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From Gene
          to Protein

                       How Genes

AP Biology                    2007-2008
What do genes code for?
     How does DNA code for cells & bodies?
          how are cells and bodies made from the
           instructions in DNA

 DNA            proteins       cells         bodies
AP Biology
The “Central Dogma”
      Flow of genetic information in a cell
          How do we move information from DNA to proteins?

 DNA                 RNA              protein       trait

                                    DNA gets
                                   all the glory,
      replication                 but proteins do
                                   all the work!

AP Biology
Metabolism taught us about genes
         Inheritance of metabolic diseases
           suggested that genes coded for enzymes
           each disease (phenotype) is caused by

            non-functional gene product
                 lack of an enzyme                         Am I just the
                                                          sum of my proteins?
                 Tay sachs
                 PKU (phenylketonuria)
                 albinism

metabolic pathway
                       disease          disease          disease      disease
          A   
 AP Biology enzyme 1
                         B    
                             enzyme 2
                                          C   
                                              enzyme 3
                                                           D   
                                                               enzyme 4
1941 | 1958
   Beadle & Tatum
                    one gene : one enzyme hypothesis

                     George Beadle

                                       Edward Tatum
                    "for their discovery that genes act by
AP Biology           regulating definite chemical events"
Beadle & Tatum                                      X rays or ultraviolet light
           Neurospora                                     create mutations

            Minimal                  asexual
                                     spores                   Growth on
            medium                                            complete
                                                                 positive control
                            Select one of
                            the spores

     Test on minimal                           Grow on
     medium to confirm                         complete medium
     presence of mutation
    negative control

                         Minimal media supplemented only with…


  Pyridoxine       Choline         Nucleic      Arginine    Riboflavin      Minimal
amino acid p-Amino         Inositol acid Folic           Niacin             control
          benzoic acid
  AP Biology                               acid                    Thiamine
   From gene to protein                                   a
             nucleus        cytoplasm                             a
                transcription           translation       a       a
   DNA                     mRNA                   protein
                                                      a   a
                                                  a   a

AP Biology
             DNA nucleic acid language
             RNA nucleic acid language

AP Biology                               2007-2008
       ribose sugar
       N-bases
        uracil instead of thymine
        U : A

        C : G

       single stranded
       lots of RNAs
            mRNA, tRNA, rRNA, siRNA…

AP Biology                    RNA
         Making mRNA
             transcribed DNA strand = template strand
             untranscribed DNA strand = coding strand
                   same sequence as RNA
             synthesis of complementary RNA strand
                   transcription bubble
             enzyme                                                          coding strand
                   RNA polymerase

                                  A   G
                                          A G C   A   T   C G T
                                                                  A                A
                     5         G
                                  T   C
                                                                       T      C
                                                                                   T   T
                      C     A T C                                            A G
              DNA     G     T A                                   3   A   C T
                                              G C A U C G U       T
                                                                           G               5
                                              C                               unwinding
                     3                         G T A G C A

                          mRNA                RNA polymerase                 template strand
 AP Biology                      5
build RNA     53
RNA polymerases
        3 RNA polymerase enzymes
            RNA polymerase 1
                only transcribes rRNA genes
                makes ribosomes
            RNA polymerase 2
                transcribes genes into mRNA
            RNA polymerase 3
                only transcribes tRNA genes
            each has a specific promoter sequence
             it recognizes
AP Biology
Which gene is read?
   Promoter region
     binding site before beginning of gene
     TATA box binding site

     binding site for RNA polymerase

      & transcription
   Enhancer region
       binding site far
        upstream of gene
         turns transcription
AP Biology
          on HIGH
Transcription Factors
      Initiation complex
            transcription factors bind to promoter region
                suite of proteins which bind to DNA
                hormones?
                turn on or off transcription
            trigger the binding of RNA polymerase to DNA

AP Biology
Matching bases of DNA & RNA
          Match RNA bases to DNA                            C       U
           bases on one of the DNA                               G       A

           strands                               U       G
                                                             U               U
                                                     C           G
                                                         A                   C
  5'                RNA
                                A                                    3'
           A C C polymerase G

           T G G T A C A G C T A G T C A T CG T A C CG T

AP Biology
Eukaryotic genes have junk!
        Eukaryotic genes are not continuous
            exons = the real gene                       introns
                expressed / coding DNA                come out!

            introns = the junk
                inbetween sequence

                             intron = noncoding (inbetween) sequence

  eukaryotic DNA
                       exon = coding (expressed) sequence

AP Biology
mRNA splicing
         Post-transcriptional processing
             eukaryotic mRNA needs work after transcription
             primary transcript = pre-mRNA
             mRNA splicing
                edit out introns

             make mature mRNA transcript
                           intron = noncoding (inbetween) sequence
                                                                      ~10,000 base
eukaryotic DNA
                     exon = coding (expressed) sequence
primary mRNA
                                                                       ~1,000 base
 AP Biology    mature mRNA                                    spliced mRNA
1977 | 1993
   Discovery of exons/introns

             Roberts   Philip
                       Sharp                  adenovirus
                        MIT                  common cold

AP Biology
Splicing must be accurate
     No room for mistakes!
         a single base added or lost throws off the
          reading frame

AP Biology   Met|Arg|Val|Arg|STOP|
Whoa! I think
                                               we just broke
   RNA splicing enzymes                      a biological “rule”!

       snRNPs
            small nuclear RNA             snRNA
            proteins        exon                intron                     exon

       Spliceosome            5'                                               3'

            several snRNPs
            recognize splice                               spliceosome
             site sequence            5'                      3'
                cut & paste gene
                     not smurfs!      5'                      3'

                                      exon     exon
                       mature mRNA                         excised
AP Biology                           5'               3'    intron
Alternative splicing
        Alternative mRNAs produced from same gene
            when is an intron not an intron…
            different segments treated as exons

   Starting to get
      hard to
   define a gene!

AP Biology
More post-transcriptional processing
       Need to protect mRNA on its trip from
        nucleus to cytoplasm
             enzymes in cytoplasm attack mRNA
                     protect the ends of the molecule
                     add 5 GTP cap
                     add poly-A tail
                       longer tail, mRNA lasts longer: produces more protein



                      P   P
             5'   G P

AP Biology
   From gene to protein                                   a
             nucleus        cytoplasm                             a
                transcription           translation       a       a
   DNA                     mRNA                   protein
                                                      a   a
                                                  a   a

AP Biology
             nucleic acid language
             amino acid language

AP Biology                           2007-2008
How does mRNA code for proteins?
  4 ATCG

  4 AUCG
  protein       Met ArgVal AsnAla Cys Ala
              How can you code for 20 amino acids
AP Biology    with only 4 nucleotide bases (A,U,G,C)?
mRNA codes for proteins in triplets



AP Biology
               Met ArgVal AsnAla Cys Ala
1960 | 1968
   Cracking the code                          Nirenberg & Khorana

        Crick
            determined 3-letter (triplet) codon system
        Nirenberg (47) & Khorana (17)
          determined mRNA–amino acid match
          added fabricated mRNA to test tube of

           ribosomes, tRNA & amino acids
                created artificial UUUUU… mRNA
                found that UUU coded for phenylalanine
AP Biology
Marshall Nirenberg            1960 | 1968

                     Har Khorana

AP Biology
The code
      Code for ALL life!
          strongest support for
           a common origin for
           all life
      Code is redundant
          several codons for
           each amino acid
          3rd base “wobble”
 Why is the
wobble good?
              Start codon
                  AUG
                  methionine
              Stop codons
AP Biology        UGA, UAA, UAG
How are the codons matched to
   amino acids?
              3                            5
              5                            3
              3   5               codon
   tRNA            GCA
                      CAU anti-codon
  amino                 Arg
   acid                       Val
AP Biology
   From gene to protein                                   a
             nucleus        cytoplasm                             a
                transcription           translation       a       a
   DNA                     mRNA                   protein
                                                      a   a
                                                  a   a

AP Biology
Transfer RNA structure
       “Clover leaf” structure
         anticodon on “clover leaf” end
         amino acid attached on 3 end

AP Biology
Loading tRNA
      Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase
            enzyme which bonds amino acid to tRNA
            bond requires energy
                 ATP  AMP
                 bond is unstable
                 so it can release amino acid at ribosome easily

                       Trp C=O         Trp C=O                       Trp
                           OH                    H2O
                          OH               O

             tRNATrp                                          AC C
                                                              UGG        mRNA
                                   tryptophan attached
AP Biology                              to tRNATrp       tRNATrp binds to UGG
                                                           condon of mRNA
        Facilitate coupling of
         tRNA anticodon to
         mRNA codon
            organelle or enzyme?
        Structure
          ribosomal RNA (rRNA) & proteins
          2 subunits

                large
                small
                                             E P A

AP Biology
        A site (aminoacyl-tRNA site)
            holds tRNA carrying next amino acid to
             be added to chain
        P site (peptidyl-tRNA site)
            holds tRNA carrying growing
             polypeptide chain                          Met

        E site (exit site)
            empty tRNA
             leaves ribosome           5'       U A C
                                                A U G
             from exit site                                   3'
                                            E    P        A
AP Biology
Building a polypeptide
               Initiation
                        brings together mRNA, ribosome
                         subunits, initiator tRNA
               Elongation
                        adding amino acids based on
                         codon sequence
               Termination
                        end codon                                                                               3 2 1
                Leu                                                                                               Val                  release
                                                                                                                        Ser            factor
                                                                  Met                         Met
          Met                        Met Leu                            Leu                         Leu                   Ala

     U AC                       UAC GAC                      U A C GA C AA               U A C G A C AA U
5'         C UGAA U        5'
                                A U G C U GA A U
                                                        5'   A U G C UG    U        5'
                                                                                         AU G C U G         3'
mRNA A U G          3'                             3'                          3'                                         A CC
                                                                                                                          U GG U A A
    E P A                                                                                                                                   3'
    AP Biology
   Protein targeting                               secretion
                                                   nucleus
        Signal peptide                            mitochondria
                                                   chloroplasts
            address label                         cell membrane
                                                   cytoplasm
                start of a secretory pathway       etc…

AP Biology
RNA polymerase

   Can you tell                                                                   amino
   the story?                          exon                  intron
                  pre-mRNA                            5' GTP cap

                               mature mRNA
                                                                            aminoacyl tRNA
                                              poly-A tail                   synthetase

             large ribosomal subunit                                                  3'

             small ribosomal subunit
                                                            E P A

AP Biology                                                            ribosome
The Transcriptional unit (gene?)
enhancer                   translation                               translation
                              start         exons                       stop

3'                        TAC
                                  transcriptional unit (gene)       ACT          5'
     polymerase                                                                DNA

                         UTR                                        UTR
 promoter           transcription                              transcription
                        start                                      stop

                   5'                                                     3'

                            5'                            3'
 AP Biology              GTP mature mRNA                       AAAAAAAA
Bacterial chromosome

             Synthesis in                          mRNA
      no nucleus!


                     Cell wall
AP Biology                                           2007-2008
Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote genes
        Prokaryotes                       Eukaryotes
            DNA in cytoplasm                  DNA in nucleus
            circular                          linear
             chromosome                         chromosomes
            naked DNA                         DNA wound on
                                                histone proteins
            no introns                        introns vs. exons
                                                              come out!
                    intron = noncoding (inbetween) sequence
              exon = coding (expressed) sequence
AP Biology
Translation in Prokaryotes
   Transcription & translation are simultaneous
    in bacteria
     DNA is in
     no mRNA

     ribosomes
      read mRNA
      as it is being
AP Biology
Translation: prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes
       Differences between prokaryotes &
            time & physical separation between
                takes eukaryote ~1 hour
                 from DNA to protein
            no RNA processing

AP Biology

AP Biology           2007-2008
     Point mutations
        single base change
        base-pair
                silent mutation
                   no amino acid change
                   redundancy in code
                missense
                   change amino acid
                nonsense
                   change to stop codon
                    When do mutations
                     affect the next
AP Biology             generation?
Point mutation leads to Sickle cell anemia
What kind of mutation?

AP Biology
Sickle cell anemia
        Primarily Africans
          recessive inheritance pattern
          strikes 1 out of 400 African Americans

                 hydrophilic          hydrophobic
AP Biology       amino acid            amino acid
     Frameshift
          shift in the reading
                changes everything
          insertions
                adding base(s)
          deletions
                losing base(s)

                  Where would this mutation
                   cause the most change:
                  beginning or end of gene?
AP Biology
Cystic fibrosis
       Primarily whites of
        European descent
            strikes 1 in 2500 births
                1 in 25 whites is a carrier (Aa)
            normal allele codes for a membrane protein
             that transports Cl- across cell membrane
                defective or absent channels limit transport of Cl- (& H2O)
                 across cell membrane
                thicker & stickier mucus coats around cells
                mucus build-up in the pancreas, lungs, digestive tract &
                 causes bacterial infections
            without treatment children die before 5;
             with treatment can live past their late 20s
AP Biology
Chloride channel
                                                  transports chloride through
       Effect on Lungs                            protein channel out of cell
normal lungs
                             airway               Osmotic effects: H2O follows Cl-
                  Cl-                         Cl- channel
                  H 2O
            cells lining
cystic fibrosis

                  H 2O
                                              bacteria & mucus build up

                            thickened mucus
                            hard to secrete

   AP Biology
                           mucus secreting glands
Deletion leads to Cystic fibrosis

                            delta F508

                        loss of one
                        amino acid

AP Biology
What’s the value of

AP Biology                    2007-2008

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Chapter17 120120073228-phpapp02

  • 1. From Gene to Protein How Genes Work AP Biology 2007-2008
  • 2. What do genes code for?  How does DNA code for cells & bodies?  how are cells and bodies made from the instructions in DNA DNA proteins cells bodies AP Biology
  • 3. The “Central Dogma”  Flow of genetic information in a cell  How do we move information from DNA to proteins? DNA RNA protein trait DNA gets all the glory, replication but proteins do all the work! AP Biology
  • 4. Metabolism taught us about genes  Inheritance of metabolic diseases  suggested that genes coded for enzymes  each disease (phenotype) is caused by non-functional gene product  lack of an enzyme Am I just the sum of my proteins?  Tay sachs  PKU (phenylketonuria)  albinism metabolic pathway disease disease disease disease A  AP Biology enzyme 1 B  enzyme 2 C  enzyme 3 D  enzyme 4 E
  • 5. 1941 | 1958 Beadle & Tatum one gene : one enzyme hypothesis George Beadle Edward Tatum "for their discovery that genes act by AP Biology regulating definite chemical events"
  • 6. Beadle & Tatum X rays or ultraviolet light Wild-type Neurospora create mutations Minimal asexual spores Growth on medium complete medium positive control spores Select one of the spores Test on minimal Grow on medium to confirm complete medium presence of mutation negative control Minimal media supplemented only with… experimentals Pyridoxine Choline Nucleic Arginine Riboflavin Minimal amino acid p-Amino Inositol acid Folic Niacin control supplements benzoic acid AP Biology acid Thiamine
  • 7. a a From gene to protein a a nucleus cytoplasm a a a a a a a transcription translation a a DNA mRNA protein a a a a a a a a a ribosome trait AP Biology
  • 8. Transcription from DNA nucleic acid language to RNA nucleic acid language AP Biology 2007-2008
  • 9. RNA  ribose sugar  N-bases uracil instead of thymine U : A C : G  single stranded  lots of RNAs  mRNA, tRNA, rRNA, siRNA… transcription DNA AP Biology RNA
  • 10. Transcription  Making mRNA  transcribed DNA strand = template strand  untranscribed DNA strand = coding strand  same sequence as RNA  synthesis of complementary RNA strand  transcription bubble  enzyme coding strand  RNA polymerase A G A G C A T C G T A A 3 A 5 G T C T C T T C A T C A G T DNA G T A 3 A C T G C A U C G U T G 5 C unwinding 3 G T A G C A rewinding mRNA RNA polymerase template strand AP Biology 5 build RNA 53
  • 11. RNA polymerases  3 RNA polymerase enzymes  RNA polymerase 1  only transcribes rRNA genes  makes ribosomes  RNA polymerase 2  transcribes genes into mRNA  RNA polymerase 3  only transcribes tRNA genes  each has a specific promoter sequence it recognizes AP Biology
  • 12. Which gene is read?  Promoter region  binding site before beginning of gene  TATA box binding site  binding site for RNA polymerase & transcription factors  Enhancer region  binding site far upstream of gene  turns transcription AP Biology on HIGH
  • 13. Transcription Factors  Initiation complex  transcription factors bind to promoter region  suite of proteins which bind to DNA  hormones?  turn on or off transcription  trigger the binding of RNA polymerase to DNA AP Biology
  • 14. Matching bases of DNA & RNA A  Match RNA bases to DNA C U G bases on one of the DNA G A strands U G C U U C G A A C U A AG C U 5' RNA A 3' A C C polymerase G T G G T A C A G C T A G T C A T CG T A C CG T AP Biology
  • 15. Eukaryotic genes have junk!  Eukaryotic genes are not continuous  exons = the real gene introns  expressed / coding DNA come out!  introns = the junk  inbetween sequence intron = noncoding (inbetween) sequence eukaryotic DNA exon = coding (expressed) sequence AP Biology
  • 16. mRNA splicing  Post-transcriptional processing  eukaryotic mRNA needs work after transcription  primary transcript = pre-mRNA  mRNA splicing  edit out introns  make mature mRNA transcript intron = noncoding (inbetween) sequence ~10,000 base eukaryotic DNA exon = coding (expressed) sequence pre-mRNA primary mRNA transcript ~1,000 base AP Biology mature mRNA spliced mRNA transcript
  • 17. 1977 | 1993 Discovery of exons/introns Richard Roberts Philip Sharp adenovirus CSHL MIT common cold beta-thalassemia AP Biology
  • 18. Splicing must be accurate  No room for mistakes!  a single base added or lost throws off the reading frame AUGCGGCTATGGGUCCGAUAAGGGCCAU AUGCGGUCCGAUAAGGGCCAU AUG|CGG|UCC|GAU|AAG|GGC|CAU Met|Arg|Ser|Asp|Lys|Gly|His AUGCGGCTATGGGUCCGAUAAGGGCCAU AUGCGGGUCCGAUAAGGGCCAU AUG|CGG|GUC|CGA|UAA|GGG|CCA|U AP Biology Met|Arg|Val|Arg|STOP|
  • 19. Whoa! I think we just broke RNA splicing enzymes a biological “rule”!  snRNPs snRNPs  small nuclear RNA snRNA  proteins exon intron exon  Spliceosome 5' 3'  several snRNPs  recognize splice spliceosome site sequence 5' 3'  cut & paste gene lariat No, not smurfs! 5' 3' “snurps” exon exon mature mRNA excised AP Biology 5' 3' intron
  • 20. Alternative splicing  Alternative mRNAs produced from same gene  when is an intron not an intron…  different segments treated as exons Starting to get hard to define a gene! AP Biology
  • 21. More post-transcriptional processing  Need to protect mRNA on its trip from nucleus to cytoplasm  enzymes in cytoplasm attack mRNA  protect the ends of the molecule  add 5 GTP cap  add poly-A tail  longer tail, mRNA lasts longer: produces more protein 3' A mRNA P P 5' G P AP Biology
  • 22. a a From gene to protein a a nucleus cytoplasm a a a a a a a transcription translation a a DNA mRNA protein a a a a a a a a a ribosome trait AP Biology
  • 23. Translation from nucleic acid language to amino acid language AP Biology 2007-2008
  • 24. How does mRNA code for proteins? DNA TACGCACATTTACGTACGCGG 4 ATCG AUGCGUGUAAAUGCAUGCGCC mRNA 4 AUCG ? protein Met ArgVal AsnAla Cys Ala 20 How can you code for 20 amino acids AP Biology with only 4 nucleotide bases (A,U,G,C)?
  • 25. mRNA codes for proteins in triplets DNA TACGCACATTTACGTACGCGG codon AUGCGUGUAAAUGCAUGCGCC mRNA ? protein AP Biology Met ArgVal AsnAla Cys Ala
  • 26. 1960 | 1968 Cracking the code Nirenberg & Khorana  Crick  determined 3-letter (triplet) codon system WHYDIDTHEREDBATEATTHEFATRAT  Nirenberg (47) & Khorana (17)  determined mRNA–amino acid match  added fabricated mRNA to test tube of ribosomes, tRNA & amino acids  created artificial UUUUU… mRNA  found that UUU coded for phenylalanine AP Biology
  • 27. Marshall Nirenberg 1960 | 1968 Har Khorana AP Biology
  • 28. The code  Code for ALL life!  strongest support for a common origin for all life  Code is redundant  several codons for each amino acid  3rd base “wobble” Why is the wobble good?  Start codon  AUG  methionine  Stop codons AP Biology  UGA, UAA, UAG
  • 29. How are the codons matched to amino acids? 3 5 DNA TACGCACATTTACGTACGCGG 5 3 AUGCGUGUAAAUGCAUGCGCC mRNA 3 5 codon UAC tRNA GCA Met CAU anti-codon amino Arg acid Val AP Biology
  • 30. a a From gene to protein a a nucleus cytoplasm a a a a a a a transcription translation a a DNA mRNA protein a a a a a a a a a ribosome trait AP Biology
  • 31. Transfer RNA structure  “Clover leaf” structure  anticodon on “clover leaf” end  amino acid attached on 3 end AP Biology
  • 32. Loading tRNA  Aminoacyl tRNA synthetase  enzyme which bonds amino acid to tRNA  bond requires energy  ATP  AMP  bond is unstable  so it can release amino acid at ribosome easily Trp C=O Trp C=O Trp OH H2O OH O O activating enzyme tRNATrp AC C anticodon UGG mRNA tryptophan attached AP Biology to tRNATrp tRNATrp binds to UGG condon of mRNA
  • 33. Ribosomes  Facilitate coupling of tRNA anticodon to mRNA codon  organelle or enzyme?  Structure  ribosomal RNA (rRNA) & proteins  2 subunits  large  small E P A AP Biology
  • 34. Ribosomes  A site (aminoacyl-tRNA site)  holds tRNA carrying next amino acid to be added to chain  P site (peptidyl-tRNA site)  holds tRNA carrying growing polypeptide chain Met  E site (exit site)  empty tRNA leaves ribosome 5' U A C A U G from exit site 3' E P A AP Biology
  • 35. Building a polypeptide  Initiation  brings together mRNA, ribosome subunits, initiator tRNA  Elongation  adding amino acids based on codon sequence  Termination  end codon 3 2 1 Leu Val release Ser factor Met Met Met Met Leu Leu Leu Ala Trp tRNA U AC UAC GAC U A C GA C AA U A C G A C AA U 5' C UGAA U 5' A U G C U GA A U 5' A U G C UG U 5' AU G C U G 3' mRNA A U G 3' 3' 3' A CC U GG U A A E P A 3' AP Biology
  • 36. Destinations: Protein targeting  secretion  nucleus  Signal peptide  mitochondria  chloroplasts  address label  cell membrane  cytoplasm start of a secretory pathway  etc… AP Biology
  • 37. RNA polymerase DNA Can you tell amino acids the story? exon intron tRNA pre-mRNA 5' GTP cap mature mRNA aminoacyl tRNA poly-A tail synthetase large ribosomal subunit 3' polypeptide 5' tRNA small ribosomal subunit E P A AP Biology ribosome
  • 38. The Transcriptional unit (gene?) enhancer translation translation 1000+b start exons stop 20-30b 3' TAC transcriptional unit (gene) ACT 5' RNA TATA polymerase DNA DNA UTR UTR introns promoter transcription transcription start stop 5' 3' pre-mRNA 5' 3' AP Biology GTP mature mRNA AAAAAAAA
  • 39. Bacterial chromosome Protein Transcription Synthesis in mRNA Prokaryotes Psssst… no nucleus! Cell membrane Cell wall AP Biology 2007-2008
  • 40. Prokaryote vs. Eukaryote genes  Prokaryotes  Eukaryotes  DNA in cytoplasm  DNA in nucleus  circular  linear chromosome chromosomes  naked DNA  DNA wound on histone proteins  no introns  introns vs. exons introns come out! intron = noncoding (inbetween) sequence eukaryotic DNA exon = coding (expressed) sequence AP Biology
  • 41. Translation in Prokaryotes  Transcription & translation are simultaneous in bacteria  DNA is in cytoplasm  no mRNA editing  ribosomes read mRNA as it is being transcribed AP Biology
  • 42. Translation: prokaryotes vs. eukaryotes  Differences between prokaryotes & eukaryotes  time & physical separation between processes  takes eukaryote ~1 hour from DNA to protein  no RNA processing AP Biology
  • 43. Mutations AP Biology 2007-2008
  • 44. Mutations  Point mutations  single base change  base-pair substitution  silent mutation  no amino acid change  redundancy in code  missense  change amino acid  nonsense  change to stop codon When do mutations affect the next AP Biology generation?
  • 45. Point mutation leads to Sickle cell anemia What kind of mutation? Missense! AP Biology
  • 46. Sickle cell anemia  Primarily Africans  recessive inheritance pattern  strikes 1 out of 400 African Americans hydrophilic hydrophobic AP Biology amino acid amino acid
  • 47. Mutations  Frameshift  shift in the reading frame  changes everything “downstream”  insertions  adding base(s)  deletions  losing base(s) Where would this mutation cause the most change: beginning or end of gene? AP Biology
  • 48. Cystic fibrosis  Primarily whites of European descent  strikes 1 in 2500 births  1 in 25 whites is a carrier (Aa)  normal allele codes for a membrane protein that transports Cl- across cell membrane  defective or absent channels limit transport of Cl- (& H2O) across cell membrane  thicker & stickier mucus coats around cells  mucus build-up in the pancreas, lungs, digestive tract & causes bacterial infections  without treatment children die before 5; with treatment can live past their late 20s AP Biology
  • 49. Chloride channel transports chloride through Effect on Lungs protein channel out of cell normal lungs airway Osmotic effects: H2O follows Cl- Cl- Cl- channel H 2O cells lining lungs cystic fibrosis Cl- H 2O bacteria & mucus build up thickened mucus hard to secrete AP Biology mucus secreting glands
  • 50. Deletion leads to Cystic fibrosis delta F508 loss of one amino acid AP Biology
  • 51. What’s the value of mutations? AP Biology 2007-2008