service learning classroom in community community education ole other learning experiences youth work reflection reflection design asset based community development abcd critical pedagogy globalization community services global citizenship education 社區有教室 nss sl 服務學習 ethical consumption cs community service reflection activity transfer of learning reflexive praxis globalisation global warming classroom-in-community social work sustainable development goals green social work community work community based pedagogy community based education communitarianism groupwork social groupwork critical praxis community-based learning social justice caring citizenship education vygotsky hidden curriculum scaffolding zoom of proximal development elearning mobile learning 反思 反思設計 流動電子學習 youth services appreciative inquiry 批判教學 社區教育 communitarian liberal studies education olecs youth celebrating differences sdg multi-cultural practices inclusive playground universal design universal design in learning inclusive practices antioppressive social work 社群主義 資產為本社區發展 綠色生活 綠色社會工作 綠色中心 習慣心理學 永續發展教育 可持續發展教育 世界公民教育 sustainable development sustainability education sdgs psychology of habits elegant frugality do something-ism green movement green life gce youthwork youth adult partnership co-curricular activity cd collaborative learning communications conflict resolution creative problem solving co-intelligence group discussion critical reflection praxis organisational learning organizational learning transformative learning learning and teaching learning design instruction design debriefing reviewing reciprocity 社會工作 社工 逃犯條例 壓力 實務技巧 不再一樣的開學年 校園輔導實用急救包 tpck tpack 社區考察 責任消費 反思帶領 apps value education deep learning 深入學習 全球議題 價值教育 children icysc multicultural social work multiculturalism diversity ethnic minority cultural empathy asset mapping social capital;shared economy;abcd;asset based com abcd; shared economy; community study; asset mappi sustainability development bicycle-friendly curriculum development 建構教學 社會服務 社會行動教學 life and society abcd; youth work; critical pedagogy; communitarian constructionism knowledge sharing positivism constructionist eclectic sociology counseling lingustic turn solution-focused. brief therapy eclecticism edvience-based narrative approach counselling psychology knowledge management social sciences social knowledge resilence experiential learning s-l social service elderly service cuhk stakeholder community partner social services nsscf community partnership partnership school leadership servicelearning work services community evalutaion service form learning
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