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 Heat as the form of energy that can be transferred from one system
to another as a result of temperature difference.
 A thermodynamic analysis is concerned with the amount of heat
transfer as a system undergoes a process from one equilibrium state
to another.
 The science that deals with the determination of the rates of such
energy transfers is the heat transfer.
 The transfer of energy as heat is always from the higher-
temperature medium to the lower-temperature one, and heat
transfer stops when the two mediums reach the same temperature.
 Heat can be transferred in three basic modes:
 conduction
 convection
 radiation
 All modes of heat transfer require the existence of a temperature
Heat conduction
through a large plane
wall of thickness ∆x
and area A.
Conduction: The transfer of energy from the more
energetic particles of a substance to the adjacent less
energetic ones as a result of interactions between the
In gases and liquids, conduction is due to the
collisions and diffusion of the molecules during their
random motion.
In solids, it is due to the combination of vibrations of
the molecules in a lattice and the energy transport by
free electrons.
The rate of heat conduction through a plane layer is
proportional to the temperature difference across the
layer and the heat transfer area, but is inversely
proportional to the thickness of the layer.
When x → 0 Fourier’s law of
heat conduction
Thermal conductivity, k: A measure of the ability
of a material to conduct heat.
Temperature gradient dT/dx: The slope of the
temperature curve on a T-x diagram.
Heat is conducted in the direction of decreasing
temperature, and the temperature gradient becomes
negative when temperature decreases with
increasing x. The negative sign in the equation
ensures that heat transfer in the positive x direction
is a positive quantity.
The rate of heat conduction
through a solid is directly
proportional to its thermal
In heat conduction
analysis, A represents
the area normal to the
direction of heat
Thermal conductivity:
The rate of heat transfer
through a unit thickness
of the material per unit
area per unit
temperature difference.
The thermal conductivity
of a material is a
measure of the ability of
the material to conduct
A high value for thermal
conductivity indicates
that the material is a
good heat conductor,
and a low value indicates
that the material is a
poor heat conductor or
A simple experimental setup
to determine the thermal
conductivity of a material.
The range of
conductivity of
materials at
The mechanisms of heat
conduction in different
phases of a substance.
The thermal conductivities of gases such
as air vary by a factor of 104
from those of
pure metals such as copper.
Pure crystals and metals have the highest
thermal conductivities, and gases and
insulating materials the lowest.
The variation of
the thermal
conductivity of
various solids,
liquids, and gases
with temperature.
Thermal Diffusivity
cp Specific heat, J/kg · °C: Heat capacity
per unit mass
ρcp Heat capacity, J/m3
·°C: Heat capacity
per unit volume
α Thermal diffusivity, m2
/s: Represents
how fast heat diffuses through a material
A material that has a high thermal
conductivity or a low heat capacity will
obviously have a large thermal diffusivity.
The larger the thermal diffusivity, the faster
the propagation of heat into the medium.
A small value of thermal diffusivity means
that heat is mostly absorbed by the
material and a small amount of heat is
conducted further.
Convection: The mode of
energy transfer between a
solid surface and the
adjacent liquid or gas that is
in motion, and it involves
the combined effects of
conduction and fluid motion.
The faster the fluid motion,
the greater the convection
heat transfer.
In the absence of any bulk
fluid motion, heat transfer
between a solid surface and
the adjacent fluid is by pure
Heat transfer from a hot surface to air
by convection.
Forced convection: If
the fluid is forced to flow
over the surface by
external means such as
a fan, pump, or the wind.
Natural (or free)
convection: If the fluid
motion is caused by
buoyancy forces that are
induced by density
differences due to the
variation of temperature
in the fluid.
The cooling of a boiled egg by
forced and natural convection.
Heat transfer processes that involve change of phase of a fluid are also
considered to be convection because of the fluid motion induced during
the process, such as the rise of the vapor bubbles during boiling or the
fall of the liquid droplets during condensation.
Newton’s law of cooling
h convection heat transfer coefficient, W/m2
· °C
As the surface area through which convection heat transfer takes place
Ts the surface temperature
T∞ the temperature of the fluid sufficiently far from the surface.
The convection heat transfer
coefficient h is not a
property of the fluid.
It is an experimentally
determined parameter
whose value depends on all
the variables influencing
convection such as
- the surface geometry
- the nature of fluid motion
- the properties of the fluid
- the bulk fluid velocity
‱ Radiation: The energy emitted by matter in the form of electromagnetic
waves (or photons) as a result of the changes in the electronic
configurations of the atoms or molecules.
‱ Unlike conduction and convection, the transfer of heat by radiation does
not require the presence of an intervening medium.
‱ In fact, heat transfer by radiation is fastest (at the speed of light) and it
suffers no attenuation in a vacuum. This is how the energy of the sun
reaches the earth.
‱ In heat transfer studies we are interested in thermal radiation, which is
the form of radiation emitted by bodies because of their temperature.
‱ All bodies at a temperature above absolute zero emit thermal radiation.
‱ Radiation is a volumetric phenomenon, and all solids, liquids, and
gases emit, absorb, or transmit radiation to varying degrees.
‱ However, radiation is usually considered to be a surface phenomenon
for solids.
Stefan–Boltzmann law
σ = 5.670 × 10−8
· K4
Stefan–Boltzmann constant
Blackbody: The idealized surface that emits radiation at the maximum rate.
Blackbody radiation represents the maximum
amount of radiation that can be emitted from
a surface at a specified temperature.
Emissivity Δ : A measure of how closely
a surface approximates a blackbody for
which Δ = 1 of the surface. 0≀ Δ ≀ 1.
Radiation emitted
by real surfaces
Absorptivity α: The fraction of the radiation energy incident on a
surface that is absorbed by the surface. 0≀ α ≀ 1
A blackbody absorbs the entire radiation incident on it (α = 1).
Kirchhoff’s law: The emissivity and the absorptivity of a surface at
a given temperature and wavelength are equal.
The absorption of radiation incident on
an opaque surface of absorptivity .
Radiation heat transfer between a surface
and the surfaces surrounding it.
Net radiation heat transfer:
The difference between the
rates of radiation emitted by the
surface and the radiation
The determination of the net
rate of heat transfer by radiation
between two surfaces is a
complicated matter since it
depends on
‱ the properties of the surfaces
‱ their orientation relative to
each other
‱ the interaction of the medium
between the surfaces with
Radiation is usually
significant relative to
conduction or natural
convection, but
negligible relative to
forced convection.
When a surface is completely enclosed by a
much larger (or black) surface at temperature
Tsurr separated by a gas (such as air) that
does not intervene with radiation, the net rate
of radiation heat transfer between these
two surfaces is given by
Combined heat transfer coefficient hcombined
Includes the effects of both convection and radiation
When radiation and convection occur
simultaneously between a surface and a gas:
The materials which have very high resistivity i.e. offers
a very high resistance to the flow of electric current.
Insulating materials plays an important part in
various electrical and electronic circuits. In domestic
wiring insulating material protect us from shock and
also prevent leakage current.
So insulating material offers a wide range of uses in
engineering applications.
1. Operating condition : Before selecting an insulating
material for a particular application the selection should
be made on the basis of operating temperature, pressure
and magnitude of voltage and current.
2. Easy in shaping : Shape and size is also important affect.
3. Availability of material : The material is easily available.
4. Cost : Cost is also a important factor.
The substances through which electric
current can flow easily are called
e.g. Silver, gold, copper, aluminum etc.
Conductors have a large number of free
electrons. Generally metals have a large
number of free electrons, So all metals are
good conductors.
Those substances through which
electric current cannot pass easily
are called insulators. e.g. Glass,
Mica, dry Air, Bakelite etc.
The substances whose resistivity
lies between the resistivity of
conductors and insulators are called
semiconductors. e.g. Germanium,
Silicon, Carbon etc.
Resistivity is the resistance between
the two opposite faces of a cube having
each side equal to one meter.
Resistivity of
to 10-3
SEMICONDUCTORS 100-0.5 ohm-m
‱ Recognize numerous types of heat exchangers, and
classify them
‱ Develop an awareness of fouling on surfaces, and
determine the overall heat transfer coefficient for a heat
‱ Perform a general energy analysis on heat exchangers
‱ Obtain a relation for the logarithmic mean temperature
difference for use in the LMTD method, and modify it
for different types of heat exchangers using the
correction factor
‱ Develop relations for effectiveness, and analyze heat
exchangers when outlet temperatures are not known
using the effectiveness-NTU method
‱ Know the primary considerations in the selection of
heat exchangers.
Compact heat exchanger: It has a large heat
transfer surface area per unit volume (e.g., car
radiator, human lung). A heat exchanger with the
area density ÎČ > 700 m2
is classified as being
Cross-flow: In compact heat exchangers, the two fluids
usually move perpendicular to each other. The cross-
flow is further classified as unmixed and mixed flow.
Shell-and-tube heat exchanger: The most common type of heat
exchanger in industrial applications.
They contain a large number of tubes (sometimes several hundred)
packed in a shell with their axes parallel to that of the shell. Heat
transfer takes place as one fluid flows inside the tubes while the other
fluid flows outside the tubes through the shell.
Shell-and-tube heat exchangers are further classified according to the
number of shell and tube passes involved.
Regenerative heat exchanger:
Involves the alternate passage of the
hot and cold fluid streams through the
same flow area.
Dynamic-type regenerator: Involves a
rotating drum and continuous flow of
the hot and cold fluid through different
portions of the drum so that any
portion of the drum passes periodically
through the hot stream, storing heat,
and then through the cold stream,
rejecting this stored heat.
Condenser: One of the fluids is cooled
and condenses as it flows through the
heat exchanger.
Boiler: One of the fluids absorbs heat
and vaporizes.
Plate and frame (or just plate) heat exchanger: Consists of a series of plates
with corrugated flat flow passages. The hot and cold fluids flow in alternate
passages, and thus each cold fluid stream is surrounded by two hot fluid streams,
resulting in very effective heat transfer. Well suited for liquid-to-liquid applications.
A plate-and-frame
liquid-to-liquid heat
‱ A heat exchanger typically involves two
flowing fluids separated by a solid wall.
‱ Heat is first transferred from the hot fluid to
the wall by convection, through the wall by
conduction, and from the wall to the cold
fluid again by convection.
‱ Any radiation effects are usually included in
the convection heat transfer coefficients.
Thermal resistance network
associated with heat transfer in
a double-pipe heat exchanger.A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
U the overall heat transfer
coefficient, W/m2
The overall heat transfer coefficient U is dominated by the smaller convection
coefficient. When one of the convection coefficients is much smaller than the other
(say, hi << ho), we have 1/hi >> 1/ho, and thus U ≈ hi. This situation arises frequently
when one of the fluids is a gas and the other is a liquid. In such cases, fins are
commonly used on the gas side to enhance the product UA and thus the heat
transfer on that side.
The overall heat transfer coefficient
ranges from about 10 W/m2
⋅°C for
gas-to-gas heat exchangers to about
10,000 W/m2
⋅°C for heat exchangers
that involve phase changes.
For short fins of high
thermal conductivity, we
can use this total area in
the convection
resistance relation
Rconv = 1/hAs
To account for fin efficiency
When the tube is finned on one
side to enhance heat transfer, the
total heat transfer surface area on
the finned side is
Fouling Factor
The performance of heat exchangers usually deteriorates with time as a result of
accumulation of deposits on heat transfer surfaces. The layer of deposits represents
additional resistance to heat transfer. This is represented by a fouling factor Rf.
The fouling factor increases with the operating temperature and the length of
service and decreases with the velocity of the fluids.
Variation of the fluid
temperatures in a
parallel-flow double-pipe
heat exchanger.
log mean
The arithmetic mean temperature difference
The logarithmic mean temperature
difference ∆Tlm is an exact representation
of the average temperature difference
between the hot and cold fluids.
Note that ∆Tlm is always less than ∆Tam.
Therefore, using ∆Tam in calculations
instead of ∆Tlm will overestimate the rate of
heat transfer in a heat exchanger between
the two fluids.
When ∆T1 differs from ∆T2 by no more than
40 percent, the error in using the arithmetic
mean temperature difference is less than 1
percent. But the error increases to
undesirable levels when ∆T1 differs from
∆T2 by greater amounts.
Counter-Flow Heat Exchangers
In the limiting case, the cold fluid will be
heated to the inlet temperature of the hot
However, the outlet temperature of the cold
fluid can never exceed the inlet
temperature of the hot fluid.
For specified inlet and outlet temperatures,
∆Tlm a counter-flow heat exchanger is
always greater than that for a parallel-flow
heat exchanger.
That is, ∆Tlm, CF > ∆Tlm, PF, and thus a
smaller surface area (and thus a smaller
heat exchanger) is needed to achieve a
specified heat transfer rate in a counter-
flow heat exchanger.
When the heat capacity rates
of the two fluids are equal
Multipass and Cross-Flow Heat Exchangers:
Use of a Correction Factor
F correction factor depends on the
geometry of the heat exchanger and the
inlet and outlet temperatures of the hot
and cold fluid streams.
F for common cross-flow and shell-and-
tube heat exchanger configurations is
given in the figure versus two
temperature ratios P and R defined as
1 and 2 inlet and outlet
T and t shell- and tube-side temperatures
F = 1 for a condenser or boiler
Correction factor
F charts for
common shell-
and-tube heat
factor F charts
for common
cross-flow heat
The LMTD method is very suitable for determining the size of a heat
exchanger to realize prescribed outlet temperatures when the
mass flow rates and the inlet and outlet temperatures of the hot
and cold fluids are specified.
With the LMTD method, the task is to select a heat exchanger that
will meet the prescribed heat transfer requirements. The
procedure to be followed by the selection process is:
1. Select the type of heat exchanger suitable for the application.
2. Determine any unknown inlet or outlet temperature and the heat
transfer rate using an energy balance.
3. Calculate the log mean temperature difference ∆Tlm and the
correction factor F, if necessary.
4. Obtain (select or calculate) the value of the overall heat transfer
coefficient U.
5. Calculate the heat transfer surface area As .
The task is completed by selecting a heat exchanger that has a heat
transfer surface area equal to or larger than As.
A second kind of problem encountered in heat exchanger analysis is the
determination of the heat transfer rate and the outlet temperatures of the hot and
cold fluids for prescribed fluid mass flow rates and inlet temperatures when the type
and size of the heat exchanger are specified.
Heat transfer effectiveness
the maximum possible heat transfer rate
Cmin is the smaller of Ch and Cc
Actual heat transfer rate
The effectiveness of a
heat exchanger depends
on the geometry of the
heat exchanger as well
as the flow arrangement.
Therefore, different types
of heat exchangers have
different effectiveness
We illustrate the
development of the
effectiveness e relation
for the double-pipe
parallel-flow heat
Effectiveness relations of the heat exchangers typically involve the
dimensionless group UAs /Cmin.
This quantity is called the number of transfer units NTU.
For specified values of U and Cmin, the value
of NTU is a measure of the surface area As.
Thus, the larger the NTU, the larger the heat
The effectiveness of a heat exchanger is a function of the
number of transfer units NTU and the capacity ratio c.
for heat
When all the inlet and outlet temperatures are specified, the size of
the heat exchanger can easily be determined using the LMTD
method. Alternatively, it can be determined from the effectiveness–
NTU method by first evaluating the effectiveness from its definition
and then the NTU from the appropriate NTU relation.A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
(e.g., boiler, condenser)

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Heat transfer in thermal engineering

  • 1. HEAT TRANSFER MECHANISMS  Heat as the form of energy that can be transferred from one system to another as a result of temperature difference.  A thermodynamic analysis is concerned with the amount of heat transfer as a system undergoes a process from one equilibrium state to another.  The science that deals with the determination of the rates of such energy transfers is the heat transfer.  The transfer of energy as heat is always from the higher- temperature medium to the lower-temperature one, and heat transfer stops when the two mediums reach the same temperature.  Heat can be transferred in three basic modes:  conduction  convection  radiation  All modes of heat transfer require the existence of a temperature difference. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 2. Heat conduction through a large plane wall of thickness ∆x and area A. CONDUCTION Conduction: The transfer of energy from the more energetic particles of a substance to the adjacent less energetic ones as a result of interactions between the particles. In gases and liquids, conduction is due to the collisions and diffusion of the molecules during their random motion. In solids, it is due to the combination of vibrations of the molecules in a lattice and the energy transport by free electrons. The rate of heat conduction through a plane layer is proportional to the temperature difference across the layer and the heat transfer area, but is inversely proportional to the thickness of the layer. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 3. When x → 0 Fourier’s law of heat conduction Thermal conductivity, k: A measure of the ability of a material to conduct heat. Temperature gradient dT/dx: The slope of the temperature curve on a T-x diagram. Heat is conducted in the direction of decreasing temperature, and the temperature gradient becomes negative when temperature decreases with increasing x. The negative sign in the equation ensures that heat transfer in the positive x direction is a positive quantity. The rate of heat conduction through a solid is directly proportional to its thermal conductivity. In heat conduction analysis, A represents the area normal to the direction of heat transfer.A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 4. Thermal Conductivity Thermal conductivity: The rate of heat transfer through a unit thickness of the material per unit area per unit temperature difference. The thermal conductivity of a material is a measure of the ability of the material to conduct heat. A high value for thermal conductivity indicates that the material is a good heat conductor, and a low value indicates that the material is a poor heat conductor or insulator. A simple experimental setup to determine the thermal conductivity of a material. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 5. The range of thermal conductivity of various materials at room temperature. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 6. The mechanisms of heat conduction in different phases of a substance. The thermal conductivities of gases such as air vary by a factor of 104 from those of pure metals such as copper. Pure crystals and metals have the highest thermal conductivities, and gases and insulating materials the lowest. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 7. The variation of the thermal conductivity of various solids, liquids, and gases with temperature. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 8. Thermal Diffusivity cp Specific heat, J/kg · °C: Heat capacity per unit mass ρcp Heat capacity, J/m3 ·°C: Heat capacity per unit volume α Thermal diffusivity, m2 /s: Represents how fast heat diffuses through a material A material that has a high thermal conductivity or a low heat capacity will obviously have a large thermal diffusivity. The larger the thermal diffusivity, the faster the propagation of heat into the medium. A small value of thermal diffusivity means that heat is mostly absorbed by the material and a small amount of heat is conducted further. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 9. CONVECTION Convection: The mode of energy transfer between a solid surface and the adjacent liquid or gas that is in motion, and it involves the combined effects of conduction and fluid motion. The faster the fluid motion, the greater the convection heat transfer. In the absence of any bulk fluid motion, heat transfer between a solid surface and the adjacent fluid is by pure conduction. Heat transfer from a hot surface to air by convection. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 10. Forced convection: If the fluid is forced to flow over the surface by external means such as a fan, pump, or the wind. Natural (or free) convection: If the fluid motion is caused by buoyancy forces that are induced by density differences due to the variation of temperature in the fluid. The cooling of a boiled egg by forced and natural convection. Heat transfer processes that involve change of phase of a fluid are also considered to be convection because of the fluid motion induced during the process, such as the rise of the vapor bubbles during boiling or the fall of the liquid droplets during condensation. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 11. Newton’s law of cooling h convection heat transfer coefficient, W/m2 · °C As the surface area through which convection heat transfer takes place Ts the surface temperature T∞ the temperature of the fluid sufficiently far from the surface. The convection heat transfer coefficient h is not a property of the fluid. It is an experimentally determined parameter whose value depends on all the variables influencing convection such as - the surface geometry - the nature of fluid motion - the properties of the fluid - the bulk fluid velocity A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 12. RADIATION ‱ Radiation: The energy emitted by matter in the form of electromagnetic waves (or photons) as a result of the changes in the electronic configurations of the atoms or molecules. ‱ Unlike conduction and convection, the transfer of heat by radiation does not require the presence of an intervening medium. ‱ In fact, heat transfer by radiation is fastest (at the speed of light) and it suffers no attenuation in a vacuum. This is how the energy of the sun reaches the earth. ‱ In heat transfer studies we are interested in thermal radiation, which is the form of radiation emitted by bodies because of their temperature. ‱ All bodies at a temperature above absolute zero emit thermal radiation. ‱ Radiation is a volumetric phenomenon, and all solids, liquids, and gases emit, absorb, or transmit radiation to varying degrees. ‱ However, radiation is usually considered to be a surface phenomenon for solids. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 13. Stefan–Boltzmann law σ = 5.670 × 10−8 W/m2 · K4 Stefan–Boltzmann constant Blackbody: The idealized surface that emits radiation at the maximum rate. Blackbody radiation represents the maximum amount of radiation that can be emitted from a surface at a specified temperature. Emissivity Δ : A measure of how closely a surface approximates a blackbody for which Δ = 1 of the surface. 0≀ Δ ≀ 1. Radiation emitted by real surfaces A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 14. Absorptivity α: The fraction of the radiation energy incident on a surface that is absorbed by the surface. 0≀ α ≀ 1 A blackbody absorbs the entire radiation incident on it (α = 1). Kirchhoff’s law: The emissivity and the absorptivity of a surface at a given temperature and wavelength are equal. The absorption of radiation incident on an opaque surface of absorptivity . A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 15. Radiation heat transfer between a surface and the surfaces surrounding it. Net radiation heat transfer: The difference between the rates of radiation emitted by the surface and the radiation absorbed. The determination of the net rate of heat transfer by radiation between two surfaces is a complicated matter since it depends on ‱ the properties of the surfaces ‱ their orientation relative to each other ‱ the interaction of the medium between the surfaces with radiation Radiation is usually significant relative to conduction or natural convection, but negligible relative to forced convection. When a surface is completely enclosed by a much larger (or black) surface at temperature Tsurr separated by a gas (such as air) that does not intervene with radiation, the net rate of radiation heat transfer between these two surfaces is given by A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 16. Combined heat transfer coefficient hcombined Includes the effects of both convection and radiation When radiation and convection occur simultaneously between a surface and a gas: A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 19. INTRODUCTION The materials which have very high resistivity i.e. offers a very high resistance to the flow of electric current. Insulating materials plays an important part in various electrical and electronic circuits. In domestic wiring insulating material protect us from shock and also prevent leakage current. So insulating material offers a wide range of uses in engineering applications. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 20. FACTORS AFFECTING SELECTION OF AN INSULATING MATERIAL 1. Operating condition : Before selecting an insulating material for a particular application the selection should be made on the basis of operating temperature, pressure and magnitude of voltage and current. 2. Easy in shaping : Shape and size is also important affect. 3. Availability of material : The material is easily available. 4. Cost : Cost is also a important factor. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 22. CONDUCTORS The substances through which electric current can flow easily are called conductors. e.g. Silver, gold, copper, aluminum etc. Conductors have a large number of free electrons. Generally metals have a large number of free electrons, So all metals are good conductors. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 23. INSULATORS Those substances through which electric current cannot pass easily are called insulators. e.g. Glass, Mica, dry Air, Bakelite etc. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 24. SEMICONDUCTORS The substances whose resistivity lies between the resistivity of conductors and insulators are called semiconductors. e.g. Germanium, Silicon, Carbon etc. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 25. RESISTIVITY Resistivity is the resistance between the two opposite faces of a cube having each side equal to one meter. Resistivity of CONDUCTORS 10-8 to 10-3 ohm-m INSULATORS 1010-20 ohm-m SEMICONDUCTORS 100-0.5 ohm-m A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 26. HEAT EXCHANGERS ‱ Recognize numerous types of heat exchangers, and classify them ‱ Develop an awareness of fouling on surfaces, and determine the overall heat transfer coefficient for a heat exchanger ‱ Perform a general energy analysis on heat exchangers ‱ Obtain a relation for the logarithmic mean temperature difference for use in the LMTD method, and modify it for different types of heat exchangers using the correction factor ‱ Develop relations for effectiveness, and analyze heat exchangers when outlet temperatures are not known using the effectiveness-NTU method ‱ Know the primary considerations in the selection of heat exchangers. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 28. Compact heat exchanger: It has a large heat transfer surface area per unit volume (e.g., car radiator, human lung). A heat exchanger with the area density ÎČ > 700 m2 /m3 is classified as being compact. Cross-flow: In compact heat exchangers, the two fluids usually move perpendicular to each other. The cross- flow is further classified as unmixed and mixed flow. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 29. Shell-and-tube heat exchanger: The most common type of heat exchanger in industrial applications. They contain a large number of tubes (sometimes several hundred) packed in a shell with their axes parallel to that of the shell. Heat transfer takes place as one fluid flows inside the tubes while the other fluid flows outside the tubes through the shell. Shell-and-tube heat exchangers are further classified according to the number of shell and tube passes involved. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 30. Regenerative heat exchanger: Involves the alternate passage of the hot and cold fluid streams through the same flow area. Dynamic-type regenerator: Involves a rotating drum and continuous flow of the hot and cold fluid through different portions of the drum so that any portion of the drum passes periodically through the hot stream, storing heat, and then through the cold stream, rejecting this stored heat. Condenser: One of the fluids is cooled and condenses as it flows through the heat exchanger. Boiler: One of the fluids absorbs heat and vaporizes. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 31. Plate and frame (or just plate) heat exchanger: Consists of a series of plates with corrugated flat flow passages. The hot and cold fluids flow in alternate passages, and thus each cold fluid stream is surrounded by two hot fluid streams, resulting in very effective heat transfer. Well suited for liquid-to-liquid applications. A plate-and-frame liquid-to-liquid heat exchanger. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 32. THE OVERALL HEAT TRANSFER COEFFICIENT ‱ A heat exchanger typically involves two flowing fluids separated by a solid wall. ‱ Heat is first transferred from the hot fluid to the wall by convection, through the wall by conduction, and from the wall to the cold fluid again by convection. ‱ Any radiation effects are usually included in the convection heat transfer coefficients. Thermal resistance network associated with heat transfer in a double-pipe heat exchanger.A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 33. U the overall heat transfer coefficient, W/m2 ⋅°C When The overall heat transfer coefficient U is dominated by the smaller convection coefficient. When one of the convection coefficients is much smaller than the other (say, hi << ho), we have 1/hi >> 1/ho, and thus U ≈ hi. This situation arises frequently when one of the fluids is a gas and the other is a liquid. In such cases, fins are commonly used on the gas side to enhance the product UA and thus the heat transfer on that side. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 34. The overall heat transfer coefficient ranges from about 10 W/m2 ⋅°C for gas-to-gas heat exchangers to about 10,000 W/m2 ⋅°C for heat exchangers that involve phase changes. For short fins of high thermal conductivity, we can use this total area in the convection resistance relation Rconv = 1/hAs To account for fin efficiency When the tube is finned on one side to enhance heat transfer, the total heat transfer surface area on the finned side is A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 35. Fouling Factor The performance of heat exchangers usually deteriorates with time as a result of accumulation of deposits on heat transfer surfaces. The layer of deposits represents additional resistance to heat transfer. This is represented by a fouling factor Rf. The fouling factor increases with the operating temperature and the length of service and decreases with the velocity of the fluids. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 36. THE LOG MEAN TEMPERATURE DIFFERENCE METHOD Variation of the fluid temperatures in a parallel-flow double-pipe heat exchanger. log mean temperature difference A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 37. The arithmetic mean temperature difference The logarithmic mean temperature difference ∆Tlm is an exact representation of the average temperature difference between the hot and cold fluids. Note that ∆Tlm is always less than ∆Tam. Therefore, using ∆Tam in calculations instead of ∆Tlm will overestimate the rate of heat transfer in a heat exchanger between the two fluids. When ∆T1 differs from ∆T2 by no more than 40 percent, the error in using the arithmetic mean temperature difference is less than 1 percent. But the error increases to undesirable levels when ∆T1 differs from ∆T2 by greater amounts. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 38. Counter-Flow Heat Exchangers In the limiting case, the cold fluid will be heated to the inlet temperature of the hot fluid. However, the outlet temperature of the cold fluid can never exceed the inlet temperature of the hot fluid. For specified inlet and outlet temperatures, ∆Tlm a counter-flow heat exchanger is always greater than that for a parallel-flow heat exchanger. That is, ∆Tlm, CF > ∆Tlm, PF, and thus a smaller surface area (and thus a smaller heat exchanger) is needed to achieve a specified heat transfer rate in a counter- flow heat exchanger. When the heat capacity rates of the two fluids are equal A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 39. Multipass and Cross-Flow Heat Exchangers: Use of a Correction Factor F correction factor depends on the geometry of the heat exchanger and the inlet and outlet temperatures of the hot and cold fluid streams. F for common cross-flow and shell-and- tube heat exchanger configurations is given in the figure versus two temperature ratios P and R defined as 1 and 2 inlet and outlet T and t shell- and tube-side temperatures F = 1 for a condenser or boiler A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 40. Correction factor F charts for common shell- and-tube heat exchangers. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 41. Correction factor F charts for common cross-flow heat exchangers. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 42. The LMTD method is very suitable for determining the size of a heat exchanger to realize prescribed outlet temperatures when the mass flow rates and the inlet and outlet temperatures of the hot and cold fluids are specified. With the LMTD method, the task is to select a heat exchanger that will meet the prescribed heat transfer requirements. The procedure to be followed by the selection process is: 1. Select the type of heat exchanger suitable for the application. 2. Determine any unknown inlet or outlet temperature and the heat transfer rate using an energy balance. 3. Calculate the log mean temperature difference ∆Tlm and the correction factor F, if necessary. 4. Obtain (select or calculate) the value of the overall heat transfer coefficient U. 5. Calculate the heat transfer surface area As . The task is completed by selecting a heat exchanger that has a heat transfer surface area equal to or larger than As. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 43. THE EFFECTIVENESS–NTU METHOD A second kind of problem encountered in heat exchanger analysis is the determination of the heat transfer rate and the outlet temperatures of the hot and cold fluids for prescribed fluid mass flow rates and inlet temperatures when the type and size of the heat exchanger are specified. Heat transfer effectiveness the maximum possible heat transfer rate Cmin is the smaller of Ch and Cc A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 44. Actual heat transfer rate A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 45. The effectiveness of a heat exchanger depends on the geometry of the heat exchanger as well as the flow arrangement. Therefore, different types of heat exchangers have different effectiveness relations. We illustrate the development of the effectiveness e relation for the double-pipe parallel-flow heat exchanger. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 46. Effectiveness relations of the heat exchangers typically involve the dimensionless group UAs /Cmin. This quantity is called the number of transfer units NTU. For specified values of U and Cmin, the value of NTU is a measure of the surface area As. Thus, the larger the NTU, the larger the heat exchanger. capacity ratio The effectiveness of a heat exchanger is a function of the number of transfer units NTU and the capacity ratio c. A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR
  • 50. When all the inlet and outlet temperatures are specified, the size of the heat exchanger can easily be determined using the LMTD method. Alternatively, it can be determined from the effectiveness– NTU method by first evaluating the effectiveness from its definition and then the NTU from the appropriate NTU relation.A.N.KHUDAIWALA (L.M.E) G.P.PORBANDAR