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Practical Ruby
Projects with
Who am I?

Alex Sharp
Lead Developer at OptimisDev

We’re going to talk about
      two things.
1. Why Mongo makes sense
2. Using MongoDB with Ruby
But first...
This talk is not about shiny
It’s not about the new
It’s not about speed...
Or performance...
Or even scalability...
Or boring acronyms like...
It’s about practicality.
This talk is about creating
Migrating to another
technology is inefficient
Most people are reluctant to
   move off RDBMS-es
Relational DBs are both
The Problems of SQL
A brief history of SQL
 Developed at IBM in early 1970’s.
 Designed to manipulate and retrieve data stored in
 relational databases
A brief history of SQL
 Developed at IBM in early 1970’s.
 Designed to manipulate and retrieve data stored in
 relational databases

                  this is a problem
We don’t work with data...
We work with objects
We don’t care about storing
We care about persisting
Data != Objects
Relational DBs are an
antiquated tool for our needs
Ok, so what?
 SQL schemas are designed for storing
and querying data, not persisting objects.
To reconcile this mismatch, we
         have ORM’s
Object Relational Mappers
Ok, so what?
We need ORMs to bridge the gap (i.e. map)
between SQL and native objects (in our
case, Ruby objects)
We’re forced to create relationships for data
when what we really want is properties for our
This is NOT efficient
@alex =
  :name => "alex",
  :stalkings => ["Jim"),"Bob")]
Native ruby object

<Person:0x10017d030 @name="alex",
     [#<Friend:0x10017d0a8 @name="Jim">,
      #<Friend:0x10017d058 @name="Bob">
JSON/Mongo Representation
{ name: "alex",
  stalkings: [{ name: "Jim" }, { name: "Bob" }]
SQL Schema Representation
# in a SQL schema
  - name

  - name
  - stalkee_id
SQL Schema Representation
# in a SQL schema
  - name

                    Wha Wha!?
  - name
  - stalkee_id
SQL Schema Representation
# in a SQL schema
  - name

stalkings:          stalkings ain’t got
  - name              no stalkee_id
  - stalkee_id
SQL Schema Representation
# in a SQL schema
  - name

stalkings:          stalkee_id is how we map our
  - name            object to fit in a SQL schema
  - stalkee_id
SQL Schema Representation
# in a SQL schema
  - name

                    i.e. the “pointless join”
  - name
  - stalkee_id
Ruby -> JSON -> SQL
       <Person:0x10017d030 @name="alex",
Ruby      [#<Friend:0x10017d0a8 @name="Jim">,
           #<Friend:0x10017d058 @name="Bob">

JSON   { name: "alex",
         stalkings: [{ name: "Jim" }, { name: "Bob" }]

         - name
         - name
         - stalkee_id
Ruby -> JSON -> SQL
       <Person:0x10017d030 @name="alex",
Ruby      [#<Friend:0x10017d0a8 @name="Jim">,
           #<Friend:0x10017d058 @name="Bob">

JSON   { name: "alex",
         stalkings: [{ name: "Jim" }, { name: "Bob" }]

         - name         Feels like we’re having
SQL                     to work too hard here
         - name
         - stalkee_id
Ruby -> JSON -> SQL
       <Person:0x10017d030 @name="alex",
Ruby      [#<Friend:0x10017d0a8 @name="Jim">,
           #<Friend:0x10017d058 @name="Bob">

JSON   { name: "alex",
         stalkings: [{ name: "Jim" }, { name: "Bob" }]

         - name
         - name
         - stalkee_id
This may seem trivial for
 simple object models
But consider a tree-type
     object graph
Example: a sentence builder
Ok, so what?
You’re probably thinking...
“Listen GUY, SQL isn’t that bad”
Ok, so what?
Ok, so what?
But we can do much, much better.
Summary of Problems
 mysql is both antiquated and inefficient
Needs for a persistence layer:
Needs for a persistence layer:
 1.To persist the native state of our objects
Needs for a persistence layer:
 1.To persist the native state of our objects
 2.Should NOT interfere w/ application development
Needs for a persistence layer:
 1.To persist the native state of our objects
 2.Should NOT interfere w/ application development
 3.Provides features necessary to build modern web apps
Mongo to the Rescue!
Mongo was made for web
Mongo goes the 80/20 route
Document storage
Mongo stores everything in
     binary JSON
Simplifying schema design
Maps/hashes/associative arrays are arguably
among the best object serialization formats
Mongo Representation
{ name: "alex",
  stalkings: [{ name: "Jim" }, { name: "Bob" }]
Mongo Representation

{ name: "alex",
  stalkings: [{ name: "Jim" }, { name: "Bob" }]
  In Mongo, stalkings is an “embedded document”
Mongo Representation

{ name: "alex",
  stalkings: [{ name: "Jim" }, { name: "Bob" }]
        Great for one-to-many associations
Mongo Representation

{ name: "alex",
  stalkings: [{ name: "Jim" }, { name: "Bob" }]
              No JOINS required.
Mongo Representation

{ name: "alex",
  stalkings: [{ name: "Jim" }, { name: "Bob" }]
     This is a good thing for scalability, because
     JOINS limit our ability to horizontally scale.
Mongo Representation

{ name: "alex",
  stalkings: [{ name: "Jim" }, { name: "Bob" }]
   But more importantly, this is more intuitive than
             messing with foreign keys
Mongo allows us to store
objects in a near-native format
This is awesome.
Much less schema design.
Much less brain pain.
Embedded Documents
Lots of 1-to-many relationships
  can be implemented as an
        embedded doc
This results in way fewer
   “pointless JOINs”
Ok, so I lied.
The ability to easily scale out
 is an important part of the
 philosophy behind Mongo
Also has implications for in
how we store our objects
If scaling out is easy, who
cares about the DB getting
          “too large”?
Just fire up another EC2
instance and be done with it.
Auto-sharding is going to
 make this stupid easy.
So stay tuned...
Other features necessary for
    building web apps
rich query syntax
Rich query syntax
Practical Projects
Four Examples

1.Accounting Application
2.Capped Collection Logging
3.Blogging Application
4.Storing binary data w/ GridFS
A simple general ledger
accounting application
The object model


The object model

                  #       Credits                      Debits

Transaction   {   1
                      { :account => “Cash”,
                        :amount => 100.00 }
                                                { :account => “Notes Pay.”,
                                                     :amount => 100.00 }

                                  Ledger Entries
Transaction   {   2   { :account => “A/R”,
                        :amount => 25.00 }
                                              { :account => “Gross Revenue”,
                                                     :amount => 25.00 }
Object model summary
Object model summary
Each ledger transaction belongs to a ledger.
Each ledger transaction has two ledger entries which
must balance.
Object Model with ActiveRecord
@credit_entry = :account => "Cash",
  :amount => 100.00, :type => "credit"
@debit_entry = :account => "Notes Pay.",
  :amount => 100.00, :type => "debit"

@ledger_transaction =
  :ledger_id => 1,
  :ledger_entries => [@credit_entry, @debit_entry]
Object Model with ActiveRecord
@credit_entry = :account => "Cash",
  :amount => 100.00, :type => "credit"
@debit_entry = :account => "Notes Pay.",
  :amount => 100.00, :type => "debit"

@ledger_transaction =
  :ledger_id => 1,
  :ledger_entries => [@credit_entry, @debit_entry]

    In a SQL schema, we need a database
         transaction to ensure atomicity
Object Model with Mongo
@ledger_transaction = :ledger_id => 1,
  :ledger_entries => [
    { :account => 'Cash', :type => "credit", :amount => 100.00 },
    { :account => 'Notes Pay.', :type => "debit", :amount => 100.00 }
Object Model with Mongo
@ledger_transaction = :ledger_id => 1,
  :ledger_entries => [
    { :account => 'Cash', :type => "credit", :amount => 100.00 },
    { :account => 'Notes Pay.', :type => "debit", :amount => 100.00 }

   This is the perfect case for embedded documents.
Object Model with Mongo
@ledger_transaction = :ledger_id => 1,
  :ledger_entries => [
    { :account => 'Cash', :type => "credit", :amount => 100.00 },
    { :account => 'Notes Pay.', :type => "debit", :amount => 100.00 }

        We would never have a ledger entry w/o a
                  ledger transaction.
Object Model with Mongo
@ledger_transaction = :ledger_id => 1,
  :ledger_entries => [
    { :account => 'Cash', :type => "credit", :amount => 100.00 },
    { :account => 'Notes Pay.', :type => "debit", :amount => 100.00 }

        In this case, we don’t even need database
Object Model with Mongo
@ledger_transaction = :ledger_id => 1,
  :ledger_entries => [
    { :account => 'Cash', :type => "credit", :amount => 100.00 },
    { :account => 'Notes Pay.', :type => "debit", :amount => 100.00 }

Logging with Capped
Baseless statistic
 95% of the time logs are NEVER used.
Most logs are only used when
  something goes wrong.
Capped collections
  Fixed-sized, limited operation, auto age-out
  collections (kinda like memcached)
  Fixed insertion order
  Super fast (faster than normal writes)
  Ideal for logging and caching
Great. What’s that mean?
We can log additional pieces of arbitrary data
effortlessly due to Mongo’s schemaless nature.
This is awesome.
Now we have logs we can
 query, analyze and use!
Also a really handy
troubleshooting tool
User experiences weird, hard to
reproduce error.
Wouldn’t it be useful to see the complete

    Thin ruby layer around a
   MongoDB capped collection
require 'bunyan'

# put in config/initializers for rails
Bunyan::Logger.configure do |c|
  c.database   'my_bunyan_db'
  c.collection 'development_log'
  # == 100.megabytes if using rails
  c.size       104857600
class BunyanMiddleware
  def initialize(app)
    @app = app

  def call(env)
    @status, @headers, @response =
    [@status, @headers, @response]
Bunyan::Logger.find('' => '')
Stay tuned for a Sinatra-based
       client front-end.

Drop-in to a rails app
Blogging Application
Blogging Application
 Much easier to model with Mongo than a relational
Blogging Application
 A post has an author
Blogging Application
 A post has an author
 A post has many tags
Blogging Application
 A post has an author
 A post has many tags
 A post has many comments
Blogging Application
 A post has an author
 A post has many tags
 A post has many comments

Instead of JOINing separate tables,
we can use embedded documents.
require 'mongo'

conn ='bloggery')
posts   = conn.collection('posts')
authors = conn.collection('authors')
# returns a Mongo::ObjectID object
alex = :name => "Alex"
post =
  :title      => 'Post title',
  :body       => 'Massive pontification...',
  :tags       => ['mongosf', 'omg', 'lolcats'],
  :comments    => [
     { :name => "Loudmouth McGee",
       :email => '',
       :body => "Something really ranty..."
  :author_id => alex
# returns a Mongo::ObjectID object
alex = :name => "Alex"
post =
  :title      => 'Post title',
  :body       => 'Massive pontification...',
  :tags       => ['mongosf', 'omg', 'lolcats'],
  :comments    => [
     { :name => "Loudmouth McGee",
       :email => '',
       :body => "Something really ranty..."
                    Joins not necessary. Sweet.
  :author_id => alex
• MongoDB “ORM” developed by John Nunemaker
• MongoDB “ORM” developed by John Nunemaker
 • author of HttpParty
• MongoDB “ORM” developed by John Nunemaker
  • author of HttpParty
• Very similar syntax to DataMapper
• MongoDB “ORM” developed by John Nunemaker
  • author of HttpParty
• Very similar syntax to DataMapper
  • Declarative rather than inheritance-based
• MongoDB “ORM” developed by John Nunemaker
  • author of HttpParty
• Very similar syntax to DataMapper
  • Declarative rather than inheritance-based
• Very easy to drop into rails
class Post
  include MongoMapper::Document

 belongs_to :author, :class_name => "User"

 key :title,          String, :required => true
 key :body,           String
 key :author_id,      Integer, :required => true
 key :published_at,   Time
 key :published,      Boolean, :default => false

  many :tags

class Tag
  include MongoMapper::EmbeddedDocument

  key :name, String, :required => true
Storing binary data w/
GridFS and Joint
1.MongoMapper plugin for accessing GridFS
2.Built on top of the Ruby driver GridFS API
class Bio
  include MongoMapper::Document
  plugin Joint

 key :name,           String, :required => true
 key :title,          String
 key :description,    String

  attachment :headshot
  attachment :video_bio
class Bio
  include MongoMapper::Document
  plugin Joint

 key :name,           String, :required => true
 key :title,          String
 key :description,    String
                          Can be served directly
  attachment :headshot
                              from Mongo
  attachment :video_bio
Using mongo w/ Ruby
Ruby mongo driver
MongoRecord (
MongoDoc (
Many other ORM/ODM’s under active development

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