machine learning software architecture bayesian belief networks conditional probability bayesian networks web services wcf belief networks inference probablistic graphical models jupyter data science zepplin apache hadoop azure hdinsight apache spark hdinsight spark hdinsight azure portal big data hdinsight azure design decision design  measurement trade-off cost-benefit analysis economics  metrics large-scale system development  productivity software life cycle management technical debt software quality software metrics software quality attributes software engineering agile agile software development sprint scrum agile development probability and uncertainty probability notation b probability of disjunctions joint probability table naïve bayesian classification bayesian classification classification with bayes rule conditional independence table bayesian belief network interestingness association analysis sensitivity probabilistic interestingness measures directed acyclic graph bayesian belief network bayes causality soa secureit security owasp architecture service oriented architecture json web api rest restful services c# soap dependency inversion principle open/closed principle ooad interface segregation principle single responsibility principle uncle bob software craftsmanship liskov substitution principle outliers
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