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Adam Warski, SoftwareMill
27 May 2017, LambdaConf
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
➤ Why bother?
➤ Universal algebra
➤ Free algebras
➤ The meaning of life free
➤ Monads & free monads
➤ Free monads in Haskell, Cats and Scalaz
➤ It’s simpler than it sounds
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
➤ Free monads:
➤ programs as values
➤ separate definition from interpretation
➤ testing
➤ composability
➤ use a high-level language
➤ hide low-level concerns
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
“algebra is the study of mathematical symbols and the rules for manipulating these symbols"

Wikipedia, 2017
“the part of mathematics in which letters and other general symbols are used to represent numbers
and quantities in formulae and equations."

Google Search, 2017
y = ax + b
E = mc2
f(10◊x) = K(▸9)
def sum(l: List[L]) = l.fold(_ + _)
main = getCurrentTime >>= print
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
➤ Goal: Model programs as algebras
➤ Let’s generalise!
➤ Studies algebraic structures, rather than concrete models
algebraic signature ⌃ = (S, ⌦)
set S
family ⌦ of sets indexed by S⇤
⇥ S
➤ Syntax:
➤ type names:
➤ operation names:
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
toString(succ(0) + succ(succ(0)))
S = {int, str}
⌦✏,int = {0}
⌦int,int = {succ}
⌦(int,int),int = {+}
⌦(str,str),str = {++}
⌦int,str = {toString}
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
S = {v}
⌦✏,v = {1}
⌦(v,v),v = {⇤}
(1 ⇤ 1) ⇤ (1 ⇤ (1 ⇤ 1))
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
➤ A specific interpretation of the signature
➤ for each type, a set
➤ for each operation, a function between appropriate sets
⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {int, str} and ⌦ = {0, succ, +, ++, toString}
We can define a ⌃-algebra A:
|A|int = {0, 1, 2, ...} = N
|A|str = {”a”, ”aa”, ..., ”b”, ”ab”, ...}
succA = x.x + 1
+A = xy.x + y
. . .
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
➤ As a side-note, F-algebras:

are a generalisation of single-sorted algebras presented here
type Algebra[F[_], A] = F[A] => A
// or
type Algebra f a = f a -> a
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
➤ Can we build an algebra out of pure syntax?
➤ Expressions (terms) that can be built from the signature
➤ Rather boring, no interpretation at all
|T⌃|int = {0, succ(0), succ(succ(0)), ..., 0 + 0, 0 + succ(0), ...}
|T⌃|str = {toString(0), toString(succ(0)), ..., toString(0)++toString(0), ...}
succT⌃ (t) = succ(t), e.g. succT⌃ (succ(0)) = succ(succ(0))
+T⌃ (t1, t2) = t1 + t2
⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {int, str} and ⌦ = {0, succ, +, ++, toString}
We define the term algebra T⌃:
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
➤ Defined inductively
➤ base: all constants are terms
➤ step: any functions we can apply on previous terms
⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {int, str} and ⌦ = {0, succ, +, ++, toString}
{0, 0 + 0, succ(0), toString(0)}
{0, 0 + 0, succ(0), 0 + succ(0), succ(0) + 0, succ(0) + succ(0),
toString(0), toString(succ(0)), toString(0) + +toString(0)}
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {v} and ⌦ = {1, ⇤}
1, 1 ⇤ 1, (1 ⇤ 1) ⇤ 1, 1 ⇤ (1 ⇤ 1), 1 ⇤ ((1 ⇤ 1) ⇤ 1), ...
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
➤ Homomorphism is a function between algebras
➤ For each type, functions between type interpretations
➤ Such that operations are preserved
⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {int, str} and ⌦ = {0, succ, +, ++, toString}
When A and B are ⌃-algebras, f : A ! B is a homomorphism when:
fint : |A|int ! |B|int
fstr : |A|str ! |B|str
fint(succA(x)) = succB(fint(x))
f(x +A y) = f(x) +B f(y)
fstr(toStringA(x)) = toStringB(fint(x))
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
Theorem 1 T⌃ is initial
⌃-algebra I is initial when for any other
⌃-algebra A there is exactly one
homomorphism from I to A.
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
Theorem 1 T⌃ is initial
⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {int, str} and ⌦ = {0, succ, +, ++, toString}
|A|int = {0, 1, 2, ...} = N
|A|str = {”a”, ”aa”, ..., ”b”, ”ab”, ...}
succA = x.x + 1
+A = xy.x + y
. . .
We can define a ⌃-algebra A:
f : T⌃ ! A
f(0T⌃ ) = 0A
f(succT⌃ (t)) = succA(f(t))
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
➤ Only one way to interpret a term
➤ no junk: term algebra contains only what’s absolutely necessary
➤ no confusion: no two values are combined if they don’t need to be
➤ There’s only one initial algebra (up to isomorphism)
⌃-algebra I is initial when for any other
⌃-algebra A there is exactly one
homomorphism between them.
Theorem 1 T⌃ is initial
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
➤ This algebra is definitely not initial:
⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {int, str} and ⌦ = {0, succ, +, ++, toString}
➤ Junk: strings “a”, “b”, …
➤ Confusion: 0+succ(0) is same as succ(0)+0
We can define a ⌃-algebra A:
|A|int = {0, 1, 2, ...} = N
|A|str = {”a”, ”aa”, ..., ”b”, ”ab”, ...}
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
For any set X, T⌃(X) is the term algebra with X added as ”constants”
(but called variables)
⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {int, str} and ⌦ = {0, succ, +, ++, toString}
Xint = {i, j, k}
Xstr = {s1, s2}
succ(i) + j + succ(succ(k))
s1 + +toString(0)
toString(succ(0) + k) + +s2
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
For any set X, T⌃(X) is the term algebra with X added as ”constants”
(but called variables)
⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {v} and ⌦ = {1, ⇤}
Xv = {x, y, z, ...}
1 ⇤ x
x ⇤ (y ⇤ z)
(x ⇤ y) ⇤ z)
(x ⇤ 1) ⇤ (y ⇤ (1 ⇤ 1))
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
➤ An interpretation of the variables determines an interpretation of any term
Theorem 1 For any variable set X, T⌃(X) is free
For any set X, T⌃(X) is the term algebra with X added as ”constants”
(but called variables)
⌃-algebra I is free over X (X ⇢ I) when for any other
⌃-algebra A, any function f : X ! |A| extends uniquely
to a homomorphism f#
: I ! A between them.
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {int, str} and ⌦ = {0, succ, +, ++, toString}
Xint = {i, j, k}
Xstr = {s1, s2}
|A|int = N, |A|str = {”a”, ”aa”, ..., ”b”, ”ab”, ...}
succA = x.x + 1
+A = xy.x + y
. . .
f : X ! |A|
f(i) = 10, f(j) = 5, f(k) = 42
f(s1) = ”lambda”, f(s2) = ”conf”
: T⌃(X) ! A
(toString(succ(j) + succ(0)) + +s1) = ”7lambda”
(s2 + +toString(k) + +s2) = ”lambda42conf”
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
➤ Free to interpret in any way
➤ no constraints
➤ Free of additional structure
➤ only what’s absolutely necessary
➤ No junk, no confusion
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
➤ Let’s add constraints on interpretations of a signature
➤ that is, on the algebras
➤ And let’s focus only algebras satisfying a set of equations
⌃-equation: 8X.t = t0
X: variables, with sorts
t, t0
2 T⌃(X): terms with these variables
➤ Equations:
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {v} and ⌦ = {1, ⇤}
8{x, y, z}x ⇤ (y ⇤ z) = (x ⇤ y) ⇤ z
8{x}x ⇤ 1 = x
8{x}1 ⇤ x = x
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
➤ usually doesn’t satisfy the equations
➤ Some terms need to be “combined”
➤ Equivalence relation generated by
➤ Instead of terms, sets of terms
➤ equivalent wrt equations from
: ⌘
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {v} and ⌦ = {1, ⇤}
8{x, y, z}x ⇤ (y ⇤ z) = (x ⇤ y) ⇤ z
8{x}x ⇤ 1 = x
8{x}1 ⇤ x = x
T⌃(X)/ ⌘ : {1}
{x, x ⇤ 1, 1 ⇤ x}
{x ⇤ (y ⇤ z), (x ⇤ y) ⇤ z, (1 ⇤ x) ⇤ (y ⇤ z), 1 ⇤ (x ⇤ (y ⇤ z)), ...}
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
Theorem 1 For any variable set X and equations , T⌃(X)/ ⌘ is free in the
class of algebras satisfying
➤ Homomorphism to any other algebra
➤ how to interpret a set of terms?
➤ interpret any of them
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {v} and ⌦ = {1, ⇤}
8{x, y, z}x ⇤ (y ⇤ z) = (x ⇤ y) ⇤ z
8{x}x ⇤ 1 = x
8{x}1 ⇤ x = x
T⌃(X)/ ⌘ : {1}
{x, x ⇤ 1, 1 ⇤ x}
{x ⇤ (y ⇤ z), (x ⇤ y) ⇤ z, (1 ⇤ x) ⇤ (y ⇤ z), 1 ⇤ (x ⇤ (y ⇤ z)), ...}
➤ Is there a simpler representation?
[x, y, z]
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
➤ Algebraic signature:
➤ All possible interpretations: algebras
➤ For any variable set
➤ The term algebra is free
➤ any interpretation of the variables
➤ determines an interpretation of any term
➤ A general construction
⌃ = (S, ⌦)
f : X ! |A|
: T⌃(X) ! A
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
➤ A sequential program can:
➤ return a value (pure)
➤ compute what to do next basing on previous result (flatMap)
➤ People decided to call an object with such operations a Monad
➤ Hence, we’ll use Monads to represent programs as data
➤ + sanity laws
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
➤ Signature ~ pure + flatMap
➤ Variables ~ operations (our DSL)
➤ Free Monad ~ terms built out of pure, flatMap, our DSL
➤ modulo monad laws!
➤ e.g. flatMap(pure(x), f) = f(x)
Interpretation of the DSL determines the interpretation of the whole program
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
trait Free[F[_], A]

object Free {

case class Pure[F[_], A](a: A) extends Free[F, A]

case class Suspend[F[_], A](a: F[A]) extends Free[F, A]

case class FlatMapped[F[_], B, C](

c: Free[F, C], f: C => Free[F, B]) extends Free[F, B]

@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
data Free f r = Free (f (Free f r)) | Pure r
trait Free[F[_], A]

object Free {

case class Pure[F[_], A](a: A) extends Free[F, A]

case class Join[F[_], A](f: F[Free[F, A]]) extends Free[S, A]

f/F[_] must be a functor!
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
➤ Direct construction of free algebras
➤ Hand-wavy construction of free monad
➤ Free
➤ free to interpret in any way
➤ free of constraints
➤ no junk, no confusion
➤ Free in Haskell is the same free as in Scala
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
➤ Software Engineer, co-founder @
➤ Custom software development; Scala/Java/Kafka/Cassandra/…
➤ Open-source: Quicklens, MacWire, ElasticMQ, ScalaClippy, …
➤ Long time ago: student of Category Theory
@adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017
➤ “Foundations of Algebraic Specification and Formal
Software Development” by Donald Sannella and
Andrzej Tarlecki
➤ The Internet

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Origins of Free

  • 1. THE ORIGINS OF FREE Adam Warski, SoftwareMill 27 May 2017, LambdaConf
  • 2. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 THE PLAN ➤ Why bother? ➤ Universal algebra ➤ Free algebras ➤ The meaning of life free ➤ Monads & free monads ➤ Free monads in Haskell, Cats and Scalaz ➤ It’s simpler than it sounds
  • 3. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 WHY BOTHER WITH FREE? ➤ Free monads: ➤ programs as values ➤ separate definition from interpretation ➤ testing ➤ composability ➤ use a high-level language ➤ hide low-level concerns
  • 4. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 WHAT IS AN ALGEBRA? “algebra is the study of mathematical symbols and the rules for manipulating these symbols"
 Wikipedia, 2017 “the part of mathematics in which letters and other general symbols are used to represent numbers and quantities in formulae and equations."
 Google Search, 2017 y = ax + b E = mc2 f(10◊x) = K(▸9) def sum(l: List[L]) = l.fold(_ + _) main = getCurrentTime >>= print
  • 5. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 UNIVERSAL ALGEBRA: SIGNATURE ➤ Goal: Model programs as algebras ➤ Let’s generalise! ➤ Studies algebraic structures, rather than concrete models algebraic signature ⌃ = (S, ⌦) set S family ⌦ of sets indexed by S⇤ ⇥ S ➤ Syntax: ➤ type names: ➤ operation names:
  • 6. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 UNIVERSAL ALGEBRA: SIGNATURE EXAMPLE toString(succ(0) + succ(succ(0))) S = {int, str} ⌦✏,int = {0} ⌦int,int = {succ} ⌦(int,int),int = {+} ⌦(str,str),str = {++} ⌦int,str = {toString}
  • 7. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 UNIVERSAL ALGEBRA: SIGNATURE EXAMPLE S = {v} ⌦✏,v = {1} ⌦(v,v),v = {⇤} (1 ⇤ 1) ⇤ (1 ⇤ (1 ⇤ 1))
  • 8. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 UNIVERSAL ALGEBRA: ALGEBRA ➤ A specific interpretation of the signature ➤ for each type, a set ➤ for each operation, a function between appropriate sets ⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {int, str} and ⌦ = {0, succ, +, ++, toString} We can define a ⌃-algebra A: |A|int = {0, 1, 2, ...} = N |A|str = {”a”, ”aa”, ..., ”b”, ”ab”, ...} succA = x.x + 1 +A = xy.x + y . . .
  • 9. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 UNIVERSAL ALGEBRA: ALGEBRA ➤ As a side-note, F-algebras:
 are a generalisation of single-sorted algebras presented here type Algebra[F[_], A] = F[A] => A // or type Algebra f a = f a -> a
  • 10. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 TERM ALGEBRA ➤ Can we build an algebra out of pure syntax? ➤ Expressions (terms) that can be built from the signature ➤ Rather boring, no interpretation at all |T⌃|int = {0, succ(0), succ(succ(0)), ..., 0 + 0, 0 + succ(0), ...} |T⌃|str = {toString(0), toString(succ(0)), ..., toString(0)++toString(0), ...} succT⌃ (t) = succ(t), e.g. succT⌃ (succ(0)) = succ(succ(0)) +T⌃ (t1, t2) = t1 + t2 ... ⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {int, str} and ⌦ = {0, succ, +, ++, toString} We define the term algebra T⌃:
  • 11. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 TERM ALGEBRA ➤ Defined inductively ➤ base: all constants are terms ➤ step: any functions we can apply on previous terms ⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {int, str} and ⌦ = {0, succ, +, ++, toString} {0} {0, 0 + 0, succ(0), toString(0)} {0, 0 + 0, succ(0), 0 + succ(0), succ(0) + 0, succ(0) + succ(0), toString(0), toString(succ(0)), toString(0) + +toString(0)}
  • 12. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 TERM ALGEBRA ⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {v} and ⌦ = {1, ⇤} 1, 1 ⇤ 1, (1 ⇤ 1) ⇤ 1, 1 ⇤ (1 ⇤ 1), 1 ⇤ ((1 ⇤ 1) ⇤ 1), ...
  • 13. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 HOMOMORPHISM ➤ Homomorphism is a function between algebras ➤ For each type, functions between type interpretations ➤ Such that operations are preserved ⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {int, str} and ⌦ = {0, succ, +, ++, toString} When A and B are ⌃-algebras, f : A ! B is a homomorphism when: fint : |A|int ! |B|int fstr : |A|str ! |B|str 8x2|A|int fint(succA(x)) = succB(fint(x)) 8xy2|A|int f(x +A y) = f(x) +B f(y) 8x2|A|int fstr(toStringA(x)) = toStringB(fint(x))
  • 14. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 INITIAL ALGEBRA Theorem 1 T⌃ is initial ⌃-algebra I is initial when for any other ⌃-algebra A there is exactly one homomorphism from I to A.
  • 15. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 INITIAL ALGEBRA Theorem 1 T⌃ is initial ⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {int, str} and ⌦ = {0, succ, +, ++, toString} |A|int = {0, 1, 2, ...} = N |A|str = {”a”, ”aa”, ..., ”b”, ”ab”, ...} succA = x.x + 1 +A = xy.x + y . . . We can define a ⌃-algebra A: f : T⌃ ! A f(0T⌃ ) = 0A f(succT⌃ (t)) = succA(f(t)) ...
  • 16. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 INITIAL ALGEBRA ➤ Only one way to interpret a term ➤ no junk: term algebra contains only what’s absolutely necessary ➤ no confusion: no two values are combined if they don’t need to be ➤ There’s only one initial algebra (up to isomorphism) ⌃-algebra I is initial when for any other ⌃-algebra A there is exactly one homomorphism between them. Theorem 1 T⌃ is initial
  • 17. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 INITIAL ALGEBRA ➤ This algebra is definitely not initial: ⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {int, str} and ⌦ = {0, succ, +, ++, toString} ➤ Junk: strings “a”, “b”, … ➤ Confusion: 0+succ(0) is same as succ(0)+0 We can define a ⌃-algebra A: |A|int = {0, 1, 2, ...} = N |A|str = {”a”, ”aa”, ..., ”b”, ”ab”, ...}
  • 18. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 TERMS WITH VARIABLES For any set X, T⌃(X) is the term algebra with X added as ”constants” (but called variables) ⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {int, str} and ⌦ = {0, succ, +, ++, toString} Xint = {i, j, k} Xstr = {s1, s2} succ(i) + j + succ(succ(k)) s1 + +toString(0) toString(succ(0) + k) + +s2
  • 19. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 TERMS WITH VARIABLES For any set X, T⌃(X) is the term algebra with X added as ”constants” (but called variables) ⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {v} and ⌦ = {1, ⇤} Xv = {x, y, z, ...} 1 ⇤ x x ⇤ (y ⇤ z) (x ⇤ y) ⇤ z) (x ⇤ 1) ⇤ (y ⇤ (1 ⇤ 1))
  • 20. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 FREE ALGEBRA ➤ An interpretation of the variables determines an interpretation of any term Theorem 1 For any variable set X, T⌃(X) is free For any set X, T⌃(X) is the term algebra with X added as ”constants” (but called variables) ⌃-algebra I is free over X (X ⇢ I) when for any other ⌃-algebra A, any function f : X ! |A| extends uniquely to a homomorphism f# : I ! A between them.
  • 21. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 FREE ALGEBRA EXAMPLE ⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {int, str} and ⌦ = {0, succ, +, ++, toString} Xint = {i, j, k} Xstr = {s1, s2} |A|int = N, |A|str = {”a”, ”aa”, ..., ”b”, ”ab”, ...} succA = x.x + 1 +A = xy.x + y . . . f : X ! |A| f(i) = 10, f(j) = 5, f(k) = 42 f(s1) = ”lambda”, f(s2) = ”conf” f# : T⌃(X) ! A f# (toString(succ(j) + succ(0)) + +s1) = ”7lambda” f# (s2 + +toString(k) + +s2) = ”lambda42conf”
  • 22. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 MEANING OF FREE ➤ Free to interpret in any way ➤ no constraints ➤ Free of additional structure ➤ only what’s absolutely necessary ➤ No junk, no confusion
  • 23. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 ALGEBRAS WITH EQUATIONS ➤ Let’s add constraints on interpretations of a signature ➤ that is, on the algebras ➤ And let’s focus only algebras satisfying a set of equations ⌃-equation: 8X.t = t0 X: variables, with sorts t, t0 2 T⌃(X): terms with these variables ➤ Equations:
  • 24. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 ALGEBRAS WITH EQUATIONS ⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {v} and ⌦ = {1, ⇤} 8{x, y, z}x ⇤ (y ⇤ z) = (x ⇤ y) ⇤ z 8{x}x ⇤ 1 = x 8{x}1 ⇤ x = x :
  • 25. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 TERM ALGEBRAS WITH EQUATIONS ➤ usually doesn’t satisfy the equations ➤ Some terms need to be “combined” ➤ Equivalence relation generated by ➤ Instead of terms, sets of terms ➤ equivalent wrt equations from T⌃(X) : ⌘
  • 26. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 TERM ALGEBRAS WITH EQUATIONS ⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {v} and ⌦ = {1, ⇤} 8{x, y, z}x ⇤ (y ⇤ z) = (x ⇤ y) ⇤ z 8{x}x ⇤ 1 = x 8{x}1 ⇤ x = x : T⌃(X)/ ⌘ : {1} {x, x ⇤ 1, 1 ⇤ x} {x ⇤ (y ⇤ z), (x ⇤ y) ⇤ z, (1 ⇤ x) ⇤ (y ⇤ z), 1 ⇤ (x ⇤ (y ⇤ z)), ...}
  • 27. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 FREE ALGEBRAS WITH EQUATIONS Theorem 1 For any variable set X and equations , T⌃(X)/ ⌘ is free in the class of algebras satisfying ➤ Homomorphism to any other algebra ➤ how to interpret a set of terms? ➤ interpret any of them
  • 28. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 FREE ALGEBRAS WITH EQUATIONS ⌃ = (S, ⌦), S = {v} and ⌦ = {1, ⇤} 8{x, y, z}x ⇤ (y ⇤ z) = (x ⇤ y) ⇤ z 8{x}x ⇤ 1 = x 8{x}1 ⇤ x = x : T⌃(X)/ ⌘ : {1} {x, x ⇤ 1, 1 ⇤ x} {x ⇤ (y ⇤ z), (x ⇤ y) ⇤ z, (1 ⇤ x) ⇤ (y ⇤ z), 1 ⇤ (x ⇤ (y ⇤ z)), ...} ➤ Is there a simpler representation? [] [x] [x, y, z]
  • 29. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 FREE RECAP ➤ Algebraic signature: ➤ All possible interpretations: algebras ➤ For any variable set ➤ The term algebra is free ➤ any interpretation of the variables ➤ determines an interpretation of any term ➤ A general construction ⌃ = (S, ⌦) X T⌃(X) f : X ! |A| f# : T⌃(X) ! A
  • 30. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 MODELLING SEQUENTIAL PROGRAMS: MONADS ➤ A sequential program can: ➤ return a value (pure) ➤ compute what to do next basing on previous result (flatMap) ➤ People decided to call an object with such operations a Monad ➤ Hence, we’ll use Monads to represent programs as data ➤ + sanity laws
  • 31. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 FREE MONAD ➤ Signature ~ pure + flatMap ➤ Variables ~ operations (our DSL) ➤ Free Monad ~ terms built out of pure, flatMap, our DSL ➤ modulo monad laws! ➤ e.g. flatMap(pure(x), f) = f(x) Interpretation of the DSL determines the interpretation of the whole program
  • 32. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 FREE IN CATS/SCALAZ trait Free[F[_], A]
 object Free {
 case class Pure[F[_], A](a: A) extends Free[F, A]
 case class Suspend[F[_], A](a: F[A]) extends Free[F, A]
 case class FlatMapped[F[_], B, C](
 c: Free[F, C], f: C => Free[F, B]) extends Free[F, B]
  • 33. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 FREE IN HASKELL data Free f r = Free (f (Free f r)) | Pure r trait Free[F[_], A]
 object Free {
 case class Pure[F[_], A](a: A) extends Free[F, A]
 case class Join[F[_], A](f: F[Free[F, A]]) extends Free[S, A]
 } f/F[_] must be a functor!
  • 34. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 SUMMING UP ➤ Direct construction of free algebras ➤ Hand-wavy construction of free monad ➤ Free ➤ free to interpret in any way ➤ free of constraints ➤ no junk, no confusion ➤ Free in Haskell is the same free as in Scala
  • 35. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 ABOUT ME ➤ Software Engineer, co-founder @ ➤ Custom software development; Scala/Java/Kafka/Cassandra/… ➤ Open-source: Quicklens, MacWire, ElasticMQ, ScalaClippy, … ➤ Long time ago: student of Category Theory
  • 36. @adamwarski, SoftwareMill, LambdaConf 2017 FURTHER READING ➤ “Foundations of Algebraic Specification and Formal Software Development” by Donald Sannella and Andrzej Tarlecki ➤ The Internet