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Disc Prolapse
Spinal Stenosis
Dr M. Tahir Karim
Orthopaedic Surgery Unit-I
Mechanics of the Back
 Vertebral column is pillar like structure supported in all directions by
 Anteriorly, the recti and the abdominal muscles
 Posteriorly, erector spinae and quadratus
 If any of these supports give away, vertebral column will move to the other
side, and most of the times its anterior musculature that gives away.
 Since lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5) supports much of the weight of the upper
body, pain mostly occurs in the lower back.
Lower Back Pain (LBP)
 Pain and discomfort between the costal margin and inferior
gluteal folds with or without leg pain
 An estimated 80% of the normal population will experience
lower back pain in their lifetime
Based on duration
Acute < 6 weeks
Subacute 6-12 weeks
Chronic >12 weeks
Causes of Backache
 Mechanical (80%)
 Muscular strains or from ligamentous
 Degenerative disc disease
 Facet joint disease
 Spondylolysis
 Osteoporotic compression fractures
 Sacroiliac joint pathology
 Neurogenic (15%)
 Herniated disc
 Spinal stenosis
 Foraminal stenosis
 Disc annular tear and neuritis
 Non-Mechanical back pain (1-2%)
 Infections
 Neoplasms
 Inflammatory conditions
 Referred pain (1-2%)
 Gastrointestinal disease
 Renal disease
 Aortic aneurysm
 Other (2-4%)
 Somatization disorder
 Fibromyalgia
 Malingering
Risk Factors
 Age (4th – 5th decade)
 Gender (Men:Women = 3:1)
 Obesity
 Smoking (1.5-2.5 more risk)
 Alcohol and drug abuse
 Heavy lifting
 Strenuous physical activity
 Occupational driving
 Poor posture
 Previous back injury
 Psychosocial and social factors
 Family history
Clinical Features
 Mechanical:
 dull, aching pain which doesn’t radiate down the leg
 aggravated with movement and relieved on rest
 usually not possible to clinically distinguish the source of pain
 Discogenic:
 pain on flexion
 Facetogenic:
 pain on hyperextension
 Neurogenic:
 pain radiating down to the buttocks and posterior thigh
 poor walking distance
Red Flags
(Indicate conditions in addition to back pain and warrant
investigations to exclude serious pathology)
 Age on onset < 20 yrs or > 55 yrs
 Recent history of trauma
 Constant progressive, non mechanical pain
 Thoracic pain
 Past history of malignant tumour
 Prolonged use of corticosteroids
 Drug abuse, immunosuppression, HIV
 Systemically unwell
 Unexplained weight loss
 Widespread neurological symptoms
 Structural deformity
 Fever
Yellow Flags
(Indicate psychosocial factors that increase the risk of
chronicity and disability from back pain)
 Belief that back pain is harmful or potentially severely disabling
 Fear and avoidance of activity or movement
 Tendency to low mood and withdrawal from social interaction
 Expectation of passive treatment(s) rather than a belief that active
participation will help
 Inspection
 Contour of the spine (kyphosis, lordosis or scoliosis)
 Restriction of back movements
 Palpation
 Tenderness over spine or para-spinal muscles
 Provocative tests
 Straight leg raise sign (L4-S1)
 Femoral stretch test (L2-L4)
 Slump test
 Neurological examination
 Motor (Knee extension-L4, Dorsiflexion of foot and big toe-L5, Plantar flexion of foot-S1)
 Sensory
 Reflexes (Patellar tendon reflex-L4, Medial hamstring reflex-L5, Ankle reflex-S1)
 Hips are examined to exclude hip joint pathology
 Sacroiliac joints are routinely assessed by FABER/Patrick’s test
Straight leg raise test
If the patient experiences
sciatic pain, and more
specifically pain radiating
down the leg
(radiculopathy), when the
straight leg is at an angle of
between 30 and 70
then the test is positive and
a herniated disk is a
cause of the pain.
Femoral nerve stretch test,
also known as Mackiewicz
sign is a test for disc
and femoral nerve injury.
The patient lies prone, the
knee is passively flexed to
the thigh and the hip is
passively extended.
The test is positive if the
patient experiences anterior
thigh pain.
Slump test
Positive sign is any kind of
sciatic pain (radiating, sharp,
shooting pain) or
reproduction of other
neurological symptoms.
This indicates impingement
of the sciatic nerve, dural
lining, spinal cord, or nerve
The examiner lowers
the test leg toward the
examining table while
compressing the
opposite anterior
superior iliac spine.
A positive result
occurs when
the test leg remains
above the opposite leg,
usually with pain and
may indicate hip
disease, iliopsoas
spasm, or sacroiliac
 X-rays
 May be normal
 Flattening of the disc space and marginal osteophytes (Intervertebral disc
 Slight displacement of one vertebra upon another, either forward
(Spondylolisthesis) or backward (retrolisthesis)
 Blood Tests
 FBC and ESR (screen for non-mechanical causes
 In elderly, serum protein electrophoresis and prostate specific antigen should
be part of the workup
 CT & MRI
 May reveal disc degeneration
 Early features of OA in facet joints
 Bone scan & SPECT scan
 Active inflammatory conditions will show increased uptake in the facets and
sacroiliac joints.
 Vertebral fractures and metastatic neoplasms can also be appreciated.
 Goal is to categorize the pain into three categories:
1. Serious spinal pathology
2. Neural pain
3. Non-specific back pain
 History and examination are first directed at distinguishing between any
serious pathology and musculoskeletal back pain
 Then, decide if there is a neural element of pain (spinal stenosis or
radiculopathy). If the neural pain source is absent from clinical findings,
the problem can be characterized as non-specific lower back pain
 This assessment should be supported by X-rays, FBC and ESR.
 Where there are “red flags” and/or abnormal specific findings, further
imaging (CT, MRI, Bone scan) may be required
 Conservative treatment
 Reassurance
 Medication (Paracetamol, NSAIDS, Short course of opioids or non-
benzodiazepine muscle relaxants for acute, TCAs for chronic and
Gabapentin for radiculopathy)
 Activity modification
 Physical therapy
 Spinal support
 Psychological support
 Injection therapy (Nerve blocks in chronic radiculopathy, Epidural
steroids in spinal stenosis)
 Surgery
 Very strict guidelines should be followed to avoid ‘failed back surgery’
1. Repeated examinations should ensure no other treatable pathology
2. At least some response to conservative treatment
3. Unequivocal evidence of pathology at specific level
4. Patient should be emotionally stable and should not exaggerate his/her symptoms
5. Patients expectations should be in line with the surgeons expectations
6. Surgery is effective in pain relief and deformity in infections, tumours and fractures.
Surgery is also cost effective and superior in degenerative conditions with neural
7. Surgery for non-specific back pain is far less effective.
Disc Prolapse
Intervertebral Disc
 An intervertebral disc lies between adjacent vertebrae in the
vertebral column. Each disc forms a fibrocartilaginous joint to allow
slight movement of the vertebrae, to act as a ligament to hold the
vertebrae together, and to function as a shock absorber for the
 From C2-C3 to L5-S1
 Nucleus pulposus + Annulus fibrosus
 L4-L5 disc, largest avascular structure in the body
Intervertebral Disc Prolapse
 Intervertebral disc prolapse or herniation is a protrusion of the
nucleus of the disc into the annulus with subsequent nerve
 Most common at L4-L5 and L5-S1 disc levels.
Risk Factors
 Aging (Degeneration)
 Trauma
 Congenital predisposition
 Twisting and repetitive motions in occupational setting
 Sedentary lifestyle
 Obesity
 Smoking
 The cause of a herniated lumbar disc is usually a flexion injury, but many
patients don’t recall experiencing a traumatic event
 The herniation compresses the spinal nerve root usually restricted to one
side. With further degeneration of the disk, may eventually produce
pressure on the spinal cord.
 This sequence may take months to years, producing acute and chronic
Clinical Features
 Disc may herniate without causing any symptoms
 Symptoms depend on location, size, rate of development and
effect of surrounding structures
 Symptomatic disc herniation may results in
 pain
 sensory changes
 loss of reflexes
 muscle weakness
Cervical Manifestations
 Pain and stiffness in neck, shoulders and region of scapula
 Pain in upper extremities and head
 Paraesthesia and numbness in upper extremities
 Weakness of upper extremities
Lumbar Manifestations
 Lower back pain with varying degree of sensory and motor
 Pain radiating to the buttocks and down the leg (Sciatica)
 A stiff or unnatural posture
 Some combination of paraesthesia, weakness and reflux
On Examination
 Patient will be tilted to his side (ipsilateral side in medial herniation and
contralateral side in lateral herniation) and will feel pain on straightening
the body or tilting to other side
 Sometimes the knee on the affected side is held slightly flexed to relax the
tension on the sciatic nerve
 Straight leg raise test may be positive, a crossed leg raise test-if present- is
highly specific for a disc prolapse
 Femoral stretch test may be positive in high or mid-lumbar disc prolapse
 CT and MRI usually confirms the diagnosis
 Electromyography (can reveal nerve dysfunction, muscle
dysfunction or problems with nerve-to-muscle signal
 Myelogram (A special dye is injected in the spinal canal and
image is recorded by X-ray or CT fluoroscope. Myelogram can
show conditions effecting the spinal cord and nerves within
the spinal canal.
spine showing
a huge L4-L5
herniated disc
The goals of treatment are
To rest and immobilize the spine to give the soft tissues
time to heal
To reduce inflammation in the supporting tissues and the
affected nerve roots in the spine
Non Interventional Treatment
 Bed rest, heat, ice
 Massage, spinal manipulation, spinal traction, acupuncture,
advice to stay active
 Cervical collar or traction are widely used in case of cervical
disc prolapse
 Physical exercise therapy
Medical Treatment
 Anti inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or prednisone
 Muscle relaxants such as diazepam or cyclobenzaprine
 Analgesics, opioids may be necessary for several days acute
Interventional Treatment
 Following modalities are available
Epidural corticosteroids
Automated percutaneous discectomy
Laser discectomy
Percutaneous disc decompression
Chemonucleolysis dissolution of the nucleus pulposus by
percutaneous injection of a proteolytic enzyme (chymopapain)
Surgical Treatment
 Indications for surgery include neurological deterioration, persistent pain
and failed conservative treatment.
 The presence of prolapsed disc and its level must be confirmed by
imaging and anatomical location of disc prolapse must correlate with the
 Different surgical techniques used are
 Laminectomy
 Laminotomy
 Discectomy
 Foraminotomy
 Permanent neurologic dysfunction (weakness & numbness)
 Chronic pain
 Cauda equina syndrome: a rare disorder that is a surgical
emergency and an absolute indication for surgery. It occurs when
the bundle of nerves below the end of spinal cord is compressed or
damaged. Signs and symptoms include low back pain that radiates
down the leg, perineal numbness, and loss of bowel or bladder
 Recurrent prolapse with sciatica (5-11%)
Spinal Stenosis
Spinal Stenosis
 Refers to narrowing of the spinal canal, nerve root canals or
intervertebral foramina due to spondylolysis and degenerative
disc disease
 Usually occurs in cervical or lumbar spine
 More common in females
 Is part of aging process, it is not possible to predict who will be affected.
 No clear correlation exists between the symptoms of stenosis and race,
occupation, gender or body type.
 2 forms:
 Primary: Congenital, uncommon, younger patients, occurs with achondroplasia
or hypochondroplasia
 Acquired: Mostly a degenerative condition, but may also occur with
spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis, iatrogenic, post-traumatic, local infection
and metabolic stenosis.
Anatomically, stenosis can be
Central Lateral Foraminal
 Involves the area
between the facet
 Contains dural sac
and nerve roots
 Lateral border of
dura to the medial
border of pedicle
defines the lateral
 Contains traversing
nerve roots
 Situated under the
 Contains exiting
nerve roots
 Degenerative disease is the most common
 Involves changes in disc and facet joints
 Synovitic changes, cartilage thinning and capsular laxity of facet joints allow increased
segmental motion and accelerated disc degeneration
 This leads to loss of disc height and bulging or prolapse into the canal
 Vertebral end-plate osteophytes also contribute to the stenosis and the normally oval
canal becomes trefoil-shaped.
 Increasing canal narrowing, neural compression, vascular compromise and neural
demyelination cumulate in symptoms of spinal stenosis.
 Spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis, foraminal disc herniation and a facet joint cyst
may result in stenosis
Clinical Features
 Symptoms include aching, heaviness, numbness and paraesthesia in the
thighs and legs
 Pain occurs after standing upright or walking for 5-10 mins and is relieved
by sitting, squatting or leaning against a wall to flex the spine (hence the
term ‘spinal claudication’)
 Patients prefer walking uphill than downhill
 Often the neurological examination is normal
 Intact pedal pulses and absence of trophic skin changes will confirm the
claudication to be spinal
 Pain is relieved on flexion of the spine, hence Shopping cart sign is present
 Imperative to exclude vascular claudication, hip pathology and peripheral
 X-rays
 Not the most sensitive imaging study
 Useful in excluding fracture, spondylolysis or neoplasm
 Flexion extension views are useful to show spine instability
 Investigation of choice
 Non-invasive, safe, can differentiate different types
 Disc degeneration, prolapse and facet arthrosis can be appreciated
 CT myelogram
 Indicated when MRI contraindicated
 May better demonstrate canal narrowing with dynamic stenosis or scoliosis
 Signs and symptoms of myelopathy or cauda equina
syndrome warrant urgent surgical decompression of the
spinal cord or nerve roots
 Significant muscle weakness due to nerve root impingement
is also a strong indication for surgery
 For the patients with LSS who do not have fixed or
progressive neurologic deficits, conservative treatment is the
first choice
Conservative Treatment
Reassurance and education
Analgesics and NSAIDS
Non-impact exercise programme, aerobic fitness, activity
Epidural and nerve root steroid injections
Surgical Treatment
 Posterior decompression is the mainstay of surgical treatment
 Central stenosis: Laminectomy
 Lateral recess stenosis: Undercutting facetectomies and removal of ligamentum
 Foraminal stenosis: Fusion to decompress and maintain foramen patency
 Spinal stenosis with spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis, scoliosis and kyphosis are
indications for fusion with decompression
 SPORT (Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trial) confirmed the cost effectiveness of
surgery over non-operative treatment over a 4 year period for spinal stenosis
Thank you….

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Backache, disc prolapse, spinal stenosis

  • 1. Backache Disc Prolapse Spinal Stenosis Dr M. Tahir Karim PGR Orthopaedic Surgery Unit-I JHL
  • 2. Mechanics of the Back  Vertebral column is pillar like structure supported in all directions by musculature;  Anteriorly, the recti and the abdominal muscles  Posteriorly, erector spinae and quadratus  If any of these supports give away, vertebral column will move to the other side, and most of the times its anterior musculature that gives away.  Since lumbar vertebrae (L1-L5) supports much of the weight of the upper body, pain mostly occurs in the lower back.
  • 3. Lower Back Pain (LBP)  Pain and discomfort between the costal margin and inferior gluteal folds with or without leg pain  An estimated 80% of the normal population will experience lower back pain in their lifetime
  • 4. Based on duration Acute < 6 weeks Subacute 6-12 weeks Chronic >12 weeks
  • 5. Causes of Backache  Mechanical (80%)  Muscular strains or from ligamentous injury  Degenerative disc disease  Facet joint disease  Spondylolysis  Osteoporotic compression fractures  Sacroiliac joint pathology  Neurogenic (15%)  Herniated disc  Spinal stenosis  Foraminal stenosis  Disc annular tear and neuritis  Non-Mechanical back pain (1-2%)  Infections  Neoplasms  Inflammatory conditions  Referred pain (1-2%)  Gastrointestinal disease  Renal disease  Aortic aneurysm  Other (2-4%)  Somatization disorder  Fibromyalgia  Malingering
  • 6.
  • 7. Risk Factors  Age (4th – 5th decade)  Gender (Men:Women = 3:1)  Obesity  Smoking (1.5-2.5 more risk)  Alcohol and drug abuse  Heavy lifting  Strenuous physical activity  Occupational driving  Poor posture  Previous back injury  Psychosocial and social factors  Family history
  • 8. Clinical Features  Mechanical:  dull, aching pain which doesn’t radiate down the leg  aggravated with movement and relieved on rest  usually not possible to clinically distinguish the source of pain  Discogenic:  pain on flexion  Facetogenic:  pain on hyperextension  Neurogenic:  pain radiating down to the buttocks and posterior thigh  poor walking distance
  • 9. Red Flags (Indicate conditions in addition to back pain and warrant investigations to exclude serious pathology)  Age on onset < 20 yrs or > 55 yrs  Recent history of trauma  Constant progressive, non mechanical pain  Thoracic pain  Past history of malignant tumour  Prolonged use of corticosteroids  Drug abuse, immunosuppression, HIV  Systemically unwell  Unexplained weight loss  Widespread neurological symptoms  Structural deformity  Fever
  • 10. Yellow Flags (Indicate psychosocial factors that increase the risk of chronicity and disability from back pain)  Belief that back pain is harmful or potentially severely disabling  Fear and avoidance of activity or movement  Tendency to low mood and withdrawal from social interaction  Expectation of passive treatment(s) rather than a belief that active participation will help
  • 11. Examination  Inspection  Contour of the spine (kyphosis, lordosis or scoliosis)  Restriction of back movements  Palpation  Tenderness over spine or para-spinal muscles  Provocative tests  Straight leg raise sign (L4-S1)  Femoral stretch test (L2-L4)  Slump test  Neurological examination  Motor (Knee extension-L4, Dorsiflexion of foot and big toe-L5, Plantar flexion of foot-S1)  Sensory  Reflexes (Patellar tendon reflex-L4, Medial hamstring reflex-L5, Ankle reflex-S1)  Hips are examined to exclude hip joint pathology  Sacroiliac joints are routinely assessed by FABER/Patrick’s test
  • 12. Straight leg raise test If the patient experiences sciatic pain, and more specifically pain radiating down the leg (radiculopathy), when the straight leg is at an angle of between 30 and 70 then the test is positive and a herniated disk is a cause of the pain.
  • 13. Femoral nerve stretch test, also known as Mackiewicz sign is a test for disc protrusion and femoral nerve injury. The patient lies prone, the knee is passively flexed to the thigh and the hip is passively extended. The test is positive if the patient experiences anterior thigh pain.
  • 14. Slump test Positive sign is any kind of sciatic pain (radiating, sharp, shooting pain) or reproduction of other neurological symptoms. This indicates impingement of the sciatic nerve, dural lining, spinal cord, or nerve roots
  • 15. The examiner lowers the test leg toward the examining table while compressing the opposite anterior superior iliac spine. A positive result occurs when the test leg remains above the opposite leg, usually with pain and may indicate hip disease, iliopsoas spasm, or sacroiliac disease.
  • 16. Investigations  X-rays  May be normal  Flattening of the disc space and marginal osteophytes (Intervertebral disc degeneration)  Slight displacement of one vertebra upon another, either forward (Spondylolisthesis) or backward (retrolisthesis)  Blood Tests  FBC and ESR (screen for non-mechanical causes  In elderly, serum protein electrophoresis and prostate specific antigen should be part of the workup
  • 17. Investigations  CT & MRI  May reveal disc degeneration  Early features of OA in facet joints  Bone scan & SPECT scan  Active inflammatory conditions will show increased uptake in the facets and sacroiliac joints.  Vertebral fractures and metastatic neoplasms can also be appreciated.
  • 18. Diagnosis  Goal is to categorize the pain into three categories: 1. Serious spinal pathology 2. Neural pain 3. Non-specific back pain  History and examination are first directed at distinguishing between any serious pathology and musculoskeletal back pain  Then, decide if there is a neural element of pain (spinal stenosis or radiculopathy). If the neural pain source is absent from clinical findings, the problem can be characterized as non-specific lower back pain  This assessment should be supported by X-rays, FBC and ESR.  Where there are “red flags” and/or abnormal specific findings, further imaging (CT, MRI, Bone scan) may be required
  • 19. Treatment  Conservative treatment  Reassurance  Medication (Paracetamol, NSAIDS, Short course of opioids or non- benzodiazepine muscle relaxants for acute, TCAs for chronic and Gabapentin for radiculopathy)  Activity modification  Physical therapy  Spinal support  Psychological support  Injection therapy (Nerve blocks in chronic radiculopathy, Epidural steroids in spinal stenosis)
  • 20. Treatment  Surgery  Very strict guidelines should be followed to avoid ‘failed back surgery’ 1. Repeated examinations should ensure no other treatable pathology 2. At least some response to conservative treatment 3. Unequivocal evidence of pathology at specific level 4. Patient should be emotionally stable and should not exaggerate his/her symptoms 5. Patients expectations should be in line with the surgeons expectations 6. Surgery is effective in pain relief and deformity in infections, tumours and fractures. Surgery is also cost effective and superior in degenerative conditions with neural pain 7. Surgery for non-specific back pain is far less effective.
  • 22. Intervertebral Disc  An intervertebral disc lies between adjacent vertebrae in the vertebral column. Each disc forms a fibrocartilaginous joint to allow slight movement of the vertebrae, to act as a ligament to hold the vertebrae together, and to function as a shock absorber for the spine.  From C2-C3 to L5-S1  Nucleus pulposus + Annulus fibrosus  L4-L5 disc, largest avascular structure in the body
  • 23. Intervertebral Disc Prolapse  Intervertebral disc prolapse or herniation is a protrusion of the nucleus of the disc into the annulus with subsequent nerve compression.  Most common at L4-L5 and L5-S1 disc levels.
  • 24.
  • 25. Risk Factors  Aging (Degeneration)  Trauma  Congenital predisposition  Twisting and repetitive motions in occupational setting  Sedentary lifestyle  Obesity  Smoking
  • 26. Pathophysiology  The cause of a herniated lumbar disc is usually a flexion injury, but many patients don’t recall experiencing a traumatic event  The herniation compresses the spinal nerve root usually restricted to one side. With further degeneration of the disk, may eventually produce pressure on the spinal cord.  This sequence may take months to years, producing acute and chronic symptoms.
  • 27. Clinical Features  Disc may herniate without causing any symptoms  Symptoms depend on location, size, rate of development and effect of surrounding structures  Symptomatic disc herniation may results in  pain  sensory changes  loss of reflexes  muscle weakness
  • 28. Cervical Manifestations  Pain and stiffness in neck, shoulders and region of scapula  Pain in upper extremities and head  Paraesthesia and numbness in upper extremities  Weakness of upper extremities
  • 29. Lumbar Manifestations  Lower back pain with varying degree of sensory and motor dysfunction  Pain radiating to the buttocks and down the leg (Sciatica)  A stiff or unnatural posture  Some combination of paraesthesia, weakness and reflux impairment.
  • 30. On Examination  Patient will be tilted to his side (ipsilateral side in medial herniation and contralateral side in lateral herniation) and will feel pain on straightening the body or tilting to other side  Sometimes the knee on the affected side is held slightly flexed to relax the tension on the sciatic nerve  Straight leg raise test may be positive, a crossed leg raise test-if present- is highly specific for a disc prolapse  Femoral stretch test may be positive in high or mid-lumbar disc prolapse
  • 31.
  • 32. Investigations  CT and MRI usually confirms the diagnosis  Electromyography (can reveal nerve dysfunction, muscle dysfunction or problems with nerve-to-muscle signal transmission)  Myelogram (A special dye is injected in the spinal canal and image is recorded by X-ray or CT fluoroscope. Myelogram can show conditions effecting the spinal cord and nerves within the spinal canal.
  • 33. MRI lumbosacral spine showing a huge L4-L5 herniated disc
  • 35. Treatment The goals of treatment are To rest and immobilize the spine to give the soft tissues time to heal To reduce inflammation in the supporting tissues and the affected nerve roots in the spine
  • 36. Non Interventional Treatment  Bed rest, heat, ice  Massage, spinal manipulation, spinal traction, acupuncture, advice to stay active  Cervical collar or traction are widely used in case of cervical disc prolapse  Physical exercise therapy
  • 37. Medical Treatment  Anti inflammatory drugs such as ibuprofen or prednisone  Muscle relaxants such as diazepam or cyclobenzaprine  Analgesics, opioids may be necessary for several days acute phase
  • 38. Interventional Treatment  Following modalities are available Epidural corticosteroids Automated percutaneous discectomy Laser discectomy Percutaneous disc decompression Chemonucleolysis dissolution of the nucleus pulposus by percutaneous injection of a proteolytic enzyme (chymopapain)
  • 39. Surgical Treatment  Indications for surgery include neurological deterioration, persistent pain and failed conservative treatment.  The presence of prolapsed disc and its level must be confirmed by imaging and anatomical location of disc prolapse must correlate with the symptoms.  Different surgical techniques used are  Laminectomy  Laminotomy  Discectomy  Foraminotomy
  • 41. Complications  Permanent neurologic dysfunction (weakness & numbness)  Chronic pain  Cauda equina syndrome: a rare disorder that is a surgical emergency and an absolute indication for surgery. It occurs when the bundle of nerves below the end of spinal cord is compressed or damaged. Signs and symptoms include low back pain that radiates down the leg, perineal numbness, and loss of bowel or bladder control  Recurrent prolapse with sciatica (5-11%)
  • 43. Spinal Stenosis  Refers to narrowing of the spinal canal, nerve root canals or intervertebral foramina due to spondylolysis and degenerative disc disease  Usually occurs in cervical or lumbar spine  More common in females
  • 44. Etiology  Is part of aging process, it is not possible to predict who will be affected.  No clear correlation exists between the symptoms of stenosis and race, occupation, gender or body type.  2 forms:  Primary: Congenital, uncommon, younger patients, occurs with achondroplasia or hypochondroplasia  Acquired: Mostly a degenerative condition, but may also occur with spondylolysis and spondylolisthesis, iatrogenic, post-traumatic, local infection and metabolic stenosis.
  • 45.
  • 46. Anatomically, stenosis can be Central Lateral Foraminal  Involves the area between the facet joints  Contains dural sac and nerve roots  Lateral border of dura to the medial border of pedicle defines the lateral recess  Contains traversing nerve roots  Situated under the pars  Contains exiting nerve roots
  • 47. Pathophysiology  Degenerative disease is the most common  Involves changes in disc and facet joints  Synovitic changes, cartilage thinning and capsular laxity of facet joints allow increased segmental motion and accelerated disc degeneration  This leads to loss of disc height and bulging or prolapse into the canal  Vertebral end-plate osteophytes also contribute to the stenosis and the normally oval canal becomes trefoil-shaped.  Increasing canal narrowing, neural compression, vascular compromise and neural demyelination cumulate in symptoms of spinal stenosis.  Spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis, foraminal disc herniation and a facet joint cyst may result in stenosis
  • 48. Clinical Features  Symptoms include aching, heaviness, numbness and paraesthesia in the thighs and legs  Pain occurs after standing upright or walking for 5-10 mins and is relieved by sitting, squatting or leaning against a wall to flex the spine (hence the term ‘spinal claudication’)  Patients prefer walking uphill than downhill
  • 49. Examination  Often the neurological examination is normal  Intact pedal pulses and absence of trophic skin changes will confirm the claudication to be spinal  Pain is relieved on flexion of the spine, hence Shopping cart sign is present  Imperative to exclude vascular claudication, hip pathology and peripheral neuropathy
  • 50.
  • 51. Investigations  X-rays  Not the most sensitive imaging study  Useful in excluding fracture, spondylolysis or neoplasm  Flexion extension views are useful to show spine instability  MRI  Investigation of choice  Non-invasive, safe, can differentiate different types  Disc degeneration, prolapse and facet arthrosis can be appreciated  CT myelogram  Indicated when MRI contraindicated  May better demonstrate canal narrowing with dynamic stenosis or scoliosis
  • 52.
  • 53. Treatment  Signs and symptoms of myelopathy or cauda equina syndrome warrant urgent surgical decompression of the spinal cord or nerve roots  Significant muscle weakness due to nerve root impingement is also a strong indication for surgery  For the patients with LSS who do not have fixed or progressive neurologic deficits, conservative treatment is the first choice
  • 54. Conservative Treatment Reassurance and education Analgesics and NSAIDS Non-impact exercise programme, aerobic fitness, activity modification Epidural and nerve root steroid injections
  • 55. Surgical Treatment  Posterior decompression is the mainstay of surgical treatment  Central stenosis: Laminectomy  Lateral recess stenosis: Undercutting facetectomies and removal of ligamentum flavum  Foraminal stenosis: Fusion to decompress and maintain foramen patency  Spinal stenosis with spondylolysis, spondylolisthesis, scoliosis and kyphosis are indications for fusion with decompression  SPORT (Spine Patient Outcomes Research Trial) confirmed the cost effectiveness of surgery over non-operative treatment over a 4 year period for spinal stenosis