ddd domain driven design ports and adapters hexagonal architecture software architecture pattern tdd fp development keynote architecture autonomy scaleups startups leadership team sre software architecture options maybe functional core imperative shell functional programming extreme programming logiciel empathie dev scale agile cqrs software craftsmanship outsidein reboot agicap collaboration socrates 2022 socrates the hive exponential growth hypergrowth saas change management management journey turn the ship around startup leadership development communication product owner po product management pull requests cargo cult efficiency sustainable development together symmathesist process revolution social ensemble programming mob programming pair programming agile software development kent beck xp test pyramid diamond outsidein diamond testing strategy acceptance tests software testing testing antifragile virtual ddd meetup live-coding paradigms production investigation investigation talk book dave agans issues 3 pillars 9 rules investigations production debugging engineering troubleshooting imperative shell imperative shell alistair cockburn dddfr panel utile modèle echec projets it chaos report communication empathique cnv communication non violente process communication process comm psychologie burn out biais cognitifs biais solution space technical challenges forecasts scheduled commands retroactive events bi-temporal event sourcing bi-temporal event sourcing assurance développeurs facebook google panoptique agile tour bordeaux atbdx philosophie choix projet politique privacy ethique gafa changement 42skillz développement changer posture bdxio bounded context contexte d'usages autonomie entreprises libérées agility agilité source people notsafe ooda loop lean control legacy club legacy code smells club change refactoring mindset design heuristics bias dddreboot software design use case driven introduction performance dotnet async await asynchronous concurrency cqrs read write architecture pattern ddd scalable eventstorming ddd event storming exploration domain business change culture craft software craftsmanship ddd hexagonal architecture portsandadapters trenches tricks michelangelo tips behaviours pitfalls change culture craft software craftsmanship devoxx conflation sequencer octo manifesto perfug reactive programming reactive programming manifesto devoxx sequencer tdd nfluent fluent assertions tests
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