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Meet-up: Tackling “Big
Data” with Hadoop and
Sam Kamin, VP Data Engineering
NYC Data Science Academy
NYC Data Science Academy
● We’re a company that does training and
consulting in the Data Science area.
● I’m Sam Kamin. I just joined NYCDSA as
VP of Data Engineering (a new area for us).
I was formerly a professor at the U. of Illinois
(CS) and a Software Engineer at Google.
What this meet-up is about
● Wikipedia: “Data Science is the extraction of
knowledge from large volumes of data.”
● My goal tonight: Show you how you can
handle large volumes of data with simple
Python programming, using the Hadoop
streaming interface.
Outline of talk
● Brief overview of Hadoop
● Introduction to parallelism via MapReduce
● Examples of applying MapReduce
● Implementing MapReduce in Python
You can do some programming at the end if you want!
Big Data: What’s the problem?
Too much data!
o Web contains about 5 billion web pages. According
to Wikipedia, its total size in bytes is about 4
zettabytes - that’s 1021, or four thousand billion
o Google’s datacenters store about 15 exabytes (15 x
1018 bytes).
Big Data: What’s the solution?
● Parallel computing: Use multiple,
cooperating computers.
● Parallelism = dividing up a problem so that
multiple computers can all work on it:
o Break the data into pieces
o Send the pieces to different computers for
o Send the results back and process the combination
to get the final result.
Cloud computing
● Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and many other
companies operate huge clusters: Racks of
(basically) off-the-shelf computers with
(basically) standard network connections.
● The computers in these clusters run Linux -
use them like any other computer...
Cloud computing
● But: getting them to work together is really
o Management: machine/disk failure; efficient data
placement; debugging, monitoring, logging, auditing.
o Algorithms: decomposing your problem so it can be
solved in parallel can be hard.
That’s what Hadoop is here to help with.
● A collection of services in a cluster:
o Distributed, reliable file system (HDFS)
o Scheduler to run jobs in correct order, monitor,
restart on failure, etc.
o MapReduce to help you decompose your problem
for parallel execution
o A variety of other components (mostly based on
MapReduce), e.g. databases, application-focused
How to use Hadoop
● Hadoop is open source (free!)
● It is hosted on Apache:
● Download it and run it standalone (for
● Buy a cluster or rent time on one, e.g. AWS,
GCE, Azure. (All offer some free time for
new users.)
● The main, and original, parallel-processing
system of Hadoop.
● Developed by Google to simplify parallel
processing. Hadoop started as an open-
source implementation of Google’s idea.
● With Hadoop’s streaming interface, it’s really
easy to use MapReduce in Python.
MapReduce - The Big Idea
● Calculations on large data sets often have
this form: Start by aggregating the data
(possibly in a different order from the
“natural order”), then perform a summarizing
calculation on the aggregated groups.
● The idea of MapReduce: If your calculation
is explicitly structured like this, it can be
automatically parallelized.
Computing with MapReduce
A MapReduce computation has three stages:
Map: A function called map is applied to each record in
your input. It produces zero or more records as output,
each with a key and value. Keys may be repeated.
Shuffle: The output from step 1 is sorted and combined: All
records with the same key are combined into one.
Reduce: A function called reduce is applied to each record
(key + values) from step 2 to produce the final output.
As the programmer, you only write map and reduce.
Computing with MapReduce
A, 7
C, 5
B, 23
B, 12
A, 18
A, [18, 7]
B, [23, 12]
C, [5]
Outputmap reduceshuffle
Note: map is record-oriented, meaning the output of the
map stage is strictly a combination of the outputs from
each record. That allows us to calculate in parallel...
Parallelism via MapReduce
Input A, [18, 7]
B, [23, 12]
C, [5]
map reduce
Because map and reduce are record-oriented, MR can
divide inputs into arbitrary chunks:
MapReduce example: Stock prices
● Input: list of daily opening and closing prices for
thousands of stocks over thousands of days.
● Desired output: The biggest-ever one-day
percentage price increase for each stock.
● Solution using MR:
o map: (stock, open, close) =>
(stock, (close - open) / open) (if pos)
o reduce: (stock, [%c0, %c1, …]) =>
(stock, max [%c0, %c1, …]).
MapReduce example - map
Goog, 230, 240
Apple, 100, 98
MS, 300, 250
MS, 250, 260
MS, 270, 280
Goog, 220, 215
Goog, 300, 350
IBM, 80, 90
IBM, 90, 85
Goog, 4.3%
MS, 4%
MS, 3.7%
Goog, 16.6%
IBM, 12.5%
You supply map: Output stock with % increase, or
nothing if decrease.
MapReduce example - shuffle/sort
Goog, 4.3%
MS, 4%
MS, 3.7%
Goog, 16.6%
IBM, 12.5%
/sort Goog, [4.3%, 16.6%]
IBM, [12.5%]
MS, [3.7%, 4%]
Goog, 4.3%
MS, 4%
MS, 3.7%
Goog, 16.6%
IBM, 12.5%
MapReduce supplies shuffle/sort: Combine all
records for each stock.
MapReduce example - reduce
reduceGoog, [4.3%, 16.6%]
IBM, [12.5%]
MS, [3.7%, 4%]
Goog, 16.6%
IBM, 12.5%
MS, 4%
You supply reduce: Output max of percentages for
each input record.
Wait, why did that help?
I could have just written a loop to read every
line and put the percentages in a table!
● Suppose you have a terabyte of data, and
1000 computers in your cluster.
● MapReduce can automatically split the data
into 1000 1GB chunks. You write two simple
functions and get a 1000x speed-up!
Modelling problems using MR
● We’re going to look at a variety of problems
and see how we can fit them into the MR
● The question for each problem is: What are
the types of map and reduce, and what do
they do?
Example: Word count
Input: Lines of text.
Desired output: # of occurrences of each
word (i.e. each sequence of non-space chars)
E.g. Input: Roses are red, violets are blue
Output: are, 2
blue, 1
red, 1 etc.
Example: Word count
● map: “w1 w2 … wk” → w1, 1
w2, 1
wk, 1
● reduce: (w, [1, 1, …]) → (w, n)
n 1’s
Example: Word count frequency
Input: Output of word count
Desired output: For any number of
occurrences c, the number of different words
that occur c times.
E.g. Input: Roses are red, violets are blue
Output: 1, 4
2, 1
Example: Word count frequency
● map: w, c → c, 1
● reduce: (c, [1, 1, …]) → (c, n)
n 1’s
Example: Page Rank
● Famous algorithm used by Google to rank
pages. (Comes down to matrix-vector
multiplication, as we’ll see…)
● Based on two ideas:
o Importance of a page depends upon how many
pages link to it.
o However, if a page has lots of links going out, the
value of each link is reduced.
Example: Page Rank
With those two ideas, calculate rank of page:
Note: Because the web has cycles - page p can
have a link to page q, which has a link to p -
this formula requires an iterative solution.
pagerank(p) =
Example: Page Rank
Consider pages and their links as a graph
(page A has links to B, C, and D, etc.):
pr(A) = pr(B)/2 + pr(D)/2
pr(B) = pr(A)/3 + pr(D)/2
pr(C) = pr(A)/3 + pr(B)/2
pr(D) = pr(A)/3 + pr(C)
Example: Page Rank
● Represent the graph as a weighted
adjacency matrix:
0 1/2 0 1/2
1/3 0 0 1/2
1/3 1/2 0 0
1/3 0 1 0
M =
links to
links from
Example: Page Rank
● Now, if we put the page rank of each page in
a vector v, then multiplying M by v calculates
the pagerank formula for all nodes:
0 1/2 0 1/2
1/3 0 0 1/2
1/3 1/2 0 0
1/3 0 1 0
pr(B)/2 + pr(D)/2
pr(A)/3 + pr(D)/2
pr(A)/3 + pr(B)/2
pr(A)/3 + pr(C)
X =
Example: Page Rank
● So, to calculate page ranks, start with an
initial guess of all page ranks and multiply.
● After one multiplication:
0 1/2 0 1/2
1/3 0 0 1/2
1/3 1/2 0 0
1/3 0 1 0
X =
Example: Page Rank
● After two multiplications:
0 1/2 0 1/2
1/3 0 0 1/2
1/3 1/2 0 0
1/3 0 1 0
X =
Example: Page Rank
● Thus, page rank = matrix-vector product.
● Can we express matrix-vector multiplication
as a MapReduce?
o Assume v is copied (magically) to each node.
o M, being much bigger, needs to be partitioned, i.e. M
is the main input file.
o How shall we represent M and define map and
Example: Page Rank
● A solution:
o Represent M using one record for each link:
(p, q, out-degree(p)) for every link p→q.
o map: (p, q, d) ↦ (q, v[p]/d)
reduce: p, [c1, c2, …] ↦ p, c1+c2+...
MapReduce: Summary
● Nowadays, MapReduce powers the internet:
o Google, Amazon, Facebook, use it extensively for
everything from page ranking to error log analysis.
o NIH use it to analyze gene sequences.
o NASA uses it to analyze data from probes.
o etc., etc.
● Next question: How can we implement a
Writing map and reduce in Python
● Easy using the streaming interface:
o map and reduce : stdin → stdout. Each should
iterate over stdin and output result for each line.
o Inputs and outputs are text files. In map and reduce
output, tab character separates key from value.
o Shuffle just sorts the files on the key.
 Instead of a line with a key and list of values, we
get consecutive lines with the same key.
Example: stock prices
● Recall the output of the shuffle stage:
● The only difference is this becomes:
Goog, [4.3%, 16.6%]
IBM, [12.5%]
MS, [3.7%, 4%]
Goog 4.3%
Goog 16.6%
IBM 12.5%
MS 3.7%
MS 4%
Example: stock prices
● On the next two slides, we show the map
and reduce functions in Python.
● Both of them are just stand-alone programs
that read stdin and write stdout.
● In fact, we can test our pipeline without using
cat input-file | ./ | sort |
Example: stock prices -
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import string
for line in sys.stdin:
record = line.split(",")
opening = int(record[1])
closing = int(record[2])
if (closing > opening):
change = float(closing - opening) / opening
print '%st%s' % (record[0], change)
Example: stock prices -
stock = None
max_increase = 0
for line in sys.stdin:
next_stock, increase = line.split('t')
increase = float(increase)
if next_stock == stock: # another line for the same stock
if increase > max_increase:
max_increase = increase
else: # new stock; output result for previous stock
if stock: # only false on the very first line of input
print( "%st%f" % (stock, max_increase) )
stock = next_stock
max_increase = increase
# print the last
print( "%st%d" % (stock, max_increase) )
Invoking Hadoop
● Now we just have to run Hadoop. (Here we
are running locally. To run in a cluster, you
need to move the data into HDFS first.)
If you want to run code on our servers, I’ll
give instructions at the end of the talk.
hadoop jar $HADOOP_HOME/share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming-*.jar 
-input input.txt -output output 
-mapper -reducer
Brief history of Hadoop
● 2004: Two engineers from Google published
a paper on MapReduce
o Doug Cutting was working on an open-source web
crawler; saw that MapReduce solved his biggest
problem: coordinating lots of computers; decided to
implement an open-source version of MR.
o Yahoo hired Cutting and continued and expanded
the Hadoop project.
Brief history of Hadoop (cont.)
● Today: Hadoop includes its own scheduler,
lock mechanism, many database systems,
MapReduce, a non-MapReduce parallelism
system called Spark, and more.
● Demand for “data engineers” who can
manage huge datasets using Hadoop keeps
● We discussed the easiest way (that I know)
to use Hadoop to process large datasets.
● Hadoop provides MapReduce, which can
exploit massive parallelism by automatically
breaking up inputs and processing the
pieces separately, as long as the user
supplies map and reduce functions.
Summary (cont.)
● Your problem as a programmer is to figure
out how to write map and reduce functions
that will solve your problem. This is
sometimes really easy.
● Using Python streaming, map and reduce
are just Python scripts that read from stdin
and write to stdout - no need to learn special
Hadoop APIs or anything!
So is that all there is to MapReduce?
● If only! For more complex cases and for
higher efficiency:
o Use Java for higher efficiency
o Store data in the cluster, for capacity, reliability, and
o Tune your application for higher efficiency, e.g.
placing computations near data
o Use some of many Hadoop components that can
make programs easier to write and more efficient
Next steps
● If you want to learn more, there are many books and
online tutorials.
o Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, by Tom White, is the
definitive guide. (You’ll need to know Java.)
● We’ll be giving a five-Saturday lecture/lab class
expanding on this meet-up starting this Saturday, and a
twelve-evening class starting August 3.
● We’ll be giving a six-week, full-time bootcamp on
Hadoop+Python starting in late August.
Running examples
● For those of you who want to run examples:
o Login to server per given instructions
o Directory streaming-examples has code for stock
prices, wordcount, and word frequencies.
o In each directory, enter: source
o Output in output/part-00000 should match file
o If you want to edit and re-run, you need to delete
output directories: rm -r output (and rm -r output0 in
Running examples (cont.)
● Please let us know if you want to continue
working on this tomorrow; we’ll leave the
accounts live until Friday if you request it.
● Some suggestions:
o Word count variants
 Ignore case
 Ignore punctuation
 Find number of words of each length
 Create sorted list of words of each length
Running examples (cont.)
● Some suggestions:
o Stock prices
 Produce both max and min increases
o Matrix-vector multiplication - you’ll be starting from
scratch on this one.
 Implement the method we described.
 Suppose the input is in the form p, q1, q2, …, qn,
i.e. a page and all of its outgoing links.
● Obvious source of inefficiency in wordcount:
Suppose a word occurs twice on one line;
we should output one line of ‘w, 2’ instead of
two lines of ‘w, 1’.
● In fact, this applies to the entire file: Instead
of ‘w, 1’ for each occurrence of a word,
output ‘w, n’ if w occurs n times.
● Or, to put this differently: We should apply
reduce to each file before the shuffle stage.
● Can do this by specifying a combiner
function (which in this case is just reduce).
hadoop jar $HADOOP_HOME/share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming-*.jar 
-input input.txt 
-output output 
-reducer -combiner

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Streaming Python on Hadoop

  • 1. 1
  • 2. Meet-up: Tackling “Big Data” with Hadoop and Python Sam Kamin, VP Data Engineering NYC Data Science Academy 2
  • 3. NYC Data Science Academy ● We’re a company that does training and consulting in the Data Science area. ● I’m Sam Kamin. I just joined NYCDSA as VP of Data Engineering (a new area for us). I was formerly a professor at the U. of Illinois (CS) and a Software Engineer at Google. 3
  • 4. What this meet-up is about ● Wikipedia: “Data Science is the extraction of knowledge from large volumes of data.” ● My goal tonight: Show you how you can handle large volumes of data with simple Python programming, using the Hadoop streaming interface. 4
  • 5. Outline of talk ● Brief overview of Hadoop ● Introduction to parallelism via MapReduce ● Examples of applying MapReduce ● Implementing MapReduce in Python You can do some programming at the end if you want! 5
  • 6. Big Data: What’s the problem? Too much data! o Web contains about 5 billion web pages. According to Wikipedia, its total size in bytes is about 4 zettabytes - that’s 1021, or four thousand billion gigabytes. o Google’s datacenters store about 15 exabytes (15 x 1018 bytes). 6
  • 7. Big Data: What’s the solution? ● Parallel computing: Use multiple, cooperating computers. 7
  • 8. Parallelism ● Parallelism = dividing up a problem so that multiple computers can all work on it: o Break the data into pieces o Send the pieces to different computers for processing. o Send the results back and process the combination to get the final result. 8
  • 9. Cloud computing ● Amazon, Google, Microsoft, and many other companies operate huge clusters: Racks of (basically) off-the-shelf computers with (basically) standard network connections. ● The computers in these clusters run Linux - use them like any other computer... 9
  • 10. Cloud computing ● But: getting them to work together is really hard: o Management: machine/disk failure; efficient data placement; debugging, monitoring, logging, auditing. o Algorithms: decomposing your problem so it can be solved in parallel can be hard. That’s what Hadoop is here to help with. 10
  • 11. ● A collection of services in a cluster: o Distributed, reliable file system (HDFS) o Scheduler to run jobs in correct order, monitor, restart on failure, etc. o MapReduce to help you decompose your problem for parallel execution o A variety of other components (mostly based on MapReduce), e.g. databases, application-focused libraries 11
  • 12. How to use Hadoop ● Hadoop is open source (free!) ● It is hosted on Apache: ● Download it and run it standalone (for debugging) ● Buy a cluster or rent time on one, e.g. AWS, GCE, Azure. (All offer some free time for new users.) 12
  • 13. MapReduce ● The main, and original, parallel-processing system of Hadoop. ● Developed by Google to simplify parallel processing. Hadoop started as an open- source implementation of Google’s idea. ● With Hadoop’s streaming interface, it’s really easy to use MapReduce in Python. 13
  • 14. MapReduce - The Big Idea ● Calculations on large data sets often have this form: Start by aggregating the data (possibly in a different order from the “natural order”), then perform a summarizing calculation on the aggregated groups. ● The idea of MapReduce: If your calculation is explicitly structured like this, it can be automatically parallelized. 14
  • 15. Computing with MapReduce A MapReduce computation has three stages: Map: A function called map is applied to each record in your input. It produces zero or more records as output, each with a key and value. Keys may be repeated. Shuffle: The output from step 1 is sorted and combined: All records with the same key are combined into one. Reduce: A function called reduce is applied to each record (key + values) from step 2 to produce the final output. As the programmer, you only write map and reduce. 15
  • 16. Computing with MapReduce 16 Input A, 7 C, 5 B, 23 B, 12 A, 18 A, [18, 7] B, [23, 12] C, [5] Outputmap reduceshuffle Note: map is record-oriented, meaning the output of the map stage is strictly a combination of the outputs from each record. That allows us to calculate in parallel...
  • 17. Parallelism via MapReduce 17 Input A, [18, 7] B, [23, 12] C, [5] map reduce Because map and reduce are record-oriented, MR can divide inputs into arbitrary chunks: map map map reduce reduce reduce Output Output Output Outputdistribute data distribute data combine/ shuffle
  • 18. MapReduce example: Stock prices ● Input: list of daily opening and closing prices for thousands of stocks over thousands of days. ● Desired output: The biggest-ever one-day percentage price increase for each stock. ● Solution using MR: o map: (stock, open, close) => (stock, (close - open) / open) (if pos) o reduce: (stock, [%c0, %c1, …]) => (stock, max [%c0, %c1, …]). 18
  • 19. MapReduce example - map Goog, 230, 240 Apple, 100, 98 MS, 300, 250 MS, 250, 260 MS, 270, 280 Goog, 220, 215 Goog, 300, 350 IBM, 80, 90 IBM, 90, 85 Goog, 4.3% MS, 4% MS, 3.7% Goog, 16.6% IBM, 12.5% map You supply map: Output stock with % increase, or nothing if decrease. 19
  • 20. MapReduce example - shuffle/sort Goog, 4.3% MS, 4% MS, 3.7% Goog, 16.6% IBM, 12.5% shuffle /sort Goog, [4.3%, 16.6%] IBM, [12.5%] MS, [3.7%, 4%] Goog, 4.3% MS, 4% MS, 3.7% Goog, 16.6% IBM, 12.5% MapReduce supplies shuffle/sort: Combine all records for each stock. 20
  • 21. MapReduce example - reduce reduceGoog, [4.3%, 16.6%] IBM, [12.5%] MS, [3.7%, 4%] Goog, 16.6% IBM, 12.5% MS, 4% You supply reduce: Output max of percentages for each input record. 21
  • 22. Wait, why did that help? I could have just written a loop to read every line and put the percentages in a table! ● Suppose you have a terabyte of data, and 1000 computers in your cluster. ● MapReduce can automatically split the data into 1000 1GB chunks. You write two simple functions and get a 1000x speed-up! 22
  • 23. Modelling problems using MR ● We’re going to look at a variety of problems and see how we can fit them into the MR structure. ● The question for each problem is: What are the types of map and reduce, and what do they do? 23
  • 24. Example: Word count Input: Lines of text. Desired output: # of occurrences of each word (i.e. each sequence of non-space chars) E.g. Input: Roses are red, violets are blue Output: are, 2 blue, 1 red, 1 etc. 24
  • 25. Example: Word count Solution: ● map: “w1 w2 … wk” → w1, 1 w2, 1 ... wk, 1 ● reduce: (w, [1, 1, …]) → (w, n) n 1’s 25
  • 26. Example: Word count frequency Input: Output of word count Desired output: For any number of occurrences c, the number of different words that occur c times. E.g. Input: Roses are red, violets are blue Output: 1, 4 2, 1 26
  • 27. Example: Word count frequency Solution: ● map: w, c → c, 1 ● reduce: (c, [1, 1, …]) → (c, n) n 1’s 27
  • 28. Example: Page Rank ● Famous algorithm used by Google to rank pages. (Comes down to matrix-vector multiplication, as we’ll see…) ● Based on two ideas: o Importance of a page depends upon how many pages link to it. o However, if a page has lots of links going out, the value of each link is reduced. 28
  • 29. Example: Page Rank With those two ideas, calculate rank of page: Note: Because the web has cycles - page p can have a link to page q, which has a link to p - this formula requires an iterative solution. pagerank(p) = Σq→p 29 pagerank(q) out-degree(q)
  • 30. Example: Page Rank Consider pages and their links as a graph (page A has links to B, C, and D, etc.): 30 pr(A) = pr(B)/2 + pr(D)/2 pr(B) = pr(A)/3 + pr(D)/2 pr(C) = pr(A)/3 + pr(B)/2 pr(D) = pr(A)/3 + pr(C)
  • 31. Example: Page Rank ● Represent the graph as a weighted adjacency matrix: 31 0 1/2 0 1/2 1/3 0 0 1/2 1/3 1/2 0 0 1/3 0 1 0 M = links to links from A B C D B DA C
  • 32. Example: Page Rank ● Now, if we put the page rank of each page in a vector v, then multiplying M by v calculates the pagerank formula for all nodes: 32 0 1/2 0 1/2 1/3 0 0 1/2 1/3 1/2 0 0 1/3 0 1 0 pr(A) pr(B) pr(C) pr(D) pr(B)/2 + pr(D)/2 pr(A)/3 + pr(D)/2 pr(A)/3 + pr(B)/2 pr(A)/3 + pr(C) X =
  • 33. Example: Page Rank ● So, to calculate page ranks, start with an initial guess of all page ranks and multiply. ● After one multiplication: 33 0 1/2 0 1/2 1/3 0 0 1/2 1/3 1/2 0 0 1/3 0 1 0 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 1/4 5/24 5/24 1/3 X =
  • 34. Example: Page Rank ● After two multiplications: 34 0 1/2 0 1/2 1/3 0 0 1/2 1/3 1/2 0 0 1/3 0 1 0 .27 .24 .188 .29 X = 1/4 5/24 5/24 1/3
  • 35. Example: Page Rank ● Thus, page rank = matrix-vector product. ● Can we express matrix-vector multiplication as a MapReduce? o Assume v is copied (magically) to each node. o M, being much bigger, needs to be partitioned, i.e. M is the main input file. o How shall we represent M and define map and reduce? 35
  • 36. Example: Page Rank ● A solution: o Represent M using one record for each link: (p, q, out-degree(p)) for every link p→q. o map: (p, q, d) ↦ (q, v[p]/d) reduce: p, [c1, c2, …] ↦ p, c1+c2+... 36
  • 37. MapReduce: Summary ● Nowadays, MapReduce powers the internet: o Google, Amazon, Facebook, use it extensively for everything from page ranking to error log analysis. o NIH use it to analyze gene sequences. o NASA uses it to analyze data from probes. o etc., etc. ● Next question: How can we implement a MapReduce? 37
  • 38. Writing map and reduce in Python ● Easy using the streaming interface: o map and reduce : stdin → stdout. Each should iterate over stdin and output result for each line. o Inputs and outputs are text files. In map and reduce output, tab character separates key from value. o Shuffle just sorts the files on the key.  Instead of a line with a key and list of values, we get consecutive lines with the same key. 38
  • 39. Example: stock prices ● Recall the output of the shuffle stage: ● The only difference is this becomes: Goog, [4.3%, 16.6%] IBM, [12.5%] MS, [3.7%, 4%] Goog 4.3% Goog 16.6% IBM 12.5% MS 3.7% MS 4% 39
  • 40. Example: stock prices ● On the next two slides, we show the map and reduce functions in Python. ● Both of them are just stand-alone programs that read stdin and write stdout. ● In fact, we can test our pipeline without using MapReduce: cat input-file | ./ | sort | ./ 40
  • 41. Example: stock prices - #!/usr/bin/env python import sys import string for line in sys.stdin: record = line.split(",") opening = int(record[1]) closing = int(record[2]) if (closing > opening): change = float(closing - opening) / opening print '%st%s' % (record[0], change) 41
  • 42. Example: stock prices - stock = None max_increase = 0 for line in sys.stdin: next_stock, increase = line.split('t') increase = float(increase) if next_stock == stock: # another line for the same stock if increase > max_increase: max_increase = increase else: # new stock; output result for previous stock if stock: # only false on the very first line of input print( "%st%f" % (stock, max_increase) ) stock = next_stock max_increase = increase # print the last print( "%st%d" % (stock, max_increase) ) 42
  • 43. Invoking Hadoop ● Now we just have to run Hadoop. (Here we are running locally. To run in a cluster, you need to move the data into HDFS first.) If you want to run code on our servers, I’ll give instructions at the end of the talk. 43 hadoop jar $HADOOP_HOME/share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming-*.jar -input input.txt -output output -mapper -reducer
  • 44. Brief history of Hadoop ● 2004: Two engineers from Google published a paper on MapReduce o Doug Cutting was working on an open-source web crawler; saw that MapReduce solved his biggest problem: coordinating lots of computers; decided to implement an open-source version of MR. o Yahoo hired Cutting and continued and expanded the Hadoop project. 44
  • 45. Brief history of Hadoop (cont.) ● Today: Hadoop includes its own scheduler, lock mechanism, many database systems, MapReduce, a non-MapReduce parallelism system called Spark, and more. ● Demand for “data engineers” who can manage huge datasets using Hadoop keeps increasing. 45
  • 46. Summary ● We discussed the easiest way (that I know) to use Hadoop to process large datasets. ● Hadoop provides MapReduce, which can exploit massive parallelism by automatically breaking up inputs and processing the pieces separately, as long as the user supplies map and reduce functions. 46
  • 47. Summary (cont.) ● Your problem as a programmer is to figure out how to write map and reduce functions that will solve your problem. This is sometimes really easy. ● Using Python streaming, map and reduce are just Python scripts that read from stdin and write to stdout - no need to learn special Hadoop APIs or anything! 47
  • 48. So is that all there is to MapReduce? ● If only! For more complex cases and for higher efficiency: o Use Java for higher efficiency o Store data in the cluster, for capacity, reliability, and efficiency o Tune your application for higher efficiency, e.g. placing computations near data o Use some of many Hadoop components that can make programs easier to write and more efficient 48
  • 49. Next steps ● If you want to learn more, there are many books and online tutorials. o Hadoop: The Definitive Guide, by Tom White, is the definitive guide. (You’ll need to know Java.) ● We’ll be giving a five-Saturday lecture/lab class expanding on this meet-up starting this Saturday, and a twelve-evening class starting August 3. ● We’ll be giving a six-week, full-time bootcamp on Hadoop+Python starting in late August. 49
  • 50. Running examples ● For those of you who want to run examples: o Login to server per given instructions o Directory streaming-examples has code for stock prices, wordcount, and word frequencies. o In each directory, enter: source o Output in output/part-00000 should match file expected-output. o If you want to edit and re-run, you need to delete output directories: rm -r output (and rm -r output0 in count-freq). 50
  • 51. Running examples (cont.) ● Please let us know if you want to continue working on this tomorrow; we’ll leave the accounts live until Friday if you request it. ● Some suggestions: o Word count variants  Ignore case  Ignore punctuation  Find number of words of each length  Create sorted list of words of each length 51
  • 52. Running examples (cont.) ● Some suggestions: o Stock prices  Produce both max and min increases o Matrix-vector multiplication - you’ll be starting from scratch on this one.  Implement the method we described.  Suppose the input is in the form p, q1, q2, …, qn, i.e. a page and all of its outgoing links. 52
  • 53. Combiners ● Obvious source of inefficiency in wordcount: Suppose a word occurs twice on one line; we should output one line of ‘w, 2’ instead of two lines of ‘w, 1’. ● In fact, this applies to the entire file: Instead of ‘w, 1’ for each occurrence of a word, output ‘w, n’ if w occurs n times. 53
  • 54. Combiners ● Or, to put this differently: We should apply reduce to each file before the shuffle stage. ● Can do this by specifying a combiner function (which in this case is just reduce). 54 hadoop jar $HADOOP_HOME/share/hadoop/tools/lib/hadoop-streaming-*.jar -input input.txt -output output -mapper -reducer -combiner