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Git Tricks
  Arthur Zapparoli






# Copie o arquivo do source do Git

~$ cp $GIT_SOURCE/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash ~/
# Copie o arquivo do source do Git

~$ cp $GIT_SOURCE/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash ~/

# Edite seu .bashrc

~$ vim ~/.bashrc
# Copie o arquivo do source do Git

~$ cp $GIT_SOURCE/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash ~/

# Edite seu .bashrc

~$ vim ~/.bashrc

# Adicionando a seguinte linha

source ~/
# Copie o arquivo do source do Git

~$ cp $GIT_SOURCE/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash ~/

# Edite seu .bashrc

~$ vim ~/.bashrc

# Adicionando a seguinte linha

source ~/

# Recarregue o ~/.bashrc

~$ source ~/.bashrc
~$ git<tab><tab>
~$ git<tab><tab>
add                citool          gc                  notes          shortlog
am                 clean           get-tar-commit-id   pull           show
annotate           clone           grep                push           show-branch
apply              co              gui                 rebase         st
archive            commit          help                relink         stage
bisect             config          imap-send           remote         stash
blame              describe        init                repack         status
br                 diff            instaweb            replace        submodule
branch             difftool        log                 request-pull   svn
bundle             fetch           merge               reset          tag
checkout           filter-branch   mergetool           revert         whatchanged
cherry             format-patch    mv                  rm             winner
cherry-pick        fsck            name-rev            send-email
~$ git<tab><tab>
add                   citool          gc                  notes          shortlog
am                    clean           get-tar-commit-id   pull           show
annotate              clone           grep                push           show-branch
apply                 co              gui                 rebase         st
archive               commit          help                relink         stage
bisect                config          imap-send           remote         stash
blame                 describe        init                repack         status
br                    diff            instaweb            replace        submodule
branch                difftool        log                 request-pull   svn
bundle                fetch           merge               reset          tag
checkout              filter-branch   mergetool           revert         whatchanged
cherry                format-patch    mv                  rm             winner
cherry-pick           fsck            name-rev            send-email

~$ git re<tab><tab>
~$ git<tab><tab>
add                 citool              gc                  notes          shortlog
am                  clean               get-tar-commit-id   pull           show
annotate            clone               grep                push           show-branch
apply               co                  gui                 rebase         st
archive             commit              help                relink         stage
bisect              config              imap-send           remote         stash
blame               describe            init                repack         status
br                  diff                instaweb            replace        submodule
branch              difftool            log                 request-pull   svn
bundle              fetch               merge               reset          tag
checkout            filter-branch       mergetool           revert         whatchanged
cherry              format-patch        mv                  rm             winner
cherry-pick         fsck                name-rev            send-email

~$ git re<tab><tab>
rebase         remote         replace        reset
relink         repack         request-pull   revert
~$ git log --<tab><tab>
~$ git log --<tab><tab>
--abbrev                  --dense                --inter-hunk-context=   --pretty=
--abbrev-commit           --diff-filter=         --left-right            --quiet
--abbrev=                 --dirstat              --max-age=              --raw
--after=                  --dirstat-by-file      --max-count=            --relative-date
--all                     --dirstat-by-file=     --merges                --remotes
--all-match               --dirstat=             --min-age=              --reverse
--author=                 --dst-prefix=          --name-only             --root
--before=                 --exit-code            --name-status           --shortstat
--binary                  --ext-diff             --no-color              --simplify-by-decoration
--branches                --find-copies-harder   --no-ext-diff           --simplify-merges
--check                   --first-parent         --no-merges             --since=
--cherry-pick             --follow               --no-prefix             --sparse
--children                --format=              --no-renames            --src-prefix=
--color                   --full-diff            --not                   --stat
--color-words             --full-history         --numstat               --summary
--committer=              --full-index           --oneline               --tags
--cumulative              --graph                --parents               --text
--date-order              --grep=                --patch-with-stat       --topo-order
--date=                   --ignore-all-space     --patience              --until=
~$ git config core.<tab><tab>
~$ git config core.<tab><tab>
core.autocrlf                   core.ignoreCygwinFSTricks   core.repositoryFormatVersion
core.bare                       core.ignoreStat             core.safecrlf
core.compression                core.logAllRefUpdates       core.sharedRepository
core.createObject               core.loosecompression       core.symlinks
core.deltaBaseCacheLimit        core.packedGitLimit         core.trustctime
core.editor                     core.packedGitWindowSize    core.warnAmbiguousRefs
core.excludesfile               core.pager                  core.whitespace
core.fileMode                   core.preferSymlinkRefs      core.worktree
core.fsyncobjectfiles           core.preloadindex
core.gitProxy                   core.quotepath
# Edite seu .bashrc

~$ vim ~/.bashrc

# Adicionando a seguinte linha

export PS1='w$(__git_ps1 "(%s)")'

# Recarregue o ~/.bashrc

~$ source ~/.bashrc
# Em um repositório git

# Em um repositório git

~$ cd git-tricks
# Em um repositório git

~$ cd git-tricks
# Em um repositório git

~$ cd git-tricks
~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name
# Em um repositório git

~$ cd git-tricks
~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name
Switched to branch 'branch-name'
# Em um repositório git

~$ cd git-tricks
~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name
Switched to branch 'branch-name'
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true
# Em um repositório git

~$ cd git-tricks
~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name
Switched to branch 'branch-name'
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls
# Em um repositório git

~$ cd git-tricks
~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name
Switched to branch 'branch-name'
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README
# Em um repositório git

~$ cd git-tricks
~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name
Switched to branch 'branch-name'
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README
~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$
# Em um repositório git

~$ cd git-tricks
~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name
Switched to branch 'branch-name'
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README
~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README
# Em um repositório git

~$ cd git-tricks
~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name
Switched to branch 'branch-name'
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README
~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README
~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$
# Em um repositório git

~$ cd git-tricks
~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name
Switched to branch 'branch-name'
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README
~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README
~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$
# Em um repositório git

~$ cd git-tricks
~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name
Switched to branch 'branch-name'
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README
~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README
~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ git stash
# Em um repositório git

~$ cd git-tricks
~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name
Switched to branch 'branch-name'
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README
~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README
~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ git stash
~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$
# Em um repositório git

~$ cd git-tricks
~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name
Switched to branch 'branch-name'
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README
~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README
~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ git stash
~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$
# Em um repositório git

~$ cd git-tricks
~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name
Switched to branch 'branch-name'
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README
~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README
~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ git stash
~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ touch NEWFILE
# Em um repositório git

~$ cd git-tricks
~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name
Switched to branch 'branch-name'
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README
~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README
~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ git stash
~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ touch NEWFILE
~/git-tricks(branch-name $%)$
# Em um repositório git

~$ cd git-tricks
~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name
Switched to branch 'branch-name'
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README
~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README
~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ git stash
~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ touch NEWFILE
~/git-tricks(branch-name $%)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM=auto
# Em um repositório git

~$ cd git-tricks
~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name
Switched to branch 'branch-name'
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README
~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README
~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ git stash
~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ touch NEWFILE
~/git-tricks(branch-name $%)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM=auto
~/git-tricks(branch-name $%=)$ # branch local e origin estão em sincronia
# Em um repositório git

~$ cd git-tricks
~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name
Switched to branch 'branch-name'
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README
~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README
~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ git stash
~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ touch NEWFILE
~/git-tricks(branch-name $%)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM=auto
~/git-tricks(branch-name $%=)$ # branch local e origin estão em sincronia
~/git-tricks(branch-name $%>)$ # branch local está "a frente" do origin
# Em um repositório git

~$ cd git-tricks
~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name
Switched to branch 'branch-name'
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls
~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README
~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README
~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ git stash
~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES=true
~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ touch NEWFILE
~/git-tricks(branch-name $%)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM=auto
~/git-tricks(branch-name $%=)$ # branch local e origin estão em sincronia
~/git-tricks(branch-name $%>)$ # branch local está "a frente" do origin
~/git-tricks(branch-name $%<)$ # branch local está "atrás" do origin
                   .gitignore global
                                                  .gitignore global
~$ git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore
                                                  .gitignore global
~$ git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore
~$ cat ~/.gitignore

              visualizar ajuda em HTML
                                   visualizar ajuda em HTML
~$ git config --global help.format web
                                   visualizar ajuda em HTML
~$ git config --global help.format web
~$ git help commit
                                   visualizar ajuda em HTML
~$ git config --global help.format web
~$ git help commit
                                   visualizar ajuda em HTML
~$ git config --global web.browser ff
                                   visualizar ajuda em HTML
~$ git config --global web.browser ff
~$ git config --global browser.ff.cmd "open -a"
                                   visualizar ajuda em HTML
~$ git config --global web.browser ff
~$ git config --global browser.ff.cmd "open -a"
~$ git help commit
                                   visualizar ajuda em HTML
~$ git config --global web.browser ff
~$ git config --global browser.ff.cmd "open -a"
~$ git help commit
           enviar apenas o branch atual
                               enviar apenas o branch atual
~$ git config --global push.default current
     template para a mensagem de commit
                   template para a mensagem de commit
~$ cat ~/.commit-message.txt

O que eu fiz

[ticket: X]
                   template para a mensagem de commit
~$ cat ~/.commit-message.txt

O que eu fiz

[ticket: X]
~$ git config --global commit.template ~/.commit-message.txt
                   template para a mensagem de commit
~$ cat ~/.commit-message.txt

O que eu fiz

[ticket: X]
~$ git config --global commit.template ~/.commit-message.txt
~$ git commit

O que eu fiz

[ticket: X]
# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
   roda o comando correto, mesmo se você digitou errado
           roda o comando correto, mesmo se você digitou errado

~$ git stat
git: 'stat' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

Did you mean this?
           roda o comando correto, mesmo se você digitou errado

~$ git stat
git: 'stat' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

Did you mean this?
~$ git config --global help.autocorrect 1
           roda o comando correto, mesmo se você digitou errado

~$ git stat
git: 'stat' is not a git command. See 'git --help'.

Did you mean this?
~$ git config --global help.autocorrect 1
~$ git stat
WARNING: You called a Git command named 'stat', which does not exist.
Continuing under the assumption that you meant 'status'
in 0.1 seconds automatically...
# On branch master
nothing to commit (working directory clean)
     `git pull` no master sempre com rebase
                `git pull` no master sempre com rebase
~$ git config branch.master.rebase true

# Chega de digitar `git pull --rebase`!
  `git pull` sempre com rebase em todos os “tracking branches”
         `git pull` sempre com rebase em todos os “tracking branches”

~$ git config --global branch.autosetuprebase always

# Chega de digitar `git pull --rebase`!
git commit --verbose
git commit --verbose
       Exibe um diff abaixo da mensagem de commit
git commit --verbose
                       Exibe um diff abaixo da mensagem de commit

~/git-tricks(master)$ echo "Mundo" >> README
~/git-tricks(master *)$
git commit --verbose
                       Exibe um diff abaixo da mensagem de commit

~/git-tricks(master)$ echo "Mundo" >> README
~/git-tricks(master *)$ git commit -a -v

# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
diff --git a/README b/README
index 1ca34a8..feae20b 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1 +1,2 @@
git diff --word-diff
git diff --word-diff
            diff com destaque nas palavras
git diff --word-diff
                             diff com destaque nas palavras
~/git-tricks(master)$ git diff
diff --git a/README b/README
index 84dd63e..0cc3cbe 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Olá Mundo
+Oi Mundo
git diff --word-diff
                             diff com destaque nas palavras
~/git-tricks(master)$ git diff
diff --git a/README b/README
index 84dd63e..0cc3cbe 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1 +1 @@
-Olá Mundo
+Oi Mundo
~/git-tricks(master)$ git diff --word-diff
diff --git a/README b/README
index 84dd63e..0cc3cbe 100644
--- a/README
+++ b/README
@@ -1 +1 @@
[-Olá-]{+Oi+} Mundo
git log --decorate
git log --decorate
          Exibe branches e tags no git log
git log --decorate
                           Exibe branches e tags no git log
~/git-tricks(fixes)$ git log --oneline --decorate
fceaeb5 (HEAD, fixes) typo
c1bcf8a (tag: v0.2.0) Fix
80e9826 (origin/master, origin/HEAD, master) Second commit
3247745 (tag: v0.1.0) Initial commit
git status -s -b
git status -s -b
              mensagem de status curta
git status -s -b
                                   mensagem de status curta
~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s -b
## master...origin/master [ahead 2, behind 3]
A     TODO
??     LICENSE
??     AUTHORS
git push -u
git push -u
     envia um branch e configura o tracking
git push -u
                envia um branch e configura o tracking
~/git-tricks(fixes)$ git push -u origin fixes
 * [new branch]      fixes -> fixes
Branch fixes set up to track remote branch fixes from origin.
git checkout -t
git checkout -t
      cria, faz checkout e tracking de branches remotos
git checkout -t
                  cria, faz checkout e tracking de branches remotos

~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout -t origin/fixes
Branch fixes set up to track remote branch fixes from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'fixes'
git branch
git branch
     visualizando informações dos branches
git branch
                visualizando informações dos branches
~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch
* master
git branch
                visualizando informações dos branches
~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch
* master
~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch --merged
* master
git branch
                visualizando informações dos branches
~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch
* master
~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch --merged
* master
~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch --no-merged
git branch
                visualizando informações dos branches
~/git-tricks(master)$   git branch
* master
~/git-tricks(master)$   git branch --merged
* master
~/git-tricks(master)$   git branch --no-merged
~/git-tricks(master)$   git branch --contains c1bcf8a
* master
git blame -L
git blame -L
               blame com range de linhas
git blame -L
                                          blame com range de linhas
~/rails(master)$ git blame version.rb
b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp           2010-03-01   23:02:55   -0500 1) module Rails
b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp           2010-03-01   23:02:55   -0500 2)    module VERSION #:nodoc:
b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp           2010-03-01   23:02:55   -0500 3)      MAJOR = 3
21b1f297 (David Heinemeier Hansson 2010-08-23   21:44:57   -0500 4)      MINOR = 1
b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp           2010-03-01   23:02:55   -0500 5)      TINY = 0
ccd2f3ed (Carl Lerche              2010-11-16   15:11:46   -0800 6)      PRE   = "beta"
b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp           2010-03-01   23:02:55   -0500 7)
ccd2f3ed (Carl Lerche              2010-11-16   15:11:46   -0800 8)      STRING =
b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp           2010-03-01   23:02:55   -0500 9)    end
b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp           2010-03-01   23:02:55   -0500 10) end
git blame -L
                                            blame com range de linhas
~/rails(master)$ git blame   version.rb
b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp             2010-03-01   23:02:55   -0500 1) module Rails
b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp             2010-03-01   23:02:55   -0500 2)    module VERSION #:nodoc:
b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp             2010-03-01   23:02:55   -0500 3)      MAJOR = 3
21b1f297 (David Heinemeier   Hansson 2010-08-23   21:44:57   -0500 4)      MINOR = 1
b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp             2010-03-01   23:02:55   -0500 5)      TINY = 0
ccd2f3ed (Carl Lerche                2010-11-16   15:11:46   -0800 6)      PRE   = "beta"
b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp             2010-03-01   23:02:55   -0500 7)
ccd2f3ed (Carl Lerche                2010-11-16   15:11:46   -0800 8)      STRING =
b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp             2010-03-01   23:02:55   -0500 9)    end
b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp             2010-03-01   23:02:55   -0500 10) end
~/rails(master)$ git blame   -L 4,7 version.rb
21b1f297 (David Heinemeier   Hansson 2010-08-23   21:44:57   -0500   4)   MINOR = 1
b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp             2010-03-01   23:02:55   -0500   5)   TINY = 0
ccd2f3ed (Carl Lerche                2010-11-16   15:11:46   -0800   6)   PRE   = "beta"
b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp             2010-03-01   23:02:55   -0500   7)
git blame -C
git blame -C
      blame com informações de onde o conteúdo veio
git blame -C
                   blame com informações de onde o conteúdo veio

~/rails(master)$ git blame -C -L 2,6 README.rdoc
b70062f1 README          (José Valim                 2010-07-21   12:37:05   +0200   2)
3cd9627b README.rdoc     (Xavier Noria               2010-08-21   02:23:04   +0200   3)
dba196cb railties/README (Pratik Naik                2010-01-17   03:26:20   +0530   4)
3e732780 railties/README (David Heinemeier Hansson   2008-03-29   18:45:39   +0000   5)
1535b02a railties/README (Matt Di Pasquale           2010-03-24   02:17:09   -0400   6)
        guarda as alterações em um “commit” temporário
                  guarda as alterações em um “commit” temporário

~/git-tricks(master)$ echo "Hello World" >> README
~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s
                  guarda as alterações em um “commit” temporário

~/git-tricks(master)$ echo "Hello World" >> README
~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s
~/git-tricks(master)$ git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 51e034d typo
HEAD is now at 51e034d typo
                  guarda as alterações em um “commit” temporário

~/git-tricks(master)$ echo "Hello World" >> README
~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s
~/git-tricks(master)$ git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 51e034d typo
HEAD is now at 51e034d typo
~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s
~/git-tricks(master)$ git stash list
stash@{0}: WIP on master: 51e034d typo
                  guarda as alterações em um “commit” temporário

~/git-tricks(master)$ echo "Hello World" >> README
~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s
~/git-tricks(master)$ git stash
Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 51e034d typo
HEAD is now at 51e034d typo
~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s
~/git-tricks(master)$ git stash list
stash@{0}: WIP on master: 51e034d typo
~/git-tricks(master)$ git show stash@{0}
commit 2f7289f68669d3b5e70ecff1ba7e3ac4742135e9
Merge: 51e034d 36167ac
Author: Arthur Zapparoli <>
Date:   Wed Feb 20 20:23:47 2011 -0300
                  guarda as alterações em um “commit” temporário

~/git-tricks(master)$ git stash pop
~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s
~/git-tricks(master)$ git status list
                  guarda as alterações em um “commit” temporário

~/git-tricks(master)$ git stash pop
~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s
~/git-tricks(master)$ git status list
~/git-tricks(master)$ git stash save "mensagem"
Saved working directory and index state On master: mensagem
HEAD is now at 51e034d typo
~/git-tricks(master)$ git stash list
stash@{0}: On master: mensagem
staging area
staging area
      tenho 2 arquivos, quero adicionar só 1
staging area
                      tenho 2 arquivos, quero adicionar só 1
~/git-tricks(master)$ git status
# On branch master
# Changed but not updated:
#	   modified:   AUTHORS
#	   modified:   README
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
staging area
                      tenho 2 arquivos, quero adicionar só 1
~/git-tricks(master)$ git status
# On branch master
# Changed but not updated:
#	   modified:   AUTHORS
#	   modified:   README
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
~/git-tricks(master)$ git add README
~/git-tricks(master)$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
#	   modified:   README
# Changed but not updated:
#	   modified:   AUTHORS
staging area
                      tenho 2 arquivos, quero adicionar só 1
~/git-tricks(master)$ git commit -m "English!"
[master 76b2c02] English
 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
staging area
                      tenho 2 arquivos, quero adicionar só 1
~/git-tricks(master)$ git commit -m "English!"
[master 76b2c02] English
  1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
~/git-tricks(master)$ git status
# On branch master
# Changed but not updated:
#	    modified:   AUTHORS
no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a")
staging area
  quando eu quero adicionar apenas uma parte de um arquivo
staging area
         quando eu quero adicionar apenas uma parte de um arquivo

~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s
staging area
        quando eu quero adicionar apenas uma parte de um arquivo

~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s
~/git-tricks(master)$ git add -i
*** Commands ***
  1: [s]tatus	 2: [u]pdate	 3: [r]evert	 4: [a]dd untracked
  5: [p]atch	   6: [d]iff	   7: [q]uit	  8: [h]elp
What now>
staging area
        quando eu quero adicionar apenas uma parte de um arquivo

~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s
~/git-tricks(master)$ git add -i
*** Commands ***
  1: [s]tatus	 2: [u]pdate	 3: [r]evert	 4: [a]dd untracked
  5: [p]atch	   6: [d]iff	    7: [q]uit	 8: [h]elp
What now> 5
  1:    unchanged        +2/-0 [A]UTHORS
Patch update>> 1
* 1:    unchanged        +2/-0 [A]UTHORS
Patch update>>
diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS
index e69de29..5db9767 100644
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,/,e,?]?
staging area
         quando eu quero adicionar apenas uma parte de um arquivo

Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,/,e,?]?
y - stage this hunk
n - do not stage this hunk
q - quit; do not stage this hunk nor any of the remaining ones
a - stage this hunk and all later hunks in the file
d - do not stage this hunk nor any of the later hunks in the file
g - select a hunk to go to
/ - search for a hunk matching the given regex
j - leave this hunk undecided, see next undecided hunk
J - leave this hunk undecided, see next hunk
k - leave this hunk undecided, see previous undecided hunk
K - leave this hunk undecided, see previous hunk
s - split the current hunk into smaller hunks
e - manually edit the current hunk
? - print help
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,/,e,?]?
staging area
         quando eu quero adicionar apenas uma parte de um arquivo

Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,/,e,?]? e
# Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# ---
# To remove '-' lines, make them ' ' lines (context).
# To remove '+' lines, delete them.
# Lines starting with # will be removed.
# If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be
# marked for staging. If it does not apply cleanly, you will be given
# an opportunity to edit again. If all lines of the hunk are removed,
# then the edit is aborted and the hunk is left unchanged.
staging area
         quando eu quero adicionar apenas uma parte de um arquivo

Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,/,e,?]? e
# Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide
@@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
# ---
# To remove '-' lines, make them ' ' lines (context).
# To remove '+' lines, delete them.
# Lines starting with # will be removed.
# If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be
# marked for staging. If it does not apply cleanly, you will be given
# an opportunity to edit again. If all lines of the hunk are removed,
# then the edit is aborted and the hunk is left unchanged.
*** Commands ***
  1: [s]tatus	 2: [u]pdate	 3: [r]evert	 4: [a]dd untracked
  5: [p]atch	   6: [d]iff	   7: [q]uit	    8: [h]elp
What now> 7
staging area
         quando eu quero adicionar apenas uma parte de um arquivo

~/git-tricks(master)$ git status
# On branch master
# Changes to be committed:
#	   modified:   AUTHORS
# Changed but not updated:
#	   modified:   AUTHORS
    reaplica as mudanças de um branch em cima de outro
               reaplica as mudanças de um branch em cima de outro

~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch
* master
~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch --no-merged
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline --graph
* f121878 Fix
* 76b2c02 English
               reaplica as mudanças de um branch em cima de outro

~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch
* master
~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch --no-merged
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline --graph
* f121878 Fix
* 76b2c02 English
~/git-tricks(master)$ git merge authors
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline --graph --decorate
*    c81cff6 (HEAD, master) Merge branch 'authors'
| * 1e2f8a4 (authors) New Authors
* | f121878 Fix
* 76b2c02 English
               reaplica as mudanças de um branch em cima de outro

~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch
* master
~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch --no-merged
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline --graph
* f121878 Fix
* 76b2c02 English
~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase authors
First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it...
Applying: Fix
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline --graph --decorate
* b28e647 (HEAD, master) Fix
* 1e2f8a4 (authors) New Authors
* 76b2c02 English
reescrevendo a história
reescrevendo a história
            editando o último commit
reescrevendo a história
            editando o último commit

reescrevendo a história
                                   editando o último commit
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline
fceaeb5 typo
c1bcf8a Fix
80e9826 Second commit
3247745 Initial commit

reescrevendo a história
                                   editando o último commit
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline
fceaeb5 typo
c1bcf8a Fix
80e9826 Second commit
3247745 Initial commit
~/git-tricks(master)$ echo "." >> README
~/git-tricks(master)$ git commit -a --amend
[master 5dc6308] typo
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)

reescrevendo a história
                                   editando o último commit
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline
fceaeb5 typo
c1bcf8a Fix
80e9826 Second commit
3247745 Initial commit
~/git-tricks(master)$ echo "." >> README
~/git-tricks(master)$ git commit -a --amend
[master 5dc6308] typo
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline
5dc6308 typo
c1bcf8a Fix
80e9826 Second commit
3247745 Initial commit
~/git-tricks(master)$                               amend
reescrevendo a história
                                   editando o último commit
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline
fceaeb5 typo
c1bcf8a Fix
80e9826 Second commit
3247745 Initial commit
~/git-tricks(master)$ echo "." >> README
~/git-tricks(master)$ git commit -a --amend
[master 5dc6308] typo
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-)
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline
5dc6308 typo
c1bcf8a Fix
80e9826 Second commit
3247745 Initial commit
~/git-tricks(master)$                               amend
reescrevendo a história
reescrevendo a história
     editando vários commits de uma só vez
reescrevendo a história
     editando vários commits de uma só vez

                               rebase -i
reescrevendo a história
                   editando vários commits de uma só vez
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline
b28e647 Fix
1e2f8a4 New Authors
76b2c02 English

                                             rebase -i
reescrevendo a história
                     editando vários commits de uma só vez
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline
b28e647 Fix
1e2f8a4 New Authors
76b2c02 English
~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase -i HEAD~3
pick 76b2c02 English
pick 1e2f8a4 New Authors
pick b28e647 Fix

#   Rebase 76b2c02..b28e647 onto 76b2c02
#   Commands:
#    p, pick = use commit
#    r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message
#    e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
#    s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit
#    f, fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message
    If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.
    However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.     rebase -i
reescrevendo a história
                     editando vários commits de uma só vez
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline
b28e647 Fix
1e2f8a4 New Authors
76b2c02 English
~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase -i HEAD~3
pick 76b2c02 English
edit 1e2f8a4 New Authors
pick b28e647 Fix

#   Rebase 76b2c02..b28e647 onto 76b2c02
#   Commands:
#    p, pick = use commit
#    r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message
#    e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending
#    s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit
#    f, fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message
    If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST.
    However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted.     rebase -i
reescrevendo a história
                   editando vários commits de uma só vez
Stopped at 1e2f8a4... New Authors
You can amend the commit now, with

	   git commit --amend

Once you are satisfied with your changes, run

	   git rebase --continue


                                                rebase -i
reescrevendo a história
                   editando vários commits de uma só vez
Stopped at 1e2f8a4... New Authors
You can amend the commit now, with

	   git commit --amend

Once you are satisfied with your changes, run

	   git rebase --continue

~/git-tricks(master|REBASE-i)$ git commit --amend
[detached HEAD 0c434b4] New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
~/git-tricks(master|REBASE-i)$ git rebase --continue
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/master.
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline
edac081 Fix
0c434b4 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme
76b2c02 English

                                                            rebase -i
reescrevendo a história
                   editando vários commits de uma só vez
Stopped at 1e2f8a4... New Authors
You can amend the commit now, with

	   git commit --amend

Once you are satisfied with your changes, run

	   git rebase --continue

~/git-tricks(master|REBASE-i)$ git commit --amend
[detached HEAD 0c434b4] New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
~/git-tricks(master|REBASE-i)$ git rebase --continue
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/master.
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline              Antes:
edac081 Fix                                           b28e647 Fix
0c434b4 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme             1e2f8a4 New Authors
76b2c02 English                                       76b2c02 English

                                                                            rebase -i
reescrevendo a história
                                                 reordenando commits
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline
edac081 Fix
0c434b4 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme
76b2c02 English
3933fbc Adding AUTHORS
~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase -i HEAD~4
pick 3933fbc Adding AUTHORS
pick 76b2c02 English
pick 0c434b4 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme
pick edac081 Fix

                                                          rebase -i
reescrevendo a história
                                                 reordenando commits
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline
edac081 Fix
0c434b4 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme
76b2c02 English
3933fbc Adding AUTHORS
~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase -i HEAD~4
pick 76b2c02 English
pick edac081 Fix
pick 3933fbc Adding AUTHORS
pick 0c434b4 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme

                                                          rebase -i
reescrevendo a história
                                                 reordenando commits
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline
edac081 Fix
0c434b4 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme
76b2c02 English
3933fbc Adding AUTHORS
~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase -i HEAD~4
pick 76b2c02 English
pick edac081 Fix
pick 3933fbc Adding AUTHORS
pick 0c434b4 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme

~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline
c3187e3 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme
40a5b76 Adding AUTHORS
76bc060 Fix
36553c5 English

                                                          rebase -i
reescrevendo a história
                deletando commits

                       rebase -i
reescrevendo a história
                                                 deletando commits
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline
c3187e3 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme
40a5b76 Adding AUTHORS
76bc060 Fix
36553c5 English
~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase -i HEAD~4
pick 36553c5 English
pick edac081 Fix
pick 3933fbc Adding AUTHORS
pick 0c434b4 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme

                                                        rebase -i
reescrevendo a história
                                                 deletando commits
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline
c3187e3 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme
40a5b76 Adding AUTHORS
76bc060 Fix
36553c5 English
~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase -i HEAD~4
pick 36553c5 English
pick 3933fbc Adding AUTHORS
pick 0c434b4 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme

                                                        rebase -i
reescrevendo a história
                                                 deletando commits
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline
c3187e3 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme
40a5b76 Adding AUTHORS
76bc060 Fix
36553c5 English
~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase -i HEAD~4
pick 36553c5 English
pick 3933fbc Adding AUTHORS
pick 0c434b4 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme

~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline
f648606 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme
373183d Adding AUTHORS
36553c5 English

                                                        rebase -i
reescrevendo a história
                 juntando commits

                       rebase -i
reescrevendo a história
                                                 juntando commits
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline
f648606 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme
373183d Adding AUTHORS
36553c5 English
~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase -i HEAD~3
pick 36553c5 English
pick 373183d Adding AUTHORS
pick f648606 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme

                                                       rebase -i
reescrevendo a história
                                                   juntando commits
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline
f648606 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme
373183d Adding AUTHORS
36553c5 English
~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase -i HEAD~3
pick 36553c5 English
pick 373183d Adding AUTHORS
squash f648606 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme

                                                         rebase -i
reescrevendo a história
                                                            juntando commits
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline
f648606 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme
373183d Adding AUTHORS
36553c5 English
~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase -i HEAD~3
pick 36553c5 English
pick 373183d Adding AUTHORS
squash f648606 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme

# This is a combination of 2 commits.
# The first commit's message is:


# This is the 2nd commit message:

New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme

# Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting
# with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit.
                                                                      rebase -i
reescrevendo a história
                                                      juntando commits
[detached HEAD 8f851b8] Adding AUTHORS
 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 AUTHORS
Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/master.
~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline
8f851b8 Adding AUTHORS
36553c5 English

                                                            rebase -i
         ajuda a encontrar onde foram introduzidos bugs
       escolha quais commits fazer merge
        cria patches à partir de commits
        recupera dados perdidos
         define como trabalhar com arquivos binários
lembra resoluções de conflitos e as aplica automaticamente na próxima vez
garbage collector
            remove objetos obsoletos
        adiciona notas aos seus commits
uma maneira melhor de “exportar” repositórios
e muito mais...
Git: do zero a samurai

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Git tricks

  • 1. Git Tricks Arthur Zapparoli @arthurgeek
  • 4. Ambiente Configurações
  • 5. Ambiente Configurações Comandos
  • 6. Ambiente Configurações Comandos Features
  • 9. git-completion # Copie o arquivo do source do Git ~$ cp $GIT_SOURCE/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash ~/
  • 10. git-completion # Copie o arquivo do source do Git ~$ cp $GIT_SOURCE/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash ~/ # Edite seu .bashrc ~$ vim ~/.bashrc
  • 11. git-completion # Copie o arquivo do source do Git ~$ cp $GIT_SOURCE/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash ~/ # Edite seu .bashrc ~$ vim ~/.bashrc # Adicionando a seguinte linha source ~/
  • 12. git-completion # Copie o arquivo do source do Git ~$ cp $GIT_SOURCE/contrib/completion/git-completion.bash ~/ # Edite seu .bashrc ~$ vim ~/.bashrc # Adicionando a seguinte linha source ~/ # Recarregue o ~/.bashrc ~$ source ~/.bashrc
  • 14. git-completion ~$ git<tab><tab> add citool gc notes shortlog am clean get-tar-commit-id pull show annotate clone grep push show-branch apply co gui rebase st archive commit help relink stage bisect config imap-send remote stash blame describe init repack status br diff instaweb replace submodule branch difftool log request-pull svn bundle fetch merge reset tag checkout filter-branch mergetool revert whatchanged cherry format-patch mv rm winner cherry-pick fsck name-rev send-email
  • 15. git-completion ~$ git<tab><tab> add citool gc notes shortlog am clean get-tar-commit-id pull show annotate clone grep push show-branch apply co gui rebase st archive commit help relink stage bisect config imap-send remote stash blame describe init repack status br diff instaweb replace submodule branch difftool log request-pull svn bundle fetch merge reset tag checkout filter-branch mergetool revert whatchanged cherry format-patch mv rm winner cherry-pick fsck name-rev send-email ~$ git re<tab><tab>
  • 16. git-completion ~$ git<tab><tab> add citool gc notes shortlog am clean get-tar-commit-id pull show annotate clone grep push show-branch apply co gui rebase st archive commit help relink stage bisect config imap-send remote stash blame describe init repack status br diff instaweb replace submodule branch difftool log request-pull svn bundle fetch merge reset tag checkout filter-branch mergetool revert whatchanged cherry format-patch mv rm winner cherry-pick fsck name-rev send-email ~$ git re<tab><tab> rebase remote replace reset relink repack request-pull revert ~$
  • 18. git-completion ~$ git log --<tab><tab> --abbrev --dense --inter-hunk-context= --pretty= --abbrev-commit --diff-filter= --left-right --quiet --abbrev= --dirstat --max-age= --raw --after= --dirstat-by-file --max-count= --relative-date --all --dirstat-by-file= --merges --remotes --all-match --dirstat= --min-age= --reverse --author= --dst-prefix= --name-only --root --before= --exit-code --name-status --shortstat --binary --ext-diff --no-color --simplify-by-decoration --branches --find-copies-harder --no-ext-diff --simplify-merges --check --first-parent --no-merges --since= --cherry-pick --follow --no-prefix --sparse --children --format= --no-renames --src-prefix= --color --full-diff --not --stat --color-words --full-history --numstat --summary --committer= --full-index --oneline --tags --cumulative --graph --parents --text --date-order --grep= --patch-with-stat --topo-order --date= --ignore-all-space --patience --until= --More--
  • 19. git-completion ~$ git config core.<tab><tab>
  • 20. git-completion ~$ git config core.<tab><tab> core.autocrlf core.ignoreCygwinFSTricks core.repositoryFormatVersion core.bare core.ignoreStat core.safecrlf core.compression core.logAllRefUpdates core.sharedRepository core.createObject core.loosecompression core.symlinks core.deltaBaseCacheLimit core.packedGitLimit core.trustctime core.editor core.packedGitWindowSize core.warnAmbiguousRefs core.excludesfile core.pager core.whitespace core.fileMode core.preferSymlinkRefs core.worktree core.fsyncobjectfiles core.preloadindex core.gitProxy core.quotepath ~$
  • 22. prompt # Edite seu .bashrc ~$ vim ~/.bashrc # Adicionando a seguinte linha export PS1='w$(__git_ps1 "(%s)")' # Recarregue o ~/.bashrc ~$ source ~/.bashrc
  • 23. prompt # Em um repositório git ~$
  • 24. prompt # Em um repositório git ~$ cd git-tricks
  • 25. prompt # Em um repositório git ~$ cd git-tricks ~/git-tricks(master)$
  • 26. prompt # Em um repositório git ~$ cd git-tricks ~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name
  • 27. prompt # Em um repositório git ~$ cd git-tricks ~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name Switched to branch 'branch-name' ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$
  • 28. prompt # Em um repositório git ~$ cd git-tricks ~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name Switched to branch 'branch-name' ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$
  • 29. prompt # Em um repositório git ~$ cd git-tricks ~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name Switched to branch 'branch-name' ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls README ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$
  • 30. prompt # Em um repositório git ~$ cd git-tricks ~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name Switched to branch 'branch-name' ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls README ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README
  • 31. prompt # Em um repositório git ~$ cd git-tricks ~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name Switched to branch 'branch-name' ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls README ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README ~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$
  • 32. prompt # Em um repositório git ~$ cd git-tricks ~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name Switched to branch 'branch-name' ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls README ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README ~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README
  • 33. prompt # Em um repositório git ~$ cd git-tricks ~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name Switched to branch 'branch-name' ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls README ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README ~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README ~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$
  • 34. prompt # Em um repositório git ~$ cd git-tricks ~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name Switched to branch 'branch-name' ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls README ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README ~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README ~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$
  • 35. prompt # Em um repositório git ~$ cd git-tricks ~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name Switched to branch 'branch-name' ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls README ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README ~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README ~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ git stash
  • 36. prompt # Em um repositório git ~$ cd git-tricks ~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name Switched to branch 'branch-name' ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls README ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README ~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README ~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ git stash ~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$
  • 37. prompt # Em um repositório git ~$ cd git-tricks ~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name Switched to branch 'branch-name' ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls README ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README ~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README ~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ git stash ~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$
  • 38. prompt # Em um repositório git ~$ cd git-tricks ~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name Switched to branch 'branch-name' ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls README ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README ~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README ~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ git stash ~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ touch NEWFILE
  • 39. prompt # Em um repositório git ~$ cd git-tricks ~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name Switched to branch 'branch-name' ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls README ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README ~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README ~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ git stash ~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ touch NEWFILE ~/git-tricks(branch-name $%)$
  • 40. prompt # Em um repositório git ~$ cd git-tricks ~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name Switched to branch 'branch-name' ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls README ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README ~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README ~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ git stash ~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ touch NEWFILE ~/git-tricks(branch-name $%)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM=auto
  • 41. prompt # Em um repositório git ~$ cd git-tricks ~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name Switched to branch 'branch-name' ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls README ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README ~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README ~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ git stash ~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ touch NEWFILE ~/git-tricks(branch-name $%)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM=auto ~/git-tricks(branch-name $%=)$ # branch local e origin estão em sincronia
  • 42. prompt # Em um repositório git ~$ cd git-tricks ~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name Switched to branch 'branch-name' ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls README ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README ~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README ~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ git stash ~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ touch NEWFILE ~/git-tricks(branch-name $%)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM=auto ~/git-tricks(branch-name $%=)$ # branch local e origin estão em sincronia ~/git-tricks(branch-name $%>)$ # branch local está "a frente" do origin
  • 43. prompt # Em um repositório git ~$ cd git-tricks ~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout branch-name Switched to branch 'branch-name' ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWDIRTYSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ ls README ~/git-tricks(branch-name)$ echo "Olá" >> README ~/git-tricks(branch-name *)$ git add README ~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWSTASHSTATE=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name +)$ git stash ~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWUNTRACKEDFILES=true ~/git-tricks(branch-name $)$ touch NEWFILE ~/git-tricks(branch-name $%)$ export GIT_PS1_SHOWUPSTREAM=auto ~/git-tricks(branch-name $%=)$ # branch local e origin estão em sincronia ~/git-tricks(branch-name $%>)$ # branch local está "a frente" do origin ~/git-tricks(branch-name $%<)$ # branch local está "atrás" do origin
  • 46. core.excludesfile .gitignore global
  • 47. core.excludesfile .gitignore global ~$ git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore ~$
  • 48. core.excludesfile .gitignore global ~$ git config --global core.excludesfile ~/.gitignore ~$ cat ~/.gitignore .DS_Store .rvmrc etc...
  • 50. help.format visualizar ajuda em HTML
  • 51. help.format visualizar ajuda em HTML ~$ git config --global help.format web
  • 52. help.format visualizar ajuda em HTML ~$ git config --global help.format web ~$ git help commit
  • 53. help.format visualizar ajuda em HTML ~$ git config --global help.format web ~$ git help commit
  • 54. help.format visualizar ajuda em HTML ~$ git config --global web.browser ff
  • 55. help.format visualizar ajuda em HTML ~$ git config --global web.browser ff ~$ git config --global browser.ff.cmd "open -a"
  • 56. help.format visualizar ajuda em HTML ~$ git config --global web.browser ff ~$ git config --global browser.ff.cmd "open -a" ~$ git help commit
  • 57. help.format visualizar ajuda em HTML ~$ git config --global web.browser ff ~$ git config --global browser.ff.cmd "open -a" ~$ git help commit
  • 59. push.default enviar apenas o branch atual
  • 60. push.default enviar apenas o branch atual ~$ git config --global push.default current
  • 62. commit.template template para a mensagem de commit
  • 63. commit.template template para a mensagem de commit ~$ cat ~/.commit-message.txt Assunto O que eu fiz [ticket: X]
  • 64. commit.template template para a mensagem de commit ~$ cat ~/.commit-message.txt Assunto O que eu fiz [ticket: X] ~$ git config --global commit.template ~/.commit-message.txt
  • 65. commit.template template para a mensagem de commit ~$ cat ~/.commit-message.txt Assunto O que eu fiz [ticket: X] ~$ git config --global commit.template ~/.commit-message.txt ~$ git commit Assunto O que eu fiz [ticket: X] # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting # with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit. # On branch master # Changes to be committed:
  • 67. help.autocorrect roda o comando correto, mesmo se você digitou errado
  • 68. help.autocorrect roda o comando correto, mesmo se você digitou errado ~$ git stat git: 'stat' is not a git command. See 'git --help'. Did you mean this? status ~$
  • 69. help.autocorrect roda o comando correto, mesmo se você digitou errado ~$ git stat git: 'stat' is not a git command. See 'git --help'. Did you mean this? status ~$ git config --global help.autocorrect 1 ~$
  • 70. help.autocorrect roda o comando correto, mesmo se você digitou errado ~$ git stat git: 'stat' is not a git command. See 'git --help'. Did you mean this? status ~$ git config --global help.autocorrect 1 ~$ git stat WARNING: You called a Git command named 'stat', which does not exist. Continuing under the assumption that you meant 'status' in 0.1 seconds automatically... # On branch master nothing to commit (working directory clean) ~$
  • 72. branch.master.rebase `git pull` no master sempre com rebase
  • 73. branch.master.rebase `git pull` no master sempre com rebase ~$ git config branch.master.rebase true # Chega de digitar `git pull --rebase`!
  • 75. branch.autosetuprebase `git pull` sempre com rebase em todos os “tracking branches”
  • 76. branch.autosetuprebase `git pull` sempre com rebase em todos os “tracking branches” ~$ git config --global branch.autosetuprebase always # Chega de digitar `git pull --rebase`!
  • 79. git commit --verbose Exibe um diff abaixo da mensagem de commit
  • 80. git commit --verbose Exibe um diff abaixo da mensagem de commit ~/git-tricks(master)$ echo "Mundo" >> README ~/git-tricks(master *)$
  • 81. git commit --verbose Exibe um diff abaixo da mensagem de commit ~/git-tricks(master)$ echo "Mundo" >> README ~/git-tricks(master *)$ git commit -a -v # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting # with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit. [...] # diff --git a/README b/README index 1ca34a8..feae20b 100644 --- a/README +++ b/README @@ -1 +1,2 @@ Olá +Mundo
  • 83. git diff --word-diff diff com destaque nas palavras
  • 84. git diff --word-diff diff com destaque nas palavras ~/git-tricks(master)$ git diff diff --git a/README b/README index 84dd63e..0cc3cbe 100644 --- a/README +++ b/README @@ -1 +1 @@ -Olá Mundo +Oi Mundo ~/git-tricks(master)$
  • 85. git diff --word-diff diff com destaque nas palavras ~/git-tricks(master)$ git diff diff --git a/README b/README index 84dd63e..0cc3cbe 100644 --- a/README +++ b/README @@ -1 +1 @@ -Olá Mundo +Oi Mundo ~/git-tricks(master)$ git diff --word-diff diff --git a/README b/README index 84dd63e..0cc3cbe 100644 --- a/README +++ b/README @@ -1 +1 @@ [-Olá-]{+Oi+} Mundo
  • 87. git log --decorate Exibe branches e tags no git log
  • 88. git log --decorate Exibe branches e tags no git log ~/git-tricks(fixes)$ git log --oneline --decorate fceaeb5 (HEAD, fixes) typo c1bcf8a (tag: v0.2.0) Fix 80e9826 (origin/master, origin/HEAD, master) Second commit 3247745 (tag: v0.1.0) Initial commit ~/git-tricks(fixes)$
  • 90. git status -s -b mensagem de status curta
  • 91. git status -s -b mensagem de status curta ~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s -b ## master...origin/master [ahead 2, behind 3] M README A TODO ?? LICENSE ?? AUTHORS ~/git-tricks(master)$
  • 93. git push -u envia um branch e configura o tracking
  • 94. git push -u envia um branch e configura o tracking ~/git-tricks(fixes)$ git push -u origin fixes * [new branch] fixes -> fixes Branch fixes set up to track remote branch fixes from origin. ~/git-tricks(fixes)$
  • 96. git checkout -t cria, faz checkout e tracking de branches remotos
  • 97. git checkout -t cria, faz checkout e tracking de branches remotos ~/git-tricks(master)$ git checkout -t origin/fixes Branch fixes set up to track remote branch fixes from origin. Switched to a new branch 'fixes' ~/git-tricks(fixes)$
  • 99. git branch visualizando informações dos branches
  • 100. git branch visualizando informações dos branches ~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch fixes i18n * master release ~/git-tricks(master)$
  • 101. git branch visualizando informações dos branches ~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch fixes i18n * master release ~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch --merged fixes * master ~/git-tricks(master)$
  • 102. git branch visualizando informações dos branches ~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch fixes i18n * master release ~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch --merged fixes * master ~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch --no-merged i18n release ~/git-tricks(master)$
  • 103. git branch visualizando informações dos branches ~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch fixes i18n * master release ~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch --merged fixes * master ~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch --no-merged i18n release ~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch --contains c1bcf8a fixes * master ~/git-tricks(master)$
  • 105. git blame -L blame com range de linhas
  • 106. git blame -L blame com range de linhas ~/rails(master)$ git blame version.rb b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp 2010-03-01 23:02:55 -0500 1) module Rails b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp 2010-03-01 23:02:55 -0500 2) module VERSION #:nodoc: b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp 2010-03-01 23:02:55 -0500 3) MAJOR = 3 21b1f297 (David Heinemeier Hansson 2010-08-23 21:44:57 -0500 4) MINOR = 1 b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp 2010-03-01 23:02:55 -0500 5) TINY = 0 ccd2f3ed (Carl Lerche 2010-11-16 15:11:46 -0800 6) PRE = "beta" b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp 2010-03-01 23:02:55 -0500 7) ccd2f3ed (Carl Lerche 2010-11-16 15:11:46 -0800 8) STRING = b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp 2010-03-01 23:02:55 -0500 9) end b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp 2010-03-01 23:02:55 -0500 10) end ~/rails(master)$
  • 107. git blame -L blame com range de linhas ~/rails(master)$ git blame version.rb b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp 2010-03-01 23:02:55 -0500 1) module Rails b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp 2010-03-01 23:02:55 -0500 2) module VERSION #:nodoc: b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp 2010-03-01 23:02:55 -0500 3) MAJOR = 3 21b1f297 (David Heinemeier Hansson 2010-08-23 21:44:57 -0500 4) MINOR = 1 b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp 2010-03-01 23:02:55 -0500 5) TINY = 0 ccd2f3ed (Carl Lerche 2010-11-16 15:11:46 -0800 6) PRE = "beta" b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp 2010-03-01 23:02:55 -0500 7) ccd2f3ed (Carl Lerche 2010-11-16 15:11:46 -0800 8) STRING = b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp 2010-03-01 23:02:55 -0500 9) end b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp 2010-03-01 23:02:55 -0500 10) end ~/rails(master)$ git blame -L 4,7 version.rb 21b1f297 (David Heinemeier Hansson 2010-08-23 21:44:57 -0500 4) MINOR = 1 b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp 2010-03-01 23:02:55 -0500 5) TINY = 0 ccd2f3ed (Carl Lerche 2010-11-16 15:11:46 -0800 6) PRE = "beta" b1769fe0 (Bryan Helmkamp 2010-03-01 23:02:55 -0500 7) ~/rails(master)$
  • 109. git blame -C blame com informações de onde o conteúdo veio
  • 110. git blame -C blame com informações de onde o conteúdo veio ~/rails(master)$ git blame -C -L 2,6 README.rdoc b70062f1 README (José Valim 2010-07-21 12:37:05 +0200 2) 3cd9627b README.rdoc (Xavier Noria 2010-08-21 02:23:04 +0200 3) dba196cb railties/README (Pratik Naik 2010-01-17 03:26:20 +0530 4) 3e732780 railties/README (David Heinemeier Hansson 2008-03-29 18:45:39 +0000 5) 1535b02a railties/README (Matt Di Pasquale 2010-03-24 02:17:09 -0400 6) ~/rails(master)$
  • 112. stash
  • 113. stash guarda as alterações em um “commit” temporário
  • 114. stash guarda as alterações em um “commit” temporário ~/git-tricks(master)$ echo "Hello World" >> README ~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s M README ~/git-tricks(master)$
  • 115. stash guarda as alterações em um “commit” temporário ~/git-tricks(master)$ echo "Hello World" >> README ~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s M README ~/git-tricks(master)$ git stash Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 51e034d typo HEAD is now at 51e034d typo ~/git-tricks(master)$
  • 116. stash guarda as alterações em um “commit” temporário ~/git-tricks(master)$ echo "Hello World" >> README ~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s M README ~/git-tricks(master)$ git stash Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 51e034d typo HEAD is now at 51e034d typo ~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s ~/git-tricks(master)$ git stash list stash@{0}: WIP on master: 51e034d typo ~/git-tricks(master)$
  • 117. stash guarda as alterações em um “commit” temporário ~/git-tricks(master)$ echo "Hello World" >> README ~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s M README ~/git-tricks(master)$ git stash Saved working directory and index state WIP on master: 51e034d typo HEAD is now at 51e034d typo ~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s ~/git-tricks(master)$ git stash list stash@{0}: WIP on master: 51e034d typo ~/git-tricks(master)$ git show stash@{0} commit 2f7289f68669d3b5e70ecff1ba7e3ac4742135e9 Merge: 51e034d 36167ac Author: Arthur Zapparoli <> Date: Wed Feb 20 20:23:47 2011 -0300
  • 118. stash guarda as alterações em um “commit” temporário ~/git-tricks(master)$ git stash pop ~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s M README ~/git-tricks(master)$ git status list ~/git-tricks(master)$
  • 119. stash guarda as alterações em um “commit” temporário ~/git-tricks(master)$ git stash pop ~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s M README ~/git-tricks(master)$ git status list ~/git-tricks(master)$ git stash save "mensagem" Saved working directory and index state On master: mensagem HEAD is now at 51e034d typo ~/git-tricks(master)$ git stash list stash@{0}: On master: mensagem ~/git-tricks(master)$
  • 121. staging area tenho 2 arquivos, quero adicionar só 1
  • 122. staging area tenho 2 arquivos, quero adicionar só 1 ~/git-tricks(master)$ git status # On branch master # Changed but not updated: # # modified: AUTHORS # modified: README # no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") ~/git-tricks(master)$
  • 123. staging area tenho 2 arquivos, quero adicionar só 1 ~/git-tricks(master)$ git status # On branch master # Changed but not updated: # # modified: AUTHORS # modified: README # no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") ~/git-tricks(master)$ git add README ~/git-tricks(master)$ git status # On branch master # Changes to be committed: # # modified: README # # Changed but not updated: # # modified: AUTHORS # ~/git-tricks(master)$
  • 124. staging area tenho 2 arquivos, quero adicionar só 1 ~/git-tricks(master)$ git commit -m "English!" [master 76b2c02] English 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) ~/git-tricks(master)$
  • 125. staging area tenho 2 arquivos, quero adicionar só 1 ~/git-tricks(master)$ git commit -m "English!" [master 76b2c02] English 1 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) ~/git-tricks(master)$ git status # On branch master # Changed but not updated: # # modified: AUTHORS # no changes added to commit (use "git add" and/or "git commit -a") ~/git-tricks(master)$
  • 126. staging area quando eu quero adicionar apenas uma parte de um arquivo
  • 127. staging area quando eu quero adicionar apenas uma parte de um arquivo ~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s M AUTHORS ~/git-tricks(master)$
  • 128. staging area quando eu quero adicionar apenas uma parte de um arquivo ~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s M AUTHORS ~/git-tricks(master)$ git add -i *** Commands *** 1: [s]tatus 2: [u]pdate 3: [r]evert 4: [a]dd untracked 5: [p]atch 6: [d]iff 7: [q]uit 8: [h]elp What now>
  • 129. staging area quando eu quero adicionar apenas uma parte de um arquivo ~/git-tricks(master)$ git status -s M AUTHORS ~/git-tricks(master)$ git add -i *** Commands *** 1: [s]tatus 2: [u]pdate 3: [r]evert 4: [a]dd untracked 5: [p]atch 6: [d]iff 7: [q]uit 8: [h]elp What now> 5 1: unchanged +2/-0 [A]UTHORS Patch update>> 1 * 1: unchanged +2/-0 [A]UTHORS Patch update>> diff --git a/AUTHORS b/AUTHORS index e69de29..5db9767 100644 --- a/AUTHORS +++ b/AUTHORS @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +Arthur +Guilherme Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,/,e,?]?
  • 130. staging area quando eu quero adicionar apenas uma parte de um arquivo Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,/,e,?]? y - stage this hunk n - do not stage this hunk q - quit; do not stage this hunk nor any of the remaining ones a - stage this hunk and all later hunks in the file d - do not stage this hunk nor any of the later hunks in the file g - select a hunk to go to / - search for a hunk matching the given regex j - leave this hunk undecided, see next undecided hunk J - leave this hunk undecided, see next hunk k - leave this hunk undecided, see previous undecided hunk K - leave this hunk undecided, see previous hunk s - split the current hunk into smaller hunks e - manually edit the current hunk ? - print help @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +Arthur +Guilherme Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,/,e,?]?
  • 131. staging area quando eu quero adicionar apenas uma parte de um arquivo Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,/,e,?]? e # Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +Arthur +Guilherme # --- # To remove '-' lines, make them ' ' lines (context). # To remove '+' lines, delete them. # Lines starting with # will be removed. # # If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be # marked for staging. If it does not apply cleanly, you will be given # an opportunity to edit again. If all lines of the hunk are removed, # then the edit is aborted and the hunk is left unchanged.
  • 132. staging area quando eu quero adicionar apenas uma parte de um arquivo Stage this hunk [y,n,q,a,d,/,e,?]? e # Manual hunk edit mode -- see bottom for a quick guide @@ -0,0 +1,2 @@ +Arthur +Guilherme # --- # To remove '-' lines, make them ' ' lines (context). # To remove '+' lines, delete them. # Lines starting with # will be removed. # # If the patch applies cleanly, the edited hunk will immediately be # marked for staging. If it does not apply cleanly, you will be given # an opportunity to edit again. If all lines of the hunk are removed, # then the edit is aborted and the hunk is left unchanged. *** Commands *** 1: [s]tatus 2: [u]pdate 3: [r]evert 4: [a]dd untracked 5: [p]atch 6: [d]iff 7: [q]uit 8: [h]elp What now> 7 Bye. ~/git-tricks(master)$
  • 133. staging area quando eu quero adicionar apenas uma parte de um arquivo ~/git-tricks(master)$ git status # On branch master # Changes to be committed: # # modified: AUTHORS # # Changed but not updated: # # modified: AUTHORS # ~/git-tricks(master)$
  • 134. rebase
  • 135. rebase reaplica as mudanças de um branch em cima de outro
  • 136. rebase reaplica as mudanças de um branch em cima de outro ~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch authors * master ~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch --no-merged authors ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline --graph * f121878 Fix * 76b2c02 English [...] ~/git-tricks(master)$
  • 137. rebase reaplica as mudanças de um branch em cima de outro ~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch authors * master ~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch --no-merged authors ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline --graph * f121878 Fix * 76b2c02 English [...] ~/git-tricks(master)$ git merge authors ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline --graph --decorate * c81cff6 (HEAD, master) Merge branch 'authors' | | * 1e2f8a4 (authors) New Authors * | f121878 Fix |/ * 76b2c02 English
  • 138. rebase reaplica as mudanças de um branch em cima de outro ~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch authors * master ~/git-tricks(master)$ git branch --no-merged authors ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline --graph * f121878 Fix * 76b2c02 English [...] ~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase authors First, rewinding head to replay your work on top of it... Applying: Fix ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline --graph --decorate * b28e647 (HEAD, master) Fix * 1e2f8a4 (authors) New Authors * 76b2c02 English
  • 140. reescrevendo a história editando o último commit
  • 141. reescrevendo a história editando o último commit amend
  • 142. reescrevendo a história editando o último commit ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline fceaeb5 typo c1bcf8a Fix 80e9826 Second commit 3247745 Initial commit ~/git-tricks(master)$ amend
  • 143. reescrevendo a história editando o último commit ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline fceaeb5 typo c1bcf8a Fix 80e9826 Second commit 3247745 Initial commit ~/git-tricks(master)$ echo "." >> README ~/git-tricks(master)$ git commit -a --amend [master 5dc6308] typo 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) ~/git-tricks(master)$ amend
  • 144. reescrevendo a história editando o último commit ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline fceaeb5 typo c1bcf8a Fix 80e9826 Second commit 3247745 Initial commit ~/git-tricks(master)$ echo "." >> README ~/git-tricks(master)$ git commit -a --amend [master 5dc6308] typo 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline 5dc6308 typo c1bcf8a Fix 80e9826 Second commit 3247745 Initial commit ~/git-tricks(master)$ amend
  • 145. reescrevendo a história editando o último commit ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline fceaeb5 typo c1bcf8a Fix 80e9826 Second commit 3247745 Initial commit ~/git-tricks(master)$ echo "." >> README ~/git-tricks(master)$ git commit -a --amend [master 5dc6308] typo 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 1 deletions(-) ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline 5dc6308 typo c1bcf8a Fix 80e9826 Second commit 3247745 Initial commit ~/git-tricks(master)$ amend
  • 147. reescrevendo a história editando vários commits de uma só vez
  • 148. reescrevendo a história editando vários commits de uma só vez rebase -i
  • 149. reescrevendo a história editando vários commits de uma só vez ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline b28e647 Fix 1e2f8a4 New Authors 76b2c02 English ~/git-tricks(master)$ rebase -i
  • 150. reescrevendo a história editando vários commits de uma só vez ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline b28e647 Fix 1e2f8a4 New Authors 76b2c02 English ~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase -i HEAD~3 pick 76b2c02 English pick 1e2f8a4 New Authors pick b28e647 Fix # Rebase 76b2c02..b28e647 onto 76b2c02 # # Commands: # p, pick = use commit # r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message # e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending # s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit # f, fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message # # # # If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST. However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted. rebase -i
  • 151. reescrevendo a história editando vários commits de uma só vez ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline b28e647 Fix 1e2f8a4 New Authors 76b2c02 English ~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase -i HEAD~3 pick 76b2c02 English edit 1e2f8a4 New Authors pick b28e647 Fix # Rebase 76b2c02..b28e647 onto 76b2c02 # # Commands: # p, pick = use commit # r, reword = use commit, but edit the commit message # e, edit = use commit, but stop for amending # s, squash = use commit, but meld into previous commit # f, fixup = like "squash", but discard this commit's log message # # # # If you remove a line here THAT COMMIT WILL BE LOST. However, if you remove everything, the rebase will be aborted. rebase -i
  • 152. reescrevendo a história editando vários commits de uma só vez Stopped at 1e2f8a4... New Authors You can amend the commit now, with git commit --amend Once you are satisfied with your changes, run git rebase --continue ~/git-tricks(master|REBASE-i)$ rebase -i
  • 153. reescrevendo a história editando vários commits de uma só vez Stopped at 1e2f8a4... New Authors You can amend the commit now, with git commit --amend Once you are satisfied with your changes, run git rebase --continue ~/git-tricks(master|REBASE-i)$ git commit --amend [detached HEAD 0c434b4] New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) ~/git-tricks(master|REBASE-i)$ git rebase --continue Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/master. ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline edac081 Fix 0c434b4 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme 76b2c02 English rebase -i
  • 154. reescrevendo a história editando vários commits de uma só vez Stopped at 1e2f8a4... New Authors You can amend the commit now, with git commit --amend Once you are satisfied with your changes, run git rebase --continue ~/git-tricks(master|REBASE-i)$ git commit --amend [detached HEAD 0c434b4] New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) ~/git-tricks(master|REBASE-i)$ git rebase --continue Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/master. ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline Antes: edac081 Fix b28e647 Fix 0c434b4 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme 1e2f8a4 New Authors 76b2c02 English 76b2c02 English rebase -i
  • 155. reescrevendo a história reordenando commits ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline edac081 Fix 0c434b4 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme 76b2c02 English 3933fbc Adding AUTHORS ~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase -i HEAD~4 pick 3933fbc Adding AUTHORS pick 76b2c02 English pick 0c434b4 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme pick edac081 Fix rebase -i
  • 156. reescrevendo a história reordenando commits ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline edac081 Fix 0c434b4 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme 76b2c02 English 3933fbc Adding AUTHORS ~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase -i HEAD~4 pick 76b2c02 English pick edac081 Fix pick 3933fbc Adding AUTHORS pick 0c434b4 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme rebase -i
  • 157. reescrevendo a história reordenando commits ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline edac081 Fix 0c434b4 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme 76b2c02 English 3933fbc Adding AUTHORS ~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase -i HEAD~4 pick 76b2c02 English pick edac081 Fix pick 3933fbc Adding AUTHORS pick 0c434b4 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline c3187e3 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme 40a5b76 Adding AUTHORS 76bc060 Fix 36553c5 English ~/git-tricks(master)$ rebase -i
  • 158. reescrevendo a história deletando commits rebase -i
  • 159. reescrevendo a história deletando commits ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline c3187e3 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme 40a5b76 Adding AUTHORS 76bc060 Fix 36553c5 English ~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase -i HEAD~4 pick 36553c5 English pick edac081 Fix pick 3933fbc Adding AUTHORS pick 0c434b4 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme rebase -i
  • 160. reescrevendo a história deletando commits ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline c3187e3 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme 40a5b76 Adding AUTHORS 76bc060 Fix 36553c5 English ~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase -i HEAD~4 pick 36553c5 English pick 3933fbc Adding AUTHORS pick 0c434b4 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme rebase -i
  • 161. reescrevendo a história deletando commits ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline c3187e3 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme 40a5b76 Adding AUTHORS 76bc060 Fix 36553c5 English ~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase -i HEAD~4 pick 36553c5 English pick 3933fbc Adding AUTHORS pick 0c434b4 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline f648606 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme 373183d Adding AUTHORS 36553c5 English ~/git-tricks(master)$ rebase -i
  • 162. reescrevendo a história juntando commits rebase -i
  • 163. reescrevendo a história juntando commits ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline f648606 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme 373183d Adding AUTHORS 36553c5 English ~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase -i HEAD~3 pick 36553c5 English pick 373183d Adding AUTHORS pick f648606 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme rebase -i
  • 164. reescrevendo a história juntando commits ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline f648606 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme 373183d Adding AUTHORS 36553c5 English ~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase -i HEAD~3 pick 36553c5 English pick 373183d Adding AUTHORS squash f648606 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme rebase -i
  • 165. reescrevendo a história juntando commits ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline f648606 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme 373183d Adding AUTHORS 36553c5 English ~/git-tricks(master)$ git rebase -i HEAD~3 pick 36553c5 English pick 373183d Adding AUTHORS squash f648606 New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme ~/git-tricks(master)$ # This is a combination of 2 commits. # The first commit's message is: Adding AUTHORS # This is the 2nd commit message: New Authors: Arthur and Guilherme # Please enter the commit message for your changes. Lines starting # with '#' will be ignored, and an empty message aborts the commit. rebase -i
  • 166. reescrevendo a história juntando commits [detached HEAD 8f851b8] Adding AUTHORS 1 files changed, 2 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-) create mode 100644 AUTHORS Successfully rebased and updated refs/heads/master. ~/git-tricks(master)$ git log --oneline 8f851b8 Adding AUTHORS 36553c5 English ~/git-tricks(master)$ rebase -i
  • 167. bisect ajuda a encontrar onde foram introduzidos bugs
  • 168. cherry-pick escolha quais commits fazer merge
  • 169. format-patch cria patches à partir de commits
  • 170. reflog recupera dados perdidos
  • 171. attributes define como trabalhar com arquivos binários
  • 172. rerere lembra resoluções de conflitos e as aplica automaticamente na próxima vez
  • 173. garbage collector remove objetos obsoletos
  • 174. notes adiciona notas aos seus commits
  • 175. bundles uma maneira melhor de “exportar” repositórios
  • 177. Git: do zero a samurai