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Exploration and Practice of China’s Forest
Carbon Management
Secretary-General of China Green Carbon Foundation
Deputy Director-General of Climate Change Office, State
Forestry Administration, P.R.China
Dec.8th.2014, Lima,Peru
Li Nuyun
Ⅰ. China expands forest cover fast.
Ⅱ. The forestry action to address climate change in China.
Ⅲ .Forest carbon trade increase farmers’ income.
Ⅰ. China Increase Forest Cover Rapidly
• Forest area 208 millions ha; Forest coverage 21.63%;
Forest stock volume 15.2 billion m3 ; Plantation area 69
million ha; Forest carbon storage 8.4 billion ton.
• 40 million ha of barren hills and wastelands.
• 60% of young forest need further tending.
• Total forest carbon 421 million ton (7% of total CO2
森林面积2.08亿公顷,森林覆盖率21.63%,森林蓄积151 . 37亿立方米,人工林面积
0.69亿公顷,森林总碳储量84.2吨。约有3957万公顷宜林荒山荒地可造林 ;现有林
60%以上是中幼龄林亟待抚育均可增汇。2013年温室气体清单:碳汇 4.21亿吨,占
当年CO2排放总量的7% .
2. Afforestation made Notable Difference
Before planting
The Royal Canadian Academy of Sciences:
• USA: Forest Carbon Sink were stable in 30 years.
• CHN: Forest carbon sink increase fast.
• 1999-2008 biomass: CHN > USA
3. Chinese Forest Carbon Sink Exceed USA
CHN/USA: Comparison of young forest percentage
USA 147.0 Tg /a
CHN 174.0 Tg/a
长。1999—2008 年中
•Put forward in Sydney Declaration 2007,
the area of forests in Asia-Pacific region
will expand by 20 million ha by 2020.
China has increased by 12.23 million ha.
China alone can fulfill the target.
•Proposed in 2014 APEC in Beijing , the
Sydney forest goal will be evaluated.
就可全完成其目标。2014 APEC会议决定对该目标进行评估。
4.China’s Promise in APEC Sydney Declaration
为 2007 APEC会议增加森林面积目标做贡献
Ⅱ. The forestry action to address climate
change in China
1.Realize the Twelfth Five Plan and Forest Action Plan
序号 Key field 重点领域 Major action 主要行动 备注
1:voluntary tree planting 大力推进全民义务植树
2 2: Afforestation 实施重点工程造林,不断扩大森林面积
3 3:Timber forest 加快珍贵树种用材林培育
4 Forestry Biomass Energy
4:Forest resource processing 能源林培育一体化项目
5 Sustainable Forest Management
5:SFM Project 实施森林经营项目
6 6:Forest tending 扩大封山育林面积,科学改造人工纯林
Forest Resource Conservation
7:Manage cutting 加强森林资源采伐管理
8 8:Forest law 加强林地征占用管理 9:提高林业执法能力
10 10:Forest fire 提高森林火灾防控能力
11 11: Prevent Forest pest 提高森林病虫属兔危害的防控能力
12 Forestry Industry
12:Rational Develop 合理开发和利用生物质材料
13 13:wood cyclic use 加强木材高效循环利用
14 Wetland RestorationProtectionUse
14: Protect Wetland 开展重要湿地的抢救性保护与恢复
15 15:Farming and fishing 开展农牧渔业可持续利用示范
1. Forestry Actions to Address Climate Change
1:Forest Adaptation 提高人工林生态系统的适应性
17 2:Species conservation 建立典型森林物种自然保护区
18 3:Enhance protection 加大重点物种保护力度
19 4:Monitoring 提高野生动物疫源疫病监测预警能力
5:Prevent desertification 加强荒漠化地区的植被保护
21 Wetland
6:Wetland conservation 加强湿地保护的基础工作
7:Set up wetland nature reserve system
Forestry Adaptation Action
2. China’s Emission Reduction Target on Forestry
By 2020(compare to 2005 level):
• CO2 emissions /unit of GDP reduced by 40% ~ 45%
• Non-fossil fuels/primary energy = 15%
• Increase: forest area 40 million ha , standing volume
1.3 billion m3.
• 到2020年比2005年:
• 单位国内生产总值CO2排放下降40%-45%;
• 非化石能源占一次能源消费的比重达到15%左右;
• 通过植树造林和加强森林管理,增加森林面积4000万公顷、森林蓄积13亿立方米。
Reduce forest fire by 30%
combat desertification 1.5 million ha
restore wetland 0.1 million ha
protect > 30 endangered species
Prevent and attack poachers
3.Efficient Work for Climate Change Adaptation
4.Develop Forest Industry in Various Way
Sand industry
Nursery stock
Bamboo industry
Woody grain
Forest tourism
Under forest
Forest industry
Forestry Production:
2002 RMB460 billion
2020 RMB8,000 billion
林业产值: 2002年0.46万亿;2020年8万亿
5.Forest Help City Adapt to Climate Change
Forest is important infrastructure 森林是城市最重要基础设施之一
6. Administrations for Climate Change Dept
5 Carbon
15 Carbon
From the year of 2003,
SFA had set up several
climate change Depts.
5. Principle for Carbon Sequestration forestry in China
* Service to national strategy and sustainable development
* To achieve forest multiple benefits. carbon sink,
biodiversity, environment, community development etc;
* To create technical system that conforms to
international rules and Chinese practice;
* To raise the public awareness of climate change;
* To cultivate ecosystem service market .
和服务功能 促进社区发展、生物多样性和生态保护---森林多重效益;建立与国际接轨并符合
6 . Methodology for Carbon Sequestration Project
Afforestation projects
Bamboo projects
Shrub projects
Forest Management projects
City forest projects
Farmers’ forest projects
The 1st Reforestation Methodology Approved by EB
 Facilitating Reforestation for Guangxi Watershed Management
in Pearl River Basin;
 Plantation 4,000 ha, World Bank-Bio Carbon Fund pay US$2
million to buy 0.48 million t CO2-e;
Price: US$ 4.35/t CO2 -e
 Key of success: carbon sequestration, biodiversity
conservation, soil erosion control, local livelihood improvement.
全球第一个获得批准的再造林方法学 “中国广西珠江流域治理再造林项目”
 2006年始广西苍梧、环江县营造4000公顷人工林, 世界银行生物碳基金付200万美元,购
买48万吨 CO2-e。价格:4.35美元/吨。项目成功的关键:除吸收大气中的 CO2 外,还增
7.The Global First CDM Forest Carbon Project
In 2010, UNFCCC conference in Tianjin, China.
Contributed Carbon Emissions: 12,000 t CO2 -e .
CGCF support US$ 0.56 million to plantation 333 ha to offset it.
8. Forest Carbon Neutral for Various Activities
开展各类会议碳 中和
2014 APEC Meeting Carbon Neutral
2014年APEC 会议周碳中和林
APEC meeting contributed 6,371t CO 2-e, CGCF support
to plantation 15 ha to offset the emission.
APEC会议周共排放6371吨CO2 e,种树1274亩实现会议碳中和
Emission Measured by Qualified Institute;
Companies donate to A/R to offset their emissions.
9. Carbon Neutral Action by Enterprise
By June. 2013 ,
got more than
U.S$ 110
millions for
10. Established China Green Carbon Foundation
CGCF is the 1st Nationwide public benefit Fund for Climate Change
11. The Overall Framework of China Green
Carbon Foundation
China Green Carbon
The Fund Council
Stage 1
Corporations & individuals
Implementing the programs
Carbon Accounting and
Monitoring assigned to SFA
On-line public notification
Stage 2
Organizing tree planting
for carbon Sequestration
Entering Stage 3
进入 第三阶段
The planters own the forest
Returns gained from market
Increasing the income of
the householders
Plant, inspect and
★ ★
★ ★
A/R land
12.Carbon Sequestration Afforestation Project
CGCF has support farmers plantation more than 80,000 ha in 20
provinces 已在全国20多个省(区市)营造碳汇林120多万亩。
“Buy” carbon sequestration online
13. Gift Card Series Issued by CGCF
Teachers' Day Card
Grown Up Gift
Valentine’s Day Card
14. Buy Carbon Credit = Voluntary tree planting
Beijing New Regulation:“ Buy” 10 USD carbon
credit to fulfill tree-planting obligation.
citizen buy carbon credit in Beijing
15. Raise Teenage Awareness of Low-carbon Life
Compiled 4 textbooks about forest and climate change
16.CGCF Set Up Volunteer Stations Nationwide
Forest cover 40% Standing volume 40%
Forest management 20%
Ⅲ.Forest Carbon Trade Benefits Stakeholder
1. 碳汇交易助力企业减排农民增收
• National strategy: increase forest cover and standing volume.
• Since 2011, Chinese Gov. started 7 pilot carbon trading.
--2011年国家启动7省(市)碳交易试点,推动实现碳减排目标 。
Trade carbon credit is mainly industrial emission , there are
5-10% carbon emission can be offset by CCER, including
forest carbon .7个碳市场交易的是配额,有5--10%可购买抵消量(CCER)包括林业碳汇减排量
Compliance Carbon Trade Market Opened in 7 cities
2. Pilot Cap and Trade System in China
3. China’s 1st CCER Forest Project
中国首个CCER 林业项目
Afforestation Carbon Sequestration Projects in
Guangdong province 广东长隆碳汇造林项目,1.3万亩,34万吨
NDRC approved 3 methodology on forest carbon projects :
A/R projects; Bamboo projects; SFM projects
We succeed in the first CCER forest project in China ,the area is
867 ha in Guangdong. 340 thousand ton CO2e in future 20 years。
Since 2011, CGCF carry out pilot voluntary carbon trade. 11
corporations bought 154 thousand tons carbon credit.
2011年开展碳汇自愿交易试点:有阿里巴巴等11家企业和单位购买 碳汇减排量15.4万吨,18-30元 /吨。
4. Started Pilot Voluntary Forest Carbon Trade
Pilot Trade in East China
Foerstry Exchange
SFM project: 5USD/ton
Afforestation Project: 3USD/ton
5. Consolidate the Reform of Tenure
in Collective Forests
Total Forest area: 304 million ha, Collective Forest area: 182 million
ha farmers have the forest right to use and benefit in 70 years.
6. Farmer’ Benefit from Carbon Trade
Help Farmers to:
• Compile sustainable forest management plan;
• Carry out Carbon Accounting—Registration--issuing;
• Sell carbon credit in voluntary carbon market in China.
农民获得: 林地使用权、林木所有权、收益权等
Accounting Agency
Validate Agency
Registry Platform
East China Foerstry
Gov office
临安市林业局 Carbon credit
Public buyer
SFM Plan
List of Forest Projects for 42 farmers
Methodology and Accounting for Farmers’ Project
Methodology of Forest Management
Carbon Sequestration Project
Forestry-Industrial Standard for Carbon Sequestration
Guide to verify forest carbon
Drafting Guidelines for
validation and verification
of forest carbon projects
in China’ in 2013.
The Guidelines became
standard of forestry sector
when it was approved by
SFA in 2014.
审定与核证指南》, 2014年被
China’s Forestry carbon sequestration Register System
Pilot Projects
Log in
Trade Framework of East China
Foerstry Exchange
Hosted platform
Trade platform
Original Register
Report loss
Fund settlement
8. Issue Forest Carbon Certification to Farmers
Record estimated carbon credit on the certificate for evidence
9. Carbon Trade Happen among 3 Sides
East China Forestry Exchange
10.Enterprise Buy Forest Carbon to Offset Emission
•Zhejiang Branch of China
Construction Bank Contribute
12,000 ton of CO2 per year.
•Buy forest carbon to make
carbon neutral for the Bank.
11. Individual can Buy Credit to
Offset Carbon Footprint
Mark of carbon offset
Certificate of carbon offset
$ 49 for 10 tons of Carbon credit
Forest Carbon Partnership Facility
Service to
12. Focus on Methodology for Forest Carbon Project
We issued bamboo forest methodology during COP18 in Doha.
“forestry carbon property and
13. Focus on Carbon Sink Property Right
14. Focus on Forest Carbon Trade
• Increase carbon credits by A/R and protect
forest to reduce emissions from them.
• Take action with enterprises and public to reduce
human induced harm on earth,
• Practice low-carbon life to protect our earth,
which is our only home.
• 造林增汇、保林减排! 让我们都行的起来,动员企业和公众,
• 实践低碳生产和低碳生活,减少人类对地球的伤害,保护地球家园!
Thanks for your attention!
China Green Carbon Foundation

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Exploration and Practice of China’s Forest Carbon Management

  • 1. Exploration and Practice of China’s Forest Carbon Management 中国林业碳管理的探索与实践 Secretary-General of China Green Carbon Foundation Deputy Director-General of Climate Change Office, State Forestry Administration, P.R.China Dec.8th.2014, Lima,Peru Li Nuyun 李怒云
  • 2. Outline 主要内容 Ⅰ. China expands forest cover fast. Ⅱ. The forestry action to address climate change in China. Ⅲ .Forest carbon trade increase farmers’ income. 一.中国森林植被快速增加 二、林业应对气候变化行动 三、碳汇交易促进农民增收
  • 3. Ⅰ. China Increase Forest Cover Rapidly 中国快速增加森林植被 • Forest area 208 millions ha; Forest coverage 21.63%; Forest stock volume 15.2 billion m3 ; Plantation area 69 million ha; Forest carbon storage 8.4 billion ton. • 40 million ha of barren hills and wastelands. • 60% of young forest need further tending. • Total forest carbon 421 million ton (7% of total CO2 emission). 森林面积2.08亿公顷,森林覆盖率21.63%,森林蓄积151 . 37亿立方米,人工林面积 0.69亿公顷,森林总碳储量84.2吨。约有3957万公顷宜林荒山荒地可造林 ;现有林 60%以上是中幼龄林亟待抚育均可增汇。2013年温室气体清单:碳汇 4.21亿吨,占 当年CO2排放总量的7% .
  • 4. 2. Afforestation made Notable Difference Before planting Afterward
  • 5. The Royal Canadian Academy of Sciences: • USA: Forest Carbon Sink were stable in 30 years. • CHN: Forest carbon sink increase fast. • 1999-2008 biomass: CHN > USA 3. Chinese Forest Carbon Sink Exceed USA 中国森林生物量碳汇超过美国 CHN/USA: Comparison of young forest percentage USA 147.0 Tg /a CHN 174.0 Tg/a 加拿大皇家科学院院 士陈镜明教授团队研 究表明,中国森林碳 汇已经接近甚至超过 美国。美国森林碳汇 近30年基本稳定。中 国森林年龄低于美国, 所以森林碳汇不断增 长。1999—2008 年中 国林分生物量碳汇已 超过美国.
  • 6. •Put forward in Sydney Declaration 2007, the area of forests in Asia-Pacific region will expand by 20 million ha by 2020. China has increased by 12.23 million ha. China alone can fulfill the target. •Proposed in 2014 APEC in Beijing , the Sydney forest goal will be evaluated. 自2007年APEC《悉尼宣言》提出“到2020年亚太地区森林面积增加 2000万公顷”目标以来,中国森林面积已增加1223万公顷。仅中国 就可全完成其目标。2014 APEC会议决定对该目标进行评估。 4.China’s Promise in APEC Sydney Declaration 为 2007 APEC会议增加森林面积目标做贡献
  • 7. Ⅱ. The forestry action to address climate change in China 1.Realize the Twelfth Five Plan and Forest Action Plan 落实十二五规划和行动计划
  • 8. 序号 Key field 重点领域 Major action 主要行动 备注 1 Afforestation 领域一:植树造林 1:voluntary tree planting 大力推进全民义务植树 Forest Mitigat ion activity 减缓重点领域 和主要行动 2 2: Afforestation 实施重点工程造林,不断扩大森林面积 3 3:Timber forest 加快珍贵树种用材林培育 4 Forestry Biomass Energy 领域二:林业生物质能源 4:Forest resource processing 能源林培育一体化项目 5 Sustainable Forest Management 领域三:森林可持续经营 5:SFM Project 实施森林经营项目 6 6:Forest tending 扩大封山育林面积,科学改造人工纯林 7 Forest Resource Conservation 领域四:森林资源保护 7:Manage cutting 加强森林资源采伐管理 8 8:Forest law 加强林地征占用管理 9:提高林业执法能力 10 10:Forest fire 提高森林火灾防控能力 11 11: Prevent Forest pest 提高森林病虫属兔危害的防控能力 12 Forestry Industry 领域五:林业产业 12:Rational Develop 合理开发和利用生物质材料 13 13:wood cyclic use 加强木材高效循环利用 14 Wetland RestorationProtectionUse 领域六:湿地恢复、保护和利用 14: Protect Wetland 开展重要湿地的抢救性保护与恢复 15 15:Farming and fishing 开展农牧渔业可持续利用示范 1. Forestry Actions to Address Climate Change 8
  • 9. 16 Forest ecosystem 1.森林生态系统 1:Forest Adaptation 提高人工林生态系统的适应性 Forestry Adaptation Action 适应气候变化的重 点领域和主要行动 17 2:Species conservation 建立典型森林物种自然保护区 18 3:Enhance protection 加大重点物种保护力度 19 4:Monitoring 提高野生动物疫源疫病监测预警能力 20 Desert ecosystem 2.荒漠生态系统 5:Prevent desertification 加强荒漠化地区的植被保护 21 Wetland Ecosystem 3.湿地生态系统 6:Wetland conservation 加强湿地保护的基础工作 22 7:Set up wetland nature reserve system 建立和完善湿地自然保护区网络 Forestry Adaptation Action 适应气候变化行动
  • 10. 2. China’s Emission Reduction Target on Forestry 林业措施是中国承诺的碳减排目标之一 By 2020(compare to 2005 level): • CO2 emissions /unit of GDP reduced by 40% ~ 45% • Non-fossil fuels/primary energy = 15% • Increase: forest area 40 million ha , standing volume 1.3 billion m3. • 到2020年比2005年: • 单位国内生产总值CO2排放下降40%-45%; • 非化石能源占一次能源消费的比重达到15%左右; • 通过植树造林和加强森林管理,增加森林面积4000万公顷、森林蓄积13亿立方米。
  • 11. Reduce forest fire by 30% combat desertification 1.5 million ha restore wetland 0.1 million ha protect > 30 endangered species Prevent and attack poachers 3.Efficient Work for Climate Change Adaptation 林业各类措施成效显著
  • 12. 4.Develop Forest Industry in Various Way 林业产业得到发展 Plantation 木材培育 Sand industry 沙产业 Widelife 野生动物 Biotechnology 林业生物 Nursery stock 花卉苗木 Bamboo industry 竹产业 Woody grain 木本粮油 Forest tourism 森林旅游 Under forest 林下经济 Forest industry 林产工业 Forestry Production: 2002 RMB460 billion 2020 RMB8,000 billion 林业产值: 2002年0.46万亿;2020年8万亿
  • 13. 5.Forest Help City Adapt to Climate Change 森林助力城市适应气候变化 Forest is important infrastructure 森林是城市最重要基础设施之一
  • 14. 6. Administrations for Climate Change Dept 成立应对气候变化管理机构 SFA Forest Carbon Management Office Forest Energy Office Asia-pacific forestry Organization CGCF 5 Carbon Accounting and Monitoring Centers 15 Carbon Accounting Institutes From the year of 2003, SFA had set up several climate change Depts.
  • 15. 5. Principle for Carbon Sequestration forestry in China 重视林业多种效益 * Service to national strategy and sustainable development * To achieve forest multiple benefits. carbon sink, biodiversity, environment, community development etc; * To create technical system that conforms to international rules and Chinese practice; * To raise the public awareness of climate change; * To cultivate ecosystem service market . 中国提倡的碳汇林业 符合国家可持续发展要求和应对气候变化国家战略;除积累碳汇外,确保森林生态系统稳定 和服务功能 促进社区发展、生物多样性和生态保护---森林多重效益;建立与国际接轨并符合 中国实际的技术支撑体系;促进公众应对气候变化意识提高;推动森林生态服务市场发育。
  • 16. 6 . Methodology for Carbon Sequestration Project 编制营造林碳汇项目方法学 Methodoloty Afforestation projects Bamboo projects Shrub projects Forest Management projects City forest projects Farmers’ forest projects for
  • 17. The 1st Reforestation Methodology Approved by EB  Facilitating Reforestation for Guangxi Watershed Management in Pearl River Basin;  Plantation 4,000 ha, World Bank-Bio Carbon Fund pay US$2 million to buy 0.48 million t CO2-e; Price: US$ 4.35/t CO2 -e  Key of success: carbon sequestration, biodiversity conservation, soil erosion control, local livelihood improvement. 全球第一个获得批准的再造林方法学 “中国广西珠江流域治理再造林项目”  2006年始广西苍梧、环江县营造4000公顷人工林, 世界银行生物碳基金付200万美元,购 买48万吨 CO2-e。价格:4.35美元/吨。项目成功的关键:除吸收大气中的 CO2 外,还增 加当地农民就业和收入、涵养水源、保护生态、保护生物多样性多重效益! 7.The Global First CDM Forest Carbon Project 成功实施全球首个CDM碳汇项目
  • 18. In 2010, UNFCCC conference in Tianjin, China. Contributed Carbon Emissions: 12,000 t CO2 -e . CGCF support US$ 0.56 million to plantation 333 ha to offset it. 8. Forest Carbon Neutral for Various Activities 开展各类会议碳 中和 2010年,联合国气候变化天津会议产生1.2万吨碳放,CGCF出资375万元,在山西造林5000亩十年全部抵消。
  • 19. 2014 APEC Meeting Carbon Neutral 2014年APEC 会议周碳中和林 APEC meeting contributed 6,371t CO 2-e, CGCF support to plantation 15 ha to offset the emission. APEC会议周共排放6371吨CO2 e,种树1274亩实现会议碳中和
  • 20. Emission Measured by Qualified Institute; Companies donate to A/R to offset their emissions. 测算企业年生产过程的碳排放,由企业捐资造林予以中和. . 9. Carbon Neutral Action by Enterprise 促进企业利用碳汇实现碳中和
  • 21. By June. 2013 , got more than U.S$ 110 millions for donation 募集资金7亿多元 10. Established China Green Carbon Foundation 成立公募碳基金会-----中国绿色碳汇基金会 CGCF is the 1st Nationwide public benefit Fund for Climate Change
  • 22. 11. The Overall Framework of China Green Carbon Foundation China Green Carbon Foundation 中国绿色碳汇基金会 The Fund Council 专项基金理事会 Council 理事会 Stage 1 第一阶段 Corporations & individuals donate 企业和个人捐资 Implementing the programs 组织项目实施 Carbon Accounting and Monitoring assigned to SFA 制定碳汇计量监测计划等 On-line public notification 网上公示 Stage 2 第二阶段 Organizing tree planting for carbon Sequestration 组织碳汇造林 Entering Stage 3 进入 第三阶段 The planters own the forest property 造林所有权归造林者 Returns gained from market 销售林木果实获利 Increasing the income of the householders 促进农民增收 Plant, inspect and Account 造林、碳汇计量等 22
  • 23. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★ A/R land 碳汇造林地 12.Carbon Sequestration Afforestation Project 开展碳汇造林 CGCF has support farmers plantation more than 80,000 ha in 20 provinces 已在全国20多个省(区市)营造碳汇林120多万亩。
  • 25. 13. Gift Card Series Issued by CGCF 开发碳汇公益礼品卡 Teachers' Day Card Grown Up Gift Valentine’s Day Card
  • 26. 14. Buy Carbon Credit = Voluntary tree planting 公众购买碳汇履行义务植树 Beijing New Regulation:“ Buy” 10 USD carbon credit to fulfill tree-planting obligation. citizen buy carbon credit in Beijing
  • 27. 与北京二外附中合作编写了四本教材已进入课堂 15. Raise Teenage Awareness of Low-carbon Life 出版发行中学生碳汇教材 Compiled 4 textbooks about forest and climate change
  • 28. 16.CGCF Set Up Volunteer Stations Nationwide 建立各类志愿者工作站
  • 29. Forest cover 40% Standing volume 40% Forest management 20% Ⅲ.Forest Carbon Trade Benefits Stakeholder 1. 碳汇交易助力企业减排农民增收 • National strategy: increase forest cover and standing volume. • Since 2011, Chinese Gov. started 7 pilot carbon trading. --林业”双增“目标作为约束性指标纳入国民经济和社会发展中长期规划。 --2011年国家启动7省(市)碳交易试点,推动实现碳减排目标 。
  • 30. 30 SHENZHEN SHANGHAI BEIJING GUANGZHOU Trade carbon credit is mainly industrial emission , there are 5-10% carbon emission can be offset by CCER, including forest carbon .7个碳市场交易的是配额,有5--10%可购买抵消量(CCER)包括林业碳汇减排量 Compliance Carbon Trade Market Opened in 7 cities 2. Pilot Cap and Trade System in China 7省(市)碳交易市场开业
  • 31. 3. China’s 1st CCER Forest Project 中国首个CCER 林业项目 Afforestation Carbon Sequestration Projects in Guangdong province 广东长隆碳汇造林项目,1.3万亩,34万吨 NDRC approved 3 methodology on forest carbon projects : A/R projects; Bamboo projects; SFM projects We succeed in the first CCER forest project in China ,the area is 867 ha in Guangdong. 340 thousand ton CO2e in future 20 years。 国家发改委批准三个林业碳汇方法学:碳汇造林、竹林碳汇、森林经营。
  • 32. Since 2011, CGCF carry out pilot voluntary carbon trade. 11 corporations bought 154 thousand tons carbon credit. 2011年开展碳汇自愿交易试点:有阿里巴巴等11家企业和单位购买 碳汇减排量15.4万吨,18-30元 /吨。 4. Started Pilot Voluntary Forest Carbon Trade 开展自愿碳汇交易试点 Pilot Trade in East China Foerstry Exchange 林业碳汇交易试点 SFM project: 5USD/ton 森林经营项目:30元/吨 Afforestation Project: 3USD/ton 造林项目:18元/吨
  • 33. 5. Consolidate the Reform of Tenure in Collective Forests 中国的集体林权制度改革 Total Forest area: 304 million ha, Collective Forest area: 182 million ha farmers have the forest right to use and benefit in 70 years. 中国现有林地45.6亿亩,其中集体林地27.37亿亩。农民可获得70年可以继承的林地使用权、林木所有和收益 权。
  • 34. 6. Farmer’ Benefit from Carbon Trade 碳汇交易促进农民增收 Help Farmers to: • Compile sustainable forest management plan; • Carry out Carbon Accounting—Registration--issuing; • Sell carbon credit in voluntary carbon market in China. 农民获得: 林地使用权、林木所有权、收益权等 帮助农民编制可持续经营方案----碳汇计量----注册—发碳汇证----托管到交易所——出售碳汇获益!
  • 35. Farmer 农户 Accounting Agency 计量团队 Validate Agency 核证机构 Registry Platform 注册平台 East China Foerstry Exchange 华东林权交易所 Gov office 临安市林业局 Carbon credit 碳汇指标 6. Forest Carbon Trade System For Farmer Trade 交易 Certificate 制定管理办法 Apply 报送经营活动信息 Public buyer 公众购买 SFM Plan 森林经营方案和碳计量
  • 36. List of Forest Projects for 42 farmers 临安42户参与项目农户林地汇总表
  • 37. Methodology and Accounting for Farmers’ Project 方法学及农户林木碳汇计量 Methodology of Forest Management Carbon Sequestration Project
  • 38. Forestry-Industrial Standard for Carbon Sequestration 林业碳汇项目审定核查行业标准 Guide to verify forest carbon Drafting Guidelines for validation and verification of forest carbon projects in China’ in 2013. The Guidelines became standard of forestry sector when it was approved by SFA in 2014. 2013年编制《中国林业碳汇项目 审定与核证指南》, 2014年被 国家林业局批准为林业行业标制
  • 39. China’s Forestry carbon sequestration Register System 临安农户森林经营碳汇项目注册管理系统 Pilot Projects 临安试点项目 Log in 系统入口
  • 40. Trade Framework of East China Foerstry Exchange Hosted platform 托管平台 Trade platform 交易平台 EastChina FoerstryExchange 华 东 林 权 所 Register 托管登记 HostedService 托管服务 OtherService 其它服务 Original Register 初始登记 Amendment 变更登记 Cancellation 注销登记 Report loss 账户卡挂失 Info-query 账户信息查询 Info-open 账户信息公开 Consultant 顾问咨询服务 TradeService 交易服务 Fund settlement 资金结算 华东林业产权交易所-交易框架
  • 41. 8. Issue Forest Carbon Certification to Farmers 给农民发放碳汇证 Record estimated carbon credit on the certificate for evidence 向农民发放碳汇证,记录农民林地预估碳汇量,作为交易的凭证之一。
  • 42. 9. Carbon Trade Happen among 3 Sides 农户与交易所和买方签约 Buyer East China Forestry Exchange Farmer
  • 43. 10.Enterprise Buy Forest Carbon to Offset Emission 浙江建行购买用于碳中和 •Zhejiang Branch of China Construction Bank Contribute 12,000 ton of CO2 per year. •Buy forest carbon to make carbon neutral for the Bank.
  • 44. 11. Individual can Buy Credit to Offset Carbon Footprint Mark of carbon offset 碳补偿标识-车贴 Certificate of carbon offset 个人购买荣誉凭证 $ 49 for 10 tons of Carbon credit 高升奇出资300元购买了10吨
  • 45. Forest Carbon Partnership Facility 世界银行代管 参加森林碳伙伴基金会议 Service to 37 REDD Project 主要用于37个热带 国家的REDD项目 2012巴拉圭
  • 46. 12. Focus on Methodology for Forest Carbon Project 聚焦碳汇项目方法学---2012多哈边会 We issued bamboo forest methodology during COP18 in Doha. 2012年多哈联合国气候大会,发布中国首个竹林碳汇项目方法学
  • 47. “forestry carbon property and standardization” “林业碳汇的产权与标准化” 47 13. Focus on Carbon Sink Property Right 聚焦碳汇产权---2013年华沙边会
  • 48. 14. Focus on Forest Carbon Trade 聚焦碳汇交易促农增收---2014年秘鲁边会
  • 49. Summery 结束语 • Increase carbon credits by A/R and protect forest to reduce emissions from them. • Take action with enterprises and public to reduce human induced harm on earth, • Practice low-carbon life to protect our earth, which is our only home. • 造林增汇、保林减排! 让我们都行的起来,动员企业和公众, • 实践低碳生产和低碳生活,减少人类对地球的伤害,保护地球家园!
  • 50. 谢谢! Thanks for your attention! 86-10-84238516 China Green Carbon Foundation