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Basic Marketing
By romualdo romeo ortiz

“No one has the monopoly of knowledge.”
Be receptive to inputs.
Have an open mind.
Don’t shoot down an idea, no matter
how absurd or crazy it is.

Some topics may not be important to you,
but may be important to the other

“We are all equal.”
Disregard position / age / gender.
Use language you are at ease with.

Communicate to understand.

“Let us not argue nor debate but
only discuss.”
Graciously challenge a point whenever
Respect the side of others.
Share your ideas.

Avoid off tangent topics / discussions.

“Let us be on time.”
Please come on time for all

“100% Attention to the sessions.”
Cellular phones on silent or vibra mode.

Phone calls allowed only during break time or
off session.

“Practice 5’S”
Clean as you go.
Course Objectives
1. To learn the basic concept of sales marketing
2. To have the right framework to perform effectively and
efficiently with sales & marketing tasks. (Sales &
Marketing Force Competency)
3. To learn the basic Sales Process and selling
(Prospecting, Communication, Objection Handling)

Basic Concept of Marketing
Module 1
By Romualdo Romeo A. Ortiz
What is Marketing????
Marketing is an action word with “Market” as the root
Word.. And .... Ing . It would be best to define first
the root word.. Before we define marketing
“Palengke” a place where seller
bring their goods to be sold.
Also a place where buyers “
mamimili” go to , to buy goods
They want

What is Market????

It’s a place where the buyer and
seller meets to have
An exchange to satisfy their needs
and wants

1 a (1) : a meeting together of people for the purpose of
trade by private purchase and sale and usually not by
auction (2) : the people assembled at such a meeting b (1) :
a public place where a market is held; especially : a place
where provisions are sold at wholesale <a farmers'
market> (2) : a retail establishment usually of a specified
kind <a fish market>
2 archaic : the act or an instance of buying and selling

It’s a place where the buyer and
seller meets to have
An exchange to satisfy their needs
and wants

Consist of all potential customers sharing
a particular need or want who might be
willing and able to engage in exchange to
satisfy that need or want.
1 : action or process
<running> <sleeping> :
instance of an action or
process <a meeting>

2 a : product or result of an action
or process <an engraving> —
often in plural <earnings> b :
something used in an action or
process <a bed covering> <the
lining of a coat>

3 : action or process
connected with (a
specified thing) <boating>
It is a process wherein the product is
sold and bought by
The seller and the buyer ( customer )


the area of economic activity in
which buyers and sellers come
together and the forces of
supply and demand affect prices

“Getting the right goods, to the
right people, In the right place, at
the right time at the right price
with the right level of
communication profitably
Sales sāl n 1: the act of selling ; esp : transfer
of ownership of property from one person to
another for a price 2. the business of selling

What is Sales ???
2 a (1) : something produced;
especially : commodity 1 (2) :
Is any something (as a service) that is
act or performance that one
party can offer to another that is b :
marketed or sold as a commodity
essentially intangible and does not
something resulting from or
resultnecessarily following anything of
in the ownership of from a set
conditions <a product of his


the act of furthering the growth or
development of something
is a powerful short-term marketing tool
the element in an organization’s marketing
mix that serves to inform, persuade and remind
1 organization and/or its
the market of the a : physical environment :
space b : a way for admission
or transit c : physical
surroundings : atmosphere



anything that can be offered to a
market to satisfy a want or need
something produced
a set of tangible attributes, including
1 archaic : value, worth
packaging, color, price, quality, and
2 a : the quantity of one thing and is
brand, plus the services that
exchanged or demanded in barter or
reputation of the seller.
sale for another service,amount of
may be a good, b : the person, place
money given or set idea
or as consideration
for the sale of a specified thing


the amount of money given or
asked for a specified thing

The channel /method where
The product /service is sold or offered
can be real or virtual
•Brand Promotion
•Advertising: tri media, posters,
cinema videos, new media
•PR & Events sponsorship
•Sales promotion
•Trade promotion
•Telephone selling
•Direct Mail
•Sales force

•Face to face
•Personal service
•Third party agency





• Customer
• Quality
• Design
• Technical feature
• Branding
• Packaging
• Service
• Training

•Bundling items or price separately
•Lump sum or piece rate
•Rebates or loyalty scheme
•Undersell or oversell the competition
4 C vs. 4 P


Want/ Need




Right frame work for marketing
Module 2
Romualdo Romeo Ortiz
Basic Sales Transaction



Sales sāl n 1: the act of selling ; esp : transfer
of ownership of property from one person to
another for a price 2. the business of selling
Simple Marketing System


Good/Service /Product




Sales vs. Marketing
The selling concept



Selling &

Profit through
sales volume


Profit through

The marketing concept

Target Market

Customer needs
Sales Vs. Marketing
• Introverted
• Inward looking
• Starts w/ the product
• Shorter time horizon
• Is about revenue this week
• Focus on one aspect of your

• Extroverted
• Outward looking
• Starts w/ the customer
• Longer time horizon
• About profit this year
• The ethos of the
What a company offers in the marketplace can be categorize to five

Pure Tangible

Offer consist only of a tangible
Good such as soap, toothpaste, or salt

Tangible w/ accompanying

Car , Computer


Equal part of goods and services
Restaurant food and service

Major services +minor
goods & services

Pure services

Airline Major is the service, minor is the tangible

Psychotherapy, massages
Lets briefly define & discuss
Services are intangible. Unlike physical
products it can not be seen, tasted,
felt, heard or smelled before they are
What customers do to reduce
uncertainty, they look for signs or
evidence of the service quality
And they draw their inferences about
service quality on 6 elements
Place, People, Physical evidence,
Processes communication (promotion
)materials, symbols (branding) and price
they see.

Ambience, The physical setting must connote quick,
precise, concise service, clean, layout of the store, traffic
flow should be carefully planned


the selection , training, and motivation of
employees make a huge impact on customer

Physical evidence

Building/Façade etc


•Look and observable style of dealing with customer that carries
out its intended Customer Value Proposition (cvp), cleanliness ,
speed or other benefit, should be and looks like state of the art
materials: Brochure, leaflet , poster, streamer , etc ,symbols
(branding) Is a name , term, sign, symbol or design or a
combination of them intended to identify the goods or service of
one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those
of competitor
The value offered for the service

Service quality

Place, Physical evidence,
Communication (promotion )materials
symbols (branding)

Lets briefly define & discuss
For product , marketers are
task to add abstract ideas,
Marketing’s task is to put physical
evidence and imagery on the abstract
Whereas Task of service provider
is to "manage the evidence," to
tangibilize the intangible,
Lets briefly define & discuss
What we wish to provide the
customer is a service that can
eventually give him

Basic Sales Process
Module 3
By Romualdo Romeo Ortiz
Six Steps In Selling Process

Approaching the prospect
Handling objections
Closing the deal
A planned and systematic process of
identifying qualified or possible
people to avail of our products or
Why is Prospecting Important?


is important to every
because it means finding

suitable people to whom you can sell
your product or services and without
enough of such people, no salesman can
Increasing your
• By focusing on the QUANTITY of your
• By improving the QUALITY of your
• By increasing your conversion ratio

- Provide yourself a list of prospects.


- Record new prospects daily.
- Organize your prospecting activities into a
regular habit.
- Subject “suspects” to the ARENA
test - QUALIFY them.
- Plan your search.
- Exercise your imagination.
- Collect referred leads from every
- Train yourself to eliminate “china




Ability to pay


Reasonably approachable


Eligibility to buy


Need or want


Authority/Influence in
Where do you get prospects?
List down your prospects.

Referral Prospecting
Non-referral prospecting
Among people you know
Among old clients
Among total stranger

Personal Information
Financial resources
Buying Pattern
Personality type
Company profile
Product line
Decision Maker

The discount & Freebie grabber : the type
who would always demand
Something extra, like discounts, rebates &
The evasive buyer: difficult to get hold,
does not reply to text, calls
Keeps rescheduling appointments. Get help
from his secretary
The complaining buyer always have
something against you & your
Company, treat this with understanding,
empathy & patience
Domineering buyer a strong willed &
powerful & difficult to get along
With, but can be a positive ally & friend
once you gain his trust
Analytical suspicious buyer this one wants everything in
writing, hate
Foul ups, be careful when dealing with this, impress
him by name
Dropping of trusted people & companies
Making the Right Impression
Approaching The Prospect
• By phone or by email
• By sending formal proposal
• By meeting prospect personally
10 Effective Strategies In Approaching Prospects
• Introducing yourself
• Introducing your
• Emphasizing consumer
• Piquing the prospects
• Offering premium or


Starting with a demo
Posing questions
Using statistics
Paying a complement
Obtaining a referral
12 Essentials of an Effective Approach
• Pick the proper place and
time correct timing
• Use interesting opening
statement or question use
visual grabber
• Promptly hand over your
business card
• Be brave & confident but
• Gauge the mood of your
• Strike up a conversation

• Ask Questions
• Make the prospect feel at
• Get the complete undivided
• State your offer clearly and
• Make an appointment
• Keep your appointment and
arrive on time
Elements of a Formal Sales Proposal
Title Page: Present an attactive, professional
Looking title page that clearly specify the name
Of sender and the date
Cover Letter: Grab attention by briefly summing
Up sales offer. This should be long enough to cover
The essential parts & short enough to keep it
Table of content:List all the tables, illustrations
In addition to all section & subsections
Body present an outline of the prospects current
Situation priot to use of the proposed system. Highlight
Benefits and sales offering. Show cost benefit ratio
& amount of investment needed.Show proof that offer
Will result to tremendous savings & multiple benefit

Summary: state your proposition in a single brief
Concise statement that can easily & quickly read
& understood
Contract Provides the prospect with a firm legal
Document to sign or discuss
Proper Introduction

The sound of a person’s own name is the
sweetest sound in his language.
address the customer by
name, if you can possibly find out his




When you state your name give
your first name first, then your
You, Not Against You

“TAKE YOUR LEAD from the customers.”
SENDER ------------ MESSAGE ------------- RECEIVER
One-way Communication


Two-way Communication

Non-verbal (Gestures)

Tone of Voice

Words Used



Include Technical Jargon only if
Use Acceptable Levels of the
English or Pilipino Language
Connotation and Associations of
Words must be positive
Right Questions
at the
Right Time
Why Ask Questions?
When asked the right way and at the right time, questions can give you direct insight
into the heart and soul of your prospects and provide you with road map of where you
should take your discussion.

To obtain information
To provide information
To check comprehension
To measure interest
To encourage client participation
Asking Questions: How to Do It
Two Main Types of Questions
• Open questions require some amount of explanation to be answered.
• When you want to explore what your prospect thinks about a
particular vehicle, you should use open questions.
• However, if you need a simple yes or no response, then open
questions are definitely out.

• Closed questions can be answered with a simple yes or no or another
such specific response.
• If you merely want to get specific answer to specific questions - and
to avoid wasting time with a lot of needless discussion - then you
should use closed questions.
Use of Questions


Determine Problems
Understand Requests
Establish Needs


Ask Customer to explain
requests or problems


Ask for more information
to determine a course of


Get Agreement

Open Questions

Open Question

Both Open &

How do we approach . . .
1. Prospects who are endorsed or referred to
2. Prospects who walk-in the branch the first

3. Regular walk-in Top customers.
The Presentation
The AIDA approach

A ttention
I nterest
D esire
A ction
Planning Your Presentation

Target client
Call Objective
Product story
Product tag line
Opening statement

• Main presentation
• Possible objection &
counter objections
• Sources
• Closing
Ingredients of Effective Presentation
• Establish your legitimacy and
demonstrate your expertise
• Establish rapport
• Mention all the benefits your
product or service offers
• Have conviction
• Be clear accurate and precise
• Be creative and give life to the

• Customize your presentation
according to the personality,
interest & needs of the client
• Try to keep clients interest and
focus on your presentation
• Give the client a chance to
speak out and listen to
everything he has to say
• Provide the client with a print
out of your presentation
• Rehearse and critique your
Handling objections
“The salesman’s job starts when the
customer says NO! ”
Objection Handling
• Remember that answering an objection is not a
matter of pointing out that the prospect is wrong,
or his logic faulty.
• You must work with him to show
proposition will do for him.


Objection Handling
• The only way to answer an objection satisfactorily
is to sell Benefits and more Benefits until he is
convinced that the sacrifice he must make to
obtain your product is worthwhile. To do this, one
must have the techniques required in handling
The ABC’s in Dealing with the “NO”

Anticipating the Common Objections

Delaying your answer
The ABC’s in Dealing with the “NO”

Expressing it as a question
Factual Justification
Giving a Demonstration
Handling it with a Closing Action

What do you think are the common
objections that may be thrown at you?

How will you handle them? What would

Be your answers to these objections?
Objection Handling
Product / Feature Objections –
• This can be avoided if the Branch Manager/Sales
Agent is well prepared. The product or service will
have been offered in the first place because it
genuinely contains benefits for the buyer
Objection Handling
Competition / Loyalty Objections • This is an expression of the prospect’s confidence
in his existing supplier. This is a real challenge to
the Branch Manager/Sales Agent .

• Do not knock the opposition. It would amount to
an attack on the client’s judgment.
Objection Handling
Competition / Loyalty Objections • Here the Branch Manager/Sales Agent must be
• Offer your service as a safeguard. This will not
commit the buyer. Then, find good reasons for
returning to see him.
Objection Handling
Price Objections –

More often than not, the propsect is not so much interested in
price as in VALUE FOR MONEY. So the Branch Manager/Sales
Agent points out the benefits of his proposal in terms of its
profitability or savings and links them to the consequent return
to the prospect.
Objection Handling
Company Objection Based upon the company’s financial standing, personnel,
Time / Delay Objections –
This is a difficult one to cope with because it seems a
reasonable thing for the buyer to do. After all it could be
genuine. On the other hand, it could be a means of avoiding
making a decision for some other reason. It could be the
prospect is still not convinced, or that he genuinely needs time
to think.
Objection Handling Techniques
1. Anticipating the Common Objections
(“Raise it First”)
There are some objections that can be raised by the
branch manager/sales agent at the initial stages of
his/her presentation. However, this technique must
be used carefully since the objection that was raised
by the branch manager/sales agent may not be a
concern of the prospect in the first place.
Objection Handling Techniques
2. Boomerang –
The objection raised by the prospect is used by the
branch manager/sales agent to reinforce his claims
or his presentation.
Objection Handling Techniques
3. Compensating (Admit and Compensate)
There will be times when a branch manager/sales
agent will have to simply admit that the objection of
the prospect is valid -- but he cannot take this sitting
A prospect may say that the product is very
expensive, and while the branch manager/sales
agent may accept that his product may be premium
priced, he compensates by explaining the concept of
“value for money” by giving the other benefits of his
Objection Handling Techniques
4. Delaying your answer
To buy more time, a branch manager/sales agent
may respond by saying “Let me answer that
question in a little while.” Just be careful not to
forget to go back to the objection afterwards.
Objection Handling Techniques
5. Expressing it as a question
Another way of handling objections is through the
use of questions. Rephrase the objection and ask
the prospect questions to clarify your thinking as to
what the prospect is really asking for.
Objection Handling Techniques
6. Factual Justification
The use of facts and data can further support your
claims or answers. The more objective the data is,
the more reliable it can be used to handle

7. Giving a Demonstration
A good way of dealing with an objection is through
“SHOWING.” Let them appreciate the product
through their other senses.
Objection Handling Techniques
8. Handling it with a Closing Action
Challenge them to purchase if you are able to prove
that you’re right.



How You Can Be Prepared
To Answer Any Objection
sure your Attitude towards objections

Show your prospects that you welcome them.

is right.

Acquire sufficient Knowledge on your company and the
products or services you are offering.
Develop Skills in handling objections by listing all
objections and questions you are likely to hear from
prospects and the best answers to each questions.
How You Can Be Prepared
To Answer Any Objection


Create the best combination of words to sell enough
benefits to get him to agree his question has been
answered satisfactorily.

Believe in what you’re saying!



Handling Objections
8 common sources of objection
• They do not trust you and
your company
• They have doubts about the
quality of the
products/service you are
• They are not convince that
they need the product /
• The product/service is not
attractive to them& it does
not have what they are
looking for

• They cannot afford the
productor they are not
satisfied with the price
• They are not satisfied with
the terms & conditions of the
• They are not satisfied with
your delivery of service
• The product is new &
unknown no demand yet
10 Steps In Handling Objections Or
Addressing Concern
• Prepare ready answer to
possible objections
• Listen to all the clients
questions & querries &
• Respond promptly
• Keep a cool head
• Be friendly & pleasant


Always keep to the point
Reassure the client
Allow small concession
Don’t hesitate to make
• Don’t lose contact with
the client
How to Respond Promptly

The direct approach
The indirect approach
The boomerang approach
The probing & questioning approach
The compensation/ offsetting approach
The ignore approach
Handling Difficult Sales Situation

Your first sales call
Facing the competitor
The demanding customer
Customer tantrums ( hot headed difficult
customer )
• Personal favor
• The elusive customer
• Fear of rejection
Closing the Deal
Closing A Deal
When to close the deal…. When the client…

• Closely examines the product and read the label, ask you to
describe the product/service in more details or asks a lot of
questions regarding the terms of the sale
• Nods in agreement or say yes to your explanations
• Smiles a lot and seems to be in a pleasant mood
• Asks about the details of delivery or installation
• Starts to negotiate about the price, discounts, trade offs ,
terms and policies of the sales, including service warranties
• Asks for assurance regarding products quality, durability etc
Closing A Deal
When to close the deal…. When the client…

Asks about the mode of paymentand related company policies
Request a demo of the product or a product sample for trial
Request for a plant tour or an audience with your superior
Shows an attitude of ownership such as “ I agree that this
original Amorsolo painting will definitely enhance our living
• Wants to see the manual for how to correctly operate your
How To Close A Deal
Keep this in mind that your goal is to
Obtain from the client.
• A firm commitment , a signed order a verbal acceptance that
the client will buy your product/service
• A positive agreement , a promise that he will buy in the
immediate future
How To Close A Deal
How to determine the state of your customer mind

Your clients response on the following
will give you a good idea

• Have I explained everything to your satisfaction so
• Was I able to address all of your concerns
• Have I provided the solutions to your problems
• Are you convinced that product x is truly qualified to
satisfy your needs and wants
Closing techniques
• The Direct Close
• The positive choice
• The boomerang
• The summary close
• The Reference verbal
• The concession close
• The Example close

• The caution close/score
• The isolation close
• The Benjamin Franklin
• The sharp single close
• The negative close
• The puppy dog close

If client customer is already showing visible buying signal don’t hesitate to ask directly
Whether she would want to buy
Direct close
Indication :Buyer is sending buying signal and answers
yes to your leading questions, then it is safe to
assume that customer is interested enough to buy,
do not hesitate to ask the customer directly whether
she would want to buy the product.
Do we have a deal? Can I have our commitment
When can I call you for an order?
Do we have an agreement?
Can I have your order?
How soon or where do you like the products delivered?
When is the best time to get the P.O.?
Can I take your order now and I can pick up the payment this afternoon?
Positive choice
Indication: Present the client with two choices
whichever he picks will imply that he has
agreed to buy. In other words, the moment he
chooses implied he has accepted the offer
Do you prefer the larger blister pack or the smaller ones?
The sachets or poly bags?
Would you like the ads to start in March or April?
Do you prefer to pay in cash or instalment?
Blue or red?
Indication: you answer the client question by
asking another question, this one meant to
imply that the client is buying
Client asking for a particular feature, ask if he would prefer his unit to come with
That feature.
Does this come in a variety of color’s ? How many color’s would you prefer?
Summary close
Indication: involves first summarizing the main
points of your presentation, emphasizing all
the significant qualities of your product that
the other products of the same kind do not
Ex. Our product is to so and so. We will provide you with so and so and so. And here
The details of your order....
Reference/Verbal proof close
Indication: Citing a recognized and trusted
authority as a reference.
Ex. Our product has passed ISO 9001 standard
Our existing clients include some of the top companies in the
Philippines like, SMC, Robinson, Ayala
Our product is biodegradable and duly approved by BFADD
Concession Close
Indication: In sales lingo, a concession is
something that costs you or your company a
little but has a high perceived value for the
Ex: I will offer you a small price reduction f you order now.
I will offer you a small specification change at no extra cost
We offer a 10 % discount for a Php 3 million minimum purchase
Buy within the next two weeks and you can avail of a 20 %
Caution close/Score Method
Instead of telling the client what she will gain if she
buys your product, here point out instead what the
client will lose if she does not avail of the offer. Do
not sound threatening, rather adopt a helpful
attitude, works will client who does not want to lose,
or who tend to regret their decisions
Ex: If you do not place your order now there is a chance the
Product will be out of stock and the inflation rate will be higher
In the feature.
Our special discount is good until next week, if you do not order
by then you will not be able to avail the promo price
Act now or you miss out on our special 40% discount
Isolation close
Indication: after neutralizing all of the clients concerns,
he comes up with last minute one, tell him you will
isolate it and work on that issue only until you have
manage to dissolved it.
Ex: Is this the only thing bothering you? If I could remove your
doubts about this Will you buy?
If I can shorten the delivery time as you want, will that make you
Ben Franklin Close
Indication: Write in a piece of paper the Yes and
NO column. Explain to client to list down all
his reasons favoring the decision under the
Yes, and all his reasons against the decision in
the No column, Then help the customer list
down all the positive things about offer that
you have agreed almost always the benefit
you helped him list will outnumber the clients
Sharp angle
Indication: Use this method when you have a
tough client who fires a lot of demanding
questions at you. The moment he asks for
something, ask him whether he will sign the
contract if you can provide what he wants?
Example close
Indication: Describe how a former client with
the same objection decided to take the risk
and accepted the offer and how they are
doing well.
Or you may describe how a previous customer
with the same dilemma refused your offer and
ended up losing. Quickly follow up this
example with your closing question
Negative close
Indication: This technique emphasizes the
disadvantage or perceived weakness of the
product or service and asking the client if he
still wants to proceed in buying.
Ex: Here is a refrigerator that exceeds customer expectation
With respect to quality, durability and service warranty. The only
Problem is it has too much space inside that a newly wed couple
Would find it difficult filling up. Will this ref fit your need in the
Next couple of years? Will you pay in cash or credit?
Puppy dog close
Indication: Involves using the product as a lure,
letting the client sample it and take it home like a
puppy dog. Like a puppy dog it is expected to
work into the heart of the client until he finds it
indispensible. This work extremely well especially
if your product has new features that you are
sure your client will fall in love with. After some
time when you feel the “puppy dog” has done its
job, drop by and take it back and to have your
order form signed
Thank you

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Basic marketing

  • 2. HOUSE RULES “No one has the monopoly of knowledge.” Be receptive to inputs. Have an open mind. Don’t shoot down an idea, no matter how absurd or crazy it is. Some topics may not be important to you, but may be important to the other participants.
  • 3. HOUSE RULES “We are all equal.” Disregard position / age / gender. Use language you are at ease with. Communicate to understand.
  • 4. HOUSE RULES “Let us not argue nor debate but only discuss.” Graciously challenge a point whenever necessary. Respect the side of others. Share your ideas. Avoid off tangent topics / discussions.
  • 5. HOUSE RULES “Let us be on time.” Please come on time for all sessions.
  • 6. HOUSE RULES “100% Attention to the sessions.” Cellular phones on silent or vibra mode. Phone calls allowed only during break time or off session.
  • 8. Course Objectives 1. To learn the basic concept of sales marketing 2. To have the right framework to perform effectively and efficiently with sales & marketing tasks. (Sales & Marketing Force Competency) 3. To learn the basic Sales Process and selling techniques. (Prospecting, Communication, Objection Handling) goto
  • 9. Basic Concept of Marketing Module 1 By Romualdo Romeo A. Ortiz
  • 10. What is Marketing???? Marketing is an action word with “Market” as the root Word.. And .... Ing . It would be best to define first the root word.. Before we define marketing
  • 11. “Palengke” a place where seller bring their goods to be sold. Also a place where buyers “ mamimili” go to , to buy goods They want What is Market???? It’s a place where the buyer and seller meets to have An exchange to satisfy their needs and wants 1 a (1) : a meeting together of people for the purpose of trade by private purchase and sale and usually not by auction (2) : the people assembled at such a meeting b (1) : a public place where a market is held; especially : a place where provisions are sold at wholesale <a farmers' market> (2) : a retail establishment usually of a specified kind <a fish market> 2 archaic : the act or an instance of buying and selling It’s a place where the buyer and seller meets to have An exchange to satisfy their needs and wants Consist of all potential customers sharing a particular need or want who might be willing and able to engage in exchange to satisfy that need or want.
  • 12. 1 : action or process <running> <sleeping> : instance of an action or process <a meeting> Denotes action Ing 2 a : product or result of an action or process <an engraving> — often in plural <earnings> b : something used in an action or process <a bed covering> <the lining of a coat> 3 : action or process connected with (a specified thing) <boating>
  • 13. It is a process wherein the product is sold and bought by The seller and the buyer ( customer ) respectively Marketing the area of economic activity in which buyers and sellers come together and the forces of supply and demand affect prices “Getting the right goods, to the right people, In the right place, at the right time at the right price with the right level of communication profitably
  • 14. Sales sāl n 1: the act of selling ; esp : transfer of ownership of property from one person to another for a price 2. the business of selling What is Sales ???
  • 15. 2 a (1) : something produced; especially : commodity 1 (2) : Is any something (as a service) that is act or performance that one party can offer to another that is b : marketed or sold as a commodity essentially intangible and does not something resulting from or resultnecessarily following anything of in the ownership of from a set conditions <a product of his environment> Promotion the act of furthering the growth or development of something is a powerful short-term marketing tool the element in an organization’s marketing mix that serves to inform, persuade and remind 1 organization and/or its the market of the a : physical environment : space b : a way for admission products or transit c : physical surroundings : atmosphere Product Marketing anything that can be offered to a market to satisfy a want or need something produced a set of tangible attributes, including 1 archaic : value, worth packaging, color, price, quality, and 2 a : the quantity of one thing and is brand, plus the services that exchanged or demanded in barter or reputation of the seller. sale for another service,amount of may be a good, b : the person, place money given or set idea or as consideration for the sale of a specified thing Price the amount of money given or asked for a specified thing Place The channel /method where The product /service is sold or offered can be real or virtual
  • 16. •Brand Promotion •Advertising: tri media, posters, cinema videos, new media •PR & Events sponsorship •Sales promotion •Trade promotion •Telephone selling •Brochures •Catalogues •Direct Mail •Sales force Promotion •Remote •Multi-media •Telephone •Paper •Face to face •Shop •Personal service •Third party agency Product Marketing Place Price • Customer benefit • Quality • Design • Technical feature • Branding • Packaging • Service • Training •Discounts •Bundling items or price separately •Lump sum or piece rate •Rebates or loyalty scheme •Undersell or oversell the competition
  • 17. 4 C vs. 4 P Product Price Customer Want/ Need Convenience Place Cost Communication Promotion
  • 18. Right frame work for marketing Module 2 By Romualdo Romeo Ortiz
  • 19. Basic Sales Transaction Offers Product Buyer Seller Money Satisfaction Sales sāl n 1: the act of selling ; esp : transfer of ownership of property from one person to another for a price 2. the business of selling
  • 20. Simple Marketing System PROMOTION COMMUNICATION Good/Service /Product Sellers Buyers Money INFORMATION PRODUCT PRICE PLACE
  • 21. Sales vs. Marketing The selling concept Factory Products Selling & Promoting Profit through sales volume Integrated Marketing Profit through customer satisfaction The marketing concept Target Market Customer needs
  • 22. Sales Vs. Marketing Sales • Introverted • Inward looking • Starts w/ the product • Shorter time horizon • Is about revenue this week • Focus on one aspect of your business Marketing • Extroverted • Outward looking • Starts w/ the customer • Longer time horizon • About profit this year • The ethos of the organization
  • 23. What a company offers in the marketplace can be categorize to five Pure Tangible Offer consist only of a tangible Good such as soap, toothpaste, or salt Tangible w/ accompanying services Car , Computer Hybrid Equal part of goods and services Restaurant food and service Major services +minor goods & services Pure services Airline Major is the service, minor is the tangible Psychotherapy, massages
  • 24. Lets briefly define & discuss Services are intangible. Unlike physical products it can not be seen, tasted, felt, heard or smelled before they are bought. What customers do to reduce uncertainty, they look for signs or evidence of the service quality And they draw their inferences about service quality on 6 elements Place, People, Physical evidence, Processes communication (promotion )materials, symbols (branding) and price they see.
  • 25. Place Ambience, The physical setting must connote quick, precise, concise service, clean, layout of the store, traffic flow should be carefully planned People the selection , training, and motivation of employees make a huge impact on customer satisfaction Physical evidence Building/Façade etc Processes Advertising Price •Look and observable style of dealing with customer that carries out its intended Customer Value Proposition (cvp), cleanliness , speed or other benefit, should be and looks like state of the art materials: Brochure, leaflet , poster, streamer , etc ,symbols (branding) Is a name , term, sign, symbol or design or a combination of them intended to identify the goods or service of one seller or group of sellers and to differentiate them from those of competitor The value offered for the service
  • 26. People Physical evidence Processes Service quality Place, Physical evidence, Communication (promotion )materials symbols (branding) Price Processes
  • 27. Lets briefly define & discuss For product , marketers are task to add abstract ideas, Marketing’s task is to put physical evidence and imagery on the abstract offers. Whereas Task of service provider is to "manage the evidence," to tangibilize the intangible,
  • 28. Lets briefly define & discuss What we wish to provide the customer is a service that can eventually give him A TRULY MEMORABLE EXPERIENCE
  • 29. Basic Sales Process Module 3 By Romualdo Romeo Ortiz
  • 30. Six Steps In Selling Process • • • • • • Prospecting Researching Approaching the prospect Presentation Handling objections Closing the deal
  • 31. Prospecting A planned and systematic process of identifying qualified or possible people to avail of our products or services.
  • 32. Why is Prospecting Important? Prospecting salesman is important to every because it means finding suitable people to whom you can sell your product or services and without enough of such people, no salesman can survive.
  • 33. Increasing your BATTING AVERAGE • By focusing on the QUANTITY of your leads • By improving the QUALITY of your leads. • By increasing your conversion ratio through QUALITY SELLING SKILLS.
  • 34. P - Provide yourself a list of prospects. R O - Record new prospects daily. - Organize your prospecting activities into a regular habit. - Subject “suspects” to the ARENA test - QUALIFY them. - Plan your search. - Exercise your imagination. - Collect referred leads from every contact. - Train yourself to eliminate “china egg.” S P E C T
  • 35. QUALIFYING THE PROSPECT - Ability to pay - Reasonably approachable - Eligibility to buy - Need or want - Authority/Influence in Decisions
  • 36. WORKSHOP Where do you get prospects? List down your prospects.
  • 38. Researching • • • • • • • • Personal Information Financial resources Buying Pattern Personality type Schedule Company profile Product line Decision Maker The discount & Freebie grabber : the type who would always demand Something extra, like discounts, rebates & gifts The evasive buyer: difficult to get hold, does not reply to text, calls Keeps rescheduling appointments. Get help from his secretary The complaining buyer always have something against you & your Company, treat this with understanding, empathy & patience Domineering buyer a strong willed & powerful & difficult to get along With, but can be a positive ally & friend once you gain his trust Analytical suspicious buyer this one wants everything in writing, hate Foul ups, be careful when dealing with this, impress him by name Dropping of trusted people & companies
  • 39. THE APPROACH Making the Right Impression
  • 40. Approaching The Prospect • By phone or by email • By sending formal proposal • By meeting prospect personally
  • 41. 10 Effective Strategies In Approaching Prospects • Introducing yourself • Introducing your product • Emphasizing consumer benefit • Piquing the prospects curiosity • Offering premium or reward • • • • • Starting with a demo Posing questions Using statistics Paying a complement Obtaining a referral
  • 42. 12 Essentials of an Effective Approach • Pick the proper place and time correct timing • Use interesting opening statement or question use visual grabber • Promptly hand over your business card • Be brave & confident but courteous • Gauge the mood of your prospect • Strike up a conversation • Ask Questions • Make the prospect feel at ease • Get the complete undivided attention • State your offer clearly and succintly • Make an appointment • Keep your appointment and arrive on time
  • 43. Elements of a Formal Sales Proposal Title Page: Present an attactive, professional Looking title page that clearly specify the name Of sender and the date Cover Letter: Grab attention by briefly summing Up sales offer. This should be long enough to cover The essential parts & short enough to keep it exciting Table of content:List all the tables, illustrations In addition to all section & subsections Body present an outline of the prospects current Situation priot to use of the proposed system. Highlight Benefits and sales offering. Show cost benefit ratio & amount of investment needed.Show proof that offer Will result to tremendous savings & multiple benefit Summary: state your proposition in a single brief Concise statement that can easily & quickly read & understood Contract Provides the prospect with a firm legal Document to sign or discuss
  • 44. Proper Introduction  USE HIS NAME CORRECTLY The sound of a person’s own name is the sweetest sound in his language. Always address the customer by name, if you can possibly find out his name.  USE YOUR NAME CORRECTLY When you state your name give your first name first, then your surname.
  • 45. Make THE HANDSHAKE Work For You, Not Against You “TAKE YOUR LEAD from the customers.”
  • 48. 3 ELEMENTS OF COMMUNICATION Non-verbal (Gestures) Tone of Voice Words Used
  • 49.
  • 50. Words    Include Technical Jargon only if necessary Use Acceptable Levels of the English or Pilipino Language Connotation and Associations of Words must be positive
  • 53. Why Ask Questions? When asked the right way and at the right time, questions can give you direct insight into the heart and soul of your prospects and provide you with road map of where you should take your discussion. To obtain information To provide information To check comprehension To measure interest To encourage client participation
  • 54. Asking Questions: How to Do It Two Main Types of Questions Open: • Open questions require some amount of explanation to be answered. • When you want to explore what your prospect thinks about a particular vehicle, you should use open questions. • However, if you need a simple yes or no response, then open questions are definitely out. Closed: • Closed questions can be answered with a simple yes or no or another such specific response. • If you merely want to get specific answer to specific questions - and to avoid wasting time with a lot of needless discussion - then you should use closed questions.
  • 55. Use of Questions TO:    Determine Problems Understand Requests Establish Needs TO:  Ask Customer to explain requests or problems TO:  Ask for more information to determine a course of action TO:  Get Agreement USE: Open Questions USE: Open Question USE: Both Open & Closed USE: Closed
  • 56. WORKSHOP How do we approach . . . 1. Prospects who are endorsed or referred to us? 2. Prospects who walk-in the branch the first time. 3. Regular walk-in Top customers.
  • 57. The Presentation The AIDA approach A ttention I nterest D esire A ction
  • 58. Planning Your Presentation • • • • • • Product Target client Call Objective Product story Product tag line Opening statement • Main presentation • Possible objection & counter objections • Sources • Closing
  • 59. Ingredients of Effective Presentation • Establish your legitimacy and demonstrate your expertise • Establish rapport • Mention all the benefits your product or service offers • Have conviction • Be clear accurate and precise • Be creative and give life to the presentation • Customize your presentation according to the personality, interest & needs of the client • Try to keep clients interest and focus on your presentation • Give the client a chance to speak out and listen to everything he has to say • Provide the client with a print out of your presentation • Rehearse and critique your presentation
  • 61. “The salesman’s job starts when the customer says NO! ”
  • 62. Objection Handling • Remember that answering an objection is not a matter of pointing out that the prospect is wrong, or his logic faulty. • You must work with him to show proposition will do for him. what your
  • 63. Objection Handling • The only way to answer an objection satisfactorily is to sell Benefits and more Benefits until he is convinced that the sacrifice he must make to obtain your product is worthwhile. To do this, one must have the techniques required in handling objections.
  • 64. The ABC’s in Dealing with the “NO” Anticipating the Common Objections Boomerang Compensating Delaying your answer
  • 65. The ABC’s in Dealing with the “NO” Expressing it as a question Factual Justification Giving a Demonstration Handling it with a Closing Action
  • 66. WORKSHOP What do you think are the common objections that may be thrown at you? How will you handle them? What would Be your answers to these objections?
  • 67. Objection Handling Product / Feature Objections – • This can be avoided if the Branch Manager/Sales Agent is well prepared. The product or service will have been offered in the first place because it genuinely contains benefits for the buyer
  • 68. Objection Handling Competition / Loyalty Objections • This is an expression of the prospect’s confidence in his existing supplier. This is a real challenge to the Branch Manager/Sales Agent . • Do not knock the opposition. It would amount to an attack on the client’s judgment.
  • 69. Objection Handling Competition / Loyalty Objections • Here the Branch Manager/Sales Agent must be patient. • Offer your service as a safeguard. This will not commit the buyer. Then, find good reasons for returning to see him.
  • 70. Objection Handling Price Objections – More often than not, the propsect is not so much interested in price as in VALUE FOR MONEY. So the Branch Manager/Sales Agent points out the benefits of his proposal in terms of its profitability or savings and links them to the consequent return to the prospect.
  • 71. Objection Handling Company Objection Based upon the company’s financial standing, personnel, business. Time / Delay Objections – This is a difficult one to cope with because it seems a reasonable thing for the buyer to do. After all it could be genuine. On the other hand, it could be a means of avoiding making a decision for some other reason. It could be the prospect is still not convinced, or that he genuinely needs time to think.
  • 72. Objection Handling Techniques 1. Anticipating the Common Objections (“Raise it First”) There are some objections that can be raised by the branch manager/sales agent at the initial stages of his/her presentation. However, this technique must be used carefully since the objection that was raised by the branch manager/sales agent may not be a concern of the prospect in the first place.
  • 73. Objection Handling Techniques 2. Boomerang – The objection raised by the prospect is used by the branch manager/sales agent to reinforce his claims or his presentation.
  • 74. Objection Handling Techniques 3. Compensating (Admit and Compensate) There will be times when a branch manager/sales agent will have to simply admit that the objection of the prospect is valid -- but he cannot take this sitting down. A prospect may say that the product is very expensive, and while the branch manager/sales agent may accept that his product may be premium priced, he compensates by explaining the concept of “value for money” by giving the other benefits of his product.
  • 75. Objection Handling Techniques 4. Delaying your answer To buy more time, a branch manager/sales agent may respond by saying “Let me answer that question in a little while.” Just be careful not to forget to go back to the objection afterwards.
  • 76. Objection Handling Techniques 5. Expressing it as a question Another way of handling objections is through the use of questions. Rephrase the objection and ask the prospect questions to clarify your thinking as to what the prospect is really asking for.
  • 77. Objection Handling Techniques 6. Factual Justification The use of facts and data can further support your claims or answers. The more objective the data is, the more reliable it can be used to handle objections. 7. Giving a Demonstration A good way of dealing with an objection is through “SHOWING.” Let them appreciate the product through their other senses.
  • 78. Objection Handling Techniques 8. Handling it with a Closing Action Challenge them to purchase if you are able to prove that you’re right.
  • 79.    How You Can Be Prepared To Answer Any Objection sure your Attitude towards objections Make Show your prospects that you welcome them. is right. Acquire sufficient Knowledge on your company and the products or services you are offering. Develop Skills in handling objections by listing all objections and questions you are likely to hear from prospects and the best answers to each questions.
  • 80. How You Can Be Prepared To Answer Any Objection   Create the best combination of words to sell enough benefits to get him to agree his question has been answered satisfactorily. Believe in what you’re saying!
  • 82. Handling Objections 8 common sources of objection • They do not trust you and your company • They have doubts about the quality of the products/service you are offering • They are not convince that they need the product / service • The product/service is not attractive to them& it does not have what they are looking for • They cannot afford the productor they are not satisfied with the price package • They are not satisfied with the terms & conditions of the sales • They are not satisfied with your delivery of service • The product is new & unknown no demand yet
  • 83. 10 Steps In Handling Objections Or Addressing Concern • Prepare ready answer to possible objections • Listen to all the clients questions & querries & objections • Respond promptly • Keep a cool head • Be friendly & pleasant • • • • Always keep to the point Reassure the client Allow small concession Don’t hesitate to make referral • Don’t lose contact with the client
  • 84. How to Respond Promptly • • • • • • The direct approach The indirect approach The boomerang approach The probing & questioning approach The compensation/ offsetting approach The ignore approach
  • 85. Handling Difficult Sales Situation • • • • Your first sales call Facing the competitor The demanding customer Customer tantrums ( hot headed difficult customer ) • Personal favor • The elusive customer • Fear of rejection
  • 87. Closing A Deal When to close the deal…. When the client… • Closely examines the product and read the label, ask you to describe the product/service in more details or asks a lot of questions regarding the terms of the sale • Nods in agreement or say yes to your explanations • Smiles a lot and seems to be in a pleasant mood • Asks about the details of delivery or installation • Starts to negotiate about the price, discounts, trade offs , terms and policies of the sales, including service warranties • Asks for assurance regarding products quality, durability etc
  • 88. Closing A Deal When to close the deal…. When the client… • • • • Asks about the mode of paymentand related company policies Request a demo of the product or a product sample for trial Request for a plant tour or an audience with your superior Shows an attitude of ownership such as “ I agree that this original Amorsolo painting will definitely enhance our living room” • Wants to see the manual for how to correctly operate your product
  • 89. How To Close A Deal Keep this in mind that your goal is to Obtain from the client. • A firm commitment , a signed order a verbal acceptance that the client will buy your product/service • A positive agreement , a promise that he will buy in the immediate future
  • 90. How To Close A Deal How to determine the state of your customer mind Your clients response on the following will give you a good idea • Have I explained everything to your satisfaction so far • Was I able to address all of your concerns • Have I provided the solutions to your problems • Are you convinced that product x is truly qualified to satisfy your needs and wants
  • 91. Closing techniques • The Direct Close • The positive choice close • The boomerang • The summary close • The Reference verbal proof • The concession close • The Example close • The caution close/score method • The isolation close • The Benjamin Franklin close • The sharp single close • The negative close • The puppy dog close If client customer is already showing visible buying signal don’t hesitate to ask directly Whether she would want to buy
  • 92. Direct close Indication :Buyer is sending buying signal and answers yes to your leading questions, then it is safe to assume that customer is interested enough to buy, do not hesitate to ask the customer directly whether she would want to buy the product. Ex. Do we have a deal? Can I have our commitment When can I call you for an order? Do we have an agreement? Can I have your order? How soon or where do you like the products delivered? When is the best time to get the P.O.? Can I take your order now and I can pick up the payment this afternoon?
  • 93. Positive choice Indication: Present the client with two choices whichever he picks will imply that he has agreed to buy. In other words, the moment he chooses implied he has accepted the offer Example Do you prefer the larger blister pack or the smaller ones? The sachets or poly bags? Would you like the ads to start in March or April? Do you prefer to pay in cash or instalment? Blue or red?
  • 94. Boomerang Indication: you answer the client question by asking another question, this one meant to imply that the client is buying Client asking for a particular feature, ask if he would prefer his unit to come with That feature. Does this come in a variety of color’s ? How many color’s would you prefer?
  • 95. Summary close Indication: involves first summarizing the main points of your presentation, emphasizing all the significant qualities of your product that the other products of the same kind do not have. Ex. Our product is to so and so. We will provide you with so and so and so. And here The details of your order....
  • 96. Reference/Verbal proof close Indication: Citing a recognized and trusted authority as a reference. Ex. Our product has passed ISO 9001 standard Our existing clients include some of the top companies in the Philippines like, SMC, Robinson, Ayala Our product is biodegradable and duly approved by BFADD
  • 97. Concession Close Indication: In sales lingo, a concession is something that costs you or your company a little but has a high perceived value for the customer. Ex: I will offer you a small price reduction f you order now. I will offer you a small specification change at no extra cost We offer a 10 % discount for a Php 3 million minimum purchase Buy within the next two weeks and you can avail of a 20 % discount
  • 98. Caution close/Score Method Instead of telling the client what she will gain if she buys your product, here point out instead what the client will lose if she does not avail of the offer. Do not sound threatening, rather adopt a helpful attitude, works will client who does not want to lose, or who tend to regret their decisions Ex: If you do not place your order now there is a chance the Product will be out of stock and the inflation rate will be higher In the feature. Our special discount is good until next week, if you do not order by then you will not be able to avail the promo price Act now or you miss out on our special 40% discount
  • 99. Isolation close Indication: after neutralizing all of the clients concerns, he comes up with last minute one, tell him you will isolate it and work on that issue only until you have manage to dissolved it. Ex: Is this the only thing bothering you? If I could remove your doubts about this Will you buy? If I can shorten the delivery time as you want, will that make you happy?
  • 100. Ben Franklin Close Indication: Write in a piece of paper the Yes and NO column. Explain to client to list down all his reasons favoring the decision under the Yes, and all his reasons against the decision in the No column, Then help the customer list down all the positive things about offer that you have agreed almost always the benefit you helped him list will outnumber the clients objections
  • 101. Sharp angle Indication: Use this method when you have a tough client who fires a lot of demanding questions at you. The moment he asks for something, ask him whether he will sign the contract if you can provide what he wants?
  • 102. Example close Indication: Describe how a former client with the same objection decided to take the risk and accepted the offer and how they are doing well. Or you may describe how a previous customer with the same dilemma refused your offer and ended up losing. Quickly follow up this example with your closing question
  • 103. Negative close Indication: This technique emphasizes the disadvantage or perceived weakness of the product or service and asking the client if he still wants to proceed in buying. Ex: Here is a refrigerator that exceeds customer expectation With respect to quality, durability and service warranty. The only Problem is it has too much space inside that a newly wed couple Would find it difficult filling up. Will this ref fit your need in the Next couple of years? Will you pay in cash or credit?
  • 104. Puppy dog close Indication: Involves using the product as a lure, letting the client sample it and take it home like a puppy dog. Like a puppy dog it is expected to work into the heart of the client until he finds it indispensible. This work extremely well especially if your product has new features that you are sure your client will fall in love with. After some time when you feel the “puppy dog” has done its job, drop by and take it back and to have your order form signed