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2020 Tr ends:
  What Will Affect Our
  World in the Next Decade?
                   Media Future Week
                     Marian Salzman
                           May 16, 2011

@ erwwpr         Marian Salzman Trendspotting
Why Trends?
      Why do we look at trends when
   creating actionable and insightful
        strategies for big brands?

@ erwwpr                Marian Salzman Trendspotting
Why Trends?
      Why do we look at trends when
   creating actionable and insightful
        strategies for big brands?

  •To identify the driving forces behind today and the
   future and plan for long-term success.

@ erwwpr                           Marian Salzman Trendspotting
Why Trends?
      Why do we look at trends when
   creating actionable and insightful
        strategies for big brands?

  •Toidentify the driving forces behind today and the future
   and plan for long-term success.

  •To discover unexpected opportunities that can help
   transform brands and businesses.

@ erwwpr                               Marian Salzman Trendspotting
Why Trends?
      Why do we look at trends when
   creating actionable and insightful
        strategies for big brands?

  •Toidentify the driving forces behind today and the future
   and plan for long-term success.

  •To discover unexpected opportunities that can help
   transform brands and businesses.

  •To manage into change by giving insight into the
   drivers of key business, consumer and social trends.

@ erwwpr                               Marian Salzman Trendspotting
Learning to
Spot Trends                         social
   It means tracking                 momentum




@ erwwpr                           Marian Salzman Trendspotting
Spotting trends
   is big business for people
  in many industries who need
   to be thinking ahead, for
  themselves and their clients.

@ erwwpr            Marian Salzman Trendspotting
And, really, isn’t that
  everyone today?

@ erwwpr        Marian Salzman Trendspotting
Unquestionably, it’s everyone
   in this audience today.

@ erwwpr            Marian Salzman Trendspotting
11.5 Macro Trends for 2020
  (and How They Mean Business)

@ erwwpr           Marian Salzman Trendspotting
1    Mother Earth
               .Needs Valium

@ erwwpr            Marian Salzman Trendspotting
1. Mother Earth
           Needs Valium
  •Maybe   in the decades of prosperity we forgot how much we
   depend on Mother Earth. Then came Hurricane Katrina and
   all the ensuing worrying signs: tornadoes ripping across the
   southern U.S.; massive flooding in Pakistan, Sri Lanka and
   Australia; a heat wave in Russia; torrential rain and
   mudslides in Brazil….

  •The jury is still out on whether it’s man-made or not. But
   either way, the climate is changing and getting decidedly weird.

  •Are seismic events getting more frequent, too? The 2004
   Asian earthquake and tsunami; earthquakes in Spain, China,
   Haiti, Chile and New Zealand; the volcanic eruptions of
   Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland and Merapi in Indonesia last year;
   and this year’s Japanese earthquake and tsunami.

@ erwwpr                                 Marian Salzman Trendspotting
1. Mother Earth
            Needs Valium
  •What’s next? Could the La Palma volcano in the Canaries
   erupt and send a megatsunami across to flatten the U.S.
   East Coast? Could the Yellowstone Supervolcano blow up into
   the finale to end all finales, with Americans getting a
   ringside seat?

  •Only economic engineering, with a massive injection and drip
   feed of money, have saved the world from near economic
   catastrophe so far. What sort of geo-engineering do we need
   to save the world?

  •How    big a valium would we need to calm Mother Earth?

@ erwwpr                               Marian Salzman Trendspotting
How Trend No. 1
           Means Business:
  The Dutch have arguably the world’s
  best record in geo-engineering with
  water management; when the world
  fears eco-bust, Dutch can think geo-
  boom. Businesses everywhere need to be
  sure they’re better prepared than
  Tokyo Electric Power Co. Not many
  countries would behave as meekly as
  the Japanese.

@ erwwpr                 Marian Salzman Trendspotting

@ erwwpr        Marian Salzman Trendspotting
2    Tobacco,GMOs,
               .Trans Fats...
               What’s Next?

@ erwwpr         Marian Salzman Trendspotting
2. Tobacco, GMOs,
            Trans Fats…What’s Next?
  •When  so many things turn out to pose health risks, what
   can consumers trust? Which everyday products could kill
   them? We’re all familiar with these:
   –   Tobacco.    Doctors and a young Ronald Reagan promoted the health
       benefits of cigarettes. Even after medical research found conclusive
       proof of health risks, tobacco companies continued to refute it.
   –   GMOs.     When genetically modified organisms hit the headlines around
       a decade ago—after the BSE scandal—Europeans talked of Frankenstein
       foods and set strict regulations. As of April 2011, the EU is still
       hesitant; GMO cultivation is limited.

@ erwwpr                                         Marian Salzman Trendspotting
2. Tobacco, GMOs,
             Trans Fats…What’s Next?
  And next, wireless communications?:
    –   Cell phones.    For a decade, people have been wondering whether cell
        phones bring health risks—especially brain tumors—but the U.S. FDA
        says, “The weight of scientific evidence has not linked cell phones with
        any health problems.” In Europe, many sites are quoting a 2007 report
        from the European Environment Agency saying that cell-phone
        technology “could lead to a health crisis similar to those caused by
        asbestos, smoking and lead in petrol.”

  •The concerns aren’t stopping cell phones and Wi-Fi from
   being widely adopted, so the potential for an issue is
   growing. Although maybe the worries will switch to
   repetitive strain injury—teens and young adults, especially,
   spend far more time texting than calling.

@ erwwpr                                          Marian Salzman Trendspotting
How Trend No. 2
           Means Business:
  Everything could change with a
  “perfect wireless storm.” Everyone in
  cell-phone and Wi-Fi provision needs to
  think about potential vulnerability to
  claims by millions–maybe hundreds of
  millions–of global consumers.

@ erwwpr                 Marian Salzman Trendspotting

@ erwwpr         Marian Salzman Trendspotting
3      Water:
           .The Next Oil

@ erwwpr          Marian Salzman Trendspotting
3. Water:
            The Next Oil
  •People  have been talking for decades about water as the next
   oil, but it will soon become a scary truth—and we’re not talking
   bottled water, which already costs as much as car fuel.

  •Drier places in the world (Australia, the Middle East, the
   American Southwest) have long lived with drought and
   squabbled over water resources for the basics of life:
   drinking and growing food.

@ erwwpr                                 Marian Salzman Trendspotting
3. Water:
           The Next Oil
  •Now, modern  consumption and hygiene habits, plus today’s
   population growth, have been draining reservoirs, rivers and
   groundwater faster than a bathtub with the plug pulled.

  •Whole seas have been shrinking—the Aral Sea in Central
   Asia and the Dead Sea in the Middle East, and in the U.S.,
   Lake Mead was an estimated 54 percent empty in 2008.
   With climate change, southern Europe could become even
   more like North Africa.

@ erwwpr                               Marian Salzman Trendspotting
How Trend No. 3
           Means Business:
  The slowly unfolding water crisis is a
  great opportunity for businesses to
  roll out more water-efficient products
  for newly conscientious consumers.
  Companies and countries with a track
  record in water will be especially
  well placed.

@ erwwpr                 Marian Salzman Trendspotting

@ erwwpr          Marian Salzman Trendspotting
4    What’s Not
            Is Doomed
@ erwwpr           Marian Salzman Trendspotting
4. What’s Not Online-
           able Is Doomed
  •In the 1980s, CDs made LPs obsolete, then MP3 music
   through the Internet started killing CDs and undermining
   the whole old-style music industry.

  •Inthe late 1990s, DVDs started replacing VHS tapes; a
   decade later, DVDs are under pressure from Tivo-style DVRs
   and on-demand Internet-delivery services.

@ erwwpr                              Marian Salzman Trendspotting
4. What’s Not Online-
             able Is Doomed
  •Digitalcameras hit consumer markets in the early 2000s;
   in 2005, Kodak’s digital products and services overtook its
   film product sales. Now, who needs a camera when a mobile
   phone can take pictures and upload them to view online?

  •Printedbooks, magazines and newspapers are selling less,
   and the contents are being consumed more on computers
   and pads. In February 2011, e-book sales overtook print
   book sales with a 202 percent month-over-month increase.

@ erwwpr                               Marian Salzman Trendspotting
How Trend No. 4
           Means Business:
  Consumers value being able to do
  things online–including having
  friendships. Brands or products that
  have smart online elements will beat
  those that don’t.

@ erwwpr                 Marian Salzman Trendspotting

@ erwwpr            Marian Salzman Trendspotting
           The New Social:

@ erwwpr           Marian Salzman Trendspotting
5. The New Social:
  •Even if we don’t like the name, we all love social media. But
   sometimes its paradoxes are just plain ridiculous—or tragic.

  •These days, people don’t smoke when they’re feeling nervous
   in a social setting; they check their FB page or Twitter feed
   on their mobile device (as antisocial to people nearby as
   having cigarette smoke blown on them).

  •Some people even check their mobile device while they’re
   walking along the street or in stores, oblivious to the people
   around them—until they bump into them.

@ erwwpr                                Marian Salzman Trendspotting
5. The New Social:
  •The  “new social” often interrupts physical interactions with
    people—attention keeps flitting from the face-to-face
    conversation to the online action.

  •It’s a one-way trend of more technology, nevertheless.
    Another 10 years of smart phones (iPhone 15?) and tablets
    (iPad 13?) will make it even more compelling for consumers
    to conduct social interactions through their technology.

@ erwwpr                                 Marian Salzman Trendspotting
How Trend No. 5
           Means Business:
  As consumers’ social interactions are
  mediated more by tech, companies have
  a huge scope for making money with
  hardware, software and services that
  enhance them.

@ erwwpr                 Marian Salzman Trendspotting

@ erwwpr            Marian Salzman Trendspotting
6    The Brain and Homo
    .Sapiens 2.0

@ erwwpr         Marian Salzman Trendspotting
6. The Brain and Homo
           Sapiens 2.0
  •Neuroscience  is the new rock ’n’ roll, the new darling of the
   media, looking into brains with high-tech scanners and
   revealing the workings of everything from addiction to love.

  •Itholds out the promise of enhancing memory and
   creativity, as well as offering better treatment for illnesses
   such as dementia and Parkinson’s, and delaying the aging of
   the brain with supplements, drugs and devices.

  •And   there’s more…

@ erwwpr                                Marian Salzman Trendspotting
6. The Brain and Homo
            Sapiens 2.0
  •We   now know that our brains are shaped—literally—by what
    we experience. And what we are increasingly experiencing is
    interactive technology mediated through the screens that
    represent the world to us.

  •Now   we have the scientific instruments to see how the
    technical tools we’re using are changing our brains. We have
    a box seat to watch the emergence of Homo sapiens 2.0.

  “Perhaps not since early man first discovered how to
  use a tool has the human brain been affected so
  quickly and so dramatically.” —UCLA neuroscientist Gary
  Small on modern technology

@ erwwpr                                Marian Salzman Trendspotting
How Trend No. 6
           Means Business:
  Watch as n (for “neuro”) gets applied to
  brain products and services: nBoosters,
  nHancers, nNutrients, nGames,
  nGagement. Get into people’s brains
  yourself by becoming a detached
  anthropologist to notice key points that
  might not be apparent to insiders (who
  might be too busy screen-watching).

@ erwwpr                  Marian Salzman Trendspotting

@ erwwpr        Marian Salzman Trendspotting
7     More Real
               . than Real

@ erwwpr         Marian Salzman Trendspotting
7. More Real
           than Real
  •Even in the dark ages of computer graphics, the U.S. Marines
   were using a version of first-person shooter game Doom for
   training, and airline pilots were training on simulators.

  •Now  with CGI and 3-D, gamemakers and moviemakers are
   creating experiences more vivid, more stimulating and more
   immersive than virtually anything in the mundane physical
   world of everyday reality.

  •Military pilots “fly” unmanned drones on combat missions,
   and millions of civilians immerse themselves in
   hyperrealistic computer games for hours on end.

@ erwwpr                               Marian Salzman Trendspotting
7. More Real
           than Real
  •Itdoesn’t even need fancy graphics: Interactions on simple
   text-based social media platforms such as Facebook are
   typically experienced comparably to offline interactions
   (online-ability strikes again!).

  •Some  consumers already tend to find ordinary life
   experiences less “real” than mediated virtual experiences.
   As computing power increases and technology companies
   refine their offerings, growing numbers of consumers will
   drive this trend.

@ erwwpr                               Marian Salzman Trendspotting
How Trend No. 7
           Means Business:
  In the struggle for consumers’
  attention, there are two options: Pay
  out a lot of money for Matrix and
  Avatar levels of vividness or get much
  smarter at lower-cost “nGagement.”

@ erwwpr                 Marian Salzman Trendspotting

@ erwwpr        Marian Salzman Trendspotting
8    Hyperlocal Is
               .the New Global

@ erwwpr               Marian Salzman Trendspotting
8. Hyperlocal
           Is the New Global
  •It’s interesting to know what’s happening in other parts of
    the world, but how much does it really matter? Compare it
    with what’s happening hyperlocally, right on your doorstep,
    which is more likely to be useful and virtually guaranteed to
    be relevant.

  •All  the hot new online services are either about where
    people live or work (Groupon in the U.S., Mecom in the
    Netherlands and other parts of Europe, ProXiti in France,
    Patch in the U.S.) or where you are right now with your
    mobile device (Foursquare, Gowalla), so that they can
    deliver news, information and deals that are likely to matter
    to you.

@ erwwpr                                Marian Salzman Trendspotting
8. Hyperlocal
           Is the New Global
  •Hyperlocal media is more than just the traditional local
   newspaper or broadcasting delivered through the Internet: It
   patches together journalism, bloggers, citizen journalists, and
   people taking videos and photos in an online grapevine.

  •Hyperlocal media uses the real-time, multimedia, interactive
   power of the Internet to strengthen connections within and
   between local communities.

@ erwwpr                                 Marian Salzman Trendspotting
How Trend No. 8
           Means Business:
  With the Internet, businesses can
  track consumer choices and adjust
  offers to match. Hyperlocal media
  makes them even more relevant to
  consumers and their communities.

@ erwwpr                Marian Salzman Trendspotting

@ erwwpr           Marian Salzman Trendspotting
9    USA: No.
               .Internet: Yes.

@ erwwpr            Marian Salzman Trendspotting
9. USA: No.
           Internet: Yes.
  •Although  the United States still has many of the world’s
   biggest tech brands, it no longer dominates the action on the
   Internet. North America now accounts for just 13.5 percent
   of Internet users, compared with 24.2 percent in Europe and
   42 percent in Asia.

  •Silicon Valleyis the spiritual home of the Internet, and the
   U.S. government (DARPA) is its spiritual father, but the
   Internet is now bigger than both. The Internet has made a
   fading United States less important as a physical place in
   the world.

@ erwwpr                                Marian Salzman Trendspotting
9. USA: No.
           Internet: Yes.
  •Today, many   of the best bits of the U.S. are available on the
   Internet 24/7: music, movies, sports, TV, keynote speakers
   on TED, educational materials. It’s always there virtually, so
   there’s less need to go there physically.

  •The more time consumers spend online, the more their
   cyberspace destinations will blur with physical locations in
   their mind.

@ erwwpr                                 Marian Salzman Trendspotting
How Trend No. 9
           Means Business:
  The Internet is ousting America as the
  iconic Land of Dreams. People with
  great ideas and determination can
  meet up online, make things happen
  and make their fortune (without the
  green card hassle).

@ erwwpr                 Marian Salzman Trendspotting

@ erwwpr         Marian Salzman Trendspotting
10       English Out,
           .Globish In

@ erwwpr            Marian Salzman Trendspotting
10. English Out,
           Globish In
  •Ambitious  people with an eye on the coming superpower
   might be learning Mandarin as a second language, but most
   of the rest of the world is learning English. It’s the network
   effect at work.

  •GlobetrottingFrench businessman Jean-Paul Nerrière noticed
   how many non-native speakers struggled with “proper
   English” and set about creating a standardized, simplified
   form of English with a vocabulary of 1,500 words and a
   simple structure—a world language called Globish.

@ erwwpr                                Marian Salzman Trendspotting
10. English Out,
           Globish In
  •In keeping with the online-ability imperative, anybody
   interested in learning the slimmed-down global English can
   go to and start learning.

  •The Globish initiative has fired up journalist Robert McCrum,
   who made an authoritative TV documentary of the English
   language 25 years ago. He now sees Globish as the language
   of the Internet-powered world.

  “English plus Microsoft equals a new cultural
  revolution…a global means of communication that is
  irrepressibly contagious, adaptable, populist and
  subversive.” —Robert McCrum

@ erwwpr                               Marian Salzman Trendspotting
How Trend No. 10
           Means Business:
  In data communication, TCP/IP and
  HTML enabled people in any country
  with any computer to communicate. In
  verbal communication, Globish has the
  potential to do the same. Brands need
  to learn Globish.

@ erwwpr                 Marian Salzman Trendspotting

@ erwwpr          Marian Salzman Trendspotting
11      Long, Sloooow,
       .Demanding TV

@ erwwpr           Marian Salzman Trendspotting
11. Long, Sloooow,
           Demanding TV
  •For a long time, everything seemed to be getting faster and
   shorter—MTV videos, fast-cut movie action sequences and
   now millions of YouTube clips. Not much attention required.

  •Then  came much more demanding long-form TV series with
   much less action and much more complex plotlines spread
   over many episodes and multiple series—think “Lost,” “The
   Wire,” “Deadwood,” “Mad Men.”

@ erwwpr                               Marian Salzman Trendspotting
11. Long, Sloooow,
            Demanding TV
  •Asa yin to the yang of youth-targeted, fast-twitch TV,
   demand for complex long-form TV has grown organically as
   mature consumers get drawn in and find themselves hooked.

  •Europe  has developed a taste for swapping loooong, sloooow
   gritty crime dramas shown in the original language with
   subtitles—“The Killing” (“Forbrydelsen”) from Denmark,
   “Spiral” (“Engrenages”) from France, “Wallander” from

@ erwwpr                               Marian Salzman Trendspotting
How Trend No. 11
           Means Business:
  Out in Consumerland, there is an
  appetite for content that rewards
  adult attention and sophisticated
  intelligence. The catch: It requires
  those traits from producers and

@ erwwpr                 Marian Salzman Trendspotting

@ erwwpr           Marian Salzman Trendspotting
11.5Kick Start

@ erwwpr          Marian Salzman Trendspotting
11.5 Career
           Kick Start
  •Some choose to start over; others are forced by circumstance.
   Either way, hundreds of thousands of people are embarking
   on new careers. Great Recession = Great Kick Start?

  •Many  older people have been forced back to work because
   pensions, savings or investments don’t cover their costs of
   living—and increasing life spans mean they’ll need even more.

  •Fewer workers means lower costs for businesses—but also
   less money for consumers to spend on their products.

@ erwwpr                                Marian Salzman Trendspotting
How Trend No. 11.5
           Means Business:
  The more businesses can foster people
  starting new careers, the more money
  consumers will have to spend on the
  products businesses make.

@ erwwpr                 Marian Salzman Trendspotting

@ erwwpr          Marian Salzman Trendspotting
What It All Means
  •Unexpected  quakes (whether the death of Bin Laden or
   perma-rattles in Tokyo) cause lasting shudders.
  •The  real-time news ticker with the stock indices gives us all
   a minute-by-minute measure of the ROI of the consuming
   life—we have become “bad news bears.”
  •“Mycasting”becomes the name of the news dissemination
   game, and we’re all in the control booth.
  •Miniature, flexible and portable—from the cloud to the idea
   of classrooms in backpacks versus backpacks in classrooms.
   Have office, will travel (or not).
  •Everything  is changing faster, more furiously and sometimes
   with less purpose than ever. Stress fuels decades of adult life.
  •ADD  is the new normal. If you can’t multitask, you’re a
   white elephant.

@ erwwpr                                 Marian Salzman Trendspotting
Dank je Wel.

@ erwwpr          Marian Salzman Trendspotting

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Marian Salzman @ Media Future Week

  • 1. 2020 Tr ends: What Will Affect Our World in the Next Decade? Media Future Week Marian Salzman May 16, 2011 @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 2. Why Trends? Why do we look at trends when creating actionable and insightful strategies for big brands? @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 3. Why Trends? Why do we look at trends when creating actionable and insightful strategies for big brands? •To identify the driving forces behind today and the future and plan for long-term success. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 4. Why Trends? Why do we look at trends when creating actionable and insightful strategies for big brands? •Toidentify the driving forces behind today and the future and plan for long-term success. •To discover unexpected opportunities that can help transform brands and businesses. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 5. Why Trends? Why do we look at trends when creating actionable and insightful strategies for big brands? •Toidentify the driving forces behind today and the future and plan for long-term success. •To discover unexpected opportunities that can help transform brands and businesses. •To manage into change by giving insight into the drivers of key business, consumer and social trends. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 6. Learning to Spot Trends social It means tracking momentum people companies radical breakthroughs economies brands @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 7. Spotting trends is big business for people in many industries who need to be thinking ahead, for themselves and their clients. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 8. And, really, isn’t that everyone today? @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 9. Unquestionably, it’s everyone in this audience today. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 10. 11.5 Macro Trends for 2020 (and How They Mean Business) @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 11. 1 Mother Earth .Needs Valium @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 12. 1. Mother Earth Needs Valium •Maybe in the decades of prosperity we forgot how much we depend on Mother Earth. Then came Hurricane Katrina and all the ensuing worrying signs: tornadoes ripping across the southern U.S.; massive flooding in Pakistan, Sri Lanka and Australia; a heat wave in Russia; torrential rain and mudslides in Brazil…. •The jury is still out on whether it’s man-made or not. But either way, the climate is changing and getting decidedly weird. •Are seismic events getting more frequent, too? The 2004 Asian earthquake and tsunami; earthquakes in Spain, China, Haiti, Chile and New Zealand; the volcanic eruptions of Eyjafjallajökull in Iceland and Merapi in Indonesia last year; and this year’s Japanese earthquake and tsunami. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 13. 1. Mother Earth Needs Valium •What’s next? Could the La Palma volcano in the Canaries erupt and send a megatsunami across to flatten the U.S. East Coast? Could the Yellowstone Supervolcano blow up into the finale to end all finales, with Americans getting a ringside seat? •Only economic engineering, with a massive injection and drip feed of money, have saved the world from near economic catastrophe so far. What sort of geo-engineering do we need to save the world? •How big a valium would we need to calm Mother Earth? @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 14. How Trend No. 1 Means Business: The Dutch have arguably the world’s best record in geo-engineering with water management; when the world fears eco-bust, Dutch can think geo- boom. Businesses everywhere need to be sure they’re better prepared than Tokyo Electric Power Co. Not many countries would behave as meekly as the Japanese. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 15. #mamaneedspills @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 16. 2 Tobacco,GMOs, .Trans Fats... What’s Next? @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 17. 2. Tobacco, GMOs, Trans Fats…What’s Next? •When so many things turn out to pose health risks, what can consumers trust? Which everyday products could kill them? We’re all familiar with these: – Tobacco. Doctors and a young Ronald Reagan promoted the health benefits of cigarettes. Even after medical research found conclusive proof of health risks, tobacco companies continued to refute it. – GMOs. When genetically modified organisms hit the headlines around a decade ago—after the BSE scandal—Europeans talked of Frankenstein foods and set strict regulations. As of April 2011, the EU is still hesitant; GMO cultivation is limited. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 18. 2. Tobacco, GMOs, Trans Fats…What’s Next? And next, wireless communications?: – Cell phones. For a decade, people have been wondering whether cell phones bring health risks—especially brain tumors—but the U.S. FDA says, “The weight of scientific evidence has not linked cell phones with any health problems.” In Europe, many sites are quoting a 2007 report from the European Environment Agency saying that cell-phone technology “could lead to a health crisis similar to those caused by asbestos, smoking and lead in petrol.” •The concerns aren’t stopping cell phones and Wi-Fi from being widely adopted, so the potential for an issue is growing. Although maybe the worries will switch to repetitive strain injury—teens and young adults, especially, spend far more time texting than calling. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 19. How Trend No. 2 Means Business: Everything could change with a “perfect wireless storm.” Everyone in cell-phone and Wi-Fi provision needs to think about potential vulnerability to claims by millions–maybe hundreds of millions–of global consumers. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 20. #nowwhat @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 21. 3 Water: .The Next Oil @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 22. 3. Water: The Next Oil •People have been talking for decades about water as the next oil, but it will soon become a scary truth—and we’re not talking bottled water, which already costs as much as car fuel. •Drier places in the world (Australia, the Middle East, the American Southwest) have long lived with drought and squabbled over water resources for the basics of life: drinking and growing food. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 23. 3. Water: The Next Oil •Now, modern consumption and hygiene habits, plus today’s population growth, have been draining reservoirs, rivers and groundwater faster than a bathtub with the plug pulled. •Whole seas have been shrinking—the Aral Sea in Central Asia and the Dead Sea in the Middle East, and in the U.S., Lake Mead was an estimated 54 percent empty in 2008. With climate change, southern Europe could become even more like North Africa. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 24. How Trend No. 3 Means Business: The slowly unfolding water crisis is a great opportunity for businesses to roll out more water-efficient products for newly conscientious consumers. Companies and countries with a track record in water will be especially well placed. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 25. #nobusinesslikeflowbusiness @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 26. 4 What’s Not .Online-able Is Doomed @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 27. 4. What’s Not Online- able Is Doomed •In the 1980s, CDs made LPs obsolete, then MP3 music through the Internet started killing CDs and undermining the whole old-style music industry. •Inthe late 1990s, DVDs started replacing VHS tapes; a decade later, DVDs are under pressure from Tivo-style DVRs and on-demand Internet-delivery services. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 28. 4. What’s Not Online- able Is Doomed •Digitalcameras hit consumer markets in the early 2000s; in 2005, Kodak’s digital products and services overtook its film product sales. Now, who needs a camera when a mobile phone can take pictures and upload them to view online? •Printedbooks, magazines and newspapers are selling less, and the contents are being consumed more on computers and pads. In February 2011, e-book sales overtook print book sales with a 202 percent month-over-month increase. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 29. How Trend No. 4 Means Business: Consumers value being able to do things online–including having friendships. Brands or products that have smart online elements will beat those that don’t. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 30. #getonorgohome @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 31. 5.Antisocial The New Social: @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 32. 5. The New Social: Antisocial •Even if we don’t like the name, we all love social media. But sometimes its paradoxes are just plain ridiculous—or tragic. •These days, people don’t smoke when they’re feeling nervous in a social setting; they check their FB page or Twitter feed on their mobile device (as antisocial to people nearby as having cigarette smoke blown on them). •Some people even check their mobile device while they’re walking along the street or in stores, oblivious to the people around them—until they bump into them. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 33. 5. The New Social: Antisocial •The “new social” often interrupts physical interactions with people—attention keeps flitting from the face-to-face conversation to the online action. •It’s a one-way trend of more technology, nevertheless. Another 10 years of smart phones (iPhone 15?) and tablets (iPad 13?) will make it even more compelling for consumers to conduct social interactions through their technology. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 34. How Trend No. 5 Means Business: As consumers’ social interactions are mediated more by tech, companies have a huge scope for making money with hardware, software and services that enhance them. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 35. #socialsecurity @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 36. 6 The Brain and Homo .Sapiens 2.0 @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 37. 6. The Brain and Homo Sapiens 2.0 •Neuroscience is the new rock ’n’ roll, the new darling of the media, looking into brains with high-tech scanners and revealing the workings of everything from addiction to love. •Itholds out the promise of enhancing memory and creativity, as well as offering better treatment for illnesses such as dementia and Parkinson’s, and delaying the aging of the brain with supplements, drugs and devices. •And there’s more… @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 38. 6. The Brain and Homo Sapiens 2.0 •We now know that our brains are shaped—literally—by what we experience. And what we are increasingly experiencing is interactive technology mediated through the screens that represent the world to us. •Now we have the scientific instruments to see how the technical tools we’re using are changing our brains. We have a box seat to watch the emergence of Homo sapiens 2.0. “Perhaps not since early man first discovered how to use a tool has the human brain been affected so quickly and so dramatically.” —UCLA neuroscientist Gary Small on modern technology @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 39. How Trend No. 6 Means Business: Watch as n (for “neuro”) gets applied to brain products and services: nBoosters, nHancers, nNutrients, nGames, nGagement. Get into people’s brains yourself by becoming a detached anthropologist to notice key points that might not be apparent to insiders (who might be too busy screen-watching). @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 40. #brainsgetsmart @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 41. 7 More Real . than Real @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 42. 7. More Real than Real •Even in the dark ages of computer graphics, the U.S. Marines were using a version of first-person shooter game Doom for training, and airline pilots were training on simulators. •Now with CGI and 3-D, gamemakers and moviemakers are creating experiences more vivid, more stimulating and more immersive than virtually anything in the mundane physical world of everyday reality. •Military pilots “fly” unmanned drones on combat missions, and millions of civilians immerse themselves in hyperrealistic computer games for hours on end. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 43. 7. More Real than Real •Itdoesn’t even need fancy graphics: Interactions on simple text-based social media platforms such as Facebook are typically experienced comparably to offline interactions (online-ability strikes again!). •Some consumers already tend to find ordinary life experiences less “real” than mediated virtual experiences. As computing power increases and technology companies refine their offerings, growing numbers of consumers will drive this trend. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 44. How Trend No. 7 Means Business: In the struggle for consumers’ attention, there are two options: Pay out a lot of money for Matrix and Avatar levels of vividness or get much smarter at lower-cost “nGagement.” @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 45. #virtualnecessity @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 46. 8 Hyperlocal Is .the New Global @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 47. 8. Hyperlocal Is the New Global •It’s interesting to know what’s happening in other parts of the world, but how much does it really matter? Compare it with what’s happening hyperlocally, right on your doorstep, which is more likely to be useful and virtually guaranteed to be relevant. •All the hot new online services are either about where people live or work (Groupon in the U.S., Mecom in the Netherlands and other parts of Europe, ProXiti in France, Patch in the U.S.) or where you are right now with your mobile device (Foursquare, Gowalla), so that they can deliver news, information and deals that are likely to matter to you. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 48. 8. Hyperlocal Is the New Global •Hyperlocal media is more than just the traditional local newspaper or broadcasting delivered through the Internet: It patches together journalism, bloggers, citizen journalists, and people taking videos and photos in an online grapevine. •Hyperlocal media uses the real-time, multimedia, interactive power of the Internet to strengthen connections within and between local communities. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 49. How Trend No. 8 Means Business: With the Internet, businesses can track consumer choices and adjust offers to match. Hyperlocal media makes them even more relevant to consumers and their communities. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 50. #locoforlocal @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 51. 9 USA: No. .Internet: Yes. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 52. 9. USA: No. Internet: Yes. •Although the United States still has many of the world’s biggest tech brands, it no longer dominates the action on the Internet. North America now accounts for just 13.5 percent of Internet users, compared with 24.2 percent in Europe and 42 percent in Asia. •Silicon Valleyis the spiritual home of the Internet, and the U.S. government (DARPA) is its spiritual father, but the Internet is now bigger than both. The Internet has made a fading United States less important as a physical place in the world. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 53. 9. USA: No. Internet: Yes. •Today, many of the best bits of the U.S. are available on the Internet 24/7: music, movies, sports, TV, keynote speakers on TED, educational materials. It’s always there virtually, so there’s less need to go there physically. •The more time consumers spend online, the more their cyberspace destinations will blur with physical locations in their mind. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 54. How Trend No. 9 Means Business: The Internet is ousting America as the iconic Land of Dreams. People with great ideas and determination can meet up online, make things happen and make their fortune (without the green card hassle). @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 55. #netgain @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 56. 10 English Out, .Globish In @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 57. 10. English Out, Globish In •Ambitious people with an eye on the coming superpower might be learning Mandarin as a second language, but most of the rest of the world is learning English. It’s the network effect at work. •GlobetrottingFrench businessman Jean-Paul Nerrière noticed how many non-native speakers struggled with “proper English” and set about creating a standardized, simplified form of English with a vocabulary of 1,500 words and a simple structure—a world language called Globish. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 58. 10. English Out, Globish In •In keeping with the online-ability imperative, anybody interested in learning the slimmed-down global English can go to and start learning. •The Globish initiative has fired up journalist Robert McCrum, who made an authoritative TV documentary of the English language 25 years ago. He now sees Globish as the language of the Internet-powered world. “English plus Microsoft equals a new cultural revolution…a global means of communication that is irrepressibly contagious, adaptable, populist and subversive.” —Robert McCrum @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 59. How Trend No. 10 Means Business: In data communication, TCP/IP and HTML enabled people in any country with any computer to communicate. In verbal communication, Globish has the potential to do the same. Brands need to learn Globish. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 60. #confluency @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 61. 11 Long, Sloooow, .Demanding TV @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 62. 11. Long, Sloooow, Demanding TV •For a long time, everything seemed to be getting faster and shorter—MTV videos, fast-cut movie action sequences and now millions of YouTube clips. Not much attention required. •Then came much more demanding long-form TV series with much less action and much more complex plotlines spread over many episodes and multiple series—think “Lost,” “The Wire,” “Deadwood,” “Mad Men.” @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 63. 11. Long, Sloooow, Demanding TV •Asa yin to the yang of youth-targeted, fast-twitch TV, demand for complex long-form TV has grown organically as mature consumers get drawn in and find themselves hooked. •Europe has developed a taste for swapping loooong, sloooow gritty crime dramas shown in the original language with subtitles—“The Killing” (“Forbrydelsen”) from Denmark, “Spiral” (“Engrenages”) from France, “Wallander” from Sweden. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 64. How Trend No. 11 Means Business: Out in Consumerland, there is an appetite for content that rewards adult attention and sophisticated intelligence. The catch: It requires those traits from producers and consumers. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 65. #payattention @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 66. 11.5Kick Start Career @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 67. 11.5 Career Kick Start •Some choose to start over; others are forced by circumstance. Either way, hundreds of thousands of people are embarking on new careers. Great Recession = Great Kick Start? •Many older people have been forced back to work because pensions, savings or investments don’t cover their costs of living—and increasing life spans mean they’ll need even more. •Fewer workers means lower costs for businesses—but also less money for consumers to spend on their products. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 68. How Trend No. 11.5 Means Business: The more businesses can foster people starting new careers, the more money consumers will have to spend on the products businesses make. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 69. #back2work @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 70. What It All Means •Unexpected quakes (whether the death of Bin Laden or perma-rattles in Tokyo) cause lasting shudders. •The real-time news ticker with the stock indices gives us all a minute-by-minute measure of the ROI of the consuming life—we have become “bad news bears.” •“Mycasting”becomes the name of the news dissemination game, and we’re all in the control booth. •Miniature, flexible and portable—from the cloud to the idea of classrooms in backpacks versus backpacks in classrooms. Have office, will travel (or not). •Everything is changing faster, more furiously and sometimes with less purpose than ever. Stress fuels decades of adult life. •ADD is the new normal. If you can’t multitask, you’re a white elephant. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting
  • 71. Dank je Wel. @ erwwpr Marian Salzman Trendspotting