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ljkbhf]lvdsf] cj:yf  tyf  Go"gLs/0f Pj+ k'j{tof/L sf] cfjZostf
5nkmnsf a¬“bfx? ,[object Object],[object Object]
g]kfnsf] ljkbhf]lvd cj:yf ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
ljut #& jif{df ljleGg ljkb?n] g]kfndf u/]sf] c;/  -;g!(&! b]lv @))& ;Dd_ ljkbtYof+s ;+Vof d[To' a]kQf 3fOt] k|efljt b'3{6gf 97 112 3 - 5 lxpF klx/f] 90 217 33 - 1,012 h}ljs b'3{6gf 12 - - - - 8'+uf kN6fO 103 240 421 - 354 zLt nx/ 192 298 - - 1,453 v8]/L 152 - - - 1,512 e'O{+rfnf] 94 873 - - 4,539 dxfdf/L 2,791 15,730 - 4,582 460,902 ljikmf]6 40 32 - - 19 clgsfn 20 2 - - 83,902 cfunfuL 3,880 1,101 186 - 218,278 af9L 2,720 2,936 578 - 3,367,974 jg 89]nf] 98 24 403 - 10,178
ljut #& jif{df ljleGg ljkb?n] g]kfndf u/]sf] c;/  -;g!(&! b]lv @))& ;Dd_ ljkbtYof+s ;+Vof d[To' a]kQf 3fOt] k|efljt cl;gf 597 57 2 - 197,843 n' 31 25 - 210 261 klx/f] 2,184 3,987 517 - 479,972 8/ qf; Pj+ lg:;fl;P/ 2 85 - - - Kn]u 326 11 - - 50 k|b'if0f 12 - - - 1,000 clws jiff{ 187 82 3 - 62,431 lxpF cfFwL 174 69 828 - 7,600 cfFwL 109 50 2 - 1,817 x'/L atf; 292 140 - - 6,161 ejg–;+/rgf eTs]/ 324 340 7 - 1,508 r6f+u 764 768 1 - 5,809 cGo 97 77 11 - 11,982 hDdf 15,388 27,256 2,995 4,792 4,926,562
ljkbf6 ePsf] Ifltsf] km}nfj6 ,[object Object]
ljut #& jif{df ljleGg ljkb?n] g]kfndf u/]sf] c;/  -;g!(&! b]lv @))& ;Dd_ >f]tM Pg;]6 cfly{s Iflt clxn]sf] efpdf -?k}+ofdf_ jif{ ejg Wj:t ejg Ifltu|:t ;8s v]ltof]Uo hdLg kz'k+IfL s"n cfly{s Iflt  !(&!–!(&% !,%$,&),(&,%)) #,$$,#$,#%) ^$,$%,))) !,$(,!@,)),@$,))) @,#@,%%,))) !,%!,)&,&#,*@,%$& !(&^–!(*) %,&%,^&,^$,%)) #*,#),^(,*%) &!,^$,!^,))) @,^@,)*,&),%!,))) &,^),@),))) @,&@,!*,$%,!),@%% !(*!–!(*% !,@*,!%,)%,%)) ^,$#,&*,^%) !),#@,&),*)) &!,#$,^(,@%,!)) %,(^,(%,))) &#,&(,)@,*),!($ !(*^–!(() ^,$),!&,&$,))) !,)&,&$,@$,()) $,!@,%),))) %!,%$,&@,^&,^)) #,&),(%,))) ^),*$,@(,)@,!!) !((!–!((% ^,!),@*,!%,))) &),%^,*&,))) *%,!$,$),))) !!,&$,(),&@,&*,$$) !$,$$,#),))) !!,*(,**,@(,&%,%(# !((^–@))) !),(%,!(,$(,))) $$,!@,$^,$)) *&,#&,))) %,!^,)$,!!,%!,@%) !^,$),!%,))) %,#),(#,&%,(&,$)% @))!–@))# @,&#,$!,^#,))) !#,^#,)$,%)) !,)$,@$,(*,@)) $,#%,(&,((,^),^!) !&,*#,#),))) $,$%,##,(#,(#,*@! hDdf #,$&,&^,)^,*%,))) @,*$,@(,)%,^%) @,&&,)),%&,))) @^,^!,)@,(^,%*,))) ^*,@*,$),))) @&,@$,)%,%),$!,(@%
ljutdf ljleGg ljkb?af6 ePsf] c;/ ,[object Object],[object Object]
ljutdf ljleGg ljkb?af6 ePsf] c;/ ,[object Object],[object Object]
ljutdf ljleGg ljkb?af6 ePsf] c;/ ,[object Object]
ljsf; vr{, ufx:y{ pTkfbg / ljkbIfltsf] t'ngf
t'ngfTds cj:yf Total Amount of Disaster Damage (1991-2000) in million US$  (Source:  Global Disaster Report – UNDP, 2004)
t'ngfTds cj:yf Total number of people Killed in Asian and SAARC Countries by Disaster (1992-2001) Asian Countries  Other than SAARC,  227,619; 49% India 16% SAARC Contries,  236,062; 51% Maldives 0% Nepal 1% Pakistan 2% Sri Lanka 0% Bangladesh 32% Bhutan 0% (Source:  Global Disaster Report – UNDP, 2004)
t'ngfTds hf]lvd ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
sf7df08f}+ pkTosfsf] e"sDkLo hf]lvd
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],sf7df08f}+ pkTosfsf] e"sDkLo kl/b[Zo -gAa] ;fnsf] hqf] e"sDk uPdf_
e"O{+rfnf] uO/xg] If]qx?
e"O{+rfnf] uO/xg] If]qx?
g]kfnsf] e"sDkLo hf]lvd gSzf ;f}hGo M vfgL tyf e "ue{ ljefu, n}grf}/, sf7df08f}+     ljutdf g]kfndf uPsf e"sDkx?
s]xL cfwf/e"t zAbx? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
Go"gLs/0f   (Reduction) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
cGt;{DaGw  ljkbhf]lvd—;+s6f;Ggtf—;Ifdtf ,[object Object],k|sf]ksf] ;+efjgf  x   ;+s6f;Ggtf k"j{tof/L -;Ifdtf_
ljkbJoj:yfkg rqm (Disaster Management Cycle)   DPP DRR ljkbDisaster k"j{ ;"rgf Early Warning p2f/ tyf /fxt Rescue & Relief /f]syfd Prevention   Go"lgs/0f Mitigation k"j{ tof/L Preparedness ljkbk"j{ Pre Disaster ljkbkZrft  Post Disaster k'g:yf{kg   /   k'glg{df{0f Reconstruction & Rehabilitation
ljut b''O{ bzsdf  ljkbhf]lvd Joj:yfkgsf] cjwf/0ffdf  u'0ffTds kl/jt{g ePsf] 5 . cjwf/0ffn] k/Dk/fut  “p4f/ /fxt” af6 “ljkb/lxt ljsf;” df km8f ] dfl/;s]sf] 5 . p¢f/ /fxt ljkbhf]lvd Joj:yfkgdf cjwf/0ffut ljsf; @)!) rLnL e}+rfnf] @))( xfO{6L e}+rfnf]  @))* rfOgf e}+rfnf]  @))% kfls:tfg e}+rfnf] @))$ PzLofnL ;'gfdL @))@ O/fg jfd e}+rfnf]  ljkb/lxt ljsf; Go"gLs/0f / k"j{tof/L p¢f/ /fxtsf] k"j{tof/L  !(&! ;fg kmgf{08f] e}+rfnf] !(*% d]lS;sf] e}+rfnf] !((( 6sL{ Pj+  @))! u'h/ft e}+rfnf]
[object Object],[object Object]
ljkbhf]lvd Joj:yfkgsf] nflu ljBdfg sfg"gL Pj+ ;+:yfut Joj:yf ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
ljkbhf]lvd Joj:yfkgsf] ljBdfg Joj:yfdf kl/jt{gsf nflu eO/x]sf k|oTgx? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
d:of}bf /fli6«o /0fgLltsf s]xL k|d¬v a¬“bfx? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
k|:tfljt /0fgLlts ultljlwx? ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
ljkbhf]lvd Joj:yfkg  /fli6«o /0fgLlt, @)^^  n] s] eG5
:jLs[t ldltM @)^^.^.@%  of] k|fs[lts ;Dkbf tyf ef}lts ;+/rgfx¿sf] ;+/If0f, ;+j4{g Pj+ k|j4{g ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k|lta4tf;lxtsf] Ps /fli6«o b:tfj]h  (National Framework)  xf] . cfwf/M ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf] ;g@))% sf] ljZjJofkL ;femf cjwf/0ffkq Xof]uf] sfo{ ;+/rgf  (Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) 2005-2015)
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
dfu{lgb]{zs l;4fGtx¿ ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
k|fyldstfk|fKt lqmofsnfkx?  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
/0fgLlts lqmofsnfkx?  ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
s|dzM ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],s|dzM
s|dzM ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
s|dzM ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
s|dzM ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
ljkbhf]lvd Go"gLs/0fsf nflu /0fgLlt  (Sectoral Strategies for DRR) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
/fli6«o ljkbJoj:yfkg kl/ifb,[object Object]
[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],/fli6«o ljkbJoj:yfkg kl/ifbf] sfd–st{Jox?M–
If]qLo ljkbJoj:yfkg ;ldlt  (Regional Disaster Management Committee) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
s|dzM ,[object Object],[object Object]
  lhNnf ljkbJoj:yfkg ;ldlt  (District Disaster Management Committee) ,[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object],[object Object]
s|dzM ,[object Object],[object Object]
DRR  k|sf]k hf]lvd Go&quot;gLs/0fsf nflu  - HFA  Xof]uf] sfo{;+/rgf_ nfO{ cfcfkmf] sfo{s|d  /  kl/of]hgfdf s] s;/L cfTd;ft jf d&quot;nk|jflxs/0f ug{ ;lsPsf] 5 < k|sf]k hf]lvd Go&quot;gLs/0fsf nflu -Xof]uf] sfo{;+/rgf_sf] kl/of]hgf kl/If0f tyf cfTd;ftLs/0fsf nflu s]lx ;jfn / k|Zgx?
PrPkmP ! ;'zf;g k|sf]k hf]lvd Go&quot;gLs/0fsf nflu Xof]uf] sfo{;+/rgf - HFA _ sfo{s|d / kl/of]hgfdf s'g xb ;Dd k|fyldstfdf k/]sf] 5< x]/f}+ t sfo{;+/rgf / 9f+rf s] xfd|f] ;d'bfodf  k|sf]ksf] j]nfdf s] ug]{ eGg]jf/] gL0f{o nLg;Sg]  tof/L cj:yfsf ;';+ul7t ;+:yf,;ldtL jf ;d&quot;xx?  5g< ;xeflutfsf] clwsf/ s]  ;+:yf,;ldtL jf ;d&quot;xsf ;b:ox?  cfkmf]  clwsf/ / /fHon] ;&quot;/Iff / ;+/If0f k|bfg ug'{kg]{ bfloTj jf/] ;r]t 5glt; ljlQo >f]t s] xfd|f] ;d'bfosf]  k|sf]k hf]lvd Go&quot;gLs/0f, k|efj clNks/0f / k'g/:yf{kgfsf nflu  /fHo / :yfgLo ;/sf/n] 5'6fpg] ljlQo / cGo >f]tx?dflysf] kx'+r  5 < dfgj >f]t s] xfd|f ;d'bfosf k|ltlgwLx?  k|sf]k hf]lvd Go&quot;gLs/0f tyf k|sf]k sfnLg cj:yfdf k|sf]k ;fdgf tyf kxn s] s;/L ug]{ jf/]df  ;'rLt tyf k|lzlIft 5glt; ljBfno Pj+  :jf:Yo ;'ljwfx? s] xfd|f ;d'bfodf cjl:yt  ljBfno Pj+  c:ktfnx?df  k|sf]k hf]lvd Go&quot;gLs/0f sf nflu  k&quot;j{tof/L  of]hgf  jgfpg tyf k|sf]k sfnLg cj:yfdf k|sf]k  ;fdgf tyf kxn  ug{  ;s[o ;ldtLx?  5g<
PrPkmP @ hf]lvd d&quot;Nof+sg , cg'udg tyf  k&quot;j{ ;&quot;rgf k|0ffnL xfd|f]  sfo{s|d / kl/of]hgf If]qsf]  ;d'bfodf vt/f /  hf]lvd jf/]  ;r]tgf, ;&quot;rgf / 5nkmnsf]  k|ultsf] cj:yf s] 5< k|sf]k hf]lvd d&quot;Nof+sg s] xfd|f]  sfo{s|d / kl/of]hgf If]qdf  cj:yLt vt/f  jf ;+s6 tyf ;+Defljt  hf]lvd sf] cg'udg d&quot;Nof+sg  / of]hgf th&quot;{df  sf nflu  ;d'bfosf ;j} -dlxnf, jfnjfnLsf tyf cGo ;+s6f;Gg ju{_ sf] ;xeflutfdf  j}7s jf 5nkmn  x'g] ub{5 < k&quot;j{ ;&quot;rgf k|0ffnL s] xfd|f]  sfo{s|d / kl/of]hgf If]qsf]  ;d'bfodf  cj:yLt vt/f  jf ;+s6 /  ;+Defljt  hf]lvd jf/]  ;r]tgf  u/fpg] / k&quot;j{ ;&quot;rgf  k|bfg ug]{ k|0ffnLx? :yfkLt 5glt;
PrPkmP # 1fg / lzIff xfd|f]  sfo{s|d / kl/of]hgf If]qsf  ;d'bfo  s'g xb ;Dd k|sf]k hf]lvd Go&quot;gLs/0f, k&quot;j{tof/L  of]hgf  tyf k|sf]ksf] cj:yfdf kxn tyf k|lt/f]w Pj+ ug]{ ljifodf hfgLkmsf/ 5glt; ;'rgf Joj:yfkg tyf cfbfg k|bfg :yflgo :t/df /x]sf k|d'v vt/fx?sf] af/]df  ;dalGwt ;d'bfodf sltsf] k|efjsf/L ?kdf ;&quot;rgf ljt/0f  tyf ;Dk|]l;t ul/G5 <  cf}krf/Ls lzIff :yflgo of]hgfx?  k|sf]k  k&quot;j{ tof/L tyf ;fdgfsf nflu cf}krfl/s ?kdf ljBfno tyf  SofDk;x?df  k|lzlIft ul/G5 <  hg r]tgf / j'emfO{ K|fsf]k cfO k/]sf] v08df  ;+efljt vt/fx? ;fdgf ug{sf nflu  s] xfd|f] ;d'bfo ;+u kof{Kt 1fg tyf ;';&quot;lrt  cj:yfdf 5g t <  cgf}krf/Ls lzIff K|fsf]ksf]  ;+efljt vt/f tyf  c;/x?af6 aRgsf nflu  s] ;d'bfo ;+u  k|ofKt ;&quot;rgf  5g jf cgf}krfl/s lzIff  k|fKt  u/]sf 5g  h;n] ubf{ ;d'bfo  k|efjsf/L  kxn  lng ;sf]; . ljBfno  ;&quot;/Iff s] ;d'bfonfO{ yfxf 5 ,xfd|f]  ljBfnox?  sltsf] ;'/IfLt 5 eg]/ <  s]  ;d'bfonfO {tL ;j} Jojxfl/s sbdx? Sf]  af/]df yfxf 5  ls xfd|f gofF / aGb} u/]sf ljBfno ;+/rfgfx?  x/]s lsl;dn]  k|sf]k sf] vt/faf6 ;+/lIft  / ;';lHht 5g <
PrPkmP $ Jftfj/0f tyf k|fqm[lts >f]t Joj:yfkg  Xfd|f] ;d'bfodf JofKt  s[lifdf cfwfl/t k/Kk/ut cEof;x?  s] Jftfj/0f d}qL cyf{t jftfj/0f hf]ufpg] tkm{ pBt 5g <  Hfnjfo&quot; kl/jt{gsf] nflu cg's'ngtf s] xfd|f] ;d'bfo eljiodfcfO kg{]  df};d tyf hnjfo&quot; kl/jt{g nfO{ cg's'ng ug{ tof/ 5g <  vfB ;&quot;/Iff  cfsl:ds a]nfdf x'g]  ;+efljt vfB cefj nfO{  ;fdgf ug{  xfd|f] ;d'bfo;+u k|ofKt vfBfGg  5 t <  ;fdflhs ;&quot;/Iff  ;fv ul/ hf]lvddf /x]sf ;d'bfo tyf ju{ x?sf] nflu  k|sf]k k/]sf] a]nf tyf o; kl5 sf;fdflhs ;'/Iff sf] nflu k|Tofe&quot;lt ul/Psf] 5 t < ;fdflhs ;&quot;/Iff  ;+hfnx?df logLx?sf] kx&quot;+rsf] l:ytL s:tf] 5 <  ljQLo ;&quot;/Iff  ;d'bfodf cfwfl/t art tyf nufgL of]hgfx? tL hf]lvddf /x]sf ju{x?sf] nflu pknAw/ d]n vfg] 5g t <  u/LjL Go&quot;lgs/0f  xfd|f  ;d'bfo vf; ul/  tL hf]lvddf /x]sf ju{  ul/JfL Go&quot;gLs/0fsf nflu sltsf] ;Ifd /x]sf] 5 t<  ;du| of]hgf k4lt  :yflgo :t/df ul/g] ljsf;;+u ;Dalgwt of]hgfx?df  tL ;d&quot;bfox?sf]  ;lqmo ;+nUgtf nfO{ s;/L ;'lglZrt ug{'x'G5 <  ejg ;+lxtf tyf dfkb08  K|fsf]k  ;fdgfsf ] ;Gbe{df  s] xfd|f]  ;d’bfo  lglb{i6 dfkb)8  cjndagsf nflu nflu  tof/ 5g <  ;fj{hlgs ;'ljwfx?sf] ;'/Iff  ;fj{hlgs  ;Dklt tyf ;'ljwfx? gLdf{0f tyf  ;'lglZrt ug{sf nflu  s] xfd}  ;d'bfo  ;Ifd tyf tof/ 5g lt;  Vft/fsf cGt/lglxt sf/s tTjx?  ;+Defljt k|sf]k  / hf]lvd clNks/0fsf nflu ;fdflhs, cfly{s tyf jftfj/0fLo cj:yf / e&quot; pkof]u If]qdf  ul/Psf] k|ultsf] cj:yf s] 5<
PrPkmP % k&quot;j{ tof/L  tyf ;fdgf  k|efjsf/L kxnsf nflu  - Ifdtf / >f]tsf] ;Gbe{df_ ;d'bfosf] K|fsf]k k&quot;j{ tof/L tyf ;fdgf sf] ;'[b[l9s/0f sf] If]qdf  ePsf] kultsf] cj:yf K|fsf]k k&quot;j{ tof/L tyf ;fdgf  s] xfd|f] ;d'bfo;+u  cfsl:ds k|ltsfo{  of]hgf  5  ? k|ltsfo{ ;Lkx?  s] xfd|f] ;d'bfo;+u k|sf]ksf] a]nf ul/g]  k|ofKt k|ltsfo{ ;Lkx?  5g< h:t} k|fylds pkrf/, vf]h tyf p4f/, ;+rf/ ,cUgL lgoGq0f ,hn  z'l4s/0f  cflb =========== ? vfnL u/fpg], ;&quot;/lIft cjt/0f  s] xfd|f] ;d'bfo ;+u  lgwf{l/t ;'/lIft lgsf; sf af6fx?  / 7fFpx? 5g< l;ldt  ultzLntf ePsf  JolqMX? Nfflu  s]xL  of]hgf  5 t <  Tfflnd tyf k&quot;j{ cEof;  s] ;d'bfosf o:tf cfsl:ds k|ltsfo{ of]hgfx? Dffly tflnd cyjf k&quot;j{ cEof; ul/G5 <  cfsl:ds >f]t pkna4L  :yflgo ;d'bfo of :yflgo ;+3;:yfx?;+usf] ;xsfo{df  s]xL cfsl:ds >f]tx? pknA4 5g <  ;dGjo tyf ;&quot;rgf cfbgk|bfg  cfsl:ds anfdf  cGo l5d]sL ;d'bfo, :yflgo  clwsf/L ,u};; x?;+u ;dGjo tyf ;&quot;rgf cbfgk|bfg ug{] k|i6 vfsf tyf of]hgf 5 <
PrPkmP  cGo cGt/  ;+DjlGwt ;jfnx?  s] n}+lus, ;+fl:s[lts tyf eflifs ;jfnx?  k|sf]k hf]lvd Go&quot;gLs/0f, k&quot;j{tof/L tyf k|sf]ksf k|efj clNks/0f of]hgf th{&quot;dfsf] bf}/fgdf x]l/Psf 5glt; ;fd'bflos ;xeflutf / ;'rgf  s]  xfd|f] ;d'bfo n] :yflgo clwsf/L tyf ;Da4 lgsfo;+u ;+rf/ tyf cg'/f]w / u'gf;f] ug{] k|i6 k|0ffnL  / kl/kf6L 5 <  ;lqmo ;xeflutf  ;d'bfo vf;ul/ hf]lvddf /x]sf ;d'bfo sf] :yflgo  of]hgfx?df  sltsf] ;lqmo ;xeflutf x'g] u/]sf] 5 <  lg0f{odf ;xeflutf  :yflgo lgsfox?;+u of]hgf lgdf{0f tyf lg0f{o k|lqmofx?df  oL hf]lvddf  /x]sf ;d'bfox?sf] ;xeflutf s:tf] 5 <  :jo+ ;]jf  s]  k|sf]ksf] a]nf ;d'bfo sf ;b:ox?  :jo;]jf k|bfg u5{g<  n}+lustf  ;d'bfodf cfwfl/t  qm[ofsnfkx?df dlxnfsf] ;xeflutfnfO{  ;d'bfon] ;'lglZt u/]sf] 5 <  ;+:qm[lts uDle/tf  -k/Dk/fut  1fg_  K|fsf]ksf] c;/x?nfO{ 36fpgsf] nflu ;d'bfon]  rngdf /x]sf ;+:qm[lts cEof; tyf k/Dk/fut 1fgx? nfO{ s;/L  pkof]udf Nofpg] u/]sf] 5 <  ;+f:qm[lts ulDe/tf  -Effiff _  s]  ;d'bfon]  ToxfF  /x]sf  cflbjf;L tyf cNk;+Vosx?sf] efiffdf  k|sf]k ;DalGwt ;jfnx? 5nkmn  ug{] u/]sf 5g<
k|sf]k hf]lvd Joj:yfkgdf  wGojfb PSnf] gLsfon] s]lx ug{ ;St}g DRR is Everybody’s business Thank you tkfO{+x?sf] ;xof]u cfjZos 5 . Single Agency is not enough for  DRR

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Aksharica - 043 (अक्षरिका - ०४३)Aksharica - 043 (अक्षरिका - ०४३)
Aksharica - 043 (अक्षरिका - ०४३)Rajesh Koirala
First paper unit 6 various aspects
First paper unit 6 various aspectsFirst paper unit 6 various aspects
First paper unit 6 various aspectserhom paudel
National platform on drr bidhan 2065 52
National platform on drr bidhan 2065 52National platform on drr bidhan 2065 52
National platform on drr bidhan 2065 52DIPECHO Nepal
Aksharica - 090 (अक्षरिका - ०९०)
Aksharica - 090 (अक्षरिका - ०९०)Aksharica - 090 (अक्षरिका - ०९०)
Aksharica - 090 (अक्षरिका - ०९०)Rajesh Koirala
Community based orientation of hivaids ppt slides
Community based orientation of hivaids ppt slidesCommunity based orientation of hivaids ppt slides
Community based orientation of hivaids ppt slidesPublic Health Update
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Short orientation on reproductive health & Reproductive right (Nepali)Short orientation on reproductive health & Reproductive right (Nepali)
Short orientation on reproductive health & Reproductive right (Nepali)Public Health Update
Investing in teenage girls - World population Day 2016 (Preeti)
Investing in teenage girls - World population Day 2016 (Preeti)Investing in teenage girls - World population Day 2016 (Preeti)
Investing in teenage girls - World population Day 2016 (Preeti)Public Health Update
Overview of National Health Policy and Public Health Program in Nepal : For ...
Overview of National Health Policy and Public Health Program in Nepal :  For ...Overview of National Health Policy and Public Health Program in Nepal :  For ...
Overview of National Health Policy and Public Health Program in Nepal : For ...Public Health Update
Nepal engineers association constitution amendment draft submitted by amendme...
Nepal engineers association constitution amendment draft submitted by amendme...Nepal engineers association constitution amendment draft submitted by amendme...
Nepal engineers association constitution amendment draft submitted by amendme...Bhim Upadhyaya
Aksharica - 031 (अक्षरिका - ०३१)
Aksharica - 031 (अक्षरिका - ०३१)Aksharica - 031 (अक्षरिका - ०३१)
Aksharica - 031 (अक्षरिका - ०३१)Rajesh Koirala
Aksharica - 009 (अक्षरिका - ००९)
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Aksharica - 009 (अक्षरिका - ००९)Rajesh Koirala
Safe Schol toolkit Nepali
Safe Schol toolkit NepaliSafe Schol toolkit Nepali
Safe Schol toolkit NepaliDPNet
Sphere book 2011 nepali 2013
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Nepal ldrmp 2011 final
Nepal ldrmp 2011 finalNepal ldrmp 2011 final
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HRDC Banke: Khajura Rural Municipality Orientation December 20, 2018
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HRDC Banke: Khajura Rural Municipality Orientation December 20, 2018Bikash Singh

Was ist angesagt? (20)

Conflict mgt
Conflict mgtConflict mgt
Conflict mgt
nepal-nurshing-parishad act
nepal-nurshing-parishad act nepal-nurshing-parishad act
nepal-nurshing-parishad act
Aksharica - 046 (अक्षरिका - ०४६)
Aksharica - 046 (अक्षरिका - ०४६)Aksharica - 046 (अक्षरिका - ०४६)
Aksharica - 046 (अक्षरिका - ०४६)
Aksharica - 024 (अक्षरिका - ०२४)
Aksharica - 024 (अक्षरिका - ०२४)Aksharica - 024 (अक्षरिका - ०२४)
Aksharica - 024 (अक्षरिका - ०२४)
Aksharica - 043 (अक्षरिका - ०४३)
Aksharica - 043 (अक्षरिका - ०४३)Aksharica - 043 (अक्षरिका - ०४३)
Aksharica - 043 (अक्षरिका - ०४३)
First paper unit 6 various aspects
First paper unit 6 various aspectsFirst paper unit 6 various aspects
First paper unit 6 various aspects
National platform on drr bidhan 2065 52
National platform on drr bidhan 2065 52National platform on drr bidhan 2065 52
National platform on drr bidhan 2065 52
Aksharica - 090 (अक्षरिका - ०९०)
Aksharica - 090 (अक्षरिका - ०९०)Aksharica - 090 (अक्षरिका - ०९०)
Aksharica - 090 (अक्षरिका - ०९०)
Community based orientation of hivaids ppt slides
Community based orientation of hivaids ppt slidesCommunity based orientation of hivaids ppt slides
Community based orientation of hivaids ppt slides
Short orientation on reproductive health & Reproductive right (Nepali)
Short orientation on reproductive health & Reproductive right (Nepali)Short orientation on reproductive health & Reproductive right (Nepali)
Short orientation on reproductive health & Reproductive right (Nepali)
Investing in teenage girls - World population Day 2016 (Preeti)
Investing in teenage girls - World population Day 2016 (Preeti)Investing in teenage girls - World population Day 2016 (Preeti)
Investing in teenage girls - World population Day 2016 (Preeti)
Overview of National Health Policy and Public Health Program in Nepal : For ...
Overview of National Health Policy and Public Health Program in Nepal :  For ...Overview of National Health Policy and Public Health Program in Nepal :  For ...
Overview of National Health Policy and Public Health Program in Nepal : For ...
Nepal engineers association constitution amendment draft submitted by amendme...
Nepal engineers association constitution amendment draft submitted by amendme...Nepal engineers association constitution amendment draft submitted by amendme...
Nepal engineers association constitution amendment draft submitted by amendme...
Aksharica - 031 (अक्षरिका - ०३१)
Aksharica - 031 (अक्षरिका - ०३१)Aksharica - 031 (अक्षरिका - ०३१)
Aksharica - 031 (अक्षरिका - ०३१)
Aksharica - 009 (अक्षरिका - ००९)
Aksharica - 009 (अक्षरिका - ००९)Aksharica - 009 (अक्षरिका - ००९)
Aksharica - 009 (अक्षरिका - ००९)
Safe Schol toolkit Nepali
Safe Schol toolkit NepaliSafe Schol toolkit Nepali
Safe Schol toolkit Nepali
Sphere book 2011 nepali 2013
Sphere book 2011 nepali 2013Sphere book 2011 nepali 2013
Sphere book 2011 nepali 2013
Nepal ldrmp 2011 final
Nepal ldrmp 2011 finalNepal ldrmp 2011 final
Nepal ldrmp 2011 final
HRDC Banke: Khajura Rural Municipality Orientation December 20, 2018
HRDC Banke:  Khajura Rural Municipality Orientation December 20,  2018HRDC Banke:  Khajura Rural Municipality Orientation December 20,  2018
HRDC Banke: Khajura Rural Municipality Orientation December 20, 2018
National health policy 2071
National health policy 2071National health policy 2071
National health policy 2071

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1. deepak presentation cca&drr
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Ähnlich wie 1 disaster in nepal a concern june2k10

Disaster impact & drr in nepal a concern july14 15-2k10
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Disaster impact & drr in nepal a concern july14 15-2k10DIPECHO Nepal
Ii day 8-npc-drr presentation
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Erakv project pamphlet_nepali_version
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Aksharica - 054 (अक्षरिका - ०५४)
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Aksharica - 005 (अक्षरिका - ००५)
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Aksharica - 012 (अक्षरिका - ०१२)
Aksharica - 012 (अक्षरिका - ०१२)Aksharica - 012 (अक्षरिका - ०१२)
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Aksharica - 112 (अक्षरिका - ११२)
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4 drr presentation[1]
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Sbdrr training to teachers n lfinal draft
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Aksharica - 019 (अक्षरिका - ०१९)
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Aksharica - 019 (अक्षरिका - ०१९)Rajesh Koirala

Ähnlich wie 1 disaster in nepal a concern june2k10 (20)

Disaster impact & drr in nepal a concern july14 15-2k10
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Erakv project pamphlet_nepali_version
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Aksharica - 054 (अक्षरिका - ०५४)
Aksharica - 054 (अक्षरिका - ०५४)Aksharica - 054 (अक्षरिका - ०५४)
Aksharica - 054 (अक्षरिका - ०५४)
Aksharica - 005 (अक्षरिका - ००५)
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Aksharica - 012 (अक्षरिका - ०१२)
Aksharica - 012 (अक्षरिका - ०१२)Aksharica - 012 (अक्षरिका - ०१२)
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Group work presentation combined (Consultative meeting Pokhara) 2016
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Aksharica - 019 (अक्षरिका - ०१९)
Aksharica - 019 (अक्षरिका - ०१९)Aksharica - 019 (अक्षरिका - ०१९)
Aksharica - 019 (अक्षरिका - ०१९)

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Implementation Guideline for Comprehensive School Safety in Nepal. (Nepali)
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Implementation Guideline for Comprehensive School Safety in Nepal. (Nepali)
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Comprehensive School Safety Implementation Guidelines Nepal (English)
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DRR CCA Learning Centre Guideline approved by GON
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1 disaster in nepal a concern june2k10

  • 1. ljkbhf]lvdsf] cj:yf tyf Go&quot;gLs/0f Pj+ k'j{tof/L sf] cfjZostf
  • 2.
  • 3.
  • 4. ljut #& jif{df ljleGg ljkb?n] g]kfndf u/]sf] c;/ -;g!(&! b]lv @))& ;Dd_ ljkbtYof+s ;+Vof d[To' a]kQf 3fOt] k|efljt b'3{6gf 97 112 3 - 5 lxpF klx/f] 90 217 33 - 1,012 h}ljs b'3{6gf 12 - - - - 8'+uf kN6fO 103 240 421 - 354 zLt nx/ 192 298 - - 1,453 v8]/L 152 - - - 1,512 e'O{+rfnf] 94 873 - - 4,539 dxfdf/L 2,791 15,730 - 4,582 460,902 ljikmf]6 40 32 - - 19 clgsfn 20 2 - - 83,902 cfunfuL 3,880 1,101 186 - 218,278 af9L 2,720 2,936 578 - 3,367,974 jg 89]nf] 98 24 403 - 10,178
  • 5. ljut #& jif{df ljleGg ljkb?n] g]kfndf u/]sf] c;/ -;g!(&! b]lv @))& ;Dd_ ljkbtYof+s ;+Vof d[To' a]kQf 3fOt] k|efljt cl;gf 597 57 2 - 197,843 n' 31 25 - 210 261 klx/f] 2,184 3,987 517 - 479,972 8/ qf; Pj+ lg:;fl;P/ 2 85 - - - Kn]u 326 11 - - 50 k|b'if0f 12 - - - 1,000 clws jiff{ 187 82 3 - 62,431 lxpF cfFwL 174 69 828 - 7,600 cfFwL 109 50 2 - 1,817 x'/L atf; 292 140 - - 6,161 ejg–;+/rgf eTs]/ 324 340 7 - 1,508 r6f+u 764 768 1 - 5,809 cGo 97 77 11 - 11,982 hDdf 15,388 27,256 2,995 4,792 4,926,562
  • 6.
  • 7. ljut #& jif{df ljleGg ljkb?n] g]kfndf u/]sf] c;/ -;g!(&! b]lv @))& ;Dd_ >f]tM Pg;]6 cfly{s Iflt clxn]sf] efpdf -?k}+ofdf_ jif{ ejg Wj:t ejg Ifltu|:t ;8s v]ltof]Uo hdLg kz'k+IfL s&quot;n cfly{s Iflt !(&!–!(&% !,%$,&),(&,%)) #,$$,#$,#%) ^$,$%,))) !,$(,!@,)),@$,))) @,#@,%%,))) !,%!,)&,&#,*@,%$& !(&^–!(*) %,&%,^&,^$,%)) #*,#),^(,*%) &!,^$,!^,))) @,^@,)*,&),%!,))) &,^),@),))) @,&@,!*,$%,!),@%% !(*!–!(*% !,@*,!%,)%,%)) ^,$#,&*,^%) !),#@,&),*)) &!,#$,^(,@%,!)) %,(^,(%,))) &#,&(,)@,*),!($ !(*^–!(() ^,$),!&,&$,))) !,)&,&$,@$,()) $,!@,%),))) %!,%$,&@,^&,^)) #,&),(%,))) ^),*$,@(,)@,!!) !((!–!((% ^,!),@*,!%,))) &),%^,*&,))) *%,!$,$),))) !!,&$,(),&@,&*,$$) !$,$$,#),))) !!,*(,**,@(,&%,%(# !((^–@))) !),(%,!(,$(,))) $$,!@,$^,$)) *&,#&,))) %,!^,)$,!!,%!,@%) !^,$),!%,))) %,#),(#,&%,(&,$)% @))!–@))# @,&#,$!,^#,))) !#,^#,)$,%)) !,)$,@$,(*,@)) $,#%,(&,((,^),^!) !&,*#,#),))) $,$%,##,(#,(#,*@! hDdf #,$&,&^,)^,*%,))) @,*$,@(,)%,^%) @,&&,)),%&,))) @^,^!,)@,(^,%*,))) ^*,@*,$),))) @&,@$,)%,%),$!,(@%
  • 8.
  • 9.
  • 10.
  • 11. ljsf; vr{, ufx:y{ pTkfbg / ljkbIfltsf] t'ngf
  • 12. t'ngfTds cj:yf Total Amount of Disaster Damage (1991-2000) in million US$ (Source: Global Disaster Report – UNDP, 2004)
  • 13. t'ngfTds cj:yf Total number of people Killed in Asian and SAARC Countries by Disaster (1992-2001) Asian Countries Other than SAARC, 227,619; 49% India 16% SAARC Contries, 236,062; 51% Maldives 0% Nepal 1% Pakistan 2% Sri Lanka 0% Bangladesh 32% Bhutan 0% (Source: Global Disaster Report – UNDP, 2004)
  • 14.
  • 16.
  • 19. g]kfnsf] e&quot;sDkLo hf]lvd gSzf ;f}hGo M vfgL tyf e &quot;ue{ ljefu, n}grf}/, sf7df08f}+   ljutdf g]kfndf uPsf e&quot;sDkx?
  • 20.
  • 21.
  • 22.
  • 23. ljkbJoj:yfkg rqm (Disaster Management Cycle) DPP DRR ljkbDisaster k&quot;j{ ;&quot;rgf Early Warning p2f/ tyf /fxt Rescue & Relief /f]syfd Prevention Go&quot;lgs/0f Mitigation k&quot;j{ tof/L Preparedness ljkbk&quot;j{ Pre Disaster ljkbkZrft Post Disaster k'g:yf{kg / k'glg{df{0f Reconstruction & Rehabilitation
  • 24. ljut b''O{ bzsdf ljkbhf]lvd Joj:yfkgsf] cjwf/0ffdf u'0ffTds kl/jt{g ePsf] 5 . cjwf/0ffn] k/Dk/fut “p4f/ /fxt” af6 “ljkb/lxt ljsf;” df km8f ] dfl/;s]sf] 5 . p¢f/ /fxt ljkbhf]lvd Joj:yfkgdf cjwf/0ffut ljsf; @)!) rLnL e}+rfnf] @))( xfO{6L e}+rfnf] @))* rfOgf e}+rfnf] @))% kfls:tfg e}+rfnf] @))$ PzLofnL ;'gfdL @))@ O/fg jfd e}+rfnf] ljkb/lxt ljsf; Go&quot;gLs/0f / k&quot;j{tof/L p¢f/ /fxtsf] k&quot;j{tof/L !(&! ;fg kmgf{08f] e}+rfnf] !(*% d]lS;sf] e}+rfnf] !((( 6sL{ Pj+ @))! u'h/ft e}+rfnf]
  • 25.
  • 26.
  • 27.
  • 28.
  • 29. !?!
  • 30.
  • 31.
  • 32.
  • 33.
  • 34.
  • 35. ljkbhf]lvd Joj:yfkg /fli6«o /0fgLlt, @)^^ n] s] eG5
  • 36. :jLs[t ldltM @)^^.^.@% of] k|fs[lts ;Dkbf tyf ef}lts ;+/rgfx¿sf] ;+/If0f, ;+j4{g Pj+ k|j4{g ug{ g]kfn ;/sf/sf] k|lta4tf;lxtsf] Ps /fli6«o b:tfj]h (National Framework) xf] . cfwf/M ;+o'Qm /fi6«;+3sf] ;g@))% sf] ljZjJofkL ;femf cjwf/0ffkq Xof]uf] sfo{ ;+/rgf (Hyogo Framework for Action (HFA) 2005-2015)
  • 37.
  • 38.
  • 39.
  • 40.
  • 41.
  • 42.
  • 43.
  • 44.
  • 45.
  • 46.
  • 47.
  • 48.
  • 49.
  • 50.
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53.
  • 54.
  • 55. DRR k|sf]k hf]lvd Go&quot;gLs/0fsf nflu - HFA Xof]uf] sfo{;+/rgf_ nfO{ cfcfkmf] sfo{s|d / kl/of]hgfdf s] s;/L cfTd;ft jf d&quot;nk|jflxs/0f ug{ ;lsPsf] 5 < k|sf]k hf]lvd Go&quot;gLs/0fsf nflu -Xof]uf] sfo{;+/rgf_sf] kl/of]hgf kl/If0f tyf cfTd;ftLs/0fsf nflu s]lx ;jfn / k|Zgx?
  • 56. PrPkmP ! ;'zf;g k|sf]k hf]lvd Go&quot;gLs/0fsf nflu Xof]uf] sfo{;+/rgf - HFA _ sfo{s|d / kl/of]hgfdf s'g xb ;Dd k|fyldstfdf k/]sf] 5< x]/f}+ t sfo{;+/rgf / 9f+rf s] xfd|f] ;d'bfodf k|sf]ksf] j]nfdf s] ug]{ eGg]jf/] gL0f{o nLg;Sg] tof/L cj:yfsf ;';+ul7t ;+:yf,;ldtL jf ;d&quot;xx? 5g< ;xeflutfsf] clwsf/ s] ;+:yf,;ldtL jf ;d&quot;xsf ;b:ox? cfkmf] clwsf/ / /fHon] ;&quot;/Iff / ;+/If0f k|bfg ug'{kg]{ bfloTj jf/] ;r]t 5glt; ljlQo >f]t s] xfd|f] ;d'bfosf] k|sf]k hf]lvd Go&quot;gLs/0f, k|efj clNks/0f / k'g/:yf{kgfsf nflu /fHo / :yfgLo ;/sf/n] 5'6fpg] ljlQo / cGo >f]tx?dflysf] kx'+r 5 < dfgj >f]t s] xfd|f ;d'bfosf k|ltlgwLx? k|sf]k hf]lvd Go&quot;gLs/0f tyf k|sf]k sfnLg cj:yfdf k|sf]k ;fdgf tyf kxn s] s;/L ug]{ jf/]df ;'rLt tyf k|lzlIft 5glt; ljBfno Pj+ :jf:Yo ;'ljwfx? s] xfd|f ;d'bfodf cjl:yt ljBfno Pj+ c:ktfnx?df k|sf]k hf]lvd Go&quot;gLs/0f sf nflu k&quot;j{tof/L of]hgf jgfpg tyf k|sf]k sfnLg cj:yfdf k|sf]k ;fdgf tyf kxn ug{ ;s[o ;ldtLx? 5g<
  • 57. PrPkmP @ hf]lvd d&quot;Nof+sg , cg'udg tyf k&quot;j{ ;&quot;rgf k|0ffnL xfd|f] sfo{s|d / kl/of]hgf If]qsf] ;d'bfodf vt/f / hf]lvd jf/] ;r]tgf, ;&quot;rgf / 5nkmnsf] k|ultsf] cj:yf s] 5< k|sf]k hf]lvd d&quot;Nof+sg s] xfd|f] sfo{s|d / kl/of]hgf If]qdf cj:yLt vt/f jf ;+s6 tyf ;+Defljt hf]lvd sf] cg'udg d&quot;Nof+sg / of]hgf th&quot;{df sf nflu ;d'bfosf ;j} -dlxnf, jfnjfnLsf tyf cGo ;+s6f;Gg ju{_ sf] ;xeflutfdf j}7s jf 5nkmn x'g] ub{5 < k&quot;j{ ;&quot;rgf k|0ffnL s] xfd|f] sfo{s|d / kl/of]hgf If]qsf] ;d'bfodf cj:yLt vt/f jf ;+s6 / ;+Defljt hf]lvd jf/] ;r]tgf u/fpg] / k&quot;j{ ;&quot;rgf k|bfg ug]{ k|0ffnLx? :yfkLt 5glt;
  • 58. PrPkmP # 1fg / lzIff xfd|f] sfo{s|d / kl/of]hgf If]qsf ;d'bfo s'g xb ;Dd k|sf]k hf]lvd Go&quot;gLs/0f, k&quot;j{tof/L of]hgf tyf k|sf]ksf] cj:yfdf kxn tyf k|lt/f]w Pj+ ug]{ ljifodf hfgLkmsf/ 5glt; ;'rgf Joj:yfkg tyf cfbfg k|bfg :yflgo :t/df /x]sf k|d'v vt/fx?sf] af/]df ;dalGwt ;d'bfodf sltsf] k|efjsf/L ?kdf ;&quot;rgf ljt/0f tyf ;Dk|]l;t ul/G5 < cf}krf/Ls lzIff :yflgo of]hgfx? k|sf]k k&quot;j{ tof/L tyf ;fdgfsf nflu cf}krfl/s ?kdf ljBfno tyf SofDk;x?df k|lzlIft ul/G5 < hg r]tgf / j'emfO{ K|fsf]k cfO k/]sf] v08df ;+efljt vt/fx? ;fdgf ug{sf nflu s] xfd|f] ;d'bfo ;+u kof{Kt 1fg tyf ;';&quot;lrt cj:yfdf 5g t < cgf}krf/Ls lzIff K|fsf]ksf] ;+efljt vt/f tyf c;/x?af6 aRgsf nflu s] ;d'bfo ;+u k|ofKt ;&quot;rgf 5g jf cgf}krfl/s lzIff k|fKt u/]sf 5g h;n] ubf{ ;d'bfo k|efjsf/L kxn lng ;sf]; . ljBfno ;&quot;/Iff s] ;d'bfonfO{ yfxf 5 ,xfd|f] ljBfnox? sltsf] ;'/IfLt 5 eg]/ < s] ;d'bfonfO {tL ;j} Jojxfl/s sbdx? Sf] af/]df yfxf 5 ls xfd|f gofF / aGb} u/]sf ljBfno ;+/rfgfx? x/]s lsl;dn] k|sf]k sf] vt/faf6 ;+/lIft / ;';lHht 5g <
  • 59. PrPkmP $ Jftfj/0f tyf k|fqm[lts >f]t Joj:yfkg Xfd|f] ;d'bfodf JofKt s[lifdf cfwfl/t k/Kk/ut cEof;x? s] Jftfj/0f d}qL cyf{t jftfj/0f hf]ufpg] tkm{ pBt 5g < Hfnjfo&quot; kl/jt{gsf] nflu cg's'ngtf s] xfd|f] ;d'bfo eljiodfcfO kg{] df};d tyf hnjfo&quot; kl/jt{g nfO{ cg's'ng ug{ tof/ 5g < vfB ;&quot;/Iff cfsl:ds a]nfdf x'g] ;+efljt vfB cefj nfO{ ;fdgf ug{ xfd|f] ;d'bfo;+u k|ofKt vfBfGg 5 t < ;fdflhs ;&quot;/Iff ;fv ul/ hf]lvddf /x]sf ;d'bfo tyf ju{ x?sf] nflu k|sf]k k/]sf] a]nf tyf o; kl5 sf;fdflhs ;'/Iff sf] nflu k|Tofe&quot;lt ul/Psf] 5 t < ;fdflhs ;&quot;/Iff ;+hfnx?df logLx?sf] kx&quot;+rsf] l:ytL s:tf] 5 < ljQLo ;&quot;/Iff ;d'bfodf cfwfl/t art tyf nufgL of]hgfx? tL hf]lvddf /x]sf ju{x?sf] nflu pknAw/ d]n vfg] 5g t < u/LjL Go&quot;lgs/0f xfd|f ;d'bfo vf; ul/ tL hf]lvddf /x]sf ju{ ul/JfL Go&quot;gLs/0fsf nflu sltsf] ;Ifd /x]sf] 5 t< ;du| of]hgf k4lt :yflgo :t/df ul/g] ljsf;;+u ;Dalgwt of]hgfx?df tL ;d&quot;bfox?sf] ;lqmo ;+nUgtf nfO{ s;/L ;'lglZrt ug{'x'G5 < ejg ;+lxtf tyf dfkb08 K|fsf]k ;fdgfsf ] ;Gbe{df s] xfd|f] ;d’bfo lglb{i6 dfkb)8 cjndagsf nflu nflu tof/ 5g < ;fj{hlgs ;'ljwfx?sf] ;'/Iff ;fj{hlgs ;Dklt tyf ;'ljwfx? gLdf{0f tyf ;'lglZrt ug{sf nflu s] xfd} ;d'bfo ;Ifd tyf tof/ 5g lt; Vft/fsf cGt/lglxt sf/s tTjx? ;+Defljt k|sf]k / hf]lvd clNks/0fsf nflu ;fdflhs, cfly{s tyf jftfj/0fLo cj:yf / e&quot; pkof]u If]qdf ul/Psf] k|ultsf] cj:yf s] 5<
  • 60. PrPkmP % k&quot;j{ tof/L tyf ;fdgf k|efjsf/L kxnsf nflu - Ifdtf / >f]tsf] ;Gbe{df_ ;d'bfosf] K|fsf]k k&quot;j{ tof/L tyf ;fdgf sf] ;'[b[l9s/0f sf] If]qdf ePsf] kultsf] cj:yf K|fsf]k k&quot;j{ tof/L tyf ;fdgf s] xfd|f] ;d'bfo;+u cfsl:ds k|ltsfo{ of]hgf 5 ? k|ltsfo{ ;Lkx? s] xfd|f] ;d'bfo;+u k|sf]ksf] a]nf ul/g] k|ofKt k|ltsfo{ ;Lkx? 5g< h:t} k|fylds pkrf/, vf]h tyf p4f/, ;+rf/ ,cUgL lgoGq0f ,hn z'l4s/0f cflb =========== ? vfnL u/fpg], ;&quot;/lIft cjt/0f s] xfd|f] ;d'bfo ;+u lgwf{l/t ;'/lIft lgsf; sf af6fx? / 7fFpx? 5g< l;ldt ultzLntf ePsf JolqMX? Nfflu s]xL of]hgf 5 t < Tfflnd tyf k&quot;j{ cEof; s] ;d'bfosf o:tf cfsl:ds k|ltsfo{ of]hgfx? Dffly tflnd cyjf k&quot;j{ cEof; ul/G5 < cfsl:ds >f]t pkna4L :yflgo ;d'bfo of :yflgo ;+3;:yfx?;+usf] ;xsfo{df s]xL cfsl:ds >f]tx? pknA4 5g < ;dGjo tyf ;&quot;rgf cfbgk|bfg cfsl:ds anfdf cGo l5d]sL ;d'bfo, :yflgo clwsf/L ,u};; x?;+u ;dGjo tyf ;&quot;rgf cbfgk|bfg ug{] k|i6 vfsf tyf of]hgf 5 <
  • 61. PrPkmP cGo cGt/ ;+DjlGwt ;jfnx? s] n}+lus, ;+fl:s[lts tyf eflifs ;jfnx? k|sf]k hf]lvd Go&quot;gLs/0f, k&quot;j{tof/L tyf k|sf]ksf k|efj clNks/0f of]hgf th{&quot;dfsf] bf}/fgdf x]l/Psf 5glt; ;fd'bflos ;xeflutf / ;'rgf s] xfd|f] ;d'bfo n] :yflgo clwsf/L tyf ;Da4 lgsfo;+u ;+rf/ tyf cg'/f]w / u'gf;f] ug{] k|i6 k|0ffnL / kl/kf6L 5 < ;lqmo ;xeflutf ;d'bfo vf;ul/ hf]lvddf /x]sf ;d'bfo sf] :yflgo of]hgfx?df sltsf] ;lqmo ;xeflutf x'g] u/]sf] 5 < lg0f{odf ;xeflutf :yflgo lgsfox?;+u of]hgf lgdf{0f tyf lg0f{o k|lqmofx?df oL hf]lvddf /x]sf ;d'bfox?sf] ;xeflutf s:tf] 5 < :jo+ ;]jf s] k|sf]ksf] a]nf ;d'bfo sf ;b:ox? :jo;]jf k|bfg u5{g< n}+lustf ;d'bfodf cfwfl/t qm[ofsnfkx?df dlxnfsf] ;xeflutfnfO{ ;d'bfon] ;'lglZt u/]sf] 5 < ;+:qm[lts uDle/tf -k/Dk/fut 1fg_ K|fsf]ksf] c;/x?nfO{ 36fpgsf] nflu ;d'bfon] rngdf /x]sf ;+:qm[lts cEof; tyf k/Dk/fut 1fgx? nfO{ s;/L pkof]udf Nofpg] u/]sf] 5 < ;+f:qm[lts ulDe/tf -Effiff _ s] ;d'bfon] ToxfF /x]sf cflbjf;L tyf cNk;+Vosx?sf] efiffdf k|sf]k ;DalGwt ;jfnx? 5nkmn ug{] u/]sf 5g<
  • 62. k|sf]k hf]lvd Joj:yfkgdf wGojfb PSnf] gLsfon] s]lx ug{ ;St}g DRR is Everybody’s business Thank you tkfO{+x?sf] ;xof]u cfjZos 5 . Single Agency is not enough for DRR