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 The palpable pulse reflects the merging of the
antegrade pulsatile flow of blood and the
propagated pulse returning from the periphery.
PULSE-“Mirror of the heart”
 The arterial pulse reflects the performance of LV
 It is propagated by incompressible blood both
forwards and laterally. The lateral movement
distends the arterial wall and is felt as pulse.
Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition
Determinents of Arterial pulse
Left Ventricle: Stroke volume
LV contractility
Velocity of LV ejection
Aortic Valve : Normal
Arterial system: Compliance or distensibility
Aortic run off
LV pressure when it rises above aortic pressure
becomes driving force for movement of blood into
Driving force is dependent on
1) Contractility
2) Size & shape of LV
3) Heart rate.
This driving force is opposed by several forces that
impede the flow
1) Resistance
2) Inertia
3) Compliance
The contour of the pulses depends on the stroke volume,
ejection velocity, vascular capacity and compliance, and
systemic resistance.
Defined as - Onset of pulse wave to its peak
Normal range = 90-160 ms
Brachial artery = 120 ms
Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition
 Percussion wave is impulse generated by LV ejection
 Tidal wave is percussion wave reflected from upper part of
the body
 Dicrotic wave is reflected from lower part of the body often
recorded but not palpable
 Anacrotic notch occurs towards the end of rapid ejection
phase just before max pressure is reached
 Incisura or Dicrotic notch- Occurs during aortic valve
 Upstroke comes with S1
 Peak is reached well before S2
Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition
 The central pulse begins with AV opening and onset of LV
 The rapid rising portion of the arterial pressure curve is
termed anacrotic limb (Greek – upbeat)
Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition
 An anacrotic notch is frequently recorded on the
ascending limb towards the end of rapid ejection phase.
 Peak Aortic flow velocity occurs slightly earlier than the
peak pressure.
Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition
 The descending limb of the carotid arterial pulse
is less steep than the ascending limb
 The descending limb is interrupted by a incisura a
sharp downward deflection in end systole related
to isovolumic relaxation phase
 The subsequent small positive “dicrotic wave”
is attributed to
1) Elastic recoil of aorta and AV
2) Reflected waves from most distal arteries.
 Upstroke becomes steeper
 Systolic peak becomes higher
 Anacrotic notch disappears
 Systolic upstroke time becomes shorter (120msec)
 Systolic ejection time becomes more (320msec)
 The dicrotic notch occurs much later
 Systolic pressure increases
 Diastolic pressure & mean pressure decreases
Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory
Examinations. 3rd edition.
1)Distortion & damping of pulse wave components
2) Different rates of transmission of various components
3) Differences in distensibility & caliber of arteries
4) Changes in the vessel wall due to age & or disease
Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory
Examinations. 3rd edition.
1) Increase in the height of tidal wave
2) Increase in the height of the incisura
3) Systolic upstroke time is longer
4) Amplitude & duration of dicrotic wave decreases
Localization of arteries
 The CCA terminates at C4 level at upper border of thyroid
 The ECA is palpated medial to the sternocleidomastoid
above upper border of the thyroid cartilage
 The ICA is palpated placing a hand in the mouth and
palpating the tonsillar fauces.
 The subclavian artery is felt in the posterior
triangle. With the shoulder depressed,
pressure is exerted down back and medially
in the angle between sternocleidomastoid and
Localization of arteries
 Brachial-Palpation of the right brachial pulse is accomplished
with the thumb of the examiners right hand as the patients arm
lies supinated at his or her side
 Axillary- compression against the humerus.
In infants palpation of radial pulse has inherent
1) Radial artery is very small
2) Padding of subcutaneous fat is more.
1) Rate& rhythm
2) Volume &tension
3) Character
4) Vessel wall
5) Peripheral pulses
Grade the palpability
Brachio or radio- femoral and brachio-brachial delay
Palpation of abdominal artery
Ocular fundi
Allen’s test
1) Pulsus Parvus
2) Pulsus Tardus
3) Hypokinetic Pulse
4) Hyperkinetic Pulse
( Bounding)
5) Brisk or Jerky Pulse
6) Water Hammer Pulse
7) Collapsing Pulse
8) Corrigans Pulse
9) Anacrotic Pulse
10) Bisferrians Pulse
11) Dicrotic Pulse
12) Pulsus Paradoxsus
13) Pulsus Alternans
14) Pulsus Bigeminny
A slow rising pulse
Low volume pulse
Best appreciated in carotids
Seen in severe AS and severe heart failure.
Slow rising
Low volume pulse
Best appreciated in carotids
Seen in severe AS and severe heart failure.
PULSUS TARDUS( Anacrotic pulse)
Late peaking
Peak is delayed and nearer to S2
Best appreciated by simultaneous auscultation of the
heart and palpation of carotid pulse
Seen in all forms of fixed obstruction to the LVOT
Pulsus parvus et tardus with accentuation of the
anacrotic notch and a small volume pulse.
Characterized by-
1)Slow upstroke
2)Delayed peak
3)Small volume
It is well felt in the carotids
Earlier the anacrotic notch severe the stenosis →
correlates with a gradient of 70 mmHg
Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition
Normal arterial pulse with AS
 Mild AS
 Associated AR
 Supravalvular AS, CoA
 In children and elderly
Small or diminished pulse
1) Low CO
2) LV Dysfunction
3) CCF
4) Hypotension
5) LVOT Obstruction
Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition
In Hypokinetic pulse
Normal upstroke indicates decreased SV
Slow uprise indicates LVOT obstruction
1) Anxiety
2) Anaemia
3) Thyrotoxicosis
4) Exercise
5) Hot humid environment
6) Alcohol
7) Cigarette smoking
8) SHT with Atherosclerosis
9) Isolated Systolic HT
Hyperkinetic pulse has a larger than normal
amplitude and results from
1) Increased LV ejection velocity
2) Increased Stroke volume
3) Increased arterial pressure.
Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition
Mechanisms of high pulse volume
Atherosclerotic non -distensible
arterial system
Increased SV
Emotional excitability, anxiety
Increased SV
Low diastolic pressure
High cardiac output status
Low diastolic pressure
Increased SV
Conditions with aortic runoff
Nondistensible arterial system
Systemic hypertension
The arterial pulse in MR
Characteristic pulse
Severe MR with good LV function
Normal volume with collapsing
MR in association with HOCM
Bisferiens pulse
MR in association with HOCM
Brockenbrough sign
Functional MR with AS
Slow rising pulse
Secondary MR with cardiomyopathy
or Myocariditis
Pulsus alternans
Rheumatic MR
Irregularly irregular pulse of AF
C-TGA with left AV valve
Slow but regular pulse
Infective endocarditis with systemic
Asymmetry of pulses
Brockenbrough sign
Jerky pulse is a pulse with a brisk or sharp upstroke
that literally taps against the palpating fingers. The
pulse volume is not increased
Rapid upstroke / Normal downstroke / Normal
Seen typically in HCM
The collapsing pulse is due to :
i) Diastolic run off into the LV
ii) Reflex vasodilatation mediated by carotid baroreceptors
secondary to large stroke volume
iii) Rapid run off from the periphery due to decreased
systemic vascular resistance.
Best appreciated at the radial pulse with the
palmer side of the examiner’s hand and with the
patient’s arm suddenly elevated above the
This may be related to the artery becoming
more in the line with the central aorta,
allowing direct systolic ejection and
diastolic backward flow.
1) De Mussets sign Head bobbing
2) Light House Sign Alt flushing & blanching of face
3) Landolfis sign Alteration in pupillary size with cardiac cycle
3) Quinckies sign Capillary pulsation over lips
4) Mullers sign Uvula pulsation
5) Carotid shudder Thrill over carotid during upstroke
6) Corrigans Pulse Visible carotid pulse of AR
7) Julians sign Pulsation of retinal vessels.
8) Minervini’s sign Strong lingual pulsations. Tongue
depressor moves up and down when
tongue is depressed.
9) Logue’s sign Pulsation of sternoclavicular junction when AR is
associated with aortic dissection.
Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition
10) Bisferiens Pulse Double peaked Pulse
11) Locomotor Brachi Dancing Brachialis
12) Hills sign LL SBP > 20 mm than UL
Mild 20-40 mmhg
Moderate 40-60 mmhg
severe >60mmhg
13) Pistol shot Femoralis Systolic sounds over FA
14) Traubes sign Systolic & Diastolic sounds
15) Durozies murmur. Distal occlusion diastolic murmur
Proximal occlusion systolic murmur
16) Palfrey’s sign Pistol shot sound over radial artery
Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition
17) Rosenbachs sign - Liver Pulsation
18) Gerhardts sign - Splenic Pulsation
19) Dennison’s sign - Presence of
pulsations in cervix
Bisferiens pulse
Normally percussion wave is felt but not the
tidal wave. In all the conditions where percussion
wave is prominent, tidal wave also becomes
In combined AS and AR, the stenotic component
permits a jet, & lateral to the jet there is a fall in
pressure, this results in a dip or inward movement
in the pulse with secondary outward movement in
a pulse or tidal wave.
Bisferiens pulse
Normally both waves are prominent in patients with
severe AR.
In HOCM, the initial part of left ventricular ejection is rapid,
resulting in rapid upstroke.
As obstruction to the outflow starts later in the systole, due to
SAM, a sudden interruption to left ventricular ejection occurs
resulting in a dip in the pressure pulse followed by the slow
rising pulse wave, which is characteristic of HOCM ( spike and
dome pattern).
The percussion wave is more prominent than tidal wave
in HOCM.
Dicrotic pulse has an accentuated dicrotic wave and hence is a
twice beating pulse, one in systole and one in diastole.
Requirements :
1) Hypotension
2) Reduced Peripheral Vascular Resistance
When the reflection wave travels rapidly and meets the
original wave well in advance, it is lost in it.
In rigid and nondistensible arterial system, as in SHT,
dicrotic pulse in never present.
It is differentiated from the bisferiens pulse by the
simultaneous auscultation of the heart sounds.
It is more noticeable in the beat following a PVC.
It is better appreciated during inspiration or
inhalation of amyl nitrite.
IABP-augmented wave due to diastolic flow
occlusion in descending aorta
1) Healthy young adults
2) Fever
3) Hypovolemic shock
4) CCF
5) Cardiac tamponade
6) Sepsis
7) Post AVR
Anacrotic, Bisferiens ,Dicrotic
The double peaking occurs
A) On the upstroke in Anacrotic; late peaking
B) On the peak in Bisferiens- Both in Systole;
rapid rising
C) On the downstroke in Dicrotic ; normal rising
One in Systole & One in Diastole
Paradox about the pulse is absence of pulse during
inspiration but presence of heart sounds.
Suspected if the pulse varies with inspiration in all
accessible arteries.
MISNOMER- the term paradoxus is that normally
there is a fall in BP during inspiration (4-
6mm/hg) which in PP is exaggerated (>10mm/hg)
Pulsus paradoxus
 Physiological - 1) Obesity
2) Pregnancy
 RS - 3) Bronchial Asthma
4) Emphysema
6) Large Bilateral Pleural effusion
 CVS 7) Cardiac Tamponade
8) Constrictive Pericarditis (1/3rd)
9) Hypovolemic shock
10) Pulmonary embolism
11) RV Infarct
12) Cardiomyopathy
13) SVC Obstruction
14) Post Thoracotomy
1) Venous return
2) LV afterload
3) Diastolic ventricular interdependence
4) Lung volume
5) Circulatory reflexes
The principal determinant is underfilling of LV during
inspiration in relation to RV
 Inspiratory increase in venous pressure
(Kussmauls sign)
 Expiratory increase in venous pressure.
1) LVH
2) RVH
3) PHT
5) AR
6) Regional Tamponade
Mechanism for absence of PP is lack of competitive
ventricular filling during inspiration.
In Reversed Pulsus Paradoxus there is an increase in systemic
pressure with inspiration
1) HOCM :
Beats occur at regular intervals but in which there is a
regular attenuation of the systolic height of the pressure
Pulsus Alternans is a peripheral manifestation of LV
1) Alteration in the height of the pressure pulse
2) Alteration in the rate of rise.
It is the latter that is appreciated during palpation.
 PA is better felt in distal vessels than proximal
 Mild degree of PA is detected by sphygmomanometer.
Inflate the BP cuff rapidly above SBP and then deflate
slowly until Korotkoffs sounds are audible. At this point
beats are heard at one half of the heart rate. When the cuff
is deflated further the rate doubles.
 It is due to alteration of the contractile state of at
least part of the myocardium, caused by failure of
electromechanical coupling in some cells during
weaker contraction.
Types of Pulsus Alternans:
Total: When the weak beat is not percieved at all or when
involving both sides of the heart.
Partial: When invloving only RV ( as in PE) or LV (as in AS).
Concordant alternans: Simultaneous alternans of right
and left ventricles.
Discordant alternans: Alternating alternans of right
and left ventricles.
1) Regular HR
2) Felt in peripheral arteries
3) Light pressure should be applied
4) Breath should be held in mid expiration
5) Can be brought out or exaggerated by decreasing venous
return by
a) Sitting
b) Standing
c) Head up tilting
6) It is usually associated with S3.
PVC, rapid atrial pacing, IVC occlusion, myocardial
ischemia and intracoronary injection of contrast
during coronary arteriography are known to
induce alternans.
By infusion of nitroglycerine, Valsalva maneuver
and in the presence of aortic regurgitation or
systemic hypertension, pulsus alternans can be
1. LV Failure of any cause
2. Myocarditis,DCM
3. Acute pulmonary embolism
4. Severe AS with failure
5. Severe PS with failure
6. Severe AR with failure specially after aortic valve replacement.
7. Briefly during or after supraventricular tachycardia
8. Severe systemic hypertension.
9. Transient right ventricular outflow occlusion during balloon
dilatation of pulmonary stenosis.
1) Pulsus Alternans is associated with LVS3
2) In PA the interval between the weak & strong
beats are equal
3) In Pulsus Bigeminy the weaker beats arise
prematurely and the stronger beats occur after a
pause resulting in ventricular cycles that are
alternatively short and long.
1) Carotids - 40 ms.
2) Brachials - 60 ms.
3) Femoral - 75 ms.
4) Radial - 80 ms.
It is not the delayed arrival of the femoral pulse wave
but instead a slow rate of rise to a delayed peak.
Coarctation of Aorta.
Occlusive disease of the bifurcation of the aorta,
common iliac or external iliac arteries.
RIGHT RFD- Supravalvular AS
 CoA + BAV with AS or AR
 CoA with MR
 CoA with Supravalvular AS
 Pseudo Coarctation.
 Difference between apex beat and radial pulse > 10
beats/mt occurs in AF
 With VPC if they are too weak to open the aortic
Irregular pulse
 Irregularly irregular-AF
 Regularly irregular- frequent VPC
 Sinus arrhythmia-phasic variation in heart rate
b) Nonrespiratory-digitoxicity
Causes of rapid irregular pulse
Atrial fibrillation
Atrial flutter with varying block
Atrial tachycardia with varying block
Multifocal ventricular tachycardia
AF with WPW syndrome
Frequent multifocal atrial and ventricular ectopy
Causes of Rapid Regular pulse
Sinus tachycardia
Supraventricular tachycardia
Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
Junctional tachycardia
Atrial tachycardia with fixed block
Atrial flutter with fixed block
Ventricular tachycardia
Causes of Bradycardia
Sinus bradycardia
Complete heart block
High grade heart block
Bigeminal rhythm with impalpable premature beat
Pulsus alternans with impalpable weak beat
VPC – 2 beats in quick succession followed by a long
pause. (Normal beat followed by premature beat)
APC – 2 beats in quick succession followed by a short
AF - Irregular in rate ,rhythm & force
Long pause that is not preceded by 2
beats in quick succession.
 Coarctation of Aorta
 Aortoarteritis
 Dissection of Aorta
 Atherosclerosis
 Trauma
 Aortoarteritis
 Dissecting aneurysm of Aorta
 Atherosclerosis
 Thromboembolic occlusion
 Supravalvular AS
 Aortoarteritis
 Dissecting aneurysm of Aorta
 Thromboembolic obstruction
 Previous catheterization
 Cervical rib
 Scalenus Anticus syndrome
 Anomalous Rt Subclavian artery
 Aberrant course of Radial artery
 Arteritis.
 Dissecting aneurysm
 Coarctation of aorta
 Pseudoxanthoma elasticum
 Hypoplastic External Iliac artery.
Points to remember
1)If the arterial pulse is regular in a patient with established
atrial fibrillation on digitalis therapy, digitoxicity with AV
nodal rhythm should be considered.
2)Presence of dicrotic wave always suggests a grave prognosis.
3) Severe MR with good LV function results in normal volume
collapsing pulse. This is due to rapid ejection by the LV with
the advantage of lesser afterload and more preload. With the
onset of LV dysfunction, pulse loses its collapsing character
4)Electrical alternans has no relationship to pulsus alternans
Braunwald’s 11th edition
Harrisons Principle of Internal Medicine
Textbook of clinical methods: 3rd edition

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  • 2. ARTERIAL PULSE DEFINITION:  The palpable pulse reflects the merging of the antegrade pulsatile flow of blood and the propagated pulse returning from the periphery. BRAUNWALD’S 11TH EDITION
  • 3. PULSE-“Mirror of the heart”  The arterial pulse reflects the performance of LV  It is propagated by incompressible blood both forwards and laterally. The lateral movement distends the arterial wall and is felt as pulse. Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition
  • 4. Determinents of Arterial pulse Left Ventricle: Stroke volume LV contractility Velocity of LV ejection Aortic Valve : Normal Stenosis Regurgitation Both Arterial system: Compliance or distensibility PVR Aortic run off
  • 5. BLOOD FLOW LV pressure when it rises above aortic pressure becomes driving force for movement of blood into aorta Driving force is dependent on 1) Contractility 2) Size & shape of LV 3) Heart rate.
  • 6. BLOOD FLOW This driving force is opposed by several forces that impede the flow 1) Resistance 2) Inertia 3) Compliance
  • 7. The contour of the pulses depends on the stroke volume, ejection velocity, vascular capacity and compliance, and systemic resistance. BRAUNWALD’S 11TH EDITION
  • 8. SYSTOLIC UPSTROKE TIME Defined as - Onset of pulse wave to its peak Normal range = 90-160 ms Brachial artery = 120 ms Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition
  • 9.
  • 10. PULSE WAVE COMPONENTS  Percussion wave is impulse generated by LV ejection  Tidal wave is percussion wave reflected from upper part of the body  Dicrotic wave is reflected from lower part of the body often recorded but not palpable  Anacrotic notch occurs towards the end of rapid ejection phase just before max pressure is reached  Incisura or Dicrotic notch- Occurs during aortic valve closure.  Upstroke comes with S1  Peak is reached well before S2 Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition
  • 11.
  • 12. CENTRAL PULSE  The central pulse begins with AV opening and onset of LV ejection  The rapid rising portion of the arterial pressure curve is termed anacrotic limb (Greek – upbeat) Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition
  • 13. CENTRAL PULSE  An anacrotic notch is frequently recorded on the ascending limb towards the end of rapid ejection phase.  Peak Aortic flow velocity occurs slightly earlier than the peak pressure. Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition
  • 14. CENTRAL PULSE  The descending limb of the carotid arterial pulse is less steep than the ascending limb  The descending limb is interrupted by a incisura a sharp downward deflection in end systole related to isovolumic relaxation phase  The subsequent small positive “dicrotic wave” is attributed to 1) Elastic recoil of aorta and AV 2) Reflected waves from most distal arteries.
  • 15. ALTERATIONS IN CENTRAL PULSE PERIPHERALLY  Upstroke becomes steeper  Systolic peak becomes higher  Anacrotic notch disappears  Systolic upstroke time becomes shorter (120msec)
  • 16.
  • 17. ALTERATIONS IN CENTRAL PULSE PERIPHERALLY  Systolic ejection time becomes more (320msec)  The dicrotic notch occurs much later  Systolic pressure increases  Diastolic pressure & mean pressure decreases Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition.
  • 18. CAUSES FOR CHANGE IN CENTRAL PULSE CONTOUR WHEN TRANSMITTED PERIPHERALLY 1)Distortion & damping of pulse wave components 2) Different rates of transmission of various components 3) Differences in distensibility & caliber of arteries 4) Changes in the vessel wall due to age & or disease Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition.
  • 19.
  • 20. CHANGES IN PULSE WITH AGING 1) Increase in the height of tidal wave 2) Increase in the height of the incisura 3) Systolic upstroke time is longer 4) Amplitude & duration of dicrotic wave decreases 1196
  • 21.
  • 23. Localization of arteries  The CCA terminates at C4 level at upper border of thyroid cartilage  The ECA is palpated medial to the sternocleidomastoid above upper border of the thyroid cartilage  The ICA is palpated placing a hand in the mouth and palpating the tonsillar fauces.
  • 24.  The subclavian artery is felt in the posterior triangle. With the shoulder depressed, pressure is exerted down back and medially in the angle between sternocleidomastoid and clavicle.
  • 25. Localization of arteries  Brachial-Palpation of the right brachial pulse is accomplished with the thumb of the examiners right hand as the patients arm lies supinated at his or her side  Axillary- compression against the humerus.
  • 27. RADIAL In infants palpation of radial pulse has inherent limitations 1) Radial artery is very small 2) Padding of subcutaneous fat is more.
  • 28. EVALUATION OF ARTERIAL PULSE 1) Rate& rhythm 2) Volume &tension 3) Character 4) Vessel wall 5) Peripheral pulses Grade the palpability Brachio or radio- femoral and brachio-brachial delay Bruit Palpation of abdominal artery Ocular fundi Allen’s test
  • 29. ABNORMAL PULSES 1) Pulsus Parvus 2) Pulsus Tardus 3) Hypokinetic Pulse 4) Hyperkinetic Pulse ( Bounding) 5) Brisk or Jerky Pulse 6) Water Hammer Pulse 7) Collapsing Pulse 8) Corrigans Pulse 9) Anacrotic Pulse 10) Bisferrians Pulse 11) Dicrotic Pulse 12) Pulsus Paradoxsus 13) Pulsus Alternans 14) Pulsus Bigeminny
  • 30. PULSUS PARVUS A slow rising pulse Low volume pulse Best appreciated in carotids Seen in severe AS and severe heart failure.
  • 31. PULSUS PARVUS Slow rising Low volume pulse Best appreciated in carotids Seen in severe AS and severe heart failure.
  • 32. PULSUS TARDUS( Anacrotic pulse) Late peaking Peak is delayed and nearer to S2 Best appreciated by simultaneous auscultation of the heart and palpation of carotid pulse Seen in all forms of fixed obstruction to the LVOT
  • 33. ANACROTIC PULSE Pulsus parvus et tardus with accentuation of the anacrotic notch and a small volume pulse. Characterized by- 1)Slow upstroke 2)Delayed peak 3)Small volume
  • 34. CHARACTERISTICS OF ANACROTIC PULSE It is well felt in the carotids Earlier the anacrotic notch severe the stenosis → correlates with a gradient of 70 mmHg Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition
  • 35. Normal arterial pulse with AS  Mild AS  Associated AR  HOCM  Supravalvular AS, CoA  In children and elderly
  • 36. HYPOKINETIC PULSE Small or diminished pulse 1) Low CO 2) LV Dysfunction 3) CCF 4) Hypotension 5) LVOT Obstruction Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition
  • 37. In Hypokinetic pulse Normal upstroke indicates decreased SV Slow uprise indicates LVOT obstruction
  • 38. HYPERKINETIC PULSE 1) Anxiety 2) Anaemia 3) Thyrotoxicosis 4) Exercise 5) Hot humid environment 6) Alcohol 7) Cigarette smoking 8) SHT with Atherosclerosis 9) Isolated Systolic HT
  • 39. HYPERKINETIC PULSE Hyperkinetic pulse has a larger than normal amplitude and results from 1) Increased LV ejection velocity 2) Increased Stroke volume 3) Increased arterial pressure. Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition
  • 40.
  • 41. Mechanisms of high pulse volume Atherosclerotic non -distensible arterial system Elderly Increased SV Emotional excitability, anxiety Increased SV Low diastolic pressure High cardiac output status Low diastolic pressure Increased SV Conditions with aortic runoff Nondistensible arterial system Systemic hypertension
  • 42. The arterial pulse in MR Significance Characteristic pulse Severe MR with good LV function Normal volume with collapsing pulse MR in association with HOCM Bisferiens pulse MR in association with HOCM Brockenbrough sign Functional MR with AS Slow rising pulse Secondary MR with cardiomyopathy or Myocariditis Pulsus alternans Rheumatic MR Irregularly irregular pulse of AF C-TGA with left AV valve regurgitation Slow but regular pulse Infective endocarditis with systemic embolism Asymmetry of pulses
  • 44. JERKY PULSE Jerky pulse is a pulse with a brisk or sharp upstroke that literally taps against the palpating fingers. The pulse volume is not increased Rapid upstroke / Normal downstroke / Normal volume Seen typically in HCM
  • 45. COLLAPSING OR WATER HAMMER PULSE The collapsing pulse is due to : i) Diastolic run off into the LV ii) Reflex vasodilatation mediated by carotid baroreceptors secondary to large stroke volume iii) Rapid run off from the periphery due to decreased systemic vascular resistance.
  • 46. Best appreciated at the radial pulse with the palmer side of the examiner’s hand and with the patient’s arm suddenly elevated above the shoulder. This may be related to the artery becoming more in the line with the central aorta, allowing direct systolic ejection and diastolic backward flow.
  • 47. PERIPHERAL SIGNS OF AR HEAD & NECK 1) De Mussets sign Head bobbing 2) Light House Sign Alt flushing & blanching of face 3) Landolfis sign Alteration in pupillary size with cardiac cycle 3) Quinckies sign Capillary pulsation over lips 4) Mullers sign Uvula pulsation 5) Carotid shudder Thrill over carotid during upstroke 6) Corrigans Pulse Visible carotid pulse of AR 7) Julians sign Pulsation of retinal vessels. 8) Minervini’s sign Strong lingual pulsations. Tongue depressor moves up and down when tongue is depressed. 9) Logue’s sign Pulsation of sternoclavicular junction when AR is associated with aortic dissection. Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition
  • 48. PERIPHERAL SIGNS OF AR LIMBS 10) Bisferiens Pulse Double peaked Pulse 11) Locomotor Brachi Dancing Brachialis 12) Hills sign LL SBP > 20 mm than UL Mild 20-40 mmhg Moderate 40-60 mmhg severe >60mmhg 13) Pistol shot Femoralis Systolic sounds over FA 14) Traubes sign Systolic & Diastolic sounds 15) Durozies murmur. Distal occlusion diastolic murmur Proximal occlusion systolic murmur 16) Palfrey’s sign Pistol shot sound over radial artery Clinical Methods: The History, Physical, and Laboratory Examinations. 3rd edition
  • 49. PERIPHERAL SIGNS OF AR ABDOMEN 17) Rosenbachs sign - Liver Pulsation 18) Gerhardts sign - Splenic Pulsation 19) Dennison’s sign - Presence of pulsations in cervix
  • 50. Bisferiens pulse Normally percussion wave is felt but not the tidal wave. In all the conditions where percussion wave is prominent, tidal wave also becomes prominent. Mechanism: In combined AS and AR, the stenotic component permits a jet, & lateral to the jet there is a fall in pressure, this results in a dip or inward movement in the pulse with secondary outward movement in a pulse or tidal wave.
  • 51.
  • 52.
  • 53. Bisferiens pulse Normally both waves are prominent in patients with severe AR. In HOCM, the initial part of left ventricular ejection is rapid, resulting in rapid upstroke. As obstruction to the outflow starts later in the systole, due to SAM, a sudden interruption to left ventricular ejection occurs resulting in a dip in the pressure pulse followed by the slow rising pulse wave, which is characteristic of HOCM ( spike and dome pattern). The percussion wave is more prominent than tidal wave in HOCM.
  • 54.
  • 55. DICROTIC PULSE Dicrotic pulse has an accentuated dicrotic wave and hence is a twice beating pulse, one in systole and one in diastole. Requirements : 1) Hypotension 2) Reduced Peripheral Vascular Resistance
  • 56. DICROTIC PULSE When the reflection wave travels rapidly and meets the original wave well in advance, it is lost in it. In rigid and nondistensible arterial system, as in SHT, dicrotic pulse in never present. It is differentiated from the bisferiens pulse by the simultaneous auscultation of the heart sounds.
  • 57.
  • 58. DICROTIC PULSE It is more noticeable in the beat following a PVC. It is better appreciated during inspiration or inhalation of amyl nitrite. IABP-augmented wave due to diastolic flow occlusion in descending aorta
  • 59. DICROTIC PULSE 1) Healthy young adults 2) Fever 3) Hypovolemic shock 4) CCF 5) Cardiac tamponade 6) Sepsis 7) Post AVR 8) IABP
  • 60. TWICE BEATING PULSE Anacrotic, Bisferiens ,Dicrotic Differentiation: The double peaking occurs A) On the upstroke in Anacrotic; late peaking B) On the peak in Bisferiens- Both in Systole; rapid rising C) On the downstroke in Dicrotic ; normal rising One in Systole & One in Diastole
  • 61. PULSUS PARADOXUS Paradox about the pulse is absence of pulse during inspiration but presence of heart sounds. Suspected if the pulse varies with inspiration in all accessible arteries. MISNOMER- the term paradoxus is that normally there is a fall in BP during inspiration (4- 6mm/hg) which in PP is exaggerated (>10mm/hg)
  • 65. PULSUS PARADOXUS - CAUSES  Physiological - 1) Obesity 2) Pregnancy  RS - 3) Bronchial Asthma 4) Emphysema 5) COPD 6) Large Bilateral Pleural effusion
  • 66. PULSUS PARADOXUS - CAUSES  CVS 7) Cardiac Tamponade 8) Constrictive Pericarditis (1/3rd) 9) Hypovolemic shock 10) Pulmonary embolism 11) RV Infarct 12) Cardiomyopathy 13) SVC Obstruction 14) Post Thoracotomy
  • 67. DETERMINANTS OF PP 1) Venous return 2) LV afterload 3) Diastolic ventricular interdependence 4) Lung volume 5) Circulatory reflexes The principal determinant is underfilling of LV during inspiration in relation to RV
  • 68. PULSUS PARADOXUS CARDIAC CAUSE  Inspiratory increase in venous pressure (Kussmauls sign) RESPIRATORY CAUSE  Expiratory increase in venous pressure.
  • 69. CARDIAC TAMPONADE WITHOUT PP 1) LVH 2) RVH 3) PHT 4) ASD,VSD 5) AR 6) Regional Tamponade Mechanism for absence of PP is lack of competitive ventricular filling during inspiration.
  • 70. REVERSED PP In Reversed Pulsus Paradoxus there is an increase in systemic pressure with inspiration 1) HOCM :
  • 71.
  • 72. PULSUS ALTERNANS Beats occur at regular intervals but in which there is a regular attenuation of the systolic height of the pressure pulse. Pulsus Alternans is a peripheral manifestation of LV failure 1) Alteration in the height of the pressure pulse 2) Alteration in the rate of rise. It is the latter that is appreciated during palpation.
  • 73.
  • 74. PULSUS ALTERNANS  PA is better felt in distal vessels than proximal  Mild degree of PA is detected by sphygmomanometer. Inflate the BP cuff rapidly above SBP and then deflate slowly until Korotkoffs sounds are audible. At this point beats are heard at one half of the heart rate. When the cuff is deflated further the rate doubles.
  • 75. PULSUS ALTERNANS - MECHANISM  It is due to alteration of the contractile state of at least part of the myocardium, caused by failure of electromechanical coupling in some cells during weaker contraction.
  • 76. Types of Pulsus Alternans: Total: When the weak beat is not percieved at all or when involving both sides of the heart. Partial: When invloving only RV ( as in PE) or LV (as in AS). Concordant alternans: Simultaneous alternans of right and left ventricles. Discordant alternans: Alternating alternans of right and left ventricles.
  • 77. HOW TO LOOK FOR PA 1) Regular HR 2) Felt in peripheral arteries 3) Light pressure should be applied 4) Breath should be held in mid expiration 5) Can be brought out or exaggerated by decreasing venous return by a) Sitting b) Standing c) Head up tilting 6) It is usually associated with S3.
  • 78. PVC, rapid atrial pacing, IVC occlusion, myocardial ischemia and intracoronary injection of contrast during coronary arteriography are known to induce alternans. By infusion of nitroglycerine, Valsalva maneuver and in the presence of aortic regurgitation or systemic hypertension, pulsus alternans can be exaggerated.
  • 79. PULSUS ALTERNANS - CAUSES 1. LV Failure of any cause 2. Myocarditis,DCM 3. Acute pulmonary embolism 4. Severe AS with failure 5. Severe PS with failure 6. Severe AR with failure specially after aortic valve replacement. 7. Briefly during or after supraventricular tachycardia 8. Severe systemic hypertension. 9. Transient right ventricular outflow occlusion during balloon dilatation of pulmonary stenosis.
  • 80. DIFFERENTIATING PA FROM BIGEMINY 1) Pulsus Alternans is associated with LVS3 2) In PA the interval between the weak & strong beats are equal 3) In Pulsus Bigeminy the weaker beats arise prematurely and the stronger beats occur after a pause resulting in ventricular cycles that are alternatively short and long.
  • 81.
  • 82.
  • 83. TIME TAKEN BY AORTIC PULSE WAVE TO REACH 1) Carotids - 40 ms. 2) Brachials - 60 ms. 3) Femoral - 75 ms. 4) Radial - 80 ms.
  • 84. RADIOFEMORAL DELAY It is not the delayed arrival of the femoral pulse wave but instead a slow rate of rise to a delayed peak. CAUSES : Coarctation of Aorta. Occlusive disease of the bifurcation of the aorta, common iliac or external iliac arteries. RIGHT RFD- Supravalvular AS
  • 85. CoA WITH ABSENT RFD  CoA + BAV with AS or AR  CoA with MR  CoA with Supravalvular AS  Pseudo Coarctation.
  • 86. PULSE DEFICIT  Difference between apex beat and radial pulse > 10 beats/mt occurs in AF  With VPC if they are too weak to open the aortic valve.
  • 87. Irregular pulse  Irregularly irregular-AF  Regularly irregular- frequent VPC  Sinus arrhythmia-phasic variation in heart rate a)Respiratory b) Nonrespiratory-digitoxicity
  • 88. Causes of rapid irregular pulse Atrial fibrillation Atrial flutter with varying block Atrial tachycardia with varying block Multifocal ventricular tachycardia AF with WPW syndrome Frequent multifocal atrial and ventricular ectopy
  • 89. Causes of Rapid Regular pulse Sinus tachycardia Supraventricular tachycardia Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia Junctional tachycardia Atrial tachycardia with fixed block Atrial flutter with fixed block Ventricular tachycardia
  • 90. Causes of Bradycardia Sinus bradycardia Complete heart block High grade heart block Bigeminal rhythm with impalpable premature beat Pulsus alternans with impalpable weak beat
  • 91. FREQUENT VPC Vs AF VPC – 2 beats in quick succession followed by a long pause. (Normal beat followed by premature beat) APC – 2 beats in quick succession followed by a short pause. AF - Irregular in rate ,rhythm & force Long pause that is not preceded by 2 beats in quick succession.
  • 92. UNEQUAL UPPER & LOWER LIMB PULSE  Coarctation of Aorta  Aortoarteritis  Dissection of Aorta  Atherosclerosis  Trauma
  • 93. UNEQUAL CAROTIDS  Aortoarteritis  Dissecting aneurysm of Aorta  Atherosclerosis  Thromboembolic occlusion  Supravalvular AS
  • 94. UNEQUAL RADIALS  Aortoarteritis  Dissecting aneurysm of Aorta  Thromboembolic obstruction  Previous catheterization  Cervical rib  Scalenus Anticus syndrome  Anomalous Rt Subclavian artery  Aberrant course of Radial artery  Arteritis.
  • 95. ABSENT FEMORALS  Dissecting aneurysm  Coarctation of aorta  Pseudoxanthoma elasticum  Hypoplastic External Iliac artery.
  • 96. Points to remember 1)If the arterial pulse is regular in a patient with established atrial fibrillation on digitalis therapy, digitoxicity with AV nodal rhythm should be considered. 2)Presence of dicrotic wave always suggests a grave prognosis. 3) Severe MR with good LV function results in normal volume collapsing pulse. This is due to rapid ejection by the LV with the advantage of lesser afterload and more preload. With the onset of LV dysfunction, pulse loses its collapsing character 4)Electrical alternans has no relationship to pulsus alternans
  • 97. REFERANCES Braunwald’s 11th edition Harrisons Principle of Internal Medicine Textbook of clinical methods: 3rd edition