethics for psychologists: a primer for understanding and mastering core issues. Washington, DC: American Psychological Association. · Pope, K. & Vasquez, M. (2010). Ethics in Psychotherapy and
  • 14. Counseling a Practical Guide. Hoboken: John Wiley & Sons. · Sekerka, L. (2014). Ethics training in action: an examination of issues, techniques, and development. Charlotte, NC: Information Age Publishing, Inc. · Sharf, R. (2012). Theories of psychotherapy and counseling: concepts and cases. Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole. RUNNING HEAD: ETHICS RESEARCH PAPER Title Institution Affiliation Name