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(a largely ectomesenchymally derived unit ) 
Dr.Jignesh R. Patel 
Dr. Shrikar Desai
Contents : 
‱Development of teeth 
‱Stages of tooth growth 
‱Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath & root formation 
‱Development of cementum/ cementogenesis 
‱Development of PDL 
‱Development of alveolar bone 
‱Development of dentogingival unit 
 The periodontium is simply defined as the tissues supporting 
and investing the tooth - consists of cementum, PDL, bone 
lining the alveolus & that part of the gingiva facing the tooth. 
 The tissues supporting the tooth are developmentally derived 
from the dental follicle proper, whereas those investing the 
tooth, that is the gingiva, are an adaptation of the oral mucosa. 
- Richard Ten Cate 
The widespread occurrence of periodontal diseases & the realization that 
periodontal tissues lost to the disease can be repaired has resulted in 
considerable effort to understand the factors & cells regulating the 
formation, maintenance, & regeneration of the periodontium. 
- Ten Cate et al Periodontology 2000, Vol. 13 
Reciprocal induction 
Tooth germ 
 Ectodermal cells of dental lamina divide more rapidly & form little knobs 
that grow into underlying mesenchyme. 
 These little down growths from the dental lamina represents the beginning 
of enamel organ of the tooth bud. 
As cell proliferation continues... 
 Each enamel organ increase in size & sink deeper into the 
ectomesenchyme, & due to differential growth shape also changes. 
First it takes a shape that resembles a Cap, with an outer convex facing 
the oral cavity & inner concavity. 
 Three basic parts of Tooth germ 
◩ Enamel organ (ectodermal component) 
◩ Dental papiila 
◩ Dental sac or dental follicle 
Enamel organ 
‱ Enamel 
Dental papilla 
‱ dentin 
‱ pulp 
Dental follicle 
‱ Cementum 
‱ PDL 
‱ Alveolar bone 
Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath 
(HERS) & root formation 
 Schour & Massler suggested that the major function of the 
Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath is to induce and regulate root 
formation, including the size, shape and number of roots 
 Characteristics of HERS: 
1. HERS consists of inner & outer enamel epithelia only. 
2. Cells of inner layer remain short in size and induce the 
differentiation of radicular dental papilla cells into 
odontoblast which lays down first layer of radicular dentin. 
3. Some outer layer cells in coronal root region induce cells of dental follicle to 
differentiate into cementoblasts similar to osteoblasts which give rise to acellular 
4. Slavkin suggests, since the epithelial cells of the inner layer of Hertwig’s epithelial root 
sheath are analogous to the preameloblasts, it is suggested that they might secrete 
enamel matrix proteins over the newly deposited root dentin. 
5. In addition to these matrix proteins there are also the components of the epithelial 
basement membrane, such as laminin and collagen type IV are sectreted by root sheath. 
Development of cementum 
 Process of cementum development is called as “cementogenesis”. 
 Cementum is calcified, avascular mesenchymal tissue that forms outer coverings of the 
anatomic root. 
 It was first demonstrated microscopically in 1835 by two pupils of purkinje. 
 It is a specialized connective tissue that shares some physical, chemical & structural 
characteristics with compact bone. 
Cementogenesis (Briefly) 
[Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath is broken up & 
separated from root, and differentiation of 
cementoblasts lead to formation of cementum] Dr.Jignesh
Varieties of cementum 
 Two basic types of cementum, hence they are usually classified on the basis of presence of 
cementocyte (cellular cementum) or absence of it (acellular cementum). 
 It can also be classified on the basis of the types of fibers (extrinsic/intrinsic) presence or 
their absence (afibrillar cementum). 
 acellular extrinsic fiber cementum is regarded as Primary cementum as it forms first. 
Cellular cementum is regarded as secondary cementum because it forms later than 
primary cementum. 
Growth factor families involved in the differentiation of 
cemetoblasts from dental follicle 
TGFÎČ 1-5 
PGE2 & PGF2α enhance differentiation by 
activating protein kinase cell signalling 
Fibroblast growth factor promotes 
proliferation, migration & angiogenesis 
CAP, BSP and osteopontine helps in 
attachment of differentiated cells to newly 
forming tissue 
Development of acellular cementum 
 Development of acellular cementum is associated with secretion of 
enamel matrix protein (EMP) by HERS after mineralization of first 
layer of dentin adjacent to the root. 
 Enamel proteins including amelogenin & certain basement membrane 
constituents are reported to be involved in epithelial-mesenchymal 
 HERS also secrete cementum related proteins like Bone sialoprotein 
(BSP), osteopontin & fibrillar collagen. 
 At the same time fibroblast precursors cells from dental follicle come in contact with 
predentine matrix and start depositing bundle of collagen fibrils to form a thin layer of 
perpendicularly oriented “Sharpey’s fibers” or “fringe fibers”. 
 Sharpey’s fibers interdigitate with unmineralized dentin at one end and into extracellular 
compartment of acellular cementum at another end. 
 As the mineralization front advances, it contacts the sharpey’s fibers and they undergo slow 
mineralization to complete the process of acellular extrinsic fiber cementum formation. 
Development of cellular cementum 
(a more rapidly formed & less mineralized variety of cementum) 
 Formation occurs after at least half the root is formed. 
 Development can be divided into 2 stages: 
 An early stage in which extrinsic sharpey’s fibers produced by fibroblasts are few & 
traces of intrinsic fibers produced by cementoblasts are randomly arranged 
 Later stage of cementogenesis- it closely resembles bone formation. Cementoblasts and 
cementocytes are involved in the secretion of intrinsic fibers. 
 Rapid and multipolar mode of mineralization 
takes place 
 Entrapped cementoblasts are called as – 
 Cementcytes have processes that lodge in 
canaliculi that communicate but do not form a 
syncitium that extends all the way to the surface, 
as is the case with in the bone. 
Cementoid tissue & calcification of matrix 
 The uncalcified matrix is called as cementoid. 
 the growth of cellular cementum is a rhythmic process, and as a new layer of cementoid is 
formed, the old calcifies. 
 Gla proteins – osteocalcin & osteonectin acts as neucleators for mineralization due to their 
strong affinity for calcium & BSP. 
 Alkaline phosphatase promotes mineralization. 
 Osteopontine regulates growth of apatite crystals. 
 Major proteoglycan located in non-mineralized cementum is keratan sulfates- lumican & 
 The periodontal ligamment (PDL) is composed of a complex 
vascular & highly cellular connective tissue that surrounds the tooth 
root & connects it to the inner wall of the alveolar bone. 
 Over the years it has been described by number of terms: 
‱ Desmodont 
‱ Gomphosis 
‱ Pericementum 
‱ Dental periosteum 
‱ Alveodental ligament 
‱ Periodontal membrane 
 Development of PDL begins with root formation, prior to tooth eruption. 
 The dental follicle cells located between the alveolar bone & HERS are composed of two 
Mesenchymal cells of dental follicle proper 
Perifollicular mesenchyme 
 Perifollicular mesenchymal cells bounded by mesenchymal cells of dental follicle proper. 
 As the root formation continues, cells in the perifollicular region and follicle proper are gain their 
polarity & the cellular volume & synthetic activity increases. 
 These cells obtain long & thin, elongated cytoplasm with increased amount of mitochondria, 
RER & active Golgi complex. 
 As a result, these cells actively synthesize & deposits collagen fibrils & glycoprotein in the 
developing periodontal ligament. 
 progenitors for periodontal ligament, osteoblast and cementoblast cells adopt a paravascular 
location in the periodontal ligament, and these cells, which exhibit some features of stem cells, 
can regenerate functional tissues when the need arises. 
Developmet of principal fibers 
 Immediately before tooth eruption & for sometimes there 
after, active fibroblasts adjacent to the cementum of the 
coronal 1/3 of the root, aligne in oblique direction to the 
long axis of the tooth. 
 Soon, thereafter, first collagen fiber bundles of the 
ligament become discernible. These are the precursors of 
the alveolar crest fiber bundle group. 
 Later, similar fibers are observed on the adjacent osseous 
surface of the developing alveolar bone. 
 Both set of fibers, alveolar & cemental, continue to elongate toward each other, ultimately to meet, 
intertwine & fuse, & cross linking of individual collagen molecules occur. 
 By the time of first occlusal contact of the tooth with its antagonist, the principle fibers around the 
coronal 1/3 of the root, the horizontal group are almost completely developed 
 Oblique fibers in middle third of the root are still being formed. 
 After complete root apex is formed, apical group of fibers are developed. 
PDL homeostasis 
 A remarkable capacity of PDL is that it maintains its width more or less, despite the fact, it is 
squeezed in between two hard tissues. 
 Various molecules have been proposed, which play a role in maintaining an unmineralized PDL. 
Bone sialoprotein 
Matrix Gla proteins 
(Inhibitors of mineralization) 
‱ Inhibit mineralized 
bone tissue 
‱ Prevents osteogening 
differentiation of PDL 
fibroblasts by repressing 
cbfa1 activity 
‱ osteopontin 
stem cells 
Epithelial cell 
rests of 
Defense cells 
Mast cells 
Epithelial cell rests of malassez 
 Roles attributed to the Epithelial Rest of Malassez cells 
range from bad to good. 
 Bad Role 
 Malassez cells are held responsible for the formation of 
periodontal cysts and tumours as a result of peri-apical 
inflammation associated with pulpal necrosis. 
 Epithelial Rest of Malassez cells contribute to the 
formation of the periodontal pocket because of their 
continuum with the junctional epithelium. 
-Ohshima M, Nishiyama T, Tokunaga K, Sato S, Maeno M, Otsuka K. 
 Good Role 
 The cells of the Epithelial Rest of Malassez may protect the root from resorption 
- Wallace JA, Vergona K. 
 Epithelial cells Rest of Malassez secrete hyaluronic acid, which contributes to the formation 
of the loose connective tissue characteristics of the periodontal ligament & react to 
mechanical stress, like that associated with orthodontic tooth movement, by increasing their 
proliferation rate and cell size. - Brunette DM & Merrilees MJ, Sodek J, Aubin JE 
 Epithelial Rest of Malassez - help in cementum repair because of their ability to activate 
matrix proteins, such as amelogenin, which are also expressed during tooth development - 
Hamamoto Y, Nakajima T, Ozawa H, Uchida T. 
 The alveolar process is the portion of the maxilla & mandible that forms & supports the tooth 
 It forms when the tooth erupts to provide the osseous attachment to the forming PDL & it 
disappears gradually after the tooth is lost. 
Formation of bone matrix 
Formation of woven bone 
Appositional growth & 
formation of harvesian 
system (osteon) 
Endochondral bone 
Formation of 
cartiagenous model 
Development of alveolar process 
 An alveolar bone in the strict sense of words develops only during the eruption of the teeth. 
 As the root & its covering of primary cementum form, new bone is deposited against the 
crypt wall. 
 Crystal form coalescing bone nodules with fast 
growing, non oriented collagen fibers- is the 
substructure of woven bone, first bone formed in the 
 Later, through bone deposition, remodelling & 
secretion of oriented collagen fibers in sheets, mature 
lamellar bone is formed. 
 Subsequently, a tissue may develop at alveolar crest 
that combines characteristics of cartilage & bone. 
 It is called as chondroid bone. 
Structure of alveolar bone 
(a thin lamella of the bone that surrounds the rootof the tooth & gives attachment to the 
principle fibers of the PDL) 
‱ Inner socket wall of thin compact bone 
‱ Bundle bone 
‱ Cribriform plate 
‱ Lamina Dura (radiographically) 
supporting alveolar bone 
(the bone that surrounds the alveolar bone proper 
& gives support to the socket) 
‱ External plate of cortical bone 
‱ Spongy bone/ cancellous trabeculae 
Bone remodeling 
 Bone is a highly dynamic connective tissue with continuous remodeling. 
 Process of bone formation & bone breakdown go on simultaneously, thus the bone represents 
the net results of a balance between the two processes 
 This phenomena is called as coupling of bone resorption & bone formation. 
 The main function of the remodeling are to prevent the accumulation of damaged & fatigued 
bone by regenerating new bone & to facilitate mineral homeostasis. 
Mediators of bone remodeling 
 Mechanical factors : when stress is applied on the alveolar bone, two sites are formed, bone is 
resorbed at compression site & bone is deposited at tension site. 
 Parathyroid hormone 
 Vita. D metabolites 
 Growth factors 
 Bacterial products 
Markers of bone turnover 
‱ Alkaline phosphatase 
‱ osteocalcin 
‱ Procollagen I extension peptide 
‱ Urine calcium 
‱ Urine hydroxyproline 
‱ Collagen crosslink fragments 
‱ Urine N-telopeptides 
‱ Urine C-telopeptides 
‱ Urine pyridinoline 
‱ Urine free deoxypyridinoline 
 Gingiva is an adaptation of oral epithelium in areas involved in mastication of food 
 The gingiva is a part of the oral mucosa that covers the alveolar processes of the jaws & 
surrounds the neck of the teeth.- McCall 
Dentogingival junction 
(junctional epithelium) 
 The epithelium of the gingiva which gets 
attached to the tooth is called as junctional or 
attachment epithelium. 
 It consists of collar like band of stratified 
squamous non keratinizing epithelium, located at 
CEJ in healthy tissue 
 JE resembles reduced enamel epithelium (RER) in its structure in that they have a basal 
layer & few layers of flattened cells & express CK 5, 14, 19, which is typical of 
nondifferentiating tissue like RER. 
 Highest turnover rate of 5-6 days 
 JE is highly permeable & it has large intracellular spaces, so that neutrophils can easily pass 
in & out of the epithelium. 
 Permits easy flow of GCF 
Development of dentoginval junction & 
gingival sulcus 
Formation of JE & Gingival sulcus 
Shift of dentogingival junction 
A. The actual movement of crown towards the occlusal plane is called as a active eruption 
B. The separation of primary attachment epithelium from the enamel is termed as passive 
crown exposure involving passive eruption & further recession has been described in 
four stages 
firsr two stages may be physiologic but last two are probably pathologic. 
Shift of dentogingival junction 
 Reciprocal induction between oral ectoderm & mesenchymal cells derived from neural crest 
cells form the major pathway for the development of periodontal tissues. 
 Various histochemical molecules favours the differentiation of fibroblasts, cementoblasts & 
osteoblasts from the inner cells of the dental sac, which are also secreted at the time of 
periodontal regeneration or repair by PDL 
 PDL contains both formative & resorptive cells for cementum, A.bone & PDL itself. 
 Based on the information presented, it appears that the developed or adult 
periodontium retains its potential for repair/regeneration in the form of 
cells of the Epithelial Rest of Malassez, progenitor cells and stem cells, 
which can be induced to differentiate into cementoblast, osteoblast or 
periodontal ligament cells to regenerate periodontal tissues. 
1. Textbook of Orban’s Oral histology & Embryology, 12th Ed. 
2. Textbook of TenCate’s Oral histolgy & Embryology, 8th Ed. 
3. Margarita zeichner-david, Regeneration of periodontal tissues: cementogenesis revisited, 
Periodontology 2000, Vol. 41, 2006, 196–217. 
4. A. Richard ten cate, The development of the periodontium - a largely ectomesenchymally derived 
unit, Periodontology 2000, Vol. 13, 1997, 9-19. 
5. Thomas HF, Kollar EJ. Differentiation of odontoblasts in grafted recombinants of murine epithelial 
root sheath and dental mesenchyme. Arch Oral Biol 1989; 34: 27-35. 
6. Textbook of clinical periodontology, F.A.Carranza, 10th Ed. 

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Development of periodontium

  • 1. (a largely ectomesenchymally derived unit ) Dr.Jignesh R. Patel Dr. Shrikar Desai
  • 2. Contents : ‱Introduction ‱Development of teeth ‱Stages of tooth growth ‱Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath & root formation ‱Development of cementum/ cementogenesis ‱Development of PDL ‱Development of alveolar bone ‱Development of dentogingival unit ‱conclusion Dr.Jignesh
  • 3. Introduction  The periodontium is simply defined as the tissues supporting and investing the tooth - consists of cementum, PDL, bone lining the alveolus & that part of the gingiva facing the tooth.  The tissues supporting the tooth are developmentally derived from the dental follicle proper, whereas those investing the tooth, that is the gingiva, are an adaptation of the oral mucosa. - Richard Ten Cate Dr.Jignesh
  • 4. The widespread occurrence of periodontal diseases & the realization that periodontal tissues lost to the disease can be repaired has resulted in considerable effort to understand the factors & cells regulating the formation, maintenance, & regeneration of the periodontium. - Ten Cate et al Periodontology 2000, Vol. 13 Dr.Jignesh
  • 6. Tooth germ  Ectodermal cells of dental lamina divide more rapidly & form little knobs that grow into underlying mesenchyme.  These little down growths from the dental lamina represents the beginning of enamel organ of the tooth bud. Dr.Jignesh
  • 7. As cell proliferation continues...  Each enamel organ increase in size & sink deeper into the ectomesenchyme, & due to differential growth shape also changes. First it takes a shape that resembles a Cap, with an outer convex facing the oral cavity & inner concavity. Dr.Jignesh
  • 8.  Three basic parts of Tooth germ ◩ Enamel organ (ectodermal component) ◩ Dental papiila ◩ Dental sac or dental follicle Ectomesenchymal component Enamel organ ‱ Enamel Dental papilla ‱ dentin ‱ pulp Dental follicle ‱ Cementum ‱ PDL ‱ Alveolar bone Dr.Jignesh
  • 9. Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath (HERS) & root formation  Schour & Massler suggested that the major function of the Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath is to induce and regulate root formation, including the size, shape and number of roots  Characteristics of HERS: 1. HERS consists of inner & outer enamel epithelia only. 2. Cells of inner layer remain short in size and induce the differentiation of radicular dental papilla cells into odontoblast which lays down first layer of radicular dentin. Dr.Jignesh
  • 10. 3. Some outer layer cells in coronal root region induce cells of dental follicle to differentiate into cementoblasts similar to osteoblasts which give rise to acellular cementum. 4. Slavkin suggests, since the epithelial cells of the inner layer of Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath are analogous to the preameloblasts, it is suggested that they might secrete enamel matrix proteins over the newly deposited root dentin. 5. In addition to these matrix proteins there are also the components of the epithelial basement membrane, such as laminin and collagen type IV are sectreted by root sheath. Dr.Jignesh
  • 12. Development of cementum  Process of cementum development is called as “cementogenesis”.  Cementum is calcified, avascular mesenchymal tissue that forms outer coverings of the anatomic root.  It was first demonstrated microscopically in 1835 by two pupils of purkinje.  It is a specialized connective tissue that shares some physical, chemical & structural characteristics with compact bone. Dr.Jignesh
  • 14. [Hertwig’s epithelial root sheath is broken up & separated from root, and differentiation of cementoblasts lead to formation of cementum] Dr.Jignesh
  • 15. Varieties of cementum  Two basic types of cementum, hence they are usually classified on the basis of presence of cementocyte (cellular cementum) or absence of it (acellular cementum).  It can also be classified on the basis of the types of fibers (extrinsic/intrinsic) presence or their absence (afibrillar cementum).  acellular extrinsic fiber cementum is regarded as Primary cementum as it forms first. Cellular cementum is regarded as secondary cementum because it forms later than primary cementum. Dr.Jignesh
  • 16. Growth factor families involved in the differentiation of cemetoblasts from dental follicle TGFÎČ 1-5 BMP2-8 EGF & IGF PGE2 & PGF2α enhance differentiation by activating protein kinase cell signalling pathway Fibroblast growth factor promotes proliferation, migration & angiogenesis CAP, BSP and osteopontine helps in attachment of differentiated cells to newly forming tissue Dr.Jignesh
  • 17. Development of acellular cementum  Development of acellular cementum is associated with secretion of enamel matrix protein (EMP) by HERS after mineralization of first layer of dentin adjacent to the root.  Enamel proteins including amelogenin & certain basement membrane constituents are reported to be involved in epithelial-mesenchymal reaction.  HERS also secrete cementum related proteins like Bone sialoprotein (BSP), osteopontin & fibrillar collagen. Dr.Jignesh
  • 18.  At the same time fibroblast precursors cells from dental follicle come in contact with predentine matrix and start depositing bundle of collagen fibrils to form a thin layer of perpendicularly oriented “Sharpey’s fibers” or “fringe fibers”.  Sharpey’s fibers interdigitate with unmineralized dentin at one end and into extracellular compartment of acellular cementum at another end.  As the mineralization front advances, it contacts the sharpey’s fibers and they undergo slow mineralization to complete the process of acellular extrinsic fiber cementum formation. Dr.Jignesh
  • 19. Development of cellular cementum (a more rapidly formed & less mineralized variety of cementum)  Formation occurs after at least half the root is formed.  Development can be divided into 2 stages:  An early stage in which extrinsic sharpey’s fibers produced by fibroblasts are few & traces of intrinsic fibers produced by cementoblasts are randomly arranged  Later stage of cementogenesis- it closely resembles bone formation. Cementoblasts and cementocytes are involved in the secretion of intrinsic fibers. Dr.Jignesh
  • 20.  Rapid and multipolar mode of mineralization takes place  Entrapped cementoblasts are called as – cementocytes  Cementcytes have processes that lodge in canaliculi that communicate but do not form a syncitium that extends all the way to the surface, as is the case with in the bone. Dr.Jignesh
  • 21. Cementoid tissue & calcification of matrix  The uncalcified matrix is called as cementoid.  the growth of cellular cementum is a rhythmic process, and as a new layer of cementoid is formed, the old calcifies.  Gla proteins – osteocalcin & osteonectin acts as neucleators for mineralization due to their strong affinity for calcium & BSP.  Alkaline phosphatase promotes mineralization.  Osteopontine regulates growth of apatite crystals.  Major proteoglycan located in non-mineralized cementum is keratan sulfates- lumican & fibromodulin. Dr.Jignesh
  • 23.  The periodontal ligamment (PDL) is composed of a complex vascular & highly cellular connective tissue that surrounds the tooth root & connects it to the inner wall of the alveolar bone.  Over the years it has been described by number of terms: ‱ Desmodont ‱ Gomphosis ‱ Pericementum ‱ Dental periosteum ‱ Alveodental ligament ‱ Periodontal membrane Dr.Jignesh
  • 24. Development  Development of PDL begins with root formation, prior to tooth eruption.  The dental follicle cells located between the alveolar bone & HERS are composed of two subpopulations: Mesenchymal cells of dental follicle proper Perifollicular mesenchyme  Perifollicular mesenchymal cells bounded by mesenchymal cells of dental follicle proper. Dr.Jignesh
  • 25.  As the root formation continues, cells in the perifollicular region and follicle proper are gain their polarity & the cellular volume & synthetic activity increases.  These cells obtain long & thin, elongated cytoplasm with increased amount of mitochondria, RER & active Golgi complex.  As a result, these cells actively synthesize & deposits collagen fibrils & glycoprotein in the developing periodontal ligament.  progenitors for periodontal ligament, osteoblast and cementoblast cells adopt a paravascular location in the periodontal ligament, and these cells, which exhibit some features of stem cells, can regenerate functional tissues when the need arises. Dr.Jignesh
  • 26. Developmet of principal fibers  Immediately before tooth eruption & for sometimes there after, active fibroblasts adjacent to the cementum of the coronal 1/3 of the root, aligne in oblique direction to the long axis of the tooth.  Soon, thereafter, first collagen fiber bundles of the ligament become discernible. These are the precursors of the alveolar crest fiber bundle group.  Later, similar fibers are observed on the adjacent osseous surface of the developing alveolar bone. Dr.Jignesh
  • 27.  Both set of fibers, alveolar & cemental, continue to elongate toward each other, ultimately to meet, intertwine & fuse, & cross linking of individual collagen molecules occur.  By the time of first occlusal contact of the tooth with its antagonist, the principle fibers around the coronal 1/3 of the root, the horizontal group are almost completely developed  Oblique fibers in middle third of the root are still being formed.  After complete root apex is formed, apical group of fibers are developed. Dr.Jignesh
  • 28. PDL homeostasis  A remarkable capacity of PDL is that it maintains its width more or less, despite the fact, it is squeezed in between two hard tissues.  Various molecules have been proposed, which play a role in maintaining an unmineralized PDL. Msx2 Bone sialoprotein Matrix Gla proteins (Inhibitors of mineralization) ‱ Inhibit mineralized bone tissue ‱ Prevents osteogening differentiation of PDL fibroblasts by repressing cbfa1 activity ‱ osteopontin Prostaglandins Dr.Jignesh
  • 29. Synthetic cells Fibroblasts Osteoblasts cementoblasts Resorportive cells Fibroblasts Osteoclasts cementoclasts Progenitor cells Undifferentiated stem cells Epithelial cells Epithelial cell rests of malassez Defense cells Mast cells Macrophages eiosinophils Dr.Jignesh
  • 30. Epithelial cell rests of malassez  Roles attributed to the Epithelial Rest of Malassez cells range from bad to good.  Bad Role  Malassez cells are held responsible for the formation of periodontal cysts and tumours as a result of peri-apical inflammation associated with pulpal necrosis.  Epithelial Rest of Malassez cells contribute to the formation of the periodontal pocket because of their continuum with the junctional epithelium. -Ohshima M, Nishiyama T, Tokunaga K, Sato S, Maeno M, Otsuka K. Dr.Jignesh
  • 31.  Good Role  The cells of the Epithelial Rest of Malassez may protect the root from resorption - Wallace JA, Vergona K.  Epithelial cells Rest of Malassez secrete hyaluronic acid, which contributes to the formation of the loose connective tissue characteristics of the periodontal ligament & react to mechanical stress, like that associated with orthodontic tooth movement, by increasing their proliferation rate and cell size. - Brunette DM & Merrilees MJ, Sodek J, Aubin JE  Epithelial Rest of Malassez - help in cementum repair because of their ability to activate matrix proteins, such as amelogenin, which are also expressed during tooth development - Hamamoto Y, Nakajima T, Ozawa H, Uchida T. Dr.Jignesh
  • 33.  The alveolar process is the portion of the maxilla & mandible that forms & supports the tooth sockets.  It forms when the tooth erupts to provide the osseous attachment to the forming PDL & it disappears gradually after the tooth is lost. Dr.Jignesh
  • 34. Intramembranous ossification Formation of bone matrix Formation of woven bone Appositional growth & formation of harvesian system (osteon) Endochondral bone formation Formation of cartiagenous model Dr.Jignesh
  • 35. Development of alveolar process  An alveolar bone in the strict sense of words develops only during the eruption of the teeth.  As the root & its covering of primary cementum form, new bone is deposited against the crypt wall. Dr.Jignesh
  • 36.  Crystal form coalescing bone nodules with fast growing, non oriented collagen fibers- is the substructure of woven bone, first bone formed in the alveolus.  Later, through bone deposition, remodelling & secretion of oriented collagen fibers in sheets, mature lamellar bone is formed.  Subsequently, a tissue may develop at alveolar crest that combines characteristics of cartilage & bone.  It is called as chondroid bone. Dr.Jignesh
  • 37. Structure of alveolar bone (a thin lamella of the bone that surrounds the rootof the tooth & gives attachment to the principle fibers of the PDL) ‱ Inner socket wall of thin compact bone ‱ Bundle bone ‱ Cribriform plate ‱ Lamina Dura (radiographically) supporting alveolar bone (the bone that surrounds the alveolar bone proper & gives support to the socket) ‱ External plate of cortical bone ‱ Spongy bone/ cancellous trabeculae Dr.Jignesh
  • 38. Bone remodeling  Bone is a highly dynamic connective tissue with continuous remodeling.  Process of bone formation & bone breakdown go on simultaneously, thus the bone represents the net results of a balance between the two processes  This phenomena is called as coupling of bone resorption & bone formation.  The main function of the remodeling are to prevent the accumulation of damaged & fatigued bone by regenerating new bone & to facilitate mineral homeostasis. Dr.Jignesh
  • 39. Mediators of bone remodeling  Mechanical factors : when stress is applied on the alveolar bone, two sites are formed, bone is resorbed at compression site & bone is deposited at tension site.  Parathyroid hormone  Vita. D metabolites  Growth factors  Bacterial products Dr.Jignesh
  • 40. Markers of bone turnover ‱ Alkaline phosphatase ‱ osteocalcin ‱ Procollagen I extension peptide ‱ Urine calcium ‱ Urine hydroxyproline ‱ Collagen crosslink fragments ‱ Urine N-telopeptides ‱ Urine C-telopeptides ‱ Urine pyridinoline ‱ Urine free deoxypyridinoline Dr.Jignesh
  • 42.  Gingiva is an adaptation of oral epithelium in areas involved in mastication of food  The gingiva is a part of the oral mucosa that covers the alveolar processes of the jaws & surrounds the neck of the teeth.- McCall Dr.Jignesh
  • 44. Dentogingival junction (junctional epithelium)  The epithelium of the gingiva which gets attached to the tooth is called as junctional or attachment epithelium.  It consists of collar like band of stratified squamous non keratinizing epithelium, located at CEJ in healthy tissue Dr.Jignesh
  • 45.  JE resembles reduced enamel epithelium (RER) in its structure in that they have a basal layer & few layers of flattened cells & express CK 5, 14, 19, which is typical of nondifferentiating tissue like RER.  Highest turnover rate of 5-6 days  JE is highly permeable & it has large intracellular spaces, so that neutrophils can easily pass in & out of the epithelium.  Permits easy flow of GCF Dr.Jignesh
  • 46. Development of dentoginval junction & gingival sulcus Dr.Jignesh
  • 47. Formation of JE & Gingival sulcus Dr.Jignesh
  • 48. Shift of dentogingival junction A. The actual movement of crown towards the occlusal plane is called as a active eruption B. The separation of primary attachment epithelium from the enamel is termed as passive eruption crown exposure involving passive eruption & further recession has been described in four stages firsr two stages may be physiologic but last two are probably pathologic. Dr.Jignesh
  • 49. Shift of dentogingival junction Dr.Jignesh
  • 51.  Reciprocal induction between oral ectoderm & mesenchymal cells derived from neural crest cells form the major pathway for the development of periodontal tissues.  Various histochemical molecules favours the differentiation of fibroblasts, cementoblasts & osteoblasts from the inner cells of the dental sac, which are also secreted at the time of periodontal regeneration or repair by PDL  PDL contains both formative & resorptive cells for cementum, A.bone & PDL itself. Dr.Jignesh
  • 52.  Based on the information presented, it appears that the developed or adult periodontium retains its potential for repair/regeneration in the form of cells of the Epithelial Rest of Malassez, progenitor cells and stem cells, which can be induced to differentiate into cementoblast, osteoblast or periodontal ligament cells to regenerate periodontal tissues. Dr.Jignesh
  • 53. References: 1. Textbook of Orban’s Oral histology & Embryology, 12th Ed. 2. Textbook of TenCate’s Oral histolgy & Embryology, 8th Ed. 3. Margarita zeichner-david, Regeneration of periodontal tissues: cementogenesis revisited, Periodontology 2000, Vol. 41, 2006, 196–217. 4. A. Richard ten cate, The development of the periodontium - a largely ectomesenchymally derived unit, Periodontology 2000, Vol. 13, 1997, 9-19. 5. Thomas HF, Kollar EJ. Differentiation of odontoblasts in grafted recombinants of murine epithelial root sheath and dental mesenchyme. Arch Oral Biol 1989; 34: 27-35. 6. Textbook of clinical periodontology, F.A.Carranza, 10th Ed. Dr.Jignesh