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Stijn Van Minnebruggen
web developer at
course overview
introduction to Javascript
  why jQuery?
  what is jQuery?
  how to implement?
course overview
a brief introduction
 Javascript exists since 1995
 much has happened but not much has changed
 it’s one of the most popular programming languages
 on the web
 mostly because of the advent of Ajax
how to implement?

   <title>My first Javascript</title>


   <script type=”text/javascript”>

   // javascript goes here


Comment on a single line

// this is a comment

or multiple lines


multiple lines
of comments
are cool too

Variables can be strings, numbers, arrays,
objects, functions, booleans, ...

var name = "Stijn";                           // string
var six = 6;                                  // number
var colors = ["red", "blue", "green"];        // array
var wall = { type: "brick", color: "red" };   // object
var pretty = true;                            // boolean
Debugging Javascript is easiest with Firebug or
the developer toolbar in Chrome, Safari or IE

console.log("Send a general log message");
console.warn("Log a warning");
console.alert("Log an error message");

alert("You can always alert messages, but this is rather limited and irritating");
Might look simple...

var thisIsTrue = true;

if(thisIsTrue) {
    console.log("Yes, it's true!");
} else {
    console.log("Don't think so...");

if(2 * 3 == 6) {
    console.log("I can do math");
} else {
    console.log("I suck at math");
Might look simple... but can be tricky sometimes

var numberOne = 1;
var numberTwo = 2;
var stringOne = "1";

numberOne == numberTwo // returns false
numberOne != numberTwo // returns true

numberOne == stringOne     // returns true
numberOne === stringOne // returns false
numberOne === parseInt(stringOne) // returns true

numberOne < numberTwo // returns true
numberOne > numberTwo // returns false
numberOne <= numberTwo // returns true
Might look simple...

var a = 10;
var b = 1;
var c = "1";

var d = a + b;
var e = a + c;

Might look simple... but can be tricky sometimes

var a = 10;
var b = 1;
var c = "1";

var d = a + b; // 11
var e = a + c; // "101"

b++; // 2;
These loops all output the same

for(var i=1; i<=10; i++) {

var i = 1;
while(i<10) {

var i = 1;
do {
} while(i<10);
These loops all output the same
                             Always make sure to
for(var i=1; i<=10; i++) {
   console.log(i);           validate your loops
}                            before running them ;)
var i = 1;
while(i<10) {                You don’t want to
}                            make infinite loops.
var i = 1;
do {
} while(i<10);
Arrays have predefined functions

var colors = ["green", "red", "blue", "yellow"];

console.log(colors.length); // logs 4

console.log(colors[0]); // logs "green"
console.log(colors[3]); // logs "yellow"

colors.push("fuchsia"); // adds "fuchsia" to the end of the array

colors[2] = "sky"; // changed "blue" to "sky"

var colorsString = colors.join(",");
console.log(colorsString); // logs "green,red,sky,yellow,fuchsia";
Objects have keys and values.
The key is a string, the value can be a number,
string, array, boolean, function or even an other

var me = {

     name: "Stijn",
     age: 28,
     cool: true,
     parents: ["mom", "dad"]

Functions contain blocks of code that can be
executed repeatedly

function yawn() {
   console.log("... yaaaawn ...");

yawn(); // logs "... yaaaawn ..."
Variables can also be functions

var yawn = function() {
   console.log("... yaaaawn ...");

yawn(); // logs "... yaaaawn ..."
Functions can have zero or more parameters and
might return any value

var kissie = function(person1, person2) {
   var theLine = person1+" and "+person2+" are sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!";
   return theLine;

console.log(kissie("Will", "Kate"));
Variables might be “global” or “local” depending
on the location where you declare them.

When a variable is declared within a function
using the var keyword, it will only be available
within this function. Code outside that function
wouldn’t be able to access it.
Variables that are declared within a function
aren’t accessible outside the function.

function whatsMyName() {

    var name = "Stijn";


whatsMyName(); // logs "Stijn"
console.log(name); // logs undefined
But variables that are declared outside a function
can be accessed within a function.

var name;

function whatsMyName() {

    name = "Stijn";


whatsMyName(); // logs "Stijn"
console.log(name); // logs "Stijn"
Remember: Variables are declared with the var
keyword. Declare a variable within a function and
it’s only accessible within the function.

var name = "Stijn";

function whatsMyName() {

    var name = "Ben";


whatsMyName(); // logs "Ben"
console.log(name); // logs "Stijn"
document object model
Before you want to implement Javascript on your website
it is key to know that Javascript works on the DOM, not
on the HTML.


HTML      Browser

HTML      Browser   DOM
 (text)             (XML)
Just plain text.

<head><title>This is an awesome HTML page.</title></head>
<p>Totally rad, dude.</p>
An XML structure based on the HTML
“How the browser sees and works with HTML”

      <title>This is an awesome HTML page.</title>
      <p>Totally rad, dude.</p>
javascript library
why jQuery?
easy to use Javascript
a lot of usefull predefined functions and methods
“write less, do more”
do it all (some other libraries are specialized in x or y)
wide range of plugins available for various specific
easy to learn
what is jQuery?
 it’s a javascript library that simplifies the use of
 especially for HTML document traversing, event
 handling, animating, Ajax interactions, ...
 it’s just plain old javascript and open-source:
how to implement?

  <title>My first jQuery</title>


  <script type=”text/javascript” src="jquery.js"></script>
  <script type=”text/javascript”>

  // javascript goes here


$ = jQuery
$ = jQuery
you can either choose to use $ or jQuery
 in your code, these variables are equal
get a DOM

                execute a

     get a DOM           parameters

                 execute a
rule of thumb:



 get all H2
from DOM


         execute the
        jQuery “css”

$(“h2”).css(“color”, “#FFCC33”);

$(“h2”).css(“color”, “#FFCC33”);

            set the color
            to #FFCC33
All selector $(“*”)
  Get all elements from the DOM
  Is extremely slow and not recommended

var numberOfElements = $("*").length;
console.log("jQuery found "+numberOfElements+" elements on this page");
Element selector $(“tagname”)
   Select all elements with a specific tagName
   No special characters needed

$("div").css("border", "1px solid red");
ID selector $(“#id”)
   Selects a single element with the given ID attribute
   Very efficient, one of the quickest ways to get an
   The ID selector uses a hash before it’s name

$("#myDiv").css("border", "1px solid red");

Notice: Each ID value must be used only once within a document, otherwise this
document won’t be valid. If more than one element has been assigned the same
ID, jQuery will only select the first. This behavior should not be relied on though.
Class selector $(“.classname”)
  Select all elements with the given class
  An element can have multiple classes, only one of them
  must match
  The class selector uses a dot before the class name

$(".myClass").css("border", "1px solid red");
Multiple selector $(“a, b, c, ...”)
  jQuery allows multiple selections methods in one
  selector string
  It will select the combined result of all the specified
  Combine as many selectors as you like by the use of

$("h1, #myDiv, .myClass").css("border", "1px solid red");
Attribute selector $(“[attribute]”)
   Select elements by their attribute

var numberOfElements = $("[id]").length;
console.log("I found "+numberOfElements+" on this page with an ID attribute");

$("div[id]").css("border", "1px solid red");

$("input[value='Stijn']").css("border", "1px solid red");
Attribute selector $(“[attribute]”)
  Advanced attribute selectors

$('input[name="abc"]') // where name equals abc
$('input[name!="abc"]') // where name is not abc
$('input[name^="abc"]') // where name starts with abc
$('input[name$="abc"]') // where name ends with abc
$('input[name*="abc"]') // where name contains the characters abc
$('input[name~="abc"]') // where name contains the word abc
Descendants $(“ancestor descendant”)
   Select all elements that are descendants of a given

$("form input").css("border", "1px solid red");
Children $(“parent > child”)
   Select all elements that are descendants of a given
   ancestor, but only if they are a direct child element of
   the ancestor

$("ul.topnav > li").css("border", "1px solid red");
Double column $(“:abc”)
   There are a bunch of predefined selectors

$("li:odd") // select all odd li elements
$("li:even") // select all even li elements
$("li:first") // select the first li element
$("li:last") // select the last li element
$("li:eq(4)") // select the 5th li element

$(":input") // select all input fields
$(":button") // select all buttons
$(":checkbox") // select all checkboxes
$(":radio") // select all radio elements
$(":checked") // select all checked checkboxes and radio buttons
$(":selected") // select all selected option elements
basic manipulation
  Without a parameter it will return the html content of
  the first element in the selector
  If you provide a html or text string in the first parameter,
  the html content of all elements in the selector will be

$('body').html("<h1>My pagetitle</h1>");
  Without a parameter it will return the text content of the
  first element in the selector
  If you provide a text string in the first parameter, the
  text content of all elements in the selector will be

$('body').text("<h1>HTML won’t work</h1>");
  Remove all text and DOM elements within the selector

  Get the current value of the first element from the
  The .val() method is primarily used to get the values
  from form elements

attributes and classes
.attr(attribute, value)
   Without setting the value parameter, jQuery returns the
   value of the attribute of the first element in the selector


   If you provide a second parameter (value), you set the
   attribute of all selected elements to this new value

$("img").attr("src", "myImage.jpg");
.css(name, value)
   Without setting the value parameter, jQuery returns the
   specific css value of the first element in the selector

$("a").css("color"); // red

   If you provide a second parameter (value), you set the
   css value to this new value

$("a").css("color", "#FF3300");
   The css function allows an object parameter too

    "color": "#FF3300",
    "text-decoration": "none"
class functions
   some useful class functions

$("a").addClass("active"); // adds the class "active"
$("a").removeClass("active"); // removes the class "active"
$("a").hasClass("active"); // returns true or false
$("a").toggleClass("active", "inactive"); // toggle the class
   Returns the element at the specified index number in
   the selection
   First item is zero (zero-based index)

   Returns the element at the specified index number in
   the selection counting from the back

lookup functions
.first() // select the first item from the selected elements
.last() // select the last item from the selected elements

.next() // select the next item in the DOM
.nextAll() // select all the next items in the DOM
.prev() // select the previous item in the DOM
.prevAll() // select all the previous items in the DOM
   jQuery is powerful because it’s built on the concept of

$("li").css("border", "1px solid red").first().addClass("first").children("div").hide();
      the first event that everyone knows
      This callback event is triggered when the DOM is fully

$(document).ready(function() {

      alert("Welcome on this page!");


Notice: the document selector doesn’t need quotes because “document” is a
native javascript object. Try console.log(document); to see the full object.
      Bind a mouse click event to the selected elements

$("#myButton").click(function() {

      alert("Thank you for clicking my button");

      Within a callback function you can always use the “this”
      keyword to select the current element

$("#myButton").click(function() {


      Bind a double mouse click event to the selected

$("#myButton").dblClick(function() {

      alert("Thank you for double clicking my button");

hover functions
   many different options of doing hovers

var over = function() {
   console.log("hovered over the div");

var out = function() {
   console.log("daddy left the div");


$("div").hover(over, out);
.fadeIn(speed, callback)
   Display or hide the selected elements by fading them in
   or out


$("#anotherDiv").fadeOut(500, function() {
    // this function will be called after the fadeout
.slideDown(speed, callback)
  Display or hide the selected elements by sliding them
  up or down

$("#slider").slideDown(1000, function() {
  Set a timer to delay the execution of subsequent items
  in the queue.

.animate(map, duration)
  Animate CSS differences by mapping an object in the
  first parameter of the animate function.

var cssProperties = {
   "border": "10px solid red",
   "background-color": "black",
   "font-size": "100px"

$("#myDiv").animate(cssProperties, 500);
Make file requests without refreshing the page
Just like a call to an image but possibility to send and
get data (xml, json, html, text, script, ...)
Callbacks don’t run instantly, the callback is triggered
when the requested URL chooses to respond, in other
words: you have to wait for the callback to continue
$.get(url, callback);
      If you want to get some data asynchronously
      The callback function gets a parameter with the
      responded data

$.get("randomHtmlSnippet.txt", function(dataResponse) {


      It’s always a good idea to warn the user that your Ajax
      call is running and he should wait for a moment

$("#myButton").click(function() {

      $.get("someRandomHtmlSnippet.txt", function(dataResponse) {



$.post(url, data, callback);
  Good if you want to send and receive data
  The callback function gets a parameter with the
  responded data

var data = {
   "email": "",
   "name": "Stijn Van Minnebruggen"

$.post("sendEmail.php", data, function(dataResponse) {
.each(function(index){ ... })
      The each function allows easy DOM looping

      Use the this keyword to call each element in the

      the callback gets an index parameter

$("li").each(function(index) {

      $(this).html("This is list item number "+index);

   Object that contains flags for the useragent

if($.browser.msie) {
    alert("Really? :P");
  Rather than using $.browser it’s recommended to
  check for a specific support

$("p").html("This frame uses the W3C box model:
<span>""</span>"); // true
need help?
bookmark the docs
Stijn Van Minnebruggen

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jQuery introduction

  • 2. Stijn Van Minnebruggen web developer at
  • 4. course overview introduction to Javascript DOM jQuery why jQuery? what is jQuery? how to implement?
  • 7. history Javascript exists since 1995 much has happened but not much has changed it’s one of the most popular programming languages on the web mostly because of the advent of Ajax
  • 8. how to implement? <html> <head> <title>My first Javascript</title> </head> <body> <script type=”text/javascript”> // javascript goes here </script> </body> </html>
  • 9. comments Comment on a single line // this is a comment or multiple lines /* multiple lines of comments are cool too */
  • 10. variables Variables can be strings, numbers, arrays, objects, functions, booleans, ... var name = "Stijn"; // string var six = 6; // number var colors = ["red", "blue", "green"]; // array var wall = { type: "brick", color: "red" }; // object var pretty = true; // boolean
  • 11. debugging Debugging Javascript is easiest with Firebug or the developer toolbar in Chrome, Safari or IE console.log("Send a general log message"); console.warn("Log a warning"); console.alert("Log an error message"); alert("You can always alert messages, but this is rather limited and irritating");
  • 12. logic Might look simple... var thisIsTrue = true; if(thisIsTrue) { console.log("Yes, it's true!"); } else { console.log("Don't think so..."); } if(2 * 3 == 6) { console.log("I can do math"); } else { console.log("I suck at math"); }
  • 13. logic Might look simple... but can be tricky sometimes var numberOne = 1; var numberTwo = 2; var stringOne = "1"; numberOne == numberTwo // returns false numberOne != numberTwo // returns true numberOne == stringOne // returns true numberOne === stringOne // returns false numberOne === parseInt(stringOne) // returns true numberOne < numberTwo // returns true numberOne > numberTwo // returns false numberOne <= numberTwo // returns true
  • 14. math Might look simple... var a = 10; var b = 1; var c = "1"; var d = a + b; var e = a + c; b++;
  • 15. math Might look simple... but can be tricky sometimes var a = 10; var b = 1; var c = "1"; var d = a + b; // 11 var e = a + c; // "101" b++; // 2;
  • 16. loops These loops all output the same for(var i=1; i<=10; i++) { console.log(i); } var i = 1; while(i<10) { console.log(i++); } var i = 1; do { console.log(i++); } while(i<10);
  • 17. l∞ps These loops all output the same Always make sure to for(var i=1; i<=10; i++) { console.log(i); validate your loops } before running them ;) var i = 1; while(i<10) { You don’t want to console.log(i++); } make infinite loops. var i = 1; do { console.log(i++); } while(i<10);
  • 18. arrays Arrays have predefined functions var colors = ["green", "red", "blue", "yellow"]; console.log(colors.length); // logs 4 console.log(colors[0]); // logs "green" console.log(colors[3]); // logs "yellow" colors.push("fuchsia"); // adds "fuchsia" to the end of the array colors[2] = "sky"; // changed "blue" to "sky" var colorsString = colors.join(","); console.log(colorsString); // logs "green,red,sky,yellow,fuchsia";
  • 19. objects Objects have keys and values. The key is a string, the value can be a number, string, array, boolean, function or even an other object var me = { name: "Stijn", age: 28, cool: true, parents: ["mom", "dad"] };
  • 20. functions Functions contain blocks of code that can be executed repeatedly function yawn() { console.log("... yaaaawn ..."); } yawn(); // logs "... yaaaawn ..."
  • 21. functions Variables can also be functions var yawn = function() { console.log("... yaaaawn ..."); }; yawn(); // logs "... yaaaawn ..."
  • 22. functions Functions can have zero or more parameters and might return any value var kissie = function(person1, person2) { var theLine = person1+" and "+person2+" are sitting in a tree, k-i-s-s-i-n-g!"; return theLine; }; console.log(kissie("Will", "Kate"));
  • 23. scope Variables might be “global” or “local” depending on the location where you declare them. When a variable is declared within a function using the var keyword, it will only be available within this function. Code outside that function wouldn’t be able to access it.
  • 24. scope Variables that are declared within a function aren’t accessible outside the function. function whatsMyName() { var name = "Stijn"; console.log(name); } whatsMyName(); // logs "Stijn" console.log(name); // logs undefined
  • 25. scope But variables that are declared outside a function can be accessed within a function. var name; function whatsMyName() { name = "Stijn"; console.log(name); } whatsMyName(); // logs "Stijn" console.log(name); // logs "Stijn"
  • 26. scope Remember: Variables are declared with the var keyword. Declare a variable within a function and it’s only accessible within the function. var name = "Stijn"; function whatsMyName() { var name = "Ben"; console.log(name); } whatsMyName(); // logs "Ben" console.log(name); // logs "Stijn"
  • 28. HTML vs DOM Before you want to implement Javascript on your website it is key to know that Javascript works on the DOM, not on the HTML.
  • 31. HTML vs DOM HTML Browser (text)
  • 32. HTML vs DOM HTML Browser DOM (text) (XML)
  • 33. HTML Just plain text. <html> <head><title>This is an awesome HTML page.</title></head> <body> <h1>Awesome!</h1> <p>Totally rad, dude.</p> </body> </html>
  • 34. DOM An XML structure based on the HTML “How the browser sees and works with HTML” <html> <head> <title>This is an awesome HTML page.</title> </head> <body> <h1>Awesome!</h1> <p>Totally rad, dude.</p> </body> </html>
  • 36. why jQuery? easy to use Javascript a lot of usefull predefined functions and methods “write less, do more” do it all (some other libraries are specialized in x or y) lightweight wide range of plugins available for various specific needs easy to learn
  • 37. what is jQuery? it’s a javascript library that simplifies the use of javascript especially for HTML document traversing, event handling, animating, Ajax interactions, ... it’s just plain old javascript and open-source:
  • 38. how to implement? <html> <head> <title>My first jQuery</title> </head> <body> <script type=”text/javascript” src="jquery.js"></script> <script type=”text/javascript”> // javascript goes here </script> </body> </html>
  • 40.
  • 41. $
  • 43. $ = jQuery you can either choose to use $ or jQuery in your code, these variables are equal
  • 45. get a DOM element $(selector)
  • 47. $(selector).function(); execute a jQuery function
  • 49. optional parameters $(selector).function(parameters);
  • 50. optional get a DOM parameters element $(selector).function(parameters); execute a jQuery function
  • 53. example: $(“h2”) get all H2 elements from DOM
  • 55. example: $(“h2”).css(); execute the jQuery “css” function
  • 59. All selector $(“*”) Get all elements from the DOM Is extremely slow and not recommended var numberOfElements = $("*").length; console.log("jQuery found "+numberOfElements+" elements on this page");
  • 60. Element selector $(“tagname”) Select all elements with a specific tagName No special characters needed $("div").css("border", "1px solid red");
  • 61. ID selector $(“#id”) Selects a single element with the given ID attribute Very efficient, one of the quickest ways to get an element The ID selector uses a hash before it’s name $("#myDiv").css("border", "1px solid red"); Notice: Each ID value must be used only once within a document, otherwise this document won’t be valid. If more than one element has been assigned the same ID, jQuery will only select the first. This behavior should not be relied on though.
  • 62. Class selector $(“.classname”) Select all elements with the given class An element can have multiple classes, only one of them must match The class selector uses a dot before the class name $(".myClass").css("border", "1px solid red");
  • 63. Multiple selector $(“a, b, c, ...”) jQuery allows multiple selections methods in one selector string It will select the combined result of all the specified selectors Combine as many selectors as you like by the use of commas $("h1, #myDiv, .myClass").css("border", "1px solid red");
  • 64. Attribute selector $(“[attribute]”) Select elements by their attribute var numberOfElements = $("[id]").length; console.log("I found "+numberOfElements+" on this page with an ID attribute"); $("div[id]").css("border", "1px solid red"); $("input[value='Stijn']").css("border", "1px solid red");
  • 65. Attribute selector $(“[attribute]”) Advanced attribute selectors $('input[name="abc"]') // where name equals abc $('input[name!="abc"]') // where name is not abc $('input[name^="abc"]') // where name starts with abc $('input[name$="abc"]') // where name ends with abc $('input[name*="abc"]') // where name contains the characters abc $('input[name~="abc"]') // where name contains the word abc
  • 66. Descendants $(“ancestor descendant”) Select all elements that are descendants of a given ancestor $("form input").css("border", "1px solid red");
  • 67. Children $(“parent > child”) Select all elements that are descendants of a given ancestor, but only if they are a direct child element of the ancestor $("ul.topnav > li").css("border", "1px solid red");
  • 68. Double column $(“:abc”) There are a bunch of predefined selectors $("li:odd") // select all odd li elements $("li:even") // select all even li elements $("li:first") // select the first li element $("li:last") // select the last li element $("li:eq(4)") // select the 5th li element $(":input") // select all input fields $(":button") // select all buttons $(":checkbox") // select all checkboxes $(":radio") // select all radio elements $(":checked") // select all checked checkboxes and radio buttons $(":selected") // select all selected option elements
  • 70. .html() Without a parameter it will return the html content of the first element in the selector If you provide a html or text string in the first parameter, the html content of all elements in the selector will be updated console.log($('body').html()); $('body').html("<h1>My pagetitle</h1>");
  • 71. .text() Without a parameter it will return the text content of the first element in the selector If you provide a text string in the first parameter, the text content of all elements in the selector will be updated console.log($('body').text()); $('body').text("<h1>HTML won’t work</h1>");
  • 72. .empty() Remove all text and DOM elements within the selector $('#myDiv').empty();
  • 73. .val() Get the current value of the first element from the selector The .val() method is primarily used to get the values from form elements $("input:checkbox:checked").val();
  • 75. .attr(attribute, value) Without setting the value parameter, jQuery returns the value of the attribute of the first element in the selector $("img").attr("src"); If you provide a second parameter (value), you set the attribute of all selected elements to this new value $("img").attr("src", "myImage.jpg");
  • 76. .css(name, value) Without setting the value parameter, jQuery returns the specific css value of the first element in the selector $("a").css("color"); // red If you provide a second parameter (value), you set the css value to this new value $("a").css("color", "#FF3300");
  • 77. .css(map) The css function allows an object parameter too $("a").css({ "color": "#FF3300", "text-decoration": "none" });
  • 78. class functions some useful class functions $("a").addClass("active"); // adds the class "active" $("a").removeClass("active"); // removes the class "active" $("a").hasClass("active"); // returns true or false $("a").toggleClass("active", "inactive"); // toggle the class
  • 80. .eq(index) Returns the element at the specified index number in the selection First item is zero (zero-based index) $("li").eq(4);
  • 81. .eq(-index) Returns the element at the specified index number in the selection counting from the back $("li").eq(-1);
  • 82. lookup functions .first() // select the first item from the selected elements .last() // select the last item from the selected elements .next() // select the next item in the DOM .nextAll() // select all the next items in the DOM .prev() // select the previous item in the DOM .prevAll() // select all the previous items in the DOM
  • 84. chaining jQuery is powerful because it’s built on the concept of chaining $(selector).function().function().function() $("li").css("border", "1px solid red").first().addClass("first").children("div").hide();
  • 86. $(document).ready(callback); the first event that everyone knows This callback event is triggered when the DOM is fully loaded $(document).ready(function() { alert("Welcome on this page!"); }); Notice: the document selector doesn’t need quotes because “document” is a native javascript object. Try console.log(document); to see the full object.
  • 87. .click(callback) Bind a mouse click event to the selected elements $("#myButton").click(function() { alert("Thank you for clicking my button"); });
  • 88. “this” Within a callback function you can always use the “this” keyword to select the current element $("#myButton").click(function() { $(this).toggleClass("clicked"); });
  • 89. .dblClick() Bind a double mouse click event to the selected elements $("#myButton").dblClick(function() { alert("Thank you for double clicking my button"); });
  • 90. hover functions many different options of doing hovers var over = function() { console.log("hovered over the div"); }; var out = function() { console.log("daddy left the div"); }; $("div").mouseover(over); $("div").mouseout(out); $("div").hover(over, out);
  • 92. .fadeIn(speed, callback) Display or hide the selected elements by fading them in or out $("#myDiv").fadeIn(500); $("#anotherDiv").fadeOut(500, function() { // this function will be called after the fadeout });
  • 93. .slideDown(speed, callback) Display or hide the selected elements by sliding them up or down $("#slider").slideDown(1000, function() { $(this).slideUp(1000); });
  • 94. .delay(duration) Set a timer to delay the execution of subsequent items in the queue. $("#myDiv").slideDown(500).delay(300).fadeOut(500);
  • 95. .animate(map, duration) Animate CSS differences by mapping an object in the first parameter of the animate function. var cssProperties = { "border": "10px solid red", "background-color": "black", "font-size": "100px" }; $("#myDiv").animate(cssProperties, 500);
  • 97. Ajax Make file requests without refreshing the page Just like a call to an image but possibility to send and get data (xml, json, html, text, script, ...) Callbacks don’t run instantly, the callback is triggered when the requested URL chooses to respond, in other words: you have to wait for the callback to continue (asynchronous)
  • 98. $.get(url, callback); If you want to get some data asynchronously The callback function gets a parameter with the responded data $.get("randomHtmlSnippet.txt", function(dataResponse) { $("#result").html(dataResponse); });
  • 99. ...loading... It’s always a good idea to warn the user that your Ajax call is running and he should wait for a moment $("#myButton").click(function() { $("#loader").show(); $.get("someRandomHtmlSnippet.txt", function(dataResponse) { $("#result").html(dataResponse); $("#loader").hide(); }); });
  • 100. $.post(url, data, callback); Good if you want to send and receive data asynchronously The callback function gets a parameter with the responded data var data = { "email": "", "name": "Stijn Van Minnebruggen" }; $.post("sendEmail.php", data, function(dataResponse) { alert(dataResponse); });
  • 102. .each(function(index){ ... }) The each function allows easy DOM looping Use the this keyword to call each element in the callback the callback gets an index parameter $("li").each(function(index) { $(this).html("This is list item number "+index); });
  • 103. $.browser Object that contains flags for the useragent if($.browser.msie) { alert("Really? :P"); }
  • 104. $.support Rather than using $.browser it’s recommended to check for a specific support $("p").html("This frame uses the W3C box model: <span>""</span>"); // true

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