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In this Chapter you will explore three key topics: 
• Topographical map reading skills 
• Geographical data and techniques 
• Geographical investigations 
• Developing topographical map reading skills 
allows you to: 
- navigate to places 
- be conscious of the environment 
- understand how the environment is being 
presented and (re)presented. 
Reading topographical maps
Reading grid references 
• They are used to identify 
• Always read the eastings (x-axis, 
vertical lines) then the 
northings (y-axis, horizontal 
• They can be: 
- 4 digit grid references 
(xxyy): identify an area OR 
- 6 digit grid references 
(xxx1yyy1): identify a point 
x1 and y1 are derived by sub-dividing 
the northings and 
eastings into 10 segments 
Area: 0736 
Point: 088376
Reading directions: Compass directions 
• They are used to describe 
the location of one 
geographic feature from 
• Note that 4, 8 and 16 
cardinal points can be used 
to provide a more precise 
• When identifying direction, 
take note of the word 
‘from’ which signifies the 
point you are taking 
direction from. 
Reading directions: Compass bearings 
• Compass bearings provide 
even more precise 
locations than compass 
Follow these steps when measuring compass 
1.Draw a straight line to join the two objects. 
2.Draw the north arrow on the object you are 
measuring ‘from’. 
3.Place the 0° of the protractor on the right side 
of the north arrow. Read clockwise to obtain the 
grid bearing. 
4.If the grid bearing is more than 180°, place the 
0° of the protractor on the left side of the north 
arrow. Add 180° to the bearing measured by the 
Interpreting scales 
Type of scale Desription 
• Written as a fraction (1/2,500) or Ratio 
• No unit of measurement (can be used 
for any units of measurement) 
Linear scale • A visual representation using a straight 
line that is divided into equal parts. 
• Used to represent actual distance on 
the map (e.g 2 cm represents 1 km) 
Statement scale • A scale expressed in words (e.g 1 cm 
represents 1 km)
Measuring distances 
Straight-line distance 
1. Connect two points. 
2. Use a strip of paper to 
mark out the distance 
between the points. 
3. Place the strip of paper on 
the line scale. 
4. Alternatively, use a 
calculator to convert the 
map distance into actual 
distance (i.e 1cm: 1km 
therefore 2.5cm=2.5 km)
Measuring distances 
Curved distances 
1. Divide the curved distance 
into various straight line 
2. Mark each location on the 
strip of paper until the whole 
length of the curved route is 
3. Place the strip of paper 
against the scale to convert 
into the actual distance. 
4. Alternatively, use string to 
trace the curved distance, 
and then convert into actual 
distance using the scale.
b. Describing relief and identifying features 
in topographical maps 
• Describing the nature of relief 
• Identifying physical features and landforms 
• Calculating gradient 
• Interpreting map evidence 
• Interpreting map symbols 
• Interpreting human activities 
• Describing patterns and locations of 
vegetation, land use, and transport and 
• Explaining the relationship between relief and 
land use or transport and communication 9
Describing the nature of relief 
Compare the two marked areas X and Y. What 
differences do you notice in these maps? 
Relief refers to the change in the height of a land 
surface, and is about height, shape, steepness, 
slope and form. 
Relief can be deduced from the arrangement of 
contour lines and their contour intervals. 
Contours are continuous lines joining points of the 
same height. As each contour is a line of equal 
height, contours never cross. 
Describing the nature of relief
Describing the nature of relief
the contour 
patterns on 
the left with 
the landforms 
on the right. 
Identifying physical features and 
A B 
E F 
Description of landform Ans: Name of landform 
• A highland more than 600 metres above sea 
• Have steep slopes indicated by closely spaced 
contour lines. 
A Mountain 
• Steep and near-vertical rock face. 
• It is indicated by closely spaced contour lines. 
D Cliff 
• A depression between two highlands. 
• represented by v-shaped contour lines pointing 
towards higher ground. 
• may have a river running through it 
B (River) Valley 
• A low-lying land found near a river. 
• Generally flat and can be identified by the lack of 
contour lines or widely spaced contours. 
H Floodplain 
• A highland with steep slopes and a flat summit. 
• Steep slopes are indicated by closely spaced 
contour lines 
• A flat summit is shown by the absence of 
contour lines at the summit. 
C Plateau
Calculating gradient 
Gradient indicates the steepness of a slope. It 
is measured by dividing the height of the land 
with a given horizontal distance. Gradient is 
expressed as a fraction or ratio. It is 
using the formula: 
Difference in height between two points 
Horizontal distance between two points 
Follow these steps: 
1)Difference in height between two points: 
maximum height minus minimum height 
(using the contour values) 
2)Horizontal distance: measure the distance 
between the two points and convert into 
actual distance 
3)Divide results from (1) with (2). NOTE: both 
(1) and (2) must be in the same units i.e 
Interpreting map symbols 
Symbols represent 
the actual features 
on the map. They are 
found in the key. 
They can be used to 
represent physical 
features and human 
activities. Some of 
the examples are 
seen on the left. 
Interpreting human activities 
Map symbols 
help interpret 
the types of 
human activities 
present in an 
area. Human 
activities may be 
classified in 
Services and facilities 
Interpreting human activities 
Transport and communication 
Settlement pattern
Describing patterns and location of 
vegetation, land use, and transport and 
Explaining the relationship between relief and 
land use or transport and communication 
Maps and symbols 
A map is a 
representation of 
the earth’s surface 
or a part of the 
earth’s surface. 
Different maps 
serve different 
• Base maps 
• Atlas 
• Topographical maps 
• Road maps 
• Sketch maps 
• Choropleth maps 
• Isoline maps 
• Dot maps 
• Maps with proportionate symbols 
No. Types of 
1 Base maps Focus on basic information or highlight important information by providing an 
outline of the area. 
2 Atlas Provide details of natural and human features/occurrences of places. 
3 Topographical 
Show physical and human features through the use of lines, symbols, colours 
and abbreviations. 
4 Road maps Road maps show the location of roads, buildings, railway tracks and airports, 
and used as navigation tool. 
5 Sketch maps Sketch maps are simplified illustrations of an area, drawn to show the basic 
positions of an area’s main features. 
6 Choropleth 
Show the geographical distribution and trends using colours or shadings to 
group different data values 
7 Isoline maps Isoline maps are maps with isolines, or continuous lines joining points of equal 
8 Dot maps Dot maps show the distribution of data using dots. The dots have a fixed size or 
value and are drawn on a base map. 
9 Maps with 
Symbols drawn are proportional to the values of the data being mapped. For 
example, bigger symbols are accorded to larger values.
Photographs and satellite images 
Photographs and satellite images are primary 
data which provide vital information about the 
physical features and human activities at a 
particular place and time. 
Different types of photographs and satellite images 
Landscape photographs 
Aerial photographs 
• Taken from a ground level 
perspective and give a horizontal 
view of an area 
• Show the landscape in great detail, 
allowing features and patterns to 
be observed 
• More details in the background 
can be seen due to the height in 
which photograph is taken. 
• Size will not be distorted, and 
useful for map making. 
• Taken from space, allows large 
area to be captured. 
• Can show the development of 
place over time. 
Satellite images
Interpreting photographs 
1. What HUMAN features 
(Transport and communication 
networks, e.g. roads, railways, 
satellite stations) are shown in 
the photograph? 
2. What PHYSICAL features (relief, 
coast, vegetation) are shown in 
the photograph? 
3. Why are these features present? 
4. What effects do these features 
have on the physical and human 
Graphs A graph is a diagram used 
to represent data which 
shows the relationship 
between two or more 
variables. A variable is 
something that is 
measured and which 
helps us understand data 
more easily. 
• Line graphs 
• Bar graphs 
• Histograms 
• Pie charts 
• Scattergraphs 
• Climographs 
• Triangular graphs (For GCE O-Level only) 
Simple line graphs 
1. Decide on your 
independent (x-axis) 
and dependant 
variable (y- axis) 
2. Plot the value of 
both variables on 
the graph paper. 
3. Deduce the 
between the two 
variables i.e as air 
increases, the air can 
hold higher amounts 
of water vapour. 
Water vapour: 
Comparative line graphs 
Allows comparison of 
two or more sets of 
Compound line graphs 
Allows one set of data 
to be sub-divided into 
two or more sets of 
Bar graphs 
1. Decide on your independent (x-axis) 
and dependant variable (y-axis). 
2. Plot the value of both variables 
on the graph paper. 
3. Compare the values among the 
different independent variables. 
i.e Indonesia has highest 
fatalities related to tectonic 
activities among the other 3 
Comparative bar graphs 
Allows comparison of 
two or more sets of 
Compound bar graphs 
Allows one set of data 
to be sub-divided into 
two or more sets of 
1. Histograms show 
distribution or 
frequency of data. 
The x-axis shows the 
range of values. 
2. The values do not 
overlap. The y-axis 
shows the frequency. 
3. Different from bar 
graphs because x-axis 
size/classes and not 
Pie charts 
1. Pie charts are 
circular graphs 
divided into 
2. Each segment of a 
pie chart represents 
the portion a 
variable takes up. 
3. Each data set has to 
be converted into a 
percentage of the 
data set. 
1. Plot data using ‘X’s. 
2. Draw a straight line of best fit. This will broadly represent 
the general pattern formed by the two points. 
3. Take note of any anomalies.
1. A climograph shows how mean 
monthly temperature and total 
monthly precipitation vary 
throughout the year for a 
particular place. 
2. The temperature is shown using 
a line graph while the 
precipitation is shown using a 
bar graph. 
Describing climographs 
When describing climograph, always 
state the: 
1.The months where the minimum and 
maximum temperatures are 
2.The average temperature range 
(using key terms in (a) and (b)) 
3.The months where it minimum and 
maximum rainfall are experienced. 
4.The total amount of rainfall 
experienced in the place (using key 
terms found in (c))
Triangular graphs 
Triangular graphs are equilateral triangles 
showing the relationship between three data 
sets where the variables add up to 100. 
When reading triangular graphs: 
1.Determine the point you are reading the 
value of. 
2.Look at the base of the triangle and 
determine the direction of 0 to 100. (is it left 
to right? or right to left? In this case, it is left 
to right) 
3.Draw a line from the designated point in 
the direction determined in 2. (in this case, 
towards the left) and take the first reading. 
4.Insert the two other lines as shown in the 
5.Check and ensure all three readings add up 
to 100. 
Triangular graphs Cont. 
A A 
0 100 
0 0 
100 0 
Other ways of presenting data
Statistical calculation 
Statistical calculations aid analysis by providing more precise 
calculations. Common statistical calculations are percentages, 
ratios, mean, median and mode.
The phases in fieldwork 
Choose a topic 
 Geographical? 
 Manageable? 
 Relevant? 
 Feasible? 
 Focused? 
Find a topic and present 
to your class according to 
the guidelines stated in 
Find a topic and present 
to your class according to 
the guidelines stated in 
the Textbook. For 
example, you have to 
suggest why your 
the Textbook. For 
example, you have to 
suggest why your 
chosen topic is 
chosen topic is 
Suggesting a hypothesis or guiding 
Hypothesis Guiding Question 
Expressed as a statement Expressed as a question 
Consist of a prediction May consist of a problem 
Explanation for something that 
needs to be tested or proven 
Highlights what needs to be 
known about a topic 
Can have more than two variables 
“How long does a Secondary 
4 student spend in the 
Does not need to have an 
independent or dependent variable 
“The older the student, the longer 
the time they spend in the 
Collecting data 
• Recording observations 
1.Annotated photographs 
2.Recording sheets 
4.Cloud cover 
• Taking measurements 
Annotated photographs and 
recording sheets 
• Photographs can be used to record 
the features on the fieldwork site 
for future reference. 
• Annotations can be added to 
photographs to help highlight 
essential information. 
• Data collection is more 
organised when tables 
are included in recording 
Maps and cloud cover 
• Maps show the location of physical 
features and human activities. 
• Maps can also be annotated with 
the locations of recorded data. 
Further data analysis and 
presentation can then be carried 
out after fieldwork has been done. 
• Cloud cover symbols 
indicate the amount of 
solar radiation that 
reaches the earth’s 
Taking measurements 
• Wind speed and direction 
• Air pressure 
• Temperature 
• Relative humidity 
• Precipitation 
Wind speed and direction 
•Hold up the anemometer in an 
open area where wind flows freely. 
•Read the wind speed indicated. 
Anemometer Wind vane 
Wind rose 
Wind vane 
•Place the wind vane at where the 
wind is blowing. 
•The direction the wind vane points 
to is the direction where the wind is 
blowing from. 
Wind rose 
•The rectangles point in the 
direction where wind is blowing 
•The numbers indicate the days of 
the month where the wind is 
Air pressure 
• Air pressure is measured in 
millibars (mb) using a 
• A barometer has two needles. 
Check that the moveable 
pointer is arranged over the 
measuring hand to mark the 
current pressure. 
• The pressure is falling if the 
measuring hand moves to the 
left, and rising if the measuring 
hand moves to the right. 
• Temperature is measured using 
an analogue or digital 
• Temperature is read on a 
maximum and minimum 
thermometer by observing the 
lowest point of each metal 
index (blue line). For example, 
in the figure, the minimum 
temperature is 20°C and the 
maximum temperature is 25°C. 
• The diurnal temperature range 
is therefore 5°C. 
A digital thermometer 
A maximum and minimum thermometer
Relative humidity 
Relative humidity is measured using a 
sling psychrometer, which consists of a 
wet bulb thermometer and a dry bulb 
thermometer. To calculate: 
1.Dip the wick of the wet bulb in water 
and swing the psychrometer for 1 min. 
2.Record the reading. Repeat step 1 
until both readings are consistent. 
3.Read the temperature off the dry 
4.To obtain the depression of the wet 
bulb, calculate the difference between 
the wet bulb temperature and the dry 
bulb temperatures. 
5.Using the conversion table, obtain 
the relative humidity by finding the 
value where the wet bulb depression 
intersects with the dry bulb 
The amount of precipitation is 
measured in millimetres using a rain 
gauge. A simple rain gauge can be made 
using a funnel and a jar or tin. To 
determine the amount of precipitation: 
1.Find an appropriate spot to place your 
rain gauge and position the rain gauge 
in an open area. 
2.Place the rain gauge into the ground 
with about 30 cm protruding above 
3.Record the time at which the rainfall 
events start and end. 
4.Pour the collected water in the rain 
gauge into a measuring cylinder. Read 
and record the water level. 

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Chapter 3 gateway 123 combined

  • 1. GEOGRAPHICAL SKILLS AND INVESTIGATIONS In this Chapter you will explore three key topics: • Topographical map reading skills • Geographical data and techniques • Geographical investigations 1
  • 2. • Developing topographical map reading skills allows you to: - navigate to places - be conscious of the environment - understand how the environment is being presented and (re)presented. 2 Reading topographical maps
  • 3. Reading grid references • They are used to identify locations. • Always read the eastings (x-axis, vertical lines) then the northings (y-axis, horizontal lines) • They can be: - 4 digit grid references (xxyy): identify an area OR - 6 digit grid references (xxx1yyy1): identify a point x1 and y1 are derived by sub-dividing the northings and eastings into 10 segments 3 Area: 0736 Point: 088376
  • 4. Reading directions: Compass directions • They are used to describe the location of one geographic feature from another. • Note that 4, 8 and 16 cardinal points can be used to provide a more precise location. • When identifying direction, take note of the word ‘from’ which signifies the point you are taking direction from. 4 N E S WNW W NNE NE NW SW SE ENE ESE SSW SSE WSW NNW
  • 5. Reading directions: Compass bearings 5 • Compass bearings provide even more precise locations than compass directions. Follow these steps when measuring compass bearing: 1.Draw a straight line to join the two objects. 2.Draw the north arrow on the object you are measuring ‘from’. 3.Place the 0° of the protractor on the right side of the north arrow. Read clockwise to obtain the grid bearing. 4.If the grid bearing is more than 180°, place the 0° of the protractor on the left side of the north arrow. Add 180° to the bearing measured by the protractor.
  • 6. 6 Interpreting scales Type of scale Desription Representative fraction • Written as a fraction (1/2,500) or Ratio (1:2,500) • No unit of measurement (can be used for any units of measurement) Linear scale • A visual representation using a straight line that is divided into equal parts. • Used to represent actual distance on the map (e.g 2 cm represents 1 km) Statement scale • A scale expressed in words (e.g 1 cm represents 1 km)
  • 7. Measuring distances 7 Straight-line distance 1. Connect two points. 2. Use a strip of paper to mark out the distance between the points. 3. Place the strip of paper on the line scale. 4. Alternatively, use a calculator to convert the map distance into actual distance (i.e 1cm: 1km therefore 2.5cm=2.5 km)
  • 8. 8 Measuring distances Curved distances 1. Divide the curved distance into various straight line segments. 2. Mark each location on the strip of paper until the whole length of the curved route is marked. 3. Place the strip of paper against the scale to convert into the actual distance. 4. Alternatively, use string to trace the curved distance, and then convert into actual distance using the scale.
  • 9. b. Describing relief and identifying features in topographical maps • Describing the nature of relief • Identifying physical features and landforms • Calculating gradient • Interpreting map evidence • Interpreting map symbols • Interpreting human activities • Describing patterns and locations of vegetation, land use, and transport and communication • Explaining the relationship between relief and land use or transport and communication 9
  • 10. Describing the nature of relief 10 Compare the two marked areas X and Y. What differences do you notice in these maps? X Y
  • 11. Relief refers to the change in the height of a land surface, and is about height, shape, steepness, slope and form. Relief can be deduced from the arrangement of contour lines and their contour intervals. Contours are continuous lines joining points of the same height. As each contour is a line of equal height, contours never cross. 11 Describing the nature of relief
  • 12. 12 Describing the nature of relief
  • 13. Match the contour patterns on the left with the landforms on the right. 13
  • 14. Identifying physical features and landforms 14 A B C D
  • 15. 15 E F G H
  • 16. Description of landform Ans: Name of landform • A highland more than 600 metres above sea level. • Have steep slopes indicated by closely spaced contour lines. 16 A Mountain • Steep and near-vertical rock face. • It is indicated by closely spaced contour lines. D Cliff • A depression between two highlands. • represented by v-shaped contour lines pointing towards higher ground. • may have a river running through it B (River) Valley • A low-lying land found near a river. • Generally flat and can be identified by the lack of contour lines or widely spaced contours. H Floodplain • A highland with steep slopes and a flat summit. • Steep slopes are indicated by closely spaced contour lines • A flat summit is shown by the absence of contour lines at the summit. C Plateau
  • 17. Calculating gradient Gradient indicates the steepness of a slope. It is measured by dividing the height of the land with a given horizontal distance. Gradient is expressed as a fraction or ratio. It is calculated using the formula: Difference in height between two points Horizontal distance between two points Follow these steps: 1)Difference in height between two points: maximum height minus minimum height (using the contour values) 2)Horizontal distance: measure the distance between the two points and convert into actual distance 3)Divide results from (1) with (2). NOTE: both 17 (1) and (2) must be in the same units i.e metres
  • 18. Interpreting map symbols Symbols represent the actual features on the map. They are found in the key. They can be used to represent physical features and human activities. Some of the examples are seen on the left. 18
  • 19. Interpreting human activities 19 Map symbols help interpret the types of human activities present in an area. Human activities may be classified in broad categories: Industries Services and facilities Agriculture
  • 20. Interpreting human activities 20 Transport and communication Settlement pattern
  • 21. Describing patterns and location of vegetation, land use, and transport and communication 21
  • 22. Explaining the relationship between relief and land use or transport and communication 22
  • 23. Maps and symbols A map is a representation of the earth’s surface or a part of the earth’s surface. Different maps serve different purposes. • Base maps • Atlas • Topographical maps • Road maps • Sketch maps • Choropleth maps • Isoline maps • Dot maps • Maps with proportionate symbols 23
  • 24. 24 No. Types of Map Uses 1 Base maps Focus on basic information or highlight important information by providing an outline of the area. 2 Atlas Provide details of natural and human features/occurrences of places. 3 Topographical maps Show physical and human features through the use of lines, symbols, colours and abbreviations. 4 Road maps Road maps show the location of roads, buildings, railway tracks and airports, and used as navigation tool. 5 Sketch maps Sketch maps are simplified illustrations of an area, drawn to show the basic positions of an area’s main features. 6 Choropleth maps Show the geographical distribution and trends using colours or shadings to group different data values 7 Isoline maps Isoline maps are maps with isolines, or continuous lines joining points of equal value 8 Dot maps Dot maps show the distribution of data using dots. The dots have a fixed size or value and are drawn on a base map. 9 Maps with proportionate symbols Symbols drawn are proportional to the values of the data being mapped. For example, bigger symbols are accorded to larger values.
  • 25. Photographs and satellite images Photographs and satellite images are primary data which provide vital information about the physical features and human activities at a particular place and time. 25
  • 26. Different types of photographs and satellite images 26 Landscape photographs Aerial photographs • Taken from a ground level perspective and give a horizontal view of an area • Show the landscape in great detail, allowing features and patterns to be observed • More details in the background can be seen due to the height in which photograph is taken. • Size will not be distorted, and useful for map making. • Taken from space, allows large area to be captured. • Can show the development of place over time. Satellite images
  • 27. Interpreting photographs 1. What HUMAN features (Transport and communication networks, e.g. roads, railways, satellite stations) are shown in the photograph? 2. What PHYSICAL features (relief, coast, vegetation) are shown in the photograph? 3. Why are these features present? 4. What effects do these features have on the physical and human environments? 27
  • 28. Graphs A graph is a diagram used to represent data which shows the relationship between two or more variables. A variable is something that is measured and which helps us understand data more easily. • Line graphs • Bar graphs • Histograms • Pie charts • Scattergraphs • Climographs • Triangular graphs (For GCE O-Level only) 28
  • 29. Simple line graphs 1. Decide on your independent (x-axis) and dependant variable (y- axis) 2. Plot the value of both variables on the graph paper. 3. Deduce the relationship between the two variables i.e as air temperature increases, the air can hold higher amounts of water vapour. 29 Air temperature: independent variable Water vapour: dependent variable
  • 30. Comparative line graphs 30 Allows comparison of two or more sets of data Compound line graphs Allows one set of data to be sub-divided into two or more sets of data
  • 31. Bar graphs 1. Decide on your independent (x-axis) and dependant variable (y-axis). 2. Plot the value of both variables on the graph paper. 3. Compare the values among the different independent variables. i.e Indonesia has highest fatalities related to tectonic activities among the other 3 countries. 31
  • 32. Comparative bar graphs 32 Allows comparison of two or more sets of data Compound bar graphs Allows one set of data to be sub-divided into two or more sets of data
  • 33. Histogram 1. Histograms show distribution or frequency of data. The x-axis shows the range of values. 2. The values do not overlap. The y-axis shows the frequency. 3. Different from bar graphs because x-axis 33 states size/classes and not categories.
  • 34. Pie charts 1. Pie charts are circular graphs divided into segments. 2. Each segment of a pie chart represents the portion a variable takes up. 3. Each data set has to be converted into a percentage of the data set. 34
  • 35. Scattergraphs 35 1. Plot data using ‘X’s. 2. Draw a straight line of best fit. This will broadly represent the general pattern formed by the two points. 3. Take note of any anomalies.
  • 36. Climographs 1. A climograph shows how mean monthly temperature and total monthly precipitation vary throughout the year for a particular place. 2. The temperature is shown using a line graph while the precipitation is shown using a bar graph. 36
  • 37. Describing climographs 37 When describing climograph, always state the: 1.The months where the minimum and maximum temperatures are experienced. 2.The average temperature range (using key terms in (a) and (b)) 3.The months where it minimum and maximum rainfall are experienced. 4.The total amount of rainfall experienced in the place (using key terms found in (c))
  • 38. Triangular graphs Triangular graphs are equilateral triangles showing the relationship between three data sets where the variables add up to 100. When reading triangular graphs: 1.Determine the point you are reading the value of. 2.Look at the base of the triangle and determine the direction of 0 to 100. (is it left to right? or right to left? In this case, it is left to right) 3.Draw a line from the designated point in the direction determined in 2. (in this case, towards the left) and take the first reading. 4.Insert the two other lines as shown in the figure. 5.Check and ensure all three readings add up to 100. 38
  • 39. 39 Triangular graphs Cont. A A 0 100 0 100 100 0 0 100 100 0 100 0 B C B C
  • 40. 40 Other ways of presenting data
  • 41. Statistical calculation 41 Statistical calculations aid analysis by providing more precise calculations. Common statistical calculations are percentages, ratios, mean, median and mode.
  • 42. The phases in fieldwork 42
  • 43. Choose a topic  Geographical?  Manageable?  Relevant?  Feasible?  Focused? Find a topic and present to your class according to the guidelines stated in Find a topic and present to your class according to the guidelines stated in 43 the Textbook. For example, you have to suggest why your the Textbook. For example, you have to suggest why your chosen topic is geographical. chosen topic is geographical.
  • 44. Suggesting a hypothesis or guiding question 44 Hypothesis Guiding Question Expressed as a statement Expressed as a question Consist of a prediction May consist of a problem Explanation for something that needs to be tested or proven Highlights what needs to be known about a topic Can have more than two variables “How long does a Secondary 4 student spend in the washroom?” Does not need to have an independent or dependent variable “The older the student, the longer the time they spend in the washroom.”
  • 45. Collecting data • Recording observations 1.Annotated photographs 2.Recording sheets 3.Maps 4.Cloud cover • Taking measurements 45
  • 46. Annotated photographs and recording sheets • Photographs can be used to record the features on the fieldwork site for future reference. • Annotations can be added to photographs to help highlight essential information. 46 • Data collection is more organised when tables are included in recording sheets
  • 47. Maps and cloud cover • Maps show the location of physical features and human activities. • Maps can also be annotated with the locations of recorded data. Further data analysis and presentation can then be carried out after fieldwork has been done. • Cloud cover symbols indicate the amount of solar radiation that reaches the earth’s surface. 47
  • 48. Taking measurements • Wind speed and direction • Air pressure • Temperature • Relative humidity • Precipitation 48
  • 49. Wind speed and direction Anemometer •Hold up the anemometer in an open area where wind flows freely. •Read the wind speed indicated. 49 Anemometer Wind vane Wind rose Wind vane •Place the wind vane at where the wind is blowing. •The direction the wind vane points to is the direction where the wind is blowing from. Wind rose •The rectangles point in the direction where wind is blowing from. •The numbers indicate the days of the month where the wind is blowing.
  • 50. Air pressure • Air pressure is measured in millibars (mb) using a barometer. • A barometer has two needles. Check that the moveable pointer is arranged over the measuring hand to mark the current pressure. • The pressure is falling if the measuring hand moves to the left, and rising if the measuring hand moves to the right. 50
  • 51. Temperature • Temperature is measured using an analogue or digital thermometer. • Temperature is read on a maximum and minimum thermometer by observing the lowest point of each metal index (blue line). For example, in the figure, the minimum temperature is 20°C and the maximum temperature is 25°C. • The diurnal temperature range is therefore 5°C. 51 A digital thermometer A maximum and minimum thermometer
  • 52. Relative humidity Relative humidity is measured using a sling psychrometer, which consists of a wet bulb thermometer and a dry bulb thermometer. To calculate: 1.Dip the wick of the wet bulb in water and swing the psychrometer for 1 min. 2.Record the reading. Repeat step 1 until both readings are consistent. 3.Read the temperature off the dry bulb. 4.To obtain the depression of the wet bulb, calculate the difference between the wet bulb temperature and the dry bulb temperatures. 5.Using the conversion table, obtain the relative humidity by finding the value where the wet bulb depression intersects with the dry bulb temperature. 52
  • 53. Precipitation The amount of precipitation is measured in millimetres using a rain gauge. A simple rain gauge can be made using a funnel and a jar or tin. To determine the amount of precipitation: 1.Find an appropriate spot to place your rain gauge and position the rain gauge in an open area. 2.Place the rain gauge into the ground with about 30 cm protruding above ground. 3.Record the time at which the rainfall events start and end. 4.Pour the collected water in the rain gauge into a measuring cylinder. Read and record the water level. 53

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. Suggested activity: - Illustrate to students how the 10 segments can be drawn. Help students understand grid references by showing them these videos:
  2. Note: Students often have difficulty in visualizing the 16 cardinal points. Use the animation in the slide to help them.
  3. Suggested activity: - As most students will have problems identifying the object they should be measuring the bearing from, the same approach shown in slide 9 can be used to help students determine the angle they have to measure. In this case, accuracy is not essential, the exercise is meant to provide students sufficient practice in determining the angle they have to measure.
  4. Suggested activity: - Show students a topographical map and ask them to identify the R.F, linear scale and write a statement scale.
  5. Suggested activity: - Ask students to list the differences based solely on superficial observations (no need for any prior knowledge) of the two areas. Possible answers include X is near to large water body. X has ‘darker lines’ or ‘lines’ that are close together. For NA students: - Guide their observations with the following questions:  What do you notice about the number of lines on both the maps?  What is the distance between the lines? Image: © U.S Geological Survey
  6. Suggested activity - Show students how cross-sections are drawn with this video: - Ask students to determine which landform has the lowest height. The height of the first landform from the left is the lowest. The other two is the same height of 250m. This exercise allows students to understand that the contour lines indicate the height of the landform. - Ask students what the difference in value between the contour lines is. 50 m. Tell students that the difference between the lines is called a contour interval. Maps generally have a constant contour interval although some maps may use different contour intervals. In this case, the contour interval is 50m. - Emphasise that contour lines that are close together show steep relief while those that are far apart show gentle relief.
  7. Suggested activity: - Ask students to match the contour patterns on the right to its corresponding landform on the right.
  8. Suggested activity: - Ask students to match the landforms found in this slide and the next to the descriptions found in slides 22-23. - Ask students to make inferences based on their prior knowledge.
  9. Suggested activity: - Ask students to match the landforms found in this slide and the next to the descriptions found in slides 22-23. - Ask students to make inferences based on their prior knowledge.
  10. Suggested activity: - Ask students to match the landforms found in this slide and the next to the descriptions found in slides 22-23. - Ask students to make inferences based on their prior knowledge.
  11. Suggested activity: - Ask students to follow these steps and calculate the gradient of between R and S in the figure before referring to the answer in the Textbook.
  12. Suggested activity - Ask students to refer to the topographical map in the Textbook and describe the patterns and location of vegetation. - Use example of vegetation to guide students learning, students will thereafter practice using the structure provided for land use and transport. - Provide guiding questions to help students in their description:  Where is vegetation/land use/transport and communication generally located? Are they concentrated in any places?  What is the nature/type of physical/human features found at the place?  Identify specific examples: use four-figure or six-figure grid references, compass directions, contour patterns/values and landmarks with the help of map symbols to make reference to the features you are describing.  Based on the features described, what can you infer about the environment?
  13. Note: Use the topographical map in the Textbook to guide students in making inferences.
  14. Ask students to refer to the Textbook for details on the various types of map.
  15. Suggested activity: Ask students to brainstorm possible advantages and disadvantages of using the various photographs and satellite images. This will allow them to build their own knowledge on top of what is given in the textbook. Advantages of using landscape photographs: Emphasise details at the ground level Capture the environment from a eye level perspective Show scalar differences between person and the environment Disadvantages of using landscape photographs: Misrepresentation of the actual environment as perspective is limited Size of features are distorted and may require special lens in order to capture the landscape accurately (especially for vast landscapes or features found far away) Advantages of using aerial photographs: Provide overall view of the area which makes it easy for planners to observe spatial patterns, see obstructions clearly Can be used as a base map for layering other geo spatial information Disadvantages of using aerial photographs: - Taken at too high a height, objects may appear distant and unclear. Therefore, it is difficult to verify and identify small objects unless there is powerful digital zoom. Advantages of using satellite images : Allows other geospatial information to be layered on top Images taken are usually high in digital resolution which allows for zoom in Allows terrain and water bodies to be seen Disadvantages of using satellite images: Require specialised equipment to take images from outer space Images taken do not capture minute details Need to be constantly updated otherwise they become outdated
  16. Suggested activity: Ask students to scan the photograph from top to bottom, left to right and circle any objects/features they see to help them answer the questions. Ask students to start with overall description of the photograph before zooming into the details. Overall, this photograph depicts a place where a natural disaster has occurred as the place is in a bad condition. Human features: In the middle ground, a boat is seen stranded on dry land, and on the extreme left and right of the photographs, dilapidated houses can be observed. Physical features: In the foreground, the land seems to be dry and there appears to be a lot of debris strewn all over the ground. In the background, the vegetation seems to be sparse, and some of the trees appear to be bald. Why are the features present and what effects do they have on the environment? This could be possibly be due to a prolonged drought that has caused the land to be dry and cracked, thus inhibiting the growth of vegetation. This could possibly be a coastal settlement, due to the presence of the boat. It also could suggest that prolonged drought caused the seawater to retreat thus leaving the boat stranded on dry land.
  17. Note: this is only for students taking GCE O-Levels
  18. Ask students to see the difference in reading between the two triangular graphs. Ask students to come up to the board to draw in the arrows according to the direction the values should be read. This will give them a clearer idea of how the readings are determined.
  19. Suggested activity: - Ask students to refer to the respective figures in their Textbooks.
  20. Tell students that geographical Investigation allows them to explore and understand certain issues about our environment. In order to fully understand the issue, they need to gather, analyse and present data in a systematic manner.
  21. Suggested activity: Ask students to get into groups and present a topic that meets the requirements of the guidelines given in the Textbook.
  22. Suggested activity: Ask students to brainstorm some hypotheses and guiding questions related to their everyday lives. Once the students are used to coming up with hypotheses/guiding questions, they can then craft hypotheses/guiding questions more related to geographical issues. Ask students to write down the aims for the hypotheses/guiding questions they come up with.
  23. Suggested activity: Ask students to take a picture using their mobile devices. Upload the photographs onto a tablet and show students how the photograph can be annotated.
  24. Suggested activity: Ask students to watch the following videos and to make their own anemometer: OR Ask students to watch the video at on how a wind vane works.
  25. Suggested activity: Ask students to visit to learn to read a minimum and maximum thermometer.
  26. Suggested activity: Ask students to watch the video at OR to learn how to use a sling psychrometer.
  27. Suggested activity: Ask students to watch a video about the rain gauge at OR to learn how to make a rain gauge.
  28. Suggested activity: Ask students to discuss and present a mini geographical investigation by suggesting how they would conduct it. For example, using the hypothesis about ‘Older students take a longer time in the washroom.’ or some other issues that are related and relevant to their everyday lives, students will propose what kind of data they need, how they would take measurements, how they would analyse their data and how they would present the data collected.