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                               A. Negative Prefixes
 Being isolated, the prefixes (dis-, de-, il-, ir-, un-, im-and-in) are meaningless.
But they convey a sense of negation when added to appropriate words. Please,
consider the following examples.

                               similar → dissimilar
                           forestation → deforestation
                                 logical → illogical
                         responsibility → irresponsibility
                               familiar → unfamiliar
                               precise → imprecise
                              accurate → inaccurate

1. Divide the following words into affixes and roots.
decentralization, illegality, irreparably, depopulation, disapproval, irrationality,
unable, immaturity, disharmony, unaffected, dissimilarity, deformed,
uncomfortable, immeasurable, inadequately.
2. Split the following words into affixes and roots.
decode, illegible, irreconcilable, deregulation, unacceptable, disarm,
irreplaceable, disloyal, immobility, disassociate, unaccompanied, degenerate,
immodest, inadvisable.
3. Divide the following words into affixes and roots.
disappearance, decolonization, illegitimacy, irrecoverable, disapprove,
desegregate, disingenuous, unaccustomed, irrepressible, disunity, degradation,
unaccountable, immorality, unclassified, inattentive.
4. Divide the following words into affixes and roots.
unable, decompose, unacknowledged, disintegrate, illiberal, deselection,
disarrange, irredeemable, disequilibrium, unachievable, dehumanize,
irreproachable, unchallengeable, immortality, incomparable.
5. Divide the following words into affixes and roots.
disadvantage, decompression, disband, irresolution, unacquainted, dishonest,
devaluation, unadventurous, displeasure, irreducible, disused, demilitarize,
uncertainty, immovable, incomprehension.

          word                prefix              Root                suffix
decentralization       de-                central               -ize, -ation.
illegality             il-                legal                 -ity
irreparably            ir-                repair                -able, -ly.
depopulation           de-                populate              -ion
disapproval            dis-               approve               -al
irrationality          ir-                ration                -al, -ity.
unable                 un-                able
immaturity             im-                mature                -ity
disharmony             dis-               harmony
unaffected             un-                affect                -ed
dissimilarity          dis-               similar               -ity
deformed               de-                form                  -ed
uncomfortable          un-                comfort               -able
immeasurable           im-                measure               -able
inadequately           in-                adequate              -ly


        word                  prefix              Root                 suffix
decode                de-                 code
illegible             il-                 legible
irreconcilable        ir-                 reconcile            -able
deregulation     de-             regulate      -ion
unacceptable     un-             accept        -able
disarm           dis-            arm
irreplaceable    ir-             replace       -able
disloyal         dis-            loyal
immobility       im-             mobile        -ity
disassociate     dis-            associate
unaccompanied    un-             accompany     -ed
degenerate       de-             generate
immodest         im-             modest
inadvisable      in-             advise        -able


         word           prefix          Root         suffix
disappearance    dis-            appear        -ance
decolonization   de-             colony        -ize, ation.
illegitimacy     il-             legitimate    -acy
irrecoverable    ir-             recover       -able
disapprove       dis-            approve
desegregate      de-             segregate
disingenuous     dis-            ingenuous
unaccustomed     un-             accustom      -ed
irrepressible    ir              repress       -ible
disunity         dis-            unity
degradation      de-             grade         -ation
unaccountable    un-             account       -able
immorality       im-             moral         -ity
unclassified     un-             class         -ify, -ed
inattentive      in-             attend        -ive


       word             prefix          Root           suffix
unable           un-             able
decompose        de-             compose
unacknowledged   un-             acknowledge   -d
disintegrate     dis-            integrate
illiberal         il-             liberal         -ion
deselection       de-             select
disarrange        dis-            arrange         -able
irredeemable      ir-             redeem
disequilibrium    dis-            equilibrium
unachievable      un-             achieve         -able
dehumanize        de-             human           -ize
irreproachable    ir-             reproach        -able
unchallengeable   un-             challenge       -able
immortality       im-             mortal          -ity
incomparable      in-             compare         -able


        word             prefix            Root           suffix
disadvantage      dis-            advantage
decompression     de-             compress        -ion
disband           dis-            band
irresolution      ir-             resolute        -ion
unacquainted      un-             acquaint        -ed
dishonest         dis-            honest
devaluation       de-             valuate         -ion
unadventurous     un-             adventure       -ous
displeasure       dis-            pleasure
irreducible       ir-             reduce          -ible
disused           dis-            use             -d
demilitarize      de-             militarize
uncertainty       un-             certain         -ty
immovable         im-             move            -able
incomprehension   -in             comprehend      -sion
                             A. Suffixes and Verbs
 The addition of the suffix –en to a number of adjectives results in the
formation of their corresponding verbs. The suffix –en has no meaning
alone and requires being attached to suitable adjectives to get verbs.
                     Adjective + Suffix (–en) → Verb

short + (-en) → shorten (V)
wide + (-en )→ widen (V)

Turn the following adjectives into verbs by adding the appropriate
sad, awaken, deep, dark, short, soft, rough, bright, tight, sharp, white,
red, worse, quiet, hard.

                 adjective            suffix            verb
            sad                                 sadden
            awake                               awaken
            deep                                deepen
            dark                                darken
            short                               shorten
            soft                                soften
            rough                               roughen
            bright                     -en      brighten
            tight                               tighten
            sharp                               sharpen
            white                               whiten
            red                                 redden
            worse                               worsen
quiet                                  quieten
                hard                                   harden
                              B. Suffixes and Nouns
   A large number of nouns can be formed by adding particular suffixes to
either verbs or adjectives.

 V + Suffix (-ion, -tion, ition, -ation,-sion, -xion, -ment, -ing, -er, -or) → Noun

administrate→ administration
deduce→ deduction
decide→ decision
connect→connexion(or connection)
achieve→ achievement
come→ coming
speak →speaker
act →actor

                Adjective + Suffix (-ity, -ety, -ty, -ness) → Noun

sensitive →sensitivity
proper →propriety
honest→ honesty
helpful →helpfulness
Noun+ Suffix (-er, -ist) → Noun

astronomy→ astronomer
cartoon → cartoonist
science→ scientist

1. Turn the following verbs into nouns by adding the appropriate suffix.
arbitrate, arrange, assess, attack, attend, bake, begin, argue, assort, attach,
call, campaign, counsel, counterfeit,
2. Turn the following verbs into nouns by adding the appropriate suffix.
 evade, express, collect, imitate, interpret, contaminate, reduce, educate,
converse, select, attract, innovate, construct.
3. Turn the following adjectives into nouns by adding the appropriate suffix.
sad, infirm, uniform, real, jealous, human, popular, electric, complex, fertile,
feminine, happy, severe, passive, anxious, curious.
4. Turn the following adjectives into nouns by adding the appropriate suffix.
flexible, profitable, necessary, hospitable, stupid, moral, legal, responsible,
probable, safe, personal, physical, able.

         verb             suffix                      noun
arbitrate        -or/-ion/-ing         arbitrator/arbitration/arbitrating
 arrange         -er/-ment/-ing        arranger/arrangement/arranging
 assess          -or/-ment/-ing         assessor/assessment/assessing
 attack          -er/-ing               attacker/ attacking
 attend          -er/-ance/-ing         attender/attendance /attending
bake             -er/-ing              baker/baking
 begin           -er/-ing               beginner/beginning
argue            -ment/-ing            argument/arguing
attach           -ment/-ing            attachment/attaching
innovate         -or/-ion/-ing         innovator/innovation/innovating
call             -er/-ing              caller/calling
campaign         -er/-ing              campaigner/campaigning
camp             -er/-ing              camper/camping
capture          -or/-ing              captor/capturing
counsel          -or/-ing              counselor/conselling
counterfeit      -er/-ing              counterfeiter/counterfeiting
create           -or/-ion/-ing         creator/creation/creating
challenge        -er/-ing              challenger/challenging


          verb                suffix                    noun
evade                          -sion          evasion
express                         -ion          expression
collect                         -ion           collection
imitate                         -ion          imitation
interpret                     -ation           interpretation
contaminate                     -ion          contamination
reduce                         -tion          reduction
educate                         -ion          education
converse                      -ation          conversation
select                          -ion          selection
attract                         -ion          attraction
innovate                        -ion           innovation
construct              -ion    construction


adjective     suffix           noun
Infirm                  -ity   Infirmity
sad                    -ness   sadness
uniform                 -ity   uniformity
real                    -ity   reality
jealous                  -y    jealousy
human                   -ity   humanity
popular                 -ity   popularity
electric                -ity   electricity
complex                 -ity   complexity
fertile                 -ity   fertility
feminine                -ity   femininity
happy                  -ness   happiness
severe                  -ity   severity
passive                 -ity   passivity
anxious                 -ety   anxiety
curious                 -ity   curiosity


adjective     suffix           noun
flexible               -ity    flexibility
profitable             -ity    profitability
necessary              -ity    necessity
hospitable             -ity    hospitability
stupid                 -ity    stupidity
moral                  -ity    morality
legal                  -ity    legality
responsible            -ity    responsibility
probable               -ity     probability
safe                   -ty     safety
personal               -ity    personality
physical               -ity    physicality
able                   -ity    ability
B. Suffixes and Adjectives

Adjectives can be formed with the addition of specific suffixes to verbs as well
as to nouns. Please consider the coming patterns.
                      Verb + Suffix (-ed, -ible, -able…) → Adjective
want →wanted

                Noun + Suffix (-ic, -full, -ous, -less, -al, -y…) → Adjective
atmosphere→ atmospheric
wonder → wonderful
courage→ courageous
motion → motionless
education→ educational
smoke→ smoky

1. Turn the following verbs into adjectives by adding the appropriate suffix.
 break, cover, print, rely, eat, access, crack, justify, count, present, deliver,
2. Turn the following verbs into adjectives by adding the appropriate suffix.
realize, note, move, like, predict, remedy, observe, comfort, discuss, change.
3. Turn the following nouns into adjectives by adding the appropriate suffix.
care, atom, drama, change, caprice, strategy, sympathy, beauty, politics,
climate, job, economy, magic, mathematics, romance.
4. Turn the following nouns into adjectives by adding the appropriate suffix.
danger, alcohol, home, syntax, grammar, regard, help, comedy, criticism,
count, charisma, practice, courage, rhythm, therapy.
5. Turn the following nouns into adjectives by adding the appropriate suffix.
guilt, blood, bog, mint, booze, cloud, bounce, breath, wood, breeze, brine,
brood, milk, bubble, bulk, bush, carrot, count, rain, craft, crag, craze, creak.
6. Turn the following nouns into adjectives by adding the appropriate suffix.
ease, chalk, risk, smoke, fun, fur, fuss, fuzz, need, fruit, wealth, health, grease,
film, flake, flesh, flint, streak, mess, spike.

            verb                       suffix                       adjective
break                                                     breakable/broken
cover                                                     covered
print                                                      printable/printed
rely                                                       reliable
eat                                                        eatable/eaten
access                                                    accessible
justify                                                    justifiable/justified
crack                                                     cracked
count                             -able/-ible/-ed          countable/counted
present                                                    presentable/presented
deliver                                                    deliverable/delivered
challenge                                                 challenged/challenging

verb         suffix                   adjective
realize                                realizable/realized
note                                    notable/noted
move                                    movable, moveable
like                                    likeable/liked
predict           -able/-ible/-ed       predictable/predicted
remedy                                  remediable/remedied
observe                                 observable/observed
comfort                                 comfortable/comforted
discuss                                 discussable/discussed
change                                 changeable/changed

          noun         suffix                   adjective
care                                   careful/careless
atom                                   atomic
drama                                  dramatic
change                                 changeless
caprice                                capricious
strategy                                strategic
cash                                   cashless
sympathy                               sympathetic
beauty           -ful/-less/-ic/-ous   beautiful
politics                                political
climate                                 climatic
job                                    jobless
economy                                economic
fruit                                  fruitful/fruitless
magic                                  magical
mathematics                             mathematical
romance                                romantic

noun                   suffix                        adjective
danger                                                 dangerous
alcohol                                                alcoholic
home                                                   homeless
syntax                                                 syntactic
grammar                                                grammatical
regard                                                 regardless
help                                                   helpful
comedy                       -ful/-less/-ic/-ous       comic
criticism                                               critical
count                                                  countless
charisma                                               charismatic
practice                                                practical
courage                                                courageous
rhythm                                                 rhythmic
therapy                                                 therapeutic
grace                                                  graceful

                      noun         suffix          adjective
             guilt                           guilty
             blood                           bloody
             bog                             boggy
             mint                            minty
             booze                           boozy
             cloud                           cloudy
             bounce                          bouncy
             breath                          breathy
             wood                            woody
             breeze                          breezy
             brine                           briny
             brood                   -y      broody
             milk                            milky
             bubble                          bubbly
             bulk                            bulky
             bush                            bushy
             carrot                          carroty
             count                           county
             rain                            rainy
craft                             crafty
            crag                              craggy
            craze                             crazy
            creak                             creaky


                     noun            suffix         adjective
            ease                              easy
            chalk                             chalky
            risk                              risky
            smoke                             smoky
            fun                               funny
            fur                               furry
            fuss                              fussy
            fuzz                              fuzzy
            need                              needy
            fruit                     -y      fruity
            wealth                            wealthy
            health                            healthy
            grease                            greasy
            film                              filmy
            flake                             flaky
            flesh                             fleshy
            flint                             flinty
            streak                            streaky
            mess                              messy
            spike                             spiky


                              A. Verb + Preposion

                            believe + in → believe in
                      complain + about → complain about
boast + of → boast of
1. Match parts from column A with parts from both columns B and C so that
you get meaningful sentences.

             A                            B                    C
- Some people still rely                     -the building of pyramids.
- Aristotle and other philosophers           -the ancient Mesopotamians.
worked                                  into -observing plants and animals
- Archaeologists divided Egypt’s       from and organizing them into
history                                  on different types.
-The pharaohs put all the resources     into -horses to travel long distances.
- The idea of dividing an hour into 60       -six different time periods.
minutes and a minute into 60
seconds came

2. Match parts from column A with parts from both columns B and C so that
you get meaningful sentences.
            A                         B                     C
-The Egyptians worked                      - the Babylonian or Semitic stock.
- In Sumerian times, even kings had like -carpets and hangings for
to ask the Assembly                  for decoration.
-The Phoenicians were a great race   on - any one built before.
which descended                       to -some new ideas in the 1000’s
- Indian advances in iron-working   from and 1100’s AD.
led                                  out -ways good ways to move water
-because ancient Arabs were                from the Nile to outlying farms in
nomadic, they had relied                   the desert.
-The famous mosque at Samarta did          -permission to do certain things.
not look
3. Match parts from column A with parts from both columns B and C so that
you get meaningful sentences.
            A                       B                       C
-Embezzling is the act of taking
money that has been placed in           -regional laws and restrictions.
your trust but belongs             from -gifts offered in genuine good will?
-What distinguishes bribes          on -another person.
-The punishment for bribery       at    -the process of concealing financial
depends                           to    transactions.
-Money laundering refers                -some common examples.
- The best way to understand
the concept of money
laundering is to look

4. Match parts from column A with parts from both columns B and C so that
you get meaningful sentences.
              A                   B                         C
-All citizens suffer
-Tax evasion prevents the
government                            -counterfeiting.
-When these funds are not         for -their school timings.
collected, services have to be   with -collecting funds.
curtailed and thus result          in -a lower quality of life for all citizens.
-Most mints around the world     from -tax evasion.
use a number of safety system
to protect their currency
-Children can take up light
summer jobs that do not

5. Match parts from column A with parts from both columns B and C so that
you get meaningful sentences.

             A                    B                       C
-The evolution of culture, and        - their children the expectation that
human beings as a species             they will perform better than the
depended                        about pupils believe they are capable of.
-Pupils will write               with -the creation of examination stress.
-Both the school and the family   to  -that experienced by high powered
can contribute                      on     businessmen.
-Experts compared this stress              - the Algerian Revolution and its
-One thing parents should                  aftermath.
avoid is to impose                         -the practice of transmitting

- Some people still rely on horses to travel long distances.
- Aristotle and other philosophers worked on observing plants and animals and
organizing them into different types.
- Archaeologists divided Egypt’s history into six different time periods.
-The pharaohs put all the resources into the building of pyramids.
- The idea of dividing an hour into 60 minutes and a minute into 60 seconds
came from the ancient Mesopotamians.
-The Egyptians worked out ways good ways to move water from the Nile to
outlying farms in the desert.
- In Sumerian times, even kings had to ask the Assembly for permission to do
certain things.
-The Phoenicians were a great race which descended from the Babylonian or
Semitic stock.
- Indian advances in iron-working led to some new ideas in the 1000’s and
1100’s AD.
-Because ancient Arabs were nomadic, they had relied on carpets and hangings
for decoration.
-The famous mosque at Samarta did not look like any one built before.
-Embezzling is the act of taking money that has been placed in your trust but
belongs to another person.
-What distinguishes bribes from gifts offered in genuine good will?
-The punishment for bribery depends on regional laws and restrictions.
-Money laundering refers to the process of concealing financial transactions.
- The best way to understand the concept of money laundering is to look at
some common examples.
-All citizens suffer from tax evasion.
-Tax evasion prevents the government from collecting funds.
-When these funds are not collected, services have to be curtailed and thus
result in a lower quality of life for all citizens.
-Most mints around the world use a number of safety system to protect their
currency from
-Children can take up light summer jobs that do not interfere with their school
-The evolution of culture, and human beings as a species depended on the
practice of transmitting knowledge.
-Pupils will write about the Algerian Revolution and its aftermath.
-Both the school and the family can contribute to the creation of examination
-Experts compared this stress with that experienced by high powered
-One thing parents should avoid is to impose on their children the expectation
that they will perform better than the pupils believe they are capable of.
B. Adjective + Preposition

                               aware + of → aware of
                        interested + in → interested in
1. Match parts from column A with parts from both columns B and C so that
you get meaningful sentences.

             A                       B                      C
- Closer contacts among
neighbours, friends and families
had to be beneficial
-The Greeks were very                 in   -science as a way of organizing the
interested                           on    world and making order out of chaos.
-The ancient Sumerians                of   - the pharaoh and their country.
invented a system of                  at   - communal harmony.
mathematics based                    for   -astronomy.
- The Babylonians were very                - the number of 60.
-The ancient Egyptians grew
very proud

2. Match parts from column A with parts from both columns B and C so that
you get meaningful sentences.

             A                       B                     C
-Ancient Egyptian scientists            -finding the patterns and rules in
were extremely good                  in mathematics and music.
- Pythagoras was interested        from -studying science.
-The Nile was so important           at - those of the Egyptians.
-Greek women usually were            of - observing nature and practical
thought to be incapable                 engineering.
- The Greeks had developed              -Egyptian farming.
building styles different
3. Match parts from column A with parts from both columns B and C so that
you get meaningful sentences.

             A                     B                      C
-The Phoenicians were earth’s
first-known sailors and
explorers who were always
eager                                  -Arabic and Persian models.
-The arrival of Islamic                -inventing the numeral zero and the
conquerors about 1000 AD          from decimal system.
brought to India iconoclasm        for -is their architecture.
and a love of varied and            to -Islam.
complex patterning derived             -adventure.
- This affected even Hindus
artists who had not converted
-Indian mathematicians may
have been responsible
-One of the things the Romans
are famous

4. Match parts from column A with parts from both columns B and C so that
you get meaningful sentences.
             A                     B                      C
-Arabic scholars were able to
read the books of Greek                 -creative accounting
philosophers Plato and              to   -other fields.
Aristotle and translated them     from -the ones built by the Greeks.
-Because architects who lived      like -Arabic.
in Baghdad adopted Sassanian       into
architectural traditions, their
buildings looked very different
-The term “window dressing”
is similar
-However, this term is broader
and can be applied
5. Match parts from column A with parts from both columns B and C so that
you get meaningful sentences.

              A                    B                         C
-According to the World Bank,            -corruption reduction.
economic development is                  -the operation of essential services to
closely linked                           the population.
-Particularly in countries which   on    -an error on calculating taxes on
are based                           of   reported income should contact the
-The collected funds are used      for   tax agency.
-Persons who become aware           to   -tax evasion, and allow the matter to
-This will help to minimize the          be settled before interest charges
chances of being suspected               become significant.
                                         -egalitarian ideals, bribery is often
                                         viewed immensely offensive.

6. Match parts from column A with parts from both columns B and C so that
you get meaningful sentences.

              A                      B                      C
-Most modern counterfeiting is          - forthcoming examinations, it is
focused                                 almost certain that the same fear will
-Someone who is convicted            of be passed on to the pupil him/herself.
-Teachers who are specialized       for -counterfeiting will spend at least a
-Education as a science cannot about decade in prison.
be separated                         in -competitive situations.
-Parents should be concerned       from -astrophysics, law or zoology, for
-If a pupil senses that his or her on example, may teach only a certain
parents are worried                     subject.
-Regular and consistent                 -their offsprings’ career prospects.
support is important to young           -the educational traditions that
people involved                         existed before.
                                        -paper money, because it has a higher
                                        face value.
- Closer contacts among neighbours, friends and families had to be beneficial
for communal harmony.
-The Greeks were very interested in science as a way of organizing the world
and making order out of chaos.
-The ancient Sumerians invented a system of mathematics based on the
number of 60.
- The Babylonians were very good at astronomy.
-The ancient Egyptians grew very proud of the pharaoh and their country.
-Ancient Egyptian scientists were extremely good at observing nature and
practical engineering.
- Pythagoras was interested in finding the patterns and rules in mathematics
and music.
-The Nile was so important to Egyptian farming.
-Greek women usually were thought to be incapable of studying science.
- The Greeks had developed building styles different from those of the
-The Phoenicians were earth’s first-known sailors and explorers who were
always eager for adventure.
-The arrival of Islamic conquerors about 1000 AD brought to India iconoclasm
and a love of varied and complex patterning derived from Arabic and Persian
- This affected even Hindus artists who had not converted to Islam.
-Indian mathematicians may have been responsible for inventing the numeral
zero and the decimal system.
-One of the things the Romans are famous for is their architecture.
-Arabic scholars were able to read the books of Greek philosophers Plato and
Aristotle and translated them into Arabic.
-Because architects who lived in Baghdad adopted Sassanian architectural
traditions, their buildings looked very different from the ones built by the
-The term “window dressing” is similar to creative accounting.
-However, this term is broader and can be applied to other fields.
-According to the World Bank, economic development is closely linked to
corruption reduction.
-Particularly in countries which are based on egalitarian ideals, bribery is often
viewed immensely offensive.
-The collected funds are used for the operation of essential services to the
-Persons who become aware of an error on calculating taxes on reported
income should contact the tax agency.
-This will help to minimize the chances of being suspected of tax evasion, and
allow the matter to be settled before interest charges become significant.
-Most modern counterfeiting is focused on paper money, because it has a
higher face value.
-Someone who is convicted of counterfeiting will spend at least a decade in
-Teachers who are specialized in astrophysics, law or zoology, for example, may
teach only a certain subject.
-Education as a science cannot be separated from the educational traditions
that existed before.
-Parents should be concerned for their offsprings’ career prospects.
-If a pupil senses that his or her parents are worried about forthcoming
examinations, it is almost certain that the same fear will be passed on to the
pupil him/herself.
-Regular and consistent support is important to young people involved in
competitive situations.

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Prefixes,suffixes and prepositions

  • 1. Prefixes A. Negative Prefixes Being isolated, the prefixes (dis-, de-, il-, ir-, un-, im-and-in) are meaningless. But they convey a sense of negation when added to appropriate words. Please, consider the following examples. Examples: similar → dissimilar forestation → deforestation logical → illogical responsibility → irresponsibility familiar → unfamiliar precise → imprecise accurate → inaccurate Practice: 1. Divide the following words into affixes and roots. decentralization, illegality, irreparably, depopulation, disapproval, irrationality, unable, immaturity, disharmony, unaffected, dissimilarity, deformed, uncomfortable, immeasurable, inadequately. 2. Split the following words into affixes and roots. decode, illegible, irreconcilable, deregulation, unacceptable, disarm, irreplaceable, disloyal, immobility, disassociate, unaccompanied, degenerate, immodest, inadvisable. 3. Divide the following words into affixes and roots. disappearance, decolonization, illegitimacy, irrecoverable, disapprove, desegregate, disingenuous, unaccustomed, irrepressible, disunity, degradation, unaccountable, immorality, unclassified, inattentive.
  • 2. 4. Divide the following words into affixes and roots. unable, decompose, unacknowledged, disintegrate, illiberal, deselection, disarrange, irredeemable, disequilibrium, unachievable, dehumanize, irreproachable, unchallengeable, immortality, incomparable. 5. Divide the following words into affixes and roots. disadvantage, decompression, disband, irresolution, unacquainted, dishonest, devaluation, unadventurous, displeasure, irreducible, disused, demilitarize, uncertainty, immovable, incomprehension. Keys: 1. word prefix Root suffix decentralization de- central -ize, -ation. illegality il- legal -ity irreparably ir- repair -able, -ly. depopulation de- populate -ion disapproval dis- approve -al irrationality ir- ration -al, -ity. unable un- able immaturity im- mature -ity disharmony dis- harmony unaffected un- affect -ed dissimilarity dis- similar -ity deformed de- form -ed uncomfortable un- comfort -able immeasurable im- measure -able inadequately in- adequate -ly 2. word prefix Root suffix decode de- code illegible il- legible irreconcilable ir- reconcile -able
  • 3. deregulation de- regulate -ion unacceptable un- accept -able disarm dis- arm irreplaceable ir- replace -able disloyal dis- loyal immobility im- mobile -ity disassociate dis- associate unaccompanied un- accompany -ed degenerate de- generate immodest im- modest inadvisable in- advise -able 3. word prefix Root suffix disappearance dis- appear -ance decolonization de- colony -ize, ation. illegitimacy il- legitimate -acy irrecoverable ir- recover -able disapprove dis- approve desegregate de- segregate disingenuous dis- ingenuous unaccustomed un- accustom -ed irrepressible ir repress -ible disunity dis- unity degradation de- grade -ation unaccountable un- account -able immorality im- moral -ity unclassified un- class -ify, -ed inattentive in- attend -ive 4. word prefix Root suffix unable un- able decompose de- compose unacknowledged un- acknowledge -d disintegrate dis- integrate
  • 4. illiberal il- liberal -ion deselection de- select disarrange dis- arrange -able irredeemable ir- redeem disequilibrium dis- equilibrium unachievable un- achieve -able dehumanize de- human -ize irreproachable ir- reproach -able unchallengeable un- challenge -able immortality im- mortal -ity incomparable in- compare -able 5. word prefix Root suffix disadvantage dis- advantage decompression de- compress -ion disband dis- band irresolution ir- resolute -ion unacquainted un- acquaint -ed dishonest dis- honest devaluation de- valuate -ion unadventurous un- adventure -ous displeasure dis- pleasure irreducible ir- reduce -ible disused dis- use -d demilitarize de- militarize uncertainty un- certain -ty immovable im- move -able incomprehension -in comprehend -sion
  • 5. Suffixes A. Suffixes and Verbs The addition of the suffix –en to a number of adjectives results in the formation of their corresponding verbs. The suffix –en has no meaning alone and requires being attached to suitable adjectives to get verbs. Adjective + Suffix (–en) → Verb Examples: short + (-en) → shorten (V) wide + (-en )→ widen (V) Practice: Turn the following adjectives into verbs by adding the appropriate suffix. sad, awaken, deep, dark, short, soft, rough, bright, tight, sharp, white, red, worse, quiet, hard. Key: adjective suffix verb sad sadden awake awaken deep deepen dark darken short shorten soft soften rough roughen bright -en brighten tight tighten sharp sharpen white whiten red redden worse worsen
  • 6. quiet quieten hard harden B. Suffixes and Nouns A large number of nouns can be formed by adding particular suffixes to either verbs or adjectives. V + Suffix (-ion, -tion, ition, -ation,-sion, -xion, -ment, -ing, -er, -or) → Noun Examples: administrate→ administration deduce→ deduction interpret→interpretation →ition decide→ decision connect→connexion(or connection) achieve→ achievement come→ coming speak →speaker act →actor Adjective + Suffix (-ity, -ety, -ty, -ness) → Noun Examples: sensitive →sensitivity proper →propriety honest→ honesty helpful →helpfulness
  • 7. Noun+ Suffix (-er, -ist) → Noun Examples: astronomy→ astronomer cartoon → cartoonist science→ scientist Practice: 1. Turn the following verbs into nouns by adding the appropriate suffix. arbitrate, arrange, assess, attack, attend, bake, begin, argue, assort, attach, call, campaign, counsel, counterfeit, 2. Turn the following verbs into nouns by adding the appropriate suffix. evade, express, collect, imitate, interpret, contaminate, reduce, educate, converse, select, attract, innovate, construct. 3. Turn the following adjectives into nouns by adding the appropriate suffix. sad, infirm, uniform, real, jealous, human, popular, electric, complex, fertile, feminine, happy, severe, passive, anxious, curious. 4. Turn the following adjectives into nouns by adding the appropriate suffix. flexible, profitable, necessary, hospitable, stupid, moral, legal, responsible, probable, safe, personal, physical, able.
  • 8. Keys 1. verb suffix noun arbitrate -or/-ion/-ing arbitrator/arbitration/arbitrating arrange -er/-ment/-ing arranger/arrangement/arranging assess -or/-ment/-ing assessor/assessment/assessing attack -er/-ing attacker/ attacking attend -er/-ance/-ing attender/attendance /attending bake -er/-ing baker/baking begin -er/-ing beginner/beginning argue -ment/-ing argument/arguing attach -ment/-ing attachment/attaching innovate -or/-ion/-ing innovator/innovation/innovating call -er/-ing caller/calling campaign -er/-ing campaigner/campaigning camp -er/-ing camper/camping capture -or/-ing captor/capturing counsel -or/-ing counselor/conselling counterfeit -er/-ing counterfeiter/counterfeiting create -or/-ion/-ing creator/creation/creating challenge -er/-ing challenger/challenging 2. verb suffix noun evade -sion evasion express -ion expression collect -ion collection imitate -ion imitation interpret -ation interpretation contaminate -ion contamination reduce -tion reduction educate -ion education converse -ation conversation select -ion selection attract -ion attraction innovate -ion innovation
  • 9. construct -ion construction 3. adjective suffix noun Infirm -ity Infirmity sad -ness sadness uniform -ity uniformity real -ity reality jealous -y jealousy human -ity humanity popular -ity popularity electric -ity electricity complex -ity complexity fertile -ity fertility feminine -ity femininity happy -ness happiness severe -ity severity passive -ity passivity anxious -ety anxiety curious -ity curiosity 4. adjective suffix noun flexible -ity flexibility profitable -ity profitability necessary -ity necessity hospitable -ity hospitability stupid -ity stupidity moral -ity morality legal -ity legality responsible -ity responsibility probable -ity probability safe -ty safety personal -ity personality physical -ity physicality able -ity ability
  • 10. B. Suffixes and Adjectives Adjectives can be formed with the addition of specific suffixes to verbs as well as to nouns. Please consider the coming patterns. Verb + Suffix (-ed, -ible, -able…) → Adjective Examples: want →wanted reproduce→reproducible drink→drinkable Noun + Suffix (-ic, -full, -ous, -less, -al, -y…) → Adjective Examples: atmosphere→ atmospheric wonder → wonderful courage→ courageous motion → motionless education→ educational smoke→ smoky Practice: 1. Turn the following verbs into adjectives by adding the appropriate suffix. break, cover, print, rely, eat, access, crack, justify, count, present, deliver, challenge. 2. Turn the following verbs into adjectives by adding the appropriate suffix. realize, note, move, like, predict, remedy, observe, comfort, discuss, change. 3. Turn the following nouns into adjectives by adding the appropriate suffix.
  • 11. care, atom, drama, change, caprice, strategy, sympathy, beauty, politics, climate, job, economy, magic, mathematics, romance. 4. Turn the following nouns into adjectives by adding the appropriate suffix. danger, alcohol, home, syntax, grammar, regard, help, comedy, criticism, count, charisma, practice, courage, rhythm, therapy. 5. Turn the following nouns into adjectives by adding the appropriate suffix. guilt, blood, bog, mint, booze, cloud, bounce, breath, wood, breeze, brine, brood, milk, bubble, bulk, bush, carrot, count, rain, craft, crag, craze, creak. 6. Turn the following nouns into adjectives by adding the appropriate suffix. ease, chalk, risk, smoke, fun, fur, fuss, fuzz, need, fruit, wealth, health, grease, film, flake, flesh, flint, streak, mess, spike. Keys: 1. verb suffix adjective break breakable/broken cover covered print printable/printed rely reliable eat eatable/eaten access accessible justify justifiable/justified crack cracked count -able/-ible/-ed countable/counted present presentable/presented deliver deliverable/delivered challenge challenged/challenging 2.
  • 12. verb suffix adjective realize realizable/realized note notable/noted move movable, moveable like likeable/liked predict -able/-ible/-ed predictable/predicted remedy remediable/remedied observe observable/observed comfort comfortable/comforted discuss discussable/discussed change changeable/changed 3. noun suffix adjective care careful/careless atom atomic drama dramatic change changeless caprice capricious strategy strategic cash cashless sympathy sympathetic beauty -ful/-less/-ic/-ous beautiful politics political climate climatic job jobless economy economic fruit fruitful/fruitless magic magical mathematics mathematical romance romantic 4.
  • 13. noun suffix adjective danger dangerous alcohol alcoholic home homeless syntax syntactic grammar grammatical regard regardless help helpful comedy -ful/-less/-ic/-ous comic criticism critical count countless charisma charismatic practice practical courage courageous rhythm rhythmic therapy therapeutic grace graceful 5. noun suffix adjective guilt guilty blood bloody bog boggy mint minty booze boozy cloud cloudy bounce bouncy breath breathy wood woody breeze breezy brine briny brood -y broody milk milky bubble bubbly bulk bulky bush bushy carrot carroty count county rain rainy
  • 14. craft crafty crag craggy craze crazy creak creaky 6. noun suffix adjective ease easy chalk chalky risk risky smoke smoky fun funny fur furry fuss fussy fuzz fuzzy need needy fruit -y fruity wealth wealthy health healthy grease greasy film filmy flake flaky flesh fleshy flint flinty streak streaky mess messy spike spiky Prepositions A. Verb + Preposion Examples: believe + in → believe in complain + about → complain about
  • 15. boast + of → boast of Practice: 1. Match parts from column A with parts from both columns B and C so that you get meaningful sentences. A B C - Some people still rely -the building of pyramids. - Aristotle and other philosophers -the ancient Mesopotamians. worked into -observing plants and animals - Archaeologists divided Egypt’s from and organizing them into history on different types. -The pharaohs put all the resources into -horses to travel long distances. - The idea of dividing an hour into 60 -six different time periods. minutes and a minute into 60 seconds came 2. Match parts from column A with parts from both columns B and C so that you get meaningful sentences. A B C -The Egyptians worked - the Babylonian or Semitic stock. - In Sumerian times, even kings had like -carpets and hangings for to ask the Assembly for decoration. -The Phoenicians were a great race on - any one built before. which descended to -some new ideas in the 1000’s - Indian advances in iron-working from and 1100’s AD. led out -ways good ways to move water -because ancient Arabs were from the Nile to outlying farms in nomadic, they had relied the desert. -The famous mosque at Samarta did -permission to do certain things. not look 3. Match parts from column A with parts from both columns B and C so that you get meaningful sentences. A B C -Embezzling is the act of taking money that has been placed in -regional laws and restrictions. your trust but belongs from -gifts offered in genuine good will? -What distinguishes bribes on -another person.
  • 16. -The punishment for bribery at -the process of concealing financial depends to transactions. -Money laundering refers -some common examples. - The best way to understand the concept of money laundering is to look 4. Match parts from column A with parts from both columns B and C so that you get meaningful sentences. A B C -All citizens suffer -Tax evasion prevents the government -counterfeiting. -When these funds are not for -their school timings. collected, services have to be with -collecting funds. curtailed and thus result in -a lower quality of life for all citizens. -Most mints around the world from -tax evasion. use a number of safety system to protect their currency -Children can take up light summer jobs that do not interfere 5. Match parts from column A with parts from both columns B and C so that you get meaningful sentences. A B C -The evolution of culture, and - their children the expectation that human beings as a species they will perform better than the depended about pupils believe they are capable of. -Pupils will write with -the creation of examination stress. -Both the school and the family to -that experienced by high powered
  • 17. can contribute on businessmen. -Experts compared this stress - the Algerian Revolution and its -One thing parents should aftermath. avoid is to impose -the practice of transmitting knowledge. Keys: 1. - Some people still rely on horses to travel long distances. - Aristotle and other philosophers worked on observing plants and animals and organizing them into different types. - Archaeologists divided Egypt’s history into six different time periods. -The pharaohs put all the resources into the building of pyramids. - The idea of dividing an hour into 60 minutes and a minute into 60 seconds came from the ancient Mesopotamians. 2. -The Egyptians worked out ways good ways to move water from the Nile to outlying farms in the desert. - In Sumerian times, even kings had to ask the Assembly for permission to do certain things. -The Phoenicians were a great race which descended from the Babylonian or Semitic stock. - Indian advances in iron-working led to some new ideas in the 1000’s and 1100’s AD. -Because ancient Arabs were nomadic, they had relied on carpets and hangings for decoration. -The famous mosque at Samarta did not look like any one built before. 3. -Embezzling is the act of taking money that has been placed in your trust but belongs to another person.
  • 18. -What distinguishes bribes from gifts offered in genuine good will? -The punishment for bribery depends on regional laws and restrictions. -Money laundering refers to the process of concealing financial transactions. - The best way to understand the concept of money laundering is to look at some common examples. 4. -All citizens suffer from tax evasion. -Tax evasion prevents the government from collecting funds. -When these funds are not collected, services have to be curtailed and thus result in a lower quality of life for all citizens. -Most mints around the world use a number of safety system to protect their currency from -Children can take up light summer jobs that do not interfere with their school timings. 5. -The evolution of culture, and human beings as a species depended on the practice of transmitting knowledge. -Pupils will write about the Algerian Revolution and its aftermath. -Both the school and the family can contribute to the creation of examination stress. -Experts compared this stress with that experienced by high powered businessmen. -One thing parents should avoid is to impose on their children the expectation that they will perform better than the pupils believe they are capable of.
  • 19. B. Adjective + Preposition Examples: aware + of → aware of interested + in → interested in Practice: 1. Match parts from column A with parts from both columns B and C so that you get meaningful sentences. A B C - Closer contacts among neighbours, friends and families had to be beneficial -The Greeks were very in -science as a way of organizing the interested on world and making order out of chaos. -The ancient Sumerians of - the pharaoh and their country. invented a system of at - communal harmony. mathematics based for -astronomy. - The Babylonians were very - the number of 60. good -The ancient Egyptians grew very proud 2. Match parts from column A with parts from both columns B and C so that you get meaningful sentences. A B C -Ancient Egyptian scientists -finding the patterns and rules in were extremely good in mathematics and music. - Pythagoras was interested from -studying science. -The Nile was so important at - those of the Egyptians. -Greek women usually were of - observing nature and practical thought to be incapable engineering. - The Greeks had developed -Egyptian farming. building styles different
  • 20. 3. Match parts from column A with parts from both columns B and C so that you get meaningful sentences. A B C -The Phoenicians were earth’s first-known sailors and explorers who were always eager -Arabic and Persian models. -The arrival of Islamic -inventing the numeral zero and the conquerors about 1000 AD from decimal system. brought to India iconoclasm for -is their architecture. and a love of varied and to -Islam. complex patterning derived -adventure. - This affected even Hindus artists who had not converted -Indian mathematicians may have been responsible -One of the things the Romans are famous 4. Match parts from column A with parts from both columns B and C so that you get meaningful sentences. A B C -Arabic scholars were able to read the books of Greek -creative accounting philosophers Plato and to -other fields. Aristotle and translated them from -the ones built by the Greeks. -Because architects who lived like -Arabic. in Baghdad adopted Sassanian into architectural traditions, their buildings looked very different -The term “window dressing” is similar -However, this term is broader and can be applied
  • 21. 5. Match parts from column A with parts from both columns B and C so that you get meaningful sentences. A B C -According to the World Bank, -corruption reduction. economic development is -the operation of essential services to closely linked the population. -Particularly in countries which on -an error on calculating taxes on are based of reported income should contact the -The collected funds are used for tax agency. -Persons who become aware to -tax evasion, and allow the matter to -This will help to minimize the be settled before interest charges chances of being suspected become significant. -egalitarian ideals, bribery is often viewed immensely offensive. 6. Match parts from column A with parts from both columns B and C so that you get meaningful sentences. A B C -Most modern counterfeiting is - forthcoming examinations, it is focused almost certain that the same fear will -Someone who is convicted of be passed on to the pupil him/herself. -Teachers who are specialized for -counterfeiting will spend at least a -Education as a science cannot about decade in prison. be separated in -competitive situations. -Parents should be concerned from -astrophysics, law or zoology, for -If a pupil senses that his or her on example, may teach only a certain parents are worried subject. -Regular and consistent -their offsprings’ career prospects. support is important to young -the educational traditions that people involved existed before. -paper money, because it has a higher face value.
  • 22. Keys: 1. - Closer contacts among neighbours, friends and families had to be beneficial for communal harmony. -The Greeks were very interested in science as a way of organizing the world and making order out of chaos. -The ancient Sumerians invented a system of mathematics based on the number of 60. - The Babylonians were very good at astronomy. -The ancient Egyptians grew very proud of the pharaoh and their country. 2. -Ancient Egyptian scientists were extremely good at observing nature and practical engineering. - Pythagoras was interested in finding the patterns and rules in mathematics and music. -The Nile was so important to Egyptian farming. -Greek women usually were thought to be incapable of studying science. - The Greeks had developed building styles different from those of the Egyptians. 3. -The Phoenicians were earth’s first-known sailors and explorers who were always eager for adventure. -The arrival of Islamic conquerors about 1000 AD brought to India iconoclasm and a love of varied and complex patterning derived from Arabic and Persian models. - This affected even Hindus artists who had not converted to Islam. -Indian mathematicians may have been responsible for inventing the numeral zero and the decimal system. -One of the things the Romans are famous for is their architecture.
  • 23. 4. -Arabic scholars were able to read the books of Greek philosophers Plato and Aristotle and translated them into Arabic. -Because architects who lived in Baghdad adopted Sassanian architectural traditions, their buildings looked very different from the ones built by the Greeks. -The term “window dressing” is similar to creative accounting. -However, this term is broader and can be applied to other fields. 5. -According to the World Bank, economic development is closely linked to corruption reduction. -Particularly in countries which are based on egalitarian ideals, bribery is often viewed immensely offensive. -The collected funds are used for the operation of essential services to the population. -Persons who become aware of an error on calculating taxes on reported income should contact the tax agency. -This will help to minimize the chances of being suspected of tax evasion, and allow the matter to be settled before interest charges become significant. 6. -Most modern counterfeiting is focused on paper money, because it has a higher face value. -Someone who is convicted of counterfeiting will spend at least a decade in prison. -Teachers who are specialized in astrophysics, law or zoology, for example, may teach only a certain subject. -Education as a science cannot be separated from the educational traditions that existed before. -Parents should be concerned for their offsprings’ career prospects.
  • 24. -If a pupil senses that his or her parents are worried about forthcoming examinations, it is almost certain that the same fear will be passed on to the pupil him/herself. -Regular and consistent support is important to young people involved in competitive situations.