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Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation
Candidate Number:4150
LO5: Evaluation
Afterthe productionwasover,we had
to pitchour magazine tothe publisher
to see whetheritwassuccess. Now
that I have pitchedtothe publisher,I
have receivedsome feedbackbasedon
my strengths,weaknessesand
improvementstodevelopinthe future.
The methodsI usedtogather mypitch feedback wasa
surveytomy classmates“targetmarket”througha
website calledSurvey Monkeyandalsoaninterview
The strengthsthat the majorityof my targetaudience spotted were:ThatI dressedformally,whichmade me look professional and
provedtothe publisherthatI wasreallyserious aboutBEATSmagazine andwantmy magazine tobe a success!IalsousedPrezi to
presentmypitch,whichnotonlymade it very clearbut interactive and visual because of the differenttransformationsandediting
youcan use to presentthe pitch. The actual informationincludedinthe Prezi was detailedandinformative.
I alsoreceivedsome feedbackonthe apparent i.e. the areasthatI needto improve and developupon forthe future.These were:
The lack inconfidence thatIcame across for example, Ispoke tooquietlyforthe audience(includingthe publisher) tounderstand
Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation
Candidate Number:4150
whatI was tryingto say. I also useda lotof informal language suchas“greatstuff”.Thisisveryunprofessional andmaymake people thinkthatIdon’tknowwhat I am
Individual areas of the magazine production
Duringthe pre- production,Ihad to discuss andexplainwhatPsychographicswasandrelate themtomy intended
target audience forthe publication.Thishelpedme tonarrowdownandshape my targetaudience. Ireceivedsome
My strengthswere asfollows; the factthat I hadexplainedwhattheywere withatable tosupportthis,which was
alsoall well laidout.
However,there were some areas thatIneedtoimprove anddevelopinthe future. These were;the lacksindetail of
whatmy target audience are “explorers”,inwhichcase Ineedtodevelopmyanswerandexplainmore indetail.
Socio Economic Needs
I thenreceivedsome feedbackonthe Socio-Economicneeds.Mystrengthswere asfollows; I
had lotsof detail of whatsocioeconomicneeds were butIlackedinthe use of media
language suchas “the stereotypes.”Thisconnotes thatinthe future Ineedtouse more
Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation
Candidate Number:4150
The Magazine Pages
I receivedfeedback formyfrontcoverand double page spread(DPS), basedonmystrengthsandweaknesses.
Firstly,Iam goingto discussmyfrontcover and thenmy double page spread.
My mainstrengthsformyfront coverthat people came across were thatmy strapline wasshortandcatchy and easyto relate
to. My Masthead“BEATS!” is bold,strongand fitsthe purpose of the indie rockgenre andfinallythe mainimage of the artist
“George Ezra” isa verygood quality.
However, Ihave receivedsome feedbackonareasthat couldbe improvedwithinthe page suchas havingthe promotioninthe
top rightcorner,whichis clashingwiththe guitarin the mainimage,whichwouldbe betterif itwasresizedand repositionedto
preventthisfromhappening. Ialsoneedtomake the redstroke effectaroundthe barcode a bitthinnersothat itdoesnot seem
too apparentandshocking.LastlyI needto change the front forthe main headlineandcoverlinesastheyare saidto be
Nowfor the double page spread.Mymainstrengthsforthe double page spreadwasthatI includedthe
social medialinks andthe page numbersare bold,clearandeasyto read.
Howeverthere were some areas thatIneedto improve uponanddevelopinthe future,forexamplethe
layoutof the keyfacts about George,thisincludes the layoutof textisunsuitableandthere isavery
minimumof questions asked,soIneedtomaybe have twocolumnsandmore questionsasked.
Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation
Candidate Number:4150
The ProductionPlan
Week beginning: Monday 27th October 2014
Week 1 (Monday 27th October
Week 2
(Monday 3rd November 2014)
Week 3(10th
Week 4 (17th November) Week 5 (24th November
Week 6 (1st December 2014) Week 7 (8th December 2014)
Task HERE:
Decide what genre of music I
want to be influenced by and
when I want to publish the
Task HERE:
Once I have the date and musicgenre.I
need to createa flat plan ofmy
magazine, including everything that will
be shown inmy magazine.
Task HERE:
I must arrangea date and
time to have the interview
with GeorgeEzra.
Task HERE:
Work on the overallbudget
and what everything is going
to cost.
Task HERE:
Make sure that allthe
hand drawn drafts
(including front cover
and doublepage
spreads arecompleted.
Task HERE:
Take all images thatare
needed for the magazines.
Task HERE:
Printing and distribution of
the magazine.
People involved:
Editor: Miss. A Morris (Me) and
both of the editorialand
marketing andcommercial
People involved:
Everyone who work intheeditorialand
art departments.
People involved:
Marketing directors
People involved:
Finance department
People involved:
Art department
People involved:
Photography, artand
George Ezra
People involved:
Publishing department
Marketing and commercial
Art Department
Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation
Candidate Number:4150
I receivedsome feedbackformy productionplan,basedonmystrengthsandweaknessesthatIwill have toimprove anddevelopinthe future.Mystrengthswere as
follows:the layoutwasclearandconcise,makingiteasytoread and I hadlotsof informationwithinthe planincludingtaskstobe done,people involvedandequipment
Equipment needed:
Pen, diary andmagazine of
inspiration i.e. NME.
Computer software”Photoshop”.
Quick sketch ofa flat plan tohelp guide
me on the Photoshop version.
Diary, penand a phone to
call George Ezra or his
managerto organize the
date of the interview.
Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet
to display allthefigurers,
Diary andpen
Pencil, sketch book,
colored pens and Diary
and pen.
DSLR CannonCamera
Venue to take the images
Diary andpen
Posters, Billboards, Camera
for TV adverts, computer for
internetaccess for social
media adverts,a diary and
Complete by:
Friday 31st October
Friday 7th November2014
Friday 14th November 2014
21st November 2014
28th November 2014
5th December2014
Final MagazineCompleteby:
January2015to besold and
Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation
Candidate Number:4150
Budget Summary
There was some areas of the budget summary that I did well and also areas to improve and
develop in the future. The strengths that were spotted are that my layout was clear, concise
and easy to read and understand. Also I had a good knowledge and understanding of using
excel to present the budget this way.
However, the marketing costs are slightly incorrect so I need amend this to make it more
realistic and believable.
Thisis mybudgetincome breakdown,whichoutlinesthe costsof the pagesforadverts that I
wantedinmy magazine andalsothe salesincome whichtellsushowmuchmoneyIam
receivingfromsellingthe magazine.There are some strengths Ihave receivedforexample the
layoutagainwas clearand concise tomake it easyto understandandI hadgood knowledgeof
usingexcel topresentthe budgetthisway.There were no obviousimprovements tobe made
for thisparticularareaas everything thatincludedwasappropriatetothe taskto be done.
Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation
Candidate Number:4150
Profit and Loss Breakdown
There were areasof the profitandlossgraph/breakdownthat Ididwell butalsoareasthat I needtoimprove anddevelop.
My strengthswere thatIshowedthatBeatsmagazine hada positive growthinsalesthroughoutthe 5years,howeverthese figuresmayseemtobe unrealisticandI may
needtowork onthisto make it more believable andrealistic.
Therefore there wasonlyaslightimprovementtobe made.Thiswas that myfiguresare slightlytoohighandmayneedtoadjustthese figurestomatchwithmy desired
target audience.
Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation
Candidate Number:4150
Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation
Candidate Number:4150
Marketing/ Advertising
Nowthat I have gainedsome feedbackbasedonthe advertisingandmarketingof mymagazine.Ihave decidedaswell asadvertisingonsocial mediasiteslikeFacebook
and Twitter,butalsoto advertingusingdifferentmediumssuchasposters,billboards,leafletsandviral videos,createan official website,advertise onpublisherswebsite.
Accordingto the publisher,myFacebookpage forBeatswasmystrongestareaof the productionandit wasveryrealisticand a greatway to increase mytargetaudience
and the magazine sales.
Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation
Candidate Number:4150
Survey Monkey/ Survey Results
AfterI completed the pitch,Isenteveryone asurveyviaSurveyMonkeybasedonhowwell theythoughtIhadpitchedtothe publisherandhowl ikelytheywereto
purchase Beatsmagazine andmanyother factors.Thishelpedme tounderstandmystrengths, weaknessesandwhatIneededtodevelopandimprove inthe future.
Beloware manyexamplesof howthe resultsfromthe Survey Monkeyare presented.
Here I askedthe audience “HowInformative wasmypitch?”The majoritywentwiththe secondchoice veryinformative with5people
(71.43%) who choice this.The other2 people (28.57%) thoughtitwasextremelyinformativewhichwasthe firstchoice.This graph
denotesthatoverall givesthe readerthe impressionthatmypitchwasverypositive.
Here I askedthe audience “Howwouldyourate my pitch?On a scale of 1-5 ” The majorityof the people Iaskedsaidtheywouldgive me a4/5.
Thisdenotesthatthere isa verypositive response andthere isonlyasmall amountof critical feedbackthatneeds toworkeduponinthe
future.Suchas speakingmore clearly,trynotto use the scriptas much, act confidentbylookingatmyaudience andprojectingmyvoice and
try not to use the phase “Stuff”use more mediatechnical language.
Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation
Candidate Number:4150
Here I askedthe audience “Howlikelyare youtopurchase BEATS Musicmagazine?”The majorityof the people Iasked3-7 people
chose the thirdoptionthat theywould likelypurchase BEATS!Musicmagazine.The restof the people Iaskedwasan evenspread
Thisgraph denotestous thatthe resultsthatI wasgivenhere isfairlypositive.AlthoughIhave onlyaskedasmall amount of people
as I onlypitchedtoa small groupof people i.e.mypeersandthe publisher.
Here I askedthe audience “Wasall requiredinformationwell communicated?”The majorityof the people Iaskedvoted
withthe secondchoice whichwas the majority. The restof the people IaskedrangedfromAll the informationtosome of
the informationwaswell communicated.
The graph denotestous that the resultsIhave receive here isfairlypositiveasmostpeople Iaskedwentwiththe
majorityof informationwaswell communicated.
Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation
Candidate Number:4150
Conclusion/Areas to Develop or Improve
From all the feedbackthatI wasgivenfrommypitch,I have gainedandlearnedthatin orderto improve onthe pitchof my newmusicmagazine “Beats”,Iwill needto:
• Speakclearerandloudersothat the audience andpublishercan hear whatI am tryingto sell andthat the videocamerapicksupwhat I am saying.
• Amendthe marketingcostsonthe budgetwhichare unrealistic.
• As well asmarketingmymagazine onsocial media,I coulduse posters, create anofficial website, andadvertise onpublisher’s website.
• Avoidusingtermslike “stuff”broadenmymedialanguage.
Basedon the feedbackgiventhroughmysurveyIhave learnedandgainedalotof thingsto improve anddevelopuponinthe
future.These were:
One questionasked“Wasthere anyareasof the magazine productionthatyouthinkI needtoimprove uponinthe future?The
informationtellsme manythingsfromthe magazine productionthatIneedtoimprove uponforfuture pitches.Forexample
one personsaidthat I needtolookand addressthe audience more thanlookingatmynotes.Tomake improvementsonthisI
will needtobelieve inmyproductandmyself.
Secondly, Ineedtoworkon isthe data in my profitgraphas one personsaidtheythoughtitwas unrealistic.OtherareasIneed
to workon isthe editingof the frontcoveranddouble page spreaddesignse.g.the stroke effectaroundthe barcode is
too thick,the pugpromotionisclashingwiththe guitar,the fontstylesforthe coverlinesandmainheadlineare not
Anotherquestionasked“Doyouhave anyotherquestionsaboutmypitch?The informationtellsme many
improvementsthatIshouldconsidertoimprove mypitchforthe future.For example I needtoconsiderintroducing
othermarketingstrategiesnotjustsocial media, maybeposters,billboards,leafletsetc

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Unit 30 Media Publishing Pitch Evaluation

  • 1. Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation AmeliaMorris Candidate Number:4150 LO5: Evaluation Introduction Afterthe productionwasover,we had to pitchour magazine tothe publisher to see whetheritwassuccess. Now that I have pitchedtothe publisher,I have receivedsome feedbackbasedon my strengths,weaknessesand improvementstodevelopinthe future. The methodsI usedtogather mypitch feedback wasa surveytomy classmates“targetmarket”througha website calledSurvey Monkeyandalsoaninterview withmypublisher. The strengthsthat the majorityof my targetaudience spotted were:ThatI dressedformally,whichmade me look professional and provedtothe publisherthatI wasreallyserious aboutBEATSmagazine andwantmy magazine tobe a success!IalsousedPrezi to presentmypitch,whichnotonlymade it very clearbut interactive and visual because of the differenttransformationsandediting youcan use to presentthe pitch. The actual informationincludedinthe Prezi was detailedandinformative. I alsoreceivedsome feedbackonthe apparent i.e. the areasthatI needto improve and developupon forthe future.These were: The lack inconfidence thatIcame across for example, Ispoke tooquietlyforthe audience(includingthe publisher) tounderstand
  • 2. Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation AmeliaMorris Candidate Number:4150 whatI was tryingto say. I also useda lotof informal language suchas“greatstuff”.Thisisveryunprofessional andmaymake people thinkthatIdon’tknowwhat I am talkingabout. Individual areas of the magazine production Psychographics Duringthe pre- production,Ihad to discuss andexplainwhatPsychographicswasandrelate themtomy intended target audience forthe publication.Thishelpedme tonarrowdownandshape my targetaudience. Ireceivedsome feedbackbasedonmystrengthsandweaknesses. My strengthswere asfollows; the factthat I hadexplainedwhattheywere withatable tosupportthis,which was alsoall well laidout. However,there were some areas thatIneedtoimprove anddevelopinthe future. These were;the lacksindetail of whatmy target audience are “explorers”,inwhichcase Ineedtodevelopmyanswerandexplainmore indetail. Socio Economic Needs I thenreceivedsome feedbackonthe Socio-Economicneeds.Mystrengthswere asfollows; I had lotsof detail of whatsocioeconomicneeds were butIlackedinthe use of media language suchas “the stereotypes.”Thisconnotes thatinthe future Ineedtouse more medialanguage.
  • 3. Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation AmeliaMorris Candidate Number:4150 The Magazine Pages I receivedfeedback formyfrontcoverand double page spread(DPS), basedonmystrengthsandweaknesses. Firstly,Iam goingto discussmyfrontcover and thenmy double page spread. My mainstrengthsformyfront coverthat people came across were thatmy strapline wasshortandcatchy and easyto relate to. My Masthead“BEATS!” is bold,strongand fitsthe purpose of the indie rockgenre andfinallythe mainimage of the artist “George Ezra” isa verygood quality. However, Ihave receivedsome feedbackonareasthat couldbe improvedwithinthe page suchas havingthe promotioninthe top rightcorner,whichis clashingwiththe guitarin the mainimage,whichwouldbe betterif itwasresizedand repositionedto preventthisfromhappening. Ialsoneedtomake the redstroke effectaroundthe barcode a bitthinnersothat itdoesnot seem too apparentandshocking.LastlyI needto change the front forthe main headlineandcoverlinesastheyare saidto be unsuitable. Nowfor the double page spread.Mymainstrengthsforthe double page spreadwasthatI includedthe social medialinks andthe page numbersare bold,clearandeasyto read. Howeverthere were some areas thatIneedto improve uponanddevelopinthe future,forexamplethe layoutof the keyfacts about George,thisincludes the layoutof textisunsuitableandthere isavery minimumof questions asked,soIneedtomaybe have twocolumnsandmore questionsasked.
  • 4. Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation AmeliaMorris Candidate Number:4150 The ProductionPlan Week beginning: Monday 27th October 2014 Week 1 (Monday 27th October 2014) Week 2 (Monday 3rd November 2014) Week 3(10th November2014) Week 4 (17th November) Week 5 (24th November 2014) Week 6 (1st December 2014) Week 7 (8th December 2014) Task HERE: Decide what genre of music I want to be influenced by and when I want to publish the magazine. Task HERE: Once I have the date and musicgenre.I need to createa flat plan ofmy magazine, including everything that will be shown inmy magazine. Task HERE: I must arrangea date and time to have the interview with GeorgeEzra. Task HERE: Work on the overallbudget and what everything is going to cost. Task HERE: Make sure that allthe hand drawn drafts (including front cover and doublepage spreads arecompleted. Task HERE: Take all images thatare needed for the magazines. Task HERE: Printing and distribution of the magazine. People involved: Editor: Miss. A Morris (Me) and both of the editorialand marketing andcommercial departments. People involved: Everyone who work intheeditorialand art departments. People involved: Editor Publisher Marketing directors People involved: Finance department Editor Publisher People involved: Art department Editorialdepartment People involved: Photography, artand marketing/commercial Department. George Ezra People involved: Publishing department Marketing and commercial department Art Department
  • 5. Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation AmeliaMorris Candidate Number:4150 I receivedsome feedbackformy productionplan,basedonmystrengthsandweaknessesthatIwill have toimprove anddevelopinthe future.Mystrengthswere as follows:the layoutwasclearandconcise,makingiteasytoread and I hadlotsof informationwithinthe planincludingtaskstobe done,people involvedandequipment needed. Equipment needed: Pen, diary andmagazine of inspiration i.e. NME. Equipmentneeded: Computer software”Photoshop”. Quick sketch ofa flat plan tohelp guide me on the Photoshop version. Equipmentneeded: Diary, penand a phone to call George Ezra or his managerto organize the date of the interview. Equipmentneeded: Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet to display allthefigurers, Diary andpen Equipmentneeded: Pencil, sketch book, colored pens and Diary and pen. Equipmentneeded: DSLR CannonCamera Tripod Venue to take the images Diary andpen Equipmentneeded: Distributiontechniques: Posters, Billboards, Camera for TV adverts, computer for internetaccess for social media adverts,a diary and pen. Complete by: Friday 31st October Completeby: Friday 7th November2014 Completeby: Friday 14th November 2014 Completeby: 21st November 2014 Completeby: 28th November 2014 Completeby: 5th December2014 Final MagazineCompleteby: January2015to besold and distributed.
  • 6. Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation AmeliaMorris Candidate Number:4150 Budget Summary There was some areas of the budget summary that I did well and also areas to improve and develop in the future. The strengths that were spotted are that my layout was clear, concise and easy to read and understand. Also I had a good knowledge and understanding of using excel to present the budget this way. However, the marketing costs are slightly incorrect so I need amend this to make it more realistic and believable. BudgetedIncome Thisis mybudgetincome breakdown,whichoutlinesthe costsof the pagesforadverts that I wantedinmy magazine andalsothe salesincome whichtellsushowmuchmoneyIam receivingfromsellingthe magazine.There are some strengths Ihave receivedforexample the layoutagainwas clearand concise tomake it easyto understandandI hadgood knowledgeof usingexcel topresentthe budgetthisway.There were no obviousimprovements tobe made for thisparticularareaas everything thatincludedwasappropriatetothe taskto be done.
  • 7. Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation AmeliaMorris Candidate Number:4150 Profit and Loss Breakdown There were areasof the profitandlossgraph/breakdownthat Ididwell butalsoareasthat I needtoimprove anddevelop. My strengthswere thatIshowedthatBeatsmagazine hada positive growthinsalesthroughoutthe 5years,howeverthese figuresmayseemtobe unrealisticandI may needtowork onthisto make it more believable andrealistic. Therefore there wasonlyaslightimprovementtobe made.Thiswas that myfiguresare slightlytoohighandmayneedtoadjustthese figurestomatchwithmy desired target audience.
  • 8. Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation AmeliaMorris Candidate Number:4150
  • 9. Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation AmeliaMorris Candidate Number:4150 Marketing/ Advertising Nowthat I have gainedsome feedbackbasedonthe advertisingandmarketingof mymagazine.Ihave decidedaswell asadvertisingonsocial mediasiteslikeFacebook and Twitter,butalsoto advertingusingdifferentmediumssuchasposters,billboards,leafletsandviral videos,createan official website,advertise onpublisherswebsite. Accordingto the publisher,myFacebookpage forBeatswasmystrongestareaof the productionandit wasveryrealisticand a greatway to increase mytargetaudience and the magazine sales.
  • 10. Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation AmeliaMorris Candidate Number:4150 Survey Monkey/ Survey Results AfterI completed the pitch,Isenteveryone asurveyviaSurveyMonkeybasedonhowwell theythoughtIhadpitchedtothe publisherandhowl ikelytheywereto purchase Beatsmagazine andmanyother factors.Thishelpedme tounderstandmystrengths, weaknessesandwhatIneededtodevelopandimprove inthe future. Beloware manyexamplesof howthe resultsfromthe Survey Monkeyare presented. Here I askedthe audience “HowInformative wasmypitch?”The majoritywentwiththe secondchoice veryinformative with5people (71.43%) who choice this.The other2 people (28.57%) thoughtitwasextremelyinformativewhichwasthe firstchoice.This graph denotesthatoverall givesthe readerthe impressionthatmypitchwasverypositive. Here I askedthe audience “Howwouldyourate my pitch?On a scale of 1-5 ” The majorityof the people Iaskedsaidtheywouldgive me a4/5. Thisdenotesthatthere isa verypositive response andthere isonlyasmall amountof critical feedbackthatneeds toworkeduponinthe future.Suchas speakingmore clearly,trynotto use the scriptas much, act confidentbylookingatmyaudience andprojectingmyvoice and try not to use the phase “Stuff”use more mediatechnical language.
  • 11. Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation AmeliaMorris Candidate Number:4150 Here I askedthe audience “Howlikelyare youtopurchase BEATS Musicmagazine?”The majorityof the people Iasked3-7 people chose the thirdoptionthat theywould likelypurchase BEATS!Musicmagazine.The restof the people Iaskedwasan evenspread fromExtremelylikely,verylikelyandunlikely. Thisgraph denotestous thatthe resultsthatI wasgivenhere isfairlypositive.AlthoughIhave onlyaskedasmall amount of people as I onlypitchedtoa small groupof people i.e.mypeersandthe publisher. Here I askedthe audience “Wasall requiredinformationwell communicated?”The majorityof the people Iaskedvoted withthe secondchoice whichwas the majority. The restof the people IaskedrangedfromAll the informationtosome of the informationwaswell communicated. The graph denotestous that the resultsIhave receive here isfairlypositiveasmostpeople Iaskedwentwiththe majorityof informationwaswell communicated.
  • 12. Unit 30 MediaPublishing - LO5 Evaluation AmeliaMorris Candidate Number:4150 Conclusion/Areas to Develop or Improve From all the feedbackthatI wasgivenfrommypitch,I have gainedandlearnedthatin orderto improve onthe pitchof my newmusicmagazine “Beats”,Iwill needto: • Speakclearerandloudersothat the audience andpublishercan hear whatI am tryingto sell andthat the videocamerapicksupwhat I am saying. • Amendthe marketingcostsonthe budgetwhichare unrealistic. • As well asmarketingmymagazine onsocial media,I coulduse posters, create anofficial website, andadvertise onpublisher’s website. • Avoidusingtermslike “stuff”broadenmymedialanguage. Basedon the feedbackgiventhroughmysurveyIhave learnedandgainedalotof thingsto improve anddevelopuponinthe future.These were: One questionasked“Wasthere anyareasof the magazine productionthatyouthinkI needtoimprove uponinthe future?The informationtellsme manythingsfromthe magazine productionthatIneedtoimprove uponforfuture pitches.Forexample one personsaidthat I needtolookand addressthe audience more thanlookingatmynotes.Tomake improvementsonthisI will needtobelieve inmyproductandmyself. Secondly, Ineedtoworkon isthe data in my profitgraphas one personsaidtheythoughtitwas unrealistic.OtherareasIneed to workon isthe editingof the frontcoveranddouble page spreaddesignse.g.the stroke effectaroundthe barcode is too thick,the pugpromotionisclashingwiththe guitar,the fontstylesforthe coverlinesandmainheadlineare not suitable. Anotherquestionasked“Doyouhave anyotherquestionsaboutmypitch?The informationtellsme many improvementsthatIshouldconsidertoimprove mypitchforthe future.For example I needtoconsiderintroducing othermarketingstrategiesnotjustsocial media, maybeposters,billboards,leafletsetc