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TEN TOProfessionalism, an ability to keep to
budgpt and a working knowledge of TV
adveilising are no longer enough to prc-
pel marketing prufessionals to the top.
Today's marketers need a far more
eclectic cache of skills to draw from:
crcativity; foresight; a thorough under-
standing of new media, niche audiences
and targeted advertising; and the ability
to inveigle their way onto the company
board, to name but a few.
A newgeneration of madreterc is mak-
ing waves across every business sector:
After consulting senior marketing,
adveilising and industry tigures, Mar-
keting Week has identified and inter-
viewed ten top moyers and shakers
spanning the media, retail, food, utili-
ties, telecommunications, ca4 lnternet
and alcohol sectors.
Some are well-known figures, while
otherc ane mone up-and-coming, but all
have shown the ingenuity and drive to
add critical yalue to their brand. What
they, and their contemporaries, do next
is surc to prope! the industry fonyard.
I CHRIS lll0ORE was fated to work in the fast
food industry. The day after he was offered a job
at Domino's Pizza, he was involved in a road crash
with a pizza delivery boy.
Moore,40, can laugh when he thinks back to
the accident, now that he is sittins Drertv as
Domino's UK marketing director. ^fie p;zra'l:oy
escaped unscathed, fortunately, and Mooie,s Intei-
net straregy is revolutionising fast food.
_ Moore spent his formative marketing years in
Brazilian ad agencies wirh Grey, independent
Caio Domingues and McCann-Erickson, where
he worked on the McDonald's account in 19g5.
A year later, he returned to London to work
on the Esso account at McCann's, and then moved
to Ammirati Puris Lintas in 1989 to handle
Unilever brands Surfand Sun.
But, by his own admission, Moore was bored
by ac-counr-handling and developed a yen for rhe
tast food sector.
Moore's break came in 1990, when Sam Fine,
Domino's internarional vice-president of mar-
keting, hired Moore to head hi, Errope.n -ur-keting team. Moore has never looked tack.
One to sponsor The Simpsons - a move w!
has yielded higher sales ever since. The chainr
among the first batch ofadvertisers on Open,
last year, stealing a march on main rivals ped
Pizza andPizzaHut as the first national onl
fast food delivery service. Domino's is also fi
ing mobile phone WAP services.
. Moore says: "There is an obvious synel
between pizza and TV. ttr7e have a year's iead
our rivals and have shown the versatility of1
Intemet. Nothing is faster to deliver than a pi4
I tlE-E{ BRIIIGEIT, the former -*k*i.rg r;
ager of Tesco Direct, is ploughing u n.* fr.q
Bridgett, 35, is the dot-com's managing di
tor and already has marketing directoiJonat
Cowan in place, but she says the ethos of
e-commerce company's happy crew of 20
is "all hands ro the pumps".
From a Mckground in market research,
gett y'oined Abbey National as research m
in I99O before raking a similar role at T
1995. Within a year, she was commercial
keting manager.
Bridgem oversaw the launch ofthe Tesco
home-shopping senice and the UK's first
Internet service provider,
In February rhis year, she was lured to
fingers and, unlike many marketers who have
the relative safery ofoffline retail for e-comme
has yet to encounrer a thorny situation. No
dening website has closed so far. Greenfin
has gone multi-channel, with the website, a
at Greenfingers, and previously ar Tesco
Bridgetr, says: "She s driven and focused and
the special skill of harnessing people's
She'll go from srrengrh to strength."
Bridgett adds: "The most_ rrrldgeft adds: "Ihe most surprising thi
about workinq ar a dot-com is the emotior
can't switch off. Our challenge this year is to
bigger targets and attract more customers.
I llil HYTilER, marketing director of Char
1, has been shortlisted to take rhe top market
job at the BBC. He may have reached j6,
observers believe he still has plenty of mile
Ieft in his career. He comes from a Ligh-achi
ing family: brothers Richard and Nick are,
tively, head of Publicis and a successfuI film
cheatre director.
Hytner's marketing has been derided as "i
nile" by one media buyer, but rhis is no bad rhi
for a marketer in his posirion. C)'s "juvenile"
have helped the channel to gain a six per cent
ence share, and Hytner describes its posit
as "fun, confident and ballsy". Sflhethei these
lenqer-brand tactics would transfer effectively
the BBC is open to debate. But Hytner rhinks
order catalogue service and a tie-up with t
Bridgett is held in high regard by cotlr
old and new. Debbie Bond, commercial di
at Pearson - which, through a consolidated merger
with RTL, remains a C) shareholder.
. .Hytner says he "fell" into marketing after
doing a hotel and catering course at OxforJ polv_
technic. He worked as a trainee at General Foois
in L986, then became brand manager for coffees.
In L989, he went to Coca-Cola ui g.o.rp -u._keting manager. He joined Se gaBuripe iit993,
and wenr on ro Sky in 1)94, where'he became
advertising and media direcror, and then mar_
keting director in 1996. He joined C5 in L99g.
But with the departure of his mentor. C5
chairman David Elsrein, and C5 tooking ro move
ro "the next stage in its development,,,.-Hytner,s
next move will be closely monirored.
I MARCSANDS has set his sights high. The 37 _
year-old marketing director at Guardian News_
papers Ltd (GNL) wants to bring the.,wow,,factor
back intri advertising for The buardian and rhe
Observer, returning rhe brands to the slorv davs
ofthe famed "skinhead" ad.
. Poached inMay (MIX/ May 2),2000) from
his job as direcror of brand marketing ar ONdig_
ital, Sands is reviewing creative ug.i.y urrungl_
ments. The full extent ofhis markiting inpur f,as
yet to be seen, but expectations are hig"h as indus_
try insiders consider Sands - a lifelong fan ofThe
Guardian - to be well suired ro the bralnd, describ_
ing the pairing as "the perfect fit,,.
As part of the ONdigiral launch ream, he savs
he learned ho-w ro react quickly ro moves by rivais,
including BSkyB.
- ^S*$
began his career as an accounr planner
for Still Price Lintas and HHCL & partners. before
going client-si de in 1997 ro become marketing
director for Granada UK Broadcasting, a subl
sidiary of the GranadaMedia Group.
He was transferred internally to British Dig_
ital Broadcasting, half-owned by Granada, whiJh
Iater became ONdigital.
. David Pattison, chiefexecutive ofNew pHD,
which has GNL and ONdigital as clients, says:
''.I".hI an extremely goodirrategic brain ani I
think because he has worked in ag"encies, client_
side and for media owners, he ca'n see ull ,hr..
sides of the industry."
lfherher his )60-degree vision will enable
Sands to put rhe spark baik i n rhe Guardian rirles
remains to be seen.
I CLARE SAtMOll, marketing direcror rbr Cen-
trica's utility and AA Roadside Assisrance busi_
nesses, is already making her mark on the business
just two months into the job.
Salmon, 37, has introduced a new marketiog
structure for the road assistance business, whicf,
serves more than 9 million motorists, and British
Gas's home service (21{W October 5 2000).
Salmon says: "They are rwo mass market
propositions and rhe challenge for me will be to
de-velop a much -or. segminred and tailored, and to create nevr' producrs and services.,.
She first came ro prominence ar rhe UK.s
biggest insurance firm, Prudential, where she
worked for eight years. She rose to rhe role ofcon-
Sumer marketing director before quitting after a
disagreement over strategy in tgig (Ulfr tvlarch
3 1999).
A comperitive cyclist, Salmon was behind
Prudential's sponsorship of the UK,s top cycling
race, known as rhe Prutour. She buili a direc.-t
marketing ream at the company to harness the
customer database that she had also developed.
. After quitring the prudentia[, Salmon
became European group d.irecror of marketing
for car hire giant Avis. She departed afrer nini
monrhs to join Internet start-up Transacsys, the
e-commerce arm of vending machine manufac_
turer Girovend, as commercial director.
The UK car breakdown business is becoming
increasingly competitive wirh the demutualisal
tion of both the AA and RAC, and their subse-
quent acquisition by Centrica and kx respectively.
Insurer Direct Line has also entered thi markit
through its purchase of Green Flag. Salmon will
be drawing heavily on her compiritive energy
and determination in the coming monrhs.
f VUAY AI{AND, Ericsson UK's channel mar-
keting manager, has been busy making his brand
heard by the nation's youth. His impait on youth
marketing and sponsorship has .no*bull"d, frorn
organising underground club nights to broker-
ing glohal TV deals for the UK'i biggest dance
music festival. Now Anand, 33, is poiied to take
on a global youth markering role.
. For_six years, Anand has been combining his
Iove of dance music culture - as a house m-*usic
D.J - "4 his day job ar Ericsson, after moving
client-side from working on the Ericsson accouni
at Bates Dodand.
Spotting the natural affinity between tech-
nology, communications and the club scene,
Anand set about convincing Ericsson that a cred-
ible youth marketing strategy would mean a long-
term commitment by the brand.
In L991 and 1996, he organised Ericsson-
spoasored underground club nights and, by 1!!g,
he had set up a deal to sponsoi IpC's influentiai
Mrzik magazine dance awards - a continuing
But the big breakthrough came x'ith rhe spon-
sorship of rhe first Homelands dance music t. ti-
r-al in I 999. This vear, Anand brokered a deal to
har-e borh rhe }{uzik as-ar& and Ericsson@home-
lands broadcasr on Channel 4, q.hich he councs as
his greatest achier-ement.
He ha-s also jusr launched the first Mp3 mix
for mobile phones in a deal with BTCellnet - a
35-minute, limited edition session by supersrar
Dl Pete Tong for the Ericsson ,t2618'phone and
MP3 player.
"Getting the right people togerher and
creating the deal - the fi contracrs, evenrs organ-
isers and venue - is difficult and demanding. dut I
have a very strong view about what should-happen
Anand is in a position to influence the furure
you.rh straregies not only ofEricsson, brr orh..
technology, music and media companies.
He maintains his future i, in -u.k.tii!,-rro1music, but for h-ow long will Ericsson -an?;.;;hang on to him?
I MICHEIE J0BLlNG starts 2001 as director of
chitdrenswear ar srruggling frigl-, ,,r..i ..,uit.I.
Marks & Spencer in rhe hope rhat she can wave
che same brand-saving magic wand ,he ,r.Jat Ltberry.
Lowe Linras regional accounr director Liz $7it_
son worked with Jobling on rhe Libertv ..Feel
Liberry" campaign, when TBWA CGi Simons
Palmer was appointed tn 1999.
, )Tilson says.there are srrong sim.ilarirjes
berween the problems Liberry was havins and
the branding challenges facinj M*S. .:fiUE*li
a strong brand but it had beiome disranr lr.-irs consumers. Michele made ir ,.f .rrn, ,o i.o_ple again," says Wilson. 'She unde.srrnds'rhe
absolure core ofa brand and is very good ar know_
ing what to take forward_,,
. - lzillon believesJobling will be..fanrasric.,ar
M&S: "Michele is a clear thinker wirh a srrong
sense ofdirection' She has enormous
u.ri Paul c_ousins, director of marketing consul-enrhusiasm which spreads rhrough ,r,. rrr? rancy Caralyst and a coileague ot Emery.s ar Home_Jobling. 40,besan her rerai["caree' u* ury., pridi. ;;;,lt;;:,;r.i"a very clear_rhin kingfor sainsbury's in 1982 before mouing on .o ?.1; - and'she combir* ,rr", *irr,
creative side. she,sin L984 as trading managerand buyiigcor;;i.. the smartesr marketer I have worked with.,,rn 7ee2, she moved ,obry.hui., B&a ;;;;; E;..y ;;;;;;;il;;, achievement to datechandise controller' Three years later, rh; a;.; rs gerrlng new product deveiopment ,,back
on thevice-president of sales and ma.L_"_.-r!g f"i pi".,;i ug".rdu,, at Bacardi.
& Gamble's Tambrands in the UK I"a fr.f".i.
But Jobling reallv made her mark *rr." rn" t gHIr! HAWKEN, Skoda,s head of marketing,moved ro Libertv in 1998 as ma3aqing dil;;. rr., r,^J irr.--u.;;;;;r";f hi, career. The car com_In September t999, she rrr".h;; .r.-ilil;,y pany has seen sares in.,.nr. by [00 per cent year_ready-ro-wear collecr'ion ar the London Fashiol on-year - an incredible achievemenr in a veryshow in a bid to build a new lifestyle b.;;J;; difd.curt perioJr.r r'ir..r-"arstry. skoda swepttarget Londoners and a vounger -uik... .r-,. uo^ij
;;; l;;i;;;; w.eekrcrMEffective_M&S childrenr*"ri.un expecr a shake-up ness Awards [asr ocrober"and Hawken walkedfrom a highly focused and dererLinJ;;;;: away with the Marketer of the year award.
r cHARr-,rrE EMER', Bacardi-Martini,s mar- k.[T,xi! T'*:.?rrxi;jx;T:ili#kering controller For new producr d.""io;;;;, He joined Rover jn 19g7. on the fleer side of rhe
r","..'oiit.," t*ir,..r, u, u-g."d,rui. iiu].." urd arso worked
.E-9'y, 35. describes.hersetf as.very driven i:l;:t:1t5t:flil,1il?""T;and ambirious". she grrshes abour the biand she up Skoda s markering in December I99g.has worked on for fiie vears: "I love the brand
- flolng Skoda,s IJK adve*ising business outand believe I am makins a difference. ttt u iun-
"r {y,#"q.;ii*'rJt.., Advertising and
Bacardi is th"e greatest brand in ttre Ltora[on last yeaiwas a high-risk decision -
rn lee6,she raunched Mil,; ,l: schnapps_ ili;-,.i:,,#f"H:Tf;:,L,.r..,1;:,rff rTl,,based drink famed for its eerie judde.;;;;i., His biggest chalrenge in 2000 was ro convince
a trend ror premium pu.k,g.d ,pi.ii sk;;;.""i;;;i;;i;"?il;,nadverrisingcam_
- Emerv srudied phirosophv and^rogic ar t:;::r:fi]:x::ii::,lirT'r,'is.regardrorrheDurham universitv rrom Ls8': io re88,;;;.;- "'-H.*i.r'r,
ii,].i[lj,'il',),^,character, accord_keting is maybe a curious choice oi."."*.-s"a ing toassociates, who variously describe him asshe explains how, as a member
,fr. ,i"a.", :g.:ii],,, ,,op.i-irii.;
unJ:.n.orrrging,,.union services commirree. she "fumbled rhrough ' Fulron pir;;i"; ;r;;;;, Lr.,r.n.. Green saysrhe reposirioning ofrhe srudenr union buirdiig Hawken ;, u gooa?tl.niL..urr. he is very inrer_after the union was uiven 66n1161 of irs restaul
"r,aainwhartheagencydoes.burwirhoursmoth-rants, bars and shooi "r enjoyed ;,. t *un,.d"u i,ng i,, ..He
is good ar buying an idea and rhenjob similar to whar i was doing there and i?;;;J f,t.irrg ,, .*...ri. it. He rrusts us totariy.,,out that was marketing," sheiays. Hawken could become one of the rare breedHer firsr iob, in t988. *u,
u buyer ar beaury ot.u, ,-nurk.r.; ;il;:Xfu1y move oursideaccessory business Marrins sares. she joined Bes't ih".indrr,ry. B* sk;; h;rds ample chalrengesFoods in I 989 as assisran, S'*"a -11q.-.;i;.;;r: i* r,, i_ over rhe coming I 2 months.stock cubes and sauces. she was at Cpdfrom iq'9ri
il;tii;;;#T'#"..;;ch of the octavia,to 1992 and then marketing manager at Home- a car which rru. .r"r.. rr.iJiluch credibility, andpride from 1992 to 1995. ihere rrr""".r,.i L. lurr.r.h.of,u new upper_medium sector car,Fred as the face of the company's-rur.", .or.rg.l iod.-nu-ed gr. rotn ui.? io be Skoda,s biggesrShe has been at Bacardi s;nce t995. lu-unches so far.
I AMANDA MAGKENZIE, formerlv markt
director at Air Miles, starts the ,.* u.u, *
new job
- marketing services direcror ar B.
MacKenzie. J7, replaces Tim Evans, whr
promoted to consumer division marketing d
tor ar BT in September. The move sees M"acl
zie jump lrom handling a f 5 m adverrising bu
ro staking a claim on BT , t l00m speni.
It could be her make-or-break job. BT is sr
gling to fend offcriticism from the Citv. Its s
price nosedived in 2000 as the cornpurry uaa.-
to restfl.rcrure businesses and realisi vaiue thrc
gfeatef transParency.
- BT's adverrising has been criricised this
for using rhe dared ET characrer and f,or lacl
consistency ofmessage across its various busine
Finding a simple, understandable messase
executing ir across rhe full range of co-min
tions is what MacKenzie valuei. She believes
has done it with Air Miles and the other bra
she has worked on in 12 years as an advertis
MacKenzie spent two years ar $7CRS and
years ar DMB&B, where she ran rhe Mars
account. She cites the revamp ofMaltesers' ad,
tising and launch ofthe lowir-fat Flyte bar as
proudest agency achievements.
But on her mission ro ',get a broader lool
business", MacKenzie went client_side to .
Miles rwo-and-half-years ago and has never lool
back. "I wouldn't have done it any other wa,
feel^like a diflerent person,', she suys.
She hopg; to bring her experience ofsiml
fying complicared messages ro BT. ..Joe pui
on the srreet needs a simple, crysral_ciear idea
whar BT is doing - ir's not ubour complexiry a
technology," she explains.
rVhen ralking abour her achievemen
MacKenzie is careFuI ro arrribute success ro I
colleagues. "Ir was a team effort,,,she insists. F
generosity extends to describing everyone she l
met at BT as "bright, cle.,er, visionary, focus
and passionate about the BT brand.,,
Entering rhe male-dominated wodd of I
marketing does not faze MacKenzie but sl
believes there should be more women ar seni
level. She values balancing work and home life
she has had rwo children wirh husband Jol
Porter, D Arcy direcror, and desciib

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Marketing Week Top 10 - Jan 2001

  • 2. CHRIS MOORE TEN TOProfessionalism, an ability to keep to budgpt and a working knowledge of TV adveilising are no longer enough to prc- pel marketing prufessionals to the top. Today's marketers need a far more eclectic cache of skills to draw from: crcativity; foresight; a thorough under- standing of new media, niche audiences and targeted advertising; and the ability to inveigle their way onto the company board, to name but a few. A newgeneration of madreterc is mak- ing waves across every business sector: After consulting senior marketing, adveilising and industry tigures, Mar- keting Week has identified and inter- viewed ten top moyers and shakers spanning the media, retail, food, utili- ties, telecommunications, ca4 lnternet and alcohol sectors. Some are well-known figures, while otherc ane mone up-and-coming, but all have shown the ingenuity and drive to add critical yalue to their brand. What they, and their contemporaries, do next is surc to prope! the industry fonyard. I CHRIS lll0ORE was fated to work in the fast food industry. The day after he was offered a job at Domino's Pizza, he was involved in a road crash with a pizza delivery boy. Moore,40, can laugh when he thinks back to the accident, now that he is sittins Drertv as Domino's UK marketing director. ^fie p;zra'l:oy escaped unscathed, fortunately, and Mooie,s Intei- net straregy is revolutionising fast food. _ Moore spent his formative marketing years in Brazilian ad agencies wirh Grey, independent Caio Domingues and McCann-Erickson, where he worked on the McDonald's account in 19g5. A year later, he returned to London to work on the Esso account at McCann's, and then moved to Ammirati Puris Lintas in 1989 to handle Unilever brands Surfand Sun. But, by his own admission, Moore was bored by ac-counr-handling and developed a yen for rhe tast food sector. Moore's break came in 1990, when Sam Fine, Domino's internarional vice-president of mar- keting, hired Moore to head hi, Errope.n -ur-keting team. Moore has never looked tack. One to sponsor The Simpsons - a move w! has yielded higher sales ever since. The chainr among the first batch ofadvertisers on Open, last year, stealing a march on main rivals ped Pizza andPizzaHut as the first national onl fast food delivery service. Domino's is also fi ing mobile phone WAP services. . Moore says: "There is an obvious synel between pizza and TV. ttr7e have a year's iead our rivals and have shown the versatility of1 Intemet. Nothing is faster to deliver than a pi4 I tlE-E{ BRIIIGEIT, the former -*k*i.rg r; ager of Tesco Direct, is ploughing u n.* fr.q HELEN BRIDGETT at Bridgett, 35, is the dot-com's managing di tor and already has marketing directoiJonat Cowan in place, but she says the ethos of e-commerce company's happy crew of 20 is "all hands ro the pumps". From a Mckground in market research, gett y'oined Abbey National as research m in I99O before raking a similar role at T 1995. Within a year, she was commercial keting manager. Bridgem oversaw the launch ofthe Tesco home-shopping senice and the UK's first Internet service provider, In February rhis year, she was lured to fingers and, unlike many marketers who have the relative safery ofoffline retail for e-comme has yet to encounrer a thorny situation. No dening website has closed so far. Greenfin has gone multi-channel, with the website, a at Greenfingers, and previously ar Tesco Bridgetr, says: "She s driven and focused and the special skill of harnessing people's She'll go from srrengrh to strength." Bridgett adds: "The most_ rrrldgeft adds: "Ihe most surprising thi about workinq ar a dot-com is the emotior can't switch off. Our challenge this year is to bigger targets and attract more customers. I llil HYTilER, marketing director of Char 1, has been shortlisted to take rhe top market job at the BBC. He may have reached j6, observers believe he still has plenty of mile Ieft in his career. He comes from a Ligh-achi ing family: brothers Richard and Nick are, tively, head of Publicis and a successfuI film cheatre director. Hytner's marketing has been derided as "i nile" by one media buyer, but rhis is no bad rhi for a marketer in his posirion. C)'s "juvenile" have helped the channel to gain a six per cent ence share, and Hytner describes its posit as "fun, confident and ballsy". Sflhethei these lenqer-brand tactics would transfer effectively the BBC is open to debate. But Hytner rhinks order catalogue service and a tie-up with t Bridgett is held in high regard by cotlr old and new. Debbie Bond, commercial di JIM HYTNER MARC
  • 3. GOYER STORY at Pearson - which, through a consolidated merger with RTL, remains a C) shareholder. . .Hytner says he "fell" into marketing after doing a hotel and catering course at OxforJ polv_ technic. He worked as a trainee at General Foois in L986, then became brand manager for coffees. In L989, he went to Coca-Cola ui g.o.rp -u._keting manager. He joined Se gaBuripe iit993, and wenr on ro Sky in 1)94, where'he became advertising and media direcror, and then mar_ keting director in 1996. He joined C5 in L99g. But with the departure of his mentor. C5 chairman David Elsrein, and C5 tooking ro move ro "the next stage in its development,,,.-Hytner,s next move will be closely monirored. I MARCSANDS has set his sights high. The 37 _ year-old marketing director at Guardian News_ papers Ltd (GNL) wants to bring the.,wow,,factor back intri advertising for The buardian and rhe Observer, returning rhe brands to the slorv davs ofthe famed "skinhead" ad. . Poached inMay (MIX/ May 2),2000) from his job as direcror of brand marketing ar ONdig_ ital, Sands is reviewing creative ug.i.y urrungl_ ments. The full extent ofhis markiting inpur f,as yet to be seen, but expectations are hig"h as indus_ try insiders consider Sands - a lifelong fan ofThe Guardian - to be well suired ro the bralnd, describ_ ing the pairing as "the perfect fit,,. As part of the ONdigiral launch ream, he savs he learned ho-w ro react quickly ro moves by rivais, including BSkyB. - ^S*$ began his career as an accounr planner for Still Price Lintas and HHCL & partners. before going client-si de in 1997 ro become marketing director for Granada UK Broadcasting, a subl sidiary of the GranadaMedia Group. .- He was transferred internally to British Dig_ ital Broadcasting, half-owned by Granada, whiJh Iater became ONdigital. . David Pattison, chiefexecutive ofNew pHD, which has GNL and ONdigital as clients, says: ''.I".hI an extremely goodirrategic brain ani I think because he has worked in ag"encies, client_ side and for media owners, he ca'n see ull ,hr.. sides of the industry." lfherher his )60-degree vision will enable Sands to put rhe spark baik i n rhe Guardian rirles remains to be seen. I CLARE SAtMOll, marketing direcror rbr Cen- trica's utility and AA Roadside Assisrance busi_ nesses, is already making her mark on the business just two months into the job. Salmon, 37, has introduced a new marketiog structure for the road assistance business, whicf, serves more than 9 million motorists, and British Gas's home service (21{W October 5 2000). Salmon says: "They are rwo mass market propositions and rhe challenge for me will be to de-velop a much -or. segminred and tailored, and to create nevr' producrs and services.,. She first came ro prominence ar rhe UK.s biggest insurance firm, Prudential, where she worked for eight years. She rose to rhe role ofcon- Sumer marketing director before quitting after a disagreement over strategy in tgig (Ulfr tvlarch 3 1999). A comperitive cyclist, Salmon was behind Prudential's sponsorship of the UK,s top cycling race, known as rhe Prutour. She buili a direc.-t marketing ream at the company to harness the customer database that she had also developed. . After quitring the prudentia[, Salmon became European group d.irecror of marketing for car hire giant Avis. She departed afrer nini monrhs to join Internet start-up Transacsys, the e-commerce arm of vending machine manufac_ turer Girovend, as commercial director. The UK car breakdown business is becoming increasingly competitive wirh the demutualisal tion of both the AA and RAC, and their subse- quent acquisition by Centrica and kx respectively. Insurer Direct Line has also entered thi markit through its purchase of Green Flag. Salmon will be drawing heavily on her compiritive energy and determination in the coming monrhs. f VUAY AI{AND, Ericsson UK's channel mar- keting manager, has been busy making his brand heard by the nation's youth. His impait on youth marketing and sponsorship has .no*bull"d, frorn organising underground club nights to broker- ing glohal TV deals for the UK'i biggest dance music festival. Now Anand, 33, is poiied to take on a global youth markering role. . For_six years, Anand has been combining his Iove of dance music culture - as a house m-*usic D.J - "4 his day job ar Ericsson, after moving client-side from working on the Ericsson accouni at Bates Dodand. Spotting the natural affinity between tech- nology, communications and the club scene, Anand set about convincing Ericsson that a cred- ible youth marketing strategy would mean a long- term commitment by the brand. In L991 and 1996, he organised Ericsson- spoasored underground club nights and, by 1!!g, he had set up a deal to sponsoi IpC's influentiai Mrzik magazine dance awards - a continuing partnership. But the big breakthrough came x'ith rhe spon- sorship of rhe first Homelands dance music t. ti- r-al in I 999. This vear, Anand brokered a deal to har-e borh rhe }{uzik as-ar& and Ericsson@home- lands broadcasr on Channel 4, q.hich he councs as his greatest achier-ement. He ha-s also jusr launched the first Mp3 mix for mobile phones in a deal with BTCellnet - a 35-minute, limited edition session by supersrar Dl Pete Tong for the Ericsson ,t2618'phone and MP3 player. "Getting the right people togerher and creating the deal - the fi contracrs, evenrs organ- isers and venue - is difficult and demanding. dut I have a very strong view about what should-happen with CLARE SATMON VIJAY ANAND j i I l i I I MICHELE JOBLING
  • 4. GOVER STORY Anand is in a position to influence the furure you.rh straregies not only ofEricsson, brr orh.. technology, music and media companies. He maintains his future i, in -u.k.tii!,-rro1music, but for h-ow long will Ericsson -an?;.;;hang on to him? I MICHEIE J0BLlNG starts 2001 as director of chitdrenswear ar srruggling frigl-, ,,r..i ..,uit.I. Marks & Spencer in rhe hope rhat she can wave che same brand-saving magic wand ,he ,r.Jat Ltberry. Lowe Linras regional accounr director Liz $7it_ son worked with Jobling on rhe Libertv ..Feel ar Liberry" campaign, when TBWA CGi Simons Palmer was appointed tn 1999. , )Tilson says.there are srrong sim.ilarirjes berween the problems Liberry was havins and the branding challenges facinj M*S. .:fiUE*li a strong brand but it had beiome disranr lr.-irs consumers. Michele made ir ,.f .rrn, ,o i.o_ple again," says Wilson. 'She unde.srrnds'rhe absolure core ofa brand and is very good ar know_ ing what to take forward_,, . - lzillon believesJobling will be..fanrasric.,ar M&S: "Michele is a clear thinker wirh a srrong sense ofdirection' She has enormous " u.ri Paul c_ousins, director of marketing consul-enrhusiasm which spreads rhrough ,r,. rrr? rancy Caralyst and a coileague ot Emery.s ar Home_Jobling. 40,besan her rerai["caree' u* ury., pridi. ;;;,lt;;:,;r.i"a very clear_rhin kingfor sainsbury's in 1982 before mouing on .o ?.1; - and'she combir* ,rr", *irr, " creative side. she,sin L984 as trading managerand buyiigcor;;i.. the smartesr marketer I have worked with.,,rn 7ee2, she moved ,obry.hui., B&a ;;;;; E;..y ;;;;;;;il;;, achievement to datechandise controller' Three years later, rh; a;.; rs gerrlng new product deveiopment ,,back on thevice-president of sales and ma.L_"_.-r!g f"i pi".,;i ug".rdu,, at Bacardi. & Gamble's Tambrands in the UK I"a fr.f".i. But Jobling reallv made her mark *rr." rn" t gHIr! HAWKEN, Skoda,s head of marketing,moved ro Libertv in 1998 as ma3aqing dil;;. rr., r,^J irr.--u.;;;;;r";f hi, career. The car com_In September t999, she rrr".h;; .r.-ilil;,y pany has seen sares in.,.nr. by [00 per cent year_ready-ro-wear collecr'ion ar the London Fashiol on-year - an incredible achievemenr in a veryshow in a bid to build a new lifestyle b.;;J;; difd.curt perioJr.r r'ir..r-"arstry. skoda swepttarget Londoners and a vounger -uik... .r-,. uo^ij ^. ;;; l;;i;;;; w.eekrcrMEffective_M&S childrenr*"ri.un expecr a shake-up ness Awards [asr ocrober"and Hawken walkedfrom a highly focused and dererLinJ;;;;: away with the Marketer of the year award. r cHARr-,rrE EMER', Bacardi-Martini,s mar- k.[T,xi! T'*:.?rrxi;jx;T:ili#kering controller For new producr d.""io;;;;, He joined Rover jn 19g7. on the fleer side of rhe SIIPI*:.?:.mission to 'hup..t.,. r","..'oiit.," t*ir,..r, u, u-g."d,rui. iiu].." urd arso worked .E-9'y, 35. describes.hersetf as.very driven i:l;:t:1t5t:flil,1il?""T;and ambirious". she grrshes abour the biand she up Skoda s markering in December I99g.has worked on for fiie vears: "I love the brand - flolng Skoda,s IJK adve*ising business outand believe I am makins a difference. ttt u iun- "r {y,#"q.;ii*'rJt.., Advertising and ff:i:.igo Bacardi is th"e greatest brand in ttre Ltora[on last yeaiwas a high-risk decision - rn lee6,she raunched Mil,; ,l: schnapps_ ili;-,.i:,,#f"H:Tf;:,L,.r..,1;:,rff rTl,,based drink famed for its eerie judde.;;;;i., His biggest chalrenge in 2000 was ro convince ::i:,fl- a trend ror premium pu.k,g.d ,pi.ii sk;;;.""i;;;i;;i;"?il;,nadverrisingcam_ - Emerv srudied phirosophv and^rogic ar t:;::r:fi]:x::ii::,lirT'r,'is.regardrorrheDurham universitv rrom Ls8': io re88,;;;.;- "'-H.*i.r'r, ^ ii,].i[lj,'il',),^,character, accord_keting is maybe a curious choice oi."."*.-s"a ing toassociates, who variously describe him asshe explains how, as a member "f ,fr. ,i"a.", :g.:ii],,, ,,op.i-irii.; unJ:.n.orrrging,,.union services commirree. she "fumbled rhrough ' Fulron pir;;i"; ;r;;;;, Lr.,r.n.. Green saysrhe reposirioning ofrhe srudenr union buirdiig Hawken ;, u gooa?tl.niL..urr. he is very inrer_after the union was uiven 66n1161 of irs restaul "r,aainwhartheagencydoes.burwirhoursmoth-rants, bars and shooi "r enjoyed ;,. t *un,.d"u i,ng i,, ..He is good ar buying an idea and rhenjob similar to whar i was doing there and i?;;;J f,t.irrg ,, .*...ri. it. He rrusts us totariy.,,out that was marketing," sheiays. Hawken could become one of the rare breedHer firsr iob, in t988. *u, ^ u buyer ar beaury ot.u, ,-nurk.r.; ;il;:Xfu1y move oursideaccessory business Marrins sares. she joined Bes't ih".indrr,ry. B* sk;; h;rds ample chalrengesFoods in I 989 as assisran, S'*"a -11q.-.;i;.;;r: i* r,, i_ over rhe coming I 2 months.stock cubes and sauces. she was at Cpdfrom iq'9ri -- il;tii;;;#T'#"..;;ch of the octavia,to 1992 and then marketing manager at Home- a car which rru. .r"r.. rr.iJiluch credibility, andpride from 1992 to 1995. ihere rrr""".r,.i L. lurr.r.h.of,u new upper_medium sector car,Fred as the face of the company's-rur.", .or.rg.l iod.-nu-ed gr. rotn ui.? io be Skoda,s biggesrShe has been at Bacardi s;nce t995. lu-unches so far. I AMANDA MAGKENZIE, formerlv markt director at Air Miles, starts the ,.* u.u, * new job - marketing services direcror ar B. MacKenzie. J7, replaces Tim Evans, whr promoted to consumer division marketing d tor ar BT in September. The move sees M"acl zie jump lrom handling a f 5 m adverrising bu ro staking a claim on BT , t l00m speni. It could be her make-or-break job. BT is sr gling to fend offcriticism from the Citv. Its s price nosedived in 2000 as the cornpurry uaa.- to restfl.rcrure businesses and realisi vaiue thrc gfeatef transParency. - BT's adverrising has been criricised this for using rhe dared ET characrer and f,or lacl consistency ofmessage across its various busine Finding a simple, understandable messase executing ir across rhe full range of co-min tions is what MacKenzie valuei. She believes has done it with Air Miles and the other bra she has worked on in 12 years as an advertis executive. MacKenzie spent two years ar $7CRS and years ar DMB&B, where she ran rhe Mars account. She cites the revamp ofMaltesers' ad, tising and launch ofthe lowir-fat Flyte bar as proudest agency achievements. But on her mission ro ',get a broader lool business", MacKenzie went client_side to . Miles rwo-and-half-years ago and has never lool back. "I wouldn't have done it any other wa, feel^like a diflerent person,', she suys. " She hopg; to bring her experience ofsiml fying complicared messages ro BT. ..Joe pui on the srreet needs a simple, crysral_ciear idea whar BT is doing - ir's not ubour complexiry a technology," she explains. rVhen ralking abour her achievemen MacKenzie is careFuI ro arrribute success ro I colleagues. "Ir was a team effort,,,she insists. F generosity extends to describing everyone she l met at BT as "bright, cle.,er, visionary, focus and passionate about the BT brand.,, Entering rhe male-dominated wodd of I marketing does not faze MacKenzie but sl believes there should be more women ar seni level. She values balancing work and home life she has had rwo children wirh husband Jol Porter, D Arcy direcror, and desciib "r,a.,, AMANDA MACKENZIE