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MATLAB User's Guide 
Dr. V. V. S. S. Sastry, 
Applied Mathematics and Scienti
c Computing, 
Centre for Simulation and Analytics, 
eld University, 
Shrivenham, Swindon, Wiltshire SN6 8LA. 
email: v.v.s.s.sastry@cran 
9 October 2014
1 Getting Started 2 
1.1 Help! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 
2 Basics 3 
3 Matrix Operations 3 
4 Point-wise Operations 4 
5 Relational Operations 4 
6 De
ning Vectors 5 
7 Addressing Matrix Elements 6 
8 Referencing with 0-1 vectors 6 
9 Pre-de
ned Matrices 7 
10 Control Flow 8 
10.1 for    end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 
10.2 while    end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 
10.3 if    else(if)    end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 
10.4 switch ... case ...otherwise ... end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 
11 Using an Editor 10 
12 Scripts and User De
ned Functions 11 
12.1 Primary Functions and Sub-functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 
13 Numerical Computations 13 
13.1 Dierential Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 
14 Graphics 16 
15 Handle Graphics 17 
16 GUIs 24 
17 Obtaining Hard Copy 30 
18 MATLAB Quiz 31 
19 MATLAB Tutorial Sheet 32 
20 Model Answers for Tutorial Sheet 36 
21 Common tasks in MATLAB 42 
22 Worked Examples in Programming 52 
23 Concluding Remarks 62 
List of Figures 
1 Plot of humps(x). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 
2 Motion of Simple Pendulum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 
3 quiver displays angle and magnitude of data. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 
4 Changing properties of a graphic object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 
5 Creating simple inset plots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 
6 The user can select the lower left and top right corners of a box, 
and display that portion in another part of the window. . . . . . 21 
7 patch(X,Y,'c') creates a
lled polygon whose vertices are given 
in X and Y using the colour 'c'. EdgeColor is used to highlight 
the patch. Note the
ll area for negative values of y. . . . . . . . 22 
8 Greek letters, subscripts, etc. in graph annotation. The default 
interpreter is TeX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 
9 A simple pushbutton. When pressed displays 'Hello' in the com-mand 
window, and recon
gures itself as a quit button. . . . . . . 25 
10 Colour sampler. Adjust the values the Red, Green and Blue 
component using the sliders. A sample of the colour is shown as 
a patch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 
11 Playing with buttons. Demonstrates the use of embedding the 
CallBacks within the same function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 
12 Triangular hat function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 
13 An image taken under UV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 
14 An image taken under UV after converting to black and white. . 60 
MATLAB is an interactive package to perform matrix based computations. The 
package also contains several built-in functions to perform routine computations 
in Numerical Analysis, Signal Processing, Control Systems and wide variety of 
special functions in Applied Mathematics. Many specialist toolboxes are being 
continually added to the above collection. 
Finally, the package provides excellent facilities to obtain two/three dimen-sional 
plots of your data. A short section on HandleGraphics is included to 
provide the elementary principles of customizing the plots. 
A new section on developing GUIs is included. One must exercise enormous 
caution in developing GUIs in matlab as the code can get enormously large very 
In this guide, only a subset of MATLAB functions dealing with Matrix Algebra 
and Numerical Analysis are described in some detail. Further details on these 
and other functions in the above mentioned areas can be found in [MATLAB 
High-Performance Numeric Computation and Visualization Software, User's 
Guide, The Math Works Inc., 1993 and Signal Processing Tool Box, by J.N. 
Little and L.Shure, The Math Works Inc., 1988].
Revision History 
This User Guide has started its life around 1992. First version is made available 
for general use through the Compute Center in 1993. Since then the User Guide 
has under gone several changes taking into account some of the mistakes, errors 
and typos suggested by students, colleagues and well wishers. Thank you all for 
your input. With this version I have decided to include this section as a way of 
keeping track of additions and deletions. 
Some new concepts from Matlab Version 5.2 are now included. 
20 October 1995 Additional examples on Graphics and a section on Handle Graph-ics. 
16 November 1995 Added model solutions to Tutorial Sheet. 
10 September 1997 Added two Sections { GUIs and Common Tasks in Matlab. Re-placed 
MATLAB Quick Reference with an alphabetical list of mat-lab 
18 September 1997 Minor corrections and addition to suggested solution for 4(e) 
18 November 1998 Added switch, and subfunctions. 
ed eye(A), etc. They no longer work in V5.2 
17 September 1999 Correction to the output of A  0 in the Table. Shows three rows 
now to be consistent with the de
nition of A above. 
3 November 2006 Changed the address block. 
1 November 2012 Changes to functions calling functions. 
9 October 2014 re-captured all
gures; quad replaced by integral; changes to pa-rameter 
passing to functions; included an index for easy reference 
1 Getting Started 
MATLAB is an interactive software package for scienti
c and engineering compu-tation. 
MATLAB is an abbreviation for MATrix LABoratory and was originally 
written (in the early 70s) to provide easy access to matrix software developed 
by the LINPACK and EISPACK projects. Since then it has embraced virtually 
every branch of numerical mathematics. 
Matlab can be started on Unix/Linux by typing the command matlab at 
unix prompt or from the Start button on Windows platform. 
The programs and code snippets are developed using MATLAB Version (R2014a). The MATLAB commands can be issued at the double angled 
prompt . 
Now you can issue any MATLAB command. If you are a
rst time user, you 
are urged to go through the demonstration programs which illustrate its various 
capabilities. To invoke this program, issue the command 
at MATLAB prompt, ; and select an appropriate section. 
There is also a hyper-documentation facility which is invoked by typing doc 
at the MATLAB prompt. 
1.1 Help! 
Type help at Matlab prompt for command line help. The same material can 
also be accessed via the web browser using doc. 
2 Basics 
Matrices are de
ned as a list enclosed by square brackets, where the rows are 
separated by ; and the elements are separated by a blank or a comma. For 
A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6 ; 7 8 9] 
Matrix elements can be de
ned using any valid MATLAB expression. Here, pi and 
i are prede
ned MATLAB constants. For example, 
x = [ exp(i*pi/2), sqrt(2), cos(pi/4) ]; 
nes a row vector x = [i 
2 cos(=4)]. Individual entries of a matrix are 
referenced with indices enclosed by parentheses, ( and ). Thus, x(2) corresponds 
to the second element of the vector in the above example. By de
ning x(5) = 
sqrt(3), automatically increase the dimension and results in the vector 
x = [i 1.4142 0.7071 0.0000 1.7320] 
In a similar fashion bigger matrices can be de
ned from smaller matrices. 
For example, 
r = [10 11 12]; 
A = [A;r]; 
would result in 
1 2 3 
4 5 6 
7 8 9 
10 11 12 
Smaller matrices can be extracted from bigger matrices, using 
A = A(1:3,:) 
would result in the original matrix A. 
3 Matrix Operations 
Expressions involving matrix operations (or for that matter any numerical com-putation) 
are entered almost exactly as you would write on paper using standard 
mathematical notation. For example, to add the matrices A and B and then 
multiply by matrix C one would enter 
at the prompt level. Standard matrix operations and the corresponding MATLAB 
syntax are shown in the following table. 
Matrix operation MATLAB syntax 
addition and multiplication (A + B)  C 
transpose of A A′ 
inverse of A inv(A) 
Matrix division 
To solve A  X = B A B 
To solve X  A = B B=A 
power of A A^r 
4 Point-wise Operations 
Element-by-element arithmetic of arrays is performed using : and := for multi-plication 
and division respectively. For example, if 
x = [1 2 3] 
y = [4 5 6] 
then the following table illustrates various point-wise operations on x and y as 
ned above. 
Z = evaluates to remarks 
x:  y [4 10 18] [1  4 2  5 3  6] 
x:y [4 2:5 2] [ 4 
1 ; 5 
2 ; 6 
3 ] 
x:=y [0:25 0:4 0:5] [ 1 
4 ; 2 
5 ; 3 
6 ] 
x:^y [1 32 729] [14; 25; 36] 
x:^2 [1 4 9] [12; 22; 32] 
2 :^x [2 4 8] [21; 22; 23] 
What does 2 :^[x y] evaluate to? 
5 Relational Operations 
Two matrices of equal dimension can be compared, using the relational opera- 
tors, ;=; ;=;== (equal to), and ~ = (not equal to). The result of such 
an operation is a 0-1 matrix of same dimension.
nd is a helpful command which 
returns the index; and can be used in conjunction with relational operators. For 
x = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5]; 
i =
would return 
[4 5 6 7 8 9 10] 
for i. Now using 
x(i) = 10*ones(i); 
es the elements x(4),x(5),x(6) etc. Here the command ones(i) generates 
a matrix of dimension i whose elements are all 1. As a result the the vector x 
[1 2 3 10 10 10 10 10 10 10] 
If a = [0.75 35 -22.0 8.0 35.0 6.2], what is returned by the 
command i =
nd( a == max(a) )? 
6 De
ning Vectors 
A sequence of numbers are generated by the command 
x = 1:5 
which returns the vector 
[1 2 3 4 5] 
The precise meaning of the symbol ':' depends on the context.In this case it is 
to be understood as a means of separating the lower limit and upper limit of 
the sequence. A default step size of 1 is understood. A required step size can 
be de
ned as follows 
x = 1:0.5:2 
which results in the vector 
[1 1.5 2] 
Negative increments are also permissible, and the command 
x = 6:-1:1 
[6 5 4 3 2 1] 
To generate n points in the closed interval [a; b] (no step length is speci
one can use 
x = linspace(a,b,n) 
x = linspace(-1,1,5) 
generates the vector containing 
[1  0:5 0 0:5 1] 
7 Addressing Matrix Elements 
Individual matrix elements can be referenced using subscript notation. For the 
A = 
1 2 3 1 
4 5 6 2 
7 8 9 3 
A(3; 2) refers to 8. The elements can also be altered. For example, 
A(3; 2) = A(2; 3) + A(3; 3) 
results in the matrix 
A = 
1 2 3 1 
4 5 6 2 
7 15 9 3 
A subscript can also be a vector. Thus specifying A(1 : 2; 3) yields
rst two 
rows of the third column, i.e, [3 6]. A colon, ':' can be used as a wild card to 
refer to all the elements in a column or a row. Thus A(:; 2) refers to all the 
elements in the 2nd column. The following table summarises the eects of some 
useful commands. 
command result 
A(2; :) ( 
[4 5 6  2] 
A(2 : 3; 2 : 4) 
5 6 2 
15 9 3 
A(:; :) is the same as A 
A(:) matrix A arranged as a single column 
max(A) row containing maximum element of columns of 
A, i.e., [7 15 9  1] 
max(max(A)) 15
nd(A == max(max(A))) 6 ,returns linear index where the matrix is treated 
as a single column. 
A  0 
0 0 0 1 
0 0 0 1 
0 0 0 1 
8 Referencing with 0-1 vectors 
The 0-1 vectors are usually created from relational operations, which can be 
used to reference submatrices. For example, 
x = [1 2 3 4 5 10 12 15 16] 
Then the following commands 
i = x =10 
returns the 0-1 vector 
i = [0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1] 
and referring to those elements bigger than or equal to 10 as 
x = x(i) 
would return 
x = [10 12 15 16] 
What is the outcome of the command 
x = x( (x = 4)  (x  12) )? 
9 Pre-de
ned Matrices 
Several well known matrices have already been de
ned for quick reference and 
for your own use; and some of these matrices are listed below. 
MATLAB syntax purpose 
hadamard(k) returns the Hadamard matrix of order n = 2k 
hankel(c) Hankel matrix 
hankel(c,r) See Manual or use Help 
hilb(n) Hilbert matrix of dimension n 
invhilb(n) inverse of Hilbert matrix 
magic(n) magic square of order n 
There are some useful matrices which are mostly used in point-wise operations 
and these are illustrated below which are self-explanatory. 
matrix output 
1 1 1 
1 1 1 
1 1 1 
Z = zeros(3,4) 
0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 
0 0 0 0 
1 1 1 1 
1 1 1 1 
1 1 1 1 
1 0 0 0 
0 1 0 0 
0 0 1 0 
0 0 0 1 
1 0 0 0 
0 1 0 0 
0 0 1 0 
0:2190 0:6793 0:5194 
0:0470 0:9347 0:8310 
0:6789 0:3835 0:0346 
0:0535 0:0077 0:4175 0:9304 
0:5297 0:3834 0:6868 0:8462 
0:6711 0:0668 0:5890 0:5269 
10 Control Flow 
MATLAB provides two commands for repeated execution of a group of commands 
and these are illustrated with examples. 
10.1 for    end 
A group of statements are executed a
xed number of times with the help of for 
   end construct. For example, 
for j=1:5,x(j) = 0,end 
assigns 0 to the
ve elements of x. Loops can be nested. Remember that 
each for must have a corresponding end. To de
ne a 33 Hilbert's matrix, one 
could use the following statements. 
for i=1:3 
for j=1:3 
a(i,j) = 1/(i+j-1); 
for loops can go backwards as well. To de
ne the Vandermonde matrix 
x1 1 
x2 1 
n xn 1 
starting with the vector [1 0 1 3 5] one can use the following commands. 
x = [-1 0 1 3 5]; 
n = max( size(x) ); 
a(:,n) = ones(n,1); 
for j=n-1:-1:1 
a(:,j) = x' .* a(:,j+1); 
10.2 while    end 
To execute a group of statements repeatedly subjected to a constraint while    
end construct is used. For example, 
n = 1; 
while prod(1:n)  1.e100, 
n = n+1; end 
will return the
rst integer n for which n! is a 100 digit number. eps in MATLAB 
is de
ned as follows. 
small = 1; 
while (1+small ~= 1) 
small = small/2; 
small = small*2 
Try the above lines on the computer you are using to
nd eps. 
10.3 if    else(if)    end 
Finally, MATLAB provides if   else(if)    end construct for conditional branching. 
For example, to de
ne a 5  5 matrix A such that 
aij = 2 ,i = j 
= -1 ,ji  jj = 1 
one can issue the following commands. 
for i=1:5, 
for j=1:5, 
if i==j, 
a(i,j) = 2; 
elseif abs(i-j) == 1, 
a(i,j) = -1; 
a(i,j) = 0; 
break command is used to exit out of for or while loops as illustrated below. 
eps = 1; 
for i = 1:1000, 
eps = eps/2; 
if (1+eps = 1), break ,end 
eps = eps*2 
10.4 switch ... case ...otherwise ... end 
switch block enables conditional execution. In its simplest form, switch executes 
rst case where switch expr == case expr. The following example illustrates 
the usage. 
Example 10.1 Evaluate linear or quadratic or cubic function depending on the 
user input. 
% script to demonstrate switch 
order = input('What is the order of the polynomial?'); 
x = -2:.1:2; 
switch order 
case 3, disp('Cubic') 
y = x.^3; 
case 2, disp('Quadratic') 
y = x.^2; 
case 1, disp('Linear') 
y = x; 
otherwise, disp('Unknown order') 
plot(x,y), grid 
11 Using an Editor 
The built-in editor is invoked at the command prompt as 
and comes with host of utilities including debugging and dynamic tips for writing 
ecient code. Pay attention to those orange scrolls on the right hand side. 
12 Scripts and User De
ned Functions 
A script
le (or just script) is a
le containing a sequence of MATLAB commands, 
which can be invoked at MATLAB prompt level. These
les must have extension 
'.m' and reside in MATLAB sub-directory of your area. The following is an example 
of a script to generate the
rst few Fibonnaci numbers. 
f = [1 1]; 
i = 1; 
while f(i)+f(i+1)  1000 
f(i+2) = f(i)+f(i+1); 
i = i+1; 
Let us say the above lines have been stored in a
le called, fib.m in a 
directory, ~username/matlab. Then the above lines are invoked by simply 
typing in the name of the
le, in this case fib at the MATLAB prompt. 
In contrast a function
le will allow arguments to be passed to the script
le. Thus to de
ne a window or hat function of half-width a, 
y = 1; jxj  1 
= 0; otherwise 
one can de
ne the following M-

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An Introduction to MATLAB with Worked Examples

  • 1. MATLAB User's Guide Dr. V. V. S. S. Sastry, Applied Mathematics and Scienti
  • 2. c Computing, Centre for Simulation and Analytics, Cran
  • 3. eld University, Shrivenham, Swindon, Wiltshire SN6 8LA. email: v.v.s.s.sastry@cran
  • 5. Contents 1 Getting Started 2 1.1 Help! . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2 Basics 3 3 Matrix Operations 3 4 Point-wise Operations 4 5 Relational Operations 4 6 De
  • 6. ning Vectors 5 7 Addressing Matrix Elements 6 8 Referencing with 0-1 vectors 6 9 Pre-de
  • 7. ned Matrices 7 10 Control Flow 8 10.1 for end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 10.2 while end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 10.3 if else(if) end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 10.4 switch ... case ...otherwise ... end . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 11 Using an Editor 10 12 Scripts and User De
  • 8. ned Functions 11 12.1 Primary Functions and Sub-functions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 13 Numerical Computations 13 13.1 Dierential Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 14 Graphics 16 15 Handle Graphics 17 16 GUIs 24 17 Obtaining Hard Copy 30 18 MATLAB Quiz 31 19 MATLAB Tutorial Sheet 32 20 Model Answers for Tutorial Sheet 36 1
  • 9. 21 Common tasks in MATLAB 42 22 Worked Examples in Programming 52 23 Concluding Remarks 62 List of Figures 1 Plot of humps(x). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 2 Motion of Simple Pendulum. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 3 quiver displays angle and magnitude of data. . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 4 Changing properties of a graphic object. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 5 Creating simple inset plots. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 6 The user can select the lower left and top right corners of a box, and display that portion in another part of the window. . . . . . 21 7 patch(X,Y,'c') creates a
  • 10. lled polygon whose vertices are given in X and Y using the colour 'c'. EdgeColor is used to highlight the patch. Note the
  • 11. ll area for negative values of y. . . . . . . . 22 8 Greek letters, subscripts, etc. in graph annotation. The default interpreter is TeX. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23 9 A simple pushbutton. When pressed displays 'Hello' in the com-mand window, and recon
  • 12. gures itself as a quit button. . . . . . . 25 10 Colour sampler. Adjust the values the Red, Green and Blue component using the sliders. A sample of the colour is shown as a patch. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29 11 Playing with buttons. Demonstrates the use of embedding the CallBacks within the same function. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 30 12 Triangular hat function . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 33 13 An image taken under UV. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 14 An image taken under UV after converting to black and white. . 60 2
  • 13. Abstract MATLAB is an interactive package to perform matrix based computations. The package also contains several built-in functions to perform routine computations in Numerical Analysis, Signal Processing, Control Systems and wide variety of special functions in Applied Mathematics. Many specialist toolboxes are being continually added to the above collection. Finally, the package provides excellent facilities to obtain two/three dimen-sional plots of your data. A short section on HandleGraphics is included to provide the elementary principles of customizing the plots. A new section on developing GUIs is included. One must exercise enormous caution in developing GUIs in matlab as the code can get enormously large very quickly. In this guide, only a subset of MATLAB functions dealing with Matrix Algebra and Numerical Analysis are described in some detail. Further details on these and other functions in the above mentioned areas can be found in [MATLAB High-Performance Numeric Computation and Visualization Software, User's Guide, The Math Works Inc., 1993 and Signal Processing Tool Box, by J.N. Little and L.Shure, The Math Works Inc., 1988].
  • 14. Revision History This User Guide has started its life around 1992. First version is made available for general use through the Compute Center in 1993. Since then the User Guide has under gone several changes taking into account some of the mistakes, errors and typos suggested by students, colleagues and well wishers. Thank you all for your input. With this version I have decided to include this section as a way of keeping track of additions and deletions. Some new concepts from Matlab Version 5.2 are now included. 20 October 1995 Additional examples on Graphics and a section on Handle Graph-ics. 16 November 1995 Added model solutions to Tutorial Sheet. 10 September 1997 Added two Sections { GUIs and Common Tasks in Matlab. Re-placed MATLAB Quick Reference with an alphabetical list of mat-lab commands. 18 September 1997 Minor corrections and addition to suggested solution for 4(e) 18 November 1998 Added switch, and subfunctions. Modi
  • 15. ed eye(A), etc. They no longer work in V5.2 17 September 1999 Correction to the output of A 0 in the Table. Shows three rows now to be consistent with the de
  • 16. nition of A above. 3 November 2006 Changed the address block. 1 November 2012 Changes to functions calling functions. 9 October 2014 re-captured all
  • 17. gures; quad replaced by integral; changes to pa-rameter passing to functions; included an index for easy reference 1
  • 18. 1 Getting Started MATLAB is an interactive software package for scienti
  • 19. c and engineering compu-tation. MATLAB is an abbreviation for MATrix LABoratory and was originally written (in the early 70s) to provide easy access to matrix software developed by the LINPACK and EISPACK projects. Since then it has embraced virtually every branch of numerical mathematics. Matlab can be started on Unix/Linux by typing the command matlab at unix prompt or from the Start button on Windows platform. The programs and code snippets are developed using MATLAB Version (R2014a). The MATLAB commands can be issued at the double angled prompt . Now you can issue any MATLAB command. If you are a
  • 20. rst time user, you are urged to go through the demonstration programs which illustrate its various capabilities. To invoke this program, issue the command demo at MATLAB prompt, ; and select an appropriate section. There is also a hyper-documentation facility which is invoked by typing doc at the MATLAB prompt. 1.1 Help! Type help at Matlab prompt for command line help. The same material can also be accessed via the web browser using doc. 2
  • 22. ned as a list enclosed by square brackets, where the rows are separated by ; and the elements are separated by a blank or a comma. For example, A = [1 2 3; 4 5 6 ; 7 8 9] Matrix elements can be de
  • 23. ned using any valid MATLAB expression. Here, pi and i are prede
  • 24. ned MATLAB constants. For example, x = [ exp(i*pi/2), sqrt(2), cos(pi/4) ]; de
  • 25. nes a row vector x = [i p 2 cos(=4)]. Individual entries of a matrix are referenced with indices enclosed by parentheses, ( and ). Thus, x(2) corresponds to the second element of the vector in the above example. By de
  • 26. ning x(5) = sqrt(3), automatically increase the dimension and results in the vector x = [i 1.4142 0.7071 0.0000 1.7320] In a similar fashion bigger matrices can be de
  • 27. ned from smaller matrices. For example, r = [10 11 12]; A = [A;r]; would result in   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12   Smaller matrices can be extracted from bigger matrices, using A = A(1:3,:) would result in the original matrix A. 3 Matrix Operations Expressions involving matrix operations (or for that matter any numerical com-putation) are entered almost exactly as you would write on paper using standard mathematical notation. For example, to add the matrices A and B and then multiply by matrix C one would enter (A+B)*C at the prompt level. Standard matrix operations and the corresponding MATLAB syntax are shown in the following table. 3
  • 28. Matrix operation MATLAB syntax addition and multiplication (A + B) C transpose of A A′ inverse of A inv(A) Matrix division To solve A X = B A B To solve X A = B B=A power of A A^r 4 Point-wise Operations Element-by-element arithmetic of arrays is performed using : and := for multi-plication and division respectively. For example, if x = [1 2 3] y = [4 5 6] then the following table illustrates various point-wise operations on x and y as de
  • 29. ned above. Z = evaluates to remarks x: y [4 10 18] [1 4 2 5 3 6] x:y [4 2:5 2] [ 4 1 ; 5 2 ; 6 3 ] x:=y [0:25 0:4 0:5] [ 1 4 ; 2 5 ; 3 6 ] x:^y [1 32 729] [14; 25; 36] x:^2 [1 4 9] [12; 22; 32] 2 :^x [2 4 8] [21; 22; 23] What does 2 :^[x y] evaluate to? 5 Relational Operations Two matrices of equal dimension can be compared, using the relational opera- tors, ;=; ;=;== (equal to), and ~ = (not equal to). The result of such an operation is a 0-1 matrix of same dimension.
  • 30. nd is a helpful command which returns the index; and can be used in conjunction with relational operators. For example, x = [1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 5]; i =
  • 32. would return [4 5 6 7 8 9 10] for i. Now using x(i) = 10*ones(i); modi
  • 33. es the elements x(4),x(5),x(6) etc. Here the command ones(i) generates a matrix of dimension i whose elements are all 1. As a result the the vector x contains [1 2 3 10 10 10 10 10 10 10] If a = [0.75 35 -22.0 8.0 35.0 6.2], what is returned by the command i =
  • 34. nd( a == max(a) )? 6 De
  • 35. ning Vectors A sequence of numbers are generated by the command x = 1:5 which returns the vector [1 2 3 4 5] The precise meaning of the symbol ':' depends on the context.In this case it is to be understood as a means of separating the lower limit and upper limit of the sequence. A default step size of 1 is understood. A required step size can be de
  • 36. ned as follows x = 1:0.5:2 which results in the vector [1 1.5 2] Negative increments are also permissible, and the command x = 6:-1:1 yields [6 5 4 3 2 1] To generate n points in the closed interval [a; b] (no step length is speci
  • 37. ed), one can use x = linspace(a,b,n) Thus x = linspace(-1,1,5) generates the vector containing [1 0:5 0 0:5 1] 5
  • 38. 7 Addressing Matrix Elements Individual matrix elements can be referenced using subscript notation. For the matrix A =   1 2 3 1 4 5 6 2 7 8 9 3   A(3; 2) refers to 8. The elements can also be altered. For example, A(3; 2) = A(2; 3) + A(3; 3) results in the matrix A =   1 2 3 1 4 5 6 2 7 15 9 3   A subscript can also be a vector. Thus specifying A(1 : 2; 3) yields
  • 39. rst two rows of the third column, i.e, [3 6]. A colon, ':' can be used as a wild card to refer to all the elements in a column or a row. Thus A(:; 2) refers to all the elements in the 2nd column. The following table summarises the eects of some useful commands. command result A(2; :) ( [4 5 6 2] A(2 : 3; 2 : 4) 5 6 2 15 9 3 ) A(:; :) is the same as A A(:) matrix A arranged as a single column max(A) row containing maximum element of columns of A, i.e., [7 15 9 1] max(max(A)) 15
  • 40. nd(A == max(max(A))) 6 ,returns linear index where the matrix is treated as a single column. A 0   0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1   8 Referencing with 0-1 vectors The 0-1 vectors are usually created from relational operations, which can be used to reference submatrices. For example, x = [1 2 3 4 5 10 12 15 16] Then the following commands 6
  • 41. i = x =10 returns the 0-1 vector i = [0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 1] and referring to those elements bigger than or equal to 10 as x = x(i) would return x = [10 12 15 16] What is the outcome of the command x = x( (x = 4) (x 12) )? 9 Pre-de
  • 42. ned Matrices Several well known matrices have already been de
  • 43. ned for quick reference and for your own use; and some of these matrices are listed below. MATLAB syntax purpose hadamard(k) returns the Hadamard matrix of order n = 2k hankel(c) Hankel matrix hankel(c,r) See Manual or use Help hilb(n) Hilbert matrix of dimension n invhilb(n) inverse of Hilbert matrix magic(n) magic square of order n There are some useful matrices which are mostly used in point-wise operations and these are illustrated below which are self-explanatory. 7
  • 44. matrix output ones(3)   1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1   Z = zeros(3,4)   0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0   ones(Z)   1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1   eye(4)   1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1   eye(Z)   1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1 0   rand(3)   0:2190 0:6793 0:5194 0:0470 0:9347 0:8310 0:6789 0:3835 0:0346   rand(Z)   0:0535 0:0077 0:4175 0:9304 0:5297 0:3834 0:6868 0:8462 0:6711 0:0668 0:5890 0:5269   10 Control Flow MATLAB provides two commands for repeated execution of a group of commands and these are illustrated with examples. 10.1 for end A group of statements are executed a
  • 45. xed number of times with the help of for end construct. For example, for j=1:5,x(j) = 0,end assigns 0 to the
  • 46. st
  • 47. ve elements of x. Loops can be nested. Remember that each for must have a corresponding end. To de
  • 48. ne a 33 Hilbert's matrix, one could use the following statements. for i=1:3 for j=1:3 a(i,j) = 1/(i+j-1); end end 8
  • 49. for loops can go backwards as well. To de
  • 50. ne the Vandermonde matrix   xn−1 1 x21 x1 1 xn−1 2 x22 x2 1 ... ... xn−1 n x2 n xn 1   starting with the vector [1 0 1 3 5] one can use the following commands. x = [-1 0 1 3 5]; n = max( size(x) ); a(:,n) = ones(n,1); for j=n-1:-1:1 a(:,j) = x' .* a(:,j+1); end 10.2 while end To execute a group of statements repeatedly subjected to a constraint while end construct is used. For example, n = 1; while prod(1:n) 1.e100, n = n+1; end will return the
  • 51. rst integer n for which n! is a 100 digit number. eps in MATLAB is de
  • 52. ned as follows. small = 1; while (1+small ~= 1) small = small/2; end small = small*2 Try the above lines on the computer you are using to
  • 53. nd eps. 10.3 if else(if) end Finally, MATLAB provides if else(if) end construct for conditional branching. For example, to de
  • 54. ne a 5 5 matrix A such that aij = 2 ,i = j = -1 ,ji jj = 1 one can issue the following commands. for i=1:5, for j=1:5, if i==j, 9
  • 55. a(i,j) = 2; elseif abs(i-j) == 1, a(i,j) = -1; else a(i,j) = 0; end end end break command is used to exit out of for or while loops as illustrated below. eps = 1; for i = 1:1000, eps = eps/2; if (1+eps = 1), break ,end end eps = eps*2 10.4 switch ... case ...otherwise ... end switch block enables conditional execution. In its simplest form, switch executes the
  • 56. rst case where switch expr == case expr. The following example illustrates the usage. Example 10.1 Evaluate linear or quadratic or cubic function depending on the user input. % script to demonstrate switch order = input('What is the order of the polynomial?'); x = -2:.1:2; switch order case 3, disp('Cubic') y = x.^3; case 2, disp('Quadratic') y = x.^2; case 1, disp('Linear') y = x; otherwise, disp('Unknown order') end plot(x,y), grid 11 Using an Editor The built-in editor is invoked at the command prompt as edit and comes with host of utilities including debugging and dynamic tips for writing ecient code. Pay attention to those orange scrolls on the right hand side. 10
  • 57. 12 Scripts and User De
  • 58. ned Functions A script
  • 59. le (or just script) is a
  • 60. le containing a sequence of MATLAB commands, which can be invoked at MATLAB prompt level. These
  • 61. les must have extension '.m' and reside in MATLAB sub-directory of your area. The following is an example of a script to generate the
  • 62. rst few Fibonnaci numbers. f = [1 1]; i = 1; while f(i)+f(i+1) 1000 f(i+2) = f(i)+f(i+1); i = i+1; end Let us say the above lines have been stored in a
  • 63. le called, fib.m in a directory, ~username/matlab. Then the above lines are invoked by simply typing in the name of the
  • 64. le, in this case fib at the MATLAB prompt. In contrast a function
  • 65. le will allow arguments to be passed to the script
  • 67. ne a window or hat function of half-width a, y = 1; jxj 1 = 0; otherwise one can de
  • 69. le. function y = hat(x,a), y = ( abs(x) = a ); 12.1 Primary Functions and Sub-functions With MATLAB Version 5, M-
  • 70. les can contain more than one function. The
  • 71. rst function is called the primary function and the rest are referred to as subfunc-tions. Their scope is limited to the scope of the primary function. The variables de
  • 72. ned in the primary function are not available inside any of the subfunctions unless declared global. Example 12.1 Compute arithmetic, geometric and harmonic mean of a list of numbers. function [am, gm, hm] = amgmhm( list ) % compute arithmetic, geometric and harmonic mean n = length( list ); am = amean( list, n ); gm = gmean( list, n ); hm = hmean( list, n ); 11
  • 73. function a = amean( x, n ) %arithmetic mean a = sum(x)/n; function g = gmean( x, n ) %geometric mean if all( x 0 ) g = prod( x )^(1/n); else error('All elements need to be positive for GM'); end function h = hmean( x, n ) %harmonic mean if all( x 0 ) h = (1/n)* sum( 1 ./x ); else error('All elements need to be positive for HM'); end Typical output from this function is x = 1:5 x = 1 2 3 4 5 [a,b,c] = amgmhm( x ) a = 3 b = 2.6052 c = 0.4567 12
  • 74. Note that the variable n de
  • 75. ned in the primary function need to be passed explicitly as an argument to subfunctions. 13 Numerical Computations Besides matrix computations, MATLAB provides several commands or scripts to perform routine numerical computations such as numerical integration, dieren-tiation, approximate solutions of nonlinear equations, optimization and numer-ical solution of dierential equations. There are extensive facilities to display both one dimensional and two dimensional plots and provides a very simple mechanism to obtain hard copies of your precious plots. Some of these func-tions are illustrated below. De
  • 76. ne the function y(x) = 1 (x 0:3)2 + 0:01 + 1 (x 0:9)2 + 0:04 6:0 in an M-
  • 77. le called humps.m as function y = humps(x) y = 1 :=((x :3):^2 + :01) + 1 :=((x :9):^2 + :04) 6; To display the graph of the function in the interval 1 x 2, issue the commands x = -1:.01:2; plot(x,humps(x)), grid, title('Plot of humps(x)') xlabel('x'), ylabel('y = humps(x)') and the plot is shown in Fig. 1. To integrate the above function between 0 to 1, use the command area = integral(@humps,0,1) area = 29.8583 The integration is performed using adaptive recursive Simpson's rule. For the location of the local minima in the interval 0:5 x 1 is obtained by using xmin = fminunc( @sin, pi) xmin = 4.7124 F = @(x) 100-humps(x) [x,fval] = fminunc(F,0.5) x = 13
  • 78. 100 80 60 40 20 0 −20 Plot of humps(x) −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 x y = humps(x) Figure 1: Plot of humps(x). 0.3004 fval = 3.4986 As can be observed from the plot of the function, humps(x) has two zeros in the neighbourhoods of x = 0 and x = 1. These zeros are obtained using the commands zero1 = fzero( @humps, 0 ) zero1 = -0.1316 zero2 = fzero( @humps, 1 ) zero2 = 1.2995 13.1 Dierential Equations Numerical approximations for the solutions of dierential equations are com-puted using either ode23 or ode45. Both of the routines use automatic step size 14
  • 79. Runge-Kutta-Fehlberg integration methods. ode23 uses a simple 2nd and 3rd order pair of formulae for medium accuracy, while ode45 uses 4th and 5th order formulae for higher accuracy.1 For example, consider the second order nonlinear dierential equation y+ 0:3 y_ + g l sin y = 0 with the initial conditions y(0) = y_(0) = 0 First one must express the above dierential equation as a system of two
  • 80. rst order equations which is achieved by setting y1 = y_2 and y2 = y. Thus, we obtain y_1 = 0:3y1 g l sin y2 y_2 = y1 and the initial conditions transform to y1(0) = 0 y2(0) = Next the pair of
  • 81. rst order equations are stored in an M-
  • 82. le, say, shm.m which is required to invoke ode23. For illustration purposes choose g = 9:8 ms−2 and l = 1 m. function ydot = shm(t,y) ydot(1) = -0.3*y(1) - 9.8* sin ( y(2) ); ydot(2) = y(1); ydot = ydot'; Further choose the initial angular displacement = 0:25 radians. Now to simulate the motion of the pendulum for the
  • 83. rst 20 seconds, issue the following commands. t0 = 0; t
  • 84. nal = 20; tspan = [t0 t
  • 85. nal]; y0 = [0 0.25]; [t,y] = ode23( @shm,tspan,y0 ); plot(t,y), grid, legend('Displacement','Angular velocity') xlabel('t'), ylabel('Displacement and Angular velocity') and the graphical output is shown in Fig. 2. 1For further details see G.E.Forsythe, M.A.Malcom and C.B. Moler, Computer Methods for Mathematical Computations, Prentice Hall, 1977. 15
  • 86. Displacement Angular velocity 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 −0.6 −0.8 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 t Displacement and Angular velocity Figure 2: Motion of Simple Pendulum. 14 Graphics Apart from the straight forward x-y plots, MATLAB provides a wide range of plot styles, which can be found in MATLAB Quick Reference. For an interesting collection of plots see MATLAB demo program. As an example, mesh, contour and quiver are illustrated below. The sub- plot(mnp) divides the plot area into m by n cells and uses the p-th cell to display the plot. We wish to generate the surface z = x exp(x2 y2) over the domain x 2 [2; 2] and y 2 [2; 2]. Using the command sequence % sandq.m - surface and quiver plot of % z = x exp( -x^2 - y^2) % clf % clear figures [x y] = meshgrid(-2:.2:2,-3:.2:3); % define the grid z = x .* exp( -x.^2 - y.^2); % define the function subplot(121), mesh(z), grid % split the % plotting area title('Surface plot of z = x * exp( -x^2 - y^2)') % give a title set(gca,'XTickLabels',linspace(-2,2,3), ... % more about this later 'YTickLabels',linspace(-3,3,3) ) % define tick labels % 16
  • 87. [zx,zy] = gradient(z,.2,.2); % compute gradient subplot(122), contour(z), hold on, quiver(zx, zy) % contour title('Quiver Plot'), hold off we obtain the plot shown in Fig. 3. Surface plot of z = x * exp( −x^2 − y^2) −2 0 2 −2 −3 0 0.5 0 −0.5 3 5 10 15 20 30 25 20 15 10 5 Quiver Plot Figure 3: quiver displays angle and magnitude of data. 15 Handle Graphics Each and every graphics object has a unique identi
  • 88. er and is usually referred to as a handle, and hence the name HandleGraphics. Current properties of the graphic object are queried with get command while the properties are de
  • 89. ned using set. For example, to change the thickness of the the curve y = x2, x = -2:.01:2; y = x.^2; h = plot(x,y),grid h = 17
  • 90. 81.0007 get(h) Color = [1 1 0] EraseMode = normal LineStyle = - LineWidth = [0.5] MarkerSize = [6] Xdata = [ (1 by 401) ] Ydata = [ (1 by 401) ] Zdata = [] ButtonDownFcn = Children = [] Clipping = on Interruptible = no Parent = [72.0017] Type = line UserData = [] Visible = on ans = [] set(h,'LineWidth',3) 18
  • 91. 4 3.5 3 2.5 2 1.5 1 0.5 0 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Figure 4: Changing properties of a graphic object. Example 15.1 Inset. A portion of the original plot is displayed in the same drawing area. % inset_ex1.m % x = -2:.01:2; y = x.^2 .* sin(1 ./x.^2); ix = find( x 0.5 x -0.5 ); % pick indices that correspond % to the interval hfull = axes % define full screen as plot area hp = plot(x,y), grid hins = axes('Position', [0.4,0.5,0.5,0.35]) % new axes origin located % at 40% of the way % horizontally and 50% of % other two parameters indicate % width and height in normalized % coordinates plot( x(ix),y(ix),'g' ) % plot selected values 19
  • 92. 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 −0.3 −0.5 0 0.5 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Figure 5: Creating simple inset plots. Example 15.2 Inset. Interactively select the portion of the plot for inset. % inset_ex2.m % use of ginput to locate a portion of the plot for inset % x = 0:.01:2; y = exp(-12*x) .* sin(50*x); hfull = axes; plot(x,y) disp('Select points using the left button on type mouse') [X,Y] = ginput(2) % pick coords of lower left and top right XX = [X(1) X(1) X(2) X(2) X(1)]; % define vertices to draw a box around YY = [Y(1) Y(2) Y(2) Y(1) Y(1)]; % the selected portion hold % hold the plot to draw the box plot(XX+i*YY) % draw a box hi = axes('Position',[0.45,0.55,0.4,0.35]) % define new axes ix = find( x = X(2) x = X(1) ); plot( x(ix),y(ix) ), grid 20
  • 93. 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 0.2 0.1 0 −0.1 −0.2 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 Figure 6: The user can select the lower left and top right corners of a box, and display that portion in another part of the window. Example 15.3 Area under curve. To
  • 94. ll area under the curve y = f(x), a x b. % curvefill_ex1.m % fill area under a curve % x = -2:.01:2; y = humps(x); plot(x,y), grid ix = find( x = 0.5 x = 1.5 ); X = [0.5, x(ix), 1.5]; Y = [0 , y(ix), 0 ]; hp = patch(X,Y,'b'); set(hp,'EdgeColor',[1,0,0]); 21
  • 95. 100 80 60 40 20 0 −20 −2 −1.5 −1 −0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 Figure 7: patch(X,Y,'c') creates a
  • 96. lled polygon whose vertices are given in X and Y using the colour 'c'. EdgeColor is used to highlight the patch. Note the
  • 97. ll area for negative values of y. Example 15.4 Greek letters, superscripts and subscripts in graph annotation. Note that while it is fairly straight forward to use these functions, it would be too painful for extensive mathematical type setting using this approach! % script for greek titles etc. x = 0:.01:10; y1 = besselj(0.5,x); y2 = besselj(1.5,x); y3 = besselj(2.5,x); plot(x,y1,x,y2,x,y3), grid title('J_{nu+1/2}(x) for nu = 0, 1, 2','Interpreter','tex') xlabel('x') ylabel('J_{nu+1/2}(x)') xlabel('x') 22
  • 98. J n + 1/2 (x) for n = 0,1,2 J n + 1/2 (x) 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 −0.2 −0.4 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 x Figure 8: Greek letters, subscripts, etc. in graph annotation. The default interpreter is TeX. 16 GUIs Matlab provides very powerful, yet simple functions to develop attractive Graph-ical User Interfaces for your applications. Matlab provides eight user interface objects - checkbox, edit, frame, popupmenu, pushbutton, radiobutton, slider and text. There are three simple steps to develop a GUI. 1. Choose a user interface(UI) control from the range available. 2. Place it in the Figure window. 3. Optionally de
  • 99. ne a CallBack for the user interface object. Example 16.1 A simple example. De
  • 100. ne a pushbutton which prints hello to the screen. % a simple pushbutton which says hello % pb = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton', ... 'Position',[30, 30, 72, 36], ... 'String','PushMe', ... 23
  • 101. Figure 9: A simple pushbutton. When pressed displays 'Hello' in the command window, and recon
  • 102. gures itself as a quit button. 'CallBack','disp(''Hello ...'')' ); Note that the bottom left corner of the UI object (i.e., pushbutton is placed in the Figure window at (30,40). Default units are pixels and the origin is at the bottom left corner of the Figure window. Next we de
  • 103. ne two additional properties of pushbutton { the text that appears on the button (PushMe), and what to do when the user presses the button (CallBack). Usually the CallBack string is a matlab script. Example 16.2 A pushbutton which recon
  • 104. gures itself as a Quit button. pb = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton', ... 'Position',[30, 30, 72, 36], ... 'String','PushMe', ... 'CallBack',[... 'disp(''Hello ...'');', ... 'set(pb,''String'',''Quit'');', ... 'set(pb,''CallBack'',''delete(gcf)'')'] ); 24
  • 105. The CallBack string here is bit more involved. Recall that strings can be conveniently constructed in Matlab as an array, enclosed within square brackets. When using continuation marks, you must keep one quoted string per line. In other words, don't continue a quoted string. If your CallBack string is more involved than in the present example, you must use a matlab script or function. Example 16.3 A Colour sampler. This example illustrates the use of collecting data from other UI components to achieve a desired computation. Three sliders are used to represent Red, Green and Blue components of the required colour. A sample patch is shown in the
  • 106. gure. % Colour sampler - xcolsamp.m % % Author: Venkat V S S Sastry % Date: 7 August 1997 % % Notes: % Needs updateP.m which contains the CallBack % Xsp = 2; %spacing between objects Ysp = 2; sliH = 28; % height of slider txtH = 28; % text height ( used for labels Red, Green, Blue) txtW = 30; % text width valW = 60; % width value labels valH = txtH; % for now... pos = get(gcf,'Position'); ll = 3; bl = 40; width = pos(3); height = pos(4)/4; llFrm = ll; blFrm = bl; frmW = width; frmH = 3*txtH + 5*Ysp; p = [0.1 0.35 0.8 0.65]; ha = axes('Position', p ); % % define the patch % x = [0.1 0.9 0.9 0.1]; y = [0.1 0.1 0.9 0.9]; C = [1 1 1]; hP = patch(x,y,C); axis('off') %............................ % Frame for three sliders (R,G,B) 25
  • 107. % p = [ll, bl, frmW, frmH]; frm = uicontrol('Style','frame', ... 'BackgroundColor', [0.15 0.15 0.15], ... 'Position', p ); % red Text ll = ll + 2*Xsp; bl = bl + 1.5*Ysp; p = [ll, bl, txtW, txtH]; redT = uicontrol('Style','text', ... 'String', 'Red', ... 'ForeGroundColor', [1 0 0], ... 'Position', p ); % red Value pos = get(redT,'Position'); ll = pos(1) + pos(3) + Xsp; bl = pos(2); p = [ll, bl, valW, txtH]; % since txtH = valH redV = uicontrol('Style','text', ... 'Position', p ); % % Slider for R % pos = get(redV,'Position'); % place slider relative to red value label ll = pos(1) + pos(3) + Xsp; bl = pos(2); sliW = frmW - (4*Xsp + txtW + valW); % remaining width in frm is for slider p = [ll, bl, sliW, sliH]; sliR = uicontrol('Style', 'slider', ... 'Position', p, ... 'Min', 0, 'Max', 1, ... 'CallBack', 'updateP'); % green Text pos = get(redT,'Position'); ll = pos(1); bl = pos(2) + pos(4) + Ysp; p = [ll, bl, txtW, txtH]; grnT = uicontrol('Style','text', ... 'String', 'Green', ... 'ForeGroundColor', [0 1 0], ... 'Position', p ); % green Value pos = get(grnT,'Position'); ll = ll + txtW + Xsp; p = [ll, bl, valW, txtH]; 26
  • 108. grnV = uicontrol('Style','text', ... 'Position', p ); % % Slider for G % pos = get(grnV,'Position'); ll = pos(1) + pos(3) + Xsp; % borrow the width of sliR p = [ll, bl, sliW, sliH]; sliG = uicontrol('Style', 'slider', ... 'Position', p, ... 'Min', 0, 'Max', 1, ... 'CallBack', 'updateP'); % blue Text pos = get(grnT,'Position'); % place blue text relative to green text ll = pos(1); bl = pos(2) + pos(4) + Ysp; p = [ll, bl, txtW, txtH]; bluT = uicontrol('Style','text', ... 'String', 'Blue', ... 'ForeGroundColor', [0 0 1], ... 'Position', p ); % blue Value pos = get(bluT,'Position'); ll = pos(1) + txtW + Xsp; bl = pos(2); p = [ll, bl, valW, valH]; bluV = uicontrol('Style','text', ... 'Position', p ); % % Slider for B % pos = get(bluV,'Position'); ll = pos(1) + pos(3) + Xsp; bl = pos(2); % borrow sliW from the previous sliders p = [ll, bl, sliW, sliH]; sliB = uicontrol('Style', 'slider', ... 'Position', p, ... 'Min', 0, 'Max', 1, ... 'CallBack', 'updateP'); % % Quit button 27
  • 109. Figure 10: Colour sampler. Adjust the values the Red, Green and Blue compo-nent using the sliders. A sample of the colour is shown as a patch. % pos = get(gcf,'Position'); bWidth = 40; bHeight = 30; ll = pos(3) - bWidth - Ysp; bl = 2; p = [ll, bl, bWidth, bHeight]; qBut = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton', ... 'Position', p, ... 'String', 'Quit', ... 'CallBack', 'delete(gcf)'); Example 16.4 A CallBack embedded in the same function. This is a con- venient technique to organize the GUI code. De
  • 110. ne a function which handles all major events. The function is normally with one argument, say, action. Branch to appropriate segment depending on the action. The following code illustrates this technique. At the start, a push button is placed along with in- formative text. The button's callback is to move the button to another location, when pressed. This is achieved by invoking xgui2('move'). 28
  • 111. % xgui2.m % simple demonstration of embedding CallBacks in the % same function function xgui2(action); if nargin 1, action = 'start'; end; if strcmp(action,'start'), % place a button bW = 0.2; bH = 0.15; set(gcf,'Units', 'normalized'); bh = uicontrol('Style','pushbutton', ... 'Units','normalized', ... 'Position',[0.1 0.2 bW bH], ... 'String', 'PushMe', ... 'CallBack', 'xgui2(''move'')' ); txt = uicontrol('Style','text', ... 'Units','normalized', ... 'Position', [0.01, 0.9, 0.9 0.1], ... 'String', ... 'First click in the window, and Press button to watch it move there.'); elseif strcmp(action,'move'), disp('Moving') bh = gco; pos = get(bh, 'Position'); bW = pos(3); bH = pos(4); ptr = get(gcf,'currentpoint'); x = ptr(1); y = ptr(2); set(bh,'Position', [x y bW bW]) % delete(bh) end 29
  • 112. Figure 11: Playing with buttons. Demonstrates the use of embedding the Call- Backs within the same function. 17 Obtaining Hard Copy Both numerical and graphical output from MATLAB can be stored for future use. To store your MATLAB interaction, issue the command diary output and subsequent output from MATLAB is written to the
  • 113. le output in your sub-directory. This facility can be turned o by issuing diary o or simply diary. The diary toggles between on, o values. Graphical output can be redirected to a suitable plotter or laser printer. Having generated the required plot, type print at the MATLAB prompt. The output goes to the default printer. For saving the plot in various graphics
  • 114. le formats, type help print. 30
  • 115. 18 MATLAB Quiz 1. What is the MATLAB prompt? 2. What is the command to leave the system? 3. Does ^C leave the system? 4. Is MATLAB case sensitive? 5. What is the terminator for MATLAB commands? 6. What is the command to read data from the terminal? 7. Given x = [2 1 0 1 2], what is the result of the command i = (x = 0)? 8. What is the operator for point-wise multiplication? 9. If A and B are matrices what do the commands | AB and A=B rep-resent? 10. How do you invoke a text editor while you are in MATLAB ? 11. If Y is a matrix, what does plot(Y) do ? 12. How do you invoke a user de
  • 116. ned function xyz.m? 13. If x = [1 0 1] and y = [0 1 1], what is the result of x : y ? 14. What happens if you try x y ? 15. How do you store MATLAB interaction? 16. If A and B are matrices, is the statement A = B legal? If so, what is returned by such a statement? 17. Typing pi at MATLAB prompt displays the number, 3:1416. What is the command to display the available decimals? 18. Can you call programs written in FORTRAN or C? 31
  • 117. 19 MATLAB Tutorial Sheet 1. Basic Commands (a) De
  • 118. ne the vector x = (3;4; 2; 1; 0; 2; 3; 5; 10) (Remember to use matlab syntax). What is returned by the following MATLAB com-mands? i. length(x) ii. max(x) iii. size(x) iv. x(12) = x(3) v. A. L = (x = 2), B. L = (x 3); C. L = (x 4 x 4). vi. Generate the row vector (1;0:75;0:5;0:25; 0:0; 0:25; 0:5; 0:75; 1:0). vii. What is the output of the command k = linspace(-1,1,5)? (b) De
  • 119. ne the matrix A =   1 0 6 3 1 2 0 2 0 3 1 2 6 0 0 1   . Observe the response of the following commands. i. size(A) ii. det(A) iii. inv(A),eig(A) and [V,D] = eig(A) iv. A(:; 2);A(1 : 3; 2 : 4) and A(:) v. max(A), max( max(A) ) vi. i =
  • 120. nd( A == max( max(A) ) ) vii. P = poly(A) and roots(P) . (c) Given A =   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 0   and b =   1 3 5  , solve the system Ax = b. For the above matrix, what is returned by [L;U] = lu(A)? 2. What is returned by the following commands? rand(6),rand(1,6),ones(6),ones(2,6),zeros(6),zeros(4,6) 3. If A =   i 1 + i i 0 1 1 1 0 0  , what is returned by eye( size(A) ),ones( size(A) ) and zeros( size(A) )? 4. Write the MATLAB commands to perform the following calculations. 32
  • 121. y 1 6 y = 1 + x y = 1 x -2 -1 0 1 2 x - Figure 12: Triangular hat function (a) to extract the indicated (elements are shown in boldface) submatrix of A =   1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9  . (b) to
  • 122. nd the maximum element of A. (c) to
  • 123. nd the location of the maximum element of A. (d) to de
  • 124. ne a 4 4 matrix B so that bij = 2 i = j = -1 ji jj = 1 = 0 otherwise (e) to
  • 125. nd the determinant of B. If Bn denotes an n n matrix, is it true that det(Bn) = n + 1 ? (f) to
  • 126. nd the eigenvalues and eigenvectors of B. (g) to de
  • 127. ne the function y = 1 (x2 1) + 2 (h) to plot the function de
  • 128. ned in 4(g). (i) to
  • 129. nd the zeros of the function de
  • 130. ned in 4(g). (j) to
  • 131. nd the roots of the polynomial s3 6s2 72 s 27 5. De
  • 132. ne the MATLAB function as described in Fig. 12 in a
  • 133. le called triang.m. Check your function de
  • 135. 6. Case Study | Nonlinear Pendulum The equation of motion of a strongly damped simple pendulum is given by + 0:3 _ + sin = 0 Subject to the initial conditions (0) = 4 _(0) = 0 simulate the motion of the pendulum for the
  • 136. rst 15 seconds. Experiment using ode23 and ode45 and plot your results. The quantity = ln x1 x2 where x1 and x2 are any two successive amplitudes is called logarithmic decrement. With the help of the plot you have generated and using ginput command estimate the logarithmic decrement. [Hint: Use the help facility for the syntax of relevant commands. The above second order dierential equation can be expressed as a system of two
  • 137. rst order dierential equations as shown below. x_1 = 0:3 x1 sin x2 x_2 = x1 ] 7. Case Study | Population Growth2 Let Fi and Ci denote number of foxes and chicken at a time step i. At the next time step these population are related by the equations Fi+1 = 0:6Fi + 0:5Ci Ci+1 = kFi + 1:2Ci where k represents the kill rate of chicken by foxes. Starting with the initial population as F1 = 100 and C1 = 1000, the above equations can be used to model the two populations at subsequent time step. In the matrix notation, the above equations read xi+1 = Axi for i = 1; 2; where xi = ( Fi Ci ) , A = ( 0:6 0:5 k 1:2 ) and x1 = ( 100 1000 ) . 2With due acknowledgements to Ben Noble and James W Daniel, Applied Linear Algebra, Prentice-Hall, 1988, ISBN: 0-13-593609-8. 34
  • 138. Hence, x2 = Ax1 x3 = Ax2 = AAx1 = A2x1 etc. In general xi+1 = Aixi for i = 0; 1; (a) For a low kill rate of k = 0:1
  • 139. nd the two populations. Plot the results. Do the populations reach an equilibrium? (b) For a high kill rate of k = 0:18
  • 140. nd the two populations. Plot the results. Do the populations reach an equilibrium? (c) For an intermediate kill rate of k = 0:16
  • 141. nd the two populations. Plot the results. The behaviour of the population size is closely related to how the ma-trix powers i.e Ai behaves for large i, which in turn is dictated by the eigenvalues of the matrix. Find the eigenvalues for the above three cases. Can you suggest a condition under which Ai goes to 0 as i ! 1. 35
  • 142. 20 Model Answers for Tutorial Sheet 1. Basic Commands (a) Enter it as x = [-3 -4 2 1 0 2 3,5,10] i. length(x) returns 9 ii. max(x) returns 10 iii. size(x) returns the vector [1 9] iv. returns the vector -3 -4 2 1 0 2 3 5 10 0 0 -2 Note the additional two zeros after 10. v. A. L = (x=2) returns the 0-1 vector 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 B. L = (x3) returns the vector 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 1 1 1 C. L = (x4 x -4) returns the vector 1 0 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 vi. xx = -1:0.25:1 will generate the required sequence. vii. returns the vector -1.0000 -0.5000 0 0.5000 1.0000 (b) Enter the matrix as a = [1 0 6 -3; -1 2 0 2;0 3 -1 -2;-6 0 0 1] i. size(a) returns the vector [4 4]. ii. det(a) returns the scalar 376. iii. inv(a) returns the matrix -0.0053 0.0479 -0.0319 -0.1755 0.0293 0.2367 0.1755 -0.0346 0.1516 0.1356 -0.0904 0.0027 -0.0319 0.2872 -0.1915 -0.0532 eig(a) returns the vector -3.0636 + 2.9004i -3.0636 - 2.9004i 4.5636 + 0.5475i 36
  • 143. 4.5636 - 0.5475i [V,D] = eig(a) returns two matrices V = -0.5175 - 0.1981i -0.5175 + 0.1981i -0.3849 + 0.0609i -0.3849 - 0.0609i -0.0452 + 0.1542i -0.0452 - 0.1542i 0.5682 - 0.2991i 0.5682 + 0.2991i 0.2623 - 0.3935i 0.2623 + 0.3935i 0.0747 - 0.0977i 0.0747 + 0.0977i -0.3679 - 0.5551i -0.3679 + 0.5551i 0.6178 - 0.1974i 0.6178 + 0.1974i D = -3.0636 + 2.9004i 0 0 0 0 -3.0636 - 2.9004i 0 0 0 0 4.5636 + 0.5475i 0 0 0 0 4.5636 - 0.5475i Note that the eigenvector are placed along the diagonal of D. iv. a(:,2) returns the column vector (0,2,3,0) a(1:3,2:4) returns the submatrix 0 6 -3 2 0 2 3 -1 -2 a(:) returns the complete matrix as a column vector. v. max(a) returns the vector 1 3 6 2 where each element corresponds to the maximum element for each column. max( max(a) ) returns the scalar 6 which is the maximum element in the matrix. vi. returns the location of the maximum element treating the matrix as a single column. You have to do extra work to express that number on matrix 'i,j' notation. vii. poly(a) returns the coecients of the characteristic polynomial of ma- trix a. The coecients are ordered from highest degree to the lowest. viii. roots(poly(a)) returns the eigenvalues of a -3.0636 + 2.9004i -3.0636 - 2.9004i 4.5636 + 0.5475i 4.5636 - 0.5475i 37
  • 144. (c) Remember to use the column vector for b. Use x = ab which returns the column vector x = 0.3333 0.3333 0.0000 [L,U] = lu(a) returns L = 0.1429 1.0000 0 0.5714 0.5000 1.0000 1.0000 0 0 U = 7.0000 8.0000 0 0 0.8571 3.0000 0 0 4.5000 2. rand(6) returns a 6 by 6 matrix of random elements which are uniformly dis- tributed in the interval 0.0 to 1.0. rand(1,6) returns a row vector of six columns. ones(6) returns a 6 by 6 matrix whose elements are all 1. ones(2,6) returns a 2 by 6 matrix whose elements are all 1. zeros(6) returns a 6 by 6 matrix whose elements are all zero. zeros(4,6) returns a 4 by 6 matrix whose elements are all zero. 3. Remember to clear i. eye(a), ones(a), zeros(a) return an identity matrix, a matrix of 1's and a matrix of zeros of size a respectively. 4. Remember to clear the matrix a. (a) to extract the submatrix consisting of rows two through three and columns two through three, use a(2:3,2:3). (b) maximum element is given by max(max(a)). Note that a == max(max(a)) returns a matrix with 1 in the location where the logical expression is true. (c) [i,j] = find( a == max(max(a) ). See help find for further details (d) A possible matlab function could be de
  • 145. ned as function a = bandm(n,dentry,sup,sub), for i=1:n, for j = 1:n, 38
  • 146. if i==j, a(i,j) = dentry; elseif ( j i j = i+sup), a(i,j) = - 1; elseif ( i j i = j+sub), a(i,j) = - 1; end end end where n is the matrix size, dentry is the diagonal entry, sup and sub indicate the number of super/sub diagonals. (e) Use det(b) which is 5. To verify the conjecture, you may proceed as for k = 1:10, d = det( bandm(k,2,1,1) ); s = sprintf(' matrix size n = %3d t determinant is %4d', k,d); disp(s), end matrix size n = 1 determinant is 2 matrix size n = 2 determinant is 3 matrix size n = 3 determinant is 4 matrix size n = 4 determinant is 5 matrix size n = 5 determinant is 6 matrix size n = 6 determinant is 7 matrix size n = 7 determinant is 8 matrix size n = 8 determinant is 9 matrix size n = 9 determinant is 10 matrix size n = 10 determinant is 11 (f) Use [v,d] = eig(b) (g) Enter the following in a
  • 147. le called t4g.m function y = t4g(x) y = 1 ./(x.^2 - 1) + 2; The important thing to note in here is the operator ./ and the preceding space! Invoke the function as t4g(x). (h) Use plot(x,t4g(x)). (i) Use fzero('t4g',0.5) which returns 0.7071. The other zero is symmet- rically placed with respect to the y-axis. (j) Use roots([1 -6 -72 -27]). Note that the coecients are entered start- ing with that of the highest degree. If a particular coecient is absent, remember to enter zero. 5. This requires patience and thorough understanding of MATLAB syntax. The following scripts do the job: 39
  • 148. (a) This uses logical indexing. function y = triang(x) xl0 = x( x-1 ); xr0 = x( x1 ); xl = x( x=-1 x0 ); xr = x( x=0 x=1 ); y = [zeros( size(xl0) ) 1+xl 1-xr zeros( size(xr0) )]; (b) A variation on logical indexing but involves more computation (Due to Mr. Richard Norgate). function y = hat(x); y=(-1x).*(x0).*(x+1)+(0=x).*(x1).*(1-x); end (c) and yet another compact de
  • 149. nition below: function y = triang3( x ), y = max( min( (x+1), (1-x) ), 0 ); 6. First de
  • 151. rst order system as % Simple Harmonic Motion --- with damping. function ydot = shm(t,y) ydot(1) = -0.3*y(1) -9.8*sin( y(2) ); ydot(2) = y(1); ydot = ydot'; % you need to return a column in a
  • 152. le called shm.m. Invoke ode23 as t0 = 0; tfinal = 20; tspan = [t0 tfinal]; y0 = [0 0.25]; [t y] = ode23(@shm,tspan,y0); plot(t,y), grid [X,Y] = ginput(2) % you need to two successive points delta = log( Y(1)/Y(2) ) % amplitudes are stored in the matrix Y Depending on steadiness of your hand delta is around 0.2992 using the
  • 153. rst two peaks. 7. You can use the following script as a guideline. Adopt the code as necessary. Feel free to add bells and whistles, if you wish! % population of fox and chicken (geese, if you wish!) % set the value of k befor invoking this script % clear a; 40
  • 154. a = [0.6 0.5; -k 1.2]; xini = [100 1000]; % pop = [xini']; xold = xini'; for i = 1:20, xtemp = a*xold; xold = xtemp; pop = [pop, xtemp]; end plot(pop') % and they live happily ever after! % redefine k to be 0.18 and rerun the script % they want to lead their separate lives! % % k Eigenvalues % % 0.1 [0.7 1.1] % 0.18 [0.9 0.9] % 0.16 [0.8 1.0] % 0.2 ... The eigenvalues of the matrix are: p 9 50 k 100 90 10 (1) 41
  • 155. 21 Common tasks in MATLAB This section lists a number of examples describing how you can put matlab to best use for solving typical problems one encounters. Example 21.1 Generate a
  • 156. xed sequence of numbers in an interval. To gener- ate a sequence in the interval [2; 2] with a step size of 0.1, and store the result in a vector, say, x. x = -2:.5:2 x = Columns 1 through 7 -2.0000 -1.5000 -1.0000 -0.5000 0 0.5000 1.0000 Columns 8 through 9 1.5000 2.0000 Example 21.2 Generate a uniformly distributed random sequence of numbers in an interval. rand function generates the required numbers in the interval. Map these numbers to the desired interval. The following linear function f(x) : [a; b] ! [u; v] (2) where f(x) = (u v) (a b) x + (va ub) (a b) (3) may be used for the map. For generating uniformly distributed random numbers in the interval [2; 2],
  • 157. rst generate the numbers in the interval [0; 1], and then map them using f(x) = 2 + 4x. Thus, x = -2 + 4*rand(1,5) x = -0.4491 -0.0010 -1.4099 0.3487 1.3823 Example 21.3 Timing and Operational Count. In computing two measures are very important { how much time does my code take and how many oating point operations does it require. Computation of the above two measures are illustrated for matrix multipli-cation using the code below: 42
  • 158. % tmult.m % time for matrix multiply % ns = [10, 50, 100, 500, 1000]; stats = []; disp('timing - matrix multiply') for k = 1:length(ns), n = ns(k); a = rand(n); b = rand(n); tic a*b; et = toc; % save the elapsed time data = sprintf('%d t %g', n, et); stats = str2mat(stats,data); % can form the matrix this way ONLY end stats A typical run on my PC produced the following output: timing - matrix multiply stats = 10 0.000448636 50 9.28326e-05 100 0.000293572 500 0.0134731 1000 0.0998544 Matrix multiplication counts 2N3 ops for an N N matrix. So watch out before you run this script for very large matrices! sprintf is convenient to format items, and to accumulate statistics I need to convert them to a matrix of strings as each string may be of dierent size. Note also that these measurements can vary from run to run and should be treated with caution. More reliable timing measurements can be obtained using timeit function available on MathWorks File Exchange. Here is the sample output from timeit. % tmult2.m % time for matrix multiply % ns = [10, 50, 100, 500, 1000]; stats = []; disp('timing - matrix multiply') for k = 1:length(ns), n = ns(k); a = rand(n); b = rand(n); 43
  • 159. f = @ a*b; T=timeit(f); data = sprintf('%5d t %g', n, T); stats = str2mat(stats,data); end stats Sample output: tmult2 timing - matrix multiply stats = 10 5.21495e-06 50 2.56593e-05 100 0.00011701 500 0.0131794 1000 0.107918 Example 21.4 Passing a parameter to function. Consider a situation where you are interested in determining the root of a continuous function. This func- tion involves a parameter, and you are interested
  • 160. nding the root for various values of this parameter. Find the roots of J0(x) + J2(x) x2 = 0 (4) for varying from 0 to 10. Equation 4 arises in determining the natural frequencies of a hemispherical drum. The parameter is passed to the matlab function via global as % drum.m function y = drum(x) global ALPHA y = besselj(0,x) + ALPHA * besselj(2,x)./x.^2; Now the following script will compute the roots for = 0; 2; 4; 6; 8 and 10. %File: sdrum2.m % Passing additional parameter to fzero % using function handles alfs = [0, 2 4 6 8 10]; 44
  • 161. xini = 2.0; % hope this guess would do res = []; for k = 1:length(alfs) ALPHA = alfs(k); F = @(x) besselj(0,x) + ALPHA * besselj(2,x)./x.^2; xroot = fzero( F,xini); res = [res;ALPHA, xroot]; % store the pair end disp('natural frequencies - hemispherical drum') disp(' ') res The approximations are natural frequencies - hemispherical drum res = 0 2.4048 2.0000 2.6736 4.0000 2.9108 6.0000 3.1230 8.0000 3.3143 10.0000 3.4874 Example 21.5 Evaluation of series. This is a typical problem. Consider sum- ming the series loge(1 + x) = x x2 2 + x3 3 + ()k+1 xk k (5) Starting with the initial term, we keep adding until the inclusion of the addi-tional term no longer improves the partial sum. You need to be careful about scalar or vector arguments. 45
  • 162. scalar version vector version % File: sseries.m % summation of series - for log(1+x) function y = sseries(x), tsum = x; term = x; k = 1; while( tsum+term ~= tsum ) ratio = (-1)*(x*k) /(k+1); term = term*ratio; tsum = tsum + term; k = k + 1; end y = tsum; % File: vseries.m - summation of series - for % vectorized version - x is a row function y = vseries(x), tsum = x; % vector term = x; % vector k = 1; while( norm(tsum+term) ~= norm(tsum) ) ratio = (-1)*(x*k)./(k+1); % note ./ term = term.*ratio; % note .* tsum = tsum + term; k = k + 1; end y = tsum; Sample output comparing with matlab intrinsic function are shown below: sseries(0.2) ans = 0.18232155679395 log(1.2) ans = 0.18232155679395 vseries([0.2 0.4 0.5]) ans = 0.18232155679395 0.33647223662121 0.40546510810816 log([1.2 1.4 1.5]) ans = 0.18232155679395 0.33647223662121 0.40546510810816 Example 21.6 Solution of iterations. Consider the following iteration xn+1 = 1 + 1 xn (6) with x0 = 2. Let us stop the iterates when jxn+1 xnj 0:0005. Let us write the function which accepts two input arguments { an initial guess and a tolerance limit to check for convergence. If tolerance is not given, we will use the machine epsilon. The return value for the function is a vector consisting of intermediate iterates. This is handy if you want to plot them. Here is the code. 46
  • 163. % iterations - iters.m % INPUT % x0 = starting value % ep = error control; default is machine epsilon % OUTPUT % its = intermediate iterates % function its = iters(x0, ep), if nargin 2, ep = eps; end xnow = x0; xnext = 1 + 1/xnow ; its = [xnow, xnext]; while ( abs(xnext - xnow) ep ) xnow = xnext; xnext = 1 + 1/xnow; its = [its, xnext]; end Sample output is shown below: its = iters(2,0.0005) its = Columns 1 through 4 2.00000000000000 1.50000000000000 1.66666666666667 1.60000000000000 Columns 5 through 8 1.62500000000000 1.61538461538462 1.61904761904762 1.61764705882353 Columns 9 through 10 1.61818181818182 1.61797752808989 its = iters(2) its = Columns 1 through 4 2.00000000000000 1.50000000000000 1.66666666666667 1.60000000000000 ... some output omitted ... Columns 33 through 36 1.61803398874991 1.61803398874989 1.61803398874990 1.61803398874989 Columns 37 through 38 1.61803398874990 1.61803398874989 Example 21.7 Solution of system of non-linear equations. Consider the sys- tem x2 + y2 = 4 (7) xy = 1 (8) 47
  • 164. starting with an initial guess x = [3;1]′. We are going to use function fsolve from Optimization Toolbox. First, de
  • 165. ne the system of non-linear equations in a function
  • 166. le called sys.m as % system of nonlinear equations % function f = sys(x), f(1) = x(1)^2 + x(2)^2 - 4; f(2) = x(1)*x(2) - 1; Now invoke fsolve as x = [3;-1]; xs = fsolve( @sys,x ) xs = 1.93185213259533 0.51763801981797 Note that these routines are fairly sensitive to initial approximations. This particular example can be converted into a higher order polynomial. Using second of the equations 8, namely y = 1=x in the
  • 167. rst, we immediately obtain x4 4x2 + 1 = 0. Now using roots, we have all the four roots. roots([1 0 -4 0 1]) ans = 1.93185165257814 -1.93185165257814 0.51763809020504 -0.51763809020504 So be prepared to do some mathematics before you lunge into MATLAB! Example 21.8 Working with inputs which are user-de
  • 168. ned functions. Quite often we need to work with function inputs to function. A typical example is implementing Newton-Raphson's method in matlab. One normally de
  • 169. nes the function and derivative in two separate function
  • 170. les. How do you capture their values at a speci
  • 171. c point? feval comes to our rescue. Recalling Newton-Raphson's method xn+1 = xn f(xn) f′(xn) (9) The following code illustrates this approach. Note that the stopping criteria is by no means sophisticated. 48
  • 172. % Newton-Raphson method - nr.m % function [x, fx, fdx, its] = nr(fun,deriv,x0, tol) if nargin 4, tol = 1.0e-4; end xini = x0; its = [x0]; fx = feval(fun,xini); fdx = feval(deriv, xini); step = fx/fdx; while ( abs(step) tol ) xnext = xini - step; its = [its, xnext]; xini = xnext; fx = feval(fun,xini); fdx = feval(deriv, xini); step = fx/fdx; end x = xnext; fx = feval(fun,x); fdx = feval(deriv,x); For example, to determine zero of the function exp(x) x = 0, de
  • 173. ne the function and its derivative in a function
  • 174. le as %nrex1.m function y = nrex1(x), y = exp(-x) - x; % nrex1d.m function y = nrex1d(x), y = - exp(-x) - 1; Now invoke the nr-function as [z,fx,fdx,its] = nr(@nrex1,@nrex1d,0.1,1.0e-08) z = 0.56714329040978 fx = 2.220446049250313e-16 fdx = -1.56714329040978 49
  • 175. its = Columns 1 through 4 0.10000000000000 0.52252289377317 0.56677815778619 0.56714326628276 Column 5 0.56714329040978 You can con
  • 176. rm this result by running nr with dierent tolerances. Example 21.9 Passing auxiliary parameters. Some of the matlab function ac- cept additional parameters to be passed to the function they use. Consider ap- proximating the following integral, using the built-in function integral. ∫ 1 0 xk ex−1 dx (10) for k = 20. First we de
  • 177. ne a function handle with the parameter as % File: xint1.m k = 20; F = @(x,k) x.^k.*exp(x-1); and invoke integral with another anonymous function that calls F(x,k). q = integral( @(x) F(x,k) , 0,1, 'AbsTol', 1.0e-8) q = 0.045544886223981 To generate a table for various k, %File: xint2.m F = @(x,k) x.^k.*exp(x-1); fprintf(' k q1 n'); for k = 1:2:20, q = integral( @(x) F(x,k) , 0,1, 'RelTol', 1.0e-2); fprintf(' %3d %18.12f n', k, q) end % sample output xint2 k q1 50
  • 178. 1 0.367879441171 3 0.207276647029 5 0.145532940573 7 0.112383504069 9 0.091612292990 11 0.077352228863 13 0.066947702576 15 0.059017540879 17 0.052771119169 19 0.047722755796 Incidentally, this is a notorious integral, if you decide to use recursion via Ik = 1 kIk−1 with i0 = 1 1=e. Using recursion, there is no way to achieve any signi
  • 179. cant approximation unless you use quadruple or higher precision! 51
  • 180. 22 Worked Examples in Programming This section contains several worked examples in MATLAB programming. Example 22.1 How many random numbers (uniformly distributed pseudoran- dom numbers, using rand function) are required to make a sum not exceeding 10? 1 % File: how_many_rands_1.m 2 % Number of rands that add up to a sum not exceeding 10 3 n = 0; 4 tot = 0; 5 6 while ( tot = 10 ) 7 x = rand(1); 8 tot = tot+x; 9 n = n+1; 10 end 11 if ( tot 10 ) 12 tot = tot - x; 13 end 14 fprintf(' Total: %.3fn', tot) 15 fprintf('Required rands: %5dn', n) Here is a sample output. how_many_rands_1 Total: 9.966 Required rands: 22 Example 22.2 Local Maxima. Hunting for Gold! Infrared reading of a portion of desert where gold is believed to be present are given by the mea- surements presented in the matrix. The boundaries of the a gold reef, based on readings that are greater than the average of those around them. One such neighbourhood is de
  • 181. ned as 4-neighbourhood takes the average of elements in N, S, E and W of each element of the array of measurements. For simplicity, we compute these averages starting at element (2,2) and stopping one short of the last column and last row. Your task is to produce a matrix M of same size as that of A that contains 1 where the value exceeds the average of elements in 4-neighbourhood. A =   21 21 22 30 40 21 34 45 21 22 23 30 45 21 37 40 22 23 24 45 46 47 38 39 22 23 24 35 46 47 38 38 23 24 25 36 46 49 37 36 23 24 25 37 39 48 36 35 23 24 25 25 26 25 26 25 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31   52
  • 182. We loop through the rows and columns with the help of two loops. Every time we visit an element, we access the elements of 4-neighbourhood and see if the current element is a relative maximum (Lines 21 - 26). The complete code is shown below. 1 %File: relmax1.m 2 % relative maximum of array of elements 3 % an element is deemed rel max if it is greater than the average of 4 % elements in NSEW positions 5 % 6 A =[21 21 22 30 40 21 34 45; 7 21 22 23 30 45 21 37 40; 8 22 23 24 45 46 47 38 39; 9 22 23 24 35 46 47 38 38; 10 23 24 25 36 46 49 37 36; 11 23 24 25 37 39 48 36 35; 12 23 24 25 25 26 25 26 25; 13 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 31]; 14 M = zeros( size(A) ); 15 16 [r,c] = size(A); 17 % extract the elements of a submatrix using the mask 18 for i = 2:c-1 19 for j = 2:r-1 20 x = A(i,j); 21 loc_avg = ( A(i-1,j) + A(i,j-1)+ A(i,j+1)+A(i+1,j) )/4; 22 23 if ( x loc_avg ), 24 % local max 25 M(i,j) = 1; 26 end 27 end 28 end Sample output is given below. M M = 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 1 0 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 53
  • 183. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Example 22.3 Summing series. An approximation to is given by the series 2 8 16 = ∞Σ k=1 1 (2k 1)2(2k + 1)2 : How accurate is the sum of 1000 terms? Noticing that the denominator in the terms of the series are product of odd integers, we chnage the summation index to t n. As k = 1; 2; 3; , n runs through 1; 3; 5; . Two approaches are shown below - one using straight forward for loop, and another using array operations. The time info will dier from run to run. 1 %% A series approximation to $pi$ 2 % 3 % 4 % $$frac{pi^2-8}{16} = sum_{n=1}{infty}; frac{1}{(2n-1)^2(2n+1)^2$$ 5 % 6 t0 = tic; 7 N = 1000; 8 total = 0; 9 for n = 1:2:N, 10 term = 1/( (n*n)*(n+2)*(n+2) ); 11 total = total + term; 12 end 13 pi_approx = sqrt( 16*total + 8 ); 14 tf = toc(t0); 15 fprintf(' Method 1n'); 16 fprintf(' Number of terms, N: %dn', N); 17 fprintf(' an approximation to pi: %.12fn', pi_approx); 18 fprintf(' abs. error (pi - pi_approx): %.12fn', abs(pi-pi_approx)); 19 fprintf(' elapsed time: %.6fn', tf); 20 21 %% method 2 22 % 23 %n = [N-1:-2:1]; 24 t0 = tic; 25 n=[1:2:N]; 26 terms = 1 ./( n.*n.*(n+2).*(n+2) ); 27 total2 =sum( terms ); 28 pi_approx2 = sqrt( 16*total2 + 8 ); 29 tf = toc(t0); 30 fprintf(' Method 2n'); 31 fprintf(' Number of terms, N: %dn', N); 54
  • 184. 32 fprintf(' an approximation to pi: %.12fn', pi_approx2); 33 fprintf(' abs. error (pi - pi_approx): %.12fn', abs(pi-pi_approx2)); 34 fprintf(' elapsed time: %.6fn', tf); Sample output from the program is shown below. series_pi_1 Method 1 Number of terms, N: 1000 an approximation to pi: 3.141592653167 abs. error (pi - pi_approx): 0.000000000423 elapsed time: 0.000050 Method 2 Number of terms, N: 1000 an approximation to pi: 3.141592653167 abs. error (pi - pi_approx): 0.000000000423 elapsed time: 0.000041 Example 22.4 Guessing Game. The computer chooses a random integer as R = ceil(100*rand(1). Your task is to guess the number which can be entered with the command x = input('Give me an integer betwenn 1 and 100:');. Display also the number of attempts the user has taken. This is good example for using while loop as we do not know a priori how many attempts the user may take. When using this type of while loop, do make sure that you break out of them. 1 % File: guess1.m 2 %% Guessing game - use of while 3 % 4 5 num = ceil(100*rand(1)); 6 x = input('Give me an integer betwenn 1 and 100:'); 7 nAttempts = 1; 8 while( 1 ) 9 10 if ( x num ) 11 disp(' ... lower') 12 x = input('Give me an integer betwenn 1 and 100:'); 13 nAttempts = nAttempts+1; 14 elseif ( x num ) 15 disp('...cold ... higher') 16 x = input('Give me an integer betwenn 1 and 100:'); 17 nAttempts = nAttempts+1; 18 else 19 disp('Bingo got it!') 55
  • 185. 20 fprintf('You got it in %d attempts.n', nAttempts); 21 break 22 end 23 24 end Here is the sample output. guess1 Give me an integer betwenn 1 and 100:65 ... lower Give me an integer betwenn 1 and 100:37 ...cold ... higher Give me an integer betwenn 1 and 100:51 ... lower Give me an integer betwenn 1 and 100:44 ...cold ... higher Give me an integer betwenn 1 and 100:47 ...cold ... higher Give me an integer betwenn 1 and 100:49 ...cold ... higher Give me an integer betwenn 1 and 100:50 Bingo got it! You got it in 7 attempts. Example 22.5 Temperature data for central England. The data set consists of monthly averages of temperature since 1659 to July, 2014. The data set can be obtained upon request. First few lines are shown below MONTHLY MEAN CENTRAL ENGLAND TEMPERATURE (DEGREES C) 1659-1973 MANLEY (Q.J.R.METEOROL.SOC., 1974) 1974ON PARKER ET AL. (INT.J.CLIM., 1992) PARKER AND HORTON (INT.J.CLIM., 2005) JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC YEAR 1659 3.0 4.0 6.0 7.0 11.0 13.0 16.0 16.0 13.0 10.0 5.0 2.0 8.83 1660 0.0 4.0 6.0 9.0 11.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 13.0 10.0 6.0 5.0 9.08 1661 5.0 5.0 6.0 8.0 11.0 14.0 15.0 15.0 13.0 11.0 8.0 6.0 9.75 1662 5.0 6.0 6.0 8.0 11.0 15.0 15.0 15.0 13.0 11.0 6.0 3.0 9.50 ... 2014 5.7 6.2 7.6 10.2 12.2 15.1 17.7 14.9 -99.9 -99.9 -99.9 -99.9 -99.99 Note that the data that is not available is shown as -99.99. Your task is to write a function getYearMonth( W, condStr ) that accepts the weather data as a matrix W, and an inequality such as 19 as a string, and returns the year(s), and month(s) for which the inequality is satis
  • 187. [ys,ms] = getYearMonth( W,19 ) r = 325 348 337 c = 7 7 8 The required code is shown below. 1 function [ys,ms] = getYearMonth( W, condStr ) 2 WW = W(:,2:13); 3 cmdStr = ['[ys,ms] = find( WW', condStr, ' );' ] 4 eval( cmdStr ); Note how the variable cmdStr is generated by concatinating the input string condStr with the appropriate find command. Example 22.6 Write a program that counts the number of elements that are in the interval [0; 0:1]; [0:1; 0:2]:::; [0:9; 1:0) in the matrix A = rand(100,100). Display the counts as a bar chart. Does the result match with your expectations? One way approaching the problem is through a simple for loop. The basic counting is done through counting the one's generated by the logical AL A=U. The code is shown below. 1 % File: bincounts.m 2 % 3 A = rand(100,100); 4 L = 0.0; U=0.1; 5 for k = 1:10 6 c(k) = sum(sum( AL A=U)); 7 L = U; U=U+0.1; 8 end 9 bar( c ) Example 22.7 Marks obtained in an online assessment for agroup of students are stored in a
  • 188. le of the form: 57
  • 189. # Marked by on Mon Apr 26 10:01:23 2010 # Name: Svaqynl_F Student ID: 091106 Syndicate: D5 q1.1::70::0.48::0 q1.2::55::0.70::0 . . . q40.8::a::b::0 q41.1::a::a::1 q41.2::b::b::1 q41.3::_NA_::c::0 Response to a question is represented in the form 1 2 3 4 qid::text|nums::text|nums::mark where the second
  • 190. eld is the student's response while third
  • 191. eld represents the correct response to the question. The
  • 192. nal
  • 193. led is the mark awarded to the question. These marked
  • 194. les are stored in a directory with the extension .mkd. The marked
  • 195. les are of the form Senfre_NE_000684_O6_75369.mkd. First group of characters joined by refer to the name and initials of the student. Your task is to process these
  • 196. les and generate a report of total marks for each student. Your report should be of the form Sbena_ZQ = 100.00 Sbzrf_PW = 82.50 Senfre_NE = 102.00 Sevfxarl_PC = 78.50 Sneguvat_Hyphen_Tnyr = 73.50 Snjfvgg_WP = 76.50 Svaqynl = 71.00 Svfure_QW = 85.00 Svryq = 79.50 Note that total marks in this exam add up to a maximum of 120. The complete program is shown below. 1 %File: getMarks1.m 2 % - Prepare marks sheet 3 % Format question response line 58
  • 197. 4 % qid::text|nums::text|nums::mark 5 % line = 'q1.1::0.48::0.48::2'; 6 7 files = dir('*.mkd'); 8 9 for k = 1:length( files ) 10 f = files(k).name; 11 fh = fopen( f , 'r'); 12 total = 0; 13 while (~feof(fh)) 14 s = fgetl( fh ); 15 if ( any( regexp(s,'::') ) ) 16 bits = regexp(s,'::', 'split') 17 m = str2num( bits{4} ); 18 total = total + m; 19 else 20 continue 21 end 22 end 23 % store the result in matlab variable 24 % student_mark 25 % extract the name and initials - remove the rest of the gunk 26 27 %f2 = regexprep( f, '_[A-Z]?d+[A-Z]?_[a-zA-Z]d+_d+.mkd$',''); 28 f2=regexprep( f, '_w{1,2}?d+w?_w{1}d+_d+.mkd$','') 29 % f2 may contain hyphenated names that are not valid Matlab variable 30 % names 31 ff2 = regexprep( f2, '-', '_Hyphen_'); 32 result_str = [ ff2, '=', num2str( total )] 33 eval( result_str ) 34 end 35 36 % Print a nice table of results 37 Data = who('S*'); 38 for k = 1:length( Data ) 39 fprintf( '%35s = %6.2fn', Data{k}, eval( Data{k} ) ); 40 end In Line 7, the dir function returns a structure with the
  • 198. eld name .name that refers to the
  • 199. le name under consideration. We loop through the required
  • 200. les in Lines 9 { 34. The regexp function in Line 15 returns a set of indices where the pattern :: occurred in the string s. This pattern only picks up those lines that contain the
  • 201. eld separator ::. Then we split the line by this separator (Line 16) which returns a cell bits containing the information we want. The fourth
  • 202. eld contains the mark for the question. Note that this still a string and we need to convert to a number (Line 17). Having accumulated the marks, we 59
  • 203. then store this result in a MATLAB variable extracted from the
  • 204. le name. We make sure that the variable does not contain any dashes - (Lines 28 - 31). Once these variables are de
  • 205. ned in the workspace, we extract the information (Lines 37 - 40) and format the information. Example 22.8 UV Count. Counting pixels in an image! In forensic study, images are obtained under UV light that capture forensic trace material. These are collected by sticking circular patches onto test subjects. In this study, it is required to count the number of lighted pixels. The colour image after some cropping is shown in Fig. 13. This image is then converted to black and white and is shown in Fig. 14. Figure 13: An image taken under UV. Figure 14: An image taken under UV after converting to black and white. A typical row of black and white image consists of rows of zeros (black) and 1 (white). Our task is to count those 1's that are inside the circular patch. One simple approach is to scan each row detecting the circular boundary on the y. The diff function returns
  • 206. rst order dierence of a vector x, ( xi+1 xi). Using this vector d1 (Line 17), we
  • 207. rst locate the lower edge of the circular patch looking for the
  • 208. rst occurrence of a -1 in the vector. Similarly, when we leave the circular patch, we look for last occurrence of 1 in the vector. Now, we count the lighted pixels between L and U in that row (Line 26). Note that this algorithm needs further attention when there are lighted pixels on the perimeter of the circular patch. The complete program is shown below with some additional checks. In this image there are 793177. 1 % Count lighted pixels in the circular disk 2 3 %% Load the file 4 % 5 A = imread('croppedF81DOT3.JPG'); 6 level = 0.15; 7 bw = im2bw(A,level); % replaces pixels with luminence greater than level by 1 8 % this should produce pretty clean disk 60
  • 209. 9 % 10 [r,c] = size(bw); 11 % process each row of data 12 % detect the circular boundary, L and U 13 % count the 1s betwen L U 14 uvCount = 0; 15 for k = 1:r, 16 row = bw(k,:); 17 d1 = diff(row); 18 if ( all(d1==0) ) 19 % no circular boundary detected 20 count = 0; 21 else 22 L = min( find(d1==-1) ); % first occurrence of 1 - 0 23 U = max( find(d1==1) ); % last occurrence of 0 - 1 24 % we will miss the cout of the lighted 25 % pixel happens to be on the boundary 26 count = sum( row(L:U) ); 27 uvCount = uvCount + count; 28 end 29 end 30 31 fprintf('uvCount: %dn', uvCount); 61
  • 210. 23 Concluding Remarks In this note only a subset of MATLAB commands are described to illustrate the ease with which sophisticated numerical algorithms can be invoked at a fraction of eort. MATLAB also provides a whole suite of functions/scripts to facilitate computations in Signal Processing and Control Systems which are not discussed here. For a list of available toolboxes on the system, type help. Some of these toolboxes have limited number of licences and you need to check with your tutor for further details. Also there are facilities to call your favourite algorithm written in FORTRAN or C while you are within MATLAB 3. Finally, MATLAB generated plots can be exported into your LATEX documents4. 3For further details see PRO-MATLAB, User's Guide, The MathWorks,Inc., 1989 4Save your plots in PNG format using the command print -dpng myfig.png. This will create the required
  • 211. le in your directory and is incorporated in your document in the normal way. 62
  • 212. Index approximation, 54 ==, 5 logical equal, 4 LATEXin graph annotation, 23 0-1 indexing, 6 4-neighbourhood, 52 abs, 11 all, 60 array sections, 3 bincounts.m, 57 boolean indexing, 6 callback, 24 nested, 28 ceil, 55 colon,: operator, 5 contour, 16 curve
  • 213. ll ex1.m, 22 customizing plots, 17 di, 60 dir with
  • 214. ltered input, 58 drum.m, 44 editor, 10 eigenvalues, 35 entering array, 3 eval, 56 feof, 58 feval, 48
  • 216. nd, 4 fminunc, 13 fopen, 58 for loop, 8 fprintf, 52 fsolve, 47 function example, 11 primary, 11 sub-function, 11 user de
  • 217. ned, 11 fzero, 14 get, 17 getMarks1.m, 57 getYearMonth.m, 56 ginput, 21, 34 global, 44 gradient, 16 grid, 13 guess1.m, 55 guessing game, 55 hat, 11 how many rands 1.m, 52 humps.m, 13 if block, 9 im2bw, 60 imread, 60 input, 55 inset ex1.m, 19 inset ex2.m, 21 integral, 13 invoking script, 11 iterations, 46 iters.m, 46 length, 58 linspace, 5 local maxima, 52 matrix as a column, 6 matrix multiplication, 3 max, 5 mesh, 16 meshgrid, 16 negation 63
  • 218. ~, 4 Newton-Raphson method, 48 non-linear equations solutions, 47 norm, 45 nr.m, 48 nrex1.m, 48 nrex1d.m, 48 ode23 ode45, 15 ones, 5 p2.m, 60 patch, 22 pb1.m, 24 pi, 3 plot, 13 inset, 19 with shaded patch, 22 point-wise operations, 4 prod, 9 push button uicontrol, 24 quiver, 16 rand, 52, 55, 57 regexp, 58 split, 58 regexprep, 58 relmax1.m, 52 roots, 48 sandq.m, 16 script, 11 sdrum2.m, 44 series summation scalar argument, 45 vector arguments, 45 series pi 1.m, 54 set, 17 shm.m, 15, 40 sprintf, 43 sseries.m, 45 str2num, 43, 58 string processing, 56 subplot, 16 sum, 57 summation of series, 54 switch block, 10 sys.m, 47 t4g.m, 39 tic, 54 timeit, 43 tmult.m, 42 tmult2.m, 43 toc, 54 triang.m, 33 UV count, 60 vseries.m, 45 weather.dat, 56 while, 11, 45, 52 inde
  • 219. nite loop, 55 while loop, 9 who, 58 xcolsamp.m, 24 xgui2.m, 28 xint1.m, 50 xint2.m, 50 64