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Nicolás Sanguinetti

¿Qué es?
Un ejemplo
require quot;rubygemsquot;
require quot;sinatraquot;

get quot;/helloquot; do
  quot;<h1>Hello World</h1>quot;

y lo guardamos como hello.rb
Un ejemplo

$ gem install sinatra
$ ruby hello.rb
== Sinatra has taken the stage ...
>> Listening on
Un ejemplo
URLs Parametrizables
  get quot;/hello/:namequot; do |name|
    # también con params[:name]
    quot;<h1>Hello #{name}</h1>quot;
get quot;/hello/:namequot; do |name|
  @name = name
  erb :hello

       y en views/hello.erb

<h1>Hello <%= @name %></h1>
     ponemos en views/layout.erb
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//ENquot;
<html lang=quot;enquot;>
  <title>Hello <%= @name || quot;Worldquot; %>
  <%= yield %>

     y todas nuestras vistas se renderean
 “adentro” de esta (reemplazando al yield)
get quot;/...quot; do      put quot;/...quot; do
  quot;...quot;              quot;...quot;
end                end

post quot;/...quot; do     delete quot;/...quot; do
  quot;...quot;              quot;...quot;
end                end
Pero PUT y DELETE...
<form action=quot;/put/actionquot; method=quot;postquot;>
  <input type=quot;hiddenquot;
Blog en 15 minutos    *

* para valores relativos de 15
necesitamos guardar los posts en algún lado, así que...

 Usando un ORM con Sinatra
              (por ejemplo, DataMapper)

require quot;dm-corequot;
require quot;do_sqlite3quot;
load quot;lib/models.rbquot;

configure do
  DataMapper.setup(:default, quot;sqlite3:blog.dbquot;)
class Post
  include DataMapper::Resource

 property   :id,          Serial
 property   :title,       String, :nullable => false
 property   :permalink,   String, :nullable => false
 property   :body,        Text,   :nullable => false

 before :valid?, :set_permalink

 has n, :comments

  def set_permalink
    self.permalink = title.gsub(/s+/, quot;-quot;)

class Comment
  include DataMapper::Resource

 property   :id,        Serial
 property   :post_id,   Integer, :nullable => false
 property   :author,    String, :nullable => false
 property   :body,      Text,    :nullable => false

  belongs_to :post
Qué queremos en el blog?
 get quot;/quot; do         get quot;/:permalink/editquot; do |permalink|
 end                end

 get quot;/newquot; do      put quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|
 end                end

 post quot;/quot; do

 get quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|

 post quot;/:permalink/commentsquot; do |permalink|

 delete quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|
Qué queremos en el blog?
 get quot;/quot; do         get quot;/:permalink/editquot; do |permalink|
 end                end

 get quot;/newquot; do      put quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|
 end                end

 post quot;/quot; do

 get quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|

 post quot;/:permalink/commentsquot; do |permalink|

 delete quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|
Qué queremos en el blog?
 get quot;/quot; do         get quot;/:permalink/editquot; do |permalink|
 end                end

 get quot;/newquot; do      put quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|
 end                end

 post quot;/quot; do

 get quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|

 post quot;/:permalink/commentsquot; do |permalink|

 delete quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|
Qué queremos en el blog?
 get quot;/quot; do         get quot;/:permalink/editquot; do |permalink|
 end                end

 get quot;/newquot; do      put quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|
 end                end

 post quot;/quot; do

 get quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|

 post quot;/:permalink/commentsquot; do |permalink|

 delete quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|
Qué queremos en el blog?
 get quot;/quot; do         get quot;/:permalink/editquot; do |permalink|
 end                end

 get quot;/newquot; do      put quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|
 end                end

 post quot;/quot; do

 get quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|

 post quot;/:permalink/commentsquot; do |permalink|

 delete quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|
Qué queremos en el blog?
 get quot;/quot; do         get quot;/:permalink/editquot; do |permalink|
 end                end

 get quot;/newquot; do      put quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|
 end                end

 post quot;/quot; do

 get quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|

 post quot;/:permalink/commentsquot; do |permalink|

 delete quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|
Qué queremos en el blog?
 get quot;/quot; do         get quot;/:permalink/editquot; do |permalink|
 end                end

 get quot;/newquot; do      put quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|
 end                end

 post quot;/quot; do

 get quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|

 post quot;/:permalink/commentsquot; do |permalink|

 delete quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|
Qué queremos en el blog?
 get quot;/quot; do         get quot;/:permalink/editquot; do |permalink|
 end                end

 get quot;/newquot; do      put quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|
 end                end

 post quot;/quot; do

 get quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|

 post quot;/:permalink/commentsquot; do |permalink|

 delete quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|
Qué queremos en el blog?
 get quot;/quot; do         get quot;/:permalink/editquot; do |permalink|
 end                end

 get quot;/newquot; do      put quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|
 end                end

 post quot;/quot; do

 get quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|

 post quot;/:permalink/commentsquot; do |permalink|

 delete quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|
Creemos un Post entonces
     get quot;/newquot; do
       @post =
       erb :new

     post quot;/quot; do
       @post =[:post])

         redirect quot;/#{@post.permalink}quot;
         erb :new

<form method=quot;postquot; action=quot;/quot;>
  <div><label for=quot;post_titlequot;>Title</label>
    <input type=quot;textquot;
           value=quot;<%= @post.title %>quot;></div>
  <div><label for=quot;post_bodyquot;>Your Article</label>
    <textarea id=quot;post_bodyquot;
              cols=quot;40quot;><%= @post.body %></textarea>
  <div><button type=quot;submitquot;>Post new article</button> or
    <a href=quot;/#{@post.permalink}quot;>go back</a>.</div>
Listando posts

get quot;/quot; do
  @posts = Post.all
  erb :index
<h2>All Posts</h2>

<ul id=quot;postsquot;>
<% for post in @posts %>
  <li class=quot;postquot;>
      <a href=quot;/<%= post.permalink %>quot;>
        <%= post.title %>

    <%= post.body %>
<% end %>
Un paréntesis: helpers!

      helpers do
        def post_path(post)
Mostrando un post

get quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|
  @post = Post.first(:permalink => permalink)
  erb :show

  <a href=quot;<%= post_path(@post) %>quot;>
     <%= @post.title %>

<%= @post.body %>

<div><a href=quot;/quot;>Go back to the list</a></div>
Parentesis: “partials”
       <a href=quot;<%= post_path(post) %>quot;>
          <%= post.title %>

     <%= post.body %>

<%= erb(:post, :layout => false, :locals => { :post => @post }) %>
<div><a href=quot;/quot;>Go back to the list</a></div>
get quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink|
  @post = Post.first(:permalink => permalink)
  @comment =
  erb :show

post quot;/:permalink/commentsquot; do |permalink|
  @post = Post.first(:permalink => permalink)
  @comment =[:comment])

    redirect post_path(@post)
    erb :show
y en show.erb
<div id=quot;commentsquot;>
    <% for comment in @post.comments %>
       <li><p><%= escape_html comment.body %></p>
         <address>&mdash;<%= escape_html %></address></li>
    <% end %>

  <form method=quot;postquot; action=quot;<%= post_path(@post) %>/commentsquot;>
    <div><label for=quot;comment_authorquot;>Name</label>
       <input type=quot;textquot;
              value=quot;<%= %>quot;></div>
    <div><label for=quot;comment_bodyquot;>Your Comment</label>
       <textarea id=quot;comment_bodyquot;
                 cols=quot;40quot;><%= @comment.body %></textarea></div>
    <div><button type=quot;submitquot;>Leave Comment</button></div>
Embelleciendo un poco...
          ponemos en views/layout.erb
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//ENquot;
<html lang=quot;enquot;>
    <meta http-equiv=quot;Content-Typequot;
          content=quot;text/html; charset=utf-8quot;>
    <link href=quot;/styles.cssquot; rel=quot;stylesheetquot; type=quot;text/cssquot;>
    <title><%= page_title %></title>
    <div id=quot;headerquot;>
      <h1><%= page_title %></h1>
    <%= yield %>
Embelleciendo un poco...
    helpers do
      def post_path(post)

      def page_title
        if @post && !@post.new_record?
          quot;Awesome Blog | #{@post.title}quot;
          quot;Awesome Blogquot;
Embelleciendo un poco...
          ponemos en views/layout.erb
<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//ENquot;
<html lang=quot;enquot;>
    <meta http-equiv=quot;Content-Typequot;
          content=quot;text/html; charset=utf-8quot;>
    <link href=quot;/styles.cssquot; rel=quot;stylesheetquot; type=quot;text/cssquot;>
    <title><%= page_title %></title>
    <div id=quot;headerquot;>
      <h1><%= page_title %></h1>
    <%= yield %>
Embelleciendo un poco...

y editar y borrar...
 para la próxima
es una interfaz
entre servidores
 y frameworks
class RackIsEasy
  def initialize(app)
    @app = app

  def call(env)
    [200, {quot;Content-Typequot; => quot;text/htmlquot;}, [quot;Okquot;]]
class AndRackIsPotentiallyDumb
  def initialize(app)
    @app = app

  def call(env)



                   app_4 – Jon Crosby
para qué sirve eso?
por ejemplo, caching:
class MightyCache
  def initialize(app)
    @app = app

  def call(env)
    if response = cache_hit?(env)

  # def cache_hit?, cache_store, etc
Sinatra is on crack
última cosa
prometo que ya me voy
Rails Metals
              en app/metal/api.rb
class Api
    if env[quot;PATH_INFOquot;] =~ /^/stuff.json/
      [200, {quot;Content-Typequot; => quot;application/jsonquot;}, quot;{}quot;]
      [404, {quot;Content-Typequot; => quot;application/jsonquot;}, quot;quot;]
Hard Metal Frank Sinatra
   Sinatra on Rails
El ejemplo anterior:
class Api < Sinatra::Base
  get quot;/stuffquot;, :provides => quot;application/jsonquot; do

          y en config/environment.rb
               config.gem quot;sinatraquot;

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  • 2. Nicolás Sanguinetti foca
  • 4. Un ejemplo require quot;rubygemsquot; require quot;sinatraquot; get quot;/helloquot; do quot;<h1>Hello World</h1>quot; end y lo guardamos como hello.rb
  • 5. Un ejemplo $ gem install sinatra $ ruby hello.rb == Sinatra has taken the stage ... >> Listening on
  • 8. URLs Parametrizables get quot;/hello/:namequot; do |name| # también con params[:name] quot;<h1>Hello #{name}</h1>quot; end
  • 9. Vistas get quot;/hello/:namequot; do |name| @name = name erb :hello end y en views/hello.erb <h1>Hello <%= @name %></h1>
  • 10. Layouts ponemos en views/layout.erb <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//ENquot; quot;;> <html lang=quot;enquot;> <head> <title>Hello <%= @name || quot;Worldquot; %> </head> <body> <%= yield %> </body> </html> y todas nuestras vistas se renderean “adentro” de esta (reemplazando al yield)
  • 11. HTTP get quot;/...quot; do put quot;/...quot; do quot;...quot; quot;...quot; end end post quot;/...quot; do delete quot;/...quot; do quot;...quot; quot;...quot; end end
  • 12. Pero PUT y DELETE... <form action=quot;/put/actionquot; method=quot;postquot;> <input type=quot;hiddenquot; name=quot;_methodquot; value=quot;putquot;> ... </form>
  • 13. Blog en 15 minutos * * para valores relativos de 15
  • 14. necesitamos guardar los posts en algún lado, así que... Usando un ORM con Sinatra (por ejemplo, DataMapper) require quot;dm-corequot; require quot;do_sqlite3quot; load quot;lib/models.rbquot; configure do DataMapper.setup(:default, quot;sqlite3:blog.dbquot;) end
  • 15. lib/models.rb class Post include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial property :title, String, :nullable => false property :permalink, String, :nullable => false property :body, Text, :nullable => false before :valid?, :set_permalink has n, :comments private def set_permalink self.permalink = title.gsub(/s+/, quot;-quot;) end end class Comment include DataMapper::Resource property :id, Serial property :post_id, Integer, :nullable => false property :author, String, :nullable => false property :body, Text, :nullable => false belongs_to :post end
  • 16. Qué queremos en el blog? get quot;/quot; do get quot;/:permalink/editquot; do |permalink| end end get quot;/newquot; do put quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end end post quot;/quot; do end get quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end post quot;/:permalink/commentsquot; do |permalink| end delete quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end
  • 17. Qué queremos en el blog? get quot;/quot; do get quot;/:permalink/editquot; do |permalink| end end get quot;/newquot; do put quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end end post quot;/quot; do end get quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end post quot;/:permalink/commentsquot; do |permalink| end delete quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end
  • 18. Qué queremos en el blog? get quot;/quot; do get quot;/:permalink/editquot; do |permalink| end end get quot;/newquot; do put quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end end post quot;/quot; do end get quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end post quot;/:permalink/commentsquot; do |permalink| end delete quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end
  • 19. Qué queremos en el blog? get quot;/quot; do get quot;/:permalink/editquot; do |permalink| end end get quot;/newquot; do put quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end end post quot;/quot; do end get quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end post quot;/:permalink/commentsquot; do |permalink| end delete quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end
  • 20. Qué queremos en el blog? get quot;/quot; do get quot;/:permalink/editquot; do |permalink| end end get quot;/newquot; do put quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end end post quot;/quot; do end get quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end post quot;/:permalink/commentsquot; do |permalink| end delete quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end
  • 21. Qué queremos en el blog? get quot;/quot; do get quot;/:permalink/editquot; do |permalink| end end get quot;/newquot; do put quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end end post quot;/quot; do end get quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end post quot;/:permalink/commentsquot; do |permalink| end delete quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end
  • 22. Qué queremos en el blog? get quot;/quot; do get quot;/:permalink/editquot; do |permalink| end end get quot;/newquot; do put quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end end post quot;/quot; do end get quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end post quot;/:permalink/commentsquot; do |permalink| end delete quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end
  • 23. Qué queremos en el blog? get quot;/quot; do get quot;/:permalink/editquot; do |permalink| end end get quot;/newquot; do put quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end end post quot;/quot; do end get quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end post quot;/:permalink/commentsquot; do |permalink| end delete quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end
  • 24. Qué queremos en el blog? get quot;/quot; do get quot;/:permalink/editquot; do |permalink| end end get quot;/newquot; do put quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end end post quot;/quot; do end get quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end post quot;/:permalink/commentsquot; do |permalink| end delete quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| end
  • 25. Creemos un Post entonces get quot;/newquot; do @post = erb :new end post quot;/quot; do @post =[:post]) if redirect quot;/#{@post.permalink}quot; else erb :new end end
  • 26. views/new.erb <form method=quot;postquot; action=quot;/quot;> <div><label for=quot;post_titlequot;>Title</label> <input type=quot;textquot; name=quot;post[title]quot; id=quot;post_titlequot; value=quot;<%= @post.title %>quot;></div> <div><label for=quot;post_bodyquot;>Your Article</label> <textarea id=quot;post_bodyquot; name=quot;post[body]quot; rows=quot;20quot; cols=quot;40quot;><%= @post.body %></textarea> </div> <div><button type=quot;submitquot;>Post new article</button> or <a href=quot;/#{@post.permalink}quot;>go back</a>.</div> </form>
  • 27. Listando posts get quot;/quot; do @posts = Post.all erb :index end
  • 28. views/index.erb <h2>All Posts</h2> <ul id=quot;postsquot;> <% for post in @posts %> <li class=quot;postquot;> <h2> <a href=quot;/<%= post.permalink %>quot;> <%= post.title %> </a> </h2> <%= post.body %> </li> <% end %> </ul>
  • 29. Un paréntesis: helpers! helpers do def post_path(post) quot;/#{post.permalink}quot; end end
  • 30. Mostrando un post get quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| @post = Post.first(:permalink => permalink) erb :show end
  • 31. views/show.erb <h2> <a href=quot;<%= post_path(@post) %>quot;> <%= @post.title %> </a> </h2> <%= @post.body %> <div><a href=quot;/quot;>Go back to the list</a></div>
  • 32. Parentesis: “partials” views/post.erb <h2> <a href=quot;<%= post_path(post) %>quot;> <%= post.title %> </a> </h2> <%= post.body %> views/post.erb <%= erb(:post, :layout => false, :locals => { :post => @post }) %> <div><a href=quot;/quot;>Go back to the list</a></div>
  • 33. Comentarios get quot;/:permalinkquot; do |permalink| @post = Post.first(:permalink => permalink) @comment = erb :show end post quot;/:permalink/commentsquot; do |permalink| @post = Post.first(:permalink => permalink) @comment =[:comment]) if redirect post_path(@post) else erb :show end end
  • 34. y en show.erb <div id=quot;commentsquot;> <ul> <% for comment in @post.comments %> <li><p><%= escape_html comment.body %></p> <address>&mdash;<%= escape_html %></address></li> <% end %> </ul> <form method=quot;postquot; action=quot;<%= post_path(@post) %>/commentsquot;> <div><label for=quot;comment_authorquot;>Name</label> <input type=quot;textquot; name=quot;comment[author]quot; id=quot;comment_authorquot; value=quot;<%= %>quot;></div> <div><label for=quot;comment_bodyquot;>Your Comment</label> <textarea id=quot;comment_bodyquot; name=quot;comment[body]quot; rows=quot;6quot; cols=quot;40quot;><%= @comment.body %></textarea></div> <div><button type=quot;submitquot;>Leave Comment</button></div> </form> </div>
  • 35. Embelleciendo un poco... ponemos en views/layout.erb <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//ENquot; quot;;> <html lang=quot;enquot;> <head> <meta http-equiv=quot;Content-Typequot; content=quot;text/html; charset=utf-8quot;> <link href=quot;/styles.cssquot; rel=quot;stylesheetquot; type=quot;text/cssquot;> <title><%= page_title %></title> </head> <body> <div id=quot;headerquot;> <h1><%= page_title %></h1> </div> <%= yield %> </body> </html>
  • 36. Embelleciendo un poco... helpers do def post_path(post) quot;/#{post.permalink}quot; end def page_title if @post && !@post.new_record? quot;Awesome Blog | #{@post.title}quot; else quot;Awesome Blogquot; end end end
  • 37. Embelleciendo un poco... ponemos en views/layout.erb <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC quot;-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//ENquot; quot;;> <html lang=quot;enquot;> <head> <meta http-equiv=quot;Content-Typequot; content=quot;text/html; charset=utf-8quot;> <link href=quot;/styles.cssquot; rel=quot;stylesheetquot; type=quot;text/cssquot;> <title><%= page_title %></title> </head> <body> <div id=quot;headerquot;> <h1><%= page_title %></h1> </div> <%= yield %> </body> </html>
  • 38. Embelleciendo un poco... public/styles.css
  • 39. y editar y borrar... para la próxima
  • 40.
  • 41. es una interfaz entre servidores y frameworks
  • 42. class RackIsEasy def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) [200, {quot;Content-Typequot; => quot;text/htmlquot;}, [quot;Okquot;]] end end
  • 43. class AndRackIsPotentiallyDumb def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) end end
  • 44. HTTP app_1 Middlewares app_2 app_3 App app_4 – Jon Crosby
  • 46. por ejemplo, caching: class MightyCache def initialize(app) @app = app end def call(env) if response = cache_hit?(env) response else cache_store(env, end end # def cache_hit?, cache_store, etc end
  • 47. Sinatra is on crack
  • 49. prometo que ya me voy
  • 50. m/
  • 51. Rails Metals en app/metal/api.rb class Api def if env[quot;PATH_INFOquot;] =~ /^/stuff.json/ [200, {quot;Content-Typequot; => quot;application/jsonquot;}, quot;{}quot;] else [404, {quot;Content-Typequot; => quot;application/jsonquot;}, quot;quot;] end end end
  • 52. Hard Metal Frank Sinatra Sinatra on Rails
  • 53. El ejemplo anterior: class Api < Sinatra::Base get quot;/stuffquot;, :provides => quot;application/jsonquot; do quot;{}quot; end end y en config/environment.rb config.gem quot;sinatraquot;
  • 54. Preguntas? Questions?