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The energy managers in Italy
Dario Di Santo, FIRE

Advanced Training Program on Environmental Management and Sustainable Development

9th December 2013, Roma
Energy managers
Tools for EE

The Italian Federation for the Rational use of Energy is a no-profit
association that promotes energy efficiency, supporting energy manager,
ESCOs and other companies dealing with energy.
Besides the activities directed to its nearly 500 members, FIRE operates
under an implementing agreement with the Ministry of Economic
Development to manage the Italian energy manager network since 1992.
In order to promote energy efficiency FIRE cooperates and deals with
public authorities, energy technology and service companies, consultants,
medium and large consumers, universities and associations to promote
best practices and improve the legislation.

EGE certification
Energy Management Experts
UNI CEI 11339

Gestione Energia magazine

FIRE activities and projects
Energy managers
Tools for EE

Among closed projects:
- Eurocontract
- ST-Esco

Besides to dedicated meetings, FIRE organizes the Enermanagement
conference, workshops, and training courses. It implements dissemination
campaigns, surveys, market analysis and studies.
Among the subjects with which FIRE has cooperated there are ENEA (national
energy agency), GSE (manager of incentive mechanisms), RSE, large
companies, universities, associations, agencies and trade fairs organizers.
The three steps of energy efficiency
Energy managers

To avoid energy waste

Tools for EE

To use energy efficient technologies

To adopt renewables

Why energy efficiency?

Energy efficiency is the best solution to reduce energy and environmental risks and achieve
a sustainable development.

Energy managers
Tools for EE

Energy efficiency:
reduces or keep under control energy dependency and energy
reduces environmental pollution;
avoids the construction of new power plants and transport
helps creating new working places since it is linked to the territory
and often tailor made;
allows to save money (not only with energy savings, but also with
OM, comfort, and other co-benefits);
contributes to a sound environmental and social report;
promotes a sustainable development.
A multiplicity of solutions with different sizes and type
Energy managers
Tools for EE
Individuazione degli interventi

Sintesi delle potenziali ottimizzazioni

Un’industria chimica. Fonte: Armstrong.

A lot of available projects with a good ROI

Il sistema

a condensazione


Examples extracted from enterprises in the chemical and the paper sectors.
Progetti semplici


basso livello d'Ingegnerizzazione
Investimenti Richiesti Bassi

Energy managers


Recuperi di Calore

Caldaie in stand-by 2,0%

Scaricatori in perdita

Audit e Costi

Acqua d'alimento

Tools for EE

Recupero della Condensa


Unità di misura


Progetti avanzati
alto livello d'Ingegnerizzazione
Investimenti Richiesti Alti


Progetti standard
Medio livello d'Ingegnerizzazione
Investimenti Richiesti Medi


Controllo Automatico

Perdite Vapore Varie


Livelli Pressione
Riduzione BD



Recupero Calore
da BD




Recupero vapori
di Flash

dei Vent



% di Risparmio sul budget Annuo di vapore



Tempi di Ammortamento (Anni)

Energy efficiency means three
“Expect many enjoyable experiences!”
David M. Armstrong
avoiding losses and waste of energy;
using energy efficiency technologies;
adopting renewable energy sources.



But energy is usually not core business…

Low impact of energy costs on turnover of most of the companies.

Energy managers
Tools for EE

Energy costs are
usually among 2-6%
of the turnover.

Energy efficiency directive 2012/27/EU


Reduce greenhouse
gas levels by 20%

Increase share of
renewables to 20%

Source: European Commission.

trend to

Energy managers

Reduce energy
consumption by 20%

trend to




Tools for EE

The Commission in 2011 proposed
a new directive on energy efficiency
to cope with the negative trend
manifested at European level.

trend to


Projections from 2007

Primary energy consumption*, Mtoe


1842 Mtoe

Projections from 2009
20% Energy saving objective




1678 Mtoe




1474 Mtoe

* Gross inland consumption minus non-energy uses





Energy efficiency directive 2012/27/EU
Energy managers
Tools for EE

Under transposition among member countries:
refurbishment of 3% of the housing stock of the central PA;
promotion of green procurement and energy services;
promotion of ESCOs and third-party financing;
large companies subjected to an obligation for energy audit every 4
years or an energy management system (EMS) ISO 50001 and
promotion of audits among SMEs;
energy efficiency obligation schemes (EEOs) with a saving target per
country of 1, 5% year;
boost to smart metering and informative billing;
heat recovery also territorial, cogeneration and smart grids;
promotion of planning (e.g. covenant of mayors) and EMS.

Energy efficiency and the 20-20-20 program in Italy
Energy managers


Italian 2010 RES Plan target in 2020

Tools for EE


2006/32/EC directive EE target in 2016




Yearly increment in the range 0,4-1,6 Mtoe




















Incentives in Italy


Energy efficiency

Thermal renewables

Electrical renewables

Energy managers
Tools for EE

Conto energia termico
(D.M. 28 dicembre 2012)

RES incentives
(D.M. 6 luglio 2012)

65% fiscal deduction
(until 31 December 2013 or 30 June 2014)

White certificates

Source: FIRE.

Other options (Elena, Jessica, EEEF, structural funds, local incentives, etc.)

Energy manager: the origin and the Italian mandatory approach
Energy managers
Tools for EE

The figure of the energy manager was born in the industry sector in the
the seventies, at the time of the first oil crisis.
Law 373/1977 is the first example of a national public regulation on
energy efficiency, integrated and followed by law 9 and 10 of 1991 and
the strong flow of new European regulations.
In the eighties the first voluntary associations were born:
AIGE (Italian Association of Energy managers)
The Energy Manager Club (EMC) for the State-owned industries
Law 308/1982 established the obligation for all industrial enterprises
with a consumption over 10.000 toe/year and with over 1.000
employees to appoint a person “in charge for the rational use of
In 1987 AIGE and EMC merged in FIRE as founder members, together
with ENEA.
The evolution of the role of the energy manager
Energy managers
Tools for EE

Law 10/1991 extended the mandatory requirements appointment of
such “technician” (energy manager) to all the industrial enterprises over
10.000 toe/year and for the organizations of civil (residential and
services) and transportation sectors over 1.000 toe/year.
According to law 10/1991 the tasks of the energy manager are:
• identify actions, measures, procedures and whatever else is
needed to promote the rational use of energy;
• ensure the preparation of energy balances also in accord to the
economic parameters and the final energy uses;
• prepare energy data to verify the measures implemented with the
contribution of the State.
This role evolved with the opening of the energy markets, the
continuing evolution of the legislation on various levels (European,
national, local), technical standards and harmonized standards,
contracts increasingly complex (Energy performance contract, etc.),
markets increasingly competitive, the international context.
The evolution of the role of the energy manager
Energy managers
Tools for EE

Over the years new tasks and opportunities were added by the
• Energy performance of building (Legislative Decree 311/2006,
transposition of the directive 2002/91/EC on energy performance
of buildings): the energy manager of the bodies obliged to appoint
an energy manager, must sign/approve the declaration of heating
needs of new or refurbished buildings.
• Ministerial Decree 21/12/2007: Organizations fulfilling the
obligation to appoint an energy manager can participate directly to
the White Certificate scheme
• Energy services (Legislative Decree 115/2008, transposition of the
directive 2006/32/EC on energy services): public bodies with
energy manager must indicate the energy manager as counter part
in the energy service contracts.
The evolution of the role of the energy manager
Energy managers
Tools for EE

It's a role in evolution, that must now add the technical expertise also the
financial, risk management and environmental ones, seasoned by
communication skills and knowledge of energy markets and contracts.
Taking into account these new requirements the Project e-Quem (eQualification of the Energy Manager) was launched in 2007 in the Equal
The action strategy of the project was based on three points:
qualification of the professionals
process of continuous online learning
certification of skills basis
From field investigation and experience gained by the partners over the
years, has been developed a skills profile for the expert in energy


Expert in

The requirements from the transposition of directive 2006/32/EC
Energy managers
Tools for EE

Directive 2006/32/EC art.8
With a view to achieving a high level of technical competence, objectivity and
reliability, Member States shall ensure, where they deem it necessary, the
availability of appropriate qualification, accreditation and/or certification
schemes for providers of energy services, energy audits and energy
efficiency improvement measures…
D.Lgs. 115/2008
Art. 16. Qualification of providers and energy services
1. In order to promote a process of increasing the level of quality and
technical expertise for providers of energy services, with one or more
decrees of Ministry of Economic Developement is approved, following the
adoption of appropriate technical standard UNI-CEI, a voluntary certification
procedure for ESCO and for experts in energy management.
2. in order to promote a process of increase of the level of objectivity and
reliability to the measures and systems aimed at improving energy efficiency,
with one or more decrees of Ministry of Economic Developement is
approved, following the adoption of appropriate technical standard UNI-CEI,
a certification procedure for the energy management system and energy
UNI CEI 11339 Energy Manager General requirement for certification
Energy managers
Tools for EE

With the introduction of an energy management system, the energy
manager can have the role of management representative.
An Italian technical standard, UNI CEI 11339 was developed to
strength the qualification of the energy experts.
The standard identifies:
evaluation methods.
The standard takes into account the European directives 2002/91,
2006/32, 2005/36, 2006/100, their transposition and the standards EN
16001, EN 15900, UNI CEI 11352, etc.

UNI CEI 11339 Energy Manager General requirement for certification
Energy managers
Tools for EE

Continual analysis of the energy system
Introduction and / or development of energy policy and internal
management systems according to ISO 50001
Energy Accounting
Energy audits and feasibility studies
Conducting awareness and promotion programs
Defining specifications for energy contracts
Energy and financial planning
Management of the energy system
Report to management

UNI CEI 11339 Energy Manager General requirement for certification
Energy managers
Tools for EE

Energy management systems and ability to implement it
Knowledge of efficient technologies and renewable energy
Energy markets
Evaluation of investments and risks
Financial instruments
Legislation and technical standards
Basic knowledge in: project management, business organization,
accounting, etc..
Energy manager
UNI CEI 11339 Energy Manager General requirement for certification
Energy managers
Tools for EE

Evaluation methods:
The evaluation process begins with the verification of documents
adequate professional experience in the energy sector
and continues with the assessment of skills.
The process is periodic with a maximum interval between assessments
of 5 years.
It can be a self-assessment (first party certification), an assessment by
the organization in which the E.M. works (second party certification), an
assessment by third party (third party certification).
In the latter case the third party must operate according to the
requirements of ISO 17024.
SECEM: the first accredited body for the UNI CEI 11339 standard
Energy managers
Tools for EE

The first body to be accredited to release a third party certification for energy
management experts was SECEM (within FIRE).
Since then other two bodies have been accredited by Accredia.


30/05/13 11:17

Sistema Europeo per la Certificazione in Energy Management






Sei qui: Home


Bando SECEM 25 giugno 2013


Risorse Umane
Chi siamo
La struttura SECEM
Perché certificarsi
Perchè scegliere SECEM
Soggetti interessati
Profilo attitudinale

Come certificarsi
Rinnovo della certificazione
Regolamento SECEM
Tariffario SECEM
Requisiti per l'ammissione
Procedure di valutazione

Bando giugno 2013
Bando aprile 2013
Bando gennaio 2013

Sessione aprile 2013
Sessione gennaio 2013
Sessione giugno 2012
Sessione gennaio 2012
Sessione giugno 2011
Sessione gennaio 2011
Sessione giugno 2010
Sessione gennaio 2010

Cambio sede
Si informa che SECEM dal

Pubblicata la nuova revisione del

mese di dicembre ha
trasferito i propri uffici in Via
Anguillarese, 301 presso

Bando SECEM giugno 2013



293.9 KB

l’ENEA Casaccia. Nella
sezione contatti... Read

relativo alla sessione d'esame del 25 giugno 2013.

Pubblicato il Decreto Legislativo relativo al sistema
nazionale di certificazione delle competenze
Entra in vigore il 2 marzo 2013 il Decreto Legislativo n. 13/2013 (G.U. n. 39 del 15
febbraio 2013) che - in attuazione dell'articolo 4, commi 58 e 68, della Legge Fornero (L.
n. 92/2012) - disciplina l'attività di individuazione, validazione e certificazione delle
competenze acquisite dalla persona in contesti non formali e informali, ossia durante la
sua storia di vita, di studio e di lavoro.
Il provvedimento individua nei Ministeri dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca, del
Lavoro e delle Politiche sociali e dello Sviluppo economico e nelle Regioni, gli enti
pubblici titolari a regolamentare i servizi di individuazione, validazione e certificazione
delle competenze, e individua negli enti titolati i soggetti pubblici o privati che possono
erogare tali servizi.
E' specificato all'articolo 4, comma 5, che tali enti, nel caso in cui eroghino il servizio di
certificazione delle competenze in conformità alle norme tecniche UNI, dovranno essere in
possesso dell'accreditamento rilasciato da ACCREDIA.
Saranno oggetto di certificazione unicamente le competenze riferite a qualificazioni
ricomprese in un repertorio nazionale costituito da tutti i repertori codificati a livello
nazionale e regionale pubblicamente riconosciuti.

SECEM rientra tra i soggetti privati (ente titolato) che possono erogare tali servizi, come
definito dall'art. 2 comma 1) lettera g.
Questo provvedimento, che segue la Legge 4/2013 sulle professioni non organizzate,
apre la possibilità ad eventuali accordi di SECEM con tutti gli enti pubblici titolari.

Riconoscimento delle professioni non regolamentate

Elenco esperti certificati

Modalità di riconoscimento
Elenco Corsi Riconosciuti

Emilia Romagna
Trentino-Alto Adige
Valle D'Aosta
Friuli Venezia-Giulia

Energy manager: the Italian mandatory approach
Energy managers
Tools for EE

These are the appointed energy managers according to the law 10/91,
whose obligation is unfortunately largely ignored by the public


Note about appointments and appointed: the table shows only the data on obliged parties who have appointed an
energy manager according to the law, does not take into account any energy manager of multisite venues (399 local
EM), nominations received beyond the statutory deadline (143 EM, 17 local EM) and those from nonPobligated


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Energy manager in Italy and other energy efficiency challenges

  • 1. The
  • 12.  to
  • 14.  in
  • 15.  the
  • 18.   FIRE! The energy managers in Italy Dario Di Santo, FIRE Advanced Training Program on Environmental Management and Sustainable Development
 9th December 2013, Roma
  • 19. FIRE Framework Energy managers Tools for EE The Italian Federation for the Rational use of Energy is a no-profit association that promotes energy efficiency, supporting energy manager, ESCOs and other companies dealing with energy. ! Besides the activities directed to its nearly 500 members, FIRE operates under an implementing agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development to manage the Italian energy manager network since 1992. ! In order to promote energy efficiency FIRE cooperates and deals with public authorities, energy technology and service companies, consultants, medium and large consumers, universities and associations to promote best practices and improve the legislation. EGE certification Energy Management Experts UNI CEI 11339 Gestione Energia magazine !2
  • 20. FIRE activities and projects Framework Energy managers Tools for EE Among closed projects: - - - - - Eurocontract - ST-Esco Besides to dedicated meetings, FIRE organizes the Enermanagement conference, workshops, and training courses. It implements dissemination campaigns, surveys, market analysis and studies. Among the subjects with which FIRE has cooperated there are ENEA (national energy agency), GSE (manager of incentive mechanisms), RSE, large companies, universities, associations, agencies and trade fairs organizers. !3
  • 21. The three steps of energy efficiency Framework Energy managers To avoid energy waste Tools for EE To use energy efficient technologies To adopt renewables !4
  • 22. Why energy efficiency? Framework Energy efficiency is the best solution to reduce energy and environmental risks and achieve a sustainable development. Energy managers Tools for EE Energy efficiency: reduces or keep under control energy dependency and energy security; reduces environmental pollution; avoids the construction of new power plants and transport network; helps creating new working places since it is linked to the territory and often tailor made; allows to save money (not only with energy savings, but also with OM, comfort, and other co-benefits); contributes to a sound environmental and social report; promotes a sustainable development.
  • 23. A multiplicity of solutions with different sizes and type Framework Energy managers Tools for EE
  • 24. Individuazione degli interventi Sintesi delle potenziali ottimizzazioni Un’industria chimica. Fonte: Armstrong. A lot of available projects with a good ROI Il sistema Economizzatori a condensazione L’efficienza Examples extracted from enterprises in the chemical and the paper sectors. Progetti semplici Framework Strumenti basso livello d'Ingegnerizzazione Investimenti Richiesti Bassi Interventi Energy managers 2,5% Recuperi di Calore Caldaie in stand-by 2,0% Scaricatori in perdita Audit e Costi Economizzatore Acqua d'alimento Tools for EE Comunicazione Recupero della Condensa Coibentazione Unità di misura 3,0% Progetti avanzati alto livello d'Ingegnerizzazione Investimenti Richiesti Alti 1,5% Progetti standard Medio livello d'Ingegnerizzazione Investimenti Richiesti Medi 1,0% Controllo Automatico Ossigeno Perdite Vapore Varie 0,5% Livelli Pressione Riduzione BD 0 0,5 Recupero Calore da BD 1 1,5 2 Recupero vapori di Flash Condensazione dei Vent 2,5 0,0% 3 % di Risparmio sul budget Annuo di vapore Premessa 3,5 Tempi di Ammortamento (Anni) Energy efficiency means three actions: “Expect many enjoyable experiences!” David M. Armstrong avoiding losses and waste of energy; using energy efficiency technologies; adopting renewable energy sources. 130 6 !7
  • 25. But energy is usually not core business… Framework Low impact of energy costs on turnover of most of the companies. Energy managers Tools for EE Energy costs are usually among 2-6% of the turnover. (Fonte: 10 !8
  • 26. MEETING ALL THREE “20-20-20 BY 2020” GOALS BECOMES A Energy efficiency directive 2012/27/EU MATTER OF URGENCY Framework Reduce greenhouse gas levels by 20% Increase share of renewables to 20% Source: European Commission. Current trend to 2020 Energy managers Reduce energy consumption by 20% Current trend to 2020 -20% 100% -10% Tools for EE The Commission in 2011 proposed a new directive on energy efficiency to cope with the negative trend manifested at European level. Current trend to 2020 20% SO FAR THE EU IS NOT ON TRACK TO MEET ITS 20% ENERGY SAVING TARGET BY 2020 1900 Projections from 2007 Primary energy consumption*, Mtoe 1850 1842 Mtoe Projections from 2009 20% Energy saving objective 1800 business as usual 1750 1700 1678 Mtoe 1650 1600 Status today GAP 1550 1474 Mtoe 1500 1450 1400 2005 * Gross inland consumption minus non-energy uses 2010 2015 -20% objective 2020 !9
  • 27. Energy efficiency directive 2012/27/EU Framework Energy managers Tools for EE Under transposition among member countries: refurbishment of 3% of the housing stock of the central PA; promotion of green procurement and energy services; promotion of ESCOs and third-party financing; large companies subjected to an obligation for energy audit every 4 years or an energy management system (EMS) ISO 50001 and promotion of audits among SMEs; energy efficiency obligation schemes (EEOs) with a saving target per country of 1, 5% year; boost to smart metering and informative billing; heat recovery also territorial, cogeneration and smart grids; promotion of planning (e.g. covenant of mayors) and EMS. !10
  • 28. Energy efficiency and the 20-20-20 program in Italy Framework Energy managers Na#onal'energy'efficiency'targets'and'WhC'targets' !25.000!! Italian 2010 RES Plan target in 2020 Tools for EE !20.000!! Fonte:!elaborazioni!FIRE! 2006/32/EC directive EE target in 2016 Mtoe !15.000!! !10.000!! Yearly increment in the range 0,4-1,6 Mtoe !5.000!! !!!!! 2005! 2006! 2007! 2008! 2009! 2010! 2011! 2012! Na0onal!targets! 2013! 2014! 2015! 2016! 2017! 2018! 2019! 2020! WhC!targets! !11
  • 29. Incentives in Italy Framework CHP-DH Energy efficiency Thermal renewables Electrical renewables Energy managers Tools for EE Conto energia termico (D.M. 28 dicembre 2012) RES incentives (D.M. 6 luglio 2012) 65% fiscal deduction (until 31 December 2013 or 30 June 2014) White certificates Source: FIRE. Other options (Elena, Jessica, EEEF, structural funds, local incentives, etc.) !15 2
  • 30. Energy manager: the origin and the Italian mandatory approach Framework Energy managers Tools for EE The figure of the energy manager was born in the industry sector in the the seventies, at the time of the first oil crisis. ! Law 373/1977 is the first example of a national public regulation on energy efficiency, integrated and followed by law 9 and 10 of 1991 and the strong flow of new European regulations. ! In the eighties the first voluntary associations were born: AIGE (Italian Association of Energy managers) The Energy Manager Club (EMC) for the State-owned industries ! Law 308/1982 established the obligation for all industrial enterprises with a consumption over 10.000 toe/year and with over 1.000 employees to appoint a person “in charge for the rational use of energy”. ! In 1987 AIGE and EMC merged in FIRE as founder members, together !13 with ENEA.
  • 31. The evolution of the role of the energy manager Framework Energy managers Tools for EE Law 10/1991 extended the mandatory requirements appointment of such “technician” (energy manager) to all the industrial enterprises over 10.000 toe/year and for the organizations of civil (residential and services) and transportation sectors over 1.000 toe/year. ! According to law 10/1991 the tasks of the energy manager are: • identify actions, measures, procedures and whatever else is needed to promote the rational use of energy; • ensure the preparation of energy balances also in accord to the economic parameters and the final energy uses; • prepare energy data to verify the measures implemented with the contribution of the State. ! This role evolved with the opening of the energy markets, the continuing evolution of the legislation on various levels (European, national, local), technical standards and harmonized standards, contracts increasingly complex (Energy performance contract, etc.), markets increasingly competitive, the international context. !14
  • 32. The evolution of the role of the energy manager Framework Energy managers Tools for EE Over the years new tasks and opportunities were added by the legislation: ! • Energy performance of building (Legislative Decree 311/2006, transposition of the directive 2002/91/EC on energy performance of buildings): the energy manager of the bodies obliged to appoint an energy manager, must sign/approve the declaration of heating needs of new or refurbished buildings. ! • Ministerial Decree 21/12/2007: Organizations fulfilling the obligation to appoint an energy manager can participate directly to the White Certificate scheme ! • Energy services (Legislative Decree 115/2008, transposition of the directive 2006/32/EC on energy services): public bodies with energy manager must indicate the energy manager as counter part in the energy service contracts. !15
  • 33. The evolution of the role of the energy manager Framework Energy managers Tools for EE It's a role in evolution, that must now add the technical expertise also the financial, risk management and environmental ones, seasoned by communication skills and knowledge of energy markets and contracts. ! Taking into account these new requirements the Project e-Quem (eQualification of the Energy Manager) was launched in 2007 in the Equal Program. The action strategy of the project was based on three points: qualification of the professionals process of continuous online learning certification of skills basis From field investigation and experience gained by the partners over the years, has been developed a skills profile for the expert in energy management. ! E.M. ESCO Expert in Energy Management Auditor Professional !16
  • 34. The requirements from the transposition of directive 2006/32/EC Framework Energy managers Tools for EE Directive 2006/32/EC art.8 With a view to achieving a high level of technical competence, objectivity and reliability, Member States shall ensure, where they deem it necessary, the availability of appropriate qualification, accreditation and/or certification schemes for providers of energy services, energy audits and energy efficiency improvement measures… ! D.Lgs. 115/2008 Art. 16. Qualification of providers and energy services 1. In order to promote a process of increasing the level of quality and technical expertise for providers of energy services, with one or more decrees of Ministry of Economic Developement is approved, following the adoption of appropriate technical standard UNI-CEI, a voluntary certification procedure for ESCO and for experts in energy management. 2. in order to promote a process of increase of the level of objectivity and reliability to the measures and systems aimed at improving energy efficiency, with one or more decrees of Ministry of Economic Developement is approved, following the adoption of appropriate technical standard UNI-CEI, a certification procedure for the energy management system and energy audit. !17
  • 35. UNI CEI 11339 Energy Manager General requirement for certification Framework Energy managers Tools for EE With the introduction of an energy management system, the energy manager can have the role of management representative. ! An Italian technical standard, UNI CEI 11339 was developed to strength the qualification of the energy experts. ! The standard identifies: tasks; skills; evaluation methods. ! The standard takes into account the European directives 2002/91, 2006/32, 2005/36, 2006/100, their transposition and the standards EN 16001, EN 15900, UNI CEI 11352, etc. !18
  • 36. UNI CEI 11339 Energy Manager General requirement for certification Framework Energy managers Tools for EE Tasks: Continual analysis of the energy system Introduction and / or development of energy policy and internal management systems according to ISO 50001 Energy Accounting Energy audits and feasibility studies Contracts Conducting awareness and promotion programs Defining specifications for energy contracts Energy and financial planning Management of the energy system Report to management !19
  • 37. UNI CEI 11339 Energy Manager General requirement for certification Framework Energy managers Tools for EE Skills: Energy management systems and ability to implement it Knowledge of efficient technologies and renewable energy Energy markets Contracts Evaluation of investments and risks Financial instruments Legislation and technical standards Basic knowledge in: project management, business organization, accounting, etc.. ! ! Civil Energy manager Industrial ! !20
  • 38. UNI CEI 11339 Energy Manager General requirement for certification Framework Energy managers Tools for EE Evaluation methods: The evaluation process begins with the verification of documents proving adequate professional experience in the energy sector qualification ! and continues with the assessment of skills. ! The process is periodic with a maximum interval between assessments of 5 years. ! It can be a self-assessment (first party certification), an assessment by the organization in which the E.M. works (second party certification), an assessment by third party (third party certification). ! In the latter case the third party must operate according to the requirements of ISO 17024. !21
  • 39. SECEM: the first accredited body for the UNI CEI 11339 standard Framework Energy managers Tools for EE The first body to be accredited to release a third party certification for energy management experts was SECEM (within FIRE). Since then other two bodies have been accredited by Accredia. Home ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 30/05/13 11:17 Sistema Europeo per la Certificazione in Energy Management HOME CONTATTI FAQ NEWS GLI EGE SU ACCREDIA FORUM EGE Sei qui: Home CERTIFICAZIONE Bando SECEM 25 giugno 2013 News Risorse Umane Chi siamo La struttura SECEM Accreditamento Perché certificarsi Perchè scegliere SECEM Soggetti interessati Profilo attitudinale IL PROCESSO DI CERTIFICAZIONE Come certificarsi Rinnovo della certificazione Regolamento SECEM Tariffario SECEM Requisiti per l'ammissione Procedure di valutazione BANDI E PROGRAMMI DEGLI ESAMI Bando giugno 2013 Bando aprile 2013 Bando gennaio 2013 ELENCO PROVE D'ESAME Sessione aprile 2013 Sessione gennaio 2013 Sessione giugno 2012 Sessione gennaio 2012 Sessione giugno 2011 Sessione gennaio 2011 Sessione giugno 2010 Sessione gennaio 2010 Cambio sede Si informa che SECEM dal Pubblicata la nuova revisione del mese di dicembre ha trasferito i propri uffici in Via Anguillarese, 301 presso Files: Bando SECEM giugno 2013 2013-05-08 Italian 293.9 KB l’ENEA Casaccia. Nella sezione contatti... Read 242 relativo alla sessione d'esame del 25 giugno 2013. Pubblicato il Decreto Legislativo relativo al sistema nazionale di certificazione delle competenze Entra in vigore il 2 marzo 2013 il Decreto Legislativo n. 13/2013 (G.U. n. 39 del 15 febbraio 2013) che - in attuazione dell'articolo 4, commi 58 e 68, della Legge Fornero (L. n. 92/2012) - disciplina l'attività di individuazione, validazione e certificazione delle competenze acquisite dalla persona in contesti non formali e informali, ossia durante la sua storia di vita, di studio e di lavoro. Il provvedimento individua nei Ministeri dell'Istruzione, dell'Università e della Ricerca, del Lavoro e delle Politiche sociali e dello Sviluppo economico e nelle Regioni, gli enti pubblici titolari a regolamentare i servizi di individuazione, validazione e certificazione delle competenze, e individua negli enti titolati i soggetti pubblici o privati che possono erogare tali servizi. E' specificato all'articolo 4, comma 5, che tali enti, nel caso in cui eroghino il servizio di certificazione delle competenze in conformità alle norme tecniche UNI, dovranno essere in possesso dell'accreditamento rilasciato da ACCREDIA. Saranno oggetto di certificazione unicamente le competenze riferite a qualificazioni ricomprese in un repertorio nazionale costituito da tutti i repertori codificati a livello nazionale e regionale pubblicamente riconosciuti. SECEM rientra tra i soggetti privati (ente titolato) che possono erogare tali servizi, come definito dall'art. 2 comma 1) lettera g. Questo provvedimento, che segue la Legge 4/2013 sulle professioni non organizzate, apre la possibilità ad eventuali accordi di SECEM con tutti gli enti pubblici titolari. Riconoscimento delle professioni non regolamentate ELENCO EGE Elenco esperti certificati RICONOSCIMENTO CORSI Modalità di riconoscimento corsi Elenco Corsi Riconosciuti TROVA UN EGE Abruzzo Basilicata Calabria Campania Emilia Romagna Lazio Liguria Lombardia Marche Molise Piemonte Puglia Sardegna Sicilia Toscana Trentino-Alto Adige Umbria Valle D'Aosta Veneto Friuli Venezia-Giulia !22
  • 40. Energy manager: the Italian mandatory approach Framework Energy managers Tools for EE These are the appointed energy managers according to the law 10/91, whose obligation is unfortunately largely ignored by the public administration. Energy)manager)(EM))appointed)in)2013)in)accordance)with)article)19)of)the)law)10/91 SECTORS SUBSECTORS)AND)NOTES Agriculture!(of!which!35!are!!land!reclamation!authorities) Industria Extraction*of*minerals*from*quarries*and*mines Manufacturing*activities Supply*of*electricity,*gas,*steam*and*air*conditioning Supply*of*water,*sewerage*networks,*management*activities*of*waste*rehabilitation Constructions Transport!(of!which!70!publicly!owned) Pubblic)Sector!(ministries,!central!government,!regions,!local!authorities,!etc.)! P.S.)enlarged Healthcar University Research Territorial*utilities Private)tertiary Energy)service TOTAL)APPOINTED)E.M. EM)) )))))))))))))))) 41 )))))))))))))) 587 ****************** 5 ************** 406 **************** 94 **************** 78 ****************** 4 )))))))))))))) 324 )))))))))))))) 144 )))))))))))))) 143 ************** 110 **************** 19 ****************** 9 ****************** 5 )))))))))))))) 223 )))))))))))))))) 69 ))))))))))) 1.531 Source:!FIRE!data.!For!further!information:! Note about appointments and appointed: the table shows only the data on obliged parties who have appointed an energy manager according to the law, does not take into account any energy manager of multisite venues (399 local EM), nominations received beyond the statutory deadline (143 EM, 17 local EM) and those from nonPobligated parties*(530*EM,*102**local*EM). !23
  • 41. Managed consumptions per sector Framework Energy managers Tools for EE Industry Transport Tertiary Energy service Public Sector Agriculture (Source: FIRE) !24
  • 42. Energy manager by region: number and managed consumptions Framework Energy managers Tools for EE !25
  • 43. The book of energy manager and the other tasks Framework Energy managers Tools for EE Since 1992 FIRE has an implementing agreement with the Ministry of Economic Development to collect the names of the energy managers, appointed every year, to publish the book listing names and addresses, organize conferences dedicated to energy managers and refreshing courses for energy managers together with ENEA. !26
  • 44. The work of the energy manager Framework Energy managers Tools for EE FIRE periodically makes surveys on energy managers. Those are the results on the typical efficiency/renewables measures implemented according to the 2013 survey: ! led lighting, heat recovery, free cooling, HVAC with heat recovery, condensing boilers, power factor correction, solar cooling, high efficiency electric motors and variable speed drivers, piping insulation, combined beat and power, trigeneration solar PV, use of biomass, compressed air, UPS, energy distribution, macchine ventilanti, optimization of wells water extraction, efficiency of the production process (iron steel, cement, glass), heat pumps, industrial automation, smart motor management, behavioral change programs, measures on buildings envelope, energy recovery on elevators, efficient lighting, energy management software, fuel efficiency, building automation, data center efficiency, ground water source heat pumps, recycle of scraps. !27
  • 45. Energy management issues Framework Energy managers The energy manager is a key figure for managing energy efficiently in a company or an institution. Until a few years ago these were the typical problems to be faced... Tools for EE No energy policy in the company Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue “0” Lack of management Issue 3 There is no energy manager Lack of money or other resources Source: FIRE. !28
  • 46. Business plan are based on ex-ante consumption knowledge... Framework Lack of MV and KPI Energy managers Tools for EE Linked to building uses and weather cash flow = ex ante energy bill - ex post energy bill Linked to building uses and weather Linked to project and design Linked to management The direct connection between the cash flows related to energy saving and end-use makes it difficult to assess and manage the risks. Some points: metering and good design and management (technical part and skills); distribution of risks on numerous projects (financial part); smart regulations and guarantee fund (policy). !29
  • 47. ... and imply the capability to involve small size projects Framework Energy managers Small: credit through bank agencies, no project financing; need for a diffused commercial and technical structure; request for turnkey and full service solutions. Tools for EE Medium: agency or corporate banking; more ordinary commercial and technical structure; request mainly for turnkey and full service solutions. Large: corporate o project financing; need for a structure capable to manage large projects; customized solutions. Good opportunities for innovative business models, such as cooperatives, crowd-funding, investment funds, European Investment Bank programs, clustering of small operators and management of diffused partners. !30
  • 48. Demand and supply Framework Energy managers Technology providers Tools for EE S U P P L Y Energy intensive industry ESCO Non energy intensive industry Energy traders Energy efficiency project Building refurbishments Public administration Plumbers Fonte: FIRE. Tertiary D E M A N D Residential Large-scale distribution !31
  • 49. Directives and technical standards Framework Energy managers Tools for EE Directive 2009/125/EU Ecodesign Directive 2004/17/EU Public Procurement Directive 2009/72/EU E. Energy Directive 2006/32/EU E. Efficiency Directive 2004/8/EU Cogeneration 2004   Directive 2009/73//EU Nat. Gas Climate and Energy Package 20-20-20 Directive 2004/18/EU Public Procurement 2005   2006   Directive 2010/31/EU Building Energy Performance Directive 2010//30/EU Energy labelling Directive 2009/28/EU RED 2007   2008   2009   Directive 2012//27/EU E. Efficiency 2010   2011   2012   2013   UNI CEI 11352! ESCO EN 16001 Energy Management Systems ISO 14001 Environmental Management System UNI CEI 11339! EGE Energy Efficiency Market Liberalization Building efficiency Source: E. Piantoni revised by FIRE Renewable Energy Italian ! standards EN 16247 Energy Audit ISO 50001 Energy Management Systems EN 15900 Energy Efficiency Services EN 16235 Guarantees of origin for electricity EN 16231 Energy Benchmarking EN 16212 Energy Saving Calculation !32
  • 50. Energy Management Systems (EnMS) Framework Energy managers Tools for EE The importance of energy is often overlooked as it is seen as a specific activity outside of the core business. Only when energy supplies became very costly energy management received the proper attention. The crisis in the short term should clarify the importance of energy management in the future. Long-term improvements are achieved only when the management considers energy as a priority. ISO 50001 provides guidelines for planning measures aimed to organization efficiency and describes the elements required for a sustained program of continuous improvement. Compliance with the Standard demonstrates a real commitment towards the rationalization and the intelligent management of energy resources. !33
  • 51. Energy Management Systems – ISO 50001 Framework Energy policy Energy managers Tools for EE Energy planning Management review Implementation and operation Monitoring, measurement and analysis Checking Internal audit of The EnMS Nonconformities, correction, corrective and preventive action !34
  • 52. Energy Management Systems – ISO 50001 Framework An energy management system represents an important opportunity for companies that aim at dealing successfully with energy issues. The EnMS: Energy managers provides a process in the level of execution critical to performance; Tools for EE continuously manages the energy processes; reduces exposure to energy costs (Internal hedging and volatility management); reduces carbon control investment and alternatives without negative effects on operations; provides continual improvement of energy intensity and use; values both avoidance savings for internal and external metrics (e.g. emissions, utility credits, reduced labor intensity, CAPEX, etc.) over time rather than one off projects. !35
  • 53. Energy Management Systems – ISO 50001 Framework Energy managers Tools for EE To set up an energy manager system the steps are: vision with the commitment to continuos improvement (energy policy); form a dedicated team and allocate the resources to implement the energy policy; assess the energy performance; set goals; create the action plan; implement the action plan; evaluate the progress; recognize and consolidate the achievements. !36
  • 54. Energy management system around the World Framework Energy managers Tools for EE According to the result of a DIN survey on the implementation ISO 50001 certified energy management systems, there were in August 2013 at least 2400 certified organizations and over 4000 certified sites. ! Sitescer)fiedISO5000118/2013 Organiza(ons+cer(fied+ISO+50001+5+8/2013+ ! Germany+1225+ Italy+135+ ! Spain+135+ ! India+76+ Sweden+71+ ! Turkey+66+ ! UK+64+ Denmark+51+ ! Taiwan+46+ Austria+44+ ! (Source:+DIN)+ (Source:DIN) ! The results in Italy are far from the German ones, but it should be also considered the absence of incentives so far. Germany2177 UK330 Sweden169 Italy168 Spain168 India102 Korea97 Ireland86 Turkey82 Austria66 Taiwan61 !37
  • 55. Energy management issues: solved? Framework Energy managers The energy manager is a key figure for managing energy efficiently in a company or an institution. Until a few years ago these were the typical problems to be faced... Tools for EE No energy policy ISO company in the 50001 Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue “0” There is no ISO manager energy50001 Lack of ISO 50001 management Issue 3 Business Lack of money or other resources models Source: FIRE. !38
  • 56. Abbreviation list DSO: Distribution System Organisation ENEA: Italian National Agency for New Technologies, Energy and Sustainable Economic Development. CEI: Italian electrical standardization body EN: European technical standard ESCO: Energy Service Company FIRE: Italian Federation for Rational use of Energy GME: Electric Market Manager GSE: Energy Service Manager RSE: Research on Electric System SSE: Energy service provider company toe: ton of oil equivalent UNI: Italian standardization body WhC: White Certificate
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