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          PR OPOS ITION

                        PRESENTED BY

- N IC H O L A M U L L E N , L E G A C Y P R O M O T IO N IR E L A N D
        - M A R Y O ’K E N N E D Y , O ’K E N N E D Y
   C O N S U L T IN G
Legacy Promotion Ireland
  Who we are and what we do

Overview of Legacy Giving in Ireland

Legacy Giving as a source of income to Charities:

•   Legacies left to charities is an extremely valuable source of cost effective,
    unrestricted voluntary income.
            Legacy Promotion Ireland
           Legacy Promotion Ireland
                Who we are and what we do
                 Who we are and what we
•   Currently Irish NGO’s raise on average approx 6% of their voluntary
    income from legacies. (PCI Legacy Research 2003).

•   This compares with 40% in the UK, with some earning as much as 65%.

Overview of Legacy Giving in Ireland

•   The potential for legacy giving in Ireland.
•   45% of a representative sample indicated that they have a will.

•   Of those who had not made a will 1 in 4 were intending to within the next 12
    months. (Source: Income and Wealth, Amarach)

           Legacy Promotion Ireland adults 16+
               Legacy Promotion Ireland
•   New research conducted by nfpSynergy has shown that of 1000
    questioned, 12% havewe are and what wein their wills –
                 Who included a legacy to a charity do
                   Who we are and what we do
    compared with 16% in the UK.

•   60% indicated that leaving a legacy is something they would consider –
    compared with 45% in the UK.

•   76% believed that is was somewhat or very acceptable for a charity to ask
    people for this kind of support.

Our Vision and Objectives

Our Vision:

Our vision is to create social change which will make leaving a charitable
bequest a normal aspect of will-making and a widely recognised and respected
way of giving.
         Legacy Promotion Ireland
              Legacy Promotion Ireland
Our Objectives:
               Who we are and what we do
                   Who we are and what we do
As a group, we aim to raise public awareness of the importance of leaving a
legacy to a charity in wills through a range of activities including
    advertising campaigns
     online promotion / website development
    and engagement with related bodies.

Our Members

•   We are a unique consortium that has been established as a joint
    initiative of 50 not for profit organisations.
           Legacy Promotion Ireland
                  Who we are and what we do
•   Our members are fundraising professionals, each representing the
    charities involved, who contribute to the democratic ethos of our
            Legacy Promotion Ireland
    organisation by joining the steering group and contributing to our regular
                 Who we are and what we do
•   Each charity pays an annual membership fee which entitles them to
    share LPI knowledge and resources.

•   Each member group recognises that as a group we will achieve more
    than as an individual charity.

Our work to date


•   In May 2006, LPI commissioned Amárach Consulting to carry out a research
    programme Legacy Promotion strategy and approach.
               on legacy giving in Ireland to inform our Ireland
                     Who we are and what we do
•   This research programme comprised of a qualitative research programme
                Legacy Promotion Ireland
    through focus groups that gave us;
     • A greater sense of public attitudes to charitable bequests
                     Who we are and what we do
     • An understanding of how best to communicate to potential donors
     • Identify the correct target audience.

•   This research is available to all members of Legacy Promotion Ireland.

Our many achievements

Raising Awareness:

    LPI generates awareness ofPromotionunbiased, useful
                Legacy legacies by providing Ireland
                Legacy Promotion Ireland
                     Who we are and what we do
    information to individuals, charities and solicitors about leaving bequests to
    charities through our website:
                     Who we are and what we do
•   Each participating charities logo, a description of their work and full contact
    details are included on this site.


Our many achievements

TV Public Awareness Campaign:

•   As a group we have developed a 40 second TV ad that introduces and
          Legacy Promotion Ireland
    encourages the concept of legacy giving in Ireland.
               Who we are and what we do
           Legacy Promotion Ireland
•   In this ad, we aim to rise above addressing the individual concerns of
    various audiences and appeal to a greater universal concern with an
    idea that willWho we are and what we do and self
                  trigger feelings of benevolence, ambition

•   The creative idea behind the ad is to ‘ Be the change you want to see in
    the world’.

Our many achievements

Activity in 2008:
                    Legacy Promotion Ireland
•   Our campaign was officially launched and what we do
                    Who we are in July 2008, receiving extensive
    coverage in many leading newspapers.

•   The TV ad was run to coincide with this launch. The ad ran for 3 weeks on
    targeted spots on RTE, SKY News and TV3.

Legacy Promotion Ireland
  Who we are and what we do

Our work in 2009
Media strategy 2009 :

•   Frequency of message is key to success.
             Legacy Promotion Ireland
•   TV: Our ad will be run in September. Due to increased membership this ad
                  Who we are and what we do
    campaign will run with greater frequency over a longer period.

•   Radio: To further extend our reach and frequency of message, the ad will
              Legacy Promotion Ireland
    also run on radio in September.

    PR: will underpin all activity are and what we will be supported by
                    Who we in 2009. The campaign do
    heavy weight PR in all relevant press. Throughout the year we will be
    actively placing feature articles with all major local and national

•   Research: All media activity will be evaluated at the end of 2009 to
    determine changes in attitudes.

Join us

How to get involved:

              Legacy Promotion Ireland
•   A paradigm shift in society’s thinking is expensive to achieve. Together
    we will reach this goal sooner than and what we do
                    Who we are working individually.
              Legacy Promotion Ireland
    Visit for full details of andto get involved or talk to me after
                   Who we are how what we do
    this session.

•   We look forward to working together with you to make the world a better

H ow to C rea te Y o ur L eg a c y
        P ropos ition

    P res ented by M a ry O ’K ennedy
    w w w .ok ennedyc ons ulting .ie
L eg a c ies

S e ttin g u p a L e g a c y P r o g r a m m e is
e ffe c tiv e b u t ta k e s a lo n g tim e to s e e
r e tu r n s . N o t m a n y d o n o r s a r e k e e n to
d is c u s s th e ir w ills in a n y g r e a t d e ta il,
h o w a n d w h e n d o y o u a s k fo r a
    le g a c y ?
1) A ppro a c hing S uppo rters
• K e y lif e s ta g e s i.e . b ir th o f a c h ild ,
m a r r ia g e , r e tir e m e n t, fin a n c ia l w in d fa ll,
illn e s s .

• A r e la tio n s h ip n e e d s to b e b u ilt b e fo r e
a p p r o a c h in g th e to p ic

“It’s difficult to track when people are going to change or make their wills .
You can’t just phone them up and ask them about it, s o you have to
engage with them the whole time” R ic ha rd R a dc liff, S m ee & Fo rd

• S u b tle c o n ta c t o n a r e g u la r b a s is i.e . in d ir e c t m e s s a g e s
in c o r p o r a te d in t o n e w s le tte r s , m a ilin g s , o n y o u r w e b s ite , a t
s p e c ia l e v e n ts

• A s im p le L e g a c y In fo r m a tio n B o o k le t c o u ld a ls o b e g iv e n to
th o s e s o lic it o r s w it h a p e r s o n a l o r p r o fe s s io n a l lin k to y o u r
c h a r ity .
2) H o w to a s k
• R e s p e c tfu l, d ir e c t la n g u a g e is
  im p o r ta n t w h e n
  c o m m u n ic a tin g a b o u t
  le g a c ie s .
• J a r g o n a n d flo w e r y w o r d s
  d o n ’t h e lp
• R e m e m b e r to u s e s e n s itiv e
  la n g u a g e a s it is a s e n s itiv e
  to p ic
• T h e a p p ro a c h m u s t b e
  g r o u n d e d a n d s u b tle T o tb e p e r s u a s iv e y o u m u s t b e
  h o n e s t.
                                    b e lie v a b le - a v o id n e g a tiv e
                                    s to r ie s o r g u ilt d r iv e n m e s s a g e s ,
                                    p e o p le w a n t to k n o w w h a t r e a l
                                    d iffe r e n c e th e ir s u p p o r t c a n
T hink very c a refully
a bo ut yo ur
a udienc e a nd a
c a us e a ppro pria te
ta g line..
P o s te r C a m p a ig n
C o ns ider the la ng ua g e yo u us e
  c a refully
•   “Will them Well”

•   “Imagine the difference a gift in your will would make in helping to find a cure
    for ......”

•   “If or when the time is right for you to include a gift in your will please
    remember us”

•   “Perhaps you would be kind enough to remember a second family in your
    will? Please consider our Foundation and the families we support”

•   “Do you have something which you treasure, which you want to pass on to
    someone special? A will is the only way that you can be totally assured this
    will happen. Once you have looked after your nearest and dearest, please
    consider including ... in your will.”

•   “A will is so easy to avoid doing. B ut it can be vital to the future of your own
3)W hic h C ha nnels to
 us e

• It h a s b e e n s h o w n th a t s ig n ific a n t
    le g a c y in c o m e c o m e s fr o m
    s u p p o r te r s w h o a r e n o t a lr e a d y o n
    th e b e n e fitin g c h a r itie s d a ta b a s e
    w h ic h m e a n s y o u n e e d to r e a c h
• Inn e wd e ru d iern c ec s . th e s e n e w a u d ie n c e s y o u a ls o n e e d to
       o r a to e a h
c o n s id e r m e d ia c a m p a ig n s a n d jo in t e ffo r ts w ith o th e r
c h a r ita b le o r g a n is a tio n s

•S ign up to Legacy P romotion Ireland
S o w ha t m o des w o rk ?

        Direct mail                          Website & E-mails

                        C ha nn
       Event                                        Newsletter
(legacy or general?)

        One to one?
                       Brochure & Leaflets
A ns w ers - U K R es ea rc h

• D irec t m a il –     68% s a y yes but w hy?
• T elephone –          5% but only for a follow up
• W ebs ite –           15% s a y yes but for ex tra
  inform a tion
• N ew s letter –       100% but does it w ork ?
• A dvertis em ent - 5% pos s ibly
• B roc hure        -         5% pos s ibly
• E vent -               95% but w ha t type?
• O ne to one -       1% … … !!
4) P res enting I nfo rm a tio n

• T h e o ld e r g e n e r a t io n o r th o s e a t a k e y life s ta g e o r
  n e a r in g e n d o f lif e a r e o fte n m o r e p r e p a r e d to lis te n a n d
  th in k o f w h a t c a n b e le ft b e h in d b y th e m - th e d iffe r e n c e
  th e y c a n m a k e t o fu tu r e g e n e r a tio n s .

• W h e n p r e s e n tin g in fo r m a tio n la r g e ty p e fa c e , p ic tu r e s ,
  s h o r t s to r ie s a n d c o lo u r s c h e m e s c a n m a k e it e a s ie r fo r
  a u d ie n c e s to v ie w it – ju s t b e c a u s e le g a c ie s a r e lin k e d to
  d e a th it d o e s n ’t m e a n y o u r m a te r ia l n e e d s to b e to o
  s e r io u s !!

       You can brighten up someone’s future even after you gone..
T ell K ey S to ries ...

•Past successes and past achievement – new service or
building, number of beneficiaries

•Give examples of past legacies and what difference they
made – big and small

•Tell funny stories

•Define the future need and costs
5) M a k ing leg a c y g iving a c c es s ible
  to a ll legacies mus t be enormous , s o make it
“P eople think
    clear that any size of gift is welcome” R ichard
    R adcliffe

•   A d v is in g y o u r d o n o r o n le g a l p r o c e d u r e s is
    im p o r ta n t a n d n e c e s s a r y . It c r e a te s a n e n v ir o n m e n t
    o f tr u s t a n d b e lie f th a t th is is s o m e th in g m a n y d o
    a n d it is a p o s itiv e , s tr a ig h t fo r w a r d w a y o f
    c o n tin u in g th e ir s u p p o r t to a fa v o u r ite c h a r ity .
                       S ample charitable beques t in a donor’s will:

For a gift of the residue of an estate:
quot;I g iv e to X ........ a ll (o r a f r a c tio n ) o f t h e r e s id u e o f m y e s ta te w h a ts o e v e r a n d
w h e r e s o e v e r , a n d I d ir e c t th a t t h e r e c e ip t o f th e T r e a s u r e r o r o th e r o ffic e r fo r th e
tim e b e in g o f th e s a id O r g a n is a t io n s h a ll b e a f u ll a n d s u ffic ie n t d is c h a r g e o f th e
s a m e quot;.

For a gift of a fixed sum or specific item:
quot;I g iv e th e s u m o f € _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o r I b e q u e a t h (th e ite m s p e c ifie d ) to X ........., a n d I
d ir e c t th a t th e T r e a s u r e r o r o th e r p r o p e r o f fic e r fo r th e t im e b e in g o f th e s a id
O r g a n is a tio n s h a ll b e p r o p e r a n d s u ff ic ie n t d is c h a r g e fo r t h e s a m e quot;.
W o rk ing w ith yo ur c urrent
  res o urc es :
• B e g in b y c o n c e n t r a tin g o n g e n tly in tr o d u c in g th e le g a c y
  m e s s a g e in t o e x is tin g c o m m u n ic a tio n w ith in th e c h a r ity , s u c h
  a s n e w s le tte r s , m a g a z in e s a n d th r o u g h a n y o n lin e
  c o m m u n ic a t io n s .

• B ig g e r c h a r itie s c a n a p p o in t a s ta ff m e m b e r d e d ic a te d to th e
  m a r k e tin g a n d r e c e ip t o f le g a c ie s .

• T h is a c tio n w ill e n c o u r a g e a r e a c tiv e a p p r o a c h to le g a c y
  g iv in g f r o m p e o p le w h o a r e m o tiv a te d to le a v e a g ift in th e ir
  w ill b y s im p le m e s s a g e s .

• F u r th e r in to th e d e liv e r y o f a le g a c y s tr a te g y , th e s c o p e c a n
  th e n b e b r o a d e n e d to a llo w a p r o -a c tiv e a p p r o a c h to th e
  m a r k e tin g o f le g a c ie s a s a fu n d r a is in g s tr e a m th r o u g h th e
  d e v e lo p m e n t o f s p e c ific p r o m o tio n a l m a te r ia l, p r e s s
L eg a c ies ta k e tim e but a re w o rth
              the returns !

quot;Leave your children with enough money to
do anything they want, but not so much that
  they are doomed to do nothing at all.quot;
            W a rren B uffett (w o rth $44 billio n)
O V E R T O Y O U !!!

 Legacy Promotion Ireland
   Who we are and what we do

G roup

P ic k yo ur C a us e:
• A nim a ls : R e-hom ing S tra y C a ts
• C hildren: D is a dva nta g ed C hildren
  U nder 10
• M edic a l: Legacy Promotion Ireland
               R es ea rc h on H eredita ry
  D is ea s es Who we are and what we do
• A rts & C ulture: T hea tre for P erform ing
  A rts
• E duc a tion: I ns titute for L ife L ong
  L ea rning
• O vers ea s A id: W om en’s R ig hts in        1
P lea s e ta k e a ten m inutes to lo o k
    a t pro m o ting leg a c ies fo r yo ur
       c a us e under the fo llo w ing :

• C rea ting the M es s a g e
- Y our L eg a c y A s k
            Legacy Promotion Ireland
            Who we are and what we do
• W ha t C ha nnels to us e
- C hoos e 3 A venues


         Legacy Promotion Ireland
       m a r y @ o k e n n e d y c o n s u ltin g .ie
              Who we are and what we do

         n m u lle n @ a r th r itis ir e la n d .ie


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Legacy Session260309

  • 2. Legacy Promotion Ireland Who we are and what we do 1
  • 3. Overview of Legacy Giving in Ireland Legacy Giving as a source of income to Charities: • Legacies left to charities is an extremely valuable source of cost effective, unrestricted voluntary income. Legacy Promotion Ireland Legacy Promotion Ireland Who we are and what we do Who we are and what we do • Currently Irish NGO’s raise on average approx 6% of their voluntary income from legacies. (PCI Legacy Research 2003). • This compares with 40% in the UK, with some earning as much as 65%. 1
  • 4. Overview of Legacy Giving in Ireland • The potential for legacy giving in Ireland. • 45% of a representative sample indicated that they have a will. • Of those who had not made a will 1 in 4 were intending to within the next 12 months. (Source: Income and Wealth, Amarach) Legacy Promotion Ireland adults 16+ Legacy Promotion Ireland • New research conducted by nfpSynergy has shown that of 1000 questioned, 12% havewe are and what wein their wills – Who included a legacy to a charity do Who we are and what we do compared with 16% in the UK. • 60% indicated that leaving a legacy is something they would consider – compared with 45% in the UK. • 76% believed that is was somewhat or very acceptable for a charity to ask people for this kind of support. 1 1
  • 5. Our Vision and Objectives Our Vision: Our vision is to create social change which will make leaving a charitable bequest a normal aspect of will-making and a widely recognised and respected way of giving. Legacy Promotion Ireland Legacy Promotion Ireland Our Objectives: Who we are and what we do Who we are and what we do As a group, we aim to raise public awareness of the importance of leaving a legacy to a charity in wills through a range of activities including advertising campaigns online promotion / website development and engagement with related bodies. 1 1
  • 6. Our Members • We are a unique consortium that has been established as a joint initiative of 50 not for profit organisations. Legacy Promotion Ireland Who we are and what we do • Our members are fundraising professionals, each representing the charities involved, who contribute to the democratic ethos of our Legacy Promotion Ireland organisation by joining the steering group and contributing to our regular meetings. Who we are and what we do • Each charity pays an annual membership fee which entitles them to share LPI knowledge and resources. 1 • Each member group recognises that as a group we will achieve more than as an individual charity. 1
  • 7. 7
  • 8. Our work to date Research: • In May 2006, LPI commissioned Amárach Consulting to carry out a research programme Legacy Promotion strategy and approach. on legacy giving in Ireland to inform our Ireland Who we are and what we do • This research programme comprised of a qualitative research programme Legacy Promotion Ireland through focus groups that gave us; • A greater sense of public attitudes to charitable bequests Who we are and what we do • An understanding of how best to communicate to potential donors • Identify the correct target audience. 1 • This research is available to all members of Legacy Promotion Ireland. 1
  • 9. Our many achievements Raising Awareness: LPI generates awareness ofPromotionunbiased, useful Legacy legacies by providing Ireland • Legacy Promotion Ireland Who we are and what we do information to individuals, charities and solicitors about leaving bequests to charities through our website: Who we are and what we do • Each participating charities logo, a description of their work and full contact details are included on this site. 1 1
  • 10. Our many achievements TV Public Awareness Campaign: • As a group we have developed a 40 second TV ad that introduces and Legacy Promotion Ireland encourages the concept of legacy giving in Ireland. Who we are and what we do Legacy Promotion Ireland • In this ad, we aim to rise above addressing the individual concerns of various audiences and appeal to a greater universal concern with an idea that willWho we are and what we do and self trigger feelings of benevolence, ambition actualisation. • The creative idea behind the ad is to ‘ Be the change you want to see in 1 the world’. 1
  • 11. Our many achievements Activity in 2008: Legacy Promotion Ireland • Our campaign was officially launched and what we do Who we are in July 2008, receiving extensive coverage in many leading newspapers. • The TV ad was run to coincide with this launch. The ad ran for 3 weeks on targeted spots on RTE, SKY News and TV3. 1
  • 12. Legacy Promotion Ireland Who we are and what we do 1
  • 13. Our work in 2009 Media strategy 2009 : • Frequency of message is key to success. Legacy Promotion Ireland • TV: Our ad will be run in September. Due to increased membership this ad Who we are and what we do campaign will run with greater frequency over a longer period. • Radio: To further extend our reach and frequency of message, the ad will Legacy Promotion Ireland also run on radio in September. PR: will underpin all activity are and what we will be supported by Who we in 2009. The campaign do • heavy weight PR in all relevant press. Throughout the year we will be actively placing feature articles with all major local and national 1 publications • Research: All media activity will be evaluated at the end of 2009 to determine changes in attitudes. 1
  • 14. Join us How to get involved: Legacy Promotion Ireland • A paradigm shift in society’s thinking is expensive to achieve. Together we will reach this goal sooner than and what we do Who we are working individually. Legacy Promotion Ireland Visit for full details of andto get involved or talk to me after Who we are how what we do • this session. • We look forward to working together with you to make the world a better place 1 1
  • 15. H ow to C rea te Y o ur L eg a c y P ropos ition P res ented by M a ry O ’K ennedy w w w .ok ennedyc ons ulting .ie
  • 16. L eg a c ies S e ttin g u p a L e g a c y P r o g r a m m e is cost e ffe c tiv e b u t ta k e s a lo n g tim e to s e e r e tu r n s . N o t m a n y d o n o r s a r e k e e n to d is c u s s th e ir w ills in a n y g r e a t d e ta il, so h o w a n d w h e n d o y o u a s k fo r a le g a c y ?
  • 17. 1) A ppro a c hing S uppo rters • K e y lif e s ta g e s i.e . b ir th o f a c h ild , m a r r ia g e , r e tir e m e n t, fin a n c ia l w in d fa ll, illn e s s . • A r e la tio n s h ip n e e d s to b e b u ilt b e fo r e a p p r o a c h in g th e to p ic “It’s difficult to track when people are going to change or make their wills . You can’t just phone them up and ask them about it, s o you have to engage with them the whole time” R ic ha rd R a dc liff, S m ee & Fo rd , • S u b tle c o n ta c t o n a r e g u la r b a s is i.e . in d ir e c t m e s s a g e s in c o r p o r a te d in t o n e w s le tte r s , m a ilin g s , o n y o u r w e b s ite , a t s p e c ia l e v e n ts • A s im p le L e g a c y In fo r m a tio n B o o k le t c o u ld a ls o b e g iv e n to th o s e s o lic it o r s w it h a p e r s o n a l o r p r o fe s s io n a l lin k to y o u r c h a r ity .
  • 18. 2) H o w to a s k • R e s p e c tfu l, d ir e c t la n g u a g e is im p o r ta n t w h e n c o m m u n ic a tin g a b o u t le g a c ie s . • J a r g o n a n d flo w e r y w o r d s d o n ’t h e lp • R e m e m b e r to u s e s e n s itiv e la n g u a g e a s it is a s e n s itiv e to p ic • T h e a p p ro a c h m u s t b e g r o u n d e d a n d s u b tle T o tb e p e r s u a s iv e y o u m u s t b e bu h o n e s t. b e lie v a b le - a v o id n e g a tiv e s to r ie s o r g u ilt d r iv e n m e s s a g e s , p e o p le w a n t to k n o w w h a t r e a l d iffe r e n c e th e ir s u p p o r t c a n
  • 19. T hink very c a refully a bo ut yo ur a udienc e a nd a c a us e a ppro pria te ta g line..
  • 20.
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  • 23.
  • 24. P o s te r C a m p a ig n
  • 25. C o ns ider the la ng ua g e yo u us e c a refully • “Will them Well” • “Imagine the difference a gift in your will would make in helping to find a cure for ......” • “If or when the time is right for you to include a gift in your will please remember us” • “Perhaps you would be kind enough to remember a second family in your will? Please consider our Foundation and the families we support” • “Do you have something which you treasure, which you want to pass on to someone special? A will is the only way that you can be totally assured this will happen. Once you have looked after your nearest and dearest, please consider including ... in your will.” • “A will is so easy to avoid doing. B ut it can be vital to the future of your own
  • 26. 3)W hic h C ha nnels to us e • It h a s b e e n s h o w n th a t s ig n ific a n t le g a c y in c o m e c o m e s fr o m s u p p o r te r s w h o a r e n o t a lr e a d y o n th e b e n e fitin g c h a r itie s d a ta b a s e w h ic h m e a n s y o u n e e d to r e a c h • Inn e wd e ru d iern c ec s . th e s e n e w a u d ie n c e s y o u a ls o n e e d to o r a to e a h c o n s id e r m e d ia c a m p a ig n s a n d jo in t e ffo r ts w ith o th e r c h a r ita b le o r g a n is a tio n s •S ign up to Legacy P romotion Ireland
  • 27. S o w ha t m o des w o rk ? Telephone Direct mail Website & E-mails C ha nn Event Newsletter els (legacy or general?) Advertisement One to one? Brochure & Leaflets
  • 28. A ns w ers - U K R es ea rc h • D irec t m a il – 68% s a y yes but w hy? • T elephone – 5% but only for a follow up • W ebs ite – 15% s a y yes but for ex tra inform a tion • N ew s letter – 100% but does it w ork ? • A dvertis em ent - 5% pos s ibly • B roc hure - 5% pos s ibly • E vent - 95% but w ha t type? • O ne to one - 1% … … !!
  • 29. 4) P res enting I nfo rm a tio n • T h e o ld e r g e n e r a t io n o r th o s e a t a k e y life s ta g e o r n e a r in g e n d o f lif e a r e o fte n m o r e p r e p a r e d to lis te n a n d th in k o f w h a t c a n b e le ft b e h in d b y th e m - th e d iffe r e n c e th e y c a n m a k e t o fu tu r e g e n e r a tio n s . • W h e n p r e s e n tin g in fo r m a tio n la r g e ty p e fa c e , p ic tu r e s , s h o r t s to r ie s a n d c o lo u r s c h e m e s c a n m a k e it e a s ie r fo r a u d ie n c e s to v ie w it – ju s t b e c a u s e le g a c ie s a r e lin k e d to d e a th it d o e s n ’t m e a n y o u r m a te r ia l n e e d s to b e to o s e r io u s !! You can brighten up someone’s future even after you gone..
  • 30. T ell K ey S to ries ... •Past successes and past achievement – new service or building, number of beneficiaries •Give examples of past legacies and what difference they made – big and small •Tell funny stories •Define the future need and costs
  • 31. 5) M a k ing leg a c y g iving a c c es s ible to a ll legacies mus t be enormous , s o make it   “P eople think clear that any size of gift is welcome” R ichard R adcliffe • A d v is in g y o u r d o n o r o n le g a l p r o c e d u r e s is im p o r ta n t a n d n e c e s s a r y . It c r e a te s a n e n v ir o n m e n t o f tr u s t a n d b e lie f th a t th is is s o m e th in g m a n y d o a n d it is a p o s itiv e , s tr a ig h t fo r w a r d w a y o f c o n tin u in g th e ir s u p p o r t to a fa v o u r ite c h a r ity . S ample charitable beques t in a donor’s will: For a gift of the residue of an estate: quot;I g iv e to X ........ a ll (o r a f r a c tio n ) o f t h e r e s id u e o f m y e s ta te w h a ts o e v e r a n d w h e r e s o e v e r , a n d I d ir e c t th a t t h e r e c e ip t o f th e T r e a s u r e r o r o th e r o ffic e r fo r th e tim e b e in g o f th e s a id O r g a n is a t io n s h a ll b e a f u ll a n d s u ffic ie n t d is c h a r g e o f th e s a m e quot;. For a gift of a fixed sum or specific item: quot;I g iv e th e s u m o f € _ _ _ _ _ _ _ o r I b e q u e a t h (th e ite m s p e c ifie d ) to X ........., a n d I d ir e c t th a t th e T r e a s u r e r o r o th e r p r o p e r o f fic e r fo r th e t im e b e in g o f th e s a id O r g a n is a tio n s h a ll b e p r o p e r a n d s u ff ic ie n t d is c h a r g e fo r t h e s a m e quot;.
  • 32. W o rk ing w ith yo ur c urrent res o urc es : • B e g in b y c o n c e n t r a tin g o n g e n tly in tr o d u c in g th e le g a c y m e s s a g e in t o e x is tin g c o m m u n ic a tio n w ith in th e c h a r ity , s u c h a s n e w s le tte r s , m a g a z in e s a n d th r o u g h a n y o n lin e c o m m u n ic a t io n s . • B ig g e r c h a r itie s c a n a p p o in t a s ta ff m e m b e r d e d ic a te d to th e m a r k e tin g a n d r e c e ip t o f le g a c ie s . • T h is a c tio n w ill e n c o u r a g e a r e a c tiv e a p p r o a c h to le g a c y g iv in g f r o m p e o p le w h o a r e m o tiv a te d to le a v e a g ift in th e ir w ill b y s im p le m e s s a g e s . • F u r th e r in to th e d e liv e r y o f a le g a c y s tr a te g y , th e s c o p e c a n th e n b e b r o a d e n e d to a llo w a p r o -a c tiv e a p p r o a c h to th e m a r k e tin g o f le g a c ie s a s a fu n d r a is in g s tr e a m th r o u g h th e d e v e lo p m e n t o f s p e c ific p r o m o tio n a l m a te r ia l, p r e s s
  • 33. L eg a c ies ta k e tim e but a re w o rth the returns ! quot;Leave your children with enough money to do anything they want, but not so much that they are doomed to do nothing at all.quot; W a rren B uffett (w o rth $44 billio n)
  • 34. O V E R T O Y O U !!! Legacy Promotion Ireland Who we are and what we do 1
  • 35. G roup Exercise P ic k yo ur C a us e: • A nim a ls : R e-hom ing S tra y C a ts • C hildren: D is a dva nta g ed C hildren U nder 10 • M edic a l: Legacy Promotion Ireland R es ea rc h on H eredita ry D is ea s es Who we are and what we do • A rts & C ulture: T hea tre for P erform ing A rts • E duc a tion: I ns titute for L ife L ong L ea rning • O vers ea s A id: W om en’s R ig hts in 1
  • 36. P lea s e ta k e a ten m inutes to lo o k a t pro m o ting leg a c ies fo r yo ur c a us e under the fo llo w ing : • C rea ting the M es s a g e - Y our L eg a c y A s k Legacy Promotion Ireland Who we are and what we do • W ha t C ha nnels to us e - C hoos e 3 A venues 1
  • 37. THANK YOU W E A R E A V A IL A B L E F O R Q U E S T IO N S D U R IN G T O D A Y O R Y O U C A N E -M A IL Legacy Promotion Ireland m a r y @ o k e n n e d y c o n s u ltin g .ie Who we are and what we do n m u lle n @ a r th r itis ir e la n d .ie 1