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~1 sec build and deploy on Kubernetes
Claus Ibsen
About me
● Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat
● Java Champion
● 11 years as Apache Camel committer
● Author of Camel in Action books
Thanks for having me
● What is Apache Camel?
● Apache Camel v3
● Apache Camel K
● Quarkus & Camel
● Q & A
System Integration
Apache Camel
is an
Integration Framework
based on
Enterprise Integration Patterns
Integration Framework
Enterprise Integration Patterns
Enterprise Integration Patterns
Camel Routes
<from uri="file:data/inbox"/>
<to uri="jms:queue:order"/>
Java DSL
Camel Routes with Splitter
Camel Routes with Splitter
Camel Routes with Splitter
Camel Routes with Splitter
Custom data
Camel Routes with Splitter
.to("activemq:line"); Custom data
Camel Architecture
Camel runs everywhere
Runs on popular Java Runtimes
Camel connects everything
● File
● Mail
● MongoDB
● Kafka
● ...
Public Cloud
○ S3
○ Kinesis
○ ...
● Google
○ BigQuery
○ PubSub
● Azure
○ Blob
○ Queue
● Box
● Dropbox
● Facebook
● Linkedin
● Salesforce
● ServiceNowIoT
● CoAP
● PubNub
300+ Components
ahc ahc-ws amqp apns as2 asn1 asterisk atmos atmosphere-websocket atom atomix avro aws aws-xray azure bam barcode base64
beanio beanstalk bean-validator bindy blueprint bonita boon box braintree cache caffeine cassandraql castor cdi chronicle chunk cmis
cm-sms coap cometd consul context corda core-osgi core-xml couchbase couchdb crypto crypto-cms csv cxf cxf-transport
digitalocean disruptor dns docker dozer drill dropbox eclipse ehcache ejb elasticsearch elasticsearch5 elasticsearch-rest elsql etcd
eventadmin exec facebook fastjson fhir flatpack flink fop freemarker ftp ganglia geocoder git github google-bigquery google-calendar
google-drive google-mail google-pubsub google-sheets gora grape groovy groovy-dsl grpc gson guava-eventbus guice hawtdb
hazelcast hbase hdfs hdfs2 headersmap hessian hipchat hl7 http http4 http-common hystrix ibatis ical iec60870 ignite infinispan
influxdb ipfs irc ironmq jackson jacksonxml jasypt javaspace jaxb jbpm jcache jclouds jcr jdbc jetty jetty9 jetty-common jgroups jibx
jing jira jms jmx johnzon jolt josql jpa jsch jsonpath json-validator jt400 juel jxpath kafka kestrel krati kubernetes kura ldap ldif leveldb
linkedin lra lucene lumberjack lzf mail master metrics micrometer milo mina mina2 mllp mongodb mongodb3 mongodb-gridfs mqtt
msv mustache mvel mybatis nagios nats netty netty4 netty4-http netty-http nsq ognl olingo2 olingo4 openshift openstack opentracing
optaplanner paho paxlogging pdf pgevent printer protobuf pubnub quartz quartz2 quickfix rabbitmq reactive-streams reactor restlet
rest-swagger ribbon rmi routebox rss ruby rx rxjava2 salesforce sap-netweaver saxon scala schematron scr script service servicenow
servlet servletlistener shiro sip sjms sjms2 slack smpp snakeyaml snmp soap solr spark spark-rest splunk spring spring-batch spring-
boot spring-cloud spring-cloud-consul spring-cloud-netflix spring-cloud-zookeeper spring-integration spring-javaconfig spring-ldap
spring-redis spring-security spring-ws sql ssh stax stomp stream stringtemplate swagger swagger-java syslog tagsoup tarfile telegram
test test-blueprint test-cdi testcontainers testcontainers-spring test-karaf testng test-spring thrift tika twilio twitter undertow univocity-
parsers urlrewrite velocity vertx weather web3j websocket wordpress xchange xmlbeans xmljson xmlrpc xmlsecurity xmpp xstream
yammer yql zendesk zipfile zipkin zookeeper zookeeper-master
A little Camel Example
@davsclaus 22
@davsclaus 23
@davsclaus 24
@davsclaus 25
@davsclaus 26
@davsclaus 27
@davsclaus 28
@davsclaus 29
kamel run file-copier.js
A little Camel K example
Camel Community in Numbers
● Created in 2007
● 139 Releases
● 473 Contributors on github
● ~ 2500 stars ⭐️ on github (a star is appreciated)
● ~ 36000 commits on master branch (~ 3000/year - 8/day)
● ~ 8600 Q&A on stackoverflow
● ~ 500 users on gitter chat
● 552 follows on twitter (
The good, bad & ugly
● Huge and active community
● Continued and stable release cadence
● Open and welcoming community (we love contributions)
● Burden on core developers
● Well established and "old project" may not appear to hipsters
● Balance of "keep as-is" vs "modernize" architecture
● The outdated website
(new site under development:
Apache Camel 3
Camel 3 Timeline
● 3.0 Milestone 1 - February 2019
● 3.0 Milestone 2 - March 2019
● 3.0 Milestone 3 - May 2019
● 3.0 Milestone 4 - July 2019
● 3.0 GA - September 2019
● v3.0 Basic Features
● v3.1 Postponed Features
● v3.2 Postponed Features
● ...
Camel 3 Major Goals
● Backwards compatible (minimal migration for normal use-cases)
● Light-weight & modular camel-core
● Reactive routing engine (non blocking & back-pressure)
● Tidy up APIs & cleanup of technical debt
● Fluent Builder Endpoint configuration (Java & XML)
● Java 8 DSL improvements
● New Cloud EIP Patterns
Camel 3 Major Goals
● Apache Camel K
● GraalVM/Quarkus Support
● Timeboxed Release
● New website & documentation
● More presence on social/workshop/blog posts
● There is still a lot of unexpressed potential
Camel 3 Milestone 1
● Released on February 22th 2019
● Migration Guide (work in progress)
● Example of migrating Camel in Action 2nd source code
Camel 3 Milestone 1
● Modularization of camel-core
○ camel-api API for end users
○ camel-base Internal
○ camel-core Just like Camel 2.x
○ camel-management-api API for JMX management
○ camel-management-impl JMX is optional
○ camel-support API and support classes for end
users / components
○ camel-util General small utilities
○ camel-util-json Internal (Camel tooling and such)
○ camel-core-xml XML DSL support
○ camel-core-osgi OSGi support (no longer in camel-
Component still
in camel-core
We will attempt to
move it out in M3
Camel 3 Milestone 1
● Modularization of camel-core
Camel 3 Milestone 1
● Reactive Core (internal)
Camel 3 Milestone 1
● Reactive Core
○ All EIPs now fully reactive
○ Blocking vs Non-Blocking code-paths merged into one (Non-Blocking)
● Reactive Core (todo)
○ Backpressure (M3)
○ Client API (M3)
○ Java 9+ Flowable API (M3)
■ M1/M2 currently Java 8
○ Component metadata
■ To know if a component is fully reactive
● Vert.X (todo 3.1/3.2)
○ Better camel-vertx integration
■ To use its fully reactive components
Not all Camel
components are
100% reactive
Camel 3 Milestone 1
● Tidy up API and clean technical debt
○ All deprecated code and components removed
○ Some APIs tidied up
...More internal cleanup on the way (M2/M3)
● camel-core-osgi
○ Upgraded to OSGi R6
● camel-activemq
○ Apache ActiveMQ 5.x (do not use activemq-camel)
Camel 3 Milestone 1
● Improve project build
○ Faster build and re-build of project
○ More source generation of metadata and other files
○ … more to come in M2
● Apache Camel K
○ Camel K 0.3.0 supports
■ Camel 2.x
■ Camel 3 milestone 1
Camel 3 Milestone 2
● Released on March 31th 2019
● Migration Guide (work in progress)
● Example of migrating Camel in Action 2nd source code
Camel 3 Milestone 2
● Tidy up API and clean technical debt
○ All deprecated code and components removed
○ Some APIs tidied up
...More internal cleanup on the way (M3)
● Optimized type converters
○ Invoke type converter directly (no reflection method call)
○ Optimized type converter discovery and loading on startup
○ Allows pre-load with GraalVM/Quarkus
Camel 3 Milestone 2
● Properties component
○ Fallback to lookup property as OS ENV variable
○ To work better with Kubernetes / Camel K
● Camel Main
○ More functionality out of the box
■ dependency injection (IoC) with camel-core Java (RouteBuilder classes)
■ dependency injection (IoC) with camel-spring Java
○ Convention over configuration out of the box
○ To work better with Camel K
Camel 3 Milestone 2
● Writeable registry
○ bind beans to registry
camelContext().getRegistry().bind("myName", myBean);
bindToRegistry("myName", myBean); (in RouteBuilder)
○ Easier unit testing
○ Easier Camel standalone
● Step EIP
○ Group together EIPs (logic name)
○ Grouped performance statistics
Camel 3 Milestone 2
● Quarkus/GraalVM Support
○ Works better with quarkus-camel
○ More minimal/optimized camel-core
○ Works better with Camel K
Camel 3 Milestone 3
● camel-core-engine
○ Minimal set of dependency
● camel-mock
○ Move Mock out of camel-core (potentially not possible)
● camel-dataset
○ Move dataset & test component out of camel-core DONE
● camel-bean
○ Move Bean component / Language out of camel-core (likely not possible)
● camel-xml
○ Move all related to XML out of camel-core
Camel 3 Milestone 3
● Quarkus/GraalVM Support
○ Generate additional metadata in JARs
○ Better integration with Quarkus
○ More minimal/optimized camel-core
○ Works better with Camel K
Camel 3 Milestone 3
● Auto generated Endpoint DSL
○ Fluent Builders for endpoint in Java / XML
<file directory="inbox" recursive="true" delay=”2000”/>
<jms queue="cheese" timeToLive="5000"/>
Camel 3 Milestone 4
● Reactive Core
○ Backpressure
○ Client API
○ Flowable API (Java9+)
● Data Shape
○ IN vs OUT contract
■ Route
■ Component
○ Improved Data Mapping support
■ camel-atmasmap
Camel 3 Milestone 4
● Java 11
○ Builds on Java 11
○ Java 8 to be dropped
● Stabilization and polish
○ Tidy up for GA release
● New website
○ Staging for preview
Camel 3 - GA September 2019
Camel 3 is our
“Duke Nukem
project 😁
Apache Camel K
~1 sec build and deploy on Kubernetes
Why Camel K
● Building and deploying Camel on Kubernetes
○ fabric8-maven-plugin to build the image
○ s2i on OpenShift to build the image
○ ci/cd pipeline (such as Jenkins) to build the image
● Minute(s) to build and deploy "Hello Camel"
We want to go faster
Why Camel K
● Low-code / No-code integration
○ Engine in Red Hat Fuse Online
● Cloud Native Camel on Kubernetes
● Camel Serverless
Cloud Native Camel
on Kubernetes
Why Camel K
● Quick Prototyping
● Simple or little business logic
● Tiny microservices
● Opinionated runtime
Not intended for traditional
bigger projects
Instead use regular Camel
Limitations of Camel K
● Opinionated runtime
● Not a replacement for Apache Camel
● Must run on Kubernetes
● Testing framework currently limited
● Early project
... but Camel K has a lot of
Overview of Camel K
A lightweight platform for running Camel integration DSL in the cloud.
● Based on operator-sdk
● Works on Openshift and “vanilla” Kubernetes
$ kamel run routes.groovy --dev
File routes.groovy
Architecture of Camel K
Dev Environment Remote Cloud
kamel CLI
Camel K
Running Pod
Live updates!
Fast redeploy!
Less than 1 second!
Tailored for cloud-native development experience
Camel K in details
kind: Integration
name: my-integration
- name: source.groovy
content: |-
This is what people care
about: Camel DSL
Camel K Operator
1. Choose a runtime
2. Create container image
3. Create Kubernetes
resources for deployment
kamel CLI
Camel K Resources Visualization
$ kamel run code.groovyfrom(“telegram:bots/bot-id”)
File code.groovy
On OpenShift.
It uses Kaniko on
“vanilla” Kubernetes.
CRDs allow to abstract
from all this implementation
Camel K Resources Visualization
$ kamel run code.groovyfrom(“telegram:bots/bot-id”)
File code.groovy
On OpenShift.
It uses Kaniko on
“vanilla” Kubernetes.
Fast Deployment of Camel K
Time to run a integration using different strategies (in seconds)
Lower is better :)
F-m-p is the “fabric8-maven-plugin”
( deploying a
average spring-boot based
integration on Minishift vs. a remote
OpenShift cluster (accounting time
to upload the fat Jar). Source S2I
build has been measured in Red Hat
Fuse Online.
Demo Time
Camel K
Let’s build a Telegram Chat Bot in few minutes.
You’ll need shortly on
your phone:
- Telegram App
- A QR Code reader
Camel K
Let’s build a Telegram Chat Bot in few minutes.
What is Knative ?
A pluggable model for
building artifacts, like jar
files, zips or containers
from source code.
Knative Overview - Components
An event-driven model
that serves the container
with your application and
can "scale to zero".
Common infrastructure for
consuming and producing
events that will stimulate
" extension to Kubernetes exposing building blocks to build modern, source-centric, and container-
based applications that can run anywhere".
Knative Overview - Builds
● A Build is a list of containers run in-order, with source mounted in (TaskRun)
● BuildTemplates provide reusable, parameterized recipes that can be used to
create Builds (Task)
● Pipelines - The future!
○ Group of Tasks
● Build Example
● "Source to URL"
● S2I for OpenShift users
kind: Build
name: example-build
serviceAccountName: build-auth-example
revision: master
- name: centos-example
image: centos
args: ["centos-build-example", ""]
- image:
args: ['echo', 'hello-example', 'build']
Knative Overview - Serving
● Configurations represent the ‘floating
HEAD’ of a history of Revisions
● Revisions represent immutable snapshot
of code and configuration
● Routes configure ingress over a collection
of Revisions and/or Configurations
● Services (nope, not K8s services) are top-
level controllers that manage a set of
Routes and Configurations to implement a
network service
(name) Configuration
history of
Knative Overview - Eventing
● Goal is to be a generalized eventing framework
● Many influencers also active on CloudEvents specification
Current-ish API:
● Receive Adapter triggers on EventSources that send Events to a
sink (channel)
● Channels are named endpoints which accept event delivery
(provided by Kafka, AMQP…)
● Subscriptions register to receive traffic from a Channel
Knative Eventing - Pipeline
Knative Eventing Docs
Knative Eventing - Flow
Knative Eventing Docs
Again, beyond functions...
Keep code and configuration separate
Each configuration change triggers the creation
of new revision
Concurrency (scale out via process)
Disposability (fast startup/graceful shutdown)
Build, release, run (separate build and run stages)
Build (
What about Camel & Knative ?
Camel K and Knative
Knative building blocks relevance to Camel
Knative Build
Knative Serving
Standardize building container images Auto-scaling and scale-to-zero Messaging for event-based applications
Camel K and Knative
Knative building blocks relevance to Camel
Knative Build
Knative Serving
Standardize building container images Auto-scaling and scale-to-zero Messaging for event-based applications
Camel K and Knative
Knative building blocks relevance to Camel
Knative Build
Knative Serving
Standardize building container images Auto-scaling and scale-to-zero Messaging for event-based applications
Camel & Knative in details
kind: Integration
name: my-integration
- name: source.groovy
content: |-
Camel K Operator
kind: Service
kind: Deployment
# standard one
Camel & Knative in details
$ kamel run code.groovy
File code.groovy
.to(“...”) <<custom-resource>>
Subscription Pod Pod Pod
Same user experience!
Or even no pods!
In the knative profile, the
operator uses Knative
building blocks instead of a
standard Kubernetes
Camel K: same model for different purposes
Camel K & Knative Eventing
250+ components!
Camel K and Knative - Links
● Apache Camel K
● Camel K Telegram Demo Code
● Camel K Introduction Blog
● Camel K and Knative tutorial
● Camel Knative Event Sources
Java Density Problem
Node Node Node
Traditional Cloud-Native
Java Stack
Traditional Cloud-Native
Java Stack
Traditional Cloud-Native
Java Stack
Traditional Cloud-Native
Java Stack
Go Go Go
Go Go Go
Go Go Go
Go Go Go
Go Go Go
Go Go Go
Go Go Go
Java Fast Scaling Problem
Supersonic Subatomic Java
What is Quarkus
A Kubernetes Native Java stack tailored for
GraalVM & OpenJDK HotSpot, crafted from the
best of breed Java libraries and standards
Minimal Footprint - Quarkus
● Minimal footprint Java applications
○ Native vs Quarkus+OpenJDK JVM vs Traditional JVM
Container First - Quakrus
● First Class Support for Graal/SubstrateVM
○ Native compiled first-class supported
● Build Time Metadata Processing
○ Pre-Build and "warump" as much as possible during build time
● Reduction in Reflection Usage
○ Reduce startup and memory
● Native Image Pre Boot
○ Most of startup serialized into native image to startup even faster
Programming Model - Quakrus
● Unifies imperative and reactive
Developer Joy - Quarkus
● Unified configuration
● Zero config, live reload
● Streamlined code (80/20 rule)
● Native executable generation
Standards - Quarkus
● CDI Dependency Injection
● JPA persistence
● JTA transactions
● Eclipse Microprofile configuration & monitoring
● Vert.X
● Apache Camel
● ... and more
Quarkus and Camel / Camel K
● Works with Camel K and regular Camel (3.x)
● Fast startup, low memory usage
● Compile Camel routes to native code (Camel K)
● Compile Camel projects to native code (Camel)
● Bring Camel to the serverless world
Quarkus and Camel / Camel K
● Work to do
○ Quarkus Dev mode
○ More native Camel components
○ More camel-core optimizations
○ Better Camel and Quakrus integration
○ Better Camel and CDI with Quarkus
○ Native Compilation with GraalVM is not rock solid
Demo Time
Apache Camel and Quarkus runs blazingly fast 🚀 with native compiled binaries.
Startup is 7 msec, 28mb binary file, and 15mb RSS memory used.
Camel and Quarkus - Links
● Quarkus
● Quarkus Camel Extensions
● Quarkus Camel Demo
Any Questions ?

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Mehr von Claus Ibsen

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Mehr von Claus Ibsen (13)

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Apache Camel K - Copenhagen v2

  • 1. ~1 sec build and deploy on Kubernetes Claus Ibsen @davsclaus
  • 2. @davsclaus About me ● Senior Principal Software Engineer at Red Hat ● Java Champion ● 11 years as Apache Camel committer ● Author of Camel in Action books ●
  • 3. @davsclaus Thanks for having me Slides
  • 4. @davsclaus Agenda ● What is Apache Camel? ● Apache Camel v3 ● Apache Camel K ● Quarkus & Camel ● Q & A
  • 6. @davsclaus Apache Camel is an Integration Framework based on Enterprise Integration Patterns
  • 12. @davsclaus Camel Routes with Splitter from("file:inbox")
  • 13. @davsclaus Camel Routes with Splitter from("file:inbox") .split(body().tokenize("n"))
  • 14. @davsclaus Camel Routes with Splitter from("file:inbox") .split(body().tokenize("n")) .marshal(customToXml) Custom data transformation
  • 15. @davsclaus Camel Routes with Splitter from("file:inbox") .split(body().tokenize("n")) .marshal(customToXml) .to("activemq:line"); Custom data transformation
  • 18. @davsclaus Runs on popular Java Runtimes
  • 19. @davsclaus Camel connects everything Enterprise Systems ● File ● FTP ● JMS ● AMQP ● JDBC ● SQL ● TCP/UDP ● Mail ● HDFS ● JPA ● MongoDB ● Kafka ● ... Public Cloud ● AWS ○ S3 ○ SQS ○ Kinesis ○ ... ● Google ○ BigQuery ○ PubSub ● Azure ○ Blob ○ Queue ● Box ● Dropbox ● Facebook ● Linkedin ● Salesforce ● SAP ● ServiceNowIoT ● CoAP ● MQTT ● PubNub SaaS
  • 20. @davsclaus 300+ Components ahc ahc-ws amqp apns as2 asn1 asterisk atmos atmosphere-websocket atom atomix avro aws aws-xray azure bam barcode base64 beanio beanstalk bean-validator bindy blueprint bonita boon box braintree cache caffeine cassandraql castor cdi chronicle chunk cmis cm-sms coap cometd consul context corda core-osgi core-xml couchbase couchdb crypto crypto-cms csv cxf cxf-transport digitalocean disruptor dns docker dozer drill dropbox eclipse ehcache ejb elasticsearch elasticsearch5 elasticsearch-rest elsql etcd eventadmin exec facebook fastjson fhir flatpack flink fop freemarker ftp ganglia geocoder git github google-bigquery google-calendar google-drive google-mail google-pubsub google-sheets gora grape groovy groovy-dsl grpc gson guava-eventbus guice hawtdb hazelcast hbase hdfs hdfs2 headersmap hessian hipchat hl7 http http4 http-common hystrix ibatis ical iec60870 ignite infinispan influxdb ipfs irc ironmq jackson jacksonxml jasypt javaspace jaxb jbpm jcache jclouds jcr jdbc jetty jetty9 jetty-common jgroups jibx jing jira jms jmx johnzon jolt josql jpa jsch jsonpath json-validator jt400 juel jxpath kafka kestrel krati kubernetes kura ldap ldif leveldb linkedin lra lucene lumberjack lzf mail master metrics micrometer milo mina mina2 mllp mongodb mongodb3 mongodb-gridfs mqtt msv mustache mvel mybatis nagios nats netty netty4 netty4-http netty-http nsq ognl olingo2 olingo4 openshift openstack opentracing optaplanner paho paxlogging pdf pgevent printer protobuf pubnub quartz quartz2 quickfix rabbitmq reactive-streams reactor restlet rest-swagger ribbon rmi routebox rss ruby rx rxjava2 salesforce sap-netweaver saxon scala schematron scr script service servicenow servlet servletlistener shiro sip sjms sjms2 slack smpp snakeyaml snmp soap solr spark spark-rest splunk spring spring-batch spring- boot spring-cloud spring-cloud-consul spring-cloud-netflix spring-cloud-zookeeper spring-integration spring-javaconfig spring-ldap spring-redis spring-security spring-ws sql ssh stax stomp stream stringtemplate swagger swagger-java syslog tagsoup tarfile telegram test test-blueprint test-cdi testcontainers testcontainers-spring test-karaf testng test-spring thrift tika twilio twitter undertow univocity- parsers urlrewrite velocity vertx weather web3j websocket wordpress xchange xmlbeans xmljson xmlrpc xmlsecurity xmpp xstream yammer yql zendesk zipfile zipkin zookeeper zookeeper-master
  • 29. @davsclaus 29 kamel run file-copier.js K A little Camel K example
  • 35. @davsclaus Camel Community in Numbers ● Created in 2007 ● 139 Releases ● 473 Contributors on github ● ~ 2500 stars ⭐️ on github (a star is appreciated) ● ~ 36000 commits on master branch (~ 3000/year - 8/day) ● ~ 8600 Q&A on stackoverflow ● ~ 500 users on gitter chat ● 552 follows on twitter (
  • 37. @davsclaus The good, bad & ugly ● Huge and active community ● Continued and stable release cadence ● Open and welcoming community (we love contributions) ● Burden on core developers ● Well established and "old project" may not appear to hipsters ● Balance of "keep as-is" vs "modernize" architecture ● The outdated website (new site under development:
  • 39. @davsclaus Camel 3 Timeline ● 3.0 Milestone 1 - February 2019 ● 3.0 Milestone 2 - March 2019 ● 3.0 Milestone 3 - May 2019 ● 3.0 Milestone 4 - July 2019 ● 3.0 GA - September 2019 ● v3.0 Basic Features ● v3.1 Postponed Features ● v3.2 Postponed Features ● ... Timeboxed Schedule
  • 40. @davsclaus Camel 3 Major Goals ● Backwards compatible (minimal migration for normal use-cases) ● Light-weight & modular camel-core ● Reactive routing engine (non blocking & back-pressure) ● Tidy up APIs & cleanup of technical debt ● Fluent Builder Endpoint configuration (Java & XML) ● Java 8 DSL improvements ● New Cloud EIP Patterns
  • 41. @davsclaus Camel 3 Major Goals ● Apache Camel K ● GraalVM/Quarkus Support ● Timeboxed Release ● New website & documentation ● More presence on social/workshop/blog posts ● There is still a lot of unexpressed potential
  • 42. @davsclaus Camel 3 Milestone 1 ● Released on February 22th 2019 ● Migration Guide (work in progress) ● Example of migrating Camel in Action 2nd source code
  • 43. @davsclaus Camel 3 Milestone 1 ● Modularization of camel-core ○ camel-api API for end users ○ camel-base Internal ○ camel-core Just like Camel 2.x ○ camel-management-api API for JMX management ○ camel-management-impl JMX is optional ○ camel-support API and support classes for end users / components ○ camel-util General small utilities ○ camel-util-json Internal (Camel tooling and such) ○ camel-core-xml XML DSL support ○ camel-core-osgi OSGi support (no longer in camel- core) Mock Component still in camel-core We will attempt to move it out in M3
  • 44. @davsclaus Camel 3 Milestone 1 ● Modularization of camel-core
  • 45. @davsclaus Camel 3 Milestone 1 ● Reactive Core (internal)
  • 46. @davsclaus Camel 3 Milestone 1 ● Reactive Core ○ All EIPs now fully reactive ○ Blocking vs Non-Blocking code-paths merged into one (Non-Blocking) ● Reactive Core (todo) ○ Backpressure (M3) ○ Client API (M3) ○ Java 9+ Flowable API (M3) ■ M1/M2 currently Java 8 ○ Component metadata ■ To know if a component is fully reactive ● Vert.X (todo 3.1/3.2) ○ Better camel-vertx integration ■ To use its fully reactive components Not all Camel components are 100% reactive compliant
  • 47. @davsclaus Camel 3 Milestone 1 ● Tidy up API and clean technical debt ○ All deprecated code and components removed ○ Some APIs tidied up ...More internal cleanup on the way (M2/M3) ● camel-core-osgi ○ Upgraded to OSGi R6 ● camel-activemq ○ Apache ActiveMQ 5.x (do not use activemq-camel)
  • 48. @davsclaus Camel 3 Milestone 1 ● Improve project build ○ Faster build and re-build of project ○ More source generation of metadata and other files ○ … more to come in M2 ● Apache Camel K ○ Camel K 0.3.0 supports ■ Camel 2.x ■ Camel 3 milestone 1
  • 49. @davsclaus Camel 3 Milestone 2 ● Released on March 31th 2019 ● Migration Guide (work in progress) ● Example of migrating Camel in Action 2nd source code
  • 50. @davsclaus Camel 3 Milestone 2 ● Tidy up API and clean technical debt ○ All deprecated code and components removed ○ Some APIs tidied up ...More internal cleanup on the way (M3) ● Optimized type converters ○ Invoke type converter directly (no reflection method call) ○ Optimized type converter discovery and loading on startup ○ Allows pre-load with GraalVM/Quarkus
  • 51. @davsclaus Camel 3 Milestone 2 ● Properties component ○ Fallback to lookup property as OS ENV variable ○ To work better with Kubernetes / Camel K ● Camel Main ○ More functionality out of the box ■ dependency injection (IoC) with camel-core Java (RouteBuilder classes) ■ dependency injection (IoC) with camel-spring Java ○ Convention over configuration out of the box ■ ○ To work better with Camel K
  • 52. @davsclaus Camel 3 Milestone 2 ● Writeable registry ○ bind beans to registry camelContext().getRegistry().bind("myName", myBean); bindToRegistry("myName", myBean); (in RouteBuilder) @BindToRegistry ○ Easier unit testing ○ Easier Camel standalone ● Step EIP ○ Group together EIPs (logic name) ○ Grouped performance statistics
  • 53. @davsclaus Camel 3 Milestone 2 ● Quarkus/GraalVM Support ○ Works better with quarkus-camel ○ More minimal/optimized camel-core ○ Works better with Camel K
  • 54. @davsclaus Camel 3 Milestone 3 ● camel-core-engine ○ Minimal set of dependency ● camel-mock ○ Move Mock out of camel-core (potentially not possible) ● camel-dataset ○ Move dataset & test component out of camel-core DONE ● camel-bean ○ Move Bean component / Language out of camel-core (likely not possible) ● camel-xml ○ Move all related to XML out of camel-core
  • 55. @davsclaus Camel 3 Milestone 3 ● Quarkus/GraalVM Support ○ Generate additional metadata in JARs ○ Better integration with Quarkus ○ More minimal/optimized camel-core ○ Works better with Camel K
  • 56. @davsclaus Camel 3 Milestone 3 ● Auto generated Endpoint DSL ○ Fluent Builders for endpoint in Java / XML from(file("inbox").recursive().withDelay(2000)) .to(jms("cheese").withTimeToLive(5000)); <route> <from> <file directory="inbox" recursive="true" delay=”2000”/> </from> <to> <jms queue="cheese" timeToLive="5000"/> </to> </route>
  • 57. @davsclaus Camel 3 Milestone 4 ● Reactive Core ○ Backpressure ○ Client API ○ Flowable API (Java9+) ● Data Shape ○ IN vs OUT contract ■ Route ■ Component ○ Improved Data Mapping support ■ camel-atmasmap
  • 58. @davsclaus Camel 3 Milestone 4 ● Java 11 ○ Builds on Java 11 ○ Java 8 to be dropped ● Stabilization and polish ○ Tidy up for GA release ● New website ○ Staging for preview
  • 59. @davsclaus Camel 3 - GA September 2019 Camel 3 is our “Duke Nukem Forever” project 😁
  • 60. @davsclaus Apache Camel K K ~1 sec build and deploy on Kubernetes
  • 61. @davsclaus Why Camel K ● Building and deploying Camel on Kubernetes ○ fabric8-maven-plugin to build the image ○ s2i on OpenShift to build the image ○ ci/cd pipeline (such as Jenkins) to build the image ● Minute(s) to build and deploy "Hello Camel" We want to go faster
  • 62. @davsclaus Why Camel K ● Low-code / No-code integration ○ Engine in Red Hat Fuse Online ● Cloud Native Camel on Kubernetes ● Camel Serverless Cloud Native Camel on Kubernetes
  • 63. @davsclaus Why Camel K ● Quick Prototyping ● Simple or little business logic ● Tiny microservices ● Opinionated runtime Not intended for traditional bigger projects - Instead use regular Camel
  • 64. @davsclaus Limitations of Camel K ● Opinionated runtime ● Not a replacement for Apache Camel ● Must run on Kubernetes ● Testing framework currently limited ● Early project ... but Camel K has a lot of potential
  • 65. @davsclaus Overview of Camel K A lightweight platform for running Camel integration DSL in the cloud. ● Based on operator-sdk ● Works on Openshift and “vanilla” Kubernetes $ kamel run routes.groovy --dev from(“telegram:bots/bot-id”) .transform()... .to(“kafka:topic”); from(“kafka:topic”) .to(“http:my-host/api/path”); File routes.groovy
  • 66. Architecture of Camel K Dev Environment Remote Cloud kamel CLI Camel K Operator “Integration” Custom Resource Running Pod Live updates! Fast redeploy! Less than 1 second! Tailored for cloud-native development experience
  • 67. Camel K in details kind: Integration apiVersion: metadata: name: my-integration spec: sources: - name: source.groovy content: |- from(“telegram:...”) .transform()... .to(“kafka:...”) from(“telegram:bots/bot-id”) .transform()... .to(“kafka:topic”); from(“kafka:topic”) .to(“http:my-host/api/path”); This is what people care about: Camel DSL Camel K Operator 1. Choose a runtime 2. Create container image 3. Create Kubernetes resources for deployment kamel CLI
  • 68. Camel K Resources Visualization $ kamel run code.groovyfrom(“telegram:bots/bot-id”) .transform()... .to(“kafka:topic”); from(“kafka:topic”) .to(“http:my-host/api/path”); File code.groovy <<custom-resource>> IntegrationPlatform <<custom-resource>> IntegrationContext <<custom-resource>> Integration from(“telegram:..”) .to(“...”) BuildConfig ImageStream ImageStreamTag Deployment ConfigMap from(“telegram:..”) .to(“...”) Pod On OpenShift. It uses Kaniko on “vanilla” Kubernetes. CRDs allow to abstract from all this implementation details!
  • 69. Camel K Resources Visualization $ kamel run code.groovyfrom(“telegram:bots/bot-id”) .transform()... .to(“kafka:topic”); from(“kafka:topic”) .to(“http:my-host/api/path”); File code.groovy <<custom-resource>> IntegrationPlatform <<custom-resource>> IntegrationContext <<custom-resource>> Integration from(“telegram:..”) .to(“...”) BuildConfig ImageStream ImageStreamTag Deployment ConfigMap from(“telegram:..”) .to(“...”) Pod On OpenShift. It uses Kaniko on “vanilla” Kubernetes.
  • 70. Fast Deployment of Camel K Time to run a integration using different strategies (in seconds) Lower is better :) F-m-p is the “fabric8-maven-plugin” ( deploying a average spring-boot based integration on Minishift vs. a remote OpenShift cluster (accounting time to upload the fat Jar). Source S2I build has been measured in Red Hat Fuse Online.
  • 72. @davsclaus Camel K Demo Let’s build a Telegram Chat Bot in few minutes. You’ll need shortly on your phone: - Telegram App - A QR Code reader
  • 73. @davsclaus Camel K Demo Let’s build a Telegram Chat Bot in few minutes. @camelkbot
  • 75. @davsclaus Build A pluggable model for building artifacts, like jar files, zips or containers from source code. Knative Overview - Components Serving An event-driven model that serves the container with your application and can "scale to zero". Eventing Common infrastructure for consuming and producing events that will stimulate applications. " extension to Kubernetes exposing building blocks to build modern, source-centric, and container- based applications that can run anywhere".
  • 76. @davsclaus Knative Overview - Builds ● A Build is a list of containers run in-order, with source mounted in (TaskRun) ● BuildTemplates provide reusable, parameterized recipes that can be used to create Builds (Task) ● Pipelines - The future! ○ Group of Tasks ● Build Example ● "Source to URL" ● S2I for OpenShift users apiVersion: kind: Build metadata: name: example-build spec: serviceAccountName: build-auth-example source: git: url: revision: master steps: - name: centos-example image: centos args: ["centos-build-example", ""] steps: - image: args: ['echo', 'hello-example', 'build']
  • 77. @davsclaus Knative Overview - Serving ● Configurations represent the ‘floating HEAD’ of a history of Revisions ● Revisions represent immutable snapshot of code and configuration ● Routes configure ingress over a collection of Revisions and/or Configurations ● Services (nope, not K8s services) are top- level controllers that manage a set of Routes and Configurations to implement a network service Service (my-function) Route (name) Configuration Revision Revision Revision manages records history of 10% 90%
  • 78. @davsclaus Knative Overview - Eventing ● Goal is to be a generalized eventing framework ● Many influencers also active on CloudEvents specification Current-ish API: ● Receive Adapter triggers on EventSources that send Events to a sink (channel) ● Channels are named endpoints which accept event delivery (provided by Kafka, AMQP…) ● Subscriptions register to receive traffic from a Channel
  • 79. @davsclaus Knative Eventing - Pipeline Knative Eventing Docs
  • 80. @davsclaus Knative Eventing - Flow Knative Eventing Docs
  • 81. @davsclaus Again, beyond functions... Keep code and configuration separate Each configuration change triggers the creation of new revision Concurrency (scale out via process) Disposability (fast startup/graceful shutdown) Build, release, run (separate build and run stages) Configuration( Revision( Route( Service( Build (
  • 83. Camel K and Knative <<custom-resource>> Build Knative building blocks relevance to Camel <<custom-resource>> ...<<custom-resource>> ...<<custom-resource>> ... Knative Build <<custom-resource>> Service <<custom-resource>> ...<<custom-resource>> ...<<custom-resource>> ... Knative Serving <<custom-resource>> ...<<custom-resource>> ...<<custom-resource>> ... Knative Eventing Standardize building container images Auto-scaling and scale-to-zero Messaging for event-based applications <<custom-resource>> Channel X
  • 84. Camel K and Knative <<custom-resource>> Build Knative building blocks relevance to Camel <<custom-resource>> ...<<custom-resource>> ...<<custom-resource>> ... Knative Build <<custom-resource>> Service <<custom-resource>> ...<<custom-resource>> ...<<custom-resource>> ... Knative Serving <<custom-resource>> ...<<custom-resource>> ...<<custom-resource>> ... Knative Eventing Standardize building container images Auto-scaling and scale-to-zero Messaging for event-based applications <<custom-resource>> Channel X
  • 85. Camel K and Knative <<custom-resource>> Build Knative building blocks relevance to Camel <<custom-resource>> ...<<custom-resource>> ...<<custom-resource>> ... Knative Build <<custom-resource>> Service <<custom-resource>> ...<<custom-resource>> ...<<custom-resource>> ... Knative Serving <<custom-resource>> ...<<custom-resource>> ...<<custom-resource>> ... Knative Eventing Standardize building container images Auto-scaling and scale-to-zero Messaging for event-based applications <<custom-resource>> Channel X
  • 86. Camel & Knative in details kind: Integration apiVersion: metadata: name: my-integration spec: sources: - name: source.groovy content: |- from(“knative:channel/a”) .to(“http:my-host/api/path”) from(“knative:channel/a”) .to(“http:my-host/api/path”); Camel K Operator Knative profile? kind: Service apiVersion: yes kind: Deployment # standard one no
  • 87. Camel & Knative in details $ kamel run code.groovy from(“knative:channel/a”) .transform()... .to(“slack:#room”); File code.groovy <<custom-resource>> Integration from(“knative:channel/a”) .to(“...”) <<custom-resource>> Service <<custom-resource>> Channel <<custom-resource>> Subscription Pod Pod Pod events Same user experience! Or even no pods! In the knative profile, the operator uses Knative building blocks instead of a standard Kubernetes “Deployment”
  • 88. Camel K: same model for different purposes Camel K & Knative Eventing Channel Channel Channel Ext System Event Source EIP Integration Function 250+ components!
  • 89. @davsclaus Camel K and Knative - Links ● Apache Camel K ● Camel K Telegram Demo Code ● Camel K Introduction Blog ● Camel K and Knative tutorial camelk/v1.0.0/index.html ● Camel Knative Event Sources
  • 91. Java Density Problem CONTAINER ORCHESTRATION Node Node Node Traditional Cloud-Native Java Stack Traditional Cloud-Native Java Stack Traditional Cloud-Native Java Stack Traditional Cloud-Native Java Stack NodeJS NodeJS NodeJS NodeJS NodeJS NodeJS NodeJS Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go Go
  • 94. @davsclaus What is Quarkus A Kubernetes Native Java stack tailored for GraalVM & OpenJDK HotSpot, crafted from the best of breed Java libraries and standards
  • 95. @davsclaus Minimal Footprint - Quarkus ● Minimal footprint Java applications ○ Native vs Quarkus+OpenJDK JVM vs Traditional JVM
  • 96. @davsclaus Container First - Quakrus ● First Class Support for Graal/SubstrateVM ○ Native compiled first-class supported ● Build Time Metadata Processing ○ Pre-Build and "warump" as much as possible during build time ● Reduction in Reflection Usage ○ Reduce startup and memory ● Native Image Pre Boot ○ Most of startup serialized into native image to startup even faster
  • 97. @davsclaus Programming Model - Quakrus ● Unifies imperative and reactive
  • 98. @davsclaus Developer Joy - Quarkus ● Unified configuration ● Zero config, live reload ● Streamlined code (80/20 rule) ● Native executable generation
  • 99. @davsclaus Standards - Quarkus ● CDI Dependency Injection ● JAX-RS REST ● JPA persistence ● JTA transactions ● Eclipse Microprofile configuration & monitoring ● Vert.X ● Apache Camel ● ... and more
  • 100. @davsclaus Quarkus and Camel / Camel K ● Works with Camel K and regular Camel (3.x) ● Fast startup, low memory usage ● Compile Camel routes to native code (Camel K) ● Compile Camel projects to native code (Camel) ● Bring Camel to the serverless world
  • 101. @davsclaus Quarkus and Camel / Camel K ● Work to do ○ Quarkus Dev mode ○ More native Camel components ○ More camel-core optimizations ○ Better Camel and Quakrus integration ○ Better Camel and CDI with Quarkus ○ Native Compilation with GraalVM is not rock solid
  • 103. Apache Camel and Quarkus runs blazingly fast 🚀 with native compiled binaries. Startup is 7 msec, 28mb binary file, and 15mb RSS memory used.
  • 104. @davsclaus Camel and Quarkus - Links ● Quarkus ● Quarkus Camel Extensions ● Quarkus Camel Demo
  • 105. @davsclaus Any Questions ? 🌍 @davsclaus davsclaus ✉️

Hinweis der Redaktion

  1. Camel is not house-hold name, aka not well known like Apache Tomcat, Kafka etc. Camel is used for any kind of system integration
  2. Camel inspired by this book. Book published 13 years ago
  3. Universal patterns that are reusable for developers to use
  4. Very simple Camel route example
  5. Another example with a bit more where we pickup files, split the files line by line, and convert each line from a custom format to XML and send the Apache ActiveMQ
  6. Another example with a bit more where we pickup files, split the files line by line, and convert each line from a custom format to XML and send the Apache ActiveMQ
  7. Another example with a bit more where we pickup files, split the files line by line, and convert each line from a custom format to XML and send the Apache ActiveMQ
  8. Another example with a bit more where we pickup files, split the files line by line, and convert each line from a custom format to XML and send the Apache ActiveMQ
  9. Another example with a bit more where we pickup files, split the files line by line, and convert each line from a custom format to XML and send the Apache ActiveMQ
  10. Overall architecture of Apache Camel
  11. Where can you run Camel? Camel is a very lightweight integration framework / engine You can run Camel everywhere (Java) Camel was created 11 years ago (before cloud / linux containers) Back then typical deployment was using application servers (still a choice today) However cloud, docker and containers is the future direction
  12. Slides with connectors for various things Traditional / Legacy systems Public Cloud (the 3 big vendors, AWS, Google and MS Azure) SaaS (social media, salesforce and others) IoT (gateways to embedded devices)
  13. Summarize what Apache Camel is in "pictures"
  14. Knative can be defined as a set of extensions to Kubernetes that expose building blocks to build modern, container-based applications that run anywhere. It does that through 3 modules: Build, Serving and Events. Build define a set of APIs
  15. Disposability (Maximize robustness with fast startup and graceful shutdown)