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Multivariate Archimax copulas 
Anne-Laure Fougeres 
Institut Camille Jordan, Universite Lyon 1 
joint work with 
A. Charpentier, Ch. Genest and J.G. Neslehova 
November 3, 2014 
Workshop Extreme Value Theory, Spatial and Temporal Aspects 
I. Motivation 
II. C ;L is a copula 
III. Stochastic representations for Archimax copulas 
IV. Simulation algorithms 
V. Extremal behavior of Archimax copulas 
VI. Conclusion - Perspectives
I. Motivation 
Multivariate risks often deal with extremes of dependent variables: 
I Alimentary risks: Global exposition to the contamination risk 
via a set of aliments. 
I Insurance risks: ruin probabilities, when several types of 
contracts are concerned (natural disaster). 
I Coastal 
ooding: electrical infrastructures, dikes. 
Multivariate extreme-value theory provides a useful 
mathematical framework to handle such risks.
Consider a d-variate sample X1; : : : ;Xn, with Xi = (Xi1 
; : : : ;Xid 
for each i = 1; : : : ; n. De
P(Xi  x) = F(x) = C(F1(x1); : : : ; Fd (xd )) ; 
so that F1; : : : ; Fd are the marginal cdfs (assume them continuous), 
F is the joint cdf, and C is the associated copula. 
Assumption: existence of a multivariate domain of attraction 
There exist (an); (bn);G such that, when n ! 1, 
Fn(an;1 x1 + bn;1; : : : ; an;d xd + bn;d ) = Fn(an x + bn) ! G(x); 
where the attractor G is a d-variate cdf with non degenerate 
margins G1; : : : ;Gd , and x is any continuity point of G.
This means equivalently that: 
. the marginal cdfs Fj are in the univariate domain of attraction 
of the Gj 's (j = 1; : : : ; d). 
. there exists a d-variate copula C? such that for any u 2 [0; 1]d , 
1 ; : : : ; u1=n 
d )n = C?(u1; : : : ; ud ) ; (1) 
and the limiting cdfs are related via G(x) = C?(G1(x1); : : : ;Gd (xd )): 
Notation: F 2 D(G) or C 2 D(C?). 
Equation (1) is equivalent to 
1  C 
; : : : ; 1  
! log C?(ex1 ; : : : ; exd ) = L?(x) : 
L? = stable tail dependence function (Huang, 1992)
L?(x) = lim 
1  C 
; : : : ; 1  
= lim 
n P 
F1(X1)  1  
or : : : or Fd (Xd )  1  
Tail regions of interest for L?: 
at least one of the components X1; : : : ;Xd becomes large.
Some properties of the stable tail dependence function L 
I LM(x) := max(x1; : : : ; xd )  L(x)  L(x) := x1 +    + xd 
comonotonicity case independence case 
I margins are standardized: L(0; : : : ; 0; xj ; 0; : : : ; 0) = xj 
I L is homogeneous of order 1 
L(x) = lim 
1  C 
; : : : ; 1  
= lim 
1  C 
; : : : ; 1  
= L(x) : 
I L is convex, i.e. for each  2 [0; 1], 
Lfx + (1  )yg  L(x) + (1  )L(y) :
x an attractor C? (equivalently L?); which kind of 
distribution F does belong to its domain of attraction? 
I theoretical descriptive interest. 
I practical modeling interest: To get large families with a 

exible structure in a speci
c domain of attraction. 
I numerical interest: Risk evaluation requires estimation of C?. 
Several estimators exist. How to compare them? For a small 
sample simulation study, designs of experiments involve to .
x several attractors C?; . simulate, for each attractor, from several distributions 
C 2 D(C?).
Attractor of classical multivariate distributions 
I Multivariate normal d.f. ! Independence 
I Archimedean copulas 
C (u1; : : : ; ud ) =   
 1(u1) +    +  1(ud ) 
where the generator   : R+ ! [0; 1] satis
es speci
c conditions. 
Archimedean copulas ! Multivariate logistic EV 
L?(x1; : : : ; xd ) = 
j=1 x1=r 
(with r  1). 
But in fact Independence case (r = 1) for 
. Clayton's family  (t) = (1 + t)1=;   0 
. Frank's family  (t) = log f1  et(1  e)g =
I Elliptical distributions 
X =  + RAU 
where  location parameter, R random radial component, 
A d  d-matrix invertible such that AAT positive de
nite, and 
U random d-vector uniformly distributed on Sd1. 
Elliptical distribution ! Independence 
with R rapidly varying 
I Extreme value d.f. CA ! itself CA
Objective: Construct a family of multivariate copulas 
I which can have any extreme value distribution as its 
maximum attractor 
I which is easy to simulate. 
Caperaa, Fougeres and Genest (2000) : bivariate Archimax copulas 
C ;A(u1; u2) =   
f 1(u1) +  1(u2)gA 
 1(u1) +  1(u2) 
where A : [0; 1] ! [1=2; 1] and   : [0;1) ! [0; 1] such that 
(i) A is convex and, for all t 2 [0; 1], max(t; 1  t)  A(t)  1; 
(ii)   : (0; 1] ! [0;1) is convex, decreasing, such that  (0) = 1 and 
limx!1  (x) = 0.
Archimax because... two important particular cases 
I if A  1, C;A reduces to an Archimedean copula, 
C (u1; u2) =  f 1(u1) +  1(u2)g 
I if  (t) = et , C ;A is an extreme-value copula, 
CA(u1; u2) = exp 
Result: Archimax copulas are in the domain of attraction of an 
EV copula CA? where, for all t 2 (0; 1), 
A?(t) = ft1= + (1  t)1=gA 
t1= + (1  t)1= 
whenever t7!  1(1  1=t) is regularly varying of degree 
1= with  2 (0; 1];
Additional references 
I Application in hydrology: see Basigal, Jagr and Mesiar (2011); 
I Applications in
nance: see Zivot and Wang (2006), Jaworski, 
Durante and Hardle (2013), Mai and Scherer (2014); 
I R package: acopula (Basigal); 
I Mesiar and Jagr (2013): conjecture that a suitable extension 
to arbitrary dimension should be 
C ;L(u1; : : : ; ud ) =    Lf 1(u1); : : : ;  1(ud )g: (3) 
Open problem 4.1 (Mesiar and Jagr, 2013) : C ;L is a copula as 
soon as L is a stable tail dependence function and   is an 
Archimedean generator. 
[sounds reasonable, since for d = 2, A(t) = L(t; 1t), so that (3) is (2).]
Purpose of our work 
I prove that C ;L is a copula 
solve Open problem of Mesiar and Jagr, 2013 
I study the d-variate Archimax family 
. in terms of attractor; 
. in terms of simulation issues. 
Refer to Charpentier, Fougeres, Genest and Neslehova (2014), 
JMVA 126, pp. 118-136.
C ;L is a copula: main ingredients 
For all u1; : : : ; ud 2 (0; 1), consider 
C (u1; : : : ; ud ) =  f 1(u1) +    +  1(ud )g: 
1. Characterization of an Archimedean generator 
Then C  is a copula if and only if   : [0;1) ! [0; 1] satis
.  (0) = 1, 
. limx!1  (x) = 0 
.   is d-monotone, i.e.   has d  2 derivatives on (0;1), 
(1)j (j)  0 (for all j 2 f0; : : : ; d  2g), and (1)d2 (d2) 
non-increasing and convex on (0;1). 
McNeil and Neslehova (2009)
C ;L is a copula: main ingredients (cont.) 
2. Characterization of a stable tail dependence function [stdf] 
L : [0;1)d ! [0;1) is a d-variate stdf if and only if 
(a) L is homogeneous of degree 1; 
(b) L(e1) =    = L(ed ) = 1; 
(c) L is fully d-max decreasing, i.e., for any J  f1; : : : ; dg of 
arbitrary size jJj = k and all x1; : : : ; xd ; h1; : : : ; hd 2 [0;1), 
(1)1++k L(x1+1h1112J ; : : : ; xd+dhd1d2J )  0: 
Ressel (2013)
Remark: (c) is equivalent to f : (1; 0]d ! (1; 0] de
ned by 
f (y1; : : : ; yd ) = L(y1; : : : ;yd ) (4) 
is totally increasing as de
ned in Morillas (2005), which states 
(1)k1k f (y1+1h1112J ; : : : ; yd +dhd1d2J )  0: 
First result 
Let L be a d-variate stdf and   be the generator of a d-variate 
Archimedean copula. There exists a vector (X1; : : : ;Xd ) of strictly 
positive random variables such that, for all x1; : : : ; xd 2 [0;1), 
Pr(X1  x1; : : : ;Xd  xd ) =    L(x1; : : : ; xd ): 
In particular, Pr(Xj  xj ) =  (xj ) for xj 2 [0;1) and j 2 f1; : : : ; dg.
Sketch of proof: 
I Morillas (2005) - McNeil and Neslehova (2009) : 
  Archimedean generator ,  y absolutely monotone of order d 
where  y : t 2 (1; 0]7!  (t) 2 [0; 1]. 
I Morillas (2005) + (c) )  y  f totally increasing. 
I L satis
es (b) 
)  y  f (y1; 0; : : : ; 0) =  y[L(y1; 0; : : : ; 0)] =  y(y1): 
I   continuous )  y  f continuous. 
Consequence:  y  f is a cdf on (1; 0]d . This means 
equivalently that  y  f (x1; : : : ;xd ) =    L(x1; : : : ; xd ) is a 
survival function on [0;1)d .
Let L be a d-variate stable tail dependence function and   be the 
generator of a d-variate Archimedean copula. Then 
C ;L(u1; : : : ; ud ) =    Lf 1(u1); : : : ;  1(ud )g 
is a copula, as conjectured by Mesiar and Jagr (2013).
Some examples 
I Recall that L(x) := x1 +    + xd . Then C ;L is the 
d-variate Archimedean copula C . 
I If  (t) = et , C ;L is the extreme-value copula with stdf L 
C ;L(u1; : : : ; ud ) = exp[Lf ln(u1); : : : ;ln(ud )g] : 
I Let   1 and consider the stdf of the d-variate logistic 
extreme-value copula 
L(x1; : : : ; ud ) = (x 
d )1=: 
1 +    + x 
Then for any generator  , 
C ;(u1; : : : ; ud ) =   
f 1(u1)g +    + f 1(ud )g 
is an Archimedean copula with generator  (t) =  (t1=).
III. Stochastic representations for Archimax copulas 
1.   is a Laplace transform. Suppose that   is the Laplace 
transform of a strictly positive r.v.  with cdf G, so that 
 (t) = 
Z 1 
et dG(): 
Bernstein's Theorem (Widder, 1941) )   is completely monotone, 
i.e., it is dierentiable of any order and for all k 2 N, (1)k (k)  0. 
Let L be a d-variate stdf. Let (T1; : : : ;Td ) be a random vector 
with survival function 
Pr(T1  t1; : : : ;Td  td ) = expfL(t1; : : : ; td )g: (5) 
This means T1; : : : ;Td  E(1) with survival copula the 
extreme-value copula with stable tail dependence function L.

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Fougeres Besancon Archimax

  • 1. Multivariate Archimax copulas Anne-Laure Fougeres Institut Camille Jordan, Universite Lyon 1 joint work with A. Charpentier, Ch. Genest and J.G. Neslehova November 3, 2014 Workshop Extreme Value Theory, Spatial and Temporal Aspects Besancon
  • 2. I. Motivation II. C ;L is a copula III. Stochastic representations for Archimax copulas IV. Simulation algorithms V. Extremal behavior of Archimax copulas VI. Conclusion - Perspectives
  • 3. I. Motivation Multivariate risks often deal with extremes of dependent variables: I Alimentary risks: Global exposition to the contamination risk via a set of aliments. I Insurance risks: ruin probabilities, when several types of contracts are concerned (natural disaster). I Coastal ooding: electrical infrastructures, dikes. Multivariate extreme-value theory provides a useful mathematical framework to handle such risks.
  • 4. Consider a d-variate sample X1; : : : ;Xn, with Xi = (Xi1 ; : : : ;Xid ), for each i = 1; : : : ; n. De
  • 5. ne P(Xi x) = F(x) = C(F1(x1); : : : ; Fd (xd )) ; so that F1; : : : ; Fd are the marginal cdfs (assume them continuous), F is the joint cdf, and C is the associated copula. Assumption: existence of a multivariate domain of attraction There exist (an); (bn);G such that, when n ! 1, Fn(an;1 x1 + bn;1; : : : ; an;d xd + bn;d ) = Fn(an x + bn) ! G(x); where the attractor G is a d-variate cdf with non degenerate margins G1; : : : ;Gd , and x is any continuity point of G.
  • 6. This means equivalently that: . the marginal cdfs Fj are in the univariate domain of attraction of the Gj 's (j = 1; : : : ; d). . there exists a d-variate copula C? such that for any u 2 [0; 1]d , lim n!1 C(u1=n 1 ; : : : ; u1=n d )n = C?(u1; : : : ; ud ) ; (1) and the limiting cdfs are related via G(x) = C?(G1(x1); : : : ;Gd (xd )): Notation: F 2 D(G) or C 2 D(C?). Equation (1) is equivalent to n h 1 C 1 x1 n ; : : : ; 1 xd n i ! log C?(ex1 ; : : : ; exd ) = L?(x) : L? = stable tail dependence function (Huang, 1992)
  • 7. L?(x) = lim n!1 n h 1 C 1 x1 n ; : : : ; 1 xd n i = lim n!1 n P h F1(X1) 1 x1 n or : : : or Fd (Xd ) 1 xd n i : Tail regions of interest for L?: at least one of the components X1; : : : ;Xd becomes large.
  • 8. Some properties of the stable tail dependence function L I LM(x) := max(x1; : : : ; xd ) L(x) L(x) := x1 + + xd comonotonicity case independence case I margins are standardized: L(0; : : : ; 0; xj ; 0; : : : ; 0) = xj I L is homogeneous of order 1 L(x) = lim s!1 s 1 C 1 x1 s= ; : : : ; 1 xd s= = lim t!1 t h 1 C 1 x1 t ; : : : ; 1 xd t i = L(x) : I L is convex, i.e. for each 2 [0; 1], Lfx + (1 )yg L(x) + (1 )L(y) :
  • 10. x an attractor C? (equivalently L?); which kind of distribution F does belong to its domain of attraction? I theoretical descriptive interest. I practical modeling interest: To get large families with a exible structure in a speci
  • 11. c domain of attraction. I numerical interest: Risk evaluation requires estimation of C?. Several estimators exist. How to compare them? For a small sample simulation study, designs of experiments involve to .
  • 12. x several attractors C?; . simulate, for each attractor, from several distributions C 2 D(C?).
  • 13. Attractor of classical multivariate distributions I Multivariate normal d.f. ! Independence I Archimedean copulas C (u1; : : : ; ud ) = 1(u1) + + 1(ud ) where the generator : R+ ! [0; 1] satis
  • 15. c conditions. Archimedean copulas ! Multivariate logistic EV L?(x1; : : : ; xd ) = nPd j=1 x1=r j or (with r 1). But in fact Independence case (r = 1) for . Clayton's family (t) = (1 + t)1=; 0 . Frank's family (t) = log f1 et(1 e)g =
  • 16. I Elliptical distributions X = + RAU where location parameter, R random radial component, A d d-matrix invertible such that AAT positive de
  • 17. nite, and U random d-vector uniformly distributed on Sd1. Elliptical distribution ! Independence with R rapidly varying I Extreme value d.f. CA ! itself CA
  • 18. Objective: Construct a family of multivariate copulas I which can have any extreme value distribution as its maximum attractor I which is easy to simulate. Caperaa, Fougeres and Genest (2000) : bivariate Archimax copulas C ;A(u1; u2) = f 1(u1) + 1(u2)gA 1(u1) 1(u1) + 1(u2) ; (2) where A : [0; 1] ! [1=2; 1] and : [0;1) ! [0; 1] such that (i) A is convex and, for all t 2 [0; 1], max(t; 1 t) A(t) 1; (ii) : (0; 1] ! [0;1) is convex, decreasing, such that (0) = 1 and limx!1 (x) = 0.
  • 19. Archimax because... two important particular cases I if A 1, C;A reduces to an Archimedean copula, C (u1; u2) = f 1(u1) + 1(u2)g I if (t) = et , C ;A is an extreme-value copula, CA(u1; u2) = exp ln(u1u2)A ln(u1) ln(u1u2) : Result: Archimax copulas are in the domain of attraction of an EV copula CA? where, for all t 2 (0; 1), A?(t) = ft1= + (1 t)1=gA ( t1= t1= + (1 t)1= ) whenever t7! 1(1 1=t) is regularly varying of degree 1= with 2 (0; 1];
  • 20. Additional references I Application in hydrology: see Basigal, Jagr and Mesiar (2011); I Applications in
  • 21. nance: see Zivot and Wang (2006), Jaworski, Durante and Hardle (2013), Mai and Scherer (2014); I R package: acopula (Basigal); I Mesiar and Jagr (2013): conjecture that a suitable extension to arbitrary dimension should be C ;L(u1; : : : ; ud ) = Lf 1(u1); : : : ; 1(ud )g: (3) Open problem 4.1 (Mesiar and Jagr, 2013) : C ;L is a copula as soon as L is a stable tail dependence function and is an Archimedean generator. [sounds reasonable, since for d = 2, A(t) = L(t; 1t), so that (3) is (2).]
  • 22. Purpose of our work I prove that C ;L is a copula solve Open problem of Mesiar and Jagr, 2013 I study the d-variate Archimax family . in terms of attractor; . in terms of simulation issues. Refer to Charpentier, Fougeres, Genest and Neslehova (2014), JMVA 126, pp. 118-136.
  • 23. C ;L is a copula: main ingredients For all u1; : : : ; ud 2 (0; 1), consider C (u1; : : : ; ud ) = f 1(u1) + + 1(ud )g: 1. Characterization of an Archimedean generator Then C is a copula if and only if : [0;1) ! [0; 1] satis
  • 24. es . (0) = 1, . limx!1 (x) = 0 . is d-monotone, i.e. has d 2 derivatives on (0;1), (1)j (j) 0 (for all j 2 f0; : : : ; d 2g), and (1)d2 (d2) non-increasing and convex on (0;1). McNeil and Neslehova (2009)
  • 25. C ;L is a copula: main ingredients (cont.) 2. Characterization of a stable tail dependence function [stdf] L : [0;1)d ! [0;1) is a d-variate stdf if and only if (a) L is homogeneous of degree 1; (b) L(e1) = = L(ed ) = 1; (c) L is fully d-max decreasing, i.e., for any J f1; : : : ; dg of arbitrary size jJj = k and all x1; : : : ; xd ; h1; : : : ; hd 2 [0;1), X (1)1++k L(x1+1h1112J ; : : : ; xd+dhd1d2J ) 0: 1;:::;k2f0;1g Ressel (2013)
  • 26. Remark: (c) is equivalent to f : (1; 0]d ! (1; 0] de
  • 27. ned by f (y1; : : : ; yd ) = L(y1; : : : ;yd ) (4) is totally increasing as de
  • 28. ned in Morillas (2005), which states X (1)k1k f (y1+1h1112J ; : : : ; yd +dhd1d2J ) 0: 1;:::;k2f0;1g
  • 29. First result Theorem Let L be a d-variate stdf and be the generator of a d-variate Archimedean copula. There exists a vector (X1; : : : ;Xd ) of strictly positive random variables such that, for all x1; : : : ; xd 2 [0;1), Pr(X1 x1; : : : ;Xd xd ) = L(x1; : : : ; xd ): In particular, Pr(Xj xj ) = (xj ) for xj 2 [0;1) and j 2 f1; : : : ; dg.
  • 30. Sketch of proof: I Morillas (2005) - McNeil and Neslehova (2009) : Archimedean generator , y absolutely monotone of order d where y : t 2 (1; 0]7! (t) 2 [0; 1]. I Morillas (2005) + (c) ) y f totally increasing. I L satis
  • 31. es (b) ) y f (y1; 0; : : : ; 0) = y[L(y1; 0; : : : ; 0)] = y(y1): I continuous ) y f continuous. Consequence: y f is a cdf on (1; 0]d . This means equivalently that y f (x1; : : : ;xd ) = L(x1; : : : ; xd ) is a survival function on [0;1)d .
  • 32. Corollary Let L be a d-variate stable tail dependence function and be the generator of a d-variate Archimedean copula. Then C ;L(u1; : : : ; ud ) = Lf 1(u1); : : : ; 1(ud )g is a copula, as conjectured by Mesiar and Jagr (2013).
  • 33. Some examples I Recall that L(x) := x1 + + xd . Then C ;L is the d-variate Archimedean copula C . I If (t) = et , C ;L is the extreme-value copula with stdf L C ;L(u1; : : : ; ud ) = exp[Lf ln(u1); : : : ;ln(ud )g] : I Let 1 and consider the stdf of the d-variate logistic extreme-value copula L(x1; : : : ; ud ) = (x d )1=: 1 + + x Then for any generator , C ;(u1; : : : ; ud ) = h f 1(u1)g + + f 1(ud )g i1= is an Archimedean copula with generator (t) = (t1=).
  • 34. III. Stochastic representations for Archimax copulas 1. is a Laplace transform. Suppose that is the Laplace transform of a strictly positive r.v. with cdf G, so that (t) = Z 1 0 et dG(): Bernstein's Theorem (Widder, 1941) ) is completely monotone, i.e., it is dierentiable of any order and for all k 2 N, (1)k (k) 0. Let L be a d-variate stdf. Let (T1; : : : ;Td ) be a random vector with survival function Pr(T1 t1; : : : ;Td td ) = expfL(t1; : : : ; td )g: (5) This means T1; : : : ;Td E(1) with survival copula the extreme-value copula with stable tail dependence function L.
  • 35. Stochastic representations for Archimax copulas (cont.) Theorem The copula C ;L is Archimax with d-variate stdf L and completely monotone Archimedean generator if and only if it is the survival copula of the random vector (X1; : : : ;Xd ) = (T1=; : : : ;Td=) ; where has Laplace transform and is independent of the random vector (T1; : : : ;Td ) de
  • 36. ned in (5). Sketch of proof: Pr(X1 x1; : : : ;Xd xd ) = Z 1 0 Pr(T1 x1; : : : ;Td xd ) dG() = Z 1 0 expfL(x1; : : : ; xd )g dG() = L(x1; : : : ; xd ):
  • 37. Stochastic representations for Archimax copulas (cont.) 2. d-monotone. Consider 0(t) = max(0; 1 t)d1 (t 0). 0 is d-monotone ) there exists (S1; : : : ; Sd ) such that, Pr(S1 s1; : : : ; Sd sd ) = [maxf0; 1 L(s1; : : : ; sd )g]d1: Then I support of this joint survival function: d (`) = f(s1; : : : ; sd ) 2 [0; 1]d : L(s1; : : : ; sd ) 1g I S1; : : : ; Sd are (dependent) Beta r.v. B(1; d 1). Now let R be a strictly positive r.v. with cdf F, independent of (S1; : : : ; Sd ) and consider (X1; : : : ;Xd ) = (RS1; : : : ; RSd ): (6)
  • 38. Stochastic representations for Archimax copulas (cont.) Theorem (i) If (X1; : : : ;Xd ) has form (6), then its survival copula is the Archimax copula C ;L, where is the Williamson d-transform of R, i.e., for all t 2 [0;1), (t) = Z 1 t 1 t r d1 dF(r ): (ii) Let L be a d-variate stdf and be a generator of a d-variate Archimedean copula. Then C ;L is the survival copula of a random vector (X1; : : : ;Xd ) of the form (6), where the cdf F of R is the inverse Williamson d-transform of , F(r ) = 1 dX2 k=0 (1)k r k (k)(r ) k! (1)d1r d1 (d1) + (r ) (d 1)! ; where (d1) + denotes the right-hand derivative of (d2).
  • 39. Corollary A function L : [0;1)d ! [0;1) is a d-variate stdf if and only if (a) L is homogeneous of degree 1; (b) The function given, for all x1; : : : ; xd 2 [0;1), by G `(x1; : : : ; xd ) = [maxf0; 1 L(x1; : : : ; xd )g]d1 (7) de
  • 40. nes a d-variate survival function with B(1; d 1) margins. Remark: The distribution in (7) is related to the multivariate generalized Pareto distribution of Falk and Reiss (2005). See also Hofmann (2009).
  • 41. Reminder: Purpose of our work I prove that C ;L is a copula solve Open problem of Mesiar and Jagr, 2013 I study the d-variate Archimax family . in terms of simulation issues; . in terms of attractor.
  • 42. IV. Simulation algorithms Algorithm 1 Let L be the d-variate stdf associated to an extreme-value copula D, and let be a d-variate Archimedean copula generator. Suppose that is the Laplace transform of a r.v. . To simulate an observation (U1; : : : ;Ud ) from a d-variate Archimax copula C ;L, proceed as follows: 1.1 Generate an observation (V1; : : : ;Vd ) from copula D. 1.2 Set T1 = ln(V1); : : : ;Td = ln(Vd ). 1.3 Generate an observation . 1.4 Set U1 = (T1=); : : : ;Ud = (Td=).
  • 43. Algorithm 2 Let L be a d-variate stdf, and let be a d-variate Archimedean copula generator. To simulate an observation (U1; : : : ;Ud ) from C ;L: 2.1 Generate an observation (S1; : : : ; Sd ) from the joint survival function de
  • 44. ned, for all s1; : : : ; sd 2 [0;1), by G `(s1; : : : ; sd ) = [maxf0; 1 L(s1; : : : ; sd )g]d1: 2.2 Generate R from the cdf de
  • 45. ned, for all r 2 (0;1), by F(r ) = 1 dX2 k=0 (1)k r k (k)(r ) k! (1)d1r d1 (d1) + (r ) (d 1)! : 2.3 Set U1 = (RS1); : : : ;Ud = (RSd ).
  • 46. V. Extremal behavior of Archimax copulas Let X1;X2; : : : be iid copies of a vector X = (X1; : : : ;Xd ) whose distribution is the Archimax copula C ;L, and de
  • 47. ne for each n 2 N, Mn = max(X1; : : : ;Xn); where vector algebra is meant component-wise. Objective:
  • 48. nd the limiting behavior, as n ! 1, of the sequence (Mn). Reminder for equation (1): lim n!1 C ;L(u1=n 1 ; : : : ; u1=n d )n = C?(u1; : : : ; ud ) :
  • 49. Extremal behavior of Archimax copulas (cont.) Theorem Suppose that is the generator of a d-variate Archimedean copula such that w7! 1 (1=w) is regularly varying of index for some 2 (0; 1]. Then the copula C ;L belongs to the maximum domain of attraction of an extreme-value distribution whose unique underlying copula is de
  • 50. ned, for all u1; : : : ; ud 2 (0; 1), by CL?(u1; : : : ; ud ) = exp[Lfj ln(u1)j1=; : : : ; j ln(ud )j1=g]:
  • 51. VI. Conclusion - Perspectives Our purpose has been to I prove that C ;L is a copula as conjectured by Mesiar and Jagr, 2013 I study the d-variate Archimax family . in terms of simulation issues; . in terms of attractor. Some questions remains to be considered: I computational issues associated with Algorithms 1 and 2. I dependence structure. For d = 2, Caperaa, Fougeres and Genest (2000) : ;L = L + (1 L) : How to extend this relation to the multivariate case ?
  • 52. References (1/2) . T. Bacigal, V. Jagr, R. Mesiar (2011), Non-exchangeable random variables, Archimax copulas and their
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  • 55. xed order, Publ. Inst. Math. (Beograd) (N.S.) 78 (92), 93-105. . P. Ressel (2013), Homogeneous distributions - and a spectral representation of classical mean values and stable tail dependence functions, J. Multivariate Anal. 117, 246-256. . D.V. Widder (1941), The Laplace Transform, in: Princeton Mathematical Series, vol. 6, Princeton University Press, Princeton, NJ. . E. Zivot, J. Wang (2006) Modeling Financial Time Series with Splus, Springer.