catholic facebook social media web 2.0 digital discipleship digital disciple evangelization catechesis prayer blog new media twitter catechist animoto technology digital digital culture wordle disciples missionary digital catechesis media nets collaboration ddbc evangelii nuntiandi glogster delicious linkedin catechetical blogging web20 digitalstorytelling middle space mission participatory culture mixbook volunteer spot smore educational technology joy of the gospel new evangelization boot camp teens digital discipleship boot camp geocaching culture technology plan catholic church web 1.0 creativity digital storytelling communication iste standards collaborate digital citizenship cell phone mobile catechetics sacraments storytelling overview cscc internet digital storytelling tools website tools trinidad technology planning guide digital disciple competencies ict triangle strategic visioning shared purpose catechetical institute st. meinrad networked digital skills digital language website church religious messaging witness technology planning strategic vision planning innovation key trends ict technology triangle middle ages disciple digital disciple stories faith competencies possibilities prayer tips small groups lectio divina prayer partners pastoral planning digital ministry pastoral technology digital evangelization wednesday digital age ddn tools digital disciple network mention reply hashtag dm pinterest instagram instructional technology authority interpretive authority digital catech events messages top news profile 10 tips tabsite pic-collage getpaint canva livlovecreate picmonkey facebook groups toondoo image chef digital natives archdiocese of new york toon doo padlet lent network digital disciplesh go make disciples internet usage social media policies tablet iphone ipad adolescent photography camera digital camera mobile tools diocesan information systems conference disc curator wiki google forms slideshare google docs voice thread glogster edu byod yodio skype pln personal learning network challenges practices cyberbully tips parts of blog domain seo gravatar diocese of venice florida leadership evangelize 21st century digital dis discipleship mobile device igen mobile phone voicethread youtube power point flickr media landscape pr newswire covenant critical thinking research information fluency new relationships networks web 20 social networking networking iste media literacy participatory interactive connections confess leader confession digital native friendship love retreat convocation metuchen digital discipleship storytelling digital child religious education scrapblog weebly movie maker free digital story story ordination anointing of sick eucharist reconciliation marriage baptism confirmation gospel newmedia digitalstory pncea cerveny nccl_2009 nccl ncea ncea_09 digital_storytelling
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