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          An Aircraft Carrier at Jefferson Street?
          Vought Test Lab Simulates Jet Landing on an Aircraft Carrier
            The anticipation was palpable as Vought engineers        gear with thousands of pounds of pressure. Every part
          and our customer watched Lockheed Martin’s F-35C           of the gear must withstand that tremendous stress time
          Lightning II Carrier Variant dangle from its harnessed     after time with no structural failure.
          position just below the rafters in building 94 at the
                                                                        So how can we assure that the gear is suitable for
          Jefferson Street site. When the wheels reached their
                                                                     carrier landings, and there won’t be any catastrophic
          138 knot speed, the countdown began. 10, 9, 8, 7…
                                                                     failures? How do we prove that the design engineering
          The lanyard releasing the quick release safety latch
                                                                     was correct? That’s where Vought’s Test Lab comes
          was pulled and the jet was dropped. It was over in five
                                                                     in. The lab is capable of lifting a fully-loaded, full-
          brief seconds.
                                                                     scale aircraft up to eleven feet above the floor … and
             This “drop test” is done to simulate a landing on an    dropping it. Lockheed Martin has contracted with us
          aircraft carrier. As a fighter jet approaches the deck     to drop test the F-35C Lightning II Carrier Variant,
          of a carrier, forty-six thousand pounds of airplane is     a fifth-generation, single-seat, single-engine stealth
          traveling at 138 knots and hitting the deck with a thud,   fighter.
          stressing the airframe and especially the jet’s landing
                                                                        Hundreds of wires snake along the sleek lines of the
                                                                     light green jet, connected to an array of instruments
                                                                     that are streaming signals back to a computer for
                      INSIDE THIS ISSUE                              correlation to computer models that engineers spent
                      Earth Day 2010                                 many months designing. This data acquisition system
                                                                                                          Continued on page 2
                      Our employees’ children draw
                      for Earth Day
                      Good things our sites do
                      for the environment
                                                                                                 ADVANCING FLIGHT
F-35 Drop Test                              Continued from page 1
Three F-35                            is measuring every quiver, shudder, and     not possible in the old days when high
Lightning IIs                         pulse that is emitted from the test jet.    speed film-based cameras and analog
                                      Technically speaking, however, F-35         recording equipment was used in this
The F-35 Lightning II is produced
                                      Drop Test Director Tom Foster says          application.
in three variants: conventional       they are measuring strain, acceleration,
takeoff and landing (CTOL)                                                          Eventually, there will be about 53
                                      deflection and load data. This is where
designed for the U.S. Air                                                         landing gear drop tests at various
                                      the rubber meets the flight deck, so to
                                                                                  aircraft roll, pitch and landing sync
Force, short takeoff/vertical         speak.
                                                                                  rates performed on this one jet. A
landing (STOVL) designed for             There are 512 data channels              stack of bombs in the corner of the
the U.S. Marines, and carrier         connected to this aircraft. Twenty-five     room awaits their turn alongside a row
variant (CV) designed for the         hundred data samples are gathered per       of missiles to be loaded onto the jet
U.S. Navy. All versions are fifth     second per channel during each drop         to test for maximum landing weight
generation stealth fighters that      test for this aircraft. Per Eric Moore,     conditions. Of course, they are dummy
introduce profound capability         Test Control and Data Acquisition           ordnance but they are fabricated to
                                      group lead, high speed video of each        weigh in as a real load.
improvements over existing
                                      landing gear is simultaneously recorded
multi-role fighters. The three F-35                                                 Today, Vought is one of only two
                                      at two thousand frames per second and
variants share the same avionics                                                  test labs remaining in the United
                                      synchronized with the aircraft test data
                                                                                  States that has full-scale carrier
suite – the most powerful and         for post-test, image-to-data correlation.
                                                                                  suitability drop test capabilities.
comprehensive ever flown on a         In other words, each high speed video
                                                                                  The other is at Boeing, St. Louis.
fighter aircraft. All F-35 versions   picture can be directly compared to the
                                                                                  According to John Vaught, Test Lab
are built on the same assembly        load and deflection data measured and
                                                                                  Manager, the F-35 Drop Test Program
                                      recorded on each landing gear. This was
line, share the same engine and                                                   in total represents a very high level
are up to 80 percent common in                                                    of complexity generally not seen on
their structures and systems.

Vought Test Labs
Since 1948, Vought’s test
laboratories have been offering
state-of-the-art capabilities in
a fully-equipped and certified
facility. With U.S. Air Force,
U.S. Navy and Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) certification
and Department of Defense
security clearances, Vought’s
test labs are the only testing
facilities not operated by prime
aerospace original equipment
manufacturers (OEMs) with full
life-cycle testing capabilities –
including full-scale structures.

previous drop test programs. “The                                                Safety Coin
ability and know-how to do these drop                                            Awarded to
tests are very unique,” he said.
   With the level and type of test
capabilities the labs possess, Vought has                                        Employee
a long, and very reputable history of
accomplishing carrier suitability testing      Don Henderson prevented what could have been a serious accident
for the Navy, said John. “We can go all      by being aware of his surroundings and taking immediate action to
the way back to the XC-142, F-8, A-7,        correct a problem. Don oversees the grinding room at Stuart and
S3A, and now the F-35. All of these          noticed a tiny movement in a part
legacy aircraft programs required full-      on the magnet of a surface grinder,
scale drop testing to qualify for aircraft   causing a slight fluctuation in the
carrier operations. Full-scale dynamic       electrical charge powering the
tests of this nature present a very          magnet. He immediately hit the
complex test set of problems to run,”        emergency stop switch. He put
he said.                                                                                     Barrier
                                             in a repair order, and the electric             wall
   The F-35 tests at Vought should           system was repaired.                            installed
be completed within the next few
months; then it will go back to                If the electromagnet loses power,
Lockheed Martin for a series of              the part that is being ground down
additional tests. They estimate that         could become a projectile shooting
the Carrier Variant F-35C                    across the room with tremendous
will attain first flight in the second       speed and force. It could hit a wall,
quarter of 2010.                             or it could shoot out and seriously injure someone using the phone, or
                                             walking into the room.
                                               The facilities department installed a barrier wall to protect anyone
                                             that might be in harm’s way should a part go flying from the
                                             machine. The entire project cost less than $20.
                                               Don is a member of the Employee Safety Committee and is always
                                             on the lookout for safety issues.

                                                                                                Don Henderson accepts the
                                                                                                Safety Coin from President
                                                                                                     and CEO Elmer Doty,
                                                                                                     while ES&H Engineer
                                                                                                    Leanne Cobb looks on.

Thursday, April 22, 2010
                              In recognition of Earth Day, the company sponsored
                              a drawing contest for the children and grandchildren
                              of Vought employees. Pictured here are the contest
                              winners along with their works of art.

                                                                           Sydney Rowan
                                                                      Daughter of Michael Rowan
    Taron Esbri                                                            Marshall Street
Daughter of Dori Esbri

                                                                     Brandon Kimball
                                                                    Son of Todd Kimball
                                                                      Jefferson Street

           Conner Giles
         Son of Brian Giles
          Jefferson Street

                                                                        Ariana Kimball
                                                                    Daughter of Todd Kimball
  Garrett McDaniel                                                      Jefferson Street
Son of James McDaniel

Earth Day Art Contest

    Katherine Chang                 Meghan Montgomery
 Daughter of Irving Chang       Daughter of Wesley Montgomery
          Brea                            Nashville

       Haley Nixon                   Jasmine Fuqua
 Daughter of Robert Nixon        Daughter of Katie Fuqua
     Jefferson Street                  Nashville

        Mark Ward                    Julia Wetherall
    Son of Coleta Ward           Daughter of Sid Wetherall
      Milledgeville                       Stuart

Vought Task Force Targets
                              Waste Minimization &
                              Pollution Prevention
                                The Waste Minimization/Pollution
                              Prevention Task Force was chartered in 2001
                              with representatives from all Vought sites. The
    In honor of the           task force’s goal is to reduce the generation
                              of hazardous waste and associated costs.
  40th anniversary            Preventing waste has important financial
      of Earth Day,           benefits to Vought since waste never created
                              avoids the need for waste management and/or
    which was first           eventual clean up. The savings to the company
     celebrated on            over the past eight years (2001 – 2009)
                              has totaled more than $2.5 million dollars,
     April 22, 1970,          according to task force team leader Mike
                              Mendias, professional engineer.
   Vought is proud
                                 The task force serves as the focal point for
   to highlight the           all waste minimization/pollution prevention
      successes of            activities at Vought and seeks to reduce the
                              cost of doing business by reviewing current
     all our sites in         “end-of-pipe” environmental solutions. The
      our efforts to          task force initiated several pollution prevention
                              projects as well as “green environmental               Jefferson Street sorts hazardous
   help protect our           projects” last year. Green projects, said Mike         household wastes during a recent
                                                                                                round up.
      environment.            Mendias, are those that fall under the “reduce,
                              reuse or recycle” category.
  As a result of Vought’s
         diligence toward     Green Projects
    minimizing waste, we         A green project pilot test at Jefferson Street
have been able to reduce      was begun in 2009 to review the amount of
       our environmental      chromate sealant used. A chromate-free sealant
                              would reduce Vought’s heavy metal usage at
  footprint. According to
                              Jefferson Street. Vought has been working
  data collected over the     with Boeing to investigate the potential for
  past two years, Vought      changing to chromate-free sealants. This
    has reduced its water     project is ongoing as Vought finalizes its
      consumption by 10       investigation into these products and their
percent and its electricity   alternatives.
      usage by 7 percent.        Other green projects already implemented
                              at several Vought sites involve the recycling
  In addition, Vought has     of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes,
       reduced its Volatile   said Kip Shaw, Task Force member with
     Organic Compounds        Jefferson Street ES&H. “Wastes such as oil,
      (VOC) emissions by      oil absorbents, oil filters, fluorescent and other
   23 percent since 2001.     mercury containing lights, paint related waste,
                              batteries and cardboard are typical wastes
   “This is an impressive     that are being managed as recyclable material
 reduction,” said Joanne      at many of the Vought sites. Several other
Romano, ES&H Manager.         wastes are being investigated to discover their
                              recycling potential,” he said.                        Sealant Crib at Marshall Street
                                                                                   that produces sealant for multiple
                                                                                             Vought sites.

As a member of the communities
                                                              where we work and live,
    Hawthorne                                                  Vought is committed to
                                                          protecting our environment.
It Pays to Recycle
   The Hawthorne site has reduced
the amount of money it spends on its
recycling programs ... and has made a
                                                  Jefferson Street
little bit of cash to boot. Since last year
the site’s facilities department has been
                                              Jefferson Street to Hold
recycling white paper. “A company             Electronic Waste Round Up
comes out about every three months and
                                                Jefferson Street has taken a green approach in its Household Hazardous
picks up our trash,” said Larry Cragun,
                                              Waste Round Up that it has conducted for the past two years. Although this
environmental engineer, “and they pay
                                              event does not earn or save any money for the site, our employees benefit as
us around $400 each time.”
                                              well as the communities in which they live by having a convenient location
  They have reduced their trash bill by       to dispose of their hazardous wastes.
about $20,000 a year from recycling the
                                                In 2010, Jefferson Street is hoping to hold a round up for recycling of
wooden crates that their supplies come
                                              electronic waste rather than household hazardous waste. “Electronic waste
in. The same company also picks up
                                              (computers, televisions, computer monitors) disposal is an ever-growing
their wooden pallets. “We used to have
                                              problem in each employee’s residence,” said Mike Mendias, ES&H team
to pay a company to come out and haul
                                              lead. Plans are to conduct the round up in the latter part of this year.
that away,” Larry said. “It’s so nice to
no longer have those unsightly piles of
  E-waste is another problem solved.
                                                  Marshall Street
“We used to pay to dispose of it. Now
we have found a company to take it
                                              Cardboard, Paper and Cans
away for free,” Larry continued. This           Marshall Street is currently looking into establishing a recycling program
includes old computers, monitors, and         for paper, cardboard, aluminum cans and plastic bottles in an effort to
fax machines. “That’s probably another        reduce solid waste generation. Site staff are identifying vendors and
$20,000 in cost avoidance.”                   determining the materials and practices necessary to initiate the program.
  And this is just the beginning. Larry         Last year the facility’s waste minimization strategy successfully reduced
said the facilities department just worked    their use of spent chromic acid solution and paint touch-up bottles below
out a deal for their cardboard waste          projected levels. Activities for later this year will include an awareness
to be recycled and they’re looking at         campaign in support of reusable water bottles and lessons on how to save
purchasing environmentally-friendly           on printing costs.
hand towels and soaps for the restrooms.

                                              Save Your Blue Jeans
                                              Company-wide project slated for 4th quarter of 2010
                                              Old blue jeans are now being put to good use by
                                              turning them into eco-friendly natural cotton fiber
                                              insulation. The insulation is then being installed in
                                              homes built by Habitat for Humanity.
                                              Vought is planning to join a number of other
                                              organizations whose employees donate their
                                              used blue jeans to this cause. More information
                                              for the Vought project will be forthcoming. In the
                                              meantime, don’t throw away those old jeans.


                                                                       The Energy Conservation Team is pictured, left to right: Stanley Hatcher,
                                                                       Darren Jones, Jimmy Neely, Jason Tucker, Don Conger, Mike Vorndran,
Environmental                                                          Max Wolke, Martha Robayo, Rod Smith, Mike Prairie, Chris Delester, and
                                                                       Jon Bradford . Not pictured: James Fuqua, Jason Callis, Derrell Bowden,
Stewardship at Nashville                                               Craig Working, Jitendra Patel, and Sean Collins.

  The Nashville site has been awarded the “Partner” level                  would be avoided. Based on
by the Tennessee Pollution Prevention Partnership (TP3)                    current industry guidelines,
for their removal of a very large fuel oil storage tank. The               integrity testing would have had
TP3 recognizes industries and other organizations who not                  to be performed every five to ten
only have commendable environmental compliance records,                    years, at an estimated cost of up to $50,000 per inspection
but who also voluntarily commit to pollution prevention                    Conservation of resources, by voluntarily
and waste reduction projects and activities. There are four                committing to no further fuel oil usage in the future
progressive levels which can be obtained in the program:
Prospect, Pledge, Partner, and Performer. The Nashville site               The project was performed at no net cost to the facility,
had obtained “Pledge” level in October 2008. In January                    and actually resulted in a small amount of net revenue
2010, the Nashville site received its “Partner” level reward               from sale of the fuel oil (about $8,200) and scrap steel
certificate and wall banner.                                               ($3,600)
                                                                           Approximately 125,000 gallons of fuel oil and 110,000
   “The elimination of the 500,000-gallon, No. 2 fuel oil
                                                                           pounds of scrap steel were fully recycled
storage tank was an environmental success on a number of
levels,” said Ted Wilkinson, Nashville site environmental                  The facility’s footprint was reduced, creating additional
engineer. The storage tank had been present at the Nashville               open space for possible future growth
site for many years, and was used to store backup fuel for the           The State of Tennessee was very impressed by the number
site’s boilers in the event of a curtailment from the natural          of benefits of the project. In fact, the Nashville site received
gas utility. Since use of the fuel oil had not been required for       word that it had been nominated for one of the annual
many years, and since sufficient propane was also present at           Governor’s Environmental Stewardship Awards (pollution
the site in the event of a natural gas curtailment, the decision       prevention category). “We are one of three organizations to
was made to permanently remove the storage tank from                   be so nominated,” Ted said.
service. This project resulted in several environmental and
financial benefits:                                                      “Achieving ‘Partner’ level in the TP3 was reward in itself,
                                                                       but to also be nominated by the State for a Governor’s Award
   Greatly reduced oil spill potential for the site                    was an unexpected honor for our site and company,” he said.
   Eliminated a large quantity of combustible material,
   resulting in a safer facility and reduced risk of fires
   The facility’s air permit was voluntarily amended
                                                                       Nashville Saves $1.2 Million On
   to remove fuel oil as a backup fuel. Potential air                  Reduced Energy Consumption
   emissions (particularly sulfur dioxide) were reduced by
                                                                         For the past 13 months an energy conservation team at
   approximately 40 tons per year, and the associated annual
                                                                       the Nashville site has been hard at work reducing the site’s
   emissions fees were reduced by approximately $1,100
                                                                       energy consumption. “We had a goal to reduce our 2009
   Periodic, non-destructive, tank integrity testing costs             utility expenses by $1.2 million,” said facilities engineer Mike
   (required by EPA’s oil spill prevention planning rules)             Vorndran, “and the good news is we surpassed it.”

So what was the key to lower utility bills? “First, we                   Stuart
installed 700 high-efficiency light fixtures in the production
areas,” explained Mike. He says the fluorescents have
provided improved lighting levels while using 50% less               Tyvek Suits
energy than existing high-intensity discharge fixtures.
The team also installed motion/lighting sensors in
                                                                     Get Recycled
bathrooms and conference rooms.                                      Along with Other
  “We initiated a lot of different energy reduction activities       Plastics
that all added up to big savings. With the energy team
conducting twice monthly energy audits, I think the                    The Stuart group has
employees are becoming more aware of how simple some                 taken on several recycling
of these things can be,” he said, “and they are coming to us         or green projects. Recently
with ideas.”                                                         the site began recycling its
                                                                     Tyvek suits. “This works out
   Other projects that were implemented have included using          great for us as we are able to
lighting fixtures that were removed from areas not being used.       save the costs of hazardous
Equipment was also shut down during unmanned shifts.                 waste disposal,” said Leanne Cobb,
  Production has helped reduce utility surcharges by starting        ES&H engineer. Tyvek is a high-density
large autoclaves on the third shift. This one initiative alone       polyethylene material that has a variety of uses
has the potential of saving the site $120,000 a year.                and is often seen around Vought in the form of white
                                                                     coveralls or jackets.
  The team hopes to further reduce energy consumption
this year. “Already we’re at least 15% below last year’s               Another project that has been implemented site-wide is the
numbers for the same time period,” noted Mike.                       use of new toilet paper and paper towels.”We went to toilet
                                                                     paper and paper towels made from 100% recycled fibers, and
  Other goals for 2010 are to install additional high-               actually save about $400 a year,” said Leanne. Stuart also
efficiency fluorescent light fixtures in more production areas       recycled over 100 old computer monitors through Staples and
and put in a new air compressor that will consume 10% less           saved over $40 a monitor.
electricity than an existing compressor.
                                                                       In addition, the 747 IPT group decided to go green and
                                                                     has implemented its own recycling plan. Tom Maresco, the
                                                                     IPT supervisor said, “Since we all recycle at home, why
      Milledgeville                                                  not recycle here? So, the team decided to get started with a
                                                                     workplace recycling program.”
New Ideas Sought                                                       They now recycle plastic water bottles, frozen food trays,
   Edward Pounds with ES&H in Milledgeville is heading               aluminum soda cans, newspapers and cardboard food boxes.
a team of 12 people who are tasked with finding additional           One member of the team volunteers each week to take the
items and ways to recycle in addition to what they’re                recyclable items home for local pickup.
already doing. Calling themselves the Go Green Team, they
will expand their resources by getting employees working
on the floor to contribute their ideas too.
  In honor of Earth Day, the group got together on a
Saturday and cleaned up trash along the highway in front of
the plant. Afterward, the group planted wildflowers along
the medium.
  Milledgeville already recycles aluminum cans, cardboard,
PP&E (personal protection equipment), and electronics.
Like many other Vought sites, Milledgeville has their
“disposable” eyewear cleaned and repackaged.
  The aluminum cans are not picked up by an outside
company but rather by an employee who donates the
                                                                                                            Part of the 747 IPT crew,
proceeds to the Habitat for Humanity. The group is also                                                     from left to right: Tom
recycling the titanium components it produces from the 787.                                                 Maresco, Annette Pollard,
                                                                                                            Blaine Carter, Tom Rechin,
                                                                                                            and Bob Glenn.

Contour / Everett                                                     Contour / Brea
Recycling Program Grows                                              Contour/Brea Has Diverse
  Since late 2005, the employees at Everett have been                Recycling Program
recycling aluminum chips, solids and cans; wood,
                                                                       Contour Brea has been recycling paper
cardboard and paper; batteries; plastic; waste oil; e-waste;
                                                                     products for many years, said site manager
and coolant. Donn Lange, manager of facilities and
                                                                     Manny Chacon. More recently, Brea has been
maintenance said the site’s recycling program is pretty
                                                                     working with Arrow Recycling in their handling
extensive and they continue to add new materials to the
                                                                     of used oil, metal chips, and hazardous waste, all
program. “Some of the companies we use to recycle our
                                                                     of which is either properly disposed or recycled.
wastes are not only environmentally conscious but also
provide work opportunities for the disabled,” he said.
                                                                       Brea recycles all their used and old pallets by
   Also, a lot of the recycled materials go back into the            converting them to wood boxes that are used to
community as new products. The site’s clean wood                     store material and parts that are then shipped
is delivered to Cedar Grove where grass, leaves, yard                to either a customer or an outside vendor for
trimmings, food waste and wood waste are transformed                 processessing.
into nutrient-rich compost. Cardboard is recycled by
Longview Fiber and is transformed into FibreGreen, an                  For Earth Day celebrations, the employees
eco-conscious kraft paper made with a minimum of 70                  planted palm trees. “Slowly but surely Contour
percent of post-consumer waste.                                      will plant a total of 17 palm trees,” said Manny.
  Everett’s coolant is recycled in-house using a                     “These will provide not only a better look for
coalescing type recycling machine. The coolant spends                Contour, but will also help the environment,” he
a minimum of 24 hours cycling through the coolant                    said. “So far we have planted 9 palm trees.”
recycler. Then, the recycled coolant is mixed with 50
percent new coolant.

Program                                Hawthorne
Offers                           When the company’s Preview Mentoring           the processes necessary to build them. I was
Valuable                      Program was announced last summer,                able to show how fuselage panels are made
Resource                      Hawthorne’s Jeff Stein, project supervisor
                              in the 747-8I Launch organization, signed
                                                                                from beginning to end and explain the various
                                                                                processes necessary to create the final product,”
                              on right away as a volunteer. The program         said Jeff.
                              is being promoted as an opportunity for
                                                                                   The mentoring program provides for
                              employees to share their knowledge and
                                                                                either “traditional pool” mentoring, focusing
                              experience with others by offering a friendly
                                                                                on development, transferring knowledge,
                              resource for coaching, guidance, and
                                                                                and navigating the company; or “reverse
                                                                                mentoring,” where new Vought employees
                                 “I responded to the announcement with          mentor more tenured employees on such
                              great interest, and soon after being accepted     subjects as incorporating technologies and
                              into the program, I attended an on-line           implementing processes that were effective at
                              training session with other mentors,” said        previous employers.
                              Jeff. “I have found the program personally
                                                                                  Vought employees desiring more program
                              fulfilling,” he added. For example, my first
                                                                                information, or who would like to volunteer,
Jeff Stein has been a         mentee wanted to learn about manufacturing
participant in Vought’s                                                         should contact Beth Gordon-Henry at
                              operations – understanding airplane
Preview Mentoring                                                               972-946-3830.
program.                      structures, their purpose and function, and

Hair Today …
Congratulations                                                  Gone Tomorrow …
on Delivery of                                                     While a lot of men
1,000th C-17                                                     become “follically-challenged” as
                                                                 they age, Vought’s Andy Barter,
Pratt & Whitney                                                  an HR Specialist in the Benefits
Engine                                                           department in Dallas, has a full
                                                                 head of hair; or had a full head of
                                                                 hair until he decided to help raise
                                                                 funds for childhood cancer research.
                                                                    A few years ago Andy came across
                                                                 a group called St. Baldricks. It uses
                                                                 donations to fund more childhood
                                                                 cancer research grants than any
                                                                 organization except the United States
                                                                 Government. The name offers a hint
                                                                 of what it asks donors to do – go
                                                                 bald for cancer research. Volunteers
                                                                 shave their heads in solidarity with
                                                                 kids fighting cancer, and family and
                                                                 friends give generously.
                                                                    “I first heard about St. Baldricks
                                                                 two or three years ago and thought
                                                                 about participating, but chickened
                                                                 out,” explained Andy. Eventually he
                                                                 did some research on St. Baldricks
                                                                 and found that they are an efficient organization
                                                                 (75% of funds raised goes to research programs,
                                                                 20% to fund raising and 5% to administration); and
                                                                 it is a Better Business Bureau accredited charity.
                                                                   “Given that, and since it is for a very good cause, I
                                                                 summoned up the courage this year and volunteered to be
                                                                 shaved,” said Andy. He got the word out to family, friends
  Pratt & Whitney Field Representative Mike Denny                and co-workers via e-mails that had a link to his St. Baldricks
(second row, second from left) joined the Vought                 website. (
C-17 Nacelle Team at Jefferson Street last month to              participantid/376095) When they clicked on the link, they saw
commemorate the delivery of the 1,000th engine for               a photo of Andy (with hair) and were encouraged to make an
the Globemaster III Strategic Airlifter. During his visit        online donation on Andy’s behalf to St. Baldricks.
he delivered the congratulatory banner to the team
recognizing this important milestone.                               The “big shave” occurred on March 27 at Trinity Hall Irish
                                                                 Pub and Restaurant in Dallas. There were 80 other volunteers
  Over the next few weeks, the Vought Team will
                                                                 joining Andy for the “hair removal process” that day. Family,
complete the engine buildup task that encases the
                                                                 friends and co-workers were invited to come and watch. “The
engine in the parts that comprise the nacelle. The
                                                                 person who had made the largest donation got to take the first
nacelle structure is a vital operational component of
                                                                 swipe on my head with the shaver,” said Andy.
the strategic airlifter’s propulsion system. The nacelle
design directs the engine’s power to allow for the short           His original goal was to raise $1,200, but a generous friend
take-offs and landings on unimproved runways that                made a sizeable contribution and he upped his goal, eventually
make the C-17 so successful in meeting our Armed                 raising $4,010 for childhood cancer research.
Forces’ needs. The completed 1,000th nacelle will be                It is employees like Andy who serve as a reminder to
delivered to Boeing in late May.                                 all of us that being involved locally through volunteerism
                                                                 is a reflection of one of Vought’s core values – Corporate

Contour / Everett
 Fitness Challenge
   Statistics point out that most New
 Year’s resolutions last only 45 days.
 Employees in Everett wanted to do
 something to ensure they kept their
 2010 weight loss and exercise resolution
 commitments for much longer than that.
   To help, Contour’s human
 resources manager partnered with the              This thinner, healthier team of wellness champions celebrate their accomplishments.
 neighborhood Bally Total Fitness gym,
 initiating an 8-week Fitness Challenge.    one-hour physical training boot camp            which included classes in Zumba, Yoga,
 The challenge: maintain a weekly           session. Each session included team             and Skill-Agility training.
 workout routine to stay on track with      competitions in leg lunges, sumo squats,
                                                                                               Participant Jonie Searles said,
 weight loss and workout goals.             cardio endurance or overall strength
                                                                                            “This was really a ‘team’ activity. The
                                            resistance. Each member weighed-in and
   All employees were invited to                                                            trainers helped keep us motivated and
                                            had their body fat percentages measured
 participate and twenty-five signed up —                                                    everyone had great fun, encouraging and
                                            to track weekly changes.
 20% of the employee population. Teams                                                      challenging each other.”
 of five were organized and assigned          Participants also received a one-on-
                                                                                              Overall, employees lost a total of 149.4
 a personal trainer. Each team created      one session with their personal trainer
                                                                                            lbs., each group averaging a 10% body
 a name (Chucks Angels, Fat Kids,           to build a personal workout routine and
                                                                                            fat reduction. The winning team reduced
 Gladiateyours, Well Rounders, and          nutritional guide to help them meet their
                                                                                            their body fat percentage by 15.6%.
 WiNi) and began meeting once a week        personal physical goals. Free access to
 after work with their trainer and for a    the Bally Fitness facility was provided,

Alphabet Soup                                         VECTR – Vought Enterprise Change Transformation & Reengineering
  Everywhere, it seems, acronyms have                 SAP and ERP – Systems Applications and Products offers software
become an ingrained component of corporate            that helps organizations like Vought with enterprise resource planning
culture – and Vought is no exception. In              (ERP). ERP integrates information from various functions or
fact with the implementation of the VECTR             departments and places it under one system.
project, our bowl of “alphabet soup” has              ECC – ERP Central Component houses the core of what the VECTR
become a lot bigger.                                  team is implementing today. This includes procurement, production,
   You may have already seen a number of              etc. After go-live in January 2011, business processes will reside in one
these new acronyms being used in various              of four integrated business scenarios, or work streams.
VECTR communications. The project name                OTC – Order to Cash is better known as sales. This represents the end-
itself – VECTR – is of course an acronym.             to-end order and delivery process.
And this project team is in the process of
implementing SAP – still another acronym.             RTR – Record to Report focuses on financial processes.
But wait. There are more. So to help you              PLP – Plan to Produce encompasses the planning and execution side of
keep up with the growing list of VECTR-               our business processes.
related acronyms, here’s a handy list with            PTP – Procure to Pay is the supply side of the business that ensures
their definitions.                                    materials are in the right place at the right time.

Service Anniversaries
                                                                                                     April 2010

45     YEARS
                               Daniel Lantow (H)
                               Terry Looney (JSF)
                                                                5       YEARS                Chris Madrigal (JSF)
                                                                                             Federico Malaca (B)
                                                                    James Bragewitz (JSF)
     Walter Booker (N)         Robert Luttrell (JSF)                                         Hector Marquez (H)
                                                                    Albert Esparza (JSF)
                               Phil Manley (JSF)                                             Shay McQuaid (MSF)
                                                                    Derran Fleming (MSF)
40     YEARS                   Richard McFarlane Jr. (N)
                               Ralph Menillo (JSF)
                                                                    Greg Holbert (N)
                                                                                             Kenneth Merchant (H)
                                                                                             Kathryn Musser (JSF)
     Edith Nelson (N)                                               Roger Miller Jr. (JSF)
                               Ricardo Olivo (JSF)                                           Jessie Myles (JSF)
                                                                    Lien Oumphommasak (N)
                               Cathy Otta (JSF)                                              Bernadette Nanni (JSF)
                                                                    Eric Prowell (N)
35     YEARS                   Dennis Padgett (JSF)
                               Thomas Pettigrew (H)
                                                                    Mailia Stokes (M)
                                                                                             Ron Nelson (S)
                                                                                             Duy Nguyen (JSF)
                                                                    Jason Van Noy (MSF)
     Robert Blum (M)           Donato Quitangon (H)                                          Hoang Nguyen (JSF)
                                                                    Peter Weaver (JSF)
     Frank Degennaro (M)       Dan Richardson (JSF)                                          Phuong Nguyen (H)
                               Rene Salazar (MSF)                                            Trung Nguyen (JSF)
30     YEARS                   Frank Sanchez (H)
                               Sherry Schardein (JSF)               1     YEAR
                                                                                             Justin Nwaizu (H)
                                                                                             Charles Payne (S)
     Richard Adams (N)         Jeff Schwarzer (MSF)                                          Kyler Peruchini (E)
     Bob Bolen (JSF)                                                Dennis Brock (JSF)
                               Patricia Stone (H)                                            Steve Price (H)
     David Browning (JSF)                                           Arthur Clark (JSF)
                               Roy Tyner (MSF)                                               Carlos Saenz (H)
     Tommy Hall (N)                                                 Marcelle Clemons (MSF)
                               Glen Van Cleave (JSF)                                         Mandeep Sandhu (H)
     Curtis Hammerle (MSF)                                          Darryl Davis (H)
                               Dave Vanhorn (JSF)                                            Chetan Shukla (H)
     Harold Jackson (S)                                             Louis Delgado (H)
                               Rich Vaughn (JSF)                                             James Silva (H)
     Walter Thomas (S)                                              Hien Do (MSF)
                               Joe Warise (N)                                                Ernest Simon (H)
     Chris Wall (M)                                                 Asim Elhabib (JSF)
                               Kim Young (JSF)                                               Rick Skans (H)
                                                                    Paul Ferris (H)
                                                                                             Gerald Smith (JSF)
                                                                    Daniel Flores (JSF)
                                                                                             Thomas Smith (MSF)
25                            20    YEARS                           Miguel Garro (S)
                                                                    Charles Gotcher (H)
                                                                                             Annette Spencer (JSF)
     Alex Arrisola (MSF)        David Coontz (MSF)                                           Connie Stubbs (JSF)
                                                                    David Gotcher (H)
     Elizabeth Boltares (H)     Donice Gentry (MSF)                                          Hien Tran (JSF)
                                                                    Mario Gutierrez (H)
     Ronnie Burks (N)           Robin Messer (JSF)                                           Evelyne Van Ingelghem (Renton)
                                                                    Eric Hagen (S)
     Jeffrey Davis (JSF)                                                                     John Whitwell (JSF)
                                                                    Tommy Ingram (H)
     Debbie Delk (JSF)                                                                       Kenneth Wiedrich (JSF)
                                                                    Shawn Jackson (JSF)
     Eddie Doty Jr. (JSF)
     Micky Duncan (JSF)
                              15    YEARS                           Michael Jarmin (E)
                                                                                             Ralph Willis (JSF)
                                                                                             Jeffrey Wohlford (JSF)
                                                                    Lori Johnston (JSF)
     Stephen Fernandez (H)      Arlisa Fraley (M)                   Brenda Jones (H)
     Brenda Fisher (N)
                                                                    Inyoung Kim (B)
     Chris Flores (MSF)
                                                                    Valeriy Kochkin (E)
     J.R. Garcia Jr. (MSF)     10   YEARS                           Gail Ley (JSF)
     Bill Grimm (JSF)
                                                                    Victor Lopez (H)
     Sheila Hagan (H)           Mallissa Daniels (JSF)
     Dal Hankins (JSF)
     Mike Kindley (JSF)
     Jill King (MSF)

Vought Aircraft Industries, Inc.
APR      P.O. Box 655907                                                                                                                        FIRST CLASS
2010     Dallas,Texas 75265                                                                                                                       PRESORT
                                                                                                                                             U.S. POSTAGE PAID
                                                                                                                                                PERMIT #2853
                                                                                                                                                 DALLAS, TX

            $40,388 Donated to
            Save the Children
            Vought presents a matching gift check
            for $20,194 to Save the Children

                                                                                         Presenting the matching gift check are:
                                                                                         (l to r) Tom Stubbins, VP Human Resources; David Whitney,
                                                                                         Director, IAD Human Resources; Elmer Doty, CEO; Carolyn
                                                                                         Camarata, Save the Children representative; and Dee Robinson,
                                                                                         Director, CAD Human Resources.

            45 Years in Nashville Becomes Habit-forming
                                      When Walter Booker began working at the                        “We had approximately 30 people working on
                                    Nashville site 45 years ago, the company he                   the assembly line and we built around 150 stoves
                                    worked for was called AVCO. Vought Aircraft                   a day to make our quota. We got two breaks a
                                    would not become his employer until 2003 when                 day for 10 minutes.” Today, Walter works as a
                                    Vought and The Aerostructures Corp. merged.                   supervisor on the final assembly of the Airbus
                                    Nonetheless, Walter did work on aircraft parts                program. “The only thing that has changed is I
                                    back in 1965.                                                 have gotten older and everyone else has gotten
                                      He also built office furniture and stoves for               younger,” Walter said.
                                    Western Auto stores while at AVCO. “I started                    Old or young, it doesn’t matter to Walter.
                                    working on the stove line,” Walter said. “My                  The memories he holds dearest are those of all
                                    job was to connect the wires for the burners and              the friends he has made throughout the years.
                                    oven to the back of the stove.” And these were                “I would not take anything for all the memories
                                    the days when an assembly line was, well…an                   I have of the people that have touched my life in
                                    assembly line.                                                one way or another.”
                                                                                                     Walter supposes he will retire some day but
              Each month we publish a list of employees celebrating a service                     does not really look forward to the big change in
               anniversary. This is part of a series of articles highlighting the                 his normal routine that such a move would bring.
                employee with the longest tenure from this month’s honorees.


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Vought News - April 30, 2010

  • 1. News VOUGHT An Aircraft Carrier at Jefferson Street? Vought Test Lab Simulates Jet Landing on an Aircraft Carrier The anticipation was palpable as Vought engineers gear with thousands of pounds of pressure. Every part and our customer watched Lockheed Martin’s F-35C of the gear must withstand that tremendous stress time Lightning II Carrier Variant dangle from its harnessed after time with no structural failure. position just below the rafters in building 94 at the So how can we assure that the gear is suitable for Jefferson Street site. When the wheels reached their carrier landings, and there won’t be any catastrophic 138 knot speed, the countdown began. 10, 9, 8, 7… failures? How do we prove that the design engineering The lanyard releasing the quick release safety latch was correct? That’s where Vought’s Test Lab comes was pulled and the jet was dropped. It was over in five in. The lab is capable of lifting a fully-loaded, full- brief seconds. scale aircraft up to eleven feet above the floor … and This “drop test” is done to simulate a landing on an dropping it. Lockheed Martin has contracted with us aircraft carrier. As a fighter jet approaches the deck to drop test the F-35C Lightning II Carrier Variant, of a carrier, forty-six thousand pounds of airplane is a fifth-generation, single-seat, single-engine stealth traveling at 138 knots and hitting the deck with a thud, fighter. APR 2010 stressing the airframe and especially the jet’s landing Hundreds of wires snake along the sleek lines of the light green jet, connected to an array of instruments that are streaming signals back to a computer for INSIDE THIS ISSUE correlation to computer models that engineers spent Earth Day 2010 many months designing. This data acquisition system Continued on page 2 Our employees’ children draw for Earth Day Good things our sites do for the environment ADVANCING FLIGHT
  • 2. F-35 Drop Test Continued from page 1 Three F-35 is measuring every quiver, shudder, and not possible in the old days when high Lightning IIs pulse that is emitted from the test jet. speed film-based cameras and analog Technically speaking, however, F-35 recording equipment was used in this The F-35 Lightning II is produced Drop Test Director Tom Foster says application. in three variants: conventional they are measuring strain, acceleration, takeoff and landing (CTOL) Eventually, there will be about 53 deflection and load data. This is where designed for the U.S. Air landing gear drop tests at various the rubber meets the flight deck, so to aircraft roll, pitch and landing sync Force, short takeoff/vertical speak. rates performed on this one jet. A landing (STOVL) designed for There are 512 data channels stack of bombs in the corner of the the U.S. Marines, and carrier connected to this aircraft. Twenty-five room awaits their turn alongside a row variant (CV) designed for the hundred data samples are gathered per of missiles to be loaded onto the jet U.S. Navy. All versions are fifth second per channel during each drop to test for maximum landing weight generation stealth fighters that test for this aircraft. Per Eric Moore, conditions. Of course, they are dummy introduce profound capability Test Control and Data Acquisition ordnance but they are fabricated to group lead, high speed video of each weigh in as a real load. improvements over existing landing gear is simultaneously recorded multi-role fighters. The three F-35 Today, Vought is one of only two at two thousand frames per second and variants share the same avionics test labs remaining in the United synchronized with the aircraft test data States that has full-scale carrier suite – the most powerful and for post-test, image-to-data correlation. suitability drop test capabilities. comprehensive ever flown on a In other words, each high speed video The other is at Boeing, St. Louis. fighter aircraft. All F-35 versions picture can be directly compared to the According to John Vaught, Test Lab are built on the same assembly load and deflection data measured and Manager, the F-35 Drop Test Program recorded on each landing gear. This was line, share the same engine and in total represents a very high level are up to 80 percent common in of complexity generally not seen on their structures and systems. Vought Test Labs Since 1948, Vought’s test laboratories have been offering state-of-the-art capabilities in a fully-equipped and certified facility. With U.S. Air Force, U.S. Navy and Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) certification and Department of Defense security clearances, Vought’s test labs are the only testing facilities not operated by prime aerospace original equipment manufacturers (OEMs) with full life-cycle testing capabilities – including full-scale structures. 2
  • 3. previous drop test programs. “The Safety Coin ability and know-how to do these drop Awarded to tests are very unique,” he said. With the level and type of test Stuart capabilities the labs possess, Vought has Employee a long, and very reputable history of accomplishing carrier suitability testing Don Henderson prevented what could have been a serious accident for the Navy, said John. “We can go all by being aware of his surroundings and taking immediate action to the way back to the XC-142, F-8, A-7, correct a problem. Don oversees the grinding room at Stuart and S3A, and now the F-35. All of these noticed a tiny movement in a part legacy aircraft programs required full- on the magnet of a surface grinder, scale drop testing to qualify for aircraft causing a slight fluctuation in the carrier operations. Full-scale dynamic electrical charge powering the tests of this nature present a very magnet. He immediately hit the complex test set of problems to run,” emergency stop switch. He put he said. Barrier in a repair order, and the electric wall The F-35 tests at Vought should system was repaired. installed be completed within the next few months; then it will go back to If the electromagnet loses power, Lockheed Martin for a series of the part that is being ground down additional tests. They estimate that could become a projectile shooting the Carrier Variant F-35C across the room with tremendous will attain first flight in the second speed and force. It could hit a wall, quarter of 2010. or it could shoot out and seriously injure someone using the phone, or walking into the room. The facilities department installed a barrier wall to protect anyone that might be in harm’s way should a part go flying from the machine. The entire project cost less than $20. Don is a member of the Employee Safety Committee and is always on the lookout for safety issues. Don Henderson accepts the Safety Coin from President and CEO Elmer Doty, while ES&H Engineer Leanne Cobb looks on. 3
  • 4. Thursday, April 22, 2010 In recognition of Earth Day, the company sponsored a drawing contest for the children and grandchildren of Vought employees. Pictured here are the contest winners along with their works of art. Sydney Rowan Daughter of Michael Rowan Taron Esbri Marshall Street Daughter of Dori Esbri Hawthorne Brandon Kimball Son of Todd Kimball Jefferson Street Conner Giles Son of Brian Giles Jefferson Street Ariana Kimball Daughter of Todd Kimball Garrett McDaniel Jefferson Street Son of James McDaniel Everett 4
  • 5. Earth Day Art Contest Winners Katherine Chang Meghan Montgomery Daughter of Irving Chang Daughter of Wesley Montgomery Brea Nashville Haley Nixon Jasmine Fuqua Daughter of Robert Nixon Daughter of Katie Fuqua Jefferson Street Nashville Mark Ward Julia Wetherall Son of Coleta Ward Daughter of Sid Wetherall Milledgeville Stuart 5
  • 6. Vought Task Force Targets Waste Minimization & Pollution Prevention The Waste Minimization/Pollution Prevention Task Force was chartered in 2001 with representatives from all Vought sites. The In honor of the task force’s goal is to reduce the generation of hazardous waste and associated costs. 40th anniversary Preventing waste has important financial of Earth Day, benefits to Vought since waste never created avoids the need for waste management and/or which was first eventual clean up. The savings to the company celebrated on over the past eight years (2001 – 2009) has totaled more than $2.5 million dollars, April 22, 1970, according to task force team leader Mike Mendias, professional engineer. Vought is proud The task force serves as the focal point for to highlight the all waste minimization/pollution prevention successes of activities at Vought and seeks to reduce the cost of doing business by reviewing current all our sites in “end-of-pipe” environmental solutions. The our efforts to task force initiated several pollution prevention projects as well as “green environmental Jefferson Street sorts hazardous help protect our projects” last year. Green projects, said Mike household wastes during a recent round up. environment. Mendias, are those that fall under the “reduce, reuse or recycle” category. As a result of Vought’s diligence toward Green Projects minimizing waste, we A green project pilot test at Jefferson Street have been able to reduce was begun in 2009 to review the amount of our environmental chromate sealant used. A chromate-free sealant would reduce Vought’s heavy metal usage at footprint. According to Jefferson Street. Vought has been working data collected over the with Boeing to investigate the potential for past two years, Vought changing to chromate-free sealants. This has reduced its water project is ongoing as Vought finalizes its consumption by 10 investigation into these products and their percent and its electricity alternatives. usage by 7 percent. Other green projects already implemented at several Vought sites involve the recycling In addition, Vought has of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes, reduced its Volatile said Kip Shaw, Task Force member with Organic Compounds Jefferson Street ES&H. “Wastes such as oil, (VOC) emissions by oil absorbents, oil filters, fluorescent and other 23 percent since 2001. mercury containing lights, paint related waste, batteries and cardboard are typical wastes “This is an impressive that are being managed as recyclable material reduction,” said Joanne at many of the Vought sites. Several other Romano, ES&H Manager. wastes are being investigated to discover their recycling potential,” he said. Sealant Crib at Marshall Street that produces sealant for multiple Vought sites. 6
  • 7. As a member of the communities where we work and live, Hawthorne Vought is committed to protecting our environment. It Pays to Recycle The Hawthorne site has reduced the amount of money it spends on its recycling programs ... and has made a Jefferson Street little bit of cash to boot. Since last year the site’s facilities department has been Jefferson Street to Hold recycling white paper. “A company Electronic Waste Round Up comes out about every three months and Jefferson Street has taken a green approach in its Household Hazardous picks up our trash,” said Larry Cragun, Waste Round Up that it has conducted for the past two years. Although this environmental engineer, “and they pay event does not earn or save any money for the site, our employees benefit as us around $400 each time.” well as the communities in which they live by having a convenient location They have reduced their trash bill by to dispose of their hazardous wastes. about $20,000 a year from recycling the In 2010, Jefferson Street is hoping to hold a round up for recycling of wooden crates that their supplies come electronic waste rather than household hazardous waste. “Electronic waste in. The same company also picks up (computers, televisions, computer monitors) disposal is an ever-growing their wooden pallets. “We used to have problem in each employee’s residence,” said Mike Mendias, ES&H team to pay a company to come out and haul lead. Plans are to conduct the round up in the latter part of this year. that away,” Larry said. “It’s so nice to no longer have those unsightly piles of pallets.” E-waste is another problem solved. Marshall Street “We used to pay to dispose of it. Now we have found a company to take it Cardboard, Paper and Cans away for free,” Larry continued. This Marshall Street is currently looking into establishing a recycling program includes old computers, monitors, and for paper, cardboard, aluminum cans and plastic bottles in an effort to fax machines. “That’s probably another reduce solid waste generation. Site staff are identifying vendors and $20,000 in cost avoidance.” determining the materials and practices necessary to initiate the program. And this is just the beginning. Larry Last year the facility’s waste minimization strategy successfully reduced said the facilities department just worked their use of spent chromic acid solution and paint touch-up bottles below out a deal for their cardboard waste projected levels. Activities for later this year will include an awareness to be recycled and they’re looking at campaign in support of reusable water bottles and lessons on how to save purchasing environmentally-friendly on printing costs. hand towels and soaps for the restrooms. Save Your Blue Jeans Company-wide project slated for 4th quarter of 2010 Old blue jeans are now being put to good use by turning them into eco-friendly natural cotton fiber insulation. The insulation is then being installed in homes built by Habitat for Humanity. Vought is planning to join a number of other organizations whose employees donate their used blue jeans to this cause. More information for the Vought project will be forthcoming. In the meantime, don’t throw away those old jeans. 7
  • 8. Nashville The Energy Conservation Team is pictured, left to right: Stanley Hatcher, Darren Jones, Jimmy Neely, Jason Tucker, Don Conger, Mike Vorndran, Environmental Max Wolke, Martha Robayo, Rod Smith, Mike Prairie, Chris Delester, and Jon Bradford . Not pictured: James Fuqua, Jason Callis, Derrell Bowden, Stewardship at Nashville Craig Working, Jitendra Patel, and Sean Collins. The Nashville site has been awarded the “Partner” level would be avoided. Based on by the Tennessee Pollution Prevention Partnership (TP3) current industry guidelines, for their removal of a very large fuel oil storage tank. The integrity testing would have had TP3 recognizes industries and other organizations who not to be performed every five to ten only have commendable environmental compliance records, years, at an estimated cost of up to $50,000 per inspection but who also voluntarily commit to pollution prevention Conservation of resources, by voluntarily and waste reduction projects and activities. There are four committing to no further fuel oil usage in the future progressive levels which can be obtained in the program: Prospect, Pledge, Partner, and Performer. The Nashville site The project was performed at no net cost to the facility, had obtained “Pledge” level in October 2008. In January and actually resulted in a small amount of net revenue 2010, the Nashville site received its “Partner” level reward from sale of the fuel oil (about $8,200) and scrap steel certificate and wall banner. ($3,600) Approximately 125,000 gallons of fuel oil and 110,000 “The elimination of the 500,000-gallon, No. 2 fuel oil pounds of scrap steel were fully recycled storage tank was an environmental success on a number of levels,” said Ted Wilkinson, Nashville site environmental The facility’s footprint was reduced, creating additional engineer. The storage tank had been present at the Nashville open space for possible future growth site for many years, and was used to store backup fuel for the The State of Tennessee was very impressed by the number site’s boilers in the event of a curtailment from the natural of benefits of the project. In fact, the Nashville site received gas utility. Since use of the fuel oil had not been required for word that it had been nominated for one of the annual many years, and since sufficient propane was also present at Governor’s Environmental Stewardship Awards (pollution the site in the event of a natural gas curtailment, the decision prevention category). “We are one of three organizations to was made to permanently remove the storage tank from be so nominated,” Ted said. service. This project resulted in several environmental and financial benefits: “Achieving ‘Partner’ level in the TP3 was reward in itself, but to also be nominated by the State for a Governor’s Award Greatly reduced oil spill potential for the site was an unexpected honor for our site and company,” he said. Eliminated a large quantity of combustible material, resulting in a safer facility and reduced risk of fires The facility’s air permit was voluntarily amended Nashville Saves $1.2 Million On to remove fuel oil as a backup fuel. Potential air Reduced Energy Consumption emissions (particularly sulfur dioxide) were reduced by For the past 13 months an energy conservation team at approximately 40 tons per year, and the associated annual the Nashville site has been hard at work reducing the site’s emissions fees were reduced by approximately $1,100 energy consumption. “We had a goal to reduce our 2009 Periodic, non-destructive, tank integrity testing costs utility expenses by $1.2 million,” said facilities engineer Mike (required by EPA’s oil spill prevention planning rules) Vorndran, “and the good news is we surpassed it.” 8
  • 9. So what was the key to lower utility bills? “First, we Stuart installed 700 high-efficiency light fixtures in the production areas,” explained Mike. He says the fluorescents have provided improved lighting levels while using 50% less Tyvek Suits energy than existing high-intensity discharge fixtures. The team also installed motion/lighting sensors in Get Recycled bathrooms and conference rooms. Along with Other “We initiated a lot of different energy reduction activities Plastics that all added up to big savings. With the energy team conducting twice monthly energy audits, I think the The Stuart group has employees are becoming more aware of how simple some taken on several recycling of these things can be,” he said, “and they are coming to us or green projects. Recently with ideas.” the site began recycling its Tyvek suits. “This works out Other projects that were implemented have included using great for us as we are able to lighting fixtures that were removed from areas not being used. save the costs of hazardous Equipment was also shut down during unmanned shifts. waste disposal,” said Leanne Cobb, Production has helped reduce utility surcharges by starting ES&H engineer. Tyvek is a high-density large autoclaves on the third shift. This one initiative alone polyethylene material that has a variety of uses has the potential of saving the site $120,000 a year. and is often seen around Vought in the form of white coveralls or jackets. The team hopes to further reduce energy consumption this year. “Already we’re at least 15% below last year’s Another project that has been implemented site-wide is the numbers for the same time period,” noted Mike. use of new toilet paper and paper towels.”We went to toilet paper and paper towels made from 100% recycled fibers, and Other goals for 2010 are to install additional high- actually save about $400 a year,” said Leanne. Stuart also efficiency fluorescent light fixtures in more production areas recycled over 100 old computer monitors through Staples and and put in a new air compressor that will consume 10% less saved over $40 a monitor. electricity than an existing compressor. In addition, the 747 IPT group decided to go green and has implemented its own recycling plan. Tom Maresco, the IPT supervisor said, “Since we all recycle at home, why Milledgeville not recycle here? So, the team decided to get started with a workplace recycling program.” New Ideas Sought They now recycle plastic water bottles, frozen food trays, Edward Pounds with ES&H in Milledgeville is heading aluminum soda cans, newspapers and cardboard food boxes. a team of 12 people who are tasked with finding additional One member of the team volunteers each week to take the items and ways to recycle in addition to what they’re recyclable items home for local pickup. already doing. Calling themselves the Go Green Team, they will expand their resources by getting employees working on the floor to contribute their ideas too. In honor of Earth Day, the group got together on a Saturday and cleaned up trash along the highway in front of the plant. Afterward, the group planted wildflowers along the medium. Milledgeville already recycles aluminum cans, cardboard, PP&E (personal protection equipment), and electronics. Like many other Vought sites, Milledgeville has their “disposable” eyewear cleaned and repackaged. The aluminum cans are not picked up by an outside company but rather by an employee who donates the Part of the 747 IPT crew, proceeds to the Habitat for Humanity. The group is also from left to right: Tom recycling the titanium components it produces from the 787. Maresco, Annette Pollard, Blaine Carter, Tom Rechin, and Bob Glenn. 9
  • 10. Contour / Everett Contour / Brea Recycling Program Grows Contour/Brea Has Diverse Since late 2005, the employees at Everett have been Recycling Program recycling aluminum chips, solids and cans; wood, Contour Brea has been recycling paper cardboard and paper; batteries; plastic; waste oil; e-waste; products for many years, said site manager and coolant. Donn Lange, manager of facilities and Manny Chacon. More recently, Brea has been maintenance said the site’s recycling program is pretty working with Arrow Recycling in their handling extensive and they continue to add new materials to the of used oil, metal chips, and hazardous waste, all program. “Some of the companies we use to recycle our of which is either properly disposed or recycled. wastes are not only environmentally conscious but also provide work opportunities for the disabled,” he said. Brea recycles all their used and old pallets by Also, a lot of the recycled materials go back into the converting them to wood boxes that are used to community as new products. The site’s clean wood store material and parts that are then shipped is delivered to Cedar Grove where grass, leaves, yard to either a customer or an outside vendor for trimmings, food waste and wood waste are transformed processessing. into nutrient-rich compost. Cardboard is recycled by Longview Fiber and is transformed into FibreGreen, an For Earth Day celebrations, the employees eco-conscious kraft paper made with a minimum of 70 planted palm trees. “Slowly but surely Contour percent of post-consumer waste. will plant a total of 17 palm trees,” said Manny. Everett’s coolant is recycled in-house using a “These will provide not only a better look for coalescing type recycling machine. The coolant spends Contour, but will also help the environment,” he a minimum of 24 hours cycling through the coolant said. “So far we have planted 9 palm trees.” recycler. Then, the recycled coolant is mixed with 50 percent new coolant. Mentoring Program Hawthorne Offers When the company’s Preview Mentoring the processes necessary to build them. I was Valuable Program was announced last summer, able to show how fuselage panels are made Resource Hawthorne’s Jeff Stein, project supervisor in the 747-8I Launch organization, signed from beginning to end and explain the various processes necessary to create the final product,” on right away as a volunteer. The program said Jeff. is being promoted as an opportunity for The mentoring program provides for employees to share their knowledge and either “traditional pool” mentoring, focusing experience with others by offering a friendly on development, transferring knowledge, resource for coaching, guidance, and and navigating the company; or “reverse encouragement. mentoring,” where new Vought employees “I responded to the announcement with mentor more tenured employees on such great interest, and soon after being accepted subjects as incorporating technologies and into the program, I attended an on-line implementing processes that were effective at training session with other mentors,” said previous employers. Jeff. “I have found the program personally Vought employees desiring more program fulfilling,” he added. For example, my first information, or who would like to volunteer, Jeff Stein has been a mentee wanted to learn about manufacturing participant in Vought’s should contact Beth Gordon-Henry at operations – understanding airplane Preview Mentoring 972-946-3830. program. structures, their purpose and function, and 10
  • 11. Hair Today … Congratulations Gone Tomorrow … on Delivery of While a lot of men 1,000th C-17 become “follically-challenged” as they age, Vought’s Andy Barter, Pratt & Whitney an HR Specialist in the Benefits Engine department in Dallas, has a full head of hair; or had a full head of hair until he decided to help raise funds for childhood cancer research. A few years ago Andy came across a group called St. Baldricks. It uses donations to fund more childhood cancer research grants than any organization except the United States Government. The name offers a hint of what it asks donors to do – go bald for cancer research. Volunteers shave their heads in solidarity with kids fighting cancer, and family and friends give generously. “I first heard about St. Baldricks two or three years ago and thought about participating, but chickened out,” explained Andy. Eventually he did some research on St. Baldricks and found that they are an efficient organization (75% of funds raised goes to research programs, 20% to fund raising and 5% to administration); and it is a Better Business Bureau accredited charity. “Given that, and since it is for a very good cause, I summoned up the courage this year and volunteered to be shaved,” said Andy. He got the word out to family, friends Pratt & Whitney Field Representative Mike Denny and co-workers via e-mails that had a link to his St. Baldricks (second row, second from left) joined the Vought website. ( C-17 Nacelle Team at Jefferson Street last month to participantid/376095) When they clicked on the link, they saw commemorate the delivery of the 1,000th engine for a photo of Andy (with hair) and were encouraged to make an the Globemaster III Strategic Airlifter. During his visit online donation on Andy’s behalf to St. Baldricks. he delivered the congratulatory banner to the team recognizing this important milestone. The “big shave” occurred on March 27 at Trinity Hall Irish Pub and Restaurant in Dallas. There were 80 other volunteers Over the next few weeks, the Vought Team will joining Andy for the “hair removal process” that day. Family, complete the engine buildup task that encases the friends and co-workers were invited to come and watch. “The engine in the parts that comprise the nacelle. The person who had made the largest donation got to take the first nacelle structure is a vital operational component of swipe on my head with the shaver,” said Andy. the strategic airlifter’s propulsion system. The nacelle design directs the engine’s power to allow for the short His original goal was to raise $1,200, but a generous friend take-offs and landings on unimproved runways that made a sizeable contribution and he upped his goal, eventually make the C-17 so successful in meeting our Armed raising $4,010 for childhood cancer research. Forces’ needs. The completed 1,000th nacelle will be It is employees like Andy who serve as a reminder to delivered to Boeing in late May. all of us that being involved locally through volunteerism is a reflection of one of Vought’s core values – Corporate Citizenship. 11
  • 12. Contour / Everett Fitness Challenge Statistics point out that most New Year’s resolutions last only 45 days. Employees in Everett wanted to do something to ensure they kept their 2010 weight loss and exercise resolution commitments for much longer than that. To help, Contour’s human resources manager partnered with the This thinner, healthier team of wellness champions celebrate their accomplishments. neighborhood Bally Total Fitness gym, initiating an 8-week Fitness Challenge. one-hour physical training boot camp which included classes in Zumba, Yoga, The challenge: maintain a weekly session. Each session included team and Skill-Agility training. workout routine to stay on track with competitions in leg lunges, sumo squats, Participant Jonie Searles said, weight loss and workout goals. cardio endurance or overall strength “This was really a ‘team’ activity. The resistance. Each member weighed-in and All employees were invited to trainers helped keep us motivated and had their body fat percentages measured participate and twenty-five signed up — everyone had great fun, encouraging and to track weekly changes. 20% of the employee population. Teams challenging each other.” of five were organized and assigned Participants also received a one-on- Overall, employees lost a total of 149.4 a personal trainer. Each team created one session with their personal trainer lbs., each group averaging a 10% body a name (Chucks Angels, Fat Kids, to build a personal workout routine and fat reduction. The winning team reduced Gladiateyours, Well Rounders, and nutritional guide to help them meet their their body fat percentage by 15.6%. WiNi) and began meeting once a week personal physical goals. Free access to after work with their trainer and for a the Bally Fitness facility was provided, Alphabet Soup VECTR – Vought Enterprise Change Transformation & Reengineering Everywhere, it seems, acronyms have SAP and ERP – Systems Applications and Products offers software become an ingrained component of corporate that helps organizations like Vought with enterprise resource planning culture – and Vought is no exception. In (ERP). ERP integrates information from various functions or fact with the implementation of the VECTR departments and places it under one system. project, our bowl of “alphabet soup” has ECC – ERP Central Component houses the core of what the VECTR become a lot bigger. team is implementing today. This includes procurement, production, You may have already seen a number of etc. After go-live in January 2011, business processes will reside in one these new acronyms being used in various of four integrated business scenarios, or work streams. VECTR communications. The project name OTC – Order to Cash is better known as sales. This represents the end- itself – VECTR – is of course an acronym. to-end order and delivery process. And this project team is in the process of implementing SAP – still another acronym. RTR – Record to Report focuses on financial processes. But wait. There are more. So to help you PLP – Plan to Produce encompasses the planning and execution side of keep up with the growing list of VECTR- our business processes. related acronyms, here’s a handy list with PTP – Procure to Pay is the supply side of the business that ensures their definitions. materials are in the right place at the right time. 12
  • 13. Service Anniversaries April 2010 45 YEARS Daniel Lantow (H) Terry Looney (JSF) 5 YEARS Chris Madrigal (JSF) Federico Malaca (B) James Bragewitz (JSF) Walter Booker (N) Robert Luttrell (JSF) Hector Marquez (H) Albert Esparza (JSF) Phil Manley (JSF) Shay McQuaid (MSF) Derran Fleming (MSF) 40 YEARS Richard McFarlane Jr. (N) Ralph Menillo (JSF) Greg Holbert (N) Kenneth Merchant (H) Kathryn Musser (JSF) Edith Nelson (N) Roger Miller Jr. (JSF) Ricardo Olivo (JSF) Jessie Myles (JSF) Lien Oumphommasak (N) Cathy Otta (JSF) Bernadette Nanni (JSF) Eric Prowell (N) 35 YEARS Dennis Padgett (JSF) Thomas Pettigrew (H) Mailia Stokes (M) Ron Nelson (S) Duy Nguyen (JSF) Jason Van Noy (MSF) Robert Blum (M) Donato Quitangon (H) Hoang Nguyen (JSF) Peter Weaver (JSF) Frank Degennaro (M) Dan Richardson (JSF) Phuong Nguyen (H) Rene Salazar (MSF) Trung Nguyen (JSF) 30 YEARS Frank Sanchez (H) Sherry Schardein (JSF) 1 YEAR Justin Nwaizu (H) Charles Payne (S) Richard Adams (N) Jeff Schwarzer (MSF) Kyler Peruchini (E) Bob Bolen (JSF) Dennis Brock (JSF) Patricia Stone (H) Steve Price (H) David Browning (JSF) Arthur Clark (JSF) Roy Tyner (MSF) Carlos Saenz (H) Tommy Hall (N) Marcelle Clemons (MSF) Glen Van Cleave (JSF) Mandeep Sandhu (H) Curtis Hammerle (MSF) Darryl Davis (H) Dave Vanhorn (JSF) Chetan Shukla (H) Harold Jackson (S) Louis Delgado (H) Rich Vaughn (JSF) James Silva (H) Walter Thomas (S) Hien Do (MSF) Joe Warise (N) Ernest Simon (H) Chris Wall (M) Asim Elhabib (JSF) Kim Young (JSF) Rick Skans (H) Paul Ferris (H) Gerald Smith (JSF) Daniel Flores (JSF) YEARS Thomas Smith (MSF) 25 20 YEARS Miguel Garro (S) Charles Gotcher (H) Annette Spencer (JSF) Alex Arrisola (MSF) David Coontz (MSF) Connie Stubbs (JSF) David Gotcher (H) Elizabeth Boltares (H) Donice Gentry (MSF) Hien Tran (JSF) Mario Gutierrez (H) Ronnie Burks (N) Robin Messer (JSF) Evelyne Van Ingelghem (Renton) Eric Hagen (S) Jeffrey Davis (JSF) John Whitwell (JSF) Tommy Ingram (H) Debbie Delk (JSF) Kenneth Wiedrich (JSF) Shawn Jackson (JSF) Eddie Doty Jr. (JSF) Micky Duncan (JSF) 15 YEARS Michael Jarmin (E) Ralph Willis (JSF) Jeffrey Wohlford (JSF) Lori Johnston (JSF) Stephen Fernandez (H) Arlisa Fraley (M) Brenda Jones (H) Brenda Fisher (N) Inyoung Kim (B) Chris Flores (MSF) Valeriy Kochkin (E) J.R. Garcia Jr. (MSF) 10 YEARS Gail Ley (JSF) Bill Grimm (JSF) Victor Lopez (H) Sheila Hagan (H) Mallissa Daniels (JSF) Dal Hankins (JSF) Mike Kindley (JSF) Jill King (MSF) 13
  • 14. Vought Aircraft Industries, Inc. APR P.O. Box 655907 FIRST CLASS 2010 Dallas,Texas 75265 PRESORT U.S. POSTAGE PAID PERMIT #2853 DALLAS, TX News VOUGHT $40,388 Donated to Save the Children Vought presents a matching gift check for $20,194 to Save the Children Presenting the matching gift check are: (l to r) Tom Stubbins, VP Human Resources; David Whitney, Director, IAD Human Resources; Elmer Doty, CEO; Carolyn Camarata, Save the Children representative; and Dee Robinson, Director, CAD Human Resources. 45 Years in Nashville Becomes Habit-forming When Walter Booker began working at the “We had approximately 30 people working on Nashville site 45 years ago, the company he the assembly line and we built around 150 stoves worked for was called AVCO. Vought Aircraft a day to make our quota. We got two breaks a would not become his employer until 2003 when day for 10 minutes.” Today, Walter works as a Vought and The Aerostructures Corp. merged. supervisor on the final assembly of the Airbus Nonetheless, Walter did work on aircraft parts program. “The only thing that has changed is I back in 1965. have gotten older and everyone else has gotten He also built office furniture and stoves for younger,” Walter said. Western Auto stores while at AVCO. “I started Old or young, it doesn’t matter to Walter. working on the stove line,” Walter said. “My The memories he holds dearest are those of all job was to connect the wires for the burners and the friends he has made throughout the years. oven to the back of the stove.” And these were “I would not take anything for all the memories the days when an assembly line was, well…an I have of the people that have touched my life in assembly line. one way or another.” Walter supposes he will retire some day but Each month we publish a list of employees celebrating a service does not really look forward to the big change in anniversary. This is part of a series of articles highlighting the his normal routine that such a move would bring. employee with the longest tenure from this month’s honorees. 14