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My Reflection Of Art
Art has been something that I have always enjoyed. Whether it be actually creating my own
pieces or admiring pieces from local artist, it has been a passion of mine very early on in my life.
Now before taking Art 102 I never really attempted to dive in deep to the pieces I was admiring; I
never really "decoded" any of the pieces, really. Instead, I would simply snap a quick photo, add a
dark filter that really made the reds stand out, and write a witty quote. This has been my cycle when
walking into any exhibit for the past years; find the most visually appealing work of art and spend
more time on posting the piece on social media than actually interpreting what the artist was trying to
portray. Going through the semester I have more content...
Charles Graner and his team are the ones responsible for such actions and are responsible for the
photo. When Graner and his team were exposed by Joe Derby, the entire world took note and
there was not only outrage on Graner's part but on Derby as well for betraying his fellow
American military. Copper Greene not only borrows the photo but iPod billboard as well and in
a sense does a spin off creating his unique piece with his own message. The reason why we as
individuals are able to make the connection of Greene's piece to Apple's advertisement is because
the idea of signifier and signified. Where in this case the we take the signifier which is the bright
loud colors with the a dark figure used in Greene's work and we translate that to the signified;
which is apple products. In short, bright loud colors with dark figure equals apple products. Greene
also uses bricoloage to create a sense of representation as he is using his platform to highlight the
real world and those real issues. In this case, that being of American Military personal using strong
forms of interrogation. Looking at the piece closer and decoding what the white headphones truly
mean, we can conclude that those headphones not only serves as electrical wires used for torture but
too Americans use those some head phones to shut out the outside world and any real problems,
isolating themselves to their tunes and their own problems. The
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The Importance of Art Essay
The Importance of Art
Throughout the ages art has played a crucial role in life. Art is universal and because art is
everywhere, we experience it on a daily basis. From the houses we live in (architecture) to the
movies we see (theatre) to the books that we read (literature). Even in ancient culture art has played
a crucial role. In prehistoric times cave dwellers drew on the wall of caves to record history. In
biblical times paintings recorded the life and death of Christ. Throughout time art has recorded
history. Most art is created for a specific reason or purpose, it has a way of expressing ideas and
beliefs, and it can record the experiences of all people.
Most art has some sort of reason or purpose behind it. It more content...
Many people thought that African art was too abstract with no attempt to look real. On the other
hand, an Italian artist named Bellini painted "Christ Blessing" which is another example of
symbolic art. Some of the symbols Bellini uses are– Christ is wearing a purple robe, which is a
symbol of grief. Scars on his hand indicated this took place after the crucifixion. Various motifs in
the distant landscape allude to the resurrection. For instance, the bird on the barren branches of a
tree represents death, a pair of rabbits signify regeneration, there are three robed figures that are
Mary Magdalen, Mary, the mother of James and Mary Salome, who having visited the tomb of
Christ hurry to tell the disciples of the empty tomb and the bell tower denotes that salvation is found
through Christ's sacrifice. All of these things are in the painting for a reason, they record in detail
about an event in history.
Many cultures around the world express their ideas and beliefs in various works of art. In Africa
the Nigerian Chokwe tribe held great respect for their dead ancestors. They would pray while
carving an ancestral figure. One example of their work is in the figure "Chibinda" (The Hunter).
This figure represents the culture hero Ilunga Katele, royal ancestor of the Chokwe people. Ilunga
taught the art of hunting. This figure is wearing elaborate headgear, which is a sign of royal rank.
He holds a
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Art Appreciation Essay
Art Appreciation
Rathnasambhava, the Transcendent Buddha of the South and Madonna Enthroned are very similar
images that were produced by very different cultures. Both images were produced during the 13th
Century. The image of Rathnasambhava, the Transcendent Buddha of the South was produced in
Tibet during an interesting period of the country's religious history. The branch of TibetanBuddhism
is led by a religious and sometimes political leader called the Dalai Lama. It was during the 13th
Century during the reign of Kublai Khan, around the time of the production of this painting, that
Tibet experienced the first incarnation of the Dalai Lama. One has to wonder if this painting is
somehow related to that occurrence. According more content...
Similarly, the image of Madonna Enthroned was painted by Cimabue in Italy during the 13th
Century, an interesting period of the country's religious and art history. It was during the 13th
Century that Italy was on the brink of a great revival known as the Renaissance. Cimabue's work
represents the best of the Byzantine Tradition. Cimabue is also the well–known teacher of Giotto,
one of the leading artists of the Italian Renaissance.
Italy is predominately Roman Catholic, a sect distinguished by its religious leadership resting in the
Pope and known for its veneration of Mary, the Mother of God. In Madonna Enthroned, Cimabue
depicts the Madonna with the Christ Child as a central theme typical of paintings of this time
period. As the viewer looks at the painting, we are drawn to the central image of the Madonna whose
hand points us to her son.
In both Rathnasambhava, the Transcendent Buddha of the South and Madonna Enthroned, the
format suggests a depiction of a transcendent reality. Transcendent can be defined as a state of being
or existence above and beyond the limits of material experience. The notion of transcendence is
suggested through a flattened appearance typical of the 13th Century. Both paintings have a
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Art Appreciation
I like the primary colors on the repeating circles which look like monkey bars. The two buckets at
the top of the poles must bring hours of fun and excitement for the children as they fill up with
water and spill over on a hot summer day. This is a nice area to encourage children and families to
go outside and play. I feel there is too much television and video games these days and not enough
outside adventure. This neighborhood art is an outdoor invitation for fun of all ages! There are lakes
and activity areas in my neighborhood too and I am admiring their beauty different now that I am in
Art Appreciation.
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Essay On Art Appreciation
Sarah Bull
ARTS–1301 (86020) Art Appreciation
Museum Paper
This paper will criticize the Guardian, an oil painting on canvas by Valton Tyler, created in 1973 and
is displayed by the Amon Carter Museum of American Art in Fort Worth, TX. The painting
illustrates unusual structures that utilize a variety of geometric and organic shapes. The irregular
curvilinear form and shapes of the structures has this whimsical fairytale meets mechanical futuristic
feel to it– or Dr. Seuss meets Wizard of Oz. The amorphous shaped clouds in the melancholy sky
give it this sort of industrial, bleak, factory smokestack impression. The dreary sky is then contrasted
with these lively organic structures that are set amongst a green landscape with hills or mountains more content...
The first thing that came to mind when I thought about what the artwork is representing, was a
little green plant sprouting through the cracks of concrete. This thought I had is like the little
leaves sprouting from the structures in the painting. I was reading an article the other day about
how long mankind has been here in the timeline of the earth and how much we have destroyed in
the small amount of time we have resided on earth. I feel it is vital to respect and appreciate
mother nature, but our world does the exact opposite. Mankind has caused global warming,
polluted the oceans and air, destroyed 50% of forests and have caused a variety of species to go
extinct. We have abused our planet and have failed to properly nurture it. We hardly rely on
nature to provide us with food anymore either. Why farm when we can concoct our diet in a lab
and then produce it in a factory in large volumes quickly and inexpensively? I can't stress how
important it is to still be connected to nature and your fellow man. We have become so indulged
in technology that we are now these lifeless robots. By this I mean, we sit with our faces glued to
our tablets, TV's, cellphones, etc. This is no way to live. It's a mindless, empty zombie way of
living. I think technology is great, but society should be weary and careful of how much, when and
where we utilize it. Technology
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The Importance of Art Essay
Art is a form of human expression. Art can be seen as the artist sleight of hand on his mood. Art
is in various media from posters to public wall of which we call "graffiti". Art is elusive as the use
of colors shapes and the surface used adds a new dimension. Art portrays various ideas, feelings
such as triumph, love, happiness, sorrow and boredom in loss to mention a few. Art is beauty and
creativity. During man's evolution art has progressed over in its most primitive state up to its most
modernized versions today.
History shows that art has been used as a major tool for communication. Cavemen did art on their
walls using unsophisticated and blunt tools. The indigenous people of our country, the aborigines
such as Albert more content...
Ancient Egyptians, Aztecs, Incas and Mayans created many meticulous pieces of art. Some of the
meticulous pieces of art are masks, pyramids, jewelry, wall paintings, tombs, sarcophagi. The
primal Romans and Greeks showed their appreciation of life through art. India used art to show
their dance and their religions. The African art is symbolic of their tribal cuffs as seen of their totem
Today, Art has gone through many changes. Abstract art dominates art today shows ambiguous life
a man lives, in contrast to the unambiguous art of the past. Modern does not have spirituality and
cultural values and beliefs in the past and is now a reflection of a materialistic life of today. Bill
Henson, a portrait artist used his 12 year old Olympia as a nude model for his portrait drawing. This
brought much controversy that he was exploiting the body of an under – age girl as his own gains.
This shows that art is used for popularity and financial gain. The message behind art is to show ideas
and ideas that are relevant to society. Art is meant to enliven life and things, thoughmodern art
shows more if life's negativeness. Galleries, parks and museums view to the public with
meaningfulness and with the appreciation for art. Art is still effective as hand written material was
seen in the walls of Ancient Egypt. Modern art stimulates the thought and fosters greater
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Appropriation in Art Essay
Throughout history, the issue of appropriation in art has become a heated debate on whether it is
good or whether it is bad. Appropriation is fundamentally the act of taking something from
somewhere else and placing it into a new context. In art, appropriation is seen as using (or taking)
someone else's artwork, manipulating it and ultimately changing the whole meaning behind the
work. It is seen as a significant issue as many people (including art critics, art historians and art
enthusiasts) see appropriation as whilst, others see it as being inappropriate and immoral, and see
the growth in appropriation as being a destroyer of art. It is of the opinion that art indeed "feeds off
itself" and every artwork, art movement, and art period more content...
He took an actual replica of the work and placed a bold, black mustache and beard on the famous
lady's face. Many saw this act as a form of vandalism and were disgusted on the way Duchamp
violated such a treasure. However, oblivious to them was Duchamp's way of expressing his way
of decreasing the high art status of the work and also suggesting Da Vinci's sexual ambiguity.
Subjectively, this work of Duchamp's is an insult to one of the finest artists and artworks in history,
and should be considered as a form of vandalism. His work is mocking Da Vinci and ridiculing the
talents of the great man. Though there is no limit to art, the question "When is it actually art, and
when is it stealing and vandalising" still arises. Despite this fact, some appropriation artworks are
very clever and interesting. Pablo Picasso's "Weeping Woman" was appropriated for an
advertisement for Australian Air Express. Their ingenious way of including their logo, which is
synonymous to them, into the painting, is very clever. It seems as if it is actually part of the
painting and it matches the painting perfectly (unlike Duchamp's). One of the most well known
appropriator is Yasumasa Morimura. He has appropriated a number of artworks from a number of
artists. His "Daughter of Art History Theatre A, 1989" is an appropriation of Edouard Manet's "A
Bar at the Folies–Bergere, 1881–2", and his "Futago, 1988" is Manet's "Olympia, 1863). He
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Reflection About Art
Arts generate a strong feeling of admiration, displeasure, or anything in between. Furthermore, art
expresses the human experience, and because of that correlation, there's a stronger bond between art
and humanity. That bond allows art to evoke intense and powerful emotion from us . However, there
is a difference between art and art–like; art has implication beyond the obvious, and art–like being
merely decorative. So it is crucial to remember, that true art has meaning either positive or
negative. Obviously, I learned that through this course and from experiencing art in the real
world. In fact, since the beginning of this course I've been searching for art in the real world, so I
can analyze and try to understand the deeper meaning behind it. Searching and Finding art in the
world has certainly opened my eyes to all of the wonderful things in the world. Searching for art,
I've found that it is everywhere around us and plays a major role in our everyday lives. Since
taking this course I have encountered art in my home and school. Both are places that I go almost
everyday, but my concept of art was so limited that I neglected to notice. At my home the paintings,
books, and even the building itself is art. Infact, my mom has a Thomas Kinkade original hanging
in the hallway and countless bibles lying around. Not only do we have bibles, but on my bookshelf
lies tons of classic literature that I never considered to be art, because I thought art was "just
paintings and stuff".
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Art Appreciation
Tanner Lambeth
Art Appreciation
February, 2 2015 This art work made by Pierre Auguste Renoir is oil by the visibility of the
smudges and the texture the oil creates over the whole painting. The artist uses color evenly, the
men are wearing white while the women are wearing dark navy blue, while the men and women are
evenly distributed throughout the picture. The artist uses more dull colors, no dull vibrant colors
mostly white, yellow, and dark blue. The colors used are even and well blended. Some symbolism
used in the painting is how the men are all wearing white cutoff t–shirts but the women are covered
up in dark clothing which around that time period women did not show skin possibly. In this piece
the forms are realistic more content...
The work is organized very well, the men and women are evenly distributed. The color to me is soft
and light, it is made up of lights and darks that go well and transition together very well with no
vibrant colors. The lines are smooth in some place and fuzzy in others. If you look at the women
holding the dog on the table you can see how the lines are smudged away to create a fuzzy looking
appearance. The shapes are natural there are no shapes that are not meant to be in the painting. The
format overall is 3D, the artist makes the people look real by making the smudge go away from the
person. The artist also used all the space in the painting the only space not used is in the back ground
but the artist fills that with boats and the water in the distance. The author made the painting look
scratchy but smooth by the smudges which gives the painting texture. The author uses unity in the
painting there is nothing that is out of place everything looks the way it would if this event was
happening now. There is an equal amount of balance in the painting nothing is too big or small and
the items are proportioned throughout the image. The contrast in the painting is just right the men
and women are wearing the opposite contrast but because they are evenly placed it balances out the
painting. The first item I see when I look at the painting is table filled with wine
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How Do We Evaluate Art? Essay
How Do We Evaluate Art?
When we are trying to evaluate art, how do we know it is good or not?
We usually fit our personal feelings to the good or bad decision. If the drawing is in my taste, I
say it is good. If it is not my taste, I dislike it and give it a negative comment. Everyone's thinking
is different. Thus we may receive hundred or thousand different kinds of opinion toward one event
or object. It is important for us to know that every opinion is independent and is not absolute. After
reading the article, I realized there is no absolute good or bad. Comment, literarily defined, is
opinion given briefly in speech or writing about an event. It is a form of personal feedback. The
feedback, however, more content...
It is also important to determine with another factor, knowledge.
Knowledge is from experience. It can be gained through experience. It can be gained through
learning in a form of official education. Knowledge, similar to experience, can vary according to
ages. Again, an old man is theoretically wiser. However, there are many exceptions to this case.
When we think of knowledge, we should not restrict the area of it. Knowledge is wide and has no
limitation. Knowledge is more than what we learn from school or even
University. When we are judging, we also ask ourselves several questions. Does it fit what I had
learned before? Is it using any sort of method I had learned before, or a new way? When we are
lack of knowledge, we have difficulty evaluating. Our point of view is, therefore, limited and
narrow. Our empty mind can only accept or learn, and everything will sound new to us. When we
declare something new, psychologically we will think it is good. Good or bad does not make any
sense here. When lack of knowledge, judgement is difficult and therefore cannot be said absolute.
Since knowledge and experience are important on our basis of decision, it is obvious that we have
to learn and experience more in our life. The more you experience, the more you learn. The more
you learn, the more you know. The more you know, the better you can judge.
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Art and Aesthetics Essay
Art and Aesthetics Art is usually referred to as the visual arts, where a piece of work is judged
through the aesthetics in which it creates. However, art refers to all human endeavors, including
the product of oneГ‚'s creative impulse. In other words, art does not have to be innovative to be
good. I believe art is the communication of an idea, be it visual, musical, communicative or other.
Art is the interplay between the conscious and unconscious part of our being, between what is real
and what is an illusion; it is the voice of our soul through color and form in a constant search for
connection with something beyond. I think of art as the bridge between our souls and the physical
world. I see art as both an interaction between more content...
Everybody, one time or the other, will fell as though they have been let down and disappointed by
others, including the ones they love. Those feelings would include loneliness, and the yearn for
support and guidance. At many times, we get the support we need, but once in a while; we would
be left alone in the world, having to fend off our miseries by ourselves. That is exactly what I had
in mind when I was creating my piece of art. I wanted the girl to depict a helpless teenager, who is
yearning for support because the world has shunned her away completely. This in fact, removes
all the color and vibrancy in her life, leaving her world looking black and white. The reason why
the girl in my drawing is looking down is due to disbelief. She is utterly shocked by how the
people that she thought that she could count on have left her to fend for herself. She saw the dark
side of things; the side she thought and wished never existed. I feel that conveying this message
is important is because, it would be unhealthy to bottle up your feelings and emotions inside of
you; and since it is difficult to express it in words, it could be best displayed in the form of art. I
tried to make my artwork convey all of these messages, making sure that the morbidity of the piece
is highlighted. To achieve this gruesome effect, I solely used the color black, which emphasized the
dark mood and ambiance that comes with this drawing. The color black is usually associated with
darkness and
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Art Appreciation Essays

  • 1. My Reflection Of Art Art has been something that I have always enjoyed. Whether it be actually creating my own pieces or admiring pieces from local artist, it has been a passion of mine very early on in my life. Now before taking Art 102 I never really attempted to dive in deep to the pieces I was admiring; I never really "decoded" any of the pieces, really. Instead, I would simply snap a quick photo, add a dark filter that really made the reds stand out, and write a witty quote. This has been my cycle when walking into any exhibit for the past years; find the most visually appealing work of art and spend more time on posting the piece on social media than actually interpreting what the artist was trying to portray. Going through the semester I have more content... Charles Graner and his team are the ones responsible for such actions and are responsible for the photo. When Graner and his team were exposed by Joe Derby, the entire world took note and there was not only outrage on Graner's part but on Derby as well for betraying his fellow American military. Copper Greene not only borrows the photo but iPod billboard as well and in a sense does a spin off creating his unique piece with his own message. The reason why we as individuals are able to make the connection of Greene's piece to Apple's advertisement is because the idea of signifier and signified. Where in this case the we take the signifier which is the bright loud colors with the a dark figure used in Greene's work and we translate that to the signified; which is apple products. In short, bright loud colors with dark figure equals apple products. Greene also uses bricoloage to create a sense of representation as he is using his platform to highlight the real world and those real issues. In this case, that being of American Military personal using strong forms of interrogation. Looking at the piece closer and decoding what the white headphones truly mean, we can conclude that those headphones not only serves as electrical wires used for torture but too Americans use those some head phones to shut out the outside world and any real problems, isolating themselves to their tunes and their own problems. The Get more content on
  • 2. The Importance of Art Essay The Importance of Art Throughout the ages art has played a crucial role in life. Art is universal and because art is everywhere, we experience it on a daily basis. From the houses we live in (architecture) to the movies we see (theatre) to the books that we read (literature). Even in ancient culture art has played a crucial role. In prehistoric times cave dwellers drew on the wall of caves to record history. In biblical times paintings recorded the life and death of Christ. Throughout time art has recorded history. Most art is created for a specific reason or purpose, it has a way of expressing ideas and beliefs, and it can record the experiences of all people. Most art has some sort of reason or purpose behind it. It more content... Many people thought that African art was too abstract with no attempt to look real. On the other hand, an Italian artist named Bellini painted "Christ Blessing" which is another example of symbolic art. Some of the symbols Bellini uses are– Christ is wearing a purple robe, which is a symbol of grief. Scars on his hand indicated this took place after the crucifixion. Various motifs in the distant landscape allude to the resurrection. For instance, the bird on the barren branches of a tree represents death, a pair of rabbits signify regeneration, there are three robed figures that are Mary Magdalen, Mary, the mother of James and Mary Salome, who having visited the tomb of Christ hurry to tell the disciples of the empty tomb and the bell tower denotes that salvation is found through Christ's sacrifice. All of these things are in the painting for a reason, they record in detail about an event in history. Many cultures around the world express their ideas and beliefs in various works of art. In Africa the Nigerian Chokwe tribe held great respect for their dead ancestors. They would pray while carving an ancestral figure. One example of their work is in the figure "Chibinda" (The Hunter). This figure represents the culture hero Ilunga Katele, royal ancestor of the Chokwe people. Ilunga taught the art of hunting. This figure is wearing elaborate headgear, which is a sign of royal rank. He holds a Get more content on
  • 3. Art Appreciation Essay Art Appreciation Rathnasambhava, the Transcendent Buddha of the South and Madonna Enthroned are very similar images that were produced by very different cultures. Both images were produced during the 13th Century. The image of Rathnasambhava, the Transcendent Buddha of the South was produced in Tibet during an interesting period of the country's religious history. The branch of TibetanBuddhism is led by a religious and sometimes political leader called the Dalai Lama. It was during the 13th Century during the reign of Kublai Khan, around the time of the production of this painting, that Tibet experienced the first incarnation of the Dalai Lama. One has to wonder if this painting is somehow related to that occurrence. According more content... Similarly, the image of Madonna Enthroned was painted by Cimabue in Italy during the 13th Century, an interesting period of the country's religious and art history. It was during the 13th Century that Italy was on the brink of a great revival known as the Renaissance. Cimabue's work represents the best of the Byzantine Tradition. Cimabue is also the well–known teacher of Giotto, one of the leading artists of the Italian Renaissance. Italy is predominately Roman Catholic, a sect distinguished by its religious leadership resting in the Pope and known for its veneration of Mary, the Mother of God. In Madonna Enthroned, Cimabue depicts the Madonna with the Christ Child as a central theme typical of paintings of this time period. As the viewer looks at the painting, we are drawn to the central image of the Madonna whose hand points us to her son. In both Rathnasambhava, the Transcendent Buddha of the South and Madonna Enthroned, the format suggests a depiction of a transcendent reality. Transcendent can be defined as a state of being or existence above and beyond the limits of material experience. The notion of transcendence is suggested through a flattened appearance typical of the 13th Century. Both paintings have a Get more content on
  • 4. Art Appreciation I like the primary colors on the repeating circles which look like monkey bars. The two buckets at the top of the poles must bring hours of fun and excitement for the children as they fill up with water and spill over on a hot summer day. This is a nice area to encourage children and families to go outside and play. I feel there is too much television and video games these days and not enough outside adventure. This neighborhood art is an outdoor invitation for fun of all ages! There are lakes and activity areas in my neighborhood too and I am admiring their beauty different now that I am in Art Appreciation. Get more content on
  • 5. Essay On Art Appreciation Sarah Bull ARTS–1301 (86020) Art Appreciation Museum Paper This paper will criticize the Guardian, an oil painting on canvas by Valton Tyler, created in 1973 and is displayed by the Amon Carter Museum of American Art in Fort Worth, TX. The painting illustrates unusual structures that utilize a variety of geometric and organic shapes. The irregular curvilinear form and shapes of the structures has this whimsical fairytale meets mechanical futuristic feel to it– or Dr. Seuss meets Wizard of Oz. The amorphous shaped clouds in the melancholy sky give it this sort of industrial, bleak, factory smokestack impression. The dreary sky is then contrasted with these lively organic structures that are set amongst a green landscape with hills or mountains more content... The first thing that came to mind when I thought about what the artwork is representing, was a little green plant sprouting through the cracks of concrete. This thought I had is like the little leaves sprouting from the structures in the painting. I was reading an article the other day about how long mankind has been here in the timeline of the earth and how much we have destroyed in the small amount of time we have resided on earth. I feel it is vital to respect and appreciate mother nature, but our world does the exact opposite. Mankind has caused global warming, polluted the oceans and air, destroyed 50% of forests and have caused a variety of species to go extinct. We have abused our planet and have failed to properly nurture it. We hardly rely on nature to provide us with food anymore either. Why farm when we can concoct our diet in a lab and then produce it in a factory in large volumes quickly and inexpensively? I can't stress how important it is to still be connected to nature and your fellow man. We have become so indulged in technology that we are now these lifeless robots. By this I mean, we sit with our faces glued to our tablets, TV's, cellphones, etc. This is no way to live. It's a mindless, empty zombie way of living. I think technology is great, but society should be weary and careful of how much, when and where we utilize it. Technology Get more content on
  • 6. The Importance of Art Essay Art is a form of human expression. Art can be seen as the artist sleight of hand on his mood. Art is in various media from posters to public wall of which we call "graffiti". Art is elusive as the use of colors shapes and the surface used adds a new dimension. Art portrays various ideas, feelings such as triumph, love, happiness, sorrow and boredom in loss to mention a few. Art is beauty and creativity. During man's evolution art has progressed over in its most primitive state up to its most modernized versions today. History shows that art has been used as a major tool for communication. Cavemen did art on their walls using unsophisticated and blunt tools. The indigenous people of our country, the aborigines such as Albert more content... Ancient Egyptians, Aztecs, Incas and Mayans created many meticulous pieces of art. Some of the meticulous pieces of art are masks, pyramids, jewelry, wall paintings, tombs, sarcophagi. The primal Romans and Greeks showed their appreciation of life through art. India used art to show their dance and their religions. The African art is symbolic of their tribal cuffs as seen of their totem poles. Today, Art has gone through many changes. Abstract art dominates art today shows ambiguous life a man lives, in contrast to the unambiguous art of the past. Modern does not have spirituality and cultural values and beliefs in the past and is now a reflection of a materialistic life of today. Bill Henson, a portrait artist used his 12 year old Olympia as a nude model for his portrait drawing. This brought much controversy that he was exploiting the body of an under – age girl as his own gains. This shows that art is used for popularity and financial gain. The message behind art is to show ideas and ideas that are relevant to society. Art is meant to enliven life and things, thoughmodern art shows more if life's negativeness. Galleries, parks and museums view to the public with meaningfulness and with the appreciation for art. Art is still effective as hand written material was seen in the walls of Ancient Egypt. Modern art stimulates the thought and fosters greater Get more content on
  • 7. Appropriation in Art Essay Throughout history, the issue of appropriation in art has become a heated debate on whether it is good or whether it is bad. Appropriation is fundamentally the act of taking something from somewhere else and placing it into a new context. In art, appropriation is seen as using (or taking) someone else's artwork, manipulating it and ultimately changing the whole meaning behind the work. It is seen as a significant issue as many people (including art critics, art historians and art enthusiasts) see appropriation as whilst, others see it as being inappropriate and immoral, and see the growth in appropriation as being a destroyer of art. It is of the opinion that art indeed "feeds off itself" and every artwork, art movement, and art period more content... He took an actual replica of the work and placed a bold, black mustache and beard on the famous lady's face. Many saw this act as a form of vandalism and were disgusted on the way Duchamp violated such a treasure. However, oblivious to them was Duchamp's way of expressing his way of decreasing the high art status of the work and also suggesting Da Vinci's sexual ambiguity. Subjectively, this work of Duchamp's is an insult to one of the finest artists and artworks in history, and should be considered as a form of vandalism. His work is mocking Da Vinci and ridiculing the talents of the great man. Though there is no limit to art, the question "When is it actually art, and when is it stealing and vandalising" still arises. Despite this fact, some appropriation artworks are very clever and interesting. Pablo Picasso's "Weeping Woman" was appropriated for an advertisement for Australian Air Express. Their ingenious way of including their logo, which is synonymous to them, into the painting, is very clever. It seems as if it is actually part of the painting and it matches the painting perfectly (unlike Duchamp's). One of the most well known appropriator is Yasumasa Morimura. He has appropriated a number of artworks from a number of artists. His "Daughter of Art History Theatre A, 1989" is an appropriation of Edouard Manet's "A Bar at the Folies–Bergere, 1881–2", and his "Futago, 1988" is Manet's "Olympia, 1863). He Get more content on
  • 8. Reflection About Art Arts generate a strong feeling of admiration, displeasure, or anything in between. Furthermore, art expresses the human experience, and because of that correlation, there's a stronger bond between art and humanity. That bond allows art to evoke intense and powerful emotion from us . However, there is a difference between art and art–like; art has implication beyond the obvious, and art–like being merely decorative. So it is crucial to remember, that true art has meaning either positive or negative. Obviously, I learned that through this course and from experiencing art in the real world. In fact, since the beginning of this course I've been searching for art in the real world, so I can analyze and try to understand the deeper meaning behind it. Searching and Finding art in the world has certainly opened my eyes to all of the wonderful things in the world. Searching for art, I've found that it is everywhere around us and plays a major role in our everyday lives. Since taking this course I have encountered art in my home and school. Both are places that I go almost everyday, but my concept of art was so limited that I neglected to notice. At my home the paintings, books, and even the building itself is art. Infact, my mom has a Thomas Kinkade original hanging in the hallway and countless bibles lying around. Not only do we have bibles, but on my bookshelf lies tons of classic literature that I never considered to be art, because I thought art was "just paintings and stuff". Get more content on
  • 9. Art Appreciation Tanner Lambeth EZimmerman Art Appreciation February, 2 2015 This art work made by Pierre Auguste Renoir is oil by the visibility of the smudges and the texture the oil creates over the whole painting. The artist uses color evenly, the men are wearing white while the women are wearing dark navy blue, while the men and women are evenly distributed throughout the picture. The artist uses more dull colors, no dull vibrant colors mostly white, yellow, and dark blue. The colors used are even and well blended. Some symbolism used in the painting is how the men are all wearing white cutoff t–shirts but the women are covered up in dark clothing which around that time period women did not show skin possibly. In this piece the forms are realistic more content... The work is organized very well, the men and women are evenly distributed. The color to me is soft and light, it is made up of lights and darks that go well and transition together very well with no vibrant colors. The lines are smooth in some place and fuzzy in others. If you look at the women holding the dog on the table you can see how the lines are smudged away to create a fuzzy looking appearance. The shapes are natural there are no shapes that are not meant to be in the painting. The format overall is 3D, the artist makes the people look real by making the smudge go away from the person. The artist also used all the space in the painting the only space not used is in the back ground but the artist fills that with boats and the water in the distance. The author made the painting look scratchy but smooth by the smudges which gives the painting texture. The author uses unity in the painting there is nothing that is out of place everything looks the way it would if this event was happening now. There is an equal amount of balance in the painting nothing is too big or small and the items are proportioned throughout the image. The contrast in the painting is just right the men and women are wearing the opposite contrast but because they are evenly placed it balances out the painting. The first item I see when I look at the painting is table filled with wine Get more content on
  • 10. How Do We Evaluate Art? Essay How Do We Evaluate Art? When we are trying to evaluate art, how do we know it is good or not? We usually fit our personal feelings to the good or bad decision. If the drawing is in my taste, I say it is good. If it is not my taste, I dislike it and give it a negative comment. Everyone's thinking is different. Thus we may receive hundred or thousand different kinds of opinion toward one event or object. It is important for us to know that every opinion is independent and is not absolute. After reading the article, I realized there is no absolute good or bad. Comment, literarily defined, is opinion given briefly in speech or writing about an event. It is a form of personal feedback. The feedback, however, more content... It is also important to determine with another factor, knowledge. Knowledge is from experience. It can be gained through experience. It can be gained through learning in a form of official education. Knowledge, similar to experience, can vary according to ages. Again, an old man is theoretically wiser. However, there are many exceptions to this case. When we think of knowledge, we should not restrict the area of it. Knowledge is wide and has no limitation. Knowledge is more than what we learn from school or even University. When we are judging, we also ask ourselves several questions. Does it fit what I had learned before? Is it using any sort of method I had learned before, or a new way? When we are lack of knowledge, we have difficulty evaluating. Our point of view is, therefore, limited and narrow. Our empty mind can only accept or learn, and everything will sound new to us. When we declare something new, psychologically we will think it is good. Good or bad does not make any sense here. When lack of knowledge, judgement is difficult and therefore cannot be said absolute. Since knowledge and experience are important on our basis of decision, it is obvious that we have to learn and experience more in our life. The more you experience, the more you learn. The more you learn, the more you know. The more you know, the better you can judge. Get more content on
  • 11. Art and Aesthetics Essay Art and Aesthetics Art is usually referred to as the visual arts, where a piece of work is judged through the aesthetics in which it creates. However, art refers to all human endeavors, including the product of oneГ‚'s creative impulse. In other words, art does not have to be innovative to be good. I believe art is the communication of an idea, be it visual, musical, communicative or other. Art is the interplay between the conscious and unconscious part of our being, between what is real and what is an illusion; it is the voice of our soul through color and form in a constant search for connection with something beyond. I think of art as the bridge between our souls and the physical world. I see art as both an interaction between more content... Everybody, one time or the other, will fell as though they have been let down and disappointed by others, including the ones they love. Those feelings would include loneliness, and the yearn for support and guidance. At many times, we get the support we need, but once in a while; we would be left alone in the world, having to fend off our miseries by ourselves. That is exactly what I had in mind when I was creating my piece of art. I wanted the girl to depict a helpless teenager, who is yearning for support because the world has shunned her away completely. This in fact, removes all the color and vibrancy in her life, leaving her world looking black and white. The reason why the girl in my drawing is looking down is due to disbelief. She is utterly shocked by how the people that she thought that she could count on have left her to fend for herself. She saw the dark side of things; the side she thought and wished never existed. I feel that conveying this message is important is because, it would be unhealthy to bottle up your feelings and emotions inside of you; and since it is difficult to express it in words, it could be best displayed in the form of art. I tried to make my artwork convey all of these messages, making sure that the morbidity of the piece is highlighted. To achieve this gruesome effect, I solely used the color black, which emphasized the dark mood and ambiance that comes with this drawing. The color black is usually associated with darkness and Get more content on