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the inflammatory process is: 
response of the body that aims to destroy the 
injurious stimulus and repair the damaged 
according to the source of the 
infection which initiate the 
inflammatory condition in the jaws , 
the inflammatory jaw lesions are 
Necrotic pulp when the lesion is 
just confined around the root it is called 
Periapical inflammatory lesion 
Infection from the overlying 
soft tissues Periodontal 
lesions and Pericoronitis. 
Infections spreads to bone 
marrow Osteomyelitis
Radiation induced bone 
changes ORN of the jaws 
Chemicals induced bone 
changes osteo-chemo-necrosis 
of the jaws
27-year-old male patient 
chief complaint : 
swelling in the upper 
front right region of the 
mouth 1 month ago. He 
had a history of trauma to 
right upper anterior 
region 12 years back
 Clinical examination 
Intraoral swelling in the 
palatal region with respect 
to right 1,2,3,4and a sinus 
opening with respect to the 
apex on buccal aspect of 
right 2, 3, on palpation the 
swelling was soft and 
painful, the right 1,2,3 were 
tender on percussion and 
non vital
• Infected radicular cyst 
• Periapical abcess 
• granuloma
revealed fibrous 
connective tissue which 
was inflamed, dense 
aggregate of chronic 
inflammatory cells, 
dilated and congested 
blood vessels and 
hemorrhagic foci, many 
Russell bodies, and few 
giant cells. No evidence 
of epithelium was present 
Periapical Granuloma
Post operative 
12-month follow up 
6-month follow up
24-month follow up
34-year-old male 
chief complaint discharging pus in the buccal 
sulcus in anterior region. 
The patient gave history of a childhood accident 
with anterior tooth fracture, then root canal 
treatment and crown fabrication for the affected 
 Clinical examination 
a sinus discharging pus in the buccal 
sulcus opposite to upper left central 
incisor on palpation a mild firm 
swelling was detected, mild pain on 
 Radiographic 
The periapical 
radiograph showed an 
adequate root canal 
filling resulting in 
periapical RL, that is 
moderately defined, 
with sclerosis of the 
surrounding bone
• Infected radicular cyst 
• Periapical abcess 
• granuloma
 Histopathological findings 
Showed that the lesion was 
Chronic dentoalveolar 
32 years old man 
Chief complaint pus oozing in the lower 
right posterior last molar making unpleasant 
taste in the mouth, and foul odour, this 
condition is persistent since 10 years or 
more, with absence of the symptoms on 
antibiotic taking , and then the condition re 
appear again every while 
However, no pain or trismus were found
 Clinical examination 
purple-blue color of the 
gingiva covering the 
occlusal surface and the 
presence of a purulent 
green fluid exuding from 
under this gingiva, no pain 
on palpation was elected , 
and no swelling was found
• Chronic pericoronitis 
• Squamous cell carcinoma 
• Osteolytic osteosarcoma
 Tentative diagnosis 
It was reached by exclusion of 
other possible conditions, and 
confirmed by the positive 
response to the antibiotic 
therapy, and complete resolve 
after extraction of the wisdom 
It deserve noting that when pericoronitis 
left untreated it may lead to spread of 
infection to either to: 
 The adjacent bone marrow spaces 
causing Osteomylitis 
 Adjacent potential soft tissue spaces 
(most commonly buccal space and sub 
maseteric space) may cause just 
inflammation in which and may lead to 
abscess formation
24 years old man 
Chief complaint 
Pain in the lower left posterior area, the 
pain was radiating to the ears and 
throat, the patient also complained 
from trismus, and swelling in the 
affected region
 Clinical examination 
 On examination partially erupted 
lower left wisdom was found, 
The operculum covering it was 
inflamed, and errythmatous and 
it was painful on palpation 
 The submandibular lymph nods 
were palabable and movable, 
and the facial swelling was 
noticeable and fluctuant on 
• Acute pericoronitis 
• Squamous cell carcinoma 
• Osteolytic osteosarcoma
Tentative diagnosis 
Acute pericoronitis 
It was reached by exclusion of 
other possible conditions, and 
confirmed by the positive 
response to the antibiotic 
And complete resolve after 
extraction of the wisdom tooth
I.Acute suppurative osteomyelitis 
(rarefactional osteomyelitis) 
II. Chronic suppurative osteomyelitis 
(sclerosing osteomyelitis) 
III. Chronic focal sclerosing osteomyelitis 
IV. Chronic diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis 
V. Chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative 
periostitis (Garre's Osteomylitiss) 
VI. Specific osteomyelitis 
1. Tuberculous osteomyelitis 
2. Syphilitic osteomyelitis 
3. Actinomycotic osteomyelitis
Osteomylitis in SAPHO syndrome 
Chronic Recurrent Multifocal 
Osteomyelitis (CRMO) 
Both were not mentioned in any of the 
classifications proposed for jaw 
31 years old man 
Chief complain: pain, trismus, and swelling in 
mandibular right third molar region 
No serious medical condition in medical HX 
 Clinical examination extra-oral examination revealed 
a right facial swelling with a areas of fluctuation indicating 
para-mandibular abscess 
Intra oral examination revealed pericoronal inflammation in 
the right and left lower wisdoms, with decayed erupted 
part of the lower right wisdom
Based on clinical and radiographic 
findings a tentative diagnosis was 
assumed of 
Combined periapical, and 
pericoronal infection with soft 
tissue extension in to the 
adjacent Para mandibular space
The treatment for the patient was 
initiated 2 April 2002 with a 6-days 
course of (I.V) penicillin 10 mega 
once/day , and after 2 days of the 
treatment the 4 wisdoms and the md lt 
1st molar were removed surgically 
under GA 
On the day 8 after antibiotic the 
patient complaint of pain and 
increased swelling , a panoramic 
radiograph and contrast enhanced CT 
were made for the patient
On day 12 abscess was formed in para 
mandibular area with increased 
swelling and fluctuant sensation on 
palpation, so bacterial culture was 
made and specific antibiotic for the 
causative bacteria was given together 
with extra-oral draing 
On day 40 the abscess reoccur, so 
panoramic radiograph was made, 
followed by CT examination , microbial 
culture and antibiotic giving together 
with extra oral drainage
Old one 
New one
In the week starting from day 43-day 
50 the patient was given 3 sessions of 
hyperbaric oxygen 
In the day 60 the facial swelling 
reoccur, so CT ,and MRI examination 
were made for the patient
In the day 65 histological examination 
of a biopsy from the lesion showed 
that the lesion is 
Secondary diffuse chronic 
Finally partial resection of the 
mandible with exarticulation 
was performed and after that 
the condition of the patient 
was improved with 
disappearance of the 
47-year-old man 
Chief complain dull pain in the cheek 
and the buccal gingiva of the right 
mandibular molar region for 2 weeks. He 
complained of paralysis in the lower lip 
from the day before admission
 Clinical examination 
On extra-oral examination mild facial 
swelling on the affected site was 
noticed, the swelling was soft on 
On intra-oral examination no abnormal 
finding could be detected only a 
restored lower second molar was seen 
Blood analysis showed increase ESR
 Radiographic examination
The tentative diagnosis was 
Acute Osteomylitis 
Based on that the patient was given 
broad spectrum antibiotic therapy 
and all the symptoms disappeared, 
the blood analysis was normal, 
which confirm the diagnosis
9-years old boy with a Chief complaint of 
swelling of the left lower part of the face 
and trismus 
He gave a history of 5-month of 
recurrent swelling of the left lower face 
After extraction of the left lower second 
deciduous molar, he underwent 
administration of multiple courses of 
antibiotics and curettage of the 
mandibular lesion twice but these 
treatments were not effective
 Clinical examination 
low-grade fever, left mandibular 
swelling and trismus were found, but 
his teeth and gingiva appeared normal 
Blood analysis showed elevated levels 
of ESR, and alkaline phosphatas
Radiographic examination 
Bone scintigraphy 
showed high uptake in the 
corresponding area.
The histological findings of the 
Biopsy leaded to a diagnosis of 
but microbiological culture of bone 
fragments was negative
Because of severe enlargement and 
deformity of the mandible with 
intermingled sclerotic and osteolytic 
lesions extending from the left 
condyle to the right angle, 
decortication of the mandible along 
with hyperbaric oxygen therapy and 
irrigation-perfusion treatment with 
antibiotics, was performed
2 years latter the patient came 
complaining that the previous 
treatments resulted in the transient 
disappearance of symptoms, they 
recurred repeatedly at variable 
intervals, again the Histopathological 
examination revealed the same result 
as the previous biopsy, and 
microbiological culture was negative 
again, another CT examination for him 
was made
These findings led to the diagnosis of 
Chronic diffuse 
Another trial of treatment was conducted 
using Bisphosphnat (pamidronate) I.V 
infusion two doses were given separated 
by 3 months and the conspicuous 
improvement was brought about both 
clinically and radiographically. 
osteolytic changes of the mandible were 
decreased, and reappearance of the 
lamina dura and alveolar bone with 
normal density were observed
however 3 months later, he noticed painful 
swelling of the right upper arm 
Bone scintigraphy was made which showed 
slight uptake in the mandible and high 
uptake in the right humerus 
Open biopsy of the humerus revealed 
Non-suppurative osteomyelitis, 
At this point the diagnosis was 
established of 
Chronic recurrent multifocal 
osteomyelitis (CRMO)
45 years old female 
Chief complaint multiple pus discharging 
sinuses associated with pain in the upper 
 Clinical examination 
there was generalized 
mobility of all the 
maxillary teeth, 
associated with bone 
exposure in the left 
molar region on the 
buccal aspect 
Also multiple pus 
discharging sinuses 
were seen
Radiographic examination
Actinomycotic Osteomylitis 
Chronic supurative Osteomylitis 
An incisional biopsy and a culture test 
were made, the diagnosis was 
chronic suppurative 
Culture showed the growth of 
Staphylococcus organisms
the patient was kept 
on antibiotic 
coverage for 2 
weeks, which 
drastically improved 
the condition 
surgery was planned 
under general 
anesthesia to remove 
the lesion totally as 
the final treatment
34 years old female was referred to the 
department of oral and maxillofacial surgery by 
her dental practitioner for extra examination of 
the left maxillary sinus, as RO mass was found in 
it in routine panoramic examination 
The patient had no symptom in any teeth 
Clinical examination 
IO examination didn’t reveal any obvious decayed 
EO examination didn’t show any swelling or 
The panoramic radiograph showed a focal RO 
mass in the left maxillary sinus above the apex 
of upper left 2nd molar, with diffuse sclerotic 
change around the molar teeth
For more detailed examination, CT scan was made 
It revealed high density mass lesion with an internal 
low density area in the left maxillary sinus floor, 
close to the apex of left upper 2nd molar
Cemento ossyfing fibroma 
The decision was made to remove the lesion 
completely than histopathological examination 
of it will be made
Histopathological findings 
Based on the histopathological findings the 
lesion proved to be 
Chronic focal sclerosing 
A 12-year-old male patient 
Chief complaint of swelling on the 
posterior region of the left mandible 
Clinical examination the patient 
report diffuse pain on palpation in the 
affected area and lymphadenopathy, 
though without evidence of 
suppuration, the first molar in affected 
area was badly decayed.
Radiographic examination
 Garre’s osteomylitis 
 Facial fibrous dysplasia 
 Paget’s disease
Histopathological examination 
bone biopsy was performed and the 
material was sent for histological 
evaluation, the histological findings 
together with the clinical, and 
radiographic presentation confirmed 
the diagnosis of 
Garre’s osteomylitis
A 68-year-old woman was admitted to the 
clinic in August 2010 with a 14-month history 
of pain in the left side of the mandible. 
One month after treatment of a chronic 
apical lesion of the mandibular left canine in 
October 2007, she developed pain in the left 
side of the mandible. Mandibular 
osteomyelitis was diagnosed by radiographic 
and laboratory findings May 2008.
When she was 66 years old, psoriasis 
developed on her dorsal, palmar, and 
plantar skin. 
There was no trismus or paresthesia of the 
left side of the lower lip and chin on her first 
visit to our clinic. 
Clinical examination 
Oral examination showed tooth loss from 
the left first premolar to the left third molar 
and no evidence of either mucosal or bone 
Radiographic examination 
1) Panoramic radiograph
2) CT
3)MRI (T2 w image)
4) Bone scintigram
By correlating the skin lesion, the 
radiographic findings of the patient, 
and the bone scintigram, a 
presumptive diagnosis was proposed 
which is 
SAPHO syndrome
After 4 months she experienced pain and 
trismus. However, radiographic examination 
showed development of inflammation in the 
soft tissue around the left mandibular 
condyle and resorption of condylar bone
At first visit 6 months latter
After consultation with her physician, we 
prescribed oral risedronate hydrate (2.5 mg 
The patient showed no mandibular 
symptoms 12 months after starting 
conservative therapy
A 53 year-old, edentulous, African-American 
woman came with a chief complaint of 
swelling, pain, and purulent discharge involving 
the region of the left lower mandible, The 
drainage was described as white, thick, and with 
bad odors 
The pt complaint started 5 months ago, She was 
treated with a chlorhexidine oral rinse and a two-week 
course of oral levofloxacin but did not 
Then a biopsy performed approximately two 
months after the onset of symptoms revealed 
dead bone but no specific diagnosis
Two months later, the patient noted a 
bone fragment erupting from the same 
pus-draining ulcer, then the ulceration 
and draing continued till the time of 
She gave a history of longstanding 
FCOD a condition shared with her 
She denied fevers, chills, night sweats 
or other constitutional symptoms
Clinical examination 
poorly-fitting mandibular denture was removed 
and the alveolar tissues revealed slight 
swelling along the anterior border of the 
ramus with an area of exposed bone 
measuring approximately 1 cm along the 
external oblique ridge laterally 
There was soft tissue edema and congestion in 
this area. 
No lymphadenopathy was found
Radiographic examination
CT scan image showing hypertrophic, sclerotic and 
heterogeneous changes of FCOD within the mandible 
(open arrow). There is a large lytic lesion in the body 
of the left mandible with loss of bone at its lateral 
aspect and central sclerosis consistent with infection 
(solid arrow).
Supurative Osteomylitis 
Squamous cell carcinoma
Histopathological, and 
microbiological examination 
the patient underwent debridement with bone 
biopsy and cultures of the diseased left 
mandibular ramus 
bone biopsy revealed that the lesion is 
Osteomylitis super imposed on 
Whereas the culture yielded 
Actinomyces species along with a mixture of 
oral anaerobic bacteria
Now based on clinical, radiographic, 
histopathological, and microbiological 
findings a final diagnosis was reached of 
Actinomyces osteomyelitis 
complicating FCOD
The patient was managed by 
intravenous ertapenem one gram daily 
for eight weeks 
An additional 10 months of oral 
therapy were instituted with 
amoxicillin/clavulanic acid 675 mg 
twice daily. 
She responded well to antimicrobial 
treatment with complete healing of her 
operative site, and to date denies any 
further pain, swelling, or drainage.
38 Y -female patient 
Chief complaint : pain in the lower right 
posterior jaw, the pain was insidious in 
onset, continuous in nature, and radiated to 
the right ear, The patient had restricted 
mouth opening, And intermittent discharge 
from the right ear over the past 5 years 
The patient had a history of surgery and 
radiotherapy in the same region for a low 
grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma
clinical examination 
• Bilatteral restriction in TMJ 
RT submandibular L.N was 
palpable, enlarged, soft in 
consistency, tender, and freely 
The skin over the angle of the 
mandible had a desquamated 
shiny appearance 
Purulent discharge was noticed 
in relation to the right external 
auditory meatus. 
the masseter and 
sternomastoid muscles were 
Radiographic examination
Based on the clinical findings, 
radiological features, and history of 
radiotherapy to the head and neck 
region, a provisional diagnosis of 
N.B Examination by an otolaryngologist 
revealed granulation of the tympanic 
membrane exposing the tympanic plate and 
necrosis of the overlying skin which was 
the cause of pus discharge from the ear.
A 67-year-old woman with metastatic 
breast cancer treated with pamidronate 
and later zoledronate presented with 
a chief complaint of pain and non-healing 
extraction socket 
Clinical examinnation didn’t reveal 
any extra oral abnormal finding, no 
swelling was found and the LN was 
Radiographic examination
Bisphosphonates osteo radio 
Chronic sclerosing osteomylitis 
Metastatic lesions
Histopathological findings 
the curettage specimen stained with 
hematoxylin- eosin demonstrates 
Ostenecrosis with inflammatory 
cell infiltration 
The lesion proved to be 
Bisphosphonates induced 
Osteonecrosis of jaws
NB : although suppurative 
osteomyelitis (SO), bisphosphonate 
induced osteonecrosis (BIONJ), and 
osteoradionecrosis of the jaws (ORNJ) 
all share a common finding of necrotic 
bone with empty osteocytic lacunae, 
Haversian and Volkmann canals, but 
each showed a distinctive 
histopathologic pattern indicating a 
different disease mechanism and 
treatment options
61-year-old African American female was 
diagnosed with left breast cancer with 
multiple bone and liver metastases in April 
2009, she was treated with chemotherapy 
and intravenous bisphosphonate therapy 
On a follow up bone scan multiple bone 
metastasis were found, and a foci of 
increased radiotracer activity in the left 
mandibular angle was noticed, 
Radiological interpretation suggested that 
this focus most likely represented either 
severe dental disease or a metastatic focus.
Bone scan
Few months later, the patient developed 
severe pain in her mandible, dental 
evaluation led to a tooth extraction 
However, following the extraction, the 
patient’s jaw pain progressed with 
worsened swelling of the left lower jaw 
The patient underwent CT examination for 
the lower jaw , followed by new bone scan
The CT scan 
thickening of the 
mandibular body 
This was thought to 
represent metastatic 
Technetium 99m 
Bone scintigraphy 
expansion of the 
mandibular lesion 
(thought to be 
metastatic disease). 
and slight 
progression of the 
multiple other skeletal 
referral was made to radiation 
oncology due to worsening jaw pain 
unresponsive to narcotic medications 
and imaging findings suggestive of 
She underwent RT to her jaw lesion 
However, after the RT, the patient’s jaw 
pain continued to worsen. 
Despite negative blood and bone 
cultures, she received courses of 
cephalexin and clindamycin, for a 
presumed jaw infection with no 
Repeat CT scan of the mandible showed 
changes along the external and internal surface 
of the mandible with production of new bone 
along the body extending to the mandibular 
Since there was no therapeutic response, a 
bone biopsy of the mandibular lesion was 
obtained , it revealed : 
no evidence of metastatic disease 
Instead necrotic bone with non viable 
osteoclast was dtected
In light of the pathology , bone scan and CT 
findings together with lack of clinical 
response, the diagnosis was now felt to be 
most consistent with 
Bisphosphonates induced 
Osteonecrosis of jaws
inflamatory lesions of the jaws cases presentation

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inflamatory lesions of the jaws cases presentation

  • 2. the inflammatory process is: response of the body that aims to destroy the injurious stimulus and repair the damaged tissue according to the source of the infection which initiate the inflammatory condition in the jaws , the inflammatory jaw lesions are either:
  • 3. Necrotic pulp when the lesion is just confined around the root it is called Periapical inflammatory lesion Infection from the overlying soft tissues Periodontal lesions and Pericoronitis. Infections spreads to bone marrow Osteomyelitis
  • 4. Radiation induced bone changes ORN of the jaws Chemicals induced bone changes osteo-chemo-necrosis of the jaws
  • 5.
  • 6. 27-year-old male patient chief complaint : swelling in the upper front right region of the mouth 1 month ago. He had a history of trauma to right upper anterior region 12 years back
  • 7.  Clinical examination Intraoral swelling in the palatal region with respect to right 1,2,3,4and a sinus opening with respect to the apex on buccal aspect of right 2, 3, on palpation the swelling was soft and painful, the right 1,2,3 were tender on percussion and non vital
  • 8.
  • 9. • Infected radicular cyst • Periapical abcess • granuloma
  • 10.
  • 11. revealed fibrous connective tissue which was inflamed, dense aggregate of chronic inflammatory cells, dilated and congested blood vessels and hemorrhagic foci, many Russell bodies, and few giant cells. No evidence of epithelium was present Periapical Granuloma
  • 12. Post operative 12-month follow up 6-month follow up
  • 14. 34-year-old male chief complaint discharging pus in the buccal sulcus in anterior region. The patient gave history of a childhood accident with anterior tooth fracture, then root canal treatment and crown fabrication for the affected tooth
  • 15.  Clinical examination a sinus discharging pus in the buccal sulcus opposite to upper left central incisor on palpation a mild firm swelling was detected, mild pain on percussion
  • 16.  Radiographic examination The periapical radiograph showed an adequate root canal filling resulting in periapical RL, that is moderately defined, with sclerosis of the surrounding bone
  • 17. MRI
  • 18. • Infected radicular cyst • Periapical abcess • granuloma
  • 19.  Histopathological findings Showed that the lesion was Chronic dentoalveolar abcess
  • 20.
  • 21. 32 years old man Chief complaint pus oozing in the lower right posterior last molar making unpleasant taste in the mouth, and foul odour, this condition is persistent since 10 years or more, with absence of the symptoms on antibiotic taking , and then the condition re appear again every while However, no pain or trismus were found
  • 22.  Clinical examination purple-blue color of the gingiva covering the occlusal surface and the presence of a purulent green fluid exuding from under this gingiva, no pain on palpation was elected , and no swelling was found
  • 24. • Chronic pericoronitis • Squamous cell carcinoma • Osteolytic osteosarcoma
  • 25.  Tentative diagnosis Chronic pericoronitis It was reached by exclusion of other possible conditions, and confirmed by the positive response to the antibiotic therapy, and complete resolve after extraction of the wisdom tooth
  • 26. It deserve noting that when pericoronitis left untreated it may lead to spread of infection to either to:  The adjacent bone marrow spaces causing Osteomylitis  Adjacent potential soft tissue spaces (most commonly buccal space and sub maseteric space) may cause just inflammation in which and may lead to abscess formation
  • 27. 24 years old man Chief complaint Pain in the lower left posterior area, the pain was radiating to the ears and throat, the patient also complained from trismus, and swelling in the affected region
  • 28.  Clinical examination  On examination partially erupted lower left wisdom was found, The operculum covering it was inflamed, and errythmatous and it was painful on palpation  The submandibular lymph nods were palabable and movable, and the facial swelling was noticeable and fluctuant on palpation
  • 30. • Acute pericoronitis • Squamous cell carcinoma • Osteolytic osteosarcoma
  • 31. Tentative diagnosis Acute pericoronitis It was reached by exclusion of other possible conditions, and confirmed by the positive response to the antibiotic therapy And complete resolve after extraction of the wisdom tooth
  • 32.
  • 33. I.Acute suppurative osteomyelitis (rarefactional osteomyelitis) II. Chronic suppurative osteomyelitis (sclerosing osteomyelitis) III. Chronic focal sclerosing osteomyelitis IV. Chronic diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis V. Chronic osteomyelitis with proliferative periostitis (Garre's Osteomylitiss) VI. Specific osteomyelitis 1. Tuberculous osteomyelitis 2. Syphilitic osteomyelitis 3. Actinomycotic osteomyelitis
  • 34. Osteomylitis in SAPHO syndrome Chronic Recurrent Multifocal Osteomyelitis (CRMO) Both were not mentioned in any of the classifications proposed for jaw osteomylitis
  • 35. 31 years old man Chief complain: pain, trismus, and swelling in mandibular right third molar region No serious medical condition in medical HX  Clinical examination extra-oral examination revealed a right facial swelling with a areas of fluctuation indicating para-mandibular abscess Intra oral examination revealed pericoronal inflammation in the right and left lower wisdoms, with decayed erupted part of the lower right wisdom
  • 36.
  • 37. Based on clinical and radiographic findings a tentative diagnosis was assumed of Combined periapical, and pericoronal infection with soft tissue extension in to the adjacent Para mandibular space
  • 38. The treatment for the patient was initiated 2 April 2002 with a 6-days course of (I.V) penicillin 10 mega once/day , and after 2 days of the treatment the 4 wisdoms and the md lt 1st molar were removed surgically under GA On the day 8 after antibiotic the patient complaint of pain and increased swelling , a panoramic radiograph and contrast enhanced CT were made for the patient
  • 39.
  • 40. On day 12 abscess was formed in para mandibular area with increased swelling and fluctuant sensation on palpation, so bacterial culture was made and specific antibiotic for the causative bacteria was given together with extra-oral draing On day 40 the abscess reoccur, so panoramic radiograph was made, followed by CT examination , microbial culture and antibiotic giving together with extra oral drainage
  • 41. Old one New one
  • 42. In the week starting from day 43-day 50 the patient was given 3 sessions of hyperbaric oxygen In the day 60 the facial swelling reoccur, so CT ,and MRI examination were made for the patient
  • 43.
  • 44. In the day 65 histological examination of a biopsy from the lesion showed that the lesion is Secondary diffuse chronic Osteomylitis
  • 45. Finally partial resection of the mandible with exarticulation was performed and after that the condition of the patient was improved with disappearance of the symptoms
  • 46. 47-year-old man Chief complain dull pain in the cheek and the buccal gingiva of the right mandibular molar region for 2 weeks. He complained of paralysis in the lower lip from the day before admission
  • 47.  Clinical examination On extra-oral examination mild facial swelling on the affected site was noticed, the swelling was soft on palpation On intra-oral examination no abnormal finding could be detected only a restored lower second molar was seen Blood analysis showed increase ESR
  • 49. T1 W MRI STIR MRI
  • 50. The tentative diagnosis was Acute Osteomylitis Based on that the patient was given broad spectrum antibiotic therapy and all the symptoms disappeared, the blood analysis was normal, which confirm the diagnosis
  • 51. 9-years old boy with a Chief complaint of swelling of the left lower part of the face and trismus He gave a history of 5-month of recurrent swelling of the left lower face After extraction of the left lower second deciduous molar, he underwent administration of multiple courses of antibiotics and curettage of the mandibular lesion twice but these treatments were not effective
  • 52.  Clinical examination low-grade fever, left mandibular swelling and trismus were found, but his teeth and gingiva appeared normal Blood analysis showed elevated levels of ESR, and alkaline phosphatas
  • 54. Bone scintigraphy showed high uptake in the corresponding area.
  • 55. The histological findings of the Biopsy leaded to a diagnosis of Osteomyelitis but microbiological culture of bone fragments was negative
  • 56. Because of severe enlargement and deformity of the mandible with intermingled sclerotic and osteolytic lesions extending from the left condyle to the right angle, decortication of the mandible along with hyperbaric oxygen therapy and irrigation-perfusion treatment with antibiotics, was performed
  • 57. 2 years latter the patient came complaining that the previous treatments resulted in the transient disappearance of symptoms, they recurred repeatedly at variable intervals, again the Histopathological examination revealed the same result as the previous biopsy, and microbiological culture was negative again, another CT examination for him was made
  • 58.
  • 59. These findings led to the diagnosis of Chronic diffuse sclerosing osteomyelitis
  • 60. Another trial of treatment was conducted using Bisphosphnat (pamidronate) I.V infusion two doses were given separated by 3 months and the conspicuous improvement was brought about both clinically and radiographically. osteolytic changes of the mandible were decreased, and reappearance of the lamina dura and alveolar bone with normal density were observed
  • 61.
  • 62.
  • 63. however 3 months later, he noticed painful swelling of the right upper arm Bone scintigraphy was made which showed slight uptake in the mandible and high uptake in the right humerus Open biopsy of the humerus revealed Non-suppurative osteomyelitis, At this point the diagnosis was established of Chronic recurrent multifocal osteomyelitis (CRMO)
  • 64. 45 years old female Chief complaint multiple pus discharging sinuses associated with pain in the upper jaw
  • 65.  Clinical examination there was generalized mobility of all the maxillary teeth, associated with bone exposure in the left molar region on the buccal aspect Also multiple pus discharging sinuses were seen
  • 67.
  • 68. Actinomycotic Osteomylitis Chronic supurative Osteomylitis Osteosarcoma
  • 69. Histopathologiy An incisional biopsy and a culture test were made, the diagnosis was chronic suppurative osteomyelitis Culture showed the growth of Staphylococcus organisms
  • 70. the patient was kept on antibiotic coverage for 2 weeks, which drastically improved the condition surgery was planned under general anesthesia to remove the lesion totally as the final treatment
  • 71. 34 years old female was referred to the department of oral and maxillofacial surgery by her dental practitioner for extra examination of the left maxillary sinus, as RO mass was found in it in routine panoramic examination The patient had no symptom in any teeth Clinical examination IO examination didn’t reveal any obvious decayed tooth EO examination didn’t show any swelling or tenderness
  • 72. The panoramic radiograph showed a focal RO mass in the left maxillary sinus above the apex of upper left 2nd molar, with diffuse sclerotic change around the molar teeth
  • 73. For more detailed examination, CT scan was made It revealed high density mass lesion with an internal low density area in the left maxillary sinus floor, close to the apex of left upper 2nd molar
  • 74. Osteoma Cemento ossyfing fibroma odontoma
  • 75. The decision was made to remove the lesion completely than histopathological examination of it will be made
  • 76. Histopathological findings Based on the histopathological findings the lesion proved to be Chronic focal sclerosing osteomylitis
  • 77. A 12-year-old male patient Chief complaint of swelling on the posterior region of the left mandible Clinical examination the patient report diffuse pain on palpation in the affected area and lymphadenopathy, though without evidence of suppuration, the first molar in affected area was badly decayed.
  • 79.
  • 80.
  • 81.
  • 82.  Garre’s osteomylitis  Facial fibrous dysplasia  Paget’s disease
  • 83. Histopathological examination bone biopsy was performed and the material was sent for histological evaluation, the histological findings together with the clinical, and radiographic presentation confirmed the diagnosis of Garre’s osteomylitis
  • 84. A 68-year-old woman was admitted to the clinic in August 2010 with a 14-month history of pain in the left side of the mandible. One month after treatment of a chronic apical lesion of the mandibular left canine in October 2007, she developed pain in the left side of the mandible. Mandibular osteomyelitis was diagnosed by radiographic and laboratory findings May 2008.
  • 85. When she was 66 years old, psoriasis developed on her dorsal, palmar, and plantar skin. There was no trismus or paresthesia of the left side of the lower lip and chin on her first visit to our clinic. Clinical examination Oral examination showed tooth loss from the left first premolar to the left third molar and no evidence of either mucosal or bone lesions.
  • 86. Radiographic examination 1) Panoramic radiograph
  • 87. 2) CT
  • 88. 3)MRI (T2 w image)
  • 90. By correlating the skin lesion, the radiographic findings of the patient, and the bone scintigram, a presumptive diagnosis was proposed which is SAPHO syndrome
  • 91. After 4 months she experienced pain and trismus. However, radiographic examination showed development of inflammation in the soft tissue around the left mandibular condyle and resorption of condylar bone
  • 92. At first visit 6 months latter
  • 93. After consultation with her physician, we prescribed oral risedronate hydrate (2.5 mg daily). The patient showed no mandibular symptoms 12 months after starting conservative therapy
  • 94. A 53 year-old, edentulous, African-American woman came with a chief complaint of swelling, pain, and purulent discharge involving the region of the left lower mandible, The drainage was described as white, thick, and with bad odors The pt complaint started 5 months ago, She was treated with a chlorhexidine oral rinse and a two-week course of oral levofloxacin but did not improve Then a biopsy performed approximately two months after the onset of symptoms revealed dead bone but no specific diagnosis
  • 95. Two months later, the patient noted a bone fragment erupting from the same pus-draining ulcer, then the ulceration and draing continued till the time of presentation She gave a history of longstanding FCOD a condition shared with her mother She denied fevers, chills, night sweats or other constitutional symptoms
  • 96. Clinical examination poorly-fitting mandibular denture was removed and the alveolar tissues revealed slight swelling along the anterior border of the ramus with an area of exposed bone measuring approximately 1 cm along the external oblique ridge laterally There was soft tissue edema and congestion in this area. No lymphadenopathy was found
  • 98. CT scan image showing hypertrophic, sclerotic and heterogeneous changes of FCOD within the mandible (open arrow). There is a large lytic lesion in the body of the left mandible with loss of bone at its lateral aspect and central sclerosis consistent with infection (solid arrow).
  • 99. Supurative Osteomylitis Osteosarcoma Squamous cell carcinoma
  • 100. Histopathological, and microbiological examination the patient underwent debridement with bone biopsy and cultures of the diseased left mandibular ramus bone biopsy revealed that the lesion is Osteomylitis super imposed on FCOD Whereas the culture yielded Actinomyces species along with a mixture of oral anaerobic bacteria
  • 101. Now based on clinical, radiographic, histopathological, and microbiological findings a final diagnosis was reached of Actinomyces osteomyelitis complicating FCOD
  • 102. The patient was managed by intravenous ertapenem one gram daily for eight weeks An additional 10 months of oral therapy were instituted with amoxicillin/clavulanic acid 675 mg twice daily. She responded well to antimicrobial treatment with complete healing of her operative site, and to date denies any further pain, swelling, or drainage.
  • 103.
  • 104. 38 Y -female patient Chief complaint : pain in the lower right posterior jaw, the pain was insidious in onset, continuous in nature, and radiated to the right ear, The patient had restricted mouth opening, And intermittent discharge from the right ear over the past 5 years The patient had a history of surgery and radiotherapy in the same region for a low grade mucoepidermoid carcinoma
  • 105. clinical examination • Bilatteral restriction in TMJ motion RT submandibular L.N was palpable, enlarged, soft in consistency, tender, and freely movable The skin over the angle of the mandible had a desquamated shiny appearance Purulent discharge was noticed in relation to the right external auditory meatus. the masseter and sternomastoid muscles were fibrosed
  • 107.
  • 108. Based on the clinical findings, radiological features, and history of radiotherapy to the head and neck region, a provisional diagnosis of Osteoradionecrosis N.B Examination by an otolaryngologist revealed granulation of the tympanic membrane exposing the tympanic plate and necrosis of the overlying skin which was the cause of pus discharge from the ear.
  • 109. A 67-year-old woman with metastatic breast cancer treated with pamidronate and later zoledronate presented with a chief complaint of pain and non-healing extraction socket Clinical examinnation didn’t reveal any extra oral abnormal finding, no swelling was found and the LN was normal
  • 111.
  • 112. Bisphosphonates osteo radio necrosis Chronic sclerosing osteomylitis Metastatic lesions
  • 113. Histopathological findings the curettage specimen stained with hematoxylin- eosin demonstrates Ostenecrosis with inflammatory cell infiltration The lesion proved to be Bisphosphonates induced Osteonecrosis of jaws
  • 114. NB : although suppurative osteomyelitis (SO), bisphosphonate induced osteonecrosis (BIONJ), and osteoradionecrosis of the jaws (ORNJ) all share a common finding of necrotic bone with empty osteocytic lacunae, Haversian and Volkmann canals, but each showed a distinctive histopathologic pattern indicating a different disease mechanism and treatment options
  • 115. 61-year-old African American female was diagnosed with left breast cancer with multiple bone and liver metastases in April 2009, she was treated with chemotherapy and intravenous bisphosphonate therapy On a follow up bone scan multiple bone metastasis were found, and a foci of increased radiotracer activity in the left mandibular angle was noticed, Radiological interpretation suggested that this focus most likely represented either severe dental disease or a metastatic focus.
  • 117. Few months later, the patient developed severe pain in her mandible, dental evaluation led to a tooth extraction However, following the extraction, the patient’s jaw pain progressed with worsened swelling of the left lower jaw The patient underwent CT examination for the lower jaw , followed by new bone scan
  • 118. The CT scan demonstrates thickening of the mandibular body This was thought to represent metastatic disease.
  • 119. Technetium 99m Bone scintigraphy demonstrated expansion of the mandibular lesion (thought to be metastatic disease). and slight progression of the multiple other skeletal metastases.
  • 120. referral was made to radiation oncology due to worsening jaw pain unresponsive to narcotic medications and imaging findings suggestive of ametastasis She underwent RT to her jaw lesion However, after the RT, the patient’s jaw pain continued to worsen. Despite negative blood and bone cultures, she received courses of cephalexin and clindamycin, for a presumed jaw infection with no improvement
  • 121. Repeat CT scan of the mandible showed changes along the external and internal surface of the mandible with production of new bone along the body extending to the mandibular angle
  • 122. Since there was no therapeutic response, a bone biopsy of the mandibular lesion was obtained , it revealed : no evidence of metastatic disease Instead necrotic bone with non viable osteoclast was dtected
  • 123. In light of the pathology , bone scan and CT findings together with lack of clinical response, the diagnosis was now felt to be most consistent with Bisphosphonates induced Osteonecrosis of jaws

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. IOP showing well defined RL related to upeer central lateral and acanine,
  2. The case underwent root canal ttt followed by surgical removal of the lesion with lesion enoculation and apicectomy, the biobsy was taken
  3. Periapical radiograph of upper left central incisor showing an area of radiolucency around the root with well defined margins. There is an inadequate root filling in the same tooth.
  4. T1 axial image showing shows a distinct circular area of slightly lower signal than surrounding marrow around the root apex of the upper left central incisor. There is no cortical bone on the labial aspect of the root surface, which is at the level of the discharging sinus as ascertained clinically. There is a thick black line of low signal on the palatal aspect that indicates sclerosis and thickening of the palatal cortex of the dentoalveolar ridge, probably in response to the chronic infection, STIR) sequenceshows a mottled grey appearance of mixed signal from the same area, indicating high water content in the lesion. This heterogeneity, and the moderate signal on T1 weighted imaging, is not typical of a simple cyst but of chronic infection
  5. and expansion of the buccal coronal follicular space (arrow). (b) Coronal CT image obtained with soft-tissue window settings in the same patient shows an adjacent abscess in the masticator space (arrows). Streak artifact from dental amalgam extends through the abscess.
  6. Panoramic radiograph showing pericoronitis in the 4 wisdoms
  7. On panorama no thing abnormal except the dry socket of the lower lt six CT showing Swelling in the maseter and latteral pterygoid muscles without abcess
  8. The ramous and condylar process showed moth eaten appearance due to of normal trabecular pattern
  9. CT shows partial bony resorbtion of the condylar head, periosteal new bone formation on the latteral cortex of the ramus, contrast enhanced MRI show contrast enhanced soft tissue swellung
  10. Panoramic tomography and computed tomographic image did not show any change of the cancellous and cortical bone in the right mandibular molar region
  11. On the next day, MRI examination was done. C, The T1-weighted image showed a low SI area in the molar to ramus region of the right mandible (arrow). D, The STIR image showed an extremely high SI area in the same region (arrow).
  12. (CT) revealed widespread periosteal bone formation and cortical bone resorption from the left mandibular ramus to the right premolar region, together with thickening of the overlying soft tissues.
  13. Axial CT scans before the first pamidronate infusion showing advanced osteolytic changes in the sclerotic lesions extending to the bilateral condylar processes of the mandible (arrowheads)
  14. Orthopantomogram (OPG) was advised, which showed areas of bone loss in the maxilla around the teeth from first molar of one side to the first molar of the other side
  15. CT scan [Figure 4] of the patient revealed osteolytic destruction of the maxilla on both sides of the midline.
  16. Hyperplastic lymph node
  17. showing a ground-glass appearance (yellow arrows) from the left premolar to the mandibular ramus region and enlarged canals of the left mandible (red arrow).
  18. showed enlarged canals of the left mandible and increased density of cancellous bone, which seemed to be reactive bone remodeling
  19. T2-weighted imagesThe left side of the ascending ramus of the mandible shows heterogeneous intermediate-to-high signal intensity
  20. showing extremely intense tracer uptake in the left side of the mandible, the sternum, and the sternocostal and sternoclavicular joints
  21. CT and MRI at 4-month follow-up after the first visit: (A) plain CT showing diffuse cortical bone resorption of the left condyle of the mandible; (B) MRI, with the left condyle of the mandible in part showing low-high signal intensity on a T1-weighted image; (C) MRI, with soft tissue around the left side of the ascending ramus of the mandible showing heterogeneous high-signal intensity on a fatsuppressed T2-weighted image.
  22. 6 Bone scintigram 6 months after administration of antibiotics. Note: Radioisotope uptake in the left mandible is unchanged, while radioisotope uptake in the sternum and in the sternocostal and sternoclavicular joints is increased, compared with the images of the first visit.
  23. An intraoral examination could not be performed due to restricted mouth opening
  24. Orthopantamogram showing patchy radiopaque-radiolucent areas in the region of right body and ramus of the mandible. There was discontinuity in the right lower border of the mandible near the angle region. A retained root stump was also observed in the same region (B) Right lateral oblique view shrowing extension of lesion into the ramus.
  25. showed fluid in the right mandible within the marrow and multiple cortical breaks There was diffuse infiltrative edema in the right masticator space. T1 Axial magnetic resonance imaging section showing (A) fluid within marrow with multiple cortical breaks, T2 marrow edema around right condylar head
  26. The orthopantomogram demonstrates the nonhealing extraction socket in the right posterior mandible (*) with sclerosis in the adjacent body and ramus of the mandible (arrow) and generalized thickening of the lamina dura in the mandible (arrowhead) and maxilla, Axial CT demonstrates the osseous sclerosis, as well as narrowing the mandibular canal (*), thin periosteal new bone anteriorly (arrow) and generalized thickening of the lamina dura in the mandible (arrowhead
  27. Tc99m-HDP bone scan demonstrates increased radiotracer uptake in the right hemimandible corresponding with the area of sclerosis,
  28. howed diffuse thickening of the body of the right mandible and the entire left mandible to the condyle (Fig 4). Lytic lesions appeared throughout the mandible except for the right ramus and condyle.