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PROCESS: An Overview
Nursing Leadership and
Course Description:
This course deals with the application of the concepts, principles, theories
and methods of developing nursing leaders and managers in the hospital
and community-based settings. It also includes ethic moral/legal
aspects of health care and nursing practice and the nursesā€™ responsibilities
for personal and professional growth.
Course Objective:
At the end of the course, given a group of clients with varied conditions, the student
should be able to:
1. Utilize the nursing process in the care of individuals, families, population group, in hospital
    and community settings.
1.1 assesses with client/s his/her/their condition/health status through interview, physical
    examination and interpretation of laboratory findings
1.2 identifies actual and at-risk nursing diagnosis
1.3 plans appropriate nursing interventions with client/s and family for identified nursing
1.4 implements plan of care with client/s and family
1.5 evaluates the progress of the clientā€™s condition and outcomes of care;
2. Ensure a well organized and accurate documentation and reporting
3. Demonstrate leadership and competence in the performance of her
    responsibilities as a beginning nurse practitioner in the
    hospital or community setting
4. Observes bioethical principles, core values, and standards of nursing
    care while practicing nursing
5. Promote personal and professional growth for self and others
Leadership and Management: An
God created man in his own image and in
so he was tasked to have dominion over
                  all the
 things created before Him. It was the
 divine decision that emphasized man ā€™s
                 place at
   the climax of God ā€™s creative work
            (Genesis 1:26-27)
Leadership and Management: An
ā€¢ Nursing management is based on theories where
  concepts are included together with methods, and
  principles. Relationship between principle could be
  observed and verify to certain degree if translated in to
  the art of practice of nursing management.
ā€¢ Concept are not fragmented thoughts, ideas and
  general beliefs in relation to nursing management but
  rather concepts that can serve as unifying ideas, thus,
  forming a foundation for action or discussion.
ā€¢ Principles are known to be those fundamentals truths,
  law or doctrines wherein other beliefs or notions are
  founded. Principles serve as guided to concept,
  thoughts or actions in a work situation.
Leadership and Management: An
    Nurses realize that they have to keep up with the
 changes in the health care system and its delivery of
   service to the people. The Nursing Act of 1991
                         focuses on
  three changes in the efforts to improve the peopleā€™s
ā€¢ From hospital or institutional care, emphasis shifted
   to community health delivery;
ā€¢ From emphasis on physical care, efforts are now
   directed towards holistic approach to the care of
   individuals, families and communities and
Leadership and Management: An
Definition of Nursing Management:
ā€¢ The management process is universal. For nurses,
  knowledge of this process assures them of the smooth
  functioning of the units to attain their goal of quality care
  through the judicious use of available human and material
  resources within specified periods.
ā€¢ Focus on planning, organizing, staffing, directing
  or leading and controlling or evaluating all activities
  of the nursing system.
ā€¢ Defined as a process of coordinating actions and allocating
  resources to achieve organization goals of the healthcare
  delivery system
Harbizon and Myerz offer a classic three fold concept
   to emphasize the broader scope of management.
                 They observe that management is:
      is one of the factors of production together with
                                land, labor and capital.

  ā€¢ SYSTEM OF AUTHORITY management
    first develops with top individuals determining the
           course of action for the rank and file. This is
         followed by constitutional management which
       emphasizes definite and consistent concern for
  policies and procedures in dealing with the working
             group. The trend toward a democratic and
ā€¢ AN ELITE CLASS management is a
 class and status system. Managers have
      become an elite group of brains and
      educations. Entrance to this class is
 based on education and knowledge. The
  new managers continue to expand their
horizon in an effort to attain the ultimate in
ā€¢ Nursing management is PL ANNING
ā€¢ Nursing management is t he EFFECTIVE USE OF TIME
ā€¢ Nursing management is DECISION MAKING
  t he nurse managers
ā€¢ Nursing management is t he FORMULATION and
ā€¢ Nursing management is ORGANIZING
ā€¢ Nursing management denotes a FUNCTION, SOCIAL
ā€¢Nursing management denotes a FUNCTION, SOCIAL
ā€¢Organizational cultures REFLECTS VALUES AND
ā€¢Nursing management is DIRECTING OR LEADING
ā€¢A well managed division of nursing MOTIVATES
ā€¢Nursing management is EFFICIENT COMMUNICATION
ā€¢Nursing management is CONTROLLING OR
Role of Manager
Developing Future
Managerial development programs are very
        useful means of getting qualified
       managers. According to Katz, the
        necessary fundamental skills of a
                            manager are:

              ā€¢ Technical Skills
                 ā€¢ Human Skills
ā€¢   CONCEPTUAL ā€“ individualā€™s mental ability to coordinate a variety of
    interests and activities. Thinks critically and able to conceptualize
    how things could be. VISIONARY

ā€¢   INTERPERSONAL ā€“ individualsā€™ preferred ways of using language,
    the degrees to which they listens, and their ways on responding to

ā€¢   TECHNICAL- tools, procedures, and techniques that are unique to
    the nurse managerā€™s specialized situation. Master of the job-viewed
    as a source of help. AN EXPERT.
Top                                           Tech-
 Management        Conceptual          Human          nical

     Middle     Conceptual        Human         Technical

  First-Line    Con-
Management                   Human            Technical

               Proportions of Management skills needed at
                    Different levels of management
Concerned with broad-based, long-
       Top     range decisions that affect the entire
Management     organization; therefore, conceptual skill
               is most important at that level

               Focuses basically on her or his group,
               Therefore, the need for conceptual skill is
               at a minimum

               The need to be able to understand and
               work with people is important at all levels,
Human Skill    but the first-line managerā€™s position places
               a premium on human skill requirements
               because of the great number of employee
               interactions required
A nurse manager performs these
      management functions to deliver
           health care to patients.

 Nurse managers or administrators work at
  all levels to put into practice the concepts,
       principles and theories of nursing

They manage the organizational environment
  to provide a climate optimal to provision of
      nursing care by the clinical nurses.
ļ± Technical Skills relates to the
 proficiency in performing an activity in the
 correct manner with the right technique.
ļ±Human relationship skills pertain to
 dealing with people and how to ā€œget
 alongā€ with them.
ļ±Conceptual skills deals with the ability
 to see individual matters as they relate to
 the total picture and to develop creative
 ways of identifying pertinent factors,
 responding to the big problems and
 discarding irrelevant facts.
Another approach in developing managers is
postulated by Summer in his early work which
emphasize knowledge, attitude and ability
ļƒ¼K  nowledge factors re fe r to id e a s , c o nc e p ts o r
  p rinc ip le s tha t c a n be e x p re s s e d a nd a re
  a c c e p te d be c a us e the y ha ve lo g ic a l p ro o fs .
ļƒ¼Attitude factors re la te to tho s e be lie fs ,
  fe e ling s a nd va lue s tha t m a y be ba s e d o n
  e m o tio ns a nd m a y no t be s ubje c te d to
  c o ns c io us ve rba liz a tio n.
ļƒ¼Ability factors inc lud e s kills , a rt, jud g m e nt
Qualification of Nursing Service
ļƒ¼ Be a registered nurse in the Philippines
ļƒ¼ Have at least two (2) years of experience in general
  nursing service administrators
ļƒ¼ Possess a degree of bachelor of Science in Nursing,
  with at least nine (9) units in managerial and
  administration course at the graduate level; and
ļƒ¼ Be a member of good standing of the accredited
  professional organization of nurse
         It is provided, however, that a person occupying the position
        of Chief Nurse or Director of Nursing Service shall, in addition
                                 to the foregoing qualification, possess:
Qualif ication of Nursing Ser vice
ļ¶ At least five (5) years of experience in a supervisory or
 managerial position in nursing; and
ļ¶A Masterā€™s Degree Major in Nursing

As per Memorandum Circular No. 2000-05,series of
2000 of the PRC, BON.
A new trend in hospital nursing is clinical specialization. Nurses train in a
special field of nursing of their choice. Courses to prepare nurse desiring
to perfect their clinical opportunities are offered in universities, usually
at the masterā€™s level. These nurses must have the experience required
before applying for a position as an expert practitioner.
Qualification of the Chairperson and Members of the Board
The Chairperson and Member of the Board shall, at the times of the
appointment, posses the following requirements.
o A natural born citizen and resident of the Philippines
o A member of a good standing of the accredited professional
  organization of nurses
o A registered nurse and holder of a Masterā€™ Degree in Nursing,
  education or other allied medical profession conferred by a college
  or university duly recognize by the government. Provided , that the
  majority of the Member of the Board shall be holder of a masterā€™s
  degree in nursing: Provided, further That the Chairperson shall be a
  holder of a masterā€™s degree in nursing.
o Must have at least ten (10) years of continuous practice of the
  profession prior to appointment. Provided, however. That the last
  five (5) years of which shall be in the Philippines.
o Must not have been convicted of any offense involving moral
o Membership to the Board shall represent the three areas of nursing,
  namely, nursing education, nurisng service and community health.
Qualification of the Faculty and the Dean of the College of

A member of the faculty in a college of nursing teaching
  professional courses must :
ļƒ¼ Be a registered Nurse in the Philippines
ļƒ¼ Ha ve at least one (1) year of clinical nursing practice in a
  f ield of specialization
ļƒ¼ Be a member of good standing in the accredited
  professional organization of nurses and
ļƒ¼ Be a holder of a masterā€™s deg ree in nursing, education, or
  other allied medical and health sciences conferred by a
  college or university duly recognized by the Government of
  the RP.
Qualification of the Faculty and the Dean of the College of

The career ladder in nursing education starts with a Clinical
  Instructorā€™s position up to the Dean of a College of
  Nursing. A dean in a College of Nursing should possess;
ļƒ¼ Masterā€™s Deg ree in Nursing
ļƒ¼ Must ha ve at least f ive (5) years of experience in
  teaching and super vision.
Those teaching in Graduate Prog rams for nurses must possess
  post-Masterā€™s Deg ree or Doctoral Deg ree in Nursing.

       Prior to promotion or holding of managerial positions, nurses who have the
   potential to become administrators are asked to participate in managerial staff
            development program. The organization then will have a ready pool of
   managers who are academically and locally trained to assume managerial roles.
Who Needs Nursing Management?
ā€¢ All types of health-care organizations, including
  nursing homes, hospitals, home health-care
  agencies, ambulatory care centers, student
  infirmaries, and many others, need nursing
ā€¢ Even the nurse working with one client and
  family needs management knowledge and skills
  to help people work together to accomplish a
  common goal.
ā€¢ A primary nurse working with several clients
  prioritizes their care to assist time to improve
  health or, sometimes, peaceful death.

            assessing/regulating performance

      actuating efforts to accomplish goals
              establishing formal authority

        thinking ahead, making projections to achieve
                       desired results
Universality of Management

       Top            P           O   D          S       C

                  P           O           D      S       C

                 P        O           D          S       C

               Amount of Emphasis on Management Function

                P - Planning                  S - Staffing
                O - Organizing                C - Controlling
                D - Directing

A nurse ā€“manager spent part of the day working on the budget
(Planning) , meet with the staff about changing the patient care
management delivery system from primary care to team nursing
(Organizing), altered the staffing policy to include 12- hour shifts
(staffing), held a meeting to resolve a conflict between nurses and
physicians (Directing), and gave an employee a job performance
evaluation (Controlling).

Not only would the nurse-manager be performing all phases of the
  management process, but each function has a planning,
  implementing, and controlling phase.
Henry Fayol
ļƒ¼ A French mining engineer, developed 14 principles of
  management based on his management experience.

ļƒ¼ He pioneer in the field of management education.

ļƒ¼ He has been rightly called as ā€œfather of management process

ļƒ¼ He was first person who laid emphasis on the process of
Fayolā€™s Principle of Management are presented as follows;

  ļ¶ Division of Work- specialization makes employees more
    efficient which results to more and better outputs.

  ļ¶ Authority- managers have the authority to give orders. Along
    with authority goes responsibility. Whenever authority is exercise
    responsibility arise.

  ļ¶ Discipline- there is discipline when employees obey the rules
    that govern

  ļ¶ Unity of Command-in                this aspect of management it is
    imperative that each employee should receive orders from one
ļ¶ Unity of Direction- for              each group of organizational
  activities having the same objective, direction comes from manager
  using one plan.

ļ¶ Subordination of individual interest to
  general interest- an emlpoyee or group of employeesā€™
  interest should not precede over the interest of the whole

ļ¶ Remuneration- emlpoyee must be paid a fair wage for their
  service rendered to the organization.
ļ¶ Centralization- the           degree to which the subordinates are
  involved in decision making. The task is to determine the optimum
  degree of centralization from every situation.

ļ¶ Scalar Chain- this          represents the line of authority from top
  management to the lowest rank in the organization. Communication
  should follow this scalar chain.

ļ¶ Order- there is order when people and materials are in the right
  place at the same time.

ļ¶ Equity- it exist when managers observes kindness and fairness to
  their subordinates.
ļ¶ Stability of Tenure- when               there is a high employee
  turnover, there is ineffective management. Management should see to it
  that an orderly personnel planning is provided and ensures that
  replacement are available to fill vacancies.

ļ¶ Initiative- whenever employees are allowed to originate and
  carry out plans they are expected to exert high level of efforts.

ļ¶ Esprit de Corps-            promotion of team spirit build harmony and
  unity within the organization
The Story of the Donkey Stuck in a Well
One day a farmerā€™s donkey fell down into a
The donkey cried piteously for hours as the
     farmer tried to figure out what to do.

Finally, the farmer decided the animal was old, and the well needed to
           be covered up anyway; it just wasnā€™t worth it to retrieve the

 He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him.
     They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt
  into the well. At f irst, the donkey realized what was
      happening and cried even more loudly in panic and
A few shovel loads later, the farmer looked down the
            well. He was astonished at what he saw.
                 With each shovel of dirt that hit his
    back, the donkey was doing something amazing.

      He would shake off the dirt and take a step up.

As the farmerā€™s neighbors continued to shovel dirt on
    top of the donkey, he would shake it off and take
                                    another step up.

    Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey
    stepped up over the edge of the well and happily
                                         trotted off!
Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick
   to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step
       up. Each of our troubles is a steppingstone. We can get
   out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving
                            up! Shake it off and take a step up.

                 Remember the five simple rules to be happy:

                      Free your heart from hatred ā€“ Forgive.
          Free your mind from worries ā€“ Most never happen.
                  Live simply and appreciate what you have.
                                                 Give more.
                                                Expect lessĀ 
The Mea ning of Leadership

ļ‚§ Is a social influence or a personā€™s ability to move other
  people to act
ļ‚§ Influence processes involving determination of the groupā€™s
  or organizationā€™s objectives
ļ‚§ Motivating task behavior in pursuit of these objectives, and
ļ‚§ Influencing group maintenance and culture

ā€¢ Is defined as a process of influence
ā€¢ Is not limited to people in traditional positions
  of authority.
ā€¢ A leader influence others to move in the
  direction of achieving goals.
ā€¢ Leadership occurs in different dynamics and
ā€¢ Leadership is commonly defined as a process of
  influence whereby the leader influences others
  toward goal achievement
Elements of Leadership

ā€¢ Provides direction to the influence process.
ā€¢ For leadership to occur, leaders must
  communicate the vision the their followers in
  such a way that the followers adopt the
  vision as their own
ā€¢ It is essential for organizational
  effectiveness and success
ā€¢ Ability to obtain followers, compliance or
ā€¢ It is a skill that can be developed , and is
  one of a major components of the power
 ļ‚§ Ability to efficiently and
       effectively exercise
      authority and control
          through personal,
  organizational and social
ļ‚§ Ability to impose the will
 of one person or group to
        bring about certain
         behaviors in other
         groups or persons
ā€¢ Represents the right to expect
  or secure complia nce
ā€¢ Authority is backed by

ļ‚§ Corresponding obligation and accountability
  for all actions done
ļ‚§ Ability to do assigned task
ļ‚§ Responsibilities fall into 2 categories:
  individual and organizational
W are the characteristics
of a LEADER to be
ā€¢ There must be reciprocal
  relationship (C.I.R)
ā€¢ There must be positive

ā€œA person in a position of authority
   is not automatically a LEADERā€
 ā€œLeadership and positions are not
Formal and Informal Leadership
 ā€“ Formal Leadership
    ā€¢ is based on occupying a position in an organization,
      called assigned leadership

 ā€“ Informal Leadership
    ā€¢ occurs when an individual demonstrates leadership outside
      the scope of a formal leadership role or as a member of a
      group, rather than as the head or leader of the group. The
      informal leader can be considered to emerge as a leader
      when accepted by others and perceived to have influence.
ā€¢   A guiding VISION
ā€¢    CORE values of Leaders
ā€¢   Integrity
ā€¢   Curiosity
ā€¢   Flexibility
ā€¢   Intelligence
ā€¢   Ability to support Others
ā€¢   Self Confidence
ā€¢   Desire
Leaders VS Managers
Leaders VS Managers
Do you know them?
Do you know them?
Who are the nursing
leaders that you
ļ± A manager is a title that can be given that signifies a position ā€“ a leader is a title that
  other people give you.
ļ± Managers Demand Respect ā€“Ā LeadersĀ Command Respect
ļ± Managers Have Subordinates ā€“Ā LeadersĀ Have Followers
ļ± ManagersĀ administerĀ -Ā LeadersĀ innovate
ļ± ManagersĀ demandĀ -Ā LeadersĀ command
ļ± ManagersĀ maintainĀ -Ā LeadersĀ develop
ļ± Managers focus onĀ systemsĀ ā€“Ā LeadersĀ focus onĀ people
ļ± Managers strive forĀ controlĀ ā€“Ā LeadersĀ inspireĀ trust
ļ± Managers haveĀ short-term viewĀ ā€“Ā LeadersĀ have aĀ long-term goal
ļ± Managers are focused on theĀ  bottom lineĀ ā€“Ā LeadersĀ are focused onĀ potential
ļ± ManagersĀ imitateĀ -Ā LeadersĀ originate
ļ± ManagersĀ do things rightĀ ā€“Ā LeadersĀ do the right thing
ļ± ManagersĀ stateĀ their position ā€“Ā LeadersĀ earnĀ their position
Leadership POWER

 An essential part of leadership or
  management is to influence the
 people you manage so that they do
Reward Pow er
ā€¢ This type of influence is created when the leader is able to offer a reward to
  his followers for completing tasks/behaving in a certain manner. Rewards
  in the workplace can take a variety of forms from chocolates, gift vouchers
  and holidays to promotions, commission and pay rises.

ā€¢ This type of power needs to be used
  carefully   to  prevent    followers
  becoming accustomed to rewards and
  refusing to complete routine tasks
  without a reward. Generally rewards
  should not be offered, to follower
Coercive Power

ā€¢ This is the opposite of re ward pow er because this power is
  based on the leader having control over what happens if
  followers do not act as required. If followers do not
  undertake the action required, the leader will impose a
  penalty. Penalties tak e a varie ty of forms including
  withdr awal of privileges, job losses, verbal abuse,
  and delay ed or loss of promotion. In all cases the leader
  will need to choose the penalty carefully to prevent breaking
  the law or being the subject of an employment tribunal.

ā€¢ Coercive powers should be used carefully; overuse can
  lead to unhappy employ ee follow ers . Unhappy followers
  can be negative or unmotivated , they may resign or adopt a
  ā€œwork to ruleā€ attitude. Work to rule is where employees
  refuse to undertake any duties (or adopt working practices)
  that are not stated in their contract.
Legi t i m e P er
            at    ow
Thi s i s t he pow   er t hat a l eader has w        hen t he f ol l owers bel i eve t hat
    t he l eader has ā€œa ri ght ā€ t o i ns t ruc t t hem and t hat t hey have an
    obl i gat i on t o f ol l ow i ns t ruc t i ons . Som i m l egi t i m y pow
                                                         et es             ac       er i s
    c reat ed by t he l eaderā€™ s j ob t i t l e ( s uc h as c apt ai n, doc t or, or
    area m     anager) , c om ned w t h t he f ol l ow
                              bi        i                 erā€™ s bel i ef t hat t he j ob
    t i t l e gi ves t he l eader t he ri ght t o gi ve t hem orders .

R erent P er
 ef            ow
Thi s i s cr eat ed when t he f ol l ower s bel i eve t hat t he l eader possess
    qual i t i es t hat t hey adm r e and woul d l i ke t o possess. The
    f ol l ower s i dent i f y wi t h t hei r l eader and at t empt t o copy t hei r
    l eader . As r ef er ent power i s dependant on how t he f ol l ower vi ews
    t he per sonal i t y of t hei r l eader , a l eader wi l l not have r ef er ent
    power over ever y f ol l ower t hey l ead. Som l eader s wi l l have
    r ef er ent power over j ust a f ew, whi l st ot her s such as Ghandi have
    l ead m l l i ons t hr ough t hei r per sonal i t y and char i sm
             i                                                         a.

Expert P er
   As t he t i t l e suggest s a l eader has exper t power when t he f ol l ower s
   bel i eve t hat t he l eader has ā€œ exper t ā€ knowl edge or ski l l s t hat ar e
   r el evant t o t he j ob or t asks t hey have t o com et e. Of t en an
   exper i enced m ber of t he t eam or st af f i n an or gani sat i on, can
   have exper t power even t hough t hey ar e not a super vi sor or
   m anager .
ā€¢ Reward power needs follower to
  believe leader will reward them.
ā€¢ Coercive power needs follower to
  believe leader will punish them.
ā€¢ Legitimate power needs follower to
  believe leader has right to instruct
ā€¢ Referent power need follower to
Archives for Life
Lessons No.2
A priest offered a Nun a lift.

She got in and crossed her legs, forcing her gown to reveal a leg.

The priest nearly had an accident.

After controlling the car, he stealthily slid his hand up her legā€¦

The nun said, ā€˜Father, remember Psalm 129?ā€™

The priest removed his hand. But, changing gears, he let his hand slide
  up her leg again.Ā Ā 

The nun once again said, ā€˜Father, remember Psalm 129?ā€™
The priest apologized ā€˜Sorry sister but
 the flesh is weak.ā€™

Arriving at the convent, the nun sighed heavily
              and went on her way.

On his arrival at the church, the priest
 rushed to look up Psalm 129.
It said, ā€˜Go forth and seek, further up,

       The process by which we
                      facilitate the
        participation of others in
           decision making and
           take action within an
             environment where
                there is equitable
            distribution of power

            I want both of y
                             ou to. . .

ļ‚§ This style is used when leaders tell their em     ployees what they
  want done and how they want it accom          plished, without getting
  the advice of their followers. Some of the appropriate conditions to
  use it is when you have all the information to solve the problem, you
  are short on time, and your employees are well motivated.
ļ‚§ Some people tend to think of this style as a vehicle for yelling, using
  demeaning language, and leading by threats and abusing their
  power. This is not the authoritarian style, rather it is an abusive,
  unprofessional style called bossing people around. It has no
  place in a leader's repertoire.
ļ‚§ The authoritarian style should norm      ally only be used on rare
  occasions. If you have the time and want to gain more commitment
  and motivation from your employees, then you should use the
  participative style.
Autocratic or Authoritarian
                   Leadership Style
                        Leader Characteristics:
                        ļ‚§ Concerns with TASK
ļ‚§ Decision is made        ACCOMPLISHMENT rather than
  W  ITHOUT ANY           relationships
  FORM OF               ļ‚§ Uses DIRECTIVE behavior
  CONSULTAION           ļ‚§ Exercises POW with COERSION
ļ‚§ Rely on threats and   ļ‚§ Makes decisions ALONE

  punishment to         ļ‚§ Expects RESPECT & OBEDIENCE of
  influence employees
Autocratic or
          Authoritarian Leadership
INEFFECTIVE when subordinates:
                          EFFECTIVE when:
ļ‚—become tense,
 fearful, or resentful    ļ‚— Employees do not respond to any
                            other leadership style
ļ‚—expect to have their     ļ‚— There is high-volume production
 opinions heard           ļ‚— There is limited time to make a
ļ‚—have low morale,           decision
                          ļ‚— A managerā€™s power is challenged by
 high turnover and          an employee
 absenteeism and
 work stoppage
            Let's work together to solve this. . .

ā€¢ This style involves the leader including one or
  more employees in the decision making
  process (determining what to do and how to
  do it). However, the leader maintains the final
  decision making authority. Using this style is
  not a sign of weakness, rather it is a sign of
  strength that your employees will respect.

ā€¢ This is normally used when you have part of
  the information, and your employees have
  other parts. Note that a leader is not expected
  to know everything -- this is why you employ
  knowledgeable and skillful employees. Using
Leadership Style

          ļ‚§ also known as consultation,
   empowerment, joint decision-making,
   democratic leadership, Management
       By Objective (MBO) and power-
Leadership Style

 Leader Characteristics:
 ļ‚—Concerns with human
  relations & teamwork
 ļ‚—Fosters open & two-
  way communication
 ļ‚—Recognizes and
Bureaucratic Leadership
ļ‚§ Everything is done
                          Char act er ist ics:
  according to procedure
  or policy
                         ļƒ¼ā€œby t he bookā€
                         ļƒ¼Exer cises power by
                          exer cising f ixed
                          r ules
                         ļƒ¼Tends t o r elat e
           You two take care of
        the problem while I goā€¦

ā€¢ In this style, the leader allows the employees to
  make the decisions. However, the leader is still
  responsible for the decisions that are made. This is
  used when employees are able to analyze the situation
  and determine what needs to be done and how to do it.
  You cannot do ever ything! You must set priorities
  and delegate cer tain tasks.

ā€¢ This is not a style to use so that you can blame others
  when things go wrong, rather this is a style to be used
  when you fully trust and confidence in the
  people below you. Do not be afraid to use it,
  however, use it wisely!
Laissez Faire
              Leadership Style

ļ‚§ A.K.A. ā€œhands-offā€
ļ‚§ little or no direction
ļ‚§ followers have all freedom and
ļ‚§ subordinates determine goals, make
 decisions, and resolve problems on
  their own.
Laissez Faire
 Leadership Style
   EFFECTI VE when
   EMPLOYEES ar e:    I NEFFECTI VE whenā€¦
ļ‚—highly skilled,                ā€¢ It makes
 experienced,               employees f eel
 and educated.             insecure at the
ļ‚—trustworthy            unavailability of a
ļ‚—Utilizing                      manager.
 experts, such as     ā€¢ Leaders are
 staf f specialists     ungratef ul
Theories of Leadership
Evolution of Leadership Theory

     Leadership theory is an evolving
 field; while these highlight the most
common theories of the last century,
         more theories continue to be
 researched in the elusive search for
         a definitive understanding of
  leadership. More recent leadership
         theories are discussed on the
                       following slides.

ā€¢   This theory assumes that the capacity for leadership is

            ā€leaders are born
    inherent, that great

    not madeā€
ā€¢   These theories portray great leaders as heroic, mythic and
    destined to rise leadership when needed
Trait Theory
Traits that are related to leadership
  ļƒ¼ Intelligence traits - knowledge, judgment,
  ļƒ¼ Personality traits - adaptability, creativity,
   integrity, etc.
  ļƒ¼ Ability traits ā€“ ability to enlist cooperation,
   popularity, prestige, etc.
Trait Theories
Trait Theories
ā€¢ Assume some people have
  certain characteristics or traits
  that make them better leaders
  than others
ā€¢ Studied great leaders
  throughout history
ā€¢ Power and situations were
Rensis Liker t
ā€¢ He developed Likert Scales and Linking
  Pin Model

ā€¢ He also developed an Organizational

ā€¢ He identify 4 main styles of leadership
  called the Four (4) Systems Approach
Four Systems Model
ļ‚§ System 1 - Exploitative Authoritative: Responsibility lies in the
  hands of the people at the upper echelons of the hierarchy. The superior
  has no trust and confidence in subordinates. The decisions are imposed
  on subordinates and they do not feel free at all to discuss things about
  the job with their superior. The teamwork or communication is very little
  and the motivation is based on threats.

ļ‚§ System 2 - Benevolent Authoritative: The responsibility lies at
  the managerial levels but not at the lower levels of the organizational
  hierarchy. The superior has condescending confidence and trust in
  subordinates (master-servant relationship). Here again, the subordinates
  do not feel free to discuss things about the job with their superior. The
  teamwork or communication is very little and motivation is based on a
  system of rewards.
Four Systems Model
ā€¢ System 3 - Consultative: Ā Responsibility is spread
  widely through the organizational hierarchy. The
  superior has substantial but not complete confidence
  in subordinates. Some amount of discussion about job
  related things takes place between the superior and
  subordinates. There is a fair amount of teamwork, and
  communication takes place vertically and horizontally. The
  motivation is based on rewards and involvement in the job.

ā€¢ System 4 - Participative: Ā Responsibility for achieving the
  organizational goals is widespread throughout the
  organizational hierarchy. There is a high level of
  confidence     that    the   superior      has     in   his
  subordinates. There is a high level of teamwork,
Robert R. Blake &
         Jane Mouton

ā€¢ Developed the Managerial       Grid
  Model which attempt to conceptualize
  management in terms of relations and

ā€¢ They characterized 5 leadership styles
  according to two dimensions: concern
  for task or production and concern for
The Major Leadership Grid Styles

1,1       Impoverished management. Often referred to as Laissez-faire leadership. Leaders in this
position have little concern for people or productivity, avoid taking sides, and stay out of conflicts.
They do just enough to get by.
1,9       Country Club management. Managers in this position have great concern for people and
little concern for production. They try to avoid conflicts and concentrate on being well liked. To
them the task is less important than good interpersonal relations. Their goal is to keep people
happy. (This is a soft Theory X approach and not a sound human relations approach.)
9,1       Authority-Compliance. Managers in this position have great concern for production and
little concern for people. They desire tight control in order to get tasks done efficiently. They
consider creativity and human relations to be unnecessary.
5,5       Organization Man Management. Often termed middle-of-the-road leadership. Leaders in
this position have medium concern for people and production. They attempt to balance their
concern for both people and production, but they are not committed.
9+9      Paternalistic ā€œfather knows bestā€ management. A style in which reward is promised for
compliance and punishment threatened for non-compliance Opportunistic ā€œwhatā€™s in it for meā€
management. In which the style utilized depends on which style the leader feels will return him
or her the greatest self-benefit.
9,9       Team Management. This style of leadership is considered to be ideal. Such managers
have great concern for both people and production. They work to motivate employees to reach
their highest levels of accomplishment. They are flexible and responsive to change, and they
understand the need to change.
Hersey and Blanchardā€™s
 Contingency Theory
According to this theory, the
   effectiveness of a persons leadership
style depends not so much on the leader
        but on the follower-the followers
            maturity should be assessed
Fred Fiedler

    ļƒ¼ Developed his theory on the premise that
leadersā€™ personal characteristics are stable, and
                       so is the leadership style

  ļƒ¼ ā€œFiedler Contingency Modelā€ is a leadership
  theory that moved from research of traits and
personal characteristics of leaders to leadership
                             styles and behaviors
Fielderā€™s Contingency Model
 In this model leadership is effective when the leaderā€™s style is
  appropriate to the situation, as determined by three principal
                                                                          Ā Ā 

1.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Leader-member relations: The nature of the interpersonal
relationship between leader and follower, expressed in terms of good
through poor, with qualifying modifiers attached as necessary.Ā  It is
obvious that the leaderā€™s personality and the personalities of
subordinates play important roles in this variable.

2.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Task structure: The nature of the subordinateā€™s task, described as
structured or unstructured, associated with the amount of creative
freedom allowed the subordinate to accomplish the task, and how the
task is defined.

3.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Position power:Ā  The degree to which the position itself enables
the leader to get the group members to comply with and accept his or
her direction and leadership
           Leadership Theories
        Transactional Leadership Style

ļ‚§ the leader motivates the followers by appealing to
  their own self-interest
ļ‚§ MOTIVATE by means of EXCHANGE process
ļ‚§ Encompasses 4 types of behavior:
   ļ‚§ Contingent reward
   ļ‚§ Management by Exception
   ļ‚§ Active Management by Exception
   ļ‚§ Laissez- Faire Leadership
Transactional Leadership
ā€¢ Exchanges rewards for services
ā€¢ Management by exception (Watches for deviations)
ā€¢ Keeps the system operating smoothly
  ā€“   Uses reward and coercive power bases
  ā€“   Recognizes what workers want and tries to deliver it
  ā€“   Rewards according to worker effort
  ā€“   Responsive to worker self-interests

           ļ‚§ The most effective
         leadership behavior to
      achieve long term success
     and improved performance

  ļ‚§ Transformational leaders are
    highly visible and spend a lot
          of time communicating
Transformational Leadership

Burns (1978)
ā€¢ Both leader and followers have the ability to
  raise each other to higher levels of motivation
  and morality
   ā€“ Traditional manager ā€“ concerned with day-to-day
     operations termed as transactional leader

   ā€“ Manager who is committed, has a vision, and
     empowers others with vision is termed as
     transformational leader
Transformational              Broadening and
Leadership                    elevating follower goals
ā€¢Idealized Influence                                     Performance
 ā€¢Idealized Influence                                    beyond
ā€¢Inspiration                                              beyond
 ā€¢Inspiration                                            expectations
ā€¢Intellectual stimulation
 ā€¢Intellectual stimulation

Leadership                   Leader/follower exchange
ā€¢Contingent reward
 ā€¢Contingent reward                                      Agreed upon
                                                          Agreed upon
ā€¢Management by                                           performance
 ā€¢Management by
exception (active or
 exception (active or
ā€¢Laissez faire
 ā€¢Laissez faire
Leadership Styles
ļ‚¢   Transactional leadership

ļ‚¢   Transformational leadership

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Nursing Leadership

  • 2. Nursing Leadership and Management Course Description: This course deals with the application of the concepts, principles, theories and methods of developing nursing leaders and managers in the hospital and community-based settings. It also includes ethic moral/legal aspects of health care and nursing practice and the nursesā€™ responsibilities for personal and professional growth. Course Objective: At the end of the course, given a group of clients with varied conditions, the student should be able to: 1. Utilize the nursing process in the care of individuals, families, population group, in hospital and community settings. 1.1 assesses with client/s his/her/their condition/health status through interview, physical examination and interpretation of laboratory findings 1.2 identifies actual and at-risk nursing diagnosis 1.3 plans appropriate nursing interventions with client/s and family for identified nursing diagnosis 1.4 implements plan of care with client/s and family 1.5 evaluates the progress of the clientā€™s condition and outcomes of care;
  • 3. 2. Ensure a well organized and accurate documentation and reporting system; 3. Demonstrate leadership and competence in the performance of her responsibilities as a beginning nurse practitioner in the hospital or community setting 4. Observes bioethical principles, core values, and standards of nursing care while practicing nursing 5. Promote personal and professional growth for self and others
  • 4. Leadership and Management: An Overview God created man in his own image and in doing so he was tasked to have dominion over all the things created before Him. It was the solemn divine decision that emphasized man ā€™s place at the climax of God ā€™s creative work (Genesis 1:26-27)
  • 5. Leadership and Management: An Overview ā€¢ Nursing management is based on theories where concepts are included together with methods, and principles. Relationship between principle could be observed and verify to certain degree if translated in to the art of practice of nursing management. ā€¢ Concept are not fragmented thoughts, ideas and general beliefs in relation to nursing management but rather concepts that can serve as unifying ideas, thus, forming a foundation for action or discussion. ā€¢ Principles are known to be those fundamentals truths, law or doctrines wherein other beliefs or notions are founded. Principles serve as guided to concept, thoughts or actions in a work situation.
  • 6. Leadership and Management: An Overview Nurses realize that they have to keep up with the many changes in the health care system and its delivery of service to the people. The Nursing Act of 1991 focuses on three changes in the efforts to improve the peopleā€™s health. ā€¢ From hospital or institutional care, emphasis shifted to community health delivery; ā€¢ From emphasis on physical care, efforts are now directed towards holistic approach to the care of individuals, families and communities and
  • 7. Leadership and Management: An Overview Definition of Nursing Management: ā€¢ The management process is universal. For nurses, knowledge of this process assures them of the smooth functioning of the units to attain their goal of quality care through the judicious use of available human and material resources within specified periods. ā€¢ Focus on planning, organizing, staffing, directing or leading and controlling or evaluating all activities of the nursing system. ā€¢ Defined as a process of coordinating actions and allocating resources to achieve organization goals of the healthcare delivery system
  • 8. Harbizon and Myerz offer a classic three fold concept to emphasize the broader scope of management. They observe that management is: ā€¢ AN ECONOMIC RESOURCE management is one of the factors of production together with land, labor and capital. ā€¢ SYSTEM OF AUTHORITY management first develops with top individuals determining the course of action for the rank and file. This is followed by constitutional management which emphasizes definite and consistent concern for policies and procedures in dealing with the working group. The trend toward a democratic and
  • 9. ā€¢ AN ELITE CLASS management is a class and status system. Managers have become an elite group of brains and educations. Entrance to this class is based on education and knowledge. The new managers continue to expand their horizon in an effort to attain the ultimate in life.
  • 10. GENERAL PRINCIPLES OF NURSING MANAGEMENT ā€¢ Nursing management is PL ANNING ā€¢ Nursing management is t he EFFECTIVE USE OF TIME ā€¢ Nursing management is DECISION MAKING ā€¢ MEETING PATIENTā€™S NURSING CARE NEEDS is business of t he nurse managers ā€¢ Nursing management is t he FORMULATION and ACHIEVEMENT of SOCIAL GOALS ā€¢ Nursing management is ORGANIZING ā€¢ Nursing management denotes a FUNCTION, SOCIAL POSITION OR RANK, A DISCIPLINE AND A FIELD OF STUDY
  • 11. ā€¢Nursing management denotes a FUNCTION, SOCIAL POSITION OR RANK, A DISCIPLINE AND A FIELD OF STUDY ā€¢Organizational cultures REFLECTS VALUES AND BELIEFS ā€¢Nursing management is DIRECTING OR LEADING ā€¢A well managed division of nursing MOTIVATES EMPLOYEES TO PERFORM SATISFACTORILY ā€¢Nursing management is EFFICIENT COMMUNICATION ā€¢Nursing management is CONTROLLING OR EVALUATION
  • 13. Developing Future Managers Managerial development programs are very useful means of getting qualified managers. According to Katz, the necessary fundamental skills of a manager are: ā€¢ Technical Skills ā€¢ Human Skills ā€¢
  • 14. LEVELS OF SKILLS MANAGEMENT IN NURSING ā€¢ CONCEPTUAL ā€“ individualā€™s mental ability to coordinate a variety of interests and activities. Thinks critically and able to conceptualize how things could be. VISIONARY ā€¢ INTERPERSONAL ā€“ individualsā€™ preferred ways of using language, the degrees to which they listens, and their ways on responding to others. ā€¢ TECHNICAL- tools, procedures, and techniques that are unique to the nurse managerā€™s specialized situation. Master of the job-viewed as a source of help. AN EXPERT.
  • 15. Top Tech- Management Conceptual Human nical Middle Conceptual Human Technical Management First-Line Con- Management Human Technical ceptual Proportions of Management skills needed at Different levels of management
  • 16. Concerned with broad-based, long- Top range decisions that affect the entire Management organization; therefore, conceptual skill is most important at that level Focuses basically on her or his group, First-Line Therefore, the need for conceptual skill is Management at a minimum The need to be able to understand and work with people is important at all levels, Human Skill but the first-line managerā€™s position places a premium on human skill requirements because of the great number of employee interactions required
  • 17. A nurse manager performs these management functions to deliver health care to patients. Nurse managers or administrators work at all levels to put into practice the concepts, principles and theories of nursing management. They manage the organizational environment to provide a climate optimal to provision of nursing care by the clinical nurses.
  • 18. ļ± Technical Skills relates to the proficiency in performing an activity in the correct manner with the right technique. ļ±Human relationship skills pertain to dealing with people and how to ā€œget alongā€ with them. ļ±Conceptual skills deals with the ability to see individual matters as they relate to the total picture and to develop creative ways of identifying pertinent factors, responding to the big problems and discarding irrelevant facts.
  • 19. Another approach in developing managers is postulated by Summer in his early work which emphasize knowledge, attitude and ability factors. ļƒ¼K nowledge factors re fe r to id e a s , c o nc e p ts o r p rinc ip le s tha t c a n be e x p re s s e d a nd a re a c c e p te d be c a us e the y ha ve lo g ic a l p ro o fs . ļƒ¼Attitude factors re la te to tho s e be lie fs , fe e ling s a nd va lue s tha t m a y be ba s e d o n e m o tio ns a nd m a y no t be s ubje c te d to c o ns c io us ve rba liz a tio n. ļƒ¼Ability factors inc lud e s kills , a rt, jud g m e nt
  • 20. Qualification of Nursing Service Administrators ļƒ¼ Be a registered nurse in the Philippines ļƒ¼ Have at least two (2) years of experience in general nursing service administrators ļƒ¼ Possess a degree of bachelor of Science in Nursing, with at least nine (9) units in managerial and administration course at the graduate level; and ļƒ¼ Be a member of good standing of the accredited professional organization of nurse It is provided, however, that a person occupying the position of Chief Nurse or Director of Nursing Service shall, in addition to the foregoing qualification, possess:
  • 21. Qualif ication of Nursing Ser vice Administrators ļ¶ At least five (5) years of experience in a supervisory or managerial position in nursing; and ļ¶A Masterā€™s Degree Major in Nursing As per Memorandum Circular No. 2000-05,series of 2000 of the PRC, BON. A new trend in hospital nursing is clinical specialization. Nurses train in a special field of nursing of their choice. Courses to prepare nurse desiring to perfect their clinical opportunities are offered in universities, usually at the masterā€™s level. These nurses must have the experience required before applying for a position as an expert practitioner.
  • 22. Qualification of the Chairperson and Members of the Board The Chairperson and Member of the Board shall, at the times of the appointment, posses the following requirements. o A natural born citizen and resident of the Philippines o A member of a good standing of the accredited professional organization of nurses o A registered nurse and holder of a Masterā€™ Degree in Nursing, education or other allied medical profession conferred by a college or university duly recognize by the government. Provided , that the majority of the Member of the Board shall be holder of a masterā€™s degree in nursing: Provided, further That the Chairperson shall be a holder of a masterā€™s degree in nursing. o Must have at least ten (10) years of continuous practice of the profession prior to appointment. Provided, however. That the last five (5) years of which shall be in the Philippines. o Must not have been convicted of any offense involving moral turpitude. o Membership to the Board shall represent the three areas of nursing, namely, nursing education, nurisng service and community health.
  • 23. Qualification of the Faculty and the Dean of the College of Nursing A member of the faculty in a college of nursing teaching professional courses must : ļƒ¼ Be a registered Nurse in the Philippines ļƒ¼ Ha ve at least one (1) year of clinical nursing practice in a f ield of specialization ļƒ¼ Be a member of good standing in the accredited professional organization of nurses and ļƒ¼ Be a holder of a masterā€™s deg ree in nursing, education, or other allied medical and health sciences conferred by a college or university duly recognized by the Government of the RP.
  • 24. Qualification of the Faculty and the Dean of the College of Nursing The career ladder in nursing education starts with a Clinical Instructorā€™s position up to the Dean of a College of Nursing. A dean in a College of Nursing should possess; ļƒ¼ Masterā€™s Deg ree in Nursing ļƒ¼ Must ha ve at least f ive (5) years of experience in teaching and super vision. Those teaching in Graduate Prog rams for nurses must possess post-Masterā€™s Deg ree or Doctoral Deg ree in Nursing. Prior to promotion or holding of managerial positions, nurses who have the potential to become administrators are asked to participate in managerial staff development program. The organization then will have a ready pool of managers who are academically and locally trained to assume managerial roles.
  • 25. Who Needs Nursing Management?
  • 26. ā€¢ All types of health-care organizations, including nursing homes, hospitals, home health-care agencies, ambulatory care centers, student infirmaries, and many others, need nursing management. ā€¢ Even the nurse working with one client and family needs management knowledge and skills to help people work together to accomplish a common goal. ā€¢ A primary nurse working with several clients prioritizes their care to assist time to improve health or, sometimes, peaceful death.
  • 27. THE MANAGEMENT PROCESS CONTROLLING assessing/regulating performance DIRECTING actuating efforts to accomplish goals ORGANIZING establishing formal authority PLANNING thinking ahead, making projections to achieve desired results
  • 28. Universality of Management Top P O D S C Management Middle P O D S C Management First-Line P O D S C Management Amount of Emphasis on Management Function P - Planning S - Staffing O - Organizing C - Controlling D - Directing
  • 29. Scenario: A nurse ā€“manager spent part of the day working on the budget (Planning) , meet with the staff about changing the patient care management delivery system from primary care to team nursing (Organizing), altered the staffing policy to include 12- hour shifts (staffing), held a meeting to resolve a conflict between nurses and physicians (Directing), and gave an employee a job performance evaluation (Controlling). Not only would the nurse-manager be performing all phases of the management process, but each function has a planning, implementing, and controlling phase.
  • 30. Principles of Management
  • 31. Henry Fayol ļƒ¼ A French mining engineer, developed 14 principles of management based on his management experience. ļƒ¼ He pioneer in the field of management education. ļƒ¼ He has been rightly called as ā€œfather of management process school. ļƒ¼ He was first person who laid emphasis on the process of management.
  • 32. Fayolā€™s Principle of Management are presented as follows; ļ¶ Division of Work- specialization makes employees more efficient which results to more and better outputs. ļ¶ Authority- managers have the authority to give orders. Along with authority goes responsibility. Whenever authority is exercise responsibility arise. ļ¶ Discipline- there is discipline when employees obey the rules that govern ļ¶ Unity of Command-in this aspect of management it is imperative that each employee should receive orders from one supervisor.
  • 33. ļ¶ Unity of Direction- for each group of organizational activities having the same objective, direction comes from manager using one plan. ļ¶ Subordination of individual interest to general interest- an emlpoyee or group of employeesā€™ interest should not precede over the interest of the whole organization. ļ¶ Remuneration- emlpoyee must be paid a fair wage for their service rendered to the organization.
  • 34. ļ¶ Centralization- the degree to which the subordinates are involved in decision making. The task is to determine the optimum degree of centralization from every situation. ļ¶ Scalar Chain- this represents the line of authority from top management to the lowest rank in the organization. Communication should follow this scalar chain. ļ¶ Order- there is order when people and materials are in the right place at the same time. ļ¶ Equity- it exist when managers observes kindness and fairness to their subordinates.
  • 35. ļ¶ Stability of Tenure- when there is a high employee turnover, there is ineffective management. Management should see to it that an orderly personnel planning is provided and ensures that replacement are available to fill vacancies. ļ¶ Initiative- whenever employees are allowed to originate and carry out plans they are expected to exert high level of efforts. ļ¶ Esprit de Corps- promotion of team spirit build harmony and unity within the organization
  • 36. The Story of the Donkey Stuck in a Well
  • 37. One day a farmerā€™s donkey fell down into a well. The donkey cried piteously for hours as the farmer tried to figure out what to do. Finally, the farmer decided the animal was old, and the well needed to be covered up anyway; it just wasnā€™t worth it to retrieve the donkey. He invited all his neighbors to come over and help him. They all grabbed a shovel and began to shovel dirt into the well. At f irst, the donkey realized what was happening and cried even more loudly in panic and
  • 38. A few shovel loads later, the farmer looked down the well. He was astonished at what he saw. With each shovel of dirt that hit his back, the donkey was doing something amazing. He would shake off the dirt and take a step up. As the farmerā€™s neighbors continued to shovel dirt on top of the donkey, he would shake it off and take another step up. Pretty soon, everyone was amazed as the donkey stepped up over the edge of the well and happily trotted off!
  • 39. Life is going to shovel dirt on you, all kinds of dirt. The trick to getting out of the well is to shake it off and take a step up. Each of our troubles is a steppingstone. We can get out of the deepest wells just by not stopping, never giving up! Shake it off and take a step up. Remember the five simple rules to be happy: Free your heart from hatred ā€“ Forgive. Free your mind from worries ā€“ Most never happen. Live simply and appreciate what you have. Give more. Expect lessĀ 
  • 40. The Mea ning of Leadership ļ‚§ Is a social influence or a personā€™s ability to move other people to act ļ‚§ Influence processes involving determination of the groupā€™s or organizationā€™s objectives ļ‚§ Motivating task behavior in pursuit of these objectives, and ļ‚§ Influencing group maintenance and culture L ā€“ LEAD, LOVE, LEARN E ā€“ ENTHUSIASTIC, ENERGETIC A ā€“ ASSERTIVE, ACHIEVER D ā€“ DEDICATED, DESIROUS E ā€“ EFFICIENT AND EFFECTIVE R ā€“ RESPONSIBLE, RESPECTFUL
  • 41.
  • 42. ā€¢ Is defined as a process of influence Leadership ā€¢ Is not limited to people in traditional positions of authority. ā€¢ A leader influence others to move in the direction of achieving goals. ā€¢ Leadership occurs in different dynamics and settings ā€¢ Leadership is commonly defined as a process of influence whereby the leader influences others toward goal achievement
  • 43.
  • 45. VISION ā€¢ Provides direction to the influence process. ā€¢ For leadership to occur, leaders must communicate the vision the their followers in such a way that the followers adopt the vision as their own ā€¢ It is essential for organizational effectiveness and success
  • 46. INFLUENCE ā€¢ Ability to obtain followers, compliance or request ā€¢ It is a skill that can be developed , and is one of a major components of the power triangle
  • 47. POWER ļ‚§ Ability to efficiently and effectively exercise authority and control through personal, organizational and social strength ļ‚§ Ability to impose the will of one person or group to bring about certain behaviors in other groups or persons
  • 48. AUTHORITY ā€¢ Represents the right to expect or secure complia nce ā€¢ Authority is backed by legitimacy
  • 49. RESPONSIBILITY ļ‚§ Corresponding obligation and accountability for all actions done ļ‚§ Ability to do assigned task ļ‚§ Responsibilities fall into 2 categories: individual and organizational
  • 50. W are the characteristics hat of a LEADER to be successful? ā€¢ There must be reciprocal relationship (C.I.R) ā€¢ There must be positive interaction ā€œA person in a position of authority is not automatically a LEADERā€ ā€œLeadership and positions are not
  • 51. Formal and Informal Leadership ā€“ Formal Leadership ā€¢ is based on occupying a position in an organization, called assigned leadership ā€“ Informal Leadership ā€¢ occurs when an individual demonstrates leadership outside the scope of a formal leadership role or as a member of a group, rather than as the head or leader of the group. The informal leader can be considered to emerge as a leader when accepted by others and perceived to have influence. 51
  • 52. ā€¢ A guiding VISION ā€¢ CORE values of Leaders PASSION ā€¢ Integrity ā€¢ Curiosity ā€¢ Flexibility ā€¢ Intelligence ā€¢ Ability to support Others ā€¢ Self Confidence ā€¢ Desire
  • 55. Do you know them?
  • 56. Do you know them?
  • 57.
  • 58. Who are the nursing leaders that you know??
  • 60. LEADERS AND MANAGERS ļ± A manager is a title that can be given that signifies a position ā€“ a leader is a title that other people give you. ļ± Managers Demand Respect ā€“Ā LeadersĀ Command Respect ļ± Managers Have Subordinates ā€“Ā LeadersĀ Have Followers ļ± ManagersĀ administerĀ -Ā LeadersĀ innovate ļ± ManagersĀ demandĀ -Ā LeadersĀ command ļ± ManagersĀ maintainĀ -Ā LeadersĀ develop ļ± Managers focus onĀ systemsĀ ā€“Ā LeadersĀ focus onĀ people ļ± Managers strive forĀ controlĀ ā€“Ā LeadersĀ inspireĀ trust ļ± Managers haveĀ short-term viewĀ ā€“Ā LeadersĀ have aĀ long-term goal ļ± Managers are focused on theĀ  bottom lineĀ ā€“Ā LeadersĀ are focused onĀ potential ļ± ManagersĀ imitateĀ -Ā LeadersĀ originate ļ± ManagersĀ do things rightĀ ā€“Ā LeadersĀ do the right thing ļ± ManagersĀ stateĀ their position ā€“Ā LeadersĀ earnĀ their position
  • 61.
  • 62.
  • 63. Leadership POWER An essential part of leadership or management is to influence the people you manage so that they do
  • 64. Reward Pow er ā€¢ This type of influence is created when the leader is able to offer a reward to his followers for completing tasks/behaving in a certain manner. Rewards in the workplace can take a variety of forms from chocolates, gift vouchers and holidays to promotions, commission and pay rises. ā€¢ This type of power needs to be used carefully to prevent followers becoming accustomed to rewards and refusing to complete routine tasks without a reward. Generally rewards should not be offered, to follower
  • 65. Coercive Power ā€¢ This is the opposite of re ward pow er because this power is based on the leader having control over what happens if followers do not act as required. If followers do not undertake the action required, the leader will impose a penalty. Penalties tak e a varie ty of forms including withdr awal of privileges, job losses, verbal abuse, and delay ed or loss of promotion. In all cases the leader will need to choose the penalty carefully to prevent breaking the law or being the subject of an employment tribunal. ā€¢ Coercive powers should be used carefully; overuse can lead to unhappy employ ee follow ers . Unhappy followers can be negative or unmotivated , they may resign or adopt a ā€œwork to ruleā€ attitude. Work to rule is where employees refuse to undertake any duties (or adopt working practices) that are not stated in their contract.
  • 66. Legi t i m e P er at ow Thi s i s t he pow er t hat a l eader has w hen t he f ol l owers bel i eve t hat t he l eader has ā€œa ri ght ā€ t o i ns t ruc t t hem and t hat t hey have an obl i gat i on t o f ol l ow i ns t ruc t i ons . Som i m l egi t i m y pow et es ac er i s c reat ed by t he l eaderā€™ s j ob t i t l e ( s uc h as c apt ai n, doc t or, or area m anager) , c om ned w t h t he f ol l ow bi i erā€™ s bel i ef t hat t he j ob t i t l e gi ves t he l eader t he ri ght t o gi ve t hem orders . R erent P er ef ow Thi s i s cr eat ed when t he f ol l ower s bel i eve t hat t he l eader possess qual i t i es t hat t hey adm r e and woul d l i ke t o possess. The i f ol l ower s i dent i f y wi t h t hei r l eader and at t empt t o copy t hei r l eader . As r ef er ent power i s dependant on how t he f ol l ower vi ews t he per sonal i t y of t hei r l eader , a l eader wi l l not have r ef er ent power over ever y f ol l ower t hey l ead. Som l eader s wi l l have e r ef er ent power over j ust a f ew, whi l st ot her s such as Ghandi have l ead m l l i ons t hr ough t hei r per sonal i t y and char i sm i a. Expert P er ow As t he t i t l e suggest s a l eader has exper t power when t he f ol l ower s bel i eve t hat t he l eader has ā€œ exper t ā€ knowl edge or ski l l s t hat ar e r el evant t o t he j ob or t asks t hey have t o com et e. Of t en an pl exper i enced m ber of t he t eam or st af f i n an or gani sat i on, can em have exper t power even t hough t hey ar e not a super vi sor or m anager .
  • 67. ā€¢ Reward power needs follower to believe leader will reward them. ā€¢ Coercive power needs follower to believe leader will punish them. ā€¢ Legitimate power needs follower to believe leader has right to instruct them. ā€¢ Referent power need follower to
  • 68. Archives for Life Lessons No.2 A priest offered a Nun a lift. She got in and crossed her legs, forcing her gown to reveal a leg. The priest nearly had an accident. After controlling the car, he stealthily slid his hand up her legā€¦ The nun said, ā€˜Father, remember Psalm 129?ā€™ The priest removed his hand. But, changing gears, he let his hand slide up her leg again.Ā Ā  The nun once again said, ā€˜Father, remember Psalm 129?ā€™
  • 69. The priest apologized ā€˜Sorry sister but the flesh is weak.ā€™ Arriving at the convent, the nun sighed heavily and went on her way. On his arrival at the church, the priest rushed to look up Psalm 129. Ā  It said, ā€˜Go forth and seek, further up,
  • 70. EMPOWEREMENT The process by which we facilitate the participation of others in decision making and take action within an environment where there is equitable distribution of power
  • 71.
  • 72. AUTHORITARIAN (AUTOCRATIC) I want both of y ou to. . .
  • 73. AUTHORITARIAN(AUTOCRATIC) ļ‚§ This style is used when leaders tell their em ployees what they want done and how they want it accom plished, without getting the advice of their followers. Some of the appropriate conditions to use it is when you have all the information to solve the problem, you are short on time, and your employees are well motivated. ļ‚§ Some people tend to think of this style as a vehicle for yelling, using demeaning language, and leading by threats and abusing their power. This is not the authoritarian style, rather it is an abusive, unprofessional style called bossing people around. It has no place in a leader's repertoire. ļ‚§ The authoritarian style should norm ally only be used on rare occasions. If you have the time and want to gain more commitment and motivation from your employees, then you should use the participative style.
  • 74.
  • 75. Autocratic or Authoritarian Leadership Style Leader Characteristics: Style: ļ‚§ Concerns with TASK ļ‚§ Decision is made ACCOMPLISHMENT rather than W ITHOUT ANY relationships FORM OF ļ‚§ Uses DIRECTIVE behavior CONSULTAION ļ‚§ Exercises POW with COERSION ER ļ‚§ Rely on threats and ļ‚§ Makes decisions ALONE punishment to ļ‚§ Expects RESPECT & OBEDIENCE of staff influence employees ļ‚§ Do NOT TRUST subordinates ļ‚§ NO SUBORDINATE input
  • 76. Autocratic or Authoritarian Leadership INEFFECTIVE when subordinates: Style EFFECTIVE when: ļ‚—become tense, fearful, or resentful ļ‚— Employees do not respond to any other leadership style ļ‚—expect to have their ļ‚— There is high-volume production opinions heard ļ‚— There is limited time to make a ļ‚—have low morale, decision ļ‚— A managerā€™s power is challenged by high turnover and an employee absenteeism and work stoppage
  • 77. PARTICIPATIVE (DEMOCRATIC) Let's work together to solve this. . .
  • 78. PARTICIPATIVE (DEMOCRATIC) ā€¢ This style involves the leader including one or more employees in the decision making process (determining what to do and how to do it). However, the leader maintains the final decision making authority. Using this style is not a sign of weakness, rather it is a sign of strength that your employees will respect. ā€¢ This is normally used when you have part of the information, and your employees have other parts. Note that a leader is not expected to know everything -- this is why you employ knowledgeable and skillful employees. Using
  • 79. Participative/Democratic Leadership Style ļ‚§ also known as consultation, empowerment, joint decision-making, democratic leadership, Management By Objective (MBO) and power- sharing.
  • 80. Participative/Democratic Leadership Style Leader Characteristics: ļ‚—Concerns with human relations & teamwork ļ‚—Fosters open & two- way communication ļ‚—Recognizes and encourages achievement
  • 81. Bureaucratic Leadership Style Style: Leader ļ‚§ Everything is done Char act er ist ics: according to procedure or policy ļƒ¼manages ļƒ¼ā€œby t he bookā€ ļƒ¼Exer cises power by exer cising f ixed r ules ļƒ¼Tends t o r elat e
  • 82. LAISSEZ FAIR E (DELEGATIVE) You two take care of the problem while I goā€¦
  • 83. LAISSEZ FAIRE (DELEGATIVE) ā€¢ In this style, the leader allows the employees to make the decisions. However, the leader is still responsible for the decisions that are made. This is used when employees are able to analyze the situation and determine what needs to be done and how to do it. You cannot do ever ything! You must set priorities and delegate cer tain tasks. ā€¢ This is not a style to use so that you can blame others when things go wrong, rather this is a style to be used when you fully trust and confidence in the people below you. Do not be afraid to use it, however, use it wisely!
  • 84. Laissez Faire Leadership Style ļ‚§ A.K.A. ā€œhands-offā€ ļ‚§ little or no direction ļ‚§ followers have all freedom and authority ļ‚§ subordinates determine goals, make decisions, and resolve problems on their own.
  • 85. Laissez Faire Leadership Style EFFECTI VE when EMPLOYEES ar e: I NEFFECTI VE whenā€¦ ļ‚—highly skilled, ā€¢ It makes experienced, employees f eel and educated. insecure at the ļ‚—trustworthy unavailability of a ļ‚—Utilizing manager. outside experts, such as ā€¢ Leaders are staf f specialists ungratef ul
  • 87. Evolution of Leadership Theory Leadership theory is an evolving field; while these highlight the most common theories of the last century, more theories continue to be researched in the elusive search for a definitive understanding of leadership. More recent leadership theories are discussed on the following slides.
  • 88. GREAT MAN THEORY ā€¢ This theory assumes that the capacity for leadership is ā€leaders are born inherent, that great not madeā€ ā€¢ These theories portray great leaders as heroic, mythic and destined to rise leadership when needed
  • 89. Trait Theory Traits that are related to leadership effectiveness: ļƒ¼ Intelligence traits - knowledge, judgment, decisiveness. ļƒ¼ Personality traits - adaptability, creativity, integrity, etc. ļƒ¼ Ability traits ā€“ ability to enlist cooperation, popularity, prestige, etc.
  • 90. Trait Theories Trait Theories ā€¢ Assume some people have certain characteristics or traits that make them better leaders than others ā€¢ Studied great leaders throughout history ā€¢ Power and situations were ignored
  • 91. Rensis Liker t ā€¢ He developed Likert Scales and Linking Pin Model ā€¢ He also developed an Organizational Design ā€¢ He identify 4 main styles of leadership called the Four (4) Systems Approach
  • 92. Four Systems Model ļ‚§ System 1 - Exploitative Authoritative: Responsibility lies in the hands of the people at the upper echelons of the hierarchy. The superior has no trust and confidence in subordinates. The decisions are imposed on subordinates and they do not feel free at all to discuss things about the job with their superior. The teamwork or communication is very little and the motivation is based on threats. ļ‚§ System 2 - Benevolent Authoritative: The responsibility lies at the managerial levels but not at the lower levels of the organizational hierarchy. The superior has condescending confidence and trust in subordinates (master-servant relationship). Here again, the subordinates do not feel free to discuss things about the job with their superior. The teamwork or communication is very little and motivation is based on a system of rewards.
  • 93. Four Systems Model ā€¢ System 3 - Consultative: Ā Responsibility is spread widely through the organizational hierarchy. The superior has substantial but not complete confidence in subordinates. Some amount of discussion about job related things takes place between the superior and subordinates. There is a fair amount of teamwork, and communication takes place vertically and horizontally. The motivation is based on rewards and involvement in the job. ā€¢ System 4 - Participative: Ā Responsibility for achieving the organizational goals is widespread throughout the organizational hierarchy. There is a high level of confidence that the superior has in his subordinates. There is a high level of teamwork,
  • 94. Robert R. Blake & Jane Mouton ā€¢ Developed the Managerial Grid Model which attempt to conceptualize management in terms of relations and leadership ā€¢ They characterized 5 leadership styles according to two dimensions: concern for task or production and concern for people
  • 95.
  • 96. The Major Leadership Grid Styles 1,1 Impoverished management. Often referred to as Laissez-faire leadership. Leaders in this position have little concern for people or productivity, avoid taking sides, and stay out of conflicts. They do just enough to get by. 1,9 Country Club management. Managers in this position have great concern for people and little concern for production. They try to avoid conflicts and concentrate on being well liked. To them the task is less important than good interpersonal relations. Their goal is to keep people happy. (This is a soft Theory X approach and not a sound human relations approach.) 9,1 Authority-Compliance. Managers in this position have great concern for production and little concern for people. They desire tight control in order to get tasks done efficiently. They consider creativity and human relations to be unnecessary. 5,5 Organization Man Management. Often termed middle-of-the-road leadership. Leaders in this position have medium concern for people and production. They attempt to balance their concern for both people and production, but they are not committed. 9+9 Paternalistic ā€œfather knows bestā€ management. A style in which reward is promised for compliance and punishment threatened for non-compliance Opportunistic ā€œwhatā€™s in it for meā€ management. In which the style utilized depends on which style the leader feels will return him or her the greatest self-benefit. 9,9 Team Management. This style of leadership is considered to be ideal. Such managers have great concern for both people and production. They work to motivate employees to reach their highest levels of accomplishment. They are flexible and responsive to change, and they understand the need to change.
  • 97. Hersey and Blanchardā€™s Contingency Theory
  • 98. According to this theory, the effectiveness of a persons leadership style depends not so much on the leader but on the follower-the followers maturity should be assessed
  • 99.
  • 100.
  • 101. Fred Fiedler ļƒ¼ Developed his theory on the premise that leadersā€™ personal characteristics are stable, and so is the leadership style ļƒ¼ ā€œFiedler Contingency Modelā€ is a leadership theory that moved from research of traits and personal characteristics of leaders to leadership styles and behaviors
  • 102. Fielderā€™s Contingency Model In this model leadership is effective when the leaderā€™s style is appropriate to the situation, as determined by three principal factors: Ā  Ā Ā  1.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Leader-member relations: The nature of the interpersonal relationship between leader and follower, expressed in terms of good through poor, with qualifying modifiers attached as necessary.Ā  It is obvious that the leaderā€™s personality and the personalities of subordinates play important roles in this variable. 2.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Task structure: The nature of the subordinateā€™s task, described as structured or unstructured, associated with the amount of creative freedom allowed the subordinate to accomplish the task, and how the task is defined. 3.Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā Ā  Position power:Ā  The degree to which the position itself enables the leader to get the group members to comply with and accept his or her direction and leadership
  • 103. Contemporary Leadership Theories Transactional Leadership Style ļ‚§ the leader motivates the followers by appealing to their own self-interest ļ‚§ MOTIVATE by means of EXCHANGE process ļ‚§ Encompasses 4 types of behavior: ļ‚§ Contingent reward ļ‚§ Management by Exception ļ‚§ Active Management by Exception ļ‚§ Laissez- Faire Leadership
  • 104. Transactional Leadership ā€¢ Exchanges rewards for services ā€¢ Management by exception (Watches for deviations) ā€¢ Keeps the system operating smoothly ā€“ Uses reward and coercive power bases ā€“ Recognizes what workers want and tries to deliver it ā€“ Rewards according to worker effort ā€“ Responsive to worker self-interests
  • 105. Transformational Leadership ļ‚§ The most effective leadership behavior to achieve long term success and improved performance ļ‚§ Transformational leaders are highly visible and spend a lot of time communicating
  • 106. Transformational Leadership Burns (1978) ā€¢ Both leader and followers have the ability to raise each other to higher levels of motivation and morality ā€“ Traditional manager ā€“ concerned with day-to-day operations termed as transactional leader ā€“ Manager who is committed, has a vision, and empowers others with vision is termed as transformational leader
  • 107. TRANSFORMATIONAL/ TRANSACTIONAL LEADERSHIP Transformational Transformational Broadening and Leadership Leadership elevating follower goals ā€¢Idealized Influence Performance Performance ā€¢Idealized Influence beyond ā€¢Inspiration beyond ā€¢Inspiration expectations expectations ā€¢Intellectual stimulation ā€¢Intellectual stimulation ā€¢Individualized ā€¢Individualized consideration consideration Transactional Transactional Leadership Leadership Leader/follower exchange ā€¢Contingent reward ā€¢Contingent reward Agreed upon Agreed upon ā€¢Management by performance performance ā€¢Management by exception (active or exception (active or passive) passive) ā€¢Laissez faire ā€¢Laissez faire
  • 108. Leadership Styles ļ‚¢ Transactional leadership ļ‚¢ Transformational leadership

Editor's Notes

  1. The creation of man as told by the Bible suggested that manā€™s leadership and management tasks have begun since the beginning of time.
  2. The Philippine Nursing Law of 2002 still emphasize these concerns of Filipino nurses.
  3. RA 442 ā€œLabor Code of the Philsā€ provides workers the right to self organization and collective bargaining. This also further promote the rights and the welfare of the workers.
  4. Transactional leadership - leader exerts influence during daily exchanges with employees without much emotion contingent reward - rewards in exchange for reaching mutually agreed upon goals active mgt. by exception - watch for deviations from rules and then take corrective actions passive mgt. by exception - intervene only if stds not met laissez faire - avoiding decisions Transformational leadership charisma - vision, sense of mission inspiration - high expectations intellectual stimulation - promotes intelligence individualized consideration - personal attention, coaches and advises